#also dacre said billy is jesus
every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
I've got a few things to get off my chest:
🔵The next time I see anyone saying "yeah he died and apologized but it's still not enough" my response will be:
So tell Jesus that sacrifice isn't enough and neither is "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".
Actions speak louder than words, and on top of that Billy's last words were an apology.
But I guess when you add it all up in the Catholic calculator, it means absolutely nothing.
Too much talk of change without mentioning the integral step for change, which would be getting Billy support and him leaving his abusers.
We write fanfictions where he gets to do that because canon would not give it to us, which is ultimately what fanfiction's sole purpose is.
Unpopular opinion maybe, but I don't think Billy is the one that needs to change here. I believe that his environment makes all the difference, and even then it sure as hell won't be easy.
There's nothing wrong with him, and I often see people overexaggerating "what he's done".
Why aren't other characters in the hot seat? Why specifically Billy? Why are any characters obligated to make up for whatever they've done?
Fiction gifts us escapism, and I've seen an uptake in people blurring the lines between the two.
I don't want Billy to change who he is, and I think it's kind of funny that to some, being in a relationship with Steve (or anyone) will "fix him". Let's not act like Steve Harrington doesn't repress his emotions. He's also like 19, and it makes no sense to me that anyone would want to be in a relationship with someone who's goal isn't to love you, but to "fix you" somehow until you're "worthy of love".
You're basically dating a therapist.
🔵Let Billy Hargrove be messy. Quite frankly other characters should be, too! He is a textbook abuse victim, and if you can't accept or bother to understand what abuse does to someone, that's a you problem.
Let characters make mistakes. Relating to Billy aside, I enjoy him because he stands alone among npc characters, and I firmly believe if not for the narrative:
not being able to handle him
trying to reduce him to a joke like damn near every other character (yes hahaha have a bunch of forty year olds creepily watch a teenager, and just for extra laughs let's make him look like a homewrecker and his groomer a feminist!)
framing said victim repeatedly as the big bad teenage "oh he's mature looking" boy (like we don't have enough of that bullshit 😒)
going directly against Dacre's Billy (pushing the whole womanizer thing for one... "happy screams" 😑)
guiding an immature audience to hating a character because he's not a main
refusing to condemn canon abusers while shitting on an abuse victim (for the love of fucking hell, if you feel the need to tell your audience who to hate and who to root for, then I guess you don't think you've done enough of a job as a writer)
... maybe just maybe viewers wouldn't hate or misunderstand Billy as much. Plus in addition to overexaggerating they also tell blatant untruths, so there's that.
I don't know about y'all, but I don't see the point in herding people to like or dislike characters. Let them come up with a conclusion on their own.
I wouldn't even give a flying fuck about what other characters in ST have done, had it not been for the general fandom demonizing one character while putting on their hypocrite hats and their bloated sense of self morality.
They act like Billy is worse than Vecna, Brenner, those bullies in season 1... They refuse to even bring up Neil, and conveniently "forget" that Billy was possessed for most of s3.
The only people I really see making excuses are Brenner and Vecna stans. Oh, and Jason, too.
I don't really care who stans who, but if we're going to keep playing this bullshit morality policing game (with fictional characters 💀), let's not act like the worst character on TV is Billy Hargrove.
Seriously, I can come up with a list of characters (Stranger Things included) who are worse.
The difference being it doesn't keep me up at night... because they're not fucking real.
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That’s unfair if they don’t go by how Natarlie are irl when they do with the other characters/actors. Robin used to be more laidback, she is more neurotic/hyper now because Maya said it’s closer to who she is irl. Let’s not even start with the whole Billy-is-Jesus thing that Dacre pushed and the Duffers listened to🙃 I feel like just letting the irl couple be cute together in character is the least they can do lol?
Yeah but wasn’t it bad that they listened to Dacre? Or kinda weird that they made Robin be more like Maya? Otoh, I want them to listen to everything Winona says and also listen to their actors wishlists for s5 lol. I mean I don’t even think they need to bring more natarlie into the show, they just needed to bring more s1 jancy, or even moments of s2 jancy but also write them both as characters so their natural chemistry can come through
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crewhonk · 6 years
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Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, bad poetry (w the first poem, not the second)
Pairings: Billy X Reader
Words: 4,000
AN: There’s a little bit of reference to the brain storming convo the Gorilla Gang had on Friday, and theres a specific reference to the thing that makes Annie (@dacre-thotgomery) want to die, so theres that! Enjoy! xx (shoutout to Rupi Kaur for Y/N’s poem)
Tag List: @veronica-lodge-photography  
Billy Hargrove had moved into Hawkins in the beginning of October. He rolled in with cold fall air, and the smell of Camel cigarettes, and with the motivation to dominate everyone in Hawkins high school. He started with Steve Harrington, belittling him in the hallways and on the basketball court, later beating him near death in later November and facing three months of community service in the soup kitchen. He also dominated most of the girl in Hawkins, minus a few and the few consisted of one girl in junior year who looked a little too much like his little sister, Max, Nancy Wheeler- as she was dating Jonathan Byers, the rest of the girls in happy relationships and then there was you. You, who was the Pom team captain, decathlon leader, and tutor of physics. You had healthy hair, you had a gorgeous smile, you had a sparkle in your eye and you volunteered on Saturdays at the soup kitchen. You weren’t exactly a stranger to him, you volunteered on the same days and he gave you rides to and from the kitchen. So why did Billy seem to almost avoid asking you to do anything? Literally, if he even wanted to hold hands you’d be down.
You pushed your tray away from you and smashed your face into the lunch table. The cool surface of the lunch table froze your face and you kicked your best friend, Jo when she laughed loudly at you. You straightened up after a few minutes and wiped away the forehead-shaped foundation mark from the table with your sweater sleeve.
“I mean, why doesn’t he even look at me outside of the Kitchen. I don’t understand? I’m hot, I’m talented, I’m fun, I’m down to make out and let him grab my butt I don’t understand.” You whined quietly. You didn’t want anyone outside of this table section to hear about your low-key obsession with the King.
