#Vin tanner
whumprecs · 4 months
I've been telling friends about one of my favorite shows, Magnificent Seven, from late 90's, which was also probably my first foray into fandom. I don't even know why I or even how I found fanfic back in 1998 - but I did, and I have loved them ever since. But it's not just the show that I love, it is the fandom. Maybe because it was almost all older women, or maybe people were just nicer back then - there were no ship wars. None. Not even a thing. 99% of the fandom is genfic A++++ Found Family, but the ones who did ship characters together Shipped and Let Ship. Nobody bothered anybody. And there were like 7 or 8 widespread AU's that everyone agreed on - there was the OG Old West where the show was set, but then there was the WILDLY popular (to the point I thought THAT was the actual premise for the show, and 10 year old me was very shocked to find it was a western) ATF AU where the characters were federal agents. There was Lil Britches, which had several of the characters are children and the rest are adults, there's Star Trek and Star Wars, and them as private detectives, WWII soldiers, etc. The lists are endless. And none of them are bad.
And almost every single one of them is whumpy as fuck.
So I'm going to recommend my favorites:
The South Wind Series by Beth aka Midge
Replaced by Heather F
Pied Piper by Kelly A
Rough Beginnings by Shawna
The Devil's Bargain by Sue Necessary
Aftermath by BMP
Black and White by Violette
Abandoned by Jean
Ezra, In Between by MAC
Tuesday's Child: Lessons of Grace by Joy K
Run Like Hell by Beth aka Midge
Don't Know From Adam by Jordan Mckenzie
Bearing the Pain by Angela B (crossover with Big Valley)
All Things Considered by Nilah H
I could list pretty much every one I've ever read - I don't actually know that I read an M7 fic I didn't care for. However, almost all of these listed authors have more than one fic (some have a LOT more). So if you like them, more are easier to find. I haven't actually looked to see what's available on Ao3 or even ffn.net - because neither site existed when the fandom was in its heyday and everyone had their own web page for posting.
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Feeling somewhat angsty about today's PET scan results, so I'm gonna go ahead and do what I do best.
What is that, you ask?
Why, obsessing over fictional men, of course!
See below for the men in question 😅
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7men · 17 days
Tomorrow is Eric Close's Birthday, so it will be All Vin, All Day!
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Vin: Just because I break into your house doesn’t mean I’m gonna take something, maybe I just wanna look around, damn
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mag7dumbies · 9 months
Okay but it really is insane that Vin who for a large portion of his life dealt with treachery after treachery told a man who he has known for 48??? Hours
That he is worth 500 dollars dead or alive KNOWING THAT CHRIS WOULDNT SHOOT HIM IN THE BACK
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madhare0512 · 10 months
Good morning, I've been inducted into the fandom that is Magnificent Seven. Please be aware that I have ZERO chill about it.
With this out of the way, lemme introduce you to the Flashpoint/Magnificent Seven crossover idea.
- Team Seven consists of Sergeant Chris Larabee, Team Leader Vin Tanner, Explosives Expert Buck Wilmington, Lead Negotiator Josiah Sanchez, Combat Medic Nathan Jackson, Tech Wiz JD Dunne, and Undercover Agent Ezra Standish
- Chris and Buck grew up (ish) together, met in their teens and grew apart after highschool. They came back together after Buck was assigned to Team Seven shortly after joining the SRU
- Josiah and Nathan are not old friends, but close ones, bonded by rolling their eyes at the stupid things the young'ins do and say
- JD is the youngest SRU member to date, but he's no less qualified or deadly that the other fine men and women. He and Buck are roommates, Buck rarely lets him out of his sight
- Ezra is the last to join Team Seven. His joining was actually requested by Vin
