#again in a world where Hannibal didn't get to her
tomstoast · 11 months
Abigail just wanted to make her dad proud, she can't take back the things she did for his approval
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sempercredens · 4 months
Post about fannicalcascade part 2 because sigh.
Here's a link to my first post from the middle of December about them where I go over their takes on the s3 finale and their take that the love between Hannigram is unrequited from Will's side. At this point I also immediately want to say that I don't necessarily disagree with that they have a different opinion on the season finale, I just found it very poorly argued and gave counterarguments.
Not a lot of new talking points came up but that isn't the point of this post now. In the first one, I already broached the topic of their behaviour in the ending paragraphs because I found some of it very odd. For example, that they were sending anons to bigger Hannibal/Hannigram blogs in a clear attempt to bait them into discourse, how they claim not to be anti-Hannigram but tag their posts as such, and how I personally perceive the undertone of their posts as very condescending towards shippers.
This post here is basically just about expanding on that.
Disclaimer though: this is a silly internet ship war on a large irrelevant website, with no real world implications about anyone's morals. While I'm gonna say straight out that I find them annoying (and I will get into the reasons in the following), they have done no actual moral wrongs. Don't go insult or harass them (or the other two people running the blog. If you absolutely must seek them out, stay polite or get eaten. That includes refraining from using ableist language (e.g. calling them "delusional" or something). Thanks!
List of contents:
1. Shipping goggles 2. Cherrypicking 3. How they talk about Hannigram shippers and handle criticism 3.5. Middle school-isms 4. Arguments (or lack thereof) 5. General conclusion 6. "Fandom critique"
Let's get into it:
1. Shipping goggles
The fannibalcascade blog has stated in their introductory post already that they want to view the s3 finale without shipper goggles. So far, so good. However in this post they reveal the existence of a sideblog they have. It's been edited out by now and I'm unlucky not to be able to provide that evidence but said sideblog was revealed to be @/lecterlure. lecterlure has also been participating in replying to other blogger's responses to baiting anons, basically giving the typical fannibalcascade takes. As a benefit of the doubt I will also say however that according to themself the fannibalcascade blog is run by three people and lecterlure could be either of them. It adds up timewise for me since the first content on the lecterlure blog is from the beginning of January.
I'm bringing up lecterlure in the context of shipping goggles because as of me writing this there are just over 60 posts on the lecterlure blog which focuses on the book and Hopkins film version of the Hannibal canon. Half of the posts on that blog are unambiguously about Clannibal. (Yes, I counted.)
Nothing wrong with Clannibal, of course! You do you. The reason I'm pointing it out is just because it seems that the Hannigram faction is not the only one with shipping goggles. Considering they claim that they ship "neither", I just find that very untransparent.
EDIT: in the notes of this post lecterlure said that she is one of the three but NOT the one mainly running the fannibalcascade blog. My assumption that the two are the same people is therefore null and they are to be regarded as two people! She is only little involved in the blog's postings, merely sharing theories with thel and reading over the posts. Nevertheless, I'll bring her up again in some points since she is associated with the fc blog and whether that is her intention or not her interactions do reflect back on the fannibalcascade blog.
2. Cherrypicking
When they were called out for cherrypicking metas, they replied they didn't. The metas they've reblogged are from bonearenaofmyskull and mendelsohnben respectively. Said metas had been posted in the years 2015 and 2016. You'd have to do some digging to find them to reblog them straight from the ops.
Not to mention that there is a huge amount of Hannibal meta posts around when you search the tag for it. So to claim that out of those many, many meta posts, you organically found metas from over 8 years ago that apparently agree with your viewpoint - the view point of a minority in the fandom - does not come across to me as very believable. You've got to have searched for those.
3. How they talk about Hannigram shippers and handle criticism
Most of the criticism they received for their bahaviour around sending anons, cherrypicking, and reblogging ship posts to exercise "fandom critique" was, admittedly worded quite harshly and I don't endorse that. That said, it's not entirely unfounded.
There is two posts I'd like to highlight for this point. In this one they refer to the people who criticise them on anon as "pathetic teenagers" or "teenage conspirators" with "delusional takes". The "delusional" take being that fannibalcascade is behind the anons that people have received. While I can't 100% make the claim that fannibalcascade is in fact behind those anons - and I don't actually think they are behind all of them - I find it suspicious how the anon activity coincides with the activity of the fannibalcascade blog and how you can find the lecterlure account participating in the notes. The only other clue I can offer is how this anon highlighted the blog name in red, which is a very fannibalcascade thing to do since they like to highlight things in red in their posts.
The other post I want to highlight in this regard is this one where they mock shippers for thinking that getting validation from a bigger blog means they're right, and "How naive does one have to be to rely on someone else to stand for their points?" Which is rich coming from someone who reblogs the (old) metas of other bigger blogs to validate their own point, and are incapable of forming their own meta since their original meta posts are basically just repetitions of those they've reblogged. This is, for example, is just repeating this one by bonearenaofmyskull, but cherrypicked, reblogged only hours earlier.
In this same second post, they also point out how contradictory the statements of Hannigram shippers are, as if that was some big "gotcha". It's very likely that the people they mean here are, well, different people with different view points about the same thing. This is only a "gotcha" if it was the same person.
So my point here is: I find their handling of criticism and stance on shippers condescending, devaluing and not indicative of someone who's interested in a discussion on equal footing.
3.5. Middle school-isms
This is only a minor point but I wanted to point out how very middle schoolish their "arguments" sometimes are. They act all innocent when called out about adding their "shippers are delusional" takes to joke posts, the anon thing, and their down-talking tone. Examples: [x] [x]. Especially the whole thing about "my blog, my opinion" and "So I can't share my opinions now?" are such lackluster takes at this point. You're talking like a boomer who gets called out for a misogynistic take on Cpt. Marvel, like come on now, do better.
Also since I'm assuming they're the person behind this ask (linked above already)
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I'm perplexed at this appeal to authority. "I'm older than you, therefore I'm right". Again: come on now, is that really the take here? This is some kindergarten level of arguing. By that logic every Hannigram shipper older than them would actually be right. As crimsondinnerparty correctly says: that's not how it works.
That's the post I saw that made me "wow, that's cringe, I'm gonna write this big ass post".
4. Arguments (or lack thereof)
As alluded to above, they barely make points of their own that aren't noticeable inspired by the metas they've reblogged from other people before. Nothing wrong with reblogging posts you agree with, per sé, but that is very much not the same thing as leading a discussion with someone. On this post they proudly announce "Here I debunked another theory" when they've had no input on the post that was originally made by youweresoafraid with an actual worthwhile addition from bonearena. You didn't debunk anything. You just reblogged a post.
I find that case worth mentioning because some anon went to crimsondinnerparty's inbox to say that "Fannibalcascade also debunked the sailing thing" when evidently, fannibalcascade didn't add anything to it.
Another post that stuck out to me in terms of leading an argument was this one about whether or not Will is a murderer.
The answer:
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For a blog that promises deep metas and values the nuance of the show, I personally find this a very shallow take. If this is the promised deep meta and nuance, then I'm sorry but good night.
Not to constantly bring her up but bonearena also expressed frustration with how fannibalcascade is only capable of circular arguing [x] and their lack of evidence to support their claims. Despite fannibalcascade (or rather lecterlure in the notes) constantly crying for proof themself.
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Taken from this post's notes.
Edit again: While, as noted, lecterlure is not the same person as fannibalcascade, my argument remains that the members of the blog don't actually provide evidence of their own but constantly demand it from others.
So general conclusion to this point:
I personally think that fannibalcascade is just pretty annoying. Really, what else is new here on the interwebs? There's annoying people, wow, big revelation. They're not capable of properly debating and I don't think that they even want a proper debate. I find their approach to opening a debate insufferable, especially when they go "oh, I'm just asking questions? What's wrong with asking questions? Can't I have an opinion anymore? If you've got proof, why don't you bring it up? Oh, that means, you don't have any after all. Checkmate." entirely childish. People don't wanna talk to you because nothing you've said or done indicates a genuine openness for a debate on eye-level. The sheer audacity of calling themself "the only logical person available in the fandom now" - assuming that anon is them, even if not my point is still supported by their other posts - absolutely flabbergasts me. It's this condescending tone, the implied sneering of "you're all illiterate but I've eaten wisdom with spoons and I'm your logical saviour" that absolutely rubs me the wrong way.
