#aaand part 2!
tratatdragonlord · 2 years
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ShuAke Week Day 2: Heist
A thief is suddenly interrupted by a displeased lover
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deerspherestudios · 4 months
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This masterlist covers Mychael's anatomy and general lore.
For part 1, it's [HERE].
Regarding Mychael's anatomy...❔
Are his horns and tail fragile?
His scleras are black.
His skin texture is eerily smooth and thicker than a human's.
He smells like fresh cut grass with a hint of bonfire.
His lower eyes has tear ducts, and he can see in the dark.
His blood is blue. + neat facts about blue blood!
His tail isn't poisonous.
His tail has nerve endings and can bleed. It also grows back.
What happens when he's 'sick'.
His top and bottom eyes have 'blind spots'.
He's not fae, so he wouldn't get hurt from metal.
He doesn't have a belly button.
He was a kid, but he didn't start as a baby.
He can't have kids.
He doesn't have fangs. ::-)
His tail length.
His tail length, part 2 (TW: maths).
His horns and tail are a little squishy and can bruise.
His body shape can be whatever you like!
His mushroom horns and tail are flesh.
He wouldn't be affected by substances like humans.
Random Mychael lore❕
He has a different name in his own language, but goes by Mychael.
He doesn't have a last name.
When did he start knitting and why?
Where did the nickname 'firefly' come from?
What music would he like?
His favorite smells are old books, honey and gasoline.
He's super ticklish.
How did he carry MC to his home?
His favorite thing to knit are beanies.
He'd love bringing you outdoors.
He's a quiet sleeper.
He sleeps in a fetal position.
He'd love cheek kisses.
(Minor) loredump!
His knowledge on marriage.
He's overworked himself when fixing up the cabin.
Would he like stargazing?
You're not the first human he's found unconscious.
He'd be okay wearing a dress.
What's his wardrobe like?
He has a fear/phobia of snowstorms, thunder/lightning, trains/train whistles and water wells.
We can't get sick from him.
Does he have a religion/beliefs?
He would love the Shrek series.
The chickens' name origins (they're all flowers).
He's never considered humans as 'food'.
How did Mychael get his hens?
His favorite candies would be marshmallows and cotton candy.
If he had internet, he'd mostly look up arts-and-crafts and recipes. He'd also love DIY candy kits.
He prefers being warm.
He kinda celebrates New Years' and loves fireworks.
He doesn't need skincare but would enjoy face masks.
His first experience with bees.
He's never played UNO (but would love board and card games).
How does Mychael view the animals/people he meets in the forest?
He's ambidextrous.
But can I eat--❔
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
oh my fucking god i feel. SO stupid rn at How i didnt make the (super sane very normal just absolutely. Yes. Surely) connection earlier but uhh
so anyway im now like 89% certain that whatever the "traces" of the narwhal that remain on ajax and facilitate their (ever-growing) innate connection are like. an actually fundamental aspect of it (them?) more or less.
why? because if you consider its pov just for a moment. the narwhal was literally about to depart teyvat for good. it had nearly finished consuming the primordial sea and preparing to breach surface to finish the job by eating the french for the leftovers their human bodies were made from. its an interstellar voyager it does not linger on planets it devours. it goes glug glug and it leaves.
and like if it wasnt for traveler intervening its confirmed through narzissenkreuz and renes world formula that teyvat wouldve just been destroyed. no one could have stopped the narwhal not neuvillette not focalors not anyone.
so what was the one other thing it did right before going for that french brunch? calling for ajax. getting them reunited in the primordial sea. like all the possible implications aside bc theres many different ways to speculate on the exact reasons why and the nature of that link. the point remains.
it wasnt leaving teyvat without finding him.
like the narwhal is about to fucking Dip from this cringe planet and whatever part of it that ajax carries within himself his narwhal Absolutely wanted to be reunited with. what the fuck am i supposed to read from that. hoyo???????!??! answers?!?!?!
and its not only the calling from the narwhal side itself either bc this is ALL coinciding with the growth of a 'restless power' within ajax and his vision malfunctioning (the things celestia is literally confirmed to harvest energy thru to repair its damaged authority) and his connection with the narwhal reaching an actual conscious level (arguably subconscious n emotional too bc i find it Curious his mood is poor right as the narwhal is repeatedly described as positively malding to the point its boss fight mechanic is literally a rage meter). ajax' power is growing. his destiny is starting to shift and something is drawing him to fontaine... right as the narwhal is getting close to finished with the primordial sea. funny how it overlaps eh. how it aligns 🤨🤨 why are they orbiting each other like this (they should kiss)
(& not to even Mention how ajax just Happened to get that absolutely exponential and borderline unbelievable feat of power spike in extending his foul legacy endurance as massively as he did. while. within the primordial sea. with his narwhal. who had at that point all but incorporated the power of that sea into itself. i s2g if childe was getting passive home turf co-op bonus exp with a 4x multiplier automatically the whole 40+ days 💀💀)
#man the way its lovely reunion but tjen ajax fucking ATTACKS IT ON SIGHT you couldve gotten married!!!!11!1 fucking unbearable i am in agony#anyway contrary to popular belief we still have no fucking clue whether ajax' link to the narwhal was innate#skirk saying the traces remain on him after meeting it isnt saying tht much. the parts he shares w it couldve well been innate but dormant#instead. also just the fact that he woke it up already shady#then like. monoceros caeli being his from the beginning is completely plausible despite ppl acting like its been confirmed his const change#and like them being halves of the same entity on some lvl would make the narwhal being so weak without him n until ajax found it again#make very much. sense. anyway ajax toxicity jokes aside if the narwhal was just trying to eat him point blank without even a hello#i do get why hed react aggressively. but also bros been telling everyone n their mom hes fighting his narwhal the seconf he finds it again😔#so i feel somewhat confident in assuming he started that 40+ days brawl#anyway if ajax Isnt the celestial narwhal on some level or possibly becoming it as their link grows.#riddle me this atheists. why is his 3rd phase boss theme. the song about His individual murderous rage at us#bc he thought he was outplayed by us. His personal wrath#whys the song for that called the wrath of the celestial narwhal. of the star swallowing whale. Hmmmge. his individual rage.#why does tusk of monoceros caeli speak of him embracing the narwhals innate qualities as embracing mere parts of Himself#funny how tjat goes!! (the OST n boss drop is not 100% serious theory but it does drive me insane. bc why would they phrase it like that)#anyway either theyre 2 halves same original entity or theyre soulmates idgaf . they should fold teyvat in half and eat it for brunch#aaand im going to be consumed by this realization for the next month wish me luck#WHY DID IT NEED HIM THERE SO BADLY???? HUH??????#i mean relatable dont we all. but its sooooooooo inch resting. Curious indeed#rambles#genshin#childe#childeposting#narwhalposting
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hi-i-just · 8 months
I'm surprised this isn't talked abt much, and I know by supernatural standards it takes a lot to get drunk, but tbh? Crowley is kind of an alcoholic.
