#advocacy for pagans
hedgewitchgarden · 1 year
TWH – Religious freedom for minority faiths remains challenging around the world; but despite constitutional protections against discrimination, the challenge remains in the USA as well. An employee allegedly being fired for being “Pagan,” the proposed removal of books from state-funded schools, and public book burnings held by a right-wing evangelical pastor due to the book’s content of alleged witchcraft and sorcery, have all been in the news in the past year.
These tread on the threshold of violating the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as well as the separation of church and state, and they have become increasingly common. Even within the legal system, there is at least one Bible in every courtroom in America for swearing in witnesses.
Advocacy for Paganism is no easy feat. Discrimination through housing, job security, and community retaliation are only some of the potential pressures that advocates for minority religions face in the fight for equality in the eyes of Freedom of Religion.
Last month, Grady Newsource published an article about a Pagan group in Athens, Georgia that is continuing its work in advocating for religious freedom. TWH reached out to the group and two other Witches that have made religious freedom and Pagan rights a cornerstone of their practices.
The advocacy of simply existing
“We advocate for religious freedom by simply existing,” said Jim Grimes, a founding member of the Athens Area Pagans.
The Athens Area Pagans group, now a nonprofit organization and religious organization, started in 2005 in Athens, Georgia, and has become a source of freedom and comfort for its members and aims to help local Pagans obtain the resources they need, whatever their path.
“We met at the botanical gardens in 2005, and we have met every Saturday at 5 p.m. since,” said Grimes.
Grimes, former lawyer, and journalist described himself as an “eclectic Pagan” who has traversed the religious spectrum from Baptist to atheist but found resonance within the Pagan community.
Grimes describes the Pagan community as more of a “Broadened term”  as many different belief systems fit under the term and the group welcomes Pagans of all Paths in the area.
The group also is responsible for Athens Pagan Pride Day, a part of the Pagan Pride Project, in which “Activism, Charity, Education, and Community” is the mission focus, fostering pride in Pagan identity.
According to the group the Pagan Pride Project also promotes tolerance and understanding between different belief systems, helps present a clearer understanding of Pagan practice, as well as dispelling misconceptions, and draws political attention to Paganism.
As the group’s focus is visibility and pride in identity, in order to participate in the Pagan Pride Day three requirements must be met.
Must be ok with Public Ritual – as three will be held.
Participate in the food drive, which will be donated to a local organization.
Must be ok with Press, social media, and local news.
“Being there and being in the public is important,” said Grimes. “It’s about refusing to hide and being out there in the public.”
Grimes also spoke of the group experiencing discrimination when the group tried to rent out a space for a retail store. The retail location, formerly a strip club, was deemed “inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood” according to Grimes, after the word Pagan was used.
“It’s subtle things they do,” said Grimes. “It’s hard to prove that anything is wrong.”
Grimes also said that the Athens community is welcoming overall, despite a few protestors at a Pride Day event once.
The group has purchased around 49 acres of land in Clarke County for a proposed intentional community named AllWays, with hopes to provide religious infrastructure and support to Pagans in the area. The group is also raising money to apply for permits, build structures add infrastructure, and personal dwellings onsite.
A Lifetime of Advocacy
As the advocacy for freedom of religion has once again gained traction, there are those that have never given up. Those that choose creative ways to ensure this right and those who fight by simply just embracing their Pagan community.
“In 1974, I founded Circle Sanctuary, and it became one of the first Pagan communities to obtain state and federal legal status as a non-profit religious organization in the USA. Taking this institutional approach has aided us in Pagan religious freedom work.”
Reverend Selena Fox, Executive Director of Lady Liberty League, and High Priestess of the Circle Sanctuary has been a staunch advocate for paganism and religious freedom for almost 50 years.
Throughout her career, through both the Circle Sanctuary and Lady Liberty League, founded in 1985, the group successfully defeated, through protest and action, the anti-Wiccan amendment (amendment 705) to the Postal Appropriations Bill (HR 3036) presented by Senator Jesse Helms.
According to congressional records, the amendment to the Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Bill, of 1986, proposed by Helms, would guarantee that funds appropriated under the Act would not be used to grant, maintain, or allow tax exemptions to any cult, organization, or group that has any interest in, the promoting of satanism or witchcraft.
Fortunately, the legislation and two other proposed legislations at the time ultimately did not pass but most Wiccan and Pagan groups today obtain exempt status by applying for non-profit 501(c)(3) status, instead of the formal religious exemption status as the process is extremely difficult to obtain and navigate and contains many obstacles via the Internal Revenue Service.
The Circle Sanctuary has been a major player in the advocacy for religious freedom since the organization’s founding in 1974. Fox, has played a major role herself, not only advocating for religious freedom but also taking on civil rights and advocating for the LGBTQI community.
“Circle Sanctuary and I also have been involved in interfaith social justice work since our beginnings, and allyship with organizations, communities, and individuals of many beliefs also has helped in our work for Pagan civil rights and religious freedom.”
The fight for religious freedom has also come with costs. Issues of safety, acts of humiliation, ridicule, and judgment are just a few of the barriers groups like Fox’s deal with to practice their religion in peace.
Fox spoke of an event in the early 90s that was fraught with backlash but ultimately opened a door so that the community and other organizations could get a better understanding of the Pagan community and diverse practices.
“In 1992, Circle Sanctuary and I had to take action to protect our Samhain events in Madison, Wisconsin, and at our land which were being targeted by an anti-Pagan televangelist,” said Fox. “I got restraining orders from judges in two counties and worked with five area police departments for protection. We succeeded in holding all our Samhain observances without interference, and the publicity connected with this won us multifaith support in the local area as well as helped dispel, misinformation about Paganism.”
Fox continues her work fighting against religious discrimination and intolerance today and is considered by many to be one of the founders of the modern Pagan movement, specifically in the fight to allow the pentagram on Veterans’ tombstones in which, she and the Lady Liberty League triumphed in 2007 after a ten-year-long battle with Veterans Affairs.
Interfaith Work and Visibility
H. Byron Ballard of Asheville, North Carolina advocates for religious freedom through interfaith works and community outreach. Ballard, a Witch, writer, avid gardener, community advocate, and founding member and ritualist for Mother Grove Goddess Temple chooses to advocate by being visible to the community by reaching out to media members, and public speaking.
“I advocate for Pagans in the community, through interfaith work and other visibility. Creating public rituals and other events to make a space for practitioners of alternative spiritualities, and speaking to media locally, regionally, nationally,” said Ballard.
Ballard also advocates not only for her community of Pagans but all Pagans and the rights guaranteed to all U.S. citizens under the Constitution. Founding a Pagan community in Asheville many years ago, she has fought to bring hope to those who practice Pagan beliefs while also walking the line of visibility and safety in a dominant Christian region of the country.
