#ahaha im exhausted
thenon-fictiondays · 1 year
Hirano to Kagiura light novel translation 3-2
Chapter 3: Present.
Part 2
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Having put on their sandals and passing through the entryway, they weave their way through the courtyard upon which the veranda looks out. The kids open the bag of fireworks, their chests puffed out in eager anticipation.
Watching them rifle through their stock of firework sets and peel off the tape seals, Kagiura is struck with the profound sense that summer has truly begun.
Up until last year, it had been the job of one of the adults to light the candles and place them around the courtyard, dripping a bit of wax on the ground to fix them in place.
This year, the task falls to Kagiura.
And what had been his job up until last year—filling buckets with water—had been left to one of the elementary-aged cousins. At one point, he’d been the one getting clapped on the shoulder and told, “it’s the most important job you can have when it comes to lighting fireworks,” by…wait, which uncle was it, again?
He lines up three mosquito-repellent incense sticks on the veranda and lights them.
His middle school-aged cousin, who had just arrived this morning, is taking no chances with bites in a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and socks. He looks as if he’d come for a camping trip.
His older cousin, who’d had a bit of a rest after drinking a glass of beer, is sitting on the veranda supervising.
It’s nice to have Hirano here—a little strange, but Kagiura’s still glad. The earrings he’d given him just the night before shine brilliantly in his earlobes.
He had told everyone at breakfast that it was Hirano’s birthday, so they’d all sung happy birthday while eating their fish.
Kagiura’s aunt had run out to buy him a cake, so Hirano spent the whole time gratefully apologetic, but he’d seemed happy.
The air is thick with the white smoke rising with the burning gunpowder.
Every so often, a large bug comes close to the group, but after a while they stop caring about them, entranced by the beauty of the multicolored fireworks.
When one fades, they light the next.
The fidgety children had been jostling each other for a turn at the fireworks set, but somehow there were no collisions.
When they reach the end of their stash, they divide up the two types of sparklers and compete to see who can make the small, round fireballs last the longest.
“So pretty!”
Who was it who’d voiced that quiet exclamation of amazement?
And once the sparks fall to the ground, suddenly the world is bathed in darkness.
They submerge all the fireworks in the buckets, throw out the garbage, and blow out the candles.
“We can leave clean-up until tomorrow, since it’s dark now.”
The words had come out of Kagiura’s own mouth, but his voice was unrecognizable, almost as if it belonged to a complete stranger. His silhouette seemed to burn out with the light of the fireworks and melt into the night. But the traces yet remain. He wants to stay just like this, immersed in the faint heat coursing through him down to his fingertips.
“We didn’t light enough fireworks, did we?” At the sound of Hirano murmuring those few words, Kagiura is struck with the feeling that if he lets the moment end like this, he’ll regret it.
“Should we go buy a few more, then?”
Having crammed just their wallets into their pockets and told Kagiura’s aunt their destination, they stood in the entryway spraying each other with insect repellant.
“Akira-kuuun, it’s not safe at this time of night, so make sure you bring your cell phone with you!”
The voice at his back was perfectly clear, but Kagiura deliberately ignores it.
When he’s with his relatives, the time seems to go by slower if he leaves his phone alone, even when it’s done charging.
Stuffing his feet into his sandals, he steals a glance to the side at Hirano, who spreads both his hands with an expression of feigned ignorance. He’s not bringing his phone, either.
Like this, they have plausible deniability.
Kagiura’s gait is light with the feeling of being free from the strict curfew of the dorms.
The intermittent street lamps are dim, and the borders between the slim waterways and the road are dangerously indistinct.
The faint hums of bugs they couldn't hear during the day tickle their ears. It almost feels like the end of summer, even though there’s no sign of cooler weather.
But today is only August 1st, Hirano’s birthday.
Summer isn’t over just yet.
“Where are we going, Kagi-kun? A convenience store?”
Walking while engulfed in the warm night air conjures the illusion that they’re spending the summer the same as when they were little kids. 
Leading the way, a little ahead of Hirano, Kagiura slowly nods.
“Yup. That’s where we’re headed.”
No matter how many times he walks down the neighboring streets, the 24-hour supermarket is the closest to their house, and always has a good selection of products. The road to the convenience store is straight, but it takes 20 minutes to get there. If they walk slowly, they can have just a bit more alone time together.
“What should we do if they’re out of fireworks?”
Given the season, that’s not even a possibility, but the words came out of Kagiura’s mouth on their own.
“Buy some ice cream and call it a day?”
Buying snacks for the road is a daily occurrence for Kagiura, but this is the first time he’s heard Hirano suggest such a thing.
“It’s gonna melt by the time we get back home!”
“We can eat it while we walk. We’ll just buy enough for us two.”
“.....Oh, that’s what you meant.”
“What, did you wanna bring something back for your younger cousins?”
“Well, it’s just, my older cousins brought stuff back for me when I was a kid, so I thought maybe that’s what you were suggesting.” 
