#Trekking Gear List
glorious-eco-trek · 5 months
Get to know your complete packing list for the ultimate adventure to Everest Base Camp Trek.
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tanzaniatribesafari · 8 months
Packing Right For The Kilimanjaro Marangu Route Climb
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Packing right is essential when starting on a Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing adventure via Marangu Route. With its unique blend of comfort and challenge, this route demands careful packing to ensure a successful trek.
Clothing essentials like moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and waterproof outer shells are a must. Proper boots with good ankle support are important for rocky terrain. Don't forget a warm hat, gloves, and a headlamp.
For sleeping in Marangu Route huts, a warm sleeping bag and comfortable mat are essential. Staying hydrated is essential, so a hydration system or water bottles are necessary.
Carry a small medical kit with pain relievers, blister treatment, and any personal medications. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a brimmed hat will protect you from the strong mountain sun.
Lastly, a well-fitted backpack is vital for carrying your essentials. Keep your Kilimanjaro Gear List concise to minimize weight. Proper packing ensures you're prepared for the adventure to fully appreciate the stunning beauty of Kilimanjaro's Marangu Route.
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scoonsalicious · 12 days
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8.1 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of violence, death, nightmares.
Word Count: 1.8k
Previously On...: Sexy times ensued, you went back to the compound with Bucky.
A/N: I got nothing today, lol
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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The sun was an oppressive force, beating down mercilessly on Major and her unit as they trekked through the rocky outcrops. The air was thick and suffocating, making each breath a struggle in itself. Sweat poured down her face, stinging her eyes and soaking her clothes beneath the heavy body armor she wore. 
The weight of her gear – body armor, helmet, ammunition, weapons, and equipment – felt unbearable. Each piece pressed down on her body, making her feel trapped and weighed down, claustrophobic. Each step was painful– the metal elements of her gear, heated by the merciless sun, burned against her skin and the rough fabric of her uniform chafed, creating raw, painful spots where her gear rubbed against her body.
As Major moved beneath the blistering Afghanistan sun, she licked at her cracked lips, but her tongue was bone dry. Every muscle in her body was aching with fatigue, the oppressive heat sapping her energy. 
Her vision blurred, the combined effects of the heat and dehydration, and she blinked several times to clear her vision.
She looked back at the line of troops following her– the men and women who had volunteered for this mission, who were willing to put their already endangered lives at further risk to go behind enemy lines at her command. In the distance, she could still make out the sounds of battle around them: the distant gunfire, the low hum of helicopters, the crackling of radios.
Trying to ignore the pounding of her heart, Major paused to double-check her map and GPS before leading her unit through a narrow, rocky pass. The terrain was difficult and treacherous, and she needed to be careful of her footing. A slip or fall out here could mean putting the entire mission in jeopardy if they had to call for rescue. That was a risk she wasn’t willing to take.
This hadn’t been the only route to reach their objective; after careful consideration, Major had selected the shortcut for the time it would cut off from their overall mission. Her second in command, Sergeant Lee Daniels, had protested, warning that the area hadn’t been properly scouted, and therefore the unit couldn’t be sure what might await them within the pass. In the end, though, it had been Major’s call, and she was confident in her decision. 
“I trust you completely, Major,” Daniels had said to her before they began the mission. “If you’re convinced this is the right way to go, I’ll follow you.”
The unit had trekked their way through the rocky pass, guns at the ready and eyes constantly scanning the outcroppings for any signs of an enemy presence, but so far, all had been quiet. 
The silence was broken by a deafening explosion ripping through the air, and Major was thrown to the ground. She struggled to regain her senses, ears ringing and vision blurred by dust and smoke. She fought to quell the rising panic surging through her as she tried to visually assess the state of her team.
They had scattered– some wounded, others scrambling for cover through the haze of dust and debris filtering through the air.
Through the chaos, she could hear the sound of one of her men shouting “IED! We’re hit!”
Scrambling to her feet, Major felt her heart nearly pounding out of her chest with both fear and guilt. She was the one who had insisted on this path. She was the one who had dismissed Daniels’ earlier concerns about potential threats in the area. And now, as the dust began to settle, she spotted Daniels, lying on the ground, his body twisted and covered in blood. Somehow, through the madness, his eyes had managed to find hers, and he locked onto her gaze with pain and confusion
“Daniels!” Major screamed as she rushed to his side. She reached down, trying to apply pressure to his wounds, but her hands were shaking uncontrollably. She watched helplessly as blood began seeping through her fingers, staining the tips crimson. “I’m sorry, Daniels. I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, but her apologies were no use.
In his final moments, Daniels’ voice was weak, but still he managed to whisper, “It wasn’t your fault, Major. It happens…” His words hung in the air, hollow and meaningless to her. As she watched, the life drained from his eyes, and his hand went limp in hers.
The next thing Major knew, she was standing alone in a vast, empty desert, the silence oppressive. The sky darkened, and shadows stretched across the sand, morphing into the shape of a man. As the shadows solidified, Daniels' features appeared within them, his eyes filled with the same haunting look of pain… and betrayal.
“Why did you lead us here, Major?” his voice echoes, blending with the wind. “You knew the risks. Was my life really worth saving a few hours?”
Major tried to explain, to beg for Daniels’ forgiveness, but no words would come out. Her mouth moved silently, her throat constricted with grief and guilt. The shadows multiply, surrounding her with an infinite number of Daniels that close in around her, their faces accusing, their voices a chorus of anguish.
“You should have listened,” they chanted. “You should have protected us.”
The ground beneath Major began to crumble, and she felt herself sinking into the darkness. She reached out, desperate to hold onto something, anything, but her hands only grasped at empty air. She was falling, falling into an abyss of her own making, surrounded by the echoes of her mistakes and the faces of the one she couldn’t save.
You woke with a start, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat; the t-shirt of Bucky’s you’d gone to sleep in plastered to your skin. You put a hand to your chest– your heart was pounding so hard, it felt like it might burst from your ribcage. The darkness surrounding you felt suffocating, and as your eyes adjusted to it, you began to panic– this was not your room, and in your anxiety-fueled state, you were convinced you were still trapped in the abyss of your nightmare.
No, you reminded herself. You weren’t trapped in the abyss– you were in Bucky’s room. You were safe. You were someplace where the memory dream could no longer hurt you.
“Sugar?” You felt Bucky sit up next to you and slide his arms around your waist. “Are you alright?”
As the adrenaline pumping through your system began to fade, you were hit with an almost unbearable weight of embarrassment. “Yeah,” you croaked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep, Bucky.”
“Nuh uh,” he said, leaning over to flick on his bedside lamp, and you breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the receding dark. “I know what a nightmare looks like, doll. Have to say, I’m usually the one waking up screaming from ‘em, though.”
You turned your head to look over at him, and saw no recrimination or judgment in his eyes, simply understanding. “You get them, too?” you asked him, your voice small.
Bucky nodded and reached over to tuck a strand of hair away from your sweat-slicked forehead. “Used to get them every night, when I first got away from Hydra,” he confessed. “Sometimes, my body would wake up, but my mind would still be stuck in the dream. I’d get violent. Hurt myself. Punched Steve once when he had the bad idea of tryin’ to wake me up from one.”
You offered him a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes. “How’d you get them to stop?” you asked.
Bucky’s arm wrapped around your waist as he leaned back against the headboard, pulling you into him so that you were leaning against his chest. “They didn’t,” he admitted. “They’re not nearly so frequent now– maybe one every handful of months, but they’ve never gone away.”
“It’s been a while since I had one,” you told him. “I think… I think sleeping in a different place might have set me off.”
Bucky’s expression turned apologetic. “Oh, doll,” he began, “I’m so sorry– if I’d known, I never woulda insisted on you spending the night here. We coulda gone to your place–”
You shook your head, wanting to dispel him of any notion of guilt he might have. “No, no, Bucky. It’s not your fault. I wanted to spend the night here with you.” You sighed. “How… how’d you learn to deal with them, without letting them drive you crazy?”
Bucky chuckled as he ran his hand up and down your arm, and you could feel the vibrations of it through his chest and against your back. It made you feel warm and safe. “Lily was actually a big help with that,” he said. “She was staying at the Compound for a few weeks while renovations were being done on her house in town, and one night, she heard me havin’ a nightmare. She busted through the door and woke me outta it. Offered to stay with me til I fell back asleep. Some nights, I just couldn’t, so she’d stay up til dawn just talkin’ to me, gettin’ my mind off of it. I think it’s what helped us become such good friends,” he admitted. “She was there for me when everyone else thought I was crazy. Unstable. She made sure I wasn’t alone.”
You felt a twinge of… something at Bucky’s words. While you were glad he’d had someone with him, someone to help him through all of those horrible nights, you couldn’t help but feel envious of the intimacy it would have created between him and Lily, the way she had been there for him and the bond that had resulted because of it. Just acknowledging the thought made you disgusted with yourself.
“I’m thankful you had her,” you told him, choosing to focus on the positive component of his revelation instead of your negative emotions. “I imagine having someone to talk to about your nightmares helped take away some of their power.”