“I want all US citizens to enjoy all the rights that our Constitution and Bill of Rights provide us. I want my co-religionists (and myself) to be safe in our places of worship and in our lives. I want people to understand that there are alternatives to the Abrahamic religions that dominate much of the planet,” said Ballard.
Ballard understands that navigating the waters of religious freedom can be difficult as many stereotypes exist concerning Pagans, especially in the Bible Belt of America.
“As a Pagan, a witch, and an Appalachian woman I am tired of stereotypes that belittle and disrespect people who are just trying to live an authentic spiritual life,” said Ballard.
Ballard continues with education for and with her community in Asheville and hopes to ultimately strengthen the community with other like-minded people.
“What I expect our work to do is strengthen our community and make us more resilient, to keep us safe under the weight of the dominant (and dominating) culture, and to allow us to express the joy of an Earth-centered animistic path without fear of retribution from the ignorant and violent,” said Ballard.
Though strength is often found in numbers, Ballard understands that education against stereotypes and being labeled “others” will take time. “I expect that all of this is an ongoing process and I hope that our work will encourage others, especially the next generations,” said Ballard.
Ballard hopes the next generation will “continue our work and add their own vision to what it means to walk a Pagan path.”
The road is still long and winding in the fight for religious freedom, and advocacy plays an important part. No matter the form of advocacy, visibility, education, community, and activism still play a major role in the fight for recognition in a world dominated by those religions of the Abrahamic Law Code. Though Pagans seem speckled amongst the landscape, there has been a rise in numbers in the past decade which open new doorways and paths in the fight for religious freedom here in the United States.
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bfpnola · 1 year
Hiring: Advocacy Committee! Volunteers Needed!
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More information on our open leadership positions. Update: You’ll notice that the “Body Neutrality Advocate” has been changed to the “Fat Liberation Advocate.”
🚨 Better Future Program (BFP) is looking to fill the following Advocacy roles! Sound like a good fit? Apply today! 🚨
And if you don’t know who we are? Welcome! BFP is a youth-run nonprofit founded in 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana, but we accept volunteers GLOBALLY. Here, we envision a future in which youth are not only empowered to challenge oppressive hierarchies each day, but to create new, innovative, and inclusive frameworks of community care and intersectional justice! To fulfill this goal, we offer over 3,000 free resources through our Liberation Library, design and execute mutual aid-based projects, and offer the safe space activists need to ask questions and grow.
Wanna help us out? We got plenty of opportunities just for you!
-- @reaux07
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whichwitchami · 2 days
This is a Sigyn appreciation post
per a conversation with @hiddenhearthwitch yesterday, I felt there needed to be more Sigyn appreciation here on Tumblr (within the Norse Pagan community as a whole)
There's so much talk of Loki and his confinement, his role in the bringing of Ragnarok etc. Loki deserves the spotlight.
But there's not enough talk of Sigyn. About how we know little to nothing of her except her devotion and dedication to her family. Can we please appreciate the heartbreak and physical pain she must be experiencing?
To recap: Loki's punishment for killing Baldur is to be bound by a chain made from the entrails of his son with a snake above his head dripping poison onto him. Sigyn then dutifully stands there, holding a bowl to catch the poison, only leaving to empty the bowl and return to her husbands side.
Her arms have to be killing her. Her legs must want to give out at some point. She's enduring so much physical discomfort to give Loki a scrap of comfort in his torment. Not to mention the emotional/ mental trauma of having her own child's entrails be what binds her husband, and having to hear Loki's screams when she has no choice but to leave his side for a moment.
Some would probably say Sigyn is doing this because she's 'traditional' where a wife has to stay by her husband's side no matter what. I think its more about her own love though. In my experience working with the Norse Pantheon, there's a ton of agency and advocacy for setting boundaries from the Gods, which leads me to believe Sigyn absolutely could walk away if she wanted to. She's not held down by 'tradition'.
I think she stays out of love, out of a devotion so deep it's painful, and nearly impossible to understand. Who can fathom putting yourself through such physical and emotional pain to protect your loved ones? She's choosing to stand there, to save Loki from as much pain as she can spare him from, because every drop she collects is a moment of reprieve in his torment.
I think the only way she endures is through nostalgia, as Faye eloquently put it "the kid you get enraptured in and it feels so beautiful and then suddenly there's a pang in your chest and you're at a loss for words"
How can Sigyn endure the physical and emotional pain? She dissociates. She has to. In my belief she handles everything by disappearing in her mind to simpler times, to remembering the beauty of her life with her loved ones before everything went to shit. It doesn't matter to her why things went to shit, or whose to blame for it. What matters is things suck, her husband is in pain, and she loves him so much she'll do anything she can to help him.
Maybe she should walk away, but at the end of the day its her choice, and I think there's something hauntingly beautiful about making the choice to stay.
If you want to understand the kind of nostalgia, listen to this song and picture Sigyn holding the bowl, trying not to show her own pain while she remembers lying in a warm sunny field, enjoying a simple, peaceful moment in a different time.
Just, show her some love, because she's giving everything she has to Loki, and she's doing it because she loves him.
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oldshowbiz · 10 months
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The Woman's Club of Hollywood is located at 1749 La Brea directly south of Franklin Avenue. It is right in the dead center of Hollywood, California. The venue is sometimes rented out for weddings.
However, their website has completely scrubbed its sordid history.
The LA Conservancy doesn't mention it either.
This ancient building has always had a weird vibe. Well, no wonder.
For ten years, from 1958 through 1968, it was the home base of "Christian Identity" preacher Wesley A. Swift.
He was bankrolled by an anti-Semitic haberdasher from downtown Los Angeles named James Oviatt. The downtown Oviatt Building is also rented out for weddings and the LA Conservancy leads an architectural tour of the building in which they fail to mention its Klan history.
Oviatt gave money to Wesley Swift to help assemble militias in the Antelope Valley for the purpose of weapons training with the ultimate goal of doing violent battle with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. The organization became better known in the 1970s as the "Aryan Nations."
A sermon delivered by Wesley A. Swift in this venue in February 1965 was typical:
"I have here one of the most unique pieces of writing in a newspaper. This is Baldwin. Black Baldwin. The scum of Negroes today. Called a brilliant writer and a great author and a great intellectual. Well, his kind of intellect belongs in a pig pen. What he says in his writing, in a piece of literature, called literature, that goes into our schools as literature ... every time he sees a white girl - he wants to rape her! He wants to assault every white woman to bring her down to his level, which proves he knows he's not up on your level. And he can only think of depravity and immorality to bring the levels together, that means to bring you down ... He says we don't have any nation, we don't have any flag, but we're going to get one! We're going to get it by violence and bloodshed and revolution! The Negroes gonna rise and take over! And that was in the San Francisco Chronicle last week. You say: what caused all this? It's because we have not heeded divine law and we have permitted those that are not willing to follow the laws of God to gain ascendency in our nation."
