#Zevran Loghain Nathaniel
championsandheroes · 1 year
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Zevran's "I'm in mortal danger - better flirt" is an inspiration to rp players everywhere, I tell you. Alas, I fear his days of standing around being pretty ended by the time he appeared in DA2.
Over at Patreon, society6, and redbubble we only portray Zevran as he appeared in DAO.
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salemcantupdate · 1 month
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DAO folks, plus DAA cause I love them. All of them a drawn to look about how I headcanon them at the start of DAA (hence why Anders is still a golden boy). Plus some general headcanons.
Specific praise to @kesterite cause I used their art as inspiration for specifically Sten and Alistair.
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morrigan-le-faye · 3 hours
Likelihood of companions showing up in Veilguard: my thoughts
So, I was thinking about Veilguard and who I want to come back, so here’s my take on who I think is coming back!
Warden: lol no bitch, we’re never seeing them again. That would require giving them a voice and personality. Likelihood is we get another letter.
Alistair: We’re pretty far from Ferelden, if you made him king I could see him getting a mention but not marching his ass up to Tevinter/Rivain/Antiva/the Anderfels. Possibly another letter. If you kept him a warden, he’s either dead or could possibly show up in the Anderfels? I could see whoever got left in the fade tying in with the Veil Jumper plotline, maybe.
Morrigan: Possibly? Theres a possibility if she drank from the well she’s now bound to Solas because of him killing Mythal. I could see the Veil fuckery doing some weird shit to Kieran though.
Leliana: If you made her Divine, definitely. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t say so. She had such a big role in Inquisition, I don’t see her playing a huge role here.
Zevran: We’re in Antiva, we better see the boy! He is canonically with a romanced Warden in Inquisition, but I could see him taking a break from that to take care of Antivan things for a bit.
Wynne: canonically dead. Sad for her. RIP mage granny.
Sten: He’s the Arishok now, I see him tying into the Qunari plotline.
Oghren: please god no.
Shale: I hope so, but since she was DLC I would doubt it.
Loghain: He’s dead babe. Either you killed him in Origins or I’m assuming like nobody saved him in the Fade in Inquisition, and see what I said about the Veil Jumpers in Alistair’s section.
The Awakening Squad (minus Anders/Justice): doing this as a collective cause I’m not typing all that out. Probably not. Might see a couple of them if we go to Weisshaupt while we’re in the Anderfels.
Hawke: If you left them in the fade, again, could show up with the Veil Jumpers. Since there is a possibility they’re dead, I could see them just sending a “hey I’m fine in Kirkwall” message if they’re alive.
Anders: maybe, maybe not. This game seems like it’ll have less emphasis on the Mage/Templar conflict, but we haven’t seen him since 2, so who knows.
Fenris: We’re in Tevinter, I’m hoping he shows up! Let us help him kill slavers please.
Merrill: Seeing how Solas’s agents use the eluvian network, I could see her showing up again. Possibly with the Veil Jumpers
Isabella: I don’t think so. If she shows up, might be part of the Lords of Fortune plotline.
Sebastian: No. Might get referenced, but he is DLC.
Aveline: I don’t think so either. I think she’s too busy keeping things together in Kirkwall. Also ACAB includes Aveline.
Carver/Bethany: If you made them wardens, possibly show up in the Anderfels? But seeing how customizable their appearances are, I doubt it.
Blackwall/Rainier: Again, possibly in the Anderfels. Or elsewhere if he didn’t get recruited into the wardens.
Bull: I hope so, I wanna see the chargers for at least one mission. But since he can be dead if you kept him loyal to the Qun, don’t have high hopes.
Cassandra: if you made her divine, sure. I could also see her leading remnants of the inquisition if she isn’t divine.
Dorian: We’re in Tevinter. If Varric or Harding don’t mention they have a magister friend that can help, I’m going to be very disappointed.
Vivienne: Again, if she’s divine, yes. If she’s not, probably a letter writing cameo.
Cole: I could see him having a very cool plotline with the Veil breaking down and him either being a spirit with human elements or a human with spirit elements.
Sera: I could see the Friends of Red Jenny playing a role, if not her specifically.
Bonus Advisors:
Josephine: Maybe. Could see her helping with Inquisition remnants like Cassandra.
Cullen: No, cause Greg Ellis is an asshole.
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bioware · 28 days
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On International Family Day, we are celebrating the unique bond of 'found family' that is central to the world of Dragon Age.
Family isn't just about blood; it's the people who stand by your side and who you choose to surround yourself with. Our companions stand with us in the face of darkspawn and demons, share in our victories and struggles, and make Thedas feel like home. 
