#a break from your regularly scheduled Serious Programming to bring you this
Yandere! Michelangelo x Reader (general)
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Honestly, I think it would be really hard to notice Mikey having yandere tendencies, if you did at all. The only two that would really pop out is his clinginess and maybe if you squint really hard, his jealousy. And even his jealousy is coated as a joke.
When he first met you, he would first try to become fast friends with you. All he knows at first is that he really enjoys being around you and if it’s not hurting anyone.. why deny it?
He would become different things for whatever you needed. Someone to have fun with and distract you? You got it! Want someone who can be serious and listen to you? 100% He’ll bend and flex to be whatever you want him to be. He just wants you to like him
Also, side note, I feel like he’s more serious and more of a thinker than anyone actually realizes. I personally think he’s more in touch with his emotions and is in his own head a lot more than even his brothers think. Maybe even suffering with depression. Being the youngest and constantly over looked and underestimated isn’t easy. I think he might use video games as a distraction and hides his emotions with a smile because people rely on him to be the one who up lifts others☝️. Sorry for the rant. I just think he deserved to be checked in on too. That’s a whole other post though, onto the regularly scheduled program.
I think when he figured out he liked you he would ask you out in a very comfortable fun way. You might even think it’s a joke but it’s just that he’s comfortable enough around you to bring up that topic and not be as shy about it. He knows you wouldn’t judge him or stop being friends if you weren’t interested. And yeah, he’d accept a no.
This is actually my first yandere that I think would not only not kidnap you, but wouldn’t do anything if you said no.
It would break him and he’d be depressed for a long time but he’s happy just being in your life at the same time, you know?
That is until you get a boyfriend. Then things start to change. He still doesn’t do anything to you but would act as a ward to others if they came around. They would just.. avoid you. One day you’re fine and the other, they scatter then they see you. You never get an explanation. You’re just heart broken. But Mikey’s there for you.
It gets to a point where it seems that you come up with the idea to be with Mikey. (Not that he had manipulated it that way at all)
He would be super clingy in the relationship. Any moment you had free, in his mind, is a moment you could be spending with him. And even if you aren’t free, if it’s not something really important.. it can always wait til tomorrow right?
And the jealousy, it would be played off as a joke but his brothers knew the underlying truth off it. They teased about it and sometimes would back off if Mikey came to them in private saying it was too much. Much like a cycle. They were still brothers and still very close.
As a boyfriend though he’d be very doting and compliment you all the time. He would also call you very cliche or overly sweet names like for example, sweet cheeks. That’s the first one that came to mind.
So all in all, he wouldn’t force you to do anything or limit any freedoms. But he would metaphorically back you into a corner where what he wanted to happen was the only option. In his mind, he wasn’t doing anything wrong as it wasn’t directly forcing you to do it. Just a … manipulation of outside forces. And he’d do it all over again if he had to.
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thr34t2sanity · 9 months
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Chapter One: Pompeii
Part Two: The Meeting
Hades froze. He did not expect to encounter someone so soon in his venture into the human realm. Yet, he found himself so engrossed in this mysterious woman that he completely forgot his original purpose for leaving the Underworld’s palace. The way her long, ginger hair flowed down her back in a soft, flower-infused braid reminded him of all the beauty that was absent from his world. It was then that he decided that he needed her- desperately.
And ‘fake it’ is what she did for nearly two whole weeks. Aurora’s life became a cycle of not enjoying the way her life was going, yet feeling too powerless to do anything about it.
Her day-to-day consisted of going to work, being Allen's lackey, and hating life. Then she would go home, avoid her ex like the plague, cry, drink herself to sleep, and wake up to hate life all over again. The weekend was a lot harder than the work days. Without the distraction of her busy office, she was left to think about how quickly it felt like things were getting away from her. She had it all just days ago. Now she was sitting in wine-stained pajamas, eating a mix of her own tears and ice cream out of a cup while watching some awful talk show that she, honestly, was not able to keep up with.
“We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you breaking news. Another woman has gone missing near the intersection of Cromer and Mobius in Seattle, Washington. The 26 year old woman, Momo Hirai, was last seen outside of club Inferno with an unknown man. At the time of her disappearance, Momo was seen wearing a black crop top with a hot pink skirt and black thigh-high boots.” The monotonous voice of the anchor woman relays. “The man she left with has yet to be identified but according to police sources, he could be tied to the disappearance of Kim Minjeon- known to friends and family as Winter- who had been reported missing last Tuesday. That is just one of the many missing person’s cases that have been filed this month. If you know anything, we encourage you to come forward with information.”
“Oh wow,” Aurora mumbles to herself, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. “Things are getting serious. I need to start checking in on Lilly more when she goes out.” As if she summoned her, Lilly’s face lit up Aurora’s phone screen and the chorus to “Obsession,” by Exo, filled the room.
“We have to go out this weekend! You and me! We need a girls night. There’s this hot new club I keep hearing about and Dawn is dying to take me. Also you desperately need to get out of the house, so you can’t say no,” Lilly said all in one breath.
Aurora raised an eyebrow, confused by the blonde’s sudden outburst the minute she answered the phone. “What happened to: ‘Hi, hello, how are you, how is your night?”
“Just say you will come out with me on Saturday,” Lilly said and Aurora swore she could hear the rolling of eyes through the phone. “You don’t need to eat out of another carton of ice cream.” Aurora subconsciously clutched her cup of ice cream closer to her chest. “Also, you have to meet Dawn.” Dawn is Lilly’s work crush that Aurora always heard about. They never really interacted because they work in different departments but they seemed nice enough.
