#again she is 100% an adult here!
playhousemassacrez · 5 months
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I haven’t drawn her in forever it seems
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This was the last time I drew her
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dw-flagler · 15 days
funny how much victoria places squarely on the shoulders of tattletale. she COULD HAVE STOPPED THE ENDBRINGERS AT ANY TIME but she DIDN’T just so that leviathan could KILL MY FAMILY. honey you sound insane.
#now this is just speculation#but maybe victoria is playing up tattletale's role in everything from the complete collapse of brockton bay to the destruction of new wave#because she's trying to subconsciously play up her own role?#especially in amy's self destruction#like for that one i'd put about 75% on the adult members of new wave#another 20% on the PRT and various authorities (counting the wards in that though they get like 3% of the prt's share)#leaving about 5% to be split between victoria and probably all the undersiders#the only thing i'd say was squarely victoria's fault was chasing amy at the end there#like all that other stuff she was just being a good sister#tattletale's only real things here were the bank and not trying harder during the slaughterhouse 9 crisis#the not trying harder probably goes to all the undersiders though. they had their hands full though#it's literally not their jobs. they're fucking bank robbers#anyway this 100% that i've handed out here is actually the like 50% that *doesn't* go to the slaughterhouse 9#what i'm trying to get at is that victoria and tattletale really had very little to do with amy's mental break#honestly most of the fault probably lies with carol (even more than jack probably)#ANYWAY#she's upselling tattletale's control over the situation because if tattletale could have stopped it then victoria could have stopped it#again speculation#what i'm trying to get at with this massive tumor of text is that obviously victoria has a massive grudge against tattletale for some reaso#maybe she feels kind of guilty over what happened and how she didn't like. stop it. and she's pushing that off as “tattletale did it?”#i dunno it's thin
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college can be so stressful! balancing classes, work, and a social life can be incredibly hard. it seems sarah here couldn’t handle the pressure though…
sarah chose a school hours from home, hoping to gain some freedom from her overbearing mother. but as soon as she was left alone on campus, it became clear that she doesn’t know the first thing about taking care of herself. dirty dishes, piles of laundry, even week old coffee sitting out on her desk, her roommates absolutely loathed her messy ways.
the straw that broke the camels back was sarah’s new “toilet troubles” that began happening.
having never slept anywhere but her own bedroom, sarah was so nervous and uncomfortable about sleeping in the dorm. her body seemed to reflect that, and a few days into the semester, she woke up i’m soaked sheets for the first time since she was a kid.
although annoyed about the stale piss smell, her roommate wrote it off as just moving stress and promised to not make a big deal about it if she cleaned up after herself (which she did, although poorly).
until it happened again. and again. and again.
sarah was so embarrassed, but she just couldn’t seem to stop! using the bathroom right before bed, limiting liquids, nothing seemed to work.
her matters, and subsequently the dorm, reeked of piss. even if sarah changed her sheets, the mattress was still absolutely ruined from her refusal to by a waterproof mattress pad because “those are for babies!”.
it all came to a breaking point when sarah rushed in from class one day. her roommate was at her desk studying, and turned around just in time to watch sarah have an accident right in front of the door to their shared bathroom. sarah had refused to use the “gross” campus toilets, and had tried holding it until the end of the lecture, but the professor went over and she couldn’t make it.
her roommate, sick of living with a girl who had the potty training of a toddler, did the only thing she knew would 100% change things. she called sarah’s mom.
she’d heard all of sarah’s stories about how protective and overbearing she could be at times, but she knew that sarah’s mom would make sarah at least do something about her frequent accidents.
sarah’s mom was furious at her daughters immaturity and inability to take responsibility for herself. she thanked her roommate for calling, even apologizing for sarah’s actions, and promised she’d see sarah fixed her issue.
sarah’s mom overnighted some “essentials” for sarah, telling her it was a care package.
sarah was mortified to find that the package was a 144 pack of goodnights, in her size! she had to carry the huge and obnoxious through the dorm, blushing furiously at ten snickers and pointing other students did when she passed by.
from then on, sarah’s mom put her back in pull-ups full time. making sarah send her updates and “diaper checks” every few hours. she even made a shared spreadsheet that operated like a potty training chart for sarah to fill out everyday.
sarah was mortified. her roommate had even told a few of her friends about her “problem” and now she can’t walk around campus without getting stared at or whispered about. no boy will come within 10ft of her, so any ideas she had about a college romance went out the window with her potty training.
to make matters even worse, sarah’s mom threated to make her transfer to their local community college and move back home if she can’t keep her pants dry. she said she’ll re-potty train sarah herself while she takes classes part time.
it’s almost winter break. sarah snaps a morning diaper check for her mom before heading to class. she woke up wet again for the 6th day in a row, her mom said if she ever reaches a 7 day streak, she’s sending proper adult diapers for sarah to start wearing. inevitably, the fresh pull-up she’s showing her mom won’t be dry for long. in fact, she’ll flood it on the way to class, too focused on being on time than noticing the bulk swell between her legs.
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gloomyclauds · 1 month
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100 Followers! It might not seem like a lot, but I'm so thankful for all the support I've been getting here 🤍
This sim has been sitting in my library for almost a year now, and while I was planning on using her for a new series on my youtube channel, I just don't see that happening any time soon. My work schedule is a lot, and it's rare that I get a day, where not only I'm feeling cheery to record, but where I also have enough time for it... Being an adult sucks, you literally stop having a life. All I do is work, sleep, eat, and dread the next day.
But maybe I can make the series here, as I just came back to tumblr, and it's easier to post screenshots. This is not for now though! I need at least half a generation done before I start posting 😅
Her outfits are very blue, because she's for a color coded legacy challenge that I made last year, but still haven't posted it. I wanted to share it whenever I started the series, but again, time. There's not enough time in this life. I won't share the Tray Files (I might at some point though)!
Keep Reading for the FULL CC LIST ⬇️
GENERAL Skin Color | Skinblend | Misc. Face Details | Skin Detail Blush | Skintone Set | Cleavage | Torso | Tummy | Nose Mask | Eyes | Eyebrows | Hairline | Hair | Rings
DEFAULTS Tinsel Skinblend | Teeth | Feet | No EA Lashes
PRESETS Lips | Chin
SLIDERS Eyebrows (1) (2) | Nose | Chin | Feet
MAKEUP Eyelids | Eyeliner | Blush | Lipstick | Eyelashes (1) (2) | Manicure | Pedicure
EVERYDAY Earrings | Necklace | Outfit | Heels
FORMAL Hair | Hair Overlay | Earrings | Necklace | Dress | Heels
ATHLETIC Hair | Hat + Logo | Sunglasses | Outfit | Sneakers
SLEEP Hair | Pajama | Slippers
PARTY Earrings | Dress | Platform Sandals -> Necklace from Crystal Collections
SWIMWEAR Bikini | Belly Chain
HOT WEATHER Earrings (Barona) | Sunglasses | Choker | Skirt | Heels -> Top from Urban Homage Kit
COLD WEATHER Hair | Beanie | Earrings (Solstice) | Jacket | Jeans | Boots
POSES 1st Image | 2nd and 3rd Image
A huge thanks to the cc creators!
@lamatisse @mousysims @okruee @glitchsyndrome @vibrantpixels
@pralinesims @northernsiberiawinds @mossylane @sammi-xox
@twisted-cat @rheallsim @simstrouble @arethabee @shsims
@lutessasims @ice-creamforbreakfast @magic-bot @miikocc
@obscurus-sims @poyopoyosim @crypticsim @joliebean @dream-girl
@aharris00britney @madlensims @joshseoh @nucrests
@huiernxoxo @jius-sims @kumikya @caio-cc @trillyke
@serenity-cc @aladdin-the-simmer @akalukery @ratboysims @helgatisha
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Friendly reminder that Gwen's father was most likely going to shoot her.
And Miguel might've legit saved Gwen's life.
Rewatching ATSV - This scene always just gets be HEATED. Everytime I catch something that makes me
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'Okay. Okay yeah, yeah - AHHHHHHHHHHHH-'
And this time I realized. Oh. OH.
Gwen's dad was PLANNING to shoot her - Or.. if we consider cop training, he was mere seconds away from actually firing on her.
And he would've had Miguel not been there.
In Gwen's confrontation scene - her father WAS actively threatened and afraid of her. And from what we see, he was VERY VERY close to acting on it, more than you think.
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The point in the scene begins with him pointing the gun at her, and as he speaks and Gwen begins to beg, he begins to gradually lower it.
Until she steps closer to him. And then he starts pulling it on her again.
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He is literally re-raising the gun at his daughter, because she took a step towards him.
So not only is she his daughter, she's also like... 5'6 and sixteen years old.
And he's still afraid of her, enough so that when she takes even one step closer, he is ready to threaten her life again.
You can hear the fear in his voice, and I don't doubt for a second he would pull the trigger - either on a warning shot, or a 'nonlethal' blow.
We've all heard cops say it before. 'I panicked', 'it was self defense'.
And Friendly reminder-
MIGUEL saves Gwen's life here.
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Now look at this first photo.
And before you keep reading, please guess what's really really REALLY bad about that photo. Just look.
Trigger Discipline.
If you don't know, trigger discipline is the concept taught to gun-owners in order to reduce accidental shootings and firings.
Trigger Discipline is the idea that your finger should NEVER be on the trigger of gun unless you plan to fire it in the next two-three seconds.
Otherwise, THIS is the proper position to hold a gun.
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Gwen's father is a cop. He's 100% been trained in trigger discipline. He knows not to do this.
Which implies - George Stacy was ACTIVELY PLANNING on shooting Gwen right then and there. As in, seconds away from pulling the trigger.
Raising a gun to his daughter at close range, finger on the trigger.
I think his actions can speak for themselves. He was going to shoot her.
And the only reason he didn't, was because Miguel saw this - and forcefully took the gun from him. (Like a proper Spider-man put some respeckt on his name)
George didn't care that there were TWO adults standing there as witness. He didn't care that he's not supposed to touch the trigger. In that moment, truly all he cared about was imprisoning Gwen - by any AND ALL means necessary.
And to top this off -
Friendly reminder, he never apologized. For ANYTHING.
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He doesn't apologize for pulling a gun on her. He doesn't apologize for forcing her into homelessness. He didn't apologize for accusing her of murder.
He doesn't even ADMIT that she DIDN'T KILL PETER.
All he does is quit and compliment her. No apology. No acknowledgment about how his identity as a cop turned him into a toxic horrible father. No acknowledgment that Gwen isn't a killer.
Just 'I quit'.
Had Miguel not been there - I'm very sure George would've posed a VERY real danger to Gwen's life.
He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. And really, considering his arc, glorification - and his failure to even apologize - it really goes to show that at some points ATSV really teeters on casual copaganda.
Also Miguel that was really really cool of you (you saving Gwen's life totally makes up for the whole chokeslamming Miles thing <3 /j)
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themultifandomgal · 7 months
Sister Shelby- Fainting
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All YN's life she has struggled with fainting. The first time she lost conscious was when she was only a year old. The baby had been crying none stop, then in Polly grays arms the little one passed out. The doctors had said it was because of her not able to catch her breath but as the years went on the fainting got worse, especially when YN started going through puberty.
13 Years Old
"YN your gonna be late for school" Tommy scolds the youngest Shelby storming into her room. YN groans throwing her bed sheets over her head "now YN!"
"Don't feel well"
"You just want to get out of school" Tommy rips off the quilt
"Fine" YN grunts and gets out of bed. But as quick as she's up, she's back down passed out on the floor. Of course Tommy panics and calls for Polly who runs upstairs. Only a minute later YN is awake again
"Ok no school today" Polly places her arms on her hips as Tommy helps his sister back into bed
"I think we need a doctor Poll"
The doctors checked YN out and found that her heartbeat is irregular which is what has been causing her fainting spells.