That their blog also focuses entirely on the s3 finale is another thing I find very counterproductive to any genuine debate because the s3 finale is their only reference for anything. The majority of their meta posts (reblogged and original) focus only on Will pushing Hannibal and himself off the cliff. That is the only thing that is ever "debated" on the blog, and especially in regards to the whole "does Will love Hannibal back?" question is an extremely narrow frame of reference.
The entire "debate" they want to introduce is also entirely pointless as, as I said, focuses on the s3 finale and whatever could possibly happen in s4. The reason I find this a pointless debate is because s4 doesn't exist and every meta or theory or what have you is only fanfiction. We're all getting upset here over each other's fanfiction, like jfc. For all we know the fall transported them into some anime Isekai world.
"Fandom critique"
According to their tagging system, fannibalcascade is also motivated by offering critique to the fandom. Which I'm not against in the slightest conceptually. Personally, I think there are many things that can be criticised about fandom, any fandom. Just to give examples, two problems I see within fandoms is 1) the lowkey misogyny is fandoms dominated by m/m pairings or 2) the everpresent problem of people reposting other people's fanworks without permission. I think tackling such issues could actually improve a fandom.
What doesn't improve a fandom is telling shippers that they're delusional teenagers for shipping the main characters of a show that is explicitly centered around their relationship. Even while making their silly little posts, Hannigram shippers are entirely aware that in a real life context that relationship would of course be toxic and terrible. The reason it's such a big ship stems largely from an actual acknowledgement of the show's nuances. It's precisely those nuances and their engaging character dynamics that make them such a compelling ship.
Here's the point where I want to acknowledge all the beautiful metas people (who ship Hannigram) have actually written. You can find something about everything in the show. You can find meta about the religious symbolisms. Meta about the character's clothing styles and what they represent in which scenes. Meta about the most inconspicuous things in the background. Meta about shot compositions. It's there.
So why limit yourself to the last three minutes of 39 episodes worth of television? Like c'mon, step up your meta game.
Coming back to the point of fandom critique, both sides are just fighting windmills. We're already biased in our approachs, we're not going to change each other's minds like this. So why not employ some standard internet/tumblr etiquette and leave people be? What people ship is not a value judgment of their irl morals.
So again, I want to clarify:
I don't think fannibalcascade is a bad, immoral person. Despite all the things I've listed in this post, I don't hate them. I don't want to encourage any harassment against them. I don't mind at all that they're presumably partial towards Clannibal. Couldn't care less, really. They're allowed to dislike Hannigram. Couldn't care less. I'd even say it's a valid take, just badly argued.
Genuinely, this is very much just about how I find it annoying to see their takes (or their takes being repeated by people who agree with them) interrupt my peaceful scrolling through Hannigram posts. And I hereby challenge them to write posts about the things they like (about the show, about the books or the Hopkins films, doesn't matter to me).
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thenookienostradamus · 3 months
It's incredibly interesting to come back to Hannibal (as in the show) after an extremely transformative near-decade of my life and note the differences in how I perceive the characters.
On the first watch, Hannibal came off as charming, suave, persuasive, and solid. I guess it's either a testament to Mads Mikkelsen's acting or a testament to the largely substantiated rumor that he often didn't know what the fuck Hannibal was supposed to be saying in a given scene that now his demeanor comes across so differently. It's still a mask, yes, but it's not one piece. It's a mosaic of hundreds of different pieces held together by (pardon the pun) force of will. Of course even a super-smart, super-sophisticated liar can't keep that many proverbial plates spinning at once, so the slips are frequent. Hannibal attracts curious and/or reckless people, people who want or feel compelled to find out what is underneath the mask. Alana, Mason, Jack, etc.
Of course that's the problem. Regular people - even extraordinarily perceptive ones - have trouble accepting the fact that there is nothing behind the mask. Only void. He's all surface. Hannibal is what he does, and that can vary from minute to minute. Only the occasional appearance of cohesion makes him look like anything other than a creature of pure, self-serving instinct. He collects pretty things, he eats, he tortures and kills. Most straightforward possible motive: gratification.
Will is of special interest to him because here is this sloppy-ass bleeding wound of a person who can't help but carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Will Graham is the universe's doormat...or so he perceives because he can't pry himself out of his own head. He just feeels so hard all the time. Now with some well-intentioned therapy and a lot of work, Will could build himself a toolkit to cope with that too-keen empathy. But he's not in a mindset where he wants to do that - or even can do it - because he thinks he's unfixable. That he alone among all humans is extra-special doomed to a life of constant mortal wounding, all of which somehow fails to kill him. It's pretty fucking exhausting, actually. Like, kindly get over yourself, sir.
Not that Hannibal is any different. 'I don't find you that interesting.' 'You will.' Oh please shut the fuck up, you drama queen.
Which is why their folie à deux comes about. In Will, Hannibal finds someone who is not only a constant victim but someone who deep down (or not so deep down) thinks he deserves everything that Hannibal dishes out. He fights it for a little while, but it's a perfunctory fight he puts up "because that's what a real person would do."
Not that Will is a total sheep (lamb?). Far from it. Once the realization hits, he goes all-in as Hannibal's punching bag. Because he knows Hannibal is just sadistic and patient enough to scrape out every last shred of his humanity. Which sounds like an incredible deal to the World's Saddest Sad Boy, because once Hannibal puts the finishing touches on his design...Will won't have to feel anymore. Ever again. Achievement fucking unlocked.
The other two characters that I find newly fascinating now where on the first go-round I hardly considered them at all are Bedelia and Abigail.
Bedelia knows exactly what Hannibal is and isn't. She sees it right away. But she literally can't stop herself from poking the bear for her own amusement until the bear turns and eats (part of) her. Pretty sure she considers the leg collateral damage...and a fair trade for having had the chance to needle that pompous fuck until he popped. That's how she gets her jollies.
Abigail, well...her dad was bush league. She's the real deal. Once she sees what she can have, she's not just letting Hannibal gut her, she's scooping out her own insides and handing them to him. Honestly, I think that pisses Hannibal off. He can't mold her at every step. He can't draw out the torment, which is his favorite thing. Once the torture victim starts breaking their own limbs or putting the thumbscrews on themselves, it ruins the fun. If she were older, she would have known that. But she's young, she's enthusiastic. She's all in on whatever she commits to, and that happens to be murder. And if she just skipped off into the sunset and leaned in by her own girlboss self, she could carve a bloody path through life that's easily as wide as Hannibal's, if not wider. But she sticks around a little too long, still not quite at the Bedelia level of recognition that kicking the hornet's nest could have visceral consequences, so she has to go. Kind of a shame, but she wasn't quite as good at suffering as Will is.
So Hannibal and Will may be "murder husbands," but the most important murders they commit are inside their own binary system. Will murdering himself endlessly and Hannibal also murdering Will endlessly. Everything else is just incidental.
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House of Chaos
just a random thing im writing since i was bored. reader is a tween in this!! ( 11 ) eventually will start growing up hehe :)
WARNINGS; Profanity (very few), mentions of bruises, mentions of blood, a knife is involved in this which hurts reader (a murderer is to the rescue!), mentions of scars.
╰┈➤ ❝ 3,2,1! ❞
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As the bell rang, your class all stood up and so did you. Everyone fixed the chairs, put things back into their bags, and some of the cleaners this Friday went to get the brooms and vice versa.
You untied your forest green jacket on your waist and put it back on. Your items were already in your bag, so you didn't really have anything else to do. "Friday cleaners, NO LEAVING!" Your teacher stated as she caught the rest of them by the door just about to leave. You pass by her, and wave at her. And... they pass by. Paul and Brian, they are bullies from this school- which makes sense since there are always gonna be bullies in every school ever in the world. Brian is a brunet, with their blonde minion Paul. These idiots are the bane of everybody's existence in this school.
Paul grabbed the collar of your white blouse and dragged you along with them. Brian was at the side of Paul, their blue eyes like the ocean, stared at you.
Eventually ending at the back of school, they let you go and push you to the wall and you take your bag off and throwing it the nearest bench you saw. You rolled up the sleeves of your jacket and started fighting with them. It was the third time this week, you were starting to get annoyed. (The bruises and scars you get are getting a bit too much as well.)
You kicked Paul's knee and kicked Brian in the crotch. Taking a run for it- you grab your bag, wearing it and quickly running. You were trying to fight back, but you of course could not do so without gaining bruises and scars. Brian also seemed to try and fight you with a pocket knife they somehow had in their pocket which resulted you with some slashes on your arms.
