#actually deaf
wheelie-sick · 2 months
people like to fearmonger about deaf children who never get cochlear implants/get them late never learning to speak and it's literally not a concern I have. I am largely voice off in public and it's fine. I'm fine. Deaf people have been living without speech since time immemorial we are fine.
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batterwing · 8 months
Happy Deaf awareness month to:
D/deaf people who use sign language
D/deaf people who use spoken language
D/deaf people who use spoken language and sign language
D/deaf people who use AAC
D/deaf people who aren't fluent in sign language
D/deaf people who are learning sign language
D/deaf people who lip-read
D/deaf people who have comorbidities
D/deaf people who don't have comorbidities
D/deaf people who are physically disabled
D/deaf people who aren't disabled
D/deaf people who are mentally disabled
D/deaf people who are intellectually disabled
D/deaf people who are sensory disabled
D/deaf people who are deaf and blind
D/deaf people who go to speech therapy
D/deaf people who don't go to speech therapy
D/deaf people in special education classes
D/deaf people who need an aide
D/deaf people who need an interpreter
D/deaf people who use transcription
D/deaf people who use FMs
D/deaf people who are forced to use aids they don't want
D/deaf people who can't access medical care
D/deaf people who go to Deaf schools
D/deaf people who grew up in Deaf culture
D/deaf people who grew up in hearing culture
D/deaf people who grew up in hearing and Deaf culture
D/deaf people who make Deaf art
D/deaf people who make music
D/deaf people who love music
D/deaf people who use hearing aids
D/deaf people who use CIs
D/deaf people who don't use hearing aids or CIs
D/deaf people who have Deaf family
D/deaf people who prefer the term hearing impaired
D/deaf people who prefer the term hard of hearing
D/deaf people who prefer the term Deaf gain
D/deaf people who prefer the term Deaf
D/deaf people who prefer the term deaf
And to all D/deaf people, have a good September from your local Deaf person <3
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flare-dragon · 3 months
Question for those who wanna response: When's the last time you saw any media where any of the characters (major, minor, or extra) were known to be deaf?
(Bonus question: Who was the character and from what media did they originate from?)
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a-common-wybie · 2 months
deaf people deserve friendship, they shouldn’t automatically be at a disadvantage just because they are Deaf
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like this post if you're hard of hearing/deaf and/or know sign language
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raccooninapartyhat · 6 months
The protactile articles raise a very good point about DeafBlindness. Why is it so often called the loneliest disability? Why are we so isolated? Why are we kept separate from the world purely because we aren't hearing-sighted?
Why can't we interact and navigate the world tactilely? Why can't we touch and explore and learn and interact? Why can't we talk and socialise with each other and everyone else? Why do hearing-sighted people shrink from exploring hands and shoeless feet walking through a room?
Why are we made to be lonely when we can experience our world through touch? Why is that somehow lesser? More dangerous? Something to be afraid of?
Why do people insist on isolating us?
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thatdeaffeel · 1 year
genuine question— why is the “d” in D/deaf sometimes capitalized? i’ve seen people say Deaf but i’ve never seen like any explanation as to why so i’m just curious
deaf is the condition
Deaf is the community
coda (child of deaf adult) often speak sign as a first language and consider themselves as culturally deaf so a lot of them use big D only because they aren't hearing impaired in any sense
in general i think it's a word game that i dont take part in largely, i say deaf and i write deaf and i specify deaf community when i need to, specifically to avoid this confusion
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tilin-forever · 3 months
Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well <3
I just wrote my first fic ever for @mcytphysicaldisabilityweek Day 2: Deafness/Hard of Hearing (please don’t mind that I handed this in literally at the last minute my time zone like a school assignment haha)
Summary: “Tallulah loves how the red poppy stickers on her hearing aids match her red toque. She loves how she can take them off if things get too noisy for her sensitive ears. She doesn't mind being hard of hearing...most days.”
As someone who is profoundly deaf in both ears (I wear a cochlear implant), I was inspired to write this, a lot of which is based on my personal experiences! While I am pretty positive about being deaf (hey, its a fun fact I get to share at icebreakers haha), I wanted to write more about what it's like being deaf without having grown up with ASL (which happens more often than you think, about 90% of deaf kids are born to Hearing families) and that comes with some communication downsides.
