#That sounds...familiar
sad-torbek-noises · 3 months
Holy shit, is the bleed from Candela Obscura just...basically magical radiation??? Or like, just straight up radiation?????
If just being exposed to it (not even having to touch it directly) is enough to weaken the human body (because they take a bleed mark when they get too close to it),
if there's a chance that prolonged exposure to copious amounts of it could mutate you (or start disintegrating you) in some shape or form like when they take a scar after getting four bleed marks,
and if it had a hand in the straight up obliteration of an entire civilization because the people were trying to use it to gain power and then ended up suffering direct damage from it as well as creatures mutated by it (and the bleed and its mutated creatures are still around to fuck with the citizens of the new civilization)
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poppysoccsart · 7 days
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critterbitter · 5 months
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A trip down memory lane! Though the tower seems to have changed…
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Celestial tower! Built during the direct aftermath of the Founding Unovan Civil War, it remains a cultural landmark in memory of those lost in the fire and storm.
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Time has dulled the scars left behind by the twin dragons. Today, the tower is primarily used as a mausoleum (the preferred method of burial are urns) and, well, a tourism site. Legend says if you climb to the top of the tower and ring the bell, you can lay your ghosts to rest. But mostly? You can ring a GIANT bell.
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Course, you gotta GET to that bell first.
Masterpost for more pokemon shenanigans here!
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batcavescolony · 5 months
New Camper #1: hi, we're new.
New Camper #2: yeah, we were told to-
Mr D: MY SONS! HOW ARE YOU? Do you have wine?
Chiron: he's not actually your father, he just wants wine.
Castor(new camper #2):oh
Pollux(new camper #1):so who is our-
Mr D: ...so funny story *waves hand*
Purple grapes symbol🍇: *appears over Castor and Pollux's heads*
Mr D: so about that wine?
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chthonic-kids · 2 months
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BG3 narrator? in my hades supergiant?
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sadisthetic · 4 months
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fictionadventurer · 2 days
I love libraries.
I'm browsing the WWI shelves (as you do) and notice a very old book about the war. I glance at the first pages that talk about how one day the war will be over and we'll look at this place and not see any signs of the battlefield.
Then it hits me. And I check the publishing date.
This book was printed before the war's end. Not written. Printed. The physical object was created in 1918, while the war in question was raging and the end was as yet uncertain.
Now I'm standing on the other side of the apocalypse, with this physical link to that era in my hands. I'm living proof that the war did end and life did go on and we can all look at the end of the world as a long-ago memory.
Reading old books is cool enough, connecting our minds and hearts through the ideas of people who lived long ago, but there's something extra profound about holