#You want an ending that actually makes you rethink the characters and their relationships to each other and their choices? Well boy howdy
setaflow · 3 months
Finished The Hike by Drew Magary.
No final paragraph of a book has ever floored me quite like that one just did.
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leossmoonn · 6 months
Hey, I don't know if you do Clapton Davis fics. But can you do one about one of the girls at school that makes it look like Clapton Is cheating on the reader and theh break up and then he does everything to get her back? They end up back together in the end ofc :D
Btw I love your writings 💕💕💕
thank you! full disclosure… i haven’t watched detention yet, but ive read a lot of clapton fics and i feel like his character is pretty understandable and simple (aka loser, lover boy). if this isn’t correct then ill just have to watch detention 😭
includes - reader is fem, mentions of sex (this was actually so painful to write bruh. it gave me relationship flashbacks ). there’s like so much mentions of murder idk why, gets kinda frisky at the end (nothing major). not edited.
“that calc exam was brutal,” your friend zoey groans.
you nod in agreement. “even with the extra study sessions peterson offered, i felt like i didn’t know anything on the test.”
“why do teachers do that?” zoey frowns. “it’s like they’re trying to make us fail.”
“they probably are,” you remark. you both turn the corner, your gaze falling to your shoes as you rethink every math problem you just did, hoping they were right. you don’t look up until zoey gasps. you barely are able to lift your head up when she grabs your arm, spinning your around in the direction you just came from.
“what are you doing?” you hiss. “trust me, you don’t want to look,” zoey says. you frown, “what happened? is someone like, pissing in the hallway?”
zoey laughs awkwardly. “not this time.”
“well, then it can’t be that bad.” you twist your arm out of her grip, walking back.
“stop!” zoey warns you, but it’s too late. your jaw drops at first glance. once your eyes settle on the situation, your heart sinks to your chest and you suddenly feel nauseous. right in front of you is your boyfriend, clapton, and the most popular girl in school, taylor fisher. she has him trapped up against a locker, pressing herself against him. they aren’t kissing, but if they both leaned in then they could. she looks like a predator zoning in on her prey. worst thing is that clapton doesn’t even look bothered. he doesn’t look uncomfortable. he’s smiling and laughing. he’s looking at her like he wants to fuck her.
zoey stands next to you, a sorry expression on her face. “i’m so sorry,” she whispers.
you swallow hard, feeling like there’s glass in your throat. the bridge of your nose burns and you feel droplets of water run down your face. the worst thing is about this is that he hasn’t even noticed you standing there yet.
“let’s get you out of here,” zoey says, grabbing your hand. you’re about to go with her when taylor’s hand touches his chest. he doesn’t push her away. he doesn’t grimace in disgust. he does nothing. taylor and clapton spots you a few seconds later. his eyes widen, like he just got caught committing a crime. to you, it feels like he did.
“look what the cat dragged in,” taylor grins maliciously.
zoey can’t help but roll her eyes. “that’s rich of you to say.”
“baby,” clapton says, sounding helpless. “don’t.” you say, clenching your jaw and fists. it’s now when he pushes taylor away, walking towards you. you shake your head. “we are done.”
you turn to zoey. “get me out of here?” she nods enthusiastically, gently grabbing your hand and leading you out the exit.
she takes you back to her house. you’re silent the whole way there and silent about the whole time you’re at her house. she puts on one of your favorite movies in hopes to cheer you up. but you just sit on her couch taking deep, shaky breathes. she pauses the movie with a quarter left, turning to you.
“you shouldn’t keep this all in, you know.”
you nod, acknowledge her words. you still don’t say anything. you’re afraid if you speak you’ll start sobbing. zoey places her hand on your knee.
“i don’t want to force you to say anything, but i’m here for you.”
“i know,” you say, your voice coming out like a croak. “are you hungry? i can make us some ramen,” zoey suggests.
you shake your head. you haven’t eaten since lunch, which was about six hours ago. but you have no appetite.
“how about some crackers? i have saltines,” she says.
“i’m okay,” you say.
“how about some water? or some soda?”
you think for a moment, slowly nodding. “okay. i’ll have water.” you only agree to a drink because you know zoey will something for you anyway. she gets up and goes to her fridge. she returns with a glass of water and some crackers with m&ms.
“zoey,” you frown. “you don’t have to eat these at all,” she says. “but if you end up wanting something, these are here for you. and you know you can have anything else you want while you’re here.”
you start crying now. you open your mouth to thank her, but it comes out in a sob. she rushes to hug you, holding you as you cry into her shirt. you pull away after a good 15 minutes of crying. zoey gives you some tissues and you blow your nose.
“out of every guy at school, she had to choose him? 90% of the guys at school are single, and he had to choose my guy?” you scoff.
zoey nods and pats your arm comfortingly.
“b-but he’s not my guy anymore,” you sob. your whole chest hurts as you cry. it feels tight and like you can’t breathe. your heart feels like it’s physically breaking. it feels like clapton took your heart out of your body and he and taylor smashed it all up with sledgehammers.
“taylor is a bitch, and not the one that she refers to herself as.”
“yeah, she is,” you nod. “she’s a disrespectful, evil, pretty, popular bitch,” you start to wail.
“just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean you aren’t either. don’t compare yourself like that.”
you snuffle, wiping your nose roughly. “and clapton — ugh! i let clapton-fucking-davis play me. that dumb, little, attention-seeking twerp! all he has to do it push her away and say no. he can’t do that because as soon as a girl gets close to him, he starts thinking with his dick!”
“boys are dumb,” zoey confirms. “yeah,” you nod. your crying comes to a stop and you look at zoey with a self-pitying expression. “i liked him a lot. i let him meet my parents. i’ve snuck him into my house. he’s made cookies with my mom and talked to my dad about cars. i… i thought he liked me.”
“he’s in love with you,” zoey says. you shake your head and laugh sourly. “no, he’s not. he likes the attention i give him. he likes the fact that because of me, he sees boobs and has sex. he likes the fact that he can call me his girlfriend.”
“well, i find it hard to believe that you don’t like all the superficial things he does for you. don’t tell me you forgot that you literally called me while he was still in your house, after had just given you, and i quote from you, “the best night of sex i will ever have”. you also love his muscles and his abs and the way he looks at you when you’re naked and when you’re all dressed.”
“yeah, but,” you huff. “i didn’t let a guy talk me up and basically grind up against him in the hallway.”
“you’re right,” she nods. “you are totally right. and i’m not saying to forgive him at all. in fact, don’t. i’m just… i do think that he’s in love with you. and he just made a terrible mistake.”
“i don’t want to forgive him,” you frown. “like i said, you don’t have to. i just hate to hear you talk so bad about yourself. you are a catch and you have your whole life to find the guy of your dreams!” zoey exclaims.
“what if i wanted him to be that?” you ask. she sighs, “if it’s meant to be, then it will be.”
the next day you feel like shit. you can only manage to drink half a cup of coffee and a piece of toast. zoey picks you up for school and you try to request sad songs, but she declines. she sings the most annoying, happy songs to your face. she almost catches you smiling, but you frown so deep it makes you both laugh. you almost forget about the unfortunate series of events until you show up to school and see taylor walking out of her car.
“how does she always look so perfect?” you ask. “she really doesn’t. she obviously didn’t put on makeup today and that orange shirt isn’t doing her any favors,” zoey says.
you scoff and turn your head to face her. “you’re joking, right?”
“did it make you feel better?”
“a little.”
“then no, i’m not.”
you managed to avoid clapton the whole day. you ate lunch in zoey’s car, got to your classes super early, and even was able to avoid using your locker — which you hated using anyways. you started to feel better as you begin to think about all the fun things zoey has planned for you this weekend. the happiness dissipates as you see clapton standing by zoey’s car.
“oh, my god,” zoey grumbles.
he’s holding a huge pink teddy bear and a jewelry box. he smiles brightly as you approach him.