What's the first thing he reaches for whenever he encounters something that evokes great emotion? A bottle. He always goes for a bottle. He doesn't do it always w every situation but when he does he copes with a bottle. Satan's attempt to kill the children of Job. The 7 year old boy's death. The belief of it being his last night on earth thanks to Furfur's evidence. Trying to convince Aziraphale to help him raise the Antichrist. Actually losing the Antichrist. Losing Aziraphale. Nina's talk.
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charcubed · 10 months
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THERE'S NOTHING LIKE YOU & I a Good Omens season 2 playlist
Quiet, gentle, romantic, and a little bit devastating – roughly in story order. For being lonely together across 6,000 years and aching for the freedom to love.
On Spotify Here
(Previous editions: Soft To Be Strong – Good Omens season 1 | Crowley/Aziraphale upbeat song dump)
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cimicherrychanga · 9 months
just emailed last years college secretary, looked into signing up for 2 other colleges, got the details for a job im interested in + texted the friend whose sister works there to see if she can get me Connections and i got another job offer from the place i interned at im soooo cool and adult
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askbeannuts · 1 year
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[Wait-where’s the fashback-what a ripof-]
[Side Story 5... end]
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skullinahat · 2 years
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newfallstrangeleaves · 9 months
Yandere with a unknown identity
Breaking and entering
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M!Yandere X F!reader Warning: non-con, fingering F! Receiving. Summary: You had a terrible day and end up going to bed early when a masked man breaks in and decides to make it all better.
Part 2 aaand Another part
You had such a bad day today. Nothing seemed to go your way. All day you kept your emotions in. When you got back home all you did was throw off anything uncomfortable and then crawl into bed to just cry it out. 
While crying your heart out you don't notice the bedroom window slowly creeping open and a dark shadow climbing in. He is just about to walk further into your apartment when a sniffle stops him in his tracks. 
Perhaps it's the feeling of being watched, but something tells you to turn around. When you do you are met with a tall man dressed entirely in black. Not even a speck of skin is showing. His face is covered by a balaclava and the room is dark, only the lights from outside shine in but you can tell he is looking at you. 
In an instant he throws himself on top of you, pinning you down. You try to scream but he covers your mouth, muffling any sounds you make. Your panic is met with soft hushes which by no means calms you. He is way stronger than you. He holds both your hands down with one hand while he covers your mouth with the other. He has one leg on either side of you, straddling you, forcing you lower body in place while not putting all of his weight on you. 
You struggle against his grip but to no avail. Tears stream down your face. The mix between panic, crying and a hand covering your mouth makes you gasp for air. 
"Shhh, shhh. It's fine, I promise I'm not going to hurt you. Just breathe, breathe okay?" He hushes you softly. Because of the lack of air you force yourself to calm down. Taking slow breaths through your nose. 
"I'm going to move my hand okay? Don't scream." He says firmly and when you do he chuckles, pleased by your obedience. 
"Good girl." He whispers as he starts to wipe away your tears.
All the while you look up into his only exposed feature. His eyes. Even with only the moonlight shining in through your window his blue eyes are piercing through you. 
"Don't hurt me.” Your voice is barely a whisper. 
“I'm not going to, I told you that before." He stops for a moment before he speaks again. "Why were you crying before?” 
He wipes away a few more tears that escape you as you avoid his gaze. 
"It's okay, you can tell me." When you don't answer he continues. 
"Did something happen today? I could tell you were upset when I got here." 
When you still don't answer he moves off your body and with one arm pulls you after him making you sit up beside him. His sudden motion and the fact you don't know what he possibly could want from you makes you panic again. 
"I don't have much money. I… you can have my jewelry." 
"I don't want any of that, I want to know why you're crying." He cuts you off. You take a moment to calm down before you answer him. 
"I just had a bad day, that's all." It feels like your heart is beating out of your chest. But then he nods, straightening his back.
"That's alright, it's over now. If that's any help." Then he squints his eyes and you can only guess that he is smiling under his mask. Then he looks down, catching your shirt riding up exposing skin. He takes a deep breath before he continues with a low voice. 
"Maybe I can make it a little better." Without really being able to do anything he moves you to sit in his lap with your back pressed against his chest. You let out a small gasp and squirm in his grip as you feel something hard pressing up against your ass. He grabs one of your legs to hold you in place and to spread your legs. You try to pry his hand off you but his grip on you is too firm.
He places a leather gloved hand on your clothed cunt, groping and rubbing. The friction makes your breath hitch. He moves his finger up and down your underwear and much to your dismay a sting of pleasure hits you everytime he brushes over your clit. He rests his head on your shoulder whispering in your ear. 
"You're so beautiful, I'll make all your problems go away, I promise." 
He pushes your panties to the side and slides a finger inside you while he circulates your clit with his thumb. He curves his finger looking for that perfect spot.
"Please stop…" 
"Shhhh… you will feel so good soon." 
He adds another digit inside you, that together with the gloves extra thickness he stretches you out. A whine escapes you, which prones him to work faster. You can feel yourself getting closer with each move he makes. Your breathing grows heavier and so does the knot in the lower half of your stomach. His fingers hit a certain spot inside you and you jolt as if electrocuted. A moan leaves your lips as he continues to abuse that spot.  
You grip his arm, scratching him through his shirt as your orgasm riples through you. Throwing your head back on his shoulder as you bite your lip to try and suppress any sounds, but a muffled moan slips you anyways. He works you through your high and stops when you relax leaning back on him. 
"Didn't that feel good huh?" He nudges your cheek with his nose. 
"How about we go for another one?" You shake your head but he doesn't care. His hands start up again. 
His hand lets go of your leg and worms his way under your shirt. With no bra on he goes right to squeezing your boobs and playing with your nipples.
"Oh, you're so wet. I wish I could be inside you. Feel your pussy clench around my dick instead of my fingers." 
Another orgasm ripple through you. But this time he doesn't stop. 
