sniffleeeee i’m so sleepy but i wanna write….. i wanna read………. all i have the strenght to do is sip tea n cuddle catoru n watch dunmeshi T_T
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kingkatsuki · 7 days
The reason I breathe or the reason I can’t I haven’t decided yet😫
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skunkes · 11 months
i dont think i'd drawn like a clear, not dot eyed/simplified eyes cow al since mawrch wahhhhh i love him so muck...
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nya-ochi · 1 year
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
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jealous boyfriend enha! established relationship, actress reader, 1164 words, requested!!
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He pretends he's not phased at all
He knows you love him obviously, you spend like four hours a week crying and telling him how pretty he is and how much he means to you
But that was before he knew it was THE Song Kang
"Baby, he's literally the prettiest person ever!"
"You think he's prettier than me?" You pout
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to"
Homeboy is SWEATING watching you guys film
Literally saying a hallelujah when there's no romance between your characters
But when you come back and tell him he was right that it was the prettiest person ever he gets mad about it
But he wants to be the only boy you think is pretty 😔
Won't let you escape his grasp for the next week
Listen he likes to act all confident, but deep down he is a little bit insecure about his looks
So when you tell him you're filming with one of the actors who made "worlds most beautiful" list
😐 he is not impressed
On the outside he's all "oh that's cool"
But on the inside he's screaming crying throwing up
Wears the outfits he knows make you weak the whole week leading up to it
I'm talking turtle necks, rolled sleeves, rings, all of it 😵‍💫
His masterplan is working, and you get so affectionate you don't even want to leave him to film
He lowkey feels so silly about being jealous when on a film break you bring your costar over and introduce him to "the love of my life Jay"
Literally SO POUTY
"Noooo, baby do you haveee to??"
Acts like it's the worst thing to ever happen
"What if you just quit your job as an actress?? I can take care of you!! I'll pay for everything!! You'll never have to work again!"
"Jake, I like my job"
"But I thought you LOVED me!"
Insists on going with you to set (also leaves a hickey on you that your makeup artist is very mad about 😭)
You have to ignore him the whole time you're filming because you know he's making those injured puppy dog eyes and you just can't handle it
He literally is hanging out with the actor during one of his breaks tho so ???
He's all "yeah bro you're awesome" so you think it's all good now
But then you go over to them and he gives you the most mind melting, earth shattering, blush inducing kiss ever right in front of your coworker
You will never recover
Tells you he's more attractive than the other guy 🤪
You tell him because you want to be open and warn him
But he's all "okay and? He's not better than me, why should I be worried?"
You're like wow my boyfriend is so mature and cool
But you realize very quickly that he is, indeed, worried
"Hey y/n, be honest. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?"
"Hey y/n, do you think idols or actors would make better husbands?"
"Hey y/n, do you think onscreen chemistry ever transfers off screen?"
"I prefer whatever color is currently on your head, you over anyone of any profession, and I wouldn't know because I don't need to worry about that seeing as how I'm in a very happy relationship."
He grumbles at your answers, mad you caught on
He's not one for pda but he does bring you a bouquet and your favorite drink to the film sight <3
The guy was one of his favorite actors!!
He was so so excited for you to work with him, until he found out he was your love interest 😐
"Sun, he's married." 😒
He boycotts the actors other shows 😭 whenever you guys hang out and watch dramas together he'll turn it off if the guy comes on screen
Eventually gives up on drama nights and makes you watch a bunch of enhypen performance videos instead
"Wahhh he's so handsome! Even more handsome then that actor, don't you think?"
"Yes Sun, you're way more handsome."
He's fishing for compliments but you don't care, willing to give him all the reassurances you have
You think he's gotten over it by the time filming comes up
But lo and behold... he's sent you an entire coffee truck with pictures of the two of you and messages about your relationship 😭
He wants SO BADLY to be okay with it 🥹
He was so supportive, celebrating with you when you first got the role and now coming to every filming that you have
Except he's noticed the slowly developing love story between you and the hottest guy on the show
So when you get the script for episode ten and read it to him he knows it's coming
"Oh, so you're like... gonna kiss someone else?"
You literally want to burst into tears, he's so precious and he looks like a little sad cat and just- 😭😭😭
"Yeah, but we've both been very open that we have partners! His girlfriend is on set all the time too! And you can totally be there when we film it!"
He shudders, "I'm not sure I want to"
But he goes anyway, and you introduce him to your costars partner
So now they're standing together, making small talk and looking away every time they say action
"I'm gonna need a drink," she mumbled after her boyfriend has to get his makeup fixed because of your lipstick on him
"Yeah, me too"
Listen, he is your number one fan
He’s seen every episode and won’t let you read him the script because he wants to find out with everyone else
He checks Twitter about it all the time too
So when soompi reports that there’s a new, very attractive guy on set— he sees it immediately
“Hey ynie~ can I come to filming with you?”
You’re so suprised, because he never wants to come with you
“Really? You’re not freaking out about it being spoiled for you?”
