#The Revolutionary Princess Eve
manganimetradnow · 7 months
10 Great Manhwa Like The Villainess is a Marionette Webtoon
Manhwa, the Korean term for comics or graphic novels, has gained significant popularity in recent years. With a wide range of genres and captivating storytelling, manhwa has captured the attention of readers worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore 10 great manhwa titles similar to “The Villainess is a Marionette Webtoon” and will keep you hooked from start to finish. 10 Best Manhwa like…
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kirvia · 2 years
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fanstuffrantings · 3 months
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I don't care how cliche it is at this point, I feast every time.
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murasaki-cha · 5 months
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Eve is a real one because I too would love to get ravished for 10 days straight by this man-
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manhwa-animated-cover · 4 months
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We need more green haired female leads!!! 🙇🏻‍♀️
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dianalillian · 4 months
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"It seems the white rose of the empire is blushing today. You're a pink rose!" "Of course, all the grass and leaves of this palace seem to exist for you. Just take a look around at all the green in this room! They're nothing but decoration for you!"
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goldivvy · 11 months
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I NEED a +19 version of those chapters where these two SWALLOW EACH OTHER, they're too hot I can't 😵‍💫
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webtoonscreenshots · 10 months
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Revolutionary Princess Eve, by irinbi and sagongcopin, and suricopin
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piranha-assexual · 2 years
I have been in the manwha fandom for only a few months, but there is something that really bothers me. When the plot is time-travel or isekai and the ML had a relantionship with other woman in the former timeline or in the original story, many times I see readers wondering if that relationship was of love or not. There is no problem in wondering, but many readers seem legit upset because the ML did love or had sex with other woman that are not the MC.
I’ve seen this in many forums already. In The Princess Imprints a Traitor, Mikhaelis DID had sex with Rosie, because homunculi ARE sex slaves in this manwha, and there is no way Rosie would have respected him. In I Won’t Acept Your Regrets, Raymond DID at least think he had sex with Lize, because there is no way he would have acepted a child he was sure wans’t his. In The Villainess is a Marionette, Raphael DID love Olivia in his former life, and it is shown in the way he was confortable touching her. The difference in the current TL is that he met Cayena first, and this time she has shown respect for his boundaries and build trust with him. So now, SHE is the one he likes.
There are plenty of stories with this plot, many of them I didn’t read or don’t remember the details right now, but that’s not the point. The point is that I see many readers really annoyed at the ML for having a past or DARING to not wait forever for someone who they didn’t even know existed.
Like, I get it. Everybody wants to be special. We want the love that ML has for the MC to be perfect, we want them to love her more than anyone else.
But remember: people are allowed to have a past, and just because they loved someone once, doesn’t mean that they don’t love you now. 
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hmerus · 10 months
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rndmraichu · 11 months
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Love the forming bond
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webtoon-brackets · 6 months
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mae-i-scribble · 2 years
As a fan of manhwa in general for the life of me I will never understand the praise that Revolutionary Princess Eve/The Princess Imprints the Traitor gets because it is straight up one of the most racist plots I have seen in a hot minute save for like, the general nonexistence of melanin in anything manhwa related (technically not all of them but like, cmon yall know what im talking about). To me that’s what makes it more insidious? Like people can call out the blatantly racist bs but the moment its more casually interwoven into the narrative it’s praises all around. What is awful even further is that this manhwa presents itself as the exact opposite, our protagonists are on the side of good, undoing the system of slavery, and with some very minor tweakings, you would actually have a gorgeously done story about how to best inspire large scale societal change, to what lengths should we use violence to further our righteous goals, changing the system from within vs using external pressure of retribution/rebellion, the nuances that come from being in a privileged position but still genuinely doing their best to help the people around them, the struggles that it takes to actually unite a group of people even if you are part of an oppressed class, and more themes actually very much relevant to the story it is theoretically trying to tell. Instead we get a flaming pile of garbage because the author refuses to actually engage with the themes and world set up.
