#again. mutual respect. but also wariness
roobylavender · 2 years
what do you think would be the dynamic between lois and talia if they ever worked together in a professional capacity; lois as the putlitzer-winning journalist that she is and talia as lexcorp ceo?
honestly i only just started reading post-crisis superman so i'm not sure whatever i say would be entirely accurate but i feel like at a base level lois would be incredibly frustrated and annoyed with talia like the levels of deception and withholding of information that talia is mired in bc she doesn't view herself as someone who has to answer to others i think would grate on lois incredibly. not to say there aren't good reasons for it obv we know there are good reasons for it but comparatively lois doesn't. or wouldn't at first. talia's like a really well kept pistachio you have to wrangle her shell a bit to open her up if you're anyone else but bruce. which isn't to say that lois couldn't do it i certainly believe she could, but it would take a lot of time. though i think she'd at the least have an easier time of it than clark bc talia would sooner recognize herself in lois than she would in him
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demenior · 1 year
no thoughts head empty just the wildmother calling fjord “oceansoul”
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sweetlywriting · 3 months
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Feyd Rautha x Reader
Part one Part two
Warnings-Dune II spoilers, minor violence, enemies to mutual respect to fiancés(?)
Synopsis- Your planet is rich in horticulture and resources but faces the growing fear of imperialism from other houses. A solution presents itself when you are offered to marry their heir to house Harkonnen, Feyd Rautha.
You entered into the colosseum-esque arena, fascinated with the way the sun cast a veil of black and white onto everything within its grasp. It was subduing and you felt as though you were in an old imperial painting, where all was colorless but the expressions of the people in them.
“I’m sure you’ll enjoy this. Feyd Rautha wanted you to arrive today so you would be able to see the show” The Baron said in his mangled voice, gesturing a pale hand towards you.
“I am honored to be in attendance Baron, especially on such an important day.” You said, musing on how it was rather generous for the Na-Baron to allot your visit on his own birthday.
You were excited, no one had told you quite what the entertainment was but you could imagine great performances and exotic animals in the Na-barons name. A lighter part of you also wished to see what he looked like, how he held himself, what is voice was like-though surely upon the prospect of marriage it was rational to take into consideration.
A crease began along your mouth as three staggering men in chains were pushed into the arena along with who you could only assume was the Na-baron. Your temperament quickly changed realizing the entertainment was a fight to the death. The discontent grew seeing that two of the weren’t even truly conscious, stumbling and flailing. ‘A cowards move’ you thought pursing your lips.
You felt more foreign than ever, closely observing the calm and jovial nature of the Harkonnens around you, cheering at the calamity. It frustrated and confused you deeply, unable to stand the senseless violence. The intense smell of blood lust made your eyes water and their rims turn a bloodshot red. Why would your house choose you for him? Your home planet and house was far smaller than Geidi Prime but held traditions of peace and neutrality strong. Yet your family wanted you to marry this man? Live on this planet? With these people?
You turned to your attendant and motioned them to sit beside you.
“What were they thinking sending us here?” You whispered softly in your foreign tongue to them.
“The future of our planet my lady.” They whispered back, head down.
You felt uneasy, but understood that without some influence or power your house would soon slip into irrelevance or face threat from stronger houses. You wore the duty only for the love of your people.
You were snapped out of your reflection when the crowd started to roar again, the bodies of three atreides prisoners lay limp on the floor while the Na-Baron raised his bloodied weapon in victory. Bile rose to your throat. ‘How very difficult this will be’ you thought.
A banquet was held for the Na-Barons birthday and you were glad that there was no loss of life involved in simple meals and dance.
You roamed in a corner of the large room, dreading having to present yourself and your gift to the Harkonnens, wary of their violent nature, but it seemed the Na-Baron had beat you to it.
“Lady y/n” The Na-Baron said as he approached you. Up close you couldn’t deny that he was frustratingly handsome with sculpted features, tall gait, and skin like the white marble only seen in Kouros sculptures.
“Na-baron” You said, bowing lightly and offering your hand.
He took it, but rather than shake like on your home planet he kissed it. A polite gesture, but a bit rougher than you would have liked. His teeth grazed your hand and left marks. You tried to smile and brush the thought of getting some painful infection on foreign planet over something this irritatingly trivial.
“Call me Feyd. I heard you made it in time to see the Arena festivities” he said with a wolffish grin.
“Yes.” You said curtly, knowing if he asked how felt about them you would not be able to lie.
“Did you enjoy them?”
“I . . . thought it was rather brazen, an unecessary power play. All know your house is very strong and affluent, why spill more blood to reinforce something all know to be true.” You said this slowly, choosing your words carefully and hoping to sound more flattering than judgmental and unhappy with the injustice.
His smile dissipated and you could tell this was not the answer he wanted or expected, and a part of you feared the same fate of the Atreides prisoners would befall you. Luckily he seemed to find it humorous and laughed.
“No one has ever told me such an odd thing. Pity for prisoners! Very curious lady y/n, very curious.”
Perhaps he was interested, but you could still see venom where you hurt his pride and aroused his anger. You didn’t miss his arm clutching the sheath of his dagger as he laughed, and the way his smirk was more of a snarl now.
“I do not mean to disdain your traditions, I simply don’t quite understand them.” You said mildly when his laughter had faded.
“It’s alright. I like honesty and I like you too.” His eyes glimmered with malice and charm.
“It is true you have come as a prospective bride, yes?” He said.
“Yes. . . I have brought you a gift” You said, firmly thinking of the kind but worn face you your people as you rehearsed the proposal speech in your head. You motioned for one of your attendants to bring a sachetel with a cluster of flowers inside. You felt less reassured about your gift knowing Feyd’s character but presented it nonetheless.
“This is a heliolaris flower, it blooms yellow even in extreme conditions and without the light of the sun. It will hold its color even through the conditions of your planets black sun. Its species was created specifically for you and Giedi Prime. My planet is minor but we have plants that hold powerful miracles and arable land beyond compare. If you went through with our alliance . . . All of that would be yours too”
He peered inquisitively at the plant. He seemed unsure by the gift and your proposal but it only took a minute before his snake-like manner returned.
“I will plant these flowers. If they bloom in color as you say before the fortnight I will marry you, if not you will surrender your life to the arena that you so seem to despise.”
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tantei-chan01 · 5 months
So, the different Tribes... they all love Branch. Not just because he and Poppy saved music, but because he was able to do that while also being mute and Grey. And you can bet the royals will be hearing about Brozone at some point, if only because Branch is probably gonna have more noticeable injuries from the confrontation with Velvet and Veneer (Velvet literally backhanded him, he tiny that had to have hurt and potentially broke bones) and also because there's suddenly these 4 strangers surrounding their favorite pop troll.
Barb totally breaks JD's nose.
When the group returns to pop village, Poppy immediately calls the other tribes to tell them about what happened and to be wary in case something like this happens again.
The rulers get there quickly along with their best doctors to make sure they're all OK. JD, Bruce, and Clay seem to be fine, if a little dizzy and fatigued. Floyd's condition was more concerning. He's going to need physical therapy and time to get back to how he was. His hair, though, will most likely continue to have white at the roots.
Branch had few bruised ribs and exhaustion, but nothing too serious.
Trollex and Trolzart are disappointed with the brothers after hearing what happened, but ultimately respected Branch's feelings, so they weren't chewed out too harshly.
Barb, on the other hand, immediately tried to attack them, getting a good hit on JD before Sid Fret could hold her back. It's going to be a while for her to trust them with her unofficial brother.
Delta was surprisingly cordial with them, saying she's disappointed but will give them a chance to redeem themselves. This is mostly because she and JD used to date before they mutually decided to break up.
Essence and Quincy sensed there were many unresolved traumas they were suppressing and offered to help them get in contact with a good family therapist. Each of them obviously have issues to work through, Bruce has fewer issues thanks to Brandy's ever loving support.
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venusgirltarot · 9 months
What Does The Next Chapter Of Your Life Look Like? — [♡] ;
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☆ ミ book a personal reading with me ☆彡
Pile One ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
Cards: The Hierophant, Page of Swords, Five of Cups, Page of Cups, Nine of Wands, King of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Four of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, Strength
As soon as I started the reading I started hearing “New Rules” by Dua Lipa in my head. Specifically the chorus where she’s like “one: don’t let him in you’ll have to kick him out again, two: don’t be his friend” and some other stuff before she’s like “you ain’t getting over him” it seems like the next chapter of you life is you putting you first and moving on from a past person. There’s not a lot of this person’s energy or really any at all. I can’t pick up on what exactly happened or why you’re moving on and I think it’s because this person has nothing to do with this next chapter of you life. You’re leaving this person and their energy in the past and not allowing them to be apart of your future and that truly seems to be the best decision you could make for yourself right now.
Some of you may have moved for this person? Maybe the two of you moved to a new place together or this was long distance and you moved to be with them? Maybe for some they moved for work so you relocated with them? Uprooted your life for this person to create a new one together in this new place and it just didn’t work out how you expected. It seems important to let you know that everything happens for a reason. You’re here in this new place for a reason so make the most of it, find that reason. Don’t let this person cou time to hold you back or take this new experience away from you. A lot of you seem to be entering this single era where your main and really only focus is you. You’re doing what you want and living the life you dream of in this next chapter. Living however you like with no fear of other’s opinion or judgment. Your just worried about your own happiness and it will be such a freeing and joyful experience for you. I think you’re about to find this new love for yourself. Even if you’re someone that’s confident and has a good sense of self, you’re about to connect with yourself in a way that you never have before. There’s much more depth here.
Some of you may hear from friends or mutual people that this person wants you back. Maybe they’ll try to reach out but won’t be able to get in contact with you so they’ll have mutual friends try to talk to you on their behalf. It feels very icky to me but not only from this person’s part but also these “friends” something about the energy here doesn’t sit right with me. Make sure to be careful trusting any and everybody and don’t keep people around that don’t want to respect your boundaries. Don’t let this person back into your life and don’t let anyone try to manipulate you back into a relationship with this person. I heard “not deserving of your energy and not worth your time”
This next chapter is about you and your love for yourself. It’s about self respect and kindness towards yourself. It’s setting boundaries and protecting your energy. Drinking more water and getting into a good routine/skin care routine seems significant as well as mint or lemon in your water? And chewing gum? Maybe that resonates for someone. Don’t be afraid to try new things or take classes on something you’ve always wanted to try. Pilates and cooking classes are coming in. Some of you may be wanting to start social media and that would be a good thing to do during this time if it’s something you’ve been thinking about. However if you’ve been wanting to start social media, specifically TikTok/YouTube or both please keep in mind that there are people or maybe like a management company that will want you to sign contracts or manipulate and take advantage of you so be mindful of that. You could blow up around the holidays if you start now and could get offers that you need to be wary of. That’s only if you have the desire to get on social media or have already started trying to build your social media so only take that message if it resonates.
I’ll end this reading by reminding you to be kind and gentle with yourself always 💓 take time to appreciate and truly live in this next chapter of your life because it’s a beautiful one, Pile 1. There’s so many exciting things happening for you.
Pile Two ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
Cards: The World, Ten of Cups, The Magician, The Fool, Queen of Wands, Three of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Strength, Death
Ahhh Pile Two I’m so excited for you!!! So it seems like you’re about to or just have achieved some huge milestone in your education/career. Maybe you’ve just finished school or an internship and now you’re applying to or about to start your dream job/just started your dream job. As far as this job or career goes, it seems you’ll fit in really well and come across and knowledgeable and well experienced by your peers so if that’s something you’re worried about, it isn’t something to worry about at all!
It seems like the biggest and really only concern going into this next chapter is possibly imposter syndrome or feeling like you don’t deserve this career or maybe can’t handle it. Therapy might be something you want to think about/look into. I think having an unbiased professional to tell you that you deserve this position and you’ve earned it because the work you’ve done has paid off. I’m also think routine could be important. A lot of these doubts/fears could come for you late at night so it’s important to go to sleep at a good time and get up in the morning. Keeping a good routine will ensure you’re not up at 3am to stress and overthink. You could have a large workload that can take time to get used to so make sure to take breaks and not overwhelm yourself with too much. Know that if you weren’t qualified, you wouldn’t be in this position and you’re here because you’re deserving of it.
Don’t be afraid to start conversations or get to know your co-workers. I think some of your closest connections can come from them and going out with your co-workers for lunch or after work can be a good way to decompress and ease your stress. I think these connections will also help you find mentors and also realize that you’re not alone in your initial fears and worries surrounding this job.
I think you’ll either start out or work your way up to a leadership role. This is just such a role model leader type of energy I see you in. I think you’ll get very comfortable within a few months (possibly 6-8?) after starting this new career and I think it’s largely in part due to your co-workers and just the overall work environment/vibe. It’s very inviting and leaves a lot of room for mistake and growth. You’ll feel very supported in this new position.
