adventurerooms · 7 months
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pondering-apparition · 11 months
Despite the pain and agony I felt , I still long for your return like autumn does for spring .
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Plants can reduce their leaf area by reducing leaf cell division and expansion, by altering leaf shapes (Figure 24.27A), and by initiating senescence and abscission of leaves (Figure 24.27B). (...) Wilting changes the angle of the leaf, and leaf rolling minimizes the profile of tissue exposed to the sun (Figure 24.27C).
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kapilbalhara · 2 years
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@kapilbalharanebsarai #kapilbalhara #kapilbaharanebsarai #abscission #abscond #absolve #absolution #abstain #abstemious #abstruse #abut #abysmal #abyss (at Kushagra Institute For Ssc) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiW5RJhpphN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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autumnonline · 5 months
Floret dress floret dress I'm Autumn Willow, First Foret up in this bitch
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yugiohcardsdaily · 8 months
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Mannadium Abscission
"Target 1 monster you control; destroy it, and if you do, add 1 'Peaceful Planet Calarium' from your Deck to your hand, or, if you contorl 'Peaceful Planet Calarium', you can add 1 'Mannadium' Spell/Trap instead, except 'Mannadium Abscission'. You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 'Visas Starfrost' or 1 monster with 1500 ATK/2100 DEF from your hand. You can only use each effect of 'Mannadium Abscission' once per turn."
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bizarrobrain · 10 months
"I - V" by Blood Abscission - From "I" EP (2023)
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information-2-0 · 8 months
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frogalor · 5 months
playlists i’m proud of:
west coast winter for the timeless days between christmas and new years / for the snowless california winters
bobcore darkwave vibes
feral girl fall ominous, off putting, and vaguely threatening is what we aim for
ayo who put this on at the gym??? just some girly (gender neutral) tunes to get me through a horrible workout
i’m a hickory just as well appalachian folk and bluegrass
dream queen mexicana y latine dreamy pop and r&b (Kali Uchis vibes)
yeeha cunty country (pre-2010s)
hot girl shit (self explanatory)
cigarette lounge dreamy, old timey vibes
in the meadow watching butterflies (ethereal romantic)
the main character just got an apartment upbeat indie pop
daisies dancing in a patch of diaries
gentle showers the soft spring rain that signifies the end of winter and everything becomes greener (soft r&b)
punk party my favorite upbeat modern pop punk songs (tssf, neck deep, movements, hot mulligan)
let’s pretend it’s a snow day just a west coast girly trying to romanticize her winter (semi indie pop vibes)
mistlehoe cunty christmas
stockings by the fire catch all playlist of christmas music (lots of repeat songs)
cigarettes & crisp air melancholic indie / alt
jumping in leaf piles perfect for movie-esque fall days
oh no it’s the season of the witch
let’s get spooky halloween songs
flannels & beanies mom, i wish it was a phase
tricks ‘n’ treats spooky adjacent indie & alt
abscission instrumental that feels like leaves gently falling
you’re stuck with me skyguy a goofy playlist of music i think Ahsoka would use to torture Anakin (with the help of the 501st) is she had the aux
pink something lgbt just happened to me
lonesome diner Bonnie Guitar vibes
softly old timey falling in love
fading flower in your feelings r&b
are you bored yet? indie pop (lots of Wallows)
we become the flowers soft indie vibes
bailazo regaaeton
beach bum beachy summer indie
cruisin’ motown and r&b vibes my parents raised me on
~groove~ some funky vibes my mom loves
Doo Wop Don’t Stop doo wop 50s-60s
lover boys lany x lauv (may spice it up in the future)
Shade a playlist for my favorite dnd character, it’s all over the place, but i miss her so much
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genesiskeys · 9 months
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Animation by JG GenesisKeys. ______________________________ [Twitter][CPS2 Originals][Music][Alt Music][Music, Art, Animation][DeviantArt][Patreon][PayPal]
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gaynaturalistghost · 7 months
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I have another Poison Ivy botany post! I got injured in the field so I’ve been on crutches for a few weeks (overall I’m fine!). The plants here are Quercus (oak), Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper) and the microscope images are maple leaves if I recall correctly. In the second you can see the split abscission layer.
This is why leaves stay on dead trees for a looooong while but fall off live trees in autumn.
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The process of leaf abscission can be divided into three distinct developmental phases during which the cells of the abscission zone become competent to respond to ethylene (Figure 22.24).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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asmallgaycow · 8 months
I just discovered the Human Domestication Guide universe in the last two days thanks to a friend linking me this lovely piece by Fluxom, In Sleep We Fell. I accidentally started doing some self-reflection through the lens of the domestication process while reading another longer lovely piece by Fluxom, Abscission, and like... I'm feeling extremely happy???
Like a lot happier than I've felt in uh..... ever. I realized how mean I've been being to myself and tried to just let myself do all the silly autistic things I usually stop myself from doing. I realized the only reason I was telling people that I was self-conscious about my tics when they said they found them cute is that I thought that I should be, that no one could find my weird noises and twitches adorable, that I had to not randomly sing or make fun mouth sounds when I was at home just because I somehow thought people could hear them through my walls.