“hey! i didn’t see you today. i thought that i would —”
“save it,” you stop him. “i told you we are over. what part of that isn’t clear?”
he sighs, “i know. but then i remembered that you liked this teddy bear that you saw online, and it was there at the store! so i decided to get it for you. and i also bought these earrings that i had already got you for our anniversary, but i figured you’d like them sooner.” he opens the box. “they’re the theme of your favorite book.”
you have the fight the urge to swoon. “i’m sorry you spent your money on me, clapton. please move so we don’t run you over.”
“please,” he begs.
“please what, calpton? please listen to your sorry excuses? please listen to you ramble on for ten minutes without even talking about what happened? please wait for you to apologize? no!” you shout.
he opens his mouth to speak, but you stop him.
“you hurt me, clapton. seeing you with taylor, that hurt.”
“i know, but i can explain. we weren’t doing anything, i swear —”
“yeah, that’s what hurts! you know, i wish that you kissed her and i caught you inside of her, cause that would’ve been so much more explainable. that would’ve been so much more acceptable. but no. you just stood there letting her sweet talk you. i know you’re not used to getting noticed. you’re known as the class-clown and people sometimes rag on you, but i thought you weren’t letting that bother you anymore! you told me yourself that you don’t need anyone’s validation anymore. but that’s obviously false.”
he blinks rapidly, jaw dropping and closing a couple of times.
“you can save this stuff for the next girl. or just keep them yourself,” you say. you turn to zoey who is trying to contain her excitement. “can we go to out to eat?” you ask.
“i was just about to ask you the same thing,” zoey smiles. you try to not look at clapton as she drives away, but you can’t help it. he looks like a lost puppy that just got his heart stomped on. he kind of feels that way.
he feels terrible. this is the worst he’s ever felt in his entire life. this outdoes the time he went to six flags and threw up all the popcorn and toxic waste he ate.
“hey, honey. did she not like your gifts?” clapton’s mom asks as he shows up with full hands.
“no, she didn’t.”
she frowns and gets up from the kitchen table. “did you apologize?”
“yeah,” he nods slowly. she narrows her eyes. “why can’t you boys say sorry?”
“girls can’t say sorry either!”
“not the point,” she says. “you have been talking about this girl nonstop for the last two months. your father has said you should just ask her to marry you if you like her so much. even if she hates you now, which is understandable, you need to give her a real apology.”
“i do feel sorry! i just… what if i say sorry and tell her how i feel, and she still rejects me?”
“then she rejects you. as long as you try and learn from this, it’ll be okay.”
clapton nods in agreement, trudging up to his room and laying down on his bed. he knows he messed up bad. he never meant to hurt you. he’s never dreamed of every hurting you. he know he doesn’t have a good explanation. he can’t even explain what happened between taylor and him himself. but what he does know is that he feels absolutely nothing for taylor, and his whole heart is yours. he steal for you, lie for you, go to jail for you. he would split the world for you.
he has to let you know how he feels about you.
clapton’s at your window, throwing rocks at it. he’s been there for half an hour. at first he thought you were ignoring him, but now he just thinks you’re not home. he’s correct when he sees zoey’s car pull up in your driveway.
“oh, shit,” he mumbles. he panics and looks around him for somewhere to hide. he jumps in a bush that’s on the side of your house, hoping you don’t see him.
“that was the best crab rangoon i have ever had,” zoey groans. “i might have to go back before i go back home.”
you scoff, “being me back some!” you’re about to walk into your garage when clapton lets out a sneeze.
“did you hear that?” zoey asks. “uh, yeah,” you nod. “hello?” you call out. there’s no answer. fear seeps into your chest. “you need to take me back to your place now. someone could be plotting to kill me!”
“okay, yeah,” she nods. “should we call the police? I’m going to call the police.”
clapton jumps out the bushes, scaring both of you to death. you both scream as he appears in front of you.
“it’s just me! it’s just me!”
“oh, my! fuck! clapton!” you groan. “you can’t do that? we almost just had a heart attack and died!”
“okay, that’s a little bit dramatic,” he chuckles.
“and you’re here!” you wave your hands in the air angrily. “why are you here! you are so annoying and creepy.”
“don’t you think me waiting here is romantic?” he asks, giving you a hopeful smile.
“you’ve been waiting on me? agh!” you scream. “get out of my house!”
“i’m technically not in your —”
“do you want me to kill you?” you ask. “no,” he shakes his head. “i mean, if that’s what you want. anything for you.”
“clapton,” zoey says. she grabs his arm, escorting him to her car. “i will drive you home so you don’t die tonight, okay? this is out of the kindest of my heart. even though i think you are a d-bag.”
“wait, wait, wait! please! i want to say one more thing. after this , i’ll never speak to you again. i promise,” clapton pleads.
zoey raises her brows at you and you shrug. she lets him go and he walks back to you.
“i am so sorry,” he says. “good start,” you remark.
“i… i really don’t have any explanation for what you saw. i know that doesn’t help, but i can tell you what happened. she was asking if i could get the physics homework answers from you to give to her. i was saying no, but before i knew it, she was saying funny things to butter me up. and then she trapped me against the lockers and put her hand on my chest to pin me down.”
“you expect me to believe that?” you scoff. “i know. i know it’s not practical, but,” he takes your hands into his and stares into your eyes, “i swear on my love for you that that is the honest truth. you can even ask her! you know taylor wouldn’t lie to you.”
you search his face. he looks so desperate, so pained. you really don’t know whether or not to believe him.
“i hope you know that you don’t have to forgive me. just know that i am so sorry and hurting you makes me want to eat shit while i’m skateboarding. i’ll leave now.” he let’s go of your hands. you feel so cold now, so lonely. “can you take me home still?” he asks zoey.
“i guess so,” she huffs. “see you tomorrow,” she says to you.
you nod and give her a small smile, waving goodbye to the two of them. you go up to your room after talking with your parents for a little bit. you spot the countless pictures you have of you and clapton. you’ve known him since freshman year of high school, but you’ve known him for only a couple of months. saying goodbye to him feels like a knife twisting into your back, bud that’s how you felt seeing him with taylor.
you never thought clapton would hurt you, not like this. but you know people can change and reveal a part of themselves you never knew existed. eventually, the truth comes out. but you find it hard to believe that this is the case with clapton. the way he’s treated you since you’ve started dating is like nothing you’ve ever experienced in other relationships.
he’s always been super sweet to you. always complimenting you, asking how you slept, carrying your backup, holding you accountable when you study. he’s never been good with words, but he’s never had to be. he always is holding your hand or massaging your back. he loves buying you gifts or making you stuff. he likes cooking for you, too, even though he’s quite terrible at it. he’s always protecting you against rude remarks you sometimes get at school. sometimes the girls will say something about your outfit, and clapton always has something to say to them. not to mention, he is a giver and always makes sure you get satisfied multiple times before he gets anything. which is super different from any other guy you’ve been with.
for you to be able to know the real truth, you know what you have to do.
“you don’t have anything sharp on you, right?” zoey asks. “no,” you say. “why?”
“in case you try and kill taylor.”
“what! i would never do that!”
zoey gives you a look and you roll your eyes. “the closest i would get would be cutting off her hair. which, to her, would be murder.”
zoey chuckles, “you so should do that.”
you shrug, “we’ll see what happens.”
“hey, taylor!” you plaster on the brightest smile ever. she turns to you, looking you up and down while smacking gum. “can i help you?”
“yeah,” you nod. “i was just wondering what you and mike were talking about?”
“why do you wan to know?” she asks. you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “i am just wondering. it’s not like you were discussing murder right?”
she glares at your cheap joke. “i asked him if he knew anybody with the answers to the physics homework. i tried to get your answers, but he just kept saying no. he kept saying how i should do my own work and how you’re not just some homework-giver, or whatever. i tried to seduce him, but for some reason it didn’t work. his brain must be broken or something.”
“really?” you ask. “yeah. he actually laughed at me. i mean, what kind of freak does that?” she scoffs.
you can’t help but laugh yourself. she frowns. “am i a joke or something?”