Overall, Pile Two, I think it’s important for you to not put too much pressure on yourself and go into this new experience knowing you’re so loved and supported in this new endeavor. I heard “everything works out for you” 🥺 make sure to give yourself the credit you deserve! Celebrate yourself and all your accomplishments! You’ve come very far, Pile Two, please don’t forget that. You’re deserving of everything good and happy and positive!
Pile Three ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
Cards: Five of Cups, King of Swords, King of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, The Hermit, Death, Five of Swords, Four of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Five of Swords, Six of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, Ten of Swords
Okay, Pile Three. So we have a lot to get into here and I want to try to go into as much detail as I can with a general reading. It seems like you’re in a serious long term relationship that might be coming to an end or simply a rough patch. This is where I find it difficult to go in as depth with it being a general reading because I can’t say whether or not your relationship will survive this period because for some it will and others it won’t. I’m curious to see how many of you felt drawn to piles one and three because I feel like there’s going to be some overlap here. I thought I’d make it through this reading without a Taylor Swift song/reference but “You’re Losing Me” by Taylor Swift is coming through SO heavily in this reading and also fits this situation perfectly.
I’m not sure if one of you want marriage/kids while the other doesn’t is part of the problem or maybe it’s a lack of communication, trust, connection, etc. or the two of you just simply growing apart. There’s a strong desire for you to pull through and come out it this rough patch but maybe you’re person doesn’t see any issue at all in your relationship or maybe they just don’t care to fix it. It’s this very frustrating energy of you just hoping, wishing and waiting for this person to see things the way you do and start putting in the effort and desire you need from them.
There’s just a lot of imbalance and miscommunication or maybe no communication at all in this connection and the resentment and anger towards each other is just growing. I heard “at what point do you let go” there’s this feeling of defeat and sorrow. How much longer do you have to fight for a relationship that may not make it anyway? It’s a difficult situation and I know it’s frustrating but the answer to your question is really in your hands. I can’t give you a solid “yes” or “no” or tell you directly whether to stay or go because it seems to be a decision that you need to make for yourself.
Whether you stay or go, I think it’s incredibly important for you to de-center this person and your relationship with them and center yourself. Prioritize yourself and your wants/needs and see how that changes your perspective. Finding yourself and connecting with yourself on a deeper level will help you find the answer to your questions. When you come to a place where you really know yourself and your wants/needs and have enough respect for yourself to only accept the absolute best for yourself, you’ll know whether it’s best to stay or go. Put you first and see where that leads you. Know that you’re deserving of the love you desire and don’t accept anything less. You’re worthy of love, kindness, and care so don’t stay around anyone that can’t offer you those things. I heard “put yourself first and happiness will follow”
Pile Three, I’m very sorry if this message was frustrating or didn’t give you as direct of an answer as you were hoping for but I do hope it provided you with some peace and clarification. Please be kind and gentle with yourself and come to a decision only when you’re ready. Prioritize yourself and your wants/needs and know you’re deserving of nothing less than the absolute best.
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useless-moss · 3 months
Back with the dragon headcanons.
This episode: The Night Fury
Buckle up, this is a long one.
Color variations! Their whole body is usually a dark color. Shades of black/dark grey, dark blue, dark purple are the most common. However, they also have lighter colored patterns on the underside of their wings. Blurred together scales and marks that resemble the northern lights and/or a galaxy type design. It started as a mutation meant for better camouflage, but eventually turned into a mating thing like with peacocks. A night fury has really pretty patterns/designs on the underside of their wings? They have a better chance of getting a mate.
Patterns. They have darker markings and patterns. Think of a black jaguar or a tabby cat for reference. Also, accompanying the previously mentioned designs on the underside of their wings, white speckles that look like stars and can even extend to their underbelly.
Toothless has melanism, hense his more solidly black design, and is actually considered even more rare because of his coloration alone.
They have the widest eye color variation among dragons. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, even shades that look purple are possible.
They usually live in large packs led by a female alpha/queen. If you find one Night Fury, there's usually at least ten more nearby.
Night Fury's in a pack are able to fight the control of dragons like the Red Death and Bewilderbeast more easily since, well, they already have an alpha they're following. Solo Night Furys are still strong willed and can break out with enough trying, but it's significantly harder.
Night Furys are one of if not the most intelligent dragon species. They're able to adapt to different environments, learn from observation to mimic other animal, dragon, and even human behavior, can recognize human weapons, and are smart enough to strategize hunting plans.
Building onto that last point, they don't hunt anywhere near where they nest. They'll fly miles away to hunt for, usually, fish. At least half of the pack will leave at a time while the other half stays back to guard the hatchling, eggs, and nesting area in general. This behavior was learned and adopted after being hunted to near extinction.
Their favorite nesting places are areas that humans can't easily get to. Large cliffs with rocky/rushing water below and in areas prone to storms. Again, a learned behavior from being hunted.
More nesting info, they use a combination of their plasma blasts and claws to dig/carve out caves into said cliffs, which is where they'll nest. Cliff side in an area you can't get too close to on boat with a bunch of holes in the side? Congrats! You probably just found a Night Fury nesting ground and should turn back quickly.
Night Furys aren't inherently aggressive or hostile at all, really. They're wary of humans for obvious reasons, and will defend themselves and their pack/territory, but otherwise they're pretty laid back. Big cats, essentially. Don't be a threat, give them space, and you get to live. This is partly due to them being smart enough to recognize via body language, tone, and even supplies if someone or something is a threat or not.
You want to tame a Night Fury? No weapons, bring food, and again give space. Let them come to you, because they will eventually. Will begin to realize you're not a threat, then realize you bring snacks, then accept that you're pretty alright and begin allowing more physical contact/affection and eventually be okay riding/flying with you. It's a slow process built entirely on trust and mutual respect. If you start getting pushy with a Night Fury, especially too soon in the process, they'll push you away and you have to start from scratch.
Night Fury's are very, very, very protective and loyal. Arguably one of the best dragons to tame purely off of the fact they'll stick with you until the very end and do everything possible to keep you safe.
Once you've tamed or generally befriended a Night Fury you're considered part of the pack. Dynamic from there depends on the type of Night Fury you're dealing with. An adult/older male or female with a history of hatchlings? They'll likely consider you as one of their own babies. A juvenile/younger male or female? They'll likely see you more as a sibling. A hatchling? Hope you're ready to be a parent cause that's what they'll likely see you as.
