#I am too busy to write fanfic (really this time) but some might show up
a-couple-of-notes · 11 months
assorted ramblings on the pasithea powder
I find it hilarious that in one of the Q&As, we learn that the creators really love this one episode of Hannibal where five people are stuck in a house, emotional bombs are dropped, and everyone is immediately in danger of dying--and then in "A Passage," three people are stuck in a spaceship, emotional bombs are dropped, and they're all pretty much in danger of dying (I mean, okay, they're not all bleeding out in a kitchen, but like--Sophie's brain is melting, the government is in pursuit, and Other!Evelyn did get shot, so it's close enough.) It's so cool when you can see pieces of what people love in their own work.
Someone else made a post about this, but learning that at least one of the creators read Animorphs makes so much sense and brings me so much joy. And also that shred of lettuce story reminds me in such a great and terrible way of that sliver of Hork-Bajir flesh in Cassie's teeth in #19.
You know, there could be a world in which these assorted ramblings devolve even further into Animorphs comparisons--for example, Yeerks and Others feeding off memories to create something that's an approximation of how the real person would act but not quite? Or, even closer, the Yeerk parasitism vs. the Eggaran mind-meld in Episode 18 (and even how that parallels Cassie and Aftran in #19, although the stakes are completely different). Or the easy parallels between Jane and Cassie and Sophie and Rachel that stick and fall apart in interesting ways once you examine them too closely--I'm gonna stop now.
Speaking of that famous mind-meld in Episode 18--it felt, in the most loving and thematically appropriate of ways, like such a fanfic trope? Like those pollen fics--you know which ones I'm talking about--except the characters are launched into another sort of intimate understanding of each other. And, you know, it feels like something that would happen to the leads of another show: this whole story has been about Jane and Sophie's struggle to communicate and be vulnerable with and trust each other--so shower them with feelings juice and make them work it out! It's why I was so glad that they didn't do that. Moreau and Jane get the mind meld shortcut; Sophie and Omikron do, too. But Sophie and Jane have to process and grow and communicate with each other all on their own. And it makes it so much more rewarding when they do.
My favorite ending narratively was Episode 11--that tightly-constructed ball of longing and trust and betrayal that makes you go, oh, of course it went like that--but Episode 33 was such a good finale, too. Getting to see them be kids again, essentially, reveling in memories when memory has been the thing that's haunted them for so long. There's peace. They're young. They'll be alright.
"A Passage" will haunt me, I can already feel it. The implications of the Evelyn interacting with Sophie being Jane's Evelyn and thus being not only a representation of what Jane thought Evelyn and Sophie's relationship was but also a fucked-up extension of Jane's own love for Sophie. All of Evelyn's snippiness toward Jane being, on some level, Jane's own self-recrimination. The fact that Jane could give Sophie both orders (to believe her and to leave) and Sophie didn't fly into the sun, and that Jane took the chance of that happening (for Evelyn? in the heat of the moment? because she knew the core of Sophie wouldn't fundamentally conflict with the idea of believing in Jane?) The tangled mess of Sophie wanting to stay with them anyway! God. This show is so good.
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latay7 · 3 months
hiihii!! could you write either lance/orter/carpaccio/rayne getting slightly jealous because the reader looks like they were bering courted by a guy, but turns out they were asking that guy for advice to help the reader to confess to character,,,thankyou:3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚WHY HELLO HELLOOO!!*ੈ✩‧₊˚
First of all thank you so much for your ask ><♡♡ and i will try my best since this is my first fanfic/headcannon , so i hope you like it ✨️(and i hope i wrote what u wanted bcz i can get a bit dumb)
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A misunderstanding..?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Char : Lance crown , Orter Madl x fem!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥genre : fluff
Note : reader appearence , prefrence , dorm , is up to ur imagination (wanted to be inclusive TvT) and god is this too long and it took me a while
Note 2 : im sorry this turned out to be bad , it's late at night and idk wtf am i , (english is not my first language btw)
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☆ Lance crown
You were an ordinary student at Easton Academy , you had your friends and lived your life , diffrent classes and sessions here and there and tried your best !
Although Easton's Curriculum makes every student busy with a full schedule , you're thankful that you get the time to hang out with your friends...Adler's most famous idiots students!! They were all so nice and fun so you had a lovely time with them.
You enjoy their company to the point where you squeeze your schedule to be with them which had a certain outcome....you developed a big small crush on the blue haired one and only , Lance crown!!(lance stroll lol)
You found his dedication and hard work for the sake of his sister Anna adorable , his love for her might go too much sometimes but- it doesn't matter , it proved how much of a sweetheart he is , which made you live him even more.
And now...you found yourself in a dilemma , how are you gonna confess your feelings to him?? THE Lance crown , who never looks like he seeks love..
You excused yourself with Finn to talk privately
Since he's technically the sanest in the group....
So , here we are in this moment.
You were with Finn outside his dorm behind a close corner ,and Lance noticed your dissappearence for a while so decided to check up on you.
"You see Finn , i've had this thing for a long time now , and it's just unexplainable.."
"Don't worry (Y/N) , I understand , but how can i help you out"
At this moment , you could feel your face heating up a bit , it's natural after all you're talking about a CRUSH.
"So i just wanted to get some advice from you since you guys meet a lot more than i do with him , how should i tell him a-and what if he doesn't like me back ,i mean he doesn't really show any interest in me-" at this point you started to ramble , and to calm you down , Finn held your hands in his as he tries to convince you that it's gonna be alright. Meanwhile...
Lance was watching , but he didn't hear anything...so he just saw how you acted but he didn't want to jump to conclusions.
'Was i too late..?' He can't shake off the stinging feeling in his chest , he was hurt , yet somehow mad or even perhaps...jealous?
After a while
It was after hours so you rushed back to your room after saying goodbye to your friends. And while you try to sneak your way through Easton's halls you see a figure you know , it was....Lance?? What was he doing here?
"Lance...? Why are here?"
"Oh there you are..you see...i wanted to talk.." this was concerning
"Oh...really ?..me too"
The next words were DEFENTLY unexpected for you , i mean , sure he was nice towards you but you didn't want to be delusional so this was a shock....
But of course , with the shock comes the joy.
"...and i don't want to make things awkward because i knew you and F- why are smiling like that..."
A sigh leaves your mouth with a slight chuckle....apparently he was an idiot as well , so you decided to take a brave move.
"What are you-"
His shocked flustered expression is to DIE for.
"Just a misunderstanding ehe...." you smile.
☆Orter ( at this point tf am i doing)
As a devine visionary yourself , you have many responsobilites and missions to take , paperwork to do , and meetings to attend.
Thus , after your were finally chosen as the devine visionary yourself because of your hard work , you had to meet up with the other visionaries and work under them , including Orter Madl.
You've tried your best to leave a good impression on them because you were quite nervous , obviously.
You could say you were able to get close to some of the visionaries by being attentive and a fast learner , you were trying your best !
Seemingly except....Orter.
Despite your big efforts in helping him in paperwork , doing good on most of the missions you were went on , being so nice and respectful to him , he seemed like he didn't care , he declined everything.
And it DEFENETLY didn't help with the crush you developed on him. You found him elegant , hardworking , and most defently handsome (im screaming in the bus rn dude) despite him being emotionally constipated. (wtf am i saying)
So you decided to ask for help.
Here you are , in Ryoh Grantz' office , asking him what you should do considering he is married and all.
"Im sorry if this meeting is a nuisance Mr Ryoh but you were the only one i could ask for help.." a drop of sweat as you speak sheepishly.
" oh don't worry about it , you've been helping me out a lot recently so it's only fair if i return the favour , and besides , it is a good opportunity to .....distress" he says in a cheerful tone , he liked you , otherwise you wouldn't have been drinking tea in his office " and just Ryoh is fine ,now tell me , what's wrong?"
You tell him your issue as your embarrasment grows even further , i mean , that's not just ANY matter to speak about , However , you manage to go through the entire thing.
He hums in understanding "i see i see , well i have to agree with you on his emotional constipation , he doesn't even show his brother any emotions either"
Your chest starts to feel heavier as you sweat comically , "but don't worry about it , i mean , if i was to be really honest with you and if we talk in terms of emotions...."
Righ then and there , a certain someone was passing by as he heard only a part of the conversation , he got curious but he couldn't make out...everything...
Only a few words....
Emotions , confessing , feelingsa and...Kaldo??!
What in the.....he knew Ryoh was married and....does that mean he's helping you confess to Kaldo ??
Orter Madl , despite his stoic face and cold ruthless demeanor , had a soft spot for you , he felt somthing for you , he tried to show it by being less mean to you compared to others, and taking some paperwork of yours to finish himself , as well as doing what he can so you take the easiest missions , but it seems like it wasn't that obvious...
He knew you and Kaldo were on good terms but to the point where his thoughts led to thinking...you ? And-
No , he refused to believe it.
"So yes , Kaldo could be someone good to ask since these two are quite together at a lot of times-"
Knock knock , Orter entered the office in the middle of your talk.
"O-oh hi-"
"If you'll excuse me Ryoh , i need to talk to (Y/N)" And Ryoh accepts nevously -because his appearence was very unexpected- and lets you leave.
You and Orter are now walking through the hall of the building because you're following him to god knows where. Until you reach a private area where you two could talk.
"You didn't tell me why are we-"
"What do you have of feelings for Kaldo?"
"Huh"...was the only word that came out of your mouth , Dumbfounded was the least you could think of to describe yourself right now.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me , now answer me , what are the feelings you have for him"
"Wait a min-"
Realization never hit you this hard , so you started laughing as he watches confused , why are you laughing.
"Ok here's the whole thing mister eavsdropper..."
That ended well , for both parties , Ryoh bless your soul.
