#after ogygia
burgercheese1812 · 1 year
Sometime during House of Hades:
Jason: So icebreaker question: what scares you the most? Leo?
Leo after coming back from Ogygia: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Everyone on the Argo II:
Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus:
Jason completely concerned Grace: Coolcoolcool… uh… Coach Hedge?
Coach: I was going to say nothing but keep that cupcake away from me
Frank: My fear of Leo has rekindled
Nico: I’m actually starting to like you Leo
Idea from @fever-dreamer97
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Greetings Percy Jackson fandom, I am currently writing a Dark!Percy/Reader. It should be finished by the middle of February; here's a little spoiler:
You were in Mythology 101 when you first noticed him. He sauntered in halfway through the lesson, climbed the stairs to the back of the amphitheatre way too fast considering the size of the bags under his eyes and slumped down into a seat at the end of a row. [...]
You followed the latecomer’s path with curiosity. His black hair bounced over his forehead and sent a grey shadow over his eyes. Their vibrant green broke the black-and-dark-blue theme he had going on with his outfit; black jeans so long they covered half his running shoes and a blue hoodie with a deep-sea scape printed on the back. You wondered why he was wearing that in New York’s 25°C weather. Another weird thing; he had strided into class late, carrying nothing but a ballpoint pen so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were white. 
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meatmensch · 1 year
*jenny slate voice* i had to stop reading the battle of the labyrinth cuz it made me too crazy!!
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backupranger · 11 months
🐉 for buckwheat, 🖍️ for …rabbit… !!
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I'm not gonna lie friend I've never played a Flight Rising, hope this fits though.
.Rabbit. is an artist :)
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casiavium · 1 year
If I had a nickel for everytime I wrote a sequel fanfic for a series that accidentally became more canon because of retconning/messed up lore I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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tidaltow · 5 months
“ mmm … may Pissy help me find shuh … sheh … find she - shells, peas? f — for Le - lo? ” // ( some Bonding? 🥺 )
@earthssprout || girl you don't need to ask him twice ;v;
There was a time when Percy thought working on this whole “Pissy” thing wasn’t actually a lost cause. 
Well, since then, Leo had adopted the name, Frank had accidentally (allegedly) used it once, Annabeth hadn’t even attempted to help him change it to something better (“I wouldn’t say it’s unfitting,” verbatim), and Percy had somehow survived a non-vacation in Tartarus, so… Yeah. Yeah. Not happening. There were worse things. He also just didn’t want to admit that somehow, someway, he’d gotten so used to it that he might as well change his birth certificate.
All that to say, yes, he absolutely perked like a dog hearing his owner’s call just now.
They’d just dropped anchor in Olympia. With the Argo II moored nearly a hundred feet in the air above them, Percy and Ari were the first two off the deck—mainly because Ari’s usual “chaperone” was digging around for grenades, so he said. But it wouldn’t be the first time Leo stowed himself away, dropped everything and everyone to fully isolate himself, and lately… it had been more frequent than usual.
Percy tried not to be mad about it. Ever since his and Annabeth’s return to the mortal world, their resident mechanic had been distant: holing himself up in the deepest parts of the ship for hours on end. And in most cases, sure, he’d get it. Obviously Leo had experienced… something. Obviously he was struggling, but in some ways, it felt irresponsible to Percy.
This little girl idolized him. She stuck to his side like an extra limb, followed him around every chance she got, relied on him in the way any younger sibling would turn to their older brother for support and attention. And yet, Leo was so wrapped up in whatever was going on in his head, Percy noticed poor Ari was beginning to suffer for it. Maybe she didn’t realize. Obviously she didn’t understand, but…
Look, one of the reasons Percy was so eager to jump onto dry land was for the sake of getting Ari off of that ship for even ten minutes. He felt she needed that.
And hey, she was worried about Leo. Evidenced by her first order of business being something for him. When she looked at Percy with those big pleading eyes, he hesitated for only a second. A quick glance to the distant coastline, back in the opposite direction inland, and then he reached out and took Ari’s tiny hand. “You bet,” he said while he guided her toward the sandy beach. “Something to cheer him up, right? That’s super sweet of you, Ari.” And I hope he realizes how loved he is.
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nicossunshine · 3 months
“Jason was so boring” “Jason had no personality” what are you talking about
Jason Grace was a child soldier and the son of the KING OF THE GODS. The pressure on him was so huge and the training of the Roman legions was so intense all he ever really did was train. As soon as he was old enough he was put in positions of leadership and power cause he’s the son of Jupiter, leader of the gods, he must be a natural born leader, right?
