#all the while claiming to be doing stuff thats so different and out there
moodr1ng · 1 year
i watch (/listen to) a lot of youtube vids/essays about writing and worldbuilding but eventually their usefulness to me (ESPECIALLY the worldbuilding ones) is always limited by the youtubers assumption that i am 1. writing sci-fi or fantasy, that my story will feature clear protagonists and antagonists, and that i will be writing in order to move forward a clear, action-based plot, and there seems to be no consideration towards the fact some people write like. other stuff than ya and high fantasy. 2. that their ideas of how societies or people or cultures or religions or whatever else function are universal, when in fact basically all these youtubers are white and culturally christian and constantly, evidently limited by their perspective lol
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sabosbabygirl · 1 year
Here’s my take on How I think Simon Ghost Riley would treat you plus a lil bit abt SAS.
I’m military, so I’m using my knowledge, have seen and what I have actually researched
Simon is my favorite Britain
Also idk why ppl keep saying “i wish british ppl existed?!” Like they do…fictional ppl don’t 😔
First off SAS is one of theeeee best special forces teams in the World. The US equivalent would be the Army Delta Force (the unit).
The SAS go through physical and mentally exhausting trainings. Only the fittest, hardest and most resourceful soldiers become part of the SAS.
SAS is real and is British lol. Its not made up. In fact most of the CoD stuff is real minus the operators and respawning after dying lol.
Lets dive into how he would treat you:
-Ghost and Simon same guy but different. Ghost is the job version. While Simon is your sweet honeybun.
-I will forever say this but NO HE DOES NOT WEAR THE MASK OUTSIDE WORK..any special forces personnel that does is stupid tbh. Bc that is risking his entire life, family, friends, etc.
-The man drinks bourbon. It is said, and I’ve researched this, that people that drink bourbon are: unique, passionate, complex and free spirits. I mean the man dumped a dude in a garbage can after killing him..thats free spirited enough for me.
-He is an old soul. He may be in his mid 30s but he has a wealthy amount of knowledge. Another perk to being an old soul is once his eyes are on you, they are only on you.
-Observant. That one dress you like but in a different color, he’d notice. The new hairstyle, he’d be first to compliment you. He is observant to every detail. All your scars, freckles, curves, all of it. As a special forces personnel they have to be observant and aware of their surroundings.
-Loyal. The man is SAS, loyal to his country..so why would he not be loyal to you?!
-Having a bad day and he’s not there, the florist down the shop got his message and will be bringing you flowers. Having a bad day and he is home: he got off early and raced home. Made your favorite tea, started your bath, ordered pizza and has that scented candle on.
-Passionate! The man loves his job. You can tell by way he performs execution moves and the way he shoots perfectly. But that also translates outside the field. He is passionate towards you. Expressing his love whether it be through sex, taking care of the house, cooking or as simple as “did you eat, my love?”.
-Expert at many things. You need your car fixed, he’ll do it (just don’t ask him to drive it), need a new coat of paint on the walls, he’s there with a roller brush. That dishwasher is leaking, he’s got his tools out ready to be your bob the fixer or whatever.
-Sex is great! When the man goes on missions, tbh, the chances of him having time, whether it be actual time or alone time to masturbate to you is probably slim. But once he is home. Its game over. That pussy is his and he’ll be swimming in it all night long.
-Honestly he’s a good man. Claims to have a cold heart but considering his past trauma and his SAS experience, I don’t blame him for having a wall up. But once he meets you, he will tear that shit down and settle with you.
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onestepbackwards · 10 months
been thinking about how different a self aware!volo would be with a player who has already played PLA before who isn't gonna fall for the ginkgo merchant's little trick. at first, volo first confronts you in jubilife, that big ol grin plastered on his face. at first, he greets rei/akari. but he can't help but notice the OTHER person thats next to them, who's just looking at him with narrowed eyes and a disapproving expression. you. obviously, volo just ignores that and shrugs it off as something that he saw because he ate something bad. but his vision of you is still very present in his mind. what did he do to get such a cold shoulder from you? the skyfaller seemed to be totally fine with him, but you looked at him like he just insulted your entire bloodline. of course, the same cycle of "greet, sneer, ignore, repeat" continues for some time, volo's curiousity and desperation to what he (probably) did only reaching more and more heights as he tries to make it up to you on each attempt. of course, the whole "banishment from jubilife" thing happens. with volo being the first to try and give you closure after being tossed out like that, he sees it as an attempt to make up for what he thinks he did. unfortunately for him, you decided to stop the cycle and just tell him out front about his little clever plan. the plates. giratina. mountain coronet. you already knew about it from first glance. and every single gear in volo's mind comes to a complete stop. at first, he is dismissive to your claims. him? betray YOU? not in a million years! but deep down in his mind, he is screaming. how did you know? how COULD you have known? did he make it seem to obvious? are you a psychic? he is frustrated. angered. yet at the same time, he is scared. scared of you. obviously, no ordinary skyfaller would've known about his little deal with giratina. you're something else. after the whole ordeal, volo walks away. with nowhere else to go, you decide to do the same thing you did on your previous playthrough and fight volo once your team is strong enough to counter his AND to ward off giratina. but once you reach mountain coronet's top, you find him in that (rather ridiculous) arceus wardrobe, bowing down once he saw you arrived. he referred to you as an all-knowing deity, powerful enough to even see through HIM in order to figure out his scheme. and that to think that he was capable enough of tricking YOU.. what a fool he was. he was at your mercy. while the option of "killing" him popped in your mind, you simply shrugged it off. he wasn't worth the effort. he thanks you for showing him mercy and forgiveness, but not without you telling him that if he ever pulls that stuff again, you won't be so forigivng next time. he bows yet again, and heads off to wherever the wind will take him.
Volo, surprised: “How did you know about my plan?”
You, not on your first playthrough: “Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy.”
Honestly its something that would bother the hell out of him. How you seem just… suspicious of him, or annoyed. What did he do!?
Then when you reveal his plan, it haunts him for days. How. How the hell did you know.
Judging by how you reacted to him since you met, you’ve known this whole time.
So it occurs to him.
Maybe, just maybe, you were the real thing. The real god. He’s seen how you interact with the world, watching from a distance.
Hopefully, you’d accept his apology. Accept he wanted to worship you now.
