#all of these are song recs and im not even kidding
ilostyou · 1 year
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0-hoony · 3 months
thinking about being on vacation with childhood bsf!wonbin and both your families because ah wouldn't it be so fun to do this together? you kids won't be all bored with us old people either right? hahaha you're not old dad. you d- you don't have to trouble his family like that really you don't. oh it was.. his idea?
thinking about being on vacation with childhood bsf!wonbin who volunteers to do literally everything that you even mention you'd like to do.. visit the library? sure! the swimming pool? oh he'll be there ^-^ the horror movie showing...? yeah he'll be there to protect you <3 (he won't be doing any protecting.) he'd even volunteer to drive you back and forth form the nearby grocery stores/markets/malls because he's a man with a mission : to spend as much time as he can with you (will pout if you tell him he can't come with you like. girl. park wonbin. i'm going to the washroom. sit down.)
thinking about being on vacation with childhood bsf!wonbin who shows up at your door at 1 am, greeting you with bright eyes and an expectant look - one that you couldn't refuse even if you'd wanted to - leading you all the way to a little, open but secluded grassy area. he'd have arranged a comfy blanket on the ground, inviting you as if into a scene right out of a fairytale what with the pretty fairy lights on the hedges around.
thinking about being on vacation with childhood bsf!wonbin with whom you'd spend a lovely time sitting under the canopy of stars. his face being lit up with the glow of the surrounding lights and as he throws his head back to laugh at something you said; you can't help but fall into a dazed stupor, duly admiring the visual - much more alluring than the setting the boy had strived to create for you. you can't help but lean forward slightly, surely there's some string pulling you towards him, till your lips are inches away from his.
thinking about being on vacation with childhood bsf!wonbin who freezes up completely when he registers the now reduced distance between you. and when you mumble out a can i..? he wastes no time in letting a hushed please slip out of those ever so kissable lips of his ..
thinking about being on vacation with childhood bsf!wonbin who's so awkward afterwards. not with you of course, he's very much taking every opportunity he can to drag you away to a secluded place and ensuring that when you emerge you're both lowkey out of breath and with your lips slightly swollen. he feels extremely awkward around both sets of parents, however, ducking away whenever either attempt to start a conversation with him (racing off to find solace in your arms obviously .. <;3)
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notes : inspired by uh. the voices in my head and the vacation im on rn! + [m.list] song rec : obsessive by chase atlantic <3
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 11 months
im so tired of sterek fics where derek is like really mean or just aloof to stiles until they get together. do you have an recs where derek is just a sweetheart who's always soft on stiles even before they get together?
Here's softboi!derek.
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let me take care of you by honestlydarkprincess
(1/1 I 1,1311 I Teen)
Stiles couldn’t do anything but stare at the alpha werewolf as he rambled while unloading the aforementioned supplies from the grocery bag to Stiles’ counter.
Nothing Stiles was seeing made sense.
Why was Derek here, in his apartment, with cold medicine and fucking soup?
Or, the one where Derek comes over to take care of a sick Stiles. They talk about their moms and confess some feelings. It's all very soft.
An Anchor for the Storm by andthwip
(1/1 I 3,246 I Mature)
Derek's the only person Stiles can turn to.
Give Me Shelter by WonderWolf
(1/1 I 8,295 I Teen)
I don’t make a good impression, I know,” Derek grumbles. “It’s fine. I get it.”
“Noooo,” Stiles groans in frustration, “but it isn’t fair because you’re not that guy, you’re not an asshole and you give cats punny names so they have a better chance at being adopted.”
“Who told you I named the cats?” Derek asks, his brows scrunching together in confusion.
“Scott,” Stiles smirks. “My favorite so far was Purrsephone.”
(Or the one in which Derek and Stiles both volunteer at an animal shelter, Derek works with cats and gives them punny names, Stiles works with the dogs, and misunderstandings ensue).
If It Means a Lot to You by Nier
(1/1 I 9,356 I Teen)
His mom had told him about mates in the past. Derek would often come home and just hear stories about how his parents had met and fallen for each other, how they had gotten together after learning about what they truly meant to one another.
He was a kid when she told him all this, so it didn't really make much sense to him at the time. All he could do was sit there on the edge of her bed, listening as his mother talked about how love is an act of courage. If you don't take that first step, then everything else is impossible too.
Set a Song for Me by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) 
(1/1 I 11,573 i Teen)
“You did a favour for a stranger?” the sheriff asked, surprised. “You won’t even do a favour for me.”
“Your favours involve chocolate and salty snacks, damn straight I won’t do you any favours,” Stiles insisted, pointing an accusatory finger at his dad while leaning back against the counter, taking another large sip of coffee. “Some guy lost his phone and was calling it hoping someone would answer. That someone was me. He said he’d had some drinks and couldn’t come grab it right then, so we agreed to meet at the station this morning. I didn’t realize ‘this morning’ meant the ass crack of dawn.”
“It’s not the ass crack of dawn, that was at five thirty-seven, according to the weather app on my phone.”
Stiles let out a sarcastic laugh and flipped his dad off. The sheriff gave him a look, but he didn’t reprimand him, clearly able to tell Stiles was miserable.
Love At It's Purest by AbsolutelyNot2801
(12/? I 24,218 I Mature)
Sometimes Derek does things that makes Stiles think his crush is not completely one-sided, like gentle touches, soothing words and embraces like the one they were in that morning. And then he goes and does something stupid like getting a stupid girlfriend like Jennifer. It’s not because of Jennifer at all really. She’s lovely. But Stiles can’t help the hint of jealousy when he sees the loving gazes and soft, shy smiles.
And this is his step-brother he’s talking about. His step-brother! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Or a fic in which Stiles and Derek can’t help falling in love with each other. But there's a problem, they're step brothers. A fic with angst, feels and a happy ending.
The Spaz and the Sourwolf by TheRealDanniX
(9/9 I 24,674 I Teen)
When Stiles comes across something he shouldn't in the Preserve he ends up on four legs. Not that anyone in the Pack knows it's him. He's just hoping they can figure it out before anything else bad happens.
This Is Not Who I'm Supposed to Be by Anonymous
(11/11 I 24,932 I Teen)
After Stiles' friends get shot, the fox runs away from his home. He runs far enough that the white snow changes into green gras, and his white fur feels heavier than ever underneath the shining sun. Talia Hale and her family find him and she helps him turn back into human, something he hasn't been in years, and he has to learn how to be human again with the help from Derek. He realizes that life isn't easy. Not as human and not as a supernatural creature. Especially not when hunters are back in town.
shatter like glass, come apart in my hands by cosmicayan
(15/? I 47,107 I Mature)
The one in which Stiles goes missing for three months and then suddenly, out of nowhere, he turns up at the door of the Hale House, confusing himself, Derek, and literally everyone else.
Oh, yeah, and he has no memory of what happened to him (or, at least, no conscious memory).
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sophswritingthings · 6 months
ruin my life -- chapter 1
| warning(s): light swearing |
| a/n: modern mizu had such a grip on me, and now were here. |
| summary: an overlook into mizu's life before you enter it. |
| song rec: ruin my life -- zolita (for the story, in general) |
| word count: 776 words / 4,211 characters |
mizu always kept to herself, she was never the loud type. always played a background role, even if people thought she should be in the spotlight.
never had she believed that before she met eiji.
eiji was an alumni at her school.. one of the many famous actors the school had produced. the amount of actors they had produced is why she really wanted to go to the school, in the first place.
and meeting him kind of changed her whole perception of her own talent, of her own mind. if someone who was so great could tell her all these great things about herself, they were true, surely.
"listen here, kid, nobody ever did anything by sitting on their ass and never getting anything done," he furrowed his eyebrows as they walked side by side, through the halls of the marbled school. "I know that better than anyone. you remind me of myself, when I went here."
she arched one eyebrow, "how come? im.. nothing like you, I mean.. you're this great actor and im just.. a college student who can barley pay their own tuition."
he gently gripped her shoulder, nodding, "exactly. do you think I was some great guy while I was in college? I didn't come from riches, kid, I could barley pay for this college when I was your age."
she adverted her gaze, a little sigh leaving her lips, "suppose that's true," mizu mumbled.
"and ive heard you do fencing," he tapped his cane against the ground, "as did i."
"oh--yeah. yeah, I know," a small smile crossed her lips. "its part of the reason I wanted to start. sort of, I guess."
"its a noble practice," he nodded, smiling a bit. "may I request to meet you, again, mizu? after your classes, tomorrow."
her eyes widened, gazing at him. someone as great as him, wanted anything to do with them?
"um, uh, yes." she stammered, "I'll meet you here."
and from then on, that's what they'd do. hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks that she would meet eiji for both fencing practice, and acting/college advice.
eiji was basically the father she had never had, someone to inspire her, push her forward.
her college life had improved, a little. not by much, but a little. she still lived in a small-ass college dorm with three other girls, sharing two sets of bunk beds in the room the size of a walk in closet.