“First of all, it’s a cup,” Aurora replied defensively. “Second, I’ll think about it.”
This made Lilly groan loudly through the speaker. “You have to come, I need a wing woman…I’ll buy all the Long Island Ice Teas that you want… And I’ll make sure to get us a ride,” she whines.
Aurora hesitates. When Lilly goes out, she goes hard. Aurora was not sure she could keep up after having been a homebody these past 4 years. She wasn’t that same wild 20 year old that she used to be. The wear and tear of nurturing a relationship had weathered her. Without the support of the man she once loved, Aurora was not even sure she would make it to the end of the year and it was currently October.
“C’mon, Dawn has been there a few times and they swear it’s a vibe,” Lilly said enthusiastically. “Saturday is a costume party and we have to go. I’m already working on getting us matching costumes. I’m thinking of going as sexy witches because we’re bad bitches.” Aurora didn’t even have to see her best friend to know that she was on the other side of this phone wiggling her eyebrows.
Aurora sighed out a laugh before pinching the bridge of her brows with her fingers. “Okay,” she begins and she could hear Lilly begin to squeak in success. “AHT! Not done. I’ll go on the condition that you get me a costume, buy my drinks, get us a ride, and promise not to get me to hook up with some stranger at a nightclub.” Lilly groaned, she should have known.
“Rory, you are extremely sexy. You need to use your assets to your advantage.” Aurora rolled her eyes.
“I think you use your assets more than enough for the both of us, ” Aurora said playfully. “I’ll keep my assets to myself, thank you very much.”
Lilly sighed dramatically. “You’re no fun, but whatever. Have it your way if you must. Just be ready by 9.” That’s kinda early for clubbing, Aurora thought.
“Oh, and I'll get your costume by tomorrow so you can do any last minute tailoring.”
“Tomor– tomorrow is Friday, Lills.” Aurora said in confusion. “That’s literally only one day–”
“Bye,” Lilly sings-songs on the other end of her phone before hanging up. This bit–.
Friday arrives quickly along with the costume Lilly bought Aurora. When Aurora takes the costume out of the black garment bag, she finds a black, velvet wicked witch of the west costume. The sweetheart neckline, long, flowing sleeves, open back, and lace trimmings were snugg around Aurora’s whole body. She was a bit on the thicker side but you can see every crevice that made up her curves. This costume was nothing but scandalous.
By Saturday night, Aurora fully understood why they needed to be out of the house by nine. The ride there was horrendous. They spent several minutes stuck in traffic and that was just getting on the freeway to head downtown. Once they reached the downtown area, it was absolute hell, but when you go out with a carouser, you’re always on time in their world.
Aurora followed behind Lilly- who gracefully floated her way to the queue of the club- huffing in annoyance as she struggled to keep up. The striped thigh-high knee socks that Aurora wore kept rolling down and exposing her skin to the cool Autumn air. Taking a brief pause to adjust the flimsy material once more, she bent over to give the hem of her sock a tug when she was overcome by the densely ominous feeling of being watched. The sensation stopped her in her tracks. She stood up and, for a moment, she was unable to focus on anything other than a vague vision of eyes burning a trail on the exposed s–kin of her upper thighs. She was so lost in the sensation that she nearly forgot where she was, but then, these ‘fucking ruby red maryjanes’ were killing the heels of her feet- snapping her right back into the present. She looks around for a moment, trying to find Lilly as she regains her sense of reality. And there Lilly was, waiting for Aurora to join her in the line, and waving Aurora over like a mad woman.
Aurora decided to ignore the feeling as she took in Lilly’s excited expression. She hadn’t been out clubbing in a while, maybe she just forgot what it felt like when so many people were occupying the same space. “Where’s your little work crush at?” Lilly flinched at the sound of Aurora’s voice.
“They said they were coming, Rory. We just have to give them a minute and they’ll get us in,” Lilly said, giving Aurora a pleading look. “If we don’t get in within the next 30 minutes, we can leave. I promise.”
“Within the next 15 minutes,” Aurora glared, annoyed by the blonde who had her shoulders slumped in defeat. “I am not standing out here for another 30 minutes. I want to go home.”
As if by a miracle, a burly man dressed in all black appeared in front of them. He looked at them then nodded his head while his fingers pressed against his ear piece. “Alright, you two come with me.” Lilly looks back at Aurora in surprise, but follows behind the man without much thought. The people that were left in the long line Aurora and Lilly stepped out of complained loudly as the two were escorted from the back of the line to the front entrance, making Aurora curious as to what was so good about this place.
Music blared through Aurora’s ears so loud that she swore her head was vibrating. She was slick with sweat as she danced with Lilly and a very drunk Dawn who had just arrived, but was all over Lilly. Aurora had no idea how long they had been dancing for, but she was already several songs in and it felt amazing.
Almost as if it was attempting to ruin her night, Aurora’s striped socks began sliding down to her knee, forcing her to bend over just as the bass of the song drops. As soon as her hands grasped the tops of her socks she was weighed down by the same ominous feeling that gave her pause outside the club. This time, the feeling was so strong that it pulled her out of the cloudy haze of euphoria that the people around her were engulfed in. The tap of a hand on her shoulder causes her to spin around and meet the intoxicated eyes of her best friend.
