#also had to log into tumblr on my laptop for the first time in YEARS
achillescome-down · 3 months
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It's Happening Again by Agnes Obel // True Detective Season 1x05
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nei-ning · 1 month
I had to get myself new phone yesterday (bohoo! I loved my old one!) since my old one simply didn't have enough space anymore (only 36GB). My new phone is Honor X6a and, GOD, how MUCH I struggled with it to get it to FUCKING WORK!
First I couldn't get in my Google accounts since this stupid fucker kept sending security code in my old phone which COULDN'T receive the code because it had no SIM card in it! I fought for HOURS until I finally got so frustrated I started to cry. Luckily sis stepped in to help. I fought an hour if not longer to get this fucker's internet connected to my laptop!
Then getting musics and pics in the phone! FOR FUCK'S SAKE!! Why the HELL modern day phones have been made SO DIFFICULT!? "Go here, click this, then scroll down and go right. Then scroll up, click left, come down and then right and you are finally here!"
Like WTF!? In the past if you wanted to put pics or music in your phone you just connected your phone via USB cable to laptop, opened phone's folder (picture or music) and just copied the things there! Not anymore! Now I had to go through folders and folders and folders to even find a fucking things!
Same with finding something from settings. You opened settings, found clock and then clicked it open and there you could change it's size etc. But now? HOHOHHOHO! In your face, bitch! Nothing like that doesn't exist anymore!
I honestly HATE getting myself new phone. Each and every time it's been frustrating and annoying, whole day lasting struggle! I wouldn't had gotten myself a new phone if there still would had been enough space in my old one. I hope I would survive next 5-6, hopefully more, years with this bastard.
But this fucker also CONSTANTLY keeps saying there's issues of me logging in! Tumblr's password is wrong (um, no), Microsoft has issues to let me sign in, I also couldn't login there with my gmail because there is issue too etc.
I'm honestly so fed up with this fucking phone.
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lapeaudelamemoire · 7 months
1. Just logged onto Tumblr on my actual laptop for the first time in a long time. The dashboard looks different and doesn't. I'm liking the low-contrast Tumblr blue colour palette option. It's new and old at the same time. Updated and modern yet nostalgic and recognisable still.
2. Apparently this autosaves now, too. I mean, I guess that's a good thing - no more posts just disappearing after you've spent ages typing and then it just crashes. But I hate the little 'autosave' notification that appears at the bottom of the page while I'm writing; it's distracting.
3. I've been anxious all day. I'm busy as hell, but sometimes just thinking on something and an answer comes up, as if served up simply having been sitting on a conveyor belt, the next most natural, unassuming thought; the way realisations sometimes just visit. Except I don't have time to sit with them or really do all that much more with them; just realise them. So they come like 'regular' thoughts and I recognise them, suddenly big, and then they pass again making way for the next thought, crowded out, but still lingering like an afterimage, I knowing they're there. Sitting on it. Smothering it. The pea under the pillow, mattress, cushion that I am sitting on.
Maybe my first instinct of wanting to hurt myself or die when I'm stressed or feel like I've done something wrong or upset someone is because that is what happened when I was a kid. It's hard just typing this, actually; I sound just like one of my clients. But it's true, and it would explain a lot. Hearing my mum say she wished she'd never had me or caning me with a switch. That was generally the punishment for doing something wrong, or upsetting her. Maybe my wanting to peel my skin off my face like removing a mask or wanting to peel my skin back off my arms when I'm anxious or feel like I've done something wrong or not well enough isn't just because it's a visual representation of what it feels like to me emotionally, but also because physical punishment and pain is what I expect for having committed the sin of being wrong or upsetting someone somehow. Maybe that's why I hear 'Die, die, die!' in my head when I feel overwhelmed. Maybe that's what was sounding in my mum's head when she hit me with the cane. It feels like it could be. How else do you interpret that, really, especially as a child? Even now, as an adult, actually?
The other sticking point for me from and during the conversation with the other student clinician I had this morning was what they said about being concerned about a client having been seeing clinicians at the clinic for over a year and wondering if they were 'dependent' on the clinic, and if they were engaging because they were 'lonely'. Their concern sounded like over a year was too long to be engaging with mental health services. Lawdy, my my. This is the kind of thing psychologists would have been thinking about me as a client, then, most certainly; most definitely.
It really got to me how the mental health model is basically a Fix-It Factory. Get the client to a point where they can be independent and then goodbye, 'independence' being the goal. It's not entirely Wrong, per se, but in my time with my clients on placement I've come to realise - or at least feel - that really, what they're seeking and need is a community. And we are part of that community; we're literally practitioners seeking to provide services to a community, [and] the wider community. That's literally what it says on the clinic bio, and it's absolutely, definitely what it says on my bio, and what I want and aim to do. It's what I'm here for. I'm part of that community, the community. My clients are also part of the community, that community that I'm trying to provide for.
Yes of course the job is to hope that we facilitate people to be able to live their own lives well, and thus to some extent that they won't necessarily 'need' us any more, or rely [solely] on us, rather, but - there's actually nothing wrong and everything right with people seeking out support, from and in [their] community, but even more specifically, the actually studied and designated community counsellors and practitioners of a specific role and job/service, for that specific role/job/service.
Like yes I'm a/we're practitioner[s] in mental health, but I'm a/we're practitioner[s] in mental health within and as part of a community. I'm a mental health service provider, but I'm also a community member. And a fellow community member is coming to chat to me and talk with me about what's going on their lives and the troubles they are having, and - isn't that the most natural thing in the world? Isn't that what a community is for?
I feel like the fucking separation of clean and clear Roles in 'Western' and medicalised societies is a fucking scourge. The way when we say 'relationship[s]' we are often referring to romantic relationships, because that is the most prized and emphasised (outsized) kind of relationship in our amatonormative [also largely here referring to 'Western'] society. If you have troubles, you share them with your friends, family, and romantic partners. You don't share them with your neighbours, and you don't have a concept of a community.
I remember speaking to a client once during what I think turned out to be our last session (before our schedules diverged, not because it was going awfully, at least I don't think), and them noting that they would like to give back to society - which is a common feeling; we all want to feel like we're a member of something bigger, that we're giving back, contributing, a part of something larger than us - and I noted that there was mutual aid, and asked if they knew what that was. They said no. I explained. And they said, they had never thought about community as meaning outside of their family and friends before.
Because we never or at least rarely do, actually. We talk often about 'society' but almost never about 'community'. That seems to be a term reserved largely for parents in locales, probably most thought of like the 'PTA' in 'US' media, or 'Housing Association'-type suburb things, when or if ever spoken about in the mainstream. Else, it's an academic term, an abstracted one that clinics use or companies or businesses or localised organisations specific to a neighbourhood. But we rarely equate 'community' with 'society'. Those seem to be two different beasts.
Talking to my partner and friends is never going to replace going to see a designated, specified, trained and experienced person whose job and role in your life is to aid you in and provide a designated, specific space for you to work through your issues, for that express purpose, and who is separate from your friends and as 'objective' in that regard as possible. A professional.
And so - setting aside for the moment the fact that doing work on yourself takes time, and if you're actually doing Work on yourself that it takes a lot of time - actually, so what if people see mental health services for years? Especially in the world we live in (in this economy? In this society?)?
People are so often in horrible, awful situations for years. Years and years on end, even. And even just a moment of trauma can take years to address.
If someone is lonely g-damn yes please of course come talk to us, that's what we're here for. As part of your community, as part of literally providing mental health services. Go at your own pace. Finding friends is hard. Keeping in touch with friends is hard. Maintaining social connections is hard, especially when and/or if that's something you struggle with. If someone is lonely and I can help them be less lonely by providing them the service literally called 'talk therapy' then damn yeah what's the issue here??? And at a community clinic that doesn't charge a fee? That's literally what it's there for. To help. And if someone wants to pay at a clinic to talk to someone because they're lonely then yeah??? That's their choice.
Which also tangentially enough brings me to the fact that people are lonely in our isolating society, see again above about segregation of types of relationships that are 'allowed' or seen as 'normal' and 'expected' and what isn't; and also, there are plenty other professions where people pay for companionship, whether it's sex workers, host/hostess clubs, escort services, or so on. And actually, also, that those professions are often looked down upon. Fuck the nuclear family puritanist WASPy uptightness, honestly.
And then, of course - it's actually not uncommon for people to see a therapist for years. It does take that long to work on things. And mental health practitioners are themselves required to maintain supervision while practicing. What else is that if not similar?
In a community, what one might really think of as a community, or at least in my imagining, there is someone (or someones, even a group) designated who is turned to by members in the community when they meet trouble. An elder, tribal chief, shaman, healer, oracle, doctor. A pastor, or priest, even. And people in that community go to them throughout their life. There is no thought that goes 'Are they independent if they're coming to see the healer/priest/doctor repeatedly, or even regularly?'.
It's tiring looking at everything all the time. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me now, in this day and age, living in the times we live in, understanding the idea that if there was a singular, omniscient G-d, that they might have walked away. Imagine seeing everything all the time. Hearing everything all the time. We see and hear not even Everything individually in this digital age, but one might argue we already see and hear beyond the limit of which we can process things. (And sure, you could argue that G-d is different because they're G-d, but then generally when referring to G-d people are talking about the one whom they also say 'we were made in the image of', so.)
Posts about Palestine. Ads about the V referendum in "Aus". I click on someone's blog on Tumblr on my phone and as I look through their posts there's a sponsored ad for it saying 'Vote Yes'. My SoundCloud stops and I restart the track. It moves to an ad reminder about the referendum. It's been playing for over the last month at least now between tracks switching. I hear it at least once every day I use the app. I go into the city and there are posters and flyers for it everywhere. I pass by houses and apartments and cars that have 'Yes' stickers and posters and flyers pasted up everywhere. More posts about something in the 'US'. Posts about politics in the UK. (These are all colonial/-occupied centres, as one might notice.) Mutual aid posts. Posts about death and assaults and a litany of the rest of all of it.
If there is an omniscient G-d, they must not have a very good time, being the ultimate witness to all (and that's not even counting the probably sensory overload).
Everything clawing for my attention is like a pair of jagged claws scrabbling at my mind, tearing it into ragged edges like strips of cloth you might see become of the bottom of some ghoul's black robe. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Suddenly my shoulders have dropped, at some point where I'd stopped noticing while writing. I forgot that this is why I'd wanted to speak.
Not to someone, actually - but to this blank page.
I go with my thoughts; to write them out I must discern them, to discern them I must hold them in my view. I ride them and ride them out of my mind and onto the page and then - all this space. Suddenly I am in my body again and not full to the brim with thoughts behind my eyes.
Ah space, you wonderful thing. Empty page, you who receives of me. I speak in my head and hear myself. Turn the thoughts over in my mind. Like leaves of a page a book. I handle them, like leaves from the Destiny Tree.
