#The art style changes every picture but oh well
zalgoid · 19 days
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Love blink 🫶
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choochooboss · 1 year
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Submas sketchdump! Vol. 1
April-June 2022
Literally dumping all the presentable works as promised, whether I'm proud of them or not! This is where I started, even before the first thing I posted online (That subway station one). Many of these are not on Twitter yet so there's lots to see!
The top piece above the header is my very first digital Submas artwork!! I never finished it bc I didn't know how to pull my vision of as I wanted & started modeling the train and didn't finish that either, whoops! I really want to remake this later and make it super cool!
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^^^ My reaction to breaking 500 likes & 100 followers in a single day with my first tweet (the battle subway one) all the way back in May!! I was completely floored by all the attention, oh how it skyrocketed my excitement and anxiety! Crazy times, I was so super nervous to be there with so many amazing artists and doubted if I could ever survive there ahahah!! Many had joined the community much much earlier than me, so I had arrived with a late train to PLA/neo Submas hype!
Next up is a bunch of stuff I haven't posted before:
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One of my fav sketches! Been saving this for so long bc I really really want to finish this one day!
One of the first submas sketches with an actual story behind it! The subway bosses are running late for their flight because they didn't pass the safety check! The irony!! This would never happen as bosses are always on schedule. But Emmet hadn't noticed a wild Joltik hiding under his coat, so he set up the alarm and they got examined and interrogated of smuggling! How embarrassing for them! The bosses resolved the situation by catching the Joltik, but will they be able to catch their flight anymore?? Maybe if Elesa can distract the stuerts performing the safety protocol for a minute!
More sketchbook stuff...
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In case you can't make any sense of it, Emmet's dreaming of different combinations of pokémon. Meanwhile Ingo snores louder than the train! HONK SHOO!
Top 7 every submas fan draws at some point!
Submas trademark posing
submas sleeping in a train
sad Emmet
Emmet with Joltik
Ingo with a cool solo pose
Emmet being chaotic & Ingo reacting to it
a bunch of mirrored submas poses
I sure have a full bingo card lmao, most of them you can see here XD
Next up is a sad man...
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Stay strong our friends!
My typical sketchbook pages, crammed and messy as usual. x)
Post-PLA exploration:
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A few examples of how my pencil sketches evolve.
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I've done so much art experimenting with submas. I really like this black & white painting but I don't think I'll finish it anytime soon.
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Where did you go?
The way I draw the twins' faces has changed a lot. They started with softer features and somewhat neutral emotions, because I wasn't as familiar with them or comfortable drawing them yet. Now there's hundreds of submas sketches, and they still keep evolving! My style is also kinda hard to pull off well, so their features differ from picture to picture.
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This one was inspired by some submas music videos, can't recall their names anymore. The glowing eerie eyes and yellow&orange + black&white color schemes were neat!
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I keep telling myself I need to draw more butlers, these twinks look so lean and neat and have more color and are posh with their monocles and have fun tailcoats!
(...why eyeglasses are not called binocles??)
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I was there for the vinegar chaos. Good times!
That's all for now, I hope you got something fun out of this! Still got loads more art to share but I'll save them for another time. Next round I'll bring in my first submas comic!
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criminalskies · 4 months
You and Aaron on a Museum Date Together HC's
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Photo credits after the cut.
Aaron buys your favorite cup of chai and you go to The Met together.
You spend all day roaming the galleries enjoying the blend of old and new art.
You tease him for not having a favorite artist, but he reminds you that you don't have one either. So you both decide to try and pick a favorite painting.
In the wing with the statues Aaron tries to find the statue that looks most like you. When he finds one, he tells you that you're more beautiful than any work of art.
Aaron goes full dad mode in the ancient art galleries and he has to read all the little signs with information on them. He makes you look to because he's holding your hand.
When the museum gets a little too busy for his liking, you lead him out of the grounds where you stroll around leisurely taking in the pretty day.
Aaron can't help but look at the security measures at the museum and tell you how he'd change them.
The next week, Aaron gets a package from you, it's a print of his favorite painting. He hangs it in his living room and thinks of how you are the most beautiful thing in his life. That you are the living embodiment of perfection.
Photo Credits:
Center Row: Middle (@catsadams)
Bottom Row: Left (@doomed-introvert Center and Right (@reading-books-in-the-moonlight
Holy smokes Levi I am so sorry time got away from me in replying to this but !!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwwwww I love this 🥺. Let me run through these oh my goodness it's just so cute.
I should have known something was up when you were asking me about my favourite drinks 🥰 but awwwwwww that's so sweet. whenever people greet me with a little treat in hand I am reduced to a blushy lump.
The way Aaron would be so so educated on all these artists, old and new, and their styles and the works meanings, meanwhile I'm looking at it and saying it feels like a warm blue blanket and hes just like ??? yeah okay so they actually had to feed their family and-
favourite painting is so much more doable. I was that kid that couldnt even have a favourite toy bc the others would feel left out, so talking about favourite artists in a museum full of art??! awful, I can't do it. A favourite piece, I might be able to manage 😅
STOP IT AJHJDFKHDSJFHS YOU CAN'T JUST DROP SOMETHING THAT SWEET ON ME?! god i'd kiss him until he got dizzy for that one. Or i'd just go beet red. Hopefully both.
He definitely has to read every word on the plaques bc we both know he prides himself on being so well-read and well educated. Like sure he's no Reid but by god Aaron is so fucking knowledgeable on damn near everything and it is so so sexy. Meanwhile if it doesn't have a pulse I know nothing about it. But of course if he's going to hold my hand I'm going to do absolutely anything he wants to.
MUSEUM GARDENS ARE SO SEXY AND HE DEFINITELY KNOWS HOW MUCH I FUCK WITH CUTE PLANTS fjsdhfjshkjfh I would 100% force him to spend equal amounts of time in the fresh air outside just sitting or walking and holding his fricking hand (i forget how badly I just want to hold his silly frickin hand)
He watches the guards swap shifts and he's like pfffft one of them checked in his firearm to the safe before the new guard had even retrieved his, and they had an almost EIGHT minute conversation. That's plenty of time for any thief to- and I'm like aaron aaron it's okay. they're just paintings. It's okay.
LEVI YOU ALWAYS WANT ME TO CRY AND YOU ALWAYS GET ASTONISHINGLY CLOSE TO ACHIEVING IT. what do you meeeeeannnnn he hangs it and thinks I'm the most beautiful thing in his skfjskljsldfkjkflsddjshfjjhgkjfhdkjghdkjfghd what if this killed me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also also also, may I please note that all of these images are just so elegant and set such a tone like they''re so perfect for this little date you're picturing. Gosh I don't know how you do it honey but thank you for sharing these headcanons, they have really brightened my day. Thank you sweetheart 🫂💖💐✨
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maximilliansblog · 5 months
Trans people! We need to give ourselves clear transition goals! /nf
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Because for the past few years that I've been transitioning, I've just said that i want an androgynous look. But what does that actually look like?
See, i'm genderfluid, and i would like to have a flexible look that can change with my gender representation. I would love to just be Bram from Scooby Doo Music of the Vampire (good job if you remember that movie, much less this guy) when I'm masc. Here I'll find a picture of him.
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This guy right here. There were like no pictures of him online lol. But this would be a very unrealistic transition goal for several reasons. One: He is like 6 feet tall and I am 5'3". Two: He is skinnier/more well-toned than me. Three: He has this very gothy vampirey look (If you want to know more, he was basically in some kind of acting troupe that did vampire stuff but then he wanted to become an actual vampire so he became a bad guy and kidnapped Daphne as a sacrifice. It didn't work. Sorry for the infodump I literally pretended to be this character so much when I was a kid lol) that I would not be putting on every day, and even if I did, that would not look normal!
So what would be a reasonable transition goal? We should have a clear picture of what we want. There's tons of pictures of people on the internet, so we'll find one. But you have to consider a few things.
1.) Your height (You can only change this by an inch or two with those things you put in your shoes).
2.) Your weight (You can change this, but it takes a lot of hard work. I would recommend making your transition goal just how you are currently, but if your outwards expression matched your internal gender).
3.) Your face shape
4.) Your hair type (I really wanted to be one of those "fluffy haired" boys/enbies from Pinterest, but my hair falls flat on my head and has no texture! I tried to get that hair for over a year, but in the end, I couldn't change my hair type!)
5.) Your skintone
6.) Your muscle tone (You can also change this but like I said with the weight, you want to make your transition goal as achieveable as possible! You can always tone up once you reach that goal).
7.) Your personal clothing style
8.) Oh yeah most importantly, will your outward appearance be masculine, feminine, or androgynous (this can be genderless or a mix of feminine and masculine traits)? It is perfectly okay if you want to go for a look that is not traditional! Like if you're a trans man who wants to dress more feminine or something. That's totally fine!