Cuddle piles. They'll usually sleep cuddled up with littlermates and parents in a pile of sort for warmth and security. This is a behavior that persists into adulthood, since it's a source of comfort and stability as well as a bonding experience.
You know the smaller nubs on a Night Fury's head? Hatchlings tend to suckle on those for comfort. There's literally no other reason. It's like a baby with a pacifier, essentially.
My personal favorite now, SCRUFF! Hatchlings have looser yet tougher skin on the back of their neck that acts as a scruff, allowing adults to pick them up and carry them around easily. As they age it stretches and thins and, eventually, that pressure point we saw in httyd 2 becomes 'exposed.' At that point a parent or other adult Night Fury will nudge the spot with their snout or claws to activate it. This whole process usually occurs around early juvenile/teen stages, since that's when a night fury will begin actively joining hunting parties and need to fly with more speed and agility.
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nezz-cringe-crib · 20 hours
hi i come back once more to yell about the jdrama again bc i dislike how i have not seen more people rambling and analyzing it as much as the musical it deserves loves too damnit and i will continue to keep yelling about it anyways L and soichiro bonding bc their dynamic is honestly so underrated they're such a cool duo to analyze????????? they're so damn cool?????? give me more L and soichiro content where they have that weird mutual respect about each other but are also still wary about each other and literally i need to find the words to analyze then later but anyways look at them:
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billy-and-friends · 16 days
I need to know about this title :)
2. Lightning out of a clear blue sky
Okay so lightning out of a clear blue sky, essentially I thought "man what if Billy had survivors guilt for not being with his family when they died" and "what if the fam dying in a plane accident and being killed by black Adam were not mutually exclusive (for the later dramatic reveal)"
The story would just be little sections of what happens to people when the lightning comes, sorry it's hard to explain!
Heck I'll just post the full wip here
Mostly im gonna make this longer, and add a bit of Mary getting her powers and Billy realizing that Adam killed his parents.
Lightning out of a clear blue sky
When the Batson’s plane goes down, people first say it’s a tragedy. Losing two brilliant archeologists and their young daughter in one lightning strike, what else could you call it? People mourn, but they also whisper.
They whisper about how no one else had been allowed to touch that tomb in centuries. About how Kahndaq had resisted their offers for excavation for years, out of fear of retribution. About how there wasn’t a cloud in the sky when lightning struck.
For a while people keep their heads down, enough stories of the dangerous Black Adam surviving the test of time to make them wary of such a sign.
But time passes and no god appears. The people of Kahndaq reclose it’s borders and sigh with relief to have been let off with just a warning.
C.C and Marilyn Batson were not superstitious people, but they were not arrogant either. They knew they didn’t know everything. That’s why they operated with such care. Such attention to local stories and mindfulness to their tradition.
Truthfully they both thought they had followed every warning, had done nothing but respect the man whose tomb the were studying. But in the instant between the strike and the bliss that followed, their second thought was that they had been wrong, that somehow they had tripped up and disrespected the ancient king.
Their first thought was thanks that their children were both safe elsewhere.
Mary screams at lightning, but not at clouds. At thunder but not at rain. To her parent’s, and her therapists, this must be the odd psyche of a lost child.
She remembers nothing from before meeting the Bromefields, from before becoming a Bromefield, and apart from the lightning and the deep sadness, she seems to carry little from her original life.
For years Mary shrieks with fear when there is lightning in the sky, but she cannot remember why.
The day Billy first hears about the lightning, his temperature is still three degrees too high and leaves him confused as to why people were so shocked.
His parents were in the sky, that is where the lightning is. They shouldn’t be so upset that the lightning was there, they should be upset that his family didn’t come back down. They should feel just as torn to shreds as Billy does when he finally understands that his sister will never share his toys again, that his father will never read to him anymore, or that his mother will never sing him another song.
Instead all they care about is the lightning. A fevered kid’s mind decides that they must be right. The lightning is confusing because if the lightning got them, why hasn’t it gotten him?
Billy's been waiting for his lightning for a long time. It's not that he wants to get struck, no not even when he misses his parents the most does he really want to join them.
It's just that he has to.
(In case it's not obvious, the lightning strike that killed the Batson was adams returning lightning bolt, for the story I want Adam to come back and just lie low for a while, only lose it when. He realizes cap exists)
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
Hi, I requested 💘 for the Valentine's Day event with Broly. Could you also add 💌 to that request? Please??
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Broly | love confession
content: ( mutual crushing / pining, z!fighter reader, new friends to lovers, love confession ) warning: ( referenced canon-typical violence ) a/n: I accidentally deleted the first half of this ask while removing others I could not accept so I am winging it based on the hearts and I am sorry sender!
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover. - "Lover"
Imagine the Earth's surprise when another saiyan was discovered to have survived the desolation of Planet Vegeta. It wasn't until Bulla's birthday party and celebrating a year since the Tournament of Power did the rest of the earthling warriors have a formal introduction to Broly and his friends. Goku invited them all along to get away from the wasteland of Vampa and share some good food. Like the others, you didn't know what to think of them all. Especially Broly, and you were all right to be wary. The last birthday party you all attended with a surprise guest didn't quite go as planned but Goku was there to vouch for his new companions and reassured a pleasant event.
One by one, eventually everyone opened up and was able to get past the tension to enjoy yet another extravagant Brief Function. Somehow you managed to get to Broly when he was on his own. He stood over the spread of food with his hands already full, hurriedly packing the food in his mouth in the typical saiyan way yet somehow more savage. He didn't even strive to use the utensils around, simply grabbing with his bare hands what caught his eye and pushing it past his crowded maw in record time. You were hesitant to even try to build yourself a plate watching, afraid your hand may get caught in his path. Sensing the energy coming from him also dialed up your nerves being so close and without his admittedly sketchy companions that seemed to guide him. You would rather fight for your life in another Tournament of Power than go against this guy. Goku's sudden presence is what surprises you the most and exposed your staring however, his large hand clasping down on your shoulder and earning a frightful squeak alerting Broly to you both.
"Woah Broly, you might wanna take it easy! This food is for everyone to eat. (Y/n) here is waiting for her turn." Goku casually explained to the larger saiyan and you watch as Broly's eyes lowered down on you, your hands clenching your own plate at the natural glare but Goku gives you a slight nudge forward. "Don't worry, if I know Bulma there's plenty more tasty food where this came from!" He encouraged. You expected a response similar to the saiyans you've encountered in the past with a look like that but what followed completely caught you off guard.