As you headed on over to the bike racks and grab your cream colored bike, you unrolled the sleeves of your jacket down. You ride on it and bike all the way to your house fast as you could.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
You stop near your house and grab the keys from your bag. You quickly get off and open the door with your keys. You put the keys back in your bag while kicking the door open.
"Hey! how was your school?" Stu (Who seemed to appear out of the ordinary always at some point. But you're already living with a bunch of crazy people so what do you expect?) leaned on the door frame. You turned to him, and he noticed your face. "Did you get into a fight again?" Stu laughed, "Well, its quite obvious. Does it look like someone would look like this if they had a accident on a bike?" You joked. Hannibal walked into the living room and sighed. You two stared at him, "Well? What are you looking at me for? Come on." He said, agitation clear in his voice. You ran to him and followed. On the way, you asked him where the others are, "Some of them are in the kitchen, the rest, well.. I am.. unsure." You sighed and finally arrived at the kitchen.
"Sit down." Hannibal said. You sat at the long table as others were chit-chatting or eating, playing games.. with 'Riddler'- or- Edward, talking with Jonathan next to you. They lived in the same city but had never known about each other and only considered that what you said about them being possibly in alternate universes a real thing. Edward tilted his head to look at your ruined face. Jonathan noticed this and turned his head. They examined your face with only their eyes. Hannibal sits on the other free chair next to you and grabbed your chin, making you face him as he started to treat the scars.
"Take that jacket off as well...." Sighed Hannibal. You took the jacket off, as said to do so. Your arm is revealed to have scratches, more bruises and have a bit of blood and slashes from Brian's knife. He simply sighed as you hissed and cursed under your breath. "You are going to need switch schools if this keeps happening and if those two keep doing this." Jonathan added and snickered. You giggled a bit but abruptly stopped and hissed once more as you felt Hannibal going back to treating your wounds.
It took a while to finish but its done anyway. You are happy because its actually Friday (Which meant free time!). You are just on your bed watching tv and eating sunny side up eggs with rice in a cute little Kirby bowl you had found whilst going outside with Stu for shopping one time.
You heard a knock on your door and put your bowl down on the bed sheets and hurried on over to the door and opened it. "YN, Get dressed, we're going to the mall. I mean- that is if you want to- of course." Billy said. "Sure, why not?" You smiled at the guy who was friends with Stu. He patted your head and said goodbye as he went to what you assume was probably to his room.
You quickly finished your food, and when you finished, you had turned the tv off and unplugged and hurried over to your epic walk-in wardrobe.
You decided to wear a blouse that was black and had little space designs, and beige colored slacks. You wanted to pair it with the dark navy blue coat you had, so you threw that on. You wore white socks and slipped on your loafers that was completely black.
You snatch a VS Bombshell perfume from your drawer and sprayed it on yourself. It smelt amazing. You put the perfume back in the drawer and walk out of the wardrobe and out your room.
Heading into the living room, some of them had already changed and chatted while some haven't which you were sure they did not want to go. You spotted the troubled teen guy Donnie (this is jake gyllenhaal donnie). Donnie wore your grey headphones he had borrowed from you and you decided to sit next to the guy 5 years older than you. He noticed you and took the headphones off. "Oh, hi! You look great. You going with us?" He asked and you nodded. He wore a simple dark grey turtleneck sweater with white slacks, wearing black oxford shoes. "Let me guess, Hannibal?" You both chuckled and he shook his head. "Nope, tried doing it myself this time, I think I did good."
You and the others went out and all of you couldn't fit in one whole car of course, so all of you guys of course split in different cars (with some of the others biking or other ways of transportation) . You were with John in his Mustang. He was a hitman. Former, but had been forced back to it. But this is another universe, he had stopped, a fresh start. You breathed on the window and drew random things on it. Eventually, you guys ended up in traffic, and saw some familiar cars and realized some of them belong to the others. There was a Bentley pulling up next to you both and recognized the man driving the car. "Oh, John. Look- its Hanni." John turned to see him. You were waving at him and he waved back, Jonathan was next to Hannibal, with Donnie and Billy at the back and you waved at them as well. They waved back. They looked away from you and you just sunk in the seat. Your gaze wandered to John.
You felt a bit sleepy so you decided to nap for a bit. "John?" He turned to you, "I'm just gonna go to sleep..." He smiled and nodded, patting your head. He was a man of few words. Smiling at him, you stretched and yawned, fixing your posture to a more comfortable one. Your eyes started to feel heavy and that was it.
You got woken up by shaking from a large hand of a adult, "Hey, kid, wake up." You blinked a few times and you saw John. "Have we already arrived?" John nods and you rub your eyes and stepped out.
You stretched and yawned. You felt a rush of electric energy strike your sleepy trance out of you. You walked over to John and happily follow him to the entrance inside the mall. "Where do we meet up again?" You asked John "Uh-... It was the arcade." He answered. You nodded and you both went to find the arcade and saw the others nearby the entrance of the arcade. "Oh- There they are!" Stu said pointing at you two as you walked closer to them.
You jumped up in excitement seeing Mike, Eleven, Lucas, Max, Dustin, Erica, and the teens of Hawkins. (Jonathan, Steve, Nancy...)
You chat with them as the other adults talk.
They all split. John was with you, Mike, El, Lucas, Max, Dustin, and Erica. All of you stayed at the arcade. Erica did play some of the games but usually kept throwing insults at us whilst we played.
You were playing Mario Kart (quite obviously, it is the GP version) with John trying it out as well with the other Mario Kart to your left.
"AND I WIN!" You cheered, not caring, since the arcade was already loud itself. You got first place and so did John. Somehow, Hannibal ended up being behind you, but you hadn't known. So when you stood up to look at John, he scared the living crap out of your soul. Hannibal simply laughed. "You didn't realize he was here?" John chuckled and stood up.
"Of course not!" You replied back. You turned back to the Mario game.
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suchawrathfullamb · 8 months
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I came across a TikTok talking about the correlation between Reba, Dollarhyde and Hannigram, and although throughout the whole Dragon plot, it may not seem like there is any correlation, after Reba's plot, we have her last scene and it is essentially confirmed that it was, indeed, related, and it is confirmed by Will himself, by speaking to her in a way that is very obvious he understands what she's been through on a personal level..."not just the blind". And also him projecting, telling her "there's nothing wrong with you", clearly talking to himself there. So this scene is the grounding point for this messy rambling.
With that in mind, if we go back to the other episodes where we were getting through the Dragon's plot, there's a lot of interesting points to correlate to Hannigram, such as the scene where Reba feels the tiger, "the beast", a word that has been used to refer to Hannibal before. Reba is in awe of the creature, yet it is harmless because it is sedated. We could look at it as Will being Reba ("blind" to danger) and the tiger being Hannibal, as the TikTok creator proposes, she talks about Will/Reba being able to feel the soft side of Francis/Hannibal that the world does not see.
Alternatively we could look at it as Reba being Will, the tiger being his wild instincts and his own darkness, and Dollarhyde being Hannibal: he took Reba to the zoo and watched in amazement as she delighted in the experience of feeling the tiger, much like H delighted in seeing Will "interacting" with his own darkness.
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"The beast's heartbeat" could be a symbol for how even though the man (Francis and H) are conceived as separate from the beast (Will implies that in the conversation with Reba, saying "you didn't draw a freak, you drew a man with a freak on his back")...But now as I write this it's making think about how Will could just as easily be referring to himself, as if he perceives that H is the "freak" on his own back...Hence why he wants to help Francis, and yes, we know he was jealous, yet Will has the tendency to be extremely compassionate towards the criminals he feels are fighting something within, and says so in the same convo with Reba...He says Francis was trying to stop, says, again, that Francis isn't a freak, just "has a freak on his back". He relates somehow. He tries helping them because he wants to believe he can help himself, which was directly shown in S2, in the horse episode, with the social worker and Peter, the guy Will related to.
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They (Reba and Dolarhyde) also shared a deep (and quite mystical) sexual connection. It was the first time Francis experienced love...or what he perceives love to be. The symbolism of Reba being blind could be saying that, for Francis, one needs to be blind to truly accept him (he thinks he's ugly/deformed)? Maybe. Maybe it's even the opposite...She can't see how he looks so she likes him on a deeper level (in his perception, at least). It's an interesting aspect to contemplate nonetheless, I have no definitive answer to that.
