#accomplice not ally
letterstothefutureme · 9 months
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cyarsk52-20 · 9 months
Hey siri show me two pictures of people who fqucked around and found out this week so far
Message : dont make checks your behind can’t cash
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angleofmusings · 2 months
“i’ll punch any terf who comes after transfems in the face!!1!1!” “i’d defend transfems with my life!!” “terfs are not welcome here!!!” okay but are you a meaningful accomplice or just an agitator. are you engaging in activism with the intent to help transfems or are you engaging in activism with the intent to hurt terfs. you HAVE to remember humanity. remember that showing kindness to transfems is more important than punching terfs. and yes if a terf shows up make yourself very clear that they’re not welcome. but absent any immediate threats, prioritize aid and support. if you have the funds, donate to transfems who need funding for housing, food, medical care. if you don’t, reblog mutual aid posts or share them into places where people have the ability to donate. find local nonprofits and donate your time volunteering. put up posters around your area. create a safer space with your efforts, not a more hostile space. help transfems live.
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lilies-of-the-fields · 2 months
Stand in solidarity with the Miccosukee:
Big Cypress Preserve is part of the Everglades, one of the largest remaining tracts of wetlands on Turtle Island (North America).
The Miccosukee Tribe have lived there since time immemorial and their care for their home has shaped it into the beautiful swamp we know today.
The National Parks Service is trying to rush a change in Big Cypress' designation from a Preserve to a Wilderness area. [plain text: The National Parks Service is trying to rush a change in Big Cypress' designation from a Preserve to a Wilderness area.]
This would give the area stronger protections for water quality, but would significantly limit the Tribe's access to their homelands and completely ignores how their stewardship of the lands and waters was and is crucial in maintaining the health of ecosystems.
There hasn't been a good faith effort to include the Miccosukee in a meaningful way (ie free informed prior consent & input!!!) on this change to their sovereign territory.
If you want to practice allyship, here's a chance. Sign the petition to show your support / solidarity with the Miccosukee. [plain text: Sign the petition to show your support / solidarity with the Miccosukee.]
Personalize it even just a little, even if it's just adding your own name or hometown. If you're able, print it out sign it and mail it. The Tribe and organizers working on this have a goal of getting 500 letters to the NPS/Secretary of the Interior. The online petition is almost at its goal! Just over 2,000 signatures left (as of Mar.16th 2024 21:30EST).
Please please share! I have it on good word that the NPS is trying to push this through before folks really have a chance to hear about what they're doing or make a fuss. So make a fuss we must.
The mailing addresses are below the cut for anyone who can send a physical letter!
Mail to:
Charles F. "Chuck" Sams III, Director
National Park Service 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240
Secretary Deb Haaland
Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20240
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kilowogcore · 11 months
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I post this one a lot on various sites, an' ya know what? I'm gonna keep postin' it a lot until there's no more bigotry against trans people! I got loved ones who are trans, an' even if I didn't, I'd still defend 'em just cuz it's the right thing ta' do!
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ancient-healer · 10 months
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hamburgernotsohelpful · 8 months
Being black in America, is it’s own X games, why do I need to bungee jump when I step outside my house and risk my life everyday.
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masarukitkat · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️On Misgendering🏳️‍⚧️ - ⚠️I Would Really Appreciate It If The Non-Trans Folks Would Stop To Read This⚠️
TW/CW: Transphobia/Transantagonism themes and all (and I do mean ALL) the awful and horrible things that go along with it are discussed - such as suicide, death, misgendering, deadnaming, assault, anti-trans bills, etc. Please make sure to look to the tags for more.
So, due to the fact that there are literally SO MANY anti-trans bills that have been introduced across the country (The United States of America) and CONTINUE to be introduced across the country that seeks to block us trans folks from receiving the most basic of healthcare, education, legal recognition, and just the right to exist publicly, I feel the need to talk about this very real issue that seems to be considered a “small issue” to some folks:
To some, it might seem like something small - a slip up here, a small issue there…and I am here to tell you that it is not. It is NOT a small issue to misgender a trans person. Ever. Even if it is by necessity (I say this because sometimes, I need to be misgendered for the sake of not confusing one of my relatives who has memory issues, for example - or if the trans person isn’t out of the closet just yet).
But, when it isn’t necessary to misgender someone, like in the rare cases like the examples that I just gave, then you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT BE MISGENDERING THEM. This is especially true if you have known about them being trans and about what their pronouns are and what their name is for an extended period of time.