"mizu? hey?" one of the girls, carrie, seemed to take an interest in her early. and of course, she had settled on the top bunk of mizu's bed. the girl popped down, swinging her head over mizu's bed. "you doin' anything tomorrow? me and some friends were going out and--"
mizu's head had almost immediately blocked out any word she said. she didn't want anything to do with this girl, nor what she was offering. she seemed to be the kind of girl to cling and never leave, and she was not about that. she'd come home crying over some new girl every week, she could guess, crying that they said she was "too clingy".
"uh--yeah. im working," mizu hissed, never looking up from her phone.
that wasn't a lie, actually, she had work at her average pay job as a barista. she had been working there ever since she got accepted into the college, how else would she pa her tuition?
not that it helped, much, it wasn't the best pay ever. and her tuition was more than 50,000 dollars a year--she was going to be in debt for more days than she thought she could count. but if she managed (and hopefully she would, with eijis help) to get a good gig, or few, she could pay it off in no time.
the coffee shop wasn't too bad, though. customers were usually quiet, besides the few that would come in every so often. she'd get okay tips, considering she tried to be as respectful as she could.
she had her friends. none of which attended the same school--they all had different majors. whom she considered her best friend, akemi, was in harvard law school miles away from them. taigen had gotten into law school, too, just not the same. (he definitely wasn't smart enough for harvard, that's for sure.) and ringo, the sweet culinary major she'd met going out for drinks, one night, with akemi. he was a mixologist, and despite his lack of hands--he was a wonderful one.
her life was calm. her life was quiet.
there was never anything absolutely interesting, about it.
that was--until you walked into it.
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januaryrabbit · 2 years
seventeen w/ a crush on their roommate’s friend ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
+how their roomies would react LOl
pairing: seventeen x gn reader, college au
word count: 3.7k
warnings: some cursing, but besides that nothing! just wholesome crushes hehe
other disclaimers: lowercase intended, i only kinda proofread this because i am a lazy gal, author teasing members as always heheh, members teasing each other :)
song recs: mixtape: oh - stray kids
a/n: hi everyone! i finally posted again~ i’ve gotten a few new followers since then so WELCOME !!!! this is my first svt post, im posting this right before im seeing svt live!! <3 i really hope to write more because i think about seventeen a lot LMAO. like. like a Lot. anyway, i hope you enjoy!! id love to hear your soft thoughts or thoughts about this writing!!! my ask is always open to talk hehe
would try his best to be normal but HIS ROOMMATES WON’T LET HIM LIVE FJFJAJDK. a lot of people write him as a charismatic girlboss, and i completely understand why, but idk s.coups kinda gives me shy-aroudn-his-crush vibes? to be fair though, his roomies are partially to blame….every time joshua and jeonghan bring you over, jeonghan always calls out “oh seungcheol……..y/n is here!!!!!” you’re kind of like ??? why are you announcing my arrival like that bro?? and joshua snickers as he sees seungcheol poke his head out of his room and greets you with a small smile, his dimples showing on the side of his face you can clearly see peeking out from the door frame. i think he’d definitely get blushy whenever you talk to him, especially when he can see his roomies looking at the two of you interact as well. has trouble making eye contact with you for both those reasons (which you think is cute!!), but refuses to not at least say hello. jeonghan just LIVES for putting cheol on the spot because it’s funny to him lmao. “doesn’t y/nnie looks cute today?” and seungcheol is like WHY. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS and joshua is texting the groupchat about it IN FRONT OF YOU AND CHEOL with a giddy smile on his face LMAO. as far as interacting with you, i think because his roomies are so embarrassing and because he thinks you’re so cute, he wouldn’t be able to bear doing much besides saying hello every time you’re around. i think he’d be able to muster up the courage to ask you out if he was alone with you at some point. i think he’d be able to feel more comfy being himself if hannie and shua weren’t around to poke fun at him lmao. both of you should expect some teasing from them though!!!
Obviously he’s a menace. flirts with you a little, partly to piss off joshua LOL (“bro stop flirting with my friend it’s WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!). always pays you a compliment whenever he sees you, saying that you look cute today (today = every time you’re in his vicinity lol). will always take your side in any playful argument you have w/ josh. joshua is always like >___> why!!!!! but jeonghan does it anyway; your flustered face when he sends compliments your way is just so adorable that he can’t help himself. i don’t think he’d bother you guys too much besides that, keeping his boundaries for the most part, but he’d definitely throw the occasional wink your way to embarrass you (which works). would ask to come if you guys were going out to eat, complaining that joshua never eats with him and that he wants to sit next to you because you’re way nicer than joshua. (rip to shua having to watch all this happen in front of his poor eyes). i think jeonghan is shameless and would just ask you out when he feels like it, even if it was in front of his friends.
LOL ok joshua gives me the energy of someone who would try to be cool/funny around his crush DFSjjdskf. like he would sooo go out of his way to tell some sort of funny joke around you whenever you’re over, either to you or cheol/jeonghan (they both think it’s cringe but they respect the attempt being made so they don’t say anything). more often than not, josh doesn’t get the reaction he hopes for (i mean, bursting out laughing at every single joke he makes is pretty unrealistic….) but he considers it a win every time you so much as smile even a little. he’s the type to make small-to-medium converversation with you until you start talking to him more, and he’s really good at making you feel welcome in their apartment! always offers you water or a blanket when you look stressed from finals lmao. would probably not bother you and jeonghan that much besides that. jeonghan thinks it’s hilarious that joshua keeps trying to win you over with his dumb jokes but he keeps the teasing to a minimum in front of you out of appreciation for josh :) i think joshua is definitely someone who’d be straightforward if he was interested in you – after holding some conversations with you and talking to jeonghan about it, i think joshua is someone that would definitely try to ask you out to eat, just the two of you!!! provided that you say yes, he’d definitely go all out and NOT let you guys waste your night in his dinky apartment. after all, he is a gentleman :)
SHY BITCH!!! so shy..i feel like he would really want to try to get to know you but he’s so like jfsfks//?@93959fsjs in his mind and panicking that he would just word vomit at you………….”HEY Y/NHOWAREYOUI’MGOODWHATAREYOUANDMINGHAOUPTOTODAYI’MJUSTSTUDYINGHAHAWELLHAVEFUN” and disappears into his room, cringing at his inability to talk to you. minghao finds his best friend’s crush on you so fucking funny that he can’t help but try to help him out a bit when the two of you are alone. he kinda gives me the “hey bro thanks for letting me borrow the lambhourgini” vibes LOL. like “oh did you know jun is single right now? man he’s sooo good looking, isn’t he?” which does nothing but make jun want to die of embarrassment. it’s a shock to both of them that it actually works on you, because you slowly start to greet jun more and hold conversations with him. you always thought he was cute, but hearing all the nice things minghao has to say about him intrigues you quite a bit. in turn, having you initiate helps jun become more comfortable/confident talking to you as well, and while he’s still kind of shy he doesn’t run off like he used to LOL. jun eventually goes to minghao to tell him that he’s going to ask you out, and minghao is like Yeah man do it you just have to give me relationship credit for the rest of your life, heheh.
this guy would try to be smooth af every time you come over to hang with jihoon…like you go to the kitchen to get water, and hosh is there making a sandwich or something and he’s like “oh hey y/n, didn’t see you there…” even though he’d lowkey been procrastinating on making his sandwich (which, truthfully, he wasn’t even hungry for), hoping you’d come outside LOL. you respond like. uh. hey………….??? and you get your water and get back to jihoon’s room. hosh counts this as a win – he’s bragging to his roomie after you leave like “they’re totally into me…this acting aloof thing is so working.” (jihoon replies with nothing but a look of disgust). but hoshi can’t keep up the facade forever, methinks. he’s an excitable and energetic person, after all! eventually he would start to act more like himself around you. you come over one day and hosh runs over to you, phone in hand, showing you his screen. “y/n, did you watch the new episode of haikyuu yet???? nishinoya looks so cool!!!” and talk a bunch about it with you. the more comfortable he becomes with you, the more touchy he becomes as well, putting his arm around you and perhaps touching your shoulder now and then. he also gives me the vibes of someone who’d just go for it (again, after clearing it with jihoon). one day you’re leaving and he catches you in the hallway – you’re kinda nervous (ahhh!!!! he’s hot!!!!) and you’re like “uh what’s up soonyoung?” he smiles cheerfully; your curiosity is so cute to him. he takes a deep breath and says: “would you wanna go out sometime without me?” well?????? do you say yes??????? ;)
Unironically i think wonwoo would be the most normal about liking mingyu’s friend lol. every time you come over, he just says hello and asks how you’re doing, casually trying to get to know you. if you and mingyu (and sometimes cheol and vernon) watch a movie in the living room, more often than not wonwoo joins with you guys because he’s “bored” and “has nothing else to do”...but really he just wants to hang with you. i think he’d be really sweet about liking you!! if you mention something (like a drink or snack or something) that you like, he’d definitely get it for you the next time he stumbles upon it at the grocery store. he smiles to himself every time (including in the grocery store) he thinks of you – which, as you start to come around more, is becoming more frequent. mingyu doesn’t actually realize that wonu likes you, but the latter eventually caves in and admits it to his friend. mingyu encourages him to go after you!!! so one night, after a considerable amount of contemplation, wonwoo decides to take the plunge and he calls you. “hey – would you want to get coffee with me next week?”