“no,” you say unconvincingly, turning around and walking to zoey who is waiting for you by your locker.
“what’s the verdict?” she asks. “i… i guess clapton was telling the truth,” you say. “i need to find him.”
“i don’t think he came to school today.”
you groan, “well, i can’t skip school.”
“i’ll drive you to his house right after school.”
zoey does so, leaving when you tell her clapton can take you home. you go to his backyard, finding some rocks and throwing it at his window.
“clapton! it’s me!” you shout. you see him at the window almost immediately. he opens it, sticking his head out. “i thought you didn’t want to see me?”
“can i come inside and i’ll explain?”
he leaves for a few moments, opening his back porch window. he leaves it opens for you and you walk in, sliding the door shut behind you. you follow him up to his shook, gasping as you see the variety of gifts he has on his desk. there’s the bear and earrings you’ve already seen. then there’s a bouquet of roses, a couple of books, some gift cards, and some of your favorite snacks.
“how long have you had these?”
“a couple of days,” he admits. “i saw this thing online about like, a love basket. i was going to put all these things in them and give it to you.”
“didn’t you promise you wouldn’t see me anymore?”
“i would’ve left it at your door. that way you technically wouldn’t have seen me.”
you laugh softly. you now know that he never would have given up on you. it’s kind of sweet. especially since you didn’t really want to never see him again.
“i spoke to taylor,” you say. “oh.” his eyes widen in surprise. “what, uh, what did she say?”
“everything that you said. you know, i actually feel bad for her.” you take a step towards him.
“why?” he asks. “cause it seems like you hurt her feelings when you rejected her,” you explain.
“well, she’s not the girl i want.” he moves closer to you and takes your hands into his. “i am so sorry, again. i should have walked away long before you came.”
“you should have,” you nod.
“and you are the best thing that happened to me. you make me so happy. you don’t make me feel dumb or worthless. you accept me and like me. you don’t think of me as some joke. you make me feel good. and i just want to make you feel good for as long as you’ll let me,” he confesses.
“i’ll let you for a long time,” you smile. he smiles back, leaning in and kissing you. you pull away after a few moments, giggling a little bit.
“what?” he asks. “how much money did you spent on me?” you look at his desk.
“uh, you don’t want to know.”
“you wanna take a look at them? they’re all great. i know you super well.”
he walks you to his desk. the books are form your book wishlist you’ve sent him. the gift cards are of your favorite shops. you awe, kissing him again.
“i think i know you super well, too,” you say against his lips.
“oh, yeah?” he breathes against your lips.
“let me show you.”
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comikadraws · 1 month
Sasuke and the Final Battle
Alright! So personally, I dislike the conclusion that Sasuke's character got in canon. Here's why!
I am putting in pluses between panels to ensure nobody thinks those panels belong together.
The premise of the battle is as follows: Sasuke, motivated by the loss of his family, comes up with a plan to rectify the injustice he experienced which involves killing Naruto - not just because it promises him the power he seeks but also because he wants to cut that bond. It's a direct parallel to the first VotE fight.
Now, I still think Sasuke deserved better and I am very sorry to all Sasuke fans, but we need to get this one out of the way first. While Sasuke's plans in the first VotE fight made a lot of sense, here, in the second fight, they are downright insane. He essentially plans to take over the world, become a dictator, and maintain his rule in neverending loneliness by becoming immortal. It doesn't need a genius to see that this should probably be considered tyrannical and self-destructive. And yes, he absolutely needed someone to knock some sense into him.
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And it also makes a lot of sense for Konoha to be wary of him. Outside of this fight, he switched sides like five times. That's not something that would make you look particularly trustworthy or reliable. It makes sense for Sasuke to feel guilty for his actions. He tried to kill his friends and comrades on multiple occasions. That's not something anybody would feel proud of.
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But now, here are the issues I have with this battle and its conclusion:
Sasuke's core motivation is being glossed over
There's a huge bias going on in favor of Konoha and Naruto
Sasuke's sudden change of heart makes no sense
The conclusion of Sasuke's character only exists in theory
Sasuke's core motivation is the injustice experienced by the victims of the Uchiha massacre. His pain, loneliness, or even his wish for change are merely symptomatic, yet they are the only motivations ever acknowledged throughout the battle - even by Sasuke himself. In the end, this only serves to make Sasuke look insane to the reader so that Naruto can physically and ideologically defeat him. But defeating and reducing Sasuke like that can only come at the cost of his depth, authenticity, and readability as a character.
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This also makes Kishimoto seem incredibly biased when it comes to Konoha. The crimes the village has committed, be it genocide, slavery, or child abuse, are usually reduced to "sad backstories" rather than being given the time and dignity to be properly identified, criticized, and rectified in the story. Aside from this linking back to Sasuke's character being deprived of his moral value in the story (due to being directly connected to these underutilized topics), this reads like propaganda from an irl perspective. These are some of the most contemptworthy acts in existence we are talking about. And yet Konoha gets away unscathed. It's disheartening, demoralizing, and disappointing.
Now let's take a look at how his character actually progresses during this battle.
Sasuke wants to change the world even if that means killing Naruto or being lonely
Sasuke re-evaluates his relationship with Naruto
Sasuke realizes he no longer wants to kill Naruto or be lonely even if that means the world never changes
Now. Rethinking his self-destructive approach is, without question, a positive change. But that is not the problem here. The problem is that this change in his character occurs rather unprompted. Sasuke, the entirety of the story, has ignored his own suffering in favor of justice. But then Naruto basically says "it hurts to watch you suffer" and Sasuke suddenly rethinks his entire philosophy. This is unrealistic for his character and hurts his coherence.
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Furthermore, this results in Sasuke's arc never coming to an actual "conclusion". As a victim, he should be given justice. As someone who was supposedly suffering under his loneliness, he should have been given companionship. None of that happened. Sasuke is not given justice and is even incarcerated in the most undignified and dehumanizing fashion possible in the anime. Afterward, he takes off alone. So in the end, even the "power of friendship" resolution that Kishimoto attempted to write only occurred on a surface level and failed in its execution. Sasuke internalized none of it and practically had no conclusion whatsoever. He is still suffering. Nothing has changed.
And at this point, I'm just wondering "what was the point?". Clearly, the point of Sasuke's character wasn't to explore the darkness of the shinobi system. And it wasn't to seek justice for the horrors it has committed. It also wasn't about helping Sasuke heal from any of the hardships he's endured. The point was, unfortunately, to be Naruto's trophy. Naruto is the main character, therefore he must remain ideologically unchallenged, he must have the strongest jutsu arsenal and he must have the most unwavering determination (i.e. will of fire). Even if that means bending the other characters to the plot's needs.
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epickiya722 · 3 months
Okay, I ranted about it in my tags of another post, but I'll say it here. And I know some of you ain't gonna like it.
The amount of hate Mei Mei gets is an example of how people can't actually handle complex and/or evil female characters.
Now before anyone says anything, I'm not saying you should like Mei Mei or you shouldn't hate her. Just really think about what I'm about to say next.
Do you hate Mei Mei because of her character (how she treats people, her personality, etc,)? Or do you hate her because she's a woman?
If it's the former, think about this and see if your answer changes.
Think about all the male characters you like that are complex and/or evil and why you like them. Did your answer change? In fact, do you like a male character worse than Mei Mei?
Now, here's the thing.
It's really odd to me that people will be like "we need more complex female characters" and yet when we get those female characters, the fandom acts like they shouldn't exist.
"Oh, she's a bitch."
"She should die."
"She deserves all the pain and suffering."
And yet, male characters who are just as bad or worse easily can get people glazing the hell out of them and dropping panties. Where is that same hating ass energy? Don't you want the male character to die, too?
That's an issue. Do you see the issue?
Still using Mei Mei as an example.
I doubt, I do, that Gege intends for people to like Mei Mei. Quite the opposite. The way her scenes are written and drawn makes me feel like the mangaka wants us to feel intimidated by her in a bad way. We're supposed to feel uncomfortable by her relationship with Ui Ui. We should feel some hate towards her.