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For those of you who aren't familiar with the biblical text this plot derives from, the Woman Clothed With The Sun, or The Apocalypse Woman, is said to be carrying a child, a son, and the Dragon (Satan) wants her child, but isn't able to get him or able to even attack her, though he tries. We see that on the show, where after they make love, Francis' Dragon wants her. He tells Hannibal this and we have this interesting line:
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This makes me think of how Hannibal thought he needed to eat Will (in that conversation with Bedelia) but never actually did it. I wonder if he came to a similar conclusion, "having him alive", although of course Hannibal doesn't kill or eat people because there's a greater force inside him making him do so, but he does have the whole idea of needing to eat in order to forgive (which is ambiguous).
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This dialogue happens immediately after Hannibal says he feels love for Will. Obviously H is extremely arrogant or downright delusional and doesn't seem to consider that what he did to Will in the first place, was betrayal, and what Will did was merely a reaction to the hardcore betrayals he experienced, and so he still thinks he's the one who has to forgive somehow. Or perhaps he's just lying to himself. Either way, we have a similar situation with Francis, the Dragon, H and Will. The *extremely* ambiguous dialogue between H and Bedelia seems to imply that he does not accept feeling love? He "blames" Mischa for making him feel something he cannot control (picture above).
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Is that why he feels the "need" to consume Will? In the original work H is fed his sister unknowingly, but in the NBC version it's implied he simply ate her to honor her death. Mads says so in a s3 special, he found the caged man molesting and killing her, therefore this cannot be the same as people feeding him Mischa without his knowledge or consent. Bedelia also implies this in the bathtub scene, she asks what was his first "spring lamb", then immediately asks "what did your sister taste like?".
All of this to try to make sense of why he said that to Francis. He couldn't have predicted Francis was interested in Will, so that's not what he had in mind when suggesting to keep her alive, and "not worry about feeling love for her". Did Hannibal finally came to this conclusion/acceptance himself? That he doesn't need to consume Will just because he loves him, just like Francis doesn't need to kill Reba because the love he felt for her incited the Dragon? Maybe. H actually contemplates killing Will when they're at the cliff house (see WOTL script) but his "compassion is inconvenient" and so he doesn't.
What's the point of this? God only knows. Anyway,
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Closing this useless mess up with canon Hannibal is Will's God. I'm sorry if you came this far and thought I actually had a point. This show destroyed my brain and before that I was on the Supernatural fandom so, imagine my state of being, pray for me.
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bombingqueen · 8 months
Season 1 Overview
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Season Rating: 8/10
This was a good season. I honestly miss when SPN was this grounded before the Angels entered. Season 1 has so many classic and good hunts and the best moments of brotherly bonding between the boys. And just innocence is bliss with those two.
Dean loves so much and so fiercely. Like, how does Sam and John not melt away from all that intensity? Especially Sam. Dean's love for Sam is pure devotion and adoration even if it goes beyond human comprehension to others. Literally Dean is the personification of love in all forms. Dean is terrifying when the ones he loves are in danger and there is no regret because he will do everything and anything for what he considers his. And it comes at the cost of himself. He will let people take advantage of him just to protect what's his. The fact that he stood up to John and put himself on Sam's side to show where his loyalty has begun to shift. (John straight up did abandon Dean and not just physically. Dude just wanted to have his Dad love him without his mistakes being thrown in front of his face or without the YED or Sam taking priority). I love this man even if he is an obsessive and possessive bastard.
Sam makes my heart hurt and bleed. This boy has been through so much and honestly I wish Sam never did return to the life. Season 1 Sam is so good and so pure (he still is in later seasons but there is something about season 1 Sam). The way he looks at a witness or family member of the victim in the eye and makes his voice gentle. The way he subtlety takes care of Dean. Putting his body in front of others to take the blow. I love him even if he doesn't believe he should be loved. It hurts how he is never the same after the encounter with the yellow eyed demon. He hides all that hurt, anger, and love behind a facade. I love how Sam looks at Dean differently with a whole new perspective. The way Sam looks at Dean just hurts; this boy loves his brother so much but also fears that he could lose Dean like he lost Jess. Sam during this season keeps his distance from Dean and the closer they get to the YED, the more he is losing himself to Dean's orbit. I'm sure Sam knew that once he let Dean in there was no turning back to 'normal.' The cross he bears would have killed him if he didn't have Dean to pull him from the edge. Dean is his constant, his compass, and his north star. The love the boys have for each other is unreal at times. Can't live with him, can't live without him (totally took that line from Hannibal. Speaks so loud of entangled lives.).
As much as I do not like John as a parent. He did what he thought was best at the time. I don't agree with the emotional and mental trauma he gave his boys but loss has a way twisting love into something unbearable. Unimaginable. And it is a torture to get up each day to imagine a world where it could be snatched away again. Bearing the weight of the cross is the life of a Winchester.
I am deliberately not talking about Mary yet because of the role she plays later on. I'm gonna be focusing on the Winchester men for most of the series.
Missouri is amazing and I love her. I wish we got to see more of her.
Top 5 Episodes:
Home (This deserves a post just for itself honestly. Mary's I'm sorry is just astounding considering future episodes. Also, John is once again a dick. Dean begging his father to come back is so freakin' sad but good television)
Dead in the Water (This episode just gives so much insight into Dean and how the trauma over his mom's death is so ingrained in every interaction he has with others that are in a similar situation or just vulnerable)
Nightmare (Gut-wrenching knowing what could have been with Dean and Sam if John had made a different decision and the events that would have happened had Sam powers was used for evil. This is also such a smooth transition into the bigger plot at hand and where the show really started picking up steam)
Faith (John is just an asshole period. You care so much about keeping them safe but you don't check up on your dying son. Sure John. Sam and Dean love each other more than life itself okay. Their love continues getting more and more possessive with each near death. Beautiful)
Something Wicked (Dean never was and was never gonna be a child. Had the weight of the world on his shoulders in more ways than one)
The Worst Episode:
Route 666 (This episode has literally always made me uncomfortable not gonna lie. Being a black woman has made me look at this episode in so many different ways and it just makes me upset for a lack of a better word. Considering that they don't revisit this type of thing again says something. That is a huge can worms that does not always end well.)
Favorite Quotes:
"People don't come here for the truth. They come for good news." - Missouri (Home)
"Man, I'm not going to give you a loaded pistol!" - Dean (Asylum)
"A young man with an important purpose. A job to do. And it isn't finished." - Roy (Faith)
"Sam's my responsibility. He's coming back. I'm bringing his back." - Dean (Benders)
"Yeah, I don't want you to leave the second this thing's over, Sam." - Dean (Shadow)
"These guy...probably bitchslap them both," - Sam (Hell House)
"Spent it on ammo." - John (Dead Man's Blood)
"I want you to go to school. I want-want Dean to have a home." _ John (Salvation)
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damnslippyplanet · 2 months
@leupagus requested, and her wish is my command. At least on a Monday morning when I'd rather be thinking about fic than my weekend email backlog. So:
List five of your least-popular fics, as well as when/why you wrote them.
the green place, Word of Honor modern AU, YeXie, 2021
This was a little string of YeXie Week ficlets based on word prompts. Friend Ritualist* and I had been batting around some ideas for a Plant Witch Xie'er fic in the DMs and I thought I'd use YeXie week to play around with the character voices/world a little and see how I liked writing those two. I had a lovely time writing it, but semi-connected short ficlets where the rimming is (just barely) off-screen are a hard sell. Also I left it marked incomplete for a long time thinking I might go back and finish out the week's prompts, so I'm sure it got passed over by the very wise people who don't read WIPs. No regrets, I like knowing Plant Witch Xier'er is out there even if he'll probably never really get written.
*babe, I'm blanking out and can only think of your pro author tumblr name and not your fandom one, if you're seeing this and wanna be linked, drop your fandom url in the comments and I'll link you up
The Desert Dreams of a River, Darkangel Trilogy, Aeriel/Irrylath, Erin/OFC, 2019.