- Vin and Ezra met during training and have been ride or die best friends ever since. Mess with one at your own risk
- Josiah is the team father, but can and will create chaos if he feels it's been too quiet
- Team Seven meets in the backroom of some bar once or twice a week or whenever there's a hard case that hits too close to home
- Ezra is a legacy cop
- Chris's family was killed in a fire, but they caught the guy who did it. He's still trying to connect the guy to this woman who was obsessed with him, but so far he's had no luck
- Vin and Ezra are referred to as the Chaos Gremlins by Teams One, Two, Four, Six, and Seven as well as most of the upper brass
- Travis's job is legitimately to reign in Team Seven. That's it. He's just there to make sure the boys don't go off the rails
- There is a list of things Team Seven isn't allowed to do but this list is largely ignored by everyone except Nathan
- Team Three is virtually shunned by Team One and Team Seven for what they did while Ezra worked with them
- Ezra is VERY good at undercover, though that's rarely needed in the SRU. He is also quite skilled at negotiation
- Ezra and Vin started a club for kids of bad upbringing due to any number of circumstances. Sam Braddock is also part of this club and Spike Scarlatti is an honorary member
- Team Seven and Team One are close and work together very well
- The "Magnificent Seven" as Team Seven is called have a reputation amongst the SRU, not the least of which includes their legendary games of Hide and Seek with training ammunition
- Team Seven is highly uneasy around Maude Standish
- Ezra's Derringer rigging was approved for use while he was in training, but it took months for the approval to get through
- Ezra's past is person and Vin is the only one he'll talk to plainly about it
- Team Seven is considered the second best team in the SRU, only outranked by Team One by three points
Thank you!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Magnificent Seven Scenario Game
This includes characters from both the Mag7 Tv Series (1998-2000); and the 2016 Mag7 movie. *Since together there are 14 characters, 2 months have 2 options.
(Scenario Game Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
A/N: I also take these scenarios as writing requests as well (only when requests are open obviously)
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Your Birth Month:
January: Ezra Standish
February: Billy Rocks
March: Buck Wilmington
April: Nathan Jackson
May: Joshua Faraday
June: Goodnight Robicheaux
July: Josiah Sanchez /or/ JD Dunne
August: Vasquez
September: Vin Tanner
October: Sam Chisolm /or/ Jack Horne
November: Chris Larabee
December: Red Harvest
Your Birth Date:
1: Tells you how much he loves you... 2: Buys you a horse... 3: Takes you on a picnic... 4: Brings you breakfast in bed... 5: Takes you dancing... 6: Brings you flowers... 7: Surprises you with random gifts... 8: Gives you a bear hug... 9: Asks you to marry him (or to be his s/o)... 10: Makes you dinner... 11: Takes you horse-back riding... 12: Gives you a hand-made gift... 13: Dances with you... 14: Takes you star(cloud) gazing... 15: Teaches you to ride a horse... 16: Writes you an (anonymous) love letter... 17: Makes you breakfast... 18: Asks you on a date... 19: Surprises you with random kisses (lips/hand/cheek,etc)… 20: Takes you to a festival/fair... 21: Asks you to move in with him... 22: Suddenly kisses you... 23: Surprises you after being gone... 24: Takes you out to dinner... 25: Teaches you to fight... 26: Surprises you with a cat/dog... 27: Takes you on a surprise trip... 28: Brings you hand picked flowers... 29: Leaves you random gifts (anonymously).... 30: Gives you a token of their affection... 31: Surprises you with your favorite food/candy...
First Letter of Your Name (Or Username):
A-E: Because it is your birthday.
F-K: To make you smile.
L-Q: To show you he loves you.
R-V: To cheer you up (To Apologize)
W-Z: Because it is your anniversary (Or to Confess his feelings)
*words in (parentheses) are alternate options/additions.
I apologize if your combo/match up does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does. 
Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Mag7 Taglist: @spuffyfan394
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fourcornersarizona · 2 years
The Stage Ride
@sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins​ for Eleanor 
Naturally suspicious by his nature, even before the state of Texas unfairly slapped a $500 bounty on his head for a murder he did not commit, Vin stared dubiously at the young woman sitting across from him on the stage. He was headed back to Four Corners, Arizona—a tiny dust ball of a town an hour or two’s ride north of Mexico. The town had earned that name back in the early, more prosperous days when the owners envisioned that it would become a meeting point for people coming from all directions on the compass. Geography, seemingly so promising, is what dealt the town a strong blow—Southern Arizona was difficult to access from any direction, and all matter of threats called the rugged mountains and vast deserts their home. A few hardy ranchers remained, and the town kept making its way along. These days, a bit of a renaissance seemed to be starting… at least new businesses were starting to come in. Vin, with six other companions, helped keep the town safe. He also did jobs for the local Territory Judge, a fine man named Orrin Travis who lived in California but covered a huge amount of land as part of his judicial area. The last request for assistance put Vin and Ezra on the stage, and then a train as the journey was too long for their horses to make with any decent speed. Only now they had to make their way back…. His companion had stayed behind at the train’s last stop a few extra days—supposedly to take care of some personal matters but Vin figured the gambler found the rich pockets of newly-arrived Easterners too tempting to pass up. Once he won his fill (or got run out of town), Ezra would come back home. This young lady had hopped on the stage at the last second, jumping into what Vin figured would be a quiet journey. Now, about two hours down the bumpy road, he could not help noticing how the girl seemed to be sliding from side to side to peer out the windows the best she could. She seemed very… excited. For the first time since she first got in, and he murmured a polite ‘ma’am’ with a corresponding tip of his hat, Vin opened his mouth.
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“I reckon you won’t see much outta the windows, no matter how much you wiggle ‘round. They keep the covers over ‘em to keep the dust out. You’ll just have to wait until we reach the stage stop—then you’ll be able to see plenty.”
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Cody at the big r is hot
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bellysoupset · 3 months
Bella was really tired and ready to call it a day by the time she made it home. She desperately needed to shower after nearly getting puked on twice by Vince, but all she had the energy for was to collapse on the couch and close her eyes.
Vaguely she registered the noise of the TV in her and Luke's bedroom... Then soft footsteps... "Hey," Lucas shaking her awake, gently. Light green eyes right in front of her.
"Uhmmm..." Bella groaned, closing her eyes again, "let me sleep."
"Yeah, but in bed, how about?" Luke whispered, grabbing her arms, "c'mon, baby..."
He wrapped her arms around his neck and Bella's head floated as she felt him lift her up. She let out a little groan at the movement, curling up further around him.
A couple more steps and then they were in bed, "help me here, Bell, you need to change out of these clothes."
Bella let out a whine, but forced her eyes to open. Lucas looked wide awake, which was surprising given it was nearly 10 PM and he now fell asleep at 8 most days.
He opened a smile, "back to the land of the living?"
"Just barely," Bell groaned, rubbing her eyes and letting Lucas help her strip down her clothes.
"Where were you? I thought you were only gonna have lunch with Wendy..."
"Still at Wendy's," Bella yawned, curling up under the blankets as soon as Luke helped her inside one of his old t-shirts, that she always used as pjs, "Vince was there."
Luke's soft smile all but fell as he cringed, "Bell you didn't do anything stupid, did you?"
She glared at him, yanking at the front of her husband's shirt for him to join her in bed, "it's not stupid, he hurt you. He hurt Wendy-"
"Wendy literally took him back," Lucas said, turning off the lights and rolling on his side, illuminated just by the television, "and he didn't do anything, baby, I'm just... I'm just sad, it's not Vin's fault."
"Part of it is," Bella scoffed, moving so much closer their noses were almost brushing, "whatever, I didn't do anything."
"Not sure I believe you," Lucas chuckled, wrapping his arms around her, "so you were there until now doing what exactly? Having tea?"
"Uhm... Vinsssick..." Bella slurred, sleep pulling her under as Luke held her to his chest, her favorite spot in the world. She heard him say something else, but whatever it was, her brain completely tuned it off as she fell asleep.
She woke up around 6 AM, still in Luke's arms, but now shivering violently. Bella groaned, blindly reaching for the blankets, only to find that she was already wrapped up in them.
She let out a whine, pressing against Lucas even more and causing him to groan, "Bell, you're suffocating me-"
"I'm freezing," she answered, pressing her nose to his neck. He was so warm.
"Uhm-" Luke mumbled, sleepily planting a hand on her back, but not doing anything besides that. She could feel his deep breaths...
Suddenly she was burning up, like all the cold was out of the window. Sweat made her hair glue to her nape and Luke's hold was suffocating. She pushed back, kicking the blankets, causing her husband to let out a groan.
"Isabella, really?" he whined, turning his back to her, and Bella sat up on the bed. The room seemed to tilt as she did that, her head suddenly really heavy as it hit the headboard.