my bias wrecker <3 lmao jihoonie strikes me as the nervous type. i feel like he’d be slightly annoyed that he can’t relax at home because you’re always there hanging out with soonyoung. he’d leave his room to get coffee and see you sitting on the couch studying with soonie and think like “god damnit WHY ARE THEY HERE!!!! I DON’T HAVE A GOOD OUTFIT ON!!!!!!!!” and immediately clam up when you greet him with a hello. awkward as he is, he kind of avoids you so he doesn’t make an utter fool of himself when you’re around. he doesn’t realize though that it kinda comes off like he hates you because he avoids you…you end up asking soonyoung if you did anything to offend his friend, to which he replies with a hearty laugh that only confuses you more. “wait, why are you laughing?” you ask, and your friend leans forward a bit, beckoning you to do the same. “y/n. my friend jihoon likes you.” he says in a deadpan tone. yours eyes widen, genuinely not expecting that to be the reason as to why he’s so weird around you. within the next few days, a wave of confidence hits you and you eventually approach jihoon about all of this. contrary to the others, you actually end up asking him out, all the while begging him not to be upset with soonie for telling you. he goes through a series of emotions all in that moment, irritation with soonyoung, embarrassment that you’d beat him to the punch of confessing, stress about how long you’ve known, but utmost gratitude to the universe that you return his feelings <3
oh seokminnie…<3 i think he would be pretty shy as well, and talkative because he’s nervous around you. like. overly talkative. because there is a cute person standing in front of him. in his living room. he just can’t help but be smiley and excited !! his brain is like AHHHHH but irl he talks to you a bunch and asks you about your interests a lot!!! i think he’d also share his own with you too, so he can lowkey put out feelers to see if you might be interested in him or if you guys would get along. he’s definitely extra smiley around you and pleasant; you bring that out in him :) and he would probably ask joshua and seungkwan if you’re single/interested in him lol. worries he comes off as weird sometimes (seungkwan says: Yes you do.) because of how much he talks when you’re around, but you don’t really see it that way at all – if anything, he’s made you feel very welcome in their home. would probably try to subtly impress you, showing you his cooking or talking about a paper he aced recently. all in all, he’s a smiley boye that gets really giddy if you’re around!! would probably directly ask you to hang out after sometime :)
this man is a bumbling idiot who’s whipped for you LMAO!! you’re friends with wonu – you guys are in the same major, so you often do hw together, study or just hang out and watch movies together. mingyu is always around when you’re over at the apartment, he kind of follows you around like a golden retriever lol. lowkey overstays his welcome HAHAHA; he doesn’t really leave you or wonwoo alone ljdjkfjasdk. wonwoo is kinda like “??? what are you doing ???” when mingyu emerges from his room with his own study materials and plops down on the living room floor next to you. mingyu replies “studying. obviously.” very casually as he looks up at his friend from where you’re both sitting on the floor. wonu is confused as to why mingyu wants to study with you two, but once the older boy realizes that his friend likes you, it’s hard to actually be annoyed with him about it. mingyu always shoots smiles your way and subtly touches your arm when talking to you; he always takes the seat next to you if it’s vacant. wonwoo is lowkey grossed out watching his best friend be such a huge simp, but mingyu does not! care! you are cute and he’s going to spend time with you, deal w/ it wonu!!! would definitely ask you to hang out alone at some point, but not before running it by wonwoo. i think mingyu would be very clear with his intentions from the beginning, which is why he’d want to spend time with you whenever you’re over. his eyes are shining with affection when he asks if you want to go for a walk in the park with him (wonu is asleep peacefully on the floor, you both put a blanket on him LMAOO); will you go with him?
he would be Normal LOL. but he would definitely send a smile your way every time you came over to hang out with junnie. unironically tries to dress fashionably-casual every time you’re over instead of wearing whatever he wore to bed the night before. besides that, i mostly see him keeping to himself; i don’t think he would go out of his way to interact with you a ton like mingyu just because he’s more of a chill guy lol and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfy by giving you a bunch of attention, you know? will definitely offer you tea when he goes to make some though, especially when you’re over studying late with jun. minghao definitely wants to get to know you more, talk to you, and share stories with you, but i think he would really take his time with a situation like this; he sees no reason to rush approaching you. he gets to know you little by little, and lets you get to know him at the same pace too. he would definitely wait for an opportune moment to fall into his lap when it comes to asking you out – i picture you two coming back from the convenience store with snacks for jun (:3c) and talking casually, when suddenly the topic becomes dating. you mention being single, and minghao calmly expresses his feelings for you, asking you out :) tbh i went overboard w this one i could write an entire oneshot about this concept idk someone stop me
this guy is going to tease chan so much in front of you to impress you LOl DJASFKDSfjd. like you and chan are getting ready to go out and seungkwan comes by and is like “oh my god what are you WEARING…….” and teases him to oblivion. and as someone who also enjoys making fun (in a lighthearted way!!) of chan too you find seungkwan to be super funny. kwan swears that your small laugh could send him into cardiac arrest with how cute he finds it – he also lives for making fun of chan too, so he finds this to be a win-win situation for him lmao. when you leave, chan is just like “!!!! stop making fun of me in front of y/n!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT__TT” and seungkwan is like “lol maybe if you weren’t such a clown, i wouldn’t have to………..” but yeah i also think kwan wants to show you how cool he is lolol. i see him casually humming/singing to himself, showing off his beautiful voice, and you’re like “wow…you have such a nice singing voice!” and he’s like “OMG OMG…im SO embarrassed…YOU HEARD THAT??? OMG IM GONNA DIE…”but on the inside he’s like they like my voice………………….theyre so CUTE……………” as for asking you out, i don’t think that he’d be the one to make the first move. as much as he likes to show off in front of you, when it comes to actually facing you and admitting his feelings he is SHY af LMAO!!! unfortunately, you’re probably going to have to take the reigns on this one and confess first, but if you do his Cool Slay Exterior is going to melt immediately and you’ll be left with a blushing seungkwannie who admits, while looking down on the floor: “i-i……..like you too……….” 
ngl he gives me nervous wreck vibes HAHHA. not quite as shy as jun (lmaoooo) but more like he kind of clams up when you’re around..you know that little wave vern does when he’s feeling a bit shy? Yeah. yeah you see that every time you come over. while he’s hanging out in his room, he secretly agonizes over whether or not to go to the kitchen when you’re around lol. “should i???? can i handle having to look at them????? can i live without water until they go home????” in the beginning, vernon actually did once not leave his room while you were over; it’s not that he doesn’t want to talk to you or be around you, but more like he can’t because otherwise he just becomes an awkward mess!!! and you don’t need to see that!! nope!! seungkwan and chan are a bit puzzled by his behavior around you; vern is a good looking, friendly guy, but for whatever reason when he’s around you he’s just like. so incredibly not that at all, to the point where his friends wonder who the heck that guy is standing in front of you and stuttering because it’s certainly not vernon!! i think the way you’d be able to see more of his true personality/self is if he isn’t talking to you or if he doesn’t know you’re around. when he’s having a funny conversation with kwan (“i’m not a comedian.” “no one said you were…………”), you giggle a little at the exchange, finding his teasing of seungkwan to be quite cute. i think he’s another one where you’d have to take the reins and approach him more; besides the fact that you make him nervous, he feels kind of weird for liking his roomie’s friend. but rest assured, if you say something, he’d definitely want to go out with you :)
this fucking GUY………….my ANNOYING bias…….(/j, /lh, im in love w him). if you’re over at the apartment to hang out with seungkwan and/or vernon, he’s going to make Every Single Excuse to drop by and see you lol. hanging out in vernon’s room? dino will come in like every 20 mins and say like “hyung, i’m making noodles do you want some? what about you, y/n?” watching tv with seungkwan? chan announces that “i’m going to get my laundry downstairs. if you need me, call me.” and then he’d give you a little wave or smile. honestly, you’re kind of in awe of how close the three of them seem to be, and you think it’s cool how they seem to communicate with each other well like that! unbeknownst to you though, vernon and seungkwan find it so annoying LMAOOO…..seungkwan is like “why do you only offer to make us food when y/n’s here -____-” and “ why do you keep interrupting us, we’re trying to watch attorney woo!!! get out!!!! -____-” vernon is less…direct about it, he finds it more hilarious than annoying. when you’re gone, he’ll tell chan stuff like “dude, you don’t have to tell us every time you step out…” and ask why chan gets so weird every time you come over. both older boys can tell their roomie is down horrendous for you, but chan is shameless lol. he definitely asks vern and kwan if you ever talk about him to which they both reply “god no shut up!!! -__-” eventually he admits to them that he likes you (“ok guys…i gotta be honest…i like y/n idk….”) and both of them are just like ?? why did you have to announce this, it’s SO obvious….and chan is just ?????????? IT IS??????? anyway, when he feels it’s time, he’s not going to do anything until he knows that vernon and kwan are 100% ok with him approaching you romantically. (seungkwan: you’ve been throwing yourself at them constantly, why do you need our permission now?????) once they express they’re comfy, he would probably waste no time lol. next time you come over, he offers to walk you to your car and as you’re in the parking lot, he asks you out right there :)))) i’d say yes, would you???
