#The Umbral Star
wildymoon · 3 months
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I do indeed have ideas for this au
Meet Qua'shir ("Catch Wish"), aka Odile but she's an Umbral!
Quite A Few Notes:
She is Old™, much more so than in canon. Pro to being an Umbral is that age just means you can Be Bigger
Due to this and her travels, she's been documented loosely in stories all around the world, although she doesn't pay too much attention to them. She's especially well-known in Ka Bue as she spends most of her downtime there, even getting called the Expression Of Shadows by some
Like all Umbrals, she has two shapeshifting abilities: one to mess with her true form (as shown above, cannot mess with the eye configuration however), and one to transform entirely into other creatures
She does have one special ability outside of those and the ability to use Craft: she can sense shifts in the world, often caused by especially powerful Craft...
Because of this, she's given herself a 'job' over the years to research and document these shifts, what caused them, and what their continued effects are as time moves on
She does go to Vaugarde for similar reasons to canon originally, but the King's interference brings that to a halt FAST.
She gets headaches due to her powers, and while it's worse when the curse starts she does still have to contend with it as more and more people get frozen in time
This means she actually misses what causes the timeloop in Loop 0, due to it not visibly doing much she doesn't notice it because of everything else
LOOP 1, HOWEVER. (reposting image below from the other post because it's Important)
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Yeah. So she realizes that there are TWO anomalies to look into and not just the one she needs to kick the ass of.
.... she adds two boxes of tea to the supplies she's getting. This is going to be a rough ride.
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weareconceptual · 1 year
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Nero Character Art - Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star (PS4/PS Vita/Switch)
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
Fucking aliens am I right?
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Bestiary of the Umbral Sea
Star Jelly
The Star Jelly is one of many species of cnidarians that occupy the voids in the Umbral Sea. Like most creatures of this area, they posses a unique ability to seemingly “swim” from our plane of existence to another, dipping in and out much like aquatic animals in ocean waves. This parallel is how the Umbral Sea was named.
Star Jellies were given this name due to their resemblance to Moon Jellies, which are aquatic and found on several planets with saltwater oceans. The tentacles underneath do sting but will only irritate the skin of most people; painful but not threatening unless there is an allergy. They measure about 20 feet in diameter, and blooms of them will sometimes hang around space stations. A beautiful sight, given their bioluminescence and lovely starflower shaped markings. Some consider them to be sacred because of this star marking. More superstitious sailors consider it good luck if a departure is accompanied by a few of these.
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unhauntng · 5 months
the first iteration of the dream team is so funny.
imagine youre a regular new yorker and you’re being attacked by santas or bugs or devils at an art show and things are weird but you also can’t quite tell what’s actually happening (got to love umbral arcana) ? but you’re scared out of your mind until a drunk lady punches the scary monster in the face and the guy who’s clearly a drug dealer starts blasting fire out of his hands?? maybe he’s got a lighter and some hairspray, though he’s also holding a gun? and then a very nice and serious older guy is keeping everything calm and encouraging his friends and you think everything is going to be okay, especially because this nice sweet firefighter is making sure everyone’s safe. and you think he looks like mr march from the calendar!
then a massive rat man summons some crocodiles or a pack of rats or a cockroach that is unusually juicy and then broadway legend misty moore literally insults a monster to death whilst indiscriminately flirting with her friends.
and when it’s all over they’re acting like this is business as usual. and maybe you’re confused for like three minutes until you remember this is new york — who else would save you but a broadway star, a rat, a firefighter, a drug dealer, an alcoholic and kingston brown from uptown who helped you jumpstart your car three months ago
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estinininininen · 4 months
FFXIV fans this is your daily reminder that if Estinien has even a tiny fraction of Nidhogg's memories he knows a hell of a lot more than he's letting on.
Nidhogg remembers at least three Umbral Calamities, and probably four or five. Safe to assume he defended Coerthas from Allag, and that he heard Vrtra looking for Azdaja and the primal-ification of Bahamut through dragon song. The DRG 80 quest states Nidhogg considered himself guardian of the star after Midgardsormr. At his prime, Nidhogg may have even known or been trying to learn his father's abilities - the changing form, the crystals, possibly even the ability to speak with Hydaelyn. Theory time: Hydaelyn may have even rejected him for being a dragon supremacist.
Estinien's shortcomings (if you don't have another silly explanation for them) have to do with mortal knowledge and interactions, like niceties, coin, and bluffing immigration officers. He asks for the Scions to explains things because they have discovered stuff nobody knew before this, or they were using vocabulary he doesn't know.
