#a bit of adrinette
chikorra · 5 months
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"You're safe now, my darling" The knight rescued her precious princess from the evil Gabriel Agreste
=>>Reference that inspired this piece. :3 =>>Contact me through these socials if you like! <3
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buggachat · 2 years
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Part 135 of my bakery “enemies” au! 
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nionom-art · 2 years
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So I finally did the thing- it’s Chat Noir as a mew mew :)
Sooooo... here’s what I got so far. I thought it might be cool if Mew Noir was a the first mew mew created, but it went wrong cuz science. His powers are a difficult to control and overly destructive. Marinette and her gang are the second, successful attempt. This means Mew Noir and Mew Ladybug have to work together on a regular basis, and we get the love square in the process. So, uh, yeah
I hope it’s okay that I turned his hair black- I wanted him to match the one shot black cat character Hime Azumi. I was just worried he wouldn’t be recognizable. Idk, what do you guys think?
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frostedpuffs · 1 year
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here are the little illustrations i made for my collaboration with @miabrown007 for the @adrinettezine 💗 the zine is gorgeous, please consider checking it out, as well as reading mia's fic, "blinding lights", which these illustrations are paired with!
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seas-of-silver · 9 months
Did the doctor say "triplets"?!🤭
‘Did the doctor say "triplets"?!’ Rose burst excitedly as Adrien and Marinette walked through the door of Alya and Nino’s home for their monthly Akuma Class (and friends) game day. ‘Oh, please let it be triplets!’
‘Wha-’ Marinette began.
‘No, I’m sure it’s twins,’ Mylène cut in, just as animatedly as Rose was.
‘Guys, it could be a single child,’ said Marc calmly.
‘Or quadruplets,’ Nathaniel suggested teasingly, earning him a playful elbow from Marc and a squeal of delight from the girls.
‘The real question is whether it’s a boy or a girl,’ interjected Kim.
‘And if there’s more than one, how many of which gender!’ added Ivan, looking over his shoulder. ‘Max?’
Max was sitting at the kitchen counter, paper everywhere, pen scribbling, and tapping away at the calculator. ‘Hang on. I’m almost done my calculations - Markov’s just getting me more information on their genetic history.’
‘How-’ Adrien started.
‘What about you, Alix?’ Luka prompted.
‘Hey, don’t look at me,’ Alix replied, holding her hands up by her head. ‘Even if I do know, I can’t tell you.’
Everyone grumbled at that.
‘Guys, what’s going on?’ Adrien asked, finally getting their friends’ attention.
‘We are speculating on the quantity and gender of yours and Marinette’s unborn child/children,’ Kagami informed them.
‘Right… and why now?’ questioned Marinette.
‘Because you two went to the doctors,’ answered Félix, as if that explained everything.
Marinette frowned and folded her arms. ‘And how did you find out we were at the doctors?’
Their friends went silent, but their eyes flickered, glanced, or even outright stared at Nino, who looked everywhere except at his best friends.
‘Seriously, Nino?’
Nino winced at Marinette’s unimpressed tone.
‘All I said was that you guys would be late because you had an appointment before coming over!’ he defended.
Marinette turned her gaze to Alya, who nodded.
‘It’s true,’ Alya confirmed. ‘They just took it and ran with it.’
‘But how could we not?’ piped up Socqueline. ‘We had our catch-up brunch pushed back to a late lunch because you weren’t feeling well, and when we did meet, you hardly touched the cold meats and cheeses like you normally would!’
‘Couldn’t that just be because she still wasn’t feeling well?’ Juleka muttered.
‘And Adrien has been super protective over you for the last few months,’ Zoe stated.
‘But isn’t that because of the threats she was getting from that competing designer from the competition held earlier this week?’ Sabrina asked curiously.
‘Geez, who’s side are you two on?’ Rose huffed petulantly at Juleka and Sabrina; the two merely shrugging in response.
‘Let’s just calm down, okay? We’ll tell you what happened,’ Adrien soothed, sharing a look with Marinette, and everyone settled down - even Max stopped his calculating and Markov stuck his head out of the study to listen in.
‘We went to the optometrist,’ Marinette began, and she could already see interest drop, ‘because Adrien wanted to make sure he wouldn’t need glasses like Gabriel did-‘
‘Booooooo! Gabriellll!’ came the predictable jeers from their friends. Ever since the truth was revealed about Adrien’s father, all their friends rallied around him in support, offering food, shelter and safe spaces for Adrien to find comfort in, which meant a lot to him.
‘-and we found out that Adrien’s vision is perfectly fine!’
Mutterings of how that was good news filled the room, but it was clearly not the content they were hoping for.
‘So that’s where we were this morning,’ Adrien said to their despondent crowd. ‘Oh, and we also visited Maman and Papa at the bakery to pick up the pastries for our meet-up, and to tell them they’ll be grandparents to a little boy in six months time.’
Marinette watched as their friends’ eyes widened when their words sunk in, and covered her ears and laughed at the chaos and screams of joy that exploded from their friends.
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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anna-scribbles · 11 months
Adrien loved Ladybug.
He loved the smooth timbre of her voice and the firm set of her eyes, the way her mouth would dig its way deeper into a scowl the more she tried not to laugh at one of the rare jokes he managed to pry beneath her red-and-black spotted armor. He loved the way she spoke of justice with such reverence, of peace with such passion. Adrien loved the idea of Ladybug, at least—the thought that there could be a person who embodied so much of what he cherished, the grace and goodness and compassion of his childhood. He loved what Ladybug stood for. What she pretended to stand for.