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mothinabottle · 22 days
Jordan as a secret Ao3 hardcore smut writer. Like, explicit kinky no beta we die like men death dove do not eat fanfic about characters in the novels they read (cofRaulandJanetcofcof). Yet they still look at you with the most innocent and calm smile you've ever seen even after getting caught.
They are just writing to practice their skills and caution people about the dangers of lust, after all...
Whitney with a secret youtube channel where they unbox plush toys. Sometimes unboxes Barbie collection dolls or even cute onesies. They don't show their face.
Had to start using a voice changer because someone almost recognized them once.
(Also always falls for the claw machine shit whenever they see a cute plushie they really REALLY want. Curses under their breath each time they fail to get it. Might hit the machine out of frustration, too)
Kylar using The Sims to plan their perfect life with you. Downloaded a shit tons of mods to customize your character to perfection. (And of course they have Wicked Whims on it. C'mon, is that really a question?)
Drowned every sim that tried to talk to you. Firmly believes that a happy life with you in the sims must be a sign that you two will end up married in real life (Kinda like an amarre of some sorts)
Busy me having some brainrot that I wanted to draw yet I am still unable to (Sighh)
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dragonmuse · 11 months
How to be a Dirtbag Fic Writer
I got to do some talking about writing today and I couldn’t stop thinking about it so here are my full thoughts on the matter of being a dirtbag fic writer.
Being the disorganized thoughts of someone two and a half decades into the beautiful mess that is writing fanfic (and a few non-fanfic things too).
What is a dirtbag fic writer? 
 I am talking about someone who is not cleaning up anything. We show up filthy, fresh out of rooting around in the garden of our imaginations. We probably smell a little from work. We will hand you our hard grown fruits, but we have not washed them and we carried them in the bottom upturned parts of our t-shirts. The fruit is a little bruised. It’s not cut up or put in a bowl yet. But we got it in the house! It’s here. Someone can eat it.  
Why dirtbag it? Because the fruit gets in the house. If you’re hemming and hawing, if the idea you want to do seems to be big or you want it perfect and shiny. If you’re imagining a ten thousand step process, so you’re not taking the first step? Dirtbag it. 
How do I dirtbag? 
That’s the best part. You just write. Sit down. One word after the other. No outline, no plan, no destination. No thought of editing. Just word vomit. Every word is a good word. It’a word that wasn’t there before. Grammar sucks? Who cares. Can’t think of the perfect word? Fuck it, put in the simplest version of what you mean. 
Write the idea that you love. The one thing you want to say. Has it been done 3000000 times? WHO CARES human history is long, every idea has been done, probably more than twice. YOU have never written it before. It’s your grubby potato that you clawed out of the ground and guess what someone can still make it into delicious french fries. 
Now here’s the critical part. Write as much as you can squeeze out of your brain. One word in front of the other. 
And then I challenge you this: at most, read it over once and then put it into the world. Just as it is. AND THIS IS IMPORTANT: DO IT WITHOUT APOLOGY OR CAVEAT.  I challenge you, beautiful dirtbag to not pre-emptively apologize. Do not make your work lesser. THAT IS YOUR POTATO! It has eyes and roots and dirt clinging to it because that is what happens.  We are dirtbagging it today. Hell really confused people at do #dirtbagwriter on it.  
Dirtbag writes id, base, lizard brain. Dig in the fertile garden of your imagination. What is the story you tell yourself before you fall asleep? What’s your anxiety this week? Your fantasy? What is going well? What do you wish things looked like? Who is the feral imaginary character you’ve been crafting to take your frustrations and joys out on? 
But, VEE, I wish to have an editor and an outline, use a cool software like scrivener instead of retching up onto a google doc and making it look NICE and PRETTY!
COOL! DO THAT THEN! IF YOU’RE ACTUALLY DOING IT! You should have a process! That’s cool and healthy and necessary for sustainable writing. But if you’re not writing because all of that seems too much? THEN DON’T. 
Did you know fic is free? That we do this from love? From sheer desire? For the love of the game? If you have a process, and the words are flowing, amazing, I love that for you, you don’t need this essay.  If you don’t, let us continue. 
What does dirtbag writing look like? 
It’s messy. It’s a little raw and tatty around the edges sometimes. It’s weird.  It’s someone else’s first draft. Maybe it winds up being your first draft, Idek, that’s your business. 
It’s jokes that make YOU laugh. It’s drama that would make YOU cry if you read it. You are your first commenter. You are your first audience (and possibly continuing pleasure! If you don’t go back and reread your own work sometimes, you might be missing out on one of your favorite authors cause you wrote it for you! Wait until you’re not so close to it. Years sometimes. Then hey, maybe some of this is pretty dang good actually.) 
It has mistakes. 
Dirtbags make mistakes, but dirtbags have published pieces. They have things other people can read out there. 
What if I don’t get good feedback? 
Look, the most likely outcome of any new, untried fic writer (and even established writers trying something new-ish)  is that you get no feedback. That’s real. Silence. It’s eerie, it’s terrible, it sucks. I don’t want to pretend it doesn’t. But nothing is not negative. It’s a big fic-y ocean out there and we are all wee itty-bitty-sometimes-with-titty fishes.  
You should still do it all over again. And again. And again. You get better at writing by writing. You just do. Nothing else replaces it. If your well is dry? Fill it with new things. Go do something new, read a new kind of book, watch a new film,  (libraries have so much good shit, you don’t even have to spend money for so many things if you have a library card), just go for a walk in a new direction. Stimulate yourself. Got a cup of something hot and eavesdrop on conversations. Refill yourself with newness. 
And hey, speaking of, do you leave comments? Because you get what you give. You can build relationships with people by commenting and that builds community and community means places to get feedback in the end. Comments are gold. They are all we are paid in. Tip your writers with ‘extra kudos’ or ‘this made me laugh’. And hey, when you go back for a re-read so you can tell them your favorite part? Ask yourself how they made that favorite part? What do you like about it?  Tone? Metaphor? The structure? Reading teaches us how to write too! 
BUT, okay. Sometimes. Sometimes there is actual bad feedback and people suck. 
You know the best part about being a dirtbag? Unrepentant block, delete, goodbye. You don’t own anyone with a shitty opinion any of your precious time on this earth. You did it for free, you gave them your dirty, but still delicious fruit and they went ‘ew, this is a dirty strawberry, how could you not make a clean tomato?”  Because you didn’t plant fucking tomatoes, did you? Don’t fight, don’t engage. Block. Delete. Goodbye. 
If someone in person, looked you in the eye when you brought them a plate of food to share at a party and they said “Why didn’t you bring me MY favorite? This isn’t cooked well at all.” You would probably write up a Reddit AiTA question about it just to hear five thousand people say they were an asshole.   Fic is no different 
And hey, when you dirtbag it? You know you did. It’s not your most cleaned up perfect version. So who cares what they think? You might make it more shiny and polished next time! You might NOT. 
Ok, but what if I don’t finish it? 
Fuck it, post it anyway. 
What if it’s bad? 
Fuck it, post it anyway. 
What if it doesn’t make sense? 
That’s ART, baby. Fuck it, post it anyway. 
What if what I want to write doesn’t work with current fandom norms? 
Then someone out there probably needs it!  And what the hell is this? The western canon? FUCK IT POST IT ANYWAY* 
*Basic human decency is not a ‘fandom norm’. Don’t be racist, sexist, ableist, fat shaming, classist or shitty about anyone's identity on main, okay? Dirtbag writers are KIND first and foremost. Someone saying you are stepping into shit about their identity is not the same as unsolicited crappy feedback about pairings. In the immortal words of Kurt Vonnegut: "God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
You’re being very flippant about something that’s scary. 
I know. I know I am. I know it can be scary. But no risk, no reward and hell, you aren’t using your goddamn legal name on the internet are you? (please for the love of fuck do not be using your legal name to write fic) You’ve got on a mask. You’re a superhero. With dirt on your cape. 
That niche thing that you think no one cares about? Guaranteed you will find someone else in the world who wants it. Maybe they won’t find it right away. Maybe they will be too shy to comment or even hit a button. But your dirty potato will stick with them. They will make french fries in their head.
You have an audience. But they can’t find you if you have nothing out there. 
Go forth. Make. 
You have some errors in this essay. 
PROBABLY CAUSE I DIRTBAGGED IT.  But I picked this strawberry for you out of my brain, so I hope you run it under some cold water and find the good bits and have a nice snack. Or throw it away. Or use it to plant more strawberries (I know that’s not how strawberries work, metaphors break when stretched).  
Go forth and MAKE
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chiharuhashibira · 4 months
𝓗𝓲 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮!
I’m 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓾-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷 and I know some knows me already from my KNY fanfics! But here I am! Exploring Migi to Dali as I had seen a comment that there are only few fics for this wonderful anime.
As what I've said before, I will only write for adult Migi and Dali as I am not comfy writing about minor boys. So here we are!
Let's start with a simple HC for these wonderful twin XD emphasise on the WONDERFUL hahaha!
Tagging you guys as you commented on my Migi to Dali post before~ @ungovernable-corn-crab @jiya-beloved @dciphe-r
𝓝𝓸𝓷-𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓵𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑬𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑩𝒐𝒚𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None ^^
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(Images aren't mine. Credits to the rightful owners)
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» As you know how emotional your boyfriend is, Migi is always clingy. Yes, it might be funny, but the guy wants you to always assure him how much you love him.
» He never ceases to tell you how pretty you are. He loves comparing you to Sali-chan, who appears to be his first love and who also turned out to be just the persona of his twin brother, Dali. At first, you found it weird. But when you knew about his life, you understood everything and appreciated your boyfriend more.
» Sometimes you end up thinking that Migi's love languages are all five. He's very sweet and affectionate, especially with his words. He loves giving you his time. He is clingy and loves physical affection. Migi is also ready to give you his time, all the gifts in the world, and even all of him if you want to.
» But of course, not every day is sunshine and roses. When there are challenges in your relationship, Migi is the one who will try to approach you first to solve them. He hates fights. He can put up a tantrum sometimes, but after that, he makes sure that he'll make it up to you.