“I just want to be with you 🤷🏻‍♀️” he says it so nonchalantly like you’re not literally turning into mush because of it
So fast forward, your hair and makeup is done, costume on, and you’re finally getting ready to film
You’re on set while the scene before you is shooting, and your boyfriend lets out a gasp
“Who is that shirtless man over there?”
You look over and shrug, explaining the new character
“Why is he shirtless??” Man is so fixated on this
“He’s always like that.”
There’s been a shirtless actor walking around you all days of the week and you hadn’t said anything
Steps up the pda immediately, holding your hand during off times and loudly cheering for you during shooting
By the end EVERYONE knew you were dating
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chilschuck · 21 days
May i requests imagines for chilchuck with an s/o that kisses rough? Not sexy biting rough but like those big dogs that throw themselves at their owners lmao!! Id like to see how youthink chilchuck would react ♡
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ this is so cute WAHHH!!! i hope i did it how you wanted, i took rough as more so messy and sloppy, which i thought would be fun to write!! i hope you enjoy anon, and so sorry it took me so long to get this out to you!!!
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— CHILCHUCK HCS: x reader who gives messy kisses.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ sfw + gn!reader! fluffy goodness.
꒰ wc: ꒱ 550
✦ i’m still working on requests from april, so i’m so sorry to those of you who are still waiting for theirs!! i will get them out soon, i promise!! (;;w;;) lots of love to you and i hope you enjoy!!! <333
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✦ Chilchuck isn’t sure what to think the first time you pull him in with messy kisses. I can imagine it’s a bit shocking to him to suddenly have his nose, cheeks, and lips smothered with smooches like that, so expect him to stop and process that for a moment.
✦ Once his cheeks are done burning and his nose is finished crinkling up, he’ll complain and grumble about it for sure. Be prepared for Chil to wave you off and act like he didn’t like it. (We all know he did.)
✦ Imagine approaching him as he works on something at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration. You just can’t help but pull his face to you, licking your lips before he can utter a word and absolutely splaying kisses all over him. In between each obnoxious kissing sound is his voice complaining about the sudden barrage. You can’t help it, you tell him after. He’s just so handsome!
✦ It gets to the point where he hears you approach and he jumps, eager to defend his face from your lips. You pout a bit about it once, telling him you’ll stop giving him those messy kisses and he spends the rest of the afternoon silently thinking about the face you made.
✦ Expect him to get a little grumpy if you don’t walk past him while it’s just the two of you and pull him in for kisses. We know how this man is with affection, but imagine suddenly stopping your ministrations and leaving him with none at all. Chilchuck is going to eventually complain that you shouldn’t stop giving those to him. (Even if he acts like he doesn’t like it.)
“Hey.” His voice was softer but still a bit rough around the edges, pulling your attention from the task you busied yourself with.
“Can you… Do that thing you usually do?” Chilchuck continues after swallowing down his pride, that line between his brows appearing from how hard he’s furrowing his brow.
You blink, wracking your brain for what he could possibly be asking. Finally, he lets out a frustrated sigh, grumbling a quiet, “The kisses, idiot.”
That gets you smiling. Stretching your arms out towards him, you give that mischievous look you always do before decorating his face with your lips. Chil moves between your legs as you press kiss after messy kiss along the light spray of freckles across his nose and cheeks, trailing them down to finally meet his lips. You are pleasantly surprised at how much he reciprocates in that moment.
✦ If you haven’t seen him for a long time and the first thing you do is pull him into a flurry of smooches, he’s going to get very flustered. Get ready for him to either grab your cheeks and pull you to his lips or for him to groan out as you speckle his cheeks in kisses.
✦ Either way, Chil is affection and touch starved, and will never admit that to you. Once you find out just how much he secretly enjoys your affections like this, you never let him hear the end of it. He’ll always be on the receiving end of your messy pecks and smooches, even if he acts like he doesn’t look forward to it.
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune!! <3
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thegoldencontracts · 17 days
Hello !
I hope everything is going well for you ~
So here's my request for Azul :
What about Azul getting along With Yuu / MC in daily life when suddenly he or the twins mentions how he was a little bit insecure or not the same before when he was younger. And Yuu is just *not getting it* and replying that they always found him pretty handsome and clever. Objectively.
I wish you a beautiful day !
Hello, thank you for the request!
Not What You Are
Summary: Floyd exposes a secret of Azul's he'd rather you not know. Your reaction is embarrassing - and comforting, but he'll never tell you that.
Azul always seemed so perfect, so smug. He was pretty, smart, even strong - no matter how delicately beautiful he seemed. You had a bit of a crush on him, if you were being honest, but you knew he was way too out of your league for him to even consider dating you.
If anything, you were just happy you managed to be friends with him. That was good enough.
He'd even let you hang out with him in the VIP room, where he'd tutor you completely free of charge. Your classmates thought you were lucky - Ace even told you to snag him a study guide.
But, either way, it was safe to say that Azul was confident. He knew he was smart, and he definitely knew he was smarter than you.
Which was why when Floyd came up to you in the VIP room one day while Azul had left to go to the bathroom, complaining about how you were making Azul nervous, you couldn't be more confused.