During a sermon delivered here in July 1964 he railed against the Civil Rights Act:
"This tyrannical bill known as the Civil Rights legislation which passed the house this week … The house passed a bill ... which is so filled with state and federal tyranny that it denies you and any establishment, even a church, the right to criticize or to disagree with any law relative to desegregation and anti-discrimination! "Makes it all so mandatory that there be prosecution against anybody who violates this law by securing the facts. A church would not be permitted to advocate the gospel of Christ or preach the content of this bible without violating their law as it relates to discrimination against pagan religions and against other gods. "One could not tell the story of the advocacy of God selecting and electing your race to this responsibility of world leadership without a differentiation between races … and if you declare the thing that God is advocating you'd be subject to prosecution!
"Civil rights legislation, which is not civil rights, but wrongs to the great Christian majority intended on mongrelizing your race and destroying your faith and reducing your nation ... to ... an elite core of evil … I think it should be a basic Christian project of every Christian to do all that he can to see that the persons who would surrender the liberties of these United States into the hands of the dictatorial authorities [are not re-elected]."
From his La Brea Avenue pulpit, Swift ranted against the changing immigration laws of the mid-1960s:
"Why do they want to destroy our immigration laws? Because immigration laws are the result of the Church's recognition that if we permit a flood of immigration into America of pagans and Africans and Asiatics that can out vote and out maneuver Christians, that they'll take over America and our freedoms will go!
"If you don't think this is the strategy, then you turn very carefully and examine the texts … which these Swedish and Negro Communists wrote."
Swift frequently invoked terms like "freedom" and "liberty" in defense of his view point and characterized Civil Rights laws and anti-bigotry as "tyranny."
He delivered horrific, racist sermons right here in the heart of Hollywood every single Sunday for a decade - and I have yet to see anyone acknowledge it.
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levi-dayne · 6 months
i figured i should probably do an introduction post since my bio is getting a bit long
hi!! i'm levi, my pronouns are primarily they/them (but i also use ae/aer and ve/vim)
bi (??) + arospec + acespec
my primary fandoms are currently death note and hazbin hotel
i post every random death note thought i have and i am obsessed with mello and near and matt and wammy's house (i have SO much to say about all of them)
i don't post about hazbin hotel on main besides this intro post but my side blog is full of it if you're interested
death note side blog: @meronia-note
hazbin hotel side blog: @loser-babyyyy
i follow back unless you're a blank blog with no theme, pfp, background, or bio (basically don't look like a bot)
mello's biggest fan and apologist fight me
also mello has adhd
i make edits on tiktok under the username meronia_note
my ao3 is under the username levi_dayne
posts of, about, and referencing my fanfictions
i'm autistic so please use tone tags if you make a joke or use sarcasm because that's really hard for me to pick up on over the internet. also things i say may come off as aggressive when they're not intended as such so if you think i'm mad or something please know that i'm probably not
if anyone has music recs i listen to pretty much everything and would love to hear it
my favorite characters/comfort characters:
- mello (death note)
- near (death note)
- matt (death note)
- L (death note)
- angel dust (hazbin hotel)
- husk (hazbin hotel)
my ships:
- meronia (mello x near)
- m2 (mello x matt)
- huskerdust (husk x angel dust) -> again i'll only post this on my side blog
- soichello (mello x soichiro)
- mattmisa (matt x misa)
- controversial one but mello x sayu im sorry
- requests are open but they might be slow
- asks are open but i may not get to them immediately
- dms are open (please do not dm if you are under 16)
- anons are open
- i don't mind if people need to vent as long as you ask first with a trigger warning, i know sometimes it's easier venting to people online
what i do here:
- shitposts
- headcanons/memes
- art
- positivity posts
- activism posts
- occasional fanfiction
- posts about my death note self-insert
- some personal posts (tagged with "personal posts 😌✨️✨️" feel free to filter it out if you're not interested in my lore lol)
- pagan posts (probably just on yuletide, imbolc, and samhain, also occasional random posts about brighid)
what i'll write:
- meronia is the only ship i'll write for as of right now
- i will also write mello x reader
- i'll write smut, fluff, or angst
- i reserve the right to deny or ignore a request if it makes me uncomfortable (up to personal discretion)
- if you leave a request off of anon i may reach out to you to ask more details or let you know if i can't get to it right away for whatever reason
what i'll draw:
- basically same rules as above
- i am willing to draw mello, near, matt, and meronia for death note
- i am willing to draw angel dust, husk, huskerdust, alastor, lucifer, and radiostatic (one-sided) for hazbin hotel but i'll only post these on @loser-babyyyy
please keep in mind that any request may take time and just because i don't get to it right away doesn't mean i'm ignoring it
- disrespectful discourse (you're welcome to your opinion but be nice about it)
- seriously dni if you're pro-israel, this is a genocide and it is not up for debate
- homophobes, transphobes, TERFs, ableists, racists, pedos/MAPs, antisemitics, etc.