He doesn’t snack nearly as much when he’s at home, so he has a little extra pocket change and besides, his relatives had given him some spending money—these words are on the tip of his tongue, but Kagiura leaves it at that. Even if their pockets were light, he doubts Hirano would be swayed from the idea.
“Oh, really? Yeah, sounds like a plan.”
“You think so?”
They keep their voices quiet so they don’t echo down the night road, which makes it feel like their bodies are blending in with the darkness. As Kagiura listens to the voice of the person by his side, it feels like they’re on their way to a place much further than the convenience store, and he swallows.
“Ah…you know, your relatives are kinda like you. Even though I just met them, it doesn’t feel that way at all. To be honest, before we got here, I thought, ‘it’s gonna be super awkward if I don’t fit in with them’, but just like you said, I’m glad I came.”
“You’re fitting in just fine, Hirano-san. You’re really good with the younger kids, too.”
“Yeah, ‘cuz I usually live with a young person.”
“Hm? You don’t have younger brothers or sisters, right?”
“I’m talking about you, dumbass.”
“.....Do I really seem that much younger? Am I a handful?”
“You suck at waking yourself up even on days you have morning practice, you tell me you fall asleep in class all the time, and even though you suck at studying you probably wouldn’t even cram before a test if I don’t tell you to.”
Kagiura’s at a loss for words, and his eyes swim.
Hirano had hit the nail on the head, so he doesn’t even have a comeback.
Hirano’s eyes crinkle with affection at Kagiura’s reaction.
“Of course you’re a handful. But I also know that you’re kind, and you give everything your all. I bet this is the first time you’ve gotten a break from club practice all term. The basketball hoop in the courtyard’s obviously well-worn, too. When I heard from everyone that you put your all into practice even when you come home over breaks, I thought, “man, Kagi-kun’s serious about playing basketball,” and I was impressed all over again. Even on a regular basis, if you’ve been working that hard for your club, of course you can’t help but fall asleep in class.”
Kagiura’s body temperature gets one degree warmer for each kind word spoken in Hirano’s soft voice. His silhouette, nearly dissolved in the windless night air, distinctly sharpens, and hot blood swells all the way to his fingertips.
He’s endured days of sorrow and being so tired he wants to complain that ‘working hard for something I want to do is only right’. In this world where results are everything, he’s not doing this just so he’ll be praised for his efforts. He’s also banking on the idea that he can make up for his lack of study skills with things he’s good at.
That’s why, Kagiura’s a little uncertain if it’s okay to show openly how glad he is that Hirano understands his feelings enough to be able to validate him.
He’s always tried too hard to play it cool in front of him, hasn’t it?
But a certain memory flashes into his mind.
At the beginning of May, when he’d just started school, even when he’d uttered his disgraceful feelings of jealousy towards his teammate, Hirano had praised him, hadn’t he?
He knows all too well of the uncontrollable piteousness and impatience that had seemed to line up at the starting mark beside Kagiura’s teammate.
“Thanks, Hirano-san.”
They wait a bit at the traffic light, now running on the nighttime schedule, and cross at the crosswalk, where the traffic lanes increase and the sidewalks get wider. The line of stores facing the large street contains many famous chains.
When they come near the front of the video rental store, emitting dazzlingly bright light, Hirano says “once we’re inside, you’ll have to guide me,” with a laugh. There’s still quite a few cars passing by.
As they start walking side by side, Kagiura’s fingertips, throbbing with his pulse, most definitely brush against Hirano’s hand.
Sucking in a breath, he steals a glance to the side, where the brand new earrings shine in Hirano’s earlobes. The faint sparkle of blue that matches the gentle color of his eyes shines all the more brightly against the night road.
“Hirano-san, those earrings look amazing on you.”
Having chosen them himself, Kagiura is all the more proud, and he grins from ear to ear.
“That’s ‘cause you picked them out.”
He’s right.
The one who is by Hirano’s side the longest—not quite 24/7, but from the time they come home to their dorm until they head out the next day—is none other than Kagiura.
Of course he’s the right person to pick out the perfect pair for him.
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Sorry for another tag so quickly lol but as always thank you to reading list members @jeizet, @jujupanic, @massyworld, @umbreonwolfy, and @acidsuzanne-blog 💗
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Ogh!! I'm so sorry to hear that your work schedule was such poop regarding the update! If it makes you feel better, I would watch your stream regardless if I looked at the update already or not! Wouldn't say any spoilers, but I love how you perceive things regarding WH and I would no doubt love to see your reaction live regardless!
aw <3 thank you <3 i Deeply appreciate that!!