However, not because she's a woman. It's because of her character. She's not written to be a good person.
This is going to sound awkward, but if you hate Mei Mei because she makes you uncomfortable gender be damned, then you're hating her right.
You hate her now just as you would if she was a man.
I'll use Sukuna for example for comparison. He does has his fans (as does Mei Mei), but he does have his haters.
However, it's not because he's a man. People don't hate him because he's a man.
It's because he's downright damn evil. He murders, he tortures, he uses and abuses, he doesn't care who you are he'll cut you down. The only person we know Sukuna actually never wants to kill and never shown any sort of annoyance to is Uraume. People say Gege is glazing Sukuna and are mad because it seems he keeps winning, but has no one stop to think THAT'S THE POINT?!
You're supposed to be frustrated that Sukuna is still around. Gege keeps throwing Sukuna in our faces to make the audience mad. Not to troll. It's how stories work. You should feel different emotions. Especially with bad people like Sukuna.
If Gege wanted us to sympathize with Sukuna, Sukuna would have been gotten his sad backstory. But no, when there was a chance for that (fight with Hajime), we get a line of Sukuna saying he was unwanted or whatever and him just brushing it off. That right there is a sign of an explicitly evil, unsympathetic villain. (We might get a sad backstory later, you knows, but I kinda doubt it.)
Now apply all that I just said about Sukuna to Mei Mei and rethink over this.
Do you hate Mei Mei because she's a woman or because she's a bad person?
To end, can you actually handle complex female characters? Can you hate a female character who is evil or ambiguously evil and/or complex because that's how the author may intended (or she just isn't your kind of character) and not because she's female?
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Chuuya Relationship Headcanons
Character(s): Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tags: SFW, fluff, headcanons
Warnings: Brief mention of sex
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here
God help whoever even thinks about hurting you, because Chuuya is protective when it comes to his lover. Anyone who so much as lays a hand on you is putting their health at serious risk, to say the least.
He's possessive as well, so the same threat goes for anyone who would hit on you and not let your rejection, nor his withering glares deter them.
As a quick aside, if the two of you ever run into Dazai for whatever reason, Dazai will flirt with you and Chuuya will lose his goddamn mind, which is exactly the reaction Dazai was hoping for.
Those kinds of situations aside, Chuuya makes a genuine effort to keep his temper in check for your sake. He doesn't want to snap at you and end up hurting your feelings, and he'd definitely never hurt you physically.
You're going to end up arguing with him at least a couple times, though, and it's going to be incredibly frustrating. It's probably actually going to be something small that causes your first big argument; he can be reasoned with on things that are genuinely important, but he will get unreasonably heated over an debate about, say, if a hotdog is a sandwich or some dumb shit like that. Once he's had some time alone to cool off, though, he'll make it up to you. You can expect flowers and wine to go with his apology. Also, the make-up sex is going to be mind-blowing.
Speaking of flowers and wine, Chuuya is going to give you a lot of 'classy' gifts like that. Flowers, wine, expensive chocolates, jewelry, the whole nine yards, really. He'll also want you to match his aesthetic when you go out together, so if you don't have any nice clothes, expect that to change very quickly.
If you're taller than him, playfully tease him about his height sometimes, and he will have the most adorably annoyed reaction.
if you're shorter than him, though, even if just by half an inch, the roles will be reversed and he will not hesitate to tease you about being short. But, you can still turn the tables on him by pointing out that he's one to talk.
Actually, there will probably be a lot of back-and-forth teasing in your relationship in general. It'll all be light-hearted in nature, though- again, he doesn't want to actually hurt your feelings.
He honestly gets a little embarrassed about saying he loves you out loud, but he'll manage to say it at least once just so you don't have any doubts about his feelings for you. The gifts, the protection, even the teasing in a way, are all his ways of showing his love for you instead of saying it.
When things started between you two, Chuuya didn't really think he'd want a long-term commitment; between the nature of his work and just, his general personality, he didn't think that sort of thing was in the cards for him, but you've managed to make him rethink that. He still doesn't want to actually like, get married, at least legally (why would a guy in his line of work ever want to get the law involved in his relationship anyways?) but if you want to move in together? Get a cat or something? Hell yeah, he's down for that.
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thatgirl4815 · 9 months
Incoming essay - apologies!
Rewatching the pool scene and two things struck me: Sand's really not a natural at this whole sneaky, aloof thing - his face while he's watching Ray listen to the recording actually looks quite serious and almost like he's already having doubts, but the second Ray looks back up at him he assumes a fake, couldn't care less expression, which solidifies my opinion that his behaviour here is out of character for him (I don't mean the writing is out of character, but that he's acting in a way that goes against who he really is). Boston's mindfuckery and Nick's...privacy issues come fairly easily to them, and even Mew pulled off a very cold-blooded gotcha that entirely relied on him convincing Top everything was okay, but Sand couldn't even manage that one convo with Ray without it being totally obvious he was pissed and petty and had an agenda. I think swinging a baseball bat probably comes way more naturally to him than subterfuge and manipulation.
The other thing is Sand's expression after Ray asks if he's not okay about him liking Mew - he's sort of speechless for a second, has to take a breath, and it occurred to me that this is the first time he's actually hearing Ray confirm that it's true. Previously it was all just coming from Boston, who Ray said he shouldn't listen to anyway, but here is Ray himself admitting it, saying it out loud, and quite casually at that. Ouch!
(Something else I've been pondering is if Sand isn't (perhaps unconsciously) a little pissed at Nick and that's why he can screw him over so easily - after all, it was Nick who brought Boston into their home, and Nick who, even after witnessing all the damage Boston did - and not to random strangers, but to Sand - still sticks with him, acting all lovey dovey and taking cute couple pics... Not passing judgement one way or another, but it wouldn't surprise me if Sand's a little bit bitter about that as well!)
Ooh yes, I agree with all of this 100%! I like how you can see Sand almost reckoning with himself as he does it. I can see him thinking “Well, if Ray likes someone else and has just been using me, why can’t I play the same game?” Also interesting your point about how Sand likely defaults to direct action as opposed to subtle schemes and manipulation; it would certainly align with how straightforward Sand is about everything (I’m thinking of a lot of scenes but especially that last one where he chases after Ray—he’s undoubtedly still angry, but he cares more about keeping Ray safe than letting Ray see that he’s hurt…that might be part of the reason why the crew decided to use the take where he looks shocked as opposed to heartbroken just before Ray drives off.)
Your analysis also confirms that Sand certainly does care about Ray in the pool scene, even if he’s trying to ignore it in pursuit of his own revenge on Top. Ray’s direct confirmation that he does, in fact, like Mew is just more cause for Sand to be bitter. I can imagine just how broken up Sand has been since the night Boston ruined everything, thinking and rethinking his relationship with Ray.
Sand is making a very pointed effort to make Ray feel his apathy. Beyond Sand simply being hurt and dejected, he wants Ray to feel bad—I just don’t think he ever meant for his schemes to initiate the blow up Ray has at the end.
Lastly, about Nick, I’d be surprised if Sand wasn’t bitter! Nick even tells Boston that he was an asshole and he still acts all lovey dovey with him? Nick comes across as very immature to me and very much a pushover. Hopefully we’ll see Sand address his own anger over this in this trailer clip:
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Anywaysss, rant over. Thanks for sharing these observations! You all always make my viewing experience 100x more enjoyable :)
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thatseventiesbitch · 3 months
Hi!! I would love to hear what you think Donna's consistent main flaws are since people accuse the writers of making her too perfect?! I kind of love that Eric the 'softer' one in that relationship - it's a great subversion of gender roles, especially for that era!
Thanks for the question! I enjoyed answering it - it turned into a little essay.
Donna's Flaws
Donna, like all of the main characters, has flaws. I don't think she was painted as perfect at all, but rather as a realistic teenage girl experiencing her first serious relationship, the disintegration of her parents' marriage, and the social conflicts of the '70s.
