You’re not alone. Speak up!
It is first important to understand what mental illness actually is. What are the things that triggers our mental health? And, how does it affect our human behaviour? 
         Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Awareness on mental health are now given the most attention specially we’re still midst of pandemic. 
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            Some things aren’t meant to trigger ones mental health but it does. Like for example, childhood abuse, trauma, or neglection. A person who are once in that situation may know the feeling and even the smallest thing that reminds them of that may trigger they metal health. Sometimes it causes mental illness like depression and anxiety which is an unseen enemy for anyone. Which hard to deal for them. 
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.  Mental illness is not to deny that people are experiencing emotional, psychological, and at times even physical distress. So what exactly is going on? Many factors play a role. Lack of good nutrition also may be a source of what people call mental illness. But,  according to the late psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz, “Our adversaries are not demons, witches, fate, or mental illness. We have no enemy whom we can fight, exorcise, or dispel by ‘cure.’ What we do have are problems in living.” 
   Based on my experience, mental illness really affects human behaviour. I once experience having an anxiety. I cannot directly tell it to anyone but it does really affect my behaviour. I barely communicate which I consider social isolation and loneliness. My mood swings badly and been losing my appetite. This ain’t a joke and will never be. Having to experience mental illness is hard. You might think that you cannot tell anyone for the reason that they will just invalidated your feelings. You are not alone, speak up. Do not bring that grudges alone in your journey. At least try to convince yourself being an optimistic one. Because at some point in our lives, it’s okay to be not okay, to be worried, to be lonely, or to be afraid. 
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Some of us may feel accomplished and some may not. But what’s important is that we all realized that we all have something to fight and show off, whether we realized it or not. It’s not  always what we can offer; sometimes, it’s a matter of how hard we try to improve ourselves. Healing is never measured through number of breakdowns you have and acceptance you did in any  situations. It is knowing that you have gone out your comfort zone, took the risks, and open new paths for yourself. Prepare yourself for what the world may throw at us and just keep going. We should let it help us grow. 
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