“I’m going to go get a drink,” Aurora yelled to Lilly over the thump of the Jersey mix she had never heard before. “I’ll be right back!” She needed to drown out her anxiety. Unfortunately for Aurora, the bartender was behind on orders. He was running around pouring, shaking, mixing and serving to the best of his ability, but there was truly no way he could catch up to the overwhelming crowd of people surrounding the bar. Dejected, she realized that she was going to have to wait a little while if she wanted that Long Island Ice Tea- and she did.
Three club remixes had played while everyone else had gotten more drunk when suddenly a stool opened up at the bar. Aurora jumped at the chance to give her feet a break. She sighs in relief as her weight shifts off of her heels and onto the chair, but that relief is short lived. The moment she relaxed in the chair she felt a cold shiver run down her spine which was fully exposed in her backless, tiny, black costume. Instantly, Aurora’s gaze swept the foggy scenery of the dark club in search of the eyes she knew were watching her– they were in the room with her. She searched and searched the hot, sweaty bodies grinding all around her until she heard–
“What can I get for you?”
Aurora is forced to turn her attention to the bartender.
“Oh! A Long Island Iced Tea please,” she says, still slightly distracted.
While she waits for her drink to be made, Aurora finds herself interested in the TV hanging above the bar. She let her eyes wander to a large sign illuminating the word ‘Inferno’ in neon blue. That’s when she noticed that there was a second floor lounge area with a view of the entire club. Her thoughts were cut off as her eyes landed on a man behind the glass.
He sat with his legs spread, a glass full of dark liquor pressed against his lips, as he eyed Aurora from the elevated VIP section. He was incredibly intimidating: dark hair, dark eyes, dark suit- dark aura, and yet, Aurora found herself absolutely entranced by him. Who is he?
Aurora found herself feeling compelled to stand up. She needed to talk to him. Or if not, to see him up close. She made her way over to the stairs that lead to the VIP section, and away from the overbearing music of the dance floor. Their eyes remained locked her entire way up. The closer she got to him, the louder the alarm bells rang in her head but she couldn’t stop her feet from moving to where he was. Before she knew it, she had passed the velvet ropes. It was too late to turn back now. She took a few more steps forward to find herself directly in front of him.
He lifted the corner of his lips to offer a smirk. The motion revealed a small dimple, but she was only focused on his pouty, pink lips. Those same lips parted to reveal his deep, alluring voice,
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bestmechanic10 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmechanic9 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmechanic8 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmeanic7 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmechanic6 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmechanic5 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmechanic4 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
bestmechanic3 · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
topautomechanic · 2 years
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
Why Your Car Needs Tune-Ups
Why Your Car Requires Tune-Ups
5280 Mobile Mechanic
You’ve heard about routine car tune-ups, but how often do you actually get them? This week, I’m going to tell you why you NEED to get them done regularly.
If your engine is old, you may not realize it until you need an oil change. The symptoms of engine problems don't always show up right away, and it may be too late before the problem becomes noticeable. With routine car tune-ups, you can catch the warning signs when they occur, so you can avoid serious engine damage.
Schedule a car tune-up now.
Avoid Expensive Repairs
Do you have a routine check-up schedule for your car? Are you making sure your spark plugs, tires, and belts are in good condition? If not, maybe it's time for a routine tune-up.
Are you like most drivers, and you think your car just needs a thorough wash? Do you skip the brake job? Do you wonder if you can get away without getting your tires rotated? Well, you’re missing out. Routine maintenance can go a long way toward helping you save money and time in the long run.
Here are four benefits of routine car maintenance:
It can help identify small problems before they turn into big problems.
It’s a lot easier to detect these problems than a major repair.
Small repairs often cost less than major repairs.
They can prevent major problems from occurring.
They can actually save you money.
You'll Be Safer 
When was the last time you had a tire inspection? Do you need to bring your vehicle into our shop? We can help. Our service department will check all the major moving parts of your car and will tell you if there’s anything we need to know about before you leave. Don’t waste time waiting for a visit from an auto mechanic! Our tire inspections are affordable and convenient. Schedule yours today.
No Break Downs
There are many reasons your car could break down on the side of the road. The best way to prevent a disaster is to have a skilled, ASE-certified technician inspect all of your vehicle’s parts and systems on a regular basis. We’ll check your air filter, battery, transmission fluid level, and the condition of all belts, pumps, and hoses and recommend a repair if anything catches our attention.
Many people think their vehicle’s engine is just fine, but the reality is, your engine could be making a lot of noise that goes unnoticed by most drivers. It could also be sending a message to your mechanic that something is wrong with your engine. Don’t wait until your engine breaks down on the side of the road. 
Get More Milage From Your Car
Your car is more than just a vehicle you use to get to work, school, or to take your kids to the beach – it’s an investment. You can protect yourself from the financial turmoil of having to replace your engine or buy a new car by getting routine tune-ups. Plus, regular maintenance improves your fuel economy, which will save you even more money at the gas pump. But let’s face it, when it comes to cars, you don’t always pay attention to the small details. 
It can cost up to $1,000 or more for an oil change. But regular maintenance is a smart way to keep your car running efficiently and save you money. 
Let’s face it. Your car isn’t going to last forever
You’ve taken the time to drive safely, keep it well-maintained, and take it to the mechanic every few months. But there are times when it just stops running right, and you’re left stranded without a way to get home or even to work.
Your local mechanic can provide a full-service maintenance program. This ensures that your car will run like a champ. Your local mechanic can also do simple, routine things like changing the oil, rotating the tires, flushing the fluids, and checking the battery. So, if you want to make sure your car keeps running, check out what we can do for you.