In Shadowbringers the idea of Ascians doesn't phase him, but the different shards and time travel nonsense throw him for a bit of a loop, coincidentally things Nidhogg wouldn't know. He is very tense at the idea of the WOL seeing his memories, and leaves immediately, but after telling you he shares Nidhogg's memories in 5.5 he chills out and hangs around more. Like he saw the writing on the wall about joining the Scions and covered his own ass in case of an Echo vision.
In Endwalker the reason I think he said "At least I will not pretend to understand this talk of ancient primals or the Final Days" and the like is because he has to constantly sort out if what Nidhogg knew was correct. He is remarkably chill staring up at Hydaelyn like "ya bitch let's go let's fight God." What Hydaelyn said to Estinien about hate becoming love is ambiguous enough it could also apply to Nidhogg.
And you are still the only person he has directly told he shares some memories with Nidhogg. He is deliberately not sharing this with people. He doesn't want to be Nidhogg. Most of the information is pointless outside of Coerthas in the 7th astral era. He makes an exception when he is the only one who knows something important - there's a Great Wyrm behind the curtain, how to motivate depressed dragons, the Eyes of Nidhogg are active again better find them, Omega? wait the thing that chased Midgardsormr? if not me better make sure someone handles it, oh shit Zenos is standing back up that's not Zenos anymore-
Then he just wants to have a drink and some dried squid and chill out. Not get interrogated about past kingdoms, or have his brain and eyes poked at when he dies ( . . . if he's even mortal anymore.)
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tainbocuailnge · 11 months
killing yourself to send your memories to a different past version of yourself and the plan she comes up with based on those memories is to conquer your country populated entirely by the inhuman and unite its warring factions against the aftermath of the umbral star's visit because you refuse to accept something the world has deemed unsalvageable and meant to be discarded truly cannot be saved (cv: yui ishikawa)
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deception-united · 19 days
Hello there. I wanted to know what's a good fantasy term for a race of humans that can wield the natural elements. (fire, water, earth, etc.) I already have something in mind, but I'm still not fully convinced to use it. Some examples would be great.
Hi, thanks for asking! Here are a few ideas:
Aetherians: Suggests a connection to the elements as fundamental forces of nature.
Arcanians: Implies a deep understanding and mastery of arcane energies, including elemental.
Thaumaturges: Though this technically suggests the ability to perform miracles or wonders through magic, it can suggest mastery over the elements through context.
Eldritchians: Again, this doesn't specifically relate to elemental powers, but evokes the sense of ancient power and mystery.
More specific to an element:
Lumians: From the word "luminous". Suggests their ability to harness light and energy.
Umbrals: Derived from "umbra", the Latin word for shadow. Hints at their control over darkness and the unseen elements.
Geomancers: Focusing specifically on their mastery of earth and stone, with "geo" meaning earth.
Hydromyths: Combining "hydro" for water with "myth", showing their mythical status and connection to the seas and rivers.
Pyroclasts: Evoking images of volcanic eruptions and fiery power whilst emphasising their control over flames and heat.
Ignisians: Rooted in the Latin word for fire, "ignis".
Aquarans: Derived from "aquatic" or "aquarius". Suggests their affinity for water.
Terranites: From "terra", the Latin word for earth. Shows their bond with the land.
Aerians: From "aer" (the Latin word for air), indicating their mastery over this element.
Or you might want to stick to something more simple:
Elementari: Combines "element" with "-ari" to give it a mystical flair.
Vitalians: Suggests their vital connection to the elemental forces that sustain life.
Naturans: Highlights their innate connection to the natural world and its elements.
Celestials: Suggesting a divine or otherworldly origin, with powers over celestial bodies like stars and moons as well as elemental forces.
Overall, a good way to go about it is to find a root word (either English or derived from another language), and add a suffix that denotes a group or race of people, like "–ians" or "–ials". Hope this helps ❤
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verysmallcyborg · 2 months
Fornax Val'ethtue
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Name: Fornax Val'ethtue (or Fyrstyrn [fire star] Dotharl, when thinking of the two naming conventions)
Nicknames: They don't have much nicknames, however friends that know Fornax well enough can call them "Lily" (Delmira especially calls them that, this is because of their association with the flower), otherwise only Ryss gets to call her sea puppy or treasure
Age: 37 (by Endwalker)
Nameday: 5th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn + Xaela Au Ra (au roe, if you will. tehe)
Gender: Non-binary Butch (she/they)
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Outside of WoL responsibilities... bodyguard and marksman
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Black with a bunch of grey hairs. If it's short, it's spiky and either has the sides and the lower back of it shaved down, or they have their sideburns. If it's longer, then it's generally messy and uneven with a "wild" look.
