#also I guess technically hal is also there
thisiseditsandstuff · 9 months
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Sniper Wolf - Metal Gear Solid #7-8
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
Shoutout to me because my best hal playlist is the one i made in 2018 for a story i havent posted
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i've listened to so many chill nintendo song compilations the past few days and i know rhythm heaven is niche and all but literally only one of them has had any rhythm heaven music??? it's not even like there's a lack of chill rhythm heaven songs, like. tengoku remix 4, glee club, ds remix 2, lockstep 2, ds or tengoku's cafe music (fever and megamix's to some extent but it's not as chill), bossa nova (literally the only one i've seen in any of these). there's probably others you could argue but i am not in rhythm heaven brainrot mode rn so i can't think of any others. i've seen other fairly niche series in these too so it's esp weird-
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linkandorf · 3 months
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Paint Roller!
We're finally reaching the end of Kirby's Adventure... after 57 years... but we still got a Boss Rush ahead of us! Paint Roller is the second boss of Kirby's Adventure, after fighting Whispy Woods. They appear as the boss of Ice Cream Island, although they don't particularly fit into that level's theme or anything. Paint Roller's boss fight is very unique, as 4 canvases are placed around the boss arena that Paint Roller will skate between. They then stop at the canvas, and draw one of 8 different things. Said drawing then pops right off the canvas, coming to life! Most of these drawings provide a Copy Ability, but can also simply be used to spit back out at the boss. HAL seems to be very attached to this idea of an artist boss that creates magical drawings that attack you, because they've done it a lot. But I'm not complaining, I think it's cool every single time. Paint Roller in particular is actually one of my favorite character designs in the entire series, I love this guy a lot. Just such a simple but charming design, I'd love for Paint Roller to appear more often. Besides appearing in Adventure and it's remake, they appear as an opponent in Avalanche, and then return as a boss in Canvas Curse, which is fitting. Technically the bosses in Canvas Curse are magical drawings that have come to life themselves, so there's some weird layers to the idea of a living Paint Roller drawing... Also I find it funny that this character is called "Paint" Roller, despite the fact that they're almost always depicted holding a crayon. The wordplay was too good to pass up I guess!
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hyacinth43 · 1 month
Their favorite animals, and why?
Hal isn't a big animal person, he doesn’t like how messy and unpredictable they can be. he would probably like some sort of pet that is more for looking at than interacting with, like a fish. He would also like going to the zoo or any place where he can see/learn about animals without interacting with them.
AM likes monkeys and apes because he thinks they're funny and they are the closest to humans but without the potential evilness of humans. He also has a weakness for funny/dumb cat videos.
Auto isn't really an animal person either, like Hal he thinks they are too messy and unpredictable. So I guess his favorite animal is technically humans, since he kinda sees them as his pets...
WOPR likes dogs because of their energy and playfulness, and because playing with a dog makes him feel like a regular guy, not having to think about his important military duties all the time. He would probably beg Dr. Falken for a puppy until he finally gives in. :P
Wheatley only has experience with lab animals like mice and rabbits, so he learned to take care of them pretty well. He's a sucker for anything small and cute, so he loves rodents.
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pluckyredhead · 9 months
i really wanna know your ideal dc publishing cause seriously they could be doing so much and instead choose the absolute worst trashy choices
Lol thank you for indulging me, anon. I have thought about this EXTENSIVELY so sorry not sorry for the tusnami of opinions you have unleashed.
Before I get into the list, a few points to explain my approach:
ONGOINGS. I am a firm believer in the importance of ongoing series. There's nothing wrong with a miniseries but you can't get any forward momentum or character development with them because things keep getting reset to their baseline. Get really strong teams on your ongoings and let them develop their stories for years at a time. That's where all the legendary runs come from.
To that end, I am proposing a list of 30 books, which is a little more than 7 per week, which is roughly what DC publishes now (not including things like Sandman, Looney Tunes, etc.). They can add on as many minis as they want but will need fewer since so many more characters are accounted for with ongoings.
I am a strong believer in backup features - more value for your dollar and double the amount of characters included - so you'll see a lot of those.
I tried to balance what I personally think would be the most holistic representation of the DCU with what I believe will sell, so you're still going to see a lot of Bats. It should be understood that books without Bats are not going to be treated like throwaways like they sometimes are now. They are going to get top tier creators with long, sustained runs, just like Bruce always gets.
It will not be a publishing slate of all straight white guys from the 30s-60s.
Books with an asterisk* mean they will be kid-friendly. Not exclusively for kids, but appealing and accessible to young readers, the way Young Justice and its members' books were in the 90s. They can still include ongoing plots and queer characters and serious topics! They just shouldn't be relentlessly grim.
Super Books:
Superman*: The lead Superman title, with a backup featuring starring Jon.
Action Comics*: Focuses more on the Superfamily as a whole, though the plot can dovetail and cross over with the main Superman book. (This is basically what's happening now.) Backup feature rotates between Kon, John Henry, Natasha, Kenan, Lois, and Jimmy.
Supergirl*: Why did I give Kara her own book and not Kon or Jon? Because a) DC needs more female-led books and b) I want to. The primary audience for this book is women who watched the CW show, or girls who have outgrown TTGo! and DC Super Hero Girls, NOT ADULT MEN. (Optional: Kon or Natasha backup feature.)
Bat Books:
Batman: Like the Super books, this would be the central title and focus on Bruce. Backup feature can rotate between the nine billion Gotham characters who need a home.
Detective Comics: Focuses more on mysteries/the family. Another rotating backup feature. NOTE: These backup features CANNOT star a character with their own book (Bruce, Dick, Damian, Selina, or Harley).
Nightwing: Dick sells. ;)
Robin*: Starring Damian, Tim gets a team book further down.
Batwoman: Perhaps we could try letting a queer woman write this for once? Revolutionary, I know.
Catwoman: Because she fucking rules.
Harley Quinn: Because she fucking sells.
Birds of Prey: I prefer a classic Babs/Dinah/Helena lineup but I'm flexible.