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brightokyolights · 24 days
Why is being a living exisiting human being so very confusing 🙃
#my brain is genuinely the worst place on planet earth ahaha!!#anyways the story that is bringing this on is actually nice i suppose but im exhausted so. let me just get into it and perhaps the dilemna#will make itself more aparant.#basically i hate interacting with people. its exhausting. like genuinely just takes so much brain power and social battery from me. even for#simple things. anyways so im telling someone this in my usual jokey way “im being tortured and kept outside of my home where i could be#chilling with a book“ so the other person is like oh you cant stay inside forever and ever. but then goes on to say from interacting with me#theyd never have guessed that i have such a hard time with talking and hanging out with people. that i never make someone feel like im tired#them or dont wanna talk to them etc. and internally im screaming because like. that is something i stress out so much about because i strugg#le so much with my responses and tone etc etc. thats why its so exhausting for me because im just constantly focussed on what im Supposed to#be like. the other part of me was kind of pleased in a way because i feel so painfully awkward that it stresses me out that people can see#right through me and think that i hate them when its not that i just. hate human interaction because its so tiring. so hearing that was like#oh so no one can even tell and i am stressing. for nothing. dw though this info will not help my brain learn to stop stressing out though#lmao. anyways final point i suppose is that the person also says that even if i am 'awkward' i sort of use it to my advantage and it doesnt#come across in an unsavoury way. anyways idk what to do with all this info. because the way i feel on the inside is so. and i worry a lot#about people seeing that on the outside. but part of me sort of wants it too because i just feel like absolutely no one fucking knows me?#and while i guess that was maybe my goal i also hate it? i shall rb a quote after this. anyways. idk what im saying. i dont fucking know. im#just so tired. so fucking tired.#le text post
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spnshameblog · 2 years
Sometimes ppl will have genuinely correct opinions and good intentions, but it gets lost bc theyre being way too abrasive about communicating them.
Like theres this person on my dash who will get offended and pissy and will pull the minor card at the slightest criticism directed towards them and then they expect ppl to listen to them when they wrap genuinely good info in three layers of insults and condescension.
"Hmmmm interesting how almost none of my followers will reblog this" yeah idk maybe its bc you attacked them for stuff they couldnt have known, but idk
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krarka · 2 years
Waaa crying little baby waawaa
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cptnleviackerman · 4 months
already getting nostalgic for nov '23 (≖_≖ ) this is fucked up actually
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fivefeetfangirl · 9 months
Me the last month
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mrfoox · 2 years
I hate how fragile my 'balance' is in life but especially mentally. I've been doing fairly okay in the type of not being too sucidal and generally not being negative mentally the last few months....
But now I am having the worst breakdown and I can't think of anything I've done right or am doing right haha
#negative#miranda talking shit#I need someone to sit down with me and just hold me... I know i got people online who would listen to me but im too ashamed to ever be#A bother. I feel so alone and its crushing me... Like i know a relationship doesnt fix a person but i just want someone to love#Who i can let my guard down around and who i dont have to... Pretend and act and perform around#And they'd still like me.... I feel so isolated its fucking stupid#I know its my own fault. I isolate myself from friends and i have no one irl outside my mom who cares to visit me#If someone would like me enough to share my apartment with who i could just be myself around would honestly be the dream#But id have to look for someone and idk how. Dating apps is honestly an exhausting mess and even if i find someone i know i am so diffrent#It wouldnt work. Bc what i want is so far from the norm. Im not looking for someone to have a family with and 'settle down'#I want someone to share life with. The boring moments the every day moments. They can do whatever they want i just want someone to love#And cherish and share my life with them. Idc if they work at McDonald's or is unemployed just want to share a little space with them#And cats.... But even if i found such a person there's so many issues with me like holy fuck... I couldn't be with someone with and above#Avarge libido for example. Im literally so dead in that department id have to be with someone who wouldn't mind not having sx for months#And lets not forget my autistic problems like thats a whole mess too... My add brain is a problem as well but eya#Wondering why im still alive again sucks so bad. I know im wasting my life but i also have nothing concrete i want to do with it so im just#Rotting. Legit my biggest dream in lifr is to be comfortable with myself and share my days with someone i love#Wsnt to not hate myself and want to die so badly ahaha#Want someone to Love Me ™ and is around
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okcat · 2 years
update I matched w some guy in ohio 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Konichiwassup mate! How do you do this bright evening! I am simply buzzed with excitement because I've finally managed to shake off my post exam exhaustion after sleeping through one whole day~
I was wondering what kind of medieval/mystic being our Ateez boyfriends might be and here are my thoughts:
1. Hongjoong: Fairy. A garden fairy to be exact. Like LOOK at his tiny ass (we're the same height) HE'S SO SMOL (He's actually pretty tall) HOW CUTE! (Well that's true.)
Also I can imagine him fly around in the garden perfecting the aesthetics of the place. And no, he'll not keep some basic ass fancy grass, nuh uh, natural vegetation and grass😌
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2. Seonghwa: a Heavenly Nymph. Bro is gorgeous beyond words. His beauty is so sublime he can NEVER be just a mere earthly being. He'd be the most beautiful nymphs of all but equally as deadly. Crpss him and you might just lose a limb.