Image credits (From Twitter/X unless otherwise specified): Alistair by Eriartdotnet Leliana by Kalaelizabeth Zevran by LarkOneironaut Morrigan by Itsmerhi Oghren by Aristotem Wynne by Geirahod Mabari by MelonaDraws Loghain by _ChevalierLogan Sten by BonkS0undEffect Shale by Elefluff Nathaniel by Hanatsuki89 Justice by Drathe90 Anders by Llysaan Carver by _Eleonorp Bethany by GreenfinchG Aveline by Matchamori Sebastian by Matthewyeez Isabela by Fae Merrill by IAmClarex2 Fenris by Loustica_Lucia Tallis by Kiwi_Pon Cassandra by KharisKreations Varric by Haverdoodles Solas by ElbenherzArt Iron Bull by Tsukioreo Dorian by TrashWarden Josephine by Bbquinn_ Sera by Inquisibrenda Cullen by magicaltia (Insta) Vivienne by LazareGvimradze Cole by Vyrkolach Blackwall by Mogwaei
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Dragon Age Sexyman Masterpost!
Follow the links to vote! Round 3 is currently in voting!
Note: These polls contain women, too, but fret not. Sexyman is a state of being, not gender.
Round 1:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Oghren
2. Alistair Theirin vs. Aveline Vallen
3. Leliana vs. Carver Hawke
4. Morrigan vs. Bethany Hawke
5. Fenris vs. Briala
6. Anders vs. Gaspard de Chalons
7. Merrill Sabrae vs. Celene Valmont
8. Tallis vs. Brother Genitivi
9. Marian Hawke vs. Sigrun
10. Sebastian Vael vs. The Iron Bull
11. Cullen Rutherford vs. Loghain Mac Tir
12. Cassandra Pentaghast vs. Wynne
13. Anora Mac Tir vs. Thom Rainier
14. Solas vs. Andraste
15. Dorian Pavus vs. Raleigh Samson
16. Josephine Montilyet vs. Meredith Stannard
17. Sera vs. Ser Rylen
18. Bodhan Feddic vs. Jethann
19. Felassan vs. Corypheus
20. Varric Tethras vs. Karl Thekla
21. Abelas vs. Inquisitor Ameridan
22. Isabela vs. Delrin Barris
23. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi vs. Orsino
24. Jowan vs. Marric Theirin
25. Flemeth (GILF) vs. The Architect
26. Flemeth (Swamp Lady) vs. Sten
27. Flemeth (Dragon) vs. Scout Lace Harding
28. Nathaniel Howe vs. Vivienne de Fer
29. The War Table vs. Tamlen Sabrae
30. Teagan Guerrin vs. Warden Duncan
31. Garrett Hawke vs. The Arishok
32. Bianca (The Dwarf) vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
Round 2:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Alistair Theirin
2. Leliana vs. Morrigan
3. Fenris vs. Anders
4. Merrill Sabrae vs. Tallis
5. Marian Hawke vs. The Iron Bull
6. Cullen Rutherford vs. Cassandran Pentaghast
7. Thom Rainier vs. Andraste
8. Dorian Pavus vs. Josephine Montilyet
9. Sera vs. Bodhan Feddic
10. Felassan vs. Varric Tethras
11. Inquisitor Ameridan vs. Isabela
12. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi vs. Maric Theirin
13. Flemeth (GILF) vs. Sten
14. Scout Lace Harding vs. Vivienne de Fer
15. The War Table vs. Warden Duncan
16. Garrett Hawke vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
Round 3:
1. Zevran Arainai vs. Morrigan
2. Fenris vs. Merrill Sabrae
3. Marian Hawke vs Cassandra Pentaghast
4. Thom Rainier vs. Dorian Pavus
5. Sera vs. Varric Tethras
6. Isabela vs. Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi
7. Flemeth (GILF) vs. Scout Lace Harding
8. Warden Duncan vs. Bianca (The Crossbow)
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biowho · 1 year
Bioware Blorbo Beat Down
>>> ITS OVER <<<
We’re doing 70 npc’s from Mass Effect and Dragon Age and buckle up because first they’re going against each other! Check back in with my pinned post (this one) for updated links or go through the tag ‘bioware blorbo beat down’ on my blog to get to each poll faster
The winners of each round are polled against each other randomly but within their respective games!