15 Years Old
YN can now tell when she is going to faint and what could trigger it. One of them being excessive exercise. Now it's no secret YNs teacher, Mr Jones doesn't like her just because she has the Shelby name. The teacher had announced that they would be running around the field at the back of the school, YN immediately protests saying she can't run that far, but the teacher had said if YN didn't partake then she could expect 100 lines and the ruler across the hand. So YN begin running.
After running once she was told to run again, and again and again. No matter how many times YN said she needed to stop Mr Jones threatened the poor girl and so she carried on. She did this until she passes out on the field, thankfully her friend Eleanor saw and ran to Mr Jones, but he didn't believe her.
When YN came around she decided to just walk out of the school and head home
"What are you doing home from school?" Arthur scolds seeing his little sister walk through the front door
"Mr Jones made me run even when I told him I couldn't. He said it was either run or have the ruler. I passed out but he didn't believe Eleanor when she told him" Arthur's eyes widen
"Go to bed and rest. Let me speak to Tommy and Aunt Poll"
This caused the Shelby brothers and Aunt head to the school and Tommy even got the teacher fired!
18 Years Old
It's a hot day in Birmingham and YN is sat in the betting shop helping Arthur with the books
"I'm gonna get a Drink" YN sighs feeling the heat. Arthur nods his head not looking up. YN stands up but immediately her eyesight starts to disappear and a ringing starts in her ear. Before she can even sit back down Arthur finds his sister on the floor passed out. Knowing exactly what to do Arthur gets up from his seat and first of all checks that YN hasn't hurt herself on anything. He then rolls her so she's on her side. Tommy walks out of his office and frowns
"Has she fainted?" Tommy asks looking at Arthur and YN
"Yeah" Arthur sighs
"When she walks up take her home. It's so hot in here"
22 Years Old
YN is now an adult who has just moved into a house with her boyfriend Alexander. At first the Shelby's were not happy about this and they worried for their sister especially since Alex has yet to see one of YNs fainting episodes as she is now more aware of her body and when she may pass out. YN comes home from a long day of shopping when she begins to feel faint. Placing her bags down in the kitchen she slide herself down the kitchen counters and sits on the floor. Normally this would do the trick, but today this isn't what happens. Alex knows about his girlfriends irregular heart and he knows that she faints because of it, but he's always had one of her brothers or Polly around. So when he walks through the front door and into the kitchen, panic sets in seeing YN on the floor. Immediately he runs up to her and starts to try and wake her up, but it doesn't work
"YN. YN can you hear me?" remembering Tommy once checking her over for injury's he does the same. Then he remembers that Arthur would check the time to see how long she was unresponsive for, so he does just that. Unbeknownst to hun Tommy has also entered the home of the young couple and is watching Alex tend to YN "ok come on YN isn't been a minute since I've come home. I need you to wake up"
Luckily it's not to much time later, maybe about 20 seconds, YN finally starts to wake up
"Hey YN, how you feeling?"
"Ok. Let's get you a drink and put you to bed" this is when Alex notices Tommy stood watching the interaction "Tommy what are you doing here?"
"Was coming to see if YN wanted to head to the Garrison but I can see that's going to be a no"
"Sorry Tom"
"Don't apologise. Your in safe hands here. Take tomorrow off" with that Tommy leaves.
For YN hearing her brother is ok with her relationship means the absolute world to her.
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wittlesissyb4by · 2 months
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ABC Degree - Chapter 1
Marianne clutched her books tightly as she made her way through campus. 30 years ago she would have felt right at home. Laughing with the other girls by the fountain, flirting with boys by the quad, or frantically studying before an exam. 
Now? She couldn’t feel more out of place, like all eyes were upon her. She imagined what people were thinking as they saw her: What does this woman think she is doing trying to get a higher education at her age?
She felt even more foolish about what she was here to study: Adult Baby Care and Development or ‘ABCD’ as the kids were calling it these days. She’d known for a while about these Adult Babies, and how they were becoming more and more common in today’s world, either by choice or by punishment. But she had no idea they would actually offer a class in a prestigious University about how to care for one. She had even less of an idea that her husband would be the one who needed caring for. 
It was a little over a year ago when Jack first came to her about his diaper fetish. Throughout their 8 years of marriage, she’d always known he’d been hiding something. The way he would turn his phone ever so slightly in her presence, the way he’d make 100 different clicks on the computer as soon as she unexpectedly walked into the office, and how flushed and flustered he would get any time she used that same computer. Like he was terrified she’d stumble upon his goldmine of a porn stash.
So when Jack finally came to her and confessed his longstanding affinity for diapers, she was actually a bit relieved. At least he wasn’t cheating on her like she’d suspected. But with this new revelation came a whole host of insecurities. She saw how vulnerable he was when he approached her, how terrified he must have been to tell her. He probably thought she would just up and leave as soon as the words left his mouth. But obviously she would do nothing of the sort. He was her husband, after all. One she still loved very much. Marianne wanted Jack to know that she was happy he told her. She remembered placing her hand on his knee lovingly as he tearfully confessed what he had bottled up for so long. 
That’s not to say she wasn’t a little taken aback, though. It’s not every day your husband tells you he’s been sneaking off to play with his penis inside a pair of Pampers. She certainly had her questions: how it started, when it came about, and any other girlfriends he may have told. 
He mentioned a girl in college that he had gotten the nerve to confess to. She apparently laughed her way out the door and he never saw her again. So it was understandable to Marianne why Jack had taken so long to tell her: he was worried she would do the same. 
But Marianne–like most wives in a happy marriage–wanted to please her husband. She can still remember how much he was shaking from being so turned on when she first wrapped that pair of AB Cushies around his leaking, throbbing cock. The pheromones coming off of him were almost tangible, and she even found herself getting a little turned on by how much it was fulfilling his desires. 
But alas, once the diaper was on, she was at a loss. What was she supposed to do now? She knew Jack liked her to be dominant. But it’s not like she could very well spank him while he had a diaper on. She was never great at the dirty talking thing, no matter how hard she tried, and she wasn’t sure she could stomach changing a grown man’s dirty diaper. Sex was pretty much off the table as well. Jack wasn’t the smallest, but he wasn’t the biggest either, so it’s not like his dick could really stick out of the diaper enough to do anything with. She was at a loss. She was fine with putting him in diapers, but she didn’t know what to do once the diapers were on. 
So she turned to porn. She tried finding videos to give her ideas, any little tips she could get on how to properly engage with him the way he wanted. But her research yielded very little. She found out the hard way that there was a surprisingly barren amount of Adult Diaper porn on the web. Or, at least, she wasn’t the best at finding it. Apparently a Tumblr wide purge of ‘explicit content’ didn’t help………………….
She didn’t want to turn to her girlfriends for help. She didn’t think it was her place to air her husband’s dirty laundry (or diapers) to the public. But, one night over drinks, her friend Cathy was talking about her daughter who was now in college, and that’s when she heard about the program. 
“She’s majoring in ABCD.”
“Like…the alphabet?” Her other friend Erica asked with a mixture of incredulity and amusement. 
They all laughed, but Cathy explained, “Apparently they teach them how to deal with those guys that are in diapers. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turns out there are a lot of job opportunities that come with it.”
“So what does she want to do?” Erica asked. 
Cathy shrugged, “She wants to be a ‘Betasitter’. Supposedly these rich couples or wives will hire her to…take care of their husband while the wife goes off with another man. Something about ‘cuckolding’ or something like that…” Cathy sighed and shrugged exasperatedly. “I don’t really get it, but it’s something she’s really passionate about, so I guess all I can do is support her.”
Marianne sipped her wine silently, but her interest was piqued. The very next day she was Googling the program and getting details on the specifics. Still a bit unsure, she decided to talk to one of the counselors. 
“Yes, the Betasitting class will still be great for you. They will provide you with lots of resources and ideas to use on your husband, it will also open up more opportunities for you down the road if you want to explore it further,” the counselor explained. 
Marianne was skeptical, but ever since finding out about Jack’s fetish, she realized she wasn’t participating in it as much as he probably liked. After the initial fun of it, her anxiety took over, making it feel uncomfortable for her any time it was brought up. Not that there was anything wrong with the diapers themselves, it was mostly how uneasy she was in the dominant “diaper domme” role. 
So she enrolled, and that’s how she ended up here, in the ABCD building, trying to get the nerve to enter the classroom. 
She watched as flock after flock of 18-24 year old girls entered the room. Feelings of regret and anxiety rising to the surface. What would they think of someone her age taking a class like this? 
Finally she came to the realization that she didn’t care. She was doing this for her husband, for her marriage. She took a deep breath, clutched her books and readjusted the bag on her shoulder, grabbed the handle of the door, and entered. 
The room was a little bigger than your typical classroom. It had auditorium-like seating and rows that ramped downwards to the front of the class. Marianne felt like all eyes were upon her as she entered, even if they weren’t. 
She found a seat towards the back of the room, then looked around and thought better of it. She needed to be able to see the board. She gathered her things again awkwardly and moved up a few rows. Girls were still filing in, and Marianne tensed as she heard some sit down in the row behind her. 
“Originally I was in Early Childcare,” one girl said to the others, “I wanted to work with toddlers at a Daycare. Turns out, I much prefer working with Adults and treating them like toddlers. Still the same dirty diapers and tantrums, but at least with adults you know what they want...and you can tease them for it!”
They all laughed and must have nodded in agreement. 
“I’ve already got a job lined up” said another, “$1200 a week to betasit some rich loser that was caught cheating on his wife! She left him for another man, but still wants him in diapers 24/7. She’s gonna use his money to pay me as soon as I get my degree!”
Marianne’s eyes widened at that. Even with her business degree and healthy job she wasn’t making that good of money. 
“Is someone sitting here?”
Marianne looked up to see a young, beautiful blonde girl. Her stomach tried to escape through her throat when she realized who it was: Claire, the daughter Cathy was ranting about over drinks. The one who ultimately let her know about the ABCD program. 
Claire obviously recognized her too. There was that small, awkward moment of recognition before general social norms kicked in. 
“Oh my god! Marianne! Hi! How are you?” Claire asked as she sat down, it would be too weird for her to take off and find another seat now. Marianne reciprocated the uncomfortable exchange of “I'm good! How are you?” Before the conversation descended into silence. 
“So…” Claire finally said after what felt like ages, “why are you…taking this class?”
The elephant in the room was staring them in the face. Claire obviously knew Marianne’s husband Jack. But she didn’t want to out him in front of her and all these girls. So she said the first thing that came to mind: “I'm interested in the…business side of things.”
Claire nodded with narrow eyes, probably in disbelief, but she didn’t press further. 
Luckily, Marianne was saved from any further discomfort by the door opening at the front of the room. 
A woman in her mid-forties strode in, a couple years Marianne’s junior. Her salt and pepper hair tied up in a tight bun. Black, horn-rimmed glasses, fiery red lipstick, and a sharp jawline that jutted in the air as her pumps clanked on the floor rhythmically, like a Judge using their gavel to command order in the room. 
There was a sharp, collective intake of breaths as conversations ceased and pencils and notebooks were taken out. 
“Good afternoon, everyone!” the Professor announced with a sleek smile. Every girl in the room, including Marianne, replied back in unison “Good afternoon, Professor Peterson!”
“I trust you all have your essay on Yankevitz’s Psychology of Age Regressive Therapy, so please take those out, and pass them down the line if you will.”
Marianne gulped. There was a clamor of rustling papers as the women took their printed or handwritten sheets and passed them down the row for the T.A.’s to pick up. Marianne had worried she’d be behind on assignments after signing up for the class two weeks late. Hell, even 20 years after her first bout of college life, she still had recurring nightmares of showing up to Calculus 17 and not realizing there was a final she hadn’t studied for. The anxiety associated with being a full-time college student suddenly came rushing back to her. 