“Honestly, I don’t know why he hasn’t even spoken to you because he’s literally undressing you with his eyes right now.” She laughed, sucking on the straw to her orange juice box. You turned around on the bench and caught Billy’s eye before his head whipped his gaze away from you.
“Oh, whatever, Joanne. You slept with him what? Two weeks ago? He’s obviously hung up on you.” You wrinkled your nose at her and held your apple in your hand like a Shakespeare skull. “Where for art thou is Joanne’s self-respect?”
“In my vagina-crevice.” She smiled back, taking your apple from your hand and biting a chunk out of it and slamming it back on your tray, making sure to bruise it.
“I hate you.” You sighed, shoving a handful of Goldfish in your mouth. Joanne laughed at you and swung her legs over the bench, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and pointing behind you.
“Incoming, dude.”
You were forced to turn around and came face to face with Billy Hargrove’s belt buckle. “Eye’s up here, Y/L/N.”
You felt blood rush to your neck, ears, and chest quickly and the room became very hot very quickly. You looked at him through your lashes, and he parted his lips at the angle he had of you.
“What do you want, Hargrove?”
“I want you to make coffee for us tomorrow.” You looked up at him, craning your neck to look fully up at him. His hand came up to hold your chin in-between his thumb and the crook of his pointer finger. You grabbed his wrist and shoved it away from you. “You can pick me up early and we can get coffee on the way— I’ll buy.”
“Well, I can’t let you do that the girl is never supposed to pay for the man.”
“First of all, that’s sexist. Second of all, you need to save for rent if you ever want to get out of that god-forbidden house. Third of all, I want to pay.” You said, standing up and pushing him away from you. He only smiled down at you and he picked your books up from the ground, leading you to your next class and walking in, placing the books down on your desk and ruffling your hair.
“See you tomorrow, then?” He asked, walking backward and biting his bottom lip while he smiled at you.
“I expect you to be half an hour early.” You confirmed. You sat down and twirled your pencil between your fingers and smiling to yourself. Carol, however, hadn’t looked away from you since the moment you two walked into the room. She popped a large bubble and chewed on the gum loudly.
“Finally, he got the balls to ask you out?” She asked, leaning over and kicking your calf muscle. You looked at her, brows furrowed and blinked slowly.
“He finally asked you out? He’s been planning to ask you forever, he just loses his mind whenever he sees you. He’s so freaked out because he doesn’t want to just fuck you.” She said, twirling the string of gum around her finger. You felt as if your heart and stomach dropped to your feet, leaving cold caverns in their place.
“He— um, he didn’t? We have uh, we have to volunteer tomorrow at the soup kitchen downtown. We didn’t start anything.” You blanched, feeling as if your eyes were going to fall out of your head. Carol’s eyes widened in fear and regret before she turned her body fully towards the front of the class. “Carol, what the fuck are you talking about?” She didn’t reply, only gripping her pencil harder in her hand and clenching her jaw tight.
When Billy showed up at your house the next morning half an hour early, you would have liked to be more prepared. You were trying your hair into a ponytail at the nape of your neck and no matter how hard you looked you couldn’t find your left shoe. Billy honked the horn once more and with a loud groan you gave up and shoved your foot in a similar shoe, hoping to any higher power that was out there that Billy wouldn’t notice.
When you got into his car, you had to look over at him and remind him that he needed to drive the car to get anywhere. When you looked at him, however, you were struck speechless by the look on his face. His mouth looked like there had been a smile carved into it so wide it showed all of his teeth. His blue eyes were shining with laughter that had yet to burst from his chest and there were wrinkles sprouting from the outer corners of his eyes like roots from a tree. As you caught your breath, he reached over and wiped a bit of toothpaste from the corner of your mouth.
“Who knew that someone who was so well put together and who was as cute as you could also be such a hot mess.” He laughed, pulling out into the street, not looking over to gauge your reaction at his compliment. Your jaw hit your toes, and you directed your attention out of your window to hide the giddy blush that was spreading over your entire body.
The drive to Starbucks was a quiet one, but the silence that you two sat in was anything but uncomfortable. The soft sounds of whatever pop radio station Billy was playing crooned words you didn’t bother paying attention to and the windows had been rolled down, letting the fresh late-spring air flood through the car. It smelled like water, and dew, and blooming flowers and smelled more and more like fresh coffee the closer you got to the cafe. The sun was shining down on the blue paint, and it glittered in response, shining in your eyes and warming your skin.
Billy pulled the car over and asked you what you wanted, grabbing his wallet from the glove box and dashing into the store— the desperation for caffeine making him rush. You waited for five minutes before he came back empty-handed.
“They’re just grinding the beans, and warming up the pastries for us— they said it would be about ten minutes before we get everything. Apparently, they’re technically not open yet-- but only a select few can resist the charm of Billy Hargrove.” He laughed, leaning on the driver side window. “You good out here while I make sure they get our orders right?”
“Yeah, I’m good in here. Be nice to the barista’s, William.”
“Okay I told you my full name in confidence and you’re using it against me, Doll?”
“I’m not stupid enough to believe that your mother signed off on a birth certificate where your name was Billy.”
“Billy is a perfectly fine name, you know!” He retorted, his tongue slipping past his teeth and running across his bottom lip. He tapped his hand on the car twice before straightening up and sauntering into the cafe, making sure to swing his hips just enough for your eyes to drift down to them. God, you were whipped and he didn’t even know it. Sure, you had found out yesterday from Carol that he apparently felt the same way, but she was known for stirring the pot when things got too quiet. She saw the way you reacted to Billy being in the room, and she especially saw the way your eyes sparkled when he talked to you. You were a smitten kitten and Carol was just shitting around, right?