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cinnamonwolfy · 10 months
modern gui development...
this is a bit of an opinion post, so please keep that in mind :3
so, i logged back into twitter to see what i had missed (i don't post anything there anymore, and the times i do, it's just to link my tumblr x3), and i saw that the epic games launcher was an unreal engine application... the fact that somebody thought that was a good idea scares me, especially since electron is right there.
anyways, it got me thinking about how unnecessarily bloated and inefficient all of these cross-platform, non-native solutions were. chromium embedded framework is just chromium, but now there's no tabs. electron is just cef, but it's now bundled with a node.js runtime. these are all full copies of chromium modified to not let you use tabs, the core of them remains unmodified. this means that a bunch of rendering cruft is left behind, making them have to do unnecessary checks in the parser and renderer (nobody uses the marquee tag anymore, especially professionally made applications, and yet there's still support for it in chrome).
there's a lot of legacy cruft which is necessary for a browser, but not for a native application. these repackaged web apps were already inefficient since they were basically being put through a gigantic interpreter, but the interpreter itself is also very inefficient, which ends up in apps absolutely choking on older devices ("just upgrade", try telling that to the 14-year-old in a poor neighborhood in colombia that wants to run discord so that he can learn how to write mods for his pirated copy of gta san andreas that runs on a secondhand core 2 duo laptop he got from his parents after they upgraded to a first gen core i3 laptop. yes, i know this person irl, they're one of my cousins).
while i personally believe that you should do your best to make native applications instead of these webapp repackages, i understand why they're done (to put it short: capitalism). i just think that these projects should put more effort into making them less resource intensive. the rendering engine should be paired down to only support html5, v8 should be replaced with ruby and all javascript should be transpiled into ruby (javascript is not a good language for any of this anyway).
i consider this more of a temporary fix rather than the actual solution. the actual solution would be to make a good gui toolkit that is cross-platform, but also manages to look good and doesn't make it so that your computer has a heart attack every single time you run any application that uses it. however, that is very difficult, especially when windows is involved (win32 murders any and all codebases that touch it). while i plan to fix the issues the linux gui space has with pltk, pltk will never get an officially supported release to windows, so it won't ever truly be cross-platform.
this one was quite the long post, but i mean, that's kinda what tumblr is for x3
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ticklishdreams · 1 year
I'm back!!
I lost access to this blog last November, but today I finally got it back & I'm so happy! I'd been logged into this account on one specific laptop for pretty much the entire 10 years I've had it. Of course I also used a burner email account that I made as a teenager and had no idea how to log back into. So when my computer suddenly decided to log me out of tumblr after a decade, I thought I'd lost this blog forever.
I'm not gonna lie, I was really sad about losing this little safe space I've had for such a long time. Luckily, tumblr support was able to help me out and I'm logging back in for the first time in months!
I pretty much only ever fill my queue up with reblogs and qiuetly appreciate everyone else's contributions to the community though, so it's likely that nobody noticed I was gone. But that's okay, I'm just so happy right now that I needed to make a post (something I never do, hehe).
I missed you <3
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taegularities · 2 years
Tales of broken hearts - my live thoughts and reactions while reading.
I hope you enjoy seeing the kind of pain you put me through, I still feel emotional and I’ve finished it now. I’m scarred.
“Baby.” He mutters your name, looking at you attentively and cupping your face in his careful hands. Your eyes meet his shimmering ones, the affection and daze piercing your heart like razor spikes; you struggle to focus. “My love.”
By the time I got to this I was gone.
Without any other idea in his mind, he kisses you again before he backs away. “Don’t cry, yeah? Please don’t cry. It’s okay, love. It’s alright.”
I actually can’t do this. My heart is breaking. They can do what they want, if they want each other they can find a way to make it work. Like damn, fuck all that other shit that doesn’t even make you happy. I wanna scream at them (her).
That has the be the saddest sex I’ve ever read or seen or experienced. At this point of the story, I’m praying this goes in a happy direction for them or I’m just gonna be sad for god knows how long.
Letting out the words he kept inside seems hard. But when he manages to find his voice again, so lost in you, you hold your breath and feel your heart skip a beat or two; and then, he whispers, “I love you. So, so much.”
Listen, you have to stop. I’m going to cry my eyes out.
Like that one afternoon when he comes home early, taking off his jacket and shirt before he wraps his arms around you from behind. You’re standing at his desk, the tip of a pen on your lips as you stare at the documents scattered on the table.
The domesticity I can’t cope. I can picture them old and still happy. She better leave and come back. Or he goes eventually, something I actually need them to stay together. I’m suffering more over their relationship than over my failed one 😂😂
When you don’t answer, he lets out a deep exhale, his hands wandering up to settle on your hips, squeezing lightly. His usually shiny eyes are desperate now, drenched in the ache he doesn’t deserve, and his voice is quiet but clear when he asks, “Are you… you’re really going to leave?”
I’m not saying you should leave your career for love you can find a compromise. But your job is forcing you to marry some rando? Come on is that worth it??? She knows just money won’t bring her happiness.
There won’t be any happiness where you’re going.”
2 Winters Later
I’m actually kicking my couch, this is the definition of slow burn.
I’m going to be walking around with the hurt I felt reading this from now on.
AHHHH i didn't see this ask until i logged into tumblr on my laptop wtf !! first of all, live commentary? this is so freaking awesome, i live for that 🥺 haaaaa ugh i'm still scarred, too... and i wrote it over a year ago – the pain just never fades 🥲
oh yeah, this was also definitely the saddest sex scene i've ever written.. i was leaking from everywhere LMAO. no but in all honesty, love always finds a way when it's a good one. glad that i could provide the happy ending u prayed for !! 🥺 and yes, the domesticity was 100% intentional, bcos i wanted to show how things could/would be between them if they worked out. writing about how they had to let go again afterwards hurt so much :')
the failed relationship bit djsjehdh FELT 😭 u and tae had the same opinion !! then again, a job secures u survival in a way love wouldn't have if she'd chosen tae over her work... and in the end, i'm just happy they were able to find a compromise – tae worked so damn hard for it :((
and aahh i know i'm answering this ask so late, so i hope some of the pain subsided hehe u're literally so cute 🥺 thank u so much for reading and leaving this message, u don't know what it means to me 😭😭🤍🤍
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anywaysitsemily · 2 years
00:57 23/06/22
I’ve been wanting to write recently, it’s weird but I like the feel of typing on my laptop, that’s probably something I shouldn’t say out loud as it sounds weird but I’m kinda curious if anyone can relate to that. I don’t know what to write about, I’ve not written in a very long, anything of value anyway. I’ve been getting into reading again recently and just loved the idea of publishing something people could read but I never have the ideas or the correct wording and grammar to put out into the world in a form that people would enjoy- so I decided why not just write how I’m feeling on a blog and I didn’t really know where to do this but Tumblr seems like a pretty cool place, so I logged back into my old account and well, I’ve started writing. 
I haven’t been very well recently, probably covid but fingers crossed its not. I have a wedding to photograph on Saturday so I’m hoping I will feel better by then but obvs I will make sure to do a test before hand. I’m super nervous about it, I photographed a wedding a very long time ago and hated it. The stress was too much for me but right now... I was desperate for money and it was for a friends relative and I wanted to capture their happiest moment even if I’m not very good (they must have thought I was to ask me). Oh, I have something good to talk about for once, I GOT A NEW JOB! I won’t say its a dream job but it seems pretty up there from the interview. Everyone seemed so lovely and they told me all about the benefits of working for them and what the office is like and it just seemed like a dream, I really hope I do well. I was sad as I had an interview last week and got declined and I really had my hopes for it but I believe everything happens for a reason and maybe the reason I didn’t get this job is because there is something better for me out there. I know a lot of that rubbish could be fake and just something I tell myself but saying everything happens for a reason kind of gives me a bit of comfort and well I appreciate that. 
I’ve also been playing minecraft today, I haven’t played it in almost a year and SOOOO MUCH has changed, I have no idea what is going on anymore. I just wanted to mine for some iron and bruh, wtf, why do I have to smelt the raw iron to get iron, I mean that makes sense in realistic terms but god you just made my life so much harder mojang! Or microsoft, I have no idea who owns what anymore. 
I know nobody will read this but I’m really enjoying just kind of writing. I am wanting to get some hobbies, I am thinking of doing streaming as I love talking to people and playing games and making friends so I’m thinking maybe I should start streaming on twitch or even youtube, I don’t mind, either is fine, I just want to build a nice community that talks and helps each other. I don’t care about money or anything like that, I have a job for that reason, I think it would just let me feel a bit more creative and that is something I appreciate. 
Anyways, I’m done writing for now I think. This is my first ever time writing a blog on this account, kinda mad, since I’ve had it so long. Is this what tumblr is for? I really don’t know. If you actually read this then hi and thanks. Follow me for more I guess? I’m not sure how this works but thanks for reading. Okay bye!
xoxo Emily
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
thank you @forgersfeline​ for asking for my warrior cat lore :) i logged off my backup tumblr to log onto my main tumblr on my laptop just to answer this.
OKAY SO. info under the
Due to Circumstances (dead laptop) I don’t have all my old art, but THIS is my beloved baby leader, Duskstar
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Many many moons ago I was part of a Feral Heart roleplay called Divination. It was kind of a rekindle of 2 other roleplays created by the same person, the first of which was the first iteration of Duskstar. Because I was an edgy teen on her own for the first time, she was a small cat who was abused by her mentor before poisoning him in the very first roleplay. She went through two other mentors (in-game characters) who perished, not at her paws, before becoming the apprentice to the clan’s leader, whom she eventually saw as a father figure. Her closest friend was a warrior, and his brother was also a friend of hers though they argued a lot. First RP iteration died, was reborn, the second died, and then there was Divination. Dusk went through a bit of hell in Divination :) She helped train two other apprentices, watched her father figure die saving her from his biological son, got attacked by a different clan and severely scarred (face scar), became deputy at a young age due to lack of available warriors (ie players), became leader not long after bc the leader got sick and stepped down? (player had to step away), she ended up training like three other apprentices at one time, I think she killed another cat... baby girl went through a lot and when Divination died I loved her too much to let her go ♥
Duskstar is very young, very small, but very determined and a little bloodthirsty in defense of her clan. She has gotten her claws dirty from a young age and is willing to do anything to get her clan back to the power it once had.
Then there is my beloved bastard, Snagglefang
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Another Feral Heart original, Snagglefang never really got into any active RPs. He became more active once I moved back to deviantART, however I won’t go into details of the rp that made him active because the people that ran it were, to put it lightly, massive pieces of shit. That’s a story in its own that has me, sitting here, pissed off and ready to fight. ANYWAY. Snaggle is like the precursor to Khan. He’s big, he’s scarred, he’s pissed off. Again, his original history was that his mentor abused him bc I was an edgy teen. He was neglected by his father because his birth caused his mother’s death. He’s big, aggressive, and loves to fight.
He is Dusk’s temporary deputy, one of her closest confidants, and her crush (though he doesn’t know it and she pretends it doesnt exist). He’s very happy to be a tank, and enforcer, and to not have to think too deeply or hard on things. Not that he’s stupid, though he’s not quite as clever as Dusk, but he likes simplicity after everything.
They are essentially what kicked off my personal lore due to a (now deleted :C ) youtube video that was an enemies-to-lovers playlist. I was listening to it and was like, wow, this would really fit dusk and snaggle if they were in the same clan and...
lol. oops.
