#Trev and Pamela
beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Trev and Pamela’s House # 3: Second Floor/Basement - Sims 4 Version
Was needing reference pics for Trev and Pamela’s house, and as I was searching the archives for those pictures, I remembered that I built their house in Sims 4 while my Sims 3 game was out of service.
I love this version so much more than the original Sims 3 house. And while I don’t think I can recreate this in the Sims 3 {I don’t think it can process the lot size and amount of items), I’m going to be using the Sims 4 house for inspiration going forward.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
I’m thinking of a dc ouat au
Bruce. David
Selina. Snow
Dick. Emma
Star fire. Killian
Damian. Henry
Lex. Cora
Diana. Regina
Clark. Robin Hood
Harley. Belle
Pamela Isley (poison ivy). Gold
Joker. Zoso
Alfred. Granny
Raven. Red
Riddler. Jefferson
Of course this means:
Lex killed Steve Trevor after he manipulates Selina into spilling the beans about wonder trev.
Diana has an actual redemption arc that isn’t dependent on others making her feel better.
She never kept anyone as her personal slave
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Trev and Pamela’s House # 1: Outside/Floor Plan - Sims 4 Version
Was needing reference pics for Trev and Pamela’s house, and as I was searching the archives for those pictures, I remembered that I built their house in Sims 4 while my Sims 3 game was out of service. 
I love this version so much more than the original Sims 3 house. And while I don’t think I can recreate this in the Sims 3 {I don’t think it can process the lot size and amount of items), I’m going to be using the Sims 4 house for inspiration going forward.
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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They’re back! Game is working and it’s so good to see them again! Still need to fix their house from the missing cc but I had to share my excitement from seeing them again and actually getting a picture!
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Trev and Pamela’s House # 2: First Floor - Sims 4 Version
Was needing reference pics for Trev and Pamela’s house, and as I was searching the archives for those pictures, I remembered that I built their house in Sims 4 while my Sims 3 game was out of service.
I love this version so much more than the original Sims 3 house. And while I don’t think I can recreate this in the Sims 3 {I don’t think it can process the lot size and amount of items), I’m going to be using the Sims 4 house for inspiration going forward.
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beachypeasysandy · 1 year
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A little holiday fun from Trev and Pamela
Prompt: “We should dress-up! Something fun!”
Are you almost ready? I hit send and glanced at the tree for what felt like the hundredth time, since there wasn’t much else to do as I waited for Trev to trek downstairs. 
I would’ve been more than happy to wait for him in the bedroom, where it’s easier to rush him along, but he shooed me out while rambling on about wanting to surprise me. And that’s what ultimately had me worried. 
Trev and surprises…they were right up there with his “Hey! Watch this!” moments and usually led to the most unforeseeable things happening…Which is what actually makes them so predictable. 
It was rare that he wasn’t up to something; thinking of ways to make things more exciting, or just wanting to interject some fun into a situation. Sometimes leading to marathon laugh sessions and on more rare occasions, broken furniture. Like the time at my old apartment when he went long and told our friend Ryan, to throw a football.
It didn’t matter how many times he displayed his antics or how prepared I was to witness them, they still produced the same reactions and feelings in me. First  the worry, then the scolding, followed by laughter - once I knew he was okay or I understood what was going on in that convoluted head of his, and lastly, my heart melted from his irresistible, impish smile. 
So to say I was…concerned about his surprise, would be an understatement. It should’ve been simple. But my first hint that a plan had formed in that always scheming brain of his was the twinkle in his eyes when I suggested that “We should dress up! Something fun!” for the picture we planned to use on our Christmas cards.
A voice in my head told me to clarify and specify exactly what I meant by “something fun,” but for some unknown, perhaps foolish reason, I decided to just go with it and see what he came up with. 
My phone vibrated in my hand and I glanced down at it. 
Heading down now!
I could pretty much picture the excited look on his face as he sent the text. Sure that it was something like the boyish grin that lit up his face whenever he got excited about opening a birthday or Christmas present. 
Jingling echoed from the upstairs hallway down to the main floor and I held my breath and bit down on my lip as I turned to watch his descent and the revealing of his surprise.
“All right!” He clapped and wrung his hands as he got to the bottom. “Let’s get this picture party started!” All I could do was shake my head and put my hand over my mouth to cover my disbelief and smile.