Sometimes, Adrien thought that he could have loved Ladybug if he didn’t hate her so much.
read on ao3
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sunsketch · 1 year
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(my soft re-launch into the world of ml art because I’ve missed it so much but  also the only thing I have to offer right now is this sketchy marichat balcony scene <3 )
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The Rules of Engagement - Fic Teaser
Marinette tapped her fingernails on the tabletop, putting the clean edges of her bright red nail polish at risk. The busy rush of people meeting and greeting at far off tables only served as a stark reminder that she still sat alone.
Her date was very late.
She was usually the one running late, since she was so often busy both at home and at work. At least, when she was caught up in frenetic days, she rarely felt like she had time to breathe; now, however, as she waited, she couldn't stop her mind from racing with endless worries.
It would be a little easier if she could at least distract herself by sketching out design ideas. Unfortunately, the very well dressed staff would probably frown if she asked someone to bring her a pencil and paper to sketch and keep herself busy. She just had to sit still and put up with this for a half an hour more, and she would be that much closer to making her full time dreams of a boutique a reality.
At least, the restaurant her date had picked was actually quite fancy, with a lovely view out onto the Seine. Unfortunately, that was all she really knew about him. It would have been better if she had a name… Or a number. Or at least some confirmation that this guy wasn’t going to show up.
To be fair, Kagami hadn’t wanted to come either, but it seemed pretty rude for someone to just bail on a date entirely rather than cancel.
Sighing heavily, Marinette reached into her purse for her cell phone to text Kagami.
Blind dates were the worst.
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Does anyone want Journal Of The Guardian sketch dump?
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Unfinished sketches in all their glory ofc, playing with more outfits for marinette & adrien
Knock on wood that I'll make progress in writing this au
I might just post a poll asking if I should just post what I have so far, tho we'll see what I can get done tomorrow since I have a brief school break rip juniors taking the act
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wisteriasymphony · 1 year
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inside of him are two wolves: one has daddy issues, one has mommy issues. the mommy issues will eventually win.
blank one and fic-specific ones down below:
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diadraws · 1 year
Noticed Marinette has scars on her chest in ur most recent drawing and was wondering if she had top surgery in your head cannons, or just curious to why?
Also can we hear about your head cannons about them sometimes 👀
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yes, in my HC she does have top surgery! she is genderweird... (t4t adrinette is so real. to me.) because of how much the show likes to reverse gender roles for marinette and adrien i see marinette as being butch/GNC + also being a Half Ladybug Creature when using her miraculous affected her self perception and xeno'd her gender, she's like if an insect was a tomboy.
(also marinette and adriens wedding jewelry is replicas of each others miraculous..... thats just my hc....)
Sorry i rambled a bit, i love to share my HCs!! :)
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buggachat · 1 year
Genderfluid Adrien Agreste, Post-Reveal Aged-Up Adrinette 18k Words, Complete
“I like being a girl.” “That’s the alcohol talking,” Marinette snorted. “I’ve always been a li’l jealous,” Adrien admitted. “... Of what?” “That you get to be a girl,” Adrien murmured, “and I don’t.” — When Marinette and Adrien host Girls' Night at their apartment, Adrien is easily welcomed to attend as "one of the girls"... but has a bit too much to drink. Some drunken confessions are spilt, some assumptions are made, and most of all... Adrien is confused.
So, um. Remember that art of Adrien in a dress I drew back in May? Surprise! I actually drew that because of this fic I was writing. I realized I should probably post it before pride ends.
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mostmagical · 2 months
Pairing: Stranger/Stranger (Adrinette, but they don't know that) Words: 4k Summary:
“Can I kiss you?” It's costume theme night at the local bar, and Marinette finds herself a bit entranced by a pretty stranger wearing cat ears. She thought she would be content just watching, until Alya suggests she asks for just a little bit more.
Marinette chewed on the edge of her fingernail, trying not to be too obvious as she peered across the bar at the stranger on the corner.
They had met on the dance floor not too long ago, and she had been having trouble looking away ever since. He was attractive, despite the obnoxious cat-eared beanie tight over his blond hair, drawing her towards him in a way she really hadn’t felt in, well, ever. At least, not towards someone she barely knew. Not since the breakup.
The liquid in his delicate cocktail glass was dyed pinker by the spotlight he stood under, so she couldn’t tell if he was actually drinking anything as passion fruit-flavored as the color, or if it was just straight liquor. Her breath caught as he removed his hand from the water-beaded surface, lifting it to adjust the thick-rimmed specs he wore and reminding her of the sparkling green eyes she’d spied earlier.
Blond hair. Green eyes. 
She wondered if it was some cosmic joke that this always happened to her.
Even the cat ears were suspect, but she was trying her best not to acknowledge that.
A hand landed on her arm, and she jumped before realizing it was Alya returning from the bathroom.
“Still staring?” Alya asked. She had forgone her eye glasses that night for the sake of ‘accuracy,’ providing Marinette a clear view of the humor glittering through her friend’s hazel eyes.
Marinette sputtered, readjusting the skewed heart-shaped sunglasses over the bridge of her nose. “Wh– What? Staring? Staring at who– I mean— Staring at what? Because obviously I’m not staring and even if I was I wouldn’t be staring at anyone, certainly not anyone handsome and charming and—”
Alya interrupted Marinette’s spiral with a laugh. “Right, right, right.” She shook her head, the red curls bouncing across her bare shoulders. “You weren’t staring at the guy you danced with earlier, and you haven’t been nervous and jittery ever since. I imagined all of it.”
“Yes.” Marinette nodded sagely. “Thank you, exactly. It was all in your head.”
Alya simply hummed, turning to get the bartender’s attention and ordering the two of them another round. With her friend distracted, Marinette couldn’t help but let her eyes wander again. The stranger was now scrolling through his phone. Oh no. Was he calling a taxi? Checking train schedules? Was he leaving?
Pain blossomed over her thumb and the taste of metal hit her tongue as she bit down just a bit too hard.