All of these things must be considered when you find your references. I'm calling these pictures "references", like what artists use to make their art piece.
So for my references, I have to consider that I am 5'3", overweight but not quite plus-sized, I have a round face shape, a very fine and flat hair type, a cool-toned pale skintone, no muscle tone, a casual clothing style, and I want a masculine-leaning androgynous appearance. It would be very hard to find a reference with every single one of these traits! So collect multiple! Find one for your haircut that you're going to get, one for the clothes you will wear, etc. You can also edit images to look more like you, by darkening the skin tone (I don't recommend doing the opposite ^^) or slightly changing the face shape. It is also good to find pictures of fellow trans people with your traits as inspiration.
Here are the images that I found:
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I narrowed it down to hair, body type, and fashion, but you can have as many references as you want!
Now of course, you won't look exactly like your references! In the end, you are you! Every person is unique. But hopefully, having a clear transition goal will help you in your journey :)
Have a lovely day you lovely person!
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astrobolical · 7 months
A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide to What in "Hell" is Bad?
Part 1 - General Overview, Achievements and Contracts
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2023
I have a mild love of documentation (okay, it’s a problem) and I find it fun— so here we go! I’ve hopefully written out most of the options you’ll encounter while playing, as I know it’s been a confusing start with the game coming out in the state that it did.
And let’s be real here, most gacha-style games can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new to them overall. It happens, and with all the questions I’ve seen floating about, I wanted to maybe help someone out, as well as have some fun. Or this’ll flop, either way, still fun.
There will absolutely be things I’ve missed, or glossed over— or even gotten wrong— so feel free to ask about anything, tell me things, or correct me.
For full transparency— I have spent money on this game, but I have not “whaled” whatsoever. I wanted to test certain things, and I have a strong sense of curiousity.
Looking for another part of the game? Check out the other parts:
Part 1 - You Are Here!
Part 2 - My Devils, Levelling, Skills and Artifacts
Part 3 - Chapters, Levels and Dark Sanctuary
Part 4 - Unit Types, Elements, Battle Boards & Battle Tips
Part 5 - Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management
Part 6 - Secret Club (Adore), Secret Club (Unholy Board), Hell-Oh! Talk
Now, let's get started!
General - Home Screen
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We aren’t talking about the options you’ll see along the bottom of your Home Screen (where most of the gameplay is) here— that’s further down— but here we’ll talk about the other options you have available to you.
Profile Icon & Profile Options
The circular image in the top-left corner is your profile icon (mine is Belial)
It displays your character’s name (in my case, Aqua), and your accounts current level (19) as well as your chosen devil as your icon itself
This devil, as displayed above, can be different from the devil you display on the Home Screen as your companion
If you want to change your icon, click on the profile picture, and it will take you to a new screen, with a few more options
What can you do on this new screen?
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Note: the edit icons are very small, as you can see above. The little grey text boxes with the teeny pencils. Each of them corresponds to what they’re closest to, each of the following options is prefaced by clicking the corresponding edit icon.
Change which devil is your profile icon (Belial, in my case)
Change your character’s name and gender
View your current exp progress, and how far it is until your next level
Edit your personal message
Display your favourite devils in your showcase
Find and copy your UID (User ID)
Home Screen Devil
This is referring to the devil you see each time you sign in— in my case, Leraye, as seen above.
You can display your favourite devil on your Home Screen by clicking the small circular icon with a tiny Ppyong within it that is beside your profile picture, just beneath the time
You can only display devils that you’ve acquired
Tapping on your chosen devil will have them talk to you— silently, through chat bubbles for most, but L-Grade devils are voiced
L-Rank devils display with their full art, and can be moved around (so yes, you can display anywhere on them, up close and personal if you really want), but S-Rank and below just use their standard avatar
Action Power
A very necessary resource, and a staple you’ll find across most mobile games.
Action power (AP) is what allows you to challenge levels or bosses in Go to Hell Chapters or within Dark Sanctuary
The cost of each level typically increases with their difficulty— but that’s okay!
AP replenishes over real-time, with 1AP returning every 3 minutes
Additionally, the amount of AP you can hold at once before becoming maxed out will increase as your account levels (i.e. at level 19, I can have a max of 181AP)
Guilty Gems
Guilty Gems (the little red ones) are a fairly limited resource in WHB
They are used to buy items from the shop— however it’s best to save them for things like Lesser Keys of Solomon than anything else (1,980 Guilty Gems = 30 Lesser Keys)— but we’ll go over the shop more later
These are received from clearing story levels (additional given for perfecting them), Daily/Weekly/Overall Achievements, and a very minute amount from Hell-Oh! Chats
This is essentially a link to a site from PrettyBusy, where they post information
It usually has to do with upcoming changes or warnings of maintenance— it’s good to take a look now and then!
Any items sent out by PrettyBusy will be sent here — such as maintenance apology items, etc
Items received from raising your affections with your devils will also show up here (we’ll touch on this more further down)
Top-Right Menu Button
Always available as long as you’re not in a level, and sometimes can save you from needing to go back to the Home Screen first! Let’s take a look at the options you’ll find, and where they take you.
“Character” Section
Lobby - Takes you back to your Home Screen
Story - Goes to the chapter select screen (the same as “Go to Hell”)
Dark Sanctuary - Go to the Dark Sanctuary and take on some boss battles for materials
Character - Takes you to where you can manage, upgrade and learn about the devils you’ve acquired (same as “My Devil”)
Album - Takes you to an album that will hold all the CGs that you’ve unlocked throughout the story, allowing you to see them without any text in the way and view them anytime (yes, including the H-Scenes)
Inventory - This is where all of your items will go to— and we’ll touch more on inventory further down
Collect - Takes you to a book that keeps track of all the devils you’ve gotten so far, and how many are currently available— there’s also rewards to be had here! When there’s a notification, be sure to go look
“Community” Section
SHOP - No, I don’t know why this is the only one in all caps, but regardless, this will take you to the shop (NOT the hidden one!)
Achievement - A screen you’ll be visiting quite often, and is talked about further down in more detail
Contract - Head on over and start making some contracts with devils to join your team
“Settings” Section
System - As in almost all games, brings you to a menu in which you see all the options you have available towards the settings of the app and your account
Volume control, notification controls, and account settings are all found here
Under your account you are able to logout, delete your account, etc
This is also where you’ll find a link to contact PrettyBusy, called ‘Inquire’ under your account settings
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You’ll be getting lots of these as you play, and are the various sub goals within the game that give varying rewards. Also, yes, I’m cursing myself for forgetting to take a screenshot before finishing my dailies!
Types of Achievments
Daily - Achievements that refresh daily, and are the same each day, and it is heavily encouraged to at least sign in to do these (they don’t take long!)
Weekly - Goals that reset once per week (these do require regular sign in and completion of dailies)
Overall - Rewards given for various tasks throughout the game, such as satisfying your devils, levelling, level completion, upgrading artifacts, etc
What’s the Biggest Incentive?
The rewards given are quite small, but they add up as you continue to do them
It’s honestly just a staple of mobile games, to encourage you to come on regularly (like the daily sign-in reward, too)
However with the current state of WHB, this also gives you regular access to at least some Tears of Solomon (Hopefully this situation will become better after the next update)
You can get 1 Tears of Solomon per day by completing one of the daily goals, and another once per week— so that’s 8 Tears per week if you’re diligent, which means stronger devils on your team
Note: If you’re actively playing when the day rolls over (3pm UTC), you’ll receive your daily sign-in reward, but you’ll need to restart the app for the daily achievements to reset properly!
That’s about it for these simple goals— when you’re notified you’ve gotten one, be sure to go claim it! There’s some other reward systems we’ll get into later.
Contract - Let’s get some devils!
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This is where you obtain your devils, as well as your artifacts, all wrapped up into one. This is the most central part of the gacha experience— the gacha itself!
Note: From what I can see there is no existing pity system on the standard banners, at least not that’s publicly listed (i.e. if you pull x amount of times without pulling an L-Grade devil, you’re guaranteed to get one)
Costs of Summoning
To make a contract, you’ll need two particular items.
Greater Keys of Solomon (Lemegeton)
Though labeled “Greater” these golden keys are actually the common ones
However, despite being the more common and cheaper option— event pulls rely on these, making them quite important!
This ‘banner’ allows you one free summon daily
You will, however, need 50 of the Greater Keys per 10-pull, and 5 Keys per single pull
Lesser Keys of Solomon (Goetia)
These red keys are the rarer of the two, and ones you’ll want the most
At the beginning, I’d say don’t worry about being too stingy with using them, as getting some units will be beneficial to you— but you don’t need to worry about getting everyone
You will need 30 Lesser Keys per 10-pull, and 3 Keys per single pull
Okay, so what’s the difference, right? Why’s one rarer than the other— and why is there two at all?