When you're in Hamilton check out the local mechanic who comes to you.
0 notes
beliefreason65 · 2 years
Touring Throughout The World, Tips For Beginners
Travelling to a different location could be a lot of fun, but it could also be very dangerous! There are plenty of items that may go incorrect, and you have to place them all under consideration when preparation your vacation. Continue reading for many advice on touring securely. Handling large airports is surely an unfortunate need for very much modern traveling. Package a vacant h2o package to fill up once you survive through safety. This can save you from having to invest in a $3.00 container water once you get through the checkpoint. It also never ever is painful to pack granola bars, banana french fries, or another type to nibble on involving routes. Make sure that you complete any prescriptions that you just acquire regularly before you leave village on a trip. Not having enough treatment while going to a new spot might be both stress filled and dear as you must hunt down a drugstore that could load your doctor prescribed for you personally. If you intend to decide on a night time flight or simply an incredibly extended trip on the whole, it could be advisable to deliver some kind of getting to sleep assist. It's very difficult to sleep on planes anyhow, but if you are taking a slumbering help before takeoff, it is possible to come to your location refreshing and ready to carry out the globe! For several the path vacation is the only way to journey. If you're going to be taking a streets trip try this basic issues in advance therefore you don't wind up stuck midway country wide. Number one, be sure to have an essential oil transform! Second, have your auto mechanic give your vehicle a as soon as around before you decide to depart. The last thing you want during no where by are easily avoidable technical disappointments. For someone who has never ever applied a leisure car or Recreational vehicle for traveling prior to it being a fascinating alter of pace. By having an Motorhome one particular has lots of much more choices on in which they want to stay at or visit. It is usually a relaxing vacation that you can acquire at their very own tempo. Review your health care insurance plan to determine what the policy is when you vacation outdoors your own personal land. Odds are higher that eventually, you may vacation previous your very own edges. There exists each possibility that you will need health care while you are apart. Does your insurance policy protect the cost of any medical care you may need? You should know the response to that issue prior to at any time established foot all over the boundary. It will be a smart idea to load a tiny handbag of goldfish or bring just a little stuffed toy from the fastfood diner on a air travel along. Even if you don't have young children, there may be some needy mom or dad that can be so grateful to you to your gift idea. When you consider your furry friend on your way you will need to think upfront about how precisely you will handle them. One of the most basic needs is physical exercise. Most anyone will take together a steer but using alongside a risk out series and pully can be a consideration also. Be sure that you will not be going on trip in the course of a time of renovation. travel Nothing is more irritating than to be woken early each morning by construction equipment, particularly when you are on a break. Stay away from any reconstruction schedules. Before leaving on any lengthy holiday, search for serious amounts of go into condition. Generally whilst sightseeing, you will end up carrying out a lot of walking. If you don't get prepared for this, you may find yourself aching and unhappy. Also, becoming much more fit may give you additional daring for a nude seashore or any other new practical experience. Be involved in commitment courses if you are a regular vacationer. You possibly will not foresee having the ability to cash in, nevertheless these programs frequently build-up faster than you realize. Companies are combating a lot of competition and would like to maintain your organization. In the event you generally opt for the very same organization, find out what type of rewards they already have in place for your commitment.
Tumblr media
If you wish to make chat with the locals, become familiar with a very little magic strategy. Magic can be something that is certainly nearly widely comprehended. In the event you execute a very small technique for someone, you are going to open the door to having a real dialogue with all the individual. Straightforward techniques are really easy to learn, so appear one particular up! As you can tell, there are a variety of stuff to take into account to stay safe when traveling, whether you're planning a vacation or are actually in the vacation spot. Make sure you keep this short article like a listing so you can be sure not to overlook anything at all you must continue to be risk-free.
0 notes
shanastoryteller · 7 years
i know you're probably getting a lot of requests, but do you think you would be able to write about the weirdest greek myth ever, the birth of the Minotaur?
There are times whenHermes’s role as the messenger god weighs on him. Declaration of war have lefthis lips, the words he’s carried have ended whole countries and damned villagesto a slow painful death. The secrets he carries tears at him, the horrors he’shad to face only so he could later tell of them, the warnings he repeats thatare ignored and all he’s witnessed is for nothing, since it happens all overagain in front of him.
There are times the newshe brings that tears at him, eats at his soul like necrosis – the death ofKore, Poseidon destroying another seaside village, every whisper of Pandora, informingAres of yet another war.
This –
– isn’t one of thosetimes.
Aphrodite’s lovely faceis slack with surprise. At her side Hephaestus rubs his chin and says, “Thatseems physically improbable.”
“How did she manage tonot die?” Aphrodite demands, thensays, “Wait, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.”
Hermes grins, and doesn’tbother to hide the complete delight he’s taking in this, “But my lady, it is my sacred duty to tell you these things. When Queen Pasiphae ensnaredDaedalus’s help to bemounted by the bull–”
She gives him a crosslook and is gone in a powerful gust of wind, and he has to grab onto thevolcano wall to keep from falling over.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Hephaestussays, off hand. It’s clear he’s still thinking of the mechanics of a human-bullhybrid.
“I’ve been accused ofbeing many things,” Hermes says cheerfully, “nice is not among them.”
Artemis lounges in hertent with one of her huntress’s face between her thighs, inexperienced buteager, and she so does love taking onnew women.