"You're doing so good. Just a few more for me." 
The room is filled by the wet sounds from your pussy and the moans that you have stopped caring about. All your mind can focus on is his fingers. 
You couldn't keep count over how many orgasms he made you go through until he decided you finally had enough. 
You feel exhausted. Leaning back panting on his broad frame. Sore from the over stimulation. 
"How are you feeling?" He holds you so impossibly close to him, one of his arms wrapped around your waist. He is gently rubbing your cheek with his index finger. The leather feels cold against your skin. 
You look up at him through hooded eyes and for a moment you two just look at each other. Then you move your hand to pull off his hood but he grabs your wrist. 
"Not today, hun. Another time I will show you." He gently lifts you up and moves you off his lap. 
"I'll be back in a sec okay? Don't move." He tells you as he stands up. Before he leaves the room he grabs your phone. You can hear him walking around in the kitchen. 
When he gets back he hands you a glass of juice and a towel. You cover your lower half with the towel as you watch him pick out new clothes for you. You can't not notice the giant wet stain that is left on his pants. He hands you the clothes and goes to get his bag by the window and set it back down on your bed.
"Do you want me to help you shower?”
“No, I want you to leave.” You say firmly. He takes a deep breath before nodding. 
“Okay, I'll leave. Just before I go." He opens up his bag and reaches down. Fear overwhelms you like a cold shower. He must have noticed you tensing up because he says. 
“It's okay, I'm just going to give you money. Take the day off tomorrow and the day after that too. This will be plenty to not disrupt your economy. And hey, treat yourself, eat out or buy something nice. I know how hard working you are, you deserve it." He hands you the money and then heads for the front door.
But before he leaves he turns back to you once more. “And remember to lock, will you? Been too many times where I have got here and you've forgotten to lock for the night. The window too. You can never be too careful.” And with a wave he is gone, left is just a stack of money in your lap.
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hyuckiefluff · 10 months
drunk in you | mark lee
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pairing: mark lee x fem!reader genre: best friends to lovers word count: 1.9k ish warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, suggestive language, reader is down bad for mark (aren’t we all), implications of drunk sex summary: was Mark Lee’s new haircut really the drop that would tip the glass over and make you spill how you really feel about him?… Well, the haircut and also the alcohol. author's note: i’m backk!! srry for disappearing for *checks calendar* two months lol this has been sitting in my drafts since mark cut his hair aaand i wanted to post it for his bday so let’s pretend im not 3 days late! HAPPY BDAY MARKIEEE <33 it’s a bit short cuz i felt like i’d have to make a second part if i wanted to add smut to yknow fully get into it lol idk but consider this a little teaser and if it doesn’t flop I’ll post a second part :)
part 2
A sudden burst of bright light pierced through your closed eyelids, jolting you awake from the deep sleep you were in. As you gradually became aware of your surroundings, you couldn't ignore the soreness in your muscles and the strange stickiness between your legs. However, it was the foreign hand resting right on top of your ass that sent alarm bells ringing through your mind. Your eyes shot open, and regret instantly washed over you as a pulsating pain hammered at your head.
"What the fuck..." you groaned, attempting to focus your blurry vision and make sense of the situation. Upon looking around, you realized that you were in the guys' dorm, more specifically, in Mark's room...
Then it hit you like a ton of bricks.
If you were in Mark's room, then that hand... and the body it belonged to, had to be...
Oh my god, what happened last night?
8 hours earlier…
Drinking with your friends after a grueling week at uni wasn't anything out of the ordinary for you. In fact, it'd be weirder if you were cooped up at home worrying about midterm grades instead of laughing your head off at whatever Jeno just blurted out. First sign that you were drunk, the boy wasn’t even that funny. His neck and ears were flushed crimson, a clear sign that he, too, had indulged in one too many drinks. And there was Jisung, practically glued to Jeno's side, oozing a whole lot of gooey affection that he would vehemently deny once he sobered up. 
Renjun and Haechan were locked in a heated argument on the floor, their voices rising in the air over some trivial matter that would probably be forgotten by morning. Surprisingly, though, they seemed to be the least intoxicated among you. 
Meanwhile, Jaemin was frantically rummaging through the kitchen, his frustrated groans and curses echoing throughout the room. It was clear that his search for more alcohol was proving to be a fruitless endeavor.
Beside you, Chenle was on his phone, engrossed in a replay of the Warriors game. At first glance he doesn’t look drunk, but you knew better. If he were truly sober, he'd be shouting and cursing at his phone screen, venting his frustrations as his beloved team struggled to keep up. Instead, he was lazily sipping from his nearly empty cup while his glossed over eyes remained glued to the screen.
Mark Lee was the only one missing from the group. You sent him a few voice messages letting him know that if he didn’t arrive in the next 10 minutes you would eat his portion of the kimchi jiggae you’d ordered earlier. He responded within seconds with a funny GIF that showed a man running and tripping.
Mark stumbled through the door just a few minutes later. He was soaked from head to toe, his hoodie covering most of his head. He was panting and his shoes were muddy and wet, he got rid of them in the entrance and looked up, clearly out of breath.  But you were already stuffing your face with his food anyways. Whoops. 
Though as soon as he pulled down the hood a chunk of food went down the wrong pipe. You coughed uncontrollably, your chest heaving as you desperately tried to regain your breath.
"Dude!! Are you seriously eating my food?" he exclaimed.
But when he noticed your struggling state, his words trailed off, replaced by genuine worry. "Yo, are you good?" he asked, walking closer to you and patting you in the back.
You managed to nod weakly, staring up at him. 
"Why’re you so late? Oh, new haircut?" Haechan chimed in from the floor.
"Yeah... what's the verdict?" Mark asked, turning his head to the side to better show off the lines of his undercut, his gaze lingering on you. 
So many thoughts raced through your mind but you were unable to form a single word. Mark had had long hair for quite some time now, and it was you who had encouraged him to let it grow. You enjoyed styling it, braiding it, and adorning it with charms—Mark gave you the freedom to do whatever you pleased with his hair. You had grown fond of his long hair, especially after helping nurse it back to health from the damage caused by bleaching and dyeing. Yet now he was sporting short hair and an undercut with edgy designs on the side, and you couldn't help but openly ogle at him. 
He looked hot as fuck.
It’s true that you harbored feelings for Mark that went beyond friendship but you were always able to hide it well and it worked out better this way for both of you (or that’s what you liked to believe). Needless to say you liked him a lot and had for a while so the sight of his new look had sent your emotions spiraling. He showed up merely minutes ago and you already felt so weak at the knees and your brain was fuzzy even though you hadn’t drank that much yet.