Bella gulped down the sudden queasiness, rubbing at her face and slowly pushing out of the bed and making her way to the bathroom, slumbering like a drunk.
Her face was a weird shade of olive-white. Bella wasn't snow white like Luke or Leo. Her tone was naturally darker, a light brown shade with golden undertones, that got even tanner during the summer. The gold in her skin tone had turned to green now.
She washed her face, brushing her teeth and slumping over the sink when the toothbrush caused her to gag fruitlessly. Her stomach squeezed, but nothing came up aside from the foam of the toothpaste and some tears stinging her eyes.
"Morning," Luke said gruffly, a minute later as he slipped into the bathroom still half asleep and patted her ass on his way in, not paying any attention.
Bella dried her face, clutching the hand towel, "morning..."
He lifted up his head from the sink bowl, the cold water running down his neck and soaking his shirt, a lot more alert, "everything okay?"
"Yeah," Bella nodded, which was a bad idea because her head swam at the movement. Lucas straightened up, much more awake now.
"You're a little pale, babe," he noted, reaching for his toothbrush but still watching her intently.
"I know, I'm not feeling too hot... I think I caught Vince's bug."
"Oh yeah, you mentioned that last night," Luke made his best to sound nonchalant, but failed miserably. Bella smiled at that, he was so transparent in his concern, "is Vince okay?"
"Well, he's sick as a dog," Bell pointed out, "but Wendy's with him, so he'll be fine."
She really wanted to sit down. Her legs were starting to feel like jelly.
"What sort of bug?" Luke sounded suddenly much louder and Bella startled as she realized she had let her eyes drift off and that he had stepped closer. He wasn't holding his toothbrush anymore, it was nowhere in sight, "Bell?"
"Stomach flu," Bella mumbled, her face feeling all tingly, body suddenly cold again, "Luke..."
"You definitely caught it," he sighed, a big hand coming to feel her forehead and stayed there once Bella leaned against the comforting touch, "you've got a fever there, Bells."
"Vince is such an asshole," Bella grumbled and he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and guiding her back to bed.
"How's your stomach?" Lucas raised the blankets so she could slip under them once more and Bella gladly fell against the pillows, sighing in relief.
"It's okay..." Bella forced her eyes to stay open, "how are you...?"
Luke frowned at the question, flicking a curl away from her eyes, "I'm fine, baby..." he tucked in the blankets around her, "if you're feeling alright, I'm gonna get you some meds for this fever, ok?"
She nodded, not bothering to answer and closing her eyes again.
Not even a second later Lucas was shaking her awake. Bella groaned, curling up. She was freezing and she only wanted to sleep, "leave me alone."
"Sorry, baby, but I can't," Luke, cupping her nape and holding her slightly up, almost sitting, "big swallow."
"Uhm-" she scrunched up her nose as a sweet liquid met her lips, trying to turn her face as the smell made her stomach churn and Lucas let out a huff.
"C'mon, one gulp-"
Bella swallowed down the shot of medicine, before coughing and forcing her eyes open. Their room was much brighter, the sunlight slipping through the curtains. She was clammy with sweat and Luke was wearing a completely different outfit.
"Did you give me children's medicine?" Bella groaned, gagging at the overtly sweet taste and Luke blushed, shrugging.
"I was scared you'd choke on the pills," he said, his ears turning pink, "how are you feeling?"
"Like I was run over by a truck, twice," Bella curled up again, "sleepy. My head hurts. I'm freezing."
"It's a low fever, baby," Luke said, brushing her hair and Bella let out a scoff.
"I'm dying of plague," she grumbled, hiding a smile against his wrist as he petted her hair, "be sympathetic with my plight and come cuddle me."
He let out a surprised chuckle, "you? Dying of plague? Bella, please," Luke rolled his eyes, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her brow, "you severely downplayed Vince's illness, by the way."
"Did I?" Bella scoffed, scooting on the bed so she could press her cheek to Luke's thigh, "he's a big guy, he'll live."
"I called Wendy and she said it hit him pretty hard, he's been pretty unresponsive..." Bella could hear the crystalline concern in Lucas' voice, "Jonah's over there to help though..."
