#also I think Robin was searching to find what the core of the crew was. why does everyone follow luffy
assiraphales · 6 months
I do think it was interesting placement to have the panels where robin is essentially asking zoro what makes him happy (what about you? so sailing the seas and exploring new lands….is your idea of adventure?) immediately followed by a panel of luffy yelling about adventure
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mx-chrx · 3 years
This is Chapter 2 (but honestly you can just start here if you want). 
Chapter 1 is here.
Summary: Jason will not let this happen again. He can't. But what if he's already too late?
Two weeks ago.
Up here, twelve stories into the air, the wind ripped across the rooftops mercilessly, yanking and pushing against everything in its path and willing them over the edge. Red Hood stood against it, unmoving. A few feet away, a man stared up at him, propped on his palms and drenched in sweat despite the chill in the air.
Hood squatted and pulled out a gun. “You see this? We’re gonna call this Option A. And that over there,” he said, pointing to the edge of the roof, “is gonna be Option B. Got it?”
The man didn’t respond. Hood continued anyway.
"The thing about Option B is that it’ll be quick. Gravity’ll do its thing and that’ll be the end of it. But Option A, on the other hand, well, that one’s really up to me. And I can be a little petty sometimes.”
“Y-you’re bluffing. You guys don’t kill people.”
“You guys?” Hood echoed.
“You’re part of B-Batman’s crew, right?”
Hood nearly laughed out loud. “You got it all wrong, pal. We do little team-ups now and then, but you’d be better off thinking of me more like a free agent. I have my own way of doing things.”
“No. I’ve seen what you all do. You don’t do stuff like this. I bet that’s not even a real–”
Hood fired the gun a few inches from one of the man’s splayed hands, sending up a small explosion of gravel. The man shrieked.
“Anything else?”
“Hood!” Nightwing demanded in his ear. “What the hell are you doing?”
“That’s not what it sounds like.”
“Then stop listening.” Hood redirected his attention to the man. “You have five seconds to tell me something interesting or the next shot’ll be a lot closer. Five.”
“I don’t know anything! I swear!”
“Please!” Snot and tears streamed down the man’s face, oozing onto the front of his stained wife beater. Hood’s face scrunched in disgust.
“Hood, stop!” Nightwing urged. He sounded like he was running. “Don’t do this!”
“Thought I told you to stop listening. Two.”
“I don’t know anything!”
The roof access door slammed open and Nightwing came sprinting out, barreling straight into him. The two of them tumbled across the gravel and Hood’s gun went flying.
“What the hell are you thinking!” Nightwing yelled, straddling Hood with his fists balled in the collar of his leather jacket.
“Get off!”
“Are you insane? How could you–” He stopped short as Hood’s fist came across his face and Hood used to momentum to break free and jump to his feet.
He looked around at the empty roof before running to the fire escape in time to watch the man drop into the alley and disappear around another corner.
Roaring a curse, Hood pulled off his helmet and threw it into the gravel as Nightwing got up slowly, a steady trickle of blood streaming from his nose and dripping off his chin.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “We’ll find him. We’ve already got eyes on all his usual haunts. Red Robin’s got his phone–” Nightwing let the rest of his sentence die as he took in Hood’s glare. They sized each other up for a while, the silence between them heavy and dark.
“That’s it?” Hood clarified. “That’s all you have to say?”
“I said I was sorry. What more do you want?”
“How about a damn explanation?”
“It was a miscalculation.”
“A miscalculation?” Hood laughed mirthlessly. “Really? Do you ever actually listen to the words that come out of your mouth?”
“What are you going for here exactly? A handwritten letter?”
“I want you to say it.” Hood started towards him slowly.
Nightwing held his ground, arms crossed. “Say what.”
“That real reason you came up here. It’s because you still don’t trust me. None of you do.”
“That’s not true.”
“Then what the hell was that?” Hood demanded, throwing his arm wide. They were just a few feet apart now, and the wind had started to pick up again, whipping his jacket and Nightwing’s hair around as it carried their voices out over the city.
“I heard what was going on and I thought–”
“I know what you thought.”
“Can you blame me?” Finally Nightwing’s forced calm cracked; his voice rose to meet Jason’s, blood smeared across his mouth and cheek from where he’d rubbed his hand. “You said it yourself. You’re not one of us. A ‘free agent’ is what you called it, right?”
“Batman tackle you a lot while you were on your own, did he?”
“No. Then again, my ‘free agency’ didn’t rack up a body account. I was on my own, but we were still on the same side. We still had the same core beliefs. You– I don’t even think you know whose side you’re on half the time. You’re just in this for yourself.”
Hood took that square in the face. He swallowed before saying, “Just tell me this: If it really came down to it, everything on the line. Would you trust me?”
Nightwing glared at him for a moment before looking away, mouth in a hard line.
Hood scoffed and stooped to pick his helmet up off the ground. He searched for something to say, but came up empty, which was for the best, since his throat suddenly felt like a vice.
He slipped on the helmet and vaulted over the side of the roof onto the fire escape, swinging and jumping to skip levels on his way down. He lingered for a second at the ground level and glanced up at the roof, half-expecting to see Nightwing calling after him, or at least peering down.
He saw nothing.
He left.
“You’re kidding, right?”
“That depends.”
“On?” There was no inflection in Dick’s voice as he blinked, eyebrow cocked, fingers resting over his laptop keyboard.
“Is it funny?” Tim prodded.
They were in the den at the manor and Tim was wearing a cheap Robin Boy Wonder costume with the tag still dangling off the mask. It was the original design complete with the elf shoes and green scaly underwear – thankfully pulled over compression shorts – and just looking at it dredged up incredibly awkward memories that Dick had spent many long years desperately trying to forget.
It was hard, though, since niche costume shops and super fans still dragged it back into the light every. Single. Year. Plus, no matter how much Dick begged, he still hadn’t been able to convince Bruce to get rid of the one he kept on display in the Cave.
It was like being caught in a never-ending loop of awkward middle school photos, except these photos included pointy shoes and shiny underwear.
“Halloween isn’t for another week,” Dick noted, ignoring the question. “And you’re not wearing that.”
“Why not? It’s funny!”
“It’s not.” It really was, but there was no way Dick was going to give Tim that satisfaction.
“I think it is,” Stephanie chimed from the couch she was stretched out on, her phone held over her face. “It’s like nostalgic and ironic at the same time. Ten outta ten costume, Tim.”
Tim beamed at her then tugged uncomfortably at the waistband of the tights. “So, did you design this or did Bruce? No judgment, but I do have some questions.”
Dick pursed his lips, trying to decide how best to launch himself from the chair and over the coffee table to get him in a headlock before the younger boy could escape. Tim was fast, but Dick’s legs were longer. He shifted his weight forward in his seat, closing his laptop and setting it aside.
As if sensing the looming threat, Tim circled behind Stephanie’s couch.
“You got a problem with the classics?” Dick asked.
“Let’s just say I’m glad mine had pants,” Tim hedged, then ducked as Dick, without warning, flung a book from the shelf at him.
“I second that.” Damian was flat on the carpet with a spread of pencils and kneaded erasers around an open sketchbook. His hands were black with charcoal and graphite, and he’d been quiet for so long Dick had forgotten he was even there. He nudged the boy’s ribs with his socked foot. Damian swatted him away.
Stephanie let her phone plop onto her stomach. “Okay, but you all have to admit that I had the nicest Robin suit by, like, a mile.”
Tim snorted, his chin propped on his arms folded along the back of the couch. She frowned up at him. “Is there a problem?”
“Only the fact that your suit was basically just a carbon copy of mine. No originality. No flavor.”
“You’re both wrong,” Damian said, brushing eraser shavings off his paper. “Clearly my suit is the superior model. The boots and gloves cover most of my legs and forearms, which provides added defenses for close range combat. And the hood decreases light interference and increases anonymity. It also looks cooler.”
“Um, hello,” Dick said. “You do realize I’m the reason you guys didn’t end up running around those freezing rooftops in tidy-whities. I was the original mastermind behind the pants look. You all should be thanking–”
“Bruce!” Stephanie shouted, sitting up. The entire room turned to where Bruce had stopped in the doorway, a protein bar halfway to his mouth and Cassandra at his side. He scanned the room with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, and Dick snickered as Tim crouched a bit lower behind the couch to hide his costume.
“Tell these jerks my Robin suit was the best one!” Stephanie demanded.
Damian threw a pillow at her head, and she deflected it towards Tim.
“Hey!” Tim complained, throwing it back down on her.
Then chaos. The room erupted in shouts and flying cushions. Bruce glanced at Cass and they shared an entire, wordless exchange before backing out and walking away.
After a few near-catastrophes involving three lamps, a vase, Dick’s laptop, and the TV, the sudden battle dissolved into breathless laughter.
“Okay, but seriously,” Dick said. “You’re not really wearing that to the party, are you?”
“Why not?” Tim asked, pulling off the mask.
“It just seems like an unnecessary risk. I mean, Robin? Really?”
“Ugh, you sound more and more like him every day.” Tim hopped over the back of the sofa, his butt landing directly on Stephanie’s stomach.
“Ow! Get off!” she shouted, shoving him so that he slid onto the floor, unbothered. He tilted his head back against the side of her leg, and as if by instinct, her fingers made their way into his hair as she returned her gaze to her phone.