I am not a 100% about the characterization, but I wanted to submit this before the day is over. I was also inspired by this wonderful fandom, you guys are all so sweet <3
I am hoping to write a followup/parallel fic for FitMC about being deaf as an adult, anyways, hope you enjoy <3
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unclepolyglot · 7 months
Writing Signed Languages in Fanfics
so i recently got into learning ASL (which is amazing!! i love it so much!!) and am planning to reference it when writing a Legend of Zelda fanfic, like certain facial expressions or how quickly/forcefully a sign is made, etc.
the thing is, since i'm hearing, i'm wondering if those of you who are d/Deaf or HoH can give me some tips on how to write a signing character, like things you wish you'd see in fanfics, or things you wish writers would stop doing.
also, to show that the MC is communicating in another language other than English, i'm thinking of using these Japanese 「quotation brackets」. thoughts?
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hard-of-death · 1 year
When hearing people find out that only like, a 1% of hearing parents of deaf and hoh children actually learn to sign for them, and that even then most of those that do learn, only learn "the basics", aka a few signs related to domestic life without any type of structure or grammar, just single signs here and there, and they start this whole fucking scene where they act like their entire world is ending and they cry and shout and act all indigned and HOW CAN THEY??? That is so so ugly and sad!! Just so sad :(:(:(:(
And they basically just expect you to consolate them and promise that yes, you know they won't ever do something like that (even tho they don't even have the decency to repeat themself when you ask them to. Or look at you when they speak. Or do anything to make communication easier. And you KNOW they would do exactly the same thing that 99% of hearing parents do) And you have to smile and nod and say yes, yes it's a terrible thing and then you have to start laying in front of them your whole D/deaf /hoh childhood story and give them a detailed presentation on your relationship with your parents because they won't stop asking so they can keep pretending they could not even fathom it was this bad, and pity you and go tell their friends how sad this all is :( and how they are gonna go save the Deaf!! And that they will learn to sign and be the hero we were expecting all along...and then they just
Don't even learn how to say "good morning"
Or properly communicate with us
Or even just listen to us so they are not this misinformated or ignorant to Deaf issues
Or even just
I don't know, try
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wheelie-sick · 9 months
please remember that super hearing is not the default for autistic people.
autistic people are 10 times more likely to have hearing loss than allistic people! so many of us aren't able to hear the lights or the fridge. we're often sensory seeking for sounds because we're deprived of them. even when we are sensory avoidant for sounds our sensory avoidance frequently presents differently
hearing is not the default for autism
super hearing is not a universal autism experience
please remember deaf/hard of hearing autistics
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batterwing · 10 months
literally begging yall this disability pride month to remember the phys. disabled deaf people. draw them with transcription computers, draw them wearing colorful CIs and HAs, draw them using FM systems, i've never seen anyone draw them and i'd love to see representation of that. i cannot count the number of times i've been excited to see disability art only to see them all using mobility aids and feel disappointed afterwards because fuck knows when the last time you saw your disability aids.
this disability pride month include Deaf/HOH people that don't solely use sign language, who wear colorful disability aids, who use things that only their own community seems to know about
(if anyone has art of those things i mentioned i wanted seen tag me pleaseeeee)
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a-common-wybie · 6 months
seeing people post about being anti ableism, then using ableist terms will forever infuriate me in a way i cannot describe
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fuzzystickers · 2 months
shoutout to deaf people who don’t fit it
shoutout to deaf people who love music
shoutout to deaf people who use sign language(s)
shoutout to deaf people who don’t know sign language
shoutout to deaf people who lipread
shoutout to deaf people who wear hearing aids
shoutout to deaf people who have cochlear implants
shoutout to deaf people who don’t use disability aids
shoutout to deaf people who also have other disabilities
shoutout to deaf people who are cripple punk
shoutout to deaf people who struggle with internalized ableism
shoutout to deaf people who experience ableism because of who they are
and shoutout to deaf people who are proud of who they are
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raccooninapartyhat · 4 months
you can wear your hearing aids but watch out!! you may then experience The Sounds
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thatdeaffeel · 3 months
There's been a rise in "im not deaf but" submissions.
It's a very simple community blog for people who are D/deaf/hoh/APD, it isn't up for debate or a complicated issue.
I respect CODA and PODA (acronyms that folk either love or hate and im not here to debate that either) and make space for them.
Otherwise, please stop filling up my asks.
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