The probabilities!
Each Devil and Artifact is labeled with a rarity, with the lowest being B-Grade. These ranks are, in order: B, A, A+, S and L.
Here’s the probabilities while using Greater Keys:
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And here are the probabilities while using Lesser Keys:
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While you have the same likelihood on each to pull a devil vs an artifact (51.50% to 48.50% respectively), there’s some big differences elsewhere.
The Benefits of Lesser Keys
As you can see, the pool itself is significantly smaller; you will not see B or A-Grade at all. This significantly raises the chances to see the rarer ones you may be looking for
L-Grade changes from 0.30% to 2.50% chance— that’s a pretty big jump
That said, you can absolutely still get rarer grades using Greater Keys! (I have pulled L-Grade devils from it!)
How Do I Know What I Got?
Outside of simply waiting to see, like most gachas there’s ways to tell if you may have gotten what you’re looking for before you even see the results!
The spotlights that occur when you pull will light up the king who’s legion you’re pulling from (i.e. if Satan lights up, you have a chance to get him or any devils/artifacts that relate to him, like Leraye, etc)
Additionally, the king(s) will sparkle once the light settles, and each colour can give you an indication of rarity!
Colour Indicators (Subject to Change):
Red Sparkle - B or A-Grade
Purple Sparkle - A+ or S-Grade
Gold Sparkle - L-Grade
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Note: The straw dolls represent unrevealed kings!
Also, if you get duplicates of your devils and artifacts— don’t worry, they aren’t going to waste! We’ll get to that soon.
Event Banners
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These are temporary banners that are available only for the duration of their applicable events.
These banners (at least so far) have a pity system, though it’s a somewhat demanding one— 150 pulls guarantees you who you’re looking for. Their chances overall are upped though!
Now that we have some new companions and artifacts, we’ll go look at the “My Devil” or “Character” screen, and what options you have there-- see you in Part 2!
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G’day, Clue Crew! Dropping in, to talk about one of my favorite artists: Alphonse Mucha. His work can be seen in several Nancy Drew games.
Alphonse Mucha, was a Czech painter, illustrator, and graphic artist, living in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, best known for his distinctly stylized and decorative theatrical posters, particularly those of Sarah Bernhardt. He produced illustrations, advertisements, decorative panels, as well as designs, which became among the best-known images of the period.
The slider puzzle box, as seen above, was featured in The Final Scene. The tiles have Mucha’s Zodiac decorating them. But this was not Zodiac’s debut in a Nancy Drew game—oh, no, no, no. She can first be seen in Abby Sideris’ bedroom, in Message in a Haunted Mansion.
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Zodiac is again seen in the gift shop of Castle Finster in The Captive Curse.
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However, Zodiac isn’t the only piece of Alphonse Mucha’s work to be displayed in a Nancy Drew game. Emily Crandall, from Secret of the Old Clock, has no less than 5 Mucha pieces, in her bedroom. She displays every print from The Seasons series, on her walls.
This was Mucha's first set of decorative panels and it became one of his most popular series. It was so popular that Mucha was asked by Champenois to produce at least two more sets based on the same theme in 1897 and 1900. Designs for a further two sets also exist.
The idea of personifying the seasons was nothing new - examples could be found in the works of the Old Masters' as well as in Champenois's other publications. However, Mucha's nymph-like women set against the seasonal views of the countryside breathed new life into the classic theme. In the four panels shown here, Mucha captures the moods of the seasons - innocent Spring, sultry Summer, fruitful Autumn and frosty Winter, and together they represent the harmonious cycle of Nature.
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You’ll notice that the picture that “mysteriously keeps moving,” is not part of aforementioned polyptych. This Mucha piece is called Friendship. It was featured in the New York Daily News on April 3rd, 1904.
The New York Daily News referred to him as "the world's greatest decorative artist," and dedicated its Sunday Art Section to Mucha on April 3, 1904. For the illustration on the cover of that section, Mucha created a wonderful allegorical image entitled Friendship, in which America and France are each depicted as women. America, with stars on both her tiara and gown and red and white ribbons cascading from her hair, appears as the young protégé of France, who watches over her, protectively adorned with lilies in her hair and fleur-de-lys patterns on her dress. As Jirí Mucha points out, the two women are jointly "holding a wreath of lime leaves, [a] national symbol of Czechoslovakia.”
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I personally adore Mucha’s allegorical style and really appreciate that he’s featured in the Nancy Drew PC games. One might even argue that Art Nouveau influences us, to this day. Perhaps it even played a part in the design and illustrations of some aspects of the games. Art is always changing—artists grow upon the backs of their predecessors. Mucha is still highly influential and relevant.
His work and the style he developed during the period of 1893 to 1903 came to define an era and forever serve as an influence to future illustrators
I loved the Alphonse Mucha pieces from the PC games, long before I went to university and wrote papers, on his work. I’d like to think I, in part, owe my love of Art Nouveau, to Nancy Drew. 🔎🖼
That is all. Happy scrolling.
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aidenlyons · 2 months
Jake had to leave fairly early, and that afternoon Aiden invites Tony over. After she gets there, he immediately flops down on the couch again.
A: You didn't miss much at Prom. It was pretty lame. Somehow I got Prom King though. I'm so confused by that.
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T: Soo... If it was lame, why are you acting like you danced all night?
Aiden blushes and clears his throat a little.
A: Jake and I, uh.. had our own party.
T: Hang on. Wait. Back up. So you and he..?
A: Yep. Not to kiss and tell, but we were up LATE.
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T: Daaaamn. How're you feeling about that?
A: Mmm. I am sore in ways I didn't know I could be sore. I still want Jake to come back so I can climb him like a tree.
T: Hah! Well I guess now you have a lot more inspiration for your sketches.
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A: Tony, you don't even know. Jake's always been hot. Like, WAY out of my league hot. But last night, he was.. something else. Sexy doesn't even cover it.
T: Damn. Who knew, he seems so wholesome. Because we're besties, I'm gonna ask. Were you safe?
A: Yes. Every time.
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A: Subject change, before I embarrass myself. How was your night?
T: Ugh, lame. I did find this hot guy's Simstagram account. He posts pictures of him and his boyfriend. Why are gay guys so hot?
A: I have no answer for you. Most hot guys I know of are straight. I wanna see.
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T: uhh.. look, see? They're both total beefcakes!
A: Uh. Wow. They just.. put that out there. If this is your type, I get why Jake's not your type.
T: What can I say? I like big and hairy. Give me a big ol' teddybear any day. And here, this guy!
Aiden only blushes. Damn.
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T: So... I gotta ask. You and Jake are pretty serious. Are you both going to college?
A: Jake is. He's trying to get a football scholarship. Eh, but not me. I don't think it's my thing.
T: What are you two gonna do?
A: I don't know!
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A: Jake is more of an in-the-moment kinda guy. I'm trying not to look too far ahead because I WILL freak out. I feel like I just found him though, I don't want to lose him. Maybe I'll try and find a place in Britechester?
T: Didn't you just move in here? You'd move again?
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A: Yes! This place is nice, but it's... it's too much for me, I think. Too big, too fancy. I miss Jake's house. It was.. cozy. It felt like home.
T: But then you have his parents to deal with. You know, you could just take some art classes. You're good. You could.. branch out.
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A: I don't know, I don't think I'm that good. I might die if my stuff was ever put on display.
Tony can think of quite a few people who would like Aiden's work. The internet exists afterall.
T: That's why you take classes! Maybe you'll find another style you like.
A: Maybe.
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A: Oh! Btw, what are you doing for Winterfest? I have something for you, should I just bring it to school?
T: You.. you got me a present?
A: Well. Yeah. We're best friends, right?
T: Oh.. yes! I didn't get you anything.
A: You're my friend and you listen. That's all I need.
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Tony is not always good with the touchy feeling and she half pouts, half grumbles at him.
T: You're such a sap, Aiden.
Aiden shrug, he knows that already. He steps in to hug Tony.
A: Yeah. Maybe. I've just been alone most of my life, Tony. I know how to appreciate friendship.
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densi-mber · 1 year
Meant to Be
A/N: I’m taking advantage of this prompt to continue yesterday’s story. Once again, suggested by @mashmaiden.
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“What’s next on the agenda?” Kensi asked, peeling down the paper wrapping on her burrito. She sat beside Deeks, Rosa on his other side as they peered at the very thorough plan he’d arranged for today’s college visit.