"So you were ready to leave your sick, dying wife, to go coddle Vince?" Bella dug a finger on Luke's ribs, causing him to squirm and try and bat her hand away, "you're terrible. I want a divorce."
"I wasn't gonna leave you," Luke chuckled, stroking her cheek, "I was just worried, I would swing by if they needed meds and-"
"Oh shut up," Bella groaned, turning her face away, "go away," she rolled on the bed, kicking Luke weakly, "I don't wanna talk with you anymore."
The bed shook as Lucas jumped on it, grabbing her wrists and forcefully rolling Bella back to him, grinning the whole way, "green isn't your color, Bell."
"I'm a ginger, of course it is," she glared at him, but then grimaced, as the room continued to spin since Luke had pulled her so suddenly. She pressed her eyes closed, breathing through the nausea that churned in her stomach.
"Give me a minute," Bella moaned, grabbing on his shoulder to push herself up on the bed, in a sitting position. Luke's playful smile had all but vanished, worry coloring his face.
"Are you gonna throw up?"
Bella shook her head no, but she didn't dare open her mouth. It was as if she was in a funhouse, everything distorted and weird. She gulped down nervously, "Luke-"
"Okay, okay, I got you," he cupped her face, pushing her curls back and forcing Bella to look up at the ceiling, "deep breaths, babe. You just moved too fast."
Her stomach rolled and Bella pressed her lips tightly together, before a gag shook her frame and she darted a hand up, shielding her mouth- "Bucket-"
Luke let go of her in a second, skipping away. Bella gulped down as another gag sent the super sweet medicine up and she was forced to swallow it back down. She whimpered, curling up-
"Here, I-"
Bella lurched for it, all but burying her head in the plastic bowl and easily coughing up the medicine, with a horrible gurgling noise.
"Shhh, I got you-" Luke whispered, pulling the hair away from her mouth and bunching it up in one hand, the other one steadying the bowl, "calm down-"
Bella panted over the bowl, groaning loudly as her stomach continued to churn, "now I'm dying."
"Nah, nowhere close," he answered her playfully, "done? Do you think you can handle some water?"
"Do- done," Bell punctuated the word with another empty heave, but all that came up was some purple colored saliva, "water sounds great."
"I'll be right back, lie down," Lucas instructed, helping her against the pillows and Bella groaned as a fierce cramp hit her. She pulled her knees to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut and shivering in disgust as she could still taste the sweet liquid in the back of her throat.
She felt utterly miserable and, sadly, completely awake. Despite feeling drained and woozy, she couldn't fall back asleep. Bella was still curled up, trembling, when Luke came back into the room, holding now the packet of pills and a bottle of water.
"Bottoms up and if it stays down we can try the pills in an hour," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and handling her the plastic bottle, "small sips."
"I'm not a child," Bella grumbled, taking one tentative sip and making sure it settled, before taking a bigger one, "did you take your meds?"
"Quit worrying about me, you've literally just thrown up," Luke rolled his eyes, "that's probably how you got sick in the first place."
"How are you making this your fault, Atwood? You cannot have given me the flu," Bella raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"No," he pushed her back against the pillows, "but you've been worrying about me since November, it's no wonder you'd crash. That's one hell of a honeymoon."
Bella let out a frustrated huff, rolling on her side, "nu-uh, as soon as you're better we're going to the beach. I want to get so fucked up on mojitos I'll forget my own name."
He let out an amused scoff, "you already don't remember your name most days, Isabella Martinez-Atwood."
Bell opened a pleased smile at that, "I love it when you say it..." her smile morphed into a grimace, "I'm gonna puke again."
"You're so romantic," Luke teased her, reaching for the now clean bucket.
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SUMMARY: An alien lifeform consumes everything in its path as it grows and grows.
This film is Steve McQueen's first starring role and the mod once had a photo of him as Vin Tanner in The Magnificent Seven on her wall. That being said, this movie looks like a lot of fun in general.
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7men · 6 months
Space AU
Good news! I have done space AUs before. Star Wars. Boys are bad Jedi. Star Trek Mirror universe. General SF/Space. Aaaannd Poor Nathan.
However, I am never going to be done talking about the boys.