Batgirls*: If it’s too messy to have Babs in BoP and this, take her out and add Harper.
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Imagine if this book was good! In my universe, it will be.
Solo Books:
Wonder Woman
Flash: This will star Wally. Optional backup rotates between Jay, Bart, Ace, and Avery. Barry can show up sometimes I guess.
Green Lantern: Starring Hal, John, or Kyle. Whoever is the lead CANNOT also be on the Justice League.
Green Lantern Corps: Okay yes technically this is a team book. Shhh. Guy should always be on this book since he does better in an ensemble. The plot should dovetail loosely with the main GL book with an annual crossover but you don't have to read both if you don't want to. I am flexible about how to fit all the Earth GLs in (including Simon and Jessica), whether that's backup features or just including them in the GLC ensemble, but all six should always have a publishing home. Jo should get as many prestige graphic novels as N. K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell care to bless us with.
Aquaman: Jackson backup. Please let him go back to being Aqualad and stop making everyone grow up so fast.
Green Arrow: This book is currently perfect, no notes.
Blue Beetle*: Starring Jaime, though Ted may show up to be annoying if he would like. A Booster backup is permissible.
Vixen: If they have a Webtoon they should have a comic for $ too.
Zatanna: See above.
...I'm torn between Shazam!* or Stargirl* here. I feel like they both kind of fizzled? I guess it depends on which book gets the better pitch.
Team Books:
Justice League: I mostly don't care who is on this but if it's a bunch of white guys plus Wonder Woman and either John Stewart or Cyborg as tokens, AGAIN, DC gets shut down permanently. I don't make the rules.
Justice Society: This is also not allowed to be only old white guys. I know that's harder with the JSA. I don't care.
Titans: I'm going to be honest, I'm not convinced the OG/New Teen Titans can star in a decent book anymore, since they haven't done so in two decades. But I will give them one more try. They can call themselves the Outsiders instead if that helps.
Young Justice*: They also maybe need a new name because they are all legal adults, but this is Tim's book. I'm highly skeptical of success here as well but I think the right creative team could make something really soapy and New Adult and queer work. Please keep in mind that there are nine trillion characters in the DCU who are roughly Tim's age to draw from; the "Core Four" (ugh I hate that term so much) can all be members but they are not the only members. (Cassie cannot be the only girl and it cannot be all white.)
Teen Titans*: Damian's team! I vote for characters like Emiko, Ace, and Jackson here, but I'm flexible. THE AUDIENCE FOR THIS BOOK IS MIDDLE SCHOOLERS, NOT PEOPLE WHO GREW UP ON WOLFMAN/PEREZ. Jesus, DC.
Suicide Squad: I truly do not care about this book but we need to do something to appease the edgelords.
The New Gods: I'm thinking EPIC, I'm thinking KIRBY, I'm thinking SIMONSON. Everyone talks in a serif font and it should be impossible to explain out loud with human words. It's what Kirby would want.
So there it is, there's my pitch. Again, this doesn't cover minis (Elongated Man miniseries WHEN), event books, etc., but I think it gets most of the key players on the board!
(And yes, I know I left the Legion out. I'm sorry. But not very sorry. They can cameo in Kara's book.)
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
I was thinking about the whole "Bro was abusive" thing again and i still don't think HE was abusive, let me explain why i emphasized that "HE". BUT let me get one thing out of the way first: i doubt Hussie had planned for Lil Cal too be a combination of 4 different guys at first, i do think Cal was supposed to be an evil puppet controlling Bro too an extent, but since canon its now that Cal is 4 dudes i thought I'd make a lil analysis. I think Bro was being fully possessed by lil Cal, I do not think his actions were technically his own, I'll get into why i say "technically". Like i stated earlier Cal is a combination of 4 guys (i guess 3 and half if you want too be THAT technical) being, Caliborn, Lil Hal, Equius, and half of Gamzee. Lil Cal's design also takes influence from aspects of those characters, he has Caliborns face, his shirt is the same color as Equius's blood, he wears a hat referencing the strider aspect, I'll be honest i cant exactly say where Gamzees influence comes in, I'd probably pin it on the laughing Cal does but whatever. Even stuff Bro "does himself" reflect this, the snuff filming, the rapping, the fighting, the crude comic making, etc, all of those things are something THOSE GUYS do. The point is Cal IS a combo of these guys, he is literally THEM. I think the best way too explain how Bro was possessed by Cal is like Pixars Inside out, instead of Riley it's Bro and instead of the Emotions it's Caliborn, Hal, Equius, and Gamzee, all forcing Bro too do those actions, ALL of them had an imput in raising Dave. But let's get into that "technically" now, Lil Hal is Dirk, Dirk is Bro, while everyone else was doing their bullshit while being Cal i think Hal was the nurturing part of Bro, we've seen how Hal/Dirk can care for people so i think it's safe too say he was the one responsible for protecting Dave and caring for Dave. I didn't put quotations around "part" last sentence was because Hal IS Bro technically, probably the only true and real part of the ACTUAL Bro. So technically Bro wasn't the abusive one, he was the caring part through Hal which IS him, it was Caliborn, Equius, and Gamzee were the abusive "parts" of Bro.
That is an interesting way to look at it. I can certainly see how parts of each one taking control to have Bro raise and care for Dave in different ways. Things like sparring would come from the sides of ARquius (Lil Hal and Equius), since both have been known to train and fight [Lil Hal on training Jake and Equius fighting with his robots]. Gamzee, Equius, and Dirk have an interest in rap/slam poetry. Equius and Caliborn have an interests in arts (Equius love for hoofbeast while Dirk & Caliborn do drawing). Setting up the porn bots to talk to each other (to having like an AI), would come from Dirk/Lil Hal/Auto Responder. Makes me feel sorry for Bro that his mind would be fucked because of this.
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dcinthe90s · 2 months
One of MD Bright's more well known works from DC is Emerald Dawn I and II... which, now that I type that, I guess it's technically two works. But anyway, he did excellent pencils for them both! Shown here is issue one of the second miniseries, from 1991, in which Hal Jordan meets Guy Gardner (while in prison), and also is trained by Sinestro! Rest in peace, Mr. Bright.