- mdni on nsfw posts (i don't mind if you follow me but please do not like, comment, reblog, etc. nsfw posts or i'll block you)
- don't just come to my blog to bash on my comfort characters, i understand not everyone likes them and that in itself is totally fine but coming to my blog just to hate on them will get you blocked
- dni if you don't support people with cluster B personality disorders, psychotic disorders, systems, etc. mental health advocacy means ALL mental health
- we can debate on pineapple on pizza, not human rights
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 3.20
Alien Abduction Day
American Diabetes Association Alert Day
Atheist Pride Day [also 6.20]
Bibliomania Day
Big Bird Day
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Day
Culture Day and Creative Intelligentsia Day (Tajikistan)
Dibber Day (French Republic)
Dogs in Yellow Day
Durham Day (UK)
Extraterrestrial Abductions Day 
Festival of Extraterrestrial Abductions
French Language Day (a.k.a. International Francophonie Day; UN)
Ghode Jatra (Horse Festival; Nepal)
Global Message Makes Me Happy & Healthy Day
Great British Spring Clean Day (UK)
Hufflepuff Pride Day
International Astrology Day
International Day of Happiness (UN)
International Francophonie Day
Kiss Your Fiancé Day
Lajos Kossuth Day (Hungary)
Legba Zaou (Haiti)
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Awareness Day
Macaron Day NYC
Mesopotamian/Sumerian Grain Festival (Honoring Ashnan)
Minion Day (Japan)
Mister Rogers Day
National Arts Advocacy Day
National Backyard Bird Photography Day
National Cherry Blossom Festival begins (Washington DC)
National Day of Italian Universities Day (Italy)
National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Jump Out! Day
National Marketing Day
National Plagiocephaly & Torticollis Awareness Day
National Vanessa Day
National Westie Day
Oil Nationalization Day (Iran)
Pigeons Return to City-County Building (Ft. Wayne, Indiana)
P320 Day
Smile Rejuvenation Day
Very Hungary Caterpillar Day
Won't You Be My Neighbor? Day
Won’t You Wear a Sweater Day
World Behavior Analysis Day
World Day of Theater for Children and Young People
World Frog Day
World Head Injury Awareness Day
World NIDCAP Day
World Oral Health Day
World Rewinding Day
World Rights to Water Day
World Sparrow Day
Zipper Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bock Beer Day (New York) [also 2nd Monday]
Crawfish Cravers Awareness Day
Macaron Day
National Ravioli Day
World Flour Day
3rd Wednesday in March
Engineer’s Day (Belgium; Netherlands) [3rd Wednesday]
Kick Butts Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Carry Out Day (a.k.a. Carry Out Wednesday) [3rd Wednesday]
National Dietician’s Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National SBDC Day [3rd Wednesday]
Small Business Development Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence & Related Days
Blackland (a.k.a. Kingdom of Blackland; Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Conzorica (a.k.a. Federal Republics of Conzorica; Declared; 2014)
Kirkuk Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Otango Province Anniversary (New Zealand)
Qootärlænt (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Rezaxia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Tunisia (from France, 1956)
New Year’s Days
Baha’i New Year
Nowruz (New Year) [Day 1, Around Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Bahá'í Naw-Rúz (Bahá'í)
Naruz (Afghan New Year)
Navruz (Tajikistan, Ukbekistan)
Norooz (Iran)
Novruz Bairam (a.k.a. Persian New Year; Azerbaijan)
Nowrūz (Persian, Gilaki, Kurdish, Zoroastrians; California)
Rosicrucian New Year
Festivals Beginning March 20, 2024
Jazz & Rhythms Festival (San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico) [thru 3.24]
Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show (Melbourne, Australia) [thru 3.24]
National Cherry Blossom Festival (Washington, DC) [thru 4.14]
Trans-Siberian Art Festival (Novosibirsk, Russia) [thru 4.7]
Feast Days
Alexandra (Christian; Saint)
Apple Magic Day (For Norse Goddess Idunn; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Big Bird (Muppetism)
Blessed John of Parma (Christian; Saint)
Clement of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Cuthbert of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint) [maltsters]
Day Sacred to the Goddess Fortuna, the Morrigan, the Norns, the Three Fates, and the Three Mothers (Lakshmi, Parvati, and Sarasvati)
Edward Poynter (Artology)
Extraterrestrial Abductions Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of the Supreme Ritual (Thelema)
Festival For Driving Out All Evils (Inca)
Festival of Isis (Ancient Egypt)
George Caleb Bingham (Artology)
Henrik Ibsen (Writerism)
Herbert of Derwentwater (Christian; Saint)
John Lavery (Artology)
John of Nepomuk (Christian; Saint)
Józef Bilczewski (Christian; Saint)
María Josefa Sancho de Guerra (Christian; Saint)
Martin of Braga (Christian; Saint)
The Martyrs of Mar Saba (Christian; Martyrs)
Michele Carcano (Christian; Saint)
Philo of Alexandria (Positivist; Saint)
Photina and Her Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Quinquatria, Day 2: Wrestling Day (Pagan)
Spring Harvest Festival (Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Wulfram (Christian; Saint)
Xena Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Zagmuk (Festival celebrating the Resurrection of Marduk)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 79 [22 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [17 of 60]
After Hours, by The Weekend (Album; 2020)
Armchair Apocrypha, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2007)
Avalanche is Better None or Snows You Old Man (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 33; 1960)
Back Off Boogaloo, recorded by Ringo Starr (Song; 1972)
Basic Instinct (Film; 1992)
Below Zero Heroes or I Only Have Ice for You (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 34; 1960)
The Book of Thoth (Egyptian Tarot), by Aleister Crowley (Tarot Book; 1944)
Bosko’s Easter Eggs (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Both Sides Now, by Joni Mitchell (Album; 2000)
Cannibal Capers (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1930)
The Cats Bah (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dumb-Hounded (Droopy MGM Cartoon; 1943)
Duplicity (Film; 2009)
Fractured Friendship (Chilly Willy & Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1965)
Hollywood Shuffle (Film; 1987)
Hothouse, by Brian W. Aldiss (Novel; 1962)
I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got, by Sinead O’Connor (Album; 1990)
I Love You, Man (Film; 2009)
The Impossible Possum, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1954)
Insurgent (Film; 2015)
Knowing (Film; 2009)
Lady Chatterly’s Lover, by D.H. Lawrence (Novel; 1928)
Man of La Mancha (Broadway Musical; 1965)
Meet the Temptations, by The Temptations (Album; 1964)
Neptune Nonsense (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
Newman Laugh-O-Grams (Disney Cartoon; 1921)
Noises Off (Film; 1992)
Off to China (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
The Pink Panther (Film; 1964)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Film; 1981)
The Romance of Betty Boop (Animated TV Film; 1985)
The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Novel; 1850)
Sham Battle Shenanigans (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Straight, No Chaser, by Thelonious Monk (Album; 1967)
Symphony Hour (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Top Cat and the Beverly Hills Cats (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Film; 1988)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Novel; 1857)
Wacky Quacky (Phantasies Cartoon; 1947)
What Price Fleadom (MGM Cartoon; 1948)
Wild Things (Film; 1998)
Ye Olde Songs, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Zen in the Art of Archery, by Eugen Herrigel (Philosophy Book; 1948)
Zombeavers (Film; 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Claudia, Wolfram (Austria)
Ivan, Nicet, Pavao (Croatia)
Světlana (Czech Republic)
Gordius (Denmark)
Malve, Malvi, Malviine (Estonia)
Aki, Jaakkima, Joakim, Jooa, Kim, Kimi (Finland)
Herbert, Printemps (France)
Claudia, Wolfram (Germany)
Claudia, Rodi, Rodianos (Greece)
Klaudia (Hungary)
Alessandra,, Claudia (Italy)
Irbe, Made, Magda, Magdalēna (Latvia)
Filomenas, Imgarda, Irma, Tautvilė, Žygimantas (Lithuania)
Joakim, Kim (Norway)
Aleksander, Aleksandra, Ambroży, Anatol, Bogusław, Cyriaka, Eufemia, Klaudia, Patrycjusz, Ruprecht, Wasyl, Wincenty (Poland)
Víťazoslav (Slovakia)
Alejandra, Daniel, Martín (Spain)
Joakim, Kim (Sweden)
Dillan, Dillion, Dillon, Drew, Dru, Dylan, Dylon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 80 of 2024; 286 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 12 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 11 (Guy-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 10 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 20 Green; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 7 March 2024
Moon: 82%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Aristotle (3rd Month) [John the Evangelist]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 2 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 31 of 31)
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rosebleue · 10 months
Ok, so the pagan priestess course is come to the sacred healing part, what gods to pray to and what not.
