#The lot of them
tea-time-terrier · 3 months
Sitting down with the group of tiny dogs at work and feeling a great weight being lifted.
*the dashunds have stolen everything out of my pockets*
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christiangeistdorfer · 3 months
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AYRTON SENNA, RICCARDO PATRESE & ELIO DE ANGELIS being interviewed at an airport before the 1985 SOUTH AFRICAN GRAND PRIX
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Et Tu?
“Et tu, Brute?” Tim gasped, hand splayed over his chest as he swayed in his seat— perilously close to falling off it.
Duke just snorted. “I am so not Brutus here. No way. I am no where near stabby enough to be the Brutus of this family.”
Tim motioned, like the dramatic little bitch he was, at the stack of Draw 4s on the center pile.
“Man, I was not going to draw that! That’s like, twenty—”
“Twenty-four,” Cass corrected.
“—twenty-four cards. Not my fault you don’t have none.” Duke finished, crossing his arms.
“I had one,” Tim groused. “I just didn’t have two! But no. You, Brutus—”
“Still not the Brutus.” Duke said and rolled his yes. “Damian is a hundred percent the Brutus of the family.”
All of the siblings stopped to consider that, looking at Damian who just scowled back at them from behind his very large hand of Uno cards. It was oddly intimidating, or maybe that’s just how Duke felt. Dick looked close to cooing.
“…Damian did start the Draw 4 war too,” Dick pointed out after a beat.
“Et tu, Brute?” Tim gasped, playing his performance out again but this time directed at Damian.
“Tt. It was a strategic move; you have too few cards. Besides, it is only just for you being so certain you might win.” Damian said. Which was a bratty way to say it, sure, but Duke had to admit the little demon dude was right.
“Ah,” Jason started to grin that made Duke want to scoot his chair back. What he didn’t expect, as Jason folded his cards, was for the other to lean into his Crime Alley accent heavily as he adopted an obviously theatrical air. He motioned from Damian to Tim to the cards. “The noble Brutus hath told you Caesar was ambitious: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, and grievously hath Caesar answer’d it.”
“Oh no,” Dick said, softly horrified.
Jason leaned forward over the table as he moved to stand. “Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest— for Brutus is an honourable man.”
“You got him started on Shakespeare.”
“So are they all, all honourable men—” Jason swept his hand, motioning at all of them and then placed a closed fist on his chest. “Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.”
“What did you do, Tim?”
Tim, for his part, looked honestly distressed as Jason flung an arm over his shoulder and pulled him close.
“He was my friend, faithful and just to me!” Jason lamented, looking for the world as if he had just been crying.
Duke was admittedly impressed by the act.
Tim whispered, under Jason’s next line, “I’m so, so sorry.”
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softkostyk · 6 months
I’ve just finished season 5… I genuinely don’t know how they think they can get away with insisting nandor doesn’t have romantic feelings for guillermo after that finale
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jestroer · 6 months
Are there any life series members left that haven't barked yet. Are there
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go-ninja-go · 8 months
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have the agency with the cat to help you get through your day/night
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midnightfire830 · 3 months
I wanna see a meeting between Kobie and Nix
(And also I miss seeing Kobie I feel bad about asking about his old job 😥)
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They’d be pretty chill, both being super introverted. They’d enjoy sipping some coffee in silence.
And yeah. I’ve been neglecting Kobie huh?
Thanks for the ask!
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harpie-raven · 1 year
Guys guys guys
I found The Mechanisms at work today
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Get it? Get it? Because they’re all ga—
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felrend · 8 months
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Clown chic
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sharpth1ng · 9 months
Idk why but I love calling billy and Stu the F slur in my head as a fellow F slur that is
As a fellow faggot I also love to call them faggots. It's a wonderful word honestly. Fills me with joy when I use it for myself.
Also they deserve it.
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tea-time-terrier · 1 month
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yeoldenfictionwitch · 2 years
Unimportant headcanon that amuses me:
Everyone in the chain occasionally says a pun or a dad joke.
They ALL do it.
Yet theyre also the same ppl that groan when someone ELSE does it.
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an-eala-bhan · 2 years
My gender is the little banjo that starts playing in Expert Testimony when Lyf mentions the bandits
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mazzy-rockstar · 7 months
Not from Ireland, but I follow the news there. Was the stabber a person of color? I've been watching the news, trying to figure out why alt right protestors are rioting but none of the sources mention the race of the perpetrator. Where does race and immigration come into play?