“Sister!” Apollo shouts,appearing at her side and glaring down at her. “Have you lost your mind?”
Her huntress startles andfreezes, unsure whether to leave or continue. Artemis rolls her hips up, andthe girl ignores the appearance of the sun god and continues with her task.
“Not that I know of,” shesays, tilting her head up so she can look at her brother without altering herposition, “Why do you ask?”
“Poseidon cursed a mortalqueen to fall in love with a bull, and she gave birth to a bull headed monstertoday,” he crosses his arms and glares.
She swallows the laughthat bubbles up, but she must not be entirely successful because he startstapping his foot. “Well, isn’t that interesting. I’m not sure what it has to dowith me.”
“Sister dear, Artemis,patron goddess of childbirth,” he says with syrup thick sweetness, “why onearth did you bless that child? There’s no way it could have been born withoutyour help. It had to have been you.”
Her huntress pauses again,and Artemis will answer her questions later.She squeezes her thighs about her ears, and the girl resumes. “Oh come on, don’tgive me that look. This is hysterical. People are going to be talking aboutthis for years.”
He considers this for along moment, then uncrosses his arms, “Okay, you have a point.”
“I know. Now if you don’tmind, I’m a little busy,” she gestures to the huntress between her legs.
Apollo snorts, “Get a fewmore girls in here, and maybe I’ll consider that busy.”
He slips away, butArtemis’s eyes narrow. That sounds like a challenge.
The girl replaces hermouth with a hand and asks, “Should I gather the other huntresses, ladygoddess?”
“I like you,” Artemissays, and the girl laughs, cheeks flushed and lips shiny.
Hermes appears in themiddle of the garden of Hades’s palace, and blinks twice.
The queen of theunderworld is half naked and on top of Amphitrite, and several things fall inplace at once. “Is this why you don’t get upset with Hades for his affair withHecate?”
“There is no affair withHecate, you’re just an indiscriminate gossip,” Persephone retorts. “And if theywere having an affair, I wouldn’t have a problem with it, and it wouldn’t haveanything to do with Amphitrite.”
“Oh,” he says. He feelsrather derailed from his original point. “I came here to–”
“If this is about theminotaur, we already heard about it,” she says, “You can go now.”
They’ve already heard about it! “From who?!”This is the best news in centuries, and this person is ruining it.
“Aphrodite,” Amphitritesays, “She’s cross with you.”
Oh, this is war.
Ares feels a shiver godown his spine, and looks across the battle field. People are dying around him,but people are always dying around him. He doesn’t see anything particularly horrendous,so he doesn’t know who could have invoked him so powerfully that he felt it.
A young woman who hadshared the last piece of sweet bread with him last night gets a spear shovedstraight through her chest, and Ares decides he has more important things toworry about.
Athena is halfway througha tapestry that is to hang in Hestia’s rooms when Aphrodite appears next to herand says cheerfully, “Guess what Poseidon did?”
Normally Athena wouldfling anyone who dare to disturb her to the depths of Tartarus, but she’salways willing to talk of Poseidon’s misdeeds. “I’m listening.”
Hermes appears on herother side, glaring. “You trollop.”
“He made a queen fall inlove with a bull, and she just had the kid. It’s got a bull head.” Her sister’ssmile is positively vicious.
“I’ll make you suffer,”Hermes hisses, and slips away. Aphrodite follows, the sounds of her laughterechoing in the room.
Athena blinks, lookingback to her loom, but is unable to concentrate.
Even she hadn’t seen thatone coming.
Hera doesn’t getinvolved, she does not have opinions, as a rule if it doesn’t concern her then it doesn’t concern her.
She waits for her husbandto leave, and tries not to worry about his mutterings about bulls, thequeen-mother Europa, and how Pasiphae had the right idea of it. She steps intothe throne room, and the fire burns cheerful and bright in the center of it.
She sits beside it, and nosooner has she done so than Hestia appears at her side. “You’ve heard then?”
“Hermes told me,” she rubsat her temples.
“Aphrodite got to mefirst,” Hestia says, and the goddess of the hearth seems entirely too cheerful,“I can say, of all the misdeeds Poseidon has wrought, this one is certainly …unique.”
She slumps and buries herface in her hands, “This whole family is mad, and we’re doomed to only becomeworse.”
Hestia laughs and puts anarm around her shoulder, “Come now, I think Hades is quite reasonable.”
Hera shifts enough onlyso that she can glare, “Hades chose to rule the dead and married Kore. He’sthe maddest of us all.”
Hestia can’t refute that,so she starts finger combing Hera’s long, curly hair. Hera slumps back into herhands, and Hestia’s smile is soft as they sit there in silence, the only noisethat of the crackling fire.
When Hephaestus returnsto the volcano, it’s to his wife sitting in his throne with her arms crossed. “Whatdid you do?” she asks.
“I just gave him a littlesuggestion, is all,” he says, and scoops Aphrodite into his arms so that he mayreclaim his throne. She snuggles into his side, and if she’s trying to convincehim that she’s mad at him, she’s doing a terrible job of it. “Daedalus hasalways been a very devout follower; he deserves a few good ideas.”
“He’s had enough ideas,”she says, because without his help the queen wouldn’t have found a way to consummateher love of the bull, “I don’t think he needs anymore.”
“Maybe,” Hephaestusmurmurs, dragging his nose up her temple, “but imagine this – a labyrinth, bigger than any other, than thiswhole volcano.”