“What?” He innocently asked and started looking around the room at anything but his outfit.
“What is that?” I pointed so he would stop looking at everything but himself. “Trev? Is that…are you dressed as an elf?”
“What?!” He looked down at the green and red fabric covering his body and glanced back up at me like I was silly. “No! I’m Kristoff! You know? From Frozen…?”
I closed my eyes in an effort to process what I was seeing and literally smacked my forehead. 
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s just…” I peaked through my fingers and sighed when I reconfirmed that he was indeed dressed as Kristoff. “That’s not what I meant when I said wear something fun. I meant like a tacky sweater or you know, holiday colors. Like what I’m wearing.” I motioned to the red dress with white fluffy trim and he nodded.
“And you look smoking in it! But this is fun, right?” His teeth blinded me and he stretched his arms out on each side as he did a slow turn.
“Yes…but…” He completed his turn and dialed up the charm with his impish grin and twinkling eyes and I couldn’t stop myself from letting out a small chuckle. 
“You are so…”
“Funny? Witty?” His smile became even more blinding as he started walking towards me. “Amazing? Unforgettable?”
He stopped inches away from me, his eyes dark with mischief and implication, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. “Sexy?” He whispered and I finally let out the howl that I’d been holding.
“Yes to all of those things!” I sighed and shook my head. “I love you, you silly man.”
“It’s Kristoff.” He said with the utmost seriousness before it melted away and he lovingly smiled down at me. “And I love you too.”
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Something about being back on Tumblr makes me want to reread the old stories and revisit characters but as updated versions in Sims 4. So here’s a throwback/new look at two of my favs: Trev and Pamela
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
@dandylion240 asked:
Could we get all the fun questions for Trevor? or you could divide them up between him and Pam. Thanks! <3
Thank you so much for asking!!!! I had to write this in a normal post because like all things involving Trev, it took on a life of its own. Especially since he and Pam answered all of them together. 
I’ve tried posting what’s below under the cut, but Tumblr is acting all wonky tonight so for now, I’m posting it in its entirety. Sorry it’s so long!
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1. Have they ever pranked someone? If so, who was it, what did they do and did the prank work?
Trev: I might’ve pranked some people in my day.
Pamela: In your day? Why are you talking like you’re an old man? Yes he’s pranked someone, he pranked me just the other day. He was taking forever in the shower and I yelled across the bathroom at him. He pretended he couldn’t hear me, maybe a side effect of him getting up in years, and convinced me to come closer to the shower door. He then pulled me in with clothes and shoes on.
Trev: *smiles and shrugs* That was payback.
Pamela: Payback! For what?
Trev: For spraying me with the kitchen faucet.
Pamela: *folds her arms across her chest* Seriously? You didn’t have to change and dry your shoes, clothes, not to mention redo your hair or makeup.
Trev: *Gives her a blinding smile* You still love me…
Pamela: *trying not to smile* Debatable. Next question.
2. What makes them smile the brightest?
Trev: She does. Especially when she smiles.
Pamela: Waking up next to him.
Trev: Told you you still loved me.
Pamela: *laughs and shakes her head.*
3. If they made a five song playlist, what songs would they want on it and why?
Pamela: It’d have to be a separate one for each one of us since we can’t agree on music.
Trev: Yes we do. We agree that we can’t agree…
Pamela: *fake rolls her eyes, knowing that they drive him crazy*
Trev: *growls out in a whisper* Save those for later.
4. It is 3am, your OC is in the loopy giggling stages of being sleepy, what are they laughing about and who are they with?
Trev: I don’t giggle, even at 3am.
Pamela: *snorts and turns to look at him* Yes you do.
Trev: When?
Pamela: When I do this. *she starts tickling him and he giggles hysterically* See?
Trev: *Continues after he catches his breath* She’d be giggling at something stupid I did.
Pamela: Most definitely.
5. Your OC befriends a little bird who, every morning sits on their window sill, what name do they give the bird? What type of bird is it?
Trev: Little Shit. Probably some kind of brown bird to go along with its name.
Pamela: *laughs and then shrugs* Tweety. Not very original but it’s all I can think of.
6. Your OC is at a karaoke bar and they see a cute person across the bar who they want to impress, what song do they sing?