Broly's brow furrowed with regret, his eyes softened at what he'd done. "Sorry." He utters gently, brushing his knuckles across his lips to wipe away the crumbs. Something in his expression embellished the sunlight reflecting his tan skin just right and shot through your chest, the word "adorable" crossed your thoughts when your heart skipped a beat. Your eyes, without thought, fall upon other handsome features of his physique that caused your face to shade with color. Only aware of your actions when Broly suddenly bows out of respect to you. "Please excuse me. You can eat now. The food is very good."
Your heart skipped again. "O-Oh. You don't have to be so formal with me. I'm just a guest like you. Feel free to keep eating, yourself. There's still plenty to go around!" You smiled. The little grin you got in return made your insides flutter. You continued to chat with the two saiyans before Goku departed at his wife's call to her side and for a slow and merry passage of time spanning only over an hour in reality, it was just you and Broly until one of his companions returned to his side.
That was the start of it, sharing stories of battles you've fought with good food and getting to know each other. Despite his intimidating power, he was so kind and well-mannered but brief with his words. There was plenty more to learn but you sadly had to part once the party ended and they had to return to Vampa. Not before you invited Broly and his friends back to earth for lunch in an effort to keep the pleasantries going, but mostly to allow them all to explore more of the wonders of food there was to offer. The two former Frieza Force members seemed cautious of trusting your intentions but after getting to know most of the earthlings already there was nothing to really worry about. Promises of more earth food tended to be persuasive these days, as well.
It was how you wound up becoming closer friends with the trio, but mostly out of intrigue of Broly. There was an attraction for him and how he got acquainted with the norms of the world whenever he visited with Goku. It told a story that Broly didn't seem ready to discuss and Cheelai and Lemo would insist on not prying.
But it became easier and more frequent to meet up when the trio moved to Earth, the planet Vampa now used as training grounds for Goku and Broly after the unforeseen destruction of their capsule home during one of their sessions. While the earth wasn't fit for a real training session, his living here now gave you the chance to also show off some of your own techniques. Being warriors truly helped grow your bond and it started to become clear your attraction wasn't one-sided. Soon you were eating together almost every day before and after his training, and you couldn't help to notice how he sat closer to you each time whenever you were alone. Your trained eye would catch the glances he cast your way and the tug at the corner of his lips when you tried to meet his gaze, but he turns away.
You then scooted a little closer and took his hand between your own, Broly turning back to you in slight surprise. You looked up at him with a big, yet bashful grin. You lean into his arm and pressed your forehead against his shoulder, wrapping one of your arms around his to secure yourself at his side. "This is nice?"
The new closeness relaxed him and you could feel his muscles unwind in a single, deep breath. "It is." Broly agreed with an affirming nod and a warmed smile. His other hand touches your arm hung up on his, his rough fingers brushing down the exposed skin. "Nice... (Y/n)?"
"I like spending time on Earth with you." He confided. "It is all nice. Much nicer than... where I was before." If it were possible to stay here forever, he would like to. But he does have a promise to his other friends to keep. They do enjoy the luxuries of Earth, but it does not seem to be their final destination. Where your hands meet, you close your fingers around his.
"You're always welcome, Broly. I really like having you here." Your hand is squeezed in return.
"Thank you. For being my friend."
"I think...we could be more than friends, too. I-If that's something you'd like. I-I would." You stuttered through your nerves suddenly building up.
"More than friends?" He asked, first genuinely perplexed by what was implied but then he came to his own conclusion. He turns to face you, a brightness in his eyes. "You want to come with us? I would like that."
"That...wasn't exactly what I meant." But you figured it was too good to be true the little group would permanently live on Earth where you and Broly could try moving to the next level. "Travelling through space, though? I thought those days were behind me." You laughed to yourself. It's been years and it wasn't a pleasant memory. "I don't know about that, Broly. I'm pretty cozy here on Earth."
"I can keep you safe." He insisted, his large hands grasping you affirming his excitement. "All of us." Broly nods. He wants you to say yes, he wants to stay in your presence and feel your warmth at his side. Your face showed hesitation, but, persuaded, you smile at him in return.
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anartificialsatellite · 3 months
Was thinking about the layers that the universal nation language thing adds again. I know a lot of people have already talked about their feelings about this aspect of Hetalia, but I'm gonna go ahead and talk about it again because I want to.
Tbh, the more I think about it the more I love it for a bunch of reasons, but I was specific thinking recently about it in the context of USJP (because I have the brainrot) and HNNNGg
Having that universal language allows you to put meaning behind certain choices made within your own fan works or in the way you interpret canon? And my absolute favorite example of this applied is with America and Japan at the end of Japan's isolation.
Here's the thing: The universal language is canon. It's also canon that, when the Black Ships came, Japan had a translator between them when he spoke to America for the first time.
What a move!!!
Now, look, I know this scene is generally just played for laughs with miscommunications presenting America as a pervert and all, but it would not be a Hetalia post if I didn't insert way too much meaning into a couple of panels from a gag manga, SO -
This man shows up at Japan's door with coal-powered warships to force him out of two hundred years of isolation, and they both know they can understand one another.
But Japan insists on a translator anyway. And America agrees. Why?
For Japan, it reflects his wariness to even consider the terms being offered, but it is also a test of America (and his government's) intentions. They say they want mutually beneficial trade agreements (of course while asking for preferential terms, as would lkely be expected for such a negotiation) but Japan knows he and his government are sitting at a considerable disadvantage. It's important to know how much of this proposed cooperation is being extended in good faith.
So he sets a condition to their meeting that they both know is unnecessary from a practical standpoint.
If America intends to negotiate, their representative will accept this condition as a show of good faith. If they don't, and he refuses, that shows Japan where they really view themselves in this negotiation and how much he and his government can trust them.
Now, if you'll indulge me reaching even farther into speculation about the way the canon universe functions... It's made pretty clear at various points I'm canon that the amount of influence a nation has on their government and the respect their bosses hold for them varies a lot between nations and over time.
So! With that in mind, the authority with which America acts in their personal discussions/negotiations will also tell Japan whether he is truly considered to be representative of his country or if he is merely a figurative representation positioned in servitude to his bosses and trotted out as a matter of formality and show.
America's reaction to the condition of speaking through a translator, which again, they both know is completely unnecessary, can give Japan (who will need to bring this back to his bosses) vital information to help him decide whether he is truly approaching the possibility of real negotiations with a fellow nation and his government, or if this is simply establishing a pretext for the invasion that is already coming.
how is that not cool as fuck
One of the things I love about this canon is that it is, for the most part, dumb jokes about a bunch of idiots, but there's so much to play with and run away with and I don't think we always appreciate what fertile ground we really have here.