“We have a special lesson lined up for you today, it will be your first real ‘lab’ demonstration of this course.” Professor Peterson announced, she opened both arms wide and like clockwork the side doors on either side of the room opened. T.A.'s on both ends came in wheeling what looked like hospital beds into the room. 
The girls all gasped in excitement, apparently seeing something Marianne couldn’t. When the lady sitting in front of her finally hunched back down again to gleam excitedly at her neighbor, Marianne finally caught a glimpse of what everyone was ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’ about.
Inside the bars of each bed, there was a college boy squirming underneath a blanket. 
“If you’ll all carefully make your way down so we can begin our demonstrations…” the Professor began, but the girls needed no further instruction. They already had their books and bags over their shoulders and were clambering down the stairs towards the blanketed boys. All 50 girls in the auditorium-like room were divided into groups among the 5 beds respective to their seated section. That meant Claire was in the same group as Marianne.
The 10 or so girls in the group circled around the crib-like bed. The boy inside was old enough to be Marianne’s son. He was around 20-22 years old. Further inspection yielded that the boy was, in fact, tied to the bed. His ankles and wrists strapped down with hospital restraints. He made a pathetic attempt to squirm and escape from under the bed sheet as the girls oggled and giggled. 
“Now, as you can see, you each have a Betaboi in front of you.” Professor Peterson called over the groups, “Notice their less than prominent jawline, their lack of much body/facial hair, their high-pitched whimpers, and their cowering nature.”
The girls nodded their heads in agreement. Marianne couldn’t help but see the same resemblance in her husband Jack. 
“Now, if you’d all be so kind as to remove the sheet, so we can see our Betabois in their appropriate attire…”
The girls all clapped their hands in excited glee, rushing to be the first to grab the hem of the sheet. Marianne seemed to be the only one interested in being a mere spectator. She watched as the girls looked around, nodded, and withdrew the sheet at the same time like a magician revealing their prestige. 
The bound boy clenched his legs as the sheet was removed, like that would do anything to hide the large disposable white diaper taped around his waist. The crowd of girls erupted in laughter and awes. The boy’s cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink. 
“As you learned from your reading last week, it is very important to emphasize the Beta’s attire. Remind them of their place, and that the diaper is necessary for their development.”
There was a chorus of chastising comments coming from each of the girls. 
“Awww!! Wook at the wittle beta baby in his diapurr!!”
“Aren’t you just the cutest?!”
“Look at the little loser in his Luvs!!”
“Don’t you wish you could use the big boy potty like an Alpha?”
The boy winced at every mocking remark as if they were lashes from a whip. He cringed and pulled pathetically on the straps. Marianne tried to jot down some of the things the girls were saying to remember them for later, but there was too much to keep up with. 
“Awww!! He went pee pee in his Pampers!!”
Marianne wasn’t sure if the boy’s diaper was wet beforehand, but it certainly was now. There was no mistaking the yellow tint forming in the front, and the big blue wetness indicator showing prominently down the middle. 
As if on queue, Professor Peterson continued with her lecture. “After you have properly acknowledged their attire, it’s time to focus on the state of their attire. Be sure to comment on any observations you see about it. Poke, prod, and question them about it. You can even have them talk about their situation. Remember: verbalization is one of the highest forms of humiliation.”
Again there was a slew of comments slung at the poor boy. 
“Did the wittle baby wet his diapy?”
“Beta baby went piddles in his diddles!!”
“The only wet thing your wittle clitty ever gets to touch!”
“Tell us what you did in your diaper, beta!”
The boy looked to be on the verge of tears. He screwed up his face and his bottom lip was quivering as he spoke in the most pathetic high-pitched voice “I…i went tee tee in my diapy…” The gathering girls erupted into laughter.
The boy tried to wipe his misty eyes on his shoulder, but the straps left him quite immobile. 
Marianne leaned over to the girl standing next to her. “Don’t you think this is a little…harsh?”
The girl’s face was bewildered. “What…him? Oh please! Don’t let those crocodile tears fool you! He is loving this! All of them are. In fact, they sign up for this!”
“Look! He’s hard!” one girl exclaimed as the girls leaned in to observe. 
“Awwww!!” They cooed. Pointing and laughing. 
“His wittle pee pee is poking inside his Pampurrs!!”
Marianne didn’t believe it was possible with how ashamed the boy seemed, but sure enough, there was a very noticeable bulge forming at the front of the swollen, sodden diaper. 
“And that brings us to our first demonstration!” Professor Peterson announced. “If I can have one volunteer at each station to perform a diaper change.”
Almost every hand shot in the air. Marianne chose to sit this one out. She was so overwhelmed by all the new experiences, the last thing she wanted to do was put her inexperience at the forefront of everyone’s attention. 
Mrs. Peterson went down the groups, choosing one girl seemingly at random. The girls not chosen groaned in jealousy, with the selected student grinning wickedly. 
When the Professor got to Marianne’s group, she pointed across the way. “Yes!!” Claire exclaimed excitedly when she realized she was picked. 
The rest of the girls groaned in disappointment, but parted ways and allowed Claire to clamber onto the bed and take her place between the beta’s legs. 
The boy squirmed and writhed at his bonds. Marianne wasn’t sure if he was pretending to be in distress, or trying to rearrange his bulging member inside his diaper. Either way, the onlookers found it hilarious. 
Claire looked a little more unsure now that she shared the center of attention, but she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. 
“First thing we want to do,” the Professor began, strolling back and forth amongst the groups, “Is administer the pacifier. This will immediately drop the beta into subspace. It is hard for them to argue or complain when they have something in their mouth, and it reinforces their regression.”
One of the girls in Claire’s group pulled out what looked to be a glasses case. Instead, when she popped it open, it was actually a very large pacifier. But instead of having a rubber nipple, it was an elongated rubber penis. Claire chuckled as she took the paci from the spectator, thanked her,  and pressed it to the beta’s lips. Marianne expected the boy to put up more of a fight, considering how humiliating and patronizing it must have been, but instead the boy opened his mouth and accepted the penis paci down his mouth without hesitation. Almost eagerly, in fact.
“After you have adequately administered verbal degradation and provided them with a paci, it is time to remove the diaper.” Peterson declared. “Make sure to place a firm palm at the front, between the decorative banner of the diaper and the blue indicator. You should feel their stiffness through the padding. You want to press this area so that they can feel the wet padding against their stiffy. This establishes dominance, provides slight stimulation, and gives you a solid grip to begin pulling off the fastening tapes. They can be a little stickier than normal baby diapers.”
Claire followed the instructions to a T. Smirking when the beta whimpered underneath her firm hand as she removed the tapes one at a time with a tssskk!
“Remember to take a deep breath before opening the diaper! I realize your babies aren’t messy at the moment. But it’s a good habit to get into. The fresh batch of air will save you from gagging more often than not.”
Clair pulled the front of the soaked diaper open, exposing the beta’s bits to the surrounding air. Some of the girls had to turn away, covering their mouths. Not out of disgust, but out of hilarity at the little 3 inch pecker pointing straight up in the air. 
“I always forget how tiny they can be!”
“That can’t be as big as it gets…can it?!”
“It amazes me that some of them think they deserve anything other than a diaper!!”
The beta had a fresh flush of blood rush to his cheeks. He tried to hide his face, but again the bonds kept him bound and exposed. 
“If you will take out your supply bags, you can begin the changing process…”
Claire looked around for help. In her excitement to get on the bed with the beta, she’d left her bag on the floor in the circle of girls. Marianne reached down and grabbed the infantile looking diaper bag. Claire side-eyed and shrugged innocently as Marianne handed it to her. It was a bit awkward for them both, but with everything going on, it paled in comparison. 
Claire set the bag on the bed next to her. Fishing for a package of wipes. She took them out and removed three from the container, which crinkled more than the beta’s diaper did. 
“Remember, take your time. You can never get them ‘too’ clean. Every little bit of stimulation gets them that much more desperate. Either for you or for the wife that is off having her own bit of fun.”
Claire laid the cold wipe across her palm and placed it against the boy’s inner thigh. He gasped, perhaps from the chill or from the anticipation. Claire slowly ran her hand up, closer to the beta’s bobbing balls, but stopped. Jumping over the area with the wipe and continuing to the other thigh. 
The boy’s breathing changed considerably, the head of his cock was swelling, his eyes were desperate. The other girls teased and pinched his nipples and cheeks, making him squirm even more from the intense stimulation. 
Finally, Claire laid a new wipe over his pulsing pecker. Making it resemble an actual tent, or a tiny little ghost. The girls giggled at the ridiculous display. Claire smiled before using her whole palm to twist and turn the wipe around the boy’s cock. Making it more painful than pleasurable. 
“Now, if the beta is uncaged, I always recommend a proper edging session.” Peterson professed as she strode back and forth amongst the groups, “Again, we want them as sexually frustrated as possible. It will make their eagerness to please and their obedience levels skyrocket. So if you will all carefully take your subject’s privates in your hand…”
Claire glanced over at Marianne. Neither of them really wanted to witness this in front of each other. Marianne had watched her friend’s daughter grow from a young age to the beautiful woman she is now. It was a bit abnormal to see her grasping another “man’s” penis right in front of her. 
“It is very important that you watch the beta’s visual cues during this portion of the change. As you know, betas have a very difficult time controlling themselves. We do NOT want them to achieve release, we just want them right up to the edge. Hence the term ‘edging’”
Claire looked down at the helpless subject before her as she applied liberal amounts of lotion to her hands.  Smiling at the obvious hold she had over him. Every single girl in this room with the exception of Marianne was here because they enjoyed that sense of power over those they found weak. Claire reached out her hand and grasped the beta’s already leaking member. Though, it was so small she couldn’t even palm it. Her hand ended up making the whole thing disappear. 
“Remember, you don’t have to use your whole hand. In fact, you only need to use two fingers! This will further emphasize the inadequacy of their equipment. Simply make a ring with your fingers, or a small gap between your thumb and index...”
Claire followed the Professor’s instructions, making a small circle with her hand and putting it into the air just above the head of his twitching clitty. 
The beta whimpered behind his pacifier. Raising his hips up and trying to poke his way between the tiny ring Claire had made for him. He managed to make the head slide through, but only for a bit. Falling back down on the bed and onto his used diaper. He grunted again as he summoned the strength to flex his abs and raise his hips again, pathetically humping at Claire’s stationary hand. 
“Good job, Claire!” Professor Peterson cheered, “As you can see, Claire here is letting the beta do almost all of the work, another great way to establish dominance and have the change go on your own terms. Always work smarter, not harder!”
The poor boy was practically pleading with his eyes. Sucking on his oversized paci with frantic intensity. His thrusts into her lubed up palm were eager and anxious. Like he hadn’t had relief for weeks. 
“Pay attention to the signs…” Peterson reminded, “See how his toes are curling? Perspiration building around the chest and temple? He’s close, when he starts to gasp, pull away.”
It was like the Professor was a fortune teller. Within seconds, the beta boy was whimpering and clenching and several quick, short, gasps later…Claire stopped. Opening her fingers just enough so that all the wiggly worm of the beta could feel was a cold breeze.  An almost angry grunt escaped around the paci in the frustrated beta’s mouth. 
“Awww!!!” The girls around the bed teased, “Somewon’s getting fussy and fwustwated!!”
There was an explosion of laughter, followed by shouts and jeers from the group next to them. 
“Professor Peters!! Someone had an accident…” they called. The older woman rushed to other group to assess the situation. Turns out the other girl was not as successful in edging her beta, as evidenced by the massive load of sticky juices covering both the kneeling student and the naked boy beneath her.