Trev: Wait, why are we trying to impress people at a bar? Haven’t you heard? I’m a happily engaged guy. *He reaches over and holds her hand with her engagement ring up*
Pamela: What if it was me?
Trev: *thinks about it for a second* The Search is Over, by Survivor
Pamela: *smiles and blushes* I don’t sing so…
Trev: Bullshit, I answered so you have to.
Pamela: Fine…um…Slow Hands by Niall Horan
Trev: *Stares at her and then looks at me*  How much longer is this interview going to be?
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7. Out of an impulsive decision your OC dyes their hair and gets a whole new outfit, what do they now look like?
Pamela: I’ve always wondered what I’d look like with red hair…
Trev: I think you’d look good. For me, maybe blonde? We could swop!
Pamela: I don’t buy clothes on impulse so…
Trev: I’m not the biggest fan of clothes shopping either so no impulsive shopping from either of us.
8. What is your OC’s favorite joke?
Pamela: *smacks her head* Why? You have no idea what you’ve unleashed…
Trev: Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.
Pamela: Ugh!
Trev: How do snails fight? They slug it out.
Pamela: *Rolls eyes and tries not to laugh*
Trev: Two windmills are on a date and one asks the other, “So what kind of music do you like?” The other answers, “I’m a big metal fan.”
Pamela: Next question please.
9. Your OC makes a poster and ships it to their best friend, what does the poster have on it and how does their best friend respond?
Pamela: *shrugs* Probably something basketball related?
Trev: Same, except mine would be football.
10. Your OC just got up, they are groggy and in a dark room, all of a sudden they are attacked by lots of kisses from a dog they do not own, what is their next decision?
Trev: We’re sure it’s a dog licking me?
Pamela: Jesus…You’re in rare form today.
Trev: *laughs and kisses her cheek*  If we’re sure it’s a dog, I’d ask her why it’s there. Then base my decision on that.
Pamela: You don’t have to worry. We’re never getting a dog.
11. Your OC is at a party and decides to start some chaotic fun, what do they do?
Trev: *gets serious* That’s part of my past. I’ve got no desire to repeat it.
Pamela: *grabs his hand and squeezes it*
12. If your OC has to describe their best friend, how would they describe them?
Pamela: *describing Paisley* Passionate, thoughtful, funny, classy…
Trev: Surely perfectionist should be in there somewhere. I’ve never seen someone, besides the two of us who expects nothing less…
Pamela: Yes, absolutely.
Trev: *describing Ryan* I’d have to say dedicated, funny, loyal, humble, thoughtful, and dependable.
13. Your OC is taking care of a child that is not theirs, what happens next?
Pamela: Nothing bad…
Trev: Are we sure? I’m involved.
Pamela: You’re great with kids!
Trev: *gives her a beaming smile and kisses her hand*
14. Your OC decides to live life on the edge for a day, what do they do?
Trev: Go off the radar, steal Pam away and go somewhere that no one could find us.
Pamela: That’s living on the edge?
Trev: it is when you’ve got a whole team relying on you, your father-in-law’s your boss and the next closest town with anything worth doing is an hour to hour and a half away…
Pamela: Good point. I’ll go with that answer then.
15. The moonlight is shines upon your OC as the stars dance upon them, there is a near by river filled with gentle waters as fireflies hover above the tall grass. What does your OC do next?
Trev: *turns to look at Pamela* I turn to look at her and kiss her until she melts into my arms.
Pamela: I think that’s the end of the interview…
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Trev and Pamela’s ASU House - Pam’s Office (Part 4 of 7)
House Credit: @sandybeachgirl2
Decorating Credit: @sandybeachgirl2​
(Link to original house)
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Trev: I love you.
Pamela: I love you too.
Trev: Has it stopped glowing?
Pamela: *peeks over his shoulder* Yep.
Trev: Good, I didn’t want to admit it, but it kind of scared me. . .
And that is a wrap for the Engagement Edition for Back to Life! Hope you enjoyed this inside look at what happens behind the scenes with these two!
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Trev and Pamela’s ASU House - Master Bed and Bath (Part 6 of 7)
House Credit: @sandybeachgirl2
Decorating Credit: @sandybeachgirl2​
(Link to original house)
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Pamela: Are you sure this thing is safe?
Trev: Absolutely! Now, how about a hug?
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Pamela: Is it supposed to glow like that?