There’s honestly so much I haven’t done bc my laptop died, BUT
Due to circumstances, they are re-founding their old clan and calling it DawnClan. Duskstar is barely two years old, just a little older than Snagglefang (she’s renamed him Blacklion for reasons), and while she still feels unprepared to be leader she is fumbling through it as best she can.
Their region believes in the Three Beyond rather than StarClan. There is the Above Beyond, where those who did notably good deeds end up. There is the Between Beyond, where the majority of cats who lived average lives end up. And then there is the Below Beyond, where the assholes, murderers, etc of the clans end up. You can have killed someone and still end up in the Between if it was an accident, in battle, etc. It allows for more nuanced judging, and the ghosts of cats can move between the Beyonds. All three are known and referenced (one might say “Above bless you” when they’re giving thanks, or “i just want to go Between” when they’re tired, and “Below take you!” when they’re absolutely livid) by all clans.
There are at least two other clans who are not yet named, but who have been encroaching into DawnClan territory. DawnClan suffered from poor leadership as well as a severe epidemic that cut their clan numbers into less than half. Because they failed to be able to properly patrol their territory, attending gatherings, and hunt due to lack of warriors, the other clans began encroaching into DawnClan territory. Since the clan has began recovering health, Duskstar is now pushing those boundaries back and has said they will recover their territory at any means necessary.
Dusk has acknowledged to her clan that due to their low numbers, outsiders are currently allowed to join. Her own former apprentice, now warrior, and another close confidant is a cat that Dusk herself found half-starved as the sickness began leaving the clan. Said cat is called Amberwolf and started her life out as a pedigree housecat. Snaggle/Black’s crush is another former-loner named Lilyfrost, who came from a clan far far away. He suffered severe burns and brought along his very young kit, whom he named Lionkit after Blacklion. Black thinks Lily is beautiful (and he is) and Dusk lowkey hates Lily for taking Black’s attention off of her, she’s never had to deal with jealousy and is still young and handling things poorly.
Battles are frequent due to the border issue, however after the sickness left the camp Duskstar relocated the clan. Their new camp has yet to be discovered and therefore can’t be ambushed or attacked, and she keeps a small patrol around the old camp so that if it gets attacked, they can defend it while sending a runner to the new camp to let them know of the attack.
Though Dusk is small, their clan numbers are small, and clan tensions have always been high and tenuous, Duskstar holds herself with as much pride and leadership as she can muster during gatherings. She holds her tongue, bides her time, and subtly threatens the other leaders just as they do her. It’s quickly becoming recognized that although her clan and territory may be small and weak, they are discovering ways to reinforce what strength they have and fight back.
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screamsinsilver · 2 years
a summary of nortrell/mandinha over the first two months of 2022
(a followup from this)
they go to dubai and spend a month there, with friends (oliver, connor, tom, jakob, savannah, jennie, andrea, etc.)
they celebrate new years together (i am not linking everyone's celebration tiktoks)
lando goes public with luisa, max is one of the first to like the post
they do a lot of golfing in dubai, at various courses, with various combinations of people
max, lando, tom, jakob, etc. go karting at the dubai autodrome with the ln karts. luisa spends the day shopping with sav and jennie
max does his first stream of the year. it's golf, and it's luisa's twitch 'debut'. lando's pissed because there are weirdos in chat and the game isn't going his way. the two of them bicker over clothes
lando posts an instagram story, known to the community as the breakfast for three incident (fun fact! i had literally just woken up, logged into tumblr and experienced my dash in shambles that day it was 'fun')
the incident confirms that the three of them shared a hotel suite in dubai
tom confirms on stream that lando, max and luisa were the only ones from the group to stay in dubai
max does his second stream, another golf one, but this time with lando and aiden (the kid he coached in f4). lando is pissed because the game isn't going his way. (the stream is also conveniently timed so that younger fans (derogatory) miss it because they are in school)
(ok, i didn't document most of dubai) other activites participated in over the trip included padel, minigolf, dune buggying, beach days, jetskiing, ukno, typical dubai holiday activities, and also the dubai 24 hours
they all leave dubai to return to their respective countries
a few days into living in monaco, lando's in the uk for mclaren work
they play some golf
max sets up his pc in his room, and the two of them spend time playing halo (lando from the mtc)
max confirms a stream via social media for the next day.
max also hops on lando's flight that evening to monaco, with the intent to stream from lando's pc
he streams from monaco, but it's from a laptop instead - lando decided he wanted to play halo 5 minutes before max was supposed to go live. he streams from a laptop and his setup is... bad (i am a gamer/computer... person and i hated it), when the technical issues subside, he talks ideas for lando's gaming room with ria, scrolls the qdrnt subreddit and tells lando off for not playing halo (and also occasionaly talking to luisa too)
the three of them go golfing in monaco
lando skips the autosport awards to stay in monaco drinking caprisun with max and luisa
they fly back to the uk together so lando and luisa can attend the brits
lando goes on this morning again, and he's officialy adopted by phil and holly
max streams quite a bit over the week, watching car launches, playing five nights at freddy's and geoguessr, and scrolling twitter and reddit
him and lando go for more golfing before lando leaves for monaco again
lando and luisa spend valentines physically together, max and lando spend valentines virtually together (they have a halo multiplayer date)
(lando's back in the uk the next day anyway)
qdrnt do filming for elgato featuring simulators (or at least lando, aarav, steve and ria do, max is just there)
[actual quote] max: i'm here just for emotional support everyone
max streams when him are en route for a merch photoshoot in leeds. it's him and lando squished together in the back seat of a seven seater
[actual quote] lando: are you going to fist me?
the photoshoot is them standing on a plane..?
the next day max is back on his stream grind, playing fnaf and halo, dicussing furniture for his new setup (crafting an incredibly elaborate plan to get a very specific chair which is made in partnership with logitech so theoretically would be easy access to lando, etc. etc.), and also introducing his grandma to chat
[actual quote] theo: oh pity innit, you went to see your boyfriend lando the next day anyway
lando also streams: he does one playing roblox (i know, right) and another on halo with max
they both stream again the next day, max watching planes and lando playing halo with ria
lando leaves for mclaren's test day in barcelona starting him and max's longest stint apart yet not entirely sure when exactly, but luisa leaves for a shoot in barbados
max streams twitter and tarkov. during the twitter part, he's looking at sunglasses, prompting connor/tom/jakob/lando to comment about a 'misses'
max goes to monaco to set up the gaming room with ria and aarav. he's staying in a hotel but would have otherwise stayed in the apartment
he also has... an exchange with the team l4ndo and qdrnt admins. aarav refers to him as lando's housekeeper
he goes back to the uk for a day before jetting off to barcelona to catch the final day of testing
they both fly to portugal after testing finishes
they spend time with luisa and her friends, and the three of them watch bohemian rhapsody together.
lando and max return to the uk together, max being 20 minutes late for a qdrnt squad stream with aarav and niran. lando's on his bed watching tiktoks instagram reels before disappearing downstairs to stream his hair getting cut. they both yell at each other up and down the stairs. max's mum also appears to change max's bedsheets, but max pulls the streaming card
max is also learning portugese ffrom luisa. the one word he and lando both know definitely is the one for 'kisses'
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nectar-cellar · 2 years
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Reminiscing about The Sims
Share how you discovered the Sims franchise & the very first sims game you played (e.g ts2). 
Thank you for tagging me @nocturnalazure !
Long, meandering post ahead 😂
Have some spicy pictures of Amir to make up for it. He’s thinking. It’s on theme.
@thesimperiuscurse you are responsible for pic 1 btw
The very first Sims game I ever played was The Sims 3, on the Xbox 360 console, when I was a teenager. Back then, TS3 was one of the bigger and newer EA games of the time, and it was everywhere. I spent hours in front of the TV, playing my households with no CC or DLC, wrapped up in my own imagination, no consideration for picture-taking, nothing! Just pure self-indulgent fun. I wasn’t a PC gamer and I had no idea CC or Simblr even existed. It was a much simpler time.
I think it was around the final year of high school when I first stumbled across sims CC somewhere on the internet. (Someone had posted screenshots of their very attractive male sim, that I do remember. Explains a lot doesn’t it?) I can’t remember the exact time. It might have been on my personal Tumblr account (all my friends had one and we thought we were so cool) or even Google Images lmao. My mind was blown. I never knew you could make hot sims. I immediately bought a Sims 3 CD and installed it on my Dad’s laptop. The PC version of TS3 was so much better. That was also when I started a Simblr, to follow others and share my own pics... this very same one!
After I discovered CC and Simblr, I never played the game the same way ever again. My interest shifted to character creation and ~fashion~ I guess. The endless amount of simspiration and CC spoiled me and ruined my appreciation for the game in its untouched form. I wanted my sims, my builds, my pictures, everything to look perfect, and I was never satisfied. I viewed my game and my content through other people’s eyes, not my own.
I remember being so in awe of everyone else on here. At the time, I only had the base game, I didn’t know how to torrent anything, my Dad’s laptop could barely run the game, I didn’t have money to buy dlc, and I had no idea how to make any kind of CC other than the simplest graphic edits. All I really did was make sims and pose them for photoshoots. Obsessively downloaded a shit ton of other people’s CC. Wrote a little bit here and there. Played my household once in a blue moon. Everyone else, with their cliques and fun legacies and bachelorette challenges and CC creations and intricate builds and amazing editing, seemed so much cooler than me. There were so many different websites and forums and blogs. The TS3 player base was huge. I was amazed by all of it. I couldn’t believe we were all playing the same game. I couldn’t believe people were so creative and talented. It was an odd mixture of admiration, envy, and feeling like an outsider compared to the “big” Simblrs of the time.
I made some simple cc here and there to contribute to the community, but I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t take it seriously. I wanted to create better things but it all seemed so complicated, and I didn’t think I was smart enough to learn.
Then, I went off to university. Away from my Dad’s laptop, I lost interest in the game, and became preoccupied with other life things and other console games. I wasn’t really around for the release of The Sims 4. I was busy, and it just didn’t have the same magic. For a few years, I didn’t even log into this Tumblr account. I didn’t pick up TS3 again until right before the pandemic happened, on a nostalgic whim. 
When I first started posting again in 2019/2020, I didn’t expect much. A lot of my previous Simblr mutuals/friends were no longer here. Every post on my dashboard was about TS4. Most of my followers from years ago were no longer active. There were only a few familiar faces left. It was lonely, coming back here only to see how everyone had moved on, and I was nobody. But still, the game was just as fun as I remembered it, with years’ worth of new CC to check out, so I kept playing and posting and catching up on all I had missed, and slowly I started finding community again.
Now that I’m a bit older, I find myself appreciating the game a lot more, in ways I couldn’t before. The beautiful scenery. The open world. The Create-a-Style tool. The maxis-match aesthetic. The humor. The dated yet charming look of the clothes and the townies and the worlds. The time in my life when the game was still new.
I also feel like it’s easier and less stressful to participate in the community now that I have a little bit more maturity than when I was 18. It feels freer and more fun. When I read posts by simmers talking about how they feel like their content is not good enough, or comparing themselves to others, I feel sad. I used to feel the same way. But being “good” at Simblr/social media, and having fun with the game (in whichever way you define fun), are two very different things. I hope that makes sense. It took me some time to learn how to not let comparison steal my joy, and give myself permission to just do what I wanted to do, regardless of whether other people might like it or not. When I look back on my older posts, I feel like I’ve grown so much, both as a simmer and a person.