You pondered the way your life was in Carol’s hands for another five minutes before you got restless and began seeing what you could entertain yourself with for the duration of your stay in this car. You picked the dirt from under your nails, but that only took fifteen seconds tops. You checked to see if your mismatched shoes (god help you) were tied, and you re-tied them. Then, your eyes drifted to the glove box. Billy made sure to always keep his favorite and most dear things to him in there if the need to flee ever came up. You knew opening it was a breach of trust and privacy and he had told you that if anything went missing from the box, he would probably die. (“jesus, who raised you to be so dramatic?” “mom watched a lot of soaps— it’s basically bred into me.” “please don’t say it like that.”)
Your fingers brushed along the handle of it, one final chance to turn back on your decision. You pulled on the handle, and the hatch swung down so quickly you thought that would have all spilled onto the floor. (you’d have to run away then, probably move to Canada or some other far away place so he wouldn’t kill you). The contents, however, stayed tucked into the nook and you reached forward to root through the contents. There were a few developed pictures, one of Max and The Party sleeping in the basement of the Wheelers house. There was one of a younger and much chubbier Billy smiling next to a woman, his mother you assumed (they were spitting images of one another) on a pier in California. There was another one of the same woman— now bald with skin almost clinging to the bones underneath— sitting in a hospital wheelchair as Billy (now filled out, but still soft around the edges) rode on the back of the chair, smiles wide over both of their faces as the breeze from the speed of the chair racing down the hall blew his hair back. There was another picture, of him and the basketball team after they won championships this year— Billy had a thick arm wrapped around Steve’s shoulders and Steve was laughing as the flash went off.
Underneath the stack of pictures, there were three large packets of Marlboro cigs laying still in their plastic, you laughed as you moved them aside, revealing a pack of hair ties, a pair of scissors and finally, a thick leather journal.
It looked like it had seen some hard days. The spine of the book was missing, having detached from the cloth underneath. The revealed spine had a handful of staples and duct tape holding it together— as if someone had offhandedly tried to fix it, not caring too much about how it looked. There was a cut on the back, slicing the leather in half and revealing the back page. You opened the book and flipped through the pages that had flowers, and leaves and grass taped to the pages. There were tiny words scrolled between the flower-frames Billy had made, complete with a title, and the date at the very top of the page. You flipped the pages slowly, not wanting to break any flower stems or lose any pictures he had taped on the back of the poems he had written. You flipped until you reached the last page he wrote on, because holy shit, there was a picture of you. It had been a cutout from the local newspaper, and it was from the Christmas Eve meal you had volunteered for, and Billy was beside you, smiling down at you as if he was the sun itself. The article was talking about the philanthropic demographic that was raising its head in Hawkins, and you had known that there would be a piece done about the Kitchen, but you had never expected to be the main article picture and you certainly didn’t expect your picture to be in Billy’s journal. On the adjacent page, there were some yellow wildflowers you had picked one day and given to Billy as he filled the car up with gas. You had tucked them into the mirror above his head and he had only commented about how they took away from his masculinity. You had told him to suck it up and enjoy them, as one's masculinity was fragile if he was put off by the sight of wildflowers.
Your fingers barely traced over the indentations his pen made, feeling the pressure of his hands, and feeling the way the pen tore through the page as if he was writing it down in a hurry. There was a poem there.
“I can see you running around your house, Your hair resembles something like a nest and you have a blush on your cheeks that makes your skin glow. And I wait. You tie your hair into a rubber band that I know you’ll complain that it's going to pull every strand of hair from your head as I drive you home. I will wait. You turn around now, one foot in your front door and you wave your hand back at me, the shadows from the front porch light casting shadows over your face that I want to memorize. I will always wait. I wait until I see your silhouette against your white curtains. I wait until the light goes out in your room. I wait until I can catch my breath, and I wait until my heart stops racing. And I’m still waiting.”
You felt as if the air had been knocked from your lungs. Your fingers had since grown cold, and you struggled to breathe for a hot second. It was as if the world around you had melted away, and the only thing in the world that existed were the flowers on the page and the words that he wrote. You noticed a movement from the corner of your eye, and your head whipped up to see Billy with a handful of coffee and muffins and bagels and yogurt.
You slammed the glovebox closed, and shoved the journal into the bag in your lap without thinking. He opened the driver's side door and you gave him a nervous smile. He was waiting. He was always waiting, and so were you and now that you had read the poem he had written about you, and you had forgotten how to even interact with another human being.
“Blonde caramel latte, and a cheese danish for the Princess. Oh, and I got a yogurt for you— it’s strawberry, but I wasn’t sure if you like strawberry yogurt, so if you don’t I will trade my vanilla.” He said, handing your the paper bags and putting the coffees in their cup holders. He didn’t even bother to hand yours to you as he had been reminded multiple times that you were afraid of burning your tongue— you only drank lukewarm coffee. It was a detail you hadn’t realized he had remembered or even noticed.
When you didn’t respond, he nudged your knee with his fist. “You okay?”
“I’m perfect.”
You had kept the journal. You knew it was bad, and you knew that Billy was probably losing his god damned mind about not having it in his glovebox. You knew he wouldn’t talk to you about it, and you knew he wouldn’t come over until the following Saturday morning because you still weren’t friends. You were volunteer buddies, and holy shit you’ve stolen Billy Hargrove’s poetry journal and there was a poem written about you in it and you were pretty sure it was literally burning a hole through your side table.
It was Sunday night when you took it out the first time. It looked innocent enough, its stapled spine pressing into your palm and the weight of it not enough to make your hand sink. The crinkle of the stale pages echoed around your room, and you almost wanted to shove it back into your drawer like it was something dirty you needed to hide. You placed it at the bottom of your bed, and you sat for some time curled up at the head of it, staring at it like it was a severed hand.
It was one in the morning when you finally reached for it, flipping through the pages to a new one— the page after the poem where he said he would wait. You taped a few scraps of lace you had found in your mother's sewing kit, and secured it with some hot glue you had found in your old craft drawer. The white lace bordered the middle of the page and you picked up your favorite (it was lucky) purple pen and began writing. You didn’t know what you were writing until it was finished, and when you tried to re-read it, the words didn’t sink in until you forced yourself to read them out loud.