Yuletide fic! With the hit count you expect for a Yuletide genfic based on one of your formative pieces of circa-1982 fiction about a girl trying to reform a vampire while they live on the terraformed moon. Written in a frantic haze just short of deadline, if I recall, as I'd started a different angle on it that didn't quite work. I'm not saying this story was just an excuse to get Erin a wife, but it was sort of that, since the prompt didn't really allow for Erin to wife Aeriel. (But she SHOULD HAVE. Let Aeriel Have A Husband And A Wife.) I loved these books so much. Unfortunately something must be really fucked with the licensing because only the third of the trilogy was available as an ebook at the time and that doesn't seem to have changed? Pick up a hard copy of the first book if you ever see one, though.
every word is nonsense, Only Friends, Ray&Sand, 2023
Another little tidbit of a fic as an exercise in character voice again and also how much I liked how much the show likes their smoking scenes. Look. I'm a person of a certain age who smoked like a chimney as a teenager and into my early twenties, and I can't help the programming that got into my bones about the inherent eroticism of sharing a cigarette. (lolsob, high five to my fellow Thai BL nerds, how are we all doing this week with the one-two- punch of the DFF shotgunning scene and the new 4 minutes teaser? it's fine, i'm fine.) I wrote this thinking that next I would write some RaySand smut and then didn't because the whirl of Thai BL fandom pulled me on to something else, but at some point I want to rewatch this show and may still write it then because it fed my FirstKhao shipper heart so well.
dizzy in your wake, Nirvana in Fire, Changsu/Jingyan, 2020?
I'm not the one who said "what if Mei Changsu were a were-octopus," that was a series of amazing twitter threads by @astronicht. But people just KEPT sending it to me because I am known to think octopus content is very cool and also to be a Mei Changsu Girlie, and eventually a couple of friends shook me until 600 words of ridiculousness came out. What surprises me is not that this one has few kudos, but that it has >10 kudos at all. I would say this is the most niche and silly thing I've written except I've also written MDZS/Jupiter Ascending fusion fic, so let's not pretend I have any dignity left. Written in 2020 but it didn't get posted until later because I don't usually post things this short. At some point I was in one of those "it's an ARCHIVE, we should put ALL THE THINGS THERE" moods and slapped a few NiF ficlets written for the group chat up there.
A Second Dose, Hannibal, Bev/Freddie, 2016
This was the thing where you write an odd little rarepair and it's so much fun you come back and do a sequel you hadn't meant to write. I'd written Bev/Freddie before and then when a Hannibal rarepair fest came around I was like, hey, what if I did that again. Possibly I just wanted to revisit the cat named after Rosalind Franklin that I'd made up for Bev.
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a-couple-of-notes · 10 months
assorted ramblings on the pasithea powder
I find it hilarious that in one of the Q&As, we learn that the creators really love this one episode of Hannibal where five people are stuck in a house, emotional bombs are dropped, and everyone is immediately in danger of dying--and then in "A Passage," three people are stuck in a spaceship, emotional bombs are dropped, and they're all pretty much in danger of dying (I mean, okay, they're not all bleeding out in a kitchen, but like--Sophie's brain is melting, the government is in pursuit, and Other!Evelyn did get shot, so it's close enough.) It's so cool when you can see pieces of what people love in their own work.
Someone else made a post about this, but learning that at least one of the creators read Animorphs makes so much sense and brings me so much joy. And also that shred of lettuce story reminds me in such a great and terrible way of that sliver of Hork-Bajir flesh in Cassie's teeth in #19.
You know, there could be a world in which these assorted ramblings devolve even further into Animorphs comparisons--for example, Yeerks and Others feeding off memories to create something that's an approximation of how the real person would act but not quite? Or, even closer, the Yeerk parasitism vs. the Eggaran mind-meld in Episode 18 (and even how that parallels Cassie and Aftran in #19, although the stakes are completely different). Or the easy parallels between Jane and Cassie and Sophie and Rachel that stick and fall apart in interesting ways once you examine them too closely--I'm gonna stop now.
Speaking of that famous mind-meld in Episode 18--it felt, in the most loving and thematically appropriate of ways, like such a fanfic trope? Like those pollen fics--you know which ones I'm talking about--except the characters are launched into another sort of intimate understanding of each other. And, you know, it feels like something that would happen to the leads of another show: this whole story has been about Jane and Sophie's struggle to communicate and be vulnerable with and trust each other--so shower them with feelings juice and make them work it out! It's why I was so glad that they didn't do that. Moreau and Jane get the mind meld shortcut; Sophie and Omikron do, too. But Sophie and Jane have to process and grow and communicate with each other all on their own. And it makes it so much more rewarding when they do.
My favorite ending narratively was Episode 11--that tightly-constructed ball of longing and trust and betrayal that makes you go, oh, of course it went like that--but Episode 33 was such a good finale, too. Getting to see them be kids again, essentially, reveling in memories when memory has been the thing that's haunted them for so long. There's peace. They're young. They'll be alright.
"A Passage" will haunt me, I can already feel it. The implications of the Evelyn interacting with Sophie being Jane's Evelyn and thus being not only a representation of what Jane thought Evelyn and Sophie's relationship was but also a fucked-up extension of Jane's own love for Sophie. All of Evelyn's snippiness toward Jane being, on some level, Jane's own self-recrimination. The fact that Jane could give Sophie both orders (to believe her and to leave) and Sophie didn't fly into the sun, and that Jane took the chance of that happening (for Evelyn? in the heat of the moment? because she knew the core of Sophie wouldn't fundamentally conflict with the idea of believing in Jane?) The tangled mess of Sophie wanting to stay with them anyway! God. This show is so good.
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man-tittiesmwah · 1 year
Xiaolin chronicles is trash. Here's why:
First of all, it acts as if it is a sequel/continuation of showdown. The only clue we get of that fact is the monks ranks, the fact that it is clear that they already know each other and the conversation about a new monk joining in. But then there is the scene of Jack freeing Wuya(why did they change the means of her imprisonment? Actually, why was she a ghost at all? When they show the possibly future monks the hologram of Wuya's imprisonment, there is no mention of the monks capturing her again. And if they did, wouldn't they keep her somewhere safe? Didn't they learn from the last time?). I am sure there are more plotholes, but I I only watched this in 2017(that's when it aired in my country).
Another thing that bothered me is the lack of originality for the characters personalities. Let's be honest, in essence, xiaolin showdown wasn't all that original, there were the good guys fighting the bad guys who either wanna rule the world or rule and destroy it just because they are evil. But it did a great job handleling these characters, that's what makes the show special.
Firstly, Ping pong had no purpose beside being an incorporation of the element wood, an actual element in chinese mythology. That's it. My guy is so unimportant that he doesn't even have his own desing or personality, he is just omi #2 but nice.
Oh, and Omi..... He's my second favorite character in showdown, but I just can't stand him in chronicles. He used to be cute and his moments of saltyness were pretty funny. Here he is just insuferable, he is rude, extremely jealous for no apparent reason, his ego has its own gravitational orbit and I think worst of all, he treats dojo terribly, even tho he is shown to really care about him in showdown ( also, treating him as a maid is uncharacteristic for omi out of all people, he is very serious about chores and is shown to don't like it when people do his work for him).
Jack just became a punching bag, it's not funny anymore.
Master Fung is useless, he dips when the monks need him the most. Dojo crying for him got old really quickly.
That's kind of this show's entire problem. It took things that used to be funny in showdown and overused it until it became annoying.
Chase became just a stereotypical bad guy. I was on the verge of tears when i saw the new desing of his lair. His relationship with Shadow or whatever that was supposed to be was weird af. He overall became the wrong kind of creepy. He used to be the mysterious guy who killed thousands of people, incinerates towns because he cans and wants to, tried to eat dojo and has cannibalistic tendencies kind of creepy. Now he is the "nice guy" you don't want to meet when you're alone at night kind of creepy (that's the best i could come up with).
Where tf is Hannibal?
Why can't i remember one sentence from the secondary antagonists (tubbimura, katnappe)? (not counting that weird episode when jack becomes good and they cheer for him)
Why did they waste Shadow? She actually had potential. I'd much rather see her become her own character than watch whatever tf was going on betwen her and Chase.
Why does the episode "Chase lays an egg" exist?
Why did they whitewash Wuya in her human form?
Tigress woo or whatever is boring, don't even make me get started.
Where tf is Master Monk Guan?
Why wasn't Jermaine the fifth monk?
Why give Chase a new backstory that makes him look even weirder? ( bassically, he bacame evil because a girl didn't want to date him) His original backstory was perfect to show how similar him and omi are, they both seek to be something grand, but want to achieve it by walking on different paths.