Since it's written VERY BADLY, I'm going to summarize it for myself and anyone that stumbles upon this:
Dividing Healing Deities in Five Archetypes, by Some Anonymous Author who wrote A Sketchy Priestesshood Manual, summarized by yours truly
(All art under the cut is fair use under public domain license and can be found here, it's just there to make it look prettier)
So, according to Some Dude, there's five archetypes of Healing Deity. You can categorize gods in any of these five categories, or several simultaneously, and that will teach you what to invoke them for. You won't call upon the same god for helping you cope with grief and like, helping you endure a headache.
1. The Nurturer
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These are the compassionate deities, the ones you search for unconditional love, care and support. They're all about helping you love yourself. An example is any father or mother god ever. You call upon them to feel loved, and love yourself.
2. The Wise Healer
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These are the gods of knowledge and wisdom you go for knowledge related issues. They will encourage you to gather the resources you need to heal, be it knowledge of your own body or medical research, second opiniones, self advocacy. You can fit gods like Horus or Athena in this category. (Side note, the painting is fantastic, immaculate vibes, I have great tastes)
3. The Transformer (I was going to use Optimus Prime for this)
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This one's about growth. It's also nurturing, but in a roundabout way. It's embracing change as it comes and adapting to it, flexibility. About being a dandelion rather than a perfectly manufactured lawn. There's no suggested gods for it, but like, Osiris? Inari? Things like that, I assume. This text is not very good.
4. The Alchemical Healer
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This one, rather than adapting to all circumstances like the transformer, it's specifically about transforming bad things into good things. Like grief into tender memories, pain into wisdom. That shadow archetype thing jungians love. Liminal and chthonic deities go here, your Hecate, your Hel, what have you.
5. The Sacred Feminine
This one's bullshit. They just needed something to add to the top of the pentacle. Since this is about integration, yourself with nature, harmony and so on, you go and choose whatever you want to place here. I have no time for gender essentialism.
IN CONCLUSION this is too broad of a classification, but if that is useful for self-help and modes of self-healing, then it's a fun way of summarizing complex relationships I guess! Map is not territory and bla bla. Steal these ideas and run, I don't respect this text.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The ‘Non-Russian World’ within the Russian Federation
The website 7x7 recently released an ambitious project cataloging the history of imperial expansion as it relates to the minority ethnicities still present in the Russian Federation. Speaking to members of various nationality groups, 7x7 presents anecdotes about the lived experience of being a minority in contemporary Russia — specifically, what it’s like to endure ethnic Russians’ everyday bigotries and indecencies. The project also features comments from experts who study discrimination, racism, and related topics in Russia, as well as a look at the state’s different responses to collective action by minority groups.
According to 7x7’s findings, there are three general “danger zones”: relatively safe spaces, “risky” spaces, and finally “very risky” spaces. The state authorities typically tolerate or even welcome local language development, ethnic history preservation, and the manufacturing of traditional clothing (public spectacles like festivals look good in government reports), but hostility grows as the activity drifts into more political territory like human rights advocacy, environmentalism, and especially protest management.
At the same time, however, 7x7’s work does not present a uniform picture, and the relative “radicalism” of whichever person is speaking seems to influence the described experiences. For example, a Mari pagan holy man complains about the state authorities’ extreme animosity to language development, while others attribute problems with local language to a lack of public demand. Methodologically, the project relies heavily on activists, emigres, and anonymous sources provided by the Feminist Antiwar Resistance movement, making it problematic to generalize using the stories presented here.
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dandthegods · 2 years
Thoughts on Devotional Acts
So, I went to my city’s art museum today, and it got me thinking about my relationship with the Gods. As today is the day before the traditional Lughnasso period (and I’m celebrating it today due to scheduling), my pagan practice and the Gods have been on my mind. Anyway. As I was there, I thought about the practice of devotional acts - or devoting things you do to the Gods. Acts don’t have to be complete activities or things that you do for a long period of time. They can honestly be anything, but I want to get some ideas of devotional donations out there. Just places and ideas for places that you could donate and support honoring the Gods. Do what you can, don't over stretch yourself or your means, and all in all, do it with respect and love.
This will obviously be Hellenism focused, but feel free to add any other gods you follow to this list, or add any other places that could work. And some things will be repeated for multiple gods as they can apply to each god’s realm of influence.
Places to donate in honor of the Gods:
Local or national food pantry
Homeless shelter
Disaster relief funds and non-profits
Minority advocacy groups such as Black Lives Matter and native people’s groups
Local or national women’s shelters
Homeless shelters
Planned Parenthood
Women’s health advocacy groups
Local or national women’s shelters
Homeless shelters
Planned Parenthood
Women’s health advocacy groups
Animal shelters
Animal rights groups (NOT PETA, FUCK PETA)
Environmental conservation groups
Becoming a pet foster home (if able)
Disaster relief funds and non-profits
Art or history museums (art museums are especially underfunded and receive the least donations)
Local indie artists (donate by buying something or through “just because” donations)
Homeless shelters
Mental Health shelters and non-profits
VFW and VA hospitals
Suicide Hotlines and Emergency Help Lines
Art museums
Local indie artists (donate by buying something or through “just because” donations)
Supporting local small businesses and speciality shops
Women’s shelters
Homeless shelters
Art or history museums (art museums are especially underfunded and receive the least donations)
The Trevor Project and other LBGT+ advocacy groups
Suicide Hotlines and Emergency Help Lines
Local indie artists (donate by buying something or through “just because” donations)
Local theaters and small theater productions
Planned Parenthood
Women’s health advocacy groups
Homeless shelters
Mental Health shelters and non-profits
VFW and VA hospitals
The Trevor Project and other LBGT+ advocacy groups
Suicide Hotlines and Emergency Help Lines
Local or national women’s shelters
Homeless shelters
Any local or national food banks or food pantries
Any local or national women’s shelters or homeless shelters
Any local or national food banks or food pantries
Supporting local small businesses and speciality shops
Adopt a Highway programs
Local or national women’s shelters
Homeless shelters
Any art or history museum (art museums are especially underfunded and receive the least donations)
Planned Parenthood
Women’s health advocacy groups
Local or national food banks or food pantries
Local or national food banks or food pantries
Farmer’s Markets and small produce sellers
Food Co-Ops
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Sallust and Machiavelli
Midway through Sallust’s Jugurthine War (Bellum Jugurthinum) now. I’m having fun comparing his works to Machiavelli!