“That’s nice, dear,”Aphrodite says, and then proves to be distracting enough that Hephaestus putshis ideas aside.
At least for a littlewhile.
gods and monsters series, part xii
read more from the gods and monsters series here
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sueboohscorner · 3 years
#Bull - Season 5 - Full Season Review and Breakdown
Bull - Season 5 - Review/Recap and Breakdown.
*********** Spoilers Ahead, Read This Review At Your Risk ***********
Hello and Welcome Back Bull Fans and Long-time readers of my content. I hope you are safe and well wherever you are in the world. I am so sorry again for being absent for most of The Bull coverage for 2021. that I suffer from serious mental health issues that i have only have started seeking help for again. Also i had a lack of motivation towards Bull. . Because I felt I was not connecting to the material that the show was producing. so i stopped watching it all together. Nevertheless, I re- watched the whole season of Bull recently and I thought that I would give my recent thoughts and opinions on the show and I will be ready for what i believe to be the last season of the show. Season 6, when that comes back in 47 days time. . And I have come back better and hopefully stronger than ever. When I last posted to this website and social media, it gave me some critical feedback about my work. In every review I post to my website or on this platform. I make note to my viewers of my content that it’s okay to give constructive feedback. Because I enjoy getting that type of feedback. Because it gives me the opportunity to improve and explore my mistakes that I have made.
If you want to let me know it is not to a standard or have made a mistake, let me know in the comment section below. As constructive feedback, no negative comments. Thank you to the people who are supportive of my work. As I continue to improve my writing & editing skills.
Please be consider it before you post that negative comments about it. Create Constructive Feedback Not Negative Nonsense that can create a dumpster fire. 
Now before i move on to the regularly scheduled program of My Season 5 Review of Bull. I have attached a button were you can click to see my statement of honesty of where i dive further about the situation of my work and my lack of Bull coverage on this website. If you are interested to find out more click that button below.
The Character Development of Season 5 for Bull
Dr. Jason Bull (Bull)
During Season 5 of the show, we get to see more of the softer side of Bull and what he would do for his clients and his family. Which, over I think, was great to see MW play aside to the role that we have seen since his last days on NCIS. Which allowed for the moments that are small but remembered for the character. At the moment, I am currently satisfied with how Bull is developing, but I feel like there is something missing at the moment. I don’t know. Let me know what you think. 
S5 of the show was the Best for Freddy. As it gave Benny more overall development. But it was a bitter note, as FR is leaving the show for good. As I could see more of this character in the terms of the personal and professional relationships and the overall development of Benny, breaking away from TAC and creating his own identity. I also kind of had this notion that FR was leaving the show or fashion. Because of how the character was being written and also some media interviews that some of the cast members did in preview for S5 of the show. I just hope that the Bull writer’s room give Benny a storyline that would suit the character from leaving the show. And I wish FR all my best for what to his next projects are going to be in the future. 
Isabella (Izzy) Colon (Bull). 
Issy has been a breath of fresh air in the show for S5 because it gave Bull and the TAC team more of a family-style feeling of what the actors and the writers are trying to create on-screen. This Season to me feels like a re-introduction of Issy, as we have seen this character, as a high-powered businesswoman to a mother and a partner to Bull. So I hope that in season 6, we get to see more of the softer side of her and get to see more of her as a new woman to work with or exploring a new aspect of her character. 
S5 for Chunk was to establish the character more in the show's canon, As FR is leaving the show, I believe that the writers of the show we’re working towards making Chunk the principal attorney at TAC or creating aversion that could step into that role overall. But from what the writers are creating, I believe we may see a new character come into the Business. I just hope that we get to see more of Chuck in the courtroom with Bull as a lawyer. 
S5 for Marissa, to me, was a mixed bag for me, as we got to see some closure on her former marriage and what other problems that are she faced in terms of her personal life. But in her professional life that we can see that is she on the top of her game. I just hope that we get to see more of Marissa and her high-school crush on a coffee date. Because I think they would be the second-best couple on the show, after Bull and Issy.   
Taylor’s Season 5 for Me was lukewarm in terms of character development because we only see glimpses of her personal life and but there was not much else that I would consider being developed. It is sad to they underrated this character in terms of character development. I feel like she has become the Chuck of earlier seasons of the show.
S5 for Danny, we finally got to see more of her in action in the professional work at TAC and in her personal life as we got to see more of her background come to life in the storyline about her dad. But I think I need to see more in terms of the background of this character because I believe she is one of the most even I would go as far as to say that is she is one of the most under-used characters on the show. I just hope that S6 gives her the best send-off or storylines for her actor. 
As we move through the character development of this show’s 5th season, the audience gets to see where the characters that we have fallen for in terms of the relationships that they have or the people that play those characters. I just hope all the behind-the-scenes drama and in media can handle it in a way that still creates the show that we know and has loved since 2016. So with that, let’s move on to my next major section of this review, it’s that romance and relationship side to the show that the audience tunes in for.
The Relationship Development of Season 5 of Bull
Through the show’s run over the last 5 to 6 years, we have seen some great and solid relationships and we have seen some of not the best and in this section we are going to be having a look at those relationships in more detail and what I would like to see happen in the future season that is coming for this cast of relationships 
Dr. Jason Bull and Isabella Colon (Bull). 
Well, well, here we are again with my favorite couple again on this show. During S5 of the show, we got to see more personal side to this relationship that we have not seen in the past, as they got and were divorced. But we get to see a proposal and a wedding during the show’s 5th season. So I hope we get to see more of these moments of the couple and the little family moments. Because they have become the heart of the show, that MW was promoting in a TV insider interview for the preview of S5 of the show. 