“Marinette!” Alya hissed, pulling Marinette’s hand away from her mouth and quickly wrapping it in a cocktail napkin. “What are you doing to yourself? Do you want to get kicked out?”
She was sober enough to feel the embarrassed flush cover her cheeks. “Sorry.”
Alya’s barely concealed eye roll was colored with humor. “You should just go over and talk to him.”
Marinette blinked owlishly. “And say what?”
“Ask him for a kiss.”
“What?!” She knew her shriek was loud enough to disturb the patrons on either side of them at the bar, but all she could hear over the pounding of the bass was the blood roaring in her ears. “Why would I do that?”
Alya just laughed. “Look at you” —she waved a hand at Marinette’s napkin wrapped finger— “biting through your nails because you can’t stop thinking about how hot you are for him.”
“I– I–” Marinette faltered, her mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton the more she tried to move it. “I am not.” At Alya’s raised eyebrows, she tried and failed to come up with another reason why not. “I– You know I’m not like that!”
“Normally, yeah,” Alya replied, shrugging, “but there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, just this once.”
Marinette swallowed.
“And have you ever been so attracted to a stranger in your life?” Alya continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this wound up. Not since Adrien, or Luka, or– actually–” She stuck a finger in the air as if the thought had just struck her from above. “No, not Luka; it’s more like with Chat N–”
“Stop stop stop!” Marinette cut her friend off, throwing a hand over her mouth to stop up the words.
Alya licked her palm in objection.
“Ew! Hey!”
“You are so silly, M,” Alya laughed as Marinette pulled her hand away and dramatically wiped it on her shirt. “It’s not weird to have a crush on a superhero.”
Marinette chewed her lip, traces of the watermelon drink she’d had hours ago still tasting in the corner of her mouth. “You know it was more than that.”
A hand patted her shoulder. “Of course I do, but the point still stands.” Alya grinned, as sly as her own superhero persona would imply. “You deserve one night to not care. Treat yourself. You need to cut loose after, well, you know.”
Marinette couldn’t deny that since she had presented it, Alya’s idea was sounding more and more appealing. Though maybe that was the vodka talking. Or the desperation.
“He sure seems like your type after all,” Alya pressed, squinting her eyes as she studied him. “Tall, pretty, charming... blond.”
“Green eyes, too,” Marinette added, despite herself.
“What?” Alya laughed. She reached out a hand, flicking the frame of Marinette’s sunglasses playfully. “You could tell through these bright pink abominations?”
Her face warmed in embarrassment. “I may have, sorta, practiced discerning colors on my posters of Adrien with them before,” she admitted. She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “His eyes look the same.”
Alya laughed again, full and delighted. “Marinette! Oh, there’s no one like you,” she said, grinning. “Now you really have to do it. I’m convinced it’s fate.”
It did feel almost divine.
Alya squinted once more, and Marinette wished her friend had listened to her when she told her to wear her glasses anyway. “He even kinda looks like—” She cut herself off with a hum, shaking her head. “You deserve to get out there again anyway. It’s been ages and I kinda think you need a rebound.”
Marinette wasn’t sure if she fully agreed with that statement, but she wasn’t exactly in the mood to broach the subject and down the mood.
“What if he laughs in my face?” she asked instead, sticking her lip out in a pout. It was meant to look cute, so maybe Alya wouldn’t push so much, but the fear was very much real. Sure, she and the stranger had had an amazing conversation, and their chemistry had been more intoxicating than her drink, but he was still that— a stranger. There was no telling what might happen if she walked up to him and asked for something so daring as a kiss.
“Marinette, look at me,” Alya said, placing both hands on either of Marinette’s shoulders. “You are hot. You are cool. And he is totally into you.”
Was there any explanation for the way her heart leapt straight out of her chest?
“Into me?” Marinette repeated. “What makes you say that? Are you sure?”
Alya smirked dangerously. “Well, don’t look now, but I may have caught him taking a few glances over here while your back was turned,” she explained.
Marinette, of course, looked. Her head turned at just the precise moment to catch his gaze in her own, and sure enough, the stranger’s jaw momentarily dropped upon making eye contact. He recovered quickly with a sweet smile, raising his glass in a cheers motion from across the bar.
Alya sighed, shaking her head. “Well, at least there’s another sign for you,” she said, amused. Grabbing Marinette’s shoulders again, Alya turned her back around to look at her face-to-face. “See? Repeat after me: I am hot.”
A bit dazed from the encounter, Marinette could do nothing else but exactly what Alya asked. “I am hot,” she repeated.
“I am cool,” Alya continued.
“I am cool.”
“He is into me.”
She choked, the last phrase a little rougher on liftoff than the others. “He is, guh– into me.”
“One more time, all together.”
Marinette closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. She regretted it, as the smell of sweat and hops stung her nose. But the intake of air managed to ground her, all the same.
“I am hot. I am cool,” she chanted. “He is into me.”
“Yes!” Alya cheered. “Good job!”
The mantra was like a magic spell. Marinette opened her eyes, suddenly energized. Her stomach pitched a little, but it was full with excitement.
“Two cognacs,” the bartender announced, jolting Marinette from her reverie.
“Merci!” Alya picked up a glass, pressing it into Marinette’s hands with cool insistence. “Drink this, and then get over there!”
Marinette obliged, downing the drink in two big swigs. The alcohol no longer burned the back of her throat, settling in her stomach with a pleasant warmness. She replaced the glass on the bar with a firm clink, then sucked in another deep breath, wiping her upper lip with the back of her hand.
“Okay,” she said under her breath, hyping herself up. “Okay!”
“Go!” Alya gave her one more push, spinning Marinette around and pressing the heel of her hands into her shoulder blades. “Your prince charming awaits,” she sang.