But his entire character arc revolves around him realising that he can be more than what the Romans made him into, that he can have his own opinions, his own hobbies, love who he wants, live where he wants.
He was the first person to start defending Nico, the first to accept Nico and tell him sincerely that there was nothing wrong with him and that everyone at BOTH camps would accept him and have his back - and if they didn’t they’d have Jason to answer to.
He was sure to always give Reyna the credit she deserved and constantly felt guilty for when he made her shoulder the responsibilities. Throughout HoH he’s got half of his mind on her, praying she’s okay, tracking her progress in his dreams because gods FORBID anything happen to that brilliant woman whom he loved platonically but wholeheartedly.
When they found Leo again after he was at Ogygia, Jason recognised in an instant just from the way Leo was sitting that something was off. When everyone pestered him with questions, Jason took charge to get the limelight off of Leo as much as possible, and checked in with him the minute they were alone.
Jason Grace is fiercely loving, always looks out for those who need support, always sides with the underdogs, always does what’s right even when it’s hard, often does what’s expected even when he doesn’t want to, but if he can take the burden off of someone else he will ALWAYS step up.
He has the honour and bravery of a soldier and carries all of the trauma and doubt that comes with it.
And on top of all of this he was just seventeen years old.
Jason Grace isn’t boring, it just took some time for us to understand why he acts the way he does - always composed and in charge. He is not perfect, but he was always trained/expected to be, and watching the perfect mask crack and seeing his true inner thoughts throughout HoO is what makes his character so interesting.
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wolfythewitch · 4 months
Another hi, also could you tell me more about your love for Odysseus? I think this is super interesting. I always struggled to like him. I mean he lived through so many adventures but he also seems to forget his family and live his life happily with other women. I always pitied Penelope so much. So I always wanted to strangled him. I mean I love bad characters but how he he basically says "wife son kingdom I missed you so much. I never forget you." feels super wrong because at the same time he tasted so much half the women of the Greek islands. :/ So idk I simply want to know why you feel in love with him? That would be super interesting for me. But you don't need to answer this if you don't want to. I understand if you don't want or don't have time.
I'm not going to lie I kept trying to answer this and then getting mad lmao
Anyways. "Tasted half the women of the Greek islands" is a gross way to say he slept with two goddesses, one of which he did under hermes' reccomendation
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and the other blatantly against his will. The latter of which, by the way, kept him trapped on an island for 7 years, in which every day he would go to the shore and cry for home.
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Technically in some version he was also given hecuba after the war? Though she isn't present in the Odyssey so I'm not really counting that
Insert this fun little passage
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What a fun passage.
Here's another one where he stayed up for 9 days straight to make sure he got home
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You know how he lived many adventures? It's because he kept trying to go home. He did not live his life happily with other women. He stayed one year on Circe's island and that's maybe the closest you can attribute to that, but he had also just lost 11 of his 12 ships and men so I'm inclined to give him a break. 7 years were spent trapped on Ogygia. The other 2 years were spent sailing around trying to get home
He also constantly talks about his son in the iliad, as well as Penelope. Not as much in the Odyssey because you don't talk about your son and wife to strangers
Here are some more fun passages for fun
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Very fun.
I'm not really sure why I keep getting asks like this considering I Am a blog primarily that posts about Odysseus, or why so many people think he was prancing around Greece fucking women left and right but okay
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demigods-posts · 2 months
leo being aromantic is such an amazing headcanon. like it fits so well. being surrounded by couples who complete each other. wanting to have someone who completes him but not in the romantic sense. and feeling broken because of it. always flirting with people to overcompensate. and after landing in ogygia. him and calypso learn not to rely on external validation. learn that they're whole as individuals. and becoming best friends instead of dating. because a romantic relationship is beautiful. but not the apex. i love this so much.
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murasaki-cha · 6 months
Wait holy schist I just realised something about Percy Jackson as I was about to sleep holy crap!
You know how everyone has a crush on Percy because let's be fr have you seen the man. But in reality he's always the one being rejected which is straight up hilarious.
Only once did he reject Calypso when he left Ogygia. After that it was just:
Rachel "Sorry Percy turns out I'm not into you, I'm into your world and the adventure" Elizabeth Dare
Nico "You're not my type" di Angelo
Meanwhile Percy who's been making heart eyes at Annabeth for the past 7 years just going: "....wait what?"