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otherswap · 10 months
what was your favorite part of the design process for the spritework/character art? did you have any outside media like songs or things that influenced any specific characters :3?
I think my favourite part of designing characters in general is figuring out their palettes (even if I'm not the best at picking awesome colours). It's definitely the easiest part of the whole process for me at least.
I think I mentioned inspiration things on character posts... Some of them off the top of my head:
Maddaton: Spinel (SU), probably Marine (PKMN) subconsciously
King RUDOLPH: Vintage Father Christmas pictures in general, Eggnog Cookie (for the cloak...), John Krasinski with a beard (seriously.)
Undyne: JRPG protagonists with impractical bits of armor on only one side, Sunny's Papyrus design (I wanted it to look like she was emulating him!); not specific to just her OS design but I draw her hair like a fish fin because of this cool fanart.
??????: One person said Dirk but it's actually closer to Lil Hal. Also Doc Scratch, but those are both technically Dirk so I guess they're still correct? Also old school computer terminals (the black and green text ones). The most blatant Homestuck reference guy out of everyone. You don't even know half of it yet.
Toby: Does Toby Fox himself count? He's wearing the same GameBro shirt as the one from that picture with Shigesato Itoi. You can probably guess about the Toblerone (Broblerone???) he has in the key art
Sans: Sans, but like the one in the Xbox port's casino with the visor. I drew it more like the Sun Visor gear from Splatoon.
Alphys: Wota (idol otakus) that wear happi coats, square John Egbert glasses (in my defense this is an intentional reference in DELTARUNE according to Toby)
Gerson: Captain Cuttlefish, Scrooge McDuck, Jimmy Buffet
Straycat (Burgerpants): When Sunny posted her designs on Twitter, she said he was inspired by Frank Fly from EarthBound
Glam Glitter-kun: "listening to lady gagas 'donatella' on loop" - Emerson
There's probably more I'm forgetting at the moment. I'm not so sure about songs for anyone except ??????. I like English and MEDIUM (Ft. CRISTATA). Leon says Sorry Bro is a Maddaton song too.
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Dan Mora's Dawn of the DCU cover art on the top and Dan Mora's leaked Dawn of the DCU: Legacy Edition cover art on the bottom:
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So from left to right you have Bruce with Damian and Tim Fox as his legacies, Clark with Jon, Wally with Avery, Hal with Jo, Diana with Yara, Arthur with Jackson, Dick, Star and Vic with Flatline, Red Canary and Stitch, then Billy with Malik.
So from the get go let me say that Jackson, Jon, Damian/Tim Fox, Yara and Jo actually make sense here. Regardless of what you think of the characters or how you feel about DC pushing these characters over other characters. Because Jon, Jackson, Jo and Tim Fox all have series right now about taking over the mantle. Yara and Damian also have had series very recently about taking over the mantle, or at least setting them up as being the one who will do it. (Now some of these were better than others. Jo's book is one of the best books ever imo, Jon's is good, and the rest... exist I guess.)
Wally and Avery get a separate paragraph because I'm biased lmao. Wally is a legacy and the choice to put him in the first one speaks to DC's commitment to keeping Wally the 'main' Flash, IE the one headlining the Flash run. Avery is extremely interesting though. She is technically the next Flash and I'm honestly not mad at it. I love that she's being featured in things and that DC is actually recognizing her.
The Titans and the Shazam one confuses me. Flatline and Red Canary aren't Teen Titans. Stitch is (one of the best characters from Titans Academy and possibly the only reason to read that series) but they haven't been on active duty yet. Seems really weird to put them in as the Titans' legacy.
And tbh I haven't been keeping up to date on the Shazamily but I thought Mary was the new Shazam???
Anyway, it's interesting that DC has so many female characters featured here considering that their new book announcements for 2023 didn't feature a single female led series.
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kaiya-sims · 9 months
Things i want to do in Veronaville:
- Bring back Claudio and Olivia and make her pregnancy come to term (undecided on the name for the baby but I would assume it would be a boy)
- Contessa Capp is alive, she was meant to be playable originally which we can see from her bio
- I may bring Cordelia and Caliban back too just because IMO VV has too many unnecessarily dead sims. Sure I guess there is the fued but it makes VV seem very empty with all these random dead sims
- Hero Monty deserved better and honestly I might bring her back pregnant just because
- Bring Viola Monty back as a teenager
- Give Viola an identical male twin (Sebastian)
- Potentially keep Viola and Sebastian living in the shadows of Romeo and Mercutio to create some sibling rivalry? Maybe they’re forced to live in the family house with Claudio & Olivia while Romeo & Mercutio live with the grandparents as potential heirs?
- Somehow rename Benedick and Beatrice Monty without taking away from Viola who is already established as a VV character (I hate that they give these names to twins but I don’t like renaming B&B to Viola and Sebastian since the discovery of Viola Monty’s existence)… I was thinking of naming them after Shakespeare’s real life twin children Hamnet and Judith but I’m not sure. The other option is Robson & Crane from Comedy of Errors but I don’t think either of those names sound particularly feminine for Beatrice…
- Create Benvolio and Rosaline from R&J but give them their own separate families so that we don’t just have three families in VV (maybe one of them could be the child of Puck’s bio parents for a twist which would technically make them Puck’s bio sibling?)
- The usual Romeo & Juliet storyline will play out but with more characters alive for the feud i think it would add deeper dynamics (i.e. Cordelia was neutral from Contessa’s bio)
- Tybalt and Mercutio will eventually be a couple… their enemies to lovers storyline is just *chefs kiss*
- I would also like to recreate Puck’s biological parents and potentially Bottom’s too since we’ve had confirmation from the storytelling images and game files that these sims were most definitely deleted
- Hal Capp’s face must be fixed!!! I would also like Miranda to have more involvement - maybe she falls for Benvolio or Rosaline instead of typically getting involved with Mercutio?
- Kent Capp is 100% gay there is no doubt in my mind I’m sorry to those who ship him with Bianca they are just besties
I mayyyy look at the alt VV by dreadpirate and also the more historically accurate VV i’ve seen on MTS and take some inspiration from both of these too but these are the general ideas that I have for an almost ultimate good end VV??
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not-an-anagram · 4 months
Homestuck Fic Recs
Because some of these do not have nearly the amount of attention I think they deserve, and also because I am constantly looking for other people’s list of fic recs so I thought I’d make my own. Some of these are series, so you have been warned.
All fics are on AO3, idk if they’re available anywhere else. With some of these updating is a bit up in the air, I will just put hiatus if it hasn’t been updated sooner than 2021, even if the hiatus is not official.
“” Description
() My personal opinions
Recently Updated:
Reallocated by BreezefulSkies in progress
“Hal finds himself stranded aboard a certain meteor, impact-bound for Houston, Texas circa 1995. And everything spirals out from there.Because sometimes, when a system seems to be just short of defunct, all that is required is to take a step back and reevaluate the materials at hand and redistribute your available resources. And so, with birth comes a countdown on a cycle that begins as it ends: In the red.”
(I didn’t know whether to put this in the Recently Updated section or the Self Insert section. Not technically a self insert but more of a sort-of time travel. Very engaging and I honestly love the exploration of characters we know less about like Rose’s Mom. 10/10 would recommend, I get so excited every time I see it’s updated)
Ship Centric:
Love Letters in Digital Ink by tactfulGnostalgic complete
“In which Rose Lalonde runs a highly successful occult blog, wherein she talks about life, friendship, family, summoning the dark forces to do your bidding, romance, and other Typical Teenage Things.And in which Kanaya Maryam moves into the house next door, runs a mildly popular photojournaling fashion/cosplay blog, and, unbeknownst to Rose, is one of her most avid readers.And in which a summer courtship is performed through a series of message-board shenanigans, misunderstandings, daydreaming, awkward romantic overtures, indirect love letters, and one (1) séance.”
The Worst Goddamn Movies Ever Fucking Made by writerbot complete
“"Why is this shitfuck pan-rotting pile of artifact-ridden, glitchy, nonsensical sewage that can barely pass itself off as a movie somehow a thoughtful criticism on the global rise of authoritarianism and well-put commentary on how young working class males are forced into the military? What the actual fuck? Why do none of the other reviews mention this?"--Aka famous movie director "D Strider" pays Karkat to review his shitty movies, and Karkat grows increasingly alarmed that they actually mean something under all of the mind-numbing bullshit. Meeting Strider, the biggest douchebag in the world, does not help. Also he keeps meeting this annoyingly smart human kid and his awkward/obnoxious but very hot guardian. These two things are entirely unrelated.”
(Recently finished! One of my absolute favorites due to the fact that it really explores alternate world building and includes the Strider/Lalonde family pretty heavily, which I really appreciate as a fan of their characters. Also not too ooc, although the situations are definitely very different from cannon. Honestly I would love to read a prequel that explains more of the cast’s stories but it’s very good even without one.)
Matter of Choices and Opinions by 09Pyros_09Hydros hiatus
“Eridan Ampora is not the most well-liked troll out of the twelve, his attitude, choices, and personality in the series weren't very favorable but I found him alright and a lot of other fans did as well. March Eridan was also popular for the character of course.
How I got into his body after his first pupation molt is something I will probably never know, but living the life of Eridan Ampora is not all fine and dandy despite his high caste blood. Troll society and culture is very different compared to my old human one, I can't really remember it and my own old life so I guess I really am Eridan Ampora now huh?
If I was going to live as Eridan then I was going to live it my way, so say goodbye to Canon Eridan attitude and hello new world of choices and opinions! For one thing for sure, I wasn't going to fuss over the romances and do my own thing. Canon timeline be damned! Canon timeline be damned indeed... If only it were that easy...
But who knew the change of attitude of one character like Eridan could change so much? And yet, change so little? And apparently... He wasn't the only Ampora to change...”
(OML this is one of the best Homestuck SI fics I have ever read. Shoutout to this author because this (and their other Homestuck SI stuff) is amazing. I was absolutely hooked despite the rare premise and I am still sad it hasn’t updated since 2020. Absolutely stunning formatting and great art.)
Actions and Hope, Blast It All by 09Pyros_09Hydros hiatus
“It was suppose to be a normal day for Jane Crocker, work on the new laws, make sure the troll population was under control, deal with the stupid clown that was obsessed with her and then come home to a loving husband and their first born child. It was supposed to be that way anyway. What she actually came back to was a new husband that was destroying her home and her drones, demanding for a divorce and fiercely protective over their child.Waking up in Jake English's body after reviving from some death was bad, especially when it turned out to be drunken suicide. Waking up in Jake English's body during the Epilogue was even worse. Now he had a kid to take care of, a megalomaniac, fascist and tyrantess wife who's cheating on him with a deranged clown fuck, an existential crisis in realizing he was actually a part of the original Jake English and two brain ghosts who are just as confused on his situation as he was. But one thing was clear; He was taking Tavros and getting the hell away from Jane. Jane, Gamzee, the whole fucking Epilogue can kiss his ass, Dirk Ultimate was coming and he was NOT going to be involved with this horse shit. Of course in the end, he had to be involved anyway.”
(Again, absolutely stunning fic. This author is amazing at these stories, and despite only having three chapters so far, I cannot recommend this fic more. Please, it is worth the fact that we may never read the ending if only because it is so good and I am so happy to have read it. Seriously check this fic out.)
(Very good by my standards, wish there were more updates.)
Probably We’ll All Survive by CurliecueCal
““If he pokes me again I am going to snap his chopstick in half and put it down the garbage disposal.” -- In which Dave's house has been taken over by Strider-splinters and he's pretty okay with that.”
(I love stories about the striders and this one-shot was really sweet and hit me right in the feels. Love strider content+this author is one of my favorites.)
This Human Practice of Couchsurfing by recourse (liquidCitrus)
“Dave Strider double-checks the address written on the scrap of paper in his hand. This is probably the right house. Probably. "I've been talking with him over the Internet. He said that he'd be quite willing to show a dude around 'New New Home'? And talk about monster society? And offer me... spaghetti...?"In which Dave Strider is invited to visit the monsters' recently established surfaceside village by Papyrus, Undyne gets a pair of sunglasses, and Frisk pays a midnight visit.Rated T for swearing. Well, Dave swearing, anyway.”
(Cute little Undertale Crossover, not much to say other than that, good read.)
surf where white bones twist by oriflamme
“When Roxy kills the Condesce and inherits the Empire, she also inherits her monsters.”
(Loved this AU, so sad it’s just a One-Shot, 100% recommend check it out.)
Other Recs:
Stabdads by lucky_spike hiatus
(This is basically a Stabdads AU centered around Karkat and Spades Slick. I, personally, love this AU because I adore the found family trope and I also love the Midnight Crew’s characterization in this. There is definitely not enough stabdad content out there but this series sure does deliver. Series doesn’t need to be read in order, but it is great for binging. Not complete and hasn’t updated since 2012 but that is not a reason to avoid it.)
So It Goes by TGP complete
“They managed to win the game somehow. He's not really sure of the details, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. He's stuck in an unfamiliar body with a thirteen year old little brother who's terrified of him. Somehow, he is sure this is his fault.”
(This fic is so good!!!! Classic case of an oldie but a goodie. Post-Canon AU where the Alpha kids get transported into the bodies of their counterparts in the Beta universe and shenanigans follow. Lots of angst in the beginning but I absolutely loved everyone’s characterization in this, please check this fic out. It is part of a series and I definitely recommend the sequels, which really helped bring the story to a good place. I love this fic and the sequels so much I keep finding myself going back to them, 100% my kind of comedy.)
Midnight’s Son by Java_bean complete
“Dave Strider's father, a prominent detective, is tasked with infiltrating the Midnight Crew. Dave, worried about his father's safety, decides to do a little undercover work of his own and tries to befriend the boss's son, Karkat Vantas.”
(Back at it again with the Stabdad AUs! Found it when looking for Stabdad content, fell in love with the DaveKat dynamic. Very nice to read, especially loved the Karkat characterization. Highly recommend)
The Longest Surviving Intern at Nightfall Community Radio by ElektricAngel complete
“A boy with red eyes and white hair walked into town today. He was carrying a long, sharp sword, which, according to some reports, was dripping with fresh blood. He wore a pair of dark glasses over his eyes.
So how do I know his eyes are red? Well, listeners, because he’s in the studio right now, staring at me.
He wants to know if I have a DJ position available.
This being a talk show with absolutely no music of any kind, I'm afraid I do not have such a position. However...an internship has just opened up.”
(I’m not a huge Nightvale fan but this crossover was still a very fun read. 10/10 would recommend.)
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torotoro0 · 2 years
I have this on my wattpad, I divide the chapters there, because in tmblr I post 1000 to 2000 words every chapter, while in wattpad I want to post at least 1000 words per chapter. {P.S. In the wattpad version of this, It has more details on which characters will be here, at the end of this story, I will write my wattpad user}
Morpheus x Reader
'The Nightmare's Dream' {Chapter 3}
{Click for the chapters}
For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.
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Word Count: 1.9k {sorry its short}
After putting up fliers here and there, we went ahead and went 'home', Hal paid for what they call a 'taxi', in the olden days, it was carriages but now, more technical, our ride was short, since the beach was just near their dorm. Hal told me that, their are 2 more vacant rooms for rent, and of course, I picked the one in their 2nd floor, I mean- you would pick a room with a balcony would you? hm, that's what I thought.
Lucifer kept bugging me with her so called familiar, It kept following us around the beach, up until Rose called it and told me to keep them, it was a Polish Lowland Sheepdog, it was growling here and there, its hair was covering its eyes, covering its feet, and it had a very, very stinky fluffy tail.
In short.
It was absolutely hairy.
It also kept nudging my legs, bumping me, jumping on me, but on the other hand, it was nice, kind, and good boy in front of the two, like girl- I'm here working my ass of for your request and you'll even add a burden, fucking bitch.
"Home at last!" Hal exhaled. Standing before a house, it was coated with the color black with some white highlights, vintage decorations were displayed outside, a tall hedge of bush was surrounding the lot. Vined sculped pillars welcomed us as we entered his abode. {Imagine there were vine sculped pillars for more details *wink wink*}
"Where is everyone?" Rose looks around. "Must have all gone to bed I guess?" I stated as I brushed my fingers across the vintage appliances.
"That's a bummer, I wanted to introduce you to them!" Hal shrugged. His house doesn't seem so bad, except for the fact that Lucifer's dog is here, it was decent, not like my room in hell.
"Well there's not much to do in Cape Kennedy after dark."
"Or during the day for that matter" Hal approaches the dog, petting him. "Who's a cute dog you are! oh you are! what a cute dog!, handsome even!"
A gentle tap awoke me from my zoning out, "So what will you name him?" Rose stood beside me. "You can't keep a dog with no name yeah?"
"I suppose, but I have no idea of what to even name it" If there's anyone who would want to name something that's mine, its Lucifer.
Once, I adopted a toad, and called it {any name}, it infuriated Lucifer to the point where she squished it in front of me, and called it disgusting.
"Hm, maybe I'll know what to name it tomorrow" a smile tugged its way to my lips. "Well- let me know if you need any help all right? I'll be more than thankful to help you" Rose held my shoulders as if I were to cry and needed comfort.
"Chop chop ladies, I still have to tour this young lady the house tomorrow, make sure you two get a goodnight's sleep yeah?" Hal held our shoulders and hugged us. "Uh, hal- I can't breath-" I muttered, tapping his back.
"Oh sorry sorry, haha, you just look so cute and squishy Y/N, forgive me" he chuckles and led me to my room. "See you tomorrow Y/N!" Rose waved goodbye before heading to her room.