No wonder Arceus ignored him. If you were the true god, then he didn’t want the attention of a false idol anyway
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strqyr · 3 months
here to say thank you for understanding the characters the way as they should be, so many misinterpret them horribly and take them at their face value or will straight up make up a headcanon and then trick themselves into thinking thats what the character is(yang being the biggest one that gets mischaracterized so much and so badly). you actually go through each characters heads while considering canon material and fune tooth combing each and every scene and piece of information for them
i try my best lol. i'm sure i get stuff 'wrong' (i.e. not necessarily what the writers themselves were going for) every now and then, such is life when we all come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences that mold us, but nothing is more fun than putting myself in specific character's shoes and really digging in to see what makes them tick, how their backstories inform their actions, both past and present, and so on and so on.
i think a common stumbling block—besides headcanons taking priority, which frankly is a package deal with fandom in general—is the though that if you like a character, they must be good, and if you dislike a character, they must be bad, which leads to all their actions being painted in same light, nuance be damned. people want nuanced and flawed characters as long as it suits them; the moment it doesn't, all that gets thrown out the window while still claiming that nuance is everything—just don't point out that the character they like might actually be *GASP* flawed, or that character they dislike might actually not be Pure Evil™, and everything is fine.
(people relating to characters probably also plays a part here; any pointed flaw towards a character they like is seen as an attack against them, etc.)
yang to me is a fascinating case, because, well. people often point towards jaune as the character most often bastardized by fandom, and i completely get that, but what i've also found is that these jaune fans often just. stay on their lane, doing their own thing, which is very easy to ignore if you so please. with yang, though, i've seen people getting upset at other fans for taking an official description of yang into account when portraying her in artwork or fics and straight up claiming that the very obvious canon trait of yang's is either a) never really been a thing (it has very much been a thing since day 1), or b) a made-up fanon thing, and it's like
if you don't like it, take it up with rooster teeth??? why get mad at other fans for characterizing yang as she is in canon??? makes no sense lmao
anyway, not that i need them to stop; the most appreciation i've gained towards characters has been solely because i've seen takes about them that immediately, without ever having thought about these characters that deeply before, make me go "that's bullshit" and then dig through canon to make myself understand why my instinct was that strong—and often finding new things that i had never considered before. it's a win-win situation for me skdgkjhkfh
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altermay · 6 months
Tw/ transphobia, discussions of dysphoria, brief mention of suicide, descriptions of child abuse
Getting unbearable. Feeling sick. Started working to afford hormones only to find out the service that is most accessible to me (plume) doesnt offer T in alabama anymore due to changing laws. Fuck all these stupid politicians putting their noses in others lives.
Thought people at work wouldnt make a super huge deal, as I was selective with who I told, so i thought maybe I could hold out a bit longer and at least i wouldnt have to feel so dysphoric all the time, since all my coworkers knew me as Monte. But then instead of my name, people who would usually call anyone else by their name started calling me “Miss” and “maam”
Even the ones I had come out to, and even the ones who told me they were accepting.
Whatever, im from a small rural area, so transphobia is not new to me, what is new to me, however, is being openly trans in an unfamilliar environment. I thought I could start T quickly and maybe people would ever forget that im trans in the first place, but now its been so long.
Some people call me He, and use the right pronouns, but increasingly lately Ive received a myriad of transphobia.
Being called tranny loudly while my coworker kicks my broom as I try to sweep (kicking hard enough for the broom to almost leave my hands and hit another person behind me) , Getting called “it” behind my back. Stuff like this is becoming more common.
The two coworkers who called me it, have been spreading lies about my work performance these past five days, Ive been told my three different people that every time I leave to go do something they start talking badly of me. So I got to my breaking point, at this point it had nothing to do with the pronouns, I was just upset that two forty+ year old adults were purposefully making my job harder to do while I was also struggling with a ton of other stuff (ptsd, seasonal depression, a family members recent suicide) and so I couldnt stop crying.
Despite this situation having nothing to do with me being trans, they are now trying to spread the narrative that Im just being sensitive because they were misgendering me while they were borderline bullying me.
If I was not trans, people would take me seriously on these issues. But now, because I am upset, suddenly Im just a stereotype. A sensitive trans person who is offended because someone used the wrong pronouns a few times.
I will be one to say, I do not give a SHIT about my pronouns. Ive been called the wrong ones my whole life by a majority of people. That was never the issue. But because Im trans, that is the only issue people can perceive for me to have. The ONE issue I had with them regarding my pronouns was them calling me “it” and thats not because its the wrong pronoun, thats because its DEHUMANIZING.
But now I have other coworkers who know NOTHING about the situation saying shit like “well if she claims shes a man maybe she should suck it up” “well if she wants to be seen as a man maybe she shpuld cut her hair”
Fuck you. How about YOU get beaten for 17 years, YOU watch your siblings get beaten near to death for 17 years. YOU have flashbacks of things you dont understand all day every day and we will see how fucking well youre able to “suck it up” you are WEAK. YOU ARE ALL WEAK. And you dont know what its like to be me. My mother tried to kill me. My mother almost killed my sister, I was neglected, never went to a doctor, and I STILL dont know how to take care of myself. And I still havent recovered all of the memories.
Ive had SHORT HAIR ive had LONG HAIR Ive had a MOHAWK, ive had a BUZZCUT ive been BALD. And people STILL fucking saw me as a woman. Im tired of conforming to this bullshit just so people can treat me the same as they always do
Fun fact though, since Ive had long hair Ive been gendered correctly by strangers MORE than I have with ANY OTHER HAIR STYLE.
These stupid fucking transphobes and their stupid fucking stereotypes im so fucking sick of it all. And corporate wont do anything about it, Im sure of this.
Why is it so hard for me to just live my fucking life.
Im so sick of it all
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rocketyship · 8 months
That poll is so hard to vote for cause on one hand, it feels like Tiff would fit the best because of her incredibly unreliable narration matching Ted's while it would still be a subversion of the original because of the reason why she's unreliable(rose tinted glasses and extreme devotion to BE as opposed to the stuff Ted's got going on) and her pov on and relationship with BE would just be so fun to see explored and the horror of the situation being a subtle thing thats swept under the rug could be so cool.
But on the other, Evan would also kinda match with the original due to his open emotional distance and disconnect from the girls, AND it would bring a lot of fun, fresh stuff! Seems like Evan is the one who pays most attention to AM, and seeing what's happening there from his pov would be so interesting! He, just like Ellen if she would've narrated could bring up how things like being the only one of the opposite sex and gender in the group and (from what we know from the short story at least) only dark skinned person would like.. idk change perspectives on things?? I'd also love to find out more about him!