Marinette stumbled forward, unsteady from Alya’s shove, but she quickly regained her bearings. Her blood pumped faster in her veins as she approached the other end of the bar. She swore she could feel every fingertip throbbing with her own pulse as she got closer.
Just a little kiss.
Plenty of people did that.
(Although, it wasn’t something she had ever considered doing herself.)
It wasn’t... weird to ask.
And like Alya had said, he was into her. The stranger probably felt the exact same magnetism she had. He would want to kiss her.
Steeling her nerves, she stood behind him, watching him swirl the liquid around in his glass. His head tilted towards where Alya stood by her lonesome on the other side of the bar, and Marinette’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she wondered if he might be looking for her.
She smoothed down the synthetic purple wig as best she could, and adjusted the collar of her leather jacket. She almost wished she could dart off to the bathroom for a final appearance check, but she knew she would lose all her built-up confidence if she did. With butterflies brushing the insides of her tummy, she reached out a hand, tapping him twice on the shoulder.
The stranger turned, and she thought she might let herself believe his face really brightened when he saw her.
Nervously, she waved. “Hi.”
“Hey, Clara,” he said in a soft voice, somehow still audible over the loudspeakers. His smile was sweet and reserved. Her throat tightened up. “I was hoping you’d want to talk again.”
Marinette felt like the breath was stolen right out of her lungs. “You– You did?”
A hand reached behind the back of his neck in what must have been a nervous tick— yet another similarity to more than one of the loves of her life, oddly enough. “Yeah, I mean—” Was that a hint of red on his cheeks, or were her glasses fogging up again? “You– Uh, I loved dancing with you.”
The smile pinched her cheeks. “I loved dancing with you, too,” she said. “I had a lot of fun.”
“Wait a second,” Marinette said, her mind finally catching up to the last 60 seconds. “You called me Clara. I didn’t—?”
His mouth twitched into a grin. “Your outfit,” he pointed out. “Inspired by Clara Nightingale, right? From the ‘Heartbreak Disco Baby’ video?”
“You recognize it?”
The stranger’s face seemed to light up, even in the darkness of the bar. “Of course!” Marinette watched agape as his eyes scanned up and down her body, dare she say, appreciatively. “I’ve only watched that video about a million times and this is a perfect recreation.”
Pride swelled in her chest at the praise. “Thank you,” she replied. “I do take my costuming very seriously. My best friend even dressed to look like Sonia Auclair from that video.” She gave her loose hair a flip over her shoulder as she took the moment to seize up his outfit as well. “And you are—”
“Dressed at the very last minute,” he supplied bashfully. “I wasn’t exactly planning to come out, but luckily I had this beanie.”
“It suits you.”
His smile seemed genuine at her compliment. “You really think so?” he laughed, playing with the edge of the material. “Thanks.”
He was adorable. She bit her lip against the rising heat on her face.
“Heartbreak Disco Baby,” he repeated thoughtfully. “That doesn’t mean you’re a little heartbroken, are you?”
Adorable and considerate.
Now or never, she thought.
“Can I kiss you?”
As soon as the words left her mouth, her chest seized up. She said that. Oh god. She really said that.
The stranger’s face blazed a delightful shade of red, and Marinette wondered if they would match or clash were someone to compare the two of them. “Sorry,” he coughed. “I think I might have misheard you?”
She could run away. Back out right now, and save herself the mortification. Unfortunately, a flash of movement on the other side of the bar caught her attention, and she was met by Alya fluttering her fingers across the way. Marinette forced down a swallow.
“I asked to kiss you,” she repeated clearly.
When he only continued to stare at her, face crimson and eyes wide, Marinette slipped dangerously close to panic mode.
“Forget it!” she practically screeched. “You don’t have to do that—” She cut herself off with an awkward laugh. “I just— whew! Is it hot in here? I just— My friend over there told me I need to cut loose, and she told me to just go for it because I, well, I mean you’re very pretty— and we had chemistry…? Oh god, I said that— I mean, no, I stand by that, we do—” She covered her mouth, eyes wide in horror over her spew. “I swear I haven’t had that much to drink,” she admitted, rubbing her temples. “Sorry, I’ll go.”
Marinette froze, slowly drawing her gaze away from the floor and back to the stranger’s face. “What?”
He rubbed the back of his neck again, the redness of his face having faded to a lovely pink that blended with the colored shades of her glasses. “Okay,” he said again. “I’ll kiss you.”
“You- You– uh. . .” Words didn’t seem to want to come to her rescue.
Luckily, the stranger did. He eased off away from the bar, facing her fully as he took her limp hand in his. With a gentle tug, he guided her to step closer towards him. “Is this okay?” he asked, his warm tone sending her heart fluttering.
She nodded almost too vigorously before she finally managed to rouse her tongue. “Yes, yes, it’s okay.”
This close, she could smell his cologne, a cluster of warm linens and nutmeg that sent a pang of recognition down her spine. His chest was firm and radiated a comfortable warmth that Marinette felt she could fold into. She followed his eyes as they dropped down to her mouth and back up again. Goosebumps raised over her skin as his hand glided up her arm, his face an image of patience. Until it changed to panic.
“Wait, oh no,” he gasped. “You’re not–”
“What?” She tilted her head in confusion, not really sure where this reaction had come from.
His mouth was a worried line. “Have you been drinking?” he asked. “Because I’m sober, and I don’t want to be taking advantage of you–”
Marinette cut him off with a snort. “I promise you, I am completely of sound mind, when I do this.”
Riding the sudden wave of confidence, Marinette mirrored his earlier movements, allowing her hand to trail up his arm and over his neck, warm skin beneath her fingertips. As she gently cupped his cheek with her palm, she pressed up on her tiptoes, rocking forward to sear her lips to his.