They’d set up a little picnic outside the same fountain she’d stopped by during her own visit so many years ago. A lot had changed since then, but the park and fountain remained the same.
“After we finish eating, I want to show Rosa the pre-law department and introduce her to a few faculty,” Deeks replied. He was practically radiating excitement, which seemed to be transferring to Rosa. Over the course of the morning, she’d become more enthusiastic, and even opened up more about her career preferences.
“Not the one who called you a worthless hippy, right?” Rosa checked, a little apprehensively.
“Definitively not. He retired years ago, thank god.”
“Oh good.” Rosa sighed in relief. “That sounds fine. Then maybe we can visit the art department.”
“We can definitely do that. Ooh, and we have to stop off for ice cream before we leave,” Deeks said. “So what do you think, you want to come here, right?”
“Babe, don’t pressure her,” Kensi protested, lightly smacking his shoulder with the back of her hand.
“It’s ok,” Rosa assured her with a smile. “I’m making a list of pros and cons for every college we visit. I promise I won’t make any hasty decisions.”
“Well in that case, my alma mater is pretty good too. I bet I could get you a private interview with the president.” Kensi gave Rosa a pointed look.
“True, but I’d argue the law program isn’t quite as good,” he argued.
“You know, I actually thought about coming here,” Kensi shared. “I got as far as writing my acceptance letter.”
“What made you change your mind?” Rosa asked curiously.
“I received a full-ride scholarship to Cornell.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t really afford to turn it down.”
“Miss Fancy Pants,” Deeks teased with a fond wink. “I only got tuition covered. Which I’m of course very grateful for.” He shot Kensi a warning look, probably just in case she felt compelled to mention how he closed the financial gap.
They were quiet for a few minutes while they dug into their food, and Kensi continued to look around the campus. It felt strange to think that she had ever been as young as Rosa, or the students scurrying around, making decisions that would impact the rest of her life.
“The day I came here, I got really lost,” she reminisced.
“Kensi Marie Blye admitting a weakness? Shocking.”
“Shut up. I was 17 and the map they gave me was awful.” Turning to face Deeks, she continued. “I bet you got lost your first day too.”
“Maybe,” Deeks allowed. “But by my second semester, I was a tour guide and I learned all the secrets. I was like a muggle Fred and George Weasley.”
“It’s funny you should mention that, because a tour guide helped me out.”
Deeks frowned, a look of dawning realization crossing his face. “Wait, what did this guy look like?”
Kensi had to force her mind back twenty or so years. “Uh, tall with long blonde hair, blue…no.” Kensi dropped to a shocked whisper, staring at Deeks in disbelief. “You were the guy.”
“And you were the girl who almost hit me,” Deeks finished.
“Why did you try to hit him?” Rosa cut in, sounding intrigued.
“I did not almost hit him, and if I did, it was because he surprised me.”
“You also flirted with me.”
“That was just me being friendly,” Kensi insisted.
“You know what, I think we should talk about that hair.” She turned to Rosa. “It was shoulder length.”
“Ok, that’s a bit of an exaggeration and long hair was in style.”
“Do you have any pictures?” Rosa asked eagerly.
“No, not from around then,” Kensi said with a hint of regret. “But I’m sure Roberta does.”
“That is absolutely not necessary,” Deeks said, taking a long drink from his cup. He shook his head. “I can’t believe I forgot I met you before.”
“Well, it was only for a few minutes, and we never exchanged names.” She leaned over and smoothed a tiny speck of hot sauce off his cheek, kissing the corner of his mouth. “The fact that you took the time to help out a lost teenager just further proves what a good guy you’ve always been.”
“It’s almost like it was meant to be,” Rosa mused with a dreamy smile. “Fate.”
“I can work with that,” Deeks said, tipping Kensi’s chin to kiss her in earnest.
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wolame-o-ccx · 3 months
I’ve had this random thought on my mind for a while now sooo I might as well finally ask ya…
Who’s the character in your profile picture? They look adorable and every time I see them pop up whenever you post something it bothers my brain that I don’t know anything about them!
Also your art has no business being so freaking good!! You have a very recognizable style and I love it so don’t ever apologize for doing something that you enjoy 😆
The character in my pfp is just me! (My persona :3) the drawing itself was actually from ages ago but I haven't changed my pfp in a while so I just kept it!
And I'm sorry for apologising so much 😭 (oops did it again but oh well) moving fandoms is scary and especially because I post a lot of very niche things but I'm trying not to overthink when I do 😞🙏
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sunniedesi · 1 year
Changes to the Future Diary Manga
Something that was recently brought to my attention by @yunoteru4ever in my post about “the special edition of chapter 59” (https://www.tumblr.com/yunoteru4ever/711169742119092224/this-is-a-huge-taste-of?source=share) is that the Future Diary manga received plenty of revisions for its collected release. Despite my extensive knowledge, and quite frankly, strange fixation with this series, that’s something I never noticed. I was under the impression that “the special edition of chapter 59” was just a singular addition to one of the manga releases, but oh boy was I wrong, or rather missing a lot of context. To clarify, here’s a summary of why there are different versions of the manga:
The series was first serialized in the magazine Shonen Ace while it was still ongoing (from 2006 until 2010).
Once the manga ended, it was compiled by Kadokawa Shoten into 12 volumes, which we could say it’s the “official” or rather final cut of the manga, since Esuno made the revisions/ edits for this final release.
The official English translation used this final cut of the manga, so volumes 1 -10 have their revised versions translated to English… volumes 11 and 12, well, as we know those ended in licensing hell.
As @yunoteru4ever​ said, the unofficial English translations that we can find online are from the original Shonen Ace release, at least from volumes 4 - 12. After comparing both the unofficial translations and the final release, I’m actually quite certain that the unofficial translations of volumes 1 - 3 used the final release. Meaning that we’re probably missing the Shonen Ace releases of those volumes, which is a real let-down.
Continuing off of this last point, I wanted to add that this is the reason why the translations for volumes 4 - 12 in those pirate manga sites had such a downgrade in quality. I still remember being bummed and confused about the sudden shift in scan quality between volumes 3 and 4 when I was a kid using those sites, so it feels good to finally know why.
Now, as I mentioned in the second-to-last point, I went through every volume comparing its Shonen Ace release to its final version. Since I did find many changes, I took screenshots of the images and put them side by side, for the sake of keeping a record on them. I uploaded them over on Imgur in case anyone’s interested to see, though they’re mainly changes to the art. (Left is the final release, right is the Shonen Ace release).
Volume 4: https://imgur.com/a/RIuyO2g
Volume 5: https://imgur.com/a/0B6EyDm
Volume 6: https://imgur.com/a/3yRJMsz
Volume 7: https://imgur.com/a/3dYHWJS
Volume 8: https://imgur.com/a/w8E9NeI
Volume 9: https://imgur.com/a/jZemL7g
Volume 11: https://imgur.com/a/lQoGQU0
Many of the art style changes were quite subtle (like a mouth having a slightly different curve, the pupil being a little smaller/ different color or an eye having a new crease), so I did skip a few of these minor revisions. I noticed Esuno had redrawn Marco a lot, and many of his changes in general had to do with making the faces look more polished, which makes sense since one of the main criticisms against Esuno's style was the way that he drew people being too "alien-like" (and if you’ve seen Tantei Akechi you know he’s improved a lot in that regard).
Anyway, regarding the pictures on Imgur, you may notice that the images from each volume are all in English except for volume 11, and that’s because I used the official English translation for the comparisons, which volume 11 doesn’t have. Though that isn’t really an issue since the revisions on that one were just changes to the art.
Also, I didn’t upload any photos for volumes 10 and 12, because volume 10 didn’t really get any changes, and volume 12, well… I can’t just do side-by-side comparisons with that one.
The last volume had some pretty major changes, heck the entire ending of chapter 56 was redone. I thought the best way to tackle that would be giving it a new translation… but I wasn't sure if I'd have the time to do that. That is until I unexpectedly got sick last week and had nothing to do while curled up in bed all day. Needless to say, I managed to finish the translations for volume 12, so hopefully they'll be uploaded soon (I'll make sure to post about that when it happens).
I will leave you with one translation, though: MurMur’s Special Future Diary Corner Part 10. I’m not entirely sure if the MurMur corner bits were part of the Shonen Ace release of the manga, but they don’t appear in the pirate manga sites, and since volume 10 was never released in English as a digital book, there’s no online digital translation of it, so I figured I might as well post this bit. This is actually the second-to-last MurMur Special, as volume 11 didn’t have any and the one in volume 12 is on my post about chapter 59.
