#You being anonymous for no reason
canisalbus · 6 months
I've been following you for years, and I love your art. Seeing you repost your older art pieces reminded me how much I loved the angry, bitter, miserable Machete art and how it resonated with me... but a part of me is also so happy to see the current art of him being happy. Cute art of him as a unicorn, or chilling in a bathtub with Vasco. Like, we're all growing and healing :')
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leviiackrman · 10 days
hey, do you have any blog recs??? pls pls 🦄
Oooh this is a fun question!! I follow a bunch of people for different things so I’ll try my best to summarise by ‘genre’ if that makes sense?? Keep in mind tho a LOT of people I follow post a variety of stuff, so there’ll be plenty of options for whatever you’re interested in!!
There are probably many that I’ve missed but I’ve just woken up so hope this helps!
OC Content:
Wouldn’t be appropriate to not include my beloveds in this: they all make AMAZING characters as well as templates and engaging in tag games that are hella fun! You don’t need to be tagged to do any of them🤍 there are some amazing writers too so check out their work (both written and drawn) cus they’re phenomenal!!
@carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @jacobseed @minaharkers @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @queennymeria @shadowglens @nokstella @imogenkol @heroofpenamstan @fenharel @alexxmason @pensdragon @rolangf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe
@delicateweapon @ummmmandy @qursidae @starsandskies @tobyjamessharp @loish @huchidori @taratjah @duckydrawsart @lesly-oh
Anime/Studio Ghibli:
@ryomenscurse @incepstla @immanime @tophbefong @airikki
Video Games:
@tarydarrington @boozerman @onewingedangels @bethesdas
Movies/TV Shows:
@quinnigallagherjones @ciisne @robbsstrk @kahhorri @laurasbailey @hrmionegranger
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silverskye13 · 2 months
Will enby Helsknight/trans Tanguish/top surgery scars/stubborn avoidant Welsknight in a gender crisis make it into the main story of RnS? Like, a full acknowledgment of it? Because yes, us on tumblr are aware (and happily bully RnS Wels for it) but I’m curious to how it may be brought up in the main storyline instead of rambles and drabbles. (Don’t get me wrong, those rambles and drabbles are what get me through the day. But my best friend, who isn’t in the MCYT fandom whatsoever, just caught up with RnS and doesn’t use tumblr, and besides spamming her with tumblr posts I wanna know how much I can revel in the glory of the skrunkles with her!)
That is a great question, actually. And the answer is I don't really know.
So this is one of the downsides to writing things chapter by chapter. If I had gone into this going "oh heck yeah they're trans", this would've come up in the plot way sooner. It's nice information 1) for all the trans folks reading and 2) because it has the potential to inform the themes in the narrative. This whole story is about two chief things I think: death [the inevitability of] and identity [what defines you and why]. Why should you care if literally no one else (including the universe) does? That would be so cool to speak about in terms of a trans allegory! Why do you care about gender when it's just one thing in a world of crazy things? Or at the very least, how does it inform your identity? But this is a change I made on a whim suddenly, and I know Exactly Where I Want This Plot To Go, so trans topics and allegories as Plot Points probably won't happen.
On the more technical side of introducing trans characters -- how do you do that without just dropping "oh btw they're trans" in? Like, how do you make it a relevant thing to talk about, that doesn't feel forced or shoehorned in, especially this late in the story? Probably me overthinking, but I read it done wrong so often. It gets tired. And if I ever work on my original stories, there are trans characters in there! If I can figure out how to Do It Well in a fanfic, then I can figure out how to do it in original fiction someday maybe. So I kinda wanna take the introduction seriously? I've actually been thinking about it so much I've thought about rewriting the intro to the next chapter ahaha [it already needs rewritten in general, there's a lot going on, but the intro was going to be Helsknight waking up from something, and he sleeps shirtless, and not addressing top surgery scars then would be kinda silly I think.]
I can say at the very least, Gender Avoidant Wels probably won't factor in the story much. He is a character, but I don't think he'll become Enough of a character to faithfully address something like a trans self discovery arc. At best his issues with gender might be mentioned in passing.
Sorry! I know you probably want a better answer! My answer is basically: I don't know I'm still working on it. I want it to be there, but the capacity it's there is undecided.