Well, maybe I haven’t changed that much. I still love my hot pixel men.
I’m so glad I came back to Simblr. My simming hobby has turned into a much bigger thing than I ever thought it would. I mean, I learned how to make CC that other people like? I’ve made so many new connections? My sims have become OCs I’m attached to? I see the TS3 community being revived again as EA drives TS4 into the ground more and more each day? Who would’ve guessed 😆 
I love this game, I love the creativity it inspires in me, and I love the wonderful people that make up this little corner of the internet. ✨💛
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wendimydarling · 4 years
The Thirst is Real
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Summary: Little Freya might not be who she says she is...
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Little Freya 
Word Count: 1965
Warnings: uhhh.... slow burn; dirty thoughts; erotic thoughts; mentions of arousal, daddy kink, spanking, oral, masturbation, and thigh riding; size kink; slight manhandling; dom/sub kink if you squint.
A/N: So it’s been buzzing around The Cavillry that @littlefreya​ is either a mole in the community or Henry himself... @agniavateira​ (my beautiful goddess of a beta who also beta’d this fic for me) and I had a sensational conversation about what Freya and Henry’s weekly meet-ups would entail, and this beautiful birthday present was born! It’s also a little different that what I’ve done before, as I might have used some real life thirst examples in the fic. 
Did I call you out? I guess you’ll just have to read. 😈
You’ll get another gift on your actual birthday my love, but for now, please enjoy!!
Freya adjusted her curls in the mirror, adding one last dash of eyeliner. She was preparing for her weekly meeting with Henry, but this time her stomach was twisting itself in a spiral like a shirt ready to be dyed. 
When Henry first suggested the idea of her going on Tumblr to spy for him, she was hesitant at first. What if she couldn’t make friends? What if they didn’t trust her? But now, with a solid 6k followers under her belt, she knew she could say just about anything and people would flock to the thirst.
With a nervous look at her reflection, Freya gathered her things and headed out the door, sending a quick couple of texts to Henry.
I’m on my way. You should post on your IG stories… they’re wondering what you’re up to this morning. 
Perfect, thanks. I’ll send you what I’m about to upload.
A couple of seconds later Freya received his text, quickly setting up a post and waiting for Henry to update his Instagram. She smiled to herself; Tumblr would be buzzing in a matter of seconds once she posted, and what better way to show Henry what went on in the torrential world of social media than to show him live? Freya’s phone chimed again, indicating Henry had done as she’d suggested. 
She couldn’t help but grin like a demon as she hit the small blue button.
Pocketing her phone, Freya enjoyed the scenery on the short walk to Henry’s place. He was in London briefly as was she, so they were meeting at his home instead of Skyping like usual. Why she was so nervous, she didn’t know… Henry had been a friend for quite a few years now, even becoming one of her closest companions. He confided in her and she in him, and it was always a joy to see him. Every day she looked forward to their flirty banter. But that was easier when it was over the phone; doing so in person was an entirely different matter.
Freya reached Henry’s small home and knocked on the door. She’d only been there a couple of times, but the tiny house never ceased to give her a wonderful sense of charm and sensibility. A loud bark and clack of nails on the floor signaled that Kal was ready and waiting to greet her, which meant Henry wouldn’t be far behind. Freya fidgeted with her fingers and chewed on her lip in taut anticipation.
The door swung wide and there was Henry, sporting a puppy dog grin on his face and his large frame filling the entire entryway. His muscular chest was practically bursting from the snug grey shirt he wore, and his dark blue jeans couldn’t have looked more sinful. He had Kal by the collar as if the dog weighed nothing, and Freya couldn’t help but feel incredibly small. Henry reached out his hand, softly tugged her bottom lip from her teeth, then swooped her up for a one-armed squeeze.
“It’s so good to see you,” he murmured against her ear, sending chills down Freya’s spine. Her feet dangled helplessly as she wrapped her own arms around his neck, inhaling the sharp scent that had long since faded from the hoodie he’d let her “steal”. The fact that he was holding her petite stature in one arm and still controlling Kal with the other wasn’t lost to Freya, and the images it provoked in her mind of what exactly he could do to her with that kind of strength made her tingle. 
Oh, the positions he could put her in...
All too soon Henry set Freya down, shaking her from her sudden daydream. 
“Come on in,” he said, maneuvering Kal and ordering him to sit. Freya crossed the threshold, imagining what it would be like if she was in a long, white gown…
“I’m making a smoothie, would you like one?” Henry broke into her thoughts again and Freya flushed, hurriedly setting her bag on the table and pulling out her laptop. 
“Just some water please,” she replied, swallowing thickly as she realized how dry her throat was. She logged into Tumblr as Henry bustled about in the kitchen and quickly reblogged a few thirsty comments, scrolling through to find some good ones while she waited for Henry.
“Go ahead and start, tell me what ‘The Cavillry’ has been up to this week,” he stated, not quite a command but it thrilled Freya nonetheless. Stupid filthy gutter brain. She pulled out her notes and dove straight in.
“Well, a few of them like Lisa and Berry have a theory that there’s a mole in the community,” she laughed. “Some of them even like to surmise that I’m you!”
“Do they really?” Henry’s deep chuckle resonated throughout the living space and Freya closed her eyes momentarily, picturing that chuckle after a rather exhilarating round of cardio between soft, silken sheets…
“What else are they saying?” Henry’s voice was in Freya’s ear and she jumped, startled yet again from her indecorous thoughts. Henry set her water down next to the laptop and placed his hands on the table, caging her in his warmth as he leaned over her shoulder to read. Freya felt the familiar flush of arousal start to creep its way up her thighs but she did her best to ignore it, continuing on with her notes. 
“Marta made some really funny memes,” she stammered, “And Demi excels at clipping audios, where it sounds like…”
“How does it sound?” Henry’s hot breath ghosted over her ear, and his exhale came out nearly a growl. Freya felt lucky she was sitting down, positive her knees would have given out on her if she hadn’t been. 
“Like you just had a--an orgasm,” she faltered, grabbing her glass of water for a big gulp. Henry hummed, and Freya nearly choked on the clear liquid. 
“What else do they say? I want you to read it… out loud.”
Freya was shocked for a moment. What was he playing at? Wait a minute... this is a game; Henry is playing a game. Emboldened by her sudden epiphany, Freya switched personalities from timid bird to devilish vixen, determined to win whatever it was that Henry had set in motion. She arched her back and leaned her head against Henry’s shoulder, pointing at the screen.
“Well look, see what your post this morning has done? We descend into a thirsting frenzy every time.” 
She scrolled through a couple of posts, landing upon one that would give her what she needed.  
“For example, Miya writes: 
‘I guess good to know he’s on a morning run instead of fapping off… 
But good sir, you will have to shower after that no? And unless he’s a never nude, he’s going to be naked very very soon ladies. KEEP THAT IN MIND! IN A SHORT FEW MINUTES, HENRY WILL BE NAKED AND RUBBING HIMSELF IN THE SHOWER.’ ”
 Freya emphasized the last sentence and was rewarded with a small hitching of Henry’s breath. He recovered quickly.
“However did they know,” he quipped in a low rumble, reaching over Freya’s hand to do some scrolling of his own. Her hand was trapped in his but her thoughts were elsewhere, immediately flooded with the image of Henry getting off in the shower, water cascading over his hairy torso down the line of his abs and through the rabbit trail on his groin to the surely insurmountable…
“This one next,” he stated, drawing her back to the present. His thumb brushed softly over her skin before landing just out of reach of her touch. Freya focused her attention on the screen and a small groan escaped her lips. He’d chosen one of Wendi’s Smutbombs.
“...My eyes were instantly drawn back to his fierce gaze.
“You wanted to use that mouth,” he snarled, staring at me with lewd concentration.
“So use it.”
Freya’s palms grew clammy at the thought of using her mouth around Henry, in exactly the way the raucous words depicted. The way he would stretch her tiny lips until they burned, the way he’d fuck her throat without a care, the way he’d…
Henry grabbed Freya’s hand and abruptly slapped his phone on her palm, severing the thought. 
“Read this one,” Henry commanded her again, his voice now clear and authoritative. This time his tone left no room for argument; he was doing it on purpose. His arms still pinned her to the table with no way to escape, and she could feel the dominance that was dripping off of him tingling down her spine. 
Freya looked at the small screen, recognition of the words dawning on her face. She faltered, and cleared her throat.
“Yes, my bottom is always bare, Sherlock. Bare and ready for you to spank me and take me any which way you want.”
“Who wrote that?” he questioned sternly. Freya took a deep breath.
“I did.”
“Read the next one.”
Freya whimpered, clenching her thighs together tightly. 
“Fuck this shit I want to die on this man’s thighs.”
“Who wrote that?”
“I did.”
“Keep going.”
Freya’s chest was heaving. Her head was swimming with lust and need. Her arousal had long since wet her panties to the point of extreme discomfort. She was certain Henry could smell it too, as she certainly could and his head was still right next to hers. She watched his fists tighten on the table, the veins in his arms becoming more prominent with every passing second. Freya imagined what his hands would look like with one wrapped around her throat and the other buried knuckle deep inside her…
“I said keep going; you’ve got one more.”
It wasn’t just Henry’s voice this time that dragged Freya back to reality; he wrapped his hand firmly around her nape and pointed her toward his phone. 
She blinked rapidly and scrolled to the last quote. 
“...They share a mutual smile and she forces herself to look away.
They have always liked each other, he has always been kind to her.
Sometimes he would touch her as they sat with friends, a feverish stroke, innocent or by mistake, but that would be enough to make her heart flutter like a huge butterfly in the cage of her chest. 
To see him physically hurts sometimes. Especially on a night like this when she is supposed to be happy, yet her heart feels sorrowful.”
The moment her lips finished moving Freya was pulled off the bench and thrust against the wall. Henry pressed his thigh between her legs, his own arousal evident as it strained against the ridged fabric of his jeans. His face was gentle and sincere but his eyes were as dark with lust as she was certain hers were, and the tremor of his voice left no room to imagine anything but desire.
“Who wrote that?” he whispered softly.
“I did,” Freya whispered back.
“Did you mean it?” Henry searched her face, looking for any scrap of evidence that would present him with permission. Freya brought a hand up to his curls, brushing the one out of his eyes that always seemed to disobey.
“Every word.”
Henry slammed his mouth against Freya’s, probing her deep and hard. She kissed him back with just as much fervor, tugging on his curls and wrapping her legs around his waist as he hoisted her in the air. Never in her life had she ever thought this moment would happen, that he would want her this way. But now, here in his arms with his lips on hers and on their way to his bedroom, she couldn’t picture anything else. 
The man had ruined her for anyone else over a decade ago, and she’d been thirsty for far, far too long.
@wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @killjoy-assbutt-1112​ @achaoticaugust​ @demivampirew​ @raspberrydreamclouds​ I hope you don’t mind that I used your thirst! I though it might be fun, but if you don’t like it just let me know, I’ll remove it. 😊
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chromalogue · 2 years
Over the holidays a friend e-mailed me because I hadn’t been on Tumblr and she wanted to know if I was okay.  And I said that yes, I was doing all right, just super busy, and having a new (refurbished, $244) laptop that actually does connect to the internet meant that I wound up not working on my desktop computer as much, and also I was waiting to finish some things properly before I sat down and Tumbled.  And she understood.
But I didn’t understand, because the people on here are a major source of joy for me, and I’ve been trying to get better at not depriving myself of the things I love as a sort of toxic productivity strategy.  So the next time I was on the desktop computer I went to the tab that’s been open for four years now and clicked refresh, and remembered the REAL reason I’d been away so long.  Darn thing STILL wouldn’t load.  
(Not sure if this is a regional connectivity problem, because also my phone plan apparently includes data but I haven’t been able to use any in a couple of years.  But it could also be coincidental, and related more to my dad, who handles both accounts and whose first instinct when something malfunctions is to assume that I’m doing it wrong.)
So yeah, I hadn’t intended to use this computer for Tumblr, because I still had it in my head that I should have a computer where I couldn’t get distracted.  Except that distraction now and then seems to be the thing that stops the gears mashing up, and I was missing my friends keenly.  So I logged in and I’m back, and most of the time the pages load.  And I missed everyone and you’re all magnificent.  
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
Dev Blog # 18
Happy December good folks! Trying to learn (this time) from my past mistakes and slow the HECK down because last month was...a month. Plans this month were 1) an updated demo 2) chaos trailer and 3) finished base game so I can pinpoint release date. 
In honor of respecting my limits...you will get at most 2 out of 3 from me. 
What have been up to since I’ve been gone? Not much. Is this me advocating for mental health while blatantly ignoring my own???
I got some more editing done. I’m on Lydia’s path for line/transition edits and I’m glad to know that I still love this game with every fiber of my being. I’m just struggling a bit now…but ain’t we all??? 😂 for context, I’m 3/6 paths done with this particular editing pass. I’m also debating another round of beta testing 🤫 but for bugs and feedback. But in early 2022 because I cannot cram anything else in this year. 
I received all of my sprites! There’s a [redacted] scene that calls for [redacted] so we’ll revisit this in early 2022 with my sprite artist when I’ve saved up game funds and can reveal super cool awesome amazing stuff
As of drafting this dev-log...the updated demo is done. Like, just-slap-that-bad-boy-up-on-itch.io done. So. I will set some time aside this weekend to reacquaint myself with Butler LOL. (Tumblr heard it first, but look out for a release on this coming Sunday or Monday)
Chaotic trailer is....almost done. My perfectionism is getting in my way (and so is the self induced stress that is myself). But if it doesn’t get done until January, then that’s fine. I will live. Mostly. 
Some small milestones:
Happy one year to working on this game/ starting Hummingbird Games officially
Happy almost end to 2021 🤣
Some random news:
Remember the gaming laptop saga guys? Guess what there’s been an update and it involves Black Friday and getting a MUCH better deal on a more powerful device 😂 I decided to dedicate it only to games so I’ll continue to code on my current device.
Raptor Boyfriend: A High School Romance - I want to INHALE THIS GAME but alas life keeps getting in the way. I’m still on my first run (this is on me for WAITING SO LONG TO BUY IT), and ALL 3 love interests are divine, MC is super fun and awkward and funny, and this feels so much like an animated 90s show that I just wanna cry happy tears. Also it’s the high school genre??? We love to see it. 
Ise & Kai: Chosen Throne - Just wanna praise the @rieindiegames​  team because the lore and worldbuilding they’ve created is absolutely amazing. I finally got to sit down and play through the demo and it was nothing like I expected in the best way possible. (TBH it felt more like the full game than a “demo” and I’m still picking my jaw off the ground aha.)
Nevergrove - Don’t remember how I found this one but it’s a point and click visual novel and it’s SUPER fun!! There’s a mystery surrounding a missing (dead??) girl and while you’re in your aunt’s town there’s people to befriend and date 👀
Belle Automata - There’s 26ish hours left to support this Kickstarter so if you haven’t had a chance, please check out the demo and then support however you can! Ratings and reviews are pretty darn cool too. 
Sims 4 - There’s that new scenarios update thingy and right now I'm trying the holidays one where it’s a 2 person household/enemies to lovers, and not gonna lie, it’s super hard. I want my sims “to kith” but they’re too busy shouting forbidden words at each other and refusing to sleep in the same bed (because maybe I purposefully have one bed, so what.)
Okie doke guys, as always thank you for reading/skimming! For reaching the bottom of this devlog, you’ve won a special prize!! Florence screen incoming!!
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- Gemini 💛
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chemiste · 4 years
Voicemail. ~one-shot~
a/n: howdy babes, last night i was reading through @toothpastekissy​ masterlist, basically gobbling up everything and came upon Leaked Feelings! I loved the concept of it so I decided to write my own version :) lmk if y’all want a part two!
ALSO, i recorded myself singing both songs i wrote for harry,,,, if ya want to know the tunes i was thinking for them, comment if you want them and ill post em.
my masterlist
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There they were.
The leaked files.
When you got a call at 4 am this morning, you did not expect your publicist to be telling you some of your exes songs were leaked.
“What’s that got to do with me?” You asked, still half asleep.
“They’re about you, Y/N.”  Well now you’re awake.
“What?” You shot up out of bed, padding over to your white desk, fuzzy pink socks on your feet. You opened your laptop and jumped onto twitter, scrolling through with one hand while the other held your phone. #StylesLeak was trending worldwide, as was #Y/N.
HarryUpdates tweeted:
FineFuckinLine tweeted:
OOF, what the fucccccck did harry do to Y/N? These are all apology songs!!! No wonder the break up was hush hush
E!News tweeted :
Hey everyone! We know Harry Styles and Y/N L/N stans are up early this morning! Leaked songs from Harry sales have been put out on the web for everyone to see. The two singers had called it quits 3 years ago, but now they’re the trending topic again! #shipname is now trending #1 worldwide, I didn’t ever think we’d see that one again! Go to our website for more!
You heard you publicist let out a big sigh, you put your phone on speaker and set it down on the desk next to you so you could keep looking.
“There are 7 songs, and each one has your name in it or as the title.”
It was a bit of shock, to say the least.
You had hung up with your publicist a while ago and were now debating on whether to listen to the songs or not, you had found a fan account that had the leaked files all ready to go for your entertainment, but something made you hesitate clicking the url.
“You Bastard!” You screamed, shoving him back into the wall. 
Mascara was streaming down your face, the satin red cocktail dress you wore now crumpled as your crouched to grab your suitcase from underneath the bed.
“Please listen, it’s not what you think—“ Harry started, you whipped around to the man before you, fire burning in your eyes.
“Oh, really Harry? How is me hearing you say ‘yeah Y/N is alright, but gotta keep the media happy ya know’ on a voicemail I probably wasn’t supposed to get not what I think?” 
Quickly, you zipped the bag closed, kicking your heels off and shoving your feet into your beat up converse. He let out an exasperated breath, tears starting to shine in his eyes.
“I—I was drunk Y/N! I was with some friends just joking around and—“ 
“Drunk words are sober thoughts Harry.” 
You snapped back, slipping your tench coat on and racing for the stairs, luggage in hand. You rubbed away the endless tears running down your face as you made it to the living room, collecting your keys.
H raced down after you, mumbling over words—
‘Excuses’, You thought.
Right before you opened the front door, he grabbed your hand that was wrapped around the handle of your suitcase. 
“Please Y/N, can’t we just sit down and talk this out—“ 
“There’s nothing to talk about Harry, you made that perfectly clear when I had to listen to you compare me some ‘other models’ while at a very important record dinner! I had to fucking sit there, eyes on me, and act like you weren’t ripping my heart out one word at a time!” 
You snatched your hand out of his and moved out the door, 
“Don’t call me,” was the last thing you said before slamming the door shut.
Bringing back those memories was something you didn’t want to do, it had been 3 years since the break up. Harry didn’t come after you, even though a part of you wished he had. Wished he had tried harder to get you back. But alas, shortly after, he started dating a model, Camile or something, and your relationship was tossed aside like yesterdays newspaper. 
You moved back and forth with your mouse on the link, eventually you closed the page. Instead of fully chickening out, you decided to go to your favorite platform for celebrity gossip, tumblr.
“At least one of his die-heart fans must have the lyrics written down already.” 
You mumbled to yourself, logging into your secret side blog about cats, Captain America, and cute outfits. 
After not that much digging you found a blog, harrysmygod, (you definitely rolled your eyes at the name) had a whole posting written out about it already.
“They’re sure on top of everything, I’ll give them that.”
You started to read.
Hello my harries! 
So if you’ve been up these past few hours, something big has happened! HARRY STYLES HAD SOME FUCKING SONGS LEAKED!!! And no, I don’t mean songs that could have been on the FineLine album, I mean OLD songs! 
And they’re about, you know my fav girl, Y/N! Now, we know their break up 3 years ago was very quick and hush-hush, not much details ya know? 
The boy wrote 7 songs that got leaked, and you wonder why I know they’re about her? Y/N is a lyric or title word used in all of them! Thats right, all 7 songs. I’ve done the best thing for everyone and written out the lyrics for you to look through, I’ve only kept one chorus and each new verse, if you listen to the song and its repeated I only wrote it down one for you, blah blah you get it? 
Great! Heres the first one, it’s called Voicemail.
You took a deep breath and scrolled down.
The look on your face,
The hurt in your eyes,
Made me realize, my lover was gone,
I never got to say goodbye.
Oh, Oh, Ah, Oh.
The words I had said, not true,
I’m so sorry you heard them too.
When you came home in that dress,
Mascara dripping onto your chest.
I knew I had fucked up,
One voicemail turning us to dust.
If you ever hear this song,
Know that I was wrong,
You were the best thing in my life,
Now those flames have turned to ice.
Oh, Oh, Ah, Oh.
Y/N, please remember the love we once had together,
So I know I am real
And then maybe, we could try to heal.
Wow you guys, this SONG! Totally sucks that harry didn’t mean to release them cause totally invasion of privacy (sorry harry), but lucky for us we’ve got some info on what happened between Y/N and him! 
I’m thinking maybe a voicemail gone wrong? They could have been in a fight and he said something that cut too deep? Lmk what you guys think, heres the next on called Gone.
You scrolled through them, you read all the songs. Lover’s Funeral, Drunk Thoughts, Empty Seat, Your Sock Drawer, and then finally, Y/N.
Alright, we’ve made it to the last song my dudes. And personally it’s my favorite!!!! This was the last song leaked, but I feel the most important. Here’s Y/N.
Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,
You make my heart fly,
I feel as though I could touch the sky,
I only need your love to try.
My love, love, love
You shine brighter than any star above.
Make me count everyday,
I should have tried to make you stay.
Oh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N
I know we can agree
That I’m a bastard
Im a flake,
You made the right choice
Walking out on me
But could I have
A second chance,
I know it would be worth it
In the end
Because I’d get,
On one knee,
And promise myself to you
For all eternity.