Percy's just surprised people have a crush on him. Everyone has a crush on him and yet everyone rejects him it's hysterical 😂
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
thinking a lot about the Romans before and during the Titan War, and Jason and Reyna, and how the Romans have a thing where after 10 years of service in the legion they can retire.
thinking about Jason having a parallel to Annabeth choosing to not join the Hunt or Percy leaving Ogygia/giving up immortality/not running away with Rachel. Jason reaching ten years of service to the legion the same year Reyna shows up, right before the war really kicks off, and deciding to stay in the legion.
Jason giving up his only chance at potentially living a semi-normal life to stay with Reyna, because she's his only real friend and he knows he has a duty to the legion he has yet to complete. Jason who knows he will never get that chance again, and Reyna who will always carry a small amount of guilt that her best friend gave up everything for her. How can she blame him when he disappears, when she robbed him of freedom? How can he blame her when she replaces him as quickly as possible, when he promised to always be there for her? i am thinking thoughts.
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aficionadoenthusiast · 7 months
(kind of a continuation of this post but this is the most notes one of my pjo posts has gotten without garnering some kind of discourse and i dont really wanna touch it but i need to say this)
thinking about annabeth, the toddler daughter of a phd student whose dad already barely has time for her to the point that she is pretty much responsible for herself
annabeth, five years old, watching from the sidelines as her dad married someone she sees as a monster, moving onto things bigger and better than her, replacing her with people and kids who get more attention from him individually than she ever got in their five years alone
annabeth, seven, deciding it's time for her to move on because she's not getting any more love out of that relationship than she's already squeezed out
annabeth sometime around here learning that it's not that her mother doesn't care about her, she just has more important things to do
annabeth, barely any older, contending with thalia's death, a girl who was both a friend and a caretaker for a brief but incredibly formative time
annabeth, again, barely older, watching luke get a quest and leave her behind, hoping and praying he makes it back home to her, and then when he does, realizing he didn't come back quite right and that now even he's moving on from her, once again leaving her for bigger and better things that he keeps saying she's too young to undestand
annabeth, ten, learning about the prophecy and being told she's gonna be a part of it and starting to form an idea of how one day she's gonna find her More Important Thing if she just works hard enough, because isn't that what happens to everyone?
annabeth, 12, meeting percy and actually demanding to be a part of his quest because even though he'll probably be dead by 16, she'll be damned if she lets her chance at the More Important Thing slip away and be left behind again, so she fights like hell for her dreams and her place in the world
12, and knowing she wasn't enough to keep luke from leaving
annabeth, 13, and having to rescue grover from his More Important Thing and then watching him continue on his More Important Thing
13 still and being tempted by the hunters because if it hasn't happened, maybe the mortal world won't give her her More Important Thing
(then getting kidnapped and forced to hold the sky, no idea if anyone is coming for her, scared that everyone is too busy with their More Important Things, and finding out percy never once thought of not going after her, and beginning to realize he doesn't have his More Important Thing yet either)
14, still raw from thalia joining the hunters, and watching percy with rachel, seeing him blast himself to ogygia, and being terrified he's going to realize his More Important Thing is another girl or saving the world or something equally as more important than annabeth
15, and still scared, except now his birthday is coming up, and he might just die before she can ever get her feelings out, and then why bother?
16 and watching him reject immortality for her to help the demigods, and knowing deep in her bones that there is no More Important Thing because that's just not who he is
16, and knowing for the first time in her life that she can trust another person with her heart
16, and being somebody else's More Important Thing, and maybe letting percy be hers too
that is all
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infinityinakiss · 1 year
avatrice au fic recommendations:
i don't think there is a single avatrice au fic that i haven't read so here are some my favorites. i tried to find ones that weren't as popular, so hopefully there are couple here you haven't read.
I want to believe by puppybusby @yashastrongarms - x files au - basically 23k of avatrice flirting while being incredibly reckless with alien shit. unfortunately, it is only a one shot that doesn't delve into their relationship, but it is so worth it. and the tension. woof.