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kalcat-sketches · 2 months
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Feel a little late to the party, but here's my submission for @tav-dex
This is my first bg3 character I made and finished the game with, Qistana. (More about her under the cut)
Qistana was born and raised in Menzoberranzan, but ran to the surface around 70 years ago. She doesn't like to talk about that time of her life
She's not a devout worshiper of Ellistraee, but does consider herself a member of her faith and will pray to her when feeling stressed or overwhelmed
Carries a huge chip on her shoulder and holds a heavy grudge against Lolth and any who follow her. This anger is part of the foundation of her Oath.
The markings on her face are symbol of her paladin order. It's been awhile since she's checked in with anyone, having split from them temporarily to pursue "personal goals".
Her Dream Guardian took the appearance of a once close friend from her paladin order. While it was a face she trusted subconsciously, seeing it in person took her completely off guard and left her wary about the guardians true intentions.
Best friends with Wyll, doesn't like his dad but respects Wyll enough to stay civil in interactions with the Grand Duke. Would have killed Mizora if it wouldn't have also killed Wyll, still took swings at the bitch when she stayed in camp uninvited.
Romanced Shadowheart, didn't think anything of Shar until they reached the Shadow Cursed Lands, and then became increasingly concerned about what becoming a Dark Justicier really meant. Incredibly relieved when Shadowheart made her choice to turn from Shar, and was more than happy to start a relationship and help find her parents.
Astarion and Qistana barely tolerated each other for Act 1 and part of Act 2, but the two gradually gained mutual respect and considered themselves friends by Act 3. Despite the animosity between them, Qistana immediately put Cazador on her list of "Assholes that need to be killed" when she heard about him.
Meta Stuff
Originally made for a co-op run with my best friend, remade for a solo game when I started coming up with backstory and she began living rent free in my brain (we still haven't finished Act 1 in that co-op game RIP)
Never broke her paladin oath in all 3 Acts, though looking into oathbreaking I think it should have happened after/during the seance with He Who Was in Act 2. I think I got very lucky with my dialogue choices.
I'd like to play another run with her again (prob at a higher difficulty) but I need to finish my Durge run first
(Thanks to @bareee for the template, it finally gave me the motivation to draw my girl!)
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phoenix--flying · 11 months
brain is running a mile a minute, I am sitting at work having just finished a tour and I am going to talk about an au because it's a necessity right now.
mermaid au.
this wasn't originally PJO but I turned it into PJO because I can. SO let's get into it.
Mermaids are hunted for their scales - typically used for armour. Royal mermaids are very rare, since they're more cautious about being close to the surface. A scale from their tale can grant the person holding it the ability to breathe underwater
Alabaster is a mermaid prince
Specifically, he's a siren
His voice is known for its ability to draw anyone to him, a sirens song is, after all, often used to attack ships
He's also very adventurous and likes to go to the surface
One of these surface trips ends with him being captured by a crew
Originally, they were just going to cut off his tail for the scales but then they discovered his voice and he was used to veer enemy ships away from them
His mother had given him an artifact that allowed him to hide his tail and give him legs instead
Luke and Thalia and the prince and princess of different land kingdoms ; They're engaged for the purpose of uniting their kingdoms
Luke's kingdom houses many of the best mermaid hunters, he accompanies a specific crew each time they set sail
That crew is Ethan, Silena, Beckendorf, Clarisse, Lee and his brother, also a prince, Chris
They'd been chasing an enemy ship after it'd stolen from Thalias kingdom when they found the crew had docked
Easily, Luke instructed Clarisse to dock their own ship and they'd attack
During this, Ethan stumbled upon one Alabaster Torrington who'd been chained to a tree so he couldn't escape
Obviously, he's a little fucking concerned about this because he didn't know they had hostages so he takes Alabaster back to the ship
He's also very confused as to why Alabaster can't seem to walk properly !!
Luke agrees to bringing Alabaster onto the ship and they leave again
The crew quickly discovers that Alabaster gets confused by a lot of stuff like Ethans sweater or Silenas violin
Ethan decides to ignore the confusion with random every day things and opts to explain anything when Alabaster asks
Alabaster is, of course, wary because they're humans and considering how his last encounter with humans went, along with the warnings from his mother, he isnt sure they wouldn't harm him if they found out what he was
The crew, does not care. Luke isn't keen on hurting mermaids so whenever they sail he always returns home empty handed, citing they couldn't find anything to his father
After a few months, Alabaster settles into the rhythm of human life and such
cue mutual pining between Alabaster and Ethan but they're both disasters with very different courting traditions
Ethan gives Alabaster a seashell and Alabaster gives Ethan vincas, both are items used in their respective funerals
Alabaster begins to doubt Ethans feelings, having been told again and again that nobody would ever fall in love with him without having heard his siren song ; which is not genuine love, it's an enchantment
This causes him to stop singing if Ethan is near him which eventually leads to Ethan thinking he did something wrong
big thank to the ta server for helping with these plans 👁👁
I have more but my hands hurt from typing so
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procedurally · 9 months
gomens s2 canon divergence AU
had an idea a few weeks ago and now have about 8k of a gomens AU where the miracle to hide gabriel actually works as in it's not detected. this means aziraphale and crowley never decide to get maggie and nina together (nina is a viewpoint character though because i love them both,) and heaven and hell are still searching desperately for the missing archangel -- including sending muriel down as an investigator and sending shax around to be nosy. and it also means aziraphale is stuck minding gabriel. on his own. through a shopkeeper's meeting he doesn't want to be hosting, etc.
here's a scene where aziraphale screws up the courage to ask crowley to move in because minding gabriel on top of managing muriel has started to get a bit much, and not at all because he's noticed crowley is living in his car but it's not like you can say something about that, is it?
Knowing that Crowley likely would say yes rarely helped Aziraphale when it came to the tricky business of asking a favor. Rather it made it doubly important to ask correctly, to avoid any insinuation that he was asking for Crowley's sake. He fretted about it so much that twice he nearly spilled hot cocoa onto Gabriel, and he did once onto Muriel, who smiled blindingly at Aziraphale's suggestion that this was the sort of thing that must happen to human police officers all the time.