Eyes: Black sclera, slit pupils, and vibrant orange. Fornax's eyes only glow because their dad taught them how to apply limbal rings when she was young, but never learned how to accurately do it (or when to stop doing it, until there was a full glow) after his death.
Skin: Dark grey, has a black gradient starting at their forearms and goes all the way to their hands. Has a fair amount of scales, though some are broken and ripped off around scars.
Tattoos/scars: Decorated in scars all over their face and body, but the most notable ones are on their face, neck, and torso. Some of her face scars are from saving a coeurl kit from hunters, and briefly got mauled by its mother when returning it (they understood the protective instinct, but OUCH). The scars across their neck and chest was an incident that put them at deaths door, and then a large scar on their side is from... WELL. Ryss. :) Don't worry about it :)
Very important: their top scars!! Those tits: chopped off. Also the end of their tail (that doesn't have the top layer of thick scales) has a bite scar from the Major-General, no one believes them when they say a tiny shark with tiny legs bit them while fishing.
Fornax has a very subtle trail of faint orange stars on their back for a tattoo!
Parents: Unnamed Roegadyn mother & Xaela father. Her mom was a traveling merchant of sorts, while her dad was part of the Dotharl clan. Unfortunately, both were murdered while Fornax was young... :')
Siblings: No siblings
Grandparents: N/A (I don't think that far with family LOL)
In-laws and Other: No idea about in-laws, but for other: their lovely spouse, Ryssrael!!! :)
Pets: Befriends every stray and animal that they cross, but specifically, they have a little black coeurl and a baby amaro that follow them around.
Abilities: Very skilled with a rifle and axes of any kind (WAR/MCH combo), though they are in their best element when within melee range. Weaponizes their teeth, claws, and tail as often as they can, and wields terrifying, brutal strength that amplifies when angered or under a need to win and/or survive. Best not to piss off a butch who could pull an entire ship with just them and their partner!!
Hobbies: LOVES cooking and all kinds of hands-on crafts, but specifically knitting and crocheting.
Most Positive Trait: Their unwavering determination
Most Negative Trait: Has a self-destructive habit of fleeing and attempting to isolate themselves when hurt
Colors: Most warm colors, baby blue, black, and purple
Smells: Burning firewood, ocean breezes on the sunrise/sunset, the stinging metallic scent of blood, flowers in a field, freshly cooked food (especially stews and bread)
Textures: The subtle raised skin of old scars, the wool off of freshly sheared karakuls, tree bark, warm hands against their scales, horns, and tail
Drinks: Apple cider, hot chocolate, fruity beverages
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Not really, unless offered
Drinks: Only in good company/socially
Drugs: Recreationally? Maybe, otherwise nah
Mount Issuance: Still has their red chocobo (HEH...) but he spends his days sleeping and chilling in the garden of their yard. Nowadays they use a comically tiny airship.
Been Arrested: Several times by the Maelstrom and Flames, mostly when they were a teenager & young adult because of petty thefts and getting in trouble for some of the jobs they took on to scrape by. Fornax has gotten significantly better at escaping and hiding though, which is kinda funny when you wonder, how does anyone lose a 8ft/244cm tall au roe with a big ole tail?