Oh, not to mention Naomi!! Having narration that is pretty damn reliable would make worldbuilding and exploration much easier and she's also got that disconnect due to her age and crystal clear memory, being able to see things as they are and were could be really refreshing in a ihnmaims universe and i really want to know what her whole deal is! Being born toward the end of the war must've made quite a difference to how a person would process everything, Ted's whole "I'm youngest so my experience is different because i barely had time to live as an adult before the nukes" wouldn't have shit on someone who wasn't even like... done w puberty.
Ooooh they'd all make for such fun narrators 😭 It's really too bad that writing takes so much time and effort or it would've been amazing to see all three's povs! I still don't know what to vote for or how the results are looking so far but im really looking forward to seeing what the results will lead to!
Maybe you have a character you have the most ideas for or would like to write most? Cause if so, that'd def help me choose what to vote.
Sorry for the wall of text(would you believe me if i said i wanted to write more? This is me trying to show restraint, didn't even write about the potential AM could have as a narrator), and i hope you have a good day!
Okay so first off, I love-love-love this response. You have such fun perspectives on these silly little au characters of mine and it makes me a little sad that you didn’t write anymore cause I definitely would have read it, especially what you were thinking about what an interesting narrator AM could be.
As to which character I have the most ideas for, is such a difficult thing to answer cause well I have so-so many. But I do want to put them out there for you so here they are:
Tiffany: narration wise, I imagine the stuff she says can and does come across as nonsensical and border line trigger happy, however sometimes she occasionally lets something slip that clues into her true feelings and that a part of her may indeed be aware of the gravity of the groups situation, however she shuts it down as she has severe attachment issues and cannot fathom how she could possibly survive without BE. Another thing I pictured is that she very often quotes the bible and other religious texts, as BE doesn’t present herself as machine and genuinely as a divine entity. I also have been toying with a scene similar to the one in the radio drama, where AM is talking to Ted about bumblebees and getting high r something. Where it is set up as the reverse. BE showing Tiff the horrors of what the radiation and world has come to (in a way that is seriously deceptive) and claiming that all she has to do is snap her fingers for it to return. It would definitely read as a story where there is total tonal whiplash from one scene to the next, so that is something to consider.
Evan: I have come up with so many pasts for all these survivors before they were “rescued” by BE, however one thing to note is that I don’t really think of these characters as just “genderbent versions of the originals”. Evan is one of the key examples of this, as in this au he is technically the original Ellen’s older brother, however he left home when she was around 12-13ish, as he didn’t like the life, college and job his family set out and tried to push him into. Unlike Ellen who was a successful engineer, who may have been a hopeless romantic based on the original text. Evan was and very much still is kind of a massive party animal. I picture him very punk but like the old kind of punk. Like he was the kind of guy to go motorcycling around the country (even into war-devastated bits, cause it was a thrill), he went to underground clubs and concerts, and sure as heck slept around and had no shame in it (both women and men if you are curious). He doesn’t want to get sentimental, he wants to live his life on the edge and BE doesn’t allow that. He constantly tries to upset her, get some kind of intense reaction from her. He tries to escape, he kicks and tries to tear open parts of her internal network. This man has tried to kill Gloria (Gloria kind of deserves it thou) and the only reactions he gets from BE is her finding him cute, amusing, or as if he just needs to be put in a corner to calm down for a bit. Truthfully he is someone who just wants to go back and experience life again, recognising that BE’s utopia isn’t living and refusing to buy into it.
Naomi: I won’t lie, Nimdok is so boring in the og story, and they definitely tried to do “something” with him in the game. I don’t like it, again different ramble. So like Evan, she is a different person. Like you said she has barely started puberty and because of BE neither her body or even her mind has really aged in anyway and she is horribly aware of this. Due to the war she has had her childhood taken from her, but now because of BE she shall never experience adulthood or growing up. Her memory hardly anything particularly helpful. She remembers exactly what BE did to the others when they first got brought to the compound, she has seen what goes down in the labs, she knows what pills are and aren’t sleeping pills, developing a habit where she will pretend to take one and spit it out if she is able to. As stated in the survivors master post, she knows BE’s blind spots and will often go there on her own. Not really to do anything, just kind of sit around. Further more, she and Evan have a way of communicating, number of blinks, which fingers moved when you spoke to them, that kind of stuff. Still she doesn’t want to escape, she knows she’ll die if she does, generally she acts more like a mediator in the group. As a narrator, I did have this idea for a few odd habits she has learned over the years. Example is that she constantly counting, time and routine is import to her, as she notices when something is wrong and that freaks her out. She also has this habit of just staring at the others for very long periods of time, especially Gloria. She clearly remembers seeing her on tv during her old life, and also remembers how she attacked her when Naomi attempted to mention it to Gloria.
Writing does take so much effort, especially for me, cause truthfully I’m always jumping back and forth on what I’m working on. On top of this au and the fic, I’m also in the process of finishing the final script and sketches for a different web comic I’ve been planning for a while, as well as a completely unrelated world building project that I’ve been at for two years now. Anyhow!! Tell me more please
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louscartridge · 2 years
Hi!! Could you do a kevin x reader meet cute? Like they have a cute style but like slipknot, knorn,, and other metal bands. Thank you :)
cw- none i dont think
 i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
at first he was really surprised.
you were the one who talked to him first
he was scared to talk to you because of his music taste and him playing the drums and all
he thought you would think he was weird or something.
and you noticed that he kept stealing glances whenever he could, so you said something
once you guys knew each other for a while you finally asked him to go over to your house.
thats where he found your music taste.
you forgot he was supposed to come over, so you still were drawing on your bed, listening to slipknot and whatever other band came on that was in the playlist
you heard a knock on your door, and you assumed it was your guardian, so you just responded with 
“im doing something, and yes, ill turn it down”
but the voice that responded most definitely did not belong to someone who lives in your house.
“uh- its- its kevin. you asked me to come over today?”
“shit! yeah just a second sorry i completely forgot!”
you turned off your music quickly, made your bed and opened the door.
he was shocked to say the least.
but you were friends with hunter after all. (it wasnt until later that he learned the hunter calls the music you listen to ‘poser music’)
looking around your room, he was met by band posters and band tshirts on your floor.
he recognized some of them, not alot tho.
“is that the music you listen to all the time?”
“yeah, it pretty much always have been.”
he was really confused and taken aback honestly
but he definitely liked it
he felt alot more confident around you after that.
you gave him song recommendations
ones to pay on the drums and just songs or bands you think hell like or whatever your liking at the moment.
sometimes its a bit much because he has songs and stuff he has to listen to from both you and hunter.
it would take him so convincing to go to a concert
but after you do convince him he likes it non the less.
the first few he was quite awkward
but after a bit he wouldnt be so bad
hes like a completely different person at concerts then he is just hanging out or at school or something.
hunter says that your turning him into a “poser” or something
kevin was really confused as to why hunter kept saying that
but then you explained that hunter was just joking because of the fact that hes listening to two kinds of metal. 
overall really likes it and thinks its cool he has more then just hunter who listens to metal and stuff.