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duckprintspress · 11 months
“Aim For The Heart”: Campaign Updates and Spotlights on Artist Jennifer Smith and Author R. L. Houck
The campaign to fund Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers” is now halfway done and going strong! For those not super familiar with how campaigns go, usually the bulk of funding comes in during the first 48 hours and the last 48 hours of the campaign. I personally usually look to see us at 50% funded by the end of the first 48 hours; if we hit that metric then I can say with a fair degree of confidence that we’ll reach our goal. This campaign did hit that, handily, and now with 15 days left, we’re only $750 shy of our goal! While I’m not hosting any parades yet, as I check in midway through our campaign…we’re doing great.
A huge, HUGE thank you to everyone who has backed so far, and also to everyone who has helped spread the word about the campaign. Word of mouth is 10000% the most effective way to help people find out this project exists and get them interested in buying the anthology; we’d never get to the goal without our supporters, and we’d never get there without every person who says, “hey, have you seen this?” Y’all rock. We love that we get to bring you awesome books.
Anyway, on to today’s contributor spotlights!
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Knight and Squire by Jennifer Smith
About the Artist: Smith has been drawing since a young age. With a focus in traditional drawing techniques, she has recently started using digital mediums to imitate traditional styles. Her focus is in portraiture and landscapes, especially with watercolor. You can find more of her art on her Tumblr.
Link: Tumblr
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Allergy Girl and the Hate Arrangement by R. L. Houck
About the Author: R. L. Houck (she/her) still has one of the first stories she ever wrote, all the way back from elementary school. It was about flightless penguins reaching the sun and was a good indication of her boundless imagination and her love of animals. The latter became a full-time veterinary career; the former keeps her occupied with fanfiction and original fiction in her downtime.
She’s sometimes found wandering the woods around her house in Virginia with her dog. If not there, she’s sitting on the couch, catching up on a Netflix series, and smothered by her five cats. Sometimes, there’s even space for her wife.
Links: TikTok
Story Teaser:
“Oh, no! Mom’s been very supportive of me being trans. I just meant the name change. For an English lit professor, she has a real hard-on against Shakespeare,” Portia said. “It was one of the main reasons I chose the name.”
Christa didn’t want to bring the conversation down by discussing unsupportive parents of LGBTQA+ kids. Instead, she jumped on the mention of Shakespeare. “Well, Portia was a kick-ass character too,” Christa said.
“Right? Thank you!”
“You’re quite welcome. Oh! Phoenix! Is that why you chose the tattoo? Never mind, you don’t have to answer that. I apologize—I’m being super nosy,” Christa said, immediately backtracking.
Portia laughed. “You’re fine. That is exactly why I chose the phoenix: rebirth. And those pictures are sent; tell me what you think.”
A few seconds later, Christa got a text message from an unknown number. She opened it to see a gorgeous flower arrangement shown in several pictures taken from multiple angles.
“Wow. This is beautiful,” Christa said, voice faint from awe. “Are you sure this says, ‘I hate your guts and wish abstract misery upon you for the rest of your natural existence’ in flower language?”
“…in so many words, yes,” Portia said, sounding amused.
Tags: allergies, attraction at first sight, character has a different gender than in the source material, customer service representative, deadnaming (accidental), f/f, florist, getting together, the language of flowers, meet awkward, modern, past tense, pining, pov third person limited, siblings, tattoo, triplets, trans
We’ve already raised $7,250 to fund this anthology, and we’re 90% of the way to our goal. Come see what all the fuss is about, and help us spread the word by sharing today’s awesome teasers or any of our past posts!
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miutonium · 2 years
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I can't sleep because i am lowkey nervous about tomorrow but also I just want to show yall basically my art progress (in terms of rendering) in the spam of 1 year contracting Utonium brainrot hhhh it's so surreal to see how different both of them looked like ahaha
(for guide, first pic to last, 1st week july 2021>3rd week july 2021>21st Nov 2021>9th Apr 2022)
Also witness me talking about each journey of my progress undercut lol
I cAN TOTALLY EXPLAIN THE FIRST 2 PICS. The first one is exactly from a year ago when my brainrot just started and I was like "well fuck I guess I have a new f/o now". If you ever see or feel familiar about the first art even though you prooooobably never see it,
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its because it was an original picture for this redraw a few months AFTER that pic
Also if you notice, the art style for that one is totally different from others and shhh the reason it was like that is because initially I want to draw them in my actual artstyle around that time and I dont want it to follow the same artstyle like in the show. My friend said Utonium kinda reminds them of that guy from clo.udy wi th a ch.ance of meatb.alls and im like "oH SHITTT". There's more drawings of Utonium pre-brainrot era with this kind of artstyle in my folder but I don't think the world is ready for that yet lol
Anyway as I progresses to the 2nd pic, I changed my mind and was like "wait I actually WANT them to look like they're in PPG and not my own artstyle" so I slowly draw both of them to look more like the ppg style if you understand what I mean??? Althoughhhh in the 2nd pic I still want him to look a bit like my own style with my own touch and despite how much I don't like the reboot, I actually like his gray hair on his sideburns??? So if yall remember that phase and followed me from way way in the early days of this blog, I used to draw Utonium with those streaks before I gradually stopped doing that because of.... actually idk why I stopped??? I should totally add the grays back because I love it actually lol but anywayyyyyy the 2nd pic was also around july too me think? So there's probably like a few weeks gap between the actual totally real not clickbait picture of Chloe and Utonium 'together'.
That was how my render looked like for a few months until november (the 3rd pic).
So in the 3rd pic, I discovered this very magical spectacular magnificent function on CSP called t E xt U r e and holy fuck, let me tell you, I feel like I am a changed person. I was never the cringe person with mediocre render like I was, this legit marked a cultural shift in me, I just feel like I've been blessed by god himself. I spammed the fUCK OUTTA THOSE TEXTURES like it was MY BUSINESS. i pAID CSP FOR FULL PRICE I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO USE IT TO ITS FULL CAPABILITIES AND SQUEEZE IT OUT OF ALL IT'S WORTH. Although I must say, my render time after that significantly increases. By standard I used to render around 3 hours? Now this bitch took 6 fuckin hours to completely. It wasn't a daijobu era ngl 😔😔😔
And holy fuck do I have a fuckin field day with it. You think I was a changed man back then? I have ascended, I am now r e b o r n. My friends feared my, my peers stared at me, my teachers are baffled by the amount of brainrot I drew at that time. How am I real?
I rendered like that for around 4 months until I discovered something even more cooler:
Okay jk but hhh anyway for my current render; it's kinda more like an accidental discovery? I wanted to look for ways to cut render time because it was really tiring for me to render with a fuckton of texture layers and I also wanted to emulate my fav artist's render style soooo bad (it was luoman if anyone asked) and I kinda figured out how they did it? I mean they still do it better but like I was really inspired to be like them and lemme tell you, I cried for 3 days 3 nights unpaid vacation time when I figured it out. I wasn't kidding when I say I feel like I am a new person. I am quite pessimistic tbh, I'm insecure about my art but like this is the first time in like 3 years ever I feel like I did a major progress and I feel really good.
Why did I made this post? I actually dont feel good about myself, maybe because I am nervous about my test tomorrow and I just need a quick mood boost from myself. I don't believe I did any progress. But now, after typing all of my thoughts at 3 am, after I just put art phases of my braunrot together, kinda believe I actually did progress and I am proud of myself ;w;
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wawa-boonliang · 7 months
Flufftober Day 2: Family, Friends, Loved Ones
Summary: brotherly bonding between Hitoshi, Dabi, and Shouto. Based on my BNHA fanfiction Never and Always, Eventually
Aizawa-Yamada Shouto isn’t entirely sure why he’s doing this.
It’s been six months since the adoption was finalized. Life had simultaneously calmed down and become more hectic than ever. Shouto didn’t think he’d ever be able to go back to his quiet, shut-in life-style. He didn’t know what he’d do if he ever had to go back to where he was. What he’d do if he lost all of this, all of the hugs in the morning, all of the hair ruffles in the classroom, all of the forehead kisses and sweet wishes goodnight. What he’d do if he didn’t have the warmth of Bakugou… Kacchan… leaning against his side as he sat on the couch with Explodocat spread across his lap, watching TV as Yamada Sensei… as Papa Mic and Shins– Hitoshi argued over the channel.
What he’d do without the warm flutter in his stomach every time he saw Izuku.
But sometimes… he can’t help but fall into old patterns.
Hitoshi froze and peered over Shouto’s shoulder. Shouto held very still, hoping that if he didn’t move, somehow his… brother… wouldn’t be able to see what was on his screen. Unfortunately, Hitoshi didn’t seem to have turned into a T-Rex, so after a few seconds, Hitoshi cleared his throat and read outloud “New theory, Endeavor is secretly in love with All Might.”
Shouto knew it was hopeless at this point, but he still didn’t move, or speak, or breathe.