» Migi is very enchanting and enigmatic, especially with how he handles things. You can't help but be amazed at how he moves and solves things. He's smart, and yet, he really needs that push from you. But, of course, things will never change.
» Migi can be so silly but you know that he is the only one who can make you happy.
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» Dali is definitely the serious one in the relationship. He's the rational one. Although he is not particularly outspoken regarding his emotions, the way he looks at you could stop your entire world.
» He isn't the kind of boyfriend who will throw compliments at you. He would rather show it to you instead. Or sometimes, he'll just end up teasing you, even if he meant the other way around. Even without expressing it overtly, the individual genuinely adores your appearance and demeanour. You'll always find him looking at you.
» Dali doesn't believe in love languages. He thinks it is funny. But then, even if he won't notice it, he seems to have the physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. He's sweet but not too sweet. He'll steal touches and kisses, but not always. And yes, he'll make sure to give you time, no matter how busy he is with the university.
» But of course, not every day is sunshine and roses. Dali won't be the one to fix things whenever you fight. Yes, he can be hard on you, and that can be tough. But then, you know his weakness is you, yourself, and so you use that to get his attention again and make up. You'll end up talking about the "logical ways" to solve your issues.
» Dali is very enigmatic. Actually, if you don't know him, you'll think of him as the definition of a mystery. But of course, there are times when he can be vulnerable as well (even if you can just count it on your fingers). But the quantity doesn't matter; it's the quality of relationship you have, and you know you can be proud of him as a boyfriend.
» Dali can be so serious, but you will know that you won't ever be complete without him by your side.
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰!
Really hope you liked it!
There will be more non-KNY fanfics soon. So be on the look out!
See you on my next fics. Feel free to reblog, request, and comment!
Ja ne~
~𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓾-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷 🍑
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sgiandubh · 6 months
An intimate lunch
Coming back to this particular C pic, which has sparkled endless comments, today (still very busy days for me & I gave in and binged TCND - this explains the ungodly hour):
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Dots have been connected (there are, after all, alternative Keepers of the Dots, a sobriquet I am therefore relinquishing, thanking again the friend who gifted it to me). And comments -ranging from stan blindness to unreasonable conspiracy theories - have been written too.
Tellingly enough, the wording of the Finch and Partners IG post was quite suggesting: 'an intimate lunch' means more than promo, almost a personal get together with, at the very least, carefully selected people.
Was she coat-tailing? Very probably, to the extent she is understandably interested in getting more acting (directing?) projects after OL. And to make it clear: there is nothing bad to it.
Did she know Cooper before? There is no way in hell to confirm it with 100% accuracy, but my guess is no. Someone, as it has been pointed out, obliged. These are the simple, expected minimum benefits of a PR agent, a Rolodex and of networking. And it is true: she has been consistently on Finch's list and invited at many of their events since at least 2016. Which is to say, since IFH? Oh. OK. No further questions, Your Honor.
Was it a reward for dragging along McIdiot at that Netflix gala, the day before? Even taking into account her visible lack of enthusiasm, I am afraid things are not as simple and mechanic as alternatively dangling the proverbial carrot and stick. It's a quid pro quo, not a reward. A part in a movie would be a reward - not a lunch in town: that would be selling herself very cheaply.
But of course, we are all idiots, as this reaction from a particularly ungifted Mordor pundit would like us to think:
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This post is not about S, of course. And the posited question is a superb logical fallacy: S is 'never invited to any of these events', because his side projects are different and his social media communication strategy is different, too. She was not there because of S and no one on this side of the fandom seriously suggested it.
Also, let's not show more idiocy than you are naturally able of, denizens of Mordor: Cooper did not really need her 1 (one) Academy Awards vote. And do you know why? Well, her vote would not make any serious difference among the 7,999 others, this is why:
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Yes, the Britannica: I know it pisses you, and many other people, mightily off.
But perhaps she was there also because of this?
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Enlighten me, please, since I am such a forgetful idiot, what on Earth might have happened to The Cut? You know, the project she was shooting just before the SAG-AFTRA strike began?
Crickets. And, which is more alarming...
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If proven correct, this IMDb info is not very good news and I would be bereft for her. Honestly. Check the link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26697087/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm. It lists the entire crew, up to the last best boy. Whatever happened to C's part? Whatever happened to C? The movie is now announced in post-production. Surely we'll know very soon, one way or another. But if her part has been slashed out, it's only normal to be more active and scout any possible project opportunity.
Ultimately, the core problem remains unchanged: since she did not post this picture on her socials, she is still as uninterested in them as she's always been. Always. And sorry for repeating myself, but spare some scarce mention about make-up and attire (presumably to be nice to personal friends), she does not engage with this fandom. At all. That does not leave her stans with many options but to write their own fanfic, while accusing us (who may know a bit more than them, at any rate) of doing the same.
Smart girl, C. I am sure S&C divided their respective roles in the 'Coping with the Narrative' in-house production for a very long time and this is the most important thing of them all. The rest is babble, including this post.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hi, I have started a new office job! It's good, I like the people I work with and the work itself but it's sooo different from what I'm used to? I don't always feel I have enough to do, which is partly b/c of the time of year and cause I'm still new, only 30 days, but is this normal-ish? I am trying to be self directed and going thru my responsibilities but somedays, there's just not a lot? Have you ever found that in any of your jobs?
Yeah, a lot of office jobs are like this -- mine have almost all had a great deal of empty space in them. It's not universal for sure, but it's not at all unusual. The only time I've had an office job where I really didn't have any time free during the average week was right at the end of my last job when we were heavily downstaffed and I was doing about three peoples' worth of jobs. Even then, my schedule had some flex to it.
Especially as a newbie you're going to have a lot of downtime because people are giving you time to settle in, or they're trying to work out what they can assign to you, or they're waiting until you're fully trained to start assigning you more responsibility. And you may have less work at this time of year because a lot of people are out of office or for other reasons (this is actually a busy time for me and my crew, because we get a lot of end-of-year donations, but a ton of nonprofit work is backwards to the rhythms of normal for-profit office work).
I recommend never, ever telling anyone at work that you are not busy, however. For one, most people in any given office know that we aren't working at 100% for 100% of the time, because if we were we'd all be exhausted. Two, it means you'll be given more work. :D Which, okay, some of that is "Why work when you don't have to" but some of it is also that it is GOOD to have slack built into your schedule. It means you can ramp up when needed, and also that you get periods of brain rest, and also that you have time to work on independent projects should you wish, whether those are for work or, say, fanfic. I actually at this point tend to lower expectations by waiting to submit work -- I'll finish a project a day early and submit it the day it's due regardless.
In one job, I had to process documents being converted from PDF to Word, then pass them on to our proofer; he could only proof about four documents a day, but I could process about 20. So on Monday I'd process all 20 documents, and send him four of them -- and the rest of the week I'd send him four a day, and write fanfic for hours on end. Occasionally they gave me other jobs to do, but at that job I was essentially paid full time to work one day a week and show up to do nothing the other four.
The average office worker only works four hours a day. In some jobs I've literally booked out those four hours and fucked around the rest of the time. When I needed to, I'd break into Fuck Around Time in order to do more work, but otherwise -- they're paying me for results, not for sweat. As a front-desk receptionist it was baked in, actually; they said to me "There's going to be long periods of time where you are doing nothing. Your job at those times is to entertain yourself in ways that don't make it look like you're goofing off if someone important walks in." I wrote a lot of fanfic and novels, read a lot of books, did a shitload of origami. I loved that job; if it paid better I probably never would have left it.
Eventually, too, you will learn the rhythms of your job and workplace, and figure out when you're most likely to have empty time, so that you can build around it. For instance, on Fridays I get a data document that I have to evaluate and present to my colleagues the following Wednesday. Friday and Monday are therefore my busy days; Tuesday and Wednesday are for work I might have put off during the busy days. Thursday is generally just an open day; I can do long-term work projects, or I can spend the whole day dicking around. If a rush job comes in, I can push work into Thursday to get the rush job done, regardless of when it arrives.
In any case, you have a couple of options for continuing to look busy even when you aren't. If you can read on a computer screen, queue up some books or fanfic (be careful what you access on company internet, of course; I have more free range than most and am not monitored because my job is researched-based and I have to go to some weird shit places). Read newspapers you might have access to, or work on your own writing/creative endeavors on cloud-based apps. A couple of times a year I'd dedicate the empty space in a week to going through old files and organizing them, or cleaning out my email inboxes.
You can also, if you desire, work on independent projects for your actual employer. In my spare time I've built several tools to make my life easier, some of which I've shown to my bosses to impress them. Some just make my work go faster and my bosses don't know that, and don't have to. Again: they are paying for results, not for me to sit there like a booby doing work I don't have to do. If there are ways to streamline processes, you can use the time to think about implementing them (although ask other people they may impact, first). The other day I was giving a mailing list one last scroll-through before sending it to my boss, and idly realized there was a fantastic opportunity to do a little data visualization, so I whipped that up and added it to the email I was sending, like "Hey I also noticed this, see what you think."
For a while, in my last job, I had enough lee time in my schedule that most days I could work my second job as a transcriptionist while at my primary job. That can get perilous and I don't recommend it, but it can be done...
Anyway, be at ease, this is supposed to be the case and it's a great bonus when it actually does happen :D Do your work competently and efficiently and don't worry too much about the empty spots, just take breaks and keep yourself entertained.