"Don't like it," you muttered, hoping your words would deflect attention from the clear shift in your expression. Turning around, you sought refuge on the couch next to Chenle, placing the bowl of food aside. Your stomach was turning weirdly, making it impossible to swallow another bite.
You scolded yourself inwardly for being so dramatic. It was just a haircut. But, god, he looked so good.
In an attempt to calm yourself down, you chugged your cup with soju and let out a big groan after emptying it. The sound catching Chenle’s attention as he peered curiously from his phone. You offered him a closed-lip smile, prompting an intrigued eyebrow raise from him.
Mark was awkwardly standing on the same spot. He was a bit taken aback by your sudden coldness. He definitely picked up on your strange reaction the moment he walked through the door. But he brushed it off.
"Okaay… Well I was late 'cause I was getting the good stuff," Mark explained, his frown replaced by a grin as he pulled out a beer from the bags he was carrying.
"Let's goooo!" Jaemin yelled, returning from the kitchen right on cue as if he some sort of alcohol detector. He eagerly snatched the bags from Mark and made a kissy face to the boy.
The tension eased a bit with Jaemin's infectious enthusiasm, and you decided to not focus on whatever Mark was making you feel right now. The drinks were here, and the good times were about to roll. You made a mental note to sort out your feelings later.
Alcohol definitely did not make your situation better. The more you drank the harder it was to keep your thoughts at bay. Mark was now sitting on the single couch in front of you and every little expression or movement he made had you either biting your lip or pressing your thighs together.
Talking about thighs… the shorts he was wearing displayed his muscular legs in a way that was making it quite impossible for you to not devour them with your eyes. God, your brain had turned into that of a hormonal teenage boy. Were you seriously staring at his thighs and imagining how it would feel to ride them?
Haechan came over to you and filled your glass with more Soju. You downed it as soon as he was done pouring it, earning you a weird look from Chenle who had been eyeing you ever since Mark arrived. 
"Okay, what's with you?" Chenle mumbled, the words escaping his lips just loudly enough to capture everyone's attention. Considering you had the noisiest group of friends, all eyes turned your way, including Mark's.
Mark seemed to be getting tipsy; you could tell by the way his big, expressive eyes shimmered even more than usual and the faint blush that adorned his cheeks and neck.
"Hmm?" you managed to reply, your gaze still fixated somewhere on Mark's face. You were completely unaware of the intense amount of attention you were giving him, but Chenle, who was relatively more sober than both of you, picked up on it.
"You're literally looking at Mark like you want to eat him," Chenle chuckled, teasingly calling you out.
"Yeah, what's up with that?" Renjun asked, suddenly intrigued by the topic.
"I am?" you replied, sounding genuinely confused, though your heart raced with thoughts you were about to voice out loud. "Uhm… yeah I kinda do..."
An audible gasp followed, and you knew without looking that it came from Haechan.
Mark's expression remained unreadable, his half-lidded eyes locked on yours, revealing no discernible emotions. Was he weirded out? Normally, you might have felt self-conscious about blurting out something like that, but alcohol had significantly lowered your inhibitions.
"That's a wild thing to say," Haechan interjected with a mix of shock and amusement. "Do you actually wanna tap that?" He pointed at Mark, who was still gazing at you.
"Very much so," you replied nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather, even though you were openly talking about hooking up with your best friend in front of all your other best friends.
"Why don't you come here then?" Mark's words caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but notice the way he shifted, his legs spread invitingly.
You burst into laughter assuming he was only joking to tease you. However, the lack of a reaction from him made you realize he was dead serious. Your eyes locked on his own, reflecting the same desire you had been giving him just moments ago.
The idea of getting up and walking to him, straddling his lap, and kissing him flashed through your mind.
But the moment was interrupted by a voice that snapped both of you out of your trance. "Gross!" Jisung whined, hiding his face in Jeno's back, the older one lazily laughing and patting Jisung's thigh. "Okay, c'mon, I think we've all had enough to drink," he declared, getting up, with Jisung clinging to him. Chenle follow suit also giving you two a slightly disgusted stare.
"Yeah, one more drink for me, and I'm afraid the kimchi jiggae I had earlier might end up all over the carpet," Haechan chimed in, rubbing his stomach before disappearing upstairs.
Renjun also stood up and playfully messed up Mark's hair while saying, "By the way, happy birthday."
You glanced at the table clock and realized it was already 12:01. You had been so excited about Mark's birthday earlier in the day, but the alcohol and the tension between the two of you made you totally forget about it. Gathering your courage, you approached him. He remained sprawled with his legs out, but now he looked up at you, his lips slightly wet, distracting you momentarily.
"Happy birthday, silly," you smiled and awkwardly patted his head, hoping he didn't notice how you pressed your thighs together, trying to ease the uncomfortable ache between your legs.
"What did you get me?" he suddenly asked, and you blinked a few times, your brain struggling to register the extremely flirtatious tone he used.
When you didn't respond immediately, he continued, "Because I can think of one thing I want the most right now," lightly grazing your leg with his hand. You didn't flinch or move away.
"R-really? What is it?" you found yourself stuttering, a reaction that would have made you cringe if you were more sober.
"Come here, and I'll show you," he smirked and with little protest from you, he pulled you onto his lap.
a/n: i have a smut scene ready for this (well it’s in my brain but I’ll squeeze it out if u guys want that second part) soooo comment or simply like this so i know the audience wants it
also yes i did change the title of this but pls disregard that lol
© hyuckiefluff
part 2
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manonspook · 5 months
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aaand here’s part 2 <3
they have great social skills as you can see
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sumju · 24 days
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Second Chance Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home pages 72-93
aaand this is how far I've gotten. Chapter 2 isn't done, this is the first part.
There's so much I want to say.. But I'm way too shy to. So I'll keep it short. While I'm having a lot of fun with this, this is also super scary, you know? I've never made something like this before.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it so far.. Wish me luck on designing their home haha.
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featherf4lling · 1 month
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third life session two:
AAAND I'M BACK FOR TREEBARK WEEK DAY 2!! it's definitely not 1:30 in the morning as i finally go to post this. when i saw the prompts i immediately thought of martyn's bad omen bit for "salty" then i figured i could draw whatever ren was up to for the sweet part! and he was up to mining and collecting chickens.
this isn't really polished or anything but i'm just going to post whatever i can get done by day's end for the week i think :) :)
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ruija · 2 months
Some of my personal favorite parts and drawings from the Firefight animatic based on @remedyturtles's fic.