The stabber was apparently of Algerian origin. I don’t know if he was born there or here but it doesn’t really matter. The racist fucks destroying the city centre right now are just using it as an excuse. They don’t care about the kids and the woman that got hurt. They pretend to, but they don’t. They wouldn’t be attacking the garda if they did. They wouldn’t be destroying their own city if they did. Which is beyond ironic if you ask me. The same people that are “scared for their country” are the ones attacking it, rioting and looting right now. Saying that “the refugees are taking all the houses” and “Ireland is for the Irish” and “Ireland is full” which is just not true, xenophobic and racist as fuck.
Like I am an immigrant myself. The refugees and the immigrants are not a danger to the country. People who ran from war or corrupt governments are not a ‘danger to the country’. You know what is a danger to the country though. People setting buses on fire instead of going to work. People looting shops instead of getting their ass down to the employment centre. People pulling their dick and drinking guinness all day instead of educating themselves. The people who are out and about destroying Dublin. THEY are a danger to the country. They’re just using what happened as an excuse to push their neo nazi agenda, which is disgusting. Like children got hurt.
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codenamehazard · 7 months
.:Smack-Talk Smackdown:.
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Chapter 22: Smack-Talk Smackdown
Hey guys!
I've been having this floating around in my head since the beginning of No Man's Land thanks to @rogueshadeaux and I talking about the crazy nonsense. So shoutout to her for handling my late night ramblefests!
Go read her story, InFAMOUS: Erosion! She's worked so hard on it and it's starting to get crazy!
Without further ado, let's jump in!
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“Where the hell are you going?!”
My ringing ears pick up the pigeon’s shouting as I storm out of his trailer, god I already knew Dove was a pain in the ass but now I learn that this birdbrain not only has shit taste in music, he can’t carry a fucking tune!! Jesus Christ, for once I’m thankful for my god-damn tinnitus as I would much rather listen to the high pitched whining than Dove’s bubble gum hyperactive ear-murder!
“Out!” I growl. “I ain’t going to subjugate myself to your shitty ass bubble-candy bullshit or your god-awful singing a second more!” I can see Dove’s about to say something, but I quickly shut the door as hard as I can before walking off. Thank God the HEMTT has stopped for a pit-stop, I was about ready to knock the beansprout out.
I can see Pangolin prairie dogging out of the building that the Convoy stopped at to see what the commotion is, but he shrugs before going back to whatever he’s doing. I’m guessing games of musical trailers ain’t uncommon. Whatever. I walk to the trailer of someone I know for a fact has a much more palatable taste in music than the tone-deaf pigeon. Kestrel.
I don’t care if she’s going to throw a fit about me barging in, I’d rather deal with that dumbass bird’s smart mouth than birdbrain number 2’s god-awful music, both in choice and singing prowess… At least her music taste could sooth my throbbing eardrums.
I grab hold of the door and slide it open, prompting a loud and sharp yelp from inside. I’m greeted by a face of shock that quickly changes to one of annoyance. Kestrel’s eyes glows hot as she glares at me
“What in the actual fuck, Cole?!” I hear the bird squawk out as she stands up from whatever she was doing to walk towards me, intending on barring my entry, but I jump in and shut the door before she could stop me. “I thought you were bunking with Dove!”
“Well that was before I knew how much of a walking tinnitus agitator he was” I growl and I rub my ears to try and soothe the throbbing. “At least you have good taste in music, so the choice is obvious.” I can hear her groan in irritation, but I can tell by her face, she can’t really argue.
“Grrrr… Fine! You can stay!” She shouts as she spins a crank wrench. “Next time you decide to be a prick, knock… And if you plan on keeping your hands, DON’T. Touch. My shit!” Her voice snarls as I feel her eyes bore into the back of my head.
“Oh yes, of course your royal bitchiness.” I scoff and Kes rolls her eyes before throwing her hands up in the air, akin to how I’ve seen Nix do those years before. She walks back over to… Whatever she was working on.
“I mean it, MacGrath. I don’t care that you’re the Beast or how strong you are, you touch my shit and I will cut your hands off!” She warns before crouching down by what looks like a mangled mess of metal and scrap, but on closer inspection, I see what it is.
It was her bike, or rather what was left of it.
Well… That explains her foul mood.
I lean back on a wall that faces her and the door and I look around the place. It’s… An interesting set up. On one side of the trailer, she has a mini-forge set up with the kit and kaboodle needed to make weapons on the go… Hell, I can see what looks like containers full of scrap and ingots. Then there’s the other side set up more like a bedroom, except instead of a bed, she has a hammock. Huh… Not a bad idea. I look at the shelves and see various things… Legos, rocks, a gameboy… A… Jar of feathers? Hm…
I turn my attention back to the bird as I feel the HEMTT shift, must be back on the move again. I watch her work and notice that… She doesn’t have her tendrils out. Odd, but okay. None of my business. She’s elbows deep in the scrap and working away. Curiosity starts getting the better of me as I never really got a chance to see the bike in its full glory before she wrecked it.