That being said, I've been sitting on this glorious ask since the shenanigans started and the temptation to just Do That grows every time I read it:
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Cluster b (npd? Aspd?) Culture is constantly pushing down the need for affection 'cause you can't allow yourself to be human. Never again
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gender-trash · 12 days
at some point when i have the wherewithal for longass video content i do want to watch the star wars hotel video. because way back in fucking... idk, 2018? i heard via the grapevine that disney was going to buy a shit ton of robots from a robotics startup i was socially associated with for a star wars themed hotel, and in preparation for this the startup had hired the actual guy that voices R2-D2 to record a bunch of meeps and moops for their robot. and then disney didn't go for it; idk if the startup ever got paid. and that's the last i heard about the star wars hotel until literally last week so i kinda figured they gave up on the whole concept but NO they STILL MADE THE HOTEL there just weren't any robots in it??? (no wonder everyone thought it sucked!! they forgor the droids!!)
so now i'm curious to find out about all the other things they fucked up :p
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why do you think it's okay to run a blog posting screenshots from a site known for being full of nothing but misogyny, racism and pedophilia?? even you yourself admit you have trouble finding shit to post because all they say is slurs. promoting 4chan in any way shape or form isn't okay, they straight up share child porn
did you send this message to any of the other blogs that post 4chan screenshots (including random bloggers that have posted >greentext stories) or are you just sending this to me specifically despite me not posting since like. october?? i think??
idk i forget i have this blog til someone sends messages
anyway i hate to break it to you but every social platform has that problem. including tumblr, reddit, discord, facebook, youtube, twitter, deviantart, gaiaonline, neopets, any website that allows for user-posted content, whether it be text, video, or photo. just because you aren't seeing it doesn't mean it isn't happening, moderators are just actually doing their jobs.
4chan janitors delete that shit too, if they catch it, since 4chan is of course large and chaotic and you need a gut of steel to moderate shit that traumatic (there's some story somewhere abt the absolutely horrendous shit that facebook moderators have to file through for 6 hours a day) and forward IP and other tracking information to the FBI.
here's an ELI5 post about how they do that, after a brief google search:
(additionally, me not posting haha funnee pokemans screenshots does not erase 4chan from the public eye. it doesn't need to be "promoted", everyone's well aware of its existence. if anything else, you're contributing by sending me that ask and reviving this blog! hope that helps)
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allastoredeer · 8 days
Can I ask your opinion on radiobelle/charlastor and radiodust? I'm just curious because, other than chaggie, they were like THE ships pre-show while radioapple was pretty rare, and now it's kinda the other way around, and huskerdust shippers finally getting fed
I don't really favour any Alastor ship over the other (huge multishipper over here) and I haven't found a problem that can't be solved or made worse with a polycule, actually (with Alastor centre stage <3)
AYYYE! Hello my fellow Alastor multishipper! And yes, of course! I'd love to share my opinions and thoughts :3
When I first saw radiobelle/charlastor I felt kind of weird about it - this was before the show even dropped. While I wasn't active in the fandom after watching the pilot, I still saw things here and there, and radiobelle never really did it for me.
Recently though, I've been coming across some super cute radiobelle fan-art, and honestly? The ship doesn't really bother me. In fact, it's kind of growing on me.
I know people like to rave about how Alastor is like a "father figure," or Charlie "saw" him as a father figure, especially during the "Dad Beat Dad" episode. But, like, it's really not that big of a deal. They are, in no way, actually related. There is no familial ties to them aside from words and perceived feelings. And even if she does truly see him as a father figure, fandom is THE place to go to change canon and do whatever you want with the characters. That's what it's always been and that's what it's always going to be.
Besides, the ship has a lot of cute potential and I'm so here for it. I think one of the reasons people hate on it so much is this weird, perceived power-difference/imbalance between them. What with Charlie being this wide-eyed, hopelessly optimistic, and sometimes very naive women, and Alastor being this darker, manipulative, seemingly "older" man. I can see how that would squick people out, especially with the idea of Alastor manipulating/using Charlie.
However, I'd like to argue that Charlie is a grown-ass adult. Considering how the aging process works in Hell (particularly with Hellborn. Particularly with hellborn royalty, considering Lucifer is a fallen angel who's older than time itself and yet looks like he could be the same age or younger than Alastor), Charlie could be leagues older than Alastor. Maybe she's actually a couple hundred years old in Earth years, but she's considered in her mid twenties in Hell years.