Some folks are also given a grace period to learn pronouns. This is very much true, even, for “They/Them” pronouns because for some folks, those ones can be hard for folks to wrap their brains around even though, technically, singular they/them has been around since 1375 at least - so over 600 years old. It was being used as a singular pronoun by famous writers such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Henry James, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. (I have not provided a source for this because you can easily find this information if you search via any search engine for “when was singular They first used”.)
So…I’m sorry folks, but there is really no good reason for folks to be getting their panties into such a twist over using “they/them” as a singular pronoun for folks…at all. And at the end of the day, if it IS an issue, there is a lot of educational material out there to help learn how to use “they/them” as a singular pronoun when referring to someone. Plus, if nothing else, you can always practice on your own in order to get the hang of it. That way, when you are talking to the person, or about the person with someone else, you wont run the risk of misgendering them on accident.
You could even write about them in a journal - that’s always good practice too (I am literally giving free advice here - please take this advice, I am BEGGING YOU). All that I, as a trans person, am asking here is for the non-trans folks, the Cis folks (and Cis is NOT a slur for folks who think that it is - all it means is “the same side of” and in this case, it just means that you identify as the gender that you were assigned to at birth; that’s all) to be better allies to us trans folks.
Because we need you now, more than ever before. We need you by our side right now. We really do. Because we are out here suffering, scared, feeling so very alone.
And dying. A lot of us are dying.
And do you know what else contributes to our deaths?
It does. It really does. Because do you know what Misgendering does to us?
It makes us feel like you do not see us for who we are. It makes us feel like you do not care. Like as if we are a joke to you. As if we do not matter. As if our existence doesn’t matter. And it makes us feel as if our worth in this world, our struggle, means nothing. As if all of our battling through it all was meaningless.
And then, the next thing you know, another dead trans person ends up on the news…gone far too soon…
I almost lost one of my trans siblings, who will remain nameless because I want to protect their identity, because one of their family members refuses to gender them correctly, among other things…but Misgendering contributed to them almost being lost to this world.
They’re very lucky to still be here with us. I’m extremely relieved and happy that they’re still here.
So…This is one of the many reasons why if you do “slip up” with our pronouns and/or our names, we or someone around us who does know our correct pronouns and/or name will most likely correct you. And, if you are corrected? It is generally best to not get defensive about it. If you do get defensive about it, do you know what that does? It shifts the blame onto us - making it seem like it’s somehow OUR fault for being difficult or something when no, it isn’t our fault. It isn’t really the “fault” of anyone, really - all that this means is that you just need more practice in recognizing and/or remembering our correct pronouns and/or name.
So, a better reaction would simply be “Oh, thanks -“ then proceed to use the correct pronouns and/or name and continue on with whatever it was that you were saying. It’s as simple and quick as that. It doesn’t need to be a big show and dance, it doesn’t need to be a huge deal - it’s as simple as that, and we can move right along. And all it means is that a little more work needs to happen on your end.
Literally EVERYONE messes up at first - we all have messed up before, no one is perfect, we are all human. I’ve had to practice correct pronouns and names before - I’m sure everyone has had to before - especially neo-pronouns. Those ones can be hard for me sometimes, especially because my mouth doesn’t want to form the words properly sometimes so I actually have to practice as if I’m learning a new language or something. But, I do eventually get the hang of it.
Matter of fact, for folks who may want extra practice with names and pronouns, here is a great resource for practicing such a thing called the 🏳️‍⚧️Pronoun Dressing Room:
I need for the Cis folks to understand something: Misgendering IS IN FACT a form of Transphobia - Transantagonism. It is a form of violence towards us trans folks. Whether you realize it or not, that is EXACTLY what it is.
So is Deadnaming us. Even if you knew what our name was before we changed it, constantly Deadnaming us - unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - is a form of violence towards trans people and can ALSO contribute to our deaths.
I’ve lost so many of my trans siblings over the years…so many trans friends…
So many…
I do not want to lose more. But I know I will…do you want to know why?
504 Bills in 49 States.
45 Passed.
362 Active.
97 Failed.
Right now. That’s where we are at…RIGHT. NOW.
So…where are my Cis allies at? What are you willing to do for us? It better not just start and stop at the voting booths at with the voting papers. It better not just stop there. Because trans folks are going to need your voices. Your actions. Your protection. We’re going to need you to speak up at town halls. We’re going to need you in the streets. We’re going to need you to say something if we are being attacked in front of you in the store, in the mall, on the sidewalk, outside your church, in the parking lot.