Bull and Benny, 
Throughout Season 5 of the show, we get to see more of Benny breaking out from Bull’s Shadow and creating a new identity and name for himself by running for a job that he has been wanting to do for several years and their personal relationship has plated out with the crappy season 4 and Baby Bull. Now Bull is focusing more on the family side of his life. As much as I have been a fan of this friendship on - screen, I think there was more to be explored of how the two met and what lead to the downfall of the relationship.
As FR is leaving the show, we will not see more of that great friendship that they had, because of how the writers of the show, creating more of a separation between the two. But overall I have enjoyed this relationship and I look forward to seeing what they can do in S6 with the actor ultimately leaving the show. 
Bull and Chunk 
As word has gotten the news about FR’s departure from the show early this month. So the development of this relationship has been critical role in the relationship side to the TAC team to be handled in a good way for the show. Now this friendship/mentorship develops further into Season 6 of the show. 
Bull and the TAC Team 
Throughout the 5th season of the show, I believe that there was a change in the dynamics of the team. This leads to I believe the most significant development of some characters since season 3. with the likes of Taylor and Danny. I hope in S6 of the show that they continue these dynamics and create more relationships within. Because I think we can bring a new character into the fold of the show. Which would allow for a new way of thinking on the show’s principles cast, maybe. 
Overall, the relationship development of Season 5 has been significant from the heart of the show, Bull and Isabella, and the relationship bombshells for Benny and Bull. Plus, the closure of some relationships that we have seen in the past comes to an untimely end. But I think that the Bull’s writers’ room of the show, continues to develop these relationships on the show.
I believe we are going to see more of a different type of show that we have not seen in a long time; I believe. On to the next and final section of this review. It is my overall thoughts on the season and what were my best, worst, and most cringe moments of the show. 
My Final Thoughts and Opinions of Season 5 of Bull.
Season 5 of Bull, in my humble opinion, is one of the better seasons of the show in terms of relationship and character development. As well as the brief moments of drama and emotions that were thrown in there for a delightful mixture. But I think there was something missing from the show. Maybe it’s the chemistry of some actors or it was the external factors of the show that created a greater impact than needed. But
I also believe that we got to see one of the most internally developed seasons over the years, which I think that the show needed to bring back more of those small and little minor details. Overall was a very good solid addition to the canon of the overall story. And with that, I would like to talk about my moments of best and worst and mostly the very cringe parts of the show’s 5th season. 
Best Moments of Bull Season 5
The little family moments that Bull and Issy have throughout the show’s 5th season. 
Some performances that were developed and created by FR on the show were the best that we have seen in a long time from him. I just wish that we could have seen more of those in the future season to come 
The relationship development was a critical aspect of the survival of the show for me. As help to see more of a change in the show's dynamics and created more of a universe in the cast of characters on the show. 
I want to see more of Marisa’s high school crush and her relationship with Dave. Because I think it would well suit them for the show overall dynamics of the relationships that the writers are creating 
The performances of the Show’s minor characters I have enjoyed this season are the following 
Marisa in Season 5 Episode 4, going through her divorce episode and how that played out for her
Chunk in the courtroom in most of the episodes were some of the better performances that the actor have given over the years 
Danny’s storyline of the death of her dad and how that ties into her overall character development going forward. 
The Worst Moments for Me in the 5th Season of Bull 
The moments of Bull S5 were the worst on the show. That some episodes had a case - base written into the storyline. It doesn’t match the overall story of the show. As I feel like they could have been written differently. Plus, the jump cuts are back and give me flashbacks to when I was watching Law and Order SVU over the past couple of months. I think that sometimes in a context that they can be well written but sometimes they can be off-putting. 
The cringe moments of S5 
These moments for me were the whole of episode 1. I don’t know why it is a cringe moment for me. I know some of my readers will disagree with me and say it is one of the better episodes of the show. Overall, there have been better premiere episodes of the show. I think this episode gave the audience of the show a sign of what the characters and the relationships were going to think and what the writers want to achieve overall in the show. if I ever go back and watch S5 again from the start, that is one episode I will not miss in seeing. 
Overall, The 5th Season of Bull was critical and successfully added to the canon in the overall story of the show. There were some moments that were the best and some should have stayed in the writers’ room. I hope we continue to see this trend going forward in S6 and beyond. If the show has any more stories to tell. 
This end of my overall review of Season 5 of Bull, Let me know in the comments section below or on social media. Of what you would like to see the coming seasons of the show. And what were the moments of the show that stood out to you as bad or very good?
Overall Rating for Season 5 of Bull is 7/10
Until Next Time I Will See You Later The Woman Who Writes. 
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morfinwen · 3 years
5 - 10 for two ocs of your choice :)
Not that it won’t be immediately obvious, but i picked Elise and Julie Wilson.
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Elise has always been a fairly tidy person, but becoming an ER nurse has put that up to eleven. When she finishes eating something, any paper or plastic goes in the trash or recycling, and any plates or silverware get rinsed off and put in the dishwasher or at least next to the sink. Once she’s done with a book or movie, it goes back in its case (if it has one) and back on the shelf in whatever order she’s set it up in (occasionally alphabetical, but not always). Dirty clothes go in the hamper, clean clothes get folded and put in the dresser or hung up as soon as they’re out of the dryer. The bed is always made, with hospital corners. At least once a week, floors get swept and mopped, carpets get vacuumed, rugs get beaten outside, dust is wiped off, surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant, and windows get washed, more often if it gets used more often. 