"He's so nervous about you," Floyd groaned. "Every day, he's like, 'Wahhh, shrimpy's gonna laugh!' 'Waah, Shrimpy's gonna leave me after seeing what a loser I am!' 'Waah!'"
A- loser? Azul thought he was a loser? No way. Floyd had to have just added that on.
"Azul's not a loser," you said out of instinct. "He's talented, smart, pretty-"
"And everyone knows that's what you'll say!" Floyd groaned. "But Azul thinks he's a loser. So he keeps complaining."
"But Azul's objectively pretty," you insisted. "Clever, too."
It was at that moment that you heard a loud shriek from outside the door.
"Floyd!" Came the voice of none other than Azul. "What sort of nonsense are you telling the Prefect now?"
Before Floyd could say anything, you spoke up.
"You're prettier than you think, Azul."
"S-Shut it!"
"I don't get it, Azul," you said. "You're objectively pretty. Clever, too. So why do you think you aren't?"
Azul flushed.
"Listen, whatever it is Floyd told you, he was lying. This was all a lie, you can-"
"You really have nothing to worry about, though," you said.
Azul just looked away with a pout on his face, like a petulant child.
"Eh- Did you just- I- am not cute!"
Oops. Did you say that out loud?
"You are," you couldn't help but say. Azul's reaction was just too good!
"Leave," Azul said. You weren't having it.
"How about no?"
You weren't budging.
"You're pretty, Azul," You said, right as Azul threw in the towel for good.
Azul realized you weren't going anywhere, if the way he slumped into his seat with a flushed face said anything.
"Fine, be stubborn," he said. "I'll simply have to get to tutoring you."
"Sure, sure," you said. For whatever reason, Azul rolled his eyes at you.
"Then let's start," he said, more looking for an excuse to avoid further embarrassment than anything. "Chapter three: The History Of Atlantis. Long ago-"
And as you two continued studying, you couldn't help but notice the fond smile that crossed his face when he thought you weren't looking.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
I saw you write for hsr and that you're requests are open
I was thinking blade X reader general hcs???
Please I'm begging on my knees do more blade content(⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
* pairing : blade x gender neutral reader
* prompt : request ♡
* authors note : deep dark confession, i actually have no idea what blades personality is like n i have like a version of him made up in my head so pls if hes ooc, tell me about how he is like canonically WAHHH. (i also experimented a little with this style of writing! if you're into it, let me know!)
* brief warning : lmao its so funny that i always have this with blade.. blade is blade yes yes _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
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ּ ִֶָ ࣪✦ Where in BLADE seems so incredibly enamored and entertained by the General. (even if they planned to kill him, hes kinda into that though ngl)
— he likes to annoy you, you know damn well his presence alone gets you riled up. and honestly he finds it really cute lol
— even when he was already an escaping criminal, you knew that the knocks on your window late at night couldn't have been anyone else.
— "it's me again~" "get out."
— however, knowing you are the one reason he stays in luofu.. you tolerate it. you don't understand why hes so obsessed with you but if it meant keeping a criminal in control, you'll do it for your people.
— whenever he visits, its usually just one sided small talk as you're staring at him in your nightwear and sighing.
— "are you done?" "nope."
— eventually you start talking to him, cause if you can't rest might aswell do something in your restless hours.
— with each visit, you found yourself slowly opening up more and more. and he was also, quite literally getting closer to you. from only sitting on your window, to a chair, then sitting on the edge of your bed.
— you were honestly unsure on how to feel about this, because you knew the capabilities he was hiding behind that smirk. that really handsome smirk- wait what
— at some point, you were in insane denial of your feelings and wanted them gone. and so, one night you staged the ambush for when he'll visit.
— its seemingly going according to plan. the guards notice his presence within the darkness, but just as you expect him to get caught, he walks through your window at the exact time as yesterday, and the day before, and all the days before that.
— "i'm starting to think.. our fun is reaching its end." he'll say, leaning slightly out your window and looking at the groaning guards that were scattered all over the grounds of your home. each and every one were knocked out cold.
— you're trying to calm your racing heartbeat as he walks towards you, whether its fear or uh.. something else is IRRELEVANT!! he's towering over you, and you can barely utter a word out of yourself, you don't even notice that you began walking backwards, until your back meets a wall and you gasp. he slams one arm against the wall to trap you between him, a smirk on his face the entire time.
— "haaaahhh.. dontkillme." you say with a fearful tone, as he stops right infront of you and looms over you quietly. you're looking off to your right, and your heartbeat goes even faster at the sensation of his thumb finding itself on your chin, and his index finger right below your lips.
— he slowly makes you look at him, with how much time he was taking, it was almost teasingly. and the way he looked at you could've caused a HEART ATTACK. it was so full of want, like you were the most desired jewel across the galaxy, and he had you right in his fingers.
— he leans down, and you immediately stop breathing, he's so close that it's kinda scary but you're into it?? just as he's about to make contact with your lips, he chuckles to himself, pulls away and straightens himself once again. "you wanted me to kiss you, really?"