For example, she was not always the best at communicating - especially with Eric. See: S2xE21 "Kelso's Serenade". She and Eric got into a massive argument because she wasn't honest about her feelings, and that she was bothered by him hanging out with his friends instead of her. Or in S3xE15 "Donna's Panties". She tells Jackie:
Why doesn't Eric understand that when I said I'm fine I meant I will be fine... so long as he kisses my ass for two weeks until I'm actually fine? He's like, brain damaged.
Donna expects Eric to read her mind, and then gets upset with him when he doesn't. Is it annoying? Yes. A flaw? Yes. Also highly relatable, especially for high school relationships? Also yes. Plus, Red and Kitty have shades of this in their relationship, too.
Another flaw? Donna's stubborn. (So is Eric)
In S3xE11 "Who Wants It More", Donna is the one who breaks their impasse and initiates sex at the end of the episode, but when Eric starts to gloat about winning their competition she's willing to walk away rather than admit she gave in first. In S7xE23 "Take It Or Leave It", she's upset by Eric's decision to go to Africa without talking to her, so she makes up a fake date with one of her co-workers to try to make Eric jealous/rethink his choice. In S5xE9 "Black Dog", she fights with Eric throughout the entire episode about whether it's better to give your partner attention/extra love when they're upset, or space. Etc.
And lastly, despite everything she outwardly projects, Donna ends up being a fairly dependent character. Is this a flaw? Not necessarily. It's just an interesting dichotomy - Donna yearns to be fiercely independent and seems to inherently value that, but at the core of who she is, she's not.
Unlike Kelso she doesn't enjoy the California beaches, but instead is miserable all summer until Eric arrives. She accepts Eric's proposal (in high school!). She doesn't get on the bus - she delays college to stay in Point Place with Eric. She buys the trailer. She waited around in Point Place for a year while Eric was in Africa. She says things like,
"My guidance counselor gave [these college brochures] to me, but I already told him that I'm going wherever you go." (S5xE7 "Hot Dog")
"I mean, Eric, I loved [Marquette], and when I was driving home, I was so excited to tell you about it, and then the drive took forever, and I realized that's how far away I'd be from you all the time, and I don't want that. So I'll just tell my dad I want to go to U.W. with you." (S5xE6 "Over The Hills And Far Away")
"I don't want you to go. You've always been like, twenty steps away from me my entire life. What am I supposed to do without you?" (S7xE23 "Take It Or Leave It")
I think to dismiss or deny this pattern as "out of character" is to ignore an important part of Donna's characterization: she's really dependent. On Eric, yes. But as soon as she and Eric break-up, what is her modus operandi? To start dating a new boyfriend.
I just think it's interesting, and not often (or ever?) discussed. Worth noting that these instances are most pronounced in the second half of the series, and that Donna wasn't this way in the earlier seasons. What happened midway through the series? Her parents split up/mom abandoned her/her family disintegrated. Hmmm.
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tarabyte3 · 2 months
Fic Updates
It's been a while soo....
I Want You to Show Me Weak — As I've stated before, there are only 2 chapters left in the entire fic. I'm going to be finishing both of them before I post chapter 26. Then I'll be posting chapter 27 the next day. Gonna end the fic with a bang 😏 I have everything outlined and thought out, I just have to finish writing it (I'm very excited about what I have planned/written for the final chapter, which includes the ending). Though I will admit, it's been difficult to write knowing I'll be saying goodbye to this story. I'll miss my boys SO much 😭, as well as this version of Kino x Reader, but I want to finish it for myself and for all of you! Besides, there's always the possibility of oneshots set in this universe in the future AND I'm not done writing for Kino. Not even close! I have no date estimate at the moment, but I'm trying to give this one my full attention so 🤞
The Devil Makes Us Sin — Once Show Me Weak is done, I'm going to give this one my full attention for a while. (Though, to be honest, even though I'm trying to focus on finishing Kino first, I still keep this document open and regularly pop in to write a paragraph or two. What can I say, David is VERY fun to write for 😏, I love him, and I must follow the serotonin). The next few chapters will be shorter so they should go quickly, and I already have around the next 4 of them half written (I actually have about ~25k of future stuff written last time I checked, including parts of chapters MUCH further down the road 😅).
Other Wips
While my focus has been on my ongoing stories, I do have a few other WIPs I have actual content written for! So here's an update on those as well. For fun.
Personal Trainer!Kino x Reader Modern AU — I have the beginning of this story and a few scenes written, and SO many notes for it. (My relationship with my trainer is fantastic. He's 50% big brother energy, 50% wingman energy, but he says THE most out of pocket shit so I immediately write it down after my sessions. Because him saying it does nothing for me, but imagining Kino saying it?? 😵‍💫🫠🥵) It will probably end up ~5 chapters total. Probably.
And Your Heart, Love, Has Such Darkness (David x Reader smutty Oneshot) — I started this one a year ago because I wrote something for TDMUS that didn't quite fit, but I liked it enough to keep it and make it its own thing. It's over half done right now, so it will likely be the next oneshot I post.
I Didn't Want to Hurt You, but You're Pretty When You Cry (Dark!David x Reader) — I think this one will end up about 3 chapters long and will contain a lot of content warnings. It's going to be more horror focused (with splashes of dark humor because I cannot help myself). I adore the opening chunk I've written. It gave me goosebumps.
Secret Andy Blorbo x Reader Oneshot — This one started as a joke on Discord about an Andy blorbo that is not only incredibly niche/unknown, but is actively not attractive (one of the very rare times Andy Serkis does nothing for me. In fact, when I see him, my vagina makes the windows shutdown noise). Except I made the mistake of saying, "I want to try to write for this character as a fun challenge just so I can sexually confuse everyone." And it, uh, spiraled from there and made me rethink my entire stance on this character (thank you for not only indulging me, Hannah, but encouraging me and giving me more ideas 💖 I loved [redacted] thirst day in TNBF)
Halsin x Tav — That's right, I'm writing for the sexy druid. It'll be 2 chapters, and it's about a third of the way finished. This Tav will be a human fighter, but is otherwise written more like a Reader Insert. (Side note: going back to 3rd person POV after writing a lot of 2nd person POV is harder than I imagined 🙃)
Paz Vizsla x Mando!Reader Oneshot — That's right, I'm also writing for the big Mandalorian. It's about a third of the way finished as well. (These last 2 are actually a little intimidating because the fandoms are MUCH larger, but I need to get them out sooo fuck it, it's happening.)
So as you can see, even though I haven't posted very much outside of Liam Black, I'm still writing a lot. Apparently I just have commitment issues and a lot of ✨thots✨ 😌💖
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
Can I request Shu Itsuki with a fem s/o thats afraid that he's not really in love with her or that he'll fall out of love
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༻Out of touch༺
→Characters: Shu Itsuki/fem!reader (use of Y/n and she/her pronouns)
→Cw: teen and up, fighting, making up, yelling, angst (?), happy ending, idk what else to put here help
→A/n: hii! Tysm for requesting <3, this was actually my first request!! I’m sorry I haven’t had the time to post this so i hope you enjoy it :3
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Dating Shu Itsuki had it’s perks.
Like him spontaneously gifting Y/n a beautiful dress or anything he decided to make for her at the time. But, one side a lot of people didn’t know, was that he often grew distant of his lover. She would patiently wait for his arrival at late hours with a warm smile and open arms, but he simply greeted her and left to shower and get ready for bed.
Of course, it’s understandable for him to be tired of working relentlessly as an idol and a designer. Even so, that gesture made Y/n rethink everything they’ve been through, some including fights or general disagreements between couples that always ended up the same way: with a hug and apology coming from them both.