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wttcsms · 3 months
sorry if you're not comfortable answering this, but I saw you say that you've been diagnosed with depression. how did you know when to seek help?
tl;dr: from a young age, i never lived a healthy lifestyle with an easy pace. i (and maybe even my family) put too much pressure on me, and i never really coped with it in a healthy manner. my attempt at handling things "with ease" and "not stressing" was actually just me bottling up my emotions, and it's not until things started getting really bad that i finally sought help.
nothing uncomfy abt it at all! discussion of mental health is pretty important! tbh, i never thought i would have depression or be diagnosed with it; i started showing symptoms for around a year before i started really thinking to myself, hey, i think there might be something up with me mentally and this isn't just some silly, quirky thing i'm going through. ever since i was around 18, i went through great lengths to ensure i would achieve maximum academic success but while being a full-time college student and consistently working 60+ hours a week (70+ during the summer bc my junior year internship was so intense; i also went to college 2 years early, so i think that's when the internal pressure to "do well in life" began) was taking a massive toll on me mentally and physically. i would survive off of 4-5 hours of sleep, consume concerning amounts of caffeine, i was losing hair, i was losing drastic amounts of weight, i was breaking out and breaking down, and even when i got better, i still wasn't fully ever healed from that experience purely bc my schedule just never slowed down.
i am still a full-time student, i am still working 7 days a week, leading to 60+ hours (40 hours internship, 20 hours at my weekend part-time job). on top of that, i am in the second to last semester of my grad school, i help out around the house bc after my older sister moved out, i took over the eldest daughter duties, i am still holding myself to a very high standard academically (already planning to apply to phd programs, studying for the cpa exam, already have another summer internship lined up). i knew things were getting bad because 1) i am finally older (im abt to turn 21! yay!) and i realized that the lifestyle i'm living isn't healthy and 2) a lot of my behaviors didn't feel "normal" to me anymore. it finally hit me around two months ago, when i realized that i sort of lost my love for fanfiction. i've been in a weird mood where i didn't want to read any fanfic whatsoever, but i chalked it up to being "too busy" and focused on other things. when i couldn't even find the energy to read my own mutual's fanfic, i knew something was up bc i always try to power through and remain enthusiastic on my friends' behalf. more behaviors that were a cause for concern:
my disinterest in everything that brought me joy previously. sweet treats at the end of the day, coffee before work, buying makeup from sephora, cleaning my room (sounds silly, but i love having a clean living space and cleaning my room used to be a source of peace and joy for me), writing fanfiction, reading books, watching youtube videos, catching up on shows that would release weekly and that i used to count down the days to watch — none of it held my interest. i wasn't excited, i didn't care.
it wasn't just a lack of joy from things i loved, either. rejections from programs i looked forward to/rejections from opportunities, abysmal grades in class, looming deadlines that i most likely wouldn't make, growing assignments on my work to-do list; none of this elicited a reaction from me. there was no stress (that i was feeling; subconsciously, i think the stress was still there and i just refused to acknowledge it), but there also wasn't disappointment or sadness. i had no emotional response to anything, and that was very concerning to me, and the main reason i contacted my sister and then her boyfriend (who is a licensed psychiatrist)
i could sleep for 12+ hours a day. there are many days in the week where all i want to do is rot in bed. not even in a "go on my phone and dick around in bed" type of way, either. i would have certain days where i couldn't leave the bed. sometimes, i wouldn't even feel tired, but i would just sleep. my internship is wfh and if it was a slow day with no assignments, i would clock in and spend that whole day in my bed, sleeping. it got to the point where i wish work was busy so i would have something to force me out of bed. yes, i would be aware of my tiredness sometimes, but this felt different altogether. i just wanted to basically hibernate lol.
i had constant headaches. i thought it was because of the nature of my job, where i look at computer screens all day, or maybe it was bc i wasn't drinking enough water. i would also get unexplainable cramps sometimes.
tmi, but little to no pleasure and an extreme decline in interest in sex
i had extreme issues with focusing on work and studying; a lot of my work (and school materials) centers around thinking through problems and applying tax law or guidance to certain situations.
my diet fluctuated; some days, i wouldn't want to eat, yesterday, i gorged myself on food, eating to the point where even i had to pause and go wtf.
not very often was i randomly sad, nor did i ever want to kill myself or self-harm; when i was a teenager (17/18) and probably showing signs of depression, i was very irritable, angry, sad, and had suicidal thoughts, thought i was worthless, an idiot, etc. however, i mostly just feel empty and apathetic during my episodes now.
what helped me seek help was knowing that my behaviors and how i was feeling didn't feel healthy, but also, my best friend recently shared her diagnosis with me and i would have never thought she would be depressed. my sister's bf was also a major help in getting me comfortable to consider the possibility of having a mental illness and also in finding someone to talk to. hope this helps!
edit: forgot to mention it, but i exhibited many/all of those symptoms for around the past 3 months before ever seeking help. those behaviors started manifesting tremendously and seriously disrupting my daily life, and i knew i needed to do something to get my life back on track.
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bleachcakes · 6 months
Grandmaster Blueberry Ice - Fanfic Advertisement
Fic Chapter Excerpt - Read in Full on Ao3 
Bi-Han is the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, a powerful and serious man with all the skills to back up his aggression. He has always known exactly what he wanted in life… hasn’t he? When faced with the annoying Hollywood actor Johnny Cage Bi-Han starts to feel unsure of himself for perhaps the first time in his life. What does he really want out of the actor? Bi-Han certainly wants them to shut up, but there’s more than one way to do that.
A/N—Sometimes you look in the mirror and go- ooh they hate eachother so much, I wanna make them kiss. And then you do it. Chapter Lengths will vary a lot :p
I have only written smut once long ago before this so please do not judge my writing, I am simply a silly asexual
(Current) Entire Fic Word Count: 32,661
(Current) Number of Chapters: 14
Chapter Word Count: 1,617
Pairing: Johnny Cage / Subzero (Bi-han) - Mortal Kombat 1 2023
Fic Warnings: Canon typical Graphic depictions of violence, (one-sided) enemies to lovers, Powerplay, sexual fantasys, nsfw
Chapter 1 [Chapter 1] 
Bi-Han observed the training field with crossed arms, watching as some of the prospective Earthrealm champions trained with the Shaolin monks. They hadn’t been there long, but already he was fed up with them. Their blows were weak and moves uninspired, making Bi-Han blow a disgruntled puff of cold air through his mask, shaking his head. He couldn’t see why Liu Kang had so much faith in these people to fight for Earthrealm, and it annoyed him to no end that many of his skills were wasted simply to train others. 
But Liu Kang was a god, and Earthrealms protector, so surely there must be some bigger picture. Bi-Han was getting more and more impatient waiting for it to show itself though.
“Yo! Subby!”
Bi-Han cringed, his brows furrowing in agitation as he offered only a cursory glance over his shoulder to show acknowledgment. Johnny Cage was certainly not the ‘big picture’ he had wanted to show up. The actor jogged up to him, dressed in the monk's yellow robes and sporting an obnoxious grin as he often did.
“Hey,” Johnny greeted again as he got closer, slowing down his jog to a walk, forcing himself into Bi-Han’s line of sight, always managing to take up space in a way people’s eyes naturally had to affix to him. 
“What is it Cage,” Bi-Han growled. 
Johnny smirked, looking quite proud of himself which only ever spelled bad news. “Fireball” (Liu Kang, Bi-Han's mind filled in) “wants you to do a little training with me. Y’know, check my progress, some one on one fight’n.” As emphasis, Johnny did a few air punches, playfully shimmying his body. “Liu-Liu says you held back when we first fought, but I think I can handle you now,” Johnny gloated, “y’know, knock your ass flat.”
Bi-Han's eyebrows arched into a tight furrowed glare at the flaunting actor. “You couldn’t hope to match me in your dreams.”
Johnny scoffed, “Yeah ‘cause I’m too busy doing it I-R-L. My dreams are reserved for getting down with some sexy ladies.”
Bi-Han only growled out a grunt in response. He was used to the crass way in which the actor talked, especially about their sexual exploits which were entirely absurd. The man just couldn’t go two seconds without talking about himself and his so-called achievements, whether in acting or bedding. 
As much as it annoyed him, if Liu Kang wanted him to spar with the other then it would be done. If anything, he could turn this into an opportunity. Beating in the others face might just do wonders to relieve his stress. 
Turning he only uttered a deep, “Come,” before walking away to find a place to practice, Johnny Cage following eagerly on his heels like a dog.
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sharkpupsblog · 1 year
😨 Lost horse! 🐎
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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One req started!!! 😈😈😈 this is going to be multipart bcs I couldn’t find a way to shorten my writing to just one part 😭💔 I write too much 💔 its a blessing and a curse 💔 this part is to set the plot down 🗣🙏 I wrote so much for this part 😭 I have also started all the other reqs I have and . All of them will be multipart as well 😭❤️ once this req is done the next will come out and then the next! Then I think I will take a short break from writing to prevent burn out and to work on some other things! :D also for this req reader is not a soul rider! But Avalon’s kid! This is my second fic using Avalon as a dad 🙏 I care him 🙏 I didn’t want to make reader a soul rider but still wanted a way for them to be involved in druid stuff so the story would make sense so I made Avalon a dad again 🙏🙏🗣🗣 Anyways ty @ barricade-moonriser for the req! Enjoy! :D ❤️❤️❤️
Summary: You and your father visit Wildwoods and you find a lost horse
Warnings: Foul language, animal injuries, talk of an explosion and injuries caused by it.