— you don't answer, but that alone speaks volumes. theres sound of chatter outside, mostly the yelling of guards, which makes blade click his tongue in annoyance.
— you're still kinda against the wall and trapped within his arms and his hand still holds onto your chin, so he pulls you surprisingly softly into a kiss, before breaking it and planting another to your forehead.
— "i hope to see you, and this time, maybe don't plan the death wishes of your guards." he says, bidding his farewell as he approaches your window. he salutes to you, blows you a kiss and disappeared into the night.
— almost as if it were staged, your guards burst into the room and immediately rush around and towards you in a defensive position, but you're not harmed nor seen with a trace of injuries or scratches across your body.
— "general? are you alright?" one of them asked, seeing you place your hands on your cheeks as clear disbelief was shining in your eyes. "i-i fear that the stelleron hunters may be here for far longer, i'll update you all if anything else happens. please leave my room, i'd like to be alone.
— once the figurative mist cleared, you walk towards your window and feel the cold breeze of midnight within your fingertips. you pull the frame to close it, before a small note falls through the cracks just as it shuts.
— it reads; "don't forget to not lock your windows.'
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
I felt like even after lucifer is into tears/crying idk i just think his more a softy than the other kings if he trusted us(mc) enough?? Since i remember seeing somewhere that his the loneliness king like maybe he just needs someone to you know hug or be with him from time to time
Also wtf is with the CG- is it michael dead i see on the ground- i swear if they killed my man im gona start a riot(TT)
Yes! It was mentioned, and at the same time Gamigin said that he is very kind, and if it really is like this, it just means that Luci is laboratory prepared to break all of our hearts I'm not ready I'm not ready I'm not ready I will shower him with all my love and attention whether he wants it or not
At the beginning, many people (including me) predicted that Satan would be fierce with his anger, but it turned out that he was the most loving devil we have ever met. I suppose Luci will have some quirks with his kink, but so far all the doctors in Paradise Lost have been… actually, in my opinion, some of the more reasonable devils we know? Even Marbas and his restrictions. He's usually so done when they call him lmao poor guy doesn't want to deal with this bullshit
…AND HOW IS MICHAEL DEAD? I- I disagree?! Yeah yeah i know he bad but he hot dont judge me- Istg Michael is my fave among angels, just dont- now I'm waiting even more 😭 Even if these are assumptions, I don't like these assumptions wahhh
I WANT LUCI AND GAMIGIN AND EVERYYYTHIIINGG NOW PB STOP TEASING US. Especially since my f2p ass will have to rely on handsome rich (in money or luck) people who share Luci content from cards *winks flirtatiously* a kiss for each of you
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pedropascallme · 10 months
HIII ok i adored ur Jim fic i love him SOO BADDDD WAHHH !!!! i was wondering if i could request a Jim smut of some kind??? i’m a trans man so i would love an afab reader w gender neutral/masc pronouns but of course only whatever ur comfy w:) and if u don’t wanna do that anything else jim related pls i love him SOOOO BADDD!!!! okay sorry for the huge block of text ily and ur work is god tier bro.
The New Normal
Pairing: Jim x gn!afab!Reader
Summary: "You felt the sudden urge to kiss him, to grab him and pull him close to you, tell him to join you in the shower. "
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI), oral (m & f receiving), fingering, p in v sex, praise kink, kinda almost soft!dom Jim? Reader is AFAB but no use of gendered pronouns, uhhh brief allusion to 9/11 blink and you'll miss it, if I missed anything please let me know!
AN: Max NEVER apologize for asking for Jim smut I am ALWAYS looking for a reason to write Jim smut. Also forgive the cross tagging but the only way I will ever reach other Cillian sluts is if I use the Thomas Shelby tag.
America was different than you’d expected it to be.
In the shows and movies, there wasn’t much diversity; either you were on a farm, or you were in the big city. The speech patterns were always overdramatized, too, and when you first reached the McGuire base in New Jersey, you were a bit disappointed when nobody shouted that “they were walkin’ he-ya!” Even more disappointed when you reached Brooklyn and were told that the accent was of a dying variety.
But in the grand scheme of things, it was so…normal. It was England before the outbreak, but with smaller busses and slower trains. You didn’t really know how to feel about it, about how the rest of the world carried on so unconcerned while the island you grew up in fell to pieces. In a way, relieved, but a small part of you felt almost offended that nobody was holding constant vigils.
What offended you more, though, was the realization that the process of being granted asylum was not something that happened quickly. While you were appreciative to Hannah’s distant cousins who had agreed to sponsor you while you awaited the business to be over—which could take years, you’d learned—you were nauseated that you still had to prove yourself in order to be allowed to stay. The lawyers, doctors, soldiers, and judges you’d met with explained that the process would go smoothly, that it was something that had to be done, not due to the nature of the thing you were escaping, but due to those who might abuse any leniency the country showed.
The world really hadn’t changed at all.