“He does have a point, you know,” Steph noted. “You gotta loosen up or you’re gonna end up living alone under a mansion when you’re 40.”
Dick sighed and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. He knew he was being way too uptight, and he could already hear Babs’ mocking rebuke: Will you just relax and have fun? It would by all means be hypocritical coming from one of the biggest workaholics he knew – a title that was impressive to achieve in his circle – but she’d be right anyways. She usually was.
“So, what about the rest of you?” Dick finally asked, dropping his hand and trying to inject some levity into his voice. “What are you all going as?”
Stephanie and Tim grinned at each other; even Damian’s tight lips twitched into a smirk.
“Well, the thing is we kind of have a theme,” Tim began. “I’m Robin. First gen, obviously. Steph’s–”
“Red Robin,” she finished, grinning as she ruffled Tim’s hair a little harder. He leaned out of reach, grabbing her wrist and settling her hand back on his head.
“And I will be Father,” Damian announced. Dick couldn’t help but note the way his chin tipped a bit higher as he said it.
“Cass is gonna be Hood and Jason was supposed to be Black Bat, but he’s been MIA.”
Dick’s jaw tensed. None of them had heard from Jason in nearly a week. Not since their chat on the roof. No comms, no texts, not even a patrol sighting.
Dick had considered trying to reach out, maybe swinging by some of Jason’s safehouses in the city, but he wasn’t in the mood for a fight, and he knew that’s what it would almost certainly be. Besides, he wasn’t exactly sure what he would say even if they did see each other.
It had hurt, but he had meant every word of what he’d said. Hadn’t he…?
“He wouldn’t have done it anyway,” Stephanie said, sparing Dick from the mental rabbit hole he’d been about to fall into.
“He might’ve,” Tim grumbled, though there was no real conviction there.
“Not a chance.”
“Does Bruce know about this?” Dick asked, aborting the mental rabbit hole he felt himself teetering on.
“He thought was funny,” Tim said with a victorious grin.
Dick didn’t want to believe that, but it wasn’t hard for him to imagine Bruce smirking mischievously at the irony of it all.
“Okay,” he sighed. “So, what am I wearing to this thing?”
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justgotham · 6 years
This year’s New York Comic Con panel for Gotham was more emotional than most. With one shortened season left, you can tell the actors feel like they’re leaving something special behind. Camren Bicondova especially spoke of how the cast has become like her family. She and David Mazouz have grown up on this show, and the adult actors have been a part of their lives. Even to the point where Chris Chalk helped Bicondova set up her health insurance. (Though Chalk protested that Bicondova made him sound like the oldest man in that sentence.) Gotham has come to mean a lot to this cast over the last five years, and they’re going to miss it just as much as we are.
But we’re here to get a glimpse of what the final season will look like. The answer: Very different from anything Gotham’s shown us before. The fifth season, premiering sometime in early 2019, contains multiple time jumps. As an adaptation of both the “No Man’s Land” and “Year Zero” arcs from the Batman comics, the finale will pick up more than a year after the events of Season Four. After establishing what Gotham becomes, it’ll jump back to a few months later to show how we got there. They’re really packing a lot into this 10-episode season of TV.
When we come into Season Five, the government has disavowed Gotham and left it to its own devices. Jim Gordon is maintaining a safe zone around the GCPD, and the major villains at play have divided the rest of the city into their own territories. Penguin is in full war profiteer form, controlling the munition supply in Gotham, selling to all sides. Barbara has used the Sirens to create a completely man-free zone in Gotham. Showrunner John Stephens said we’ll see her go through one more transformation before the series is over, and promised it would be fitting for the character. “Erin (Richards) is going to crush it. It’s uplifting and bloody,” he said.
The Riddler was one of the victims/culprits in a mutual stabbing between himself and Lee when we last left them. At the beginning of the season, Cory Michael Smith said, Ed Nygma is unsure of everything around him. That’s not an acceptable position to be in for him, so we’ll find him desperately searching for some kind of patter to explain how his world got the way it is. He eventually takes over his own territory, which Smith describes as “chillin’ in the library.” Stephens assured the audience it’s much more exciting than that.
The biggest question on everyone’s minds though is what happened to Selina. She met a tragic Killing Joke-inspired fate last season, and had to be rushed to a hospital outside of town while Bruce stayed behind. Bicondova says that sends her to a dark and suicidal place. “We find her in a place we’ve never seen her before. The Selina we’ve all known for the last four seasons goes completely out the window,” she said. “No longer is she this really tough strong person, but she’s this lonely, depressed young woman. Throughout the season, we see her struggle with that.” Bruce’s actions, it sounds like, won’t help much either. Mazouz said Bruce will have to decide what he’s willing to give up to get the old Selina back. And not everyone will like what he chooses.
Even with all that going on, the show will still find time to introduce new villains. That includes what Stephens referred to as their worst-kept secret: There is an episode titled “I Am Bane.” Warner Bros. is finally letting Gotham use one of Batman’s most iconic villains. By name, even. “We find if you ask and plead and beg enough, and they find out your show isn’t going on anymore, they let you do it,” Stephens said. Bane will have a different origin story on Gotham than fans have read in the comics, but it still leads to the same place. The cast also teased a confrontation with Alfred. Bane is going to break Alfred’s damn back.
He’s not even the only villain. Though Stephens repeatedly debunked the rumor that this season would introduce King Snake (that apparently was never in the plans), he teased another villain joining the fray. Jeremiah is getting a girlfriend. Assuming you know which Villain Jeremiah is, the identity of his girlfriend should be obvious, though they never came out and said the name. “He has a somewhat deranged girlfriend who dresses in a multicolored fashion. They don’t have a healthy relationship, but there’s a meeting of the minds. She hits people and she likes rollerskates,” Stephens said. It doesn’t get more obvious than that, puddin’.
With all these villains running around, it might sound like there’s no way Gotham City can be saved. That’s kind of the point. It can’t be, and it’s not going to be in these 10 episodes. That’s always been the nature of this show. Gotham tracks the downward spiral of the city, Mazouz said. It’s always been about how the city gets to a point where someone like Batman is needed. To that end, this season will also see Bruce meet his first bat and Stephens promised that it will end with another time jump. “The series finale takes place 10 years in the future, so we can have one character arrive,” Stephens said. “Someone with pointy ears… who’s not a villain.”
We spoke with the cast and crew after the panel, and Stephens told us exactly what it was like to wrap up this big violent story in only 10 episodes. “A lot of these [villains], when you only have 10 episodes, there are a lot of characters we wanted to bring in. We really wanted to do a Ventriloquist episode, but it just got squeezed out. We didn’t have time to get everything in.” he said. That’s a shame because I bet Gotham would have done a truly horrific take on the Ventriloquist. “We just got rid of a lot of stuff. Rather than trying to cram in everything we wanted. I kinda thought we’d get 16 (episodes). So I just kind of jetisonned a bunch of episodes… and really focused on what the core story was we were going to tell. So I don’t think it feels rushed right now.”
Stephens said they always knew the show would end with Bruce Wayne putting on the cowl. But the idea to adapt No Man’s Land for the final season came about in Season Three, though at that time they didn’t know which season would be the last. “When it looked like we might be on the bubble at the end of Season Four, I said, ‘well, let’s go ahead and blow the bridges at the end of Season Four to make it more of a cliffhanger so Fox might want to pick us up for another season,'” he said. Well, it worked.
One thing the cast spoke of a lot was how much they enjoyed shooting in New York City. While it’s true they live in Los Angeles, shooting Gotham in New York just felt right. Gotham, after all, is New York City. Donal Logue doesn’t even know what they would have done if they had shot in LA. “We shot in so many incredible locations, good and bad,” Logue said. “What’s amazing about New York is it’s not always thumbs up incredible, sometimes it’s tough and that’s Gotham. We shot in some very difficult places. We shot at a hospital in Staten Island for Arkham, and it’s still an active psychiatric hospital. I remember one night at about three in the morning, it was freezing. We were shooting outside and I looked up to the fifth story, and I saw a window and I saw this silhouette of a person watching us. It was just so stunning and heartbreaking. We shot in some heavy duty places. If I tell you the stories, they’re pretty dark.” It makes sense, since Gotham is a dark show on its own. It sounds like a lot of that had to do with the locations the scenes were shot in, and what was going on around the actors at the time.
One character who goes very dark this season is the Penguin. Earlier, it was teased that this season we’ll see the Penguin start to look more like the character we know from the comics, top hat, monocle and everything. Robin Lord Taylor told us a bit about the transformation. “It’s not like I haven’t been playing the legitimate Penguin, but there’s something about seeing him the way he’s been drawn in the comics… is so validating. It’s a stamp of approval and it’s an amazing responsibility we’re so excited to have,” he said.
Taylor teased that the costume isn’t the only way the Penguin of the show starts acting like the Penguin of the comics. “The story we’re telling is about how Gotham City corrupts these people and it destroys love. It literally destroys love. So when we go 10 years into the future, I want people to see the monster. I want them to see the supervillain. I want all the sympathy that people had to be erased, and I want him to be the supervillain we all know from the comic books. If you’ve read any of the more recent stories, he does some of the most vicious, awful things. You almost could not imagine this Penguin that I’m playing in Gotham to ever even conceive of some of the things he does in the comic books. But by the time we end, he will be that monster,” Taylor promised. His Penguin has done some pretty terrible things, but up to this point, he’s somehow remained scrappy and endearing. It’s going to be hard to watch that go away.