Well, guess what, past and future me?
I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I've been so focused on being kind to others that I forgot to be kind to myself. I love me, and I'll do my best to keep it that way. And if I slip up now and again, that's fine.
A mistake is not the same thing as failure.
We got this. You can do it, little floret.
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ekman · 9 months
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Un été symbolique que celui-ci, qui se meurt dans le vacarme revenu des médias idiots. Pourquoi symbolique ? D’abord parce qu’ils auront essayé de vendre à l’opinion l’idée qu’un pic de chaleur à 33° en plein mois de juillet dans le Var constitue une preuve irréfutable du dérèglement climatique. Un succès en demi teinte lorsqu’au même moment, une bonne moitié du territoire se pèle sous des trombes d’eau. Le dôme de chaleur a fait long feu.
Ensuite parce qu’ils auront présenté aux normies et aux boomers leur nouveau fiancé : le variant BA.2.86. Sa dénomination est parfaite ; on jurerait qu’il s’agit là d’une saloperie fatale émergée d’un marigot sénégalais. De quoi tétaniser de trouille les citoyens les plus abrutis par le flux d’infos-en-continu, c’est à dire environ 90 % de la population. Mais là aussi, on peut parler d’une demie réussite car personne n’ose encore dire que le variant est hyper agressif, hyper contagieux, hyper dangereux. Pire, ces fumiers de complotistes semblent avoir gagné du terrain au sujet des effets secondaires des pfizerades d’Ursula et d’Olivier. Le doute s’est installé ça et là. Des chiffres statistiques émergent. Des pics bizarres. Des abscisses anormales. On souffle, on sussure, on allusionne et même on aluvionne, étant entendu que les ruisseaux qui toussotent finissent par faire des fleuves qui crachottent. Objectivement, le masque a du mal à se réimposer. C’est pas gagné pour les boosters.
Enfin, parce que la bulle abaya a fait pschitt. On s’attendait à des affrontements beyrouthins aux grilles des lycées et collèges le 4 septembre... En lieu et place, on aura observé le refoulement d’une petite soixantaine d’abruties jusqu’au-boutistes. Pas de têtes coupées, de rafales assassines ou d’imprécations coraniques. Tout juste quelques grognements barbus.
Bon, en bruit de fonds, on a toujours les mêmes abruti.e.s de service (LFI, la Rousseau, Lemaire dit “le dilaté”…) et une nouvelle “piñata” républicaine, j’ai nommé l’Hidalgo, au top des nuls grâce à sa gabegie fiscale et à ses milliards de dette. J’ajoute que l’idée que les imbéciles verts qui ont voté pour elle surcrachent au bassinet me la rendrait presque sympathique.
Enfin, pour finir, comment ne pas évoquer la faillite africaine, la liquidation définitive d’une partie significative de la françafrique, la mise en grand danger de nos revenus d’exploitation ? L’incohérence totale du cadavre de la diplomatie française, ses errements pseudo culturels sur fond de droits de l’homo, le pragmatisme sonnant et trébuchant de nos nouveaux amis russes et chinois – sans oublier notre cher allié américain, auront eu raison de la vieille habitude française. La France se retire, la France part, elle s'efface, elle se replie une fois encore. Le drapeau est baissé sous les huées, un peu partout. Et l’Afrique poursuit avec un bel appétit la colonisation de son colonisateur idiot, cocu volontaire d’une Histoire qu’il croyait pouvoir quitter, mais qui le rattrape et le submerge, plus que jamais.
Un bel été, très symbolique en effets.
J.-M. M.
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teratocrat · 2 months
god infernals were such a cool splat. i loved everyones homebrew charmsets i loved getting to know each of the yozis in turn. i loved how like... powerful but limited and abstruse their charmsets were, like sidereal charms but even more so, i love how you were encouraged to really sit with a charm and consider from all sides the uses to which it might be put... i loved the yozis themselves as like, these unimaginably vast beings that were wounded, tragic, in many ways sympathetic but also incredibly alien. i think prisons suck and nobody should be in prison and especially nobody should be traumatically forced to have a body so that it can be ripped inside out and turned into a prison. i loved learning about all the different demons and the yozi soul heirarchy although tbh i was like... skeptical of demons at all as a setting element until i read the description of abscissic binding in the roll of glorious divinity ii. to quote hajnal of december 8th, 2018, "it turns out that the secret to getting me onto the better side of something is to make it really excessively formalised and ritualistic" anyway learning all of those guys was great i loved their weird little eccentricities and motivations and like... contemplating their relation to the demons above them in the descending heirarchy and how they expressed different aspects of the beings that emanated them. loved all that shit and the psychogeography of hell as a place..... damn. <3
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genshinresource · 1 year
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Genshin Impact Artifact Sets (43/?): Vourukasha's Glow
Stamen of Khvarena's Origin
Vibrant Pinion
Ancient Abscission
Feast of Boundless Joy
Heart of Khvarena's Brilliance
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