His breath fanned her mouth as he gasped into it, truthfully without a hint of the taste of alcohol, and his lips were pleasantly warm and plush against hers. She found herself quickly sinking into it, especially as a hand landed on her lower back and held her steady. Her other hand dove into the hair at the back of his neck, teasing the soft strands in rhythm with the glide of their kiss.
It was more than sparks and explosions and fire— all things she never expected she would feel while kissing a complete stranger.
She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something achingly familiar— comfortable, her mind supplied— about the pressure of his mouth on hers, and the little hums she could feel vibrating over her skin. Despite herself, she cracked open her eyes and studied his face as he continued to kiss her.
Green eyes. Blond hair. Cat ears, puns, those lips. Her heart almost seemed to stop as she realized she knew exactly why the sensation was so familiar. She had felt this kiss before. It could only be Chat Noir, she realized, warmth flowing between her shoulder blades.
She pulled away, just a centimeter to breathe between them. “Mon Chaton?”
He blinked open dazed eyes, blinking at her as if waking up from a dream. “Chaton?” he repeated. His eyes widened. “My Lady?” His voice was breathier than she was used to hearing it, and it sent a thrill up her spine.
“It’s you.” She almost wanted to laugh. “No wonder we fit so well together.”
It only took a few seconds for her partner to recover from his dreamlike state. He grinned his cat-like grin. “We’ve always been the purrfect team, after all.”
“Oh my god,” Marinette groaned, pressing her lips to his once more to shut him up. However, his mouth remained shockingly slack against hers. She pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
Seemingly dumbfounded, he replied, “You kissed me again.”
Oh god. Oh, god. He didn’t want to kiss her now that he knew. She was such an idiot.
“I’m so sorry.” Hastily, she tried to push away from his chest, only for him to grab her wrists and prevent her escape.
“Wait, no. I just–” His mouth worked wordlessly, endless green eyes searching her own. “Are you sure you want to be kissing me? What about—”
Marinette froze in place, the familiar voice sending a chill up her spine— one that was cold and bruising, rather than warm and thrilling tingles that her partner had sent up and down her back all night.
Her hands went limp, still caught in Chat Noir’s hold, as the spray-tanned arms of Chloé Bourgeois wound around his neck.
Chloé, dressed in a flowing gown that did not at all match the whimsical costumes in the bar, immediately launched into complaints, current company left unnoticed, or rather ignored. “Thank god, I finally found you,” she cooed. “I can’t believe you left me there with that cousin of yours and Tsurugi. Ugh.”
A pained expression flashed Marinette’s way before her partner turned his head to meet Chloé’s powder blue eyes. “You had Zoé, too, didn’t you?” he asked her.
“Ugh, you know I would rather it be just us two.”
Marinette was rooted to the spot. It felt as though her brain was misfiring in about a billion directions. And yet, somehow all those directions ended at the exact same destination: the stranger before her.
A stranger, she was realizing, that was not so strange after all.
In fact, this was probably a person she knew better than she ever thought she had.
Because if she added everything she knew up, carried the two, and multiplied by three, well...
It seemed like Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste and the two (three...?) loves of her life were actually just one.
Nervous green eyes peeked at Marinette, as if to check that she was still there. The redirection of his— Adrien’s, oh god— attention finally drew Chloé’s eyes east, and if Marinette thought she could make it out of this easily, she was quickly corrected when an appalled groan filled the air.
“Dupain-Cheng?” Chloé stuck her nose up in the air, somehow glaring at Marinette through only the corner of her eye. “What are you doing with her? I thought you two broke up.”
“It’s complicated,” Marinette said, at the same time Adrien burst out “Marinette?”
She took one look at his face before immediately casting her eyes away again, an angry red blush overtaking her cheeks.
What the hell what the hell what the hell.
She found herself almost wishing for an akuma alert to save her. Except, no. No, she didn’t, she realized, because she would still have the same man right there with her.
“Marinette?” Adrien repeated again, voice sounding almost far away, even in a room where her ears were already blocked from the loud music.
Shyly, she met his pleading eyes, pushing her sunglasses back up and onto the top of her head. His jaw all but dropped open as he watched her, recognition flitting through his eyes.
They were quite the pair, weren’t they? Marinette could have laughed. A pair of glasses and neither realized that they were talking to their own ex. And the fact that she had recognized Chat Noir’s kiss, but not Adrien’s... No. Nope. Not going to unpack that.
Chloé glanced between them, a look between disgusted and bored plastered across her face. “What’s with that reaction?” she asked. “Listen, if you’re getting back with this weirdo, I–”
Marinette had no idea where Alya had appeared from, but she had never been so happy to see her best friend throw an arm over the other girl’s shoulder. Chloé physically recoiled under Alya’s touch, attempting to lean away, but to no avail.
“Césaire,” she grunted.
Alya grinned, unbothered by the less-than-enthusiastic response. “Oh my god, it really is you! I could barely tell; forgot my glasses, silly me. How’ve you been?” she asked. “I want to hear all about the new campaign.” Over her shoulder, she threw Marinette a wink.
The realization that Alya was providing her a way out burst across Marinette’s skin. In a flash, she had wrapped her hand around Adrien’s wrist, bodily dragging him through the crowd and away from their classmates. He came along willingly, only slowing down to dodge around drunk patrons that stepped between them.
Eventually they found themselves comfortably alone in a quiet hallway leading to the bathrooms. The hallway was much brighter than the main floor, illuminating all of Adrien’s features in a way that she couldn’t believe she had missed before. Marinette looked up at him in question, squeezing his wrist tight between her fingers. “When did you get back?” she asked, too desperate for the answer to pretend like she wasn’t.
He looked worried. “Just tonight. I– I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me.”
“Of course I did,” she murmured. She realized she had said it too quietly to be heard over the speakers when Adrien kept going.
“Everyone was asking questions.” He pressed a hand against his forehead, twisting her heart with it. “And just talking so much about my dad and England and... I don’t know. I– I had to get out.”