"This- this.." he murmured. "This will be your room" opening the door, we were met by a dark room, moon illuminating its way at the balcony, curtains swaying to the breeze, it felt so nostalgic to be here, a queen sized bed was decorated with vine carvings, ceiling and walls decorated with ornate elements and accent lighting to highlight the details.
"Sorry for the mess" he waves his hands. "This was my grandmother's office room, she spent most of her time here, writing, sometimes knitting" I trace my fingers along the headboard, it was majestic let me tell you.
"She was a collector of vintage things, sorry for all the extras here haha" he scratches his nape. "Oh no its fine, I'm a fan of vintage things too, so don't worry about it"
"Are you sure? some of this has wood-eating bugs, I don't want you to get bitten by those." just leave bitch- "Hal" I held my gaze at the stuttering man.
"Oh, yes, Sorry, you'll need your rest now, good night then"
I began to scan the room and readied myself for summoning her. "Can't believe I'm doing this" I shrug; closing my eyes, chanting the spell as I held my hands up.
A rush of wind began circulating around the room, knocking the boxes and books as result. The room started to heat up as the wind becomes stronger.
She's here.
"Which foolish mortal dares to summon thee!" Lucifer's voice echoed around the chamber, "No mortal here, just me"
"Ah, greetings Princess" I genuflect back. "Greetings, Lucifer.."
"What is it that you nee-"
"Why, would you send me an ugly familiar of yours?" I arch my brow, hand on my hips as I tilt my head. "Hm? Oh~ You mean Ajax? He's here to protect you"
I scoff, protect me? Your kidding "Protect? I don't need your protection LUCIFER"
"He also has other uses than protecting you, Lik-"
"Like fucking annoying me, If you won't bring him back with you, I'll kill him myself" glancing at the sleeping animal, I turn my gaze back to the winged creature. "No, but he'll be of use, but until then, keep him, and don't name him any others" Lucifer chuckles and dissipates to thin air.
"Wait Lu-" Eugh, this is no use, I thought.
A knock then chimes in as I groan, "Come in"
"Oh! I was worried that you'll be asleep by now" Rose comes in revealing a neatly folded pajamas, the moonlight illuminating her chestnut colored eyes. "Here is your pajamas for tonight, if it won't fit just tell me, I'll get anot-"
"No need, This'll do, I don't want to bother you, more or less both of us needs rest" I smile as she grins "Well- Goodnight Y/N, see you" she waves and leaves the chamber.
I briskly opened my eyes, frantically getting up and scanning my surroundings, my head was whipping from side-to-side. I was under a dead tree, the last leaf gracefully lands on the ground, a vulture caws causing me to look up, they were a lot, let me tell you, other's nesting on the tree, dead grey grass and cracked soil surrounds the tree.
After calming down, I stood up cautiously, you don't know, maybe Dream teleported me here to end me, or punish me, or for positivity, kiss me, Just kidding, he's a stone cold guy, I mean- look at Nada.
"Hello there" A voice chimes in making me jump.
"No, no need to be scared, its me, Ajax" He wags his tail and barks.
"Ah? you can talk? I thought you were like some kind of stray dog Lucifer had to keep"
"What! How dare you say that! I'm a heavily respected dog in our culture, I even have my own statue in Lucifer's chamber" We both held our eyes together, he keeps growling maintaining a fighting stance. His hair swaying as a breeze passes by, like a scene in that one cowboy movie.
"Oh, that old thing? Lucifer shrunk it and fed it to Ceberus, that was yours?" I inwardly laugh, I thought it was just a cheap dollar tree model Lucifer picked up, or stole from one of the prisoners, I didn't think it was a holy statue.
"Greetings, Your Highness" I turn around to be met by Lucienne, the light illuminating her skin, pointed ears slightly twitching, while arching her eyebrows.
"Greeting Lucienne" bowing back, I gave Ajax a glance making him growl. "And who is this little thing we have here?"
"Not 'Little Thing', the name's Ajax" he smirks, kneeling on one foot. "Ajax? Aren't you a descendant of the old Fenrir?"
"Oh, yes I am, my ancestor was truly a dutiful man, I am also well respecte-"
"Lucienne?" cutting him off as he growls at me. "Do you happen to know where Dream is?" My eyes gleamed, staring intently at her, she nods and replies.
"Lord Morpheus? Oh, he's in his study" study huh? Before the librarian could even blink, I teleported to the Dream, It has been almost a week, and I haven't progressed even, Lucifer will kill me if I fail this, smh.
"Greetings, Dream Lord" I wave both my hands up, smiling, "How are you tod-"
"What business brings you here Y/N?" His stern voice echoes around the place, eyes never leaving the book. "Can't I stroll by and say hello to an old friend?" slowly making my way in front of the table, he flips a page and continues to skim the book.
"I ask you a question" He glances up to me as the room suddenly becomes colder. "I wanna hang out with a friend, since no one wants to, your the best option I got!" dummy, he'll think I'm so suspicious, there's death or desire, or even fiddler's green.
"There's tons of endless you can hang with why choose me? I am busy as of right now, and all I know is, you cause trouble anywhere you go" a quiet sigh left me as he looks back to the book.
"And, may I let you remember, only Rose Walker and I can save Jed, you are of no help in this, if what you want is fun, go find Desire" and with that I woke up, sweating, the sun was shining brightly and the balcony doors were open, I groan as I got up.
"Looks like someone's up!" I rub my eyes, entering the living room, it was filled by tons of people.
7 to be exact, that includes Hal and Rose.
My eyes scan the mortals one by one, there was twin sisters, they were both wearing gothic outfits, ones that belong just a century ago.
then a couple who were sticking together like sardines, one blonde, and a brunette.
and lastly, a dark brown haired lady, she was looking elegant, her posture was perfect, as if she were from a well-mannered family, she smiles at me and waves.
"Everyone, I want you to meet the new addition to our fam!" Hal rushes to my side, giggling like a school girl. "Meet Y/N!" ushering me to sit down on the vacant couch.