The final season of Gotham is going to be bittersweet for the cast and fans alike. We get to see everything we’ve been waiting for since Season One, but it’s hard to say goodbye to characters we’ve come to love and love to hate so much. At least it sounds like they’re going out with one hell of a party. The cast teased no end of surprising alliances as the citizens of Gotham try to survive after the government disavows the city. People who hate each other with a deadly passion will be forced to work together, and really that has always made for some of the show’s best moments. And yes, Cory Michael Smith confirmed that Penguin and the Riddler’s paths will cross again. Their relationship was by far my favorite part of the last season, so you know I’ll be glued to the couch.
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A Bird Without Wings
Summary: Dick Grayson was made to fly. Dizzying drops and incredible acrobats were everything he needed in life. He never blinked before launching himself from the top of a roof to swing between buildings. But one night at a charity gala hosted by Bruce, a group of criminals decide to drop him over the side of a building. It's an experience he never wants to repeat and Dick finds that he might have lost his ability to fly. A Robin without wings could never hope to survive. But this Robin has one thing many others don't: a speedster at his side who's determined to help him get back where he belongs. 
A/N: Yeah so I basically wrote this in two days because I can never have enough Birdflash and I was really wanting to do something angsty. So please enjoy! I could always use an excuse to write more Birdflash and I had @kmsalfie reading along while I was writing and they enjoyed it a lot.
Also on AO3!
Dick tugged at the bowtie around his neck. He’d much rather be suited up with his friends who were hanging around the outskirts of the charity event that Bruce was hosting. Not that any of the partygoers knew they were there. He only knew because he’d been briefed on the mission because of Bruce. And because it wasn’t that hard to miss the signs they were there if you knew where to look.
He wasn’t sure why Bruce had decided to throw the gala on a rooftop when he knew an attack was inevitable. It probably gave Bruce some weird sense of control by hosting it on a rooftop. Dick just felt an extra level of exposed because he was practically standing in open air even with the railing and didn’t have his utility belt on him. He’d tried to make it work, but it always made his suit bunch weirdly.
“My, Richard is that you?”
Dick checked a sigh and plastered a smile on his face. He turned and greeted Mrs. Williams with a smile. “Mrs. Williams! How are you?”
“I’m wonderful dear, absolutely wonderful. You’ve grown so much,” she reaching out to pinch his cheek. “You’re certainly filling out into quite the young man.”
Dick’s smile tightened and he fought to keep from rubbing his cheek that he knew was red. “I haven’t grown that much,” he insisted. “We saw each other mere weeks ago.”
She chuckled and waved her hand. “You’re a teenager growing into a young man. I’m certain it’s your growth spurt that’s taking effect. Pretty soon you’ll start dating a lovely young woman of one of Gotham’s other elites.”
Dick fought not to wince. Dating a young woman was the last thing he had interest in, but he wasn’t ready to drop that bomb on anyone yet. He’d only recently told Bruce who’d been amicable about it despite not expressing much emotion over anything.
It also didn’t help that any romantic interests he was harboring were currently focused on his best friend. And that was something he wasn’t ready to touch with a ten foot pole, let alone confess to anyone. Especially Wally.
Having his closest friend be creeped out by him wasn’t ideal in any circumstance.
“I don’t think I’m ready to be dating quite yet,” he continued, turning his attention back to the conversation. “I’ve got school to worry about and need to make sure to stay at the top of my class. I have a lot to live up to after all,” he said, voice sickeningly sweet.
“Oh my,” Mrs. Williams said. “You certainly are the smart one. Bruce must be so proud of you. Now, I must go meet with some of my other friends and do be good. We wouldn’t want you to sneak too much champagne,” she said, eye twinkling as she chuckled.
“Right…” Dick said as she wandered off to go greet the other elite members of Gotham. He sighed, letting the smile fall from his face. The sooner this night was over, the better. If he was lucky, Bruce would let him go back to Mt. Justice when they were done so he could hang out with the team after his own important “mission.”
“Don’t look so down,” a familiar voice said as a large hand settled on his shoulder.
Dick glanced up to find Bruce standing over him, a rare smile gracing his lips. Well, rare as in one that wasn’t forced for publicity anyway.
“I’m trying to make the most of it,” he admitted.
“I know you want to be with your friends, but we’ll only be here for another hour tops.”
Dick raised an eyebrow. “You promise?” he asked.
Bruce nodded. “The speeches are going to get started soon. Grab some food and stick to the edges. You won’t have to be subjected to as much face pinching.”
Dick smiled. “After we’re done can I go hang out with the team?”
“We’ll see,” he said, giving Dick one last pat on the shoulder. “Now go on.”
Dick skirted to the edges of the floor happily. He slipped behind the refreshments table and grabbed a small triangle sandwich, nibbling on the tip as he avoided meeting the gazes of any old ladies.
“Good evening esteemed guests,” a voice said, ringing through the speakers that had been set up as the music came to a close. “Thank you all for coming.”
Dick ignored the voice, wandering over to the glass railing that encircled the rooftop. He shoved the rest of the sandwich in his mouth and crossed his arms over the railing, staring down at the abyss below and the rest of Gotham as a breeze ruffled his hair.
He caught movement on the rooftop opposite him out of the corner of his eye. He kept his head down as he lifted his gaze, finding Connor and Artemis huddled at the edge of the roof, eyes trained on the sky and the building.
Dick kept a hand on the railing and started to carefully walk along it. His eyes darted to the next building over and found the roof empty. He wondered if that’s where they were keeping M’gann’s bioship.
On the next building he saw a flash of red hair and had to fight to keep the smile off his face at how unsubtle his best friend was. Wally would know who he is, but he couldn’t exactly wave over at him. Not when he was supposed to be nothing more than the ignorant heir of a wealthy billionaire.
Dick turned and sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned back against the railing. He smiled even as he watched Bruce take to the stage to greet the people he’d invited to his charity event.
His smile slipped when he heard the distinct sound of helicopter blades. He straightened and turned, trying not to appear too on edge. Realistically, it could’ve been a news crew hoping to get some footage of the event, but with the threat of an attack on the event, that outcome seemed unlikely.
Dick spotted a copter weaving through the buildings and swallowed. He glanced at the stage hoping to catch Bruce’s eye. He was scanning the sky, still talking pleasantly to the people there and Dick bit his lip.
Bruce’s gaze landed on him and Dick glanced in the direction of the copter, wishing he had M’gann’s telepathic link to tell him what was coming. Bruce’s smile dipped and he said something Dick didn’t catch before everyone around him started clapping and he stepped off the stage.
Dick started around the floor, heading in the direction Bruce was walking to intercept him when gunshots broke the good atmosphere. Dick gasped and instinctively ducked, covering his head from any fire.
Screams sounded around him as the rest of the guests did the same.
The last time he’d looked, the copter wasn’t positioned to have shot over the crowd. Which only meant…
The collar around Dick’s neck tightened as he was pulled backwards. He kicked out wildly, scratching at the hand around his neck as he was lifted from the ground. Panic exploded in his chest as he fought to catch a glimpse of who was holding him, but he quickly stilled when he was held out over the railing, feet hanging above open space.
He struggled to calm himself, the drop dizzying. Being high in the air had never bothered him before. He’d loved the thrill that came with flying between buildings and on the trapeze during his years in the circus before that. Flying was his friend. So, why was it instilling a chilling fear in his very core?
He barely picked up on the sound of grunts and groans amidst the chaos raging in his mind and body.
“Call off the capes or he drops!” a hoarse voice yelled behind him.
Dick wanted to search for his friends. He needed to know they were close, but he couldn’t take his eyes of the drop, the only thing keeping him from death was the grip on his neck. If he turned he could certainly get his hand on the railing and stall and that would be enough for him to hand on until help arrived, he reasoned to himself. He fought to calm his breathing as he started thinking rationally.
And then there was nothing.
Dick reached out as he felt himself plummet. He wasn’t used to screaming and barely registered the noise that tore itself from his throat as a rush of air filled his ears.
Windows whizzed past him, some lit, others dark as his gaze turned towards the sky, seeking any sign that this was a nightmare and a line would catch him soon enough. But there wasn’t. He was going to die. He had no line, no net, there was no Bruce to save him. He was going to die, his light snuffed out not when he was doing what he loved, but when he was playing the part of Richard Grayson, the heir and alternate identity that didn’t encompass even a fraction of his being.
He saw a blur of yellow out of the corner of his eye and squeezed his eyes shut. It was only fitting that he thought of his best friend in his last moments. He didn’t know what people usually saw before their deaths. There’s been tales that their whole lives flashed before their eyes. And maybe that was true. Maybe somewhere along the way Wally had become his whole world and that was what was going to lead him to his end.
Warmth encircled him and Dick instinctively curled towards it, hoping that death would be painless. Or it was already over and this was it. Maybe death wasn’t so bad and he could go peacefully even if it was the same kind of death his parents had experienced. He could go out in a blaze of yellow warmth that had stuck by his side for years. He was just sad to leave him behind.
“I’ve got you.”
Dick’s eyes shot open and he practically reeled back as they came to a stop. Wally clutched at him tighter, keeping him from tumbling out of his arms and face-planting in the middle of the street in shock.
“Wally, you…” he breathed.
Wally smirked. “You didn’t think I was gonna let you fall now, did you?”