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hausofanya · 5 months
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[ AUTOMATED VOICE. ] hi. friendly neighborhood anyangi here back at it again with another highly requested cléo moments video. and since i love my wife, why the hell not. here’s a brief background for those who somehow got this on their youtube rec and don’t know who this absolute STUNNER is.
cléo, born cléo anya torell, is a member of the fucking powerhouse that is called stray kids. they are a idol group under jyp entertainment and she is their main vocalist. her voice is literal gold. she wasn’t called the golden voice in high school for nothing. don’t believe me? listen to this:
sorry for how long that was…. and i had to keep in that last run in because that cover was ELEGANT. genuinely gave me chills. yebba and cléo collab when… but anyway.
along with being a vocalist, she also writes, produces, raps, acts, and plays several instruments. SELF. TAUGHT. you just had to be there when she trolled an entire stadium worth of fans when rumors spread about her playing were thought to be ‘prerecorded’ in 2020. nobody in their right mind plays fucking megalovania to prove they’ve been playing piano since they were little. iconic tbh. you just had to be there.
since then, it’s sparked a trend for idols to play silly songs live to prove their musical abilities. notable performances by cléo also include coconut mall, the peanut’s theme, and an impressed rick roll in our lovely year of 2023.
( okay but megalovania though. 😭 of all songs i’m so weak— you would thinks she would have played something cute but NOOOO. it gives CHEESE energy a little bit. im so here for it. )
when you first get into stray kids, you probably think her being the only girl makes her the most sane one. people have that misconception with seungmin, too. that because they’re not as reactionary as the others, that they’re calm as hell. well i implore you to watch the skzcode episode where they did that horror house. felix may have been the scaredy cat when kittyracha had their turn, but by now we should know cléo is NAWT a fan of bugs.
the boys making her dig out the key through the slime was so cold 😭 the scream she let out ?? literally broke the sound barrier. ariana grade who… mariah carey where….
anyway, just don’t mention bugs around her and we’re good. because i would like to still be able to hear. and without further ado, here are my favorite cléo moments.
“…come to think of it, i knew you did ice skating. so i don’t know how the others didn’t. did you not tell them?”
cléo appears smug, seemingly recalling the moment the two had been talking about. the pair are talking about a moment shared back in their high school days, when comes to a surprise to the group that cléo knows how to ice skate.
“well, not professionally at least. like most things i know how to do, i taught myself how to skate. on ice and on skates, too.” she then pauses, confused. “i didn’t tell them? i’m sure that would have come up at random.”
“well, i remember complaining about you not teaching me.” hyunjin crosses his arms petulantly, much to cléo’s visibly growing amusement. “even when we were back in high school. you absolutely refused to teach me!”
cléo can’t hold her laugh in anymore, bursting into louder laughter as hyunjin’s complains rise in volume. it even amps up to them tussling over the throw pillows, cléo still laughing the entire time.
“it’s not like i had ill intentions? look—” cléo tries to quell his comically growing tantrum, but the fact that she’s still half laughing as she talks only fuels him the more.
“four years!” cléo sputters out a strangled laugh ( gasp? girl help … ) in response, startled at hyunjin’s sudden exclamation. “when i met you, you said you’d been skating for four years! you were depriving me—”
“you watch too much anime.”
“—of my— oh, shut up.” cléo snickers as he shoves her shoulder. “i could have been gliding on ice professionally by now.”
the mood suddenly takes a comical u-turn, with hyunjin pouting as cléo’s expression turns increasingly deadpanned—the way it normally does before she says something out of pocket. ( i’m already laughing pls help— 😭 )
“sweetheart.. with all due respect—and i’m going to touch your hand when i say this,” cléo starts, taking his hands in hers with a serious expression that leaves her friend dumbfounded. “just because you’re an amazing dancer doesn’t mean you’ll hold up well on ice. i didn’t bring up ice skating with you because when we went rollerblading you could barely stand up without clinging to the railing like a baby deer.”
cléo then turns to the camera with the same serious expression. “it took five people to peel his body off the floor. it was very embarrassing. someday i’ll post the pictures. maybe on his birthday.”
“wAIT NO—”
“you don’t wear heels?”
“not really. i’m already tall enough, i think.” cléo shuffles her hosting cards and smiles, gently tapping them against the bureau to straighten them out. “plus i heard it’s like an indirect insult to people under five feet seven to wear heels around them. i’m being respectful, yeah?”
johnny poorly hides a laugh into the collar of his shirt.
“i think it’s really admirable when men do it, though. no really! i’m actually serious,” cléo grins when her guests begin to laugh in surprise. “‘cause my legs absolutely check out within the first few hours. i don’t remember who it was, but i saw an idol kill a performance in stilettos. i can’t even do that. props to them for real. cause what use are my ankles when they can’t even execute their god-given purposes.”
( i really think this moment was unscripted cause girl looked genuinely confused when mark started choking on his water 😭😭😭 )
mark scurries off backstage as haechan falls over in his chair, his laugh almost bouncing off the studio walls as cléo looks on in bewilderment. ( IT WAS REAL TO HIM!! )
jaehyun wipes genuine tears from his eyes before looking off camera and descending into hysterics again. the camera pans to mark consulting a stylist ( who looks seconds from laughing herself ) about his drenched shirt, making everyone on set succumb back to laughter.
to add a cherry on top, cléo looks into the camera with wide eyes. “are these grounds to be sued.. sm entertainment i am so sorry.”
while chan and hyunjin are seemingly distracted going over choreography, cléo wanders off set still clad in her mv outfit much to the surprise of her assigned staff and cameraperson. they’re quick to pan the view over to her, where she looks to be scrutinizing the chained bed soon to be seen in the music video.
she then looks down at her outfit, white from head to toe just like her partners with chains locked around her body in crossing patterns, and stifles a shocked sound as if she’s had a revelation. it catches her bandmates’ attention, looking over at her as she turns around to meet their gazes.
“when we decided the concept was going to be sexy, i was thinking like. maybe skin showing. that’s normal. we do that all the time. this?” cléo points at the bed again, eyes wide, “this is straight up debauchery. stays are going to pass out. most of them are kids! i don’t want to be responsible for emotional and financial compensation!”
hyunjin nearly falls over at how distressed she looks, just about crumpling to the ground in laughter as chan looks at the camera for assistance. getting none, especially with his partners in various states of hysterics, he sighs and looks up to the ceiling for strength.
“christopher! think of the children! and—” cléo clutches at her heart as if pain, amping up the theatrics as hyunjin practically writhes on the floor. “the PARENTS. what are we going to do when we perform this and there are PARENTS IN THE CROWD.”
staff can be heard stifling their laughter as chan genuinely looks at a loss for words. his disbelief is almost tangible as he turns to stare at the bed as well, which is ultimately what makes cléo’s façade crack before she starts giggling.
“we should add a viewer discretion before the performance. ‘warning: may include vigorous gyrating and writhing on the floor. may also include—’”
cléo is lovingly cut off by a hand over her mouth, an amusedly ticked off chan dragging her away from the camera to the sound of hyunjin cackling in the background.
“so i hear you’re an nct fan. an nctzen? czennie, i think is what they’re called.”
“yeah!” cléo responds enthusiastically to the interviewer, beaming brightly at the camera. “i’ve interviewed them myself, too. great band of great people. fun and fresh.”
“that’s exactly what i wanted to talk to you about actually.” cléo looks mildly surprised, but shifts in her seat to face the interviewer more directly. “you always credit one of your best friends as the reason why you’ve become such a big fan of other groups.”
“no, definitely. moniqa’s always been a big part of my life, so it’s natural her likes kinda bleed into mine a bit, you know?” the interviewer nods, making cléo smile faintly. “right. so please don’t take this lightly when i say she’s the biggest nctzen i know.”
cléo laughs as the small studio audience cheers, prompting her to point off camera. “they get it!”
“so moniqa is the reason why you’ve listed all these groups as your current favorites.”
“oh, yeah. i kinda regret making my personal spotify public cause now people can see what i listen to 24/7. cause the amount of people who were like ‘STRAY KIDS NCT COLLAB???’ just because hot sauce or ay-yo would come on shuffle were so—”
cléo buries her face in her hands in exaggerated fashion as the set laughs.
“stop reading into my listens so hard! i just like music!”
“so speaking of music, i heard you got into a bit of a heated debate over a song with moniq—oh.” the interviewer looks surprised as cléo’s expression morphs into one of passive smugness, quickly wiped off just when the camera shifts to her. “what—”
“you just—”
“so we were playing a game,” cléo starts, purposely ignoring the interviewer grasping at straws, which makes the audience laugh. “where we had to guess the song that came up just by the first couple of notes. me being the competitive person i am, who just so happened to be influenced by the biggest nctzen i know, kept getting neck to neck ties with moniq. and i could tell it was pissing her off a little bit. cause admittedly, i was being a little sh—.”