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loser-jpg · 1 year
i wanted to talk more about professor venomous shadowy figure and shadowy venomous.
So shadowy figure was created as an alternate persona while professor venomous was trying to regain his powers, but SF and PV have nothing in common. SF is obsessed with power, thats his whole thing. There is not a single episode with SF that does not have him obsessing over power. The main example being his obsession with glorbs. Glorbs literally ARE power in the ok ko universe. Glorbs can be sold or traded because they are so sought after, they can be used to power machinery, or they can be used to even give a person a temporary power up. Shadowy figure almost in every appearance goes after them. Most of the time manipulating KO to get them. Another thing SF seems to care so much about is TKO. He continuously tries to get KO to unleash TKO, telling him to "unleash his true power/potential". SF does not care about TKO the person, but the power TKO has.
This is not only different but contradictory to PV, whose whole arc is abandoning the climb for power. At first he stops trying to regain his powers, something he cared about so much, when he goes to villainy, but then again when he joins Boxmore. Most of PVs early appearances he seems depressed and bored with villainy, only excited when Boxman is around, fighting heroes. Boxmans version of villainy is different from the other villains PV knows, the other villains also obsess over power, but Boxman simply wants to attack the plaza and fight heroes. Boxman has no wish for power, even using a large amount of glorbs carelessly only using them to build his machines. PV finds this version of villainy much more appealing and abandons power AGAIN, by merging Voxmore. PV has no real interest in power, which shows the difference between him and SF as SF even has a higher pow card number.
These contradictory goals and ideas make it impossible for PV and SF to be the same person. And although the show never claims this to be the case, it does claim that PV is Shadowy Venomous, and SF is too. SV is supposed to be a merge of PV and SF, but any characteristics SV shares with PV are characteristics SF has. And SV shares many similarities with SF that PV does not have. The main thing being once again power. One of the first things we see SV do is get KO to bring out TKO. But does SV want to meet TKO because he's his son? No. He wants TKO to make a deal with him, a deal for power. SVs main plain is to get all the glorbs that are underneath the plaza, he does this but first, he and TKO destroy not only the plaza, but all over. This isn't something PV would do, but it is something SF would do. SV also has no respect for TKO, getting mad at him when he doesn't do what SV wants, but PV has lots of respect for KO. When KO brings PV to the glorb tree, PV doesn't take a single glorb. Fink does, but once KO tells PV not to take any, he just turns away from them. PV also never pressures KO to do anything evil with him. Always willing to do what KO wants, even if thats hero stuff. Thats a major part of PV that both SF and SV lack, his care for those important to him. PV cares for Fink deeply, but SV ignores her entirely. PV and Boxman act as a unit, pretty much a married couple, since the Voxmore merge, and PV is shown to have so much respect for Boxman. But SV makes Boxman leave after being very cruel and mean to him. He also kicks out the robots, which is something PV wouldn't have done as the robots are important to Boxman and PV respects him. There are just too many differences between PV and SV for them to be the same person.
Another point I want to bring up is KOs relationship with TKO vs PVs relationship with SF and SV. People in the show treat TKO the same as KO. This makes sense because they are the same person. KO says this himself, "You're a part of me and I'm a part of you." TKO is just KO but angry and more powerful. People treat SF and SV completely differently than PV. Fink ignores SV in the same way she ignores SF and even teams up with Rad and Enid against him because "He took away my boss," referring to PV and SV as separate people. Boxman also treats SV different as he seems upset when TKO and SV team up, almost scared, and he gets angry at SV and tells him to leave, in a way he would never talk to PV. At the end of the show SF is even removed from PV, getting rid of SV entirely. At the same time, KO and TKO join together not to make something new, but to just be KO, because thats what they are.
There is nothing that proves that SV and PV are the same person. But there is so much that proves they are different people and that in fact, SV is just SF. What most likely happened was that when PV tried to get rid of SF he accidentally made him more powerful or made a deal to leave the others alone that backfired and gave SF control. It's also likely that SF simply recovered from his fight with Fink and KO and just took control again. After this he probably pretended to be PV to gain KOs trust, then lied about joining with PV to make SV to get TKOs trust, and make a deal with him. Further proved by Fink avoiding him even while he looks like PV.
sorry that this is pretty much an essay just to explain every point i have that shadowy venomous and professor venomous arent the same person but i really wanted to say this
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emblematicemblazer · 6 months
Brodian Battle Quotes
"Nothing short of victory!"
"This will hurt!"
"Now I'm angry!"
"Are you watching, Father?"
"A proud victory!"
"You put up a good fight."
"Remember this."
"Victory is mine."
"A battle fit for Brodia."
"For Brodia!"
"I hope this is enough!"
"I will protect everyone!"
"I won't miss!"
"I-I'm sorry!"
"I had no choice but to win."
"I'm still alive? Huh."
"I can't belief that I did that."
"I'll apologize later."
If you compare the two royal siblings, they both have a quote about fighting for their country, just like the Firenze royalty do, whereas the Lythos characters refer to the Divine Dragon instead. Diamant's quotes are confident, aggressive and focus on victory. There are no references to interests outside of battle. Alcryst doesn't refer to outside interests either, the difference from Diamant is that he is surprised by his success in battle, sometimes apologetic and rather than the offensive nature of Diamant's quotes, his are focussed on defence and protection.
"I will protect everyone!"
"Care to join me?"
"I have a gift for you!"
"Allow me to dazzle you!"
"Please, forgive me."
"I beg your pardon."
"Now this outfit needs a wash."
"Thank you for the dance."
"I claimed this victory."
"I will protect everyone!"
"I won't waste this chance!"
"I'll cut you down to size!"
"You're going down."
"Sorry about that."
"Don't waste my time."
"Made quick work of that."
"Who's next?"
"I won't let this go in my head."
"Nothing short of victory!"
"I will be a hero!"
"Hope this looks cool!"
"My legend starts now!"
"All right!"
"Prince Diamant, I did it!"
"Just like a hero."
"I won? I won!"
"That settles it."
"Yeah, thats the stuff."
"Nothing short of victory!"
"My turn!"
"Your story ends here."
"The final blow."
"Not half-bad."
"And so, the knight claimed victory."
"A satisfying ending."