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I really like the 'characters rotating anime opening'. And I love the symbolism of the twins starting with reaching for each other, only for Leo to limply keep spinning past and drifting away. Would love to have it animated slow and smooth.
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This scene is one of my favorite scenes. I'm very happy how the cuts match the music and especially the last drop to shocked Leo.
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I like his face, very handsome. I'm not as established with how I draw the rise turtles compared to 2k3 boys, so it was fascinating to see how it'd morph over me drawing them like 100 times in a short period of time. They definitely got more elongated facial shapes and Don a sturdier body build compared to canon (I wanted to emphasize him being a bit blockier compared to Leo).
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Reeeeally like Don's pose in this and the overall composition and movement of the shot. Very dynamic and dramatic.
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Aaand the money shot #2 All the previews I shared while I was working on the animatic, were ones that I'm very happy with. But this one is very special. I like that someone was able to guess Firefight based only from it, haha.
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I'm a big fan of the visual trope of characters turning to gaze at each other meaningfully, conveying things without saying anything. So there's a lot of that in this animatic. I really wanted to get Donnie's expression right, his sorrow and determination, and I'm happy with the result.
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Back shots are fun. They can express a lot of emotion while concealing what the character is truly feeling. The drawing of Don grappling fallen Leo is one of my top favorites from the animatic, I just really like how it looks. Overall I like this whole scene a lot.
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And of course, THE money shot #1. The culmination of it all. I'm very proud of the animated bits too, but I made them their own post.
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semischarmed · 4 months
Thread, Part 2
Aaand the pendulum swings back. This is your warning, this one is (in my opinion) particularly evil. 
= = = = = 
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Charlie looked away, trying to respect his brother’s privacy. His first reaction was to recoil at seeing his naked brother. As if reading his mind, I could feel him flash confusion and then look back to confirm what he had just seen. Joey made a mad dash for his brother, dropping the needle before I tightened my control to freeze him in place.
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“G-get help…” Joey managed to stammer out. “H-he’s controlling me somehow”. I bit my lip. Seeing his brother seemed to have stirred a fight in him. I looked at the needle worriedly, something Charlie seemed to have caught on to. 
Joey looked at Charlie with pleading eyes. Seeing the uncharacteristic vulnerability in his brother seemed to have stirred a rare bit of courage. 
In a speed unbecoming his form, Charlie ran to me, punching me square in the jaw. I recoiled. That hurt. A lot, actually. I looked to Charlie’s heavenly face. Even as the pain stung my cheek, and his eyes burned with a fury that brought a twinge of fear in my heart and a tickle of a little something else in my body, I couldn’t help but look at the younger brother in a new respect. 
I moaned at the pain, making sure Joey mimicked in an off-putting way. “Charlie, don’t hurt him, You’re hurting me too,” I had Joey lie. He spasmed slightly as I had to reassert my control. Charlie closed his eyes for a second, trying to rationalize the situation. His eyes were laser focused on the needle. 
The guy was way faster than his shyness gave him credit for. In a flash, he made a mad dash for the needle, and aimed it right at me. I puppetted brother against brother, pulling Joey’s meaty hand to catch Charlie’s at the last second. Fuck that was close. I sighed in relief.
I eyed the point of the needle, mere inches away from my face. I saw the gears in Charlie’s head spinning, and his determined face after. The momentary weakness painted so clearly on my face seemed to all but confirm what we both now knew to be true. Had the needle pricked me, I would not only lose the gift from the god of flesh but would have been seriously injured. 
I bit my lip. The newfound bravery painted on Charlie’s cute face made me hard as a rock but was troublesome. I sighed, puppetting my new, bicep-laden flesh to walk over and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I surveyed the two brothers. The younger, cute face brimming with determination, needle in hand. And the elder marionette of muscle, face in fear and guilt. Something else shone in both brother’s eyes, something that prompted me to lick the side of Joey’s cheek. Delicious Hope. I wanted to swallow it all for myself. Time to get creative.
= = =
“You’re going to regret doing that, Charles.” I had Joey word sternly. Charlie must not have been used to the coldness I distilled into Joey’s voice, as I saw him look dejected for a moment before eying Joey’s head shaking swiftly and his eyes trying to reassure the younger brother. Not good. My control over Joey was not absolute, and every time the brothers interracted, I could feel it waning. I had to act fast. I motioned Joey’s arm, forcing it to push Charlie back. I could tell it stung him both physically and emotionally from the stray tear that welled in the corner of his eye. Good.
“Charlie, you didn’t get to see all the fun we were having,” I forced Joey to say. Joey began to whimper as I traced my hands over his hips. With a motion of my nerves, I commanded Joey’s plump ass to grind into me. I was instantly hard.
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“Look how good he is at controlling me.” I manipulated Joey’s lips into a devious smile. My hands wrapped around his should blades, then his meaty biceps, before resting on each pec. 
“I love this so much,” Joey whines. 
I furrowed Joey’s brows as I forced him to cast hateful eyes right onto Charlie. They began to tear and redden as I kept them locked onto Charlie in unblinking fury. “Why are you trying to ruin a good thing bro. What kind of brother are you?” 
My fingers delectably traced each nipple of the elder brother’s form. “I fucking want this…” I forced his tongue to hang in pleasure and his biceps up into a flex. 
“That’s it baby,” Joey is forced to say. 
With the power of the needle and my nerves all over his body, I make his head rotate to face me. He is forced to tongue me savagely, and I relished in making Charlie watch a deranged version of his brother satisfying me. The saliva from his mouth flowed past my lips in multiple spots, a testament to the force he was made to kiss me with. I flexed the needle’s power a little, allowing for more flexibility in my own flesh, so that Joey’s exploring tongue could be seen poking and prodding all over my mouth. Joey’s head recoiled back into place, facing Charlie with averted eyes. They shook in struggle but were eventually forced to lock back into him. His hands shook a little before they stroked the red threads connecting us lovingly. “Fuuuuck Charlie. I never want this to end.” I relaxed my grip of control a little, to the sound of a sobbing Joey.
“You’re right, baby. You feel so good Joey, I never want it to end either”. I couldn’t help but put on a bit of a show. That prompted a louder sob from the elder brother, before his face relayed a demented smile. “I’m your fucking puppet. Your Doll. Dress me up, work my body, fuck through me, I don’t care. Every piece of Juicy Joe is yours.” 