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Yeosang: Forest Elf. Okay hear me out. LONG BLOND HAIR YEOSANG. AND WE ALL KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL THE COLOUR GREEN LOOKS ON HIM. But yes he seems like he'll be the forest protector elf. (Maybe Hongjoong and Yeosang play together idk)
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4. Yunho: Dragon. Bro is dragon coded. Like he's SO dragon. Ouu but he'll ne such a sweet dragon tho. Maybe he let's all the forest creatures sleep near him during chilly winters since he naturally exudes warmth.
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5. Woosan: Nine Tail Foxes. They're a pair. Do not separate. I'm thinking Wooyoung would be the Nine Tailed fox that goes "Ohhh you look delicious. I wonder what you taste like!" And San would be like "Wooyo we talked about not scaring random travellers for fun anymore." T~T The Yin-Yang Foxies
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6. Minki: The mountain diety. He's the one in charge of the forest that the boys live in. Though he's just a babie!:(( like one day a random bunny will he minding his business when he comes across Mountain diety Mingi yapping about his problems to a sympathetic Seonghwa while pouting.
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7. Jongho: Moon Spirit. He descends down to the forest at night to sing to all the creatures. The animals sometimes bring him gifts like leaves and shiny pebbles. Has kept them all in a secure box back home.
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okay but i love your brain? ateez as medieval/mystical creatures? hello??
okay i've always thought about demons and darker stuff when it comes to hongjoong but now that you say it.... he fits the concept of a garden fairy so well? tiny lil joong (says i who'd look like a dwarf next to him) with his little trinkets and colours he's so fairy coded actually you've changed my perspective of him.
and seonghwa-- you're absolutely right about this one. prettiest nymph in the area and also the deadliest. too pretty for you. too pretty to belong to the earth. im glad all of us agree on that LOL
i always think fairy when i think of yeosang. fairy or angel. but forest elf is such a cute concept i can def entertain it (esp if it's long blonde hair yeosang wearing the colour green you've found me weakness). he would def be friends with hongjoong, often spotted hanging out with him. seonghwa would sometimes join them hehehehehe
yunho! dragon! coded! TAKE ME HOME!! my gut told me i had to make him a dragon and its worked so well (considering i just became an atiny when i wrote take me home, deciding his animal form should be a dragon is sth im a little proud of). you bet he'd have everyone lined up next to him in the winters for him to keep them warm and snug hoho
omg woosan as foxes yes doesn't help they look like actual foxes. nine-tailed fox duo? even better. yin-yang foxes? im violently sobbing right now. wooyoung would def scare the villagers away only for san to scold him afterwards and he would be like :D
omgg minki mountain deity trust us to give mingi some mighty role when he's literally a babie :(( but yes! yapping about his problems to anyone who sits with him long enough and the mountain creatures be like ah shit here we go again :') sometimes yunho the dragon would find this mountain deity and they would hang out im so soft rn
jongho. moon. spirit. lemme kiss your brain. descends down each night to sing the creatures to sleep? (i need him to sing me to sleep too) im gonna write a whole something about this one day just you watch BUT OMGG imagine its winters and all of the ateez are hanging out next to yunho the dragon and jongho joins them and for a while they all hang out until its time to sleep and jongho sings them to sleep and watches his hyungs with those (◠ ◡ ◠) eyes im gonna cry
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hikari-writes · 1 year
❥ Hika's Birthday + 780 Followers Event
Genre: Bittersweet
Prompt: “Not a single moment of all this was fake.”
Character: Yaku Morisuke
A/N: Requested by @hinahaikyuu !!!! Thank u for being the first (again omg love u sm aaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭) requester !!! Im kinda nervous to serve up a yaku fic for another yaku stan i hope this isnt too horrible aetwhwhuwhw 😭😭 fake dating with yaku was quite a challenge so u know i HAD to over explain some stuff im so sorry-- but i had fun writing this one!! Thank u sm again for the request i hope u enjoy ehherh 💗💗💗
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A week. You only had to endure this for a week. It’s really not that hard. At least, that’s what you had thought at first but looking at it now, you really doubt you can survive even a day of this. 
“Uh…Yaku. I think I can-”
“No, let me do this.”
Yaku promptly cut you off before sliding your shoe off your foot. You should’ve seen this coming. Going on a date with your best friend would undoubtedly exhaust your leg at some point. You should’ve worn a more comfortable set of shoes. You knew this. 
What you couldn’t have predicted however was Yaku fully getting into the whole “boyfriend” act and actually helped take off your shoes for you. You watched as he slid on another pair of shoes, a more comfortable one that he just bought at a nearby store. 
He grinned when seeing how flustered you were. Oh he’s doing this on purpose all right. As much as you hated being teased by him like that, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask him to stop and as much as you didn’t want to, you had to admit, being spoiled by Yaku like this wasn’t half bad. 