“Halfy… what the fuck?”
“...it’s not my theory. I’m just reading it.”
“Why are you reading it? What even is this?” Hitoshi gestured to the screen, before heaving himself over the back of the couch and sliding in next to him, pulling the laptop onto his own lap and exploring the page. “ProShippersUnite.com?” Hitoshi read out in glee. “Is this what you fucking do all day in your room?”
“...not always.”
Hitoshi scrolled back up to the post that had initially got his attention due to the giant fan-created splash art of Endeavor and All Might in a passionate embrace. “Don’t show this to Deku, I think he’d actually combust.”
“I wasn’t planning on it? I wasn’t planning on you seeing either.”
“Well, then you shouldn’t have been on it in the living room.”
Shouto flushed. “I didn’t know anyone else was home.”
Shouto, truth be told, had been feeling a little lonely today. Izuku and Kacchan were with Mrs. Midoriya… Aunty Inko… and Papa Mic was at work doing a Charity Marathon stream for the local children’s hospital for cancer awareness month. He wouldn’t be home for another three hours if all went well. Dad was covering patrol today for Mrs. Joke who was out of town visiting family. And up until a few minutes ago, he’d been under the impression that Hitoshi was with Tokoyami at the other boy’s house. Somehow, being in a public space, even in an empty house, was a bit less isolating than being alone in his room in an empty house.
Hitoshi didn’t seem to notice his embarrassment, or if he did he didn’t comment on it. He was too busy reading through the post. “Oh my god, this person made a timeline. All Might says in an interview that he enjoys a specific spicy noodle dish at a certain restaurant, four days later Endeavor is seen at that restaurant ordering that same dish. God, look at that picture. You’d think with being on fire and all he’d be able to handle spice. All Might changes his costume, a few months later Endeavor also changes up his look with the same shade of blue being the predominant color. That’s hilarious, I never noticed that.”
“It’s oddly compelling,” Shouto breaks his silence hesitantly. These days, even though he… he does love Hitoshi… he isn’t always sure when the other boy is making fun of him or not. He never feels like Hitoshi means to hurt his feelings, even though he occasionally does, but he’d rather not be teased about this.
“I…” Shouto wants to explain how, before he had friends, before he had this… theories were all he had. Stupid things to waste time thinking about, because keeping his thoughts occupied was the only way he was able to… just get through the day. Every day. He’d run ridiculous stories through his head, each one more preposterous than the last, and do his best mental gymnastics to justify them. It was fun.
Some of the only fun he’d been able to take for himself for years.
Hitoshi must hear something in his voice, because he stops scrolling and gives Shouto his full attention. “Yeah, Halfy?”
“Sites like these were how I learned about Dad and Papa,” Shouto said slowly. “And Kacchan and Izuku. Them being a family. Theories about Aunty Inko and Mrs. Bakugou being surrogates. Theories about what quirk Izuku had or which father was biologically connected to which son. And before that… I didn’t really have any friends. Theories like this were… the only way I knew how to talk to people. Pros were always happy to share their own, and they always seemed to like mine too.” Shouto huffed. “But now I know they were probably laughing at me half the time. I hadn’t realized it at the time.”
Hitoshi hummed, but his gaze was focused on Shouto. Shouto knew he was listening.
“I just,” Shouto had no idea how to elaborate on how important things like this had been to him, and the more he said out loud, the sillier it seemed. “I just liked them,” he finished lamely.
Hitoshi kept looking at him silently for a few more moments before clearing his throat and closing the laptop. “Let me ask you something, little brother.”
“I’m older than you.”
“Have you ever tried to prove a theory?”
Shouto blinked. “Only…the EraserMic one.”
Hitoshi grinned. “Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.”
♡ღ‿ღ♡ ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ ♡ღ‿ღ♡
“How does this prove that Endeavor is in love with All Might?” Shouto asks Hitoshi an hour later as they hide behind some bushes with a video camera liberated from their parents’ room.
Hitoshi, when he answers, addresses his response towards the camera. “I’m glad you asked lil’ listener,” Hitoshi grins, throwing the camera a couple of finger guns. It’s disconcerting, because the grin is all Dad, but the voice is all Papa Mic. It makes Shouto smile despite himself. “We’ll be able to tell by his reaction. Surely, if he isn’t madly in love with everyone’s favorite hero, then he won’t bat an eye. But if he is get ready for an explosive time!”
“Please stop talking like Papa.”
“No. We ready to go live?”
“Oh. We’ve been live.”
Hitoshi freezes, and by his face, Shouto can tell he regrets talking like a mini Present Mic. Shouto feels a strange, unfamiliar sense of glee. A type of glee he’s only recently discovered and is usually reserved for when one of his brothers gets caught doing something harmlessly stupid.
Hitoshi slowly pulls out his phone and clicks onto their website where Momo had hired somebody to set up a page for live streaming. Sure enough, Shouto had been streaming for ten minutes already. Two thousand people were watching, and the chat was very active.
Lmao dude wat
Endeavor? He hates All Might
no no let them talk
lil listener hahaha
omg my babies
Hitoshi kinda hot tho
dat smile damn
Who let them out of hte house unsuerpvised
Present Mic come get ur kid
im worried
plz dont do anything stupid
Wait wut imlate to stream
let him cook
why r u in a bush
put todoroki on camera!
hes not todoroki anymore he got adopted and changed his name
he’s not todoroki
I think his last name is Yamada like Mic
yeah put him on camera!
Where are the adults? Am concerned?
are we sure they aren’t blood related?
Hitoshi punched Shouto in the arm. “Dude, why didn’t you warn me?”
Shouto frowned at him. “I’ve been pointing it at you for the last ten minutes with the light on.” Shouto gestures to the little green light that indicates that the camera is in use.
“How was I supposed to know! I wasn’t looking at you! I was busy.”
Shouto ignores him and points the camera towards the villain fight that they definitely weren’t supposed to be anywhere near. Endeavor had a villain cornered. Shouto hadn’t been paying attention to what the villain in question had done to get the new number one hero on his tail, but that wasn’t what was important. What was important was the several life-sized All Might cardboard cutouts that Hitoshi had sourced from somewhere, and then used his Aizawa-honed skill set to sneakily place just so, peeking out of alleyways, on rooftops gazing down benevolent, inside someone’s car, and even in the window of a shop – the owner lady had been nice when Hitoshi had told her it was a prank on Endeavor.
Since the court transcripts had been made public, the public opinion on the new number one hero had tanked to all time lows. Shouto felt suitably vindicated by this.
They knew the exact moment when Endeavor clocked the first one, the one in the alley, because he froze, letting the villain with the telekinesis quirk get a good hit in with a piece of rubble from the torn up street. A group of civilians cheered. As did their live chat.
yoooooo ten points
Oooooh face shot
lmaoooooooo pog
ouch. i mean lmao. But ouch.
Rofl nice shot
go for the crotch next time!
ahhhh come on, there was a perfectly good car right there. throw that!!!
Shouto the fuck are you doing and why didn’t you invite me
♡ღ‿ღ♡ ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ ♡ღ‿ღ♡
Dabi stared in disbelief at his little brother’s livestream.
(He wasn’t entirely sure if he was still able to claim that connection. Not that he’d wanted to for the better part of ten years. But now he wasn’t sure that he could if he did want to. Not since Shouto had been adopted by that sickeningly sweet hero couple. Not since Shouto had been given two new brothers. Or maybe even before. Not since he’d left. But his little maybe-brother had grown into someone that Dabi could see himself being friends with. His little maybe-brother had grown into someone that made Dabi feel a strange feeling of loss in his chest whenever he thought about lost years and lost chances.)
He was all for tormenting Endeavor. But this was lame as hell.
Dabi could do so much better.
“Hey,” Himiko whined. “Are you going? I want to come!”
“No,” Dabi told her sharply, but not unkindly. “One, your obsession with my… brother is weird.”
“Not him! I have a crush on Katsuki!”
“Two,” Dabi steamrolled past, ignoring that. “This is Todoroki business.”
♡ღ‿ღ♡ ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ ♡ღ‿ღ♡
The fight went well.
For the villain.
Once Endeavor noticed the second cut-out, he seemed to be on the lookout for more. The villain had used his distraction to first rough him up, and then get away. Endeavor roared as he gave chase, blasting down the street, almost burning a few civilians in his wake.
Hitoshi and Shouto ran to keep up, making sure to stay out of sight.
“Okay,” Hitoshi panted. “Step two.”
“And what would step two be?”
The two of them stumbled into each other, surprised. Out of an alley came the burned, but amused figure of none other than Touya. Shouto blinked twice, then gave an awkward smile. “Hello, To— Aniki. Would you like to play with us?”