Dick blinked at him before he crumpled against his chest as the shaking started.
“Dick?” he asked, tensing underneath him.
He shook his head, heart pounding as the rush of adrenaline and fear crashed through him.
“Hey Dick, it’s okay. You’ve jumped off buildings before…” he started, sounding as uncertain as Dick felt. Wally shifted underneath him. “Let’s get you back up there. I’m sure Bruce is worried sick and the rest of the team has taken care of those idiots.”
Dick nodded, wrapping his arms around Wally’s shoulders and not bothering to lift his head from where it was pressed against Wally’s chest.  
Air rushed in his ears as Wally started running. He barely felt the change when they transitioned from the sidewalk to the side of the building and made it back to the rooftop expanse where the event was.
The helicopter was gone and the crowd was quiet. Dick caught a glimpse of several large men who were tied up and propped against the glass railing. Wally set him back on his feet, keeping an arm around his waist as his legs shook.
He looked up and found Bruce rushing towards him, worry, concern, and fear shining in his gaze as he closed the distance between them. Dick took a shaky step forward, barely covering any distance before Bruce’s arms wrapped around him and pulled him from the ground.
“Thank you, Kid Flash,” Bruce’s voice rumbled in Dick’s ear.
“Yeah, no problem,” he said, softly.
Dick buried his face in Bruce’s shoulders, listening as he was shushed. He could feel the shaking in his limbs and was beyond ready to go home and curl up in bed. Bruce’s arms were tight around him and he wrapped his own legs around Bruce’s waist as far as he could manage in their position.
He heard the muffled voices of the other members of the team as they came up behind Wally and Bruce stepped away.
“That’s Dick Grayson, right?” Artemis asked, voice low.
“Yeah…” Wally said.
“I can only imagine how he must be feeling after being dropped off the side of a building,” Kaldur commented.
“At least Kid Flash was there to catch him,” Artemis added.
The other members of the team hummed but no one broached the topic further.
“Bruce?” Dick asked from where he was still trying to smother himself in his shoulder.
“What is it?” he asked, running a hand up his back.
“Can we go home?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah we can.”
Dick was glad none of the other socialites were making a fuss, but as they approached the doors, they were stopped by the police.
“Mr. Wayne, I’m sorry, but we can’t let you leave the crime scene.”
“Please. My son has been through a lot. I’d like to get him home,” Bruce said, keeping Dick close.
“We understand that, but we have several questions that we need to ask him for our investigation.”
Bruce sighed. “Is there no way we can handle this later?” he pleaded.
“I’m afraid not,” the other man said, sounding truly regretful.
“Dick?” Bruce prodded.
“What?” he mumbled.
“Do you think you can answer a few questions?”
“Can we leave when I’m done?”
“Yes,” the officer spoke up behind him.
“Okay,” Dick said, voice small. He unwrapped his legs from Bruce’s waist and let them drop, using his weight as a sign that it was okay for Bruce to put him down. Dick turned and glanced up at the officers before staring at the floor. Bruce’s hand stayed on his shoulder and he was grateful for the touch.
The officers knelt in front of him and held out a recorder. “Can you tell us your name?”
“Richard Grayson.”
“And can you tell me what happened to you this evening?”
Dick recounted everything after he saw the copter approaching to when he was brought back to the roof by Wally. They nodded along as he talked and gave encouraging words. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a familiar blob of yellow, but he refused to look at his friend. Couldn’t yet.
“Thank you, Richard,” the second officer said, shutting off the recorder. “If we need anything else, we’ll be contacting you within the next few days.”
“Thank you,” Bruce said and steered Dick around them to the double doors that led inside.
Dick walked in a daze, not giving much care to his surroundings until they reached the garage and found Alfred waiting with the car.
“Master Richard, thank goodness,” Alfred said, kneeling in front of him to pull him into a hug. Dick squeezed him back, screwing his eyes shut. “Let’s get the two of you back to the Manor,” he said, straightening and pulling the door open to let Bruce and him slide into the backseat.
When they were seated, Bruce pulled Dick tightly against his side and Dick rested his head on his shoulder.
The car struggled to break through the row of police cars that surrounded the building, their lights dancing harshly in the backseat of the car as they reflected off the black windows of the surrounding buildings.
Dick closed his eyes, trying to block all of it out until they were several streets away and the only reminders he’d be faced with were those of his memories.
Classical music filtered to his ears from the frontseat and he was grateful for the background noise. Bruce stayed silent, a strong presence at his side during the drive.
The car crawled up the drive to the Manor and pulled into the garage filled with several other cars. Together, Alfred and Bruce ushered Dick into the Manor and up to his room.
“Would you care for anything to eat, Master Richard?” Alfred asked. “Or perhaps some tea?”
“Some tea would be nice, thank you,” he said, softly, staring down at his dress shoes.
“Right away, Master Richard,” Alfred said before departing.
“Is there anything else you need?” Bruce asked, kneeling down in front of him.
“I think I...I think I just want to try and sleep,” he mumbled.
Bruce nodded and pulled him into a rough hug. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he said, voice hoarse and tight. Dick nodded and it was several moments before Bruce was able to pull back and get to his feet, leaving him alone in his room.
Dick grabbed his pajamas and moved into the bathroom, stripping out of his dress clothes so he could put on something more comfortable. He left his suit in a pile on the floor and knew Alfred would be mad at him for leaving it in such disarray, but he couldn’t find the energy to care or even think of putting it away.
When he stepped back into his bedroom, there was a tray sitting on his desk that housed a small pot and cup of tea. The door to his room had been shut and Dick carried the tray over to his bedside table, shoving the lamp and the clock out of the way to make room.
He climbed onto his bed and wrapped the blanket around him, finding it wasn’t enough. He needed something more, but he wasn’t sure what. He stared at the steam curling from the cup of tea and sighed, trying not to think about what it had felt like to drop through the air like it was nothing.
He heard the distinct sound of something vibrating and sat up in bed, ears alert as he listened. It was coming from the bathroom and he remembered his phone. He’d left it in the pockets of his dress pants.
Dick clambored out of bed, taking the blanket with him, the tail dragging along the carpet. The vibrating paused and started again before he could get to his suit and he dug around in the pockets, fingers wrapping around the sleek device.
Wally’s name flashed across the screen as it continued to vibrate. He clutched it in his hand and made his way back to his bed. The vibrating stopped before he could get settled against his row of pillows and started for a third time.
Dick didn’t know what he was going to say, but figured it wouldn’t really matter. He answered the call and held the phone up to his ear, knowing Wally wouldn’t waste any time in filling the silence.
“Dick are you okay? Where are you? What’s going on? The last I saw of you, Bruce was taking you away and we had to go back to the cave and debrief andIjustwanttomakesureyou’reokay,” he said, breath leaving him in a rush.
“Wally,” Dick said, voice soft.
Wally sighed and it sounded as tired as he felt. “Are you okay?”
Dick curled tighter underneath his blanket. “I...I dunno,” he answered honestly.
“Can I come over? I mean, do you even want me to come over? Because if you want to be alone right now I completely understand, but like I said, I just want to make sure you’re okay and you had a pretty scary fall and-”
“Wally,” Dick said, cutting him off before he could start speed talking again.
“Sorry,” he apologized. “But can I?”
Dick shifted. “I...don’t think I’d mind if you were here,” he admitted.
“I’ll be there in a flash,” he said before hanging up.
Dick pulled the phone away and set it on the bedside table, careful of the tea that was probably safe to drink, but he wasn’t really in the mood for it. It seemed like it would take too much energy to cradle the cup in his hands and drink from it.
A soft knock sounded on his door.
“Master Richard?” Alfred said. “I have Master Wallace with me. He said that you had invited him over.”
“Let him in, Alfred.”
The door was pushed open to reveal Alfred and Wally. Wally was biting his lip and Dick could see that he was fighting to not speed over to him and check him over.
“You can come in Wally,” he said.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Alfred said with a small bow. He pulled the door shut after Wally stepped inside.
He shifted on his feet as Dick watched him and then, no doubt using more self-restraint than he was used to exerting, Wally walked at a normal pace over to Dick’s bed.
“Can I come in?” he asked, trying and failing to grin like he normally would when they made jokes together.
Dick lifted the edge of the blanket in invitation and Wally laid down next to him, his arms immediately going around Dick and pulling him against his chest. Dick sighed, finally feeling some of the tenseness seep out of him now that he was in Wally’s arms. He buried his face in Wally’s shirt.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Wally asked.
Dick shrugged. “I…” he started. “I really thought I was going to die tonight.” That simple admission seemed to open the floodgates as tears welled in his eyes. “I’ve never felt so vulnerable, so...mortal. I knew being Robin had its risks, but to think I could’ve died at a stuffy charity gala?” He chuckled harshly and Wally’s arms tightened around him. “If you hadn’t been there…”
“But I was,” Wally said quickly, burying his face in Dick’s hair. “I’ll always be there to catch you when you fall.”
Dick choked on a sob and Wally held him tightly as he cried, rocking him and shushing him when he needed it, but being there nonetheless. It made Dick’s heart swell to its breaking point and the feelings he’d been ignoring and halfway trying to deal with came back in full force.
He was exhausted in so many ways. Had been pulled in so many different directions and looked death fully in the face when he had no way to fight back against it.  
“Get some sleep,” Wally said when he was spent and boneless in his arms. “I’ll be here when you wake up okay?”