“Seems like we waited a bit too long to withdraw the stimulation. That’s okay! I won’t dock you points as you are still learning, just make sure you learn what you did wrong and what this particular beta’s tells were. Everyone has their little ticks that give them away, and sometimes it’s just a matter of learning each individual. However, if they do begin to ejaculate, ALWAYS remove your hand as soon as possible. The lack of stimulation at this precarious time will result in what is known as a ‘ruined orgasm’. It provides some of the relief the sub desperately wants, but without the associated pleasure of a full orgasm. Not to worry, dear. We’ll get ‘em next time! But just be aware that your future clients may not take lightly to having their husband’s achieve any sort of release. So keep that in mind.”
The girl seemed embarrassed as Peterson walked away without another word, the group of girls around her and the spent beta put a consoling hand on her shoulder.
Claire now seemed even more determined to do it right. Edging the beta 5 more times until his balls were noticeably swollen and aching. The poor beta could probably be heard across campus if it weren’t for the penis paci muffling his sobs.
“If you have made it this far into the edging session, give yourself a pat on the back!” Professor Peterson declared, the girls around Claire and one other group clapped and cheered. 
“The next part is where their preference sheet comes in,” Peterson continued after the room quieted down, “Again, every client is different, but some will have the box checked that allows for optional or even mandatory ‘milkings’. The wife or caretaker of the beta will often be specific as to how the milking can be administered, but I’ll show you one of my favorite ways: a procedure known as ‘milking the prostate’.”
Half of the room gasped, the other half looked around bewildered.
Peterson clicked the device in her hand, and a Powerpoint presentation detailing the specifics of the male ‘g-spot’, also known as the prostate, appeared on the screen. Through a series of slides the Professor explained that one of the best ways to stimulate this area is by using two fingers inserted into the rectum of the beta.
“It will be about the size of walnut, though some studies have shown that betas tend to exhibit a much larger sized prostate, which is why a lot of them are more prone to enjoying anal activity. Simply insert the lubricated fingers, point upwards just behind where the base of the penis is, and press lightly.”
Claire followed along with the Professor’s presentation by practicing on the beta in front of her. She put on a latex glove, lubed up her fingers with more lotion, pressed her palm against the pelvis of the boy, reached between his legs, found the hole, and pressed inwards.
Marianne will never forget the sound the beta made as Claire entered him. She was always hesitant to try things like this with Jack, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to hear those same sounds come from him.
The beta’s breathing was much more measured now. Like he wasn’t excited, but wasn’t being tortured either. One of the girl’s stroked his hair while another whispered in his ear to relax and ‘take it like a good boi’.
“OoooOOoohhh” the boy cooed as Claire worked her fingers inside him.
“That’s it, Claire!” Peterson encouraged, “right there! That’s the sound we want. Do you feel the walnut?”
Claire nodded and screwed her face up in concentration. Biting her bottom lip as she worked her hand and fingers back and forth inside him. 
The beta was moaning now. Like he was experiencing the most intense pleasure he ever felt. Claire had to use her other hand to hold him still while she worked her fingers in and out of him. 
“He’s close. Finish the job.” Peterson prodded, and Claire obliged.
The beta was rocking up and down on the bed, tugging at his bonds, moaning pathetically.
“Yes! Yesss! Yess!! I’m gonnNna..”
He didn’t need to finish his sentence, the puny penis pulsed and a projectile of semen shot into the air, then more oozed down the shaft and dribbled down his balls.
The crowd gasped and clapped. Even Marianne threw her notebook under her armpit and joined in the applause. 
“Well done, Claire!” Professor Peterson commended, “you have a bright future ahead of you!”
Claire smiled sheepishly as she pulled out several more wipes and began cleaning up the beta’s baby batter. 
“We are almost out of time,” Peterson announced, checking her watch, “so let’s all take out a fresh diaper and learn how to properly prepare it for application.”
Every girl in the room reached into their bags and pulled out a large, fluffy diaper of varying colors and designs. Except for Marianne, who must have missed it on the supply list. 
“Do you mind if I borrow…” Marianne asked the girl next to her. She smiled sweetly and obliged by handing her a pink, princess diaper with unicorns and flowers all over it. It was a bit of a strange design, she thought. Weren’t the people that wore diapers this size mostly males?
“It is very important when you have a new diaper to do what I call the ‘Fluffing Technique’” Peterson instructed, using a diaper of her own as a demonstration. “Most of them come vacuum or hermetically sealed, and they lose most of their volume. We obviously don’t want a flat, puny diaper, we want big, bulky diapers that force the wearer to waddle. So in order to fluff it up, simply open it up, and fold it down the middle, ‘hotdog style’ like this…”
She held the diaper aloft so all could see and follow along. 
“This begins the aeration process and creates a sort of channel for the messes to travel, helping to ensure you don’t have as many leaks. Once you have that crease, grab it on both the edges and wriggle it back and forth like this, almost like you’re activating a disposable heating pad.”
There was a cacophony of crinkles as the 50 women shook the sides of the diapers back and forth. 
“We are fluffing up the inner material and letting those layers breathe. Again, ensuring that we’re adding bulk and reaching peak absorbency. Your clients will thank you for going through less diapers, and for making their hubby’s look even cuter!!”
There were murmurs of agreement and awes. Even comparisons between the girls as to who got their diaper the fluffiest. 
“Now take those diapers home with you and practice applying them to a stuffed animal, your boyfriend, or anyone you can! That concludes today’s session! Have a great day!”
The auditorium rumbled as the girls grabbed their things and filed out. The betas in the beds were wheeled out by the T.A.’s. 
Marianne waited behind, stuffing the pink diaper into her bag that the girl graciously let her have. 
“Excuse me, Professor Peterson?” Marianne asked, approaching the desk where her teacher was rounding up her things. 
“Yes dear?” She said, without looking up at first. When her eyes rose to see the speaker for the first time, there was a look of recognition and sympathy in them. 
“My name is Marianne Olsen and I…I just wanted to say thanks for the lesson today. I’m sorry I didn’t get that paper in, and didn’t have my supplies b-but I—“
“How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?” Peterson asked. 
Marianne was a bit taken back by the question. ”F-fifty-two” she answered, feeling self conscious again. 
Peterson smiled, nodded and removed her glasses. 
“And why are you here?”
“I…well my uh…my husband has an…ummm—“
“A diaper fetish.” Peterson finished for her without even blinking.  
The Professor stared at her for a long while, then smiled. “I admire you, Mrs. Olsen” she finally said. 
“I…you do?”
Peterson smiled again “Yes. Few women, especially your age (no offense) would be willing to put forth the effort to accommodate for what is often seen as a very taboo and misunderstood fetish. Most women would run, but you stayed. Not only that, you signed up for a class to better understand and provide for your husband. I deeply admire that.”
Marianne’s eyes started misting. She had been so unsure about this whole thing and, up until that very moment, felt like it was all a mistake. 
“The world is changing, Marianne.” Peterson continued, “People are not only seeing diapers as a fetish anymore, but also as a very effective method of punishment, control, humiliation, and therapy. There are going to be many business and recreational opportunities in this field in the not so distant future, and I really hope you will see this class as more of a stepping stone rather than just a way to help get your husband off.”
“I…I guess I never considered—“
“You’re a powerful woman with a good head on her shoulders and the desire to learn and please. I am confident you will get more out of this class than you ever thought possible.”
“Thank you, Professor Peterson.”
“No, thank you. But in the interest of being consistent with all my students, I am going to need your essay by the end of the week.”
“Consider it done, ma’am!”
By the time she got home, Marianne was exhausted. She placed her bag on the coat rack, went to the fridge to grab a bottle of wine, and sighed exasperatedly as she sat next to Jack on the couch. 
“Hi honey,” Jack said, “how was class?”
“It was good,” she said as she poured herself a glass of Cabernet, “Now go get your diapers and bring them to me. Then take off your clothes. I have some...studying to do!”
To Be Continued
Click HERE to read Chapter 2!!
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autistichalsin · 4 months
I have tried to avoid discourse around this ever since November, but since people are once again upset at the ultimatum (which doesn't seem to trigger in game yet, though it has been voiced) I guess I will offer my defense of Halsin.
A lot of the anger at Halsin here boils down to "he's against Minthara, therefore fuck Halsin," ignoring that Halsin has very good reasons to not trust her. (And also purposeful misinterpretation of his comments about HER to be about all Drow).
So first of all: We need to look at what has happened to Halsin in his life before arriving at this point.
Yes, obviously, there is his captivity with a Drow noble house, but I think people are kind of just forgetting what that means here. It isn't "he hates all Drow now because of his trauma", which is an almost insultingly reductive take. Minthara is from House Baenre, the top house of Menzoberranzan for centuries. She is at LEAST 200 years old, and likely older; she witnessed the downfall of House DeVir, and was old enough for her to fully understand it, but "young enough that it left quite an impression on me", likely placing her between 200 and 300 years old. Halsin is 350, and was kidnapped as a young Druid- likely between 100 and 175. There is a very good chance that Minthara was a young adult when he was a captive, and he would have heard about her evil actions long before encountering her in the goblin camp. He would know who she was before the tadpole.
Halsin was a captive for at least a few days if not longer, tortured in his bear form (the goblin lashers are mentioned at least a few times, not to mention rocks being thrown at him, Gut mentioning threatening to cut him open and put maggots in his belly, etc), and had his Grove threatened by Minthara.
Most important, and most easy to miss: this ultimatum is planned for if the Rite of Thorns is carried out, hence the reference to Kagha's foolishness. He has lost his home, his place of worship, and the people he considers his family forever. Watch his reaction after you tell him the Rite has been carried out; his world comes crashing down, he lets out the tiniest "the Rite of Thorns? no", and he is so upset he no longer asks you to take out the leaders. He says he needs to be alone for a while. He is grieving the loss of everything he had, everything that got him through the loss of his original family, and it is directly because of the Cult of the Absolute.
Now, let me go through some rebuttals to arguments in Minthara's favor.
She doesn't mean Halsin any harm at this point.
Rebuttal: Halsin has no way of knowing this. Her actions have already demonstrated otherwise- she has caused him harm. He has no tadpole to see her true intentions, like the other players, and Minthara doesn't make her case particularly well. She simply says she "has no quarrel" with him. Not an apology for his sufferings in the past or the loss of his home. If she doesn't regret the harm she caused him, he has no reason to trust her.
And of course, Minthara DOESN'T feel any remorse, whether or not she raids the Grove; if she does succeed, she'll later say her only regret is not making the choice to do it herself. Because she is evil and that's how evil characters work.
2. Halsin works with Shadowheart/Lae'zel/Astarion/an evil-aligned player; Halsin is willing to sleep with the Seldarine Drow twins; Halsin is forgiving and wants a better world for all, this should clearly include Minthara too.
Rebuttal: by rescuing him and saving the Grove, the former four have shown themselves to be capable of good deeds. He is very consistent that his one redline is DO NOT FUCK WITH HIS GROVE. If you DO NOT FUCK WITH HIS GROVE, he will give you the benefit of the doubt. If you FUCK WITH HIS GROVE, he is done with you; if the player raids the Grove, he will hunt them down and attack them, no matter what the player tries to talk him out of it.
FURTHER, he very much calls the party out on any future evil deeds they do (I.E. Shadowheart slaying the Nightsong if she's on the Shar path), and will leave the party if the player sinks their approval low enough.
The Drow twins are Seldarine, not Lolthsworn, and having a one-night-stand is very different than trusting someone as an ally.
The "wanting a better world for all" thing is of course subject to the paradox of tolerance. In the epilogue, it is very specifically mentioned that their commune is "hidden from those who are not welcome, open to any who need shelter." I.E. those who want to cause harm are not welcome to it, because the "better world for all" can't allow, by design, those who DON'T want a better world for all.