"I won't forget this."
The retainers each share a line with their lieges. Amber and Jade share “Nothing short of victory!” with Diamant and Citrinne and Jade share “I will protect everyone! “ with Alcryst. Diamant and his retainers have the offensive line while Alcryst and his retainers have the defensive line. The rest of the lines relate to each retainer's personality and interests. Citrinne's lines reference her love of grand balls, her noble etiquette and the generosity her wealth allows her. Lapis's lines reference her modesty and her strength. Amber's lines reference his love of legends, his desire to be a hero and his surprise and delight at winning. Jade's lines reference her humorous writing. 
 "Look what you made me do."
"Dropped your guard."
"You're dead."
"Time to finish the job."
"Glad that's over with!"
"That was a cinch!"
"Another kill for me!"
"Nailed it."
"Was that too much?"
Yunaka speaks as Larimar for her critical lines and as Yunaka in her victory battle lines. As Larimar she is threatening or criticising her opponent while as Yunaka she is celebrating her victory. Different sides of Yunaka are relevant for different situations, both sides create the whole. 
"I'll gut you like a fish!"
"Worm Food."
"Out of my face."
"No other choice."
"The weak die."
"Good workout."
"For King Morion."
"No one's gonna miss you."
Saphir's battle quotes reflect her hobby of fishing and cooking seafood, her loyalty to King Morion and her devotion to might. 
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geffenrecords · 4 months
I see your posts about tim and dally and i think they're hilarious so I was wondering if you had any hcs for them?? they're so underrated it's criminal bc I'm honest to God obsessed w them 😭
whoevr the ffuck asked this thank you somuch I LOVE TIM AND DALLAS.....ARGHHH theyre so fucking interesting to me forever....okay in the book its stated that dallas and tim were always kind of buddies . pb specifically notes that even though dallas got angry and slashed tim's tires for no real reason and then tim retaliated by breaking his ribs that they were still friends. tim goes to see dallas in the hospital, which dallas claims he only does to rub the rumble in his face but i (choose to) believe it was like...more .
tim isnt really a character in the books very much tbh . he has 1 single appearance in the outsders and one in that was then this is now. most of what we hear about him is word of mouth, but when he is onscreen hes described as very cold and scary. ponyboy notes that tim reminds him of an alley cat, and tim praises pony and johnny for killing bob. he kind of just stalks around and talks to everyone a little bit and thats the most we see (besides him breaking his nose again LMAO). pony mentions him A LOT in this book. something thats kind of a '''fandom'''' thing that pisses me off is how people say that darry & soda wouldnt like pony hanging out with curly because he's a ''bad influence'' but this just..isnt true ? pony is always mentioning both the shepards and even says he actually is friends with curly and likes him. the cigarette burning in the hands incident (i think its so cute and funny that tim stopped them. like curly robbing a liquor store is something hes lowkey proud of but curly and pony burning holes in each others hands pisses him off?) and even mentions when he was with curly one time and how he broke something while jumping off a pole. its also noted that despite all the differences between the shepards and the curtis', theyll always help each other and they truly do have each others back. no one makes any comments about how they distrust tim or anythign. in That was then This is Now, tim also shows up once but is mentioned a lot. curly and angela have the most screen time obviously in this book, but i do LOVEE tim's appearance in this book. after mark shaves angelas head, he and curly go and beat up bryon and tim is described as a very frightening person. bryon says that curly is mostly just kind of dumb and violent but tim is genuinely a mean person, noting that curly threatens a lot of people but tim really does mean everything he says and that whatever he says he'll do to someone, he really will. i think this is great! but yeah. twttin also says that the shepards live with their mother and stepdad but i kind of like. ignore this. i think their dynamic is so much more interesting if they live by themselves. i think tim is particularly fascinating BECAUSE of angela and curly. like even tho tim is a terrrible violent person he still raises and takes care of his younger siblings. adds so much more..i think..
but as for him and dally....fuckkkkk dude. the way i view them is that tim is like, genuinely very in love with dallas. like he knows it everyone knows it. usually when i do stuff with them dallas is affectionate towards him in a mostly joking manner, but doesn't really seem aware of tims feelings. obviously i dont think tim or dallas ever really like..talk about their feelings but they have subtle ways of letting each other know. i think theyre most interesting when they hate and love each other. they get in a fistfight and curse each other out b4 going behind bucks and making out for a couple hours . that sort of thing. ponyboys words about them are that theyre "two of a kind" which is CRAZZZYYYYY . like i dont even know where to begin with that one . so anyways . to me, dallas is some little weird nyc freak whos had various on/off relationships, like with sylvia. they kind of cheat on each other and mostly just argue so thats how he views his relationship with tim, and he doesnt really stay with him. however tim does. tim doesnt really have any romantic experiences or anything ( i know that the outsiders says he got the scar on his face from 'a tramp hitting him with a bottle" and that this is most likely implied to say he was trying to get sex from her but i think of it as he got into an argument with some random prostitute. which is honestly kind of funnier. whys he beefing with this poor lady) so to him, dallas is very real and sort of his only thing he has going for him. he takes everything dallas does to and with him VERY personally. if dallas shows up at HIS doorstep after a fight instead of the curtis', tim basically takes this as dallas' version of saying he loves him, even if dallas only did it because his house was closer or whatever. however dallas also will tell him about things going on with sylvia and this pisses tim off so theylll beat each other up about it. and have like car sex after idk. since dallas grew up in the nyc streets and was LITERALLY JAILED AT 10(?) i think of him similar to neil mccormick from mysterious skin . most likely abused at a young age, has sex with a lot of random people to cope with it, "young and willing", that sort of thing. so to him, tim is his buddy hes close with in a really weird way, who cares if they have sex. except tim like really falls in love and dallas is kind of like oh . okay word. i dont know if dallas being in love with tim would really be like...realistic but hopefully it is . hehe. the worst people youve ever met are madly in love with each other...dallas cracks a bottle over tims head when he gets pissed off but they cuddle all night (after almost killing each other fighting it out). itd be like the first time either of them have ever like..experienced a relationship so theyre total weirdos but so sweet in a way ? tim would give dallas stitches after a fight and lay with him all night to make sure he doesnt have a concussion . dallas helps tim get home drunk even when tim tries to shove him away . that sort of thing. i also think curly interacting with dallas is SUCH a funny ass concept and i wish people did stuff with it more. im aware the shepards are boderline my ocs atp but i dont even care . dallas walks in and is like ummm wheres tim and curlys like why 🤨wtf do u want...and dallas just gets So angry. hes literally like beefing with this 14 year old for no fucking reason . dallas would lock curly in the bathroom and forget hes in there when pissed off enough but angela would bully dallas . and he cant really do anything actually harmful to them bc tim would beat his ass so hes just So pissed off.
idk . big fan of whatever se hinton mildly laid down in that book lol.
