#albino awareness
albinism-awareness · 8 months
Hi! Thank you for running this blog.
I'm sorry if this sounds dumb, but I'm from Europe and slightly struggling with converting units and mapping the information to what I know.
I keep coming across the statistic that in the best-case scenario, a person with albinism has a vision of 20/200 - that's a prescription of -2.5 or so, right? Can it be mostly mitigated with glasses or contact lenses? Or is the best-case scenario 20/200 vision with the best possible glasses/contact lenses?
Also, do coloured contact lenses help at all with light sensitivity in the eyes?
I recognise that there are other problems with visions related to albinism, like nystagmus. If this is not too much to ask, I'm also curious about nystagmus - is it a constant effect or does it get stronger with e.g. tiredness or focus or lack thereof?
Thank you, and please feel free to delete if this is too nosy.
Hi hi! n.n
You’re not being nosy at all! I honestly didn’t know countries outside the US didn’t use the 20/20 scale, learn something new every day, heh
But yes! The best case scenario without glasses is 20/200, which qualifies as legally blind. With glasses or contacts it can be improved (My corrected vision is 20/180) but it will never be perfect.
I’ve never actually worn coloured contacts—but I do use tinted ones which help block out some (not all, but some) UV rays and actually block out blue light too!
As for nystagmus, it never really goes away. Glasses and contacts (contacts more so) can help with nystagmus, but it never goes away. And you’re right—tiredness, sickness, eye strain and sudden changes in bright lights can cause it to speed up, but it never goes away. Nystagmus doesn’t affect the vision though, contrary to popular belief. I don’t notice my eyes moving faster or even at all because it doesn’t really affect the way I see. All nystagmus is is the weakness of a muscle in the eye which causes it to bounce around a bit ^.^ Another thing that can occur is double vision, which I have. With glasses and contacts it can be corrected, though without it, I see double.
Hope this helps! And I’m glad my blog could help you n-n
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firefly-sky · 11 months
Albinism Help Blog 🤍
This is my side blog where I answer all your questions about albinism! Please please PLEASE help me reblog this! I wanna spread awareness. Share with anyone who you think needs this!
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jaylaraye47 · 2 months
don’t ever tell a male SA survivor; “You’re supposed to enjoy it”
don’t ever tell a male SA survivor; “You’re a boy, you can’t get raped.”
don’t ever tell a male SA survivor; “that doesn’t count.”
don’t ever tell an SA survivor; “What were you wearing?”
don’t ever tell an SA survivor; “Did you close your legs?”
don’t ever tell an SA survivor; “They’re family, they wouldn’t do that.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “I don’t believe you.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “I know them, they wouldn’t do that.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “You’re supposed to enjoy it.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “We’re you leading them on?”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “We’re you rude?”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “You’re an adult, toughen up.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “it doesn’t count.”
don’t ever tell a SA survivor; “it’s your fault.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “but you don’t act like it.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “But they seem so nice.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “They’d never do that.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “She’s a girl, girl’s don’t abuse.”
don’t ever tell a male DA/GA survivor; “Boys can’t be abused.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “But you have no scars.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “You’re just making things up for attention.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “you should’ve just fought/yelled back.”
don’t ever tell a DA/GA survivor; “It’s your fault.”
don’t ever tell an attempt survivor; “that’s selfish of you.”
don’t ever tell an attempt survivor; “I’ve had it worse/i know someone who has it worse.”
don’t ever tell an attempt survivor; “that doesn’t sound like an attempt.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “you’d be way prettier with lighter skin.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “but you don’t look american?”
don’t ever tell a POC; “you should try skin bleaching.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “oh, are you in a gang or something?”
don’t ever tell a POC; “but your skin is so light, you can’t be colored.”
don’t ever tell a POC; “can you give me the N word pass?”
don’t ever tell a POC; “your hair is distracting”
don’t ever tell a POC; “go back to where you came from.” [whoever says this, i live in your walls]
don’t ever tell an albino; “you’re white, not black.”
don’t ever tell an albino; “so are one of your parent white or something?”
don’t ever tell an albino; “you’d be prettier if you were normal.”
don’t ever tell an albino; “oh has anyone tired talking you limbs or something” [i will hunt whoever says this]
don’t ever tell a child; “you should take care of your siblings.”
don’t ever tell a child; “he hits you/is being rude because he likes you”
don’t ever tell a child; “you have to hug them!”
don’t ever tell a child; “it’s your fault we’re divorcing”
don’t ever tell a child; “you’re too old to be doing this.”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “it’s your fault”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “pick a side”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “did you ever consider that you should’ve stepped in?”
don’t ever tell a child of divorced parents; “well if they never got together in the first place, they wouldn’t have had you”
you never know what a person is going through and don’t you dare shame a person for something they can’t control.
if you say any of these things you’re disgusting and you need to not only get educated but stop being a dick.
keep in mind that i am aware that these prompts don’t apply to everyone of a certain minority. But this is me teaching to simply be kind and pay respect and mind to a person’s experiences, minority, etc. there are multiple prompts that can be added but I will refrain to using those out of respect, and also due to censorship.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 3 months
i love that there's so much to White's backstory and he's got a really interesting build as a character but because he doesn't do fuck all his primary role in the show is Dad's Friend from College
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noodles-07 · 11 months
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@practically-an-x-man THE FABLEHAVEN HOUSE IS D O N E !!!! with the upstairs hallway, grandparents room, a spare bedroom, Warren's cabin, the barn, and the exterior it is OFFICIALLY FINISHED :DDD
I put my blood sweat tears and autism into this build and I'm SUPER happy with how it came out thank you for the encouragement and moral support <33 everyone is welcome to reblog please do I have been hyperfixating so hard send help- /hj
also, fun fact: this is the first sims build that has ever made my computer lag. I apologize, crappy five year old laptop, but all the clutter was necessary despite the hit to my game's performance dkjfghjkdfhgkd
other posts of this build: 1 (kitchen, living room, study, porch), 2 (attics), 3 (other bedrooms)
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gunitnekoh · 1 year
Happy International Albinism Awareness Day!!!!
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artsandseances · 1 year
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Here’s another Pride month art!!
the omnisexual flag with fem preference that I used was made by tokyoliights on Reddit.
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divinum-pacis · 2 years
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Monrovia, Liberia: People with albinism parade through the streets during an event held to mark International Albino Awareness Day. According to reports, the Liberia Albino Society petitioned members of the national legislature to enact a law that would end discrimination and empower its members.
Photograph: Ahmed Jallanzo/EPA
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sar3nka · 1 year
Girlies... 2 rats isn't really recommended and soon I may have to get lil babies (preferably my winter break which is soon).
And I do know abt a few good rat breeders in my area. My question is, what variants in terms of fur and ears (I legit CAN'T decide...). I know one I want to be like Bezi so fuzz? Mostly bc I miss the texture of her skin and my mom cries about her a lot almost daily. But the other one idk. Dumbo? Rex? Harley (if there's any around here...)??? I will use that suggestion to pick the breeder, not the individual animals. Bc for that I will use intuition as I always have. Will ask my friends for opinions too ig.
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curiouschaosstarlight · 7 months
Zandikitten, but, unlike Kabukimeow, he's a little puffball of kitty that looks like he's never seen a drop of water or milk in his life
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katiefrog217 · 1 month
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Walks with Aziraphale were always so amusing, especially when he took one of his different forms. Tonight, Crowley took note of a few different reactions:
1. Much to his bemusement, quite a few people crossed the road entirely just to avoid him (he didn't know why, he thought this particular form was very charming).
2. Those who didn't avoid them either didn't notice at all, or cooed adoringly at his companion. A few snake enthusiasts tried their best to impart advice upon him (Yes, he was aware it was a chilly night to have a python outside. Yes, he was aware that he had a few extra rolls on him, and he would appreciate it if they didn't body shame him, please and thank you).
3. He had a particularly interesting encounter with a stranger who tried his best to buy Aziraphale from him (he didn't know whether to laugh or be offended on his companion's behalf when the person subsequently dropped their price offering upon learning he was male. He turned them down, of course).
This just in: local vampire hunter tries his hardest to look cool in front of his crush.
I said soon and I guess I meant now haha.
I could help but draw Crowley and Aziraphale from @mrghostrat 's new Vampire AU (thanks for the permission btw!!) and I'll be damned if I couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw Ball Python Azi after being deeply entrenched in Ball python morphs and drawing them for the past few years.
I'm also a big sucker (har har) for any kind of vampire au, so I was incredibly excited to draw this!! I'm still not confident in my ability to draw Crowley (or jackets oof) but I tried.
On that, while I have ya'll here, a few fun facts about Ball Pythons and Morphs:
Azi looks to me to be based on a Blue Eyed Lucy (Leucistic) ball python. Leucistic is different from Albino - both lack pigment, but Leucistics only lack pigments in parts, rather than entirely like with Albinism. The fastest way to tell the difference is the eye color.
Blue Eyed Lucies have eye colors that range from Black to Blue - blue obviously being the more popular eye color.
The whiter the snake, the more sought after it is (not all Lucies are pure white, depends on the morph combo)
Unlike a majority of ball python morphs, Blue Eyed Lucies don't have a distinct gene combo that defines them. Generally, their morphs included Mocha, Mojave, Lesser, Butter, etc. The combos are generally endless. A Super Mojave (Mojave bred to Mojave) will produce a fairly grey/white snake, but their heads tend to be a very dusty grey, and isn't an ideal combo for a Lucy.
A snake that seems incredibly white when hatched may change color as it ages and become less white. This is common for all morphs, and their patterns define themselves and get stronger with age.
In breeding, males are generally less desired than females, and run at a lower price generally. This is because a single male can breed multiple females, so it's less effective to have more males in a clutch than females.
Obesity in snakes IS a real thing, and generally hard to manage if you do have an obese snake. Snakes tend to retain weight well, so exercise is really the only method to help bring their weight down (plus smaller meals). Good luck if you have an obese snake that isn't particularly inclined to be active.
Ball Pythons generally tend to have what's called a 1,000 gram wall - in which a snake that hits 1k grams stops eating and will not gain more weight. No one is 100% sure why this phenomena happens, but it's incredibly common.
Not a fact but opinion: Paradox ball Pythons are my favorite morph. If you want to see some incredibly interesting genetics, look them up.
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albinism-awareness · 8 months
my favorite story portioning to my albinism is when teachers would not let me go outside sometimes and when kids would tell me i was the spawn of satan because my eyes turned red in the light once
(i went to catholic school btw so this wasn’t a good look).
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firefly-sky · 6 months
one of the biggest misconceptions about albinism is that all our hair will be stark white. like i’d show you my hair but i don’t feel comfy posting my actual face, but the longer the hair, the more yellow it becomes on the bottom. Think of it like an absorber. Since non-albino hair is pigmented, you don’t see the impact that sunlight and other elements would have on it. (Color wise). My hair is white at the roots. My eyelashes and eyebrows are stark white as well, but when my hair gets longer, it gets more like a buttery color at the ends. And it fades from white into this buttery color. The reason for this is all the elements/sunlight and such have an effect on the color. My hair absorbs basically any pigment that’s put in it, good or bad.
This isn’t the case for people with shorter hair because it grows in white. But the buttery color is because of the natural minerals in shower water and such. So if you’re looking to draw someone with albinism who happens to have long hair, keep this in mind.
Hope this helps anyone who needs it!
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
Always hated the way according to TB I'm supposed, as a woman, to root for Rhaenyra "Mary Sue" Targaryen because she's a Valyrian woman and can't do no wrong. Otherwise I'm framed as a misogynist, an enabler, a rape apologist, every name in the book. As if this isn't the same girl who coerced her bodyguard because her erectile disfunction uncle didn't wanna bang her after leaving her in a brothel, naked and on plain sight for any kind of perverted brute. As if this isn't the same girl who weaponized both her and her best friend's trauma to twist a truth about something she very willingly did that could've had her disowned if her father was anyone else other than the weak ass neglectful rapist pedo father she had instead.
This is the same girl who ignored and mistreated Alicent when all she did was convince Viserys to allow her privileges she never had, like choosing a husband. Like it or not, it was Alicent the one who gave gave and gave, and Rhaenyra the one who took took and took and even MOCKED, time and time again. The same girl who acted like a victim when the girl she called her literal best friend (only when it benefitted her) was getting maritally R*PED in the next room by her crusty ass father. She never tried connecting with her siblings because they were Alicent's children. Not because their minds were poisoned, not because they were apparently bitter towards her. Because they weren't her mother's children. Same as Viserys. Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
I'm supposed to root for a woman who doesn't do one single thing for the claim she feels so entitled to (who was purely based on Viserys' grief and guilt for Aemma)? I'm supposed to root for a woman who brings back to the line of succession the same man everyone wanted far from the line of succession? I'm supposed to root for the woman who wants to be the exception, not give possibilities to other women like an ACTUAL feminist does? She usurps her stepdaughters' claims in favor of her obviously bastard children, and no, betrothing the fpur of them isn't the same. If they die, the girls' claim dies with them, and guess what, exactly that happened.
No, I will not root for the woman who wanted a teenager's head because she was black and because she couldn't cope with the fact that "hEr pRiNcE" didn't love her, only what her title could offer. Or the woman who put a price on a 6yo's and a 2yo's head simply because they were her brother's children, thereby proving what Criston said about what was needed for Jace to raise to power after his mother. She even denied the request of multiple older daughters/sisters who rightfully wanted to lead their houses, with the excuse that the relam would be far too 'imbalanced'. Girl, are you that dense? There's the smallfolk getting eaten and burned and taxes by your dragon and your entire family fighting wars and dying left and right and you think two women ruling their houses will destabilize the realm?
Rhaenyra is many things, but feminist is not among them, no matter how much you cry and whine about it. Yes, I'm aware that no woman in asoiaf or f&b can be described as feminist. But the convinction (and delusion) that Rhaenyra is, without a shadow of doubt, is mindblowing. She's arguably worse than any of said women combined.