Tagged by @hazelkjt and @cindernet-explorer!!! thank you <3
UHHHHHH i've seen most folks i follow be tagged already, so i'm pointing at the viewer. Your Turn
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nights-at-crystarium · 2 months
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. B A S I C S ∙ ✦
Name: Vivien Rell Nicknames: Vivi Age: 23 ARR - 26 ShB (he lives and ages further, his story just spends years of real time in ShB) Nameday: 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon Race: Wildwood Elezen Gender: Male Orientation: Gay Profession: Warrior of Light
. P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S ∙ ✦
Hair: Ash blonde Eyes: Cold whitish yellow, naturally glow in the dark Skin: Fair Tattoos/scars: None (My addition: Abnormally short for an elezen, slim, funky long limbs)
. F A M I L Y ∙ ✦
Parents: Elezen mother and father, alive and well, but wip Siblings: Older sister Grandparents: tbd/wip In-laws and Other: None Pets: Red chocobo Paprika
. S K I L L S ∙ ✦
Abilities: Standard dragoon stuff, monoclass. In ShB he starts testing custom spells that look like stars and inky darkness, based on his own aether Hobbies: Reading tales, novels and other fiction, keeping a journal, fishing, tailoring/designing outfits. Vivi has a personal tailor/designer that's stationed in Gridania, therefore isn't always available, so he had to learn the basics for himself
. T R A I T S ∙ ✦
Most Positive Trait: Sincere, emotionally intelligent Most Negative Trait: Fickle, unreliable
. L I K E S ∙ ✦
Colors: Black, white, grey, muted browns Smells: Grass, forest, lumber, sun-heated straw (scent from his childhood when he'd wallow on the roof of his home), sea breeze, bread and pastry, cosmetics, freshly printed papers Textures: Smooth rocks and glass pebbles polished by water, grains and beans in a bag, soft young leaves, fabric of his own clothes, metal accessories like buttons, spikes, necklaces, chains Drinks: Fruit-flavored teas, coffee with milk or cream, iced drinks, smoothies and juices
. O T H E R    D E T A I L S ∙ ✦
Smokes: Tried once, didn't like it Drinks: Has a rather high alcohol tolerance, enjoys it in company, or to cope alone after a shitty day. Not addicted. Drugs: Definitely tried some stuff out of curiosity, not addicted Mount Issuance: Paprika is still wip, due to her being a red chocobo she's unlikely to have come from a grand company, probably a special gift Been Arrested: Probably been. I genuinely haven't thought about it yet, so wip
Tagged by @tinygamertris , thank you :> Tagging @just-a-nerdd @backseatfishing @absolem0 though only if you want. Anyone else who sees and wants to do this, go for it!
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wildstar25 · 2 months
Arsay Nun
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Name Arsay Nūn Nicknames None, her name doesn't shorten well (call her Ars and you will be on the wrong end of her blade ^^) Age ARR -> 22 (+5 years in lifestream stasis that Arsay is completely unaware of) Dawntrail -> 25 (+5 years) Nameday 3rd Sun of the Third Umbral Moon Race Miqo'te, "Greeter of the Star" (a.k.a: Keeper/Seeker mix [South Shroud/U tribe] ) Gender She/Her Probably non-binary but has a job so she ain't got time to worry about all of that... Orientation Bisexual, Polyromantic Profession Adventurer, Warrior of Light & Darkness, Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Full time kitty cat
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair Midnight Blue with patches of red tip patterning concentrated around the back and sides of her head! Thick with the slightest bit of wave (often gets brushed out) Eyes Ruby Red Skin Very Light Olive with white facial stripes and darker pigmented nose. Tans well but never sticks for long. Tattoos/scars One visible scar on the cheek, multiple around her body which get glammed over. After endwalker, her right hand has a high concentration of scaring around the knuckles & palm (A consequence of her final fight in ultima thul and the proceeding surgery needed to reset the incorrectly healed bones.) She has various arcane geometric patterns marked into her skin in aetheric ink. One at the back of her neck, one on each forearm right above the inner elbow, one banded around her ankle. They are also glammed over to be invisible to the naked eye, but those who are well attuned to seeing aether would see them glow faintly as Arsay casts summoning spells.
Parents Sapir Nun & U'hbi Tia (deceased 1552, 6th astral era, killed in combat to the first wave of Garlean invaders in Doma)
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Emrara Emra (Guardian/Adoptive Aunt, very much alive in the south sea isles)
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Siblings Alphinaud and Alisaie (adopted younger siblings) Grandparents: Unknown and/or deceased In-laws and Other: G'raha (Husband), Y'shtola (Wife) Y'mhitra (Sister in law) Generally main scion members are family to her in different ways Cid and Nero (Weird Uncles) U'odh Nunh (unconfirmed but most likely half first cousin) (There are three female face 4 miqo'te in the U tribe and I HC that those three are the most closely related to Arsay's Dad in some way I've yet to really piece together.) Pets Couscous the carbuncle, Fish the Chocobo
Abilities Physical: -Multiple Combat styles (Dual blades, Pole arm, Single blade, Hand to Hand, Marksmanship, Knife throwing) -Typical scouting techniques (invisibility, tracking, assassination, can move without making a sound) -Greater agility, dexterity, flexibility, balance, and strength -High Stamina -Strong Swimmer -Great Climber Magical: -Advanced Aetheric Manipulation (Elemental Conversion, Creation) -Summoning, Channelling (Dreadwyrm Trance available at moments notice) Other: -Knows how to sail a ship -Can navigate on land and sea without a map or compass -Can rally and inspire others to achieve great things together!