[I recommend blocking the tag mentioned above to keep it outa explore pages/main tags if you don’t want to see any of it]
Garrus Vakarian
Zevran Arainai
MASS EFFECT - ROUND FIVE Garrus Vakarian VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Zevran Arainai VS Fenris
Karin Chakwas VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Garrus Vakarian VS Jack
Fenris VS Merrill
Alistair Theirin VS Zevran Arainai
Jack VS Miranda Lawson
Steve Cortez VS Karin Chakwas
Tali’zorah vas Normandy VS Urdnot Wrex
Mordin Solus VS EDI VS Garrus Vakarian
Varric Tethras VS Fenris
Zevran Arainai VS Isabela
Alistair Theirin VS Dorian Pavus
Sera VS Merrill VS Krem
Suvi Anwar VS Karin Chakwas
Steve Cortez VS Kenneth Donelly
Urdnot Wrex VS Thane Krios
Legion VS Mordin Solus
Jack VS Liara T’soni
Garrus VS Joker
Javik VS EDI
Urdnot Grunt VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy 
Miranda Lawson VS James Vega
Dog (dao) VS Isabela
Fenris VS Josephine Montilyet 
Merril VS Vivienne de Fer
Nathaniel Howe VS Krem
Anders VS Alistair Theirin
Sera VS Sten
Dorian Pavus VS Wynne
Zevren Arainai VS Morrigan
Shale VS Varric Tethras
Ashley Williams VS James Vega
Jacob Taylor VS Miranda Lawson
Samantha Traynor VS Tali’zorah vas Normandy
Urdnot Grunt VS Morinth
EDI VS Kaidan Alanko
Cora Harper VS Javik
Nakmor Drack VS Joker
Garrus Vakarian VS Kasumi Goto
Jaal Ama Darav VS Liara T’soni
Jack VS Liam Kosta
Mordin Solus VS Samara
Peebee VS Legion
Thane Krios VS Zaeed Massani
Vetra Nyx VS Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar VS Gabby Daniels
Steve Cortez VS Kallo Jath
Kenneth Donnelly VS Gil Brodie
Karin Chakwas VS Lexi T’Perro
Cassandra Pentaghast VS Shale
Varric Tethras VS Sigrun
Morrigan VS Bethany Hawke
Zevran Arainai VS Cole
Dorian Pavus VS Velanna
Solas VS Wynne
Tallis VS Sten
Oghren VS Sera
Alistair Theirin Vs Cullen Rutherford
The Iron Bull VS Isabela
Anders VS Blackwall
Krem VS Scout Harding
Nathaniel Howe VS Sebastian Vael
Carver Hawke VS Vivienne de Fer
Lelianna VS Merrill
Josephine Montilyet VS Aveline Vallen
Fenris VS Loghain
Dog VS Dog
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vigilskeep · 1 year
delighted to announce the dao romance poll victors
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sapphim · 7 months
I'm thinking about making the three prefab world states that you can choose in DA2 (as opposed importing your own save) customizable. So I had to go through and note down what their default flags were.
The Hero of Ferelden worldstate is a male human noble. The Martyr worldstate is a female dalish elf who performed the ultimate sacrifice. And the No Compromise worldstate is a male dwarven noble. We'll call them Hero Aedan, Martyr Lyna, and Uncompromising Duran.
Martyr Lyna, by nature of being a member of clan Sabrae, will be mentioned quite a lot in dialogue, particularly Merrill's, as opposed to the other two heroes. None of them initiated a romance with any of their companions.
Uncompromising Duran recruited the templars and the werewolves, while Aedan and Lyna recruited the mages and elves. Aedan convinced Zathrian to end his life and cure the werewolves, while Martyr Lyna killed them. Duran enables the quest Changing One's Nature while the others lead to an encounter on the Wounded Coast.
Martyr Lyna placed Bhelen on the throne and receives the Last of his Line quest, while the lads both supported Harrowmont. Only Hero Aedan sided with Caridin and destroyed the anvil. The other two aided Branka in securing it.
All three heroes defended a beseiged Redcliffe Village. Uncompromising Duran knocked Isolde out cold and killed Connor. Hero Aedan and Martyr Lyna both called upon their allies at the Circle of Magi to enter the fade and confront the demon. However, while Hero Aedan defeated the demon and set Connor free, Martyr Lyna cut a deal for power in exchange for allowing the demon to play dead and return and possess Connor at a later date. Hero Aedan would have received that cut Teagan and Connor quest, had it not been cut.
It is only in Martyr Lyna's worldstate that news of Andraste's sacred ashes has been revealed to the world, activating the Miracle Makers quest, which raises an interesting question. The only way to secure Genitivi's silence on the matter is either to tell him you've defiled the ashes, or kill him. So, which did Hero Aedan do? Perhaps I'm overthinking this and he simply ghosted him, instead.
Hero Aedan placed Alistair on the throne at the Landsmeet. Loghain did not survive that encounter. Martyr Lyna spared Loghain's life, and Alistair left the party to rule with Anora. Uncompromising Duran supported Anora, recruited Loghain, and drove Alistair into exile. Bioware doesn't give a fuck about Warden Alistair so this all checks out. All Alistairs, of course, have cameo appearances.
Only Hero Aedan accepted Morrigan's offer and performed the Dark Ritual with her. Martyr Lyna, of course, martyred herself, while Uncompromising Duran martyred Loghain.