“The universe took its time on you Crafted you precisely, so you could offer the world Something distinct from everyone else. So when you doubt how you were created You doubt an energy greater than us both [Do not doubt that energy It’s one smart mother fucker].”
You left school the next day early. You ignored the look your teacher gave you as you stood up in the middle of class, and you ignored the way Billy watched you leave. You ignored the way his expression shifted from boredom to interest, then from interest to worry when you didn’t look back. You pushed your shoulders back and walked out of the class and down the hall. You walked out of the school and into the parking lot and stopped in front of the iconic Blue Camaro.
You thanked whatever God was out there when you tried to open the front door and it opened without the alarm blaring. You placed the journal on the seat and you let out a frightened squeal when a polished hand smacked the top of the roof.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Returning something that doesn’t belong to me.”
“To you happen to have any nice perfume?” She responded to you by digging through her bag and handing you an old bottle of something. You opened the book to your lace page and spritzed the perfume across the page.
“Okay, so do you like him back or somethin’?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Alright then.”
You left school after that, choosing to walk home and enjoy the chill in the wind that reminded you it was not quite spring, but the promise of something warm around the corner was on its way. You didn’t live too far from the high school, so you knew your walk would be short. You took your time today, however. You pondered if this was about to change the last three months of your high school life— or even how it wasn’t. You kicked a rock on your way home, even stopping to kick it between your feet as if it were a soccer ball. You were stopped when you heard a familiar rumble ignite in the distance, followed shortly by a silence, and then a sound that resembled the of a Nascar tearing down a dirt pathway. Billy.
You picked up the pace, suddenly afraid of the consequences you had brought upon yourself and just as you turned the corner to your tiny cookie-cutter cul-de-sac Billy’s car pulled over in front of you, almost knocking you out by the knees. You didn’t know what Billy’s intentions were when he stormed around the car, a pin on his jacket catching the rays of the sun and glinting in your face. He didn’t slow down when he got closer, and he forced you to take a few quick steps back for fear of him bowling you over.
You were pleasantly surprised when his hands wrapped around the back of your neck and pulled you to him. He pressed his lips hungrily to yours and they danced messily with yours. He grasped at your face, head, and neck desperately trying to get you closer to him as if he wanted to drink you in. When his arm wrapped around your waist to pull your torso closer to his, you let out a surprised gasp which allowed his tongue to snake into your mouth and lick the back of your teeth, only wanting to finally get the chance to taste you. And boy, did you not disappoint. To Billy, you tasted of mint gum, and coffee and warmth— and he knew that you needed air but there was no way he ever wanted to pull away from you.
You pressed your hand against his shoulder, pushing him away just enough so you could breathe. You gasped for air when his lips popped away from your swollen ones, and you looked up to his face. His cheeks were redder than usual, his lips were swollen from the hard kiss he had given you seconds before and were glistening in the golden sun from spit. His pupils were large, making the blue of his eyes stand out more in a thinner circle. His ears were red as well, from nervousness, or attraction, or adrenaline and his hair was mussed from your hands. His shaking breathe hit your face, and he leaned in once more to press his lips gently to yours, pressing you onto the car behind you and cradling your face softly his rough hands. Your lips danced together, barely touching but enough to take both of your breaths away. You let your hands drift— from his waist to his chest, over his shoulders where you cupped his neck briefly. They then drifted to his sticky-outy ears where they traced the shell of them briefly before your arms wrapped around his shoulders in one of the softest hugs had ever felt.
Before you, his glovebox was where he kept his most important items. Where he kept his addiction, where he kept his thoughts and his heart.
You were his new glovebox.
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incognito-burri · 7 years
Loving Me is Like Loving War
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[ part 1 ] - [ part 2 ] - [ part 3 ]
Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: Kay so I hope this is as fun for you to read as it was for me to write, ending to this part came out different than I first thought but I think I prefer it? Idk, let me know what you think. 
Also, feel like I should just say that yeah Billy Hargrove as a character is a complete dick but I feel he’s such an interesting character to work with?? and dacre is gorgeous so y’know.
A comfortable silence filled the car as Billy pulled out of your driveway and you found yourself watching him closely. His face looked cold and hard, his eyes were fixated on the road and his jaw was clenched; he was concentrating, and you took this opportunity to really look at him. In a way you hadn’t yet had chance to.
His muddy blonde mullet tumbled down to his shoulders and you could see traces of stubble across his face, seemingly emphasising his cutting jaw line. His brow was furrowed and his bright blue eyes caught the moonlight in such a way that they glistened beautifully, creating a softness in his features that you hadn’t noticed before. The scent of his cologne radiated off of him and combined with the smell of old cigarettes to create an intense, musky aroma that you found yourself breathing in deeply, like some new drug.
It was whilst you were inhaling his addictive scent that you noticed how tightly Billy’s hands were wrapped around the steering wheel; his knuckles were white and the tips of his fingers red. It had never occurred to you that perhaps asshat Billy was almost, if not more, nervous than you were and in that moment, you actually felt slightly sympathetic for him.
Sure, you thought Billy’s a dickhead, but he’s still a person. He might present himself as some guy that feels nothing but clearly, he does.
Billy then took one hand off the wheel to change gears and placed it on his upper thigh and before you could stop yourself you reached out and placed your hand on his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. For the first time since you’d got into the car he actually looked over at you, confused at first, but once he saw you smiling softly at him relief flooded his face. He took your hand in his and laced his fingers with yours, stroking his thumb gently over your hand. You hadn’t planned for butterflies, but all of a sudden there they were.
You didn’t speak throughout the entirety of the journey, but your hands remained intertwined from then onwards and that was good enough for you.
After about 15 minutes of driving, Billy pulled up outside a diner. You’d never actually been before and it wasn’t exactly a dream date location but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and looked over at him, only to find him already looking at you smiling.
“Well, well, well Y/N. Here we are,” he looked down at your hands, his kind smile from moments ago no gone, “And it looks like I’m already right about you definitely wanting to be here.” He winked at you and there he was, the self-obsessed Billy Hargrove you were used to. You immediately dropped his hand and looked down, blushing.