JD stows away on a ship. He may or may not have bothered to check what kind of ship, where it's going, or anything. He reasons once he's in space he's their problem. This logic is very, very flawed.
Buck, on the ship legitimately, is the one to find JD tucked into a vent or broom closet. He's not impressed. He is however instantly attached. This child needs an adult, and he's going to be it.
JD protesting that he's a grown man damnit!!! does nothing. Sorry kid, you're adopted.
Nathan has to give him a once over to makes sure the kid isn't carrying some disease that will kill them all, and give him his Space Shots(tm), which JD is not thrilled about but Nathan is NOT letting you wander around without your vaccinations kid! Suck it up!
Buck introduces JD to Chris after the poking. His reasoning is that he's already been cleared so Chris can't yell at him. His reasoning is just as flawed as JDs, and Chris Sighs Heavily. They're a pair of peas in a pod. He's already resigned to the shenanigans that will happen.
Vin appears behind Chris partway through this conversation, continues chewing whatever he's eating, says nothing, and leaves.
Vin absolutely sleeps in a hammock. Possibly in a super weird place that is very much not designed for people.
Josiah is the first designated Stowaway Babysitter, which he finds very amusing. JD less so. Josiah is talking about cultural relativity JD is So Confused.
Ezra is very amused that the first chance he got Buck acquired another duckling. And then he's saddened by JDs horrible lying skills, which he intends to remedy immediately. This kid is going to get a poker face one way or another.
The Judge recieves a report that they are carrying 'extra cargo' and the increase in life signs. He's genuinely not sure if he wants this to be a stowaway or someone getting pregnant. He decides it's best not to ask.
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Vin: *a single, distant, but very loud Yeehaw*
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mag7dumbies · 1 year
I’m bad at names oh well agh
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skylarynns-silverado · 4 months
Character Source List
Sources [usually films or television shows - anything else will have notation] will be in bold. Characters will be formatted with their in-universe name, followed by the original character in italics. Name formatting will be [First Name] [Middle Name] ["Nick Name"] [Maiden Name/Original Surname] [Married Name/Taken Surname] as applicable. I will probably also be adding links to everything, but later.
Wanted: Dead or Alive 1958-1961 Joshua Everett "Josh" Randall - Josh Randall
Rawhide 1959-1965 Randolph Jacob "Rowdy" Yates - Rowdy Yates
The Magnificent Seven 1960 Franklin Vaughn "Frank" Randall - Vin Giovanni Vittorio "Gio" Auditore - Bernardo O'Reilly Brittony "Britt" Calvin - Britt Byron Allen Lee III - Lee Carlos "Chico" Hernandez - Chico
The Dollars Trilogy 1964-1966 Jonas Blake "Joey" Yates - The Man With No Name / Joe/Manco/Blondie
Hang 'Em High 1968 Jeremy Cooper "Jed" Yates - Jed Cooper Rachel Warren - Rachel Warren
Once Upon a Time in the West 1969 Emilio "Harmonica" Arman - Harmonica Jorge Gutierrez - Cheyenne
Rustlers' Rhapsody 1985 Revelin "Rex" O'Houlihan - Rex O'Herlihan Peter Twist - Peter
Silverado 1985 [to be honest I'm taking almost all the characters, but main characters/love interests:] Emmett Martell - Emmett Paden Cassidy - Paden Tyree Ransom Ekker - Tyree Hannah Kincaid Weslan [Cobb] - Hannah Weslan Malachi "Mal" Johnson - Malachi "Mal" Johnson Jacob "Rattlesnake Jake" Martell - Jake Stella Bonneville - Stella Rae Johnson - Rae Johnson Phoebe Hartshorne - Phoebe
Quigley Down Under 1990 Matthew Quigley - Matthew Quigley