At the same time, it wasn’t easy dealing with how Shu felt about Valkyrie’s sudden downfall, he couldn’t think of anything else except the faces of the crowd staring at him in disgust. Y/n tried helping him get out of that depression he felt, but to no avail. It went on as to Shu had yelled at her for dropping something so small as a cup during one of their arguments
“Can’t you do anything right at all?!” Shu yelled in anger as tears prickled her eyes, she stiffened her cries and picked up some shards before Shu had realized what he had done. He tried lending a hand but she just took the broken shards and threw them in the trash by herself. Y/n knew that part of that frustration he felt wasn’t because of what happened, but it still hurt how he yelled at her
During the night, just as Y/n was going to bed, Shu caught her just in time before apologizing deeply and having a conversation about it. He promised things would change for the better, but did it really? In due time, Shu was able to make Valkyrie grow once more with Y/n and Mika’s help, apart from that, it took a long time for him to recover from the trauma on-stage, Y/n however, encouraged him throughout ever little step. It almost felt as if he was using her as a form of coping mechanism from it all.
Even after the war, when the five-eccentrics went on their own separate paths, Shu grew quite distant from Y/n. On their second anniversary, Y/n waited for Shu with a beautiful cake and some flowers for him, until minutes turned into hours and just like that, he had yet again missed another important event in their lives. The next morning was like all those other times where he’d apologized and promised to make it up next time. Y/n had enough and pushed Shu away before speaking
“Do you still love me, Shu? Did you fall for me at first and then decided to treat me as if I didn’t matter to you anymore? I’m your partner, if you truly fell out of love, it’s best if we part ways here” She spoke with tears in her eyes, walking towards the kitchen of their shared apartment as Shu walked behind her.
“Of course I still love you my dear, it’s just that I’ve been so busy and-“ She huffed in both annoyance and irritation, Y/n knew that he had forgotten like usual
“Busy? Even to the lenghts of missing our anniversary for the second time?” Shu sighed, looking at the cup of (beverage of choice) in her hands, the truth was that he had felt like the connection between them got lost in between all the success Valkyrie had had, and he couldn’t dedicate that much time to a relationship anymore. Shu didn’t want to let her go no matter what, even if it meant doing anything just to apologize for all he’s done
“Listen, I know being an Idol is hard work, but I’d appreciate if we went out sometime or spent time together, it doesn’t matter where, just you and me, okay?” He nodded at her words, holding her hand as she smiled softly. Y/n was right, perhaps what they needed was to have a relaxing night out between two lovers
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The following week consisted of Shu making time for their relationship, now that Valkyrie was in a small hiatus, he took this chance to travel with Y/n to Paris, showing his beloved the many places he adored and other things like art museums and elegant coffee shops, even kissing under the Eiffel Tower at night, where it shined so brightly under the two “over the moon” lovers.
It all felt like the first time they fell in love. The best thing of the entire trip, was when Shu was able to reserve a spot at one of the most luxurious restaurants and decided to celebrate their (late) anniversary there. It seems like Shu really did his best to make it up for her for all the things he had done and the things she did for him throughout the relationship
In the end, once they returned to Japan and Valkyrie’s hiatus was over, Shu managed to fit in his schedule, whenever he could, a lunch date or anything that allowed them to spend time together
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When Y/n’s birthday arrived, he made sure to spend the entire day with her, taking her out on a movie date and a walk around the town, hand in hand as he smiled, making sure to give her an unforgettable birthday. He wanted to let her know how much he changed, and how far he’s willing to go for their love. Shu’s main goals had changed for the woman he so loved, to cherish and protect her, even when times where difficult and after many mistakes, he finally felt at peace beside her
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jojoma · 29 days
Why Astarion x Karlach, part 3
FYI: I'm writing about my current favorite ship to help organize my thoughts part 1 / part 2 / part 4
Now I wanna talk about relationships. My favourite trope for any romance is from BFFs to lovers (honestly, I think it's good working for real life too, but I don't want put this topic here). It's clear that people and their relationships are changeable and we don't know what to expect from others (or even from ourselves). So friends can become a couple after a while. I won't mind the trope from enemies to lovers too, but with only sexual urge it's kinda not deep and lame. I adore when fictional lovers also are BFFs (for me It's also the same to "sibling" energy between them, ofc if we don't talk about real incest). I mean it's so hilarious and brings them even closer in a safe way. In the classic way of dating, characters (and real persons though) try to impress each other or at least hide their flaws. It's ok, but I find it boring (in rare cases it may be entertaining). Perhaps I need a comedy at the beginning and a drama at the end for full spectrum of emotions.
So when someone says about Astarion and Karlach “they are like brother and sister in communications” I agree in one way, but in the another they actually flirt from the beginning and at least Karlach tells Tav that she is attracted to Astarion — check this and this. Even if they just kidding I clearly see how they have a match for lovemaking. Come on, Karlach is a literally hot machine looking for an intimacy and Astarion trying to seduce anyone who can protect him. They have to end with sex in any script, if didn't find an another lover. So in my opinion their friendly/sibling energy doesn't interfere being passionate lovers (u can call me strange by the way, but I warned about my specific tastes).
Another point here is a depth of intimacy and acceptance. I like when a broken character found a support from a close person. I love vulnerable and heartbreaking moments between people who truly understand each other. And I adore when they are try to heal each other in the some way or keep safe from harm (occasionally it's mean do not push another person to change). I think, this level of relationship needs or some time or some kind of backstory. Astarion and Karlach do it in all ways. Thanks to Karlach's heart they can not have sex until act 2, and it keep them in safe "friend" zone ("non touchable" will be more correct). It means more time for talking. Just remember the funny first romance scene with Astarion in Karlach's orig playthrough. After his disturbances, he gives in and says: “But maybe that's not a bad thing. All right Karlach, let's try it your [he means just talk]”. We also know how much Astarion hates a sexual intimacy and needs time to rethink that part of his life. And in the romance with Karlach, Astarion can avoid any sexual interaction at all. And in both playthroughs they have options about slow a lil down (romance with Astarion, romance with Karlach). That's make so much sense.
I don't need talking about how their stories and dramas are similar. I also appreciate how they are different in ways to overcome, temperaments, lifestyles and etc (if you need more information read this and this). As they say — opposites attract.
I've already said so much, but not everything yet.
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kitkatopinions · 8 months
Just thinking about how some Bumbleby fans insist their ship is superior to ships like Freezerburn and shouldn't be criticized because their ship is canon, and how they'll be like "Bumbleby is canon, Freezerburn never would've happened and you're delusional for thinking it."
A. It's a little like the "people say Rwby is a bad show, but it's actually popular" thing, where it's like, whether or not the ship is canon has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the ship is good or well written or non-toxic or any of that.
B. I really do think that one reason why people think "mine is canon and yours isn't" is a convincing argument, or like a hurtful thing to say to people who ship a rival ship like Freezerburn or Blacksun is because of the anti-criticism push in the fandom and the villainization of rwde. Saying you want a different ship to be canon is skating really close to saying you think the writers shouldn't have done the thing that they did, after all. And meanwhile, the anti-criticism push in the fandom has resulted in this thing where 'it's canon' is meant to be kind of a last word on things, or 'it's what the writers wanted' or 'here's what the writers want us to think' is used like they're meant to be argument ending and undebatable. Because the fandom at large's anti-rwde expectations means that the writers are always supposed to be right and that the fans are just supposed to accept and like everything that the writers do or say with a smile. Like, the most you're allowed to say without getting labeled 'rwde' and therefore an evil, bad faith horrible person is 'that change wasn't what I personally would've wanted, but it's still great.' People get harassed and sent hate for saying that the writers make mistakes or shouldn't have done something they did. So of course some bees fans think that saying "well Bumbleby is canon and the writers never would've gone with Freezerburn" is going to make people feel badly or is going to make them rethink their own shipping preferences. Of course some bees fans feel better about their ship themselves simply because they can say it's what the writers wanted, so when they see a post about how a different ship had better development they can reassure themselves by sending the person messages telling them "that ship isn't canon and my ship is canon, hahaha."