Dick nodded, his eyes sliding shut without his permission.
And just as he was about to drift off, he thought he felt the softest brush of lips against the top of his head. But it was probably his brain imagining things.
Dick was groggy when he finally woke up. He was warm, not too warm, but content, and his eyes felt glued shut. He scrubbed at them with the back of his hand and felt the arm that was still wrapped around his back tighten at his movements.
“You’re awake,” Wally said, voice rough with sleep above his head.
“Yeah,” Dick mumbled.
“How are you feeling?”
Dick sighed and let his hand fall away. He closed his eyes, mind running over everything that had happened the night before. It was a little easier to handle, the distance sleep had caused helping him to process everything.
“I’m okay,” he admitted.
“You hungry for some breakfast?” Wally asked, rolling onto his back to stretch his arms over his head as he yawned.
A small smile pulled at Dick’s lips. “Are you asking because you genuinely want to know if I’m hungry or are you asking because you’re hungry and don’t want to seem rude?”
Wally chuckled and much to Dick’s surprise he rolled over and pulled Dick against his chest. “If you’re already getting sassy with me then I know you’re going to be just fine.”
Dick smiled, happy to be able to hide it in Wally’s shirt. “I guess I should at least make an appearance at breakfast,” he admitted. “Maybe seeing you eat Alfred’s cooking will dredge up an appetite.”
“Great!” Wally cheered and rolled away to climb out of bed.
Dick immediately missed his warmth, but some of it returned when Wally turned to him and held out his hand to help Dick out of bed. He let himself get pulled to his feet and Wally threw an arm around his shoulders, keeping him pressed against his side as they walked down the hall and descended the stairs to the first floor.
Wally pushed through the kitchen door and they were immediately enveloped by the smell of bacon frying. Alfred’s back was to them where he worked at the stove and he glanced over his shoulder, offering them both a kind smile.
“Ah, Master Wallace and Master Richard. I’m glad to see the two of you up and on your feet. Would you care for some breakfast?”
“Yes, please,” Wally said, happily.
“And for you, Master Richard?”
“Maybe a little,” Dick admitted.
“Go have a seat at the table. Master Bruce already has his coffee and newspaper.”
Wally tugged him through the door to the adjoining dining room and Bruce looked up at their appearance. He set his things down when his eyes landed on Dick and he pushed out of his chair, walking over to him.
Wally stepped aside and made himself comfortable in one of the chairs at the table while Bruce pulled Dick into a tight hug, Dick’s arms automatically wrapping around his back.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, voice soft.
“I’m okay.”
Bruce’s hand rubbed over his back before he pulled away. He gave his shoulder a squeeze and they parted, Bruce returning to his chair as Dick took the seat next to Wally.
Alfred brought in several plates on a cart. Most of them were stacked high with food and set around Wally for him to inhale. Dick was given a few eggs, two slices of bacon, and some plain toast. He picked up one of the toast slices and nibbled on the edge, still not having much of an appetite.
A peaceful silence enveloped the space around them as Wally focused on his food. Dick was glad that the events of the night before weren’t currently wreaking havoc on his brain and hoped it would stay that way.
“Are you coming back to Mt. Justice today?” Wally asked around a mouthful of food.
Dick glanced at Bruce who he knew was listening, but didn’t offer any input. “I dunno…”
“I’m sure the team would like to see you,” Wally continued. “Since they thought you were off on a mission and all.”
“Yeah, I...I might stop by and use the training equipment too,” Dick mumbled.
“Cool,” Wally said, voice ringing out in the silence.
Alfred pushed through the door that led to the kitchen. “Would any of you care for seconds? Master Wallace?” he asked, giving Wally an expectant look.
“I’m actually okay,” he admitted and Dick looked at him, eyes wide. He chuckled. “Don’t give me that look. If we’re going back to Mt. Justice, I just know I’m going to be roped into running the obstacle course.”
“Oh,” Dick said. “I guess I should go get changed then.” He pushed his chair back and left the room behind, hurrying up the stairs out of nervous energy more than excitement.
He pulled off his sweats from the night before and slipped one of his training leotards on. He pulled jeans and a hoodie over top and settled his black sunglasses on his nose since he was headed back to the team. At the last minute he shoved a domino mask into the pocket of his hoodie to make training easier in the gym.
He didn’t bother going back to the kitchen and made his way for the Cave. Wally was standing by the Zeta tube with his hands stuffed in his pockets and grinned at his approach.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
“You know it,” Dick said as Wally threw an arm around his shoulders and they stepped into the tube.
Recognized: Robin B01. Recognized: Kid Flash B03.
The lights of the tube dimmed and Wally walked him towards the kitchen and living area the team liked to hang out in on the weekends.
“Robin!” M’gann greeted, flying out of the kitchen. “We didn’t think you would return from your mission so soon.”
He shrugged, accidentally knocking Wally’s arm from around his shoulder. “Things got...taken care of faster than expected,” he hedged. “I was actually hoping to do some training while I was here,” he said, diverting the topic.
“Well if you get hungry, Artemis and I are making cookies in the kitchen,” she said with a smile.
“Oh, I could go for some of those,” Wally said, rubbing his hands together and taking a step forward before he froze and looked back at Dick.
Dick plastered a smile on his face. “Go ahead. I’m gonna head down to the gym if you need me,” he said, turning and raising his hand in departure.
Wally and M’Gann talked quietly as they made for the kitchen. Dick stuffed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and fingered his mask as he walked through the halls, his footsteps silent on the floor. He took a deep breath and let it out through his mouth in a sigh, feeling at ease under the walls of rock that surrounded the mountain stronghold.
The doors to the training room opened easily for him and he smiled at the expansive gymnastics equipment that had been installed for him. The trapeze was kept exclusively for the Manor, but here he had a set of rings, balance beams, trampolines, and mats to work with.
Dick kicked off his shoes, wiggling his toes against the cool floor. He shoved down his jeans and pulled the hoodie over his head, tossing it to the floor with the rest of his things as he rolled his shoulders and loosened his muscles. He pulled a domino mask from his hoodie and exchanged his sunglasses for it.
He walked over to the rings and bent his legs, jumping up to catch them securely in his hands. He shifted, testing his grip before he pushed his arms to the side, raising his body in the air as his muscles burned and warmed. He let out a breath and lowered himself, smiling as he started to swing his legs.
He raised his legs in front of him at a ninety degree angle, holding the position with his abs so it looked like he was sitting in mid-air. He released the position and let his body lower before using his grip to lift himself so he was holding the rings next to his hips and his legs were hanging below him, toes pointed at the floor.
Dick slowly curled his back, raising his hips and legs above his head until he was straight again, toes pointed towards the ceiling this time. He breathed with the strain, a drop of sweat sliding down his cheek. He turned his gaze to the floor, finding a spot to focus on when he reeled back at the feeling of weightlessness.
The jolt forced him from his position and his legs dropped quickly, pulling his hands roughly from their grip. He gasped and slammed into the floor in a heap, chest heaving as he fought to drive the memories of falling through open space from his mind.
Dick swallowed, feeling sweat that had nothing to do with his workout, bead at his temples as he shivered. He braced his hands against the mat and pushed himself back so he was sitting on his heels.
The door slid open behind him and cheerful voices met his ears.
“Rob?!” Wally asked, kneeling in front of him in the blink of an eye. “What happened?”
“Lost my grip on the rings. Little rusty I guess,” he said, voice soft and unable to force a laugh.
“You’re not hurt are you?” Wally continued, wrapping his hands around Dick’s biceps to help him to his feet.
Dick rolled his ankles and wrists and shook his head. “Nope, I’m okay.”
“What happened to your neck?”
“Huh?” Dick asked, turning to find Artemis staring at him.
Wally frowned and stepped behind him, sucking in a breath.
“What is it?” Dick asked.
“You have a huge bruise on the back of your neck,” Wally said softly.
“Did you get that last night?” Artemis continued, stepping closer.
Dick rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. “Must have, I guess.”
Recognized: Red Tornado - 16. Recognized: Black Canary - 13.
Dick turned, ready to follow Artemis and Wally to the Zeta tube, but Wally was still standing behind, eyes filled with concern. Dick ducked his head and stepped around him, heading for the hall. He grabbed his clothes on his way out, not caring that he was walking along the cold floor barefoot.
Wally caught up with him a moment later, hands stuffed in his pockets as they walked. Dick knew he was itching to say something and ask after his well-being, but he stayed silent and Dick was grateful for the chance to work through his emotions as memories raged.
Recognized: Red Arrow - 21.
Wally and Dick froze, exchanging an incredulous look before they were off like a shot, Wally zooming ahead to the Zeta tube. Dick made a disgruntled sound at not being able to keep up, but made it into the room a few minutes later.
He looked up and found Roy striding over to him after pulling out of a half-hug with Wally.
“I heard about-”
Dick cut him off with a shake of his head, glancing at the rest of the team even though Roy couldn’t see where he was looking behind his domino.
“We have a mission for the team,” Black Canary broke in from her spot behind the rest of the team members who were watching Dick and Roy curiously.
“You do?” Dick asked, stepping forward as Roy placed a hand on his shoulder.
She nodded. “Everyone get suited up and we’ll debrief in the conference room.”
The team nodded and raced off. Dick turned to move, but Roy tightened his hand on his shoulder.
“Wait,” he said.
