#a good summer for animation fans all round
gamesception · 11 months
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So I finally got around to seeing the new Pixar movie, Elemental, and it's pretty great actually? Like, I know the marketing made it look very generic. The trailers seem to give the whole movie away, make you feel like you've not only already seen this movie, you've seen it a dozen times. But believe me, that's not true. There's a lot more going on with the main character and her relationship to her family and her culture and the pressure she's under as a second generation immigrant trying to honor the sacrifices her parents made for her sake. And the love interest water guy who seems so deeply mediocre in the trailers actually has a lot more going for him as well, putting so much effort in and so much on the line. Like, yes, it's a different-worlds odd-couple romance with a kind of strained racial / immigrant metaphor, but it's a really good and earnest and heartwarming version of that.
And it Just Looks Breathtaking - the colors, the use of transparency, the water and fire effects especially, the way the characters are always flickering or bubbling or flowing, every part of them always in motion even when they're standing still. If you're an animation fan you'll be watching it in awe wondering 'how is that even possible', which, I mean after having the same feelings watching Spiderverse 2, it really is a rich summer for animation.
Sure, from a business perspective Elemental looks like such an obvious mistake. And maybe from that angle it was. I mean, to spend so much money on an original movie with an honestly rather subdued plot and concept - like, there's a reason romance movies are generally relatively low budget affairs - and then to throw it up against Spiderverse 2 of all things? The executives at Disney are out of their goddamn minds. But as irrational as Elemental's budget might have been, every penny of it is on display. If you're an animation fan you really shouldn't miss the chance to see it on the big screen
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narutocharacterpolls · 9 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
kind as can be; willing to jump to action to help his fellow comrades even after going through a life-threatening, major surgery
practical and fashion-forward with his bright green onesie. Function over form, and is prepared at all times by carrying around a spare onesie he will give without question to anyone - even complete strangers
has a surprising edge to him at the beginning of the series; he was ready to severely maim anybody that he saw as a genius
more dedicated than anyone. Was forced to face his own mortality and make a life-or-death decision in the name of his dream, after a literal crushing defeat, and he chose to fight for it. Inspiring
embodies the ideals of original series Naruto. True underdog, had nothing going for him, came from nothing with no legacy or powers, was so disadvantaged that he physically could not meet the bare minimum abilities of his peers. But he worked harder than everyone else and proved that he can be a great shinobi despite all the adversity he faced
Sasuke had to copy Lee’s moves with his Sharingan to succeed during Chuunin exams
cute as a button. Come on.
his fans are dedicated and make amazing work, fanart and fanfic
Kishimoto said he was his favorite character to draw. Boom. Favoritism. Love to see it.
pairs well with everyone. Platonic or romantic, Lee has a great dynamic with other characters
his summer outfit from Guardian of the Crescent Moon Kingdom was the best outfit in the movie
gave us Metal Lee! Blessed us with Metal Lee, really
was the character to beat in the early series if you wanted to show how strong you actually are
Gaara vs Rock Lee was one of the most iconic fights in the series, and everyone remembers where they were when they first saw Lee drop his weights. He owned that fight so hard that people forget he lost.
was wronged by the series. He deserves to win as justice.
got [submitter] personally through the worst times; his ability to persevere face of adversity convinced me I could do it too. He wasn’t special and neither was [submitter], but we didn’t need to be. We can make ourselves great. If no one else got me, Rock Lee’s got me
he’s one of the first non-jutsu using ninja so make such a big impact
was the first person to actually harm Gaara
played a huge part in Gaara becoming a better person
he’s one of the only people that can catch up to Sasuke and easily rivals Naruto in Taijutsu
his kind, determined and cheerful attitude is a joy to watch
Rock Lee removing his weights is easily one of the most iconic moments in the entire anime
has helped several submitters feel better by simply thinking about how he wouldn’t want them to think like that
objectively would’ve made a better protagonist based on the themes alone
wrecked Sasukes shit, I like Sasuke but that was really funny
he looks like a frog. Who doesn’t like frogs
inspired Sasuke
fights are always entertaining, they’re very well choreographed
he forgave Gaara for nearly killing him and nearly ending his dreams; he was never even mad at him
Rock Lee vs Sasuke was iconic
his heart is so full of love
never did anything wrong
had a squirrel befriend him
hard worker
good friend
rises to any challenge
when he does diss people they are the most brutal yet entertaining disses you ever hear
positive, weirdo, energetic, enthusiastic, joyful, chivalrous, motivated, dedicated, sweet
Lee and Neji had something homosexual going on
YOUTH !!!!
relatable as an adult
he is just an overworked guy who was told to watch some kids w LOTS of issues
needs therapy
good presence and guidance in Narutos life
cares about and is dedicated to his students very much
he is just cool
he is trying his best despite what he has been through in the past
is up for having fun but still knows when to be serious
was a narcissistic shit but grew out of it
has good intentions
wonderfully complex and well developed character
incredibly resilient and supportive
a sad and deeply broken man
always willing to give his life to protect them and his other precious people
just wanted everything to be ok for once in his life
hated Danzo
his friendship with Gai is adorable
the way he teases Tenzo is fun
he’s known as cool and aloof but in reality he’s a huge dork
Gai would want him to win
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little bean - em x fem!reader
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This is my submission to @oneforthemunny​‘s summertime writing game. I chose to do a wildcard 🃏 submission for cowboy eddie and sweet girl. I hope I did them justice and that everyone enjoys this sweet little story about dad!cowboy!eddie as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
Pairing: Dad!Cowboy!Eddie Munson x Sweet Girl!Reader
@oneforthemunny​ @munsonology
Warnings: talk of pregnancy, reader being called little mama, afab reader, brief mention of car accident. please let me know if I’ve missed anything and I’ll update my list. (This isn’t edited. hopefully it’s all good. Enjoy!)
A/N: this is heavily inspired by personal experience with one of those ride and spring ponies that my sister and i had growing up. all header pictures are from pinterest, credit to the og owners of the photos. graphics by @firefly-graphics​
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“Can you please uncover my eyes now?” you plead with your fiance as he guides you outside to see his latest surprise. You and Eddie had never really talked about having kids, always considering the many farm animals that you’d convinced him to adopt over the years as your pseudo-children. So when you’d found out that you were pregnant after a fender-bender, you and Eddie had the realization that you both wanted this little bean to be a part of your life. 
This brings you to now, 6 months into your pregnancy. The morning sickness had wrecked you for a while and your cravings had been intense and random. Pickles and peanut butter, sardines and fiddleheads, copious amounts of cheese doodles. But Eddie had taken everything in stride, making the 20 plus minute drive into town to hit the only 24 hour mini mart in the area whenever the urge for a midnight milkshake struck you. He’d truly been a saint, he’d always been good to you, treated you like a princess, but seeing you round with his child had unleashed another side of him, one that was incredibly tender. Without hesitation the two of you had decided to be surprised when the baby came, knowing that no matter what you had, it wouldn’t change the fact that you two were going to spoil, cherish and raise your little bean to be a kind person.  
“Just be patient for a second more, little mama. I don’t wanna spoil the surprise just yet,” he murmured, a grin evident in his voice. 
You huffed in fake annoyance, crossing your arms after the screen door, thwapped shut behind the two of you. 
“Alright, ready?” 
“Yes, Eds! The suspense is killing me!” you squeak, bringing your hands up to grab at your man’s calloused hands where they rested over your eyes. 
He chuckles as he lets his hands be pulled from your eyes. You blink a few times to adjust your vision before taking in his latest surprise. In your silence, your feel him lace his fingers with yours as you feel the familiar burn of tears in your eyes. 
“I know little bean won’t be able to use it for a while after they’ve made their grand entrance, but it was the last one in the store and sweet girl, I just couldn’t resist.”
You turn and kiss him softly. “It’s perfect, I love it.”
Sitting on the front porch is a ride and spring horse, almost identical to the one that you’d described to Eddie. You’d been telling him how, despite being a city girl, had spent many of your earliest summers of childhood at your grandparents. They lived in the countryside in a big white farmhouse style house.  Your grandfather was always a fan of black and white westerns, so you’d watched more than your fair share while your granny took her afternoon nap. You’d expressed to Eddie that those were some of your favorite childhood memories, especially when you’d arrived one day to find a beautiful chestnut colored ride and spring pony on your grandparents front lawn. The image of his sweet girl as child with little pigtails and her grandfather’s cowboy hat slipping down over her eyes as she bounced away the afternoon on that horse had made his heart clench. 
“Really? It isn’t too much? I know that I’ve been spoiling little bean and they ain’t even arrived yet but…”
You cut him off with a sweet kiss, cupping the back of his neck with your free hand and pouring your love and appreciation into the kiss. “It’s perfect,” you repeat as your lips part and he breaks into a grin as you bump your nose against his affectionately. “Thank you, for the horse and for taking care of me and bean. Thank you for listening to me and remembering those little details I shared with you.”
He grins wider, eyes crinkling with it. “It’s my pleasure, sweet girl. You two are my whole world.”
You grin at him, “You forgot about Medusa, can’t have her feeling left out now.” 
He chuckles and rolls his eyes at you, “Well, you’re right about that, sweet girl.”
You kiss him again. “Always am, aren’t I?”
He rolls his eyes, “I’ll give you most of the time, little mama.”
You smirk up at him, “I’ll take it. Now come on and show me what else you got.”
He furrows his brow at you, “What are you talking about?”
“I just know you didn’t leave the store with just that toy, lay it on me, what else did you get?” 
He sighs, “You know me far too well, sweet girl.”
“It’s because I love ya handsome, now show me the goods.”
He chuckles as you settle on the porch swing he’d installed for you when you’d first moved in with him. “I’ll get the bag.”
You giggle and kick your feet up resting your hands on your bump, stroking your thumb over it tenderly as Eddie ran to the pick up to grab the rest of his haul. As you watched him go through everything that he picked up for your future child, you knew that there was no way that you would wanna do this with anyone but your Eddie. 
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(Read more sacrifice)
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splendidlyinlove · 10 months
O’Knutzy Week Day 1!!!!!
I’m not late because I said so also time is a concept. A huge thank you to @oknutzyweek2023 for organizing this fest and to the lovely @lumosinlove for the creation of these characters!!! 
Day 1 Prompt: Smile 
CW for mentions of food/drink and depictions of internalized homophobia/negative self talk
When Logan was four years old smiles were as simple as breathing. He was all scraped knees and grubby fingers, trailing behind his three (which comes after two and before five…he thinks) older sisters. All he knew was dress up and pirates and that was enough for him.  
He had lost his first tooth last Tuesday, La Petite Souris had reimbursed him kindly with several shiny new coins. He had run down the stairs with them clasped in his hand and shouted “Look!” at his maman. His cheeks were round and rosy, indents from the pillowcase still stretching across them, and smiling so hard it almost hurt. There was still blue on his lips from where he had accidentally drawn on his mouth with a marker while rubbing his eye and his mouth made a faint whistling sound when he exhaled through his teeth. His maman smiled back. And that was how life worked at four. 
Smiling was a language like French or English. On humid summer days in France, he and his sisters would sit on sticky hardwood floors and sound out vowels through box fans. The giggles and smiles were I love yous, just with fewer syllables. His sisters forced him into dresses and called him gross, but it was okay. They smiled at him like he was theirs forever and he trusted them enough to know it was true. 
Smiles were opening presents on Christmas and jumping through the sprinkler outside. They were storytime and birthday cakes and good night kisses. They were stitched onto his favorite stuffed animals and frozen in time in pictures covering the wall on their stairway. 
One time he snuck out of bed to sit on the stairs and watch TV through the railing over the backs of his parents’ heads. The man on the TV looked sad and said a lot of big words. He didn’t smile much, he said something about life not making sense. Logan didn’t understand that. Living was about love and love was where home was and home was where he smiled most. 