Oh, Y/N Y/N Y/N
My love, love, love
Oh, Y/N Y/N Y/N
My love, love, love
You gasped, basically jumping away from the computer like it was on fire. Thoughts raced through your mind, you grabbed your head, trying to keep it all together. 
He wanted to marry you? Impossible. 3 Years ago this man was thinking about proposing, then how could he say all those horrible things about you?
“He’s not worth another heartbreak, stop it, stop it!” You chanted to yourself.
While you paced back and forth making a dint in your soft white carpet, you had tuned out the notifications for instagram, twitter, and calls coming through to you. 
But then a certain dial tone popped up that you had only set for one person.
You glanced to your phone on the table and froze.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent you a message.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent you a message.
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent a voice file “Mrs. Styles.”
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent a voice file “I Should Have Fought.”
Bastard (wasn’t allowed to block, fuck PR)
Sent a voice file “I’m Sorry.”
here’s part 2!!!!!!!!!
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Coach Cavill - Chapter 4
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Summary: The Jung family are at a pumpkin patch and invite coach Cavill to join them. 
Coach!Henry Cavill x Amelia Jung (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 3.6k
Warnings: None
A/N: Since I’m not sure if the taglists work, I’m posting them in a reblog hopefully that works 🤷🏽‍♀️Also, I’m going to delete the Tumblr app on my phone and log out on my laptop for a few days, since I have some school stuff to do and Tumblr has proven itself to be very very very distracting. However, please continue to leave comments on my fics, questions or tag me in stuff, I’ll come back to it later! It’s just that I need to take a quick break from it, to focus on my schoolwork. I hope you understand and remember, I love you all 😘
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
After the match yesterday, multiple parents kept looking at me, as if I was the bad one, but when all in all it was Dean who ruined it all. Maybe that sounds childish, but it’s true. Since I really needed to forget about yesterday, I wanted to do something fun with the kids. That’s why I came up with the fantastic idea to go to the pumpkin patch with Benji and Isabella. We do that every year, but this is the first time after the divorce. It’s weird how activities we always did, suddenly seem like a first time ever since their dad and I split up.
We walk around the field, hoping to each find a pumpkin we want to carve out. ‘Mom, mom, mom,’ Isabella says. ‘I want that one.’ She jumps over the other pumpkins, but she can’t seem to lift her pick up. She pushes out her bottom lip, looking over her shoulder.
That’s all Benji needs to see. ‘I got it,’ he says, already walking to his little sister, lifting the pumpkin with ease. ‘How about you look for a spot?’ he suggests.
She skips to a table, her skirt dancing around her legs and when Benji walks by, I brush some hairs out of his eyes. ‘You’re a sweetheart, Benji,’ I tell him.
He smiles, a bright one even after what happened yesterday. After Dean left, he bounced right back and when we were at Eve’s place to celebrate his second place, he was fine. We didn’t bring up the elephant in the room—an elephant named his idiot father—but I felt like we shouldn’t do that in the first place. He ruined a lovely moment already at location, no need to bring that home with us. It’s just surprising that Benji isn’t taking this to heart. I wondered what changed, but I don’t need to wonder that long. I have a feeling that his new coach has everything to do with the change in behavior. After he got his silver medal, he walked up to Henry, showing his silver medal off, the biggest smile his face. It’s nice to see Benji happy, because since the moment I kicked their dad out of the house, his already shy personality, only intensified to a point where I was really worried about him.
‘I already saw one I want,’ Benji says, ‘so I’m bringing this one to Isabella and I’m picking mine, okay?’
‘Of course, sweetheart. I’m going to look for one too.’
I step over a few pumpkins, but I look over my shoulder to see Benji placing the pumpkin in front of Isabella, pinching her cheek. Isabella sees that as an invitation to jump up, right in his arms, causing her big brother to laugh.
I remember when I told him I was pregnant and he was going to have a little sister or brother. He was six at the time and he looked at me dead in the eye and said: ‘I hope I have a little sister.’
‘Why is that, sweetheart?’ I asked him.
He simply shrugged. ‘Because I feel I can teach a sister more than I can teach a brother.’ I had no clue what this kid was going on about, so when I asked him to explain, he simply smiled and said: ‘I can show her how her future husband should treat her.’
While I felt that he could teach a brother how he should treat a woman just fine, I felt my heart explode. Seeing their bond, always makes me so grateful that I have these wonderful kids. Their dad might be the biggest lowlife walking around on the planet earth, but they are the best that ever happened to me and I would do it all over again.
Even if that meant being with their dad again.
Benji grabs the pumpkin he wanted, before sitting down next to Isabella. They don’t start right away, but I know they want to, so I make a quick decision and grab a pumpkin. ‘You kids ready?’ I ask, when I sit across from them.
‘Yes, mom, we are!’ Isabella exclaims.
Benji stares in the distance and I snap my fingers in front of his eyes. ‘You’re here with us, Benji?’ I ask.
‘Coach Cavill!’ Benji jumps up and rushes passed me. I turn around, to see Benji running towards Henry, who has a huge dog standing next to him. Benji is pretty reserved when it comes to strangers. His former coach and he liked each other, sure, but it was never like this. This instant connection between my son and a coach, it’s unusual.
I feel like Benji is even closer to Henry than he is to his own father and what does that tell you? That Dean was a dick? That Henry is the male role model I always wanted to have for my kids? Or both?
My eyes nearly roll out of their sockets, when I see the most unexpected event happening right in front of me: Benji wraps his arms around Henry’s waist and I can’t exactly hear what he is saying, but Benji isn’t shutting up.
Henry smiles, patting Benji on his back, before pulling him in a headlock. He holds up his hand when he notices me gawking at the sight and I raise my hand to wave back at him. ‘Mom, is that Benji’s new coach?’ Isabella asks.
‘He is, sweetheart.’
‘You like him, don’t you?’
What a way to get exposed… ‘What?’ I ask her. ‘I mean, he is nice, of course.’
‘Well, you made him not one, but two sandwiches,’ Isabella says, before giggling. ‘You never make sandwiches for people you don’t like. When you and daddy were fighting, you’d never make him a sandwich the next morning.’
‘You should become a detective,’ I smile. ‘Sharp as a knife.’
Benji ushers Henry with him and he asks when he is close again: ‘Mom, can coach carve pumpkins with us?’
‘I really don’t want to intrude,’ Henry adds, but I shake my head and say: ‘No, no, you can join us. I think Isabella really wants to pet your dog and your presence is well appreciated.’
‘I do want to pet your dog,’ Isabella says. ‘He is cute.’
‘He sure is,’ Henry agrees. ‘His name is Kal.’
Isabella stands up from her seat and carefully pets the big furry dog. ‘Kal is soft. He kinda looks like a bear, don’t you think?’
‘I do think so too,’ he says.
‘Coach,’ Benji says and I barely recognize my own son, ‘you should grab a pumpkin.’
Henry looks at me, non verbally asking if I’m really okay with this and I give him a little nod, encouraging him to join us. I mean, I like this man a lot, I’ve been having pretty vivid dreams about him, so spending time with him is absolutely something I don’t mind.
He quickly grabs a pumpkin and places it on the table. ‘I’ve never carved a pumpkin before,’ he admits.
‘You haven’t?’ Isabella asks. ‘You are such a weirdo.’
‘Isabella,’ I say, using my stern teacher/mother voice. ‘You can’t just go around and call people weirdo’s.’
‘But you always call dad an idiot.’
Oh great… I’m setting a terrible example for my kids and now Henry is a witness of my wrong doings as a parent. Exactly the type of impression I want to make. ‘But that is different.’
‘How is that different?’ Isabella asks, cocking her eyebrow and now she is really testing me.
‘Well,’ Henry says, ‘your mom knows your dad. You barely know me. I think there is a difference in who you can call bad names.’
Isabella stares at the man sitting beside me, studying his face, before she nods. ‘Yeah, you’re right,’ she says. This girl agrees to someone outside own her family? What the hell is this man’s secret that my kids just simply accept him and like him? ‘Sorry, I called you weirdo, coach.’
‘That’s okay.’ The beautiful man who is sitting beside me, has a friendly smile on his face. ‘But, Jung family, show me how this is supposed to be done.’
✰ ✰ ✰
‘Mom, the skin is too thick,’ Isabella whines.
‘Let me help you, Isabella,’ Henry says, wiping his hands clean on the cloth, before standing up and walking around the table. He sits next to Isabella and saws out the part she was having trouble with. ‘You’re right,’ he admits, ‘the skin is pretty thick. You sure did pick out a good one.’
‘I have x-ray eyes.’ Isabella stands on the bench and she is approximately the same height as Henry is. Though she is eight, she is a pretty tiny girl, always has been and probably always will be. She wraps her arm around his neck, placing her cheek against the top of his head. ‘Coach,’ she says, ‘do you think my mommy is pretty?’
‘Don’t answer that,’ I tell him. ‘And Isabella, remember what I told you at least a dozen times already? Don’t go around and ask that to people. You’ve done that multiple times now and every time it’s harder and harder to talk myself out of it, okay?’
‘Okay,’ Isabella says with a shrug, ‘but you are really pretty and I think coach agrees with me.’
This girl… I don’t know who she’s got this attitude from, but sometimes I wish that she would just zip it from time to time.
‘Isabella is right,’ Benji decides to butt in. ‘You are really pretty, mom.’
This really isn’t the time to be blushing this hard right now.
‘See?’ Isabella has a smug smile on her face and whispers loudly in Henry’s ear so I can hear it too: ‘Do you agree with us? Just nod or shake your head.’
Henry chuckles, before nodding nearly shyly. If my face wasn’t fiery red already, it sure is now. ‘Anyways,’—Henry awkwardly clears his throat—‘I think yours is done, miss Isabella.’
‘Thank you very much.’ Isabella sits down on the bench again, while Henry helps out Benji with one thing on his pumpkin.
Henry is such an easy guy to be around with, that not only I feel comfortable with him, but my shy son and my sassy daughter feel so too. He sits down next to me again. ‘Need some help, Amelia?’
‘I’m okay,’ I say, but I can’t seem to move the knife anymore.
‘Let me help you,’ Henry offers.
‘You know,’ I say, pushing the pumpkin to him, ‘for someone who has never carved a pumpkin before, you sure are a pro at it.’
He actually gets the knife to move, but it pleases me to see that even he has some issues with it. Through his sweater, I can see how thick his arms are and my oh my, does this man look strong as hell. Am I hallucinating or is he flexing a little extra?
‘Excuse me,’ I hear a shy voice say and when I look up, I see it’s Hattie Fisher, the sixteen year old sweetheart who lives in the same street as us. ‘Miss Amelia?’
‘Hi Hattie,’ I say with a smile, ‘how are you?’
‘Good, thanks.’ She runs her fingers through her light blonde hair and I always thought that in combination with those doll like eyes, she’d have potential to become a very successful model. ‘I just have a question. Is this a right time or do you want me to come by tonight?’
‘Please, go ahead.’
‘For school we have to do this thing, where we check out a few professions and I wanted to try and work at a school. I was wondering whether or not I could go to your class.’
I nod. ‘Of course you can, honey. I would love to. When is this starting?’
‘Not until three weeks, but can I drop by tomorrow. Bring some paper work, if that’s okay with you.’