Ok, i think this is all, if i remember anything else i'll make another post. Good night🫶
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s12e16 ladies drink free (w. meredith glynn)
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s12e16 / hannibal s2e9 shiizakana
okay so it's kind of generic dead boy and girl in snow but the fur on her jacket and the positions and the grunty growling presumably werewolf just made me think hey it's a way less gory version of the hannibal scene
MICK My report to the home office ran long. We've had our hands full since... (Dean and Mick look down at a blood stain on the floor) Well, best not to dwell on that. DEAN Wow. That is some world-class repression. You are British. MICK We prefer to call it a stiff upper lip.
you're one to talk there, dean
SAM Wait a second. You killed them all? Even the ones that weren't hurting anyone? MICK Sorry? SAM I mean, werewolves aren't like most monsters. Some can control it. I mean, we – we have a buddy got bit. Nothing but beef hearts ever since. MICK And you trust him? Well, killing is a fundamental need for werewolves. And monsters don't just stop being monsters. DEAN Well, Garth did.
was wondering when this would come up
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poor sammy. but dean's too excited for free and fancy shit. thanks for throwing us a bone, meredith
so old mick here lied about the girl being bitten, actual crisis of conscience or setup for having to kill her later to prove his point or...
(yay it's claire/kathryn keeper of my favorite hair on the show)
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CLAIRE So, your foreign exchange student is totally lame. DEAN Yeah. He's Sam's best friend. (Sam sighs deeply) They're like nerd soul mates.
you jealous, dean-o
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why is the moon literally being erased by cg, forgot to make the cloud?
secret third option, return to the hospital to kill her quietly before she's even turned. but he's sorry! oh how convenient she turned right as he was about to kill her so he had to fend off her attack
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CLAIRE Sam, no offense, but who do you think the kids are gonna wanna talk to? Me, or some old skeezer?
skeezer lol
DEAN Yeah? I used to think the same thing. Well, here's a little tip. Things aren't just black and white out here.
took a minute but he came around
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should have seen her getting bitten coming but i 100% didn't
SAM Mick, you killed a kid. We're not angry. We're done!
he gonna stick to that?
there's something about the way she said "unless i break out" that really worked. and the music was appropriate and far enough behind the dialogue it wasn't obtrusive
MICK The subject died in agony. Sorry. CLAIRE Yeah. Maybe second time's a charm. DEAN Hey, no, no. You don't get a vote in this. CLAIRE It's my life. I get all the votes. DEAN Sam, you wanna back me up here? SAM It's her life.
of all people, sam's gonna back her up on this topic 24/7
dean really in full-on protective dad mode this episode. i must have learned this little werewolf lore tidbit in fic and didn't realize because i honestly thought we already knew this sire business, or made some inference from the vampires 🥴
kathryn newton is so good as claire
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they remembered to put the moon in a spot that vaguely looked like it was obscured by clouds, good job team
very special episode where mick learns things aren't black and white, after all
CLAIRE Right. Eat me, Teen Wolf.
lol tell him, claire!
BARTENDER It's not like I want to do this. My pack, we were happy. We didn't hurt anyone. And then hunters with weapons that I've never seen before, they show up and... take out 20 of us, just like that.
ha ha so bmol is to blame for it all because they went after the veggie wolves, i snorted. hammering us over the head with their point again
and the very special episode where claire learns again she's loved by her family and not in fact better off alone
always laugh this show makes blood draws happen in any old place, just slam a needle in, bing bang boom done
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wish they'd leave her hair what i assume is her natural texture (wavy), whenever it's overly Done like this it doesn't really vibe with what she's usually got going on. was gonna bitch if dean didn't get a hug goodbye from her :p
really glad they didn't kill her off. feel like if this was in the early seasons, she would have died for the manpain of it all
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zipegs · 8 months
will & beverly // 774 words, g, western au // ao3 written for day 1 of fad's au challenge: cowboy
The midday sun was so strong that Will could hear it. Sweat dripped insistently down his back and chest, and his and Beverly's horses kicked up a dry cloud of grit with every step. The dust misted his face like sea spray, sticking to his perspiration and coating him in a layer of dirt.
Normally, Will would relish every aspect of the ride—the gentle rocking of his hips, Winston's strength beneath him, the heat pressed in on him from all sides.
Riding out across the flat fields, far out of reach of the civilized world... It was really the only time he felt safe.
Now, though, it was hard to concentrate on his surroundings. He kept losing himself in his mind, slipping back into the roaring river of his thoughts. Hannibal staring at him through the cell bars. Alana stained red and cradling Abigail's broken-puppet body. The sharp heat of Hannibal's knife in his belly.
A fat droplet of sweat slid into Will's stinging eye. He came back to himself and blinked past the sudden flare of pain. When he glanced to his side, he found that Beverly was already watching him, her face lined hard with somber concern. Will forced an unsteady smile, and she looked away. "There's a stream up ahead," she said, gesturing with her chin. "Think we should stop for a while."
Will knew her better than to argue. Beverly had always been the stubborn sort, whip-smart and headstrong, and she wasn't one for compromise.
They rode on in silence as the terrain blossomed with dry grasses & clusters of brittle shrubs—life, but a hardened, serrated form of it.
Will could relate.
The stream, when they reached it, was low for this time of year, not much more than a trickle over slick, jagged rocks. He led Winston to drink and Beverly did the same, standing at the water's edge with her hands planted on her hips. Will lowered himself to kneel and dipped his grimy hands beneath the surface, collecting cold water in his palms. It stung pleasantly when he splashed it over his face, and he scooped a handful onto the back of his neck before running his hands through his sweat-damp hair.
"How's your stomach?" Beverly asked. Her gaze darted to Will as she rinsed her bandana in the stream.
He frowned, bringing a protective hand to his lower belly. Beverly raised her brows as she wiped herself down with the cool cloth, and Will cleared his throat. "It's fine."
"Bullshit." Beverly rinsed the bandana again and hung it around her neck,  leaning back on the sun-warmed grass. "We should've waited another week."
Will exhaled a frustrated sigh. "I'm tired of waiting, Bev."
"I know."
He stared out over the stream, feeling her gaze on him. It was at least another day until they reached the village where Hannibal had been sighted. Between the time it took for the news to reach Will in the first place and the time it took for him and Beverly to travel there, there was no way of knowing if they'd find him. If they didn't—if Hannibal had moved on... Will didn't know what he'd do.
He reached into his pocket and ran his thumb over the engraved surface of Hannibal's pocket watch, the metal body-warm. A pang of longing seized him, followed by the brutal ache of betrayal. Will closed his fist around the watch and squeezed until the metal bit into his palm.
Will closed his eyes. He released the pocket watch and set his palms on the ground, focusing on the sharp, stubbly blades of grass beneath his skin. He could hear Beverly shifting beside him. "When we get there," Beverly said slowly, picking her words with care, "when we find him—"
"If we find him," Will jumped in.
"If we find him." She paused.
Will didn't open his eyes. In his mind, he could see Hannibal leaning over him, his eyes shining with tears as he carved apart Will's life.
Beverly spoke again, just as slow and quiet as before. "What are you going to do?"
Will's pistol was heavy in his holster. His throat ached, and he could feel the soft press of Hannibal's lips against his.
The truth of it was this: Will didn't know what he was going to do. He didn't think he would know, not until Hannibal was standing there in front of him, real and solid.
The possibilities spun out before him, as open and endless as the lands that separated them.
Will opened his eyes and said nothing—just stared out across the sunlit stream.
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When if "Xiaolin Showdown: The Movie" after they're finishing the 3 seasons?
Are you asking me what I'd want to see out of a post season-3 Movie? I guess similar to what I'd want from a season 4, but movies have much smaller runtimes and have to work with tighter pacing than seasons, so I guess these would be the main things:
Hannibal as the main villain, and we finally get to see the plan he has that makes even Chase afraid. World-shattering, universe bending stakes.
Some more of Chase and Hannibal's specific animosity for each other, since Hannibal will be the main big bad and will be accumulating power
Some more development on Chase and Omi's bond to followup how they were the heart of the series finale but didn't really get any closure and they both have a very personal beef with Hannibal that they still haven't gotten closure on, either. Lots more training and plotting together, putting aside some of the complications because of a very common enemy.
Hannibal and Wuya always worked together well, so maybe Hannibal managing to partially unlock some of her powers or help her use some new temporary power source to make up for the sealed abilities
Hannibal calling Omi "Sweet Pea" again. This is vital.
Clay and Kimiko actually getting to have some agency and personality. Maybe express some small disappointment about losing after they gave it their all, but getting more motivated to try even harder. Have them especially build their bond with each other and work together one-on-one.