I pulled a few nerve endings from Joey, making a point to show them slithering wildly into the air before letting them snake into his mouth. It took a minute to reconnect some of my nerves inside him, but once they had, it felt like home. “I’m ready,” Joey moaned, dragging his fingers across his musculature. He then looked sick to his stomach, as some odd noises emmananted from the depths of his body. Joey made a slick, wet noise as his soulful eyes pulled back into their sockets and he regurgitated a large amount of semi-clear liquid right into my face. I welcomed the shower of Joey-flavored liquid. Lubrication. Joey’s face then pulled into a sneer, “Dominate this flesh. Dominate me. I did some rearranging for you. There’s a hole inside me, shaped just like you. For you. You need to fill it. Fill me. Ingrain in me. Integrate into me… Complete me.” 
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I loosened Joey’s flesh, then sent my control into his meaty arms, forcing them to start stuffing my body into a widening mouth. In turn, I began to loosen my own form. It would still be a tight squeeze, but the power of the needle made one thing evident. It was possible. Charlie began to scream. “FUCK… Joey how do I help?!” 
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More saliva trailed from Joey’s mouth as he pushed a little more of my body inside. “Mmmphhh” was all the older brother could manage, as his mouth fully encapsulated my head. The inside of Joey felt like a warm embrace, his wet lips like sweat laden arms beckoning my shoulders into safety. Thinking back to the needle, that’s what the inside of Joey was to me. Safety. 
For an agonizing few minutes, all Charlie could do was watch in shock, as he watched his older brother’s body force more of mine inside it. From his muffled screams, he was begging the younger brother for help. Charlie ran over multiple times, try to pry me from his brother’s insides, but I only cackled from deep inside Joey’s depths as I willed the older brother’s arms to push him away each time. “C’mon bro, you had this hot bod protecting you all throughout childhood, let someone else be protected for once.” When my arms fully slipped in, I began to grab mounds of Joey’s insides, pulling myself in deeper while he was compelled to continue jamming my flesh into his. 
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Every piece of me was sweating inside Joey. After all, the human body runs quite hot, and I was surrounded by wet, warm flesh from every side. When the last of my toes slipped into his mouth, I had my meat-suit let out a satisfied sigh, like he had just eaten a large meal. Hearing the muted sound of Charlie’s whimpering from inside his dear brother was my dessert. I readjusted myself inside Joey, in the process unlatching every piece of nerve that was previously connected. 
Even without control, my new muscle suit felt heavenly to be inside. Every piece of Joey felt intensified inside him. His muscles slowly writhing as they fought to compress his form back to its normal self which in turn squeezed me tight into him. I slipped and slid, weaving myself into his flesh, as his body’s own hard-earned muscles unknowingly embedded me into their master further. I basked in being able to feel every piece of Joey around me. His raw musk was like a liquid I was drowning in. I didn’t care, Joey felt good to drown in. 
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= = =
The brothers seemed to have easily caught on to my lack of control as Joey cleared his voice and hurriedly asked, “Charlie, what should we do?” From deep inside him, I could hear the younger brother begin to whimper again. ”I-I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like this”.
“Is he dead?” Charlie asked Joey.
Joey denied this, now his turn whimpering, “No, he’s still moving in here.” I felt him turn to face his brother. “C, It feels like I need to throw up but I can’t. It feels so wrong- he feels wrong in here… I feel wrong. Like he’s all over me. I dunno how to fix this.” He steeled himself before continuing, all the while my writhing flesh inside him was slipping into any pocket of space I could find and making it my home. “Listen, you need to run and get help”.
“I can’t do that to you. What’s gonna happen to you? Can you keep him in like that?” Charlie gulped. “I can see him moving inside you. Maybe we could get a doc-“
“Charlie, No.” Joey asserted as he gripped his right ab. “I’ll be fine, just get help”. I could feel his lips pull into a weak smile. “You ever see me lose a wrestling match?” Charlie’s sniffles and lack of sound told me he was shaking his head in a smile. 
I knew I had to stop him, but my movements inside Joey were restricted. Even when he was under my control earlier, he felt clumsy to puppet as soon as Charlie came in. I sensed a bit of danger as the two continued to plot. 
“It looks like that needle thing only works once. You could feel it too, right? Like it comes with instructions or somethin,” I could tell Charlie was again nodding in agreement. “So if you prick him again, he’ll be stuck in that form. If we could get him like this, he’d be stuck and I could just spit the fucker out.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a plan”. 
No. They would not ruin this for me. My nerves were having some trouble fishing for Joey’s to bind and connect with. It was easy to see where to connect to before, but now being fully encapsulated by his flesh I needed to find these spots blind.I had to act fast. I slammed against the inside of Joey’s chest, feeling him stumble slightly. “Joey, what was that!?”
Even without my nervous system directly controlling him, I knew it was harder to fight against one’s own internal structure. I instantly slotted my hand into his, using his own skin like a glove. Joey groaned in discomfort. I slammed my face into his chest again, this time making sure to push tight against it, so the imprint of my growing smile could be seen from the outside. “Charlie, I-I….” With my Joey hand glove, I gathered the meat of his abs into a sleeve for my hardened cock. I pushed it forward, relishing in feeling the older brother’s own flesh pleasure me. Joey was now my personal cumrag. “I- FUCK” I heard Joey scream and then cry. Being inside his body already got me hot, so it only took a few pumps before I exploded all over his insides. I could feel Joey gag as he must have felt what I was doing with him. 
“Joey, every piece of you feels so fucking premium” I moaned from deep inside him. This was the chance I was waiting for. Joey still reeled from the sheer disgust and violation he felt. His hands shook as Charlie tried to make heads of what had just transpired. The moment of quiet gave me what I needed to finally find Joey’s nerves. Using the power of the needle, I expanded myself outside my own body, letting all my nerves reach out and connect to Joey. Without a doubt, this was me at my most vulnerable. But deep inside Joey’s flesh, I knew I was safe. This time, I also pulled my brain out, allowing it to touch Joey’s. He screamed at first contact. 