Both men dearly loved republican government (or at least Sallust claimed to); both were immensely frustrated by the corruption and injustice they saw in government; both retreated into writing after being forced out of politics. Machiavelli’s The Prince and Discourses on Livy were shocking for their advocacy of cold pragmatism over Christian virtue, but his depiction of a world ruled by force, deception and money sounds very similar to Sallust’s writings 1500 years earlier. Machiavelli also has a lot of pagan sympathies, which is part of why his books were so controversial when they were published.
But surprisingly, Machiavelli is the more idealistic of the two.
While Bellum Catilinae ends on a bleak note, and the Jugurthine War is full of cynical remarks about the state of Rome’s government, both The Prince and the Discourses are Machiavelli’s attempts to make the best out of a bad situation, and to restore his country’s freedom.* The Prince actually ends with him exhorting the reader to do just that - rise up against the foreign nations occupying Italy - and the Discourses is a defense of democracy and attempt to make it workable in the modern world. (Major Enlightenment thinkers and the US Constitution were influenced by his work.)
(*I don’t agree with the theories that The Prince is a satire or an attempt to sabotage future despots. Machiavelli put many case studies in the book explaining his reasoning, and he makes it clear in the beginning that he’s only talking about the most extreme, politically unstable cases, not government in general.)
Machiavelli also compares favorably to Sallust in terms of personal character. I call Sallust my “stinky rat bastard historian” for a reason: the man was corrupt as hell. I like his writing, but he’s very much a pot calling the kettle black.
Machiavelli is not a stinky rat bastard. He just looks like one. His career was corruption-free, as far as we can tell, it’s just his books that pissed people off.
Anyways, back to Jugurtha now! Sallust may yet surprise me; he certainly did with Bellum Catilinae.
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exalted-magic · 11 months
I don't have an intro post yet, so I thought I'd make one to pin to my profile!
Hi, I'm Quinn (they/them). My main OC is Hekate, so it's okay if you call me that as well. I would consider my blog mature as I do reblog NSFW art and images, as well as talk about heavy topics, so please do not follow me if you are a minor (for your safety, not mine.)
I trigger tag alcohol and drug content content, as I do drink and use weed. Interests: FFXIV & FFXIV modding & GPOSE Goth music and fashion EDM like breakcore/dnb/jungle Crochet Art I like cute things and spooky things, even better if combined Horror Chronic illness/disability advocacy Mental illness/disability advocacy Kink/BDSM content Witchy/magical/pagan content I post a lot about my OC, Hekate (here they are, they go by they/she pronouns.) I ship them with Zenos (in a primal hunter/prey kind of way eheh.) I have other OC's, but will probably do a different post with their lore as to not clog this one
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tamrieldrifter · 1 year
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Double, double toil and trouble
Few people live day to day without some sense of a continuing story, a pathway to either Aetherius or Oblivion. Nowhere in Tamriel was that more evident then in the Temple District of the Imperial City, said to be the home of a thousand cults. The only real difference between a cult and a religion is political advocacy, and whilst the Temple of the One may for now still be dedicated to Akatosh, the longer this Daedric occupation lasts, the greater the prospect that it becomes rededicated to Molag Bal; and the Worm Cult may become not only a religion, but the only religion.
Sister J'Reeza has watched on helplessly as the Daedra have desecrated temples, smashed relics, and imprisoned clergy. She now has a plan however to stop the monsters from destroying more religious artefacts, yet rather ironically it requires the use of old pagan magics The Khajiit priestess wants me to kill Grievous Twilights that roam the streets and cut off their claws. After anointing them with ritual wine and then burning them in a sanctified brazier, I am to sprinkle their ashes over casks of consecrated oils which should be enough to save them from the impious claws of the Daedra.
When I think of witchcraft, my first thoughts turn either to the foul hags of the Reach, or the somewhat fairer, yet not no less ill-disposed Wyrd Covens of High Rock. There is something to be admired about a people who when most in need wait not upon a miracle from the Divines, but instead provide themselves with miracles of their own making.
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queerlyseth · 1 year
✨ About Me ✨
Oh hey, it’s about time that I do a little post with a little peak behind the curtain. See what kinda goblino is making these shit posts (complimentary).
Tags Legend
#just gay goblino things: my handmade lil' poops :) #reblog-a-rino: stuff I reblogged #queue more like ew: stuff from my queue (Posts between 0900 - 2100) #meow meow (gay): personal tag for the dorito @imanalbertross
Hit the 'Keep reading' to learn more! :) Move on if you'd rather eat peets!
Queer reclaiming transgender man (he/him pronouns). Mostly uses gay to describe my sexuality but it’s tEcHnIcAlLy asexual omniromantic. I am neurodivergent/disabled as well.
Leftist/progressive politically. I’d say anarcho-communist but I’m p easy going about labels in this regard. I’m pro-advocacy and not too keen on highly over-sensitive attitudes. We all make mistakes but as long as we keep improving and doing stuff in good faith, I’m cool.
Engaged with @imanalbertross 💕 Love him lots.
Bachelor degree in Creative Writing, working on a novel currently. Day job is security guard (you may acab me). I AM forklift certified.
Religiously, I consider myself an occultist (still learning though) and pagan. Dionysus as a god and The Bony Lady are my main two devotional figures I put my thoughts and prayers™️ to.
Tabletop Roleplay Gaming!
