#shale dragon age
dailydadoodles · 5 months
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he's so silly sometimes
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llysaan · 2 years
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Another little doodle dump of my warden and the origins gang 😊 I’m not great at organizing this kind of thing but oh well here it is haha
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paunchsalazar · 10 months
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heroes of ferelden
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libartz · 1 year
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This post again but DAO
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pisscrossiant · 1 month
Part two of my dragon age: origins headcanons because It's my current hyperfixation 😋
I'm honestly just writing these down here when I think of em
Oghren will stop doing whatever he's doing if he sees the Warden just to wave at them like a goof, he could be in the middle of fighting for his life and he stops to wave to them.
Morrigan can go MONTHS without bathing and look exactly the same as she did the last time she took a bath. She doesn't smell either she smells like roses 24/7 and no one knows how she doesn't smell after not bathing for like three months.
Leliana puts ribbons around her boots to make them prettier
Zevran tends to linger behind the party when walking somewhere just so he can stare at their asses without it being obvious.
Alistair keeps cheese in his pockets at all times, he has like three big ass cheese wheels in his tent at camp so he will take little pieces of cheese off the wheels and put them in his pocket so he has a snack later.
Wynne cooks the most out of everyone, she always takes requests from the party members so she can make them their favorite dishes for dinner so they can enjoy something during the blight.
Leliana often has auditory hallucinations and the most common one she has is of a woman screaming bloody murder, she'll jump a bit and if no one reacts to it she just carries on with what she's doing while waiting for it to stop.
Alistair has insomnia most of the time when he's "sleeping" he just lays in his bed roll and waits for sun rise, sometimes he'll talk to Zevran or Leliana if they get up before everyone else.
Zevran has Paranoia and has visual hallucinations, though they don't happen all that often, they still freak him out. He mostly see's shadow people which freaks him out alot because he thinks they could be assassins, watching him.
Oghren will pass out sometimes from his drunkenness, thankfully this doesn't happen during fights.
After Zevran got mad at the warden saying "there are other things to do besides me, go do those." The Warden gets upset and goes to sit by their tent and shale see's this and tries comforting them by saying "Would you like me to crush the painted elf" which actually does make the warden feel better.
Zevran and Leliana are polyamorous and wouldn't mind being in a poly relationship.
Leliana has a FAT crush on Morrigan, even if the warden romances her she can't help but fall for the tall lesbian.
Zevran has a crush on Sten, not in a romantic sense but more so he's attracted to him because Zev loves tall people.
Alistair is a bisexual in denial, he thinks he's straight but when he sees men without shirts on he gets all flustered.
Wynne reads 24/7 and she reads smut. Like hardcore smut. She reads it with a straight face.
Once Alistair asked what she was reading and she handed him the book to read the synopsis outloud and he became so embarrassed about it, Zevran and Morrigan made fun of him for it for weeks, he still can't see Wynne the same way again.
Elfroot is like weed, that's why it's called Elfroot because ancient elves would smoke it.
Leliana will wash and style Zevran's hair for him, during his time with the crows he didn't get to have his hair all nice and clean and styled properly so he doesn't really know how to take care of it all to well, so Leliana does it for him.
Zevran gets jealous easily believe it or not, if he sees another person flirting with the warden he gets mad and will go up to the Warden and interrupt their conversation. At first when he doesn't realize he's fallen for the Warden he keeps thinking he's stupid for it and tries to ignore it.
Leliana doesn't have a tendency to get jealous but if someone is getting too touchy with the Warden she'll just stand behind the warden glaring at them to get them to back off.
Morrigan can be very possessive of the Warden even if the warden hasn't romanced her she still will be very possessive especially if the warden is around someone she doesn't like (like Alistair)
Alistair gets jealous but doesn't show it or anything he's more tame and doesn't act on it or anything.
Morrigan is a raging lesbian she has no romantic interest for men, the only time she'd even sleep with a man would be for her to have a child. But she doesn't try to pursue any romantic relationship with women due to her pushing the people she loves away.
Oghren misses Branka before she left him but is glad to be a part from her at the same time.
Shale pets your Mabari 24/7 she loves animals especially dogs
Zevran is very weary around dogs, there were stray dogs all around Antivia City and they'd attack a lot unprovoked, he's been attacked by them numerous times so he was of course nervous when joining the warden's party seeing they had not just a dog but a wardog. Over time though he grew to actually like the dog alot however.
Leliana is a cat person, she's fine with dogs but she loves cats. But if she did have to choose between a Nug and a Cat she'd ofc choose a Nug.
Alistair is a major dog person, when he was living with the Arl he would usually hang around the kennels rather then being around people. When he says "I was raised by dogs" he wasn't actually that far off.
Morrigan doesn't like Dogs or cats, she's a bird person. She only tolerates the wardens Mabari because she knows the warden loves him.
Oghren is actually fond of dogs believe it or not, he hates cats though he says "they're stuck up"
Sten doesn't have a preference between cats or dogs however he respects dogs alot more then he respects cats.
Wynne is a cat lady, like if the tower let her she'd have like 20 cats.
Alistair has elf ears but not like how full blooded elves have, half elves have small points to their ears, they look like human ears but have a point to them instead of being rounded fully.
Leliana has a tattoo of a sun on her right shoulder.
Zevran has tattoos all over similar to the ones on his face, but he also has a tramp stamp that says " amor ''
Morrigan at first meeting her has no tattoos, I mean where would she get them living in the wilds. Once she leaves though she does get a tattoo of a raven on her left arm.