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“I’ll be back soon I promise!” You yelled to your father who watched you from the doorstep of Kora’s home. “I just have to deliver these to Rowan!” You showed him a bunch of papers in your hand. Rowan had you design some flyers for a trail ride, and now you were going to deliver them. You were already on your way to do the delivery, but you were stopped by your worried dad before you could even get on the trail to the ranger base. The man frowned he didn’t want you to go alone. Mistfall was dangerous there were wolves in the forest. Your father worried you might come across them. You also did not have a horse, if you got into trouble you would have to deal with it alone. He shook his head deciding it was best not to let you go “come back!” He yelled back to you. You were a bunch of feet away from him, so you both had to yell back and forth. “I am almost done talking to Kora! Wait for me and we can both go together!” Your father started walking towards you. You loved your dad you really did, but you also loved time alone. You walked to him as well, so you could speak and not yell. Once you got close to him you said “dad I can do it alone.” You wanted some alone time you hoped you could convince him to let you go. “I’ll be fine the ranger base is just down the road” you moved the papers in your hand towards the direction of the base. “If I get into any trouble, I can handle it alone” you grabbed your father’s hand giving it a comforting squeeze. “Go back inside and enjoy your tea with Kora I’ll be fine” you smiled when your dad squeezed your hand back. “Plus I’ve been around Mistfall many times and I have never seen a wolf” today would be no different. At least you hoped it wouldn’t. You brushed the thought away not wanting to accidentally manifest a wolf. “Can I go now?” You let go of your father’s hand. The man nodded, and you went wide eyed as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. “Be careful” he said to you, and you managed to huff out an “I will!” Your dad was old you wondered where he got all that bone crushing strength. He was a druid his job did not require any psychical strength... Or did it? You didn’t really know what he did, he kept it all a secret from you. Maybe he was sneaking in some training sessions into his busy druid schedule to beat the shit out of Garnok himself. When your dad let you go, you took a deep breath in, and you said goodbye to him heading back to the trail. Your father headed back inside to speak to Kora leaving you alone. The walk to the ranger base was boring. You couldn’t use your phone it was low on battery, and you needed to save it. You looked around you trying to keep yourself entertained. You had seen all of Mistfall thousands of times. You had been up and down all the trails. The bad thing about having explored the whole forest was that there was nothing new to look at. You prayed to Aideen for something new. Maybe you should have allowed yourself to accidentally manifest a wolf. A nice wolf of course, so you don’t get mauled. As you walked you continued to look around. It did not take you long to notice that the forest was quiet. No birds were around. No rabbits or frogs either. No sounds as well. You were starting to feel uneasy. Why was the forest so quiet and still today? Your fear made your walk turn into a jog. You wanted to get to the ranger base quickly. It took a few minutes to get to the base and once you got there your fear grew as you saw that the base was empty. The lights were off, and the horses and people were gone. On the door you could see a paper taped to it. You walked over to the door reading the paper it said ‘Out investigating. Be back soon!’ You sighed wondering what to do. You needed to drop the papers off now while you were in Mistfall. You looked around for somewhere to put the papers. While you looked you thought about what the rangers were investigating. You heard some townspeople in Dundull say they heard an explosion last night. That same explosion was the reason why you and your father were in Mistfall.
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When you asked your dad about it, he told you it was “classified druid business.” Whatever caused the explosion must be magical if your father was involved. You ended up finding a mailbox, and you neatly put the papers into it. You wished Rowan would have told you that they were going out. Maybe they could have picked the papers up from Kora’s house instead of making you come all the way out here. You reached for your phone in your back pocket. You were going to send Rowan a text saying you left the papers in the mailbox. When you touched your phone, you heard a shrill neigh. You stood still with your hand on your phone looking like an old timey western cowboy getting ready to draw. Did you imagine that neigh? You waited a few seconds, and you heard it again. It was coming from the trail leading to Wildwoods. The neighs echoed and bird calls followed after the neighs. You watched as birds quickly came flying out of the entrance. Rowan must be coming back now. You started walking down the trail to Wildwoods to meet Rowan there. The entrance to Wildwoods was covered by a bunch of bushes and vines. Some of the bushes looked like they had thorns, you would have to be really careful. As you walked into the entrance you carefully walked around the bushes with thorns. Some of the thorns came close to touching you but none of them actually did. The neighs got louder the deeper you walked into the entrance. You had never been inside the entrance of Wildwoods. It was all new to you, and it was amazing. You wished for something new while you were walking to the ranger base and you got it. You were so distracted by your surroundings that you didn’t realize you had gotten to the source of the neighs until you heard them again. You snapped your head towards the neighing. You moved your head so fast it hurt. You would have rubbed your neck in an attempt to soothe the pain, but you didn’t move. You couldn’t move you were shocked by what was in front of you. In front of you was a black horse with multiple wounds and damaged tack. Was this a new horse of the rangers? The horse neighed and bucked, and you noticed that one of its legs was not moving correctly. You feared the horse’s injuries caused lameness. Slowly you walked towards the horse “where is your rider?” You whispered to it not wanting to scare it. The horse turned to look at you, and you put a hand over your mouth quickly coming to a stop. The horse had red eyes. Blood red eyes that seemed to glow. You wanted to run you wanted to scream, but the look the horse gave you stopped you. It looked so sad… Could horses look sad? Were you imagining it? You didn’t have much horse experience. It had been a while since you last rode or had been around horses. The steed snorted, and looked away from you looking at the leg that did not move. You followed its gaze looking to its leg as well. You looked it over sighing in relief when you saw a vine wrapped on the horse’s leg. The horse was trapped that is why it wasn’t moving it was not lame, just trapped. You started moving again whispering “it’s okay” and “stay calm” to the horse. Some of those words were for you too. You were scared shitless, and you were trying to calm yourself down. The horse watched you as you walked towards it. Its red eyes watching you scared you more, and once you got close enough to the horse you slowly squatted down. “Please don’t kick me” you begged the horse, and it nickered. You hoped it was saying it would not kick you. Gently and slowly you grabbed the horse’s leg waiting for any indication that it was comfortable before proceeding. Once the horse relaxed its leg you began to try your best to remove the vine without further hurting the horse. You wanted something interesting to do today and you got it. If only the interesting thing would have been discovering a new kind of butterfly or a nice wolf and not a red-eyed horse in the woods. The vine slipped off the horse’s hoof, and you quickly moved to the side not wanting the horse to trample you.
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You expected the horse to buck or to bite you or just do something crazy once it was free, but it just stood there. It snorted again, and it lowered its head to you sniffing your hair. The horse still had a medieval style bridle on it with an interesting symbol on the middle. The symbol looked like two snakes? You grabbed the reins of the bridle holding the horse still as you stood up. You examined the bridle. You hoped to find the owner’s or the horse’s name. You ended up getting lucky you found a tag on the bridle badly scribbled with sharpie that said ‘Khaan.’ You read it, and then you said it “Khaan?” The horse’s ears perked up, and you smiled “That’s your name? Khaan?” The horse neighed, and you pet them “where is your owner, Khaan? Can you lead me to them?” The horse did not move it just stood still watching you. With all the luck you were having today you expected the horse to move, and begin to lead you on some epic quest to save its owner. Luck must have run out. You thought about what to do, and while you thought it over you pet the horse. You stood there for a few seconds thinking about what to do while you patted the horse’s neck. Should you wait in place for the owner? Or go straight to the Dundull vet? Maybe report the missing horse to the rangers and hope they can find the owner? You didn’t know what to do, you were getting stressed. Khaan went stiff when he heard your name be called. It was your father he was calling you. You had taken too long, and he worried for you, so he came to find you. You panicked, you needed to find a way to hide the horse’s eyes. You looked at Khaan seeing his braided mane. He had a forelock it had been braided too and it looked long. You reached up undoing the braid. Khaan huffed as his forelock was spread evenly onto both sides of his face covering his eyes. You thanked his owner for growing out his forelock. You gently tugged on Khaan’s reins “can you walk Khaan?” The steed answered your question by taking stiff steps. The wounds on him hurt each time he took a step. You frowned, and you began to lead him out of the Wildwoods entrance “poor horse.” You pat his side “me and my dad will get you to the vet it will be okay.” Khaan nickered he trusted you to lead him through the entrance. His mane obscured his vision he was putting a lot of trust in you right now. Normally he would be very distrusting of a stranger. He would bite and kick, but right now he needed help, so he decided to trust. The ranger base was right outside and at the base was your dad. When he saw you he waved he stopped when he saw you were not alone. The man walked to you with his jaw open in disbelief “where did-.” You interrupted your dad wincing when you saw the upset look on his face “I’ll answer questions later right now we need to get this horse to the vet.” Your father saw the wounds on Khaan, and he understood your rude interruption. The horse looked… Familiar to him… Where had he seen it before? As you said before there was no time for questions, only time to help the horse, so he refocused. He could always think about where he saw the horse later. “Wait here” he said to you “I rode Kora’s horse here I’ll ride to Dundull and I’ll bring a trailer back with me.” Your father did not want the injured horse to walk further. You thanked your dad, and you watched him run back to Kora’s shire. Your dad wasted no time. He quickly got on the shire and you watched as he rode down the trail like he was in a race. Today was… Eventful you could not wait to go home and lay down. You smiled when you thought about bringing Khaan home. You knew he wasn’t your horse, but you were still excited. “You’re going to love staying with us Khaan” he huffed shaking his head to try and get his mane out of his eyes. “Don’t worry it won’t be forever” you fixed his forelock moving it away from his eyes. “Just until we find your owner… I hope they’re okay” You let out a little huff as Khaan laid his head on your shoulder.
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He missed his owner, and he hoped she was alright. The explosion was bad, and from what Khaan saw his rider got the worst of it. You put a hand on his forehead, and you closed your eyes trying to provide some comfort to the poor horse.
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1-sasha-stuff-1 · 8 months
In Another World - MHA x Reader
A/N: This is my fist fanfic I've ever written so I apologize if it's cringy and all that. I just wanted to write some of this for fun, I know that there might be some words that shouldn't go where they are supposed to be but I'm just testing the ropes. Hope you enjoy and all. This fic is posted on Quotev under the username:
InsertName (InsertName89437)
And on Wattpad under the unsername:
What- (@Someone__random)
Y/n - your name
b/n - brothers name
s/n - sisters name 
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POV: Y/n
Location: Minnesota, USA
Date: ##, ##, ####
Earth - 2097
Everything happened so fast, one moment I was walking on the sidewalk to school until I ended up in a hospital bed fighting for my life, literally. I got here due to an incident that will forever change my life. 