3. Halsin hates her because she's a Drow.
He specifically mentions Lolth-sworn Drow here. "Cruelty comes to Lolth's followers as naturally as breathing. I have seen it- experienced it." Minthara literally only abandoned those ways because she was abandoned by Lolth first- only when it suited her.
She still supports all the same teachings (which is why she openly insults surface elf players the first time they meet, and will tell an elf player who becomes a mindflayer that it was an "improvement"), and she uses slurs against surface elves to boot. Minthara is far more racist against surface elves than Halsin EVER is against Drow.
4. Halsin is condemning Minthara to a fate worse than death (unspoken: out of spite) and this makes him not a good person.
Halsin fully believes Minthara to be a threat to himself and the player. He says in as many words that if it's a choice between Minthara's freedom and the player's, he picks the player. In his eyes, it's a choice between Minthara's freedom and the fate of the world since he knows the player is the only one who can defeat the Absolute. He's in a dilemma similar to the player having to decide whether to let Orpheus die or turn the Emperor into an enemy- it's just that people don't realize because we have meta-knowledge, as players, that Halsin doesn't.
5. That "viper" comment is hypocritical.
He isn't referring to Drow as a whole. He is referring to Minthara herself.
Remember, he knew Kagha before she went bad, and knew she was capable of better (better enough that he made her his second in command). All he would know of Minthara was what she did in the Underdark as a Baenre (including owning slaves, which I'm sure didn't do her any favors), what she nearly did to his Grove, what she allowed to happen to him, and that she's now claiming to have changed when showing zero remorse or actual interest in changing anything. Perhaps it was wrong for him to phrase it it as "cannot" change instead of "will not" change for her, but the sentiment is spot on. Minthara doesn't fundamentally change in any path the player brings her on- what changes is, at best, who she considers it acceptable to subjugate.
6. Halsin has no stakes here, it's wrong for him to demand Minthara go when she has more to lose.
Again, Halsin views Minthara as an existential threat to their plan to save the world. He is lacking in personal stakes by comparison, but remember; he also has lost the only home he knows. That is no small thing.
(From a meta perspective, I do think they should have done something like mention the Shadow Druids/Ketheric Thorm loyalists are still hunting Halsin, just to make it more fair, but this was clearly written with the main goal of enforcing the exclusivity. And honestly, I can't imagine all that many people actually want both in the same party on every playthrough? Mostly I saw people wanting to recruit Minthara on good playthroughs, and wanting to not have to abandon the Shadow Cursed Lands to darkness; many of the people I saw expressing this specifically said they wanted to dismiss Halsin after accomplishing that. This seemed like exactly what those players would have wanted, being able to spare the Grove, free the SCL, and then dismiss Halsin and travel with Minthara.)
7. Halsin owes the player his unquestioning trust after they saved him/his Grove/broke the Shadow Curse. He has no right to question their judgment.
This... really isn't a good way to think? He shows his gratitude by traveling with them to help (when he has no tadpole at all- he's doing this out of pure selflessness to thank the player for helping him), but that doesn't mean he should stop having thoughts on the goings-on. Where is this energy when other characters continuously question your judgment when you have them wait at camp?
8. Halsin is being stupid by allowing her to go be mind controlled by the Absolute.
This is one I will concede. It's not the wisest decision, and I can only guess it's because they didn't want to write Minthara automatically going aggro on the player if they choose Halsin over her. (I, on the other hand, think that would be brilliant, and would be a mark in Halsin's favor for this choice.)
9. This is manipulation of the player.
Halsin wishes the player the best, and leaves without fuss, if they choose Minthara over him; he thanks them for all they've done, and he even says he hopes he's wrong, but cannot stay to find out. He is being sincere; he believes he, and probably the player, will be killed if Minthara stays, which in turn puts the fate of the world in question. He will accept the player's decision if they choose her, but he feels threatened and won't stay himself. This is a boundary, not manipulation, not malice, not anything else.
10. Halsin comes across as uncompromising/unsympathetic; this is OOC for Halsin/ruins his character; he is being selfish; other assorted similar sentiments
I already addressed most of the other arguments with the points above, but I will say, truthfully: I don't find this particularly OOC at all. He has been very clear that his one and only rule is DO NOT FUCK WITH THE GROVE. Minthara fucked with the Grove. He has no reason to trust her. And he has ALSO been incredibly consistent: if you are in a situation where it's someone else or you, you have every right to choose to save yourself. He shows sympathy if Wyll has to let Ravengard die, he doesn't blame the player if they kill EVERY DRUID IN THE GROVE to save the Tieflings, he doesn't even blame the player if they order Orin-as-Lae'zel to kill Yenna, an innocent child he was very attached to. He is devastated at the latter two, clearly, but he blames the Druids for the second for forgetting their principles, and he blames Orin for the latter for making the trap. This is perfectly in line with his Druidic beliefs; you have every right to protect yourself first and foremost.
I get that a lot of people don't like the ultimatum (worth noting is that this has always been part of the series; in the first two games, characters of different alignments would outright refuse to work with each other), but it really doesn't make Halsin look as bad as people say, and I feel like a lot of people are being really callous/dismissive/reductive to what Halsin has been through here.
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dragoncat223 · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about this for the past couple of days. A more mature Scooby-Doo series can be done, and it can be done well. I’ve seen a lot of proposals for an adult Scooby-Doo series, so here’s mine.
Fred doesn’t have family. His parents change from series to series. The only consistent thing about Fred’s family is that it is uncertain, so it starts like this: Something strange and unexplained happened to Fred’s parents when he was a child. He was five years old and ever since he’s been filled with only questions. So he grows up with a curiosity that can never be satisfied. He goes to college, and gets a degree in physics. All the moving parts of any kind of machine is have always fascinated him. As a little ten year old he’d stand for hours in Krispy Kreme watching the machine that makes the donuts. So he’s an inventor. His pride and joy is his old van he paid $100 for an fixed up himself.
The Blakes are old money. They haven’t known financial insecurity since the 1610s. So they’ve got houses, and planes, and helicopters, and cars. Old cars. But the head of the family, (picks name out of hat) Robert “Dick” Blake has no idea how to take care of them. He’s a business man. He finds Fred Jones, a genius mechanic, and hires him on the spot.
Now, Dick loves his daughters dearly. All six of them. He’s been grooming his oldest to take over the company when he retires. Unfortunately that means he gets to spend less and less time with his other daughters to the point where his youngest daughter, Daphne, only gets to see him on holidays and her birthday (he’s trying, he really is). But Daphne is fine with that. After being raised in the lap of luxury, silver spoon in her mouth, she has had access to almost every hobby imaginable. She got excellent grades at her fancy private schools, and in her free time she did Karate, Boxing, Kick boxing, Mixed Martial arts, gymnastics, Ballet, tap dancing, tennis, basketball, soccer, volley ball, skiing, knitting, crochet, baking, embroidery, sewing, synchronized swimming, you name it, she’s done it. She graduated college with a degree in marketing she didn’t really want, wondering what she was going to do with her life. So, she wonders into the garage one day and discovers Fred working on a car. So she asks him about it. She listens and she learns. Eventually, they stop talking about cars. Daphne asks about Fred’s inventions and Fred asks about Daphne’s hobbies. They are fast friends and once they get close enough, Fred tells Daphne about his parents. Daphne immediately pledges to help her friend (and now secret crush) figure out what happened to his parents.
Velma is Daphne’s genius best friend. They were roommates in college. The building Velma had all her lab classes in had Daphne’s last name on it. Velma worked hard to get her scholarship for her forensic chemistry degree, and she was not going to let some spoiled, rich, daddy’s girl, ruin it for her. But one night Velma was walking back to her dorm after dark. Everyone knows to be wary on a college campus after dark, but Velma had just studied her brain into mush. She got cornered by some drunk asshole. Velma in her fear and panic, froze. Her voice wouldn’t work, and she feared for her life, when suddenly, the guy gets punched in the face. By Daphne. The guy crumples to the ground, Daphne grabs Velma by the wrist, and they don’t stop running until they are safely back in their dorm. Velma never doubts her again.
Now, for all their skills and knowledge, none of the three of them, know how to cook. Which is where Shaggy and Scooby come in. I saw someone (on Twitter, I think) say that Shaggy could have diabetes (I don’t know anything about diabetes so I am really sorry about any inaccuracies) and Scooby is Shaggy’s low blood sugar alert dog. I really like the idea that Shaggy is a licensed dietitian, and the only one who knows how to cook. After every case, shaggy herds them all back home and makes a nice, home cooked meal for everyone. Lasagna, stir fry, curry, soup, idk food.
Shaggy is Fred’s roommate, after college. They have a deal, Shaggy cooks, Fred cleans.
In my mind, Scooby starts off as a normal dog. On the gang’s very first case together, they encounter the series’ over all villain, or maybe the first villain they face is an actual witch or something I don’t know, but this witch is caught and tries to put a curse on the gang, but it hits Scooby instead, and now he’s a talking dog. He’s still very much Shaggy’s alert dog, but I like to think he becomes concerned with everyone’s health at least a little bit. They do all that running around, and all these mysteries they solve are very high stress, so he likes to make sure they get plenty of rest.
I’m not really sure about their first case, but I think every episode would start with a grizzly murder. We are using the R rating for blood and guts and bones and death. Not sex or nudity. And Fred is the only one who gets to swear.
Now, Daphne is the one that talks to clients. If they’re particularly shaken up, Shaggy will make them a hot drink and maybe give them a blanket.
I call it Scooby Doo: Private Investigators
I have more thoughts about this, so if you want to know more please ask!!
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
asap si
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‘ASAP SI [English] to be shocked, be startled
Adult Neteyam returns home to find you’ve grown into a beautiful woman, and you’ve been keeping a secret from him all these years.
18+   |   1,177 words
My hands had begun growing tired, the joints in my fingers aching, but I still had a little time before my parents were expecting me home, and I could finish just a little bit more here at the mother loom.
Li’ei and Zoavey had been generous to allow me not only to use the mother loom, but to teach me. Between them, they possessed over 100 years of experience creating tapestries and cloths for our clan, and they were both held in very high regard for what they provided to our people.
“Y/N,” Li’ei chastised the next time I sighed under my breath, “go home. We must all rest.”
I sighed once more, feeling the thick, coarse fabric between my fingers. “I feel as though the job will never be done.”
Zoavey tsk’d at me. “It does not matter how long it takes - only that you do the job properly.” 
Standing up, I nodded at the two elders. “Thank you for your time today. May I return tomorrow?”
Li’ei smiled. “Yes, darling.” I felt compelled to ask every day, even though they had made it clear they were training me so that I could take their place when the day came.
Touching my forehead and lowering my hand, I signed my respect to my elders, who had so graciously taken me under their wing, and quickly turned on my heel to make my way through our village back to my parents’ home.
The closer I got to the center of our village, to my home, the louder things seemed to be. It’s was always quite busy at this time of day, but this seemed to be something else; a commotion, almost.
As I neared the epicenter of home tree, my parents rushed to me, almost out of nowhere.
“Y/N!” my mother gasped, wide eyed. “Jakesully and his family have returned.”
The tools I was carrying fell from my hands, clattering on the ground. I should have bent and grabbed them, pay them the respect they deserve, but I am frozen to the ground.
Neteyam is home.
Suddenly, I am transported to five years ago. Once again, I felt Neteyam gripping my arms too tightly as he told me his family was leaving, and he didn’t know if they would return. He left, with so much left unsaid between us.
Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, and I forced them away.
“Where are they?” I asked  finally, after a long pause that I knew my mother noticed.
She gestured to the fires, around which we cooked and ate our meals. I saw it then, the large crowd gathering, almost too large to push my way through - but I knew I had to try.
“Sorry, excuse me, sorry,” I repeated over and over as I wormed my way through the throng of bodies here to see Taruk Maktow and his family.