Bucky hummed behind you. “That’s a really good way of putting it, sugar, and I think you’re right.” He kissed your temple. “So, let me be that someone for you, yeah? Let me be the person you talk about your nightmares with, so we can take away their power over you.”
His offer made your chest ache with gratitude and affection. Here he was, offering to create that intimacy, that bond, with you. “Okay,” you whispered. “I’d like that. A lot.”
“We don’t have to start talking about them right now,” Bucky said. “Or even tonight. We’ll do it when you’re ready.”
“Thank you,” you said, turning your head so you could nuzzle your cheek against his chest. “I don’t know that I’m ready to talk about it right this minute, but knowing that you’ll be there to listen? Well, it means a lot to me, Bucky.” “You mean a lot to me, Major,” he clarified. “And I want to spend as long as you’ll let me proving that to you.”
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of-many-aus · 1 year
Wrong First Impressions
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Summary: jake isn’t acting like you thought he would
Warning: suggestive comments, slight cursing
A/N: i tried to write more but it just didn’t work 🫠
Take Me Out to the Ball Game Masterlist
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“So,” Nat smirked, leaning backwards into the booth, “Tell me how it’s going.”
You shrugged, absentmindedly swirling your straw around in the half melted strawberry milkshake, “It’s fine.”
Your best friend sighed dramatically, tilting her head to face the heavens and closed her eyes in mock annoyance, “Details. We’ve discussed this. I need details.”
A small scowl formed on your lips, “We hardly ever see each other.” You told her honestly about the four days you’ve been living together, despite the slight aggravation in your tone, “He sleeps till god knows when, only coming out of his room when I’m in class. Then I don’t see him most nights unless I stay up late because he’s always at practice.”
The only reminders you had that Jake even lived there was the overly loud snoring at night, and the discarded light blue jerseys and dirt riddled baseball gear he always left lying around.
Honestly, you were kind of happy you almost never saw him. That way you didn’t have to really deal with him.
“Have you seen him naked?” The brunette asked bluntly, popping a fry into her mouth and allowing her smirk to grow even wider.
You gaped at her, “Why would I- have I- what?” You sputtered out.
“Naked.” She repeated slowly, amusement evident on her features, “N-A-K-”
“I know what you said.” You snapped, cutting her off, unsure of why your face was growing red, “But why the hell would I have seen him naked?”
She shrugged and began rattling off a list, “It’s a small apartment. You share a bathroom. He could have forgotten to close his door while changing-“
“Of course I haven’t.” Your glare was back, “Why would you even ask?”
“Just wondering if you wanted to?” Her voice gave away what she was implying.
“Natasha Trace!”
Next thing she knew, a handful of fry’s were thrown at her laughing face.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“Someone’s gotta invest in fixing that elevator.” Jake opened the door with a huff, kicking it shut gently behind him.
You looked up from your computer, where you were typing an essay, “It’s been broken since before I moved here.” You informed him.
He groaned, dropping into the chair opposite of you on your small kitchen table, “Maybe I’ll chip in so I don’t have to trek up six flights of stairs anymore.”
“I thought you were supposed to be an athlete,” You murmured, “Isn’t exercise kind of your thing?”
He shook his blond head back and forth, “I’m a baseball player, not a stairs master- there’s a difference.”
All you did was hum, turning your attention back to your screen and pretending not to notice the way his gaze lingered on you.
“What are you doing, anyway?”
He was trying to make conversation.
“An english paper.” You told him absentmindedly.
“We have an english paper?” He asked in alarm, eyes widening.
Your own eyes widened as your head snapped up, “Oh, well-“
You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t even know that Jake knew you two were in the same class. How could he? He hadn’t even been since the two of you became roommates, so how could he have recognized that you were there.
His eyebrows furrowed, “What is it?”
“Y-you know we’re in the same class?” Your voice was strained as the question slipped past your lips.
It was silent for a moment, before you watched the corners of his eyes crinkle up as he laughed, “Of course I know. Why else would I have become your roommate? I wouldn’t have just seen some random poster online and accepted to live with that person without actually knowing them. I recognized your name and remembered who you were.”
You were dumbfounded.
Here you were, thinking that he had just accepted because he had been as desperate as you were to find a roommate, only to find out that he knew who you were all along. He wouldn’t have lived with some random person, not like you had been stupid enough to try and do.
You swallowed after a moment, clearing your throat, unable to find anything else to say, and glued your eyes back to your screen as if that would stop him from seeing the red that was beginning to spread across your face.
“Hey, listen,” He spoke up after a few moments of a suffocating silence, “Me and a couple of the boys from my team are going out to a fancy restaurant tonight for dinner. Do you wanna join?”
Your head snapped up.
First he knew who you were, and then he wanted to invite you out with his friends? It was too much, too fast.
Jake Seresin was starting to be like someone you never would have pictured. He wasn’t as cocky and ego driven as you thought it was.
It would have been easier if he was. Because then you would have an excuse to keep as much distance between the two of you as you could. Then you wouldn’t accidentally realize that you could be friends with him, or… whatever Natasha was insinuating earlier.
“I-uh- I can’t.” You stuttered out when you realized he was still waiting for an answer, “I have a lot of homework to catch up on.”
Instead of looking hurt or upset that you declined his offer, he simply nodded in understanding, “That’s okay. Next time then.” He gave you a smile before rising from his seat and making his way to his room, shutting the door softly behind him.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
You were still awake by the time he got back, curled up under a large blanket, watching some old rerun on the television.
Though you couldn’t see him, you could hear the insertion and turning on the key before he entered and quietly closed the door behind him. You turned in your seat slightly to face him.
He was trying to creep silently through the apartment, only to stop short when he saw you, illuminated in the light of the screen.
“Oh, hi, I thought you would be asleep. I was trying not to wake you.” He greeted.
After a quick glance at the clock and seeing that it read 12:37, you nodded once and pulled yourself from the cushions and shedded the blanket from your body.
“Yeah, I should probably head to bed.”
You came to the realization suddenly, that you had no idea why you were even awake. Normally, you would have been asleep at least two hours earlier than this, so why had you stayed up? And why did you feel like as soon as Jake got back, you could finally fall asleep?
Surely you weren’t waiting to see if he got home okay.
You went to move past him, his feet firmly planted as he stood like a muscular wall in the middle of the small hallway, only to be stopped by his voice.
“Hey, sleep well.”
The two of you were chest to chest in the cramped space, having nowhere to look except into one another’s eyes.
For a moment, the temperature in the room dropped down even more than it had when you rid yourself of the blanket seconds ago. And you felt as if the breath was sucked out of you at the soft smile and kind eyes he was facing you with.
You were close. Oh so close. Almost as if you could lean forward and-
“You too,” You whispered, lowering your head and pathetically scurrying away and into the safety of your room.
Taglist: @djs8891 @pono-pura-vida @shanimallina87 @melllinaa @callsignbirdy @fogle97 @randomfandomgirl97 @averyhotchner @blueoorchid @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @misconceptionmistress @ravenclawaddict5285 @j-brielmalfoy @waywardhunter95 @classyunknownlover @whoreforfictionalmen18 @clancycucumber230 @celestialeviereads @h-ngm-ns
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portraitoftheoddity · 5 months
Beginner Hiking Guide: Gear - What to Bring Hiking
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What you want to bring with you on a hike will vary depending on what kind of hike you’re doing. If you’re going on a very short (under an hour) and easy hike on highly-trafficked and easily accessed trails for instance, you may not need to bring much at all -- though I always recommend a water bottle, sun protection and a hoodie or something. But if you’re doing a longer trek on backcountry trails out in the wilderness, you’ll want to bring quite a bit more with you, because the stakes are higher if things go wrong.
My general rule of thumb is: Pack for the Worst Case Scenario.
What is the worst that could happen if you get lost or injured? How long would it take for someone to find you if your phone died and you couldn’t call for help? If you get stuck out overnight, how cold is it going to get, and will you be able to survive it? How about if you have to wait several hours for a rescue party to carry you out if you can’t walk?
I carry a bunch of emergency items in my pack that, on an ideal hike, I never need. But if things don’t go ideally, given the places and conditions I hike in, they could save my life. In the list below, I’ve put an asterisk next to items I recommend packing even for short day hikes (2 hours or less)
So let’s start with the most important thing:
You Need a Backpack.
If you’re going to carry supplies, you need something to carry them in, and a backpack is the easiest, most comfortable way to do so that won’t compromise your balance or leave you unable to use your hands on a hike. (On short outings, fannypacks are great, but you’ll want a backpack if you’re going out into backcountry).
DON'T: use a drawstring backpack -- this will dig painfully into your shoulders pretty quickly. 
DO: use a backpack with a waist/hip strap (and chest strap if possible). Having more of your pack’s weight on your hips than on your shoulders will cut down on back pain! The more adjustable, the better; you want to be comfortable.
There are really great hiking specific backpacks out there, but they are on the pricey side. It’s something where, if you plan on doing hiking more regularly, I would recommend investing in a good pack, but for your first time your old book bag will probably do okay.