So, how did you even end up in this situation that could possibly lead to your heart bursting? Well, it all started with one person. Kuroo Tetsurou. He, who thought that the best idea to ward off a guy who’s been asking you out and pestering you nonstop was by making you and Yaku, your best friend, pretend to date each other. He, who had a knowing grin when suggesting that, as if he was hiding an ulterior motive unbeknownst to you. Sure, Yaku was a longtime crush of yours, but there’s NO WAY Kuroo would’ve known that. And even if he had known it, he couldn’t have possibly suggested that idea to set you and Yaku up together, right? (That’s completely untrue, he would most definitely do that, without a doubt.)
And Yaku. He didn’t look completely against the idea when it was first brought up. In fact, you could almost see a glimmer of shine in his eyes when he heard that, though you could be mistaken. But more than anything, he prioritised your opinion. You weren’t against the idea either. It could work, and not to mention you and Yaku were close to each other, so it won’t be much of a problem, right?
Well, you see, that’s where you’re absolutely wrong. It became a huge problem, especially to your heart. Yaku was still the Yaku you’re familiar with. But somehow he’s different. He’s not your best friend Yaku Morisuke that you had a crush on anymore. No, he made himself feel like he’s more than that. He made you feel like you both were more than just friends. 
Sure, you were supposed to be dating in the first place. That was the plan. To act like you were dating. 
'But it was supposed to be an ACT!' a part of your mind screamed. 'How the hell is he making this all look, FEEL, genuine??'
Yaku took your hand, holding it firmly in his, before smiling down at you. 
"Let's continue this date if you're feeling alright. Don't worry, we'll take it slow this time. There's still some more stuff I wanna show that I'm sure you'll love-"
"What do you like about me?"
Yaku's smile faded upon hearing your question. You didn't dare to look at his face, feeling mortified at yourself. What the hell did you just ask him?
"I mean! We're fake dating now, right? So like, what if someone asked that? How would you answer? I'm curious ahaha…."
Yaku snorted, he could definitely see right through you. It's so painfully obvious that you were trying to save the situation by adding that explanation. But still, he'll let it slide this time.
"Well, to start off,"
He began walking, and you followed closely behind him, not wanting to miss anything he said, while your hands were still clasped together.
"I like…no, I love how dazzling you are. No matter what you do or how you look, you always seem to shine. You shine so brightly in fact, sometimes I had to look away."
He stopped in front of a small trinket shop before leading you inside. He made his way through the shelves full of small shiny decorations, before picking up a small star made of glass and handing it to you.
"Like a star. You're a sight for sore eyes, and you brighten the dark night sky."
You both exited the shop after (Yaku) purchased the glass star. He then led you to another shop, this time a classy looking cafe.
He had asked you about what you would like to order, but you, still in a trance at what he just said previously, mindlessly blurted out the first thing that came to your mind. He smiled, before continuing, 
"I love the way you make me feel. You make me feel at ease with your presence. It's comforting. Even without saying a single word, being with you…"
Your orders arrived and he thanked the waiter before facing you once again.
"It's so cosy. Like a cup of warm coffee during winter days."
He took a sip of his drink, letting you slowly process his words. He didn't mind waiting for your response. He'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. 
"...oh my god...why?"
"Why what?"
You clenched your fists, hoping that it'll somehow slow down your rapidly beating heart. If you're honest, you're worried that it might actually explode at this rate. 
"Why…why do you sound so...genuine? We're just acting like we're dating. It's all just an act, a fake. So why on earth-"
"Are you upset because you think it's all just an act?"
You fell silent at his words. You couldn't say anything to that. Because he's right. You were upset. Him saying all of this to you, causing your heart to go wild, only for it all to be just an act? Of course it would upset you. 
"If you are, then I'll let you in on a secret."
You looked at him, confused. His right hand reached out to you before softly placing it on top of your left cheek. With a sigh and slightly reddish face, he whispered just enough for you to hear him clearly. 
“Not a single moment of all this was fake.”
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possamble · 2 months
Hello I am the hapless lesbian who offered seduction, and I just want to say AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE HAVE A SET LENGTH AAAAAAAAAAAA
AHAHA we do! I finally mapped out the sequence of things and finished a rough plot outline. Nine chapters is actually my minimum estimate -- I'm very very likely to go over -- but I always figure it's better to find out the final chapter is getting pushed back rather than having it end earlier than expected. (I don't like to set wordcount estimates because they're always super off, but I'm hoping for 60k-70k at most. any more and i'll get exhausted and also nobody's gonna read All That Shit Can You Imagine)
hopefully I can get it all done before the anime finishes airing (im getting paid less at my new gig so i reeeaally gotta hustle) but I'll probably try to update on the weekends, at least. in any case, thanks for reading and commenting!!