It’s was hard to believe it had been 5 years. After the Sky People left and Jakesully and his family didn’t return, we weren’t sure what to think - maybe they had died in battle, or found another clan they wanted to stay with instead.
I never gave up hope... but it was hard some days, especially with Ueku nearly relentlessly pursuing me the last two years to be his mate. 
Ueku was one of the most desired of The People, our strongest hunter, and everyone was staring to look at me as if I had two tails - they could not figure out why I would not agree to be his.
And it felt so dumb to explain that it was because of a crush I’d had when I was fifteen, on someone I hadn’t seen since then. 
It took much effort, but I finally made it to the front of the crowd, and saw them standing there.
Oh, they looked so different. All four children were taller, the boys had much broader chests and Kiri and Tuk had grown into lovely young women. I wanted to cry and rush forward to greet them, but they were being bombarded with welcome greetings.
I stood back, staring, and finally allowed myself to really look at Neteyam. His hair was longer now, halfway down his back and braided intricately, woven through with many beads and fine weaves. He was taller, as tall as his father, with strong shoulders and a wide, firm chest.
The sight of him made me feel light headed. I closed my eyes, and took a steadying, deep breathing. 
Tuk called her name, and Neteyam snapped his head to see where his youngest sister was looking. Since the moment they’d arrived, his only thought was to find Y/N, his oldest and best friend.
Tuk took off from next to him, rushing towards a woman in the crowd who was almost unrecognizable. This beautiful woman lifted Tuk up in her arms effortlessly and hugged her tightly.
She was an angel. Her hair was impossibly long, and she wore a woven crown around her face to keep it out of her eyes. Her leggings were green, and he could tell the care and effort that went into making them. Tucked into them were various tools for use on the loom. 
She looked tired, but her amber eyes were wide and full of joy. His eyes trailed down to her smile, ear to ear as she excitedly talked to his sister, her full lips spread across white teeth. 
Ewya, was this Y/N?
Tuk was pulling her towards him now. He lifted his foot to take a step forward, but before he even moved an inch, Lo’ak had her in his arms.
“Y/N!” he shouted excitedly. 
“Oh, Lo’ak!” she exclaimed, returning his hug enthusiastically. It made a quiet rage bloom in Neteyam’s chest, and he shoved it down quickly.
“Wow!” Lo’ak exclaimed, taking a step back, and Neteyam stepped up beside him. Lo’ak threw his elbow forcefully into Neteyam’s side.
Neteyam winced and grabbed his ribs as Lo’ak said, “Y/N sure grew up, didn’t she?”
“Well, we all did, Lo’ak. It’s been five years!” Y/N replied with a soft smile. Even though she was speaking, the beauty of her voice sounded like a song to Neteyam’s ears.
Neteyam raised his hand to his head, touching his fingers to his forehead, and lowered it as he took a step towards Y/N. “Y/N...” he said, but after all these years, words failed him.
He had spent countless nights thinking of Y/N, but never had he imagined her to have such an effect on him when he was finally able to stand in front of her. His mouth felt dry, and his heart was beating out of his chest.
“Neteyam,” Y/N said, returning the gesture. “I’ve missed you.”
She threw her arms around his shoulders, and after only a moment, he wrapped his around her waist. She even smelled lovely, like fresh tapestry and earth, and he took a deep breath.
He would savor this moment forever.
It was a while before I could get Neteyam alone, but I was determined. Something about the look of shock on his face when he first saw me gave me hope.
Had he been missing me too?
After we ate and the excitement began to die down a little as the singing began, I grabbed Neteyam and pulled him from the crowd, into the jungle.
We walked in silence for a while, until I found a familiar spot to sit. It was a large fallen tree next to a small pool of water. We could sit and dangle our legs, our toes just dipping in to the small pool.
“I missed you, Neteyam,” I said finally. Though I had been shy when Neteyam left, five years had made me bold. It felt as if I had to tell him how I felt, or I might stop breathing. “I thought of you often.”
Neteyam smiled, and though much about him had changed, his smile had not. “I missed you as well, Y/N. Lo’ak had to tell me I was not allowed to speak of you anymore... but I still did.”
I glanced away for a moment. “It’s been a long time. You might have... you might have found yourself a woman, while you were gone. I, uh, Ueku has asked me to be his woman, but I-”
Neteyam cut me off. “Ueku! Bah!”
I grabbed his arm, trying not to laugh at the disgusted look on his face. “I told him I would not. Well, that I could not. Neteyam, I have been yours since you left. I wanted to tell you, but you left so fast, I could not.”
His look of anger softened, and his eyes widened in surprise. “You would be my woman, Y/N?”
My lips spread into a wide smile. “I would.” My heart felt as if it might leap out of my chest, and my fingers trembled. I clasped my hands together to steady them.
Neteyam reached over and took my hands into his.
“I have thought of almost nothing but returning and claiming you for my own, since we left. Y/N, you have become more beautiful that I ever could have imagined, and one of our people’s most prized women. I would be honored to have you as my mate.”
The stars swam in front of my eyes, and I reached up and pulled Neteyam’s face to mine, capturing him in a kiss I had waited five years for.
He wasted no time, and lifted me up into his lap so that I was straddling him as he deepened the kiss.
“Teyam,” I moaned into his mouth.
“Paskalin,” he replied in a breathy voice, pulling me even closer to him. His hands roamed my body, up and down my back, and I pushed down onto him, creating friction between us that made him groan into my mouth.
He was kissing me desperately, feverishly, as if we would have to part for another five years after this.
I was equally as desperate as I pushed him back onto the mossy tree, and lay on top of him, stopping to look at him for just a moment.
“I should have come back sooner,” he said with a sly grin, and I laughed.
Leaning down, I pressed my head to his chest to hear his heartbeat - it was quick, to match mine.
“We have all the time we need now,” I whispered, and he wrapped me in a tight hug.
“I will never let you go again,” he whispered, his voice full of determination and reverence.
I believed him.
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big-tiddy-bi · 1 year
Without ao3 I became inspired. Ok so being tired of the justice league not helping/believing brakes into the tower while a meeting is taking place to show one of the heroes what is happening I.E. you failed and don’t come here we don’t want you, we don’t need you. You come here and you will be treated as a super villain and dealt with as such.
Danny was sick, tired and powerful. A dangerous combination for most peoples. Myths and legends written throughout every religion every people every and every world based on gods feeling those exact things, and that is the thing Danny closest too, not ghost, not human, but a god. Even if he does not himself as such.
Today was the justice league’s last chance, Walker had decided to change up his tactics. Instead of going after Danny directly he was going to play dirty. Imprisoning 300 living for ”harboring a fugitive”. The justice league was called, one last chance before thing got out of hand. 300 people held captive in another dimension should be a priority for a group called the justice league.
Their response “the justice league contact system should only be used for emergencies, pranks will not be tolerated”. a simple response. directed and to the point. A metaphorical death sentence for the justice league and the people of amity’s faith in them.
No one died, thank the ancients, but blood was spilled. Red and green fell to the floor like water from the large cuts on Danny’s arms and the side of his torso, he was mostly fine, a couple stitches, about a gallon of filtered ectoplasm and a trip to the nasty burger had fixed him up. Meaning that every time he tried to move his arms he felt like he was being stabbed and he could not breathe without pain, which in all fairness was kind of normal for him, it sucked but it was normal.
The real problem was the 300 people I’m the hospital, ecto contamination, not to the extent of being fatal but extremely painful. That could have been avoided if Danny had more help than just his team of 4 other teenage vigilantes and his adult sister.
So after that fiasco Danny did something, else, something more political, he mad deals. With permission from the most important people in town the ones who keeps everything running, IE Mr lancer and Jazz. He also got permission from the mayor, bribed with Danny going to a Green Bay packers game with him.
Johnny 13 and kitty could joy ride before 12 am and after 9am as long as property damage stays at a minimum, a couple smashed mailboxes, broken windows and spray painted cars/buildings paid for by the mayors office was better than bad luck to the entire town and people disappearing.
Skulked got to hunt Danny in a building made for that purpose, Spector-cameras installed in it so people could stream it live to “witness the greatest hunter of the ghost zone”.
Ember got to play her music and travel on tour as she pleased as long as she didn’t mind control people.
Some wouldn’t take the deals but most of the heavy hitters did, it calmed down a lot, but as they say it the calm before the storm.
With the viewers of the “ghost battles” (it was basically a game of extreme tag) and embers fans talking, the ghost situation became a known thing
And again the justice league responded. “we will be there in a month”
No apologies for not believing them no apologies for not helping, just a we are on our way 8 months after the incident and they were going to be there 9 months after. All the people where health again, Walker was punished, locked in his haunt for the next 100 years. The justice league has nothing to do. They have no point in coming to amity. Where they just going to show up, say “sorry for not helping you, welp peace” and then just leave.
Maybe that was the point, that though crossed Danny’s mind as he read the message out loud to his team. They didn’t have any to do, a vanity project, help the small community that they abandoned so that the people don’t go blabbing to the papers, a pr move.
Sam and Valerie had voiced the same opinions on what the justice league was doing. The rest of the team agreed after a short conversation.
This led to Tucker hacking the league computer system to find the next meeting date and we’re it would be held. “Unhackabal my ass” and a plan was made.
So here he is, invisible, intangible and floating above the justice league. Batman walked up to the podium and began to present.
“8 and a half months ago the league got a report of 300 people being kidnapped and sent to the ghost dimension, this was believed to be a prank and filled as such, we were wrong” he said while clicking through slides, some of medical reports of the victims, some of the photos taken of him helping people out of the portal next to the hospital he mad to help the victims faster. Then he said “ this is the city’s resident hero team” the next slide showing the picture of Danny, Sam , Wes, Valerie, tucker and jazz receiving the key to the city. 
“We one know of this misstep because of videos posted online of phantom pictured here” he pointed an Danny receiving the key, another picture of him helping a man to the hospital appeared “and here”
“Do we know who trained them they don’t look older than sixteen” Wonder Woman asked. Before batman could answer Danny revealed himself, though he made his skin slightly translucent to show his bones, it was all part of the plan.
He floated down to the floor and looked directly at her “we trained ourselves”
He turned to face the whole room. “ I am not here to fight you” he said as a couple of hero quickly moved from their seats. “ I came to warn you”
He took in a breath “ I came to warn you, stay out of amity and stay in your lane.” He put a small amount of his ghostly wale into his voice, just enough to shake up their hearts. “ we don’t need you. We don’t WANT you” he cold the room slowly a couple degrees a word. “ do not ask around for us ghosts, do not look for us, if you find one of us. RUN.” He dropped his voice louder as emphasis. “ if you find one of us causing trouble, send us a message, but otherwise don’t acknowledge us or amity, the dead have nothing to give to you” his eyes became fussy staring at nothing green tears fell out of his eyes,and his Lichtenberg scars began to glow Ice blue, but his voice did not waver,.“ you may not have killed us yourself but you signed our death warrant long ago, you have ignored us far to long” is voice soften at the last word.
Then his eyes turns red, as fast as he could he pulled Superman out of his chair and pushed him to the wall. Danny’s hand went intangible as he pushed in into Superman’s chest. His hand wrapped around Superman’s heart, Danny soften the intangibility so Superman could fell the hand but not get hurt. “I can rip your heart out without a single fight” his skin became entirely invisible to show his skeleton. “To all of amity” Superman’s breathing quickened “to me” he move close to Superman’s ear “you are villains, and will be treated as such” he dropped Superman to the floor.
“Stay in your domain and I’ll stay in mine” ice began to form at his feet, looking mor like crystals than ice. “Come to us with please of forgiveness is as pointless as asking of it from your god” ectoplasm dripped from his mouth onto the floor. “Do not come to amity” and with that he went invisible again and watched the room in amusement. He was kinda freaking out at how awesome he sounded.