The Ten Essentials
If you do any research on backcountry hiking, you will probably see “the ten essentials” mentioned somewhere. These are the things that you’re recommended to always bring on a hike with you if you’re going out into the wilderness. The list can seem a little daunting, but honestly a lot of the things on it are pretty small and easy to acquire. 
1) Navigation / Map & Compass* -- Have a paper map in a ziploc bag and a compass in addition to any digital tools and GPS you may be using to navigate. Technology fails, and having a map that you’ve familiarized yourself with before you set out will help you to stay on your route and avoid getting lost. REI has useful articles on how to use a compass and how to read a topographic map.
2) Nutrition / Extra Food -- I always bring food hiking. You burn through a lot of energy while hiking, and snacking will help boost your energy levels and keep you moving. Calorie-dense foods with sugar and protein like trail mix, nuts, and granola bars give you the biggest boost while not taking up too much room in your pack. And if your hike runs over, you’ll be grateful for the extra rations.
3) Hydration / Extra Water* -- I typically bring a full liter of water (or gatorade!), minimum when I hike. Nalgene bottles are great because they’re lightweight and virtually indestructible. You’re going to be losing a lot of moisture through sweat and through the vapor your exhale while breathing heavily, so you are going to need to hydrate. Bring more than you think you’re going to need in case things go badly.
4) Insulation / Extra Layers* -- I talked about this in the post about clothes, but always have an extra layer. If the weather shifts, or you get injured and can’t move to keep warm, or you get lost and need to wait for a rescue, the last thing you need is for hypothermia to come along and make your day worse.
5) Illumination / Light -- There’s always a chance of something going wrong, be it a twisted ankle or just misjudging the length of a hike, that can lead to you being out for longer than you anticipated -- and if you’re stuck out in the wilderness when the sun goes down, you want to be able to see where the hell you’re going to find the trail and get home. On any longer hike (especially if you’re starting later in the day), bring a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries (and test it before you leave!)
6) Emergency Shelter -- Is there any chance that on the hike you’re doing, you could potentially get lost enough that you have to spend hours and hours out here? In the theme of extra layers, if you get lost, injured, or otherwise caught out in bad conditions and can’t hike out on your own for any reason and rescue won’t be there anytime soon (search and rescue teams take time to assemble, deploy and then hike out to you), you want to have some means of shelter. Obviously, you don’t wanna drag an entire tent out into the woods if you’re just going on a day hike, but a there’s a few lightweight options that can make a difference when you’re improvising protection from the elements, such as:
A mylar space blanket / shock blanket
A bivvy sack (basically a lightweight plastic sleeping bag that keeps warmth in and water out!)
....And if you’re on a budget, a large plastic trash bag can do in a pinch!
7) Firestarter -- On the topic of shelter, especially if you’re stuck out in the cold overnight, a fire can be an emergency source of heat and light. Since most of us are not capable of starting a fire just by rubbing two sticks together like in the movies, we’ll want to make it easier on ourselves by bringing something to start a fire with: pack something to ignite it with, and something to use as tinder to catch the flame and sustain it long enough to ignite other fuel you’ve gathered. I personally carry a bic lighter that was like, .99c at the gas station, and a toilet paper tube stuffed with dryer lint for tinder. This is one of those “hopefully you never actually have to use it” things.
8) First Aid Kit* -- You want to be able to treat an injury if it happens, and to address smaller health concerns before they become bigger health concerns. With blisters especially, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure -- putting blister pads on your feet when you’ve got hot spots before they turn into full on oozing blisters is going to make a world of difference. And as someone who has taken a nasty spill on the trail and hiked out injured, I always carry a solid first aid kit with me. You can buy a compact pre-made kit easily enough to carry with you, but you may find yourself customizing it to your needs. I recommend having the following:
Ibuprofen -- good for managing pain, swelling, and soreness
Tylenol/Acetaminophen -- pain reliever, fever reducer, better for head injuries than ibuprofen since it doesn’t thin blood (also, if you’ve hurt yourself and you’re in a LOT of pain, you can alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen)
Benadryl or some other antihistamine for allergies
AfterBite -- good for stings and bug bites
Bandaids in assorted sizes
Blister pads
Disinfectant wipes x 2
A triangular bandage
A lightweight SAM splint 
Ace bandage - good for wrapping sprains
Tweezers - good for removing splinters!
Any important medications you personally need, such as an EpiPen or inhaler, or personal joint braces you require
9) Sun Protection* -- Even if you’re hiking under tree cover, or on a cloudy day, with hours spent outdoors, you’re getting a lot of UV exposure. Regardless of whether you’re someone who sunburns easily or not, it’s good to have sun protection. Bring sunglasses and sunscreen, and consider wearing a hat. Especially at higher elevations, where the air gets thinner and blocks less UV radiation! And don’t forget when hiking in winter, that you can get snowblindness and sunburn from light reflected off snow. 
10) Repair Kit + Knife / All That McGuyver Shit -- A few lightweight and simple objects can make it much easier to jury-rig a shelter, replace a snapped bootlace, or hold together a torn pack until you can get back to the parking lot. I personally always have:
A pocket knife/multitool
Flat-wrapped duct tape
Several safety pins
A handful of zip ties
A spare shoelace
And other people may find other items useful depending on their gear and the kind of repairs they might need.
In addition to the stuff on this list, there may be weather-specific or trail-condition specific gear you might need, like microspikes for traction on ice, or rain gear for hiking in wet climates. You can use your best judgment and the recommendations of others who have hiked where you are hiking to figure out what the best packing list is for your specific hike. This list is a guideline and a starting point.
Other things you may want to bring:
Whistle -- if your phone is dead and you’re waiting for rescue, you can blow on a whistle a lot longer (and a lot louder) than you can yell. Three short bursts usually means ‘hiker in distress’ and will help other hikers or searchers find you.
Toilet Paper + plastic bag -- If you don’t think you’re going to be able to hold it, bring a means to go in the woods. But bring the plastic bag to carry out your used toilet paper so it doesn’t pollute nature (Leave No Trace!)
A ziploc bag big enough for your phone -- if you need to cross a river or if it starts pouring, have a means to bag your phone to keep it dry. If there’s a risk of rain, bring a trash bag as well that you can use as an improvised pack cover to keep your stuff dry.
Insect Repellant -- even if you don’t bring it with you and just put it on in the parking lot, if you’re hiking in spring or summer especially, you’ll want some bug spray.
Keeping It Light
You want to pack smart, which means maximizing the usefulness of what you pack while keeping things as light as possible. Try using a lightweight plastic water bottle instead of a heavy steel one, and packing spare layers that are warm without being too bulky. Put sunblock in a small tube or bottle instead of packing the huge family-size one. The weight adds up, and the final weight of your pack is what you’re going to have to be carrying along with you. Though the good news is, your pack will get lighter as you consume the food and water you’ve packed!
If you are hiking with friends in a group, there’s some things you don’t really need multiple redundancies for -- if one person has a well-stocked first aid kit and another person carries enough sunblock for the group, you don’t need three of each and every item. Communicate with your group to make sure all your bases are covered, but also be sure you stay close together while hiking. Your friend having the group’s utility knife isn’t going to help you if you go off on your own and get separated. And you will all still want your own food, water, clothing, and light.
Organize Your Bag
Having the right gear is helpful. Knowing where it is is even better!
I try to organize my pack so the weight is evenly distributed (with the heaviest objects at the center near my spine to avoid throwing off my center of gravity), but also so I can find stuff easily enough. If your backpack has different pockets and compartments, think about using those to organize your supplies. Put stuff you’re more likely to need to use in easy to reach places. I usually keep my water bottle in a side pocket that I can reach from the outside of my bag, and my snacks in the topmost compartment so they’re easy to get to and not squished.
I also have a couple of lightweight smaller bags inside my pack I organize things in -- a mesh bag I keep all my first aid supplies in so I can pull out the splint, main kit, extra bandage, AfterBite, etc. all together, and a waterproof stuff sack that I keep all my “emergency” supplies (bivvy sack, shock blanket, headlamp, lighter, knife, etc.) inside so they aren’t all rattling around loose at the bottom of my pack where I will never find them. 
Using your knowledge about the hike you’re doing, the duration, the conditions, and your own body and needs will help you make smart choices about what you need to bring in order to keep yourself safe, both during your hike, and in the hypothetical scenario where something goes awry. Be informed, be prepared, and have fun out there!
<< Previous Part: What to Wear Hiking
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
The Love You Gave | Vegeta x Reader |
author's note: just a short lil fluffy fic 🩷
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: none, just fluff
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It's all around as you journey home from the grocery store, the air filled with perfumes and colognes as the couples do their best to impress. Your eyes glance over at just the right time as a man falls to his knee before his partner, and the emphatic wails of unity ring out as you continue stepping by the café.
Wishing out a call of congratulations, you resume the steady pace of your walk home. It's a good thing your paper bag isn't particularly heavy— you only needed a few things to complete tonight's dinner, and thankfully your rumbly tummy didn't convince your hands to pick up the extra snacks you passed on by.