( they really censored her like that…. 🙄😒 )
“and she got designer by 127 WRONG. which was so funny to me.” pausing when the interviewer looks confused, she reiterates, “it was on the same album as two baddies! you know… two baddies, two baddies, one ridiculously expensive car… and speaking on two baddies—”
“—i did my research when that song dropped.”
the interviewers audibly sputters, nearly dropping his cue cards. “you did research?”
“a porsche can fit five people,” cléo continues as if she hadn’t heard him, making the audience laugh again. “what happened to the other two baddies. can’t believe they would kick two other baddies to the curb like that. what did the other two baddies do? all four of them could fit in my rover.”
“you have a rover—”
“and that’s not considering extra optional third row seating. so not only are there now ZERO baddies in your porsche, now you’re stuck paying for the car your bought to impress them. kai had a vision when he chose a rover. and i’m inclined to agree.”
( the interviewer was too stunned to speak… 😭 )
the set is in hysterics by the time she stops talking, even the camera work shaking as the person struggles to keep the frame straight. what’s worse is that cléo looks completely serious, making the interviewer huff a disbelieving laugh.
“should we call you miss rover then?”
“please look forward to my solo album,” cléo tacks on the joke, complete with a bow that makes him laugh. “i’ll ask a neo who can drive to feature on the title track.”
( GIRL I— 😭😭😭😭 )
“—welcome members sangyeon, eric, kevin, and juyeon of the boyz!”
the audience claps as the four walk out on the cushioned set, smiling and waving at the camera before they bow and sit down, cléo and guest co-host moniq doing the same. cléo waits for the cheers to die down before she speaks…
…and promptly forgets every word in both the english and korean language when she locks eyes with sangyeon.
the boys looks confused when cléo doesn’t speak for a moment, looking amongst themselves as she stares down at her cue cards in a mixture of embarrassment and bewilderment. it doesn’t help that moniq is starting to catch on, formerly confused before she remembers the episode’s guests—
and also promptly begins to cackle. obnoxiously loud.
with sudden abruptness, cléo stands up from her chair, makes a slow bow in their direction, bucks at moniq ( which only makes her laugh even harder 😭 ), and books it off set. dragging her producer off with her.
the boyz members only look on in varying degrees of amusement and confusion as moniq struggles to explain between bits of laughter about how cléo had been equal parts nervous and excited for this episode, being a huge fan of the group, smiling in good nature as all four of them relax and laugh as well.
“if she comes out, we promise to give her a signed album,” kevin pipes up with a grin. an unidentified sound wafts up from backstage, which makes everyone succumb back into laughter. moniq is holding her stomach at this point, seconds away from tears streaming down her face.
moniq calls cléo’s name sweetly, a shit eating grin on her face. but she doesn’t have to wait long before cléo makes her reappearance. only… not on her own.
much to the studio audience’s surprise, ends up being bodily carried back to her hosting seat by security. she’s propped in place like a doll, her head hung low in embarrassment, and moniq lasts about 0.03 seconds after personnel gingerly fixes flyway strand of hair before she starts laughing.
“i want that album after the show,” cléo points at kevin seriously, causing him to snicker quietly as she plasters on a smile and continues with the interview as if nothing happened.
[ AUTOMATED VOICE. ] and there you have it. i would have included more, but we would be here forever and i’m sure you have places to go and people to see.
if this video hasn’t already made you want to check out stray kids’ resident cat girl then i really don’t know what else to tell you. she’s funny, hot, and extremely relatable. she truly is just like me. and her voice. i cannot stress her voice enough. siren like. i would lose myself at sea willingly.
🤷‍♀️ i really would.
anyway that’s all for now. see you guys in the next video!
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hella1975 · 6 months
top 5 dog motif songs?
pausing mid dog motif breakdown to look at this ask. eye twitching. curiosity piqued. okay yeah okkay
i'm your man by mitski. lol. lmao even. the entire song. most dog motif song of all time ever
dogbird by madds buckley. DOG AND BIRD MOTIF AT ONCE. the dabihawks anthem to the enlightened mind. i can't stand you in my bed, you're too gentle. i need you to hurt me back instead.
i'd hate me too by susannah joffe. JUST RELEASED AND IM SO INSANE ABOUT IT. i couldn't run to you so i'd bite til you shoot me dead, i am a coward but first i was a kid.
dog teeth by nicole dollanganger. i like this one bc it's from the pov of being the one loved BY the dog motif character, not from the pov of the dog motif character, and it shows how negative that behaviour can really be. he handed me a pair of pliers and he told me to pull out his teeth, because as long as he had them he'd use them to do bad things.
tongues & teeth by the crane wives. not explicitely dog motif in fact dogs aren't mentioned AT ALL, but it is to me. self-destructive behaviour, teeth, lashing out etc. intricate rituals. i've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel it's all that i can give to you, my dear, and when you come in quick to steal a kiss my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear.
i have a dog motif playlist if ur interested in more recs x
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tuesday again 11/21/2023
awful lot of cooking content from me, who hates cooking but finds the evenings jittery and boring
Doorbell by Sterling Press, off the spotify weekly recced playlist. i don't know that i like this song. i don't know that it's particularly good. goddamn if it isn't catchy. alt britpop, they hate being compared to blur but mmmm. you do hear it. notes of ska as well. a song to blast in your car when your spring break plans fell through and you're driving to the good target two towns away from your hometown.
i don't think this music video could have existed pre-pandemic-- idk doorbell cams were that ubiquitous or well known, despite heavy advertising from nest.
from an interview:
Speaking about the new release, they said, “We wrote the song in our mates garage using drum samples off YouTube. We spent all night writing it then in the early hours of the morning drove to Maccies to have breakfast and had it on repeat the whole time. We all fell in love with it straight away. These lyrics speak to the importance of authenticity and sincerity in your actions. In a world where appearances and pretences can be misleading, it's a reminder to be true to yourself and to avoid trying to impress others for the sake of it. “I feel like its an experience we all share. We all know someone who goes off to uni or gets a new job and you bump into them on the street and they act as if they have no idea who you are. I guess this song is reflection of our frustrations towards those people.”
they have what i would consider an unusual amount of hype and presence for a band that has exactly three songs out, but they've all been making music together and separately since well before the pandemic so maybe they've just finally broken out? i can't figure out who these kids are related to. i don't think it's a full on industry plant but i do think someone's dad has some money.
a friend once said she hated how eighties songs faded out like a printer running out of ink, and i do not particularly care for how 2020s songs end with the entire band vanishing underwater.
this song is truly not that deep but it is thoroughly stuck in my goddamn head.
listening: special podcast edition
i am not looking for solutions. do not say solutions at me. i am taking through a brain thing and having a weird workflow and brain problem. i have tried other apps with browser support and do not like them, and i cannot have my personal apple id tied to my work computer bc i have and frequently use a work apple id.
i have been listening to podcasts through Spotify ever since mmm november ‘20. it has not been a good experience but juggling the Apple Podcasts app through my phone (distraction minefield) and whatever im listening to or working on with the work computer is a nightmare. ethics of spotify aside, it is a tremendously successful all in one listening platform. i do not have the brainspace to manage my own music library, and support my favorite artists in other ways.
i am not looking for solutions. do not say solutions at me.
however, if you listen to enough podcast episodes, spotify does not seem to believe you when you tell it to unfollow a podcast. it just keeps letting you know hey this has a new episode. this got me stuck on a loop where i was listening to more and more episodes of two very prolific conspiracy theory debunking podcasts to the exclusion of almost everything else. this was not very good for my mental health.
i am not looking for solutions. do not say solutions at me.
despite the real annoyance of finagling a very distracting phone and the work laptop, i have gone back to Apple Podcasts and (after weeding out a variety of podcasts for a variety of reasons) started listening to friends at the table again. not sure why i stopped but i felt a weird amount of guilt around restarting?? the tablefriends neither know nor care. i have finally finished road to palisade and am excited but nervous about starting palisade proper
a local religious thrift store has absolutely rancid vibes but does regularly have 6/$1 book sales. there were a couple older trade paperback comics the last time: the first three volumes of ULTIMATE XMEN and a radom What If? superman.
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my trouble with the xmen, and i have to read something from it once every two years to remind myself, is that magneto is right. they will never be able to assimilate into white picket fence middle america, or even among the liberal coastal elites or whatever the term du jour was in 1999. the box will always be smaller and you will never be perfect enough. i did not enjoy this enough to continue bc of this fundamental disagreement with most xmen comics.
also it looks like this. magneto’s lair has an arch in the shape of the arch on the front of his helmet and that was pretty baller, but there’s a real. what was they gimmick blog about all the comic book women in contorted spine-breaking poses? it’s like that a lot. WHAT is ororo’s body doing there
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hey. what the fuck do you mean tomato sauce is that easy. i dislike tomato sauce and almost exclusively eat jar upon jar of aldi brand pesto. im not allergic bc tomatoes aren't tingly but it's just sort of Nothing all the time. what do you mean it can be good???
i don't actually remember why i'm subscribed to mr internet shaquille. perhaps, like so many other food things, it's kali's fault.
pulled this horrid little brat. very pleased with myself.