A look of irritation came over Touya’s face, but it disappeared just as fast. “Don’t call me that.” Shouto nodded, knowing that Touya wasn’t talking about aniki. Shouto wasn’t sure why Touya didn’t want to be called Touya, but Shouto also didn’t want to call him Dabi. Dabi was a villain name. Touya wasn’t a villain. Touya was just his brother. But then Touya smiled a smile that wouldn’t look out of place on Dad. “But, yes. I would.”
“Great,” Hitoshi said, accepting this immediately and rolling with it, which Shouto thought was just one of the many things that made his new brother amazing. He couldn’t help but feel a burst of warmth at the thought of spending time with both his little brother and his older brother. “So the plan is–”
“No, no, no” Touya interrupted. “I saw what the plan was. It was dumb. No, you need to listen to me. I know how to fuck with Endeavor.”
Hitoshi and Shouto passed a look between them.
“What do you have in mind, Aniki?” Shouto asked. Touya’s eyes glinted in a way that reminded Shouto that while Touya wasn’t a villain, Dabi was.
“I have a plan.”
♡ღ‿ღ♡ ʕ•̫͡•ʕ*̫͡*ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•̫͡•ʔ*̫͡*ʔ-̫͡-ʔ ♡ღ‿ღ♡
Shouto had never thought that he’d be back here.
Even more than that, he never thought he’d be back here laughing.
Fuyumi and Natsuo had moved out ages ago, so the empty manor seemed even emptier than it ever did. Endeavor was still out, and hopefully would be for a while. Technically, they didn’t break and enter, and therefore committed no crime. Originally, Touya had planned on busting through a window, but Endeavor had never asked for Shouto’s house key back. He’d also never officially banned Shouto from the property.
“So,” Hitoshi said to the camera. “My little brother–”
“I’m older than you.”
“-forgot some things when he left, and so we’re here to help him get his stuff. That’s the official story and we’re sticking with it.”
Touya snorted and hefted his bag of supplies. “Now, for the record, I definitely wasn’t in favor of burning down the entire house and dusting off my shoes,” Touya said over his shoulder. “But trust me when I say, this will be better.”
“Also,” Hitoshi continued. “I, as a hero in training, am absolutely not bugging the house in order to get Endeavor's reaction. No siree.”
“Neither am I,” Touya says, gleefully as he hides a small camera in a painting’s frame. “As a dutiful friend of the family, I’m helping with security.”
From behind the camera, Shouto added. “I don’t know what’s happening.”
oh yes we absolutely agree with you
I believe you entirely
Nope nothing sus here
perfectly innocent yup
I mean i actually do believe Shouto
so we not burning down his house?
omg thats a fucking huge ass mansion
steal a tv
With that, Touya started pasting a giant wall art of All Might’s face to the wall.
“It’s beautiful,” Hitoshi wiped an invisible tear from the corner of his eyes. Then, he got to work moving every piece of furniture ever so slightly to the left, dropping tiny but very sharp plastic All Might figures between cushions and behind pillows. And then he scattered the extras around the floor to hopefully be stepped on by bare feet.
“Which is his bedroom?” Hitoshi asked.
“Furthest door down that hallway,” Touya answered before Shouto could.
“Got it,” Hitoshi disappeared. Shouto debated for a moment for as to which brother he should be filming, but then he decided to follow Hitoshi. Touya seemed to be struggling a bit with getting the wall art to stick. Hitoshi was in Endeavor’s room, putting little stickers of All Might’s face on everything, but in unobtrusive areas where they wouldn’t be discovered right away.
“And the best thing is,” Hitoshi said without looking up from what he was doing. “These are all cheap ass dollar store shit, so if he tries to peel ‘em off they’ll leave that shitty resedue that you need glue remover to get off.”
Shouto nodded, accidentally moving the camera as he did so. When Hitoshi was done, he stepped back and took in the room as a whole. It was spartan, with the only decorations being various awards and trophies that Endeavor had been awarded over the years. The overall color scheme was mostly gray with a few splotches here and there of brown. For as long as Shouto can remember, being called into this room meant pain. It meant kowtowing on the ground until his knees went numb as his father ranted. It meant whipping. It meant a heavy boot on his back. It meant fire. It meant whatever he’d done or hadn’t done had been serious. Going into his father’s room to “talk” meant–
“This is boring,” Hitoshi declared after a moment. “Honestly, we’re doing the man a favor.”
That startled a laugh out of Shouto. Hitoshi darted out of the room and was back moments later with spray cans in All Might red, blue, and gold. Hitoshi tossed Shouto the gold. “Here, baby bro–”
“I’m older than you.”
“-that’s for you. Just put that down on the window sill so it can still see us.” Shouto obliged, and then looked for a long moment at the can in his hands. He tried to think of the perfect thing to say. The perfect comeback to years of abuse. (It was easier to think that word now, now that he’d talked about with the Hound Dog and Dad and Papa and Kacchan and Izuku and Hitoshi. It didn’t hurt as much anymore. Nothing hurt as much anymore.) He tried to think of something profound. Something eloquent. Something suitable to match the crime.
He couldn’t think of anything.
Hitoshi noticed his hesitation. “What’s wrong, Halfy?”
“I don’t know what I want to say to him.”
“I mean…” Hitoshi trailed off and Shouto looked up at him, and then noticed that Hitoshi hadn’t been writing anything at all. Rather, there was a rather impressive mural of a dick on fire. Hitoshi shrugged at Shouto’s bemused look. “It’s not like you have to write a poem.”
Shouto looked at his can. He climbed on the bed, standing up, taking joy in not removing his shoes and idly hoping he’d stepped in dog poop at some point that day. Then he reached up as far as he could go, and started spraying the ceiling above the bed.
Hitoshi watched him, his face twisting with laughter. Then he stood next to Shouto and added a final line.
Together, they admired their work.
“I am a mature hero in training.” Hitoshi announced.
Touya peeked his head in. “Hows it going in here.” Then he spies the poem. He barks out a short laugh. “Beautiful. Art. Poetry.” He has a drill in his hand, and he makes a hole in the corner of the wall where there’s a good angle to see the rest of the room. He presses one final camera bug into the hole, smoothing it in so that it’s flush against the plaster and nearly invisible unless you know what to look for. Then, he grabs the camera from the sill and points it at the ceiling. “Behold.”
All was still for a moment. And then they heard the unmistakable sound of the front gate opening. “Scramble” Touya hissed. They dart down the hall and towards the back of the house, exiting through the garden and leaping over the back fence. They don’t stop running, keeping up the pace as they leave the manor behind them, but after a moment, Touya starts laughing.
It’s a more free laughter than anything Shouto has heard from his older brother in… ever. He sounds young. He sounds free.
He sounds a bit evil.
Hitoshi starts laughing, too. “Please tell me you got all the cameras set up.”
“They’re recording as we speak.” Touya assures him, still smiling widely as they run.
Gradually, they slow their pace until they’re jogging side by side. Shouto is a little surprised that Touya hasn’t gone his own way yet, but he still has their camera, which is presumably still live streaming, so he doesn’t say anything. Afterall, he’s not exactly complaining that his older brother hasn’t disappeared for parts unknown. Again.
And yet, Touya seems a bit surprised when he sees where the two younger boys have led him. “This… is your new home?”
“Yup.” Hitoshi pops the p. “Papa’s probably home by now.”
Touya stops walking. Shouto and Hitoshi look at him in question. “I’ll, uh,” he pushes the camera into Hitoshi’s hands. Hitoshi looks at the screen for a moment, before saluting and turning it off. Touya watches him do this and swallows. “I’ll see you guys–”
The front door opens.
Touya ruffled up in affront. “That’s not my name.”
“Sorry, sorry, Dabi.” Papa Mic smiles at him. “Thanks for watching the boys today. Come on in! Shouta set some soup to cook this morning and I think it’s ready!”
“I’m not sure-”
“There’s a place at my table with your name on it,” Mic continues, his face carefully open and welcoming. “Even if you don’t claim it today.”
Touya swallows. “Um.”
“All of our family is welcome whenever.”
“I’m not part of your family.”
“I’m not your friend.”
“Loved ones, then.”
“I’m not–” Touya blinks rapidly. Mic wags a finger at him.
“Rule number seven in this house,” Mic tells him very seriously. “No one gets to decide who someone else loves.”
“You don’t even know me.”
Mic lets his hand fall back to his side, then he steps back, leaving the door open. “No, I don’t.” He admits. “But I’d like to.”
Touya looks lost. Shouto grabs his hand. “Aniki,” he says. “We have to watch the reaction together.”
Touya swallows. “Are you sure? This is your family. Not mine.”
“You’re my family.”