There's a wait at the crosswalk and you're anything but able to resist people watching while the cars speed freely down the road. One pair in particular stands out as the light turns, the hotrod red car's top down exposing all of their horrible singing to the world. And yet they have zero cares for the minds of strangers like you as they belt out a Jonas Brothers tune. Smiling, your signal to cross lights up and you and your gaggle of strangers that piled up at the stop quickly cross the hot pavement.
Your mind wanders to the comments you've heard several times over the years. Your partner isn't much of a romantic, is he? No, absolutely not... But the idea that a man who brings you flowers has any more merit than the man that's waiting for you at home is nonsense.
Could the typical man bringing you flowers die for you and live to tell the tale?
The gentle curvature of your lips upon seeing your lovely little home matches the light in your eye when you see movement by the open window. Vegeta certainly sat there the entire fifteen minutes you were gone, surely cursing himself for not going with you. But someone had to stay at home while the oven is on, and your husband has become much too picky on produce— he still can't live down your teasing from the last time he took your little list to the local shop and returned over an hour later with absolutely pristine offerings.
The dichotomies of his royal upbringing and his feral biology make for a good little laugh sometimes.
Vegeta's halfway down the stone path from the door by the time you are, and though the bag is about as light as air he takes it anyway, tucking it into the crook of his elbow and giving you the chance to step before him and trek into the house. The smells of dinner greet you and Vegeta's already prepped the island with utensils to chop a fresh salad— which he's gearing up to prepare as he fishes the fresh head of lettuce from the grocery bag.
The sounds of his knife hitting the cutting board serve as light ambience in conjunction with the sauce's simmer from the opened oven door as you check on the homemade flatbread pizza you made together. Vegeta isn't much in the kitchen, but those muscles are just as made for kneading dough as they are for punching out his enemies, you think as you fondly recall the way his biceps flexed and his eyebrows furrowed, so deep in concentration his lips pulled into a pout.
"Just about done." You hum softly and close the door back up, turning around to witness your husband wiping his hands free of little bits of lettuce.
"Smells good." He murmurs deeply, muted as ever as he adds the tomatoes and other salad components into the bowl. Tossing it expertly, Vegeta plates your portions while you handle the pizza side of things, the barbecue sauce and chicken sizzling deliciously loud and your watering mouth craves a satisfying bite at the crunchy sound as you slice the pizza.
The homemade pizza sits between your plates, the even rectangular slices a particularly satisfying sight in the midst of your dinner table. The man sitting and calmly allowing you to snap a photo for social media is even more beautiful an image, and the tinge of red dusting his cheekbones when you kiss his temple fails to hide as he munches the first bite of his salad.
He's no bleeding heart romantic, though you'd prefer nothing else than this.
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Wednesday Holiday Preference
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Fandom: Wednesday
To everyone who does or does not celebrate, may you have a gentle holiday. And happy Yule ;)
Wednesday Addams: She fondly regales childhood christmases of pouring water on relentless carolers and stoking the fireplace with Pugsley to surely burn 'Old Saint Nick.', Wednesday also enjoys Old World christmas tales, specifically Krampus but tells you about many of the 'lesser known' stories and beings. Her family keeps up with the Victorian tradition of ghost stories for the holiday too.
Enid Sinclair: Super excited! She loves how pretty everything looks and all the beautiful lights! The winter months and all the cute dates to go on, such aesthetic cozy hot chocolate cafe dates watching the snow fall, ice skating, walking by the frozen lake, decorating and festive candles! So many 'cute' "ugly sweaters". She loves all of it and her instagram shows. It's also the best weather for cuddling up with you to stay warm and watch the snow fall.
Ajax Petropolus: He got you a gift months in advance when he was out with you and found the perfect thing, brags to Xavier for weeks how good he is at gift giving. You're gonna love it. 3 days before it occurs to him that he had no gift for you. PANICS texting Xavier that he forgot and is fully bundled about to trek to Jericho on foot in the snow before Xav (a real bro) walks into his closet and brings out the gift,
Xavier Thorpe: Holiday break has always been extra depressing for Xavier, a big empty house and not even an apology in the text that his father wont make it. The thought of being able to spend a time that everyone says is so filled with warmth and joy with you, has him giddier than he knows what to do with.
He really likes going for walks and is captivating staring at you in light snow. Pull him into the snow and get him to make snow angels, he hasn't done that since he was small and is in a fit of joy. Stick a snowball down his jacket After you've both been chilled to the bone go inside to watch some christmas movies, any you want (like Krampus or Elf) and snuggle under a blanket with some hot chocolate. You like baking sugar cookies and having him The Artist decorate them all.
Kent the Siren: Snowball fights! As soon as the first snow starts to cover the ground, Kent has dug out his winter gear and shows up at your dorm with and extra scarf and hat ready to drag you outside. He will not hold back either, but if you act hurt or sad he will come to apologize for the snowball and you ambush him. Never sees it coming. Also snowmen!
Bianca Barclay: She is one of those people that goes berserk buying presents, will have a list of what to get everyone in advance, "You don't even really like Wednesday though?" Bianca, checking her list: "So?" She will weather the worst holiday shopping rush and come out on top (will Siren Song someone into dropping the item she wants or throw hands if needed), somehow she never loses you in the stores even when you're lost, and you go out to a warm cafe afterwards like she didn't have a military scale gift operation before.
Tyler Galpin: Between his job and his dad's tight leash, he doesn't have much free time for cute winter dates, but after work he likes to look at the decorations and shop displays while he walks you home. (If something catches your eye he comes back to buy it as soon as he can.) Weathervane doesn't have a lot of Holiday Specials but he gives you 'complimentary' ones to try and experiments trying to make you little festive drinks when it's slow.
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nahoney22 · 5 months
Hello my love 💚
I am back once again to send in another request for your 4000 followers celebration!
Congrats again 🥰
This time, I'm choosing my sweet little baby boy Tup 🥺 (x fem!reader)
This one is gonna be super fluffy. The fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed. So much fluff that it makes you want to vomit out of pure sugary sweetness 💙
We're going with a Hallmark Christmas vibe. Deck the halls, baby! I'm talking about Christmas trees, glass ornaments, and colorful lights, kissing under the mistletoe, snow-covered streets, crackling fireplaces, hot cocoa, warm sweaters, sleigh rides, and lots of holiday cheer. No scrooges in this winter wonderland!
Here are a couple of prompts I found that went with the vibe: "Your hands are cold, let me warm them up," "I'll walk you home," "Take my coat, it's cold outside," and "Can I have this dance?"
As always, feel free to ignore my request! If it suits your fancy, then I can't wait to see what you come up with 🥰 (take your time, of course)
Please and thank you, with love 💚
4000 Follower Prompt List Celebration
Tup X F!Reader
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Your hands are cold, let me warm them up.”
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warnings: None, lots of fluff. Kisses. Love at first sight, meet cute. Female reader.
authors note: grrrr I wish I saw this in December when it was Christmassy BUT instead of waiting for 12 months let’s do it now 😆 idk what hallmark Christmas is thought ngl tho - thanks for the request @the-bad-batch-baroness ☀️
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In the midst of Coruscant's bustling streets, a wintry ambiance enveloped the evening, with the air dense and chilly. Despite the approach of nightfall, the atmosphere remained aglow with the infectious spirit of the recent festive season.
And among the gleaming lights and shimmering tinsel adorning the street lamps, you navigated through the dusting of snow at your boots, determined yet cautious to evade any slips. Embracing yourself against the cold, you embarked on your homeward journey.
Grateful after being granted an early departure by your employer, you however found yourself thwarted by the weather-induced delay of your usual means of transport. So, opting to keep going on foot, you soon find yourself groaning as you fumble through your bag in search of your scarf and gloves. However, you quick to realise you had abandoned your gear at your workplace—a trek you were not planning to go back on.
Focused on avoiding a slip, your gaze remained fixed on the ground as you navigated through the snow and street. However, your brisk pace came to an abrupt halt when you collided with an unexpected figure, sending you to the ground.
“Kriff, sorry ma’am. Are you alright?” The voice sounded familiar, belonging to a Clone Trooper who had then extended a hand down to you.
As your eyes followed up past his hand and up his arm, the discomfort of the fall seemed to have dissipated as you grew captivated by the gaze of a remarkably handsome man.
Concerned, he inquired about your well-being, “Ma’am? Are you alright?” To which prompted a flush of embarrassment as you found yourself on the ground, staring up at him gormlessly.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You assure him of your condition and swiftly accepted his offered hand. But as he hauls you up with ease, you think you’re grounded only to then encounter a second stumble.
Grasping onto the Clone for support, his protective arms encircled you, preventing another nasty fall as your feet slip from under you. "Easy there, I've got you," he chuckled warmly, his gaze softening as your eyes met.
You hadn't been one to believe in love at first sight, yet an undeniable connection sparked within you towards this man. Perhaps it was the enchanting ambiance of the twinkling lights and falling snow, or maybe it was the combination of his helpfulness after you both bumped into each other accidentally.
"Th-thanks," you stammered, a blend of the wintry air and nervousness affecting your speech. His gentle smile and reassuring gaze, however, calmed your racing thoughts.