Crowley being Crowley -- that was, unfailingly sensitive during those occasions when Aziraphale would have really preferred a little bit of obliviousness from his friend so he might have the chance to sort through his feelings in private -- sensed immediately the tension when he strolled in. He was wearing the turtleneck getup again, which did nothing for Aziraphale's nerves. Really, with the vest and everything -- It took Crowley scarcely an hour to get Gabriel and Muriel trapped in a befuddling and pointless conversation together before pulling Aziraphale into the back room, sitting him down, and pouring him a generous-but-not-too-generous glass of wine.
There was another thing that had changed. Since they'd both submitted notice, so to speak, they had, by apparent mutual agreement but without discussion, stopped getting drunk together. They still drank, of course, but it was a respectable sort of drinking. Aziraphale hadn't been drunk at all since the night after the thwarted Apocalypse, when he and Crowley had made rather a heroic tour of London's finer drinking establishments.
The worst part was that Aziraphale missed it, but he was relieved, too. He wasn't even sure why. Perhaps it was the simple fear that in vino veritas and that under the influence he might ask for something he had no right to ask for, and that Crowley might say yes out of mere eagerness to please?
"Drink, angel," Crowley said, "and then out with it. You look like you've just seen someone sell a book."
It was the sort of familiar teasing that Crowley had used for centuries to shake him out of one of his moods, and it worked as it usually did. Aziraphale managed a thin smile and a deep drink, and it did help.
Crowley had set his sunglasses aside, and he was leaning in the doorway, arms crossed. He had his 'out with it' expression firmly on -- patient, and kind, if a trifle more wary than it would have been before Gabriel had arrived, which only made Aziraphale feel worse.
"Come now. What is it."
"I have a favor to ask," Aziraphale said, "and I don't think you'll like it."
Now Crowley had his 'try me' expression on.
"Gabriel here was one thing, but Muriel, too -- Crowley, would -- I hate to ask, but would you stay here awhile?"
Crowley's expression had gone carefully blank, and Aziraphale rushed to explain, so concerned about striking the right note that he feared he'd manage to say the wrong thing entirely.
"I hate to ask because of Gabriel, please, dear thing, not because I don't like you around -- you know you're welcome to stay here so everlong as strikes your fancy, but I also understand that perhaps, as a demon, you'd rather not watch over two daft angels in a dusty old bookshop." Or, thought Aziraphale miserably, really three daft angels.
Crowley's expression was doing several things that Aziraphale was too nerve-racked to unpuzzle and identify. Aziraphale blotted at his eyes before he could truly embarrass himself and topped up his wine glass because he didn't have anything better to do.
"Yeah, alright," Crowley said. He sounded, to Aziraphale's relief, more thoughtful than irritated or -- forbid -- prideful. "Might be a good idea, 'specially if Hell sends somebody up too. Which they will if they catch word there's an angelic scrivener hanging 'round."
"They probably will. I'm afraid Muriel isn't terribly discreet."
"And their hellish counterpart will probably be worse," Crowley said with gloomy relish.
"Good heavens. Were we that bad, do you think? All those years ago."
Crowley bobbed his head back and forth, mouth pressed thin, good humor dancing in his eyes. "Yyyyeah. Probably, yeah. Easier back then for us, though. No cell phones."
"Get into too much trouble and you could let your wings out and say 'lo, be not afraid!'" Aziraphale said, thinking back to several awkward moments in Mesopotamia, though his heart wasn't really in it.
"Mm. That one never quite worked right for me."
"But you caught onto things more quickly," Aziraphale said, now thinking more warmly of a cooked ox, and of wine.
"Every now and then," said Crowley, who managed to imbue the words with a sense that metaphysically he was preening his wings with what he thought was justified smugness.
Aziraphale finished his wine and set the glass aside. He didn't want to go back to Gabriel and Muriel; he wanted to stay here, in the back, with Crowley. He wanted Crowley to sit beside him, and he wanted to lean into Crowley's side and--
"I might," said Crowley, too casually, "bring a few plants by, if y'don't mind. Y'know. Keep a close eye on them."
"Of course," said Aziraphale faintly. "As many as you'd like."
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terra-feminarum · 6 months
Curious about ur tags on the "do we really need deodorent" post. I love perfume and my gf does too so idk what you mean when you say you can smell emotions such as desire. What are your experiences with that?? Have you had genuine social benefits like this from not having artificial scents blocking those signals? (Trying to ask this in the least creepy way possible.)
Thanks for your question. I'm not sure if I can decipher the smells of people I don't know well, but it's often very clear with people who are close to me. It's actually very useful to be able to know when someone is anxious even though they might hide it very well otherwise. I also very much enjoy smelling when someone is joyful and relaxed. Of course I can miss things, like I can miss visual cues of someone's state of mind. But smell is one more cue to notice.
When it comes to physical closeness and sex, smell is crucial. I believe one of the reason for all the perfumed products is that people want to have sex without being aware if the other person is really feeling it. Without artificial scents, it's obvious if there is or isn't mutual desire. It's an animal thing, no conscious reasoning is needed to analyze the smell, it's just very very obvious if someone wants you and you want them. It's also an actual social benefit to realize the lack of that smell. You can't fake a smell. The hookup culture would probably die without artificial scents.
I can also often tell if people are ill, and they don't have to be close to me. This is a bit tricky because sometimes I don't know if it's ok to bring up questions about someone's health, but if I smell sickness for a long period of time I do get concerned. I've recognized a serious illness on someone and smell was part of that, even though it was only one part of my reasoning. But it helped me to understand the whole picture better and bring up my concerns which were unfortunately confirmed later.
I think people should respect our animal instincts more and not be afraid of smelling like humans. And I don't mean being dirty and never washing your clothes, but having enough human smell for necessary communication. But that would mean not everyone would smell good at all situations. I believe because we're living very close to completely unknown individuals of our own species we need to wash away and hide our real smell to tolerate strangers so close to us. I admit, when I use public transport I'm happy if people have showered recently.
But I'm not sure if people smell bad even when they are dirty if they're your people. My partner never smells bad no matter how dirty and sweaty she actually is. And then again, most strange men smell like danger to me, and I think it's just healthy animal behavior to be wary of unknown males. This is a bit annoying at times because sometimes I get very alert just by walking in a hallway where a man has been before me, but I haven't yet deciphered why this smell is so much stronger on some males than others. This is something I'd love to know. Note, my sense of smell isn't very good at all, I think I've smoked enough to kill most of my olfactory receptors. I'm just interested in smells and I approach the world as the animal I am.
Oh, and while I believe some smells are kind of objectively perceived, like the smell of fear or illness, some probably depend on the context. Like men who smell off-putting and threatening to me might smell really lovely to their partners. And I believe the smell of desire is only obvious when it's mutual.