“Fuck off, Hargrove…” you mumbled.
Jesus, why did I think this was a good idea, you thought.
“Heyy, come on now Princess. I didn’t mean it like that!” But you could hear the smirk in his voice and knew that that was exactly how he meant it.
“Whatever, Billy. All you wanted out of me tonight was an ego boost and I’m not just going to let you walk all over me like that. Bye.” You fumbled out the car, too embarrassed to look anywhere other than the floor, and started walking.
Mere seconds later you heard a car door slam, hurried footsteps and all of a sudden you were face to face with Billy Hargrove once more.
“Y/N, babe. C’mon! I was just playing!” for a split second you thought you saw actual concern register on his face, but then it was gone and you didn’t know if you had just imagined it or if Billy actually cared about you.
“No Billy, I don’t care. This was a bad idea and your clearly not actually interested in me being here!” You said this quite harshly and at first you felt slightly guilty, worried you had hurt him…
No! you thought to yourself Billy Hargrove is a dick and who cares if I hurt him. If I start thinking like that I’m no better than all the other girls that swoon for him.
And you didn’t want to be like all the other girls, in fact you had spent all of your high school years trying to avoid that.
Billy Hargrove will not be the one to finally break me.
With that final thought, you went to push past him. But you forgot just how strong Billy was and he simply grabbed you by the shoulders, stopping you in your tracks. He then pulled you in so close that you could taste the cigarettes on his breathe.
After looking at you for a moment, almost as if he was expecting a reaction on your part, he moved his hands from your arms to your hips and pulled you into him even more. It was obvious then that he had finally got the reaction he was looking for; your eyes widened in surprise as you felt something long and hard pressing into you from inside his jeans. He moved his hand to the small of your back, chuckled and tilted his head round to whisper in your ear: “Oh Princess, if I wasn’t interested in you being here then do you really think our friend down there would be that excited?”
“U..uh…” you stammered.
“No Y/N, he wouldn’t be. So, don’t be stupid little one,” he paused for moment, lowered his voice even further and whispered three words into your ear huskily, before gently nibbling at your ear and dragging you inside.
“I want you, baby girl…” 
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The Sky (Part 2)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) x Reader
~2500 words
Let me know what you think, this is my first Billy fanfic!
Feedback, suggestions & requests all welcome ♥
Summary: So after meeting Billy Hargrove at Tina’s Halloween party, feeling a heated connection but not wanting to be sucked in and used by the arsehole, he seems to appear when you’re trying to avoid him, but it’s surprisingly easy to be around him. (Yeah so I’m rubbish at summaries.)
Part 1  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
(Of course I don’t condone the actions of Billy at all in the show, but I’m intrigued by the character and let’s face it Dacre Montgomery is hot as hell, and such an amazing actor!)
Approaching the next week of school, I had one goal: avoid Billy Hargrove. I did not need him spinning round my head and confusing everything. It was already trouble enough with the Steve and Nancy situation. Which did not improve, they officially broke up.
Steve seemed to find a friend in Dustin, and Nancy and Jonathan went MIA, again. I know it’s something to do with the upside-down, but I knew the bare minimum (alternate universe = dangerous) and they had to promise not to get me involved unless absolutely necessary (Hawkins lab rules) which was fine by me.
So I tried to focus on my school work, I wasn’t the smartest kid in class but I wasn’t stupid. Since my friends were doing god knows what in the Upside-Down, I tended to spend most of my spare time in the library studying.
And then suddenly my time wasn’t spent on my own so much and my one goal flew out the window. Billy would acknowledge me in the halls and in the classes we had together, and he just showed up one day in the library.
“This seat taken?”
I looked up to see Billy freaking Hargrove standing next to my table. I rolled my eyes at him. “No. But I swear to God Billy don’t you dare start with your arrogance and shit pick up lines trying to get into my pants because it’s not going to work” I furiously whispered.
“Okay okay princess calm down, I come in peace,” It was his turn to roll his eyes at me. “I really just want to study, I need to pass this maths exam we have in a few weeks.”
My eyes narrowed at him but I really believed him. So I gave him a nod, he sat down on the other side of the table and we studied in silence. This became the norm over the next few days, which turned into weeks. He would sit with me, actually studying, and we just offered greetings and goodbyes. It was surprisingly comfortable with him around, even though I did get distracted by how devilishly handsome he was, especially when his brow was furrowed over a maths problem.
And so today was no different. Although the maths test was on Monday, and I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen after then. My chest tightened at the thought that he wouldn’t be around anymore or bother with me, I kind of got used to his presence. He was actually quite pleasant and tolerable when he wasn’t being an arse.
“Hey there Princess.” I was brought out of my trance as he sat down in the chair closest to me today, this was new.  
“Oh hey.” As I focused back to my notes.
“You okay?” He asked with a little amusement in his voice.
“Me? Yeah I’m fine.” I said, looking back up at him.
A smirk was playing on his lips, it reached his bright blue eyes which were fixed on mine for a few seconds longer than necessary, before he looked down at his maths notes from today’s class. “Okay Princess.”
We worked in silence as usual until the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. “Hey,” Billy started as we stood up, “Can I err, drive you home tonight?” He actually looked quite sheepish, with one hand on the back of his neck.
I stopped and looked at him wide eyed, this was also new.
“Oh, yeah sure.” I automatically answered.
“Okay, see you later Princess.” He offered with a wink.
I tried my best to focus for the rest of the day but my mind was in over drive. What the hell. Billy wanted to drive me home. Why. Did this mean we were friends. Was he still just playing me like at the Halloween party. Only one way to find out.
When the bell rang at the end of the day I calmly, or as calm as I could muster, made my way across the parking lot to wear Billy was already stood leaning against his Camaro smoking a cigarette.
I rolled my eyes at the nickname that for some reason seemed to have stuck since the party. “Come on I do have an actual name you know.”
“Yeah I know.” He flicked the cigarette stub away and raised an eyebrow at me, “Coming? Y/N.”