All three heroes recruited Zevran, unlocking A Murder of Crows, and Leliana. Martyr Lyna (or, well, her successor anyway, we'll call her Shmartyr Shmyna) and Uncompromising Duran recruited Nathaniel, of Finding Nathaniel fame, while Hero Aedan instead receives the Fool's Gold quest. Did he execute Nathaniel in cold blood, as he did Genitivi? The world will never know. In a bold move, Uncompromising Duran refused to recruit Anders. It's an interesting choice, considering Anders blatantly doesn't care whether or not the import says he was recruited.
Hero Aedan and Shmartyr Shmyna both pledged their forces to defend Amaranthine's farmland, and defended the city from assault (Secret Rendezvous), while Uncompromising Aedan patrolled the arling's trade routes, and left the city to fend for itself while he repelled the attack on Vigil's Keep (The Conspirators). Unlike the lads, Shmartyr Shmyna failed to establish the renowned Silver Order.
Hero Aedan and Shmartyr Shmyna both allied with the Architect, while Uncompromising Duran killed him.
None of the prefab world states set variables for DLC other than Awakening. We may never know how Hero Aedan reacted to meeting Morrigan again, after the birth of their child. There were no witnesses.
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hawkepockets · 5 months
thoughts/headcanons abt dao party body types…
morrigan is skinny, gangly, tough, and rangy from life in the wilds. she has sharp shoulders, stick-out shoulderblades, pointy joints, knobby long-fingered hands, a flat chest. she could be built like a ballerina, except that she doesn’t practice flexibility or grace. which makes her obviously graceless and brittle. the same height as alistair, annoyingly.
alistair is a big-boned, broad-shouldered, strong young man, inclined to beefiness, pudge, and nice boobs… except that he’s always been underfed and has now contracted the taint, so his strength is kind of wasting and drooping on his frame. a sad little belly… slightly pointed ears, just enough to mark him as a shifty character to the eye of a suspicious bigot, without being definitely elvhen.
leliana is plush, pear-shaped, and curvy with big (deadly) thighs and a heart shaped face. her arms have unexpected wiry strength, and her hands are hard. she loses a lot of her healthy fat & rosiness between dao & dai, becoming more rumpled, spindly and birdlike. SAD.
zevran is a beautiful, cat-footed rogue who can charm the rich and classy, so he’s fat and deceptively soft, apple shaped with dainty hands and feet and very strong calves from jumping and climbing. he moves very quietly and springily. medium height for an elf, short king by human standards. long, elegant ears.
wynne is a classroom skeleton. wynne is a folded up ironing board in circle robes. wynne is a murphy bed. wynne is a coffin lid. wynne is taller and more imposing than you expected from a distance. extremely straight, stern posture and big hands that she’s taken good care of. nothing about her bowed or crabbed by age. even her wrinkles are straight lines.
oghren has a beer belly and broad, hairy hands, but by dwarven standards he’s kind of small and slender.
melantho is tiny, much smaller than any of the humans, but to call her “lithe” or “willowy” because she’s an elf would be a joke. her sister is lithe and willowy. mela is a compact, unyielding mass of gristle and bone. no ass, no tits. the taint was already taking hold of her on the road to ostagar, and though its grip on her loosened with the joining she bears its marks—sunken eyes, clawed fingers and toes, blackened extremities, a fevered metabolism that melts away any remaining baby fat and keeps her cranky and cold, a slinking step, sensitivity to light. big, kitten-like ears.
sten is stacked like a sumo wrestler. best tits in the party, easily.
matsendra is bigger than mela but still pretty short with a fat, rounded hourglass figure. like zevran, he has a well-fed, satisfied, domesticated look, but unlike zev he’s not prepared for any chases or parkour. he is genuinely as used to soft living as he looks. with time away from the circle he firms up and gains a subtle, intimidating glow of strength and control, but never gets slimmer. for an elf he has smaller, rounder ears—one torn half off by the demon torpor—and unusually thick facial & body hair.
loghain is actually built very, very similarly to alistair, in a more advanced stage—a big frame that should be filled out, but miserable, ascetic living has stooped his shoulders and hollowed his gut, making him look older than he is.
velanna is an inverted triangle, a corn chip, a captain america. big shoulders, trim waist, tight butt. very disciplined. when she slouches in annoyance it’s artful, poised, and a little hard to believe.
nathaniel looks like a line cook. clammy, jittery, skinny, ugly defined abs, diet of mostly smoke. much much too tall. too tall by far. hunched, self-conscious body language. has erratic bursts of strength in which he can toss oghren like a sack of flour.
sigrun is a full and sexy hourglass!! but she’s all the way down there and wearing legion armor, so you don’t even know. you don’t even get to know how perfect she is.
justice is dead, and squishes like rotten fruit if you touch him. very big, looks as tall as nathaniel but that’s because nate has bad posture. actually slightly shorter. twice as wide.
anders is spare and kind of attenuated, like he’s been spread thin by stress, with an unusually long, slender torso, long arms, and short legs. his hands & feet are a little too big for his limbs, like a stray cat used to fighting, but his touch—whether healing, hurting, or grasping in passion—is gentle, firm, and clinical.
shale is shale.
and most of them are trans.