Touya stares at him for a long moment.
Of course, it’s Hitoshi that breaks the silence, tossing his comment over his shoulder as he embraces Mic and goes inside. “Yeah, Aniki, get your butt in here. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Dad’s pho. Its fucking to die for.”
Touya turns wide eyes at Hitoshi’s back disappearing into the house. Slowly, he nods. Mic’s smile grows as Touya slowly walks up the front steps, hesitating just before crossing the threshold into the house. Mic, moving slowly so there’s time for him to move, places a hand on Touya’s shoulder. Touya flinches anyway.
“Are you sure?” Touya asks again, his voice a hoarse whisper.
“I’m sure.”
Touya meets his eyes, then nods. He takes a deep breath, as if steeling himself.
He goes inside.
Shouto follows, pressing briefly into Mic as he passes.
Mic closes the door behind them.
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askcrimsonchalice · 1 year
Some things first..
Firstly, I don't want any creeps going around here, I may *lead* a rather morally ambiguous group but professionals have standards. This means ground rules. -No nsfw, no asking for hoof pics.. -No expecting a question to be answered in picture. Can't respond to every question with a pic, it'd get tiring. (Text responses in character will be done too. I'll probably mainly respond using them but also when motivation hits me like a train, doodle up answers.) -Be aware, this is fallout equestria.. It's not sunshine and rainbows dear, there's going to be blood, squeamish? Maybe look to banana pies blog or something then.. -Ask too deep and you'll get what you're given. jokes for jokes, serious for serious. hell I may not even respond in the way you wanted me to, cope. (beware I am serious memer. I will and can cuck you on questions >:)
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My group is called Hermes market, a few blogs here know of it. Some of the ones here even work for it. A black market group that sells whatever your heart desires, we do delivery if you want!~ We have a deep history within our own town and land, Olympus town. But frankly as of late we've come into question of our... questionable.. founders.. Oh and a ghost lives in the well. that's fun. (this is also just to help gauge me in getting grips on this character better, had 'er for around half a year now but still got some trinks to work out. (oh and be warned my art style changes like the seasons)
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catovyen · 2 years
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oh god, it's been more than a year since I stayed in this fanbase. As I look at my old arts, the way I drew some of these characters did change a lot and some are still similar to each other- Note that most of the characters here are either from the original RH or AU version made by me!
I think the way I draw Joe changed a lot lmao, I was too dependent on the Rhythm Heaven art style so I use thick lines. I start to experiment with my art style to be more comfortable with it around May 5, 2021. My style is leaning toward anime or those who play with lighting to create a specific ambiance. Yes, I did use a circle tool for May 8 and August 8 because I just gave up that time HSDGDS I kinda wish I could have the style from July 12, 2021, for me that looks perfect!!
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I definitely didn't do well from April 3 to May 13 holy shi- If I can show the full picture, the hair looks unbalanced and shaped like a cone. I became more satisfied with the style on September 7, 2021. I start to add some hair shading on August 4 to show the light source, a little kind of experiment. I also noticed his glasses bridge is getting thinner every time I drew him and it gets less detailed- I don't have a personal favorite style yet, I'm still trying to experiment on him.
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This dude is so hard to draw, deadass. I was in pain trying to get a perfect circle without using a circle tool 😭 I also realize that I drew his legs very long when I redesigned Stomp Farmer. I believe I still do that until now, along with the arms- frequently they appear to be long or short. I remember I always struggle drawing his hat jfc- Now I am getting the hang of it! Not to mention that 99% of the artwork is just his face being " >:( " LMAOO I need to work on other expressions more,,, I am digging the October 31, 2021 art style, but I am not a fan of drawing with extremely thin and colored lines.
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I have barely drawn Samurai since 2021, I only have drawn him 11 times. But drawing him makes me want to develop his story more (both headcanon and AU). I always struggle to get his head shape and hairline right and I still do until now- My style always changes on him, it might depend on which Samurai I am drawing. August 2, 2022 deadass looks like a Disney Pixar movie dad, my friend told me that... I mean??- 😭 It's probably that version is way younger than the others I have drawn.
I have drawn other characters but I never draw them as much as the 4 characters above. Hopefully I will draw more variations in the future!
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Chapter 3: Longly Boat, Falling Moon
Narrated by Zhou Yue.
Narrator: Few actors are able to change their postures at will and shift to a different style.
Narrator: Even fewer actors are so well-rounded.
Narrator: Fewer can be so familiar with the stage that they can work as a designer, actor, and director at the same time.
Narrator: Only one person fits that description: Qin Yi.
Choose either “Crazy fans?” or “While I like Qin Yi, too, however...”
If “fans,” ...
You: Stop, wait a minute. Are you a Qin Yi fan?
Narrator: Qin Yi is my idol, my inspiration! Oh, you wouldn’t understand...
If “however,” ...
You: I like Qin Yi a lot, but you’re way too into him.
Narrator: Really?! Why do you like Qin Yi? What play of his is your favorite?
You: ...
Narrator: I really want to talk about Qin Yi with you, but I’m in a bit of a hurry to find my notebook. Sorry.
Narrator: My name is Zhou Yue, pseudonym Moonship. I’m a playwright.
Narrator: Every successful playwright had a hard life before getting famous. Qin Yi’s show helped me persevere through my darkest days.
Narrator: I left home for Cloud Capital. When I had time, I recorded any thoughts I had about the script.
Narrator: And I actually lost my notebook this time! Oh, I was too rash.
Choose “Try to remember where you left it.”
You: Don’t worry. Let’s retrace your steps. Your notebook might still be where you left it.
Narrator: I went to see Qin Yi’s new play this afternoon.
Narrator: I sat in a seat in the VIP box on the second floor. It had the best view and was quiet enough to take notes... It must be there!
Narrator: I returned to the theater right away, but the evening show had already begun. I had to wait for it to end before I could go in.
Maid: Wait, you can’t go in there!
Narrator: This girl was stubborn! I just wanted two minutes to look for my notebook. She acted as if a princess was inside.
Female Voice: Let him in, Ling.
Narrator: As we argued, the person in the box spoke. Her voice was soft, and to my anxious ears, heavenly.
Narrator: In that quiet box, I saw the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my life. She was like moonlight that shone in my heart.
Narrator: Not even the finest artist could depict how regal she looked. She was like the princess in my script, but she was real!
Zhou Yue: Thanks for holding onto that. It’s mine. Can you return it to me?
Girl: You call yourself a playwright? There’s no way your work is selling.
Narrator: She critiqued my story, and she was surprisingly harsh. I was angry and ashamed...
Narrator: But she was persistent and pointed out my mistakes.
Narrator: I wanted to talk to her more. The sky took pity on me and began to rain. I had never been so happy to have bad weather.
Choose either “You fell for her at first sight?” or “You sure you’re not angry at all?”
If “first sight,” ...
You: Seems like you fell in love at first sight.
Narrator: I can’t deny it. How else could I have opened up to someone so quickly?
If “angry,” ...
You: She just criticized your work. You’re not mad?
Narrator: She’s very blunt, it’s true. But I can sense she has a soft spot for art, so she must really have a kind heart.
Narrator: I didn’t even know her name, but I knew I would never forget that girl. I went back two days later, hoping to see her again.
Narrator: I didn’t find her. But I saw a newspaper on the theater’s bulletin board that had her picture beneath the headline.
Narrator: It turned out she was a real princess.
Attendant: Hey, what’s the matter? You’ve been standing here for a while.
Zhou Yue: I fell in love with Princess Luanyun at first sight.
Waitress: Wait, you what?
Narrator: The attendant burst into laughter. Seeing his reaction made me realize how ridiculous I sounded.
Narrator: How could a princess ever love someone like me? I’m an ordinary person who can’t even sell his plays.
Waitress: Don’t worry. Everyone has bad crushes to get over. Wait for The Fair One’s play. Want to buy a ticket?
Narrator: I bought a ticket in a zombie-like state. By the time I realized I had spent all my food money, I was already in my seat.
Narrator: The troupe performed the classic “Clutched Fan.” The main couple is like the ends of a folding fan as it opens and closes.
Narrator: They never understood each other’s intentions until it was too late.
Zhou Yue: I can’t do that... I can’t live having those same regrets!
Choose “What are you planning to do?”
Zhou Yue: I have to write my play!
Narrator: The missing piece was filled by Princess Luanyun. I don’t want to be like the hero in the play. I have to confess to her!
Narrator: It was an incredible day. I forgot my hunger and fatigue. The script was worked on day and night.
Narrator: I imagined Princess Luanyun as my heroine. She was unattainable, but I felt such a passion for her.
Narrator: My love kept me writing. When I finished the script, I felt the real ending of the story was about to unfold.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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