“Maybe.” I smirked as I climbed into his car, ignoring the stares I could feel on my back.
I heard him chuckle as got in the driver’s seat. Music started blaring out the speakers as he started the car up and I couldn’t believe my ears as we were driving out the parking lot, I loved Mötley Crüe and Kickstart My Heart was one of my favourites!
“I’m impressed Hargrove, you actually have good music taste!”
“What? You didn’t think I had good taste in music?! I’m hurt Princess, real hurt.” He mockingly shot me down.
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay okay I’m sorry, forgiven?”
“Maybe.” He glanced sideways at me with that smirk creeping onto his face.
For the all too short journey we laughed, sang and threw banter back and forth like we’d been doing it forever. I was actually enjoying Billy Hargrove’s company; and especially his mixed tape.
We pulled up outside my house as Billy turned to me and put me under his intense stare.
“So, Tina’s having another party next weekend, I was wondering if you wanted to go? With me? As my date?” He smiles, so confidently, I can’t believe I actually nearly say yes. But a date isn’t like a ride home from school and I catch myself.
“Oh Billy,” I flash him my best smile and say “Don’t push it pretty boy; but this was fun, we should do it again some time.”  As I get out the car I slam the door shut and make my way up to my front door. Before I can take two steps I hear him shout “So you think I’m pretty then?!” And I just wave my hand in the air to dismiss him without turning around.
I was smiling to myself as I walked through the front door nearly straight into my Mom on the other side.
“Oh shit sorry Mom.”
“Hey sweetie, don’t worry,” She presses a kiss to my forehead, “I got called in for a shift at the hospital, I know I know it was meant to be my night off but they’re desperate.” She finished as I gave her a glare, she worked too hard at that hospital, but I knew they cherished her, she was one of the best nurses they had. I just wish she’d take more time to herself, but she’s always been that way, so caring.
I sighed, “Okay Mom, I know how much they need you, you’re the best.”
She smiled, “Anyways, what had you smiling like you had a secret just now?”
“What? Oh nothing.”
“Sure? Who was in the car that was driving off?”
“Just a friend,” Is he a friend?! “From school, gave me a ride home, it’s nothing.”
“Mhmm, okay sweetie, I’ll see you tomorrow.” And she left with a knowing look in her eye. Dammit, I was in for twenty questions the next time I saw her.
With Mom at work there thankfully won’t be any arguments tonight. Dad was out in the garage anyways, I’m pretty sure he lived in there more than the house when he wasn’t at work. He loved working on whatever he could get his hands on, mainly old cars he’d then sell on.
We had dinner together and he was back out there. I retreated to my room, with a glass of water and my book I was currently reading, The Hobbit, for about the fifth time. Yes I was in touch with my nerd side, I knew Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will loved this stuff as well, it was one of the reasons I got on with them so well.
I did start to worry about them, and Nancy, Jonathan, Steve; but they have been flitting in and out of school so it can’t be that bad right. I hope they’re back soon, I’m really missing them, and in constant panic something terrible will happen. The only way I’ve been coping is throwing myself into school, and then Billy showed up into my life.
I could get lost in a book for hours, and tonight was one of those nights. Dad made me jump when he shouted ‘goodnight’ about midnight, I didn’t even hear him come upstairs. I put my book on my nightstand and changed into my grey sweat pants and a band t-shirt, AC/DC tonight, and settled into bed.
As I was drifting off to sleep I heard like a tapping noise, I dismissed it as a bird, but then it got louder and more frequent. Confused and disoriented I sat up in bed, trying to determine where it was coming from, and my drowsiness immediately vanished when I realised it was coming from my window.
I crept towards my curtains. Slowly pulling one to the side to peek out.
And what do I see, but Billy Hargrove standing on my lawn throwing rocks at my window; like some rugged, lost in time Romeo.
As soon as he saw me at the window I saw a grin spread across his face and he dropped the rest of the stones he was holding. I was frowning as I opening my window slightly. “Billy?! What the hell?” I was whisper yelling.
“Hey Princess.” Still smiling.
“What are you doing here, at this time?”
“I came to get you, you said we should have a drive again sometime, so you coming?”
I laughed to myself, as if this was happening right now, it was such a ridiculous situation. “Seriously? I didn’t mean in the middle of the night!”
“Why, got something better to do?” He replied.
“Yes, actually, it’s called sleep. You should try it sometime.”
“Can sleep when you’re dead right. Come on, it’s not like we have school tomorrow; and I just wanted some company.”
“And your first choice of company was me?” I asked shocked.
“No everyone else I tried was asleep.” He laughed as my eyes narrowed and I went to shut the window. “Yes you! Now get your cute ass down here!”
“Alright! Just keep your voice down. Jesus Christ.” I was technically already wearing clothes so I just grabbed my boots and my black hoodie, and since it was 1am I actually didn’t care what I looked like.
I crept down the hall, relieved to hear my dad snoring, down the stairs and out the front door to find Billy leaning against his car, still wearing what he’d worn all day: jeans, white t-shirt and denim jacket.
“About time.” Was all he said as I headed straight for the passenger door.
We set off and something he said earlier just hit me. “Wait, so you think I have a cute ass?” I asked, turning towards him, eyebrows raised.
He offered me one glance and a smirk, but didn’t say anything.
“I’m taking that as a yes.” I said smugly and he just shook his head.
“Where are we going anyways?” I asked.
“Somewhere secret.”
“Oh god, you’re not kidnapping me to murder me are you? Please don’t do that.” I look at him with my best innocent puppy dog eyes, making him laugh, again. I found myself enjoying making him laugh, he wasn’t really one for smiling, but I could bring it out, and that made me feel good.
“Don’t worry, it’s more so that no one sees you looking like that.” He nodded towards my outfit.
“Hey! It’s 1o'clock in the morning Mr. I’m just gonna go wake Y/N up when I know full well she’ll be in bed. You would look no better.” I said in huff. My tiredness was obviously showing.