‘Yes, yes, of course,’ I say. ‘I would love for you to help me out a bit. They can be quite a bunch, so an extra pair of hands would be lovely.’
‘Thanks, miss Amelia, you’re the best. I feel like I could actually learn something when I’m with you. My dad wanted me to help him out, but that meant serving the old men at his office coffee the entire day and I feel like I’d die out of boredom.’
‘Oh honey,’ I say with a chuckle, ‘I had to do the exact same thing when I was still in high school and I went to work with my mom at the retirement home and after the third round of bingo, I was ready to to murder at least one elderly.’
Henry, Isabella and Benji start to laugh along with Hattie. ‘Kinda want to avoid that,’ Hattie says.  ‘I’ve seen the men that my dad works with. Some just ask to be murdered.’
I wholeheartedly agree, because I have been to mister Fishers office a few times, since mister Fisher himself was my lawyer to get me through the divorce and while he is a lovely man, his colleagues are terrible.
‘Hattie, what’s with the camera?’ Isabella asks.
‘Oh, my mom wants to have some new pictures for the towns Instagram, so you know how she is: sending me out there to document everything, while she takes takes the credits.’ Hattie nearly rolls her eyes. ‘Oh, Bella, this one actually looks really good.’
‘Why do you sound so surprised?’ Isabella asks, as the teen is taking a few pictures of our pumpkins.
Hattie curls her lips inside. ‘Well, when I was your age, I could barely draw something decent on a pumpkin, let alone carve it out, like you did. It’s quite impressive really. Since I’m here, you guys mind if I take a picture of you?’
‘Sure,’ I say, ‘if you don’t mind…?’ I carefully look to the side, to Henry, who simply shakes his head and says: ‘I absolutely don’t.’
‘Okay, say pumpkin,’ Hattie chuckles, before snapping a picture of us. ‘Looks really good. You mind if I post these on Instagram later?’
‘I don’t,’ I say.
Henry shakes his head. ‘Of course not, Hattie.’
The blonde teen smiles brightly. ‘Good. I’ll see you tomorrow then, miss Amelia. Thanks again for helping me out.’
‘Not a problem, Hattie. I’ll sign off on all sorts of paperwork, but we’ll discuss that tomorrow.’
✰ ✰ ✰
While I’m making tea, I hear Isabella and Benji talking Henry’s ear off, as his dog Kal is joining me in the kitchen. It lightens up my mood to see them so at ease with someone else outside of their familiar circle. I’m not surprised that Isabella is instantly fond of him, but Benji keeps on surprising me. He is seeking approval from Henry, something he never did with his father. He asked us if we both liked his pumpkin and I could see the worried look in his eyes when Henry was pretending he had to think about it.
Maybe this is way too premature, but seeing him in my house, it just fits. I never had a dog, because Dean was allergic and we’ve been together since I was nineteen. My parents never wanted a dog, until I moved out at age fifteen. All of the sudden they were experiencing empty nest syndrome and got themselves a tiny little toy poodle.
But this enormous dog in my house, it just matches perfectly.
‘Is this your mom?’ Henry asks, pointing at a picture on the wall.
‘Mhm,’ Isabella says, ‘she used to be in a K-Pop group.’
‘No way.’
‘Tea is ready,’ I say.
Benji walks in and sits on the kitchen island. ‘Mom was the main vocalist and visual of the group.’
Henry leans against the counter, thanking me for the tea. ‘Really? I can imagine what a vocalist is, but what exactly is the visual of the group?’
‘The prettiest,’ Isabella explains. ‘She is obviously the prettiest.’ She sits next to me on a stool and gives me a kiss on my cheek. ‘She was really good. Mom, you should sing something.’
‘No, not today.’
‘She was in the group ‘Forever Hope’, so you should check it out on YouTube,’ Isabella says. ‘I want to become a K-Pop idol too one day.’
I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. ‘But I continue to tell her that it’s hard work and this little girl is as lazy as they get.’
‘That’s not true!’
‘It’s true,’ Benji agrees with a chuckle.
Henry takes a sip of his tea, his eyes not leaving me once. ‘Well, your mom is full surprises.’
‘Did you know she used to do judo too?’ Benji asks. ‘I’ve got it from her.’
‘I did not know that,’ Henry says, the smile on his face a bit bigger than before.
Despite living in the public eye for two years, I don’t want all the attention to be focused on me. ‘Not to be a party pooper,’ I say, ‘but I’m gonna be one, because it’s my job as your mother. Benji, Isabella, did you finished your homework?’
‘No,’ he whispers, while Isabella shakes her head.
‘You know what to do,’ I chuckle.
Isabella nods, takes a cookie and jumps off the stool. ‘Bye coach,’ she says, ‘thank you for carrying the pumpkins back home.’
‘No problem, kid,’ he says, giving her a high five as she passes.
‘Thanks coach,’ Benji says and they have this cool handshake I wasn’t aware of and I hide my smile when Benji chases Isabella up the stairs.
‘Your kids are lovely,’ Henry says.
‘There sure are. Listen, Henry, thank you for today.’ I scratch the big dog behind his ear. ‘I know I keep saying this, but… It’s good for them to have a male role model that is there for them.’
‘My pleasure.’
‘So, what brought you to Luna Meadows?’ I ask him, not wanting to talk about my divorce or anything related again.
‘I was in a desperate need of a change a scenery.’
‘Why?’ I ask.
‘I just needed to get out of there, before I totally lost my mind.’
‘Where are you from then?’
‘Jersey,’ he answers. ‘It was just… Too much at one point.’
My mom and teacher instincts kick in, because I can sense he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. ‘Well, we’re very lucky to have you here. It’s good every now and then to shake things up a bit.’
‘It sure is.’ He wraps his hand around the mug and while it’s the biggest one in our house, it looks like an espresso cup in his hands. ‘Back at the game you told me you were not here from your fifteenth till eighteenth. Had that something to do with you being a K-Pop idol?’
I nod. ‘Yeah, that was my change of scenery.’
He smiles. ‘Must’ve been hard.’
I can’t do anything but to agree. ‘Yeah, especially since I wasn’t planning on becoming an idol. I was just an exchange student, but I was approached by a company when I was at a fan sign with a friend.’
‘And you became a main vocalist, that must’ve been pretty important.’
‘It is, you kinda have to carry the entire song. Not that I sang all the time, but the chorus, mainly me, just like the high notes, adlibs, stuff like that.’
Henry nods. ‘And being a visual, must’ve been hard too.’
‘That too. It’s an insane amount of pressure, always having to be picture perfect,’ I say. ‘I mean, I don’t want to complain. It was such a great time in my life, an amazing opportunity. And every time Isabella says she wants to do this too, I just hope that one day she comes to terms that it’s hard work and… That it was terrible from time to time.’
Henry leans with his underarms on the counter. ‘How was it terrible?’
‘The days were so long, filled with training, singing and dancing and performing,’ I say, ‘I had to maintain my figure and… I don’t want to complain, because it was amazing. I had eight girls around me, who were going through the same thing. I was never alone.’
‘You still speak to them?’
‘Occasionally,’ I say. ‘Most of them are still in the industry. They barely have time.’ I feel warm tears running over my cheeks. ‘Oh shit, sorry, there I go again. I’m sorry, you must think I’m an emotional wreck, a terrible example for her kids.’
Henry chuckles. ‘Amelia, that’s not true. You’re not an emotional wreck, you’re just in touch with your emotions. You’re an amazing example for your kids. Yesterday…’ he starts, clearing his throat. ‘You did what any mother would’ve done. You stood up for your son and that is more than admirable.’ He looks at the clock. ‘Ah, shoot, I’ve gotta go.’
‘Oh yes, of course.’
‘I really had fun today. The Jung family is a fun one to hang out with.’
A chuckle leaves my lips. ‘We sure are.’
‘Can you hold onto Kal for me, then I’ll go and say goodbye to Benji and Isabella.’
I nod. ‘Sure, yes. Their names are on the doors and please don’t look into the bathroom. I collect the laundry there and I might have forgotten to do it since Thursday.’
‘Copy that,’ Henry chuckles and he rushes up the stairs, taking two steps at the time. I hear faint voices in the back, some laughter, while I give Kal some scratches and kisses. Henry comes back down and says: ‘Well, I really wish I could stay, but I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry.’
‘Save your apologizes for when it’s really needed,’ I say.
He smiles. ‘Right, I’ll work on that. I’ll see you tomorrow at practice, Amelia.’
‘Want me to bring you a sandwich?’ I ask.
‘I’m never saying no to a sandwich made by the fantastic Amelia Jung.’
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twilitty · 3 years
Moonlit ch.1
This is the first chapter in my new fic Moonlit, it will be posted on Tumblr, ao3, and ffnet. New chapters uploaded every week and a half. Message/comment to be added to my tag list.
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3k words
big thank you to my beta reader @effervescentlyirrevocable who has given me the absolute best criticism and helped make this chapter so beautiful :)
Bella moves to Forks Washington, her first week is uneventful. This fic has aged up characters, making them all at entry-college level ages.
Chapter One
My senses are sharper in Forks than they were in Phoenix, I’ve only been here a handful of days yet everything seemed brighter, louder, more alive than my past home. There was something here for me, something that made me feel more alert than I have in years.
The sound of heavy rain slowly pulls me out of my restless sleep, an elbow is thrown across my eyes in an attempt to keep the real world at bay. It’s always raining, the mist layering the ground never abandons its post, and the chilly air seemingly lasts indefinitely. The rainy town of Forks Washington sooner resembles my personal hell than it does a sleepy old town. The forest that borders the town at each cardinal point is layered in green moss, damp dirt, and an endless supply of fresh animal tracks. I’d moved to Forks only a week ago, the sum of which was spent unpacking dreadfully thin clothing and acquainting myself with the few stores and public access areas the town has to offer.
My father, Charlie, has had little to do with this process apart from moral support and the occasional bag of fast food that he’s picked up while on shift. Charlie is the town's police chief, a job that both seems ill-needed and also unbearably boring. How much crime can be committed in a town of fewer than ten thousand citizens? Other than the odd tag on a school building or bush party, what does his shift consist of? I have yet to bring my insulting opinions on his career to his attention, and likely will never do so. He’s a good man with a heart of gold and a passion for the judicial system, which is ever-present in his TV browsing as he cruises through endless episodes of Law & Order.
I’m not a big TV person, even back home in Phoenix, I preferred reading to the television. Perhaps this was related to my mother’s endless stack of yoga DVD’s that seemed to consume our viewing; her in a downward dog position gossiping about her latest advancements at her newest club membership, me sitting on the couch finishing a craft for her so she won’t be late submitting it. My favourite of her crafts was embroidery, one month I embroidered nearly two hundred dandelions on a pair of jeans for her. She gave them to the club administrator as an apology before she quit.
Regardless, at night when the TV is blaring the intro theme to a cop show, I am curled in bed with a book under my nose and headphones in my ears. Blocking out the rain is a full-time chore.
This morning is a particularly eventful morning, not because of any specific events, but rather the events that will be set into motion because of this morning. Today is the first day of my online college courses. I’m currently enrolled in an undeclared major. My hope is that the three courses I’m taking this spring term will help me decide on what I want to do in the future.