Dungeons and Dragons (3.5e/5e)
Monster of the Week
Disney's Twisted Wonderland
Sims 4
Baldur's Gate (3)
House Flipper
Song of Horror
Elder Scrolls (Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim)
Fallout (New Vegas/4)
Soulsborne (Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring)
Dark Fantasy
Historical Fiction
LGBTQ+ Friendly
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Each Part)
Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei
I'll fill this out more later
Demon Mama
Jammi Dodger
Vargskeletor (Joey/Joel)
Jabroni Mike
Tomato Gaming
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frutewyrm · 20 days
mire || 27 || they/it || audhd || artist || writer
gamer || vulture culture || critter keeper || pagan
interests: the occult, mythology, nature, biology, entomology, mycology, autism & mental health research and advocacy, bones, oddities, horror / fantasy / sci-fi content, xfiles, monster hunter, fallout 76, Pokémon, animal crossing, ōkami, short stories, poetry, crafts, stickers, collecting ephemera, witchcraft, entophagy, simulation games, rpg games, ttrpg, solo-journaling tabletops, worldbuilding, herbalism, plants, swamps, ponds, bogs, raccoons, rat, books, antiques, field guides, fairies, monsters, ghosts, cryptids, 90’s-2000’s toys, fashion, journaling
pets: 2 ferrets, 2 rats, 50g freshwater tank, many roaches, many isopods, a cat, various other invertebrates
I don’t mind messages though I may be dodgy in terms of consistently with messaging back.
plz ask for steam / switch code / discord / Pinterest!
other blogs:
@oakenchest objects
@ignitors trauma blog
@grass-stain nostalgia @ ageregress
@potleaf stoned shitposting
@monsterafruit garden
will add more
0 notes
brookston · 2 months
Holidays 3.28
Barnum & Bailey Day
Bhakti Mata Karma Jayanti (Chhattisgarh, India)
Children's Picture Book Day
Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu (The Way of Tea; Japan)
Confucius Memorial Day
Daffodil Day (French Republic)
Day of the National Security Service Officers (Azerbaijan)
Defy Death Today Day
Eggsibit Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Greatest Show on Earth Day
Haitian Pose Day
Hot Tub Day
International Laser Tag Day
International Women in Music Day
Istanbul Not Constantinople Day
Microfilm Day
National Amber Day
National Car Wash Day
National Children’s Picture Book Day
National Choking Awareness Day
National Day of Historic Centers (Portugal)
National Ram Day
National Triglycerides Day
Pallas Asteroid Day
Progressive MS Day
Ram Nawami (Nepal)
Respect Your Cat Day
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Serfs Emancipation Day (Tibet)
Sun and Moon Creation Day
Teacher's Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Three Mile Island Day
Virtual Advocacy Day
Washboard Day
Wear a Hat Day (UK)
Weed Appreciation Day
World Piano Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Forest Cake Day
Eat an Edy’s Pie Day (f.k.a. Eat an Eskimo Pie Day)
Something on a Stick Day
4th & Last Thursday in March
International Myeloma Action Day [Last Thursday]
National Letting Go of Stuff Day [4th Thursday]
National Medical Biller’s Day [Last Thursday]
National Wear Pants Day [Last Thursday]
Opening Day (Major League Baseball) [Date Varies]
Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day (Arizona) [4th Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 28 (4th Week)
National Protocol Officer’s Week (Last Week) [thru 4.3]
Independence & Related Days
Act of Union with England passed (Irish Parliament; 1800)
Cakeland (Declared, 2007) [unrecognized]
Revival Day of the Balkar People (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)
New Year’s Days
Yestarë (Elven New Year) [1st Day of Tuilë] (Lord of the Rings)
Festivals Beginning March 28, 2024
Hong Kong International Film Festival (Hong Kong) [thru 4.9]
National Folk Festival (Canberra, Australia) [thru 4.1]
Rabbits Eat Lettuce (Elbow Valley, Queensland, Australia)
Splashy Fen (Underberg, South Africa) [thru 4.1]
Wairarapa Balloon Festival (Masterton, New Zealand) [thru 4.1]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 2 (Pagan)
Aka Dasa Rudra begins (11-Week Long Balinese Festival) [Held every 100 years to restore balance between the forces of good & evil]
Aneirin (1 of the Cynfeirdd Celtic Book of Days)
Erasistratus (Positivist; Saint)
Festival of the Sacrifice at the Tombs (Ancient Rome)
Fra Bartolommeo (Artology)
Fred (Muppetism)
Garden Weeds Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Grace Hartigan (Artology)
Guntram, King of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gontran, Guntramnus; Christian; Saint)
Initial Caiani (Sacrifice at the Tombs; Ancient Rome)
Invasion of Loaming Shores Beyond the Certian Sea Anniversary (Shamanism)
John of Capistrano (Christian; Saint)
Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zarathustra; Zoroastrianism)
Kwan Yin (Taiwanese Goddess; Everyday Wicca)
Maxim Gorky (Writerism)
Meatball Appreciation Week begins (Pastafarian)
Palmistry Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Priscus, Malchus and Alexander (Christian; Martyrs)
Ragnar Lodbrok’s Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Tuotilo (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Thursday before Easter (a.k.a. ... 
Holy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Sheer Thursday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bad Heart Day (Person born today tend to suffer from heart problems)
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 6 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [6 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 15 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [21 of 57]
Andrea Chenier, by Umberto Giordano (Opera; 1896)
April Fool’s Day (Film; 1986)
The Artificial Silk Girl, by Irmgard Keun (Novel; 1932)
The Bear and the Beavers, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham (WB Animated Film; 2023)
The Birds (Film; 1963)
Brown Eyed Girl, recorded by Van Morrison (Song; 1967)
Burning Love, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1972)
The Devil in Miss Jones (Adult Film; 1973)
Dr. Devil and Mr. Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1964)
Duke, by Genesis (Album; 1980)
The Dying Earth, by Jack Vance (Novel; 1950)
Elmer Elephant (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Father’s Day Off (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Futurama (Animated TV Series; 1999)
A Gentlemen’s Gentlemen (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
The Great Gatsby (Film; 1974)
Head of State (Film; 2003)
Houses of the Holy, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1973)
Lucas (Film; 1986)
The Magus, by John Fowles (Novel; 1965)
The Money Pit (Film; 1986)
The Opry House (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
A Peck o’ Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Run Fatboy Run (Film; 2008)
Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (Walter Lantz Cartoon; 1941)
Serial (Film; 1980)
Spirited Away (Animated Ghibli Film; 2003)
Summertime Blues, recorded by Eddie Cochran (Song; 1958)
Symphony No. 1 in D Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Symphony; 1897)
Taking Off (Film; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Guntram, Ingbert (Austria)
Albena, Boyan, Boyana, Boyka, Boyko (Bulgaria)
Nada, Polion, Priska, Renata, Sonja (Croatia)
Soňa (Czech Republic)
Eustachius (Denmark)
Arm, Armas, Armo, Kallis (Estonia)
Armas (Finland)
Gontran (France)
Guntram, Ingbert, Willy (Germany)
Gedeon, Johanna (Hungary)
Sisto (Italy)