As for the manipulation thing, we've been shown several times in the show that Charlie won't put up with Alastor's bullshit, and that she'll even call him out on it. I don't think she's as naive to Alastor's manipulation or schemes as everyone thinks she is.
I'm not a die-hard radiobelle shipper or anything, but I think its a pairing that has a lot of cute and wholesome potential. I think it gets WAY more hate than it deserves. (Besides, has no one considered the absolute hilarity of Lucifer meeting up with his daughter for the first time in years, and getting introduced to her creepy, dark, sadistically weird boyfriend with an obsession with 20th century radio? Does no one else find that fucking hilarious?? Just me??)
As for radiodust, I wasn't weirded out by it like I was with radiobelle. Originally, I was just kind of meh about the ship. But also like radiobelle, I've been seeing more content of it and its starting to grow on me. An Alastor/Husk/Angel Dust polycule actually sounds kind of cute, and has the potential for a very interesting dynamic to play around with.
My general consensus: While I'm not a die-hard shipper of radiobelle or radiodust, I like the pairings and I can see why other people would like them too.
Additional, to those who do dislike these two ships, that's okay. Some pairings just aren't to your taste, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes a pairing just squicks you out. That's fine. Just don't harrass other people who do like it. If you do not like these pairings, then move on and read/watch/look at something you do like. It's that simple.
I have mad respect for both of these ships because, like you said, dear Anon, they were what kept the Hazbin fandom going for years. Let's show some respect for our elders, people. Honor those who came before 🫡
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softpine · 3 months
This might be juvenile, but do you have any tips on not comparing yourself to others? (Especially when it comes to note count or popularity.) I’ve been posting a story for over a year and it hardly gets any traction. It’s tough for me to see new creators post and get hundreds or even thousands of notes. I hate that I’m doing this but don’t know how to quit it!
this is not juvenile!! i struggle with this myself, especially knowing that i hit my peak years ago and i've been on the decline ever since – but only by numbers alone! i'm more proud of my story than i've ever been, i'm more attached to my characters, i'm putting more love and thought into everything, but i had to be realistic with myself and understand that i'll never pull even half the notes i did in 2020. gone are the days when i would wake up to 3 new anons about my story and dms from people every day (i can't believe i used to get overwhelmed by it...) and i would be lying if i said it didn't make me sad sometimes, because we're humans and our brains are practically wired to crave the hit of happy chemicals you get from seeing the stupid number go up 😭 it does feel demotivating. it makes me feel less urgency to post quicker if i convince myself that no one is waiting for me anyway, which means i post less, which means even less people stick around, which makes me post less, and on and on. it's a tough thing for me to come to terms with in all honesty.
but it helps to remember that i would be writing even if no one is reading. and i know that, because i have! i've written entire novel-length fics that i've never published, i've written countless short stories in the frozen pines universe that i'll never post, i've created alternate universes that will never be shown, etc. i do it because the idea is in my head and it needs to Get Out and i'm kinda just a conduit for that. that might not apply to you, and that's okay! everyone is different. the important thing is to really sit down and think about WHY you write and what you get out of it. which part of the process makes you happiest? what makes you feel a sense of fulfillment / satisfaction? play to your strengths. try not to spend your time doing things you think other people will enjoy and instead, spend more time on the things that make you happy. for me, i haaaaate editing and i always have, so lately i've been trying to speed through it a little bit quicker even if it means the final product won't be as appealing to others. (this is still a work in progress for me...) i have more fun when i experiment with different writing styles, which might not appeal to others because it takes longer and i don't really have a recognizable style, but i don't care anymore because i'm having fun! ask yourself what YOU want from your story, and then write for yourself and only yourself.
essentially what i'm saying is: there will ALWAYS be people more popular than you, and there's no guarantee that when you find the popularity you seek, you'll be able to keep it. so you need to find some sort of intrinsic motivation to continue or you'll just keep comparing yourself to others forever and you'll deny yourself the joy of creation! "comparison is the thief of joy" could not be more true!!
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what is going on??? why are disgusting ppl harassing you?