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i do not. love. her story quest. it falls into the childrens' media trap of Sometimes It's Okay For Other People To Stomp All Over Your Boundaries If It's For The Good Of The Group! or perhaps this is just a thing i'm particularly twitchy about. either way, annoyed that other characters of this importance have gotten some deeply moving writing and so far furina has...not gotten that.
the next character i am excited about is lolita taylor swift, or geo-aligned lady with big fuckoff sword. from some early maybe-leaks i think she would pair beautifully with my playstyle and my pirate lady with big sword. my playstyle is mostly brute force damage. i hit things as hard as i can until they fall over and i've played the entire game (with some exceptions that required actual thinking about elemental reactions) that way. it pleases me.
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re: the conclusion of the annapausis sidequest, genshin does a really good job of teasing out "ok in a world with actual gods, what does spirituality look like/what are the differing views on fate/how do people make sense of an afterlife". mostly this is gnosticism. and sometimes it's a real life occultist secret society (reskinned Rosicrucianism). fascinating writing choices.
turkey cottage pie with scalloped potatoes, bc i had a five-pound bag of russets that were starting to sprout. im just going to yoink this pic i posted earlier bc it is now half gone and in tupperware form
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this is the first time ive ever cooked in a dutch oven and im in love. i thrifted this for $20 some weeks ago but bc the lid has some chips and rust i haven't used it. which is silly, bc the body of the oven is fine. de-rusting and seasoning the lid will wait for a day when i actually need it bc for now we can get by with doubled-over sheet of aluminum foil.
used this recipe: only had a pound of ground turkey and liberally stretched it with potatoes (i think about three and a half pounds out of five) and three pounds out of a cheap frozen veggie mix bag. did not include mushrooms bc i did not like them. threw in some bay leaves bc i have a giant bag of them, i think i almost doubled the wine bc i doubled the recipe, but i do not think i remembered to double the beef stock. i also shook in a liberal amount of italian seasoning bc i have a cheap jar from aldi i want to use up.
the final product was somewhat soupy. i anticipated that slicing the potatoes was going to be the longest part (mostly true, i had to take breaks) and kept them in a big bowl of cold water to stop them browning while i chopped and after i blanched them. i also could have reduced the filling down some more but i am not a patient woman.
not as intended but still yummy, which was a lovely surprise bc usually when i fuck recipes up i fuck them up But Good. plus new technique (dutch oven). if i make this again (likely) i will do instant potatoes on top bc this was a fuck of a lot of chopping for one recipe. thinking about getting one of those stupid little hand smash veggie choppers bc a full food processor is extremely out of budget.
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stephibee · 2 months
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the NO-SKIP albums: a tag game 🎶💖
rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums. 🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules:1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
tagged by @stephendorff thank you !! this was so so so so fun !
tagging: @bladeoffrontiers @js337 @costashoffman @angels-holocaust @thegoodgowest
🎧 album info/track recs/my favorite lines under the cut!! ↓↓
Album: Mezmorize - system of a down song rec: question!
🎶 Do we, do we know When we fly When we, when we go Do we die? -- this band has helped me go through middle school and beyond. this song is just a fav and the whole album is a super big vibe
Album: never had to leave - matt maeson song rec: never had to leave
🎶 So I'm leaving you alone, leaving you alone I'm a spacecraft on my way back --song is personal to me, helped me get through some things in the last two years
Album: prophecy of ragnarök - brothers of metal song rec: powersnake
🎶 Eyes glowing red in the dark on the ocean floor Mighty serpent Roaring in the deep, he's a beast that devours all And the serpent awakes -- first song i heard from this band and absolutely became obsessed. fits my entire attitude and my practice
Album: aquarium - aqua song rec: calling you
🎶I-I-I can't get my message through Why-y-y don't you pick up the phone All my love is running down the line But you won't receive it, no, no -- this entire album is my childhood. brings memories with my sister and happier times. this song has always been my fav
Album: a day without rain - enya song rec: wild child
🎶Every summer sun Every winter evening Every spring to come Every autumn leaving You don't need a reason Let it all go on and on -- another childhood album that is held close to my heart and holds dear memories with my mom ♥
Album: demon days - gorillaz song rec: kids with guns
🎶Now they're turning us into monsters Turning us into fire Turning us into monsters It's all desire, it's all desire, it's all desire -- this band was MASSIVE hit with me back in middles school and will always be such a vibe. this song just has a beautiful energy to it but the lyrics not so much. still, this band helped me finds my creative part of my soul back in the day
Album: stick season - noah kahan song rec: you're gonna go far
🎶We're overdue for a revival We spent so long just getting by But that's the thing about survival Who the hell-, who the hell likes livin' just to die? -- this song. this album. been awhile since an album and songs got me crying and hitting super close to home.
Album: starcatcher - greta van fleet song rec: meeting the master
🎶What a day to meet the master I've been waiting for so long Final day to meet the master It's my time to go home -- is anyone really shocked this is the song im picking? of course now. i literally have this album and song inspire a tattoo. been a master fan of them since their first album came out. saw them live later 2023. i cried and was moved in all the ways one can be moved.
Album: hollywoods bleeding - post malone song rec: im gonna be
🎶Hey, why you so mad? (Why you so mad?) Never look back (Never look back) Can't let up the gas, we movin' so fast, yeah, let's make it last -- my first real concert and album and song helped me through a serious tough time with a friendship falling apart and figuring out who i am.
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okkalo · 1 month
hi!! congrats on 1k! ive been following you for a while on my main and i saw your event here on my writing acc:3 could i get a genshin matchup? heres my info!!
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basics: hi my name’s aki!! im transmasc, have been since i was like, 11.im also gay.  i listen to vkei, punk and silly rock bands(ex. weezer). i love dogs and seals like sm i cant explain. my clothing style is kinda like..idk how to explain.
personality: intp-t gemini and PROUD💪💪 im very silly online but kinda introverted f2f. i take shelter in my online self a lot. i have ocd and am a BIG perfectionist and overachiever. required amount of sentences is 15? watch me do 30+. you want “just a few” artist recommendations? here have 10 with descriptions and song recs. i live off academic praise. i can switch to “straight A kid” to burnt out emo on tumblr. im def a quality time, phys touch and gifts kiddo. i crochet so like 70% of the gifts i give out are silly keychains. i tend to bottle up my feelings and sometimes just burst out like crazy. i used to do muay thai to help w that but my coach disappeared(literally)
appearance: im around 5’10, proud filipino but so many people say i look japanese☹️. i have light brown skin and eyebags. im kinda skinny but i play basketball and workout so im kinda like,, idk..i got arm muscles, just a lump though. i have black hair, like in the appearance above. i usually wear vkei makeup, not too much though sometimes it makes me look fem. i have fairly long eyelashes(i hate them). i dont have piercings, sadly, but i swear ill get some soon(its been 6 years since i first said “im gonna get piercings”) i also have those bayonetta glasses. 
music and interests: i listen to artists like the gazette, dir en grey, kamijo, mejibray nd more!! i also listen to bands like smashing pumpkins, le tigre, foo fighters, deftones, mcr, radiohead, alice in chains, misfits and weezer(so weezy) i had a BIG grunge phase. i love rainy sundays!! i am literally the biggest halloween fanatic ever. once me and my old lover pulled up in a matching viktor and corpse bride costume i loved it. as mentioned earlier i play basketball and crochet, i also play the guitar!
clothing style: very vkei vampirey stuff..kinda punk too but idk. i live in the philipines so layering is like throwing myself in a desert. some people call me a goth and i js stare at them like “nuh uh”. i wear a lot of accessories nd stuff. bat hairpins<33 
thanks!! sorry if this was a pain to read,, :<
hi aki! thanks for following me even through my hiatuses 🫶 and no worries ur matchup was fun to read!! u did have me very confused who would be a good matchup for u, however, so i hope u like who u got 🫶🫶 thank you for the request
ps. i have also been wanting more peircings on my ears (maybe a nose one too) but also haven’t gotten any so u are not alone
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : tighnari from genshin
tighnari is an overachiever just like you! though, he knows when to draw the line so that he doesn’t get too exhausted. he would definitely try to draw a line for you, as well! that, and he knows how to give praise when it’s needed! he’ll always try to make sure you know how well you’re doing while also trying to keep you safe from a burnout!
he once considered handing out your crochet keychains to fellow forest rangers. he thought it would be an additional nifty way to scout out fellow forest rangers. though, whether he went through with it all decided on how you responded!
whenever someone misidentifies you as japanese or any other race you will always see tighnari’s ears twitching from annoyance. he’ll oftentimes be able to hold himself back from correcting the person right away, though not all the time. when it comes to your style, however, he’ll always go on a tangent about how you are not goth to provide you support as well.
tighnari is also very introverted as well and lives for his alone time, which he still considers to be with you on some occasions. he’ll love to hear your guitar during these times. i also head canon that he would be so interested in learning crochet for himself as well! so, if you would, please teach him!