There was a creak from behind him and when he turned around he saw Noelle smiling while holding her finger up to her mouth with a silent shh. Logan smiled back when she sat down next to him. Yeah, it all seemed pretty simple to him. 
At thirteen years old the world was not simple. It was messy and confusing, it was like someone had paint splattered across walls and asked him what the shapes spelled out. Logan didn't know, and they would smile. But not the smiles that he was used to, no, smiles were different now. 
Smiles could be sharp, pointed weapons. Looks shared between boys with letterman jackets across the halls, the ringing laughter after a slam against lockers. Dirty jokes, ego, us vs. them politics, mental gymnastics, I know you are but what am I?, thinly veiled insults, banter, and “locker room talk.” 
There was a sense of panic building up inside Logan that he couldn’t pinpoint. He smiled along, though he could feel it not reaching his eyes. Did they see it not reaching his eyes? Is his hair weird? His shirt feels too small, why’d he wear this today? Purple is a stupid color. Stupid. This is stupid. He’s stupid. 
He walked into his algebra class and sat down next to some boy he didn't recognize with a huff. 
“Bad day?” 
Logan’s head snapped to look at him. “Huh?” 
“I was just wondering if you were okay. You seem…grumpy.” 
And then the boy smiled at him. He smiled. 
His eyes crinkled up at the corners and the freckles on his cheeks stretched out. There was a light that seemed to shine outwards from his irises, his hair looked soft and his jaw was somewhere between round and angular. Logan wanted to reach out and touch, and why did his stomach feel like-? 
Oh no. 
Smiles always had teeth, but they had never bitten until then. Logan didn't smile back, he clenched the feeling between his fists and made it as small as it could be. 
Finn was something impossible. He was a broken clock right three times a day, a city with no people, lightning in a bottle, a tsunami with no casualties, dressed in socks with Adidas slides and brown eyes that felt like a sacrament.  
He gave smiles away like old furniture. Here, you’ll get more use out of this than I will. He was unguarded and open and free and if Logan was honest Finn terrified him. Finn was the sun. Logan could already feel his eyes burning, he really should look away, but oh, didn’t it feel so good to be warm?  
Logan was cool green stares with walls miles high surrounding them. But, Finn was well equipped with inside jokes, memorized coffee orders, delirious late nights, no-look passes, adrenaline highs, and shared greasy breakfasts. Finn poked and prodded at the hard shell Logan had so carefully put together over four years. Slowly, piece by piece it wore down, floating like wilted flower petals to the floor. Logan could feel himself loosen, feel the tense muscles relax, his fists unclench. 
At seventeen, inside a rundown frat house, in their messy, poorly decorated room, Logan couldn't help himself. He smiled, but he swore it didn't mean I love you. It didn’t.  
Leo was simple. He was like thunder after lightning and the rainbow after a storm. He made sense, slotted into place like he always belonged. He was loud sort of quiet, he had a presence about him that you didn't realize how much room it encompassed until it wasn’t there. 
Leo let Logan talk. Just talk. And the best part is he would listen. Logan felt heard when Leo was around, Finn listened too but sometimes he didn’t understand. Maybe it was because, for Logan, English never seemed to be a good medium for explanation, it always seemed one size too small. Leo understood, though, both in English and French. Leo could read between the lines, sometimes Logan didn't have to say anything at all. And that, that was ecstasy in itself. Logan could get so tired of explaining, sometimes he just wanted to be. 
If Finn was the sun and Logan was the moon, then Leo was the night sky. Vast and all-consuming in a quiet sort of way, comforting like a blanket, pretty to look at. God, was he pretty to look at. 
In a hotel room in a city that Logan had visited several times but never got to know, Leo answered a knock on the door and brought in a tray. He picked a mug up off of it and handed it to Logan. 
“Here, I got you some mint tea.” 
Logan smiled. He couldn’t lie to himself this time, he knew it meant I love you. And didn’t that just make it all the more tragic? 
Smiles weren’t as simple as breathing, they were as simple as atoms. They made up everything around Logan and were everywhere. Logan would wake up and smile, eat breakfast and smile, pay taxes and smile. He would stay up late in the night with Leo, fighting with insomnia together and he would wake up sleep deprived and the happiest he's ever been.  Finn would come home from a run sweaty and hug him and it would be gross, and disgusting, and really, Logan should be screaming in terror but, against all odds there he was smiling. 
It was convoluted, but then again, it was the most understandable thing to ever happen. He was right when he was four, smiles meant I love you and there was so much love to give. In the dead of night, in the blazing afternoon, love was exchanged like playground, pinky-swear promises. Logan would keep every one. 
He had been planning it for months, he nearly wore a hole in the rug from the pacing back and forth. He sat in front of them on a blanket in the middle of a field and pushed two small velvet boxes toward each of them, along with letters that bared his soul. He had opted for letters instead of some big speech, he was terrified of not getting the words out right and of switching to French halfway through. Words had always been Finn’s department anyway. 
They both looked back up at him with tears in their eyes.
Logan smiled and said, “I love you.” 
They knew, of course they knew. Logan said it out loud anyway. 
The wedding was a summer affair, chairs were set outside by a big tree. Finn had put on sunscreen in preparation. 
“This is a setup” he had said. Logan and Leo had laughed so hard that they almost fell off the bed. 
“I don’t see what’s so funny about it.” It would have sounded serious if Finn wasn’t smiling, and he was smiling. 
After a coughing fit Leo gathered himself enough to say, “You don’t want to marry us outside, Finn?” 
Finn paused at that. He was still smiling but it changed into something soft yet sure, like faith. 
“I’d marry you anywhere and nowhere at all.” 
So it was settled. The wedding would be outside, and if Finn had more freckles on his nose during their honeymoon, it would be a burden Logan and Leo would gladly carry. However, the sunscreen turned out to be unnecessary. Dark clouds had rolled in and rain trickled down around them. 
It was perfect, unexpected, but perfect. Like a child, they loved the moment anyway. There was no world where it could be bad, because it was theirs, and it was them, and they were together, and wouldn’t that always be beautiful? 
They got married in the rain with wet hair in front of all of their friends and family. Their smiles said I do well before their mouths did, and though Leo and Logan would miss Finn’s extra freckles, it was a small sacrifice. 
The hospital room was white and smelled sterile. It was much different from the shade of pink that the guest bedroom in their house had been painted. 
You’re having a daughter. 
Logan had been drowning in shades of pink for four months and he never wanted it to stop. He wanted tea parties, and race cars, and doll houses, and dress up, and pirates, and math homework, and sleepless nights, and play pretend. He wanted it all. He put all of his excited energy into planning the nursery and buying toys. Now, sitting between Finn and Leo in hospital room chairs, he didn’t know what to do with himself. He bounced his leg up and down and tapped his fingers on the armrest, Finn and Leo had grabbed his hands several times to get him to stop. 
Time seemed to stop when the door opened. A nurse walked in holding a bundle of blankets. 
“You ready to hold your baby girl?” 
Before Logan could process, the baby was placed into his arms. She was the tiniest thing he’d ever seen, with a button nose and round cheeks. She fussed a bit, her arms wiggling and feet kicking, and for a moment her eyes opened the smallest amount. 
Two pairs of green eyes met.
And Logan cried.
But mostly he just smiled. 
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owlespresso · 7 months
dream-eater. jing yuan/reader.
Tags: AU, spice beneath the cut, f!reader
A fluffy white stray has been coming up to your door these past few months, pawing at the old wood and meowing loud enough to wake the neighbors. As the sear of summer winds down into the cool, at-ease autumn temperatures you've been waiting for.
You've never seen the little beast, before, and your neighbors don't have any such animal. Not that you're aware of. Uncollared, unnamed, but its surprisingly clean and surprisingly well-mannered–howling for your attention aside.
It's polite enough for you to take it in. Get it collared and given all the appropriate shots and even give it a name—Mimi, you decided before being told that the cat is male. You kept the name. It's not like the cat has any concept of gender.
He yowls at approximately 9 pm every night until you acquiesce and climb into bed with him, where he tucks himself up against your side. You sleep easier, this way.
Though, maybe the cooling temperatures also help. You can cozy up underneath a few blankets and let the rolling of the winds soothe you to sleep.
And in the sweet velvet of sleep do you find the softest and most sanguine dreams you could possibly imagine, the kind that make you tingle with pleasure from head to toe, pressed into pillowy covers and cotton blankets which seemingly move with a will of their own. Long fingers caress your thighs and soft lips brush coo dulcet praises against the round of your hip. All this at the hands of a man whose face you can never quite make out, who only appears in those few, fleeting moments before you snap awake.
Tonight is one such night. It is you and him and everything is at the edges of your vision, blurry like watercolor. All that's concrete is the warm weight of him on top of you, the silk of his lips wand'ring the open hearth of your body.
"Who are you?" you muster the strength to ask, shaking fingers pulling through his thick, hoarfrost locks.
"You're clever. I'm sure you can figure it out, " he says, and laughs at the way your face crinkles with indignant. He shoves his cheek into your inner thigh, nuzzling up against you like a contented cat. Mirth is written across soft, handsome features. His eyes burn bright gold, low-lidded and downturned. Ash white lashes fan out against cut cheeks. Bow lips cradled by his sharp jaw. This is the first time you've ever seen his face, you realize, and he is devastatingly beautiful. "...Or maybe not. Would you like a hint?" He asks, each word murmured against your skin. Your thighs twitch around his broad shoulders, one of your calves settled against a wide back
"Forget it," you mumble, shutting your eyes to escape that prying gaze. He looks as keen as Mimi does during dinnertime, staring with a hunterly, single-minded focus.
"Come, now," he goads, long fingers drumming staccato atop your knee. "Of all the games we've played, this should be the simplest."
"The fact that you want this so bad makes me regret asking," you huff, gently pressing your ankle into his side. He shifts, moving so swift you hardly realize he's reached back until his hand has curled around your ankle. Your breath hitches as his gaze bores into your open face, roams across your splayed body. He pulls, dragging you towards him, bottom lifted from the mattress with a frankly embarrassing, high pitched yelp.
"Ah. A gesture of good will is needed, then. How about... my name?" he asks, presses a kiss to your ankle. His throbbing cock rests up against the back of your thigh, thicker and longer than you had dared imagine. Fear and arousal make a heady cocktail, making it difficult to think, let alone answer his question. "Now where did all of that fight go? Is that all it really takes to smother your fire?"
You want to reply, want to breathe your complaints at him like dragon's breath. But you cannot. You're paralyzed beneath him, lips sealed and body gone limp for reasons beyond your comprehension. The most you do is let out a reedy little sound, shaking on the sheets like a frightened kitten.
"Well. Since I seemed to have robbed you of your faculties, I think it's only right that I give you my name." He says in exaggerated contemplation. Both of his hands cook under the crook of your knees, holding you open, leaving you bare and exposed. In this moment, you feel more meal than human, more prey than paramour. And it makes you squeeze around nothing, hot rush of humiliation throbbing between your thighs.
"Something to cry, later, at the very least." He continues, ignorant of your plight—or perhaps revealing in it. He swoops down, chest pressed to heaving chest. His hot tongue rasp over your earlobe, startlingly rough—sandpapery, even. "I am Jing Yu—"
You startle awake, covered in cold sweat. Your room is colored in the bluish grey shades of pre-dawn. Your blankets are pooled around your waist, skin cool where your shirt had ridden up overnight. Most prominent of all is the awful throbbing between your legs—frustration sent to a boil. You huff, and plop back down, eyes shutting. Absentmindedly, you reach down and gently comb your fingers through Mimi's fur, the warm weight of him a comforting anchor, curled into your side.