It started off when I was getting ready for school at 6 am. Yes, 6 am because I have three other siblings and two of them; my older brother and younger sister; love to take up to almost an eternity in the bathroom. 
Having the strength I needed, I got up and made my bed, went to a show and other bathroom business, went back to my room and got dressed. My outfit for today was black leggings, white Airwalks with white low socks, a tight gray shirt, an oversized brown hoodie, my red glasses, the ring that had my name engraved in it, and finally, I did my hair into a ponytail. 
I then went back to my room to grab my forest green backpack that has whatever I needed for school and other random stuff. 
Walking into the kitchen, I ate some breakfast and went on my way after saying my ‘goodbyes’ and ‘I love you’s’ to my parents. 
My siblings were still in bed due to the fact that I decided to walk to school instead of taking the usual bus that came to pick us up at around 7:25. 
The walk to school is usually around 30 minutes. So, I pulled out my phone with an anime YMHA themed case and checked the time; 7:00.
“I should get there in about 30 minutes.” I noted myself as I went onto Spotify and played Hamilton's musical playlist, popping in my ear buds as I walked my way out of the neighborhood and began my trek towards school. 
My parents think that having an All Might themed, and an Eraser head themed phone case was weird, and that I should’ve bought a book or something at Barnes and Nobles. But it’s whatever, I guess. 
It’s not like I’m obsessed with that anime only though, I also like Demon slayer, Tokyo revengers, and Attack on titan. The fandoms are okay, except for Mha’s fandom. It makes me want to bleach out my eyes and pour holy water on them. Other than that, I actually like it.
At least I’m not like any other typical (your ethnicity) 15-year-old girl who likes to be out on the streets doing who knows what. 
As I looked around, I noticed that I’m just under the bridge. Not even at the half point yet, and so to save some time later on I ran across the road after looking both ways to get to the other side and continue on my way.
“Why does the school system request we bring textbooks home?” I complained while walking. 
I finally made it to the fairgrounds, and it was already 7:30.
“Shit I’m goanna be late!” I said as I sped past the fairgrounds and by the time, I finally made it to the crosswalk that separated me and the school it was already 7:50.
“Dammit, only 5 minutes before the first bell.” I thought as I waited for the cross guard to say I could cross.
“Can’t these cars go any faster?!”  I say in my mind as I check the time; 7:55. I only have 5 minutes before I’m officially late for school. And I really don’t want my parents yelling at me for that.
As if a god heard my prayers, the cross guard let me cross the street.
I started speed-walking across the street until something decided to body slam me hard while taking all my breath away. And guess what, it was a Ram truck that rammed into me. 
“Too much ram not enough dodge” I thought as my body flew across the street a couple of meters.
I finally landed with a thud and felt pain and only pain throughout my entire body. It feels like I’m there but I’m not there at the same time.
As I lay on the road like roadkill, I began to hear a lot of commotion at the same time. I hear what sounds like doors slamming, people shouting and a lot of gasps here and there.
Was this the way I was going to die? On the road? I mean, at least give me some time to make my will and shit. 
I then felt myself being shaken by someone, telling me something inaudible.
What felt like forever to me but only 5 minutes to the people around me, blue and red flashes of light were seen and sirens were heard. 
It all sounded very faint to my ears, but I could still hear it.   
I felt myself being lifted up from the ground and onto something softer. That's when I noticed that it was a stretcher and that the ambulance had come. I felt being transported into an ambulance and as the doors closed shut, the paramedics/medics surrounded me and started doing something. 
They started asking things or talking but it was hard to hear, and so I closed my eyes and lost consciousness. 
I finally woke up.
Sitting up straight I look around to see the room dark. “So, it was night.” I thought to myself as I noticed some type of plastic bracelet on my ankle.
“So, I am in a hospital.” I say to myself. My body still hurts like hell though, and only now do I notice that I have an oxygen mask on.
I look down to my arms and see PICC lines intact and connected to a blood bag.
“So, I am dying…” I thought as I looked around once again. I find a balcony this time, and so I pull out the lines and take the mask off and head my way towards the balcony.
Opening the screen door and closing it behind me, I notice a rocking chair, making my way towards the chair and I finally sit down. 
Looking up at the sky, I begin to just talk to the stars and the moon as if it were my family. 
“I remember having a rocking chair at home, it was blue and white. Dad and I would always sit outside late at night like this. Enjoying our own company.”.
Silence, so I continue to talk more.
“Oi mom, do you remember that one time I burnt the beans? Huh, I always seemed to blame you for it…I’m sorry….”.
“Hey b/n, s/n, b/n. Sorry for being a prick to you guys. I really do love you guys…I’m just bad at showing it.”
Tears flowed down my face. I’m goanna miss them all. Mom, Dad...b/n, s/n, b/n... 
I start to feel my eyes closing shut, and so with my last breath I say:
“.... I’ll be sure that I’ll say ‘hi’ to grandpa for you guys………”.  
As I said those last words, my eyes finally closed shut from the world I used to live in, now falling into oblivion.  
“I can finally rest properly now.”
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I open my eyes.
Wait, didn't I just die? All I see is white. Just white.
Looking around in confusion I thought, “Is this really what happens after death?”. I don’t see anything but white, and it makes me sick. 
I now look at myself, I’m still wearing the same clothing I died with. And I still have the things that I died with, which included my backpack, phone, and earbuds. 
I finally look down to my hands, specifically my middle finger on my left hand. There layed a silver ring that has my name engraved in it. It was a gift from my dad. I ran my other fingers from my right hand along it and felt tears consuming up in my eyes, ready to go down like a raging river. I wipe the tears away before they could fall, no use in crying now.
Looking up, I let out a loud gasp as I saw a figure standing right in front of me. It was about average height, and it didn’t have any physical appearance other than the shape of a regular human.
“Are you Jasmin?” they asked. I was stunted, but nodded slightly as it then continued to speak.
“Do you wish for another chance?”. 
“...What do you mean by another chance?" suspicion started to seep into my mind as I asked that question to them. 
“Another chance at life, in another world.” they simply said as if it were so obvious. 
I was bewildered, another life in another world. They seemed to sense my hesitation because they spoke again.
“I know it sounds too good to be true, but I offer this to those who didn’t get to live their life to the fullest. So, I’ll ask you again, Jasmin. Would you like another chance?” 
Giving it some thought, it didn't seem like such a bad idea. Infact, I think this is the perfect chance at where I want to live again.
“Can I keep my memories and choose which world I want to live in, along with the timeline?” asking them while having an idea of what I want. 
They seemed to think about it for a second and slightly nodded their head. And so that was the moment where I went full on anime mode on it.
“Alright. I would like to live in the MHA world and grow up during the time where all the characters like Midoriya and all the other characters are growing up. And that should be around the year ####. I’d also like to have a hero worthy quirk as well so that I can become a hero or something. I’d also want to be able to live in Japan, anywhere that works as long as I’m close to UA. And I’d like to keep my normal appearance but other than that, I’m done.”. I end that with a serious face while looking at them. They began to speak back to me in response, “I don’t think you know how this works-”, before they could even finish, I gave them a dead serious look.
“Man, I’m dead. At least let me live in a place where I choose.” I said as they finally gave in., they began to put their hands together and all sorts of colorful lights surrounded them. After a minute or two, they finally opened up their hands and revealed a black and yellow pill in their hands.
“Once you swallow this pill, you can’t go ba-” before they could even finish their sentence, I already snatched that pill and swallowed it whole. Nothing happened for a hot minute, but I started to feel off. My vision started to get blurry and black spots started to cloud my eyesight and soon enough I was in the void again.
POV: Y/n
Date: (Your birth date, minus the year)
Location - Tokyo, Japan
Earth - 2376
As the effect took place, it finally began to fade away. I opened my eyes to be greeted by adults surrounding me. One of them was holding me up, a woman. And beside her was a man. I looked around at the other adults and realized they were doctors. So, I was in a hospital after all.
“I think we’ll call you, y/n. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” the woman said while the man smiled happily along with her. The doctors around us were congratulating as they got some paperwork out. At that moment I realized that one of the doctor's faces had not two, but three eyes. And that’s when I realized that I was where I wished to be.
In the Mha-world.
| | | | Well, I'll be posting more and keeping you all up to date, see ya!
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rolloollor · 9 months
before I say anything, I absolutely LOVE your mallerollo and keep up with your works RELIGIOUS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FEEDING THE COMMUNITY WITH FANFIC CONTENT FOR THE STARVING MASSES!!!
I find it a coincidence that the day after you post your lastest fic chapter we get this bombshell. Timing could not have been more prefect. *chef's kiss*
Ik you mentioned being busy at work but you have any future plans regarding your future fics? Anyways, I hope you're having a lovely day/night <3
Thank you!!! 💖💖💖 The people yearn for mallerollo and I am more than happy to provide. Tbh I love the mallerollo sector of the fandom, everyone's really enthusiastic and it's such a pleasure to be part of it.
Haha! Man, I'm still riding the high of that announcement! Even better, the next chapter is going to be littered with Hellfire lyrics. Wish I could say I planned it, but it's working out anyway!
I do have one other fic in the pipeline which I plan to post alongside each EN GloMas story update. I shared a preview of it here.
As for other ideas, I'm not sure... I'll list what's been bouncing around my head
I was considering writing a thing where tsum Rollo and tsum Malle appear in Noble Bell for nebulous reasons, Rollo has to deal with them, and eventually Malle shows up...
I also started and abandoned a sort of continuation of the bad end of From the Ashes where I explore one of the "perfect life" dreams Malleus forces on Rollo that goes sour and has to be reset. I imagine this would be a one-shot
I wrote up like 3? chapters of a dragon captive AU, but I dropped it since it started to bore me, the dynamic between Malleus and Rollo was too... different, too mild. If the writer's bored, I don't think that'll lead to a worthwhile story. I might try again and maybe make Rollo part of the human force against fae or something so they have a more antagonistic relationship. He could be a tactician or something... Also, I spent a long time looking at pictures of caves to add to the description and I don't want that effort to go to waste 😭 I also wanted Lilia, Silver, and Sebek to only be in, like, animal forms... So Lilia would always be a bat, Silver a stag (so Lilia can dangle from his antlers), and Sebek would ofc be a crocodile.