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My plan was bearing fruit as more and more of my brain began to encapsulate his, burrowing deep into his folds and drilling myself into his psyche. “Holy fuck,” I felt myself blurt out. Joey’s wails were confirmation that he felt it too. Experiencing Joey carnally was one thing, but worming and meshing myself into his brain felt like deeper intimacy. I moaned as each memory of his came into view, each thought, each feeling. I felt Joey collapse into the ground, bringing me with him. His legs began kicking wildly in frustration, as his hands were dragging across the floor in front of us. “P-P-Please…. Get out of me”. I internally bit my lip as I wondered if that had damaged my new body in any way. This prime meat was too good to spoil so early.
Joey further jerked across the floor as I continued my onslaught. No aspect of Joey would not have me inside it. I inserted myself into each piece of him, relishing in owning this man to his very core. I felt his fear course through me. Partially at what I had been doing to him, but also because his now partially-corrupted brain was starting to like it, at least in a physical sense. I bonded myself into every nerve, every cell, every minute piece of the man as his toes curled in a mix of pleasure and pain. I felt him arch his back as I worked my way into his lungs and his beating heart, hijacking his athleticism for myself. Joey’s squirming settled down into tired breaths. A cool breath in. I could feel my new lungs drawing in a tremendous amount of air, a testament to Joey’s power. A quick breath out. I could feel his biceps brimming with an energy I previously never had. Another cool breath in. His lips and mine, bonded into one sensation and parting slightly. Then, one last breath out- steaming hot and damp from pleasure. Joey’s beating heart quickened for me as I bathed in the euphoria of being in this body. His eyes opened, now welcoming me to his sight as well, as we slowly focused our pupils into Charlie’s worried face. I pulled his lips into a smile. I had fully integrated into Joey’s flesh.
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= = =
“Charlie.. Please… Run”. I felt myself say. Shock painted my face, and then anger. Joey had more mental fortitude than I gave him credit for. Trying to burrow deeper into his brain was starting to feel more difficult. I reached a point that felt like a wall, an impenetrable piece of him. I addressed the body I now occupied. “Joey, just give up. You don’t want to make this harder for me, trust me.” I felt Charlie hand me the needle, “J, you got this.” I sneered internally, even in his mind, he had remained Mr. Unattainable. Joey struggled, but managed to wrestle control. He opened his mouth to try to find me, holding the needle to it. He frowned, upon feeling how tangled my insides were with his. I felt a flash of fear course through him, then resolve. Without a word, he held the needle near his hand, intending to prick himself with it. This was trouble, I hadn’t solidified my control yet. 
I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt Charlie’s hand stop Joey. “Wait. Don’t do this Joey, we can find another way.”
Through Joey’s eyes, Charlie shone a warm smile. Joey’s face beamed one back, before it was twisted into cruel sneer. The younger brother gulped at the sight. It was tiny, but the sliver of defiance from Charlie earlier had given me the upper hand to usurp control. Joey still fought me, but, at least momentarily his body was mine to control. “J-Joey”? Asked a worried Charlie. I laughed pure malice. “Phew, that was close… Thanks bro”. 
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I felt myself worm a little deeper into Joey’s mind once he saw the fear paint Charlie’s eyes. I placed the needle on the desk before placing my attention back on my younger brother. Maybe a part of me was happy it ended up this way. Oh Joey… you’re being so difficult. Guess I’ll have to break you in.
“Joey, what are you-”. I slammed Charlie’s head into my chest, partially covering him in the musk I now shared with Joey. Without a word, I brought my nose over Charlie’s fluffy hair. I smothered my face, nearly choking myself as I took a deep perverted whiff of the younger brother. “J-Jmppphh”, Charlie said in struggle.
”You smell so fucking cute, lil bro.” I say through Joey’s voice. Internally I felt him recoil. “But you should see how a real man smells.” I squeeze the younger brother tighter to my new musclebound flesh, drenching him in the sweat of his older brother’s struggle.
He eventually pushed me out of the way before looking horrified at the long red thread connecting from Joey to the back of his head. “J-“ was all he managed to say before his eyes rolled to the back of their sockets and he fell to the floor. 
= = =
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Joey’s nerves seemed far more potent, as I flexed them into action, bringing Charlie’s body into life. His eyes were still rolled to the back of his head as he turned to face his older brother’s body. He coughed a little before his timid voice let out a little laugh. I released some control back to Joey as he shuddered. He eyed his younger brother nervously. “Fine, Juicy Joe. Make it difficult then. This boy seems weak, how bout I just take your brother and set you free.” I began to will Charlie to start removing his clothes. 
“W-Wait!” Joey exclaimed. I had the unconscious Charlie lick his lips, as I continued sensually stripping his form. I had to admit, Charlie was fucking cute. Joey gulped.
“Bro, I’m waiting.” I moaned in Charlie’s voice, wiggling the red thread of nerves connected right to the base of his skull. Charlie’s tender hands began to massage and explore every piece of his body. I had him stroke his cheeks and face tenderly. “I bet he doesn’t know what a good fucking body he has”. I say through Charlie. Then I have him slap his hands across his chest seductively. “Lil bro’s got an even tighter fit than you, but I bet he can take it”, I have Charlie tease. The red threads connecting to him wiggled a little more. “I bet I could do some real damage in this thing.” 
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“S-Stop!” Joey screamed. “Okay! Okay! Just leave him alone”. I felt myself burrow another inch into Joey’s mind. Charlie really does make a nice puppet… One more for the road. I gestured Charlie to pinch and twist his nipples, promoting his foot to stomp involuntarily at the pleasure, before I disconnected the threads of Joey’s nerves.
= = =
Charlie’s eyes rolled forward when he came to, nearly crying when he realized he was now naked, nipples sore and body brimming with guilt-stricken pleasure. 
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“Didn’t think I could fight him and win, didya C,” I taunted as I wrestled back control of Joey’s body. It was a little easier this time.
“You’re fucking weak,“ I spat venomously through Joey’s voice. Inside his mind, he was crying. He wanted to reassure Charlie he didn’t mean it, but with my thoughts now partially coursing through his, he genuinely did mean it. I felt Joey’s mind bind to me closer as more of his memories opened up. It looks like that did some damage. “You know what’s funny? He probably could have won,” I cackled. “Even now, he’s fighting me so hard, I can barely keep him contained… He’s got so much fight in him. I can’t wait till that’s mine”.