Concerned for your well-being, he asked softly, releasing his hold on you but remaining ready to assist if needed. "Didn't hurt yourself, did you?"
"No," you replied, shaking your head, "as long as my head is still firmly attached, I'm good."
His chuckle resonated warmly and you don’t know why, but you felt like you could read this man. To which, you had hoped he wanted to get to know you more. And he did.
"The name's Tup," he introduced, extending his hand once more. You gladly slipped your hand back into his, reciprocating with your name. "It's nice to meet you."
"And you, though it would've been better under different circumstances," he remarked subtly, gesturing toward your snow-dusted attire, prompting a sheepish smile from you.
Before you could respond, he swiftly and apologetically interrupted, asking, "Don't suppose you would like to go for a drink with me?" Your eyes widened in surprise, mirroring his apparent astonishment at his own impromptu invitation.
"Sorry, that was forward. We've only just met," he acknowledged.
"Yeah," you replied simply, accompanied by a toothy grin.
"Yeah?" His face lifted, his eyes lighting up in response.
"I could really do with a warm drink.”
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As you both hurriedly sought refuge from the cold, the tempting aroma of rich hot chocolate filled the air. Smiling at the satisfying hum that escaped your throat, Tup guided you to a pop-up market stall, where he procured steaming mugs of the comforting beverage before finding a place to sit.
"I have to admit," you began, gently blowing the steam off your mug, "I certainly didn't expect something like this to happen anytime soon. It's basically a cliche."
He looked at you with confusion, cradling his mug in his hands. "I don't quite catch on?"
You chuckled softly. "Well, in most cheesy romantic holomovies I've seen, this is basically a 'meet cute.' We collided, you, fortunately, happen to be handsome and offer a helping hand, and instead of parting ways, you asked me for a drink." Your eyes sparkled mischievously. "Or I could be totally wrong."
"N-No, no," he replied quickly, a hint of warmth coloring his neck. "I suppose when you put it like that, it is a cliche. But... I'll take it you like that kind of thing?" He gestured to the two of you enjoying a drink, sitting up a little straight to exude confidence.
"I really do," you replied softly, savoring a sip of your drink. "Mmm, this is lovely. Thank you, Tup."
The way you said his name made Tup feel as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "You're welcome."
Engaged in a quiet yet pleasant conversation, you both delved into each other's lives and aspirations. Classic questions about favourite colours, the stories behind tattoos, and alternate career paths flowed naturally.
From your time with Tup, you gathered that he was kind and had a penchant for playful yet rather terrible flirting. You observed him attempting to find a relaxed posture—arms shifting on and off the table, legs crossing and uncrossing, fingers nervously tapping against the mug. Even his compliments emerged more as questions than statements. Regardless, you found joy in his company.
Feeling Tup's nervous energy, you decided to discreetly guide him into a more comfortable interaction. Despite the cold, you feigned a fake shiver, cupping your hands over your mouth and blowing on your fingers. "Is it me, or did it get colder?" you remarked inconspicuously. Tup wasted no time reaching across the table, gently taking your hands in his.
"Your hands are cold," he observed with a frown, expressing a wish for spare gloves, "let me warm them up." His charming smile resonated, making your heart skip a beat. He closed his hand over yours, gently rubbing them to provide warmth. You felt bashful that your subtle hint worked, relieved that he didn't seem to mind holding your hands.
Engaged in a wholesome conversation, both of you seemingly oblivious to the unspoken connection formed through the idle caress of each other's hands, the impending departure lingered as the unspoken Bantha in the room.
Hours passed without notice, Tup surpassing his designated time to be back at the barracks. When you mentioned it was time for you to head back due to an early start, he stood up, taking your hand in his. "I'll walk you home," he declared, a genuine warmth in his eyes that mirrored the connection you both shared throughout the evening.
As Tup walked you home through the now quiet and serene streets of Coruscant, a comfortable silence settled between you. The city's festive lights cast a gentle glow, creating a magical atmosphere that mirrored the odd but welcome enchantment you felt in each other's company.
As you reached your destination, the realisation that the night was coming to an end tugged at both of you. Tup hesitated before speaking, "I had a wonderful time tonight."
You smiled, expressing your agreement. "Me too. It was unexpected but definitely a highlight."
He chuckled softly. "Fate has a way of bringing people together in the most surprising moments."
Standing at your doorstep, you found yourself reluctant to say goodbye. Tup, sensing the unspoken sentiment, reached for your hand once more. "I hope we can do this again."
You nodded, feeling a spark of warmth between you. "I'd like that."
Tup leaned in, his lips brushing against your cheek in a tender goodbye. As you entered your home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future might hold, grateful for the unexpected magic of that cold, festive night on Coruscant.
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Prompt Masterlist
Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova a @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness
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melisusthewee · 5 months
In my ongoing attempt to convince people to watch this movie (because it is so fucking good you have no idea), I put together this list of reasons why you need to watch this film. Sorry, but I can't be normal about this:
None of the backgrounds or environments are CGI! Those mountains? Those are the Andes! That's the real Valley of Tears! While filming with the actors was done in a different location (I believed they filmed in the Sierra Nevadas?), location photography and filming was done in the Andes and then spliced accordingly into the film.
It's an ensemble piece! Until now, most movies/docs/books have (understandably) focused almost exclusively on Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa because of their 10 day trek through the mountains. But the group was more than just the two of them and this film shows that by emphasizing everyone's importance and roles in their survival.
Having said that, NANDO PARRADO IS THE FUCKING GOAT. This guy fractured his skull during the crash which caused his brain to swell. Everyone thought he was dead at first and only brought him back inside the plane when someone noticed he was still breathing. Even then, he wasn't expected to survive for very long so the others placed him where it was coldest which ended up saving his life as the cold temperature along with dehydration helped bring the swelling in his brain down. He was in a coma for three days, woke up to learn his mother was dead and his sister was dying, and decided, "Fuck this, I am getting off this mountain and you're all doing it with me." AND THEN HE DID, part of which involved hiking for 10 days across the Andes with NO GEAR.
The decision to make Numa Turcatti the narrator was brilliant. I cannot say more due to spoilers but iykyk.
Speaking of other films (looking at you, 1993's "Alive"), this movie cast exclusively Uruguayan (and some Argentinian) actors in order to give it proper authenticity.
This movie does not fuck around, with the crash happening within the first 15 minutes of the movie. And it is horrible in that it is probably one of the most accurate portrayals of a plane crash? I don't like flying, and I was incredibly anxious watching it to the point where I thought initially I might have to turn it off. But despite this, it never feels exploitive or anything. Just... real.
The entire movie was shot chronologically in order to give the make-up team an easier time with getting the actors to look increasingly gaunt and disheveled as well as adding a tighter consistency between shots and scenes. Many of the actors lost upwards of 50 lbs by the time filming was concluded.
For the avalanche scene, the actors were buried under nearly 8 inches of real snow. Because of this, the redness of their skin isn't the work of make-up or special effects but is very real.
Michael Giacchino's score. But even more importantly, his use of silence.
Honestly, this movie feels genuinely cold in a way that most movies and tv shows never quite capture. The sound of frozen clothing crunching, the frost that covers them, the clear impact of cold and frost on hair and skin, the shaking and shivering. It's really hard to describe, but like... it didn't feel like these were just actors on a set walking around. It felt genuinely cold.
The payada (rhyming/rap battle) was entirely improvised by the actors.
Enzo Vogrincic (Numa) looks like a young Adam Driver. You know you want to watch him stare soulfully into the camera for two hours. (But really, the acting in this movie is phenomenal.)
For Cold Boy fanciers, Gustavo Zerbino is basically the group's Goodsir - a cinnamon roll doing his best.
Fito Strauch's homemade sunglasses!
I could write an essay about the way the film confronts and portrays the cannibalism. Since I've rambled on long enough, let me just say here that it feels authentic in the way it's handled and not like you typically expect to see in stories like the Franklin Expedition, the Essex, or the Donner Party. (My only criticism is that it looks like they used raw chicken as the meat? And I unfortunately happen to know that human meat very much does not look like chicken.)
MOST IMPORTANTLY, this movie gives voices to those who didn't survive the mountains. And yes, it is a story about survival (and is a wonderful portrayal of positive masculinity) but it is really a story about love. Love for one's friends. Love for each other. And how love is the only way we survive.
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secondaxispoint · 1 year
Joel Miller x Space Lover!Male!Reader
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Space Lover!Male!Reader
Warnings: Reader is referred to as Tex, No use of Y/N
Content: Fluff
You had always loved space. Anyone could ask you anything about astronomy and you could give an essay on it. You try to keep quiet about it but sometimes you can’t help but get a shining look in your eyes on clear nights. Joel obviously noticed your love of space and smiled every time he looked up to the sky. He wished you would talk about it with him more often. He loved watching your face light up when you would roll onto your back and watch the sky before falling asleep next to him.
You, Joel, and Ellie were exploring and clearing out an abandoned library. You shouted to Joel to duck after a runner sprinter straight for him. Without hesitation, he ducked down and you fired a shotgun blast right through it’s head. After it hit the ground, you helped him up and checked Ellie for injuries.