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majestyjun · 1 year
hello hello im so loving this txt and their hybrids u have going on ^^
picture the boys hanging out together for the first time in a while, after being busy and working really hard, they all look like varying degrees of exhaustion.
yeonjun and soobin look like they've just had a spiritual cleanse, eyes still a little baggy but there's a glow to them. they're smiling more and they cary themselves like they're floating ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
gyu and kai well... if the wrinkled shirt and knotted hair says anything, is that they've been dragged around like a rag. but their builds are more toned and firm, like they've been doing cardio after cardio.
and.. well... our taehyunnie looks like he's slept on a wooden board with a cheese grater as a blanket 💀 the boys are like ಠ_ಠ u good bro? but he's fine really he loves his kitty so much and sometimes it's him that gets carried away while burrying u into the mattress ( ͡°з ͡°)
OK here’s a braindump on txt n their domestic hybrids lol if we like ill consider using it as a basis for a domestic hybrid series ^^
yeonjun n his bunny who is sooo innocent even after everything he’s done to u <3 like still gets confused n humps pillows when he’s not there bc u get turned on sooo easily just hybrid things <3 ngl jjun n free use is such a thing like you’re his cute bunny pet n he can stuff his cock in your cute cunny whenever bc he owns <3 getting the prettiest collars n getting pampered while giving him a bj n always sitting on his lap no excuses! and sooo much cockwarming ahaha he’s so insatiable for u mwah
soobin n his bunny hybrid he adores taking care of like sooo much dollification energy ahaha like fr n is soo into pampering like pls he will feed u while petting your ears n sitting on his lap >< still teaching n is soo into corruption like sir— (not like rough like jjun tho!!) probably sooo obedient n he’s into it like let him take care of u n feel up your cute boobs while petting your ears and having nice sweet love making sessions on the regular ?? also soobin pushing his cum back into ur cunny bc it’s too much n then he gets flustered n hard again eeek like so much size kink n bulge kink n teaching eeek >< envy n hes such a gentle owner like ugh n he never goes anywhere bc ur so clingy in like a cute way n not an annoying way LOL ok
… sigh. beomgyu n his puppy hybrid big trouble coming >< pretty much non stop energy ugh like istg i don’t think there’s a safe spot to sit in his apartment since he got u <3 like he pounds u in the morning on the counter n ugh suck him off on the sofa n probably on the balcony n like ugh u two r double trouble :P when ur not having sex just playing w/ u outside n giving him licks on the cheek to show affection n just flopping down w ur head on his lap for pets n ear scratches >< why so cute
uh oh. not taehyun n his cat hybrid biggest brat of all time n such a trouble maker >< so much brat going on I can’t— biting his fingers when u don’t want to do smth n scratching when u don’t get attention n always lazing around on his bed while he works while being soo whiny for attention >< like taehyun non stop bite marks on his pretty fingers n has soo many troubles like never getting sleep bc u steal his bedding n sleep in the closet or u sleep w your head on his abs n then he can’t get comfy or has to constantly rub your ears so u don’t start wailing n howling >< sooo much punishment n overstim fr ugh pls probably have red marks on your cute ass all the time n it shows bc u wear oversized shirts only bc u don’t like the way pants don’t have tail holes— ugh only way to make his kitty obedient is to stuff ur cunny w his warm cum so u get nice n submissive <3
and cute disaster hyuka n his puppy hybrid having chaos all the time ~~ raging bulge kink n is gets hard almost every morning bc he wakes up to ur cute sleeping puppy self curled up next to him n tail flicking his crotch— ugh getting pounded by needy hyuka n licking his cheek or riding him in the morning is such a thing— ugh he’s sooo into u n probably always has crumpled shirts bc u follow him around all the time n just pounce on him n lick his cheek n he’s always carrying u on his back everywhere bc he’s big n strong n sweet >< like from puppy hybrids where gyu gets stamina kai gets stronger n broader eeek so cute n ugh so bad at taking care of u probably lost the owner manual for hybrids n just does his best <3 also the worst pull out game istg also likes to give u tummy rubs
so when they meet up for boys nights ugh they’re just sooo… tiredly hot LOL u know what I mean ahaha like yeonjun probably pounded his bunny before he left n taehyun having to watch his cameras in his house to make sure his kitty didn’t steal his blanket again (ya… not happening) n soobin w just his lazy self like he’s soo glowy n in love so cute— n gyu probably messiest hair ever n just like enjoying a little bit of quiet >< n kai showing up late n a little winded but soo happy eeeek >< it’s so cute ahaha they probably have fun discussions about their pets all the time lol not comparing but just laughing ^^ share a nice drink (LEGAL line) n some dinner before they go home… gyu n kai r tackled by their cute puppies n soobin n yeonjun w their obedient bunnies sleeping n…. taehyun’s kitty howling n horny again ><
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naraven · 1 year
ahaha so yeah this is just something small i whipped up for wanderer/scaramouche/whatever because hyv knew what they were doing when they gave us free reign to name him
(it took me days to find a good name for him im such a pathetic simp)
wc / 0.9k
cw / should be nothing? its a pretty normal fic idk what else there would be here
“What about ‘Tsugumi’?”
Reactions were mixed. The now named Tsugumi looked down, tilting his hat to cover his face. The Traveler and Paimon ponder over it, before nodding at each other and deciding it was good (albeit somewhat long). Nahida claps with a close-eyes smile, happy that the wandering puppet had a new name.
“If you’re sure.”
Nahida clapped, a gentle close-eyed smile on her face.
“There, now you have a name of your own.”
While Paimon fails to come up with an ugly nickname, Tsugumi thinks over his new name once more. He couldn’t think of any hidden meaning behind the seemingly normal name. Many of the characters he could think of for the name didn’t seem to match any sort of malicious connotations.
With that all over, you accompany the Traveler and Paimon to their temporary living space. You wave them goodbye, exhausted and ready to hit the hay.
Before you do, you see a familiar gleaming anemo vision in the corner of your eye. You walk as quietly as you could to see if you could spook the puppet (if he even could be scared by something as obvious as you walking in from his side…)
Tsugumi peers over to his left to see you with your hands up like claws near your head. He sighs at the mischievous shine in your orbs, turning to face you fully.
“What do you want? I thought you stayed back to whisper about me with that pesky Traveler and Lesser Lord Kusanali.”
You lower your arms in front of you, crossing them, seemingly amused by his question. He cringes, suddenly feeling as though he made the wrong decision by even talking about such a thing in the first place.
“Hmm, I don’t want much, just wanted to see how you were doing after everything.”
“Thanks so much for your concern. I’m doing absolutely swell, so you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about how I am.”
He pulled out that nauseously sweet voice that would have sounded genuinely convincing had he been anyone else. However, this was the puppet that was betrayed thrice over and was not at all taking it well.
“If that’s the case, then I hope you at least find somewhere safe to sleep. Cities like these are dangerous at night, y’know?”
You lecture him as though he were a child. He clicks his tongue, finding it irritating that a mere human was telling him what to do.
“I mean really, Tsumugi, what would you do if not for me?” You whip your hand as if you were flipping your hair, smile not at all serious.
He ponders for a second. His new name felt so natural out your mouth, as though it had been his name his centuries long life. He’s had so many titles, so many names, and called so many different things that sometimes he… forgets.
He forgets who called him what, forgets what he called them, forgets his own names. He wonders how long it will take for him to forget the one he has now.
“Why… did you name me so?”
He stares you down. He wonders, as you bring a hand to your chin, how long it would take for him to still remember his title as the Balladeer, 6th of the Fatui Harbingers, or Kunikuzushi, the puppet that experienced his third betrayal, or kabukimono, the “wandering eccentric.”
“Well, I thought of another name before but I thought it would be too long.” You smile, seemingly thinking back on how you came up with his name.
“I was going to call you ‘Maneshitsugumi,’ which means mockingbird, right? It’s just a cute nickname of a longer name.”
You can’t tell him it’s because you heard him singing that one time in his boss fight, that’s just weird, and also his voice sounded heavenly and you would do ANYTHING to hear him sing like that again-
“Why mockingbird, then?”
“I mean, you just look like you have a nice voice? Y’know…”
Wow, he looks so suspicious of you. Heat creeps up your neck as he brings his hand to his chin.
“Ahaha yeah, y’know, when you head someone’s voice and you think how they would sound like when they sing? You have a nice voice and all…”
He sighs at your unexpected flustered state, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“If you wanted to hear me sing, you could’ve just asked. Honestly, humans are so complicated with what they want sometimes.”
That wasn’t… quite what you were expecting, but it’s not like you’d give up an opportunity like this. His usual annoying face doesn’t look smug beyond belief or like he’s ready to pop a blood vessel. And it looked like he was genuine in his proposition, for some reason.
“I mean, if you want? Why all of a sudden though?”
“It’s the least I could do, for giving me my name.”
Alright then. You weren’t complaining. Now you could brag to the Traveler that you got to hear Tsumugi sing willingly, hehe.
“Alright then, Mockingbird, I await the day when you sing for me. In the meantime, I’ll be resting up after the adventure we went through recently. Seeya~!”
As you waddle away, Tusmugi turns and tilts his hat down. At this point such movement was habitual, but this time it was so he could hide his conflicted face. What… was that? It’s not like him to offer services like that, let alone a mere human.
Trying to become either human or god was something he’s given up now. For now, traveling Teyvat with his newly acquired vision (God’s Eye) is plenty enough.