…………… TO ME❗️
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etdraconis · 4 months
Updated Muse List
Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Araini
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Varric Tethras
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Rowan Theirin
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Gabriel Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
Greek Mythology
Percy Jackson/Riordan Verse
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace (potentially)
Percy Jackson
Piper McClean (potentially)
Will Solace
Leo Valdez (potentially)
Elaine Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Lucian Vanserra
Crescent City
Hunt Athalar
Ruhn Danaan
Danika Fendyr
Ithan Holstrom
Bryce Quinlan
Throne of Glass
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Nikolai Lantsov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik
Good Omens
Zodiac Academy
Geraldine Grus
Lance Orion
Max Rigel
Darcy Vega
Tory Vega
Fourth Wing
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Sloane Maori
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Bridgerton (Both Show and Book Based)
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gwendolyn Sinclair (OC)
Kendall Sinclair (OC)
Alexander Thorne (OC)
Charlotte Thorne (OC)
Lillian Thorne (OC)
Sebastian Thorne (OC)
William Thorne (OC)
Other Book Muses
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Venderberg
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Talon Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Hyun-Soo Joly (medical student)
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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mabaris · 1 year
Ultimate Meow Meow Poll
However you define your poor little meow-meows, the Dragon Age series has plenty to choose from. But who is the saddest, wettest, cringefailiest, morally ambigu-est, crimes-against-godliest?
Preliminary voting will run for one week, and the top 2 from each poll will advance to the bracket. Once the tournament begins, each round will last for 24 hours.
Pick up your faves by the scruff of the neck and cast your votes!
Corypheus/Jarvia/the Mother/Petrice/Uldred/Viddasala
The Architect/Branka/Maddox/Morrigan/Samson/Stroud
Alexius/Briala/Gaspard/Loghain/Meredith/Lady of the Forest
Anora/Genitivi/Iron Bull/Malcolm/Valta/Vivienne
The tournament will be under the tag #meow meow poll if you want to follow it!
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hyperbali · 2 years
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The movements of the Hero of Ferelden after the Blight are an interesting topic, to be sure; there are entire books pondering the subject, including one rather torrid romance series banned in at least three territories. Lady Amell herself has never offered clarification, other than to mention that she's never very much been an enthusiast for ropes as the romance suggests.
What is known is that, at Queen Anora's insistence, she became the Warden-Commander of Amaranthine for a spell - a time marked by several acute disagreements with both King Alistair and her second-in-command, Nathaniel Howe (though the latter, it's said, sourced greatly from passion rather than the fervent dislike shared by King and Hero). In the end, she bequeathed leadership to Howe and made herself scarce from Ferelden, not stepping upon its shores again for many years.
The tales warp and part into separate threads, after that; some say she was seen in the company of the former usurper, Loghain Mac Tir, in Montsimmard; still others speak of her roaming the Free Marches with the Qunari who would one day become Arishok - though not since he left for Par Vollen; yet more whisper of her travels with the Witch of the Wilds, before Empress Celene made a court advisor of the latter.
Perhaps there's some truth to them all; Lady Amell has never elaborated.
What can be confirmed is that she made landfall in Antiva City some time around 9:34 or 9:35, where she encountered a Circle very much like the one she'd inhabited prior to its near total destruction. With the power and clout she'd gained for herself in her travels - along with the backing of one Tejasvin Demetrius, a merchant prince rumored to be her father, and Zevran Arainai, the only assassin known to have left the Crows and lived - she made major headway in preventing the likes of Uldred from ever happening to the Asha Alcazar.
Eventually, she became the youngest First Enchanter in Southern Thedas; when the Circle as an entity was officially dissolved in 9:38, she maintained her role as leader and protector of the Alcazar, whose inhabitants began calling themselves the Antivan Owls in direct conjunction with the Crows - though they would not consider themselves either allies or enemies with the assassins.
When the Conclave was called, Sister Nightingale reached out to Lady Amell for mutual aid in the impending Inquisition; the Lady herself would be the Inquisition's magical (or, esoterics) advisor, while her Owls would both serve and be protected by the newfound group. Lady Amell accepted. Some of the Owls traveled as escort to Lady Montilyet, while the rest - along with Amell herself - shapeshifted into birds to take to the skies and arrive ahead of schedule.