“I’m joking Y/N, you look… cute.”
I rolled my eyes, and shifted my gaze to out the window. We were pulling up by the lake, and I was momentarily shocked into silence by how beautiful it was. The sky was clear, the moon was so bright, illuminating the lake and when Billy killed the headlights the stars appeared; like someone had just blown a handful of glitter across the black canvas.
Without thinking I got out the car and couldn’t tear my eyes off the sky until I heard Billy clear his throat. I was brought back and saw he was sitting on the hood of the car leaning against the windscreen, he patting the hood next to him and I, rather ungracefully, slide onto the hood next to him. Our arms were inches apart, I made sure of that, but this setting, the way we were with each other, made me feel the electricity filling that space.
My gaze shifted upwards again. “Billy, this is beautiful. I love the sky.”
“I know.”
My head snapped to him to see he was already looking at me. “What do you mean you know?” “Tina’s party, the night I first spoke to you, when I found you again you were sat away from everyone just staring out at the sky.”
I blushed, hoping he couldn’t see in the limited light surrounding us. I was speechless. The aggressive bad boy Billy Hargrove may have actually just been incredibly sweet to me. He noticed something about me and remembered it, enough to bring me here, to a place where the sky was a work of art.
I let myself relax a little, still watching Billy. He looked… Calm and vulnerable. I nudge him gently with my arm “Hey, so what’s up, why did you bring me out here?”
He sighed and took a while to answer but I gave him the time. “Things are a bit, heated. At home.” He glanced to gage my reaction and I didn’t give anything away. “I’m out most nights, here or driving around listening to my music, but tonight I didn’t want to be alone.”
“And you ended up outside my window?”
“I’m just as surprised as you Princess.”
“Hmm…” I tried to stop the corners of my mouth from lifting.
“What?” His eyes shifted to mine as a slight frown appeared.
“Well, I’m just trying to get my head around the fact that the keg King himself actually wants to spend time in my company! First the library study hours and now drives to the lake in the middle of the night.” I triumphantly stated, trying to lighten the mood and take his mind off whatever was happening at home.
“Yeah well don’t push it pretty girl, I might not come get you next time.” But he couldn’t hold back his smile.
And then we were laughing, and we couldn’t stop. When I could finally breath enough to speak I offered my right hand out to him “Friends?”
He hesitated for a second before taking my hand and meeting my gaze “Friends.”
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milleniumhan · 6 years
This is it. Part two. (Dacre Montgomery x Reader fanfic.)
Note: Hey guys! This is the second and final part of  “This is it.” I really hope you like it, please let me know if you do! I really appreciate your comments, always. You can read the first part here! Also, I was listening to Radiohead while writing this and almost cried because I hate myself and I’m cheesy like that. 
I’m tagging some wonderful people. <3 @ambeazyyy @ditchthesticks @justrunawayoftheshit @javapeach <3 If you would like to be added to my permanent tag list, please let me know HERE!
Summary: After all this time and you didn’t know who was working right next to you. Maybe this was it.
Warnings: Language!
“It’s stranger things!” Jenna half shouted half whispered “What?” you replied completely in shock. “The production! It’s stranger things! That’s the cast! That’s Dacre Mont-” “Yeah, no, I heard you, I-I just…” You interrupted, snapping out of it. Your eyes remained on Dacre for a little bit longe. He was wearing the whole Billy attire and his smile was just as beautifully radiant as you had imagined. As Dacre started walking towards the door of the lot he noticed your gaze upon him and stared back at you momentarily, giving you a quick wink and a sly smirk. Without thinking about it twice, you rapidly hid behind the boxes, your cheeks instantly getting a deep crimson color, embarrassed of him noticing your lingering stare. “Aaskjdhadks fuck.”
“Did he just-” Jenna said completely dumbfounded and failing to notice your completely collapsed being.  You barely heard her, still trying to process what had just happened. Jenna glanced over at you, your body now under a million boxes, face red as a tomato. You couldn’t believe he was here, he was actually here…next to you this whole time. And he saw you staring at him. Jesus. You weren’t sure if you were the luckiest or unluckiest person in the world.
After placing the last of the boxes in the truck, you rushed over to your superior’s office to get your things still embarrassed at what had happened earlier. You were getting out of there as soon as possible, Dacre couldn’t see you, not after what happened and especially not like this, wearing rags with coffee stains all over them. As you quickly ran for the door you were immediately stopped by John, your actual boss. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I-um…I was going…home?” you said with hesitation. John was even worse than your superior, he was the real deal and he knew it, he thrived on intimidating his employees. “Yeah, that’s a no.” he gave you a cynical exaggerated smile and continued “Get your ass back into that office and finish going over the paper work.” His tone even more menacing now. “Oh, I-uh, I already finished going through it.” You said, trying to hide the intimidation you were most definitely feeling. “Then go through it again until I say you can stop.” You closed your eyes, mentally damning him and turned on your heels to head for the office. After a few more hours of just staring at papers your boss finally came to your door. “I’m going to get something to eat, so you get a 15-minute break. The production said we can have food from their catering…just…don’t wonder around on the set too much, yeah?” he said, emphasizing those last words. You nodded and then sighed as he left the office. “Finally” you mumbled to yourself, taking the pen that was hanging from your mouth and placing it on the desk in front of you. You pushed the chair backwards with your hands and got up from it, stretching all the lethargy and tiredness off your body. You rubbed your eyes as you left for the catering table. Your brain was still feeling numb and half asleep when you suddenly saw him again. He was standing near the catering table, 80’s hairdo and all. He was holding an unlit cigarette in his hand, which made sense since it was a no-smoke zone. You found yourself in a bit of a dilemma. You didn’t want him to see you, looking all tired and messy, but also…you wanted to eat and the catering was your only option. Should I talk to him? Introduce myself? Compliment him on his work? Or should I just grab a bagel and swiftly get out of there? No words or glances crossed? Thanks to your overthinking you failed to realize he had taken notice of you, standing there, completely out of it. You hurriedly recovered from your trance and tried to compose yourself, taking a big gulp and manically trying to comb through your incredibly disheveled hair with your hands and straighten out your crumpled clothes.  