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girlbosswar · 1 year
I apologize for the wait
Here are the round 2 matchups
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Sharpay Evans (High School Musical) Vs. Queen (deltarune)
Reko Yabusame (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
Megaera (Hades) Vs. Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion)
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog CD) Vs. Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Morganthe (Wizard 101) Vs. The Administrator (Team Fortress 2)
Audria Rose (Descendants) Vs. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Toriel (UNDERTALE) Vs. Aspheera (Ninjago)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Callie (Splatoon)
Marina (Splatoon 2) Vs. Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Ema Skye (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Daisy (Super Mario Land)
Nyota Uhura (Star Trek) Vs. Regina George (Mean Girls)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs. Lady Iron Fan (Monkie Kid)
Hornet (Hollow Night) Vs. Franziska von Karma (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All)
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place) Vs. Buffy Anne Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) Vs. April O’Neil (ROTTMNT)
Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman) Vs. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs. P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) Vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) Vs. Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Susie (deltarune) Vs. Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Rumi Usagiyama (My Hero Academia) Vs. Lauren Mallard (Welcome to Night Vale)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) Vs. Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Frye (Splatoon 3) Vs. Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
GLaDOS (Portal) Vs. Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Marina (OMORI) Vs. Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High)
Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) Vs. Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder) & Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Vs. Aradia Megido (Homestuck)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations) Vs. Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Marie (Splatoon) Vs. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) Vs. Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies)
Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Agent 3 (Splatoon)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf) Vs. Tabitha Chrysanthemum Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow)
Astrid Hofferson (How To Train Your Dragon) Vs. Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies)
Rapunzel (Tangled) Vs. Nami (One Piece)
Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Vs. Bridget (Guilty Gear)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) Vs. Yosano Akiko (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) Vs. Helen Richardson (The Magnus Archives)
Akane Kurushiki (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) Vs. Clementine (Stray)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Vs. Annabeth Chase (Heroes of Olympus)
Jinx (League of Legends/The Arcana) Vs. Lotus (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) Vs. Kitty Softpaws (Puss and Boots)
Boss (AI: The Somnium Files) Vs. Coco Adel (RWBY)
Harumi (Ninjago) Vs. Lady with an Ermine (Leonardo da Vinci)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) Vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Pearl (Splatoon 2) Vs. Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper)
Vex’ahlia (Critical Role) Vs. Queen (Chess)
Lup (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Sweetheart (OMORI)
Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Vs. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Samus Aran (Metroid) Vs. Clover (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Jessie (Pokémon) Vs. Fiona (Shrek)
Dana Cardinal (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Rose Lalonde (Homestuck)
Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll) Vs. Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak)
Undyne (UNDERTALE) Vs. Ryūko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
Mari (OMORI) Vs. Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY) Vs. Elizabert Megafig (Bugsnax)
Cleo de Nile (Monster High) Vs. Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Barbie (Barbie) Vs. Cynthia (Pokémon Diamond/Pearl)
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katatty · 10 months
Recap: Strangetown Round 5 (Summer) - part 3
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Next is Martin Ruben, whose dream of becoming one of Strangetown's mad scientists is shattered when he's fired on his very first day.
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But he recovers quickly, finding a new job in game development, reading a few self help books, making a friend a work and buysing himself a ZX Spectrum. He even adopts a cat, Bailey!
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He ends up going on a pretty sucessful date with Sadie, an agressive (and a little socially awkward) sorority girl he met back at college.
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Then it's time for the Giekes - Chester Gieke, his wife Bianca, their daughter Giorgia and her best friend Kent Capp.
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Kent gives his niece, Hermia, some friendly advice about being true to yourself.
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They get a little mad-science lab-garage! Bianca finally has room for the culinary career reward (which I am pretending Chester built for her).
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To Capp off the round, Bianca goes out for an interesting meal with Albanny Capp, who apparently wants to discuss a plan to end the feud...
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Now it was time to check in with the Smiths! The Smith household has been quiet, this summer. With Julia at summer camp, Jill at college, Johnny moved in with Ophelia, and PT#9 gone… the house is feeling emptier and emptier.
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Jess is set to become a teenager this season, and Jenny has to admit she’s dreading it. Still, the two of them make the best of things.
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They have plenty of phone-calls with Julia while she's at camp.
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And plenty of dinners with family & friends! Don is a friend of Jenny's from work, and he brings along Bella, who's eager to talk about the ghosts she senses...
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Jess meets PT9's ghost, too! But she's nervous about talking to Jenny about it, so confides in cousin Tycho.
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(She also meets her bestie Xander Roth at an outing Downtown, and it was so cute I had to include it.)
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Jess grows into a knowledge sim - all too common in her family but pretty fitting, I think! She likes boys but prefers fancy boys. Boys with a good sense of hygine (uncommon for teenagers, lmao), maybe some cologne, maybe some jewelry.
Her traits now are childish, supernatual fan, cat lover, and the newly-aquired eco-friendly! I like the idea of her love of animals (well, cats) turning her into a little environmentalist.
Her one true hobby is games and she’s a taurus. Oh, and the Lifetime want is to become a World-Class Ballet Dancer! I think that’s perfect for a whimsical romantic like her :D (and she did prance around in that pink princess dress for most of her childhood, haha)
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She and the other Strangetown Teens go on a little outing together downtown.
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Johnny & Ophelia come over for a visit, and Jenny gives Ophelia some old baby stuff... (which they'll be needing sooner than they thought!)
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noodleblade · 4 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (stolen title <3)
thank you bestie:3 @searchingfortheuniverse I'll be working on this while im on and off phone calls~
A band you don’t like that many others do: UM idk...my music taste is all over the place and I really only know the bands i think?? oh- maybe Mother Mother, only because I have not bothered to listen to their music past Junkrat hype videos and that's probably tainted my view a little. For better or for worse.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: during a summer in greece, idk how, but I got roped into selling watermelons off the side of the road. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but I remember I would put the watermelon in a plastic bag and the farmers thought it was really funny because that's such a...united states thing...to bag 1 whole watermelon in plastic. Anyways, they paid me in cucumber slices with salt.
Least favorite animal and why: HUH LEAST. I'm not a huge fan of like reptiles? Specifically those smaller than a bread box. Too fast, too squirm. Im worried I'll crush them in my hands. (im thinking of specifically florida geckos...idk they are cute but i freak out trying to hold them).
Hot fandom take: just because something is popular and fandom-wide accepted doesn't mean it is good. and not agreeing with it/wanting to engage in it doesn't mean you or your own opinions are bad. the monopoly on accepted 1 true canon is boring.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I try an rotate my jewelry around but I'm usually wearing a few rings, a necklace and a pair of earrings. My favorites are the rings. They are my mom's old ones and I typically wear the same two every day. One is a gold key of greece and the other is a thin black bar but the sides have really small thin heart cut outs.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: HMMMMM probably the new star wars trilogy. felt unnecessary and i just didn't like it? big shruggies
Three things you love about yourself: my writing- its something that I enjoy the most in the world and something that I can claim as mine. I also think I'm pretty funny in a sillay way which is poggers. I like my openness to trying things. Think that's helped make me more well-rounded. I hope so at least.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: HMMMMM. I want to visit Japan again. For a new place, I want to go to South America. Peru maybe??? Mexico would also be nice. So that's what I'm gearing up towards next.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Uh Matt Smith? No reason behind this. but I see his block head and kind of just look away.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a lot of little house projects I finally feel like tackling which is exciting. Ive lived in my house for almost 2.5 years and still havent felt like parts of it are complete yet.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: oof I lowkey kind of hate saying things I don't like on here. bad experiences in the past when people were upset I didn't like a thing they did and got mad at me. But uhhh not the biggest fan of most rodimus ships? but I think mega/rod is my least favorite of them. sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? hahaahahahhahahah can you believe Game of Thrones wasn't the most toxic???? it was jjba. I got put on a ban list which was kind of funny. I also got kind of show-ponyed in a toxic discord server for a while which has completely ruined me in the ability to act normal on discord outside of my irl friends. that account is deleted but the ao3 is still circling around.
List three things you find beautiful about life: Friends and family- sometimes I want to kill but I really do love them so so much. I like creating things and creating things with people. I also really like my area as far as nature goes. the beach to swamp ratio sings to me.
Any dreams for the future? I want to go on a really long hike. Maybe like a 2 day one? (< says the person that has gone on a max 2 hour hike before). Also just working on my original fiction again. I miss those fellas.
How are you really feeling today? Motivated!!!! Im a little groggy still, but I've been really excited about life and betterment lately so its overcoming my sleepy brain.
Tags: feel free to do or not: @honkytonka, @elmonstro, @huanted-dennys, @feral-birb-husband, @solarstormstuff @anyone else who wants to!! I'd be happy to read them:3
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 5 months
Hello, hello! I hope you’re doing well and are having a nice end to your weekend. If your matchups are still open, may I request a matchup for JJK and AOT?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac/MBTI/Enneagram/Hogwarts house (bc why tf not?): Leo, INFJ, 1w9, Ravenclaw
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. If I wear makeup, I like keeping it subtle. I often just apply eye makeup and stick to shades of purple, gold, and orange.
Aesthetic: I mostly wear black and white, but I have some lilac in my wardrobe. In summer I typically wear long, flowy dresses with a jean jacket and combat boots, and when it’s colder I prefer slacks, sweaters, and combat boots.
Personality: Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I love discussing topics that revolve around enigmas. It’s not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. Since I’m reserved, I take a long time to open up to others. I’m gentle but can be (unintentionally) intimidating. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine – living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for. I'm easily flustered, clumsy, athletic, and conscientious. My humor is witty and sarcastic. Every now and then, I like listening to the branches being rustled by the wind and being able to gaze up at the moon and stars shining brightly, which remind me that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I am happiest when seeking out information/reason. I’m really kinda superstitious…
Likes and Dislikes: I like practicing the languages I know, demonology, biology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock, and exploring my surroundings. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. Although I used to play the piano and was extremely talented, I still admire it and may want to get back into it in the future. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments. 
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, watching horror movies, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine. Coco is 10/10 for a good cry.
Pets: I don’t have any pets, but I’m a massive cat person. I love all animals, although I just feel like cats and I get each other.
Type: In terms of physical appearance, I find many features attractive and don’t have a type. However, personality wise I can handle a lot in a partner/friend but not one who belittles others. I’m someone who can laugh at myself, so I appreciate when my partner/friends can do the same. This may be super basic, but I’m the kind of person who’s very supportive of their friends/partner and just wants that in return. Too many people I’ve met have tried to take advantage of that. Speaking of which, my ideal partner would need to have a backbone and healthy boundaries. I’m not usually romantically interested in people pleasers ^^’ (NSFW related) I much prefer being dominated and feeling out of control. I get stressed a lot, so giving someone control over me in the bedroom is *chefs kiss. I’m kinda kinky and also very vocal ^^’. I try to be as open as possible with my partner, especially when it comes to intimacy and welcome discussions about what we like/don’t like.
Love languages: words of affirmation and acts of service. I love cuddling and hugging but sometimes need my space. Same with spending time together, I love it but I need time to recharge, too. I don’t really like gifts just because I feel like I owe them. That being said, I will still appreciate and adore anything they give me. It’s sweet to know that they were thinking of me.
(HEY I AM ALIVE I SWEAR! I really hope you enjoy this and have a great day!)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- He likes that you get easily flustered, often times he teases you.
- Always gives you the biggest hugs.
- One day he took your glasses and put them on then asked if he looked good in them (hopefully he didn’t break them)
- He’s great at acts of service. He loves taking you out places, he reassures you that you don’t owe him anything.
- When you two are watching horror movies together, he will try and startle you. If he succeeds, he will be laughing his ass off.
- Likes to jam out to music with you.
- He listens to you talk about demonology, he always says something like “Yeah I can defeat them in a fight.”
- If he’s scrolling through social media and finds a video about cats, he thinks of you and sends them to you. (Most of them will be funny videos, like cats attacking their owners)
- The first time he heard you sing he was like “I didn’t know you could sing” in a teasing way.
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Armin Arlert
- He is glad that you love to seek out information because he can relate.