Have Raimundo do some leadership stuff, show some situations where he’ll taking charge and analyzing the other’s abilities to help create both pre-planned and on-the-fly strategies
Jermaine officially joining the team. Maybe in a moment of Crisis while they're in New York and he jumps in to help and stays with them for the rest of the movie, 6th ranger style. Cute reunion with Omi.
Jack teaming up with the monks again, as he does in season finales. Maybe make this time feel even more substantive, and he questions his place on the Heylin.
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notanorigami · 2 years
fic recommendations for grindeldore!
i, (un)fortunately have been captured by this ship. i also started rereading a bunch of fics that i bookmarked, so i thought: might as well make a fic recommendation post. please enjoy! :)
I'd Wait For Life by Dreamer1701
starting off with a rather angsty one. albus just gives himself up to gellert because he can't handle the pain and it's just so heartbreaking :(
anyways, it's also part of a series called All This Time, and i encourage you to read the two sequels to the fic. i think they're pretty good, at least in my opinion :)
Aberforth didn't want to see that by FantastyFreak_2
i just think this one's really funny, although the very last part is kinda sad :(
the great work by Laeveteinn
tbh, i've never watched hannibal before. but anyways, i thought this fic was pretty interesting :)
how did you get here, my dear? by captnhowzer
gellert doesn't tell voldemort where the elder wand is and dies thinking that he's saved albus. unfortunately, he finds out that albus was already dead
An Erumpent Encounter by AlbusGellertAlways
albus and gellert go to a zoo to look at erumpents and gellet confesses to albus :)
I Shall Love You Better After Death by CompassToTheEndlessSea
after albus talks to harry in limbo, gellert arrives
kugelmensch by NiciLupin
gellert wishes to be buried with albus. plus, a bunch of sweet moments from albus' life :)
Yours, Albus by Gellerts Lavender Tie (aScandalinCamelot)
gellert reads albus' last letter and is heartbroken
Youth by Asian_Rice
albus dies and then wakes up at the beginning of the summer of 1899. he vows to make up for mistakes by actually caring for his siblings this time around and to avoid becoming friends with gellert. unfortunately(?), he only succeeds in the former.
Whispers of the Past by AlbusGellertAlways
lily goes to bathila bagshot's house and accidentally finds out that dumbledore used to date grindelwald. (honestly speaking, i could see this being canon)
I have never known colour, like this morning reveals to me by Lunarseclipse
ariana is given the role of death and she helps people out + a lot of fluffy grindeldore :)
Reckless Paradise by NightWithoutStars
basically, what if albus chose to replace trelawney with gellert instead?
Dumbledore's Meeting by AlbusGellertAlways
hermione drops divination and albus tells her a little about gellert. (on a different note, i apparently did not know how to spell hermione and had to learn when i was bookmarking the fic :P )
silver memories by Space_Samurai
newt and theseus look at gellert's memories and accidentally find out about his relationship with albus. also, newt is best bro in this, just not to theseus
The end of the World by navvy
basically, earthquakes or something happen and hogwarts is one of the only havens. because of this, gellert and the gang go to hogwarts and gellert makes up with albus. not totally unrelated, fuck travers
Between what is right and what is easy by navvy
this is actually the first of an omegaverse series called The choices we make. albus is an omega and the ministry finds out, so they force albus to marry an alpha. unfortunately for them, gellert snuck into the meeting and marries albus. tbh, i really like this series :)
also, fuck travers again
Excessive Curiosity And Where It Leads You by Bubble_Pomme
rita skeeter is a bitch and visits gellert in prison. unfortunately, things don't quite go as she planned.
I just think this one's really funny :)
The Final Request by SparksAdrift
harry investigates why grindelwald would want to be buried with dumbledore by looking through dumbledore's memories.
Socken by noctis_ibis
aunt bathilda finds about them because of socks
this one's just really sweet :)
That time a boggart wrecked DADA by BellaShouldBeStudying
albus is teaching DADA when his boggart turns into gellert and his class realizes what their relationship is. albus is fired and gellert tries to bring albus to him.
all i want for christmas by yumbledore
albus tries to drown himself, but is saved by gellert
this one is sad and angsty :(
The Mirror of Erised by Jotun_Half_Breed
albus actually tells harry what he sees in the mirror and harry realizes who albus was talking about six years later
The Shard of the Erised by Royal_ColourPencils
harry looks into a shard of the mirror and finds out about that he can see what other people saw. featuring: wolfstar + grindeldore
welp, that's it for now folks! see ya.
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 years
As YA cannibal love stories go BONES AND ALL is very accessible.
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A sweet story about seeking connection amidst eating people. Wasn't that essentially what NBC's HANNIBAL was about?
I attended the Q&A Sunday night with producer Peter Spears, composers Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor, writer David Kajganich, actor Taylor Russell and director Luca Guadagnino on panel.
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What is it about: Taylor Russell (who is sublime in this role) plays Maren a cannibal - excuse me, an eater - who embarks on a road trip where she meets a cast of colourful characters including Lee (Timothee Chalamet).
-Sense the film is set in the Eighties, while waiting for the film to begin they were piping in music of the era and one of the songs they played was The Psychedelic Furs "Love My Way". One of the first things Luca said included, " The possibilities of impossibilities".
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The Maestro on crutches.
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Luca: I was very enamored with her in that movie (the film WAVES). And when I got the script I read the script, I loved the script and I decided to make the movie it took me a few moments to think and then let my unconscious pick the right person (and) it was her.
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Taylor: I was just excited that Luca knew who I was and asked for a meeting with me which was a FaceTime. As in his words there was a very immediate connection between us. It felt really easy and loving. And then I thought, "Oh, gosh, I get to have a little part in this movie whatever it is it's going to be great - anything to work with him. The exciting thing it was a really big part in one of his movies. So that was my lucky stars. And the vision of Luca. So yeah, from the beginning I was really excited and not scared about the subject matter I just wanted to be in his world.
Taylor: The really exciting thing is at the beginning I started off with Andre (Holland). He was the first ....we didn't shoot chronologically but in terms of my partners throughout the film it was chronological in a sense so I started off with Andre and he kinda eased me in and held my hand, made me feel safe. Then Timmy and then Mark. They're all very different people, of course, but the connective tissue of all of them is that they are very present, spontaneous actors and they're always trying to get the most out of a scene and juice it all out. You never end up feeling like anything is missing at the end; so that's good. I felt like - I mean I'm sitting on this stage now with many wonderful men and I felt at the beginning of shooting that that was how it would feel: I would have all of these supportive totem people near me and that stuck through until today and probably will continue, I hope.
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Trent: We were real excited to work with Luca. When we got the script - first we heard there was interest (in them), we were thrilled. We read a very interesting and tasteful script and we were wondering how Luca would transform that into film. From our very first meeting it was clear that this was a romance - a great and tragic romance and the music needed to support that.
Atticus: (talking about dealing with themes of love and true love and some very untrue, poisonous love and the gore) To do it in a way that felt sinuous and respectful and appropriate.
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Peter: I'll echo what everyone said here is that when Luca calls and says he's got a project and something exciting brewing you immediately perk up. Him calling me to say he was getting the band back together a bit with working with Timmy again and the chance to get to do that with some new collaborators.
Having read the script and at first thinking, "What is this cannibal love story?", you know, but really being able to dive into it and understanding all the other layers that was there really a testament to work of Theresa Park (producer) who worked on the great script with David who brought this adaptation to a place where we could all jump in and so we did. In the middle of Covid we decided to ...on a dime...go out to the Midwest for too short a time with too little money and on our own, really. We financed it ourselves and putting faith in ourselves to know that we were just going to go make the movie we all believed in and I think that happens so very rarely so we took a chance on ourselves. We battled tornadoes...
David: Cicadas.
Peter: Cicadas. That's right - 17-year cicadas. In making a road movie and having just come off of NOMADLAND we had a fair amount of experience of a road movie but it was a completely new road movie...each one is, I guess, is onto itself with those challenges but it was really an experience of a lifetime to work with this group and see it come to fruition and seeing how people are responding to it. It has been fantastic.
Luca: Making movies is an opportunity of having a great playground to really play and you meet your friends, then you meet new friends, you invent stories and you create worlds - I think it's great. To really enjoy each other's company...to see great artists come up with ideas and do things is one of the great privileges of my life.
Taylor: I mean this so wholly with my heart...I knew that even if I was going to be terrible in the movie and if I was going to let everyone down that the gift would be that I was on the best film...in the best film school in the world to learn from Luca, to watch him work; to just be directed by him regardless of how...what I turned in. That I would be changed in a way that would change my life internally.