Surprisingly, the glaring issues pop up within the first 3 chapters. First and foremost being the reason why Mikael started this entire revolution. Mikael is the first to break out of the brainwashing as the “king” of the homunculi and leads the revolution to overthrow the monarchy that upheld this institution of slavery. It all makes perfect sense, of course he would want his freedom and autonomy and vengeance against the people who tortured him so, and also wants that for his fellow homunculi- except oh wait no he didnt do that for any of those realistic reasons silly. He wasn’t upset at being a slave or at the unjust and cruel treatment of those deemed lesser for no reason other than their identity as a homunculus. He was in *love* clearly. With the 7th princess who he has only had 1 conversation with. When he heard she was being sold off he just had to stage this revolution to make sure that wouldn’t happen. No other reason :)) (insert eye roll here). Like oh yes the slaves were perfectly fine being slaves I guess. Like this isnt explicity what the story is saying bc it goes out of its way to show you how miserable the homonculi are, but by having Mikael’s sole motivation be to like, get together with Eve eventually it makes him a wet cardboard character with no compelling motivation or backstory. It’s also just degrading the idea of slaves uprising and fighting for their rights, because nooo our love interest can’t have done anything for those reasons, that’s wrong. And that is such a fucked worldview to present. People shouldn’t fight for their right to exist as human beings and not property. Only when motivated by actual pure reasons such as love or non violent change is it the right course of action.
And coming back to the whole, Mikael has been in love with Eve the entire time thing which is fucking stupid to me because I hate love at first sight tropes. Logically, doesn’t it make for a far more compelling story to have them at odds by virtue of their positions and life experiences despite ultimately holding similar viewpoints and then have them find common ground in the new timeline where Eve is more proactive and they actually interact for more than just a longing stare? You can’t even argue he was in love with her for plot reason- he doesn’t need to be in love with her for this story to start. When Eve dies he’s the one who wants to try and bring her back, but who does he actually need to do the procedure? The sage, or Eve’s personal mentor. Literally. Just. Have. The. Sage. Turn. Back. Time. It would make perfect sense considering how close the two are and how unfairly Eve was assassinated when she had been doing her best for the homunculi. You could have Mikael honor her with a funeral, respectful as to what she meant as a royal who publicly was against the homunculi system and then have the Sage bust in the middle of the night and drag Mikael unknowingly into this spell because they’re the one that wants to give their precious student a second chance. It literally solves all your problems in one without reducing Mikael’s entire personality to just “in love.” It’s also a great way to introduce the Sage and make the reader wonder just how special Eve must be for someone to go to such lengths for her.
Furthering the romance talk, this manhwa is a romance, except its an incredibly disturbing one from start to finish. When Eve imprints Mikael his entire thought process is changed. This is quite literally mind control magic forcibly changing his opinion of her to favorable. They explicitly show that!! Multiple times!! He even sees her as beautiful because of the imprint and nothing else! And you cannot argue what are his true thoughts and what aren’t because the imprint works to actively change his thoughts unless he is consciously going against it. So logically we have to conclude that any emotion Mikael feels about her is constructed by the imprint or in the case of any positive ones, being drastically amplified. This is not love. This is not a romance. This is just mind control but we’re supposed to see it as romantic because our protagonist obviously cannot do anything wrong. Also, the imprint makes it so that little spark of personality we see in Mikael when we first meet him in the floating prison goes away completely. Our two protagonists never truly argue about anything after that point. It’s so,,,, stale. All of the conflicts we could have had between them to further the themes and their relationship just don’t exist because the author wants Mikael’s personality to be “simp” and Eve’s to be “perfect princess who never does anything truly wrong.” In a story dealing with such a direct allegory for the slave system and dealing with racist institutions not have those sort of furthering arguments is a massive blow to the story’s integrity. I can’t see it as anything smart despite the promise its idea shows because clearly the author isn’t going to actually follow up on anything. How could they when they can’t even give us the relationship between the two main characters without resorting to using mind control to mellow out one side’s feelings.