“Finished already?” You hummed at Jim when he walked through the door. Hannah’s family had taken you all shopping when you first arrived—a relief, really, to be able to change out of the fatigues the air force had given you—and Jim, despite his usual attire being casual, at best, looked so…handsome, now, with his skin not caked in blood, or dirt, or sweat. His hair was growing back in and he was wearing jeans that actually fit him. His shirt read “I<3NY” and even though you told him it looked ridiculous when he had first picked it up, you couldn’t deny that it hugged his arms in the right places.
“Not much to be done. You stitched me up so well.” He smiled at you, crossing the apartment to join you on the couch. “Doctor said he’d like to meet you.”
“I’ve met too many people this month.” You curled your legs up under you and stretched your arms over your head. “Never thought I’d say it, but I miss the apocalypse.” You leaned your head back.
Jim exhaled through his nose, amused, leaning himself back on the couch to face you. “No, you don’t.”
“I don’t,” You agreed, “It’s just…”
“Too much, too soon.”
“I guess.” You stared at each other for a while, not moving, not speaking. “I wish I could fast forward.” Jim tilted his head into the cushion he was leaning on, prompting you to continue. “I want to be used to it by now. Wanna be able to walk down the street and see a missing poster and still have hope.” You shuddered when you remembered the posters plastered on the train station walls, how familiar one disaster could feel when compared to another. “I want to feel normal. Everything here is so normal. Why am I not normal yet?” You didn’t have the energy to continue pouring over your emotions, perfectly fine with leaving it on that note.
“You’re not normal.” Jim leaned forward. “Neither am I. Neither is Hannah—s’got nothing to do with—” He waved around the two of you, implying the ordeal you’d lived through. You nodded in agreement. “And we’ll never be their kind of normal. Might just be ‘cause we’re English. Heard they had a war with us here, way back.” Jim deadpanned, and you smiled at him.
“I think I just need a shower.” You sighed, still looking at him. You felt the sudden urge to kiss him, to grab him and pull him close to you, tell him to join you in the shower. You felt your skin flush at the thought. You hadn’t been able to do much of anything but go to different meetings since you got here. One after another, it had made it difficult to find time for yourself, let alone time for you and Jim. Stolen kisses here and there, cuddles under the sheets of your bed, calling out “I love you” before the door closed behind you—there had been no time to enjoy each other.
Not to mention, you lived in a rented apartment with thin walls, and Hannah’s room was next to yours.
You hesitated to get up, and Jim sensed your delay. He brought a hand up to your hair, petting you.
“Hannah’s gone for the night. Sleepover.” You muttered, trying to be sly instead of asking for anything outright. Jim cocked a brow in jest.
“Just us, then?”
“Just us.” You confirmed. Tension formed between the two of you, and you swallowed.
“We can—can I join you in the shower?” His words were rushed, and he looked down when he spoke, only looking back up at you to gage your reaction once the question was complete. “You can say n—”
“Yes.” You felt breathless.
It was almost laughable, the two of you getting undressed together. It wasn’t out of the ordinary, a shared bedroom holds plenty of space for two people to dress and undress in front of each other, but the expectation made all the difference. Jim’s “I<3NY” shirt was now discarded on the floor, his jeans unbuttoned as he helped you out of your own outfit. Your mouth fell open slightly when he peeled your shirt off of you, the feeling of his hands leaving a warm trail over your sides and a wet feeling between your legs. You reached for the waistband of his jeans, looping your fingers over the denim and into the boxers he wore underneath and beginning to pull down. He laughed quietly as he watched you struggle to move them down his waist.
“Don’t have to do all the work.” He placed his hands over yours and helped you remove his clothes. In turn, he found the button of your jeans and quickly undid them, letting you pull down the tight material and exposing yourself to him. All that remained were your panties, and Jim let out a low whistle when he reached out to brush the lace with his knuckles. “Pretty baby.”
You pushed against his chest lightly. “Shower.” You reminded him, but at this point it didn’t really matter to you. You whined slightly when his hand fell lower over your sex, nearly cupping you.
“Got all night.” He pulled down the remaining fabric, leaving you completely naked for him. And that’s how you felt—naked. Almost scared, as if now that your underwear was off and you were stripped completely, he would reconsider and not want this anymore—not want you anymore. You realized how stupid that sounded when Jim stood up at eye-level, grinning at you. You looked at him sheepishly as you stepped out of the panties pooled at your feet and toward him. You reached out to trace what remained of the wound on his abdomen, letting your fingers kiss the spots you hoped to eventually place your mouth on.
Suddenly you were in his arms, swooped up bridal style as he walked you into the bathroom. You heard yourself laugh nervously, and you buried your face into his neck. Feeling bold, you licked a stripe up to his pulse point, and he shuddered.
“Don’t wanna drop you.” He protested your action, but he lifted his head slightly to allow you better access. You did it again, letting your tongue linger and drift to his earlobe, nipping at it, feeling more and more comfortable with each step Jim took. He sighed dreamily, then placed you down on your feet next to the tub. He turned the handle, pulling the curtain back and taking your hand to guide you under the water. You all but pulled him in after you, and though he stumbled at first, he found his footing right in front of you. You watched the way the water seemed the frame his face; droplets running down his cheekbones and off of his chin. You kissed him, letting the water fall over your face, tasting it when you opened your mouth to welcome his tongue. You sighed into his mouth, a perfect combination of his taste and that of the water settling on your taste buds, and it went straight to your core. He leaned away from you, wrapping an arm around your waist and examining how the water matched the curve of your breasts. He kissed your chest, sucking on the skin just enough to make faint spots appear. You combed your fingers through his hair, closing your eyes.