She treats her workstation exactly the same, just with more disinfectant and plastic gloves.
Her personal hygiene is quick but thorough: on days she works, a quick shower, brushes her teeth twice a day and flosses once, and combs her hair. On her days off she puts a bit more time into it: a longer shower or perhaps a relaxing bath, and brushes her teeth after every meal and uses mouthwash.
Julie’s pretty tidy, even compared to her aunt. Trash gets thrown out quickly, dirty clothes go in the hamper, and if a thing has a place it’s supposed to be, she’s not going to be comfortable leaving it on a table or chair for very long. If she didn’t live with Elise, she wouldn’t clean until things got visibly dirty, but she wouldn’t leave them dirty for long, either. Her bed doesn’t get made as such, but she’ll pull the blanket up to the pillow, so that the sheet is all covered. 
She showers every other day, brushes her teeth regularly, washes her face every night, and takes good care of her hair and skin. She sometimes teases Elise about it, that of the two of them it’s not the nurse who has the “better” personal hygiene.
6. Eating habits and sample daily menu
Good eating habits are an important part of overall health, and provide energy to get through the day. Elise has alarms set on her phone to remind her about eating, and if she doesn’t have time to stop for a meal, she’ll eat an energy bar or some other substitute.
Breakfast is usually coffee, eggs (scrambled or sunny-side up) and toast, and fruit -- apple, banana, or orange. Occasionally vanilla yogurt with granola in place of the eggs and toast, if she’s in a rush. 
Lunch is almost always a sandwich -- ham or turkey and cheddar, mayo, pickles, and a leaf or two of lettuce -- and a cup of soup or a salad, depending on how cold it is. She goes for more variety in her soups and salads, even with types she doesn’t like but have nutrient-rich ingredients. Tea to drink if she can get it, or water if she can’t.
If she doesn’t work, dinner is something hot from her well-worn cookbook at home, with a glass of wine and a light salad. If she’s at work, she’ll bring something from home -- usually a serving of a casserole or other storable dish that she cooked in bulk. Juice, or maybe a sports drink if she thinks she needs the electrolytes.
Jack was a big believer in eating at the same times every day, and he kept to that schedule even after he got sick. Julie doesn’t value that schedule as much as her dad did, but she’s used to it.
Breakfast is cereal, or oatmeal (instant or microwaveable) with fruit and/or cinnamon in colder weather, with coffee. Sometimes she’ll have a banana.
She ate lunch at the university cafeteria when she was at school. Otherwise, it’s either reheated leftovers or a sandwich.
Since she has a light lunch, she’ll often have a snack in the mid-afternoon: carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter, chips, granola bar, it all depends on what’s available and what she feels like having.
Dinner is whatever Elise has made, whether she’s cooked it that evening or left some in the fridge. If for some reason there isn’t anything, or Julie just really doesn’t like whatever there is, she’ll make some mac’n cheese, chicken nuggets, instant rice, soup, or some combination. When she was a kid, her dad would let her have two cookies or a small bowl of ice cream after dinner if she’d been good that day, and so she’ll usually have something like that for dessert.
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Elise is not a fan of wasting time. Time is not meant to be wasted.
If she’s too tired to concentrate but not tired enough to go to bed, she might watch some light TV program she wouldn’t normally (a cooking or home renovation show, for example) to kill time. That’s not something she’s happy to have done, though.
Julie would never say wasting time is a good thing, but there are worse things in the world.
She can sink hours into watching Youtube videos on weird facts or events, or one of those channels that shares real-world spooky occurrences or unexplained scenarios. 
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Elise finds nothing wrong with indulging yourself, so long as it is either small or infrequent. In fact it’s healthy, to some extent: life is meant to be enjoyed. Obviously some indulgences are better than others, and some things should never be indulged, but broadly speaking it’s not something you should feel guilty about doing.
Her favorite indulgences are bringing a piece of pecan pie to work to have with her dinner, or a dark chocolate bar from a vending machine. Only once or twice a month.
In theory, Julie considers it acceptable. In practice, she doesn’t do it much. Maybe an expensive coffee before school on occasion, in the winter.
9. Makeup?
Elise put in a lot of effort into it when she was younger, but she puts on very little now. Usually she only wears it if she’s had a long day, because no one wants to walk into the ER and see a nurse who looks like she’s about to fall over (maybe it’s sexist, but Elise isn’t in the emergency room to fight sexism, she’s there to keep people alive and as comfortable as possible), but unless she’s going somewhere fancy she doesn’t bother with anything more than foundation. She knows a lot about it, though, so if you need any tips, she’ll be happy to help you out.
Unless she’s running too late to bother, Julie will wear some very lightly -- foundation, a bit of blush, maybe a little lipstick or lip gloss if she’s feeling fancy. On formal occasions, she’ll break out the mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. 
10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
I don’t think Elise has any. She would have a hard time recognizing if she did, unless they got really serious.
Since her dad’s death, Julie’s been somewhat depressed (probably not clinical, but i’m no expert), and struggling to move forward. She’s got some lingering anxiety and stress from her time in high school, with her dad being sick and pushing to finish early. She recognizes the depression, but not so much the anxiety and stress, since those have been around since adolescence and she’s gotten used to them.
Thanks for asking!
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