“What?” Dick asked as Dinah walked over to them.
“I heard about what happened last night,” he explained. “Heard about it this morning from a stupid news station actually rather than last night when someone should’ve told me,” he added with a grumble, giving Dick a pointed look.
“I had Wally with me.”
“Yeah, I know he saved you,” Roy said, rolling his eyes.
“No, I mean he came over last night.”
Roy blinked at him before his lips pulled into a smirk. “Did he now?” he asked making Dick flush and shift under the weight of his gaze.
“I heard, too,” Dinah added. “And I wanted to make sure you were comfortable going on a mission after what happened last night. The team would not hold it against you if you weren’t prepared for this today. They would understand if you claimed exhaustion from your supposed mission with Batman last night.”
Dick shook his head and took a step back. “No, I’m going. I can’t just abandon the team.”
“Robin,” Dinah sighed.
“I’m part of this team, too. I’ll be fine,” he said, squaring his shoulders.
She pursed her lips and gave him a onceover. “Fine. I’ll allow it, but I have the right to pull you off the mission at any time if I feel you aren’t adequate to fight.”
“And I’m coming too,” Roy added.
Dick nodded and turned on his heel, sprinting back to his room to change into his uniform. He dumped his clothes on his bed and stripped out of his leotard, pulling on the various pieces of his uniform. It was second nature to him now and he knew he had everything he needed without having to double check.
He clasped his cape around his shoulders as he hurried back through the hall to the briefing room. Everyone was waiting for him when he arrived which wasn’t surprising since they all got a head start on changing. Not that Bruce would accept that kind of excuse if he was there.
“Now that you’re all here,” Dinah said, placing her hands on the table in front of her. “We have word of a series of robberies that have been planned across Gotham. Three robberies are set to occur at the same time so as to confuse officials and complicate the police response time. A fourth false robbery is set to occur at the home of an elite socialite to drive all GCPDs forces there specifically.”
“What are they trying to rob?” Dick asked. “Are all of the robberies planned for residential homes?”
Dinah’s lips thinned. “No, they’re not. They’re after three prominent labs which have been discretely working together to develop a new technology for tracing cell phones and wireless signals, giving access to unlimited aspects of private and encrypted data. A police squad has been tasked with intercepting the false robbery to make it look like their grand scheme hasn’t been detected.
“Our team is going to be split into three groups that will each intercept one of the locations. Kid Flash and Artemis are going to be located at the first lab. Superboy and Aqualad will take the second. And Miss Martian and Robin will take the third. Red Arrow will step in where necessary and Red Tornado and I will monitor the situation from here.
“The robbers are skilled in what they do. Their weapons are high tech condensed laser blasters, but beyond that, they have no strong fighting skills. They’re excellent at hacking, so don’t allow them to take advantage of the lab’s security to run you in circles and ensure their getaway. Do you have any other questions about the mission before you’re deployed to case the labs and find your positions?”
Dinah looked at each of them in turn and they stared right back, ready for battle. She nodded.
“Head to the bioship, then.”
Dick crouched next to the rooftop door and tapped away at his wrist computer. He was looking through the security cameras, getting a sense of the feed that tapped into each of the rooms. He went through the security next and tried to ignore the irritation at the back of his mind at the fact that Roy was hovering several feet away. He hadn’t made a move to check on any of the other groups and Dick hoped he had good reason for it.
“Black Canary to Team C.”
Dick pressed the communicator in his ear, immediately stilling as he gave a reply.
“Team C here,” he answered.
“Police units have been dispatched to the fourth location, be prepared to intercept.”
“Copy,” he said. He closed his wrist computer and stood, rolling his shoulders. “Check the entrances of the building,” he said softly to M’Gann and Roy as he walked to the edge of the roof.
He swallowed as he looked down at the ground below, fighting down the memory of staring into the abyss the night before. He could deal with that later.
A hand landed on his shoulder and Dick jerked back, looking up at Roy who had an eyebrow raised at him. He shrugged off the hand and walked along the edge, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of movement.
“Robin,” M’Gann said, catching his attention. He looked over at her and she waved him over.
Roy followed after him and they looked down to find a black van idling in the alley below.
“No time like the present,” Dick said with a smirk. He pulled four birdarangs from his belt as M’Gann flew over the edge. She immediately fired two energy blasts at the top of the van that exploded on impact.
The van jerked in reverse, making for the mouth of the alley and Dick peered through the windshield, seeing the startled looks coming from an elderly couple.
“That’s the wrong van,” Dick breathed, realizing the mistake they’d made. “Miss Martian!” he called, stopping her assault. She turned to look at him, but Dick didn’t bother to say anything else. He turned and sprinted to the opposite side of the roof, Roy following behind him.
He hopped onto the roof ledge and froze, swallowing his uneasiness as he spotted a sleek, black car in the alley below him. Three people in black cradled something silver between them as they opened the rear doors of the car. Roy jumped up next to him and shot an arrow. It stuck in the roof just above the door and the group jumped back, heads turning skyward to look at their group.
“Let’s go,” Roy said and immediately jumped down into the fray.
Dick took a step forward and froze again, crippling nausea and vertigo engulfing his senses as he stumbled back away from the ledge as he tried to force his muscles to move when they were bent on seizing up.
“Robin?” M’Gann asked, steadying him.
“Red Arrow,” he gasped and gestured to the alley below.
“I can’t just leave-”
“I’ll be right behind you,” he lied, trying to get control of his breathing.
“Okay,” she said, sounding uncertain before she left Dick alone to help their other teammate.
“It’s just a drop, it’s just a drop, it’s just a drop,” he chanted to himself, squeezing his eyes shut. “You have a line and you’re not going to fall.”
Dick was certain he was having a panic attack. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a panic attack short of Scarecrow’s fear gas. Somehow, this seemed so much worse than those attacks. At least with the fear gas he knew there was an antidote. He knew how to work himself through the hallucinations. He didn’t know how to get over his new fear of flying when that had been ingrained in him for so long.
Dick jerked back at the voice, falling onto his ass as he fought to ground himself. Roy crouched in front of him, concern written all over his features.
“What about-” he started.
“Taken care of. We’re just waiting for the police to come pick them up. As for you, I’m taking you back to Mt. Justice.” He grabbed Dick’s arm and pulled him to his feet. “And don’t argue with me. You weren’t coherent for at least five minutes while I was trying to talk to you.”
“But Miss Martian,” he protested.
“Is fine and can handle it until the cops arrive. She’s got the bioship and can get the rest of the team back to the base.”
Dick nodded, trying not to feel too sorry for himself as he let himself be guided to the fire escape on the side of the roof. He felt miserable. He’d almost screwed up a mission and if Roy hadn’t been there, M’gann would’ve been fighting on her own.
He barely paid attention on the walk to the Zeta tube, its announcements falling on deaf ears. Dinah was waiting for them outside the transport tube. Her lips were pulled in a thin line, but her gaze was kind.
“Go get changed,” she said. “I’m going to have a talk with you later, Robin.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he sighed as Roy dragged him to his room.
Roy pushed him over to his bed, causing him to stumble a step. “I’m going to meet the rest of the team and if you even think of trying to run off, I’m going to come hunt your ass down. You won’t make it five feet outside the base before a shock arrow tazes you”
Dick didn’t bother responding, he just unhooked his cape and started to undress. Roy gave him one last onceover before he left, the doors sliding shut with a hiss behind him.
He collapsed onto his bed after he pulled his jeans and hoodie that he’d worn that morning. He curled onto his side, feeling the most helpless he had since the night of his parents’ death.
Dick jolted and turned. He hadn’t heard the doors open and before he could fully face Wally, he had an armful of him. Or maybe it was the other way around and Wally had an armful of him. He looked over his shoulder to make sure they were alone and was happy to find the door had slid shut again.
“Wally, what are you doing here?” Dick asked. “Don’t you have a debrief? How did you even get back here? What about the criminals and-”
Dick’s brain short circuited when Wally’s hands framed his face and chapped lips pressed against his own. He froze and Wally jerked back, eyes wide and mouth slack before he slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Wally?” Dick asked, voice small and uncertain.
“Sorry,” he squeaked. “I shouldn’t have done that without asking. It’s just I was really worried and after what happened last nightIheardwhatwentwrongonthemissiontodayand-”
Wally’s sentence ran on into something completely indecipherable for Dick. As he watched, Wally started to vibrate in place and panic curled in Dick’s chest that he was going to leave him alone.
He snatched Wally’s wrist before he could move and Wally’s words, and vibrations, immediately stopped.
“It’s...it’s okay,” Dick finally managed to say as he took in Wally’s pink cheeks.
Silence stretched between them and Dick didn’t know how to fill it. Things were rarely awkward between them.
“I...didn’t mind,” Dick started. “You can do it again, I liked it.”
“Oh-okay,” Wally agreed before he swallowed and stepped closer. “I heard what happened on the roof. Are you okay?”
Dick slumped forward and Wally pulled him into his arms. “I couldn’t jump off a building,” he mumbled. “I’ve never not been able to jump off a building.”
Wally shrugged. “You were just dropped off one yesterday, it would make sense that you’re not totally comfortable with it right now.”
He sighed. “But that’s not all. When I was practicing on the rings earlier, I freaked out too.”
Wally hummed and prodded Dick until he moved to sit cross-legged on his bed and Wally could sit next to him. After a moment, he hesitantly took Dick’s hand and laced their fingers together. Dick rested his head on Wally’s shoulder.