No, I don't feel represented or uplifted by a tyrant, classist, racist, hypocritical, spoiled kinslayer with god complex because she's albino and has a pet dragon as spoiled and as useless as her. Sorry not sorry.
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canisalbus · 6 months
Hey hey! I discovered your little guy dog series not too long ago and fell in love with them.
I'm not sure if anyone has asked this before, but is Machete (the white dog, right?) based on a pet you had, or did it come to you randomly?
If I had to pinpoint the earliest inspirations I had for him, I'd say they were this photo of an Ibizan Hound in an old dog book from the 70's that my grandparents used to have:
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I remember being fascinated by this particular dog, I hadn't seen that many sighthounds/podencos in person so it looked weirdly stretched and ghostly and pointy. I thought it was the coolest looking dog ever. I think I was in elementary school at the time.
Also my childhood favorite toy was this albino rabbit here, called Sissi (Finnish for guerrilla soldier):
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I think they were one of my first toys, or at least the most important one, and I would consistently pick them whenever a daycare or preschool had one of those 'bring a toy with you' days (feels weird to have to call a plush rabbit 'they' but Finnish doesn't have any gendered pronouns and I don't think I ever thought of them as a gendered being). So albinism was something I was aware of from very young age and I drew a lot of all white, red eyed animals.
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whateveriwant · 7 months
Hey! I love your writing so much, and I was wondering if you could do 141 HCs with an albino GN!reader? Or a reader with tics but not tourettes? Either or!! Have a lovely day!
I'm sorry it took me a little while to get to this, anon! I went with the second option!
Can you say 'twinsies'? Because Ghost definitely can 👯‍♀️
I can totally see Ghost having tics of his own – motor ones specifically, mostly confined to his face, but you wouldn't know it because they're always hidden by his masks
Thus, when he first notices you ticking, he immediately clocks it for what it is and he (almost giddily) thinks to himself 'Finally! Someone who gets me'
Because of this, he quickly becomes your second shadow, following you around everywhere like a little big puppy
Naturally, he'll get incredibly protective over you, especially when it comes to people who stare or make comments under their breath or even outright approach you and ask something rude regarding your tics
If he catches anyone doing anything of the sort, then he goes into scary dog mode real quick: arms crossed over his chest, head cocked to the side, an intimidating silence as he glares with a gaze so menacing it could melt steel
With a man as sharp and attentive as Price, much like Ghost, he takes instant notice of your tics
And as protective as Price is, he'd probably get fairly concerned about you to the point where he even pulls you aside one day to have a little chat
He knows that… tics, he thinks they're called, aren't necessarily indicative of anything health-wise, but he just wants to make sure that you're okay; that there isn't anything he can do for you
Even after assuring him that you're perfectly fine and healthy and good, that doesn't stop him from looking out for you like you're his own flesh and blood
Similar to Ghost, if he sees anyone staring or making snide comments about you, then he's definitely going to step in and shut that down
However, rather than giving them an I'll tear your spine out through your throat look à la Ghost, he'll mutter something in their ear – the specifics of which you're unsure, but it always has them making a swift, shaky-legged departure
While he too notices your tics, Gaz would never ever mention them out of respect for you and your privacy
He would wait for you to be the one to bring it up, should you ever choose to, that is. And if you never do, well, that's a-ok to him. Whatever you're willing to divulge, he'll be there waiting without pressure or judgment
However, if you were to talk to him about it (and thus invite a conversation) then prepare yourself for a barrage of questions
He doesn't ask them meaning to be offensive or intrusive or whatever; he's simply curious. He just wants to get to know you well, and that means knowing what makes you uniquely you
Unlike the other 141 men, if he notices someone bothering you about your tics, he's not going to directly (more like aggressively) confront them over it
Instead he'd harmlessly distract them, drawing their attention onto himself until they've completely forgotten all about their interest in bugging you
This man, bless his heart, would be totally, astoundingly oblivious of your tics even if they punched him in the face
In fact, the closer you become with him, the more he finds himself unconsciously start to mimic them
Kind of like when you like someone and so you start mirroring their movements/patterns of speech? Yeah, it's like that but with your tics
Of course, if you were to say something about it (and especially if you said it made you uncomfortable), he'd immediately apologize, explain how he wasn't even aware he was doing it, and make sure he never does it again
Like with Ghost and Price, if Soap noticed someone being rude towards you, he'd go into guard dog mode, but he is the most feral by far
He'd be all up in their face, furious, practically foaming at the mouth as he yells to "Mind yer own fuckin' business while you've still got workin' legs to mind with!" … only to turn to you afterwards all sunshine and rainbows like he didn't just tear that person a new one 😇
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