The surprise of a considerable flock landing at Haven in the midst of demons pouring forth from the Breach, particularly after said flock turned back into mages, must have been quite a shock. When questioned, Lady Amell commented that she wasn't sure what vexed her more; that she'd arrived too late to assist Divine Justinia, or that Leliana hadn't thought to warn her just who would be commanding the Inquisition's armed forces. Further explanation was not offered.
I realized that I'd never really pinned down just what Jeanne was up to between DAO and DAI, so I figured I should! I also wanted to redraw her old advisor outfit, now with extra Antivan flair.
As for Antiva, I wracked my brain for quite a while to figure out which Circle she would have ended up at to reintroduce herself to the system; Antiva City won out both for the sake of her roots through dear old Dad, and the fact that all we know about it is that it is (or, was) as strict as Kinloch. "Asha Alcazar" comes from Queen Asha Campana (important Antivan historical figure), and the word for a Spanish fortress and/or palace.
Jeanne's also a good waypoint between Vivienne's Loyalists and Fiona's Libertarians, which I think would work well for the Inquisition's official magic advisor. If asked, she'd probably call herself an Aequitarian with Lucrosian tendencies.
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The Ultimate Best Dragon Age Non-Romantic relationship Dynamic
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What we are looking for: We are looking for the ultimate best non-romantic relationship dynamic. That dynamic may come in many forms. They may be platonic besties, they may be antagonistic, they may have a parental/child relationship. But whatever they have, it’s wonderful to watch unfold and to think about. Ask yourself which relationship dynamic makes you unhinged? Makes you want to lock them in a room together? Makes you want to listen to all their dialogue/interactions on repeat? Which is your favourite duo to pair up, that you can’t stop thinking about how they work together (or don’t work together). Which relationship dynamic is the one that propels each character forward in their own development? Which relationship dynamic brings out an interesting side of each of the characters we don’t get to see as much?
What we are NOT looking for: We are not looking for the ‘best friends’ or the ‘most healthy relationship dynamic’ or ‘the ones who care the most about each other’ or ‘ones I wish had been better friends in canon’. We are also not looking for your favourite characters, we are looking specifically for the relationship dynamic. 
I will be including a dialogue or interaction quote/snippet underneath each poll to give you a refresher on how they interact. We are not voting on which of those dialogues is the best either - it’s just an example. 
A number of contestants get a ‘heads start’ so to say, as they will not be involved in either round one, or round two, but will enter the game straight at round three. These are the Big Bois, the really fleshed out dynamics. The others defo stand a chance, but we need to refine them down a bit before they go up against the dynamics in round three. 
I’m sorry if your fav relationship didn’t make the cut - I ran my list past my dragon age discord and a couple of other friends, but I know I missed a few off. Alas, there had to be a certain number, so I did my best. 
Happy voting! And may the best relationship dynamic win! I’ll be tagging all the stuff for this as ‘#dragon age ultimate non-romantic relationship’ and this masterlist will be pinned
Cole & Sera vs. Fenris & Bethany
Merrill & Fenris vs. Blackwall & Vivienne 
Bethany & Carver vs. Morrigan & Leliana 
Sera & Vivienne vs. Bethany & Anders
Varric & Carver vs. Varric & Isabela 
Varric & Anders vs. Varric & Merrill 
Merrill & Anders vs. Varric & Fenris
Sera & The Iron Bull vs. Isabela & Bethany
Leliana & Sten vs. Merrill & Sebastian 
Loghain & Maric vs. Sebastian & Fenris 
Zevran & Alistair vs. Dorian & Sera
Sebastian & Anders vs. Blackwall & Cassandra
Vivienne & Solas vs. Vivienne & Dorian 
Sten & Shale vs. Carver & Fenris
Cole & Cassandra vs. Morrigan & Kieran
Zevran & Wynne vs. Anders & Nathaniel
Varric & Fenris vs. Anders & Fenris
Varric & Isabela vs. The advisors (Leliana & Cullen & Josephine)
Morrigan & Leliana vs. The Iron Bull & Vivienne
Fenris & Bethany vs. Varric & Cassandra
Leliana & Sten vs. Cole & Solas
Loghain & Maric vs. Varric & Cole
Sten & Shale vs. Sera & Blackwall
Vivienne & Dorian vs. Alistair & Duncan
Merrill & Varric vs. Blackwall & Solas
Aveline & Isabela vs. Bethany & Anders
Morrigan & Kieran vs. Isabela & Merrill 
Leliana & Josephine vs. Merrill & Fenris
Anders & Justice vs. Anders & Sebastian
Zevran & Alistair vs. The Iron Bull & Krem
Sera & The Iron Bull vs. Alistair & Morrigan 
Anders & Nathaniel vs. Corian & Cullen
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
Re: rarepair Hell. I would like to know how many pits we mutually occupy, so. Could I get a list of like, idk, your top ten (based in enjoyment level) rarepairs? And/or headcanons but I would prefer "and".