“I think you just need to give yourself a little bit of time to heal. You’ll be back on your feet before you know it, doing all kinds of flips and shit on the trapeze and jumping off rooftops like it’s no big deal.”
“How are you so sure?” Dick mumbled.
“Because I know how amazing and strong you are. You’re Robin. You’re made to fly and I’m going to make sure you stretch your wings again.”
Dick breathed a laugh at how earnest Wally always seemed to be. “Thank you, Wally,” he said, lifting his head to face him.
Wally grinned, his cheeks tinting further. “Does this mean I get another kiss?”
“Do you even need to ask?” Dick asked before wrapping his fingers around the back of Wally’s neck and pulling his head down to press their lips together. And this kiss, this felt like he was flying, his stomach swooping and tumbling as his heart swelled with happiness and euphoria.
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the-desolated-quill · 6 years
The Keys Of Marinus - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t seen this serial yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Oh poop!
The Keys Of Marinus was written by Dalek writer Terry Nation at the last minute to replace another serial written by Malcolm Hulke, which was deemed problematic by script editor David Whittaker. It speaks to Nation’s talents as a writer that he was able to come up with a compelling premise at such short notice, however the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
The TARDIS arrives on an island of glass in the middle of a sea of acid. Okay. Stop right there. I’m already sold! What a great location! Sure the 60s production values hamper the vision slightly, but that opening wide shot of the glass temple and the tranquil sea really is breathtaking. I really wish New Who could be as imaginative as this.
So anyway, the Doctor and co quickly run across a monk named Arbitan who is protecting a machine called the Conscience of Marinus from a group of invaders called the Voord. The Conscience has the power to remove evil from the minds of the planet’s entire population, but requires five keys for it to operate effectively. So it’s a race against time to find the keys and stop the Voord before it’s too late.
What really frustrates me about this six part serial is that there’s a really good idea at the centre of it that Terry nation fails to capitalise on. A machine that effectively brainwashes an entire planet, eradicating evil from the minds of the population. This opens so many questions that could have been fun to explore. Why would people willingly allow justice and morality be dictated by a machine? What gives Arbitan the right to decide what is and isn’t moral? How does the Conscience even know what’s moral considering that morality isn’t absolute and is often contextual (for example killing someone out of malice versus killing someone in self defence) or comes down to an individual’s point of view (for example abortion)? Is our free will and individuality what allows evil to exist in the world? if so, would we be prepared to give it up for the sake of peace or would that be too high a cost? It’s an excellent premise and yet the story does absolutely nothing with it. The Doctor doesn’t even comment on the ethics of such a machine until right at the end with a little throwaway line about how man shouldn’t be ruled by machines, which is really baffling to me. Sure the First Doctor isn’t quite the noble do-gooder his future incarnations would be in the years to come, but he still takes a moral stand. He still holds firm beliefs on matters such as freedom and personal autonomy. So to have the Doctor not comment on this rather fascist machine seems wildly out of character.
The main problem this serial has is its plot structure. Rather than taking the time to expand on the initial concept, each episode of The Keys Of Marinus plays out as its own mini-adventure with its own settings and challenges. By far the best episode of the six is the second one, titled The Velvet Web. The Doctor and co arrive in the city of Morphoton in search of one of the keys. Morphoton is initially presented as a perfect utopia where the TARDIS crew are waited on hand and foot, but over the course of the episode it’s revealed that everyone is being hypnotised by a Mesmer field and that the city is really a dirty, filthy squalor. This episode stands a cut above the rest for several reasons. The most obvious is the premise itself. (Honestly I think it’s good enough to be its own serial). It’s incredibly dark and genuinely unsettling. The hypnotised Altos played by Robin Phillips was especially creepy in particular. It gives Barbara a chance to shine as she’s the only one that manages to break free from the Mesmer and has to save everyone. But most importantly of all, it’s the only episode of the six that actually connects thematically with the central premise of the entire story. The idea of people giving up their free will for peace. If the entire serial was like this, I wouldn’t have much to complain about, but sadly that’s not the case. Before we can learn more about how the city came to be like this and what’s the deal with those brains in the jars, we’re suddenly whisked off to another part of the planet to find the next key.
The word ‘random’ comes to mind when I think of this serial. The entire story feels incredibly disconnected because there’s nothing that seems to link all of these mini-adventures together. After Morphoton, we head to a screaming jungle that’s growing rapidly out of control. The episode after that takes place in the snowy mountains where the TARDIS crew have to contend with a hunter, some wolves and frozen zombie knights (I... I don’t get it either). Then at the final key, Ian gets framed for murder and we get a courtroom drama. Quite a bizarre change of scenery, granted, but it could have worked. After the jungle and mountains tested everyone physically, the trial could have been more a battle of wits, serving as a nice contrast to previous episodes. Except it’s really not done very well. It’s the really boring kind of trial where the baddies hold all the cards and where the law seems to cater solely to the prosecution’s side for the sake of plot convenience. Also it opens up a slight plot hole. If the Conscience of Marinus dictates what’s right and wrong, what reason is there for a courtroom or a judiciary to even exist? And if all evil has been eradicated from the planet, why is there law enforcement? Surely the Conscience would make that redundant considering that crime shouldn’t be a thing anymore, right?
What it all boils down to is this. How does this world work? And the short answer is... I haven’t the foggiest idea. And that’s the problem. All of these episodes and scenarios are wildly different to the point where they don’t feel like they’re part of the same story. They don’t fit into any overall theme or connection. It just feels like a bunch of random concepts shoved together. What would have helped immensely is if the Voord could have played a bigger role in the entire serial. They only appear in the first and last episodes (in fact, to be honest, I actually completely forgot about them until they showed up again). We never learn anything significant about the Voord other than they’re bad guys who want the keys to use the Conscience and, again, Terry Nation doesn’t take the opportunity to properly connect them to the overarching plot. What if, instead of evil invaders, the Voord were actually Marinusians(?) who had somehow broken free from the Conscience’s influence and were trying to sabotage it to set everyone else free? Wouldn’t that be more interesting? You could even have the Mesmer in The Velvet Web episode serve as a microcosm of what happens later in the serial. But no. They’re just generic baddies who want to take over the world because the script said so. Sigh.
It’s so frustrating. Given more time and a couple of rewrites, this could have been something really special. It has one or two really strong ideas at its core that’s just begging to be explored. Sadly, while it does have its moments, The Keys Of Marinus just feels like a wasted opportunity.
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aerialflight · 7 years
Okay, one idea I really want is the Straw Hats ending up in the Rise of the Guardians world and they all end up as spirits.
They’re all confused how they end up here, and who knows how long they’re around to influence things, but the very idea of them just existing in that kind of way is hilarious to think about.
Robin (Egypt) – sphynx, a speaker of truth yet is a mystery, talking in riddles and takes great fun in confusing people. Loves knowledge and loves people who loves it too. Shares knowledge to people if she could, loves books. Since there are so many different versions of sphynxes in different cultures and countries, she can pop up in those countries anytime she wants, haha. She never shares how she does it when most spirits can’t, and loves frustrating people by giving them cryptic answers if asked.
Usopp (Africa) – African storyteller like in the stories, tall tales, has a tendency to travel, which is unusual for his kind who is emphatic on tradition. He explores and searches for his crew actively, and on the way, collects stories as he does. Him and Robin actually are the ones who travel around the most (exempting Luffy, who none of the Straw Hats can find cause he can’t stand fucking still damn it Luffy) and keeps everyone updated on each other. Headcanon of mine is that he inspired and helped write the Anderson Fairy tales, LOL.
Zoro (Japan) – a ‘wandering samurai’. In the legends, ghosts of samurais wander in search of a purpose. Hilariously for Zoro, he does it cause he’s genuinely fucking lost, which Sanji finds incredibly amusing.
Nami (Irish) – an Irish witch, which also is hilarious. She mostly ends up in bars or inns, tricking other spirits to pay ludicrous prices or favors when they want gossip or info from her. She and Robin are kind of opposites of each other, with Robin always speaking the truth, yet twists and riddles it out so people would have to be clever enough to solve it themselves. Nami, on the other hand, just lies all the time and people would have to be clever enough to know when she is. However, she never breaks promises or deals. And she’s always lenient to children.
Chopper (Canada) – Bigfoot, which explains A LOT. Though, there are multiple Bigfoots, so he’s just one of the many. Instead, he is a DOCTOR BIGFOOT, which is even weirder and funnier. He’s like, basically that friendly monster you find in a forest that people warn off and is just misunderstood, haha. Whenever children get lost, he leads them back home and heals them if they’re injured.
Franky (American) – He’s an engineer, he embodies inventing and creating. He’s also a fixer upper and an inventor all at once. He inspires people to create new things and is so enthusiastic about all these new immigrants who come into the mixing pot. New ideas in the air! He’s ecstatic about the industrial times and its growth, but absolutely hates the conditions of the people, and rages against people who claim it was ‘progress.’ Bring in the new, sure that’s great. But to kick people down while doing so boils his blood. He and Luffy interact a lot cause America is A Hot Mess of everything, hahaha.