Basically, there was a falling out between friends that lead to one party (Winndy) sharing their side to clear up a situation that was taken out of privacy and made public in a discord after they had left said discord while using very damning language that shouldn’t have been stated in the first place. I responded with my thoughts and opinions, which oppose a big creator in the VN community space, and because of it not only I but the other people who have defended Winndy became the target of harassment. I’ve read in catching up since getting off of work that it was a group of friends within the community (specifically the one this game pertains to) who decided to bully us because they thought we were coming after a game they liked. Real people’s lives could have been jeopardized, but…sure. Hope they had “fun” while defending a png.
You’re free to go back and read on my blog or others involved with the situation for further context, but I’ll warn you that there’s an instance of the r-slur being used on top of some really gross racist remarks.
I’m okay by the way, I was prepared for some sort of Anongeddon, I’m just sad how fast it turned into throwing around slurs, being transphobic and threatening to send terfs into the situation (which btw could get people killed or worse), telling people to kys, and blatant racism in response to discourse and disagreements over a falling out.
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corpsentry · 3 months
at the asian american studies sponsored movie screening i run out of my seat to press a button for the presenter and you look away, not in shame, but in anger
go make your own movie.
One where you’re the star
and everything’s my fault
the way you want it to be. I know, it’s easy
to let someone else hold this grief
and sit in the bathtub,
all dressed up to go to the party.
Maybe in this movie it’s your party
and I the party crasher,
holding cymbals and a baseball bat, et cetera.
But we don’t stop getting older when we’re angry
and you’re only twenty,
can’t listen to lullabies at night,
can’t sleep without a blanket
over your head like you’re scared
of your own shadow. God, go
write your own movie.
You could do it,
you’re still
pretty. Angry? Me too.
The bathtub’s overflowing,
the bathroom’s flooding
with whatever you couldn’t say
to the poet with their palms glued shut
in a cheap simulacrum of prayer.
Didn’t you say you were tired? Angry? Me too.
Upset? Unhappy? Me too. Hungry? Lonely? Me too. Me too.
Standing barefoot in the grass
I remembered the month of bad weather.
How I parted the fog with broken hands each night,
looking for your voice.
Oh, I will not forgive you.
Not like this.
With your fingers splayed
against the brute February sky,
lips cracked open like windows,
waiting, like you always are, for me to say the first word.
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canisalbus · 3 months
have vasco & machete ever gotten into any big arguments?
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questioning sexuality is so exhausting
#(edit: sorry for the rant in the tags and i just. i want someone to talk to me)#i keep on doing it for no apparent reason#someone was talking about lust yesterday and i realised today that.#even tho id thought i don't experience it. i possibly do. but exclusively towards women.#i hate it here!#for a multitude of reasons i will never have a relationship with a woman but! i may be incapable of having a relationship with a man!#at some point in the last few months i have abruptly pivoted from definitely wanting marriage and kids to being ambivalent on marriage#and not wanting kids. that's such an outlier in my life that it might just be a mental health thing tho idk#but at the same time i. want to be loved.#i don't know what i want anymore and im tired of questioning myself#i definitely overthink it but idk how to stop it#and i hate hate hate how the moral obsessions have bee lately#this isn't entirely related but it kind of is#like Am i a terrible morally bankrupt person for having certain thoughts or is it just religious ocd go brrrr?? am i overthinking it?#i don't know. i don't know!#for a while labelling myself as arospec ace kinda calmed that down but. i don't know#i do't want to be attracted to women. i don't want to have to look away so often. i don't want any of that.#but i don't know how to stop it.#i don't even know if i'm attracted to men at all.#this is a cry for help and encouragement and prayers no matter what your views on these matters are#queer stuff tag#i nearly fessed up to my friend yesterday about same sex attraction and i might've except that it would have probably outed me as#the person who anonymously sent in a question several months ago about the side b movement to a church thing#ive only told one person at church about any of that sort of stuff and it was very vaguely worded#also see: this friend is the mother of the boy i?? i don't even know how i feel about him#i increasingly think it wasn't romantic at all. but i don't know#i would love any encouragement you got. anything at all.#i don't know how much this stuff is affected by the fact that i consider myself unloveable and think it highly unlikely any boy will ever#care for me#now im rambling. sorry
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
sex with luffy is like a saw trap. luffy: zoro!!!!!! i just learned this cool trick where if i bend like this and tie my legs around like that we could have sex and go fishing at the same time!!! quick come here zoro: can we please try missionary just this once
you guys need to stop
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klanced · 11 months
you Must speak on what makes keith a barbie. for the people
1. comically large skill set
barbie MUST be highly skilled at an EXPANSIVE number of things. i am of course alluding to the sheer number of careers barbie has had (over 200!!!!). a barbie must be able to somehow solve every problem she encounters by drawing on her staggeringly large toolbox of Things and Stuff. and keith, to me, fits this bill better than lance.