Eiženija, Ginta, Gunda, Gunta, Ženija (Latvia)
Girmantė, Odeta, Rimkantas, Sikstas (Lithuania)
Åsta, Åste (Norway)
Aniela, Antoni, Jan, Krzesisław, Sykstus (Poland)
Ilarion (Romania)
Soňa (Slovakia)
Doroteo, Sixto (Spain)
Malkolm, Morgan (Sweden)
Gwen, Gwenda, Gwendolyn, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 88 of 2024; 278 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 19 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 18 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 28 Green; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 March 2024
Moon: 90%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Archimedes (4th Month) [Celsus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 10 of 92)
Week: Last Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 8 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 3.28
Barnum & Bailey Day
Bhakti Mata Karma Jayanti (Chhattisgarh, India)
Children's Picture Book Day
Commemoration of Sen no Rikyu (The Way of Tea; Japan)
Confucius Memorial Day
Daffodil Day (French Republic)
Day of the National Security Service Officers (Azerbaijan)
Defy Death Today Day
Eggsibit Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Greatest Show on Earth Day
Haitian Pose Day
Hot Tub Day
International Laser Tag Day
International Women in Music Day
Istanbul Not Constantinople Day
Microfilm Day
National Amber Day
National Car Wash Day
National Children’s Picture Book Day
National Choking Awareness Day
National Day of Historic Centers (Portugal)
National Ram Day
National Triglycerides Day
Pallas Asteroid Day
Progressive MS Day
Ram Nawami (Nepal)
Respect Your Cat Day
Semana Santa (Nicaragua)
Serfs Emancipation Day (Tibet)
Sun and Moon Creation Day
Teacher's Day (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
Three Mile Island Day
Virtual Advocacy Day
Washboard Day
Wear a Hat Day (UK)
Weed Appreciation Day
World Piano Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Forest Cake Day
Eat an Edy’s Pie Day (f.k.a. Eat an Eskimo Pie Day)
Something on a Stick Day
4th & Last Thursday in March
International Myeloma Action Day [Last Thursday]
National Letting Go of Stuff Day [4th Thursday]
National Medical Biller’s Day [Last Thursday]
National Wear Pants Day [Last Thursday]
Opening Day (Major League Baseball) [Date Varies]
Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day (Arizona) [4th Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning March 28 (4th Week)
National Protocol Officer’s Week (Last Week) [thru 4.3]
Independence & Related Days
Act of Union with England passed (Irish Parliament; 1800)
Cakeland (Declared, 2007) [unrecognized]
Revival Day of the Balkar People (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)
New Year’s Days
Yestarë (Elven New Year) [1st Day of Tuilë] (Lord of the Rings)
Festivals Beginning March 28, 2024
Hong Kong International Film Festival (Hong Kong) [thru 4.9]
National Folk Festival (Canberra, Australia) [thru 4.1]
Rabbits Eat Lettuce (Elbow Valley, Queensland, Australia)
Splashy Fen (Underberg, South Africa) [thru 4.1]
Wairarapa Balloon Festival (Masterton, New Zealand) [thru 4.1]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 2 (Pagan)
Aka Dasa Rudra begins (11-Week Long Balinese Festival) [Held every 100 years to restore balance between the forces of good & evil]
Aneirin (1 of the Cynfeirdd Celtic Book of Days)
Erasistratus (Positivist; Saint)
Festival of the Sacrifice at the Tombs (Ancient Rome)
Fra Bartolommeo (Artology)
Fred (Muppetism)
Garden Weeds Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Grace Hartigan (Artology)
Guntram, King of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gontran, Guntramnus; Christian; Saint)
Initial Caiani (Sacrifice at the Tombs; Ancient Rome)
Invasion of Loaming Shores Beyond the Certian Sea Anniversary (Shamanism)
John of Capistrano (Christian; Saint)
Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zarathustra; Zoroastrianism)
Kwan Yin (Taiwanese Goddess; Everyday Wicca)
Maxim Gorky (Writerism)
Meatball Appreciation Week begins (Pastafarian)
Palmistry Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Priscus, Malchus and Alexander (Christian; Martyrs)
Ragnar Lodbrok’s Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Raphael (Artology)
Sixtus III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Tuotilo (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Thursday before Easter (a.k.a. ... 
Holy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Sheer Thursday
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Bad Heart Day (Person born today tend to suffer from heart problems)
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 6 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [6 of 24]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 15 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [21 of 57]
Andrea Chenier, by Umberto Giordano (Opera; 1896)
April Fool’s Day (Film; 1986)
The Artificial Silk Girl, by Irmgard Keun (Novel; 1932)
The Bear and the Beavers, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1942)
Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham (WB Animated Film; 2023)
The Birds (Film; 1963)
Brown Eyed Girl, recorded by Van Morrison (Song; 1967)
Burning Love, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1972)
The Devil in Miss Jones (Adult Film; 1973)
Dr. Devil and Mr. Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1964)
Duke, by Genesis (Album; 1980)
The Dying Earth, by Jack Vance (Novel; 1950)
Elmer Elephant (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Father’s Day Off (Disney Cartoon; 1953)
Futurama (Animated TV Series; 1999)
A Gentlemen’s Gentlemen (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Film; 2014)
The Great Gatsby (Film; 1974)
Head of State (Film; 2003)
Houses of the Holy, by Led Zeppelin (Album; 1973)
Lucas (Film; 1986)
The Magus, by John Fowles (Novel; 1965)
The Money Pit (Film; 1986)
The Opry House (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
A Peck o’ Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Run Fatboy Run (Film; 2008)
Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (Walter Lantz Cartoon; 1941)
Serial (Film; 1980)
Spirited Away (Animated Ghibli Film; 2003)
Summertime Blues, recorded by Eddie Cochran (Song; 1958)
Symphony No. 1 in D Minor, by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Symphony; 1897)
Taking Off (Film; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Guntram, Ingbert (Austria)
Albena, Boyan, Boyana, Boyka, Boyko (Bulgaria)
Nada, Polion, Priska, Renata, Sonja (Croatia)
Soňa (Czech Republic)
Eustachius (Denmark)
Arm, Armas, Armo, Kallis (Estonia)
Armas (Finland)
Gontran (France)
Guntram, Ingbert, Willy (Germany)
Gedeon, Johanna (Hungary)
Sisto (Italy)
Eiženija, Ginta, Gunda, Gunta, Ženija (Latvia)
Girmantė, Odeta, Rimkantas, Sikstas (Lithuania)
Åsta, Åste (Norway)
Aniela, Antoni, Jan, Krzesisław, Sykstus (Poland)
Ilarion (Romania)
Soňa (Slovakia)
Doroteo, Sixto (Spain)
Malkolm, Morgan (Sweden)
Gwen, Gwenda, Gwendolyn, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 88 of 2024; 278 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 19 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 18 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 28 Green; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 15 March 2024
Moon: 90%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 4 Archimedes (4th Month) [Celsus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 10 of 92)
Week: Last Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 8 of 31)
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