- He’s really good at words of affirmation. Ever feeling insecure about your relationship or other things? He’ll be right there ready to make those feelings disappear.
- Prefers horror stories over horror movies but he doesn’t mind watching them with you. He enjoys when you talk about the horror stories that you make.
- You two love to star gaze together, pointing out all the unique looking stars above you, listening to the sounds of nature and feeling the cool air.
- He likes to take you to museums, and even go somewhere new that you both never been to before.
- He would love to adopt a cat with you, but before that he wants to make sure that he’s prepared to take care of a cat (cause cats be wild sometimes-)
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mostmouse · 1 year
The Ocean and the Sun (chapter 2/3)
Cutting the day short, you invite Derek back to your and Cove's place. (AO3)
(poly Cove x Derek x f!reader, explicit, 6,400 words)
The three of you piled into Cove’s car. Sitting in the front seat, you plugged in an address for the first shop you could think of that could have possibly sold the outfits Nico always wore. Once that was done, you flipped on the radio and peered back at Derek in the backseat. “I’m so excited! I love shopping, I hope we find some good stuff. We should go to thrift stores, too!”
Cove laughed as he turned onto the highway, Derek grinning at you. “Yeah, let’s do it. You never know what you can find in those kinds of places.” You gossiped more about potential locations as Cove pulled into the outdoor mall parking area. 
Hopping out of the car, you sighed in the California summer heat, fanning yourself. Cove joined you and Derek on your side of the car, blowing at you to help cool you off. Blowing a raspberry back at him, you grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers. Smiling softly, you wound your arm around Derek’s thick one, bumping him with your hip slightly. 
Inwardly, you hoped you weren’t coming on too strongly. Cove squeezed your hand and you prayed in was in approval with your move. Derek laughed softly, walking closer to you so as to not lose your grip on him. Peering into multiple glass fronts, the three of you visited all sorts of shops. None of them had quite what you were looking for, but you managed to find some things you felt you couldn’t live without. 
Derek and Cove clapped for every outfit you modeled for them, trying on a couple things but mostly tossing in clothes they knew they’d like in the cart. Unable to stay away, the three of you went into other unrelated stores and goofed off together, unconcerned with your ultimate goal. 
By the time lunch rolled around, each of your hands were preoccupied with holding onto your boys while their free hands held various bags of goodies. You tried to insist you could hold your own share, but they were adamant about presenting their own hand and arm for you to hold instead. 
Unable to resist, you happily did as you were told. Sinking into a rounded booth at a nearby restaurant, you sat between Cove and Derek, sighing at the feeling of the AC on full blast. “Damn... Maybe we should go home early, this heat is killing me.” 
You pouted as you heard laughter on either side of you. “How about we leave this area and go thrift hopping instead?” Derek’s face was resting on his palm as he stared at both you and Cove, warmth in his emerald eyes. 
Cove nodded, sipping from his drink before speaking up, “Yeah, that way there’s more of a break in the AC of the car between shops. Does that sound good?”
You hummed, looking up at the ceiling before nodding and smiling, “I suppose that’s acceptable. I’ll allow it!” 
Triumphant, you placed your orders and settled back down into the upholstery. Derek cautioned a look at each of you surreptitiously, trying to avoid detection. Somehow, today was like a dream. He was terrified he’d wake up at any moment, alone in his big bed at his empty apartment. 
Catching his eye above your head, Cove looked over at Derek. Before he could hide his face and the blush that was surely overtaking his cheeks, Cove smiled softly, tilting his head. Blinking owlishly, Derek couldn’t turn away as Cove looked down at your animated hands as you described something. 
Peering down at you, Derek wondered what was happening in your world. Did you both notice he had been more lonesome than usual? Is that why you were being so nice to him? He nibbled his lip, worried that you thought he was pathetic or something, that he didn’t have any friends, that you needed to babysit him. He’d always been the most annoying person in the world, were you guys realizing that too, finally, after all these years?
You tossed a look at Cove, noticing Derek hadn’t moved for a bit. With his subtle nod, you flipped around, facing him with a bright look on your face. “Hey! You’re so quiet, guy. Whatcha thinkin’ about?” You watched as Derek jumped in his seat, his expression coming back from the millions of miles away trip he had been on. 
“Oh, sorry I didn’t- uh, nothing. Not thinking about anything.” He plastered a smile on his cheeks, trying to not focus on how it didn’t fool either of you. 
“Hey, c’mon, we’ve been friends for over 10 years now. You can’t fool us. What’s wrong?” Cove’s voice was quiet, serene and calming. Derek felt like his heart might burst, feeling incredibly conflicted. 
With a softer smile, he looked at the both of you before looking away, “It’s... I’m not sure, really. Mind if we come back to it later?” Relaxing as both of you nodded, he laughed as Cove suddenly perked up, head whipping to the side as your food came out. “It’s like he’s a bloodhound. How does he do it?”
You shook your head, patting Derek’s thigh in a way you hoped was supportive as you giggled. “I have no idea, I don’t think he’s human.” Covering your hand with his, he brushed this thumb over your knuckles before letting you go. You hand fell away, accepting your food and thanking your server. 
The table was quiet for a moment, all three of you digging into your meals. Humming in delight, you offered each of the boys a bite, praising the plate. They both took you up on it, Derek laughing as Cove all but lunged in for the fork. “Remember when we went to that mall one time and you let her have some of your smoothie? I thought you’d die, man.”
You huffed, looking up at Cove who was looking away while rubbing the back of his neck. “That’s right! And you threw it away after that! You never even took another sip.” You deflated, guilt coming back to you as if it had just happened, “I never apologized. I’m sorry I ruined it. I didn’t backwash or anything, I swear!” 
Cove’s cheeks lit on fire, dropping his utensil and waving his hands, “No! No it wasn’t anything like that!” Derek laughed loudly behind you, but your guilty look didn’t leave. “It wasn’t- I-” Glaring at Derek, he rubbed his hand across the top of his head, messing up his hair. “Look what you did! Now I have to say it!”
Flicking your eyes between the two of them, you pouted. “Say what?” 
Derek grinned, basking in how embarrassed Cove was, even after 10 years from the source event. “If you won’t, I will.” Cove balked, shaking his head and stuttering. “Cove was freaking out ‘cause-” 
Leaning forward, Cove smushed you in between his and Derek’s chests as he covered the other man’s mouth. Squeaking, you lifted your hands against him, laughing slightly, “Hey! What’s the problem here?” 
Derek’s voice was muffled and soon Cove was exclaiming loudly, pouting at him before pulling his hands away. Derek laughed breathlessly, lips wet as Cove wiped his hands on his shorts. Suddenly, you were joining him, ribbing him with your elbow as you giggled, “Did you lick him? How old are you!” 
Derek snickered, tossing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you against his chest sideways, “Never too old to lick that hand that silences you.” Incredulously, you peered behind him, watching as he shrugged with no shame, “You know, however the saying goes.” 
Cove pouted, stuffing his mouth full of food before swallowing and taking a deep breath. “I didn’t throw it away cause I thought you were gross. I... It was ‘cause...” His cheeks lit up, voice soft and mumbling, “If I drank it... Then it would’ve been... You know...” Looking away, he hid his face, whispering. 
Tilting your head, you huffed a laugh, looking back at Derek who wore the biggest grin you’d seen all day. “What, Cove? I can’t hear you, babe. You gotta speak up.” You gently pulled his wrists away, his watery eyes meeting yours, his voice louder this time. 
“It would’ve been an indirect kiss! And I was crazy about you even then, so I was embarrassed and nervous and-and-” His voice trailed off as you clapped your hands to your cheeks, blushing with stars in your eyes. 
“Cove! Aww~ that’s so cute!” You wrapped your arms around him, laughing softly. “I’m still sorry though, I made you throw your whole drink away.” 
He huffed, holding you back and resting his cheek on your head. “Nah, you didn’t do anything. I was just a weird and awkward kid.” 
Derek snickered behind his hand, “Yeah you were.” You giggled, nodding in agreement. Cove gasping, whining again aloud. “Aw, it’s okay, guy! You know we still love you!” 
You laughed delightedly, grinning against his chest. Everything was happening perfectly, and you were insanely excited for tonight. Derek blushed a little as Cove met his eyes, the blue eyed boy grinning at him as he brushed the back of his undercut, laughing softly. 
Finally, after ordering and finishing dessert, you whipped your head dramatically towards Derek. “If you reach for your wallet, I’ll kill you.” Drawing a finger across your neck, you shook your head. Derek huffed a short laugh, shaking his head as he held his hands up. 
Cove snickered, sticking his tongue out as he set his card down, waiting for the waitress to come get it. Stretching out, you relaxed against the booth. “Hey, don’t hate me but...” You peered up at the boys. “What if we just... Go home. It’s already almost evening, let’s go hang out. We could play video games!” 
Derek brightened up, looking over at Cove as he smiled, cheeks warm. Cocking his head to the side, he laughed a little before nodding. “Yeah, okay. I don’t mind shopping another day.” 
You and Cove inwardly screamed, the big event happening sooner than you thought. Trying to play it cool, you slipped out of the booth together, gathering your bags back up and walking hand in hand and arm in arm with them back to Cove’s car. 
The ride back was relaxed, the music playing softly as you discussed what games you could play. “Do you guys wanna get pizza tonight for dinner?” You and Derek laughed at Cove’s question, the man not looking ashamed in the slightest as he looked at you before peering into the rearview mirror where Derek was giggling. 
Sighing, you held his thigh as he drove, “Of course. I’d love some pizza.” Derek nodded in the back, and Cove watched as his content smile faded a bit, eyes a thousand miles away as he thought. Frowning slightly, he spoke back up again. “We could watch a movie when we get back too, or binge watch a show. You know, something that doesn't take too much thinking?”
You laughed, “Okay, but if we watch something, we all three have to commit to watching it together.” Derek smiled, only a little one, but still, it had Cove beaming. 
Pulling up to the house, Cove popped the trunk, him and Derek collecting the bags as you went and unlocked the door. Ushering everyone in, you shut and locked it, unpacking the bags with the boys. Taking the clothes into the laundry room, you tossed them on top of the washer, leaving it for later. 
Cove sat on the couch with a heavy sigh. Derek stood a moment, looking awkward before you grabbed his wrist smiling at him as you dragged him down onto the couch as well. You sat next to Cove as you tugged Derek into your side. Flipping through the TV, Cove put something on as background noise, looking towards you as you tapped your fingers on your thighs. 
Derek, always overly observant and receptive to your feelings, gave you a nervous look. “Are you guys okay?” His brows were pinched up, a worried smile on his face. “If you want me to go, I can-”
“No!” You reached out, grabbing his thigh before blushing heavily, backing off immediately, “No! Nothing’s wrong, please stay!” Waving your hands you looked towards Cove for support, suddenly thrown off your rhythm. 
“Actually, Derek... There’s something we wanted to ask. And- well, hear us out before you make any sort of decision, okay?” Cove’s words were gentle, his arm coming to rest along your shoulders as you nodded, determined look on your face. 
Derek swallowed thickly, anxiety bubbling in him. Were you going to tell him his obvious pining was pathetic? Did you know he touched himself thinking of the both of you, that he got off to innocent pictures of the three of you? That he was a disgusting, annoying, freak? 
Cove looked down at you, and you smiled, reaching forward and grabbing Derek’s rough palm in yours. Turning it over you traced his love line, smiling softly up at him. “Derek... We’re in love with you.” 
Time stopped, and Derek was sure his heart stopped too. What? You were... Both of you? His shoulders tensed, eyes flicking from both you and Cove. At his silence, you worried your lip a bit, Cove speaking up. “We’ve been talking about it for a while but... We wanted to invite you into our relationship. We love you, we’ve been in love with you since we were all teenagers. Since reconnecting after college and spending all this time together, well, we realized those feelings hadn’t gone away.”