Hobbies: - Monster Hunting - Fishing - Frontlines - Crystalline Conflict (recreational league) - General exploring/mystery hunting&solving
Most Positive Trait: Her big heart! She'd do anything for the people she cares about Worst Negative: Terrible sense of self-worth. Needs to do things for other people or she goes insane with anxiety and guilt. Hates being looked after.
Colors: Red! Its her favourite. Smells: the ocean, the breeze through the forest, tropical zones with humidity in the air, her partners Textures: Furs, Leathers, Silky or soft textiles. Drinks: Spiced Chai, Coffee with Cardamom, Citrus of any type and Water
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: nope, the only smoke from her is her smoke bombs Drinks: only socially, and not a whole lot. Does not like feeling out of control of herself. Mount Issuance: Probably! Tataru would help her get it all set up at least Been Arrested: Almost but she always gets out of it UvU
Tagged by: @eriyu Thank you so much!! 💙 Tagging: @nivienne-grovant @baublegums @astraveil @yukupo-lalapo @eli-leam (and anyone else who wants to do it! I feel like I'm pretty late to the game on this lol)
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cindernet-explorer · 2 months
U'nia Redfeather
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Name: U'nia Redfeather Vairemont
Nicknames: Nia (following the same as Seeker names), "babygirl" (from A'vyra), "cutie" (from her sister)
Age: 27 (as of the end of EW)
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Mixed Duskwight/Xaela
Gender: Woman (she/her)
Orientation: Demi Lesbian
Profession: Chef, Wandering Adventurer, Lifter of Women
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Shock white, dyed black. Usually kept extremely long, but has been cut and kept short recently.
Eyes: Bright red with star pupils. Glowing.
Skin: Greyish-Blue, coated in scales (where some are permanently light-scarred).
Tattoos/scars: Coated in blade scars. A paw print tattoo on her ass.
Parents: Ameline Vairemont (mama) and [REDACTED] Ino Ahkiba (step-mom)
Siblings: Nabette!! (older sister)
Grandparents: None that deserve to be in her life nor mentioned.
In-laws and Other: No in-laws yet but eventually Alphinaud/Ameliance/Fourchenault (<-that's how you spell his name??)
Pets: I waffle around on whether to make her whittret canon or not, but if so his name is Miso!
Abilities: Swordsmanship, throwing punches hard enough to crack skulls, weapon summoning and imbuement, generally strong aetheric control, soulsight
Hobbies: Fishing, Cooking, Reading, Photography, Volleyball, Cuddling
Most Positive Trait: Patience
Most Negative Trait: Self-sacrificing
Colors: Reds and blues! black as well as some darker greens.
Smells: Bergamot, old tomes, sea air
Textures: Engravings (whether in wood or metal), the subtle smoothness of a deck of cards, the warm hands of her partners
Drinks: Mint tea, water, tsai tou vounou, whiskey
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nope!
Drinks: Socially
Drugs: Nope!
Mount Issuance: A red draught chocobo named Plantain (because she's too big for a standard one), and a black Yol [Name TBD] (who coincidentally happened to be her sister's. It came to her when she called after completing Bardam's Mettle, as it recognized her.)
Been Arrested: Not officially, because she's escaped arrest each time.
Tagged by: @hazelkjt (ty!)
Tagging: @bunnyboybosom @prudentfolly @ahollowgrave @verysmallcyborg @nhaneh @hinganskies @selnyam
(no pressure to do these as per usual)
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just--space · 2 years
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An Almost Total Lunar Eclipse : Predawn hours of November 19 found the Moon in partly cloudy skies over Cancun, Mexico. Captured in this telephoto snapshot, the lunar disk is not quite entirely immersed in Earth's dark umbral shadow during a long partial lunar eclipse. The partial eclipse was deep though, deep enough to show the dimmed but reddened light in Earth's shadow. That's a sight often anticipated by fans of total lunar eclipses. Wandering through the constellation Taurus, the eclipsed Moon's dimmer light also made it easier to spot the Pleiades star cluster. The stars of the Seven Sisters share this frame at the upper right, with the almost totally eclipsed Moon. via NASA
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definegodliness · 1 month
Wistfulness glints
Besotted, I drift off in fantasy, Enamoured by a faint, yet timeless smile, Alleviating every ache, worldly, Until I am unsullied (for a while). That smile — it is the heart you so beguile Into its lost essentiality, For wistfulness glints, and mirroring eyes Undo the umbral weight of emptied skies; Lo, all those stars… so you do shine to me.