“Normally,” He licked over what would soon become a dark purple spot, “I use the shower to wash up—reflect, sometimes.” He kissed his way up your chest and neck before straightening himself out and kissing your nose. “This is a much better use of my time.” You rolled your eyes, putting gentle pressure on his neck to encourage him to lean down and kiss you. He pulled you tighter to him, and you could feel his erection against your thigh. He pushed against you, enjoying the bit of friction you provided him, and you heard him grunt quietly. His hands found purchase on your ass, squeezing the flesh gently and using the angle to draw you even closer.
“Y’know—oh!” You were cut off by an especially hard squeeze as Jim’s hands continued to roam over your ass, “I do need—I need to wash my hair…”
“Tomorrow.” Was all Jim said, reaching between your bodies to place his cock where your stomach met his crotch. You gasped at the heavy feeling of him against you, and your own hand made its way down to grab hold of him. Jim choked on his own breath, eyes fluttering shut when you began to move your wrist up and down his length. Out of curiosity, you looked down to watch your ministrations, wanting to fully enjoy the view that you had so desperately craved for so long. His cock was long, and you could see and feel the veins that ran up the extent of his shaft to the pink of his tip. You moaned quietly at the sight, hoping Jim didn’t think you pathetic for the pleasure you got out of stroking him. His mouth agape, he shut his eyes tight, trying not to think about how good your hand felt. You kneeled before him, and planted a kiss on his head, licking a stripe over him.
“O—h,” he was panting, “Fuck, baby.” You watched his chest rise and fall dramatically as you took his tip between your lips, swiping your tongue over and around it a few times before beginning to inch the rest of him inside of your mouth. You moved your head up and down, gagging slightly when you felt the pressure of holding him too deep for too long against the back of your throat. “Oh, fu—yeah, that’s it. Good, baby, so good.” You hummed in appreciation of his praise, the vibrations making him bite his lip and furrow his brow in concentration, desperately trying to ward off his high before he had gotten to explore you fully. You pulled your mouth off of his cock with a pop that softly echoed in the shower, and he watched as you planted more kisses along him.
He grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. The vision in front of you made you feel dizzy; Jim breathing hard, cock bobbing against his stomach, wet from your spit and from the shower, hair falling over his ears, draped in a blanket of water. You rubbed your thighs together, now pruned hand resting on his knee for, what? Permission, maybe?
Jim helped you up from the floor, and you watched him turn the shower handle. In the brief moment before the water stopped completely, it turned freezing cold, and you felt goosebumps erupt over you. You brought yourself closer to Jim, both in an attempt to find warmth and in a silent plea that he continue what had begun in the shower.
Dripping wet—in more ways than one—you found yourself back in your bedroom. Lying on your back, Jim looked over you, then began kissing over the marks he had made on you in the shower. You whimpered, a hand finding his hair and lacing your fingers through his short locks. You pulled slightly when his lips wrapped around one of your nipples, and he groaned in pleasure at the sensation. His hand slowly traced down your stomach, fingers delicately finding their way to your clit before pressing on it lightly.
“Jim—!” Your exclamation motivated him to continue. He sat up a bit, kneading your bud with one hand and holding your cheek in another, holding eye contact as he slid one finger into your soaking wet center. You threw your head back, only then realizing that you hadn’t even had the time to pleasure yourself in God only knows how long. He curled his finger upwards, and your back arched into him. He smirked, clearly proud of what he was doing to you. He shuffled backwards on the bed, still pumping a finger in and out of you while he positioned himself between your legs. You felt the mattress shift under his weight when he straightened himself out onto his stomach, propped up with one elbow.
“So pretty.” You felt his breath fanning over your cunt, and you squirmed. Jim leaned into you, kissing your inner thighs while you wiggled your hips in an attempt to get his attention where you needed it the most. When he finally licked a lazy stripe over your clit, you let out an absentminded sigh, pushing yourself up to him in encouragement. He removed his finger from you, and you whined at the sudden empty feeling, though he immediately made up for the absence of his fingers with his tongue. He continued to lap at you, letting your slick coat his chin, nose brushing your clit. He sucked lightly on your bud, and your hands found his hair again, not sure if you wanted to push him in further, let him taste you until you screamed, or push him away, as your thighs began to tremble. He slid two fingers back into you and twisted them back and forth while his tongue darted over your clit. You squeezed his fingers, moans spilling from your mouth.
“C’mon baby, so good,” he removed his mouth from your core to coo at you, “wanna see you cum for me.” It was whispered into your skin, and you felt his words echo through your body. His lips found their place over your clit once more, and he sucked harder, fingers pumping in and out of you faster.