Charlie had given me a new laptop upon my arrival in Forks, a current model with modest upgrades to “enhance my academic experience”. Or at least that’s what the box boasted. I am not entirely convinced that a larger memory will miraculously cure me of my educational despise. High school was tortuous, I had few friends and fewer interests outside of my mother’s hobbies. I had no extra-curricular activities that were not synonymous with financial responsibilities. The monthly budget book was mine to care for, as was the constant, intrusive phone calls of the bank when my mother got too engaged in a store. She’s a gullible woman if nothing else. If a store clerk tells her a blouse suits her figure, she’ll purchase ten colours in the article along with two in a size lower just in case she finally loses the ten pounds she’s been trying to shed.
My eyes have barely opened, the down of my forearm just a fraction away from my pupil when Charlie pounds against my door. You’d imagine I was fostering a fugitive in here with the noise he’s making, but this is just the way my father is, loud noises and soft voices. I wonder, idly, if perhaps he has minor hearing loss from spending so much time around guns.
“I’m up!” I call out, my voice is thin and calloused with morning sleep. I clear my throat as the knocking cuts off, “Good morning, Dad.” Charlie doesn’t like me calling him Charlie.
“Morning, Bells,” he calls back through the door, quiet enough to not be taken as aggressive yet loud enough to sound authoritative. He is a father, my father, at heart. He pauses, and it’s as if I can hear the mental gears shifting in his mind. He hasn’t had to be a father since I was a baby, after that Renee was the parent. Charlie was the summer distraction. “Don’t be late for school.” I grunt a response, reaching for the alarm clock on my nightstand and groaning at the early hour of the morning. Barely eight, class doesn’t officially start until noon. I guess there’s nothing wrong with logging in early, although I’d much rather catch up on the sleep I’ve lost to the thunderous storms we’ve been experiencing recently.
As if he could sense my intentions, Charlie knocks against my door again. “Bella, I mean it. You didn’t come here to slack off, now.” No, I think nastily, I came here for peace and quiet.
Between unpacking my belongings and touring the town, I’ve developed a routine in my new living situation. Charlie is fond of my company, enjoying having a woman in the house outside of his ex-wife, my mother and ex-roommate. Although, his fondness of my presence does not directly translate to time spent together. He makes me breakfast, occasionally placing it in the oven to keep warm, and then immediately heads off to his family that is the Forks police station. We meet again for lunch, depending on our individual plans for the day, and then reunite again just in time for dinner. Food really is the great American pastime.
I dress in jeans and a light blue sweater that smells mysteriously of mildew although it’s a recent purchase and has yet to be worn outdoors. I suppose the rain permeates every available space, closed windows be damned. My socks are tall and I have to roll my jeans up at the bottoms to accommodate for the thick, high fabric of them. It’s a trick Charlie taught me for wearing rain boots, the higher the socks the less likely they are to run down to your toes as you walk. Immediately after that trick was taught I went to the nearest hiking store and purchased a pair of rain boots. My first pair of rain boots at nineteen years of age. Unfathomable yet ironic considering my lineage marks back to the wettest town in the continental US. My ancestors roll in their graves every time I step outdoors and forget a jacket or umbrella, I’m sure of it.
Charlie is waiting for me downstairs, both a surprise and unwelcome presence. I had a battered copy of Dorian Gray under my arm, I was expecting philosophy and moral ambiguity, not idle conversation. Before the chief notices my book, I slide it over the back of the couch and enter the kitchen with a polite smile. There’s bacon frying on the stovetop, the police chief is dressed in uniform already, but has a stained white apron tied around his neck. “Dad?”
“Oh,” he turns around and gives me a tight smile, “Excited for your big day?” You’d imagine it’s my first day of preschool with the amount of enthusiasm he’s trying to keep hidden from me, not my first day of online school. I don’t say anything to dampen his mood, I’m glad he’s excited about something. His life is repetitive, if my existence here proves to be no more useful than just disrupting his schedule, it will still be a success.
“Yeah, I guess.” He turns back to the bacon and shifts it around quickly, the grease snapping up at him. If it burns him he doesn’t show it, just maintains the stiff-backed posture of a respectable police officer cooking his daughter breakfast. “I’ve gotta ask, what’s up with the apron?” I stifle a giggle behind a bite of the toast that’s sitting in the middle of the small table. He shakes his head in faux annoyance.
Charlie takes the pan off the hot element, sliding the bacon onto two plates and pouring the grease into an open can. The second trick he taught me since arriving here: never pour grease down the drain.
“I’m in uniform, it would be disrespectful to the badge to stain it.” He slides a plate of bacon in front of me, sitting down in his designated seat across the table. “Besides,” he takes a sip of coffee from his to-go mug. “Can you imagine walking into a police station smelling of fried pig?”
Breakfast ends quickly. We each eat a piece of toast, Charlie stuffing a second piece into a plastic bag “for later” and heading out the door. I still have half a plate of bacon in front of me after he leaves, the maple glaze filling the small kitchen with its smell.
After my Mom and Charlie got married, Renee redecorated much of the house. Her lace curtains still hang in the master bedroom window, constantly drawn closed. The rest of the house has been minorly updated with age, the TV got bigger, the couch more comfortable, new bed linens and even newer rocking chairs on the porch. I had asked Charlie if they were Moms when I first came up to the house a week ago.
They were rocking gently in the wind, the wood seemed to be polished as it shined in what little light filtered through the depressive clouds. They were sitting side by side, matching pillows on them both, a coffee table in the middle with a stack of coasters. It was an old person's porch, where husband and wife would sit all grey and wrinkled, waving at the neighbourhood kids as the bus dropped them off from school. I could almost picture Charlie and Renee sitting there, her knitting a scarf and him content to just watch her and the scenery.
He informed me that they were relatively new, a purchase from a shop down on the Reservation. We haven’t spoken about them since, but I wonder if perhaps he wishes he had someone to sit out there with him.
I spend the morning before class doing odd chores around the house. It’s nice living at Charlie’s, nicer than I had expected it to be. I’m not a fan of the weather or the fact that I currently have no social life, but it’s nice to just sit. I throw my laundry in the wash and manage to get the kitchen cleaned up with just enough time left over to sit on the couch and read a chapter of my book before class.
School has never been my strong suit. That’s not to say I get poor marks or intentionally skip classes, I just never found it as fulfilling as my peers seemed to. I never woke up and looked forward to the social or academic aspect of high school. Perhaps this contributed to me postponing my college experience and only starting it now when I should already be a year into my program.
When I log into my schools online database and click on my first class, Social Psychology 1001, I’m immediately transported to a screen filled with windows and the faces of my classmates. “Hello, class!” The professor's voice calls out over my computer. Perhaps online school won’t be my strong suit either.
Class ends and the next one starts, and I get through all three classes and an hour's worth of homework by the time Charlie pops in for dinner.
“Hey, Bells,” He calls as he opens the front door. I can hear him from where I sit in the kitchen, hanging his gun belt up by the front door and kicking his boots off into a heap on the floor. I imagine Mom back in Phoenix, walking into the house with arms full of bags and tossing her flip flops onto her pile of shoes beside the coatrack she used for purses. Some things won’t ever change.
“How was work?” I ask. He pauses to poke his head into the kitchen, moustache moving as he chews on his lip. I can’t remember when Charlie initially grew out his moustache, just that one summer I arrived and thought could he look more like a cop?
“Good, good, just some meetings. New family moving into town, all foster kids around your age.” He takes pause, staring off into some middle ground in the hallway as if deep in thought. His eyebrows furrow, “Don’t want any trouble makers coming in, but the father seems nice. Respectable.”
“That’s nice,” I contribute conversationally. Charlie and I rarely have material conversations, always just idle talk of the weather or what's for dinner. I’m not entirely sure how to approach this topic, which clearly seems to be occupying his mind.
“Yeah, he’s a doctor.” He grins at this, toothy and a little crooked to the right side. A pang of embarrassment settles in my chest before he speaks, as if knowing where this will turn. “Perfect for you, considering how often your clumsiness-” I wave a hand over my face, grimacing at his words. “Don’t speak it into existence,” I mutter with a half-hearted plea underlying my words. He chuckles, disappearing up the stairs.
I hear the shower turn on after a few minutes of him fumbling around, presumably trying to get undressed. I’m sure once he’s showered and in sweatpants it’ll be twenty questions about my day of school. I’m not sure I have the heart to break the truth to him: it absolutely sucked.
The material was interesting enough, psychology has always been close to my heart. I loved the idea of people being more than their actions and thoughts, that there was something making them say that or something making them act that way. Perhaps this was yet another symptom of having Renee for a mother.
I sit at the kitchen table for a moment longer, my computer is closed in front of me and my pencil case- dreadfully unnecessary with school being online-sits closed and untouched. I haven’t made any friends in my classes, not that I had expected to. Twelve years of public school and no friend group to show for it, just a few texts every couple of weeks. Why would I have believed college, and an online college at that, would be any better?
Having enough with my thoughts, I get up from the table and pack my things into my bag. I’ve completed enough work for today, the rest of the evening I’ll spend either with Charlie or in my room. I’d rather not be nose deep in pdf textbooks and youtube videos constituting as follow-up lectures, I’ve had enough of that today. As if sensing the immediacy of my departure from the kitchen, the shower cuts off and I hear the bathroom door squeak open. For a man who, until recently, lived alone with too much free time, you’d imagine he’d have taken better care of the house. Nearly every door, except my own, creaks open and closed. I made sure to oil my hinges nearly immediately after moving in, I didn’t want Charlie to wake up every time I sneak downstairs for a comfort snack or warm glass of milk to help me sleep. He’s lived alone for nearly twenty years, he doesn’t need his sleep schedule disrupted now.
“The game is on in-” Charlie pauses as if double-checking the times mentally, “- an hour and a half. Are you interested?” He’s calling from up the stairs. I wonder if he truly wants me to watch the game with him, whatever sport it may be, or if he’s only being polite.
“Uh, I was just going to organize my room right now and then maybe make something for dinner,” I say in response. The floors don’t make a noise and I know he’s heard me, but he doesn’t respond. A lump forms in my throat, perhaps he really did want to watch with me.
“That’s fine, but if you want we can order in?” The lump passes and I convince myself that there is no reason to avoid the TV. It’s not like I’ll be a disruption, if I get bored I can read on the couch. I’ve only watched TV with Charlie on a few occasions since my move here, and each time I strategically saved my questions for the commercial breaks.
“Sure! That works.” The floorboards creak and I hear him retreat into his room, the door closing with a pitiful squeak.
We eat pizza on the couch, a large meat-lover for the carnivorous father and a small vegetarian with extra mushrooms for the daughter who cares about her cardiovascular health. We eat slowly, occasionally Charlie will make a face at the television or mumble something under his breath, but other than that we’re quiet. The sport turns out to be baseball and I recall a few of the basic rules from the tragic gym classes of my past. It’s not disastrous in any way, and surprisingly I don’t get bored. There is something relaxing about the repetitive nature of the game.
After the game ends we box up the remaining slices and put them in the fridge to be eaten tomorrow, say good night, and go our separate ways at the top of the stairs.
@musingsofvenus @maybesandohnos
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