A couple minutes of silence followed. As John Constantine entered the room, “what did I miss?”
Hope y’all like it <3 Sorry for spelling mistakes. I don’t think this need trigger warnings but if you think so please comment so I can add them. I started writing this and I couldn’t stop. If only I had that energy for the original story’s I want to write lol Have a nice day/night and drink some liquids that aren’t caffeinated and/or poisonous <3
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kindtim3 · 4 months
my beautiful girl - wife!abby hcs
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౨ৎ warnings - sfw, gn!reader, anxiety (abby) & i think that’s all but pls lmk if there’s any part that needs a warning 🧡
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wife!abby loves country music!! from taylor swift to beyoncé to dixie chicks to luke combs.
wife!abby does have a wide range of music taste though, she can listen to just about any kind of genre.
wife!abby’s specialty dinner is chicken wings 100%.
wife!abby gets your wedding bands/rings polished on a weekly basis.
wife!abby wants to have kids so SO BAD. like it makes her heart swell every time she thinks about having a kid that’s half her and half you.
wife!abby is a disney adult. or really just an amusement park adult in general!
wife!abby needs to be touching you in some way. it’s not in a possessive or jealous way, she just gets this ache in her when youre right in front of her and she’s not touching you.
wife!abby loves to dance with you. slow dancing specifically.
“hi,” abby whispered, her chin resting on your shoulder as she wrapped her arms around your waist from behind. abby gently gripped your hand and spun you around, “dance with me? please?”
wife!abby supports all of your hobbies and interests!! whether it’s financially or emotionally or both, she’s right there. she loves to see you so passionate about something.
wife!abby loves to travel with you. it’s all the little things that really make her feel so happy, like you concentrated on a map while she drives, the way your face lights up when you try a food you guys don’t have back home, staying up late in hotels with you, making reservations at restaurants for two. she wants to do it all with you again and again.
wife!abby is great at communicating what she’s feeling.
you could see it all over her. her eyes unfocused, the grip she had on your hand loosening, her leg bouncing. “hm?” you hummed, tilting your head to get a better look at abby. “don’t feel like being here,” abby mumbled in response,“the people here wear me out.” abby took a deep breath, looking to you with a small, weak smile. she was trying her hardest to stay at this party, but she couldn’t do it anymore. you nodded your head in record time, instantly getting up, “i’ll drive, don’t worry about it, okay?”
wife!abby loves to write you notes. she’ll put them in your books, your bags, even your shoes.
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scoobydoodean · 6 months
#okay wait do y'all think that she wasn't going to try and murder Dean?#Do you think he was going to get through to her?#convince her somehow to not try to stab him?#that she was telling the truth at all in that scene?#because she was totally going to try and kill Dean#like 100% that was going to happen#and if Sam hadn't shot her then Dean would have had to kill her and that would have been so much harder on Dean#like it was disturbing that Dean had a 3 day old monster child that wanted to kill him but who was then killed by her uncle Sam instead#and even more disturbing that they then never mention her again#but these are also the guys who left their half brother in Lucifer's cage and didn't lose any sleep over it so...#and I love Dean but killing Amy was an asshole move#and there's kinda a difference between killing an active imminent threat and killing someone in cold blood after the fact @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
I didn't want to clutter someone else's post but this was partially directed at me? I've talked about the whole "Emma vs Amy" debate quite a few times, but I'll share a few thoughts.
Amy is a present, unrepentant, fully cognizant, adult, serial murderer. She is not actually sorry about what she did in any way. She believes that slaughtering humans like cattle to feed them to her son was the morally correct action even if it wasn't the ethical action because it kept her son alive. She is not correct.
Emma is a brainwashed child who's been psychologically conditioned for a few days. She has never killed anyone and only wants to kill Dean because some women who abused her told her to.
Hunters like Sam and Dean primarily deal in punitive justice, not preventative justice—and what I mean by that is that Sam and Dean try not to kill people (with powers or without powers) who have never killed anyone.
While I think you're right to point out that a preventative justice component is in play, that is not primarily how Dean makes the decision to go after Amy, and the reason we know that is because Amy's son swears to kill Dean and Dean does nothing about it because the boy has done absolutely nothing wrong.
Dean's application of his personal code is consistent here. He kills Amy, who is a murderer who killed four people, but he does not intend to kill Emma or Amy's son—both of whom wanted to kill him—because neither has actually killed anyone and both may choose not to.
You say that Emma was going to kill Dean 100%, but you don't actually know that because we never got to see that future. You assume Amy would never have killed again, but when you add up "murderer who regrets absolutely nothing" and "child vulnerable to catching illnesses" you get "Mom who absolutely would kill again as necessary and who would feel zero remorse doing so just like the last time".
I don't personally think SPN gives us any reason to suspect that three days of psychological conditioning from a cult is too much to overcome. We have seen other characters overcome much more serious levels of psychological conditioning intended to make them killers. For example, Cas and Alex. I'm not saying Emma wasn't trying to pull the wool over Sam and Dean's eyes in the scene where Sam shot her, but I am saying that doesn't actually mean in any way that she couldn't be convinced to actually choose a different path.
Under the same litmus test with which you suggest Emma's condemnation, we'd also condemn season 2 Sam for his potential "future" crimes. We are killing monsters before they actually become those monsters... because of the dark path someone else intends for them to go down. Amy—again—is an active present unrepentant serial killer.
I think sometimes people misremember the scene where Sam kills Emma—recalling the scene as a scene where Emma lunges at Dean with the knife and Sam steps in just in time to save his life, or where Dean is unarmed and Emma has him at knife point. But that is not what happened. Emma quite literally brought a knife to a gun fight. Dean had a gun pointed at her, and if she was thinking straight at all, she would have left to avoid being killed if given the chance—especially when Sam arrived. And had she not, Sam could have shot her at that point—but Sam didn't wait to see what she'd do. He wanted her dead, because even if she ran, he didn't think they were equipped to deal with surprise attacks from Dean's Amazon child. That is the decision Sam made after a brief moment to consider, and it makes sense to me given the headspace he was in at the time and his assessment of Dean's headspace as well, but it does not make his decision consistent with his previous or future behavior regarding people who have been psychologically conditioned to kill.
My own frustrations are more with fandom, for a thought process that really really does not make sense to me, where Emma deserves to die but Amy deserved to live. I do not agree with that premise. I do not understand why so much of fandom has the perspective that a child who hadn't shed a drop of blood and who was acting in response to a cult's torture, who brought a knife to a gun fight and had already been driven into a corner where she had no choice but to surrender or run—doesn't deserve a chance to choose something else before she's barely lived and before she's heard a loving word in her entire life, but an adult with full cognizance of their actions who went through with killing four people and doesn't regret it should go on with their life and is "just a good mom doing what she had to" and killing that person is the bad thing. I don't understand that. I don't think Dean killing Amy was wrong at all in the "hunters kill supernatural murderers" show. The only thing Dean did wrong was lie about it and not take enough care to keep her son from seeing it happen.
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exactlycleverpirate · 4 months
Timeline from Xavier's Perspective Part 1
EDIT: This has been updated to include the endings of all myths as well as some other information.
(Includes spoilers for basically everything, including all myths.)
This is an update of my earlier post. Part 2 here.
If you are interested in more speculation than facts, check out my Half-baked Theories and Wild Theories About Rafayel. For an in-depth exploration of Rafayel’s story, see What Happened to Lemuria and Rafayel and Rafayel's Timeline Redux Part 1. For current game story see Love and Deepspace: the Story So Far Part 1.
Timeline from Xavier's perspective (Part 1/Philos):
Xavier is born on Philos. He is the Crown Prince of the royal family. Life is connected to the core of Philos, making him and most people on Philos immortal while the planet remains. Philos has a fake core that is holding together the separate tectonic plates of former Earth. Travel between these plates is difficult (no oceans?).
214 PT (Philos Time) Xavier went to school with MC in year 214, which is 214 years after the destruction of earth. MC has a fatal heart condition. Some of the professors lived on Earth before its destruction. Xavier is under constant guard and has little freedom. (Anecdote 3)
217 PT MC and Xavier become friends and fall in love. She gives him the star charm tassel that she made.
Xavier finds out MC is dying. They go on a date to see a meteor shower by a salt flat. After this, Xavier disappears for a month.
MC escapes the hospital to go to the salt flat. Xavier finds her there and has the protocore that is supposed to be able to save her, but it is too late. She dies in his arms. Xavier promises to seek her out in her future lives.
Zayne's Myth. Zayne guards the Creatio protocore in a frozen tower as a Foreseer of Astra. The royal family sends him emissaries seeking a prophecy every 100 years, but they never return. MC is a gardener with a fatal heart condition and is seeking the Creatio protocore to save her life. (Is this the same protocore that Xavier found in her first life on Philos?) Zaybe says if she can make the jasmine on the balcony of the Tower bloom, she can go free.
MC and Zayne have been stuck in a loop, where MC seeks out the Creatio to heal her dying heart, Zayne falls in love with her, she dies, his memories are erased (but preserved as fragments in an illusory jasmine garden), and she is reincarnated to do it all again. This is happening because of some sort of resonance link between MC and the Creatio, which makes it so the Creatio can power itself by draining her life.
After the jasmine on the tower blooms, Zaybe remembers what has happened to them in the past. Zayne breaks the cycle by fusing the Creatio to MC's heart, healing her. He is then locked in an eternal slumber in the Tower of Thorns behind an eternal blizzard as punishment by Astra. MC is free, and her heart appears to be healed, but she can no longer get to Zayne.
30,000 PT Assuming the seas dried up when Earth was destroyed and became Philos, Rafayel's Myth takes place around this time. MC was born from the depths of the earth. She has a special heart that makes the people of Philos immortal and is guarded in a palace, treated as a princess, and not allowed to leave.
Child MC is gifted a young Rafayel as a Lemurian slave. She sets him free. (Rafayel later tells her he allowed himself to be caught on purpose.)
MC meets Rafayel as adults while she is attempting to escape the palace. He helps her. They continually meet up and she learns he was the boy she released as a child. Rafayel, Amund, and other Lemurians are killing human nobles. Rafayel tells MC this is not out of revenge, but rather somehow part of an effort to restore Lemuria/the oceans. MC asks how she and Rafayel can be bound as he never gave her one of his scales. He says their bond was formed when the oceans still existed. MC has vague memories of living in a hut on the Island of Songs surrounded by ocean. 
Rafayel and Amund are plotting to recover “the God of the Sea’s (Rafayel’s) heart from MC by cutting it out with a dagger on the Island of Songs. However, the heart must be given willingly. Rafayel is uncertain whether the legends are true about killing MC to restore the oceans and Lemuria. Per the legend, the goal seems to be attaining Absolute Power. According to the legend, “Lemurians who seeketh Absolute Power: Combat the treacherous tides. Dive into The Deep for pearls. Find a true love. When blessed with a true love’s kiss, claim her heart by your own hand. A heart, pure, flawless-and filled with love. It is the best offering humans can give to Lemurians. -Lemurian Ruins, Slate No. 0065, Lemuria: Tome of the Sea God”. (Amund has served multiple Gods of the Sea over the centuries. Are these all reincarnations of Rafayel or are there multiple Gods of the Sea?)
6 months after Rafayel and MC celebrate her birthday, he and Amund take her to the Island of Songs, which she recognizes. She remembers her past life with Rafayel and realizes that Rafayel will fall into eternal slumber and the seas will never be restored if she does not return his heart. She offers to cut it out, but Rafayel refuses, saying he and the Lemurians will have to find their own way to change to story. He attempts to erase her memories and sever their bond to save her. Rafayel calls her his beloved bride.