And what if it’s a cop? Would you be willing to step in if a cop decided that just by existing while trans was a crime, would you speak up for us?
Remember that once upon a time, it was LEGAL to round up and take into custody people for just being of Japanese descent in this country…so, as both a Japanese American AND a trans person, I ask you, Cis people:
What are YOU willing to do for us? How far are you willing to go for us? If you are our allies…how much are you willing to risk for us? If you ARE our allies…I, and every single trans person that you know and are close to, every single gender non-conforming person in your life needs for you to consider these things very VERY seriously.
Because I promise you…all of us, every single one of us are thinking about this every single second of every single day. Many of us are considering our “out plans”. Not because we want to…but because we HAVE to…and some of us have to consider if we even CAN (because being disabled ABSOLUTELY plays a factor if we can even leave the country).
So…Please…Cis folks…if you consider yourself to be an ally to the Trans Community…and if you have ever been wondering “when will be a good time for me to prove myself?”…now is the time. This is that time. We need you. Please be here for us. Check in on us. Please gender us correctly. Name us correctly. Please help us fight these horrific life-destroying bills. Please help us to be able to just exist.
Because that’s all that we want…we just want to exist. We just want to exist and to live our lives in peace, just like everyone else on this planet…
This is my plea…and I pray to HaShem that it will not go unheard…
🏳️‍⚧️To My Trans Siblings - I See You & I Love Each And Every One Of You🏳️‍⚧️
💜Masaru💜 They/Them
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va-queer-o · 1 year
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@airidescence post
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felowtravler · 1 year
I think the distinction that matters
Is between tolerance and
You can tolerate someone's ideas,
Ideals, identity,
But you do not have to celebrate them.
I tolerate your hate because
It's a free country
And I can't change your mind.
I do not celebrate your
Disgust of me.
Black history
Indigenous Americans
Latinx and Hispanic Heritage
All of these have times
And people
Intent to celebrate them.
Because that is embracing
That is supporting.
Do not tolerate my fatness
My queerness
And pretend like that is equivalent with
Supporting me.
Tolerance is neutrality
In places that have little room for apathy.
I celebrate my Jewish and Islamic siblings.
And those of other religions.
I celebrate my Black and Brown siblings.
I am glad when my trans and enby siblings
Can live and be loved.
Tolerance is not hatred
But it is not acceptance.
Tolerance is not support.
Your tolerance of me
Is at best apathy
And I ask you to do better.
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reasoningdaily · 7 months
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Educate yourself on the fight against racism with this resource list compiled by Afrozilla—the diverse, global community of Black Mozilla employees.
For Black History Month every February, Afrozilla—the diverse, global community of Black Mozillians, which includes Pocket employees—creates a slate of programming for Mozilla that focuses on Black joy, not Black trauma. This year, however, this focus is made more difficult with the recent release of footage of Tyre Nichols’ murder by yet another racist police institution.
Our membership collectively hurts and grieves for the loss of yet another of our brothers by those sworn to protect. We grieve for his mother, who will for the rest of her life juxtapose the beauty of her son’s birth with the tragedy of him calling for her as he tried to make it home. Once again, we find ourselves saying THIS HAS TO STOP, fully aware that Tyre will likely not be the last. However, in the words of Dr. King, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
How to Show Up
If you are an accomplice in the fight against racism, now is also the time to consider how you show up in solidarity. Now is not the time for “allyship,” a concept that makes it easy to separate your freedom from ours. Today and every day, we need co-conspirators in the fight, people who are actually doing the work of banishing anti-Blackness, who know that our fates are tied, who have skin in the game. If you truly are an accomplice or a co-conspirator, live it. Show, don’t tell.
Action Through Learning
To get you started, we’re offering a list of relevant media—handpicked by the members of Afrozilla as an internal resource, and now shared publicly. We hope you’ll intentionally read up on the recent killing of Tyre Nichols and countless other victims of police brutality around the world. We hope you’ll spend time looking into the other challenges associated with what it means to be Black in white-majority societies. Most of all, we hope you treat this as a starting point—not a line item to check off, but a muscle to keep limber. We hope that this stays on your mind long beyond February.
Warning: some links may contain graphic content. Image by Lucy Garrett / Stringer.