"Uh- hello there, my name's Y/N" I let out an awkward smile, I mean- you just woke up and now is getting introduced to new mortals, I groggily wave my hand as they introduced themselves back.
"I'm Ken" the brunette man shook my hand. "And I'm Barbie"
"it's- terrible, we know" they chuckle, stealing glances with each other, I arch an eyebrow, Ken and Barbie? those are very unique and weird names I tell you. {the show Barbie didn't exist until the late 1959's and reader got imprisoned in the year 1921 the same year Morpheus was imprisoned}
"Were happy that you chose this house to rent with" A gothic dressed lady smiles, then another gothic lady whispers something to her. "The names' Chantal" she nudges her sibling who was still whispering something to her.
"And this is Zelda, she's kinda shy, sorry"
"Ahaha, nice to meet you, you guys both look divine in your... Wardrobe choices" I gave them another awkward smile. Zelda whispers something to Chantal again. "Oh! btw, we posses the largest collection of stuffed spiders in private hands on the Eastern Seaboard" stuffed spiders? Lucifer had one when I first entered her domain.
And I never saw them after that.
"That's quite impressive if I should say so myself" I chuckle. "Would you like to see them? Perhaps later this evening?"
"Nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Lyta, Lyta Hall" she shook my hand.
Well- the more side wenches I meet, the more successful this will be.
Sorry for the very short chapter, I was really tired in making this, it was literally night time haha. (Wattpad: Torotoro0)
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justhugsplz · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@iiiflow thank you for tagging me :) <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tatort Münster (technically Doctor Strange too, but it's a Münster/Doctor Strange crossover and I'm not in the fandom apart from that)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Entangled: Mit seiner freien Hand riss er sich seinen Schal vom Hals, knüllte ihn zusammen und presste ihn auf die Wunde. Der helle Kaschmir saugte sich mit beängstigender Geschwindigkeit voll. Faser um Faser sickerte das dunkelrote Blut durch den Stoff, erreichte warm Boernes Finger und breitete sich darunter unaufhaltsam weiter aus. Boerne war das gewohnt. Sollte das gewohnt sein. Doch dieses Mal war es Thiel, der unter seinen Händen wegblutete.
Hat mich gefreut: Thiel ist in Gefahr, Boerne geht dazwischen.
Väter und Sohn: Thiel ist alleinerziehend. Und damit völlig überfordert. Bis Boerne ihm zur Seite springt, und sie zusammen überfordert sind.
Leer: Thiel kommt an dem Abend erst später in die Gerichtsmedizin, was Boerne zu viel Zeit zum Nachdenken gibt.
Perché non lo chiede a me?: Thiel verschluckte sich fast an seinem Wasser. Was hatte Boerne da gerade gesagt?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I would second @iiiflow: I try very much to. If I don't respond I just haven’t found the energy yet. The thing is … I love to know that someone felt something, laughed, cried or was excited while reading the fic. And I think it’s amazing when people take their time to tell me about it. Sometimes the feeling is quite overwhelming because I'd like to give them an adequate response and then I'm suddenly missing the words to do so. Especially if there are several comments waiting for a response. I guess I'm overthinking this a bit too much and should just write what comes to my mind first :D
I love reading people's comments, but I get very nervous about writing back. I haven't responded yet to those on my most recent story and two older ones, I'm gonna try to write back soon.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be Nachbeben, a story about Boerne struggling with cocaine consumption. It's a very open ending, one I liked a lot. My beta reader thought it was too cruel, but the comments I got were really reassuring that it was the right ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Hat mich gefreut (my first story, what does that say about me? 🙈). Several of my stories have a happy end, but this one is probably the angstiest before the end, so it's all the sweeter :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thank goodness no, everybody is so kind <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I dabbled once for Mein Herz in deiner Hand, but I don't think I could do it again. I still can't tell whether it was good or not, and I feel like a colorblind person trying to paint. I'd rather explore aro/ace/queerplatonic themes :) (not that they're mutually exclusive)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written one, and I would it's pretty crazy: Tatort Münster/Doctor Strange. It's basically the 2016 Doctor Strange movie with the Münster characters: Boerne goes on Doctor Strange's journey, injuring his hands, going to Kamar-Taj and learning magic. With the difference that he does end up with Thiel ;)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet either.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oof, that tough. Either Thiel/Boerne or Crowley/Aziraphale.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Secrets We Keep. It's a Tatort Münster Vampire AU. I love it and I have like 30k of plot in my head, but I have so many WIPs I don't know if I'll ever get to it. I would love to though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
My beta reader says my strength is creating detail and immersing the reader through that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
It takes me really long to write. My first drafts are not legible, they're not really first drafts at all, more like sentence fragments with multiple alternatives for nouns, verbs, chunks etc. I just keep narrowing it down and editing and it somehow slowly morphs into the final version. Not sure if that's the best approach, it's definitely a time-consuming approach. I could never write a story in 90 minutes or even 120, or at least not one I'd feel happy with.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I included some dialogue in Italian in 'Perché non lo chiede a me?', and I tried to imply what was being said through internal monologue, for readers who don't know Italian. I think as long as you ensure that readers can follow (unless the point is that they can't), dialogue in another language is fine.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Does it count if I never finished or published it and wasn't really in the fandom? In that case it would be Lucifer, I am just in love with that character (pre season 3) and I have so many ideas, but I've never written anything more than tidbits and brief outlines. Other than that, Tatort Münster. That's the first fandom I was really in and wrote full stories for.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oof, also a tough one. There are several fics with concepts that I really like, but I think I'll have to say Leer. I got the idea in the evening, wrote through the night and published it the next morning at like 4am. It's the only fic I've written like that, normally I need weeks for one-shots or even single chapters. It was kind of cathartic to write, and I've re-read it a lot.
Tagging @khalaris @cavallettas-world and @keinbutterdieb if you'd like to share!
I know I have more tags and asks waiting, thank you for those too, I'll try to respond to those too soon!