Maverick 1994 Bret Maverick [Jr.] - Bret Maverick Annabelle Bransford - Annabelle Bransford
The Marshal 1995 Veronica "Ronnie" Davis - Veronica Cole
The Quick and the Dead 1995 Jessamy "Jessie" MacIntyre - The Lady / Ellen Cameron "Cam" McPhee - The Kid / Fee Herod Cortney "Cort" Cobb - Cort
The Magnificent Seven 1998-2000 [much like Silverado I'm taking almost all the characters, but main characters/love interests:] Christian "Chris" Larabee - Chris Larabee Vincent Ulysses "Vin" Tanner - Vin Tanner Nathan Jackson - Nathan Jackson John Daniel "J.D." Dunne - J.D. Dunne Buck Wilmington - Buck Wilmington Ezra Phineas Standish - Ezra Standish Mary Travis - Mary Travis Casey Welles - Casey Welles Inez Recillos - Inez Recillos
Firefly 2002 Robert Malcolm "Bobby" Reynolds - Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds Zoe Martinez - Zoe Alleyne Washbourne Jayne Cobb - Jayne Cobb Eleena Vasquez - Inara Serra Simon Morgan - Simon Tam River Morgan - River Tam Kaylee Frye - Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye Sheppard Book - Derrial Book
Supernatural 2005-2020 John Winchester - John Winchester Dean Winchester - Dean Winchester Samuel "Sam" Winchester - Samuel "Sam" Winchester
3:10 to Yuma 2007 Daniel "Dan" Evans - Daniel "Dan" Evans William "Will" Evans - William Evans Benjamin "Ben" Wade - Ben Wade Charles "Charlie" Prince - Charlie Prince
Six of Crows 2015 Caspian/Casimir "Caz" Zima Winters - Kaz Brekker Haruko - Inej Ghafa Christophe "Kit Benny" Benoit - Jesper Fahey Wyatt Vanderbilt - Wylan Van Eck Hannah "Nan" Gallagher - Nina Zenik
The Magnificent Seven 2016 Samuel "Sam" Chisolm - Sam Chisolm Joshua "Josh" Faraday - Josh Faraday Manuel Vasquez - Vasquez Goodnight "Goody" Robicheaux - Goodnight "Goody" Robicheaux Billy Rocks - Billy Rocks Red Harvest - Red Harvest Emma Cullen - Emma Cullen
The Hunters 2020 [a series I am currently working on writing] Elias Hawkins - Elias Walker Hawkins Lucas "Luke" Hearne - Faolan Lucas "Luke" MacTiernan Auryon "Aury" Hearne - Auryon "Aury" Hearne-MacTiernan Hawkins Sebastian "Owl Eyes" St. James Cheyenne - Sylvain Alistair Abigale "Abby" McKenzie - Kindra Arden
Jessta James Music Videos 2021-2022 [specifically Hell's Coming With Me, Loaded Gun, and War Cry] Josiah "Josey" James - Jessta James
Original Characters 2023+ [that I've made for the project] Melissa "Missy" Ekker - Tyree's mother Bethany "Beth" Skinner - a love interest
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vendettavalor · 10 months
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⚔️ Howdy! Welcome to Vendettavalor, an 18+ multimuse rp blog for various canon and original characters - as remembered by Vendetta Panda! ⚔️
⚔️ Partner blog: @tacticalvalor ❤️
⚔️ Mutuals-Only
⚔️ Duplicates + OCs encouraged!
⚔️ AUs and crossovers encouraged!
⚔️ Please see rules and fill out the interest tracker before interacting
⚔️ Non-RP blogs welcome - please do not reblog posts
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Pending asks (for active muses): 0
Pending replies (for active threads): 5
Starters owed: 1
viviskull - The Gang and Angel
dragetunge - Hiccup and Brok (GOW) ⚔️
dragetunge - Hiccup and the Light Fury
dragetunge - Toothless and Alfie ⚔️
eterniityblooms - Iilahbah and Alfie
hoovedrycal - Regulus and Poe ⚔️
nemekii - Hoppy and Catnap
rathalascendant - Mari and Spirit
rathalascendant - Mari and Jet
rathalascendant - Mari, Vin, and Alfie
ruinouss - Faye and Alu
ruinouss - Faye and The Breather 
sonorous-eisfyl - Frosting and Alfie ⚔️
tacticalvalor - Luna and Tanner
thestupidmeanone - Church and Alfie ⚔️
fledermuse (Low Activity) - Jane and Delphine
fledermuse (Low Activity) - Sabor and Agnes
wolfpackmuses (hiatus) - Death and Puss
wolfpackmuses (hiatus) - Steele and Rayn
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