You picked up, squeezing his hands, “We want you to be our boyfriend, Derek. To join our relationship and be poly with us. But only if you want to! If you don’t feel the same, I mean, we’d totally understand if you didn’t want to talk to us for a while.” You laughed nervously, Cove’s hand squeezing your shoulder. 
Derek finally blinked, eyes misting slightly. “You... The both of you? Are-are in love with... With me? But- I mean, why?” He clenched his jaw, looking away, “I’m the worst person ever, why would you-” His words were cut off as Cove leaned above you, stray tears leaking down his cheeks, as he caught Derek in a kiss. 
You wrapped your arms around his barrel chest, squeezing him close to you as you whispered, “Derek, don’t even. You’re amazing, you’ve always been amazing. We would be so ridiculously thrilled if you’d join us. We’ve thought long and hard about it, and we love you so much. You’re our best friend, we love you more than anything. You aren’t less than Cove or I. You have so many strengths and talents and skills. Please don’t say anything bad about yourself. Don’t doubt our intentions as being vapid or skin deep. We’re so in love with you.” 
Cove pulled away, crying quietly as Derek’s watery eyes met his gaze. Sniffling, he looked down to where you were wrapped around him. Slipping his fingers under your jaw, he tugged you up. Your eyes were clear and honest, and he felt himself laugh, shoulders shaking. Covering his face, he couldn’t stop himself, almost hysterical. 
Feeling both pairs of arms wrapped around him, he held you tight, Cove’s face in his neck while yours was snug against his chest again. “I just... God, please don’t let this be a dream.” You all laughed, eyes watery. Pulling back, you smooched his cheek.
“Is that a yes?” Your gazes met, and with a hand on your cheek, he pulled you close, kissing you softly. 
“Yes. Absolutely. Fuck, I love you. I love both of you, I’ve been... Oh man, this has been a fantasy of mine for literally months. I never thought...” His voice trailed off, pulling the both of you tight against him, burying his face in your hair as you snuggled against him. 
Cove grinned, letting his new boyfriend calm down before speaking up in a smug voice, “Fantasy? What did we do together in these fantasies?”
You hummed, grinning widely as you scooted closer, Cove pressed against your back just as close. “Was it something fun? Something... Naughty?” Derek coughed into his fist, looking away sheepishly. 
“I- Well-” He squeaked as Cove maneuvered you into his lap, your legs wrapped around his waist as Cove came up close behind, pushing Derek’s shoulder down so he reclined against the arm of the couch. “Can’t say it was much different from what could happen if we stayed like this.” 
You squealed, holding his cheeks as you kissed him, tongue slipping past his full lips. Cove smiled, hiding his red face against your back. Derek couldn’t help but moan, your soft tongue exploring his mouth. He hadn’t kissed anyone since college, fleeting feelings as he tried to forget about the hopeless love he felt for the two of you. 
Breaking away, you watched as Derek’s eyes opened slowly. You wiggled in your spot on his hips, turning your head back slightly to speak to Cove. “We could keep going, if we want.” Looking back towards Derek, you kissed the underside of his jaw, “If it’s too much to absorb right now though, we completely understand.” 
Your gaze was soft and loving, Cove’s equally loving expression peeking over your shoulder. Cheeks aflame, Derek stumbled over his words, “I- Uhm, it’s o-okay, really. I don’t think- I don’t think it would be a mistake or too much right now... Only if you guys wanted to.” 
You hummed, grinning as if you had him right where you wanted him. “Let’s make tonight all about our sweet new boyfriend, okay Cove?” Derek groaned as Cove nodded, his hand pressing against his hardening cock in his shorts. “C’mon, let’s go to the bedroom. I changed the sheets this morning so they’re all clean!” 
Crawling off him, you and Cove pulled him up by his hands, Cove capturing him in another kiss as you sauntered down the hallway. Breaking away, the two of them followed after you, hand in hand and blushing. Standing in front of your large bed, you threw out your arms. “Tonight is all about you, baby! Tell us what you want and we’ll spoil you until you’re a cute drooling, leaking mess~” 
Your words had him shuddering, eyes flicking from the both of you. “I... Is it okay if I stripped the both of you?” 
Cove smiled, cheeks hot, as you grinned. “Only if we get to strip you.” Sighing at your excited tone, Derek nodded. Gasping as you leapt towards him, you immediately slipped your hands up his top, caressing his chest as he moaned. 
Cove snaked behind him, his body pressed to his as he wrapped his arms around him, kissing his neck. “She gets excited and can move too fast, don’t feel bad if you have to ask her to slow down.” Both of them grinned as you giggled, pleased with your wandering hands. Cove’s hands sat on Derek’s hips, pulling him back against him and grinding his hard cock against his ass. 
Both of them moaned at the contact, your hands going to the hem and tugging his shirt up above his head. Humming delightedly, you leaned forward, licking and sucking his nipples. Tiling his head back against Cove’s shoulder, he let Cove’s hands guide his hips as you kissed and licked his chest, hissing as you nibbled him slightly. 
Feeling your hands slip down to his waistband, he gripped your wrists. “W-Wait.” Both of his new partners stopped immediately, Cove taking a step back but leaving his hands on him. “It’s okay, I just- I want to see and feel you guys, too.” 
Giggling, you tugged him towards you, kissing him as Cove whined from the loss of contact, moving in once again. You sighed into Derek’s mouth as he tugged your shirt up, breaking away so he could admire you in your bra. Cove leaned forward, nipping the shell of Derek’s ear as he whispered, “She’s softer than she looks. Don’t be afraid to get rough with her, she loves it.” 
Derek groaned, moving his hips back to feel Cove against his ass again. Wrapping his arms around you, his fingers traced the back of your bra before tugging it undone. He couldn’t help but moan aloud as your breasts bounced free. Admiring you, he tentatively brought his hands up, cupping them in his hands as he dragged his thumb over your nipples. 
You smiled, sighing as you held his hands as well, looking up at him with loving eyes. Cove bit and sucked marks into his neck as he rolled their hips together. “Fuck...” Derek’s expression was flushed, eyes hazy as he touched you and Cove touched him. 
He stepped closer to you, pushing you onto the foot of the bed as both boys trailed after you. Derek slipped his hands down your thighs, touching you before dragging his hands back up and tugged your pants off. Leaving you in just your panties, you licked your lips as both pairs of eyes were on you. 
Spreading your legs, you hummed softly, “See how wet I am, Derek? I’ve been looking forward to tonight all week. You haven’t been the only one fantasizing about us together.” He groaned, bending slightly as Cove dragged his hips back further, bucking into him and sighing. 
Derek kissed the inside of your knee, moaning as Cove reached around and palmed his cock in his loose shorts. Grinning, his blue eyes flicked up to yours, “He feels big. Bet he’ll feel amazing stretching you out.” You both moaned, Cove biting down on Derek’s shoulder. 
Blushing, he pushed his hips back against Cove, moaning as the smell of your sweet cunt reached him. Hands shaking slightly, he tugged your panties down and off your legs, whimpering as he saw your perfect and soaked slit. Panting, he fell to his forearms, Cove still stroking him over his shorts as he licked and sucked your nipples. 
Lying back, you let Cove enjoy the show as he rubbed his covered cock against Derek’s tight ass. Sighing, you pet his hair as he licked and sucked your supple skin. “Good boy~ Letting us spoil you like this. We love you.” He whimpered, popping off your chest as his flushed face hid between your breasts. 
“C-Cove, stop, please.” Cove’s movements slowed before stopping, Derek sighing as his hand finally left his cock. Licking his lips he straightened up, turning in his hold as he pulled him down by the collar of his shirt and kissed him roughly, shoving his tongue into his mouth. Cove moaned, hands holding Derek’s cheeks. 
Pulling away, Derek nibbled Cove’s lips before tugging his shirt up and off him. Licking and biting his toned chest, his hands fell to his waistband. Tracing the edges, he felt Cove pet the soft hair of his undercut, “It’s okay.” Moaning quietly at the soft treatment, Derek tugged them down and off, leaving him in only his polka dot boxer briefs. 
“On the bed.” Derek’s voice was low as he grabbed Cove’s ass hard. Moaning loudly, Cove slipped past him and sat with you on the bed, kissing you softly. Sighing, he palmed his cock, admiring the outline of Cove’s in his briefs. 
Leaning down, he kneeled at the foot of the bed, Cove’s cheeks lighting up as he watched him. Grinning, he tugged Cove’s boxers off, watching as he lifted his hips up, lengthy cock freed. You giggled softly, leaning over and licking Cove’s perfect pink nipples. Derek hummed, licking his thighs as he admired Cove’s cock. 
Grinning, he stood up, watching as Cove deflated from not being touched. Swallowing thickly, he tugged his shorts off, boxers coming with them as his own thick cock was freed. He watched as you fell back dramatically on the bed, hands over your mouth as you moaned and blushed wantonly. Cove sighed, hand softly curling around his shaft as he stroked himself, admiring Derek’s cock. 
Huffing, he grinned, crawling onto the bed to rest next to you, laying on his belly with his arms under his head. Cove continued to softly touch himself, openly staring at Derek’s ass. “So...” His voice was deep and rough and you couldn’t help but moan, eyes watching him, “How do we wanna do this?” He smiled, sheepish, bravado fading. 
Cove hummed, looking at you. You smiled, looking back to Derek, “However you want! Do you want to penetrate, or be penetrated, no penetration? Both Cove and I are happy to give or receive.” You pet his hair, sighing happily, “Whatever you want to do, or don’t wanna do. Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed. If we’re not into something, we can always be honest with each other.” 
Derek’s eyes closed, basking in the intimacy of the moment. Opening his eyes slowly, he flicked his gaze from both of you. “Is it okay if you’re in the middle, with both Cove and I inside you?” 
You couldn’t help but squeal, excited. “Yes! I don’t think I’ll be able to fit you both in one though, if that’s what you wanted.” He blushed brightly, whimpering as he imagined both their cocks brushing and touching as they fucked you. Hiding his face, he shook his head, listening as you both laughed. 
Wiggling your hips, you scooted up the bed, pulling open the bottom drawer and grabbing some lubricant. Once Cove saw you had it in your hands, he motioned for Derek to grab one of your ankles, the both of them dragging you down the bed forcefully towards them. Shouting, you laughed as they flipped you over, Derek pinning your hands down. 
Cove leaned over to his shoulder, eyes never leaving yours as he whispered loud enough for you to hear, “She likes it rough. Don’t be afraid to manhandle her a little.” Derek grinned, licking his lips and you shuddered. Cove laid down heavily next to you, taking the bottle from your hands, “You can touch her, I don’t mind waiting my turn.” 
His gaze was soft as Derek looked over at him, smiling sweetly and giggling. However, once he turned to you, his face was one of determination. “You don’t mind, do you?” You swallowed, grinning and shaking your head. 
Derek sighed, leaning down and kissing you softly. His tongue teased your lips, slipping into your mouth and petting yours. You moaned softly, arms winding around his neck and playing with his baby hairs at the back of his head. Cove got up, going over to the bottom drawer and fishing something else out. However, Derek paid him no mind as he pulled away, licking your lips again. 
“Can I taste you?” His voice was husky, dark green eyes searching yours. You grinned, nodding. Pulling back a little, he traced his fingers over your body from where he sat between your legs, Cove back on the bed next to him. “Tell me... Do you usually sit on Cove’s pretty face, or do you make him get on his knees for you?” 
You moaned, tossing your arms above your head as you looked up at Derek. “I sit on his face.” He grinned, pulling you up and holding you close, pressing his burning cock against your belly. 
“Fucking knew it.” He kissed you again quickly, pulling away as he smirked. “Mind sitting on mine?” He watched as you whimpered, kissing the corner of his mouth as your hands ran down his chest. 