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fandom get to know me better
was tagged by @nozunhinged AND @jeffsatyr so i had too
3 ships you like:
ok 3 that im into lately
villaineve- they make me turn into the joker <3
aobpuen - like i feel lik if you get it you get it like... i dont have words for them if i think about them too hard i need to bite something
sakuatsu - ride or dies the great fan artists and fic writers of the world have done such wonderful work
the three that im obsessed with currently (like fundamentally changed me
sandray - if you follow me on here you know. literally the last thing i think about before going to sleep and the first thing i think about when i wake up. they were manufactured in a lab to make me periodically lose my mind actually like, id never watched a thai series or heard of them and the only reason i chose to watch only friends was a ray edit someone made right after episode ONE that felt like it was bat signalling me and here i am 7?? months later a fully changed person..... like they will forever be a part of me now i think ill never be the same
vegaspete - similar to sandray in that i watched kinnporsche because of the vegaspete gifsets on the dash and was surprised to find out the series was not about them having bdsm sex in front of the corpse of a hedgehog like i was led to believe, not that i didnt end enjoying kp anyway. they alone would have been enough to make me obsessed but the things people create about them have changed me, thoroughly, like i am unrecognisable to myself after certain fics and fanart....
bokuaka - they are essential to my lore actually, like i dont post about them or engage with them as much as i used to because they are like my eyelashes like they are just a part of me now. bokuaka fanfic was what got me through high school tbh.
First ship ever: idk because ive wrote fic about characters since i was like 8..... actually im gonna be cringe and say chad and ryan from high school musical cause they were real to me when i was in elementary school <3
Last song you heard: good for what by little simz cause it will always get my pumped no matter what
Favorite childhood book: i read like a book a day when i was a kid but i think my favorite was the box car children even tho it traumatized me...
Currently reading: im always in a state of rereading my poetry collection and its recently been claude mckay but i need good novel recs PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME
Currently watching: at the peak of covid fever i started pit babe and im around halfway? thru now, also 23.5 the series as it comes out, and abbott elementary, and tsukutabe, also want to rewatch iwtv 2022... then theres all the shows my mutuals i posting about that i want to watch (im looking at you dead friends forever and moonlight chicken)
Currently consuming: hamantaschen that are supposed to be for tm but there raspberry jam flavored so im celebrating early 🫡
Currently craving: for food: i havent had cheesecake in like 5 years but i think about her everyday. in life: to try to get into the drag scene
ill tag @le-trash-prince @lilleeboi @jenyifer @kitas-cleaning-supplies @luminouschaotic @bokuto-my-beloved
and whoever wants to!!!
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seedlessmuffins · 1 year
Rules : 🎶 when you get this, list 5 songs you’ve been listening to & tag 5-10 people.
tagged by the lovely @krocodilf (literally you have me like 😊🥰🥹 bestie omg!)
Can't Get You out of my Head by Kylie Minogue: 2001 pop that reminds me of my childhood, kinda a mix between lofi and pop that makes me dance in my chair when i am writing papers
Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce: i live on a university campus so i walk everywhere, and this song is perfect for walking to and i just love mid-2000s pop, always makes me feel better
Borderline by Tame Impala: i have seen so many edits to this song (especially of leo going to pissg) so i like to sit and stare at walls and think about the silly sports people while i listen to the synth and the strong bass line. it makes you feel like you're in an alternate reality
Death of the Phone Call by Whatever Dad: calm french music with acoustic guitar >>> i like to listen to this while im studying, its like a comfort song for me, feels like a warm hug (and Whatever Dad is so underrated, even if you don't like/understand french it is so sweet, like a lullaby i love it). ii name all my playlists after drinks, and this is in my "butterfly peaflower tea" playlist that i use to fall asleep with
Tonight - Quintet from West Side Story and One Day More from Les Miserables: i love musicals, and west side story and les mis are two of my favs. these songs in particular are the end of act i, all storylines collide songs where all the characters sing at the same time and its just this pleasing wall of sound that makes me melt! truly exposing myself as a theatre kid here but i think the fact i run a blog about athletes makes up for it
again thank you to nikka for the tag, and if any of you @neybappe @neyxmessi @dykemar @lioneymessilva @ksiminii want to do this, feel free because i would love music recs!
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twowink · 11 months
hi if you're still taking songs!!! i Love music and i love sharing it even more so i'm going to send a lot of songs. sorry in advance. im adding spotify links for your personal convenience, but i definitely recommend watching the music videos if you want to! i recommend air force one by odd eye circle, in bloom by zerobaseone, give me your tmi by stray kids, tamed-dashed by enhypen, love bomb by fromis_9, and test me by xdinary heroes. <- this is me holding myself back btw. also idk what kind of music you listened to so i kinda went all over the map? but if you gave me a genre i'd be able to curate my recs way more. sorry i get kind of crazy when people ask for song recs i just love music
air force one: kinda catchy
not my thing i think but funsies!
in bloom: kinda catchy
give me your tmi: ok i really like this
my cousin is a stray kids fan so it is funny bc i think ive heard this from her computer before? and ive also i just watched the mv like hoooly shit the guys from didis computer ... but it is fun i like them
tamed-dashed: not my thing
seems fun but not into it yea hmmm
love bomb: ok i really like this
i think id like it if it was more of a hyper energy pop thing but the vibes are there enough 4 me i enjoyed this one :] also ive liked all the mvs but this one is especialy gorg
test me: kinda catchy/ok i really like this
also super fun !!
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Heyyy ty sappho ( @iworshipsappho ) for the taggg (this is veryy late i have been BUSYYY today but thog dont caare) this is probably one of the coolest tag games :3
1. Favourite colour and why: I loveeee pink she is so cutesy and pretty and beautiful and my best friend ever in the world and also orange she is beautifullll and my wife and i love her she makes everything sooo wonderful and is rhe reason i love sunsets so much AND BROWN she is the cosiest girl on earth thee is no cosier colour than brown shes the colour of HOMEEE dude
2. Five comfort movies: ooo man idk i dont watch movies often. But i suppose Brave is one of them its always been suchhh a comfort movie <333 other than thattt idk man haha
3. Favourite season and why: SUMMERRRR SUMMER SUMMER SUMMERRRR I LOVEEEE SUMMER he is my husband and i love him. Summer <333 eveyrhting is so golden and bright and beautiful and amaz g and warm and comfortable and happy and AAA i love summer so much <33333
4. Favourite book(s): ahahahahah fuck i dont read much like. At all. I like the sudoku book i have i suppose ???? And my sketchbook :3
5. Favourite aesthetic and why: imagine. Life is strange. As an aesthetic. All of life is strange. Everything that is life is strange is my aesthetic. I love life is strange. So much
6. Favourite genre and why: oo depends on what. Genre of music ?? Fuckinn. Lemme ask spotify haha one moment. Well my top mixes are Happy Chill Indie Rock Acoustic and Punk so like errrr. Idk man. I like songs that sound good. Like. Video game soundtracks. And. Will wood. Favourite genre of story ??? I likeeee. Actually quite a lot of stuff tbh sooo yea ill just stick 2 music
7. Favourite clothes style: timothy rand from blood in the bayou. I wanna look as horrendous as he does. He is so incredibly awesome. Alsoooo like. Dude idk what to describe it as. My favourite pieces of clothing i own areeee my black tshirt w awesome art of some random californian forest i think, my many tank tops, my denim jacket n my new b&w flannel anddd my black jeans and my denim skirt and my greenblue boots and my VANS :3 anddd my many necklaces and a ton of eyeliner and mascara and eternally black nails anddddd yea :33 but mainly timothy rand ^__^
8. Favourite music genre: well shit i already answered this. Here ill just put my fav story genre. Which is errr. Well. Idk man. I like love stories but mainly the kind that r disguised as love storiez (AND NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY) as much as i go crazy insane over romances i do fucking love the sorta Power Of Friendship Stories. Like i love riptide and i love doctor who and i love life is strange and i love omori and i love little nightmares bc theyre all like, everything sucks so much. And there are awful people and awful things in tne world. But atleast theres fucking friends and atleast we can love those friends and atleast theres beauty in the world. Love when a storys like. Uh oh the horrors (but also theres friends)
9. Favourite artists: WILL WOODDDD will wood is so fuckin good man his music is like the only music i cant get sick of even after listening to it for like. A week straight. Other than him i cant think of any individual artist i rlly like. Errr lemme check spotify again. C418 is like one of the only other examples i have a lot of the songs of in my Playlist. And cavetown but that was 2020. And crywank oo ig even tho i dont listen much anymore. And good kid but i listened 2 much in july and im sick of them now. And jhariah but thats just 1 album my friend recced. Ok and lemon demon but hes like a free pass. Ok and lovejoy as well but theyre also a free pass. And slaughter beach, dog but that was like a one week obsession n then i overlistened. Ok and toby fox and id say hes a free pass but hes Built Different ok hes more than a free pass. And two door cinema club but that was also just 1 album. Ok and wilbur hes also a free pass shut up. Anyways will woods music is good
10. Favourite fandoms: dude ok like. The mcyt fandom sucks in a way that i also love so much it has such a special place in my heart n despite me being muchhhh more on the outside of the fandom now and only still being here by proximity rlly its definitely like. A good one
11. Hobbies: PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!! and visual art BUT MAINLY PHOTOGRAPHY !!!!! And playing silly video games :3 but photography ^__^
12. Care language u give: i try with words but mostly just spending time together. If someones having a bad time i will spend time with them so they have a good time. But most the time thats not possible soooo i try 2 show i care with like. WAIT. i misread this as. Like. Sympathy. Like what u do when someones havin a bad day. Care language isss. Still spending time together, i will invite the ppl i care abt to hang out :3 anddd infodumping i only infodump to ppl i rlly care abt bc i trust them and want them to know abt the things that make me happy !!!! Bc then they can maybe like it too !!! :3 anddd in person Existing in each others proximity :333
13. Care language u like to recieve: physical touch <3 AND QUALITY TIME SOOO MUCH invite me to things ill love u forever. And like. Ppl thinking of me even if im not around. Love that shit so much
14. Are u more of extrovert/introvert/ambivert: EXTROVERTTTT i loveeeee people so much i love my friends and need them so much and i love meeting new ppl BUT I COME OFF AS AN INTROVERT just bc im scared of rejection and im used 2 ppl hating me for my autistic swag BUT i still love ppl so much <333
15. Morning/night person: a morning person forced 2 be a night person. But i loveeee the morning sooooo much even tho i am better at staying up late i HATEEEE the night and i LOVEEEE the morning
16. City/country/suburbs and why: hmmm i think i like the suburbs bc like dude its just fuckin Home like i hate the city bc its overwhelming and too big and too expensive and too polluted and too PUBLIC. And i do like the country but it feels unfamiliar to me bc i dont go there too often. And ofc theres a lack of easy paths to walk on when it comes 2 roads n shit. So i like the suburbs :3 its just fuckin home as mcuh as they suck
17. Favourire time of day + why: I LOVEEEE 8am so much. And 11am. Comfy times. BUT ONLY WHEN THEY BELONG TO ME if im spending my 8am or 11am doing smth i dont wanna do for someone i dont respect I HATE IT, but when 8am or 11am is MINE to do with as i PLEASE. Best times in the day. And 8pm bc a lotta things happen at 8pm
18. Do u have any religious beliefs: nah not rlly just bc my parents r awful n raised me 2 believe religion is "Evil" and just fuckin. Bad shit. But like even tho i ofc fuckin disagree w them to hell n back, still an atheist and will mostttt likelyyy stay that way i think ?