Trev: Maybe it’s the lighting. Or maybe it’s like my amazing smile. . .blinding.
Pamela:. . .
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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It wasn’t as crazy inside and we were quickly shown to our table that Ryan was already sitting at. Wes and his secret date, Paisley, soon joined us, finally answering the question of how she knew anything about hiding a relationship and Pam scolded her for a solid five minutes before all was forgiven between them. We had a nice dinner, told a few tales, some of them true and had just finished dessert when the entertainment began.
The team awards were usually the highlight of the night and voted on by the team. It was a little bit bittersweet for me, knowing that they were my last one, and like she’d done in the months before, Pam sensed it and gave my hand a little squeeze right when I needed it. I peeked over at her, out of the corner of my eye, and gave her a small smile, letting her know that I was okay and we turned our attention to the awards.
Some were funny, others were serious, but they always saved the biggest one for last: Most Valuable Player. I figured it would go to Ryan, since he’d been the one to lead the team in the big game and sat back even more in my chair; eager to have the chance to cheer for him when they called his name.
Which was why I was completely confused by him being the one that got up to present it.
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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In my anxiousness with facing Pam’s parents, I’d forgotten about the other wildcard there, Tiff. Something that I remembered when Mrs. H. ushered us into the living room and I saw her sitting on the one of the couches.
But my anxiety quickly turned into slight amusement and relief when everyone else looked surprised at me being there, except Tiff who smiled and nodded. I didn’t even have to glance at Pam to know that she’d talked to her, just like I had told my Mom. But just in case I wondered, she squeezed my hand.
With introductions out of the way, her mom announced that dinner’s ready. After an afternoon of eating Turkey and dressing, I was glad that she decided to serve a different kind of bird, fried chicken and I almost kissed her on the cheek when she pulled out sweet tea.
We sat around the table talking about what everyone had been up to. Tiff and Jenn’s boyfriends Stew and Brandon asked me a couple questions about the season. But in all the back and forth chatter, I couldn’t help but notice that Coach hadn’t said much to me since I’d walked in the door, and I worried more about it as each minute ticked by.
Which was why I almost shit my pants again when he called out to me as everyone started migrating back into the living room. “Hey Trev, let’s go talk in my office for a bit.” I must’ve done a horrible job at hiding my panic because Pam squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek before giving him a warning look as she went by.
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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“So, what’s next?” The directness of his question floored me, enough that I forgot how bad of an idea it was for me to move my head and started to shake it. 
“Right now I’d be happy if I could move my neck without feeling like I’m about to get sick.” I growled at him and from my stupidness from moving it. He nodded and gave a snort.
“You’ll get there. But I mean. . .”
“I know what you mean.” I snapped at him. I couldn’t ever remember talking to him like that and he looked pissed enough that I figured he’d get up and leave.
He didn’t. Instead he reached into his pocket and walked over to me, holding out a folded up piece of paper. “Read it.” He commanded in a way that made me listen to him and I sighed as I unfolded the worn page.
The first thing I noticed was it was Dad’s handwriting, and I looked over at Coach as he was sitting back down. His eyes darted up from the floor long enough for him to give me a nod of encouragement and I slowly looked back at the faded date at the top of the page.
October twenty-eighth. Two days before he died. The familiar ache in my heart begged me to not read the rest and I might’ve listened to it, if it wasn’t for wanting to know why Coach was showing it to me.
I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to show Trev and me the campus and the athletic facilities.  I’ve got one fired up future Stallion, and it’s thanks to you and your family welcoming us to campus and your home!
I know I’ve mentioned this to you before (and you’re probably sick of me telling you), but one of the things that I’m most thankful for in my time at ASU is our friendship. You know that I got a bum knee in high school from playing and that it led to me picking physical therapy as my backup, but what I’ve never told you was how your friendship helped me get through it.
It’s never something you want to hear, that your hopes and dreams of playing are over. I was fortunate enough to find my next thing soon after my injury, but it was still hard to wrap my head around in those first couple of years at ASU. Your friendship and support made it better; easier to bare.
It’s one reason why I’m confident that ASU is the right place for Trev. I have no doubt that you’ll look after and support him, just like you did with me.
Look forward to seeing you soon! We’ll have to get the families together, maybe this summer.
Your friend, always,
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