okay i'll assume you mean dragon age specifically MFDSKJFSDKJF but okay, i'll list some!!!!
the obvious ones:
fenders (fenris x anders) : i love a good narrative foil
zevistair (zevran x alistair) : idk if this counts as a rarepair but!!! their canon flirting banters always make me go sooo insane. that you can include zevran in the foursome w alistair if alistair is hardened (lol) makes me INSANE. they are basically canon aND YET!!!!!!
warden x loghain : ive written so much abt them already. you get the idea
nanders (nathaniel x anders)
the less obvious ones:
anders/merrill (bonus: anders/merrill/isabela): for all the same reasons i ship fenders (which i would argue is still relatively a popular pair, so not quite rarepair??); they're such good mirrors, they're both encapsulate what the other fears. anders being 100% okay to hurt people despite being a healer vs merrill being a blood mage who has never wanted to hurt anyone is just *chef kiss*. you can take a look at this for more compelling reasons to ship them.
fenris/merrill: for all the same reasons as above. i think if u dont ship each individual LI of the kirkwall polycule w each other, u shouldnt say u ship the kirkwall polycule.
solavelyan / soladaar / soladash / solas x non-lavellan inqs: i still think it should've been a romance option for all inqs tho i suppose they didn't really have the time to develop a non-lavellan route for them, but i love thinking about it, and i love the vibes for it so much. again, i love narrative foils, and i think it's so natural to be drawn to someone who could understand you like that.
alistair x bethany: a not-templar and a not-circle mage, in the wardens together. i think they'd really like each other and have a very interesting kind of energy!!! they've both got these secret bitter/spiteful sides to them, there's a lot of parallels (like alistair thinking warden conscription is a good thing bc it was for him and bethany having v different emotions abt being a warden in general). i've also really enjoyed most of the fics i've read for them.
nathaniel x f!cousland: UNFORTUNATELY THOUGH i dont think i've been able to find the kind of fic i want for them in the tag. i've got too many wips as it is, but maybe one day i'll write the nathaniel/f!cousland fic of my dreams...
nathaniel x anora: this one is admittedly @rosella-writes' fault, but they've got me by the THROAT as a concept
m!hawke/cullen: LIKE ESPECIALLY IF IT'S ONE-SIDED FOR CULLEN it's something that can be SO fascinating to explore (esp in an amell worldstate). [shaking cullen] babygirl what is WRONG with you!!!!!!!
m!hawke/sebastian: sebastian grappling with his admiration for hawke vs his chantry vows but THIS TIME make it mlm..... i think this is probably baby vee coming through w how hard i used to ship d/estiel in the early 00's LMAO. fsr they hit the same beats in my skull.
morrigan/leliana: noooo girlies don't fight haha <3 they should dump the warden and kiss instead <3
josephine/the iron bull: i read a few fics for them that admittedly captured my interest. i think their dynamic is something that could really be interesting to delve into for so many reasons. i've read the evidence and i find it compelling enough to put on this list
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wylldebee · 3 months
Do you have a canon run through for Dragon Age? If you do, what is it?
(oh wow my first ever ask :D!) Yes! Yes I do! My canon world state mostly has the "Good" choices (as much as there can be in Dragon Age). Dragon Age: Origins (Warden: Valerie 'Val' Tabris, rogue; assassin+duelist): —Circle saved; Mages supported; Irving alive —Brokered peace between elves and werewolves —Branka killed; Anvil destroyed; Bhelen rules —Connor alive (not possessed); Isolde alive; urn not poisoned —Helped Alistair find Goldana (hardened him); killed Marjolaine (didn't harden Leliana); killed Master Ignacio —Hardened!Alistair and Anora rule together; Loghain was executed —Killed the Architect; both Keep and Amaranthine protected; Oghren and Felsi reunited —Didn't go with Morrigan —Sophia killed; Avernus continues his research ethically; drank the Power of Blood —Companions alive, well, and quests done; romanced Leliana