Say Their Names
Afrozilla: “Tyre Nichols is only one of the more recent deaths. Here’s an interactive list of those slain, including at the hands of police brutality, in the U.S. prior to 2023, going all the way back to the early 1900s.”
No More Police: A Case for Abolition
Mariame KabaAndrea RitchieNew Press
In this powerful call to action, New York Times bestselling author Mariame Kaba and attorney and organizer Andrea J. Ritchie detail why policing doesn’t stop violence, instead perpetuating widespread harm; outline the many failures of contemporary police reforms; and explore demands to defund police, divest from policing, and invest in community resources to create greater safety through a Black feminist lens.
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letterstothefutureme · 9 months
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Hits a lil different now.
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dee-the-red-witch · 5 months
Tell me you love trans people more than you hate TERFS.
Tell me you love people of color more than you hate racists.
Tell me you love marginalized folk more than you hate fash.
Tell me you love queer people more than you hate bigots.
Quit telling me you're an ally. Show me you're an accomplice.
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nay2the · 1 year
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Had a great day commemorating World AIDS Day 2022 with the rest of Team @hardheaded.ent @meet_chiraq and Deon today. We enjoyed an impactful luncheon put on by @mrcommunity of @aidswalksouthdallas that was sponsored by @gileadsciences thanks to the great community work of @jberglun We then visited @dchhs_healthy_lives to visit the Ryan White Planning Council of the Dallas Planning Area and created quilt patterns for a commemorative quilt to be created and hung on site to commemorate World AIDS Day. Let’s remember and honor those we lost and celebrate and protect those still living with HIV. #WorldAIDSDay #HardHeaded #EndHIV #EndHIVStigma #Ally #Advocate #Accomplice #Dallas (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpQFriLq3q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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risingphoenix87 · 2 years
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Black folx need accomplices, not "allies" who will stand by as harm seeks them out; not "allies" who will seek other ways to call them slurs; not "allies" who seek permission to use ableism in defense of them. They don't need white folks coming in to sit in conversations which don't pertain to them or taking their labor without giving something in return. Indigenous peoples need accomplices, not "allies" who think it's fine to appropriate their culture because a handful of people close to them said it was OK; not "allies" which will use their relationship to their benefit; not "allies" who think paying them once is enough to help them out of poverty. They don't need "allies" who want to enforce incorrect ideas of what they are asking for. Trans people need accomplices, not "allies" who sit on the sidelines and claim to be helpful as they enjoy transmisic culture behind our back; not "allies" who decide for us what is best for us; not "allies" who only work in the heteronormative binary. We do not need "allies" who are only interested in us because we represent a grotesque version of their "truth". White trans people need to be accomplices with Black folx, not "allies" with other white folks who seek to further white supremacy; not "allies" with people who are racist, inflict harm willingly onto others, and don't care to change; not "allies" with people who are regularly transmisogynoir and antiBlack. We need to be better about being OPEN and more willing to remove people who are determined to be harmful. We need to strive to rid ourselves of people the moment they show who they are. Being an accomplice means being in the pits, unallowing harm to continue against a subset of us as a whole. Being an accomplice means having the hard discussions AS they occur. Being an accomplice means not dismissing a person's concerns and, instead, countering harm head on regardless of the outcome. Being an accomplice means potentially being a target for those against a subset, laying down your life for them. Are you willing? . ID: Alphonse Mucha's Winter from Seasons 1897 over orange flowers. Text reads: It is not enough to simply be an ally. You must also be an accomplice. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjf7CLtOrHf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kilowogcore · 11 months
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As someone who's queer, poor, an' disabled, there's plenty a' actions that are about me. Actions where people like me can take center stage, because we're the ones bein' affected.
But I'm also cis, white (at least behind the account,) and male, an' that means there's plenty a' actions that ain't about me. That don't mean I shouldn't be part of 'em, though!
More people at an action makes it safer fer everyone, because bigots an' fascists often think twice before attackin' large crowds. An more people over a larger area makes the action difficult ta' ignore! So join actions in solidarity whenever ya' can!
Just remember, if the action ain't about you take a step back an' let the people who it is about run the show. If yer a veteran of direct actions or ya got valuable skills make yer expertise available to 'em, but don't force it on 'em. An' ultimately let the decisions about tactics, route, time, media, an' goals be theirs. Because it's about them.
People don't need leaders. They need accomplices. Be a good accomplice, an' you'll be welcome at any direct action!
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