“Please, can I?” Shuddering, he moved past you, laying out on the bed as he motioned for you to crawl up on him. Giggling, you wiggled your hips as you scooted up, spreading your legs as you straddled his face. “Think you can handle me?~” 
Licking his lips, he nodded wordlessly, tugging you down onto his mouth as he moaned loudly. You squealed excitedly, bucking your hips at the rough treatment. You giggled, setting your hands on top of his where his arms had wound around your thighs to hold them. Biting your lip, you rubbed your slick cunt across his face, sighing. “Derek~ You feel so good.” 
Cove set down the toy and lubricant, leaning over so he could whisper hotly in your ear, “He said he ‘knew it.’ What do you think he’s been fantasizing about?” You shuddered, hands drifting to his hair and pulling it. 
“T-Think he’s been dreaming of us all together. Bet he’s thought about you- ah! Fucking me more than you think about it.” You laughed, sighing as you rocked your hips against Derek’s face, his moaning muffled by your plump thighs. “Such a dirty boy. You should do something about it while I’m up here.” 
Cove giggled, kissing your shoulder and petting Derek’s hair as well. “Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m gonna do.” You wiggled, crying out as Derek’s nails bit into your skin, his tongue thrusting inside you. 
Cove slipped back down to where Derek’s cock was leaking onto his lower belly, pulsing with every heartbeat. Licking his lips, he covered himself in lubricant, moving to rub Derek as well and coating him. Moaning loudly between your legs, you shuddered, tipping your head back, hips rolling over his face. 
Cove smirked as he heard him whine as he let him go, grabbing the silicon stroker the two of you had bought on a whim, he pressed the underside of his cock flush to Derek’s. Moaning at the contact, and as Derek thrusted upwards, he moved the toy over both their blushing tips. Throwing his head back, he couldn’t help but moan as the toy expanded around them, the fit almost too tight. 
Derek pushed you away for a moment, hiding his face in your soft, wet thigh, moaning loudly. “Fuck! Cove!” Cove moaned as well, rocking his hips and easing the tight toy further down their shafts, undersides of their cocks rubbing tightly in the ribbed inside of the stroker. 
Grabbing Derek’s hair, you pulled him away, looking down at him. Derek moaned hotly, the feeling of his cock pressed against Cove’s as well as looking up to see the soft underside of your breasts had him drooling. “You said you wanted to eat me, Derek. Aren’t you going to be a good boy and eat this soft cunt?”
Swallowing thickly, he sighed, “Y-Yes, fuck, please.” You hummed, smug smile on your face as you wiggled your hips, his eyes darting down to your shining slit. “Fuck-! P-Please let me eat you, please sit on my face, want you to cum all over me, fuck!” Cove was behind you, starting an easy pace as he held the toy in place. 
Humming happily, you sat back down, holding his hair tightly as you set the rhythm, rocking your hips as you rubbed your soaking cunt across his perfect face. Moaning, you tugged his hair, “Suck my clit, baby, mmmm~ good boy! Take it all, you’re the one who wanted this. Wanted Cove and I to- ahh! T-To wreck you, and haah~ fuck you good. Such an obedient boy, Derek~” 
Derek panted between your legs, nails scratching you as he licked your slit again, dipping his tongue inside and tasting you. The only thing better than being suffocated in your delicious cunt was how Cove kept grinding his cock against his, slick and wet and hot in whatever toy he was using. 
Moving his jaw up, he sucked your clit tightly, moaning as you cried out, grinding down hard onto him. Gasping for air, he caught his breath before sucking you again, teeth scraping against you and making you wiggle. He could feel your thighs trembling in his grasp, his own quaking as well as Cove fucked against him. 
Distantly, past your thick thighs, he could hear Cove gasping and moaning. The toy was a tight squeeze, tighter than anything he’d used before. Crying out against you, he ate you messily, tongue licking all over your cunt before teasing and sucking your clit. You moaned above him, shouting as he nibbled you. “Derek!” 
You were panting, shaking in his grip, and you felt yourself close to your climax, his tongue pressing tight against you. Bouncing slightly, you continued to rock against him, humping his face as you cried out, “Derek- fuck! Ahh!” Thighs tightened around his head, your wanton moans muffled as your hot, wet cum covered his tongue and face, spilling around his mouth. 
His hips jerked, Cove gripped the toy tighter, the other hand forcing Derek’s hips flat on the bed. Straddling his thigh, Cove thrusted faster, rubbing the underside of his cock against Derek’s, moaning hotly as both boys neared their own orgasms. 
You panted as you dismounted Derek’s face, his loud moans reaching Cove clearer, making him shudder. You sat on the bed, leaning on one hand as you pet Derek’s sweaty forehead. “Such a good boy. Gonna cum for us? Cum with Cove, baby, cum on his cock.” 
Your boyfriends gasped, your words working them up. Dragging one finger along the hole at the top, you gathered up some excess lubricant, licking your lips and grinning. Cove shuddered as he met your eye, your smirk rattling him. With a whimper, he stopped and pressed himself tight against Derek. 
Peering around your tall boyfriend, you licked your lips as you watched Derek gasp on his back. Trailing your slick finger up the backs of Cove’s thigh, he moaned once you reached his tight rim, shivering. “Beg for it.” Your words were a whisper, Cove’s face burning as Derek grabbed the hand holding him down as he bucked desperately into the toy, both of them moaning as their cocks rubbed together. 
“Fuck! P-Please, please touch me!” Cove jerked his hips back, which normally would have you smacking his ass, but considering how euphoric he must be feeling with his throbbing shaft against Derek’s, you smiled at his excitement, instead. Slipping one finger past his rim, he moaned. 
“Taking me so well~ You must have really needed this, hmmm?” Your words were soft, Cove’s hips moving gently as you rubbed inside of him. 
Derek clenched his eyes shut, listening to the both of you moan and whisper. Cove’s mouth fell open as he felt himself grind against you, your finger petting him until you found his pspot. With a gasp, he jerked his hips, making Derek cry out. “Cove!” He grabbed the toy Cove was holding, squeezing it in his hand as he began to jerk it over the both of them. 
Their moans were music to your ears as you pressed tight against Cove’s sweet spot, tapping before rubbing it firmly. Moaning hotly, you kissed his shoulder, “Good boy, Cove, good boy! Cum for me, cum inside your dirty little toy, cover Derek’s aching cock with your cum, baby.” 
Gasping, he whimpered, Derek’s hand moving the toy fast across both their cocks. Panting, he tried to focus on Derek, cheeks hot and body trembling. “C-Cum with me, Derek, fuck! Please!” Bowing his head, he shouted as he blew his load, hot cum coating the toy and a generous amount leaking out of the tip. 
Derek threw his head back, moaning as his hand faltered, Cove’s cum making it move faster, shoving him over the edge as well. Derek’s moans joined in with Cove’s sobs, both of them sounding sweet as can be to your ears. With a strangled gasp, Cove fell forward onto his hands, anchoring them on either side of Derek’s head. 
Your boyfriends stared at each other, gazes glassy and dazed. Smiling, you gently tugged your digit from inside of Cove, using your other hand to slip the toy from Derek’s loose grip, moaning as they both cried out, cum coated cocks lying together on Derek’s tummy. 
Sliding off the bed, you tugged Cove to the side, guiding him into lying down next to Derek, the two of them gravitating towards each other and cuddling. Slipping into the bathroom, you brought the toy in and sprayed it with cleaner, letting it sit as you washed your hands. 
Padding back into the bedroom, you crawled from the foot of the bed, pushing their legs apart as they moaned and whimpered. “So dirty... I have such filthy boys. Cumming everywhere like that... So cute~” Your voice was quiet, leaning down and kissing Derek’s cock as you wrapped your hand around Cove’s.
Both of them gasped, writhing a bit on the sheets. Derek turned towards Cove with a dreamy look on his face, cheeks red. His brows knit up as you slipped your mouth over his tip, sucking tightly on his messy cock. Moaning at the taste of both their cum, you lazily stroked Cove’s shaft. 
Your boys moaned and bucked their hips, Cove arching before leaning over and kissing Derek, pulling back and licking his lips. “Fuck, you taste- ahh! J-Just like her.” You hummed happily around Derek’s cock, delighted Cove could still taste you on his tongue. 
Both of them got handsy with each other before they figured out in their post orgasmic haze that they could also touch you. With a gasp, you released Derek’s cock, pouting as they hugged you between them. “Nooo~ I wanted to blow both of you!” 
Derek laughed, hiding his face in your chest, “You’re insane people. Is this what you two always do?” You hummed, petting his sweaty hair as Cove pressed himself against your ass, grinding against you and whimpering. 
With a smirk, you pulled his hair, listening as he moaned before meeting your gaze. “Not really, we usually keep going. But if this is enough for tonight, we can take a nap before ordering pizza.” Derek’s eyes closed, blushing heavily as he moaned once more. 
“Can we rest for a minute? I don’t think I’ve ever had that intense of an orgasm before.” He breathlessly trailed off, eyes fluttering shut. Both you and Cove smiled, and you crawled over Derek to rest behind him. 
“Yeah, of course.” Cove stretched his long arms out, pulling himself closer to the both of you as he held you. 
“I love you, Derek! I love you, Cove!” Humming happily, you wrapped one leg around Derek’s waist, watching as Cove kissed his forehead. 
“I love the both of you so much...” Cove’s voice was soft and sweet, touching both of you fondly. When Derek didn’t reply, Cove scooted closer, giggling softly. “He’s asleep.” 
You smiled, squeezing him, “He’s so cute! Let’s keep him.” Cove laughed again, nodding and snuggling close. “I can’t wait for round two...” You nuzzled between Derek’s shoulder blades. 
The three of you relaxed, Cove falling asleep shortly thereafter. Once you were sure they were asleep, you sneaked away, grabbing a blanket and your phone. Tossing it over all of you, you pressed your back flush against Derek’s and unlocked your screen, waiting for your lovers to wake up to play some more. 
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strawsoldier · 8 months
Summer 2023 Anime-Round Up
A pretty mediocre season of anime tbh. But still some hidden gems to be found and appreciated. RIP to Zom 100 btw lmao. Anyway, here's the round up!
Anime of the Season: Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season
Best Opening: Ao no Sumika (Jujutsu Kaisen S2)
Best Ending: Akari: (Jujutsu Kaisen S2)
Drops: Tenpuru, Liar Liar
Plans to Watch at a later date: Bang Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! , Dark Gathering, Spy Classroom Season 2
Jobless Reincarnation: Season 2 - (6/10)
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They told me that this season was just Rudeus trying to cure his ED. Too bad I didn't believe them. Not a fan of the "Solve my heartbreak over one of harem girls dumping me by finding another one of my harem girls" narrative that went on for 5 episodes more than it needed too. Unsure if I'll come back for more of this. After 3 cours of this show, I think I can confidently say I just don't like Rudeus.
Horimiya: Piece - (8/10)
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Not every side-story worked for me, but most of them were pretty good. I just love how stupid and honest these kids are. Sometimes, the way anime glorifies high school life can be overbearing, but I can't help but wishing I enjoyed those days more whenever I watch this show. Gonna miss it.
Remi best girl.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc Part 2 - (7/10)
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Definitely felt the exhaustion I remembered when reading the manga. I'm not sure what's Kubo fascination with long strings of fights while the plot stands completely still. Didn't enjoy it during the Arrancar arc, not enjoying now. At least Squad 0 redeemed themselves (somewhat)
My Happy Marriage - (8/10)
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Still believe this show would be better if it didn't have all that supernatural stuff. Nevertheless, still enjoyable romance. Mio is a great lead and her development alongside Kiyoka was really good. We will be there for Season 2.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades - (6/10)
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Remember when "Magic High School" was the genre that was oversaturated? Me neither. This show was enjoyable but had some weird moments. Also for once, I'd like a magic show that doesn't obsesses over the reproductive system. Probably won't watch any foreseeable sequel. Still rooting for Nanao to get that kiss.
Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season - (9/10)
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Actual Peak Fiction. Igarashi and his team at Bones just know how to make this show as stylish and cool as possible. Also this arc is by far the best one we've gotten so far. Could feel the tension at every episode where crazy shit happened. Shame I can't read the manga to find out what happens next lol.
Undead Girl Murder Farce - (8/10)
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Now this is a show that had style in every corner of its being. Undead Murder Farce with just so fun to watch. The trio of Aya/Tsugaru/Shizuku is one of my favorites in recent times and the side characters we very memorable. I think the last arc when one for 1 or 2 episodes more than it needed too, but still enjoyable nonetheless
EDENS ZERO 2nd Season - (7/10)
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This season was a lot more darker than what I usually expect from Mashima. Wish the presentation wasn't so exact to Fairy Tail, but it has some high points that exceeds it's sister series. Probably will check out the manga if a third season isn't announced sometime in the future.
Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn - (8/10)
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An anime series by the team that did all those FGO commercials is any fate fans dream. Cannot wait for the full show of this. I hope Aniplex gives them enough time to animated this (they probably won't)
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imjustabeanie · 4 months
Hello, hello! I hope you’re doing well and are having a nice end to your week. If your matchups are open, may I request a matchup for JJK, Black Butler, and Hazbin Hotel?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac/MBTI/Enneagram/Hogwarts house (bc why not?): Leo, INFJ, 1w9, Ravenclaw
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. If I wear makeup, I like keeping it subtle. I often just apply eye makeup and stick to shades of purple, gold, and orange.
Aesthetic: I mostly wear black and white, but I have some lilac in my wardrobe. In summer I typically wear long, flowy dresses with a jean jacket and combat boots, and when it’s colder I prefer slacks, sweaters, and combat boots.
Personality: Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I love discussing topics that revolve around enigmas. It’s not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. Since I’m reserved, I take a long time to open up to others. I’m gentle but can be (unintentionally) intimidating. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine – living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for. I'm easily flustered, clumsy, athletic, and conscientious. My humor is witty and sarcastic. Every now and then, I like listening to the branches being rustled by the wind and being able to gaze up at the moon and stars shining brightly, which remind me that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I am happiest when seeking out information/reason. I’m really kinda superstitious…
Likes and Dislikes: I like practicing the languages I know, demonology, biology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock, and exploring my surroundings. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. Although I used to play the piano and was extremely talented, I still admire it and may want to get back into it in the future. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments. 
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, watching horror movies, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine. Coco is 10/10 for a good cry.
Pets: I don’t have any pets, but I’m a massive cat person. I love all animals, although I just feel like cats and I get each other.
Love languages: words of affirmation and acts of service. I love cuddling and hugging but sometimes need my space. Same with spending time together, I love it but I need time to recharge, too. I don’t really like gifts just because I feel like I owe them. That being said, I will still appreciate and adore anything they give me. It’s sweet to know that they were thinking of me.
Hi! I apologise but I only do matchups exchange ^^
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narutocharacterpolls · 9 months
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Reasons for submission under the cut
kind as can be; willing to jump to action to help his fellow comrades even after going through a life-threatening, major surgery
practical and fashion-forward with his bright green onesie. Function over form, and is prepared at all times by carrying around a spare onesie he will give without question to anyone - even complete strangers
has a surprising edge to him at the beginning of the series; he was ready to severely maim anybody that he saw as a genius
more dedicated than anyone. Was forced to face his own mortality and make a life-or-death decision in the name of his dream, after a literal crushing defeat, and he chose to fight for it. Inspiring
embodies the ideals of original series Naruto. True underdog, had nothing going for him, came from nothing with no legacy or powers, was so disadvantaged that he physically could not meet the bare minimum abilities of his peers. But he worked harder than everyone else and proved that he can be a great shinobi despite all the adversity he faced
Sasuke had to copy Lee’s moves with his Sharingan to succeed during Chuunin exams
cute as a button. Come on.
his fans are dedicated and make amazing work, fanart and fanfic
Kishimoto said he was his favorite character to draw. Boom. Favoritism. Love to see it.
pairs well with everyone. Platonic or romantic, Lee has a great dynamic with other characters
his summer outfit from Guardian of the Crescent Moon Kingdom was the best outfit in the movie
gave us Metal Lee! Blessed us with Metal Lee, really
was the character to beat in the early series if you wanted to show how strong you actually are
Gaara vs Rock Lee was one of the most iconic fights in the series, and everyone remembers where they were when they first saw Lee drop his weights. He owned that fight so hard that people forget he lost.
was wronged by the series. He deserves to win as justice.
got [submitter] personally through the worst times; his ability to persevere face of adversity convinced me I could do it too. He wasn’t special and neither was [submitter], but we didn’t need to be. We can make ourselves great. If no one else got me, Rock Lee’s got me
he’s one of the first non-jutsu using ninja so make such a big impact
was the first person to actually harm Gaara
played a huge part in Gaara becoming a better person
he’s one of the only people that can catch up to Sasuke and easily rivals Naruto in Taijutsu
his kind, determined and cheerful attitude is a joy to watch
Rock Lee removing his weights is easily one of the most iconic moments in the entire anime
has helped several submitters feel better by simply thinking about how he wouldn’t want them to think like that
objectively would’ve made a better protagonist based on the themes alone
wrecked Sasukes shit, I like Sasuke but that was really funny
he looks like a frog. Who doesn’t like frogs
inspired Sasuke
fights are always entertaining, they’re very well choreographed
he forgave Gaara for nearly killing him and nearly ending his dreams; he was never even mad at him
Rock Lee vs Sasuke was iconic
his heart is so full of love
never did anything wrong
had a squirrel befriend him
hard worker
good friend
rises to any challenge
when he does diss people they are the most brutal yet entertaining disses you ever hear
positive, weirdo, energetic, enthusiastic, joyful, chivalrous, motivated, dedicated, sweet
Lee and Neji had something homosexual going on
YOUTH !!!!
very tragic character
has so many layers
has a great arc (if you ignore the. yknow)
the eye imagery is very good
the inherent queerness of rebellion
carried the Hyuuga clan
awesome hair
disrecpected by the narrative
could've easily been a revolutionanist if the mangaka wasn't a coward
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"why do they let characters die to a 2% crit in the tutorial maps?" [A'lear part 2]
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So it turns out the dragon is Queen Lumera, ruler of Lythos and A'lear's mother. Lumera is overjoyed to see her daughter awake again after her thousand year slumber, and despite the latter's missing memories, it's a happy reunion.
A'lear takes a moment to admire a pigeon (wow, a pigeon!) and grab some acorns from the ground. It's possible this is just instinctive dragon hoarding behaviour. It's very adorable.
Queen Lumera turns back into a giant dragon and offers them all a ride on her back. They head to her castle.
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Exposition time: there are five nations in Elyos. The four human nations, arranged in a ring, are Flowers, Mountains, Snow, and Desert. (Or spring, autumn, winter, and summer, if you prefer. The world map animates falling leaves over the mountain biome.) In the centre of the map lies, Lythos, home of the Divine Dragons — well, the Divine Dragon, singular, last of her kind right up until A'lear woke up this morning.
(oh and there was also a huuuuge landmass where the Fell Dragon ruled, but that's sealed beneath the waves, never to be seen again, never ever.)
A thousand years ago, the Fell Dragon Sombron appeared out of nowhere and fought the Divine Dragons for control of the Twelve Emblems. Once every thousand years, the Twelve Emblems can combine their power to do Plot Device Magic. Last time, they were used to seal the Fell Dragon Sombron away.
Isn't this just the plot of Shadow Dragon and The Sacred Stones?, wonders A'lear.
No, not at all, says Lumera. You see, the Emblems aren't just magic gems; they're magical glowy avatars based on Lords/protagonists from prior Fire Emblem games. It's kind of like cross-marketing — Sigurd fans will want to buy this game to see him, and others meeting him for the first time here will be hyped for the inevitable Genealogy of the Holy War remake.
Who's Sigurd?, asks A'lear.
We'll get to him soon, my child, says Lumera. He's really fun to use in this game, you're going to love him.
So... this is like Fire Emblem Heroes?, asks A'lear.
Well, not exactly like FEH—, says Lumera.
Oh, of course. It's like Fire Emblem Heroes but there's no gacha?
Good gracious!, it's time for training!, says Lumera.
Chapter 2
It's time for training! Lumera summons some Fabrications — glowy humanoid figures with empty eyes, who, she hastens to explain, are totally not like the Corrupted because they're blue instead of red. They're here for a mock battle.
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On my first attempt at this level, an archer scores a 2% critical hit on Clanne, instantly felling him. He bleeds out before a distraught A'lear, whimpering garbled nonsense, while Lumera stands nearby and kindly tells her daughter that she must learn to face her fears, even the fear of those under your care dying in your arms. The real enemy, after all, will not hold back.
Anyway, I reset the chapter.
The second time round, the archer does not crit, and merely sticks an arrow through Clanne's ribs, which his sister immediately heals with magic staff magic.
This map is designed to introduce two key mechanics for this game: Break and Chain Guard.
Break is this game's take on the classic Weapon Triangle, which now uses the same coloured icons as in FEH and looks great. Landing attacks with weapon advantage (sword < lance < axe < sword; daggers/bows/tomes < martial arts) will break the opponent's guard(*), letting your next attack on them go uncountered. It's great for seeing up your glass cannons — let your high-dodge swordmaster chip down the big Handaxe beserker, then your own zero-defense mage can fling a few fireballs safely.
Chain Guard is only available on certain classes: Martial Monk (generic healer), Martial Master (generic healer plus master seal), and Dancer (dancer). These "Qi Adept" units can go into a guard stance, blocking a single hit on behalf of an adjacent ally, and losing 20% HP in the process. Often this is not worth it, but sometimes having your healer go down to 15/25HP saves their 45HP allies from fatal damage.
In my opinion, the coolest thing about Qi Adepts are that these dedicated healer classes can occasionally pull their weight via damage prevention instead—explicitly with Chain Guard; implicitly when they're roundhouse kicking an enemy mage in the face—making them more flexible.
The second coolest thing is that enemy healers are now an active concern on player phase, often standing in the right position to prevent damage — or even a break! — against a boss.
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Framme and Clanne help take care of some Fabrications, leaving most of the EXP to A'lear, who handily reaches Level 3. Lumera takes the field, but is defeated with the power of teamwork.
So then she sets up a second drill, in which she pulls out all the stops.
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Meet Sigurd of Grannvale, from FE4: Genealogy of the Holy War. When equipped, Emblem Sigurd grants Mov+1 and Canter(**). When Engaged, Sigurd grants an additional Mov+5/6/7 depending on class. That means that if you're playing this level for the first time and you're not counting carefully, the UI will be telling you that Lumera's attack range ends waaaaay over there, and then Lumera will suddenly sprint eleven tiles — ⅔-way across the map — and take out most of Vander's HP with Ridersbane.
Luckily, this is my second run on the game, and I am counting carefully, so Framme is ready with a chain guard.
"Wow, what a powerful Emblem!" Vander says sycophantically, as Lumera's attempted 20 damage to him becomes a very underwhelming 6 damage to Framme.
Then Clanne sets the Queen on fire, Vander whacks her with an axe, and A'lear finishes the job.
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Lumera offers A'lear a ring. It's the gift she promised A'lear as a birthday present, one thousand years ago. A'lear refuses the gift for now: she doesn't remember anything from back then, so it feels like receiving a gift meant for someone else. Perhaps if Lumera waits until A'lear gets her memories back?
Okay, it's a promise.
Lumera is so proud of her daughter. She's so happy to be reunited. They're going to have so much time together now, and make so many happy memories.
And on that note, with her most important wisdom imparted, and promises made for the long future they'll have together, Queen Lumera gifts A'lear her own sword, and says she's so proud of her and she'll see her in the morning.