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blood-injections · 7 months
talk 2 me about H Shoe Crab... (if u like) (I'm in a... Crabby... mood... heh)
I will GLADLY talk to you about Crab!! also fucking amazing pun i love puns. Okay so as you maybe know ive been putting the suitehearts through the genderweird beam between Sandman being. I mean just look at that guy hes so genderfluid and going oh what if i saiddd she/he Donnie but while Donnies thing is just like she doesn't care shes not transfem shes just, well, Donnie. Unfortunatly Benzedrine's the token cis guy until I maybe change my mind. Anyway I've been thinking about hitting H Shoe(is it Horseshoe or H Shoe is there a difference or is H Shoe just like shortened? I mean the canon is the last thing about any of this but what actually is it because I've seen it every way is there a right way?) Crab with the transfeminator because. Why not. Plus look at her. Also Crab and Jet Star would so be transfem partners in crime.
Okay I'm just gonna dump all the Crab things I've come up with while fleshing out my suitehearts stuff. So I think he'd be the only suiteheart that doesn't mind the fab four and that the fab four don't mind bc the crews totally have a weird rivalry all the suitehearts hate the four except for sandman but thats sandman. And also Crab bc hes just like cool like that. And the fab four all hate the suitehearts except for Crab bc again. He's cool like that. Like they respect him more where they dont the others and Benze especially. Again sandmans kinda an outlier tho the fab four dont hate him they just all think hes fucking annoying. Except for ghoul and kobra but thats ghoul and kobra. But like benz and party? At eachothers throats all day every day and not in a cool sexy way. But they all like crab and i think crab and jet would be best friends i think party would be like jealous of that but theyd like crab anyway cause hes just a cool zonerunner with a sweet face and you cant stay pissy at that. Kobra probably wouldnt care for him that much but he wouldnt mind him either and then ghoul would be like lowkey obsessed with him in like an annoying little brother that NEEDS to prank him kind of way but crab lives with sandman and is literally. Untouchable by mischief. Ghoul tries to prank him and Crab somehow Knows and always turns the situation around and Ghoul's just the one that ends up getting pranked instead or hes caught in his own boobytrap. Its bc ghoul and sandman are the same flavor of little shit.
Anyway. Horseshoe Crab fuckinggg. That guard dog post i think you know the one. Hes the loyalest fucker ever to Benze especially, I'm still deciding what like suitehearts ship to put for background shit in my funsandkid frankenghoul thing oh man whatd i title it. Um. Haunted and Holy. Yeah. Like. Benzecrab... but also with the way benze is characterized in that and what i have planned for like crab and ghouls interactions idk if itd work in it. Still tempted to try it though. But like Benzecrab or should have there be something between Crab and Donnie hhhfhh i cant decide. But yeah Crabs so fucking loyal to his friends especially Benze, in Haunted and holy not so much because benze going crazy and making a person and not treating him like a person is like. Not trustworthy behavior. But until that happens and in anything else. Super loyal especially for benze. And totally a big brother to Sandman like after meeting him was like okay this guys my dude now and claimed him as like a little brother so hes also fiercely loyal for them but more like protective rather than like. For benze hes loyal in that guard dog way where he has such extreme loyalty its become devotion and he'll obey his every command way, while for sandman hes loyal in protective older sibling way and like not guard dog but rather stray dog that sandman fed one too many times and so now hes claimed him and will protect him with his life but won't stop doing so if it commands him to. Protection out of chosen love not earned loyalty. If all that makes sense. And I kinda really want to write what would happen if there was a divide in the suitehearts and Crab had to choose between those things like if he had to choose to take the side of the guy hes devoted to and maybe loves if its benzecrab or the side of his little fucking brother even if theyre not related by blood it would be so sadistic of me to him and myself writing to make him choose between the guy he saved and pulled off the streets and who was his first crewmate versus the guy that saved him and kept him alive and actually made their crew. His leader thats earned his loyalty and respect versus the guy who was family to him before he ever met Benzedrine. But both equally loved by him in their ways. Imagine if he had to choose between them hehhehehege supervillian cackle.
I feel bad for not mentioning Donnie as much in this but i think crab and donnie wouldn't have as strong of a connection like they're best friends and crew theyd kill for eachother like anyone yes but i think theres not as strong as an emotional connection there as there is with sandman or Benzedrine because i feel like theyd both kind of be like. the underdogs of the suitehearts? Like they both have their own thing going on sometimes with crab being a zonerunner and donnie being a busy mechanic and not having met donnie until later like benze they wouldnt have bonded as much and i also hc Donnie as like distant? Like eventually thatd change but i think it takes Donnie like years to fully come around to them all. By then crab and her could be super close but i just dont think donnie would hold as big a candle compared to benze or sandman in crabs mind in the theoretical suitehearts split thing. Anyway can you tell I'm normal about them.
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gold-rhine · 7 months
your post about what does zhongli being half dragon actually mean has been haunting me. at first i was like oh obviously hes a descender nahida says so but like?? she doesnt??? and this fandoms crackpot theories arent helping. feels like im being gaslit by my own mind
anyway the best reference I can find to that is the "In the beginning, Rex Lapis descended. He lowered the tides, raised Mt. Tianheng, and calmed the waves." from stone tablet compilations. though it is unclear whether this use of "descended" is literal(hes one of the descenders) or just prose(to parallel/reflect his descension party thing). it is pretty unlikely he is a descender, like the traveler, cause I believe? one of his story things updates after the irminsul situation?( I might need to look through some nahida stuff again cause I know she said something interesting about him)
(also irminsul affecting zhongli is not going to give great credentials to his "God of history" stick. myb this is what he meant at the end of his story quest?, the whole go forth and remember what I can't before the deterioration of the world obfuscates the truth idk)
oh wait, uh-
"During the Rite of Descension, Ivanovich states that "he heard" the Exuvia which Rex Lapis "appears as" during formal events, is a "celestial cross between two of Liyue's celestial creatures" (which the Chinese version specifies to be a dragon and qilin)."