the other day i was joking about how keith is the most guy of all time, and i stand by that. i think keith has worked a surprising number of jobs considering how young he is. i firmly believe keith has a weird amount of skills and trades under his belt, and with them, he can at least brute force his way through any problem he encounters.
i just think keith can do way more things than lance. BUT, and this is important, most of the things he can do are not life-savingly important. keith is not smarter than lance, he just knows things like how to do the heimlich maneuver on dogs, the best way to select a watermelon (organized by variety and season), how to ground an electric fence, etc.
2. simple zest for life
another defining characteristic of barbie is her simple zest for life. this is not to be confused with like........ idk, constant optimism and being an extrovert (although barbie is pretty optimistic). i just think barbie goes through life pretty confident in herself, and it helps her move through the world feeling very unbothered. it's about being satisfied and content.
i think keith operates in a similar way. like he does the things he does because he thinks it's the best way forward, and then he just does it. lance, meanwhile, is bogged down by a lot of anxiety about himself and his place in the world. keith also has a lot of anxiety about his identity, because of how much is completely unknown to him, but he's not afraid of the not knowing. (well, until the galra thing becomes a possibility, then he has a lot of feels about that.) but besides that, keith in the face of a self-crisis is just like "yeah ok whatever. can i go now? i have to go change the oil in my speeder." like he has shit to do, y'know? like who cares. his dog likes to go on walks at specific times in the day, he doesn't have time for this.
also can we be real for a second. if lance went as barbie for halloween he'd prepare like a million different reasons/justifications for why he's wearing this neon pink cowboy vest and bell bottoms. meanwhile keith would roll into the party dressed as cowgirl barbie purely because he saw the movie and liked the outfit enough to remember and wear it. no further thought.
3. serving cunt
look. i'm just going to be frank with you all: i think keith can, has, and will outserve lance any day of the week. like i'm sorry, but unless we all start getting real desperate with our fanon, that's just the plain truth.
you can put lance in a crop top all you want, but keith's p*ssy p*ps s*verely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dailydegurechaff · 6 months
You don't have to reply to this, but I am very happy to stumble across a non-problematic Youjo Senki fanpage. 💖
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Thank you very much!! I'll continue to do my best!
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cluster-b-culture-is · 11 months
Cluster b culture is be gay do crime! Viva la revolution !!!
#cluster b culture is#cluster b#npd#aspd#bpd#hpd#Mod Reef#anonymous#exactly#on a somewhat related note people who aestheticize 'be gay do crime' and don't believe in the actual sentiment my beloathed#it's be gay do CRIME for a reason. yes being gay was (and is in many places) a crime#but milquetoast white liberal gays whose activism is ''see straighties we're just like you!'' and say ''be gay do crime uwu''#fundamentally just do not seem to understand that trying to make ourselves palatable to non-queer cishet society is never going to get us--#--our rights#it's not 'do crime' in a quirky ''uwu being gay is illegal in so many places i'm literally illegal lol <2''#it's 'do crime' in ''the only way we're going to get actual queer liberation is through meaningful revolution and overturning of the--#--current society and if that means breaking a few bones and cracking a few skulls then so be it''#most queer cluster b folks tend to understand this sentiment that ''i'm just like you'' limits queer expression and liberation more than it#-helps#i suspect it's because cluster b folks already understand the idea that making yourself seem palatable and similar to the oppressors--#--just doesn't work#(see: (ASPD and NPD folk especially) only being seen as even MORE manipulative and bad when we try to conform to societal norms)#anyways this has been your reminder that Mod Reef is a communist (and not in the funny haha jokey way; it is a genuine communist)#and that these beliefs are most influenced by its queerness and its disabilities (both physical and mental)
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