C. The way the writers talk very much so implies that they're easily swayed by fandom opinion. For example, recently they were talking about Neo and how they essentially killed her off in the end and how they viewed her as irredeemable, but one reason they gave her a more sympathetic end and had her 'bow out' was because a lot of people liked her character a lot. And that isn't a one off occurrence. The writers often talk about how the audience reacts to things and how they've tried to work through audience complaints (badly, but that's a complaint for another post.) So, I'm supposed to believe that bumbleby becoming canon had absolutely nothing at all to do with it being the most popular ship in rwby (and again, popularity doesn't equal quality) and that if Freezerburn hadn't been more popular, they wouldn't have gone with it? I don't believe that. 'Planned from the beginning' or not, the writers carry things out or change things based on the fandom already, so idk why I should exalt bumbleby as the superior ship just because they're canon. Arkos is canon too, that doesn't mean I have to like Arkos or like it more than shipping Jaune with Ren and Nora or shipping Jaune with Neptune. Renora is canon too, that doesn't mean it's inherently superior to Sugar Rush and that there's nothing to complain about in how the writers wrote Ren and Nora's relationship. XD
I ship Han with Leia in Star Wars, I've liked them since I was a kid. Imagine if I went up to perfect strangers who shipped Han with Luke and was talking to people about wishing they'd gone with Han and Luke, and I was like "haha, the ship that I like is canon and yours isn't! Luke and Han was never gonna happen, you delusional idiot!" That'd be not only asshole behavior, but it'd also be totally irrelevant to the conversation and completely meaningless to the person who clearly already knows what ship is canon.
So yeah, tl;dr version of this is: Ships that are canon aren't inherently superior to ships that aren't canon. The writers are swayed by the fandom anyway, so it could've just as easily been freezerburn if it was more popular and popular doesn't mean good. The anti-rwde, anti-criticism stuff in the fandom is one big reason why these shipping wars even continue and why some bees fans feel so superior about their ship. And it's entirely irrelevant to discussions of quality to brag about a ship's canon status.
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halsteadlover · 7 months
A little rant feel free to not read it I just needed to talk about it
I hate so much being an overthinker. Like for every aspect of my life I just have to sit analyze every fucking little thing and think about the worst situation ever whether it’s relationships, university, going shopping, even writing on here. I’m so tired because sometimes I wish I could just enjoy little things without actually thinking they won’t last and they’re gonna get worse but I really don’t know how to do it, it’s like I live with a constant anxiety I can’t do this anymore.
I wish I could just say “fuck it life is short and do whatever you want you might die tomorrow”. Like for example when I’m studying I just keep thinking about “why am I doing this I’m gonna fail again I know” “what if this question comes this way instead of that way” and I get so much anxiety that I can’t even focus on studying anymore and I just end up crying.
Another example, I’m thinking about writing for Charles and/or Lando in my previous post and I’m overthinking it so much “what if someone will say something about this” “I’m writing for chicago med and PD and criminal minds characters I don’t even know anything about formula 1 what the fuck will I write” like ffs it’s just fics and I’m here thinking and rethinking about this and being anxious about it, it’s not fucking normal honestly. Like this hurts me so much because writing is like my escape from everything and getting anxious about it makes me mad. Rationally I think about “do whatever makes you happy, it’s okay if no one will read your fics”.
I’m sorry for this ramble I just feel like I can talk on here I hope you won’t judge me. If someone out there feels the same I’d really love to talk to you and know what you think and how you cope with it ❤️
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lychee-drinks · 2 years
Hi! I'm a HUGE fan of your headcannons, and I was wondering if you could do one where Johan, Jake and Samuel reacting to finding out their s/o is pregnant
You can just ignore this if you find it annoying, but lots of love!(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
Jake and Johan reacting to you being pregnant
Warnings: Pregnancy, mention of abortion, angst
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(A/N): Also I’m not gonna write for Samuel because I feel that his character would be too tricky for me and I’d write something more depressing.
His first reaction is definitely shock and nervousness. He’s young to be a father, he’s nervous about the baby having his hereditary eye condition and his current life style as a fighter who gets involved in gangs. So his first question is asking if you’re going to keep the kid.
His first reaction is definitely shock and nervousness. He’s young to be a father, he’s nervous about the baby having his hereditary eye condition and his current life style as a fighter who gets involved in gangs. So his first question is asking if you’re going to keep the kid.
Then, he finds out that you’re actually set on keeping the kid. And now he has to rethink everything.
He genuinely considers leaving you and your baby because he doesn’t think he’s fit for the job and he thinks he’s better being independent.
However, he changes his mind. What really pushes him to change his mind is definitely a lot of arguments with you, yelling from Zack and judgement from Eli.
His revenge on Gun is something that matters to him, but the kid you two have together is something he has left now. Something that he can live for and change for.
It’d be hard for him to leave the gang life though especially when it’s been his life for years, but having you and having a kid is something that became more of a priority.
Although it would probably take time, Johan will eventually leave the gang life.
Jake Kim
Jake’s first words to the news is “Holy Shit”.
He’s pretty excited and he hugs you, but then the reality kicks in. What about the gang, what if he ends up like Gapryoung, will you even be safe because of his influence as a gang leader, etc.
So there definitely will be a long talk about whether parenting is right for the two of you, but ultimately he’s fine with you having the kid and wants to be better than his father.
He’s much more protective and caring of you. He only told his most loyal Big Deal members about your pregnancy and has someone guarding you a lot of the time because of how busy he is with gangs.
Jake’s always making sure you’re eating well, he comes over from time to time to cook you some good pregnancy food. Or he has one of the Big Deal members come over and bring you good herbs to drink.
Jake has your pregnancy hidden. Being a gang member, it’s hard to have relationships in the first place so a lot of it is hidden very well. But now that pregnancy is involved, he has to actually be careful whenever he comes to visit you. But he has his ways into being able to see you very often.
It’s also pretty hard for him to leave the gang life, but because he cares, he’s willing to leave the gang life away and just live for the rest of his life with you.
The anxiety of ending up like his father is there. Which is why he decided to leave the gang life behind. He wants to be the family man he never had to you and your kid.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 months
also went on a paddle boat with sister, it was fun I haven’t done it in like 7 years. we stopped by a book store, and
1) there’s a physical copy of A Hero in the Demon King’s Castle which was surprising to me because syohei(/inutoki)’s got really off-beat style so I’ve figured they’d be too niche to be licensed, plus it had a dust jacket WITH author/artist bio AND the extra comics on the actual cover… I didn’t get it because I’m not quite ride or die for it, but I am reconsidering because syohei’s art is just really fun. plus it’s just a well-printed book, how often do you see manga printed in eng with dust jackets? I’ll probably reread it and see if I Really Do Want It. if anyone wants a bit of a wacky read with interesting art, give it a look. I actually… really like inutoki & syohei’s other anthology more because I really like the love interest of the main oneshot but it also has one oneshot that’s pretty vicious to the point I’m not sure I’d actually get a physical copy lol
2) speaking of pretty vicious, a physical copy of one of asada nemui’s works was there which I think is pretty cool, her art is sooo interesting to look at. it’s not as crazy as syohei’s, but it just feels… direct? impactful? just an appealing style. I wouldn’t buy a physical copy of that one, but I’d get one of sleeping dead… I’d consider getting the anthology but she really paired two of my favorite oneshots while having the main story have My Hardline Exclusion Criteria 😞 I’d get the other anthology tho, no hard no’s in that one. where was I going with this? well, if you like strange morose rancid toxic romances, definitely look up asada nemui and also a list of content warnings
3) on that note, it made sense to list manga alphabetically by title back when it’d take up a single shelf max, but I think book stores really need to rethink manga shelving, especially since more bl with smut/het with smut/yuri with smut is getting licensed and distributed
3a) by the way there were quite a few yuri titles, which is a cool change! I already had the one I liked
3b) buy ‘5 seconds before a witch falls in love’ it’s so good. I LOVE the main story. I am lukewarm on the other oneshot. the main story is SOOOO fun, zeniko sumiya has kind of a more shounen-esque art style and she usually draws bl so you need to treasure her fun & dumb witch/witch hunter shenanigans
3c) I mistyped shenanigans as shenanigals lmao that kinda fits still
3a) and the other ~15 I’ve read and dropped because I wasn’t interested in them (I showed sister the cover of SHWD—like, I also want muscular women but I cannot get over some of the anatomy, those are beach balls attached to her chest? like it’s not the aesthetic of Anime Titty Jiggle Physics but I really cannot get over it) but I’m glad there’s more yuri. mostly. I hate that the gamer one is there, the art and writing is so weirdly uncomfortably… H for something that is a SFW slice of life, and I didn’t like a few of the other series that sister pointed out because they were really. too long with not enough sense of direction/momentum to have satisfying character/relationship progression. BUT IT’S GOOD THAT MORE YURI IS BEING LICENSED.