And at some point I'd like to write maybe a goat beastman Rollo, just for funsies. Probably a one-shot.
So basically I've been playing around with ideas but haven't really settled on anything. I'm open to suggestions (or people saying they're interested in one of the numbered options) if people have any, but there's no guarantee that I'll write any of them. I can't write out of obligation, if it's a chore no words come out. But if it's fun, obviously I can pump out a gorillion of 'em.
And thank you, I hope things are going well for you, anon~
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Hello and welcome to Day 7 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Sorry for posting this a bit late today, I was busy, and the idea was a bit complicated to put in words. (Don't you love when your brain gives you only vivid images but abandons you when you need to describe them? Yeah, me too)
The fic idea I wanna explore today is actually a collab fanfic between me and my friend @yokomisaki.
This is a Canon Divergence AU for Naruto that both of us came up with around *checks notes* July 13th, 2023. It actually started with me saying that "Shiranui Genma is definitely a motherhen to anybody that he deems in need of motherhening" and that evolved into "Shiranui Genma would make a great Jounin Sensei" before it settled into "Make Shiranui Genma a Jonin Sensei and then throw Naruto at him cause god, does the kid need someone like him in his life".
I came up with a title for this fic, and we already started writing it. I have done a small part of the prologue so far, but we have chapters planned out (just not written out yet).
Title of the fic:
"The late dog always barks at the closed door"
(Yes, it is a jab at Kakashi's habit of being late. Is it mean of me to do this? Yes. Do I care? Not really. I feel he needs a bit of a reality check for that; like, you can be late for your own personal meetings but NOT FOR A FREAKING OFFICIAL MEETING)
Shiranui Genma is many things, but he is not a teacher. At least not until the Hokage decides that, in the wake of one Jounin Sensei's death, he is to take a team of 3 freshly graduated children under his wing. The good news is that he is not obligated to pass them. The bad news is that he actually likes the brats - despite the fact that he knows only headaches will follow him now.
In the one year he had the brats for a lot changed, including what one of his students wanted to do with her life as a shinobi. Now, Genma is required to get a new Gennin to make up for the student (and she is still his student dammit; no official paper will ever change that) that decided to pursue the career of "not-battle active medic-nin".
When it was time for him to choose, he recognized a certain hyperactive blonde as part of the rooster he could choose from - which is weird since Hatake seems to want him. So then why was not the kid already spoken for?
After some consideration, Genma came up with his answer.
"Hokage-sama, I want to take Uzumaki Naruto as the new member for Team 3."
Some details:
I know Team 3 is supposed to be Might Guy, Neji Hyuuga, Tenten, and Rock Lee; however, I have always believed them to be team 9, so it is really hard for me to correct that belief. Thus, just for the sake of my brain, Genma's team is Team 3, while Guy's team is team 9.
This fic will have (so far) 4 OCs: Kawamura Chizuru (Part of Team 3 - retires from active duty but is still considered part of the team by Genma); Nomura Akira (Part of Team 3); Higashi Kyoka (Part of Team 3); Sakaki Ichirou (the boy that takes Naruto's place in team 7)
Yes, at Naruto's graduation team, because he also got to graduate, there was one person that would have to be put in another team as the numbers wouldn't add up (think instead of 21 kids aka 7 teams of 3, there are 22 kids that graduated)
We have most of the plot for the OG series already thought out; the Shippuden part is more complicated (because of what we do with the pervious part)
Naruto is getting the darn support system that he is in need of in this AU
And I am not overlooking Sasuke either. Without Naruto around to push him, Sasuke will realize that he is pretty much isolated (thank you Konoha Elders and Teacher from the Akademy (Not Iruka), you did a fantastic job *note the sarcasm*). Cause really, the main reason why it didn't look like Sasuke was isolated by others (and instead it showed he chose isolation) is because Naruto is like 10 people in one presence-wise. And because I am taking Naruto away from the picture, I raise you this idea: Get Raidou (or any competent adult) to interact with Sasuke. Sasuke needs more competent adults in his life at this point
Everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - is getting character development. Even just some characters that appear for a few times. And I am dragging Kakashi from his brooding corner, kicking and screaming if I have to. (And yes, that includes villains, too. *looks at my brain planned storyline* And summons get the same treatment as well)
Another thing: Political Sub-plot. Ya think that with all the importance they put on, not only rank but missions that get you in different countries, this show would have more political talk; but no. So we are bringing Naruto into politics. Inter-village Politics, to be precise. Naruto, prepare your Talk no Jutsu.
Also, Fuuinjutsu Made-Up Theory Stuff. Just because I can and I will (I am in charge of Fuuinjitsu stuff). Genma is making Naruto learn them from scratch.
We are addressing the fact that the Shinobi Academy of Konoha was turned into a "civilian playground" because of the Konoha Elders. (It's way worse than you can think if Genma makes Naruto re-learn stuff from zero) - there is no way any fight will have some bullshit pop-quiz about History or Chakra Theory. How in the world are those kids alive?
We also have Orochimaru Plot™️. A whole ton of it too.
We also get into the "Preparation to Take a Life on the Battlefield" thing. Because people there seem to not do it anymore. Like, get the kids to kill animals in the wild after catching them. Is it hard? Yes. But THEY NEED THE DAMN EXPERIENCE SO THEY DON'T FREEZE UP AS BADLY IN COMBAT.
Get Naruto into the Tactical Thinking. Not because he is Shikamaru Level at it; but because he is good at surprising the enemy. So Naruto's shenanigans + some tactician lessons = Perfect Combo for Ambush.
Naruto and Kurama interact earlier. And, while it won't be that much better than the beginning of their friendship in the anime, we are getting the friendship a lot faster this time.
Finally, Team 3, being trained by Genma, starts to pick up having Senbons on them. It's like their "mark" as Genma's kids. (Genma is so proud)
This is all I have currently (mostly because it's late at night here, and I am losing my thought process). I will also post what I have written from the Prologue after this is posted, so look forward to that.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad?
I will see you guys later. Take care and have a great day/night!
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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dragonmuse · 1 year
Ask game! Lucius and Pete! I’m curious about your thoughts on their how relationship is presented in other works. I love how you write them!
My married men! Gladly
when I started shipping it if I did:
Literally as I was writing Baby, I'm Amazed. I hadn't given them much thought, but I knew I wanted to write Lucius' POV (it was only a few weeks post s1 airing at that point) and realized that would require giving Pete some background. Once I started writing them, their charm together became clearer to me and then I was wed to the idea.
my thoughts:
On the show, they are a fun couple! They might be the only canon couple with virtually no drama, but they also don't have very much screen time together. This is a case where background acting does a lot of heavy lifting because their quiet interactions in scenes where they're not even in focus really filled in my perception of them.
What makes me happy about them:
They're just people! I love how 'just dudes' they are. They both learn and change and grow from being in a group situation and also from finding each other. Their love story isn't showy, it's just two dudes looking at each other after a great blowjob and thinking 'yeah, maybe there's more to this guy'.
What makes me sad about them:
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Pete erasure. I will happily read stories where Lucius is paired with someone else, but it does make me a little sad when there is no explanation for Pete at all. Some of my fave Lucius stories have no Pete in them at all, so I don't hold it against anything, but I do prefer when Lucius' polyamory is left intact and Pete is still in the picture, even if he's not featured.
things I look for in fanfic:
Happy poly Lucius and Pete, who have a great relationship. Pete giving Lucius a kiss and a pat on the ass as he goes off to seduce Izzy is the Platonic Ideal. If that sounds familiar, let it be known that I write what I want to see in the world.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Obviously, I'm a Lucius/Izzy shipper (though I am always down for some Izzy filling in a Lucius/Pete sandwich). And hey Izzy/Pete on their own is hot too. I like either/both of them with Fang.
My happily ever after for them:
Married with a woodworking business for Pete and Lucius 'works' in the shop, but mostly gets to draw and live his best life as a kept man of a mildly successful small business owner.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
They sleep facing each other, not just in canon, but in my heart. Pete's head tucks under Lucius' chin. If they do spoon, I think they take turns, depending on who is chillier in the moment. Pete likes to rub Lucius' stomach if he's big spoon, because it usually means Lucius is under the weather.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
In Leda verse, it's watching HGTV and critiquing everyone's choices (despite having very little happening intentionally design-wise in their room.) In Credit verse, they like board games and Izzy finds himself their unwilling, then very willing if over the top competitive, third player.
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fangirling-heart · 6 months
Owl House Holiday Headcanons
I wanted to write a Christmas-themed Owl House fanfic, but since I am too busy these days and already scrambling to get the next chapter of "Our real family" out before the end of the year, I figured to share some of the headcanons/ideas I have for that would-be-fanfic (might put them in an actual fic later or next year). So:
The Christmas equivalent of the Boiling Isles is the Titan's Death Day. It may not be the exact day of his death, but it's a day when they pay respects to the land and the Titan as an entity. Basically a "We are grateful to you for our existence" day.
The day itself is the last day of the year, but the festivities start days sooner. It's basically more of a week or two than a day of celebration.
The winter on the Boiling Isles is really rough. Lots of cold, lots of snow, lots of shale hail (hope I wrote that right).
So all the witches and demons would come together to take care of and help each other through, by making each other food and warm drinks and sitting by the fire, exchanging supplies and also taking care of the land (i.e. giving food to beasts, safeguarding plants that would be killed by the frost).
Over the years this would evolve into a celebration/festival where there would be bonfires, community feasts and gift exchanges, along with the tradition of helping others and taking care of the land.