thats from the wiki, I just thought it was interesting that it gets described as "celestial". especially as the CN use of "descended" here can apparently mean demoted or smt.( uh question who is all apart of celestia? its the primordial one+shades second who came and archons right? or is there more)
however because "liyues ... creatures" is specified like that it might just mean the "dragon" here is just a type of adepti/ mythological creature and is not related to the vishap/sovereign situation. (however the source here is egh so idk about the validity of it)(however this is what im personally leaning towards in terms of what is he?) which is boring but like I think morax makes enough of a name for himself that it kinda doesn't matter
end of the day I just don't think there's (somehow?)enough stuff to do good theories about him at the moment. it all just ends up feeling too speculative and crackpotian. (shout out to that one theory that traveler is neo and zhongli is morpheus and the irminsul is the matrix ?? kinda i guess?)
that's kinda all I can think of/find atm.
can't wait for more info on the sovereigns and whole fontaine situation, but this is probably going to haunt me throughout the experience lol thanks :D
1.Nahida doesn't mention Zhongli as descender, like what
2.I know about description of his "descent", but as I said in the post, Neuvi being reborn is also described as "descend" in inazuma prophecy book - "According to a prophecy of old, the Dragon of Water, the ancient lord of vishaps, will definitely descend in the form of a human." So we have an instance where dragon's rebirth is described as "descent", which is another potential tie to vishaps.
3.qilin being described as celestial too means that this cannot give any deeper meaning to "dragon". qilins are just adepti. so this description is not giving us anything. also ivanovich is literally no one. why would he know.
4. "end of the day I just don't think there's (somehow?)enough stuff to do good theories about him at the moment" - that was the point of my post the entire time!! zhongli is a dark horse we don't a lot about, not even counting his deal for the gnosis, while ppl confidently claim he's one or the other like they already have him categorized. if he's part vishap, thats HUGE. if he's descender, thats also huge in different way. even if he's adepti only, that also gives a different turn to his story. my point is that zhongli is shady and his origins can come into play in several interesting ways
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artcommunityvent · 7 months
heres my rant for today: (sorry in advance for long post)
i hate how modern art communities have to “fandom-ify” every single new trendy thing literally DAYS (and sometimes even hours) after it drops. i know this is a lot of the same sentiment as those people that just go “popular thing bad” but honestly it really puts me off some medias because i dont want to associate with anyone else who likes it
do we really need a million different fan ocs and aus for EVERYTHING? and like, i know its nothing new, obviously we have the onceler and undertale aus to look back on, but its exhausting at this point because while those communities were presumably genuine, in the present day it just feels like the fandom equivalent to an industry plant. and most people dont even stick with the thing they decide to make their entire personality!!
remember when spiderverse came out and everyone made spidersonas? who can you name thats actually drawn their spidersona more than once? it feels like everyone just trend hops, and yes i know thats how the internet is but its just exhausting especially when it brings down otherwise creative and inspired works
fnaf security breach: everyone makes fnaf aus and glamrock animatronics, then spiderverse as previously mentioned, then welcome home dropped and thats becoming a shitshow with how yall are fandomizing what is essentially a small creator telling their ocs lore in a creative way, and now its happening with digital circus. im so tired of seeing projects that are cool and visually appealing becoming a cesspit of bland, unoriginal aus and piles of fanart only to get dropped when the new shiny comes out
and i wanna elaborate on welcome home for a second because i know damn well if one of these people who makes “daddy dom priest wally is actually the devil” aus had an oc they loved, and someone came along and made their own aus of it in the same way, that person would bitch and cry oc theft. some people dont even change up the characters design, like how entitled do you have to be to essentially just steal someones oc and call it your own? it disgusts me how people are treating clown and honestly i wish they would put the series on indefinite hiatus or complete their story privately to teach these people a lesson
another thing that puts me off is how every piece of media has to have the “fandom daddy” for lack of a better term. glamrock freddy, hobie brown, wally darling, or jax, its all the same thing repackaged; someones gotta be the tumblr sexyman. its so tiring—ESPECIALLY as a lesbian who doesnt really wanna center men in my life at all—to wanna see fanart of the media you like and its only: “heres the one character everyones horny for drawn in a totally different and more sexualized body type” with everyone in the comments salivating over them. i really like digital circus! but all i see are people who would walk across a mile of broken glass just to suck a fart out of jax’ ass. what about the other interesting characters? why does EVERY conversation with popular media have to be about “which guy is the most fuckable” (guy specifically because come on, when has a female character been the highlight of attention; using the previous example have you seen ONE person talking about digital circus that even remembers zooble exists)
it feels like nobody can appreciate work anymore without having to claim some form of ownership over it, to say “hey this thing is so popular and important that it is now a part of my identity!! look at my millions of ocs that i will draw one time and never again!” im just tired of people being unable to passively interact with media they enjoy and everyone seeming to fight over and prove some connection to the things they like
tldr: im tired of everyone in the art community making heaps of fanart, aus, and fan ocs for stuff the second it gets popular and then totally forgetting about it the next time something else gets popular
(and before yall bring up hyperfixations: i am autistic; i understand having so much love for a piece of media for a short while and then dropping it for no reason and its heart shattering; BUT AT THE SAME TIME this pattern is on oxford to me and its on such a large scale that it infects the greater art community as a whole)
That is indeed the nature of media consumer at its finest. I do feel like it is more appearent now due to the way most social media algorithm works. They only show what is trending at the moment, so naturally, we are exposed only to this specific thing until another trend eventually takes over.
Even artists who never create fan content can be influenced to do so by looking at the other artists, be it to dive in along the hype for the popularity of it, for the geniune fun, for the sense of community, and many more reasons.
- ☁️
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gendiebrainrotreceipts · 10 months
mark hamill did not write SW, he is not responsible for the script. jkr is a bigot thats literally adding stuff onto her racist fairytale after she failed as an author. the entire cast of HP supported trans rights because they're decent people - and denounced ever working with her again. you dumbasses will say anything to support a bigot and thats just said. she deserves to be put down like a rabid bitch she is.
That post was more about how men are praised for the same thing a woman is mocked for. And failed as an author??? She’s one of the most successful authors of all time. I wouldn’t call HP racist per se but it is definitely generally lacking in ethnic diversity, but I’m not claiming it or jkr is anywhere near perfect. And again when she tries to rectify that by saying fans can headcanon hermione as black and casting a black actress as hermione, she’s still mocked while men are praised for doing either the same or less. Maybe she is more to blame because she wrote the story while hamill did not, but all the same the difference in the treatment of them when they more or less did the same thing is stark. Tbh I think even a male author who did that with his own stories wouldn’t be as harshly treated as this, he’d probably be praised like hamill. Ppl generally expect less of men so when they do anything they’re praised to the sky. While women are practically expected to be super progressive on the basis of the fact that they’re women.