Her breath caught. She began running her hand up and down his arm to try and soothe him, saying, “I know, kitty, I know.”
“Zoé mentioned you and that’s when I realized I had to make a break for it.” He ducked his head shyly. “I should have figured I’d run right towards you.”
Marinette huffed out a laugh, her earlier conversation with Alya about fate and divinity seeming oh so relevant now. She let her hands rest on both his cheeks. “Yeah, seems like we’ll always be in each other’s orbit, doesn’t it?” she asked. “I just can’t seem to ever let you go.”
His eyes went shiny, and she wondered if he was about to cry. “Do you really mean that?” he asked, covering her hands with his own.
Her shoulders dropped with the tension she had been carrying. “Of course I do,” she replied, running her thumbs over the dark circles beneath his eyes. “I’m sorry about that night. I just didn’t want you to leave and I didn’t know how to say it.”
“I didn’t want to leave either,” he said with a watery smile. “Are you disappointed you didn’t get to kiss a stranger?”
She used her thumb to brush one errant tear away from his eye. “Considering I’d rather be kissing you, anyway?” she teased. “No, I’m not disappointed at all.”
His mouth twisted into a wry grin. “Not even about...?” He glanced back and forth down the hallway, as if checking for any listeners, only to look back at her with just an eyebrow waggle to voice his concerns.
Marinette giggled again. “Come here, kitty.” With a gentle tug, she guided his face down to hers, kissing him all over again.
If you enjoyed, consider dropping a kudos or comment on Ao3! <3
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
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His knuckles brushed her cheek as he tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “You okay?”
She nodded. “Yes. Thank you. I’m just…so mad at myself for putting this off. I wanted to design something, but then I ran out of time, so I kept telling myself to pick out an outfit in advance, but before I knew it, it’s two days before the wedding and I’ve been so busy that I just—”
He smiled knowingly. “Forgot?”
Her shoulders sagged in defeat. Sighing, she said, “Yeah.”
“That’s alright,” said Adrien. He sauntered over to her closet, thumbing through the various dresses stored on the rack. “Luckily, you’ve got a professional model as your best friend. I’ll help you find something stunning. Not that you aren’t always beautiful, of course. You’ll look amazing no matter what you wear.”
nothing like helping your very platonic bestie choose appropriate wedding attire
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seas-of-silver · 8 months
"I'm sorry Master Fu, but... I don't think I can do this anymore."
‘I’m sorry, Master Fu, but… I don’t think I can do this anymore.’
Adrien watched as Master Fu’s eyes bugged out. ‘What?’
‘I can’t keep doing this anymore,’ Adrien repeated.
‘You don’t want to be Chat Noir anymore?’ Fu asked, voice strangled with panic and alarm.
‘Of course I want to be Chat Noir,’ Adrien answered, ‘but I can’t keep being him if things are going to stay this way.’
The panic and alarm gave way to confusion. ‘Do you mean with defeating Hawk Moth?’
Adrien shook his head. ‘I mean being a part of this team.’
Chat Noir landed on the rooftop where Ladybug was already waiting to start their patrol. His heart skipped happily at the mere sight of her, and he sighed in relief. Since that brush of lips, that near-kiss he had with Marinette at the wax museum earlier that day, he had been an absolute mess of emotions, wondering if his heart was so fickle that one little kiss could make him fall for someone who wasn’t his Lady. But now, with his heart doing its usual routine of happy backflips upon seeing Ladybug, he decided that all was right in the world (and that he could examine his newfound - perhaps temporary? - feelings for Marinette later).
‘Good evening, m’lady,’ he greeted as he sat down next to her at the edge of the rooftop.
She turned to him, smiling happily. ‘Hey, Chat!’
He couldn’t help but smile in return. ‘You are in a good mood. Did you have a good day?’
Ladybug grimaced like she had just bitten into a lemon. ‘Wasn’t the greatest, but luckily not as horrible as it could’ve been.’
‘I’d rather not dwell on it,’ she said, before shaking her head, and her expression cleared. ‘But I’d rather talk to you about something far more pleasant!’
‘I’m all ears,’ he said, wiggling his faux cat ears, and grinned when he was rewarded with a giggle. She turned where she was sitting to face him, struggling to sit still as if she were a puppy and he was holding a bone in his hand.
‘How’s your training with Master Fu going?’ she asked enthusiastically, the words practically bursting from her. ‘I’ve been desperate to ask for ages, but I didn’t want to bombard you too early, because I didn’t want to jump too far ahead of where you might’ve been in your training, but surely you’ve learnt enough for us to talk about most things freely together, and-’
‘Ladybug, wait,’ Chat cut in, and she paused, her arms comically frozen in the air from when she had been waving them about excitedly, ‘what training?’
Her arms dropped and she frowned. ‘Uh, the training on the Miraculous?’
‘I’m supposed to be getting training?’ he asked, and her frown deepened.
‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘When was the last time you saw Fu?’
‘Saw him? Uh… when we fought against Party Crasher? But if you’re talking about having an actual sit-down conversation with him-’ she nodded, ‘-then not since after we faced Syren.’
‘Syren?’ she repeated incredulously. ‘But that was months ago!’
‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘but that chat was more like a general overview rather than anything I’d consider to be training.’
‘Ugh!’ she exclaimed, jumping up to her feet and starting to pace. ‘What is his problem?’
‘What do you mean?’ Chat asked, turning where he sat to face her.
‘Back around the time of us facing Syren, you were getting frustrated by your role and being left in the dark with identities and all things Miraculous, remember?’ she began.
‘Yeah, I remember,’ he responded. ‘I almost quit that day.’
‘What?’ she yelped, swivelling around to face him. ‘Y-you almost left? Why?’