When Belos was rising into power, people started believing that whoever helped out in any way during the holidays would be blessed by the Titan and have a good year and whoever wouldn't would be punished all year long.
Luz loves the idea of the holiday and wants to do as much stuff as possible.
Because of her meeting the Titan, it feels more personal to her, like she's honoring a deceased family member
Same goes for King.
Everyone in the Hexsquad loves the holidays and have a year that was their favorite.
Except for Hunter, who didn't get to have a gift exchange or a feast or go to a festival, since he was always running around on missions. It was the time of year he was the most overworked, thinking he's supposed to please Belos and by extent the Titan as well.
When he first celebrates for real, he tries once again to do anything to help (getting everyone gifts, helping with preparing food and setting up a festival).
It takes quite a lot of effort from Darius and the Hexsquad to get him to relax and enjoy the holidays.
He gets everyone a sweater he made them himself.
Willow prefers giving self-made gifts as well.
She volunteers to the Bonesborough garden club to keep rare plants alive and safe from the cold.
She also loves decorating, but tends to go overboard.
So does Gus. When the two of them team up they are unstoppable.
Gus wants to give the perfect gifts every year. He makes a crime wall (like in Understanding Willow) to choose the best possible gift for everyone.
Similarly to Hunter, Amity didn't have too much fun during most of the holidays of the past.
With the exception of when she was little and would go with Willow to celebrate, she would spend the holidays either studying or in fancy boring galas her mother forced her to come to.
She gets very excited when she gets to celebrate it again like when she was a kid and even more excited to show Luz everything.
She teams up with Gus to figure out what the best gift for Luz would be.
Eda, Lilith and their parents would make and deliver meals for the feasts and for the beasts of the forest every year.
After the curse and the girls leaving (Eda running away and Lilith joining the emperor's coven) it was just Gwen and Dell bringing meals.
They resumed the tradition after the events of the show.
Luz, Hunter, King and Vee join them.
That's all I have so far. Might add more.
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ten-cent-sleuth · 1 year
Hi!! Nice to meet another Zibell fan and fic writer! I have to admit that my time on Tumblr is a bit sporadic (real life is way too busy), but I'm always glad to talk about Zibell and writing fic for them. I've written a lot of romantic fic for them, but I definitely enjoy the platonic friendship on screen, so I could really go either way with them. Do you ship them romantically at all or just platonically? Any favorite moments?
[Disclaimer: I am only on S3 of the show, so some of my comments might not be (as) applicable anymore. Also, there might be some prime Zibell moments from S4 and S5 that I don’t mention when talking about my favourites because I haven’t seen them yet. Sorry!]
I could go either way with them too! I read (and write…maybe… 👀) romantic fanfic for them, and I’m definitely on the lookout for budding feelings between them when I watch the show. However, when it comes to their canon relationship atm, I only ship them in the sense of “I’m rooting for them”, not in the sense of “I want them to be together”. It’s like you said on another post: I’d like their professional dynamic and platonic intimacy to develop some more before they drop any romantic ILYs (I’d be down for some platonic ones though; tv needs more of those!) or passionate embraces. I think there are some things they can discover about each other more meaningfully (to me) if they aren’t in an exclusive, committed relationship when they learn them.
(I answer the rest of your question below the cut, but it’s looong so be warned lol.)
Like, some things are kind of expected to be shared when you’re dating someone, and the idea of Maggie and OA sharing those things with each other just because they want to instead—just because they feel comfortable turning to each other before any friend or family member or even side character love interest, even though on paper they’re simply colleagues!—is really quite special to me. For example, when OA shows up at Maggie’s place and confides in her: his seeking her out means more in my eyes because, traditionally, he’d be expected to disclose what’s troubling him about his past if Maggie were a romantic partner, but not when she is merely a professional one—at least, not the details, not in such a personal setting, not when their job is already done. Plus, the fact that they don’t always share these kinds of things with each other (e.g., Maggie doesn’t tell OA that she suspects Erin has relapsed and that she is making the big decision to help her move back to a rehab centre) suggests that they aren’t yet at a place to let each other in so completely. That being said, I don’t want to suffer through another Bensler torture method! There is a difference between a tasteful slow burn and a fourth-degree scorch, Dick Wolf! And it’s not just the length of it, either, but the pacing! I could last twenty-four seasons of romantic tension between Zibell as long as it’s not a dragged-along, low-key out-of-character romantic tension, y’know?!
[deep breath] Sorry. Where was I? Right, I ship them platonically and would like them to get a happy ending together romantically at some point, but that should be a decent way off imo. On the show, at least. I’m an impatient, lovesick twat and will absolutely peddle and plead for romantic art, fic, and edits on Tumblr, YouTube, and AO3. :)
As for favourite moments… If you mean scenes that won points for their relationship in my book, I would say any where there was a Thing they had to talk about but were resisting until the crucial instant where they chose to let down their walls to the other. So when a case directly hits close to home, when something personal is bothering them and affecting their job, when the two of them are disagreeing and need to get on the same page… Those moments. Those conversations. I live for those small, subtle relationship development milestones! Also, anytime they back each other up. I’ve said this before, but when one of them gets snarky and the other smirks to themself, or when one of them successfully captures a person of interest and the other smiles in gratitude/pride, or when one of them seconds the other’s hunch against the rest of the JOC… I also live for those small, subtle signs of a healthy, stable foundation, ’cause that’s what any future romance—if there will be any—will be laid upon, y’know?
Now, if you’d prefer my list of scenes that I obsessively re-watch for the Drama and Feels, I can definitely be more precise. ;P
1x01 (their banter about OA’s arachnophobia and drawing; Maggie struggles with Emmett’s death and OA reassures her that her evac order was the right move; when OA goes to take down Bernardo and Maggie runs after him, their conversation was hilarious; their side whispering like the person they’re discussing isn’t right there; OA brings up Maggie’s husband and she shuts him out but also thanks him! OA and Maggie smiling at each other after the case; “All you need is a ride?” “For now”)
1x03 (the “Is it true? One in four women…?” conversation; the fight in the stairwell; “I always got your back, Mags”)
1x04 (Maggie tries to talk down the sniper and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background)
1x07 (OA talks about his experiences in Iraq and Maggie gives him Concerned Looks in the background; Maggie tells him he can talk to her, and he takes her up on his offer!!)
1x14 (Maggie trusts OA with her suspicion, and OA trusts her instincts—and cares about her concerns—enough to look into it; OA accompanies and comforts Maggie at the hospital; “Wherever this goes, I’m with you”)
1x16 (OA gets shot, and Maggie is like “Don’t do that to me again” but also acknowledges he did a Good Thing)
1x19 (OA insists on hearing Maggie’s opinion about his friend; Maggie gives him Concerned Looks in the background whenever he gets worked up, and she mediates between him and Jubal)
2x01 (OA goes to Maggie for comfort; later, he apologises for not taking her advice but she apologises for offering it)
2x03 (at the end, when OA tells an embarrassing story to cheer Maggie up despite his having warned her about Caldwell, and it works <3)
2x05 (protective!OA when Maggie and Kristen briefly go UC)
2x06 (Maggie meets Mona ahaha, plus OA admits his insecurities about their relationship to Maggie and she reassures the heck out of him)
2x08 (Maggie sympathises with the widow and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background; Maggie wrestles with one of the Russian spies and OA is worried until he finds her the victor and is subsequently all proud smiles; Maggie tries to persuade Isobel that the widow should know her husband was murdered and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background)
2x09 (“Don’t touch her” … “Then do your job without putting hands on my partner” … need I say more?)
2x11 (basically all of their scenes this episode; protective!OA is always a win, and Maggie being scared to see Kristen but being supported by OA 100% was just <3)
2x16 (OA immediately knows something is up and wants to know what; OA doesn’t want Maggie to leave, and she knew that he would have been able to dissuade her from taking the UC case so she already accepted it before telling him hwkrhfjs)
3x01 (Maggie returns! HUG!! Maggie is standoffish but eventually confides in OA about what went down on her UC case; OA is impressed with and proud of his partner’s success…as well as her sharp clothes at the end of the ep hehe, though also maybe a little hmmmm when he first meets Nestor; also, Maggie backs OA up against Nestor!)
3x04 (judgemental was not a good look for OA lol, but he made up for it; also, the “I’m gonna be a little overprotective and make sure the guy you’re seeing is a good guy” speech was 10/10, was surprised a tv show had a man actually use the word “overprotective” about himself lol)
3x08 (Maggie backs OA up to outsiders but is upfront with him one-on-one)
3x11 (OA meets Erin; Maggie talks about Erin’s addiction and OA gives her Concerned Looks in the background, plus Maggie touching his arm to signal she’ll take the lead for the interrogation and him understanding; Maggie talks the bomber down and OA cuffs him, the touches and “Good job”s afterwards)
4x09 (Maggie gets shot and OA reacts; “I thought I almost lost you for a second”; Maggie offers herself up as a hostage and OA is…not thrilled)
4x12 (OA repeatedly checks in on Maggie’s state of mind; Maggie drives off with the bomb with OA begging her not to; OA helps her up after the car explodes; the two talk after the paramedics clear her)
4x18 (the hdqkrhcnekfhj breakfast they were having together) (…and ofc the whole sarin gas thing—“I can’t really breathe anymore”, OA’s desperation and continual “It’s going to be okay”s, OA carrying her—and OA’s speech and Maggie’s nod)
5x07 (Maggie returns! HUG!! OA being worried, Maggie confiding in him, the “Count them” confrontation, hooo boy I love me some angst)
Note that I’m only on S3, yet I know about some S4/S5 scenes and have jumped ahead to watch those lmao. I did say I was an impatient, lovesick twat!
Wow, okay, I talk a lot! Thank you so much for the ask—feel free to come back anytime, if you dare risk another rambling answer haha. :) Take care! <3
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