After the three of you double checked that the building was clear, you all wandered around to look though the few books that had been left behind. Joel made a beeline to the astronomy books to check for any he thought you hadn’t read before. 
He was stopped by a book with big bold letters and a starry night sky background. It read ‘Turn Left at Orion’. The cover was dusty but the book was mostly intact. He brushed off the front and shoved it into his pack before you came over to check in on him.
“Find anything good?”
“Just a few dusty dictionaries.”
Joel wanted to give the book to you in private. He didn’t want Ellie finding out and making a huge deal out of it. It was just a book. That’s all. So the three of you trekked back to camp and started to settle for the night. You geared up and took first watch, as you always did. Leaned against a tree, watching the sky and listening carefully, you hear a rustling sound next to you. 
You looked over to see Joel toss and turn in his sleeping back. You threw your rifle over your shoulder and quietly scooted closer. You put a hand on his shoulder, preparing for him to try to attack or at least jump. But all he did was sigh and peer at you over his shoulder. He looks tired and tense.
“Are you alright? You’ve been tossing for almost a half hour now.”
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. You figure he was just having a rough night so you moved back to the tree you were sitting at about 10 feet away. You heard the unzipping of a sleeping bag but decided to ignore it. At least you tried to up until Joel dumped himself down next to you. He kept quiet so you kept your mouth shut.
He leaned over and handed you a book. It was a copy of ‘Turn Left at Orion’. You had obviously read it before but it had been years. You looked over at him but Joel had his eyes turned up to the sky. You grabbed your flashlight and flipped it on. You pointed it down at the book and flipped through the pages. Joel looked back at you and smiled as he watched your eyes light up.
“Holy shit Joel, it's been years since I've read an astronomy book. Thank you.”
“It’s nothin Tex. Just thought you’d enjoy it is all.”
You turned and smiled at him. He averted his eyes and looked down at his feet. You nudged his shoulder and pointed up at the sky. You told him all about the constellations you could see and described the ones you couldn’t. You listed names and when they were discovered. Joel listened with fascination.
“So what's your favourite constellation?”
You thought you were annoying him with your rambling but apparently he really did care. You felt a heat crawl up the back of your neck and settle on your cheeks.
“Well my favourite is Ursa Major.”
“The one with the Big Dipper?”
Joel asked and you told him what the constellation consisted of and pointed it out in the sky. He smiled and followed where you pointed. 
“So how did you learn about all this stuff Tex?”
You shifted a bit. Thinking back to your childhood. 
“Well my dad was an astronomer. And I wanted to be an astronaut before the outbreak. Space was pretty much my life from the day I was born.”
Joel tilted his head.
“Your dad was an astronomer? Is he still around?”
You looked down sadly.
“Nah, he was caught in the first few city bombings. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye”
Joel’s face softened a bit. He scooted closer and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
After a moment of silence, he took the book from your loose grip. He flipped through the pages until he came across the page labelled ‘Orion’. He read the page out loud before pointing it out in the sky.
You and Joel sat there and continued to flip though the book and point out constellations for another hour before Joel went quiet. He had fallen asleep against the tree while listening to you. He had leaned his head onto your shoulder.
So you silently shedded your outer jacket and draped it over him. You decided to let the duo sleep and stayed on watch the rest of the night. You took short breaks to read small snippets of the book. You were pretty drained by the time the sun came up.
Joel and Ellie yelled at you for not waking them up for the shift change but you didn’t care. You slept in the front seat of the truck for the entire next day.
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Fandom | Fanfiction | Self Ship | Whump
👉 he/they | queer | married | adult | elder millennial
👉 plural | fictionkin (serious/spiritual) 
👉 Muti shipper | Poly shipper
Our Website | Our System Directory | Our F/O lists
Archive of our Own account
No DNI we block at will 🫡
Please do not send us asks about babies, pregnancy, or raising children.
Frequent tags:
Villain f/o
whump prompts
text post meme
blog updates
friend mail
Current Fixation: Ace Atttorney.
Source fandoms: Resident Evil, One Piece, Metal Gear, Marvel Comics, Persona games, Slayers anime, GTA V, Great/Ace Attorney, Homestuck, Danganronpa, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Urusei Yatsura, Digimon, Girls Frontline, Steven Universe, Pathologic, Jem & The Holograms, Peter Pan, Welcome to Demon School, Disgaea, Sherlock Holmes media
non-source fandoms: Invader Zim, ABC’s Lost, Twin Peaks, Silent Hill, Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Vampire Chronicles (books), Doctor Who Labyrinth, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Final Fantasy (4-9), Pokemon, Black Lagoon, Miami Vice, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Prey 2017, Dishonored, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, Frankenstein, the Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Gargoyles, Fallout New Vegas
Favorite genres: horror, mystery, thriller, noir, crime fiction, psychological thriller, supernatural horror, sci fi horror, gothic lit
previous icon:
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Shipping, plurality and squick explanations under the cut.
Our ships: We are a polyshipper and a multishipper. We ship multiple characters together in the same context, in the same relationship, in the same fics etc.
A "ship" for us does not equal in OTP or an ideal relationship. We use the word "ship" to denote any romantic or sexual relationship between two characters, even when that relationship is unhealthy, toxic, twisted, and bad for one or both participants. Ships are a narrative tool, not something aspirational. 
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Plurality: We are a plural system– many people living together in one body. We have been plural since we were children, and we have been blogging about our plurality for 15+ years.
Please do  not use psychiatric or pathologizing terminology for our plurality. We do not refer to ourselves with terms like DID, alter, or introject, and our system members do not have defined roles.
Our preferred terminology is: plural, system member, and fictive.
System members tend to sign or tag posts and refer to one another with a two emoji 'signature' rather than a name. Unsigned posts are understood to be a product of multiple members or a joint consensus. 
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squicks / tropes we prefer to avoid
non-con of any kind (but especially underage non-con and non-con incest) 
pregnancy & babies (especially as the joyful and expected result of a romantic hetero-presenting relationship)
nonbinary or trans characters deciding it's better for them to perform their assigned gender at birth
Characters submitting to the will of a lawful aligned god.
Parental control and discipline being shown as narratively positive and correct 
characters giving up their careers and aspirations and 'settling down' when they fall in love
prophecies that are unavoidable and/or narratively depicted as inherently good and just
characters following the life-path set out for them by their parents/following in their parents footsteps
filial duty and filial piety in general
pretty much anything to do with traditional family structures, gender roles, and lawful aligned religion, honestly
wing whump / characters having their monstrous or inhuman traits harmed
monstrous or inhuman characters becoming human (especially when presented as positive)
soul destruction / soul death
characters being metaphysically kept apart for all time
any kind of 'conversion therapy' or metaphorical conversion therapy (especially being portrayed as positive)
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We are: 
non-christian | magical practitioner | chaotic neutral
polyamorous  | largely aplatonic
trauma survivor | abuse survivor
Weird | Freakish | Monstrous
on sibling coded ships
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presidentbungus · 1 year
demo is the biggest fucking nerd ever btw. demo has a bookshelf in his room that is filled, floor-to-ceiling, with rare magic the gathering cards. demo has tens of thousands of dollars in ancient d&d rulebooks and fantasy miniatures and renaissance fair gear stashed in piles of what he calls 'organized chaos' over the little concrete bunker he calls his room. him and ms pauling go larping on weekends, sometimes while actually killing people, just to bash in two skulls with one stone. demo can list all of the episodes from any star trek series he believes to be good in sequential order. it's the autism
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its-to-the-death · 10 days
Glasses Swag Sequel Round 1
Time to start the tournament! Here is our bracket:
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I can tell some of these are going to be crazy already. The matchups are randomized so blame the computer if you don't like them. The pictures are always a little small first round, but the matchups will also be listed below the cut of this post. Once the polls are out, they'll link to their designated poll.
Just for the first round, I'm going to split the polls across two days. The first batch will be out on Wednesday, June 5 and the second batch will be out Thursday, June 6. All polls run for a week.
Propaganda is always welcome and I will reblog anything that has at least a little explanation as to why your glasses character is superior.
Be nice and have fun!