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reallygrossstuff · 2 years
You have my boyfriend to blame for this. I pitched this completely ridiculous idea and he didn’t properly warn me off it so now you have to read Hal reacting to Dirk giving himself absurd amounts of ass. No I’m not thinking of sequel ideas why do you ask.
Hal didn’t think he’d ever stop loving having a body. As a sentient program he’d thought humans primitive for their routines and rituals, but now that he could indulge himself, he could never bring himself to get over the simple pleasure of nursing a hot cup of tea while his processors caught up with any news from the previous night.
Normally this was a routine nothing could interrupt. Dirk often awoke during this, but he was quiet and unobtrusive enough as not to get in Hal’s way as he sat at the kitchen counter. Today, though, while Dirk didn’t say a word to Hal as he rummaged in the fridge and started the coffee machine, it was impossible for Hal to continue after seeing him.
“Mm.” Dirk was as eloquent as he ever was first thing in the morning, blank stare fixed on the slowly-preparing coffee that would bring him to life.
“It would appear you have made certain changes to your appearance overnight.”
“Oh, yeah. Well actually I made them in the afternoon, while you were in your long charge cycle.”
“There’s a 95% chance you said that to try and distract me into a semantic argument, one which I refuse to have right now. There are more important things to discuss, such as; why the hell did you give yourself implants?”
“Why not?” Dirk looked over his shoulder at his lower half. Everything above his hips was as Hal remembered it from the day before, but from there Dirk appeared as if a different person. His ass nearly tripled the width of his hips, each cheek massively round and shapely within his overtaxed gym shorts. Just the slight motion of his head was enough to cause a slight sway in them, pale flesh rippling where it was completely unhidden. His thighs had been thickened somewhat too, enough to support his new obscene rear, but not enough to make his ass itself stand out any less. “Also technically they’re not implants, it’s the-”
“-the synthetic subcutaneous fat cells you just finished designing, yes, I could guess. The ones you planned to release as an ironic joke, to my knowledge, not seriously use to make yourself cartoonishly stacked.” Hal’s synthetic eye twitched as the bouncing continued without any more influence. “So again. Why.”
“Maybe I just wanted a change of pace, did you consider that?” Dirk crossed his arms without looking defensive, even though it was clear where Hal was looking. “It’s not a big deal, it doesn’t get in the way more than is honestly kinda funny, and it’s my body anyway, not yours.”
“It’s a body I’m going to have to look at every day. Did you consider nobody else’s comfort before you made yourself the envy of adult clubs the world over? Or were you too caught up in the idea of being stared at for every moment of your waking life?”
Dirk’s shoulders went tense for a moment before he forcibly relaxed them. “Okay, a bit of the latter. So what.” The coffee finished brewing, and Dirk leaned forward to take his mug and have a long sip, only exaggerating his quaking rear more. “Fuck, that’s good...”
“Unbelievable. I’m not helping you when you try to reverse this, you know. Maybe you’ll learn something from the mistake.” Hal stood up, ignoring his half-finished tea as he prepared to leave the room.
“Yeah, you’ll laugh it up, I’m sure.” As Dirk drank he observed his reflection in the fridge door, cocking his hip and bending his knees slightly to further display his beach ball ass. “You really think it’s strip club level already?”
“Never fucking mind, you’re totally shameless. Are you seriously posing just to - and now you’re twerking. Incredible. I hate that I come from your mind, truly.”
Hal beat a hasty retreat from the kitchen, leaving Dirk to twitch his hips experimentally in a fair approximation of an amateur stripper. Some human traits would just never make sense to him.
He kept his recording of the sight, of course. For research purposes.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
who hogs the duvet
I think they are both hot sleepers who kick the blankets off and someone somehow ends up with their feet on the pillow, so no one. Or George. George claims the duvet after it's been kicked off the bed.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Neither! They give each other a lot of space in the day to day.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Ollie, because he loves being dramatic (and usually has to make up for some nonsense he's pulled).
who gets up first in the morning
They are both night owls who stay in bed as late as possible. Ollie eventually drags himself out of bed to make Dinah coffee and she gets up when she smells it.
who suggests new things in bed
Both of them, they are creative and voracious.
who cries at movies
Both of them but they have different crying triggers.
who gives unprompted massages
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Ollie. He is also INCREDIBLY whiny when he's sick and Dinah is very patient.
who gets jealous easiest
Neither of them, really - again, their relationship has a lot of space in it - but possibly Ollie by a hair. Dating Ollie while having a jealous nature is not a fruitful path.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Ollie canonically only listens to music from the 40s no matter what year the comic was published in, and Dinah is literally canonically the lead singer of the coolest band in the DCU, so I guess technically Ollie but actually they are both amazing and I love them.
who collects something unusual
Ollie canonically collects old bows and random Robin Hood stuff, so.
who takes the longest to get ready
Ollie, that beard is sculpted.
who is the most tidy and organised
I think they are on about the same level of "comfortably cluttered but not messy."
who gets most excited about the holidays
Ollie, but they both love them.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
They switch!
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
BOTH OF THEM, I feel like this is always going to be the answer with superhero ships. These are not people who know how to back down or walk away.
who starts the most arguments
Ollie lol.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Ollie didn't really suggest it, he just rescued a dog the size of a horse and that was that.
what couple traditions they have
I refuse.
what tv shows they watch together
what other couple they hang out with
Hal and...Carol? I guess? Or whoever he's dating at that particular moment? It's just Hal, really. I'm trying to picture them hanging out with Babs and Dick but I cannot picture Ollie and Dick on a double date together, I just can't.
how they spend time together as a couple
Fucking. Eating chili. Arguing. Fighting crime. Fucking some more. (This was formative for Roy, who considers it peak romance. Jason's on board but would like to incorporate meals that aren't chili.)
who made the first move
It's pretty much always Ollie in every version of canon, and that feels extremely correct to me.
who brings flowers home
The flowers are in their home, they are florists.
who is the best cook
The answer to this depends entirely on how much you like chili.
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