The HP actors turned their backs on her either because they’ve genuinely been taken in by the trans narrative or because they don’t want to be cancelled. It’s as simple as that. I can easily imagine Daniel Radcliffe sorely regretting that trans kids interview when it comes out what frankly an awful medical scandal it is.
And your shameless misogynistic and violent language does not surprise me unfortunately.
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regryrth · 9 months
Im so proud of how you all as a fandom handled this so well 💙 I know things are still pretty shaky in places and no one can rlly say this problem is “solved” or “forgiven” unless DRDT Dev specifically says so (which I dont mean to say they should or have to comment on anything, I know they mentioned theyre nervous and now uncomfortable interacting which I understand and accept responsibility for) But it really makes me happy to see how for the most part We’re turning something bad into appreciation. So for the fandom here. I appreciate all of you.
Even the ones who mightve gone too far. Just like me u had good or at least non malicious intent. Which turned out bad but there are still ppl who respectfully understand where youre coming from. Maybe its not wanted- But I appreciate and care for you too. I dont know how youre handling this all, But if its anything like how I did, I hope you understand nothing is ur fault just like how people have said it’s not entirely mine and not DRDT Devs. Even if it wasnt the best thing u couldve said in the moment. I understand u didnt want to harass anyone. It was a mistake made cause it’s human to act emotionaly have opinions and want to be understood with that. That can make ppl say and post things online that get deserved back-lash like I did. And the things u say can seriously hurt people like I did. I cant say how anyone else feels with everything thats happened But if Im right about everything so far. Its okay. To me at least which I guess isnt much. Even If u dont feel real remorse- You feel u were justified- But just dont want to be lectured in paregraphs over and over. Thats ok to me too. No one has to be completely justified in how they feel and it would be hyppocritical of me to say u do. And you shouldnt have to be looked at as any worse then the rest of us for stating your mind. Ur a great DRDT fan and person too and no one should claim any different for anyone. So while no one can throw around the word “forgive” for an incident that isnt ours to forgive- I “understand” u.
On a lighter note- The people who defended DRDT Dev without harassing anyone. U all acted so maturely in response to everything I honestly envy u a little. Does maturity and not making mistakes like these come one by one for you? When I make mistakes like this I feel like something with no real sense of right or wrong- Then I mess up and ppl come out to tell me where I went wrong and the “right” thing to do- And I piece together all the life lessons and “right” responses little by little until I feel safe with myself. Like a kintsugi piece. And like the cake in chapter 1! Did u have to do the same? I wonder if everyone experiences this. But thats not so relevant to appreciating you- So thank you for seeing every side. Even mine. Thank you for taking this whole situation and turning it into something good for everyone. We should talk about stuff like this more- While I still wish I hadnt posted that confession Im happy with whats been made of it- Even if the damage was still done. Because disrespecting and dehumanizing creators like DRDT Dev who put themselfs through so much to make wonderful content for us is never ok and to sweep it under the rug Like nothing ever happened is even worse. I know I requested the original post be deleted But Im ok with it being up on other blogs and posts because its important to hold stuff like this accountable and talk about it. And u guys did just that which is why Im so proud and thankful for u. This isnt a Thanksgiving dinner But u all deserve to be appreciated for doing good things too and supporting DRDT Dev.
And that brings me to who I appreciate the most- DRDT Dev. Everyone has said it so perfectly already I cant think of how to say it myself. But theyre so strong for going through all this. With their health. And going through and finding things like what I said. And other things none of us know about because they work to prioritize us over themself. And yet they still dont give up. They still keep going even with everything. They dont have to do this. But they do anyways and we should all appreciate them so much for that. Because sometimes we forget they and there team are human- I forgot that too. Doing things like my confession and taking their work for granted and other things is never ok. Im so happy we can do something to share our appreciation for DRDT, DRDT Dev and their team. Bad things and arguments and DRDT Dev being hurt by me had to happen first. I wish it didnt and that fandoms would give this much love and support to their creators without some incident happening first. But Im happy what happened let us appreciate the dev for there work now. And even if the DRDT Dev doesnt create side content anymore because of this- Its alright. They shouldnt have to push themselves past their boundaries or limits for us cause they already do so much. Even if we dont know much about them- We know enough to say theyre a wonderful person and we all love their content and them so much.
I know a lot of ppl apologized on my behalf and I suppose I wrote a longer apology to DRDT Dev and the fandom. But Ill say again as the anon themself- I am deeply sorry DRDT Dev for what I and others have said and done. I hope that you are well. And that youre able to see our appreciation through these posts.
I love you all 💙
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dyketubbo · 4 months
everything thats been going down regarding ezra/toonimal is why i hate the way people talk about callout posts and "cancel culture" these days. i promise you that theres a difference between someone splitting hairs and someone speaking up about something actually harmful and if you convince yourself that any time someone brings up bigotry or possible predation that someone else has engaged in its just discourse and drama youre going to get people hurt.
yes there are people who make false claims. yes theres cases where people shouldnt be held to the shitty things they said when they were a teenager just because its on the internet forever. but many times actual harm is being done and if you teach yourself that you should never hold someone to taking responsibility and that acknowledging horrible things said/done by others is just cancel culture then youre going to have a really tough time taking anything seriously and actually doing something when it becomes more than just a few offkey comments
proship labels, asexy jokes, "she was asking for it", holocaust "jokes", acting "ghetto" and using aave to seem more aggressive, encouraging parasocial relationships with a young audience, making fun of accents, calling people delulu and psycho, diet culture, making fun of feminine men and masculine women, thats how all of this shit Starts and its dismissed as just jokes or too small or too online to matter. and then it gets worse.
they use language that they know will get them under the radar (ezra/toonimal's infamous post about nuance actually being about defending pro-contact pedophiles), they start pushing the line of what they can get away with whether by outright keeping things secret or even worse making it a part of their Brand that theyre offensive or constantly subject to "drama", and then they start ignoring the line and with people who already defended all the "small" stuff behind them, they start doing actually harmful things.
and people either continue to defend them to the end because they went down the pipeline with them or they act shocked and wonder how this ever could have happened as if they werent looking at the signs right in front of them while attacking anyone who pointed them out.
speak up. say shit. nuance isnt just accepting everything blindly, its learning the actual difference between right and wrong and having real principles that you actually hold yourself to so that when you find the actual gray areas youre able to navigate them without completely rejecting or completely accepting all of the terms and conditions. bigotry isnt drama. pedophilia isnt drama. zoophilia isnt drama. its not just internet discourse when actual people are getting hurt
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