He cringed; he had never wanted to admit to her how low he had felt that day, but now that it was out, he supposed he should address it.
‘I didn’t feel like you trusted me,’ he confessed, his heart breaking as he saw the pain in her eyes. ’Suddenly, there are more Miraculouses, and I didn’t know about them until you put them into play. There were new team members that just popped up mid-battle that you didn’t trust me with their identities. When we started being superheroes, it was just the two of us, and the only secrets we had between us were our identities, but at some point, that changed. I felt less like your partner and more like your out-of-the-loop sidekick. I had no knowing where it all went wrong, and your lips were sealed tighter than a jam jar. I didn’t feel valued.’
‘A-and now?’ Ladybug asked, her voice soft but the guilt was earth-shatteringly loud. ‘After Master Fu spoke with you when Syren was over, did those feelings change?’
Chat sighed.
‘They lessened for a time,’ he admitted, ‘because he had explained he was training you, and that’s why you couldn’t tell me everything. He told me that he was the Guardian and gave me an overview about his role, he handed me the power-ups, and then he left. And that was enough for me back then, getting some answers for what was going on, but it’s still hard. Even after Syren, I still don’t know our temporary teammates identities, so only you can go get them and bring them to the battle. Only you and Master Fu knew how to make our power-ups. I don’t know where Master Fu lives, so I can’t just go talk to him. I… if I think about it too much, it hurts.’
Arms wrapped around him.
‘I am so sorry, Chat Noir,’ Ladybug apologised. ‘I told him to stop leaving you in the dark, and when he said that he’d take care of it, I thought he was bringing you up to speed, not just giving you a one-off chat. I hate keeping secrets from you, especially things to do with the Miraculous. Never doubt that I trust you with my life and the Miraculouses - you are my partner and my best friend.’
Chat returned the hug. ‘Thank you, Ladybug. That means a lot.’
She pulled back and looked him in the eye. ‘I promise you, Chat Noir, that I’ll talk to Master Fu and make this right.’
’After that, she gave me your address so that I could reach you in case of important discussions that need to happen, and for emergencies,’ Adrien explained, watching as Master Fu frowned deeply.
‘She should not have done that,’ Master Fu said sternly.
‘Yes, she should have,’ Plagg retorted, staring the old man down. ‘If she hadn’t given him your address last night, I would’ve brought him here anyway, and he would’ve learned your address either way. But she trusted him, and so should you.’
‘What makes you think I don’t trust him?’ asked Fu. Plagg stared at him, unimpressed.
‘Did you not just hear everything my kid just told you?’ Plagg responded dryly. ‘Ladybug and Chat Noir’s relationship almost fell apart, Adrien was going to give up being Chat Noir altogether, leaving Hawk Moth a step closer to victory - just because you couldn’t bring yourself to trust Adrien as much as you do Ladybug.’
Fu seemed unmoved by Plagg’s words. ‘He can’t just give up - he has a responsibility-’
‘And what about your responsibility to him?’ Plagg countered. ‘Has he done something wrong?’
‘Has he proven himself less reliable or trustworthy than Ladybug?’ Plagg continued, cutting Fu off.
‘No, but-’
‘Has he ever showed any signs of wanting to betray Ladybug or wanting to join Hawk Moth?’
’No, he hasn’t-’
‘So then-’
‘Because there are extenuating circumstances!’ Fu yelled.
‘Like what?’ Plagg yelled back.
‘I can’t say, it’s too dangerous,’ said Fu tersely.
‘Can’t or won’t?’ Plagg shot back.
Fu didn’t answer, opting to silently fume with a red face.
‘Does Ladybug know what you aren’t telling us?’ Plagg prodded.
Fu pursed his lips, but averted his gaze in discomfort.
‘I’ll take that as a “no”, then,’ Plagg stated.
Adrien was finding this conversation frustrating. He knew Ladybug would talk to Fu sometime soon - she had only made her promise last night, after all - but he decided to try and talk to the Master himself when his fencing lesson cancelled last-minute and he had some free time on his hands. The last few instances he had met Master Fu, the old man seemed kind and understanding, so Adrien thought this discussion would go smoothly. How wrong he was.
There was no reason for Fu to not trust him - the man had said so himself! There was something Fu was hiding, and he clearly wasn’t willing to disclose whatever it was that was preventing him from trusting Chat Noir the way he does Ladybug. Adrien opened his mouth to speak-
Suddenly, the door slammed open, and Adrien jumped where he sat, turning to look at the intruder as Plagg zipped under the table.
‘Fu! You have some explaining to do!’
The door closed shut with a quiet click. Eyes met.
‘Marinette?’ he asked. He had never seen her like this before. Her body was tense like a lioness about to pounce on her prey. Her heavy breaths foretelling a storm of epic proportions. The fire in her eyes burned like a bushfire raging in the peak of a dry summer. She was livid. But not at him.
‘Adrien? What are you doing here?’ she asked evenly. No stutter. No stumble. No sweet blush or cute little smile.
‘Marinette, this is very rude of you-’
‘I’m here for a personal matter,’ Adrien said, cutting off Master Fu as he held Marinette’s gaze. ‘You?’
The blue fire blazed. ‘I’m also here on a personal matter,’ she began, turning the inferno towards the old man across the table, ‘and it’s a matter of urgency.’
Marinette looked like she’d eat Master Fu alive if Adrien left them alone. Adrien didn’t know if he should hold her back from ripping Master Fu apart for whatever he had done to rile her up so much, or if he should sit back and enjoy the carnage, but one thing was absolutely certain - he was staying put.
‘Why don’t you sit down and join us? Adrien offered brightly, ignoring the wild eyes Master Fu was sending him. Marinette, too furious to question Adrien’s motives, sat next to him.
Master Fu cleared his throat. ‘Uh, well, since these discussions are both personal matters, we should discuss them without mentioning other people’s names,’ he suggested.