Truly a Steadfast Love by StoicLastStand - medieval au - they have a whole series of ficlets, but this is one of my favorites. there's a tournament to win ava's hand in marriage, ava goes undercover to fight for her freedom, but she ends up falling for the very knight who everybody wants to win. i also love their lucifer au, Greater Sacrifices.
a lover, or something of mine by Smokestarrules - reincarnation au - each chapter is a different life with a different story, and i promise you, if you have anything that even resembles a heart, you will cry. i keep going back and rereading chapter 4 because apparently i love to hurt myself. i also love the world is just illusion (trying to change you) by them, it's a road trip au.
i should love you (and i swear i do) by Noteveryonefitsintothebadbitchgenre - harry potter au (fuck jk rowling) - its that trope where they're married and they talk about each other constantly but nobody actually knows they're married. their students all think that professor silva and professor young have a friendly rivalry, but there are a couple of moments that don't add up.
purple by sxftmelody - hitman au - technically, but really it's just sad, i always cry at the end. beatrice helps ava run away after a job, and slowly they open themselves up and start to fall in love. tw: major character death. also love turning page by the same author, mercenary/princess au.
in our corner of the world by definitelynotthere - roommate au - i know, i know, there's a thousand roommate aus, why would i recommend a fic that isn't even finished and will probably never get finished? i don't know, i just really love this one, and if you're like me, you'll go "ooh, two cakes" and read it anyway.
The last hero of Ogygia by jessnope - percy jackson au - specifically calypso au, ava is calypso and beatrice is the flirty hunter that washed up on her shore. it's super cute.
stay there, 'cause i'll be coming over (while our blood's still young) by britishngay - spiderman au - ava's character voice is actually designed to be spiderman, and bea is the perfect doctor lady that patches spidey up when she gets hurt. plus beatrice telling lilith to "shut up and sit down" will never not be iconic.
sunday people (sunday shines for you) by gilligankane @piratekane - another roommates au - jealous ava is back again and out for blood, specifically jenn-with-two-ns blood.
this is my prayer (I'm in love with you) by nyxtyka - my best friend's wedding/spies au - i'll be honest, this fic went to my marked for laters to die. i don't know if it'll ever be finished, but it is one of my favorite aus, i promise it'll be worth the pain.
spellbound by onomofication - witch au - beatrice is the witch in the woods that ava goes to to finally find a way to explore the world like she has always wanted to. but as she gets to know the surprisingly kind, serious, kinda-sorta witch, she discovers that maybe the world was smaller than she had once imagined. i also love another fic by this author, hit me with you best shot, which is basically a cupid au, where ava runs around trying to stop jc, a cupid, from shooting the love of her life, beatrice.
the celestial glow is blinding by understreetlights - firewatch au - did i think ava and beatrice sitting around, looking at trees, and falling love with each other through walkie talkies was going to be interesting? no, but the world loves to prove me wrong.
too cold, it's withdrawal by KatieQgle - captain america au - give this one a chance, even if you don't like marvel. beatrice is hot as fuck as bucky and honestly the winter soldier plot line needed a little sapphic yearning. come on, avatrice in the army in the 1940s, being badass and fighting nazis together? who wouldn't love that?
i have a ton more, reach out if you want them!
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lyculuscaelus · 24 days
Yes I’m waking up but do you think Odysseus woke up every day thinking about his homeland and his family? Yes I need to brush my teeth but Odysseus had to drop an infant off the walls of Troy, unless Neoptolemus did that for him Yes breakfast is good but Odysseus is trapped in a Cyclops’s cave Yes I have to do my work but Odysseus had to go to bed with Circe only then will his men be released Yes lunch is appetizing but Odysseus is in the Underworld meeting his past now Yes I should decide whether to take a nap or not, but Odysseus had to go between Scylla and Charybdis Yes I still have work to do but Odysseus’s crew just disobeyed his order and ate Helios’s cattle Yes dinner is delicious but Odysseus is still trapped on Ogygia ;-; Yes I know we have to do the dishes after dinner, but do you know that Odysseus had to kill all the suitors just to reunite with Penelope? Yes I should sleep now but do you think that Odysseus could finally feel happiness when he was in the olive-tree bed with Penelope, while Athena was prolonging the night just for them?
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dealinquent · 3 months
rick riordan introducing Calypso and making her fall for Percy immediately after Annabeth first kisses him was so insane. It's a really lovely parallel. Percy probably doesn't even remember the kiss during his time in Ogygia, yet when faced with Calypso's feelings, he still chooses to go back. I wish Rick had used that scene to explicitly put in a bit of realisation for Percy, that he couldn't stay with Calypso because Annabeth was waiting for him. because he would rather be with her.
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sodamnbored · 2 years
Leo: *moping after coming back from Ogygia*
Jason, working it out: Wait. You met someone?? Oh my god, tell me everything!
Leo, sighing dramatically: It was biblical. Shakespearean. Someday Lin-Manuel Miranda will rap about it.
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