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She then monologues to herself about all the idyllic times she and A'lear have ahead of them. Then proceeds to leave Sigurd with mysterious instructions offscreen.
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Truly, all of Queen Lumera's affairs are in order. I guess she's going to bed, and will see A'lear in the morning?
Idk, something feels off here.
(* Was considering Photoshopping a FEH trailer image for the following wall of text, but can't be bothered. The new mechanics work approximately as follows.
When a unit initiates combat with weapon advantage and damages foe, foe cannot counterattack, and after combat, inflict [Break] on that Foe until their next action.
[Break]: "Unit can't counterattack. Remove [Break] at end of combat."
Chain Guard: When a foe initiates combat against an adjacent ally and would hit that ally, instead unit loses 20% HP and ally is not damaged by that attack. Activate only at full HP. Chain Guard ends when it's triggered, or when unit loses HP, or when unit is next active.)
(** Canter — move up to two spaces after acting — is almost universally a safe pick for skill inheritance, regardless of unit or class. However, it costs 10 levels worth of SP and occupies one of two skill slots, so it's not always the best choice, especially in the early game where SP is scarce. (Disclaimer: I'm not an expert. Feigning certainty makes for more succinct writing.))
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deltaengineering · 8 months
Summer Anime 2023: GoHands saves anime
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale S2
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I wasn't really all that impressed with S1 of Sugar Apple, but it was fun enough. There was a chance it would do away with its naive ruminations on chauvinism and slavery, after all. And yeah, it did that. But maybe I should have stated more clearly that that bland nonsense also needs to be replaced with something better, and that part certainly did not happen. The show fills the vacant space with two things: The kind of completely uninteresting worldbuilding and politics that were all over S1, weren't good there either, but were so insubstantial they weren't worth of note. Well, now they are. The other is that we get a ridiculously evil over the top villain that's amusing for one episode, but gets old really fast. Not to mention that everyone (outside of the designated villain, which is why you know he's bad) seems to love Anne now, especially Challe. So the spicy romance interplay is gone and Challe is now an edgy white knight that tips his fedora to m'lady. And the big finale is that Anne inspires a dozen pretty boys to invent Christmas, somehow. This one just is very poorly written and as of S2 has optimized out all things that distract from that. 4/10
Noble Farmer
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The appeal of Noble Farmer isn't what the show does, but what it is: Notable action shounen mangaka Hiromu Arakawa telling a few anecdotes about her growing up as a farmer on Hokkaido. Of course we've known that since Silver Spoon, but it's still enough of a novelty to just barely carry this short series. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. As usual, a short doesn't actually need to be all that good to be an easy watch, but I've seen better ones. 5/10
Instead Of Zom 100 You Get NieR:Automata Ver1.1a
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Why hello, we have a vacant 5/10 spot for mysterious reasons. Let's talk about a production disaster from the season before that just managed to end in this one. To be honest, I've already forgotten about Near A Tomato Service Pack 1 (Backer Beta) so I'll have to patch it up with my knowledge of the game, which is probably for the better anyway. Or is it? I am one of the few people that don't think that Nier Automata is the pinnacle of storytelling¹, so one reason to even give this a chance is to see if the story clicks better if it's told in a more straightforward way. But then it just seems that the opposite is true: Yes, it is indeed the main plot of Nier Automata, but the lack of nonlinearity and other assorted participatory/environmental storytelling just points out that there isn't all that much to that, especially towards the end when it's just about beating up the big monster, but in a sad way. The few things that it does change or add either don't amount to anything we didn't already know or have their payoff pushed onto the sequel. At least the music is still fantastic but it's just literally the game music, so that's nothing new either. This anime is probably for the fans, but even the fans will quickly realize that it's inferior to the real thing - though for them, inferior to the BEST. STORY. EVER!!!! is likely still plenty good enough. 5/10
¹ Before a million salty Yoko Taro fans jump down my throat, it's pretty good, okay? Just not as exceptional as you think. Thank you.
Yohane the Parhelion -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR-
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So why does this exist. I can only imagine that Numazu has a bit of surplus marketing budget now, so here we go, Aqours is back... In the form of an appealing, but pretty bog standard children's show. Sunshine already wasn't the most profound Love Live show, nor did it have the most multidimensional characters, but naturally this is a shallower version of that - with the curious exception of Mari, who somehow is a more well-rounded character here than she originally was (though what that means is left as an exercise to the reader). Yoshiko herself of course has a bit more going on, but she better have, given that this show is very definitely about her and her problems - and it's still not really enough. All of this of course is expected from a children's afternoon show where the big bad is a vague "calamity" that doesn't even get defined as much as being made out of people's negative emotions or something like that. No it's just uh, bad (and by bad I mean purple), and then gets defeated by friendship and good vibes and an Aquors single. This show should have really done more random nonsense like Chika and her sisters randomly having a Sentai team and Dia being Kamen Rider for tedious IRL reasons, but that quirkiness is so minor it feels more out of place than anything. I don't want to be too harsh on this because it's still fundamentally a good time, but there really just isn't much to it. But I guess that's just how it goes with entrenched franchises, right? 6/10
GoHands presents the GoHands Power Hour featuring The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses and The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today
Before I get to the details of these shows, there's quite a bit they have in common, and that is, obviously, being made by GoHands. I have a pretty complicated history with GoHands. Yes, I did watch the whole Handhakersverse mostly because it was unbelievably ugly, but on the other hand, there is something to be said about an unique, consistent aesthetic: GoHands is dreamcore. I don't think it's pretty, but I do think it's fascinating, which is why I wasn't amused when every Anime Opinion Haver immediately wrote these two off as being unwatchable and took cheap shots on Ecks Dot Com. So I'll watch them. I thought. That'll show em.
The punchline was obvious: Neither of these shows are crassly ugly in a meaningful way. They're a bit overdone, but honestly they're more reminiscent of some SHAFT productions. Really, outside a few meme gif shots in the first episodes, there's nothing special about the looks apart from an overreliance on postproduction gimmicks like particle and lighting effects and stifling color correction, and everyone loves those when KyoAni does them. So there goes the reason to watch them... Except then, in a truly GoHandsian further twist, they're actually good. I'm as puzzled as you are.
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Well, "good" is maybe a bit much. Glasses Girl is definitely watchable though, mostly just because Mie is remarkably cute. Of course, this being an entry in the "my classmate is wacky and I can't deal with it" genre, the same cannot be said of Komura, whose React-Man antics are most charitably described as "occasionally not annoying". The show gets a lot of credit for actually finding new ways to make the one joke that is in its title reasonably fresh, and it even manages to elicit some d'aww feelings towards the clumsy kid romance it develops into. I can't tell a lie, it's fine. 6/10
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This one honestly is pretty good though, even though the absurd wish fulfilment setup of "I'm a lonely dysfunctional office lady but my cat is actually a perfect homemaker" seems thoroughly sketchy. To be honest, Yukichi actually does act like a cat, so I can only assume this is indeed written by a lonely dysfunctional office lady. As far as surreal daily life comedies go, this one's a winner though. It's cute, it's funny, and all that. A rather simple comedy about a very obvious joke setup, but there's enough going on in the periphery to make it not boring - and then there's hooks like half the female cast having a crush on Saku, which if acted upon would instantly make this one of the dankest yuri shows of all time. One can only dream. 7/10
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
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It's always the same with these gacha franchise shows. Even when they're good, they're always bloated by too many characters, too many established plots, too much desire to make everyone equally likeable, and a strict adherence to the status quo. Over the years, many a time I have written "but what can you do". What can you do, indeed?
So here comes MyGO, where the plan apparently was "how about THIS time we just don't do any of that". Now, this part is interesting only for people like me who watched this show as part of the franchise. Nobody else would (or, honestly, should) care that this franchise show breaks the mould uncommonly hard — only whether it's good. Thankfully, MyGO is also just one of the best teen drama shows around, franchise or not. I guess it really helps if you make a show that a writer would actually want to write and not just a bunch of corporate mandates, but Ayana Yuniko takes it no the next level and does things that even "regular" shows in a similar lane don't attempt; for example, Tomori completely fixes the problems I had with Bocchi (of The Rock fame) by being treated appropriately seriously. Now, I don't want to oversell this show, you won't get the next Kids on the Slope here - it's still a small-scale anime about a bunch of drama kids that produces not one, but two marketable bands in the end. But within this framework, it really is about as good as it gets. Every character is complicated and has major personality flaws, which seems very risky but extremely worth when it pays off like here. In short, it's textbook character drama. It's a bit silly at times, but I'll accept that as yeah, teen girls in bands can be pretty goddamn silly. It also doesn't have an ending, but I'd question whether a low-key drama like this even can have a proper ending. They manage to make their disastrous teen band work for a bit, what more can you expect?
I guess I should mention the looks also, which are nothing particularly special when you know the fairly high level of CG animation Sanzigen have consistently been doing. Of course this serious show doesn't have much of the cartooniness, but makes up for it with select instances of really good direction — MyGO has a particular knack for uncomfortable wide angles.
In the end, MyGO is an uncommonly legitimate character drama with low stakes. It can dip into melodrama but not any worse than these shows always do. Ironically the most questionable aspect is that there will be a sequel based on the other band, Ave Mujica, which work extreme well as a joke about how they are everything MyGO is not. But that makes them an awful band full of awful people, and I'm not sure if I want to actually watch that. It's certainly a tall order, but then again, I didn't expect much from this show to begin with. For now it's an 8/10
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catspittle · 10 months
justmemethings muse info sheet, filled.
Name: Kay "Jonathan" Robert Crane
Alias: Harvestman [Joan Leland only as of yet], the Scarecrow [like everyone], Jonny, Kitty [Honghui, main canon]
Gender: Genderqueer trans man.
Age: 64 as of 2023!
Species: Human, much to his deep dismay.
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio [November 16th] / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: Double-jointed, previous metalworker, can sing, good at playing the èrhú, green thumb; owns a Thunder God Vine that's taken up most of the bathroom
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral if I had to pick something? It works the best.
Religion: Mahayana Buddhist
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, Cantonese
Family: His mother, Kai-Lun Park, several half-siblings courtesy of his mother, several dead children
Friends: it's complicated :)
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other [+aromantic polyam]
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other - depends on universe
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other [idk depends on how you define brown vs. olive? he's brown]
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: entire back down to tailbone pitted from broken glass being driven into it when it was thrown through a windshield, claw mark self harm scarring all over shoulders and collarbone, neck and vocal fold slashes, left hip partial replacement surgery, various self harm scars. No right breast [cancer], reduction scarring present on left, which is shoved to the side of his body from a pre-pubertal pneumothorax, oh yeah and his outer genitalia is partially melted because torture
Facial Features: lengthy, broken nose, narrow and leaf shaped eyes with the left pupil severely dilated, face and jaw are overall round, an underbite
Tattoos: a leaping koi fish in water stretching across the right side of his ribcage. The fish is black in color. Breaking Benjamin Celtic knot on left wrist at pulse point, in gold.
Dogs or Cats? Cats, but he's ambivalent overall.
Birds or Hamsters? Neither, small animals are a waste of time with too fragile respiratory systems.
Red or Blue? He literally can't see most shades of red.
Yellow or Green? Green, warm tones make him look burnt.
Black or White? Black. Gets dirty less.
Coffee or Tea? Neither, caffeine makes him sick.
Ice Cream or Cake? Neither, he's not a fan of sweets.
Fruits or Vegetables? Vegetables; nothing beats a good zucchini bread.
Sandwich or Soup? Ambivalent; either.
Magic or Melee? Melee, even though he knows he'll lose.
Sword or Bow? Neither, he fights with his fists.
Summer or Winter? Winter, it's cooler.
Spring or Autumn? He's indifferent yet again.
The Past or The Future? The past; the core tenet of his character is that he's wholly unable to move on from the things that have occurred to him.
tagged by: n/a tagging: whoever ig have fun
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