Adrien agreed, and Marinette nodded stiffly beside him. Secret identities needed to remain a secret… then again, Adrien thought that if he was allowed to entrust anyone with his identity, Marinette would be at the top of the list.
‘Why don’t you go first, Marinette?’ Adrien suggested, earning him a curious look from her. ‘I’ve been here a little longer than you have, and you said your matter was urgent.’
Marinette nodded with a small “thanks”, before turning towards Master Fu.
‘I have this friend,’ she began, ‘and you know him well, Mr.Fu. And you have done him a great disservice.’
‘What happened?’ Adrien asked.
‘My friend and I were working on something together, and we had been for a good few months before I met Mr. Fu. Mr Fu decided to give me tutoring in the area me and my friend were working in,’ she explained, her voice unusually even for the fury that emanated from her. ‘I kept asking and asking Mr. Fu to tutor my friend as well, but he refused, citing “security reasons”. But my friend had noticed the sudden difference between my level of knowledge and his, and began to question it, and I could see him getting upset when I couldn’t answer him because I had made a promise to Mr. Fu here that I wouldn’t share this knowledge with anyone - that promise was a condition of my tutoring.’
Adrien could understand her friend’s perspective. Maybe he should meet this friend and teach him some breathing techniques to avoid being akumatised.
‘One day, I told Mr. Fu that it was time for my friend to be brought into the loop, to be trained the same way I was.’ Marinette was on a roll now. ‘He had agreed, and promised that he’d “take care of it”, which I thought meant bringing my friend up to speed, but no! I just found out yesterday that it was just a quick little one-off chat that did barely enough and my friend still feels on the outer! Things haven’t been fixed!’
Something was niggling in Adrien’s mind, whispering that this friend of Marinette’s had an eerily similar situation to himself, while the rest of his brain fought to ignore that very thought.
‘I can’t believe you, Mas- Mr. Fu!’ Marinette exclaimed as she jumped to her feet, body tense with anger, ready to fight. ’The way you’ve been treating him is totally and unnecessarily cold! Why? What’s he ever done to you? He is just as much of the team as I am, and instead of guiding him and teaching him, you’ve been treating him like a mushroom - keeping him in the dark and feeding him shi-’
‘Marinette!’ Master Fu gasped. Adrien almost pouted; he had never seen Marinette so mad to be on the verge of swearing, and he never knew that he wanted to hear her swear until now, and Fu just prevented him from hearing it. Yet another thing Adrien wasn’t able to experience, thanks to the old man. All the while, that niggling feeling grew stronger.
Instead of looking abashed at Master Fu’s scolding, Marinette looked even more infuriated than before, and a lot more hurt.
‘He almost left!’ she shouted, tears forming in her eyes. ‘He almost left his job, he almost left me because of you! Before you came, we trusted each other, we were partners, equals! But your blatant favouritism towards me and obvious disregard of him made him distrust me! He didn’t feel valued anymore, and almost left! This needs to change!’
Tears started to fall from her eyes. This was his Lady. She was crying for him, and he didn’t know what to do.
‘I can’t do this without him,’ Marinette declared. ‘He is the only reason I stayed after that first day, and if he goes, then I go.’
Adrien’s heart leapt into his throat. If he ever needed any proof she cared about him just as much as he did her, that was it. He stood up, placed his hands onto her shoulders, and gently turned her to face him.
‘You can’t go, m’lady,’ he told her gently, watching her eyes cloud with confusion before widening with realisation, ‘Paris needs you more than I do.’
‘I can only stay if you do, Kitty,’ she responded with equal softness, voice hitching with wet hiccups. ‘Paris needs both of us, because I can’t do this without you.’
He held his arms out and she all but jumped into them, hugging him just as desperately as he was hugging her. Adrien knew that he still needed to resolve the issues with Master Fu, and there was the whole matter of the unexpected identity reveal to deal with, but that was for Future Adrien. With Plagg resuming his staunch defence of Adrien to Master Fu (now joined by Tikki), and with Marinette in his arms, he knew they’d be okay.
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redsbrainrot · 10 months
Things I hope are in season 6 of MLB
- Felix flat out having a deep discussion with marinette apologising for giving the miraculous to Hawkmoth and causing her so much pain (I feel like this was just brushed away too quickly in S5)
- If that was Emilie in the ending then obviously Gabriel saved two people, so someone else gotta go and that would be interesting to see who if that was the case
- The wish having consequences in general
- Felix and Amelié move in to the Agreste Manor
- I still want ladynoir only episodes, so can the other holders like figure out a rota or something
- Chloe redemption with Zoe’s help (far fetched I know but a man can dream)
- Zoe having a new reciprocated love interest
- Luka the same (not with each other tho… Zoe is lesbian and that is that)
- Adult Chat Noir and Ladybug (I am begging)
- Adrinette angst
- Adrien finds out the truth bit by bit about Gabriel (istg if he doesn’t I’m gonna end it all)
- Lila treating Nooro with respect (please can we actually have her be a chill villain and not treat her kwami like a slave)
- Someone said something about princess justice so yeah I’d love to see that
- Luka and Adrien bro time and bonding over how they know each other’s identities
- Adrien having to hold the urge to ask questions about ladybug and Luka being a complete tease about it
- Adrian’s Chat Noir ego kicking in when he’s flirting with Marinette
- Lila backstory
- Felix finds out Adrien is Chat Noir and they hang out with their kwami’s present
- He also tells Kagami and they just laugh about how Paris’ main superheroes are dating without even realising it
- Lila doesn’t hide in a basement when she’s using the butterfly miraculous, she actually fights her own fights with the help of her akuma’s (Gabe was so lazy come on)
- Can we see a flashback of Adrien being told his father is fucking dead
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