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nickfoo · 7 months
O fellow fire tank enthusiast, I have an extremely unique question for you that’s kinda important to me 😅
How do you think Bege would think of Sugar , from Dressrosa? 
I’ve got this whole series of events that live in my head rent free where Sugar used her powers to evade capture by the marines (after the whole fiasco with the straw hats) and she ends up meeting Bege when the Fire tanks go to Dressrosa. They kinda know who each other are and have a small temporary alliance to get rid of the kissy-germ people and get away from the marines, and she just ends up leaving with them because she doesn’t have anywhere else to go
What if the Doflamingo family never felt like a real family to her, and on top of that she recently learned that her actual sister (Monet) got killed?? Bege’s papa gut kicks in and he treats her like his own?🥺
Aand she joins the family ?? maybe?? Bege and Sugar are like my top fave one piece characters and this whole mess started from the most random oprp convo on Twitter.. A Bege acc said something about hating absent fathers and a Sugar acc asked, “I don’t have a dad, will you be mine,” and he says YES. It’s so ridiculous but it just stuck in my head and it’s forever canon for me now because they’re my blorbos 
IM SORRYY I kinda rambled a bunch but I’ve not really told anyone about this and I just wanna know what you think about it bcuz you’re like the coolest guy ever to me with all the fire tank stuff you do 🥺🥺
Hey there! This is a long reply from me, so its all under the read more.
I can’t speak for what another person rping as a character would do, as my take on the character might be different than theirs. But I can give you what I’d think the character would do! I've always felt that Sugar seemed quite happy with her life in the Donquixote family. She was doted upon by Doflamingo, not only as a member of his 'family', but with her power, she was a vital to him as a piece in his hold on Dressrosa. Despite its dysfunctions, the Donquixote family is a tight knit group - even if one of the only things holding them together in unison was their mutual devotion to their captain. A form of comradery was definitely there. They were a group of misfits who had found something to be united and accepted in. But now, I'll give my opinion on how I’d think Bege would go with your scenario of if Sugar evaded military capture in Dressrosa and was present when the Fire Tank Pirates were around looking for Lola. I actually think Bege would be wary of Sugar. She was a member of the Donquixote pirates - a ruthless group. And she was also hugely responsible for the subjugation of Dressrosa. Her devil fruit is very dangerous. Due to her fruit power, she looks like a 10 yr old child, but she's actually 22. It's a deceptive appearance that could be used ( and which she has used ) quite maliciously, and I think Bege would pick it up as such. ( and respect that lol. ) As for adopting her, I'm...again not sure. Bege's not like Doflamingo, who had a knack for finding abandoned kids with nowhere to go and taking them into his crew. I think not only do those kids remind Doflamingo of himself as a child, but kids have a sort of pure, honest admiration that he craves and that kind of unfiltered affection can't be found anywhere else. Its also very easy to win that admiration over to devotion. Doflamingo adopted both Sugar and Monet into his family when they were very young. Sugar was 9 and Monet was 17. They are both surely devoted to him. Anyway, I think Bege has instinctive dad tendencies to look out for the kids and young adults who he's allied with (now that he's a father and he’s learned some basic human empathy ), but I'm not sure he'd be adopting kids into his crew/mafia family out of the blue. He's not very into doing good deeds without it having any benefit for him. (Unless Chiffon helps him change his mind.) Also to keep in mind that Sugar is mentally a young adult. He wouldn't talk to her like a little kid. He might slip up now and then, but quickly remind himself she’s a full fledged dangerous pirate with a history. Bege’s a very practical thinker. I think he'd be more interested in her skills and power. But I think he'd not be so sure he could trust her. That power of hers is pretty scary, after all.
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DMC Questions Anon here!
The ending of DMC 5 leaves the door very open for new character dynamics to be formed. Which is exactly what this question is about.
(Keep in mind that if you don't want to or don't think you can you do not need to cover all of these dynamics)
(Also, I do not mean any of these dynamics as a group just for clarification)
How do you believe Dante and Vergil will move forward with their relationship after DMC 5? What about Vergil and Nero? How about Dante and Nero?
Vergil is going to end up needing to form a dynamic with all of the characters after he and Dante return from hell. The characters he will inevitably end up interacting with on a normal basis will be: Lady, Trish, Kyrie, Nico, Patty, and Morrison. How do you believe his relationship with all of these characters will turn out? How will they start off, and how will they develop?
Dante has a dynamic with most of this cast, but what do you think his dynamics with Kyrie and Nico will end up being like?
What dynamics do you believe Nero will have with Lady, Trish, Patty, and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Trish will have with Kyrie and Nico will play out?
The dynamic Lady will have with Kyrie?
The dynamics Kyrie will have with Patty and Morrison?
How do you think the dynamics Nico will have with Patty and Morrison will play out?
What dynamics (other than anything involving a member of the Sparda family with another member) are you most interested in seeing playing out?
(I have another question planned to do at some point asking you to talk about dynamics not included here)
Sorry this is so short but I had a hard time sorting my thoughts out and I have SO MANY THOUGHTS.
Dante and Vergil: to keep it short, they're happy to be together again but they annoy the absolute shit out of each other. I'm not sure they can cohabitate long-term. And they've been apart for so long that they kind of need to get to know each other again?
Dante and Nero: Nero is pissed and Dante feels guilty but they'd work it out. Dante really embraces the "embarassing fun uncle" role.
Nero and Vergil: this is SUCH a big can of worms. The two of them want a relationship so bad, but getting there will be filled with frustration, anger, grief, all that good shit. I can't imagine Vergil being anything less than 100% devoted to his son. He'll fuck up a lot but try so hard to do right by Nero.
I think Lady, Trish, and Morrison would be wary but try to get along with Vergil for Dante's sake.
I'm a huge fan of Nico and Vergil being unlikely friends.
Kyrie… I think she'd be pretty frosty toward Vergil. They'd get along eventually, but I think Kyrie would be angry with him (for good reasons!). She's upset with Dante too, btw. She more than anyone would know how badly Nero wanted to know where he came from and what Dante had to do with it.
I like to think Nero and Patty already know each other and meet up to bitch about Dante. (THEY'RE COUSINS YOUR HONOR)
As for Nero and Lady/Trish/Morrison- they're Dante's coworkers that he has mutual respect for and is friendly with, but they're not friends.
Nico and Patty would get along GREAT and I would like to see it, thanks.
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