“Charlie, I love you”. I decided to bury the elder brother’s resolve even further. Using his hands, hands that once protected a younger Charlie from schoolyard bullies, hands that often provided reassurance to the shy freshman, I slammed Charlie to the ground. Hard. Charlie cried out in pain, and I forced Joey’s dick to harden in at the sound. I felt Joey whimper internally, now burdened with the guilt of not only doing this to Charlie, but also liking it. Of course, it wasn’t truly his emotions, at least not yet. But it had been enough. Mind battered and body sore from being rooted into, the once proud Mr. Unattainable, Mr. Juicy Joe himself relented. I felt the barrier in the flesh of his brain burst and his psyche shatter. It was likely only a moment of weakness, but a moment was all I needed. I quickly flooded into the gaps, relishing in becoming an integral part of Joey. Cum sputtered from his dick as I basked in our culmination. Every muscle tensed as we coalesced. Joey’s thoughts and emotions flowed through me, uninhibited. And now, I flowed through them, maneuvering them, piecing into them, making him feel and think my thoughts and feelings. Joey let out one last scream as he jerked his head side to side. “Get out of my head! Get out of my head! G-“ His head slung forward. Then, silence. Then a smile. My smile. I could hardly contain myself. I let out a satisfied sigh, panting from my handiwork. I was now the glue holding Joey, body and mind, together. His brain pulsed, trying to form thoughts, but I constricted, wrapping myself in them, tainting each thought before allowing them to flow back out. Fuck it felt good to think in his head. “Joey… we are one”
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Being Joey’s puppeteer was raw pleasure. But being inside him? Thinking for him? Feeling for him? Knowing we were inseparably one? It transcended pleasure. Every inch of my new flesh moved to my command. No resistance, no delay. “J-Joey?” I heard a voice ask meekly. It was then that I realized I had grabbed onto Charlie to steady myself while Joey was shaking in sheer delight.
“Fuuuck dude,” I sputtered between Joey’s shallow breaths. “He’s so fucking strong”. I panted a little more. It was almost too much for me, “Look, I don’t even need my nerves to hold you down.” I teased with sinister glee. My hand kept Charlie from escaping. I shoved him to the other end of the room, blocking his escape with the body that once protected him in the past. 
“He’s got such a fucking hog too” I grunted in pleasure, as I grasped the dick of Mr Unattainable. I let out a dirty smile at my new brother. Aside from the boundless energy, Joey’s body also surged with testosterone, and it took some time to get used to the intensified essence of man that now coursed inside me. I shuddered. Being Joey felt amazing.
“Joey, Fight it!” Charlie shouted. I moved and leaned into my cute new younger brother.
“Joey’s gone bro,” I huffed nearly inaudibly. I dragged Joey’s tongue across Charlie’s cheek in a sensual perversion. Lick. “Well, not really gone. He’s always going to be with us. A part of me. Just like how I’m going to be a part of you.” Lick.
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“Wanna know the best part? Joey here’s a fighter.” I grinned, first through Joey’s natural smile but then pulled it wider and wider. “Guess what his only weakness was?” I moaned, relishing in hearing Joey-flavored words come out of me. It was intoxicating being in final, full control. “Guess what finally let me take this delicious piece of ass for myself.” I ruffled Charlie’s hair tenderly, a habit I extracted from Juicy Joe’s memory. In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have minded, as it was almost a ritual of sorts between the two. Here, he shuddered, sickened by the corruption of their brotherly bond. “It was you, bro. You made him weak... Thank you”. 
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I wore the original Joey’s sincerity around me like a mask. It felt natural to slot into his behaviors and mannerisms. “See, tell me you could tell the difference. I’m your big bro,” I taunted as I started clumsily grinding into him. 
“Joey, please” Charlie pleaded. From his face, I could tell he was steadily losing hope. 
“Charlie, I’m so sorry…” Joey’s vocal cords say. “I don’t know how to stop him.”
I watched hope return to his eyes. “J-Joey. Is that you? I knew it! You’re in there! You have to fight this.”
“Charlie…. He’s too strong” Joey’s body cried. I kicked my legs and grasped my throat.
“Fight it!” 
“I don’t know how to stop him!” I repeated, before I callously laughed, eyes rolling back in sinful glee, “Because I don’t fucking want to. I was born and bred for this. Look at my eyes, can’t you tell it’s me in here? I’m Joey. The same Joey that helped you learn to ride a bike, the same Joey that taught you how to read”.
I relished  Charlie’s expression. There was no Joey left. At least, the original Joey. He knew it too. “This is all I’ve ever wanted, C. To be fucking integrated. I wanted him inside me” I huffed, as I sped up. “I wanted him wearing my skin, flexing my muscles… squeezing this hot body deep inside you.”
Charlie looked up in confusion. “J-Joey, what do you mean? 
“Little bro you’re gonna love my power. Look at this fucking bicep. Do you want this? Do you want it inside you?” I mocked as I pricked his flesh with the needle. “This little thing scared the shit out of me! Imagine if you pricked me before I got into Juicy Joe” I pouted, as I squeezed my new body’s left ass cheek. I could tell it destroyed Charlie to watch his ‘brother’ treat his own body like this. “You’re gonna be my little insurance. Mr unattainable’s gonna stay unattainable. Don’t worry, unlike Joey over here, I’ll keep you around. You don’t put up much of a fight”. I could tell each word was like a dagger stabbing into Charlie’s heart. 
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“It’s gonna be a tight squeeze, but I know you can handle it. I believe in you…little bro” I moaned, dragging Joey’s hands all over Charlie’s body sensually. Horror dawned on his face as he seemed to have grasped my plan. “Here I thought Joey was fucking stupid,” I spat in laughter. “But it was his brain cells that came up with this little maneuver.” Charlie’s eyes darted wildly, trying to come up with ways to avoid the inevitable. “All those times this meatpuppet protected you when you were kids… Now it’s your turn to protect us” I kissed his soft lips savagely, dragging Joey’s tongue all over his mouth, wanting to taste every inch of my future home. I pulled from the brotherly kiss in a loud gasp for air. There was a long pause in the air as a trail of saliva hung between our two mouths.
“Now make some room for big bro”. 
Well, what’d you think? There’ll probably be a third part to this, but it might take a minute.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
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I'm Sorry...
This took me longer than anticipated bc I didn't know what to do for the background + I only just realised you actually see Mask Bot in Monty Golf so JHGFDSGDSHJKDS VERY happy with the outcome, however >:33 I redrew a scene from the mask bot series for the finale of the 4 drawings I had planned!
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Link for part 3 of the mask bot series AAAND links to the first 3 drawings incase you missed em! 1 - Safe Haven 2 - Summer of 87' 3 - I’ll protect them. I’ll keep them with me. It’s what he would’ve wanted, for them to be safe.
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