3) anyway I was thinking that there should probably be more a delineation between either genres or age of audience, but at the same time, that’s tricky—having an 18+ section could make it uncomfortable for folks who enjoy being able to browse without a glaring neon sign that indicates they’re looking at smut, dividing by genre can make it tough for folks who want to take a look at gay romances/lgbtq autobio more surreptitiously,
3d) well, I would imagine it’s less of a huge deal now than it was ~15 years ago, but homophobia still is a thing
3) so in the end I have no defined conclusion to my thoughts on manga shelving in english-speaking countries
4) I saw several copies of nagisa furuya’s works! I might go back for number call, that was the first one of hers I’ve read and it’s really cute. I was telling sister, this might sound bad but I like how… standard her art & writing is, it’s very clean and pleasant, her low(ish)-stakes slice of life fluff is really good. also nice to have sfw options for introducing folks to bl
5) this is completely unrelated to this bookstore trip but a couple of weeks ago I saw an m/f romance and was like. do I know this artist from bl??? but I looked up the artist and didn’t see anything I would recognize, it’s just… the way older men is drawn is so…
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5) like I know I’m stupid biased because I read an inadvisable amount of bl but he looks like a guy straight out of my miserable office worker bls. I feel like I should know him from bl. I guess I just forget that m/f fans also like older men because all the josei romances I’m involuntarily exposed to are very (…) Like That
5a) mangaplanet REALLY needs to reorganize its genre divisions. hardcore josei smut shouldn’t be lumped with shoujo. hentai should not be lumped with shounen. guys what is going on there
5) but I’ve been thinking of reading it because even by style alone it looks like it’ll at least be unique m/f (though, if I’m gonna read m/f, my preference would be for a miserable older office lady and kinda punk-ish younger guy, but oh well…) it’s just, the cognitive dissonance of squinting at this guy and being like. you belong in a bl.
6) I need to get back out of the habit of reading bls to pass out at 2am 😔 for a while I finally dragged myself back to sleeping at 1am with my baby leash (screen lock) but I’m back in my bad habits. I could at least look at the unhinged horror m/f racher’s been begging me to read just to diversify what I’m pouring into my brain. oh, also sister gave me night is short walk on girl to read and the writer really did deserve all his awards, his character voice is extremely arresting
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tripleyeeet · 5 months
I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED SHOW AND TAV! you best believe i have yet another tav to talk about. i am infected with OC disease i cant stop making them.
(keeping it brief this round because its like 4am.)
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here is my half-elf durge sunny (short for sunshine)! nobody bothered giving him a proper name as a child, instead he was mostly referred to as simply The Dark Urge, or Bhaals Chosen. he couldnt remember being called anything when he woke up from the nautiloid though, so introducing himself was kind of awkward. the lack of name troubled dear shadowheart so she insisted on calling him something. sunshine started off as a sarcastic nickname (i mean look at the guy he is 6'5, jacked as hell and has the worlds worst resting bitch face) but it caught on. even sunny himself starts to introduce himself as 'sunny'. i always think its hilarious to imagine someone asking him what sunny is short for and this big hunk of beef having to answer 'sunshine.' with a straight face.
his romance is a little complicated.. he definitely has feelings for shadowheart throughout the events of the game. but after dealing with the urges and the tadpole and gortash and orin and bhaal.... this guy is just a (barely) living wreck. whatever relationship they had beforehand is practically decimated halfway through act 3 because sunny just cuts himself off completely from shadowheart. he starts sleeping around (literally anything with a pulse. i think they should neuter this guy) and just generally avoiding any sort of committment or relationship of any kind. not necessarily out of malice but out of fear? protection? he just thinks shadowheart is better without having to worry about him all the time. he is fully aware of how poorly he is put together and he doesn't want shadowheart to keep picking up the pieces. this dude also has 0 communication skills (what being raised in a murder temple does to a mf) and is scared of his own feelings. anything not related to murder and blood is new to him and he does NOT want to deal with it. i also think meeting gortash has a real effect here...coming face to face with an ex-lover and realising just how fucked up your relationship was is sure to make you rethink a few things.
the game ends and sunny is left in limbo. like here is a guy who was sculpted from bhaals own flesh to be the last man left alive and is now just let loose into the world with no idea who he is. he isn't like the rest, he was never a person before all this. he wasn't made to be a person. does he even have the right to be a person after everything he has done in bhaals name? he goes to helpsastarion in the underdark. both because he and astarion are very close friensd but also because he believes that helping the 7,000 spawn acts as some sort off repentance. the idea of sunny and astarion being in charge by themselves is actually kind of terrifying but i think they'd manage okay... they'd be good for each other i think. i'd like to think that after some well deserved healing and reflection that they might end up together... there was definitely an initial chemistry but they were both a little too bonkers to do anything about it. only after they have taken the time to figure themselves out though... i just want them to be happy. i also like to think that shadowheart and nocturne are a happy couple after the game because I'll be damned if she doesn't get her happy ending too.
(i lied about keeping it brief.)
okay, he may be big and spooky because of the dark urge stuff but deep down in my heart that guy is the definition of a sunshine. look at that cute face!
also absolutely love his character arc and the hardships he goes through. they definitely feel really true to how i feel a redeemed durge would end up reacting. especially in regards to relationships.
shame about him and shadowheart! but glad he potentially finds a partner in astarion because that poor vamp needs some loving too 😤💚
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probablylilly · 1 year
hey!! can you tell more about your courier please? and what kind of relationship they have with benny hehehe 👀
thank you so much for the ask!! (also big fan of your work :))
this made me realize that i never actually mentioned her name lmao, it's juniper, but she mostly goes by june
i am actually in the process of changing her outfit a little bit after getting some inspiration from ulysses and his cool duster
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(a work in progress, not a final version)
decided to go full leather jacket and give her sleeves back, the idea is that the jacket was plain black at the beginning of the game with only the courier duster 21 logo, but she kept adding patches to it throughout her journey through the mojave (i will honestly need to make a separate reference sheet just for the jacket 😔😔)
has charisma of 10 and her tag skills are speech, sneak and guns, so she loves saying she's a lover, not a fighter and prefers solving problems with words, but will not say no to a good gunfight
only loyal to herself and her ideals, isn't big on greater good and stuff like that
she is also a huge hoarder, carrying a backpack filled with various random items she finds in her journeys, notable items include: many pressure cookers, garden gnomes, acoustic guitar
the shot in the head made her rethink how she actually wanted to live her life, but i'm still kind of deciding on her backstory because i've only ever played new vegas so far and i'm not caught up with all the fallout lore,,
her relationship with benny honestly started off as a gag after i made a joke about her only being attracted to people who want to kill her, but i decided to keep it because the interactions with benny are genuinely the funniest shit in the game and i love him as a character
i like to imagine that their relationship lasted longer than a few minutes? hours? (idk how much credit i wanna give benny) and they did talk more before him fleeing to the fort, but she still killed him there and took over his plan with yes man, a little out of her own ambition and also because she thought that benny would probably try to kill her again if he escaped,,
(i do have a little au idea where benny survives and him and my courier end up working together with yes man)
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