You stared to walk towards him, sweat building with every step. When you finally reached the table next to him he gave you a vain grin. “Couldn’t find your lighter?” you said signaling to the cigarette in his hand, trying way too hard to be casual. He stared at you with allure for a moment before letting out a cocky chuckle and walking out of the room. You could feel your body freezing and your heart dropping from your chest almost instantly. He had left you totally perplexed. “Wh-what?” Your thoughts were starting to wander when you heard Jenna shouting your name “(y/n)! break’s over, get your shit together.” You nodded at her still thinking about what had just happened.
You returned to your desk, thoughts still drifting. “Oh no.” you kept thinking. Was Dacre a conceited, arrogant ass? Were you just too awkward? You kept playing the encounter over and over in your head, trying to find a reason, an excuse for him acting that way. “Cidint find yir ligtir” you said, repeating the words you said to him, mentally face-palming yourself. “Jesus, what is wrong with me?”
Each minute that passed felt like an eternity. By now the only thing on your mind was your bed. You couldn’t stop glancing at the clock that hung from the wall, not being able to stand this office anymore, simply wanting to go home. Just as you felt your death approaching, your boss finally gave you the green light. You were finally free. You immediately grabbed your things, coat in one hand, bag in the other, and started walking towards the door feeling like a complete zombie. Your numbed-out brain had failed to notice Dacre was out in the parking lot looking down at his phone. You opened the door and saw him standing there, he was now wearing a lose white t-shirt with rolled up sleeves and a pair of black jeans. No more weird hair extensions or silver earring hanging from his ear. You hurried yourself up, not wanting him to notice you, but as the glass door closed behind you it caught onto your coat.
“Come oon!” you desperately whispered, tugging quickly at your coat, trying to get it out of there. Dacre instantly turned away from his phone at the sound of your voice, letting out a small chuckle as he saw the situation you were in. He put his phone on his pocket and started walking over to you. He was standing right behind you when you triumphantly managed to get your coat loose, the brisk movement making you step backwards, bumping into Dacre’s chest. “Hey, you alright over there?” he said in a smooth tone. You gave him a glance and just shook your head, remembering your last encounter. You started walking before he could say anything else but he stopped you with his body once again. “Hey, look, I’m sorry about earlier. I was a complete ass, I’ll be the first to admit it, and I totally get it if you hate me. I do, however, have a reason. It’s really hard for me to get into character because Billy is so different from me, so I couldn’t just break character even if I really wanted to…and I did want to, you know, talk to you.”
“Okay, whatever, I get it” you replied before continuing to move towards the street.
He sighed as he saw you crossing the street and after a bit of hesitation, he ran towards you, almost getting run over by a car. He grabbed you by your arm and looked up at you with puppy eyes “Please? I’m sorry.” As much as you wanted to hate him and stay mad at him, you just couldn’t, he was way to adorable.
“It’s fine, really.” You said in a more forgiving voice, gaining a big smile from him. He looked at you for a minute before starting “you look like you need a drink”
“Well, it’s been a rough week” you rolled your eyes and then looked down at your dirty clothes.
“You know it’s only Monday, right?” he said with a chuckle
“exactly” you replied, your sincere tone making him laugh even more.
“Would I maybe, by any chance, be able to buy you that drink?” you felt a smile creeping to your face, you shook your head as you fiddled with your fingers
“No, I’m really tired. Besides you wouldn’t want to be seen with me, I look like shit today.”
“Whaat!? No! What are you talking about? You look great!” you weren’t sure if he was being sarcastic or not, so you just laughed and shrugged. “I love the pants, by the way” he continued with a playful grin.
“Oh, shut up!” you replied just as playfully.
“It’s true! I love them! I think they’re cute!” he kept teasing, earning himself a slap on the arm. Dacre threw his hands in the air as a sign of defeat “Fineee! At least let me take you home then. It’s gonna get dark soon and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to a nice gal like you” he ended the offer with the biggest, cheesiest smile.
“Oh, what the hell!” you exclaimed as he continued to look at you with fascination. “Lead the way then, m’lady.”
You started walking through the vast and mostly empty streets of Georgia. You lost yourself in conversation, Dacre told you about his job, his family, his passions, hobbies, he told you about everything and anything, and you did the same. Somehow the words kept coming out, no signs of them ever stopping. It was a truly beautiful feeling, to really be heard for the first time. The sun started to set as you arrived at your doorstep. You both stopped to take in the view, both of you not wanting it to end. As the sun finally faded and the street lights started to turn on, you turned to look at him.
“Well, this is it.”
“I guess it is” he responded in a soft voice. You gave him a bittersweet smile “See you sometime soon?”
“Yes, definitely!” he replied, his tone more cheerful now “you still owe me that drink” he ended with a wink. You just laughed and started to open your door
“Goodnight then, thanks for walking me home.” Dacre just smiled at the floor “My pleasure” he whispered as you entered your apartment building. Before you could close the door you felt a hand grabbing yours, you turned around bewildered.
“I was wrong, you know?” you stared back at Dacre confused “I was wrong to be rude to you, earlier.” he stared at you intently before continuing “I think you’re so beautiful, even when your hair is a mess and your pants are full of coffee stains.” He stepped closer to you, “I had seen you before, you know? walking through the lot, heading for your office, and then today…when you walked up to me? I just…I got so nervous, I didn’t know what to do. I’m really sorry for being an ass, I didn’t mean it like that.” he started searching the floor with his eyes, feeling guilty.
“It’s okay” you said softly, giving him a small smile. “I know you didn’t mean it like that.” He looked up at you, the confidence creeping back into his eyes. Before you could say anything else, his lips collided with yours in a slow and tender kiss. Both of you closed your eyes and lost yourself in the moment. This wasn’t just a dream anymore, this was it. 
I really, really, REALLY hope you guys liked this! <3 I love youuu, thank you for scrolling so far down! <3
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