Wednesday, June 5 polls
Adrian Andrews (Ace Attorney) vs Sniper/Mick Mundy (Team Fortress 2)
Kristopher Gavin (Ace Attorney) vs Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Peter Spankoffski (Nerdy Prudes Must Die) vs Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew (The Muppets) vs Maria Calavera (RWBY)
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Waldo (Where's Waldo)
Medic/Ludwig (Team Fortress 2) vs Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Specs/Glasses (Splatoon manga/Coroika) vs Odile (In Stars and Time)
Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) vs Garnet (Steven Universe)
Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs Dr. Newton Geiszler (Pacific Rim)
Ibara Saegusa (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs Kei Tsukishima (Haikyuu)
Tedd Verres (El Goonish Shive) vs Liu Sang (Daomu Biji)
Trisana Chandler (Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce) vs Jackson Jekyll (Monster High)
Yakou Furio (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) vs Baizhu (Genshin Impact)
Tsumugi Aoba (Ensemble Stars!!) vs Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time)
Edward Nygma/The Riddler (DC) vs Chuckie Finster (Rugrats)
Thursday, June 6 polls
Lawrence Fletcher (Phineas and Fern) vs Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Dave Strider (Homestuck) vs Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Sadness (Inside Out) vs Coco Adel (RWBY)
Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) vs Austin Powers (Austin Powers)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) vs Tomi Kisaragi (13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)
Shen Wei (Guardian) vs Geordi La Forge (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo) vs The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai) vs Lil Hal/Autoresponder (Homestuck)
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Taylor Hebert/Skitter (Worm/Parahumans)
Colress (Pokemon) vs Sci-Twi (My Little Pony: Equestrian Girls)
Halara Nightmare (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) vs Bedman/Romeo (Guilty Gear)
Riz Gukgak (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) vs Newton Pulsifer (Good Omens)
Jason Grace (Heroes of Olympus) vs Xianyun (Genshin Impact)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier) vs Palamedes Sextus (The Locked Tomb)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs Calvin's dad (Calvin and Hobbes)
Cricket (Wings of Fire) vs Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius)
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Words: 2,701 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria, pre-Negan Warnings: scary imagery, language, typical TWD, nothing particularly bad in this chapter! Summary: Y/N and Daryl sort through their feelings after the previous day and head up to the overlook to see what they can see in the valley below. A/N: [TW in this note: loss of beloved pet, grief] Well, I finally managed it. After a necessary hiatus, I finally was able to get this update finished. Last night, I wrote about 200 words, sobbed, and then finished the chapter. Strider is based on my beloved black lab Aldo who passed away unexpectedly in July due to an antibiotic resistant infection that ultimately damaged one of his heart valves. He was only 7. Writing this fic is emotionally draining for me. It causes me to reflect on my own loss of a pup who should be here still but isn't. Updates may be a bit slow because of that, but I have more of Y/N and Daryl's story to tell, so on we go...
A/N: This is part of a series! You can find all the previous parts on my Master List.
Previous Chapter
Your name: submit What is this?
“Are you sure yer ready for this?” Daryl asked you for maybe the hundredth time. “I just mean—yer leg, ya know?”
You were sitting on the bench pulling on the last of your winter gear. You finished lacing your boots securely and stood, giving him a small smile and a hearty nod. “I’m sure. Would you quit worrying so much?”
He brushed a hand back through his hair as he watched you shoulder your heavy pack. Loaded with gear for the long hike ahead. “ ‘M’sorry. I’m just—”
“Making sure,” you finished for him, your hand on the door handle. “I know. But I can do it. I’m a pretty good judge of my own abilities, Daryl,” you said, a light lilt in your voice. “It’s sort of how I’ve lasted this long.”
“I know. I know…” he drawled again, ducking his head. “I ain’t questionin’ yer abilities. I ain’t doubtin’ ya. ‘M just—”
“Worrying,” you finished for him again. You nodded, still smiling. “I know. But we’ve got this. If I need to rest on the way up, I’ll rest. Now, come on.” You whistled and the dogs, who had been pacing around impatiently bounded out through the front door as you pulled it open. You grabbed a pair of trekking poles that were leaned up against the cabin and stopped on the top step of the deck, looking out at the sun sparkling on the snow. It had been smoothed by an icy wind overnight and looked like a clean, white blanket. You took mental inventory of your gear one more time and then stepped into the deep snow.
Daryl was trailing behind you and you glanced back at him over your shoulder, slowing up to wait, a small smile still on your face. “Are you hiding back there?” you asked him. “Or just guarding the rear?”
Daryl lifted his gloved hand off the handle of his knife and came along side you. “No,” he drawled.
You started forward again, watching the dogs bounding playfully in front. Bear was carving a straight track toward the trail that would lead you up toward the overlook. Strider was quartering in front of you a short distance away, moving left then swinging around and running back to the right, nose in the snow, tail flagging happily. His face was already dusted with snow.
“You’ve been a bit quiet,” you commented, hazarding a sideways glance at Daryl.
He kept striding forward, his bright blue eyes narrowed a little in the sun and snow glare. He gulped. He was trying to come up with a response to that but his mind seemed to be a blank slate.
“Since I kissed you yesterday, I mean,” you said suddenly.
Daryl took a stutter step in the snow and you stopped abruptly and turned to face him completely. You were looking at him expectantly. “Uhh—” Great. That’s what he managed to get out. ‘Uhh.’
Your eyes were bright and perceptive, and you looked pretty much the opposite of how he felt. “Is there something on your mind about it? Maybe we should talk about it?”
Daryl was a swirl of nerves. You’d kissed him. He’d kissed you. He’d kissed you again. You’d slipped your fingers between his. Then the two of you had spent what turned out to be a largely normal evening together in the cabin. Sure, maybe you would touch him lightly on the shoulder or rest your fingers on his arm for a moment. Or you’d leaned your body into his as you reached for something in the cabinet he was standing in front of… and yes, those little contacts with you were setting him ablaze even more than usual—but beyond that… had anything really changed? He couldn’t be entirely sure that there was anything more frequent or more heated about those little touches. Was that kiss, your confession of your feelings for him, just a spur of the moment whim that maintained no momentum, had no traction? He was consumed with doubt.
Maybe he should have kissed you again when you’d said goodnight to each other… it’d felt like being on a different planet when he’d retired to his room and you’d slipped into yours. He’d laid awake a large part of the night, his mind swirling with disbelief and fears and hopes and voices from his past that he could never quite banish.
“Daryl,” you said again, gently prodding him. Fuck. How long had he been staring vacantly?
“Nah, ‘s’nothin’,” he drawled. He was caught off guard with you bringing it up so bluntly and abruptly.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. I think I’m still processing everything, too. But if there’s something bothering you—”
Daryl cleared his throat and started forward again. You fell into stride next to him again, still glancing over and trying to get a read on him. “I think ‘m just stuck on… logistics,” he said.
Now your brow furrowed. “Logistics,” you repeated. You shook your head, clearly confused. “What—I don’t know what that means.”
Daryl hummed a vague noise and started forward again. “ ‘S’nothin’. I think we should just—ya know, just focus on gettin’ up to this overlook and seein’ what we see.”
You didn’t respond and Daryl could see you still puzzling over his response. He sighed heavily, worried he’d crushed your previously high-spirited mood. “Fuck,” he muttered. “‘M sorry. I shouldn’ta even mentioned anything.”
You glanced back over at him. “You didn’t. I asked. I just—I feel like something is on your mind and if there’s something I can do to lift it—”
“‘S’nothin’. Really,” he drawled, but you still looked unconvinced. He stopped when he felt you gently grip his arm a moment later.
“Do you want to kiss me again?” you asked him, your eyes fixed on his face, your expression open and earnest.
He did. Of course he fucking did. He nodded.
You smiled. The light in your eyes seemed to sparkle. “Then kiss me,” you said.
“Righ’ now?” he asked, a kneejerk response.
“No, next Tuesday,” you joked. “Yes, right now.” Daryl still hesitated. You stepped closer to him. “I can tell that you’re worrying about something that isn’t these fucked up runners or whatever. And it obviously has to do with yesterday. But let me just tell you that I meant what I said. And I wanted you to kiss me goodnight last night. And I want you to kiss me now. And I feel every inch of space between us like it’s a mile. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon. So,” you grabbed onto the front of his borrowed jacket, “I don’t know what we’re going to find when we get to the overlook. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I don’t think any of that matters. The logistics? We can figure those out as we go. So, if you want this the way I do, the way I said yesterday and the way I still mean now—just get out of that head of yours.”
He nodded and his expression looked lighter. You smiled and his heart fluttered that it was for him, that you were looking at him like that, and that you hadn’t changed your mind. “So… s’alrigh’ then if I kiss ya?”
Your smile widened and you felt a burst of warmth in your chest, right between your lungs, and it seemed to glow outwards. “Pretty much whenever you want to,” you said. You let out a peal of laughter as he suddenly tugged you into him with an arm around your back.
“Ya might regret that,” he drawled, brushing the rosy glow on your cheek lightly with the back of his fingers. “I think about kissin’ ya and holdin’ ya all the time.”
You grinned. “Prove it.”
He leaned down and found your lips with his. It was better than a shot of bourbon or slipping into a hot bath—it warmed you from the inside out and you felt dazed by the time you were interrupted.
Strider had barreled in between the two of you and was wagging his tail and darting back and forth. You laughed and pet his silky head. “I think someone is jealous,” you said. Bear was standing nearby, watching thoughtfully with his bright eyes. “Someones…” you added.
Daryl bent to scratch Strider’s chest and the lab leaned into it. “I know, bud. Ya were here first, but I’mma need ya to just share a little bit,” he said. He glanced back up at you and his heart swelled. He felt a hundred times lighter than he had since he’d gone to bed anxious the previous night.
“Come on. We better make tracks if we hope to be back before dark,” you said, tilting your head in the direction of the trail. Daryl and the dogs followed suit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ You were nearly to the overlook but your leg had started cramping. Both of you were out of breath from the steepness of the climb. The dogs, on the other hand, hardly seemed to notice the mileage or incline. You pulled in a deep breath and headed toward a boulder at the side of the trail. The deep snow and terrain were taking their toll. Daryl helped you ease down to sit for a minute.
His brow was heavily creased. “Ya alrigh’?”
You nodded and drew in some more steadying breaths. “Yeah. I just need to rest it for a minute.” You rubbed a hand over your leg. It felt a bit shaky and every once in a while, the muscle would cramp sending a searing pain that shot up into your stomach. You breathed through it as Daryl looked on, worried. “I’m good,” you said. “It’s easing up already.”
You took a moment to breathe the chill air in deeply, filling your lungs as much as they would allow. Daryl was watching you while you were watching the scenery. “It’s really beautiful, isn’t it?” The trees looked like they all had been individually iced with snow, they were so perfect.
“It is,” Daryl said. You realized he wasn’t looking at the views and your face flushed.
You sighed one more time and gave your leg one final rub. “Okay. I think I’m ready. Let’s keep going.”
No sooner had you spoken those words than a corpse rose suddenly out of the snow right beside you, grappling at your shoulder with tremendous speed and strength. You let out a yell and slipped from your seat into the snow beside the boulder to get away. Daryl was instantly there with his knife, landing a strike to the head and stilling the thing completely. The dogs had run over barking at the commotion from their guarding places and were now sniffing intensely in the snow nearby. Bear stopped to lick your face where you were still on the ground, a hand clutched to your racing heart.
“Jesus fucking Christ! I fucking hate those things!” you exclaimed.
Daryl helped pull you up. “Me too. How the fuck are they just waitin’ in the snow like that?” he shook his head. “Ain’t right…”
You finished dusting the snow off. “None of this is right. We’ve come up at least another 1,800 feet in elevation. That thing should have been frozen solid three times over.” You glanced around, uneasy. The dogs were still on high alert too.
Daryl wiped his knife blade on his pants and replaced it in its sheath. “Ya okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just nearly gave me a heart attack…” you trailed off, glancing up the trail ahead. “We’re almost there. Let’s keep going.”
Daryl fell into step beside you. “At least the way back is all downhill,” he said. For some reason this made you laugh and he gave you a questioning look.
“Oh, it’s just—Brian used to say that a lot,” you said.
“Mm,” Daryl nodded. “Might be where I got it from. Mountains back home ain’t this big, but we’ve got ‘em. And they’re older than these. Way older… Least, that’s what he told me.”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah. Ya couldn’t get him to quit ‘bout rocks and shit like that,” he drawled, a vague smile on his face. “Once he started, ya just had to let him run outta steam.” You laughed at that. Same Brian. “But he told me the Appalachian range is older than the Atlantic Ocean. Older than bones. I thought he was just sayin’ shit, ya know? But he explained it. They existed before bones even evolved.”
You were smiling at Daryl serenely again, and hearing something so normal about your brother again soothed your nerves from the runner that had just appeared and what you were going to find at the top of this trail…
“If we could set the world right, back the way it was before all this, and you could snap your fingers and be anything, what would you be?” you asked. The crunch of the snow beneath your boots was setting a satisfying rhythm, and you found that your leg wasn’t tired anymore.
Daryl chewed his bottom lip for a moment and shrugged. “I dunno,” he hummed.
“Oh, come on! Sure you do!” you prodded him.
He thought about it for another long moment. “Well. I guess if I could be anything… I woulda liked to design and build custom bikes. Work with my hands, ya know? I dun think I’d be any good at studyin’ like you or Brian were.”
“I think you could do whatever you decided to,” you said. “But hey—you could still design and build custom bikes now. Just is probably a bit harder,” you said thoughtfully.
Daryl rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Yeah, I, uhh—I did kinda. My bike is somewhere down at the bottom of the damn mountains,” he said with a wry laugh. “I built it back home with a bunch of spare parts and—anyway, it’s what got me out here.”
“Are you serious? It’s just sitting down there somewhere?”
“Yeah. I tried to leave it in a safe place but who knows… could only get so far in the snow on a motorcycle.”
“Well, we should go get it. When the snow is gone, we’ll go find it,” you said, as if that was a perfectly easy task.
Daryl glanced over at you and laughed, shaking his head. “Just like that?”
“Yeah. Why not? Between the two of us badasses I’m sure we can manage,” you said with a grin.
God, Daryl loved to see the light in you shining like this. It seemed to be glowing through more and more these days. “Alrigh’. Then we’ll find it. If ya say so.”
You nodded. “I do.” You glanced ahead as the two of your rounded a curve. You pointed with your trekking pole to a very obvious rock formation just ahead. “There. That’s the overlook. There’s a natural window in the rock. You can see the whole valley.”
Daryl followed you the final stretch up. The trail had narrowed and was switchbacks cutting across the mountainside, carving through the wind-stunted trees and rocks. Finally, the two of you stepped onto the stone, largely protected from snow by the natural arch above.
You set your pack down and pulled the spotting scope and tripod from inside and started setting it up. Daryl was already scrutinizing the trees and plains below, but the distance was so great he couldn’t really make anything out beyond the winding elbows of the rivers and streams and a few distant buildings. “Okay,” you mused. “Let’s see just how screwed we are…”
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 months
TOMORROW X TOGETHER Dive into “Deja Vu” Through Old Photos and Videos
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"New experiences and opportunities keep coming along," says Soobin
TOMORROW X TOGETHER are back with a new EP, titled minisode 3: TOMORROW, which meant it was time for the members to be back on Consequence, too. Our 2023 cover stars have made a number of appearances with us over the years, from video interviews to email check-ins and album breakdowns.
To celebrate the new mini-album, we decided this could be the perfect excuse to take a walk down memory lane. It’s somehow already been three years since Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai released minisode 1: Blue Hour. In that time, they’ve checked off some serious bucket list items, including completing multiple headlining tours, hitting No. 1 on the albums chart, and headlining Lollapalooza.
“Over those three years, I think we’ve become a lot more mature both emotionally and as artists,” says Hueningkai.
The guys are currently gearing up for their biggest North American tour yet, and on their upcoming “ACT : PROMISE” trek, they’ve upgraded to even larger arenas. They’ll be the first K-pop group to ever play the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum in California, and they’ll be making their first appearance at Madison Square Garden in New York.
In the meantime, their third minisode album is out in the world. “The minisodes play a role as a bridge that connects the chapters,” explains Taehyun. The Name Chapter is officially over; who knows what’s next from these five?
Watch the new interview with TOMORROW X TOGETHER, in which the members react to old photos, some more recent TikToks, and even revisit a few questions from previous Consequence interviews to see how their answers hold up.
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disabilityshowdown · 1 year
and with that, folks, we have finished the preliminaries!
our aim was to get 132 characters narrowed down to 64, we narrowed them down to 67, because of an amazing three polls where the difference was made by literally a single vote, and i think as far as preliminaries go, that's not preference that's chance (one vote may make the difference when it comes to the final rounds, bc then it's exciting, but here that's a tie)
you can view the complete set here
which means more importantly, i can reveal who those 67 are up against!
so without further ado, here are the 64 characters that you guys nominated the most, in order of who got the most nominations! (read left to right, up to down, or look at the list i'm about to put under the cut)
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the post containing the full bracket can be found here, and as usual, image description and list of characters under the cut!
ID: An 8x8 square containing icons of the following 64 characters, in this order:
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) 
Hiccup and Toothless (they’re a set do not separate) (How to Train Your Dragon)
Barbara Gordon/Oracle (DC)
Toph Beifong (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Ashton Greymoore (Critical Role)
Finn Mertens (Adventure Time)
Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots)
Matt Murdock/Daredevil (Marvel)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Marvel)
Nicholas Benedict (The Mysterious Benedict Society)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - both Rise and IDW)
Octavio Silva (Apex Legends)
Crutchie (Newsies)
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Amaya (The Dragon Prince)
Charles Xavier/Professor X (Marvel)
Viktor (Arcane)
Taimi (Guild Wars 2)
Johnny Joestar (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun Stampede)
Drey Ferin (Just Roll With It)
Geordi LaForge (Star Trek)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
Melanie King (The Magnus Archives)
Snake (Zero Escape)
Future Leo (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Janice Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Jayfeather (Warrior Cats)
Shouko Nishimiya (A Silent Voice)
Violet Evergarden (Violet Evergarden)
Briarlight (Warrior Cats)
Ticket Jerry (Dialtown)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Ricky Potts (Ride the Cyclone)
Jimmy Valmer (South Park)
Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Gregory House (House MD)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Shanks (One Piece)
Chai (Hi-Fi Rush)
Kazuhira Miller (Metal Gear Solid)
Izaya Orihara (Durarara)
Finnegan Wake (Monster High)
Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Sage Beldaruit (Witch Hat Atelier)
Urakawa Mamoru (Mega Man)
Teo (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
Hearthstone (Magnus Chase)
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Marvel)
Rani (Pixie Hollow)
Wilt (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Izumi Curtis (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Juno Steel (Penumbra Podcast)
Imperator Furiosa (Mad Max)
Bentley (Sly Cooper)
Quasimodo (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Nagito Komaeda (Dangan Ronpa)
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