“Oh, ye—yes, like that, like that, please!” You couldn’t stop talking, couldn’t stop begging if you tried. Had falling over the edge always felt this good? You didn’t stop to ponder it, busy feeling your body fall victim to the pleasure Jim was gifting you. You moaned, trying to grab at the man who had buried himself between your legs, but he was fully content to stay where he was until he knew you’d ridden out your orgasm. You cried out his name, back arching, body granting him even more access to your pussy, and when you felt him moan at the taste of you, you came hard for him. He placed soft kisses over your cunt, and you couldn’t help the moan you let out when he began pulling his fingers out of you.
You were still panting when he kissed you. Your arms came to rest around his neck, breathing heavily through your nose as you slipped your tongue into his mouth. “Taste so good,” Jim was also clearly short of breath, “you taste that, baby?” His lips found yours again, and he let you suck gently on his tongue, let you taste yourself on him. You shivered; it felt so dirty, Jim still damp with your wet, encouraging you to enjoy the taste your cum had left on him, dipping his tongue deep into your eager mouth and speaking to you like you belonged to him.
You did belong to him, and the thought made your eyes roll back into your head.  
He pulled you into his arms, flipping over so that you were lying on top of him. You found the strength to push yourself up, hands planted on his chest, to straddle him. The feeling of his cock between your legs, still hard, and all for you, made you feel frantic, and you began to roll your hips over him, feeling him tense under you.
“That’s right,” he watched you with hooded eyes, “so eager.”
“Want you to fuck me.” You felt the tip of his cock push between your folds after one especially long roll of your hips, and you didn’t care if you looked pathetic anymore. You’d waited long enough; been so good, so ignorant of the forbidden fruit. One taste, and now you were helpless—completely at his mercy.
“God, say it again.”
“I want you to fuck me, Jim. Please.” You licked your lips before slipping the bottom one between your teeth. His eyes flitted over you, taking in the way you were begging, the way you sat bare, eagerly waiting for his cock. How had he let so much time pass before giving you what you both needed? He lifted you by the waist, encouraging you to stay kneeling above him slightly as he reached another hand down to line himself up with you. The split second before you lowered yourself down onto him felt like forever, but he watched, in awe of you, as you lowered yourself down onto him. You moaned for him when you felt his tip breach your hole, reaching for his chest and grasping at nothing while you continued to take him, inch by inch. You heard him groan out your name, breath going uneven when he finally bottomed out. You stayed like that for a moment, both of you in a trance-like state: You breathed in sync, gazing at each other, smiling like morons.
“I love you.” Jim whispered, placing a hand on your hip and squeezing. You leaned forward, steadying yourself on his shoulders.
“I love you.” You kissed him again, gentler, slower than the previous times. You did have all night—you had a lifetime of all nights with each other.
You began rocking back and forth slowly, allowing yourself time to adjust to the size of him, the feeling of being so full. You felt the tip of his cock brush against your g-spot almost immediately, making you gasp as you chased the feeling of his head nudging you closer to another high.
“God—fuck, you feel so good.” Jim praised, reaching the hand that wasn’t on your hip up to squeeze at your breasts. He licked his finger before bringing it back up, pinching your nipple and rolling over it with his thumb and forefinger. You moaned, back arching, and you started to bounce up and down on him. Your nails dug into the skin on his shoulders, but he didn’t seem to care, too busy bucking up into your cunt, drunk off the feeling of your juices dripping down his length and over his balls.
He moved both his hands over your hips, his fingers digging into the flesh of your curves, guiding your movements while you rode him.
“Cum for me again, baby. So good for me, one more time.” He started fucking up into you harder, the sweet noises you made spurring him on. “You can do it, yeah? So good—fuck—so good for me.” Now he was practically begging, slamming you down onto his cock while he pushed you towards another orgasm.
“I—oh, fuck, me, yes! Like that, Jim—yes!” You fell forward, curling yourself up on his chest and bringing your knees up slightly higher next to his ribs to allow him more ease, lifting you up and down. You mumbled incoherently into his neck, licking and kissing and nipping at him while he continued with deep, hard thrusts. You sucked a mark on his neck, and he groaned out your name, one hand coming down over your clit to coax a second orgasm from you.
“Fucking—oh, cum for me, baby. Cum on me like this.” And maybe it was the way you felt his fingers pushing bruises into your skin, or the way he breathlessly demanded you commit such a filthy act, or the way he seemed to be getting just as much enjoyment out of your pleasure as you were; but when you felt his cock pushed forcefully against your g-spot in time with the way he played with you clit, you couldn’t stop the scream that erupted from your lungs, or the way you chanted his name through sobs of pleasure. You clenched around him, squirming and sensitive and so full of his cock. You saw stars, saw how every second of your life had led to this moment, and when the shockwave of pleasure coursed through your body, all you could do was thank the man who had made you feel so good.
“Fu—ck, oh my god,” Jim groaned through clenched teeth, trying to delay his own orgasm so he could enjoy the way you squeezed him for as long as he could. He practically threw you down onto his cock, forcing himself as deep as you’d let him go, and at that moment, the only word that mattered to him was your name. “Where—where can I cum? Tell me, baby, where?” He was gasping, so close to the edge.
“Inside. Please, Jim, want it inside.” You knew it was reckless, knew you’d have to buy a pill later, but the pros far outweighed the cons.
Your words were all it took to send Jim hurtling over the precipice. He pushed himself deep into your cunt, painting your walls with his spend, both of you shivering at the feeling. You moaned quietly into his skin, and Jim wheezed as he took gulping breaths in an attempt to regulate his breathing. You felt his hand come to rest on your back, stroking up and down, the other coming up to your hair, tempting you out of your hiding spot, nuzzled in his neck.
“Ok?” He breathed.
“Mm.” You hummed, rubbing your cheek against his, comforted by the way your faces squished together. “More than ok.”
“I should’ve—I didn’t want you to feel, I d’know—” He couldn’t think of the right words. “I love you. Just wanted you to feel how much I love you.”
You smiled, fucked out and sleepy and satisfied. “You did a good job,” you kissed him, “did I?”
“More than good.” He smiled, throwing your own words back at you in reassurance.
“Will you stay inside a little longer?” You whispered, still relishing in the way he filled you up.
“God, yes,” Jim almost laughed, “don’t have to ask.” You ran your thumb over his cheek, eyelids heavy.
“Is this the new normal?” You posed the question, remembering your earlier rant.
“Yeah. Think so.” Jim splayed his hand out over your back.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 3 months
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I hope you don’t mind me through this at you
I’ve been obsessing over anything Leo and usagi, and you post got me wanting. It’s prob not how you wanted as I don’t really draw big thicker character XD (I’m still learning tho lol) but I really wanted to have a try (also the side between them isn’t actuate) I do usally draw usagi taller then Leo anyway so it always fun to have Leo smaller XD
Ngl I’d read this usagi, I love the description you wrote of him 🤗
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oh my god. i love him. so so so much. i SQUEALED when i saw him. he's so cute. i'm in shambles. LIKE OMG???? THANK YOU????? this was so sweet he's so handsome thank you so much WAHHH 😭‼️
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seacharms · 8 months
Hii bestieeee!!! Could I have a "BTS reaction to when you stan skz" thxxx luvs yaaa
ok ofc... btw- IM A STARMY TOO!!!!! AHHHHH BEST FANDOM COMBO EVER! Anyway- here you go...
BTS reaction to when you're a STAY (SKZ stan)
He would be a little surprised but would respect your music choice, he would even jam with you to Stray Kids' songs sometimes. OOOHHH but every time God's menu came on, he would see a side of you that he's never seen before.
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"Yah! Isn't my handsome face not enough?! Let's watch a BTS mv instead" He said. After making him forcefully watch an SKZ mv, he was trying not to show his enjoyment but after a few more mvs, he officially became a STAY and stole your bias.
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He didn't care about what you listened to or watched because he believed that everyone was allowed to have an opinion. Lowkey rapped Changbin's part in Miroh to impress you.
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"Wahhh baby, they dance well, especially that Lee Know guy. I should collab with them next! They're songs make me jam. Who is your bias by the way? I think I like all of them." You both watch Stray Kids practice videos all night and enjoy together. XOXO Hobi
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Watches the dance practices and music videos with you. "Wow, they're so talented! I'm going to practice this dance, can you teach me?"
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"Their music is nice but it's not something I would listen to every day, they're amazing though. Their dance is outstanding, vocals are great, rap is next level, visuals are superb!"
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Shook. "You stan them? I'm friends with Bang Chan- if you ever wanna meet him just tell me." Legit gets you excited and starts telling you random stuff about how he likes SKZ too.
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~Oki everyone... THANK YOU!!! byeee~
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satorisoup · 8 days
i miss rengoku sniff T^T my precious kyo WAHHH !! HE IS SO DEAR TO ME !!
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look at my handsome hubby </3
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limbus-limousine · 5 months
your takes on demian are so....good.... your perception and portrayal of the characters is so on point..... your frau eva is so handsome... your demian is so gnc.....please dont stop
Im glad so many people are enjoying my portrayals of these guys... and I love making content about them so much too.guh.seriously need to write something about them, i got some wips but hhh
Im not going ramble too much here because I'm already working on some self indulgent Demian stuff but this book literally changed my worldview. Everytime I reread it the whole time i was just like,,, uhh... hes just like me.he just like me fr
On another note I really want to explore anger and hate and frustration within this messy dynamic of feelings Sinclair has. And Limbus kind of gives me the perfect setup...ill be cooking
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meeeeeeeeeeeeena · 6 months
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Wahhh he’s so handsome in this one! I’m starting to get the hang of this!
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
Who is Jason Todd? Pls say
HE IS A SEXY SEXY MAN THAT'S WHO HE IS❗❗❗no but he's a veryvery handsome dc character and he has a special place in my heart!!! he's a loverboy and he has scars and he kills people and he's a big reader and he gives the best hugs and wahhh i love him a lot!!! i need to write smth for him i feel so bad for neglecting him😔😔😔
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