Ironically, out of everything in this mess Eve is by far the best written aspect of it. She very easily could be a white savior trope through and through, naively condemning Mikael’s actions on the basis that “violence is wrong UwU.” To some extent, she does fall into this because one of her major goals is to not have that revolution Mikael starts. However, it’s made more complex by Eve’s mindset. Eve doesn’t consider herself exempt from the homunculi’s scorn. She recognizes that her resistance while novel in itself never lead to results, so she effectively did nothing for the people she was trying to help. In the original timeline she fully believes that Mikael hates her for these exact reasons, and his kindness towards her is only a ploy for her to lower her guard. She also doesn’t deny her place as an inheritor of the very monarchy that began and enforces this systemic racism, she will always be connected to their misdeeds. To Eve, Mikael rising up to take down the emperor is a death sentence, because to kill off the imperial family in condemnation of their crimes means that she too will be executed. Eve wants to live just as much as she wants to help the homunculi, so of course she’s going to stay far far away from that path. Another aspect of it is that Eve is genuinely sad for the destruction caused by Mikael’s methods, because a lot of innocent people inevitably got caught up in the crossfire. More than that, Eve in this new timeline actually goes about trying to correct her mistakes in the past timeline. She plays the political game in order to put herself in a position where she can actually help the homunculi rather than just saying they deserve better treatment. And she does so without ever losing that perspective of “im sure i can’t be seen as some sort of good person to the homunculi because of who i am and the part i have unwillingly played in their suffering, but i will do everything in my power to make things better.” Sure, I realize it’s just there so it can be proven wrong eventually and have Eve realize she was adored all along but its really an excellent perspective to have without considering that.
However, even with the positives there are plenty of things that fall short. Without any proper conflict of ideologies, Eve’s mindset of changing the system from within by becoming crown princess and letting reform start there goes uncontested. It is upheld as the “right” choice because it is what leads her to her victories. In turn this utterly condemns any sort of violent response, even in the face of unspeakably cruel and inhuman treatment. Rising up to fight back is never right, see how much happier everyone is now that the nonviolent option was chosen? If the author had just made Mikael into a properly autonomous character with his own opinions it could have made for a very interesting juxtaposition of their worldviews. Eve could come to terms with her own implicit biases, and come to even understand why Mikael did the things he did. By having her just be right all the time it takes so much depth out of the story.
Having read spoilers for the ending of the novel out of curiosity, I was disgusted to find that not only does most of the royal family go unpunished, but both Rosie and the King are redeemed???? Which like okay, I’m not saying you can’t have redemptions, I’m not saying god awful characters cannot be redeemed. But I am saying that the half-hearted bullshit given to us by Revolutionary Princess Eve is downright disgraceful. Even ignoring that the entire royal family besides Eve willingly kept personal slaves also used as sex slaves, often throwing away the homunculi’s lives for enjoyment, the King is quite literally just garbage. He relishes in the power he holds over the homunculi, he resists change time and time again because losing that power and system of free labor would be devastating to him. He only cares about his children when they meet his standards, and then forgets about them when they aren’t doing anything that grabs his interest. Neither Eve nor Mikael have any reason to forgive or accept this man as a part of their lives and yet both of them do????? He never faces any real consequences for his actions or anything, just retires on in peace. The same thing goes for Rosie and what happens between her and her personal knight (slave) who she repeatedly raped and abused and yet somehow. SOMEHOW. the author has the fucking gall to make it a “oh well things are bad here but one day they’ll probably be together” sort of ending for those two???
All of this just goes to show that despite coming in strong with its promises of a racially allegorical story about breaking down a society’s racist systems, this manhwa never had the slightest intention of actually approaching the incredibly dark ideas it puts in the forefront. Nothing is followed through upon, nothing is rightfully challenged, our main characters hardly have arcs to speak of. In the end all we have left of those promises is an incredibly racist narrative that says violence is never the answer to face your abusers and slavers, our privileged protagonist is always in the right with her mindset on this very delicate situation, and any character from the enslaved class gets 1 personality trait and that is to love Eve. How anyone can appreciate this for anything other than the hot garbage it clearly is has a mind I cannot comprehend.
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lindoesntwin · 1 year
The 7th princess gets poisoned by her younger sister and was able to return back in time where she has a new goal of claiming the throne and fighting for freedom for the homunculi with her new personal guard.
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Other titles: Princess imprints a traitor, The princess imprints a traitor
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