For now, he’ll have to think of something to perform for you soon.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
relationship hcs ; avocado cookie
Tumblr media
requested by ; anonymous (23/06/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; avocado cookie
outline ; “the aforementioned avocado cookie reqs bc i was duper super sleepy ahaha
im just gonna throw a two in one and you just uuuh go crazy idk
- sub reader smut hcs
- general dating hcs”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
if you want to be in a relationship with avocado cookie you need to have a good sense of humour, and to at least be mildly fond of puns as a genre of humour — if not then you’re really not gonna last long with her
your name in her phone is a pun instead of a pet name, she writes little jokes on scrap pieces of paper that she places in your pockets and bags before you go to work, she laughs through every situation, and will start and end every day with some sort of quip unless you’re both too exhausted to do so — so even just saying that humour is her love language would be underselling how big a part of your lives it becomes
of course she loves gifting you things that she’s made — whether that’s something practical like a weapon, tool, or piece of armour, or a more personal and ‘pointless’ sort of trinket — and whenever she notices a gift of hers being put on display in your home she practically puffs up with affection and pride
likewise, if you’re on the crafty side then she’s going to keep every thing you gift to her whilst bragging about how ‘awesome’ her partner is — whether it’s a brief love letter, a small painted object, some clothing, or a personalised object she’ll love it all the same
her pet names alternate between things like ‘babe’ and ‘sweets’, and more lighthearted jokey things like puns or inside jokes — for her part she’s happy to go by whatever nicknames you want to ascribe to her, whether you go for something more amusing or something more traditionally affectionate in nature
avocado cookie is extremely physically affectionate and has no qualms about being touchy with you in public or private: running up to you and picking you up in a bear hug whilst laughing that contagious laugh of hers, carrying you around with ease whenever you mention being tired or just to make you laugh, holding you in place and kissing all over your face whilst the kids exaggeratedly gag and tell you both to get a room, hugging you from behind and resting her chin on your shoulder or atop your head, cuddling you as you perch atop her lap, and so on…
and when it comes to sleeping, she’s an incredibly deep and clingy sleeper meaning that the moment she’s out there’s no chance of you moving out of her arms until she wakes up again — she also gives off a lot of heat, practically being a living radiator, so if you can’t handle that then you’ll have to sleep in separate beds (she won’t begrudge you for this btw, as long as you promise to sit and cuddle with her for a while before you two retire to bed)
she’s absolutely the type of girlfriend who would wear matching couples costumes with you for halloween (she’d probably be the one to suggest it) — bonus points if it’s something especially cheesy like ‘peanut butter and jelly’ or something else along those lines
her kisses are all very sweet and all seemed designed to make you laugh so hard that your sides ache — chaste kisses to the lips when you least except them, wet kisses to your cheeks and neck when you’re upset to make you giggle and smile, peppering kisses along your neck and face whilst she holds you in place and tickles you because she felt like it, etc.
of course despite her very touchy nature she’s mindful of your boundaries and preferences and will never consciously overstep them or make you uncomfortable — yes she’s a very confident and unserious person, but she loves you so so much and would never do anything to push you away
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sayakasblogg · 3 months
Well…..I’d love to but I have a feeling Mami wants to keep her dignity. I have a feeling she probably sent a message through your account to tell me to keep my mouth shut. Plus, it is pretty embarrassing.
Right after a pretty hard Witch fight, we both pretty exhausted and really hungry. So, we stopped by the supermarket and picked up some snacks. I got my usual Pocky and Mami got these bar of lemon squares.
And she loved them. She literally kept buying them. Kyubey once found a bunch of them hiding under her bed. It’s a good thing she has a pretty large inheritance cause wow. There were a lot of those bars.
And one day, we detected a large witch labryinth nearby. So we transformed and got to work. We fought through dozens of familiars and avoided a lot of traps. I nearly got my arm cut off by the dozens of flying buzzsaws spinning through the air.
And we finally got to the final boss. I unleashed my dopplegangers to distract it while I sliced it up. Mami kept at range and unleashed wave 🌊 after waves of rifle shots.
Finally, the witch was at its weakest. And so Mami prepared a Tiro Finale. And as she yelled out her attack:
she threw up right on the witch.
Yeah, not her finest moment.
We did kill the witch but Mami was really out of it. It got so bad that my dad had to bring her to the hospital. Turns out those brand lemon bars had some additives that caused food poisoning.
Ever seen Mami disheveled? Looks like a wet cat covered in mud.
stil…..it was pretty scary at first. I was really worried. They actually kicked me out when visiting hours were over but I snuck in during the night so I could stay by Mami’s side. I basically had a three day sleepover at the hospital so she wouldn’t be alone . Even if Mami was sick, I had fun just being there. I brought over cards and Mami taught me how to use my magic to make my hair have those twin tail drills. After that, I even offered her to stay with my family so she wouldn’t be alone im her apartment all the time. She said no but….part of me wished she said yes. She gets really lonely.
When she got out of the hospital, I got her this really big teddy bear. Man, that smile literally was brighter than the sun.
Does…..does she still have it?
PS. Mami, if you’re reading….i don’t regret leaving. I don’t regret being alone. I won’t ever regret it. But….i hope things are going well for you.
Oh man…that was a crazy story. I’m glad she was okay afterwards…
No, I haven’t seen Mami-san like that (^^;) She generally keeps her composure.
Ehehe…that was crazy but…the end…is making me smile like an idiot ahaha…
Oh! You gave her that teddy bear? I think I saw this really huge bear in her room once! So…yeah, she still has it. Must be precious to her…
Thanks for sharing this with me!! It’s really nice to hear about Mami-san’s past…and also yours! I really appreciate you telling me this hehe…
Edit: Ohhhh man, me posting this means that everyone will see what the Lemon Square incident was– SO SORRY MAMI-SAN!!!
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