There was so much belief that he had in me and I didn't understand where it was coming from at all. It made me feel really confident. That confidence he instilled in me helped me feel really free when we started working together. Luca is a very strong leader and has a very clear vision but at the same time is really malleable and able to change in every single second of the day and be open to the the ever-evolving flow of life. That's a pretty rare quality because people can get stuck on what they want to do and be very dogmatic and that's not how Luca is. That is why his films are so youthful and wise at the same time. That's the grace of him. That's what I learned.
Luca: The task that was very important to me was coming from Italy and coming for the first time to shoot a film in America in the Midwest, I was - and we were - ready to immerse ourselves and really see America through a lens that was compassionate and at the same height but not overwhelmed by it...that was my thing because I love this country and I think it's important - in the specifics of this story - we had to find a universe of a balance to involve it.
Luca: I think there were no difficult scenes for Taylor.
Taylor: (laughing) Nooooo, that's not true. Everything was difficult for me. Everything.
Luca: It doesn't look like it.
Taylor: That's nice. There's that quote - "You only achieve simplicity with enormous effort". I resonate with that very much.
Trent: Ditto for us. Our method is to immerse ourselves as deep as we can into the story and once we pick out what tools we're going to use and what instruments, what cerebral decision-making we need to do then we try to get lost in the emotional core of what the scene needs to say or the film needs to convey through the lens and the guidance of what/how the director wanting to tell that story.
With this one, as I mentioned, a number of things kinda resonated with us: might be the location, might be elements of my own past and relationships but when we finished this film we both realized we crossed the line into an obsession of deeply caring about these characters in a way we haven't experienced in anything else we've worked on. When we finished the film we missed seeing them every day. I just watched the same last hour you did here tonight, but the night before last we saw it for the first time with an audience and we both felt like crying at the end and we have seen it a lot of times. It really struck an emotional core so we try to tap into - the same way as we do when writing a song - how do we emotionally "dress the set" and feel the way we intend for it to. With this film it easy to get into that space...not as easy to get out of it, I found because it's a powerful piece of work.
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Peter: I want to add - what's amazing about what Luca does is he calls and says "We're going to make my first movie in America; will you help me?" and sure, you say yes, but what we then said was, "Okay. We'll shoot this in upstate New York and we can just copy all the places out in the Midwest and he says, "Absolutely not. We're going to shoot everywhere that's in the script." He takes us on a trip through our country. He shows us our country in a way I had forgotten about, to be honest. I've seen it over and over again and every time I just...Anyway, thank you for showing us our country, Luca.
David: I remember you (Luca) calling me and saying you were in a Waffle House in West Virginia and I thought, "We're really doing this."
David explains that the books were a combo of things in the zeitgeist of the time, but also of books that people would recommend to Maren. All of the titles are intentional.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes with the A-Team and Kit Kelley
Since both @starlit-ocs and @datasgirlfriend have already done it, it's high time I joined in on the fun.
Part 2
Amy: So what's it like actually dating Kit? Face: Once, I asked her for a glass of water while she was still mad at me. She brought me a glass of ice cubes and said: Wait.
Murdock: Are you a big spoon or a little spoon? Kit: I'm a knife! Face: She's a little spoon <3
Face: I bet I could fit the whole world in my hands! Kit: That's physically impossible. Face: *cups Kit's face* Are you sure? Kit: *blushing furiously* Stop it, I have a reputation.
Face: I've been in love with you since the day I met you. Kit: I literally just got thrown in this prison cell with you and tried to bite you when you tried to untie me. Face: Happy two-minute anniversary!
Murdock: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Hannibal: Wasn't Kit with you? Kit: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Kit: *on the phone while getting stuff for the team at the grocery store* How long does a deodorant stick usually last you? Murdock: Usually only three or four bites. Kit: Okay, then I'll- Wait- Ugh, why do I even bother...? Where's Face? I need some actually useful tips.
Face: I made tea. Kit: I don't want tea. Face: I didn't make you tea, this is my tea. Kit: ... Then why did you tell me? Face: It's a conversation starter. Kit: It's a horrible conversation starter. Face: Oh, is it? We're having a conversation right now. Checkmate, Kit.
Kit, putting her whole body into trying to stop B.A.: Don't overreact. B.A., chasing Murdock throw a plane's cargo hold: I'm not!
B.A., after having been drugged again: Fuck the Faceman! Kit: I'm trying! B.A.: Kit: You didn't hear that.
Face, drowsily: I slept for almost twelve hours but I might still be tired, so let's go for another twelve, just in case. Kit: You were unconscious, Face. Hannibal: That's called a coma, kid. Face: Sounds festive.
Kit: Don't say it. Hannibal: I wasn't going to say anything. Kit: Yes, you were. Hannibal: No, I wasn't. Kit: You were going to say "I told you so". Hannibal: Well, now that you mention it- Kit: Don't you dare. Hannibal: I told you so. Kit: I hate you.
Kit: *pulls out a knife* B.A.: How many of those do you have? Kit: *pulls out more* How many do you need?
Kit: What the fuck?! Hannibal: Language! Kit: Sorry. Whom the fuck. Hannibal: Better.
B.A.: If you had to chose between Face and all the money in my wallet right now, what would you choose? Kit: That depends, how much money are we talking? Face: Kit? B.A.: 63 cents and a souvenir coin. Kit: I'll take the wallet. Face: KIT!? Kit: What? I want the souvenir coin!
I could go on for ages, but this is it for now.
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besidesitstoowarm · 1 year
"Army of Ghosts" thoughts
i really need to stop doubting russell. he put his whole pussy into some of these episodes
so this is one of those stories i've never rewatched, ever. the ending to "doomsday" devastated me so severely in high school (11-ish years ago) that i shied away from ever returning to this story. so far, it bangs
it begins w narration from rose about nothing ever having happened to her in her entire life, you can actually hear billie smile when she says "and then i met a man called the doctor" and like. i really can't stress enough. rose is the insane one in their relationship. rose carries the brunt of the derangement. house/wilson, hannibal/will, i am a huge sucker for pairings where the "normal" half is the sickest person alive and that is the most interesting interpretation of rose, to me. she is so bored of normal life that she would literally rather die than return to it, and she LOVES it, she craves it, the danger is the appeal not the doctor. she obviously has feelings for him (mutual) but it doesn't matter if he's ancient or ugly or whatever, she needs this life. rose is insane. bless
i do love her kindness tho. her being very delicate and gentle w jackie over the ghosts thing, reminding her that her dad is dead, saying she wishes she could smell the same cigarette smoke but she doesn't
and the doctor's reaction to the ghosts. "don't you think it's beautiful?" "i think it's horrific" ouch. he's right but ouch. i do think jackie has a point, though not the one she thinks she's making. the fact that people have the capacity to love so deeply, so intently, that they see blurry figurines appear out of thin air and assign qualities and personalities and scents to them, they see a footprint and vividly reminisce about the boot, i do think that's beautiful. the human capacity for love even in the strangest circumstances is, to me (a historian by schooling, vet med by profession) one of the most endearing, admirable traits of humanity
rose blowing off jackie's concern for her new lifestyle by being like "i worked in a SHOP" [ie my previous life had no meaning or value] and jackie defensively saying "i've worked in shops" yes girl. retail workers have value and are in fact braver than any us marine (source: worked in macy's on black friday). rose has this nice dichotomy that feels deeply real, where she is kind of ashamed of her life (living at home, working retail) but also protective of it (defends her mom, always makes a point to talk to "the help")
we get our first allons-y this episode
we also get the resolution to 1000 mentions of torchwood this season. my boyfriend actually didn't know torchwood was a dw spinoff before he started this watch w me, which is kind of funny. torchwood isn't really worth all the buildup, tbh. it's not worth the hype. huge shoutout to burn gorman tho, wildly underrated as an actor. "we must defend our border against the alien" and wanting to harness the power of the hole between worlds in order to "never depend on the middle east again" wow really not subtle here. even ignoring the plans to reinstate the british empire. davies is virulently anti-establishment in this show (and i assume irl) and it's deeply refreshing; i think doctor who can be a little too liberal-centrist for my tastes at times (capaldi zygon two-parter my beloathed grrrrrrrrrrr) so i really respect how often he went whole-hog acab fuck the government. it's one of the biggest reasons i'm excited to have him BACK
oh also hi mickey again
anyway part 2! can't wait to die!!
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