Alistair got drunk and got a tattoo of a dragon on his back, he thought it was cool at first but now that he's having to fight dragons and the arch demon he hates it.
The circle doesn't let mage's have tattoos so Wynne doesn't have any.
Sten does not have any tattoos because the Qun does not allow it, he does put markings on his body with face paint however.
Oghren has a tattoo of two beer mugs clanking together in between his shoulder blades.
That's all for now I'm most likely gonna do another part because I actually like writing these it's just nice to do when I'm not doing anything. Also the first part did pretty well and got a decent amount of attraction so definitely gonna do more 🤭
Plus I love fueling the dragon age fandom I wish there was a lot more stuff ab it 😭
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enderevynne · 11 months
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↳ The Golem in Honnleath
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platoniccereal · 1 year
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group dynamics huh.
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eliphasgraham · 1 year
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✨ Romance ✨
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executivenerd · 1 year
I'm interested to see what everybody's favorite companions are!
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irregular-hexagon · 10 months
I fucking love Shale she just so gender
The only woman to be made into a golem? Girl boss
Forcefully augmented but now views the crystals as accessories? Metal (well, actually stone but-)
Hate of birds? Questionable, but understandable as a sentient statue
Absolute tank of a character? Oh you don’t even know! (The big numbers that flash on my screen when she hits things make me happy)
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dragonagebanter · 2 years
Alistair: So this... "bird thing" of yours. Shale: I do not have a "bird thing." I have an extremely justified rage of the flying vermin that plague this world. Alistair: But there are some birds that are useful. Like the ones you eat! Shale: I approve of the ritual slaying of the foul beasts, but—it eats one? Disgusting. Alistair: They're really quite tasty. you just need to rip off the feathers, first. I like the skin, myself. Shale: I... think I am going to be sick... Alistair: Ooh! Golem vomit! This I have to see!
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
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Shale: I have watched a lot of humans in my time. It should be aware that I have decided that it is... not much like any of them. Tahel: Er... because I'm not human? Shale: Oh, it's not just that. Well... I'm sure that's part of it, but it's not only that. Shale: Surely it must come from some superior lineage, yes? Some breed of flesh creature that has decided to elevate its genetic stock above its natural shortcomings? Tahel: Well, I am a mage, as well as an elf... Shale: Then that must be it. The humans have always spoken about elves being inferior, but obviously this is their own stupidity talking.
I love this exchange so much. If you're playing an elf you spend so much of this game having how little the human population thinks of your people shoved in your face. Outside of the mentions it gets in the origins (obviously most prevalent with Tabris, least prevalent but still potentially present with Surana depending on dialogue choices), even with the respect people give to the Warden it usually opens with them being disrespectful, then recognizing you as a Warden and backpedalling. But then here Shale is, and it looks at you and says "Clearly you are superior to them and it's stupid of the humans to say otherwise". Although I do believe I see a beginning to the way DAI keeps forgetting that mage Lavellan is a mage as well as an elf with the way Shale completely ignores the mage part...
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illusivesoul · 2 years
8 Dragon Age Origins
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GIF REQUEST MEME: Dragon Age + Favorite Platonic Relationship (8): STEN AND SHALE
Shale: If all of your people are like you, it is a wonder you haven't crushed the humans under your heel. Sten: I have wondered this same thing. Shale: One just need to look at them. They're so... Sten: Small? Shale: Exactly. Sten: You and I, we are of the same mind, kadan.
Requested by: Anonymous
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shizuu-chann · 2 years
*removes Shale from party*
Shale: "Pigeon crap."
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pisscrossiant · 17 days
Part FOUR of my Dragon Age Origins headcanons because It's my current hyperfixation 😋
Going strong with a part four 🙏🏻
//Warning slight NSFW themes
Shale and Wynne are married #oldladyyuri
Shale watches Wynne sleep to protect her
Wynne reads to Shale
Wynne and Shale are the younger party members adopted lesbian moms.
Wynne bake cookies for everyone.
Leliana teases Wynne about her relationship with Shale as before Wynne showed a sort of bitterness towards love.
"I thought you didn't think love was important? And now your married. How the turn tables." - Leliana
Zevran gets pegged
Morrigan doesn't like physical touch but she makes an acception for the Warden, she'll let them hug her when they need a hug, while it's awkward at first as she's never been hugged before she gets used to it.
Morrigan likes putting spiders in Alistairs pack, she'll do this with the other party members if she's mad at them though. She always does it to Alistair however.
The reason Wynne actually reconsiders the wardens relationship with their love interest(s) is because she fell in love with Shale and she realizes love is worth it (I'm pushing my Wynne x Shale agenda.)
Leliana loves to hug and hold hands with the other party members, while it can get annoying they don't tell her that and just let her hug them when she wants.
Alistair has a thing for old people
Zevran constantly puts snow down the party members shirts, he's gotten turned into a frog several times because he would put snow down Morrigan's shirt. Safe to say he doesn't do that to her anymore.
After Origins Sten actively writes to the warden, he updates them on how his life is 24/7
Oghren has gotten so drunk he's walked out of his tent in his underwear (or just completely naked😭)
Zevran pierced Alistair's ear while he was asleep,
Alistair slept through it too.
He just woke up and he had a earring
Leliana ties bows around Alistair's armor while he sleeps
He keeps the bows on too he says "it makes him feel pretty"
None of the party members have seen Sten sleep, you could stay up all night every night for a week and never once see him asleep.
This one's shorter then the others but I'm running out of ideas so they're gonna keep getting shorter 😭
This will probably be the last part for A WHILE
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kingvamps · 1 year
seen a lot of different takes on this, so
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