--- 22-4-2024, M.A. Tempels ©
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starrysnowdrop · 1 month
Hali Aloke
Just the Basics
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Name: Hali Aloke
Nicknames: Little Star (Her family’s pet name for her) and Snowdrop (Aymeric’s pet name for her)
Age: 29 as of beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 31st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (April 29th)
Race: 3/4 Lalafell, 1/4 Hyur; Appears Dunesfolk, but has both Plainsfolk and Dunesfolk blood, along with 1/4 Midlander Hyuran ancestry
Gender: Female, Cis
Orientation: Bisexual/Biromantic, Male Leaning
Profession: Adventurer and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Hair: Bright, rose pink in color, straight, usually looks somewhat messy in a wide variety of hairstyles
Eyes: Large, wide, expressive seafoam green eyes that shine in the light; glass-like Dunesfolk eyes
Skin: Fair, and absolutely will burn with direct sun exposure for long periods of time
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos; For scars, just small ones here and there over the years from battle
Parents: Father is Taito Aloke, a Plainsfolk lalafell aged 50 in ARR, and Mother is Lalani Lani, a 1/2 Dunesfolk lalafell 1/2 Midlander Hyur aged 48 in ARR. Both Taito and Lalani are researchers in Labyrinthos and members of the Sharlayan Forum.
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Nanani Nani, Maternal Grandmother, a Dunesfolk lalafell aged 75 in ARR and Jovian Carraway, Maternal Grandfather, a Midlander Hyur, deceased by ARR. Nanani is a retired Gleaner living in Old Sharlayan and is a widow to Jovian, who was an Astrology Professor at the Studium.
In-laws and Other: All in-laws deceased; Hali has distant relatives in Thanalan that have no current contact with Hali’s close family
Children: None; Will have three children with Aymeric in the distant future
Pets: An alligator named Boudreaux who also serves as Hali’s mount, a crab named Beignet, and Aymeric’s black cat named BonBon.
Abilities: Astromancy, Divination, Dancing, Singing, Cooking, Fishing, and Botany
Hobbies: Cooking, Fishing, Botany, Swimming, Ice Skating, Going to the Theater, Attending Balls, Dancing, Singing, Reading fairytales and adventure books, and Playing card games
Most Positive Trait: Hali is hope incarnate. No matter how grim a situation might seem, she wholeheartedly believes that things will get better. She tries to have a smile on her face and spread her positive outlook on life wherever she goes. Hali thinks that her hope is probably the only reason she’s still alive after so many years on the battlefield.
Most Negative Trait: Hali sees the best in everyone except for herself. She’s very insecure about herself, especially in terms of her appearance and her self worth. She doesn’t see that Aymeric could ever possibly love her the way that she loves him, and she doesn’t think she could ever be good enough for him. Even after they are officially together, Hali still struggles with being kind to herself.
Colors: Midnight Blue, Lotus Pink, Pure White, Celeste Green, and Lavender Purple
Smells: Ocean breezes, salty sea air, scent of fresh fallen rain, flowers of any kind, and musky cologne
Textures: Rain and/or snow falling on her skin, warm water, fluffy pillows, warm blankets, soft plushies, and Aymeric’s hands and/or mouth on her skin
Drinks: Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Smoothies, Boba Tea, Pink Drink, Hot or Iced Chai, Hot Chocolate with lots of marshmallows
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Only drinks wine and certain kinds of cocktails, but tries to only drink when she’s not busy with her Scion duties the next day, as she is a lightweight and gets drunk easily.
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: Hali was never given a chocobo, because she said she didn’t need one! She always used a magical umbrella that allowed her to float above the ground and fly her to wherever she needed to go. Later on, Hali found her pet alligator Boudreaux on her Island Sanctuary and she rides him most of the time now.
Been Arrested: Yes, Hali was arrested for being a fugitive that snuck back into Old Sharlayan after being banished for helping to bring Sharlayan Astromancy to the Eorzeans. She was found sneaking around Labyrinthos in order to discover the secret project that her parents were hiding from the public at large.
Tagged by: @eriyu @paintedscales @elliewiltarwyn @amalthea-felsblood and @zerelth Thank you all so much for thinking of me!! I apologize for taking so long in responding! 🥰
Tagging: @meepsthemiqo @traveler-of-light @reikatsukihana @mimble-sparklepudding @faerieearthangel and anyone else who hasn’t been tagged yet that would like to fill this out! Please tag me so I can read about your OCs!! 💖
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