19. What does your ideal family look like to you: dude fucking Not Blood Family. My family is the ppl i love n the ppl i feel comfortable around and my family is my friends and my Blood Family will be dead to me the moment i move out. My ideal family is a group of ppl who love and care for each other and do not need to fuckin Seal It With Marriage Or Blood or whatever the fuck. Just ppl who look after each other and ppl who love each other whoever the fuck that is
20. Dream future: being happy and never talking to my parents and loving life still
21. Dream place to visit: wherever my friends live :3 never liked travel before so idk where id want to go bc ive always hated travelling so much bc ive never travelled w/o my family so. Yeah. Bad
22. Favourite type of nature: I LOVE RIVERS AND LAKEZ !!!!!! so much. And wetlands. And big meadows.
23. Favourite habitat: ooo ive liked savannahs a lot :33 but mainlyyy forests bc like the Technical Biome of where i live is a forest so its just like. Home yaknow
24. Describe myself in 4 words: IN, LOVE, WITH, LIFE !!!!!!!! :3 (or alternatively: fuck, it, we, ball)
25. If i could be another thing on earth whatd i be: A CAT A KITTY CAT MROW MEOW MEOW MEOW EMOW MEOW MEOWWWW ID BE A KITTY KITTY KITTY CAT A KITTY CAT KITTY CAT !!!!!!! :3c
26. Favourite type of weather: SUMMER THUNDERSTORMS and also veryyyy sunny days with like. 10% cloud cover. Perhaps 20%. But mostly blue sky :3
27. If u could travel anywhere right now where would it be: ANYWHERE ELSE ANYWHERE ELSE I HATE IT HERE !!!!!! but also. The house of one of my friends. So that i can sleep over and then hwng out. Bc im eepy. But also i need my friends.
28. Do u have any fears, serious or otherwise: i am scared offfff my parents and of school and of rejection and of social isolation and of outer space andddd. Of bad things happening to my cat.
29. Dream job: capitalism hater, royalty assassinator.
30. Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why: A PIRATEEEE A PIRATEEE ID BE A FUCKINN PIRATEEE I LOVE PIRATES id also be a witch i wanna mix herbs n shit snd make silly magic with potions. And as cool as wizards are, i dont wanna be a technician. Wanna be an alchemist. Witch. Witch pirate. But mainly pirate i LOVEEE PIRATESSS SOOOO MUCH
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moonjxsung · 6 months
my post exam plans are cuddling with my plushies with my roommate checking up on me to see if im dead or not ever 3 hrs or so cs hes a big pussy who cant be left alone while i bust open my christmas kpop playlist and catch up on all my skz vlogs and 2 kids shows and rachalogs
( p.s. can i give u a few songs ive been obsessed w recently and you can rate them 🥺🥺)
~braindead three leaf green emoji thing annonie
HI POOKIE that sounds like such a fun evening I hope u get all the relaxation u deserve 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 CELEBRATE BEING EXAMS BEING FINISHED RAAAAAAHHHHH 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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igarbagecannoteven · 8 months
megs!! hello!! good evening!! i want literally all of the things from your ask game so just imagine im copypasting all the emojis. tell me all the things!! love you so much missing you lots xoxo give the babygirl a kiss from me since she will never accept one from me anyway
bella!! hiya!! good evening!! (of the next evening but the sentiment still stands lol) love you so so much prilla and i miss you i will give her kisses for you 💙
🤘: so. you get the cursed song since you cannot cut ties from me now that we've signed a year-long lease :)) the song i've been looping all day is BOGOS BINTED by Ida Deerz ft Kaj Strife & 2a03fox which is. well. furry music (with a suicide ment tw for anyone who needs it) and i am not (that) ashamed to say it kinda slaps (you probs won't like it tho sdklfjsdlkjfsd) i mean the chorus is hella catchy! non-cursed song recs are Kid Fears by The Indigo Girls and The Wood Song also by The Indigo Girls (also Galileo which is also by them lol)
👀: okay this is a series of three fics but riverdale belongs to the gays by boos is a *very* good canon divergent (mostly bc it was written during like season 2 or something) exploration of both canon & non-canon events through the lens of the core four all being queer (with ace jughead!!) but if you'd like something (much) shorter there's The Real Suspension of Disbelief by punk_rock_yuppie which is jarchie with ace!jughead :))
🖇️: okay so this idea is actually inspired by a discussion topic from a philosophy class i took so it's a little weird and angsty BUT it's a sci-fi/dystopian au where people use teleportation devices like the ones in star trek and person a, who's used the teleportation device in the past, dies for unrelated reasons (maybe a hovercraft crash or a plague or something idk yet) and their significant other, person b, who's half-mad with grief, breaks into the records of the company who makes the teleportation devices and gets the data for the exact molecular make-up of person a and makes it materialize on one of the transport pads, "bringing them back to life". *however*this is a past version of person a since it's been a minute since they used teleportation (i haven't decided how long yet, at least a few months i think) and so they think they're going to, like, visit their mom or whatever but then they teleport into a scene where their bf's getting dragged away by security and it's x months/years later. cue the realization that a version of themselves actually died, blah blah blah, the question of do they have a soul comes up bc i'm me, etc etc, some other loved ones not accepting them as the "real" person a,,, it wouldn't really be a "they came back wrong" story but there would be elements of that bc regardless of how long it's been btwn the use of the teleportation device and their death, there will be memories that person b has that person a does not, and there's the classic identity crisis aspect and yeah. classic cheerful megs fic sdkljflkdsjklfjsdlkjf
😈: inspired by the job hunting process, my hashtag hot take of the day is that a job where you're handling people's financials and requires you to have a college degree should pay more than a cashier job at a upscale supermarket where a high school degree is preferred but not required 🙃
🧠: okay so uh. major spoilers for dungeons and daddies season 2 below the cut if anyone cares about that lol
so the latest episode of my favorite podcast (also the only one i listen to regularly but that's not relevant) they revealed that my favorite npc (grant wilson, son of a pc in s1 and dad of pc in s2) was transported to the titanic just b4 it hit the iceberg along with his fiance (it was either the night b4 their wedding or the day of) and that's where he found, rescued from death, and then adopted his son (lincoln, one of the player characters) and like. listen. this is The Podcast Of Wild Ass Rides(tm), after all it was only a couple arcs ago that the cast of family guy fought the fbi over who could attack the cast only for a giant flying dog to rescue the cast, brutally murdering family guy and the fbi in the process b4 flying the cast up to heaven's gates (longggg story lol), not to mention all the main characters getting married to survive the vacuum of space, HOWEVER. all of those buckwild things all had mostly reasonable explanations if you've listened to the whole show (the fbi trying to break into hell, goofs realm being a quasi-family guy reality with cursed standup, trying to rescue a half demon from the iss, that sort of thing) and the titanic is the first thing that seems to come completely out of left field. does this mean there's some great significance about the titanic that we just don't know yet??? is it supposed to tip us off to the fact that grant's husband knows more than it's seemed??? was it just to riff on the movie titanic??? who knows!!! anthony (the dm) what are you planning!!!
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