Dragon Age II (Champion: Arin 'Rin' Hawke, mage; Force Mage) —Joined the mercenaries —Returned Saemus to the Viscount; convinced Templars to leave; sent Feynriel to the Dalish; defended Ketojan from the Qunari; Aveline made guard captain; Carver is a Templar —Aveline and Donnic married; didn't side with Petrice; Bartrand not killed; Varric not allowed to keep Red Lyrium Shard; Isabela returns with the tome; didn't give Isabela to the Arishok; killed the Arishok —Let Zevran go; rescued Nathaniel; reunited Charade and Gamlin; handed conspirators to Orsino; allowed Emile to go free; sided with the mages —Sided with Larius; found Malcolm's will —All companions recruited and friend-manced; Merrill didn't destroy the Eluvian; Merrill's clan is alive; friends with Tabris; didn't kiss Tabris (but did flirt a little :3); didn't approve Ander's actions; killed Anders; romanced Isabela is all three acts. (Before anyone says anything; I have nothing against Anders and I have more playthroughs with him alive than I do dead. I'm all for Ander blowing up the Chantry. Is just Hawke mercy killing Anders because he would've been the number one target for Templars, and to also free Anders from Justice. Role-playing.) Dragon Age: Inquisition (Inquisitor Rhosyn 'Rho' Lavellan rogue; Tempest) —Captured the various keeps; Fairbanks not revealed as a noble; closed the lake's rifts; helped refugees; investigated the dwarven ruins; gained the cultists' support; Imshael killed; rescued the troops from the Avvar inner sanctum reached (<- f*ck this quest in particular) —Inquisition forces were regularly deployed; Sutherland's company was successful; contacted Charade; Jecin and Celeste married for love —Mages allied; declared the Inquisition for order; denied being chosen by Andraste; Samson my rival; saved everyone in Haven (<- frigging mission making me reload a thousand times to save everybody) —Celene alive; Celene rules and reconciled with Briala; Florianne alive —Grey Wardens rebuilt; Stroud left behind in the fade —Respected the temple's traditions; allied with guardians; Rhosyn drank from the well —Leliana made Divine —Met Ameridian; earned legend-mark from Avvar; dragon slain; shared the truth about Ameridian —Saved mines; stopped earthquakes —Bull remained loyal; preserved the Inquisition as a peacekeeping force; attempt to redeem Solas —Everybody recruited and friends with everybody; Blackwall made into a Grey Warden; Solas freed his friend; Cassandra rebuilt the Seekers; Dorian reconciled with his father; saved the Charger and Bull is Tal-Vashoth; Cole more human; gave Vivienne the heart; forced Hammon to work for the Inquisition; Varric tracked down the red lyrium source; romanced Cassandra (<- unfortunately as a male! Inquisitor but it's still part my canon world state) And that's that!
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
Dragon Age companions (and advisors) as Jenna Marbles' quotes
Alistair: "You know what's better than sex? Crying"
Oghren: "There's a lot of room for opportunities to improve in my life but I'm just gonna continue ignoring them like I do every year"
Loghain: "[my eyebrows] just grow in a sad direction"
Sten: "Worst case scenario you're right"
Cole: *whines like a cermet*
Sebastian: "I don't know if you've ever been like 8 years old before but you can't just staple everything together. It doesn't work"
Wynne: "So much work and it hardly was even worth it"
Sera: "I feel beautiful, I feel bratty... Actually I'm in pain"
Shale: "We looked fierce. I still have dreams about me"
Bull: "Snatch me like one of Liam Neeson's daughters!"
Vivienne: "That joke was so pigmented"
Cullen: "If you'd accept a treat, maybe it'd be a rewarding experience for you"
Leliana: "I love fucking myself up"
Josephine: "Sorry guys everything is fine, daddy has everything under control"
Isabela: munching on a beauty blender "Calorie free marshmallow! ✌️ Coachella!!"
Justice: "Get a Ouija board or something. Bring 👏 me 👏 back! 👏"
Cassandra: *that defeated look Jenna makes when Julien is being too much of an aries*
Anders: "This is me putting on my mascara with confidence knowing full well that later on in the middle school dance I will lock myself in the bathroom and fucking crying"
Velanna: "I feel so bratty I'm just ready to disobey my parents. I also lost my cat" shrugs "sorry mom. What would you do about it"
Blackwall: stretches "Ouch" raises thumb "Good game" dad noises
Nathaniel: "Welcome to "I'm feeling generally unmotivated""
Fenris: "Sabado y domingo es my favorito" thinks about the following up "Muerte!"
Carver: "Everyone is getting pizza for lunch but I have to eat this lettuce sandwich my mom packed me. Yeah with mayonnaise. My mom never learned about nutrition. She just opens a can of lettuce, cuts a hole and squirts mayonnaise"
Morrigan: "I have a lot of feelings but like they're not for me and they're kinda fake"
Zevran: "This is me inviting myself to a party no one invited me to"
Sigrun: "Nothing says beauty guru quite like black white flannel checkered shirt"
Varric: "Oh no" nervous smile "this is gonna get worse and worse"
Bethany: "Life is short but also like terribly and insufferably long at the same time"
Dorian: "I literally just wanna sit here and like see how useless I would be in an apocalypse scenario"
Merrill: "When those people do it it's art, but when I do it it's "is Merrill okay?""
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