MC is returned to the palace with no memories of Rafayel, but she watches the blue fish he gave her when they were young and slowly begins to remember. Hearing that the Lemurians are on the verge of being captured, and remembering that Rafayel intends to leave, she runs out of the city to find him, her memories and their bond once more intact.
Unsure how to resolve things, they set out on a camel across the desert to find Whalefall City. Amund is with them. Rafayel suggests that somehow by going to Whalefall City, he’ll be able to show her the sea. (Based on the Tender Moment, Whalefall Lament, it seems likely that Whalefall City is the name of the Lemurian city under the sea that Rafayel grew up in as a child on Earth.) The blue fish in the palace turns into a scale, presumably the one he gifted her to form their bond.
Xavier meets MC again at a Philos Academy as knights in training, sometime near the end of Philos’ life as a planet. Jeremiah goes to the Academy too. Xavier is the Crown Prince, but avoids returning to the royal family, remaining at the Academy instead.
During his Gladius Ceremony in the Starfall Forest, Xavier discovers that the forest contains the hollow heart of Philos and consumes people to power the long-dead core. This creates Wanderers. Xavier realizes protocores used to contain hearts. MC notices his attitude/demeanor changes noticeably after this trial. He rejects his role of Crown Prince after this.
The king dies, and Xavier disappears for about 200 years. 
MC and Xavier meet up again while investigating Starfall Forest. Jeremiah is part of MC’s squad. Xavier reveals what he learned about the forest to MC. He tells her that the royal family used to send human sacrifices into the forest. Then they discovered a truly immortal person who could die and come to life over and over, continually powering the planet. MC does not realize he is talking about her. She realizes the woman who gave him the star tassel is the same woman who reincarnates.
Xavier begins planning a backtracking expedition through spacetime in order to find a way to save MC and Philos. Jeremiah decides to join the team. MC decides to stay and become Queen to protect the people of Philos until Xavier can return. Xavier says that when he returns, he will be her knight. She gives him her little star badge, saying she knows that it can't replace the star tassel. He tells her only one person has ever given him a little star, but she doesn't understand what he means.
Xavier leaves MC’s service, and she fakes his death, claiming he died with honors. He is viewed as a traitor by the people of Philos. MC does not believe he will ever return.
See Part 2 here for Earth Timeline
A thought: Is the reason that MC is considered the only true immortal because she has or is connected to Rafayel/The God of the Sea’s heart? Lemurians appear to be naturally immortal, though not undying.
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blackest-soul · 9 months
A Short Girl’s Guide to Working at the BAU
I. Dealing with Morgan
Derek: How short are you?
Y/N: you mean how tall?
Derek: no, how short??? You can barely reach my shoulders!
Y/N, in a soft voice: not my fault i got the southeast asian genes and you are very aware that im only 4’9 so shut up ok.
Derek: fine fine fine. So, just out of curiosity…hmm can i, well, can i use you as a hand rest coz u are the perfect height!!!
Y/N: do that and you will die
II. Emily and her unwanted maternal instinct
*Y/N, walking around the bullpen without her ID, in a backpack*
Concerned Agent: hey, hey kid. Are you lost? Where’s your guardian? You cant just go walking around here…
Y/N, spotting Emily and pointing at her: Don’t worry, Agent. There’s my mom. I’ll just go and talk to her.
Concerned Agent: huh, didn’t know she has a child. Wait let me call her for you. SSA Prentiss!! Your daughter is here!!!!
Y/N: not my fault he can’t remember me.
Y/N: so mom, what’s for lunch?
Emily: i packed you an extra sandwich. You should eat more.
Also, Emily: why the fuck am i mothering you!?? I can’t even take care of myself
III. A tired singlefather!Hotch
Hotch, reprimanding Y/N for all her choices in life: … and lastly, stop eating expired and dirty food! I saw you eating your sandwich after you dropped on the floor for lunch!!!! Am i not giving you enough allowance?
Y/N: the food barely touched the floor!!! Besides germs wait for the five second rule so i am going to be fine. And what allowance???!!!??
Hotch: you are giving me a migraine. Shut up and let me process the words that just came out of your mouth
Y/N: really???? maybe you should start eating dropped sandwiches more coz i do not get migraines
Hotch: one more sound and you will be grounded
Y/N: as if!!! What are you gonna do?
Hotch: no phone
Y/N: we need phones for work
Hotch: no internet for a week
Y/N: try again, I work with Penny.
*Reid, walking by to get another coffee*
Hotch: No Reid
Y/N: you cant just do that!!!
Y/N: TIL COLLEGE!!!!!!!! Rossi will hear about this
A few moments later
Reid, to Hotch: hey Hotch, can Y/N and I hang out later? I wanna invite her to watch a movie with me.
Hotch: No.
Reid: what do you mean NO.
Hotch: She’s grounded. NO REID TIL COLLEGE.
Reid: she has two PhDs already.
Hotch, unblinking: NO. REID. TIL COLLEGE.
IV. Rossi and the granddaughter he never asked for but clearly loves
Rossi: so tell me what ails you, bambino.
Y/N, pouting and whining: Hotch *hiccups* grounded *hiccups* me. He said *hiccups* I cannot see Reid. Til college *wails, while dramatically throwing herself to the sofa*
Rossi: don’t you cry now, cara. I will talk to your father about this. Here’s $100. Go buy yourself something nice for your date with Reid.
Y/N: it is not a date, nonno. Just a movie.
Rossi: Regardless, take it. I will talk to, Hotch.
V. Reid and his never ending explanations of “yes she is my girlfriend. no i am not a pedophile, we met when she’s 25. yes i am sure she is 25. And no i am not dating a high schooler”
*Reid and Y/N, finally on their movie date.*
Bouncer: hey young lady. Do you know this man?
Y/N: oh yes, sir. He is my boyfriend. If you will excuse us, we need to catch a movie.
Bouncer, suspiciously looking at Reid
Reid: SHE IS 25!!!!
Bouncer, suspicious stare intensifies
Reid: she is just short please we are adults
Y/N: here is my ID, sir. We work for the FBI. I am Asian and just really short.
Bouncer: oh okay. Sorry. You can never be sure these days.
Reid: thank you for looking out for other people, though
Bouncer, suspicious stare:
Reid, whispers: wtf
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
I’m in such a mood for some good old corruption😈 Would it be okay to request something with Eris x reader where reader was very shielded and never experienced normal things, like sleepovers, gossip w friends, and doesn’t get insinuations. She’s maybe eating something with cream and she’s licking stuff and it turns him on but she doesn’t understand why. Like she’s so naive/innocent and he just wants to corrupt her. People want the same and she gets hit on a lot, she unintentionally flirt back and think they’re having a normal conversation. So Eris protects her from it bc only he is allowed to bask in her innocence 👀 maybe he even takes her virginity 👀👀
idk why im like this tbh. Im just horny i guess…
Eris x reader
A/n: he would have a corruption kink lmao
Warnings: Dom/sub dynamics, corruption kink, suggestive
You’re younger than Eris by 100 years and you’re also the only girl in your family
Your family is high nobility in the Autumn Court so you have been heavily protected all your life
When the bond snapped for you and Eris it was at an Autumn Equinox ball
Eris was overjoyed that his little mate is so innocent
He couldn’t wait to show you everything around the court, in the bedroom, and about relationships in general
Eris took a risk and told his father who thought the match was perfect because Beron could get something out of it
The next day your family was called to the forest house. You were nervous because your parents wouldn’t tell you what was going on but focused on making sure you looked beautiful
Entering the throne room and seeing Eris you knew this meeting was about the mating bond. Eris could feel your nerves so he sent a wave of calm down the bond. You rest your hand on your chest giving him a shy smile
Once the adults were finished talking Eris came up to you, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles as he stared at you with those molten amber eyes
You have never been in a relationship before and you had dreamed of a mate since your mother told you about the concept when you were a little girl
“Would you accompany on a walk around the gardens little fox?” You nodded enthusiastically. Your mother cleared her throat giving you a look that said ‘use your words’. “Yes, I’d love to.” You curtsy. Eris offers you his arm and leads you outside
Eris wanted time with you before the mating ceremony to get to know you better instead of just watching you from afar at parties and balls
Stopping at a bench in the gardens Eris guides you to sit as he picks a rose for you. You tell him how you e been sheltered your whole life, you never were really allowed to hangout with your friends past curfew unless it was for court and if you were with a male one of your brothers had to be with you
It drove Eris wild to know that he was the first male you’d ever been alone with
Knowing that he would be the one to corrupt your innocence made his cock hard
Eris didn’t want to rush you of course. Everything he plans on doing needs time and he didn’t want to scare you off
So he took his time courting you properly. Eris takes you on dates, spends time with you when he’s free from work, you eat meals together
On one of your picnics Eris had packed your favorite snacks, on being strawberries. He didn’t think watching you eat the fruit would be so seductive
He watched as you wrapped your perfect pink lips around the berry. As you bit into it and sucked the juice from it Eris had to adjust himself so you wouldn’t spot his arousal. You could smell him and your cheeks flushed
“Did I do something wrong?” “No little fox, come here.” You shuffled toward him as he reached his arms out to pull you onto his lap. “Do you want another little fox?” You smiled and let out a small ‘uh-huh’. He grabs another strawberry from the basket and holds it up to your lips. You reach out to take it but he clicks his tongue at you. You look at him a little confused until he brings it to your mouth again. You relax against him as he feeds you
You also accidentally on purpose lick his fingers which does not help his situation
That afternoon Eris’s first lesson was focused on your lips. you two made out for what felt like hours. You never wanted to leave his embrace or his warm plush lips. From then on you would steal him away for kisses or make out with him in his office so no one would see you
You even moved into your own living quarters at the Forest House so you could be close to each other
One night you were reading in Eris’s living room while he worked late. You usually leave by 10 pm since you’ve never stayed the night with Eris or anyone. You fell asleep with your book on your chest, your even breathes catching Eris’s attention
He took your book, marking your spot. Eris kisses your forehead and your eyes flutter open. Realizing what happened you sit up a blush during your cheeks. “Sorry Eris, I’ll leave-“ Eris cut you off by holding your chin between his fingers.
“Hey, it’s ok. You can stay tonight if you want.” You played with the ends of your hair as you thought. “Yes please.” Eris smiled and picked you up bridal style carrying you to bed where you snuggled all night
One of the things Eris adores about you is your clueless demeanor and your curiosity about everything. When he teaches you things (😏) you get all blushy and try to hide from him
Eris does everything for you. He never wants you to have a need that isn’t met
There was a ball to celebrate your mating ceremony/wedding days before the actual party and you stayed attached to Eris the whole night
The one time he left you to get you a new drink you got hit on. You had no idea the male was flirting with you, you thought he was just being nice
Eris rushed back to your side pulling you into his side as he gave the male a death stare. A low growl sounding from his throat. The male couldn’t get away fast enough. “Eris he was just being nice.” He shook his head watching the male weave through the crowd. “No baby. And he needs to know your mine.”
After the wedding party you and Eris go to his cabin in the woods. You wanted to give him his food in private because he wants you all to himself. Plus it was what you were comfortable with
When he finishes his food Eris looks at you, his eyes blown wide with lust. He grips the table as you get closer to him until your on his lap
You run your hands through his hair and he takes in a shuddering breath. “Are you ready little fox? Are you sure you want to do this tonight?” “I wouldn’t have given you the food if I didn’t want to. And you’ve taught me enough my love.”
Eris quickly brought you to the bedroom placing you down gently in the middle. You pulled Eris by his hair to kiss you hard. Wrapping your legs around his waist you rubbed your core against his hardening cock. He moans out in surprise. Pulling away from you panting Eris looks at you with a feral grin. “Where did you learn that little fox?” You give him a shy smile, “My books were a little more than romance.”
Eris kissed you again mumbling ‘I love you’ as you started to make the mating bond official
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