Brook (Austria) – He’s a fucking ghost. A genuine fucking ghost who haunts Austria’s castles and at night, people can hear a violin playing and rowdy songs that don’t fit the setting at all. People see a skeleton at the corner of their eye with a ridiculous afro prancing around the grounds and it’s really freaky. He gossips with other ghosts of old monarchs (I’m headcanoning people with strong influence over the country or has strong personalities end up lingering for a while) and Usopp visits from time to time.
Sanji (France) – he’s a Sea Cook. Kind of a minor sea god who helps sailors sail safely, makes sure to guide them to areas with lots of fish if they get hungry, and spends most of his time in the ships’ kitchens yelling at cooks to add citrus food, nonono what are you doing with that potato you’re skinning it wrong. What about the nutrients?! So basically this grumpy, neatly suited man swearing up a storm and fruitlessly kicking people’s heads when they’re acting like idiots and hovering around like a mother hen. Also, he is absolutely enraged at the old belief that having a woman onboard is bad luck. Fuck you idiots who have no manners do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve seen a woman? Stop fucking ruining this for me!
Luffy (Brazil) – He’s Freedom. Like, that’s it. If the Guardians of Childhood had been looking, they would’ve thought he would be PERFECT for the job, but the Man in the Moon is really, really amused by Luffy’s existence and leaves him be to his own devices. He’s too big even in this world, and he just ends up in countries that need people to rise up, to fight back. He’s in revolutions, protests, wars, cheering people on and fighting with them. He bolsters their strength, makes them laugh in hard times, make them invincible against things that are huge and indomitable looking. He’s just, unchangeable. No matter how bad it is, he keeps smiling.
And just, imagine everyone reacting to them? Like, Ombric meeting Robin and them talking about books and both enthusiastically sharing knowledge with each other, and Robin being all secretive the whole time.
“I want nothing but the truth.” The woman’s voice rang in the room, forthright and honest. With her masks stripped along with her sly words and subtle smiles, she looked powerful. A hungry girl who saw the world in shades of grey, hanging in the backdrop and always watching, observing, waiting.
There’s a finality to her voice, the verdict set with nothing stopping her path. This is her last ditch effort to get him to talk, a method that revealed her heart, her core.
The dark skin, mystery surrounding her like a cloak, clever words with clever answers. A familiar nose that he swore he’s seen missing from great wonders-
“You’re a sphinx!” Ombric exclaimed, shocked.
She laughed, the sound reverberating the room and just as warm as her natural climate.
“I am.” She conceded with a small smile. “I have to be something to people after all.”
Japan is an island, so Sanji ends up visiting Zoro a lot since even though the mosshead has no fucking idea from left to right, always is able to find a shoreline somehow and they constantly butt heads whenever they do.
“Feeding people your shit food? I feel sorry for them.”
“Shut up! At least I’m not called the ‘Wandering Samurai.’ Wandering my ass. More like ‘lost shitface who doesn’t know North from up.’”
“Yeah? And why do people call you Sea Cook? Should’ve been ‘swirlybrow bastard’ or ‘lovesick idiot.’”
Or Chopper the friendly Bigfoot helping lost children, sometimes in his small form to calm them down, and big when he needs to protect them from other predators or monsters. Usopp basically being their network, able to travel around the most and spread the Straw Hats adventures to others, or make up stories of his own. Luffy and Franky adventuring around America cause seriously, there’s so much weird shit going on there.
Nami abso-fucking-lutely delighted that there are maps, there are better tools, better ways to man the sea. And despite what mortals think in this world, the sea is still pretty exciting here though not as much as their old world. What withe the loch ness monster, atlantis, mermaids (Sanji was fucking delighted), and more. Sanji probably knows the sea better than any of them now.
“… Has Usopp found the others yet?”
“Yeah, the haggling witch is screwing people over back in Ireland as usual. And last I saw, Franky was ready to kill this guy building a train or something.”
“I met Chopper.” It had been difficult for the giant spirit to come near the ocean. His place was more inland. Sanji grimaced around his cigarette that looked nothing like what existed during this current time period. It was a mystery where he got his neverending supply, though he thanked every day for it. “He’s helping some kids out. Turns out people are the same no matter where we are.”
Yeah, I would really love to see someone write this.
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lovelawactually · 7 years
In This Heart
Law had a routine for the nights when insomnia presented itself - pacing the ship, or reading until his eyes would no longer focus.  He sighed and crawled out of his bunk, padding barefoot into his office.  He walked bleary-eyed toward his desk, and grabbed the nearest book he could find.  He knew it would be another sleepless night, so he ambled his way to the couch in his office instead of returning to his quarters. A small wooden box rest on the table in front of the couch - an image had been freshly carved into the top, resembling the tattoo that was on his chest.  He picked up the box and carefully opened it - inside was a leather satchel, much like Tori used to carry her gadgets.  He pulled the string that held it closed and dumped the contents into his palm - Corazon’s coin.  His mind raced, wondering what it meant.  He had not seen Tori after dinner - he had been so pre-occupied with dealing with the crew that he was unable to speak with her before she retired for the night.  
A soft knock at the door interrupted his thoughts - he threw the door open to find Robin standing there.  
Robin held up a book, alarmed at his appearance.  “I wanted to return this - I saw the light on.”  Law saw the concern on her face - he adjusted his expression and cleared his throat.  “Of course.  How is Franky?”  Robin sighed, she knew he was wrestling with something again - she hated that he felt the needed to always work things out on his own.  “He is - doing fine. I want to thank you for taking care of him.”  Law waved it off, “It’s my job, Nico-ya.”
“I also thank you for - treating him.“ Robin’s eyes conveyed a deeper meaning to her previous statement.  “If it would not be out of line for me to say - there is nothing wrong with showing that you have care or concern for others - or accepting their thanks.”  Law considered her words, and the meaning behind them.  “I am aware of that.”  Robin raised an eyebrow, “Are you?  It seems that you are afraid of it.”  Law furrowed his eyebrows - he did not like where this conversation was going.  “There is nothing to show.”  His words were more harsh than he intended, he respected the woman - they had been through a lot together.  Robin leaned toward him, her eyes held an awareness - she could see past his pretense, and she decided that she would not hold her tongue.  “That is what you would like everyone to believe, and most do - however - I do not.  You seem to be struggling more than usual to hide your emotions since Tori arrived.”  Law did not like where the conversation was going - he dismissed the desire to say something rude. “I think it is time that I try to get some sleep.  Good night, Nico-ya.”
Robin smiled, knowing she was being summarily dismissed.  She turned to walk away, her hand on the door handle - she spoke her next words earnestly, not looking at him.  Her tone was soft - full of understanding.  “You know - as I do - what it feels like to sit alone in the dark, to become comfortable there.  Don’t be afraid to let the ones that are brave enough - come sit with you.”  She thought of Franky.  “They might help you sit in the sun again.”
Law stood at the sink of the bathroom in his quarters - staring at his reflection in the mirror.  The dark shadows under his eyes were more pronounced - intensified by lack of sleep and his overall mood.  He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders - fortifying himself.  Robin’s words had shook him to the core.  It was true that Law had felt different since meeting Tori - she had stirred emotions that Law had not felt in a very long time.   It disturbed him knowing that Robin could see it - he wondered if the change in him had been obvious to others as well.  He was still unsure what to make of Tori returning Corazon’s coin - he still had the comb that she had given him, she had not asked him for it - the question of why gnawed at him.
Law slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the deck - his mood was taciturn - barely acknowledging his crew mates as they shouted or waved their goodbyes to him.  He disembarked the Polar Tang to find Zoro and Kin’emon waiting for him.  “Law-dono!”  Kin’emon bowed.  Law scanned the area, his eyebrows furrowed.  “Where is Tori?  We should leave as soon as possible.”  Zoro motioned toward Tori’s ship with his head, “She’s already inside - prepping the ship to take off.”  The men boarded the ship to find Tori at the helm - she bounced back and forth between the controls.  Zoro and Kin’emon tossed their bags down on the floor - catching Tori’s attention.  Kin’emon slid past her to have a look at the map, and double-check the coordinates he plotted for Tori the night before.  Tori smiled as she saw Law standing in the doorway.  “Good morning.”  
Law felt his lips pull into a lazy smile which was quickly replaced with his usual stoic expression.  He closed the hatch behind him, securing it.  “Let’s go.”
Tori raised an eyebrow quizzically and watched as Law sat on the floor, his back against the wall.  He crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes without another word.  Tori turned back to the controls - and began the sequence to submerge.  When they reached open water, Tori got up from her seat and head toward the rear of the ship, stepping across Law’s outstretched legs.  Law opened one eye as she passed - the motion rousing him from his thoughts.  Tori returned a few minutes later - carrying two cups of hot coffee.  She stopped before crossing the section of the floor occupied by Law and crouched down beside him.  Law opened his eyes - Tori had a concerned look on her face.  She offered him one of the cups and whispered, “Thought you might need this.”
Law reached for the cup, and nodded his head in thanks.  Tori searched his face, she knew something was bothering him.  She scanned the interior of the ship - Zoro was already asleep, and Kin’emon was still near the helm.  She sat down on the floor next to him - she snapped her fingers, “Silence.”  She waited a moment to see if Law would say anything, when he did not - she pulled her hood up over head, interlacing her fingers in her lap.  Law pulled Corazon’s coin out of his pocket, his voice a whisper even though he knew no one but she would hear him.  “What does this mean?”
Tori smiled to herself - her expression hidden under her hood.  “I thought you would like to have it back - I don’t need it anymore.”  
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