“So, what’s it based on?” I question.
“The base bike was a Kawasaki KX.” She grunts simply as I watch her switch out the wrench for her hands, using her power as both welder and cutter. I continue to ask questions about the bike, but she starts getting short with me.
“Would you just shut the fuck up?” She snaps. “I’m trying to focus on fixing this and you’re not helping.” Oooooh, she’s still sore about the bike. I grin to myself as I see an opportunity to stir up trouble.
“It’s a shame you had to go and wreck it.” I sneer, earning me a heated glare.
“Excuse me? You wrecked it, not me.”
“I wasn’t the one driving it, little birdie.” I snicker. “You were the one who crashed it.”
"Yeah because there was a murderous electric spider monkey trying to cook my brain meat while we were going 80, what the hell else was I supposed to do?" She pulls back, bumping her head and swearing before turning around to glare at me, hands on her hips.
“Not crash it.”
“And let you kill me? Hard pass! I’m still holding you responsible!”  Sure… Whatever helps you sleep at night. “I oughta make you fix my bike since you’re the one who broke it!” The bird snarls as I smirk at her. She was the one who wiped out the bike, not me, but whatever. I look at the partially rebuilt menace of a machine before looking at Kestrel.
“Aight.” I chuckle. “Just don’t get pissy when I go and cut the break lines.” My grin grows as I watch the Gunsmith turned mechanic roll her eyes so hard, they would have rolled out of her head.
“Uh, did you forget who’s fixing the Amp, sparkplug?” She sneers as she twirls a crank wrench in her hand. Her body posture taking on a serious dose of attitude. “I kiiiiiinda can’t hold up my end of the bargain if I’m roadkill.”
“You survived that crash, I’m sure you’ll be fine with a brake failure.” I taunt with a smirk.
“Are you planning on juicing me up with some of that Beast power when that happens, hm? Because last time I checked, I’m re-enforced, not invincible!”
“Maybe if you beg.” 
“Fat fucking chance!!” She scoffs. Her little snip kicks off a competition of wit and will. Insults and snarks fly back and forth and without anyone to interfere, the smacktalk can escalate freely and without interruption
I can feel something inside stir as we put each-other through our verbal paces, something I wouldn’t dare say to her or anyone. There’s… A feeling of… Excitement? I hate to admit it but that’s what it feels like. I’m… Starting to really enjoy this little game that our rage has turned into and I can see it in her eyes and how her mouth struggles not to twist into a grin that she’s sharing the same sentiments.
I have to give it to her, the girl can fight and her audacity is still as astounding as it was when we first clashed. Not backing down, not even to The Beast. Not even taking that title or the power it has into consideration of how I could fuck her up in several different ways.
It’s… Almost humanizing. Definitely refreshing.
The arguing and shouting continues to escalate, it becomes a blur with how second nature it feels to me, the only thing that snaps me out of it was a sudden grapple at my shirt and a pull. Soon we’re embroiled in a grapple match as we try to knock the other over. Me trying to use my strength while she uses her agility to throw her metal enforced body around and make me fall. The thing that stopped us is the sound of a crackling loudspeaker and a voice.
“WILL YOU TWO PINING IDIOTS KEEP IT DOWN?!?!” Mako’s voice roars over the speaker as we stop and stare at it, still grappling one another. “IF I CAN HEAR YOUR FOREPLAY OVER THE HEMTT AND INUYASHA TURNED UP AT FULL BLAST, YOU’RE TOO FUCKING LOUD!!”
What the hell?! What in the name of God makes her think that we were?? We were fighting!!
“If you two don’t either knock it off or keep it down, I will come over there and I will kick BOTH OF YOUR ASSES!!!” The speaker turns off with a click and the two of us stare at each-other before pushing each-other away. Kes dusts herself off before glaring at me. I can see it in her eyes she wants to keep going, but with Mako’s threats sucking the wind from the sails we just settle at glaring at each-other before exchanging one last insult.
We walk back to our respective sides of the trailer, her to her bike and me to the wall. When I see that Kes has her eyes focused on her project, a small smile slips onto my face. I hate to admit it to myself, but that was… Fun.
I’ll have to mess with her again soon.
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procrastiel · 6 days
Michael Sheen, when asked by a fan at Stage Door what it was like kissing David Tennant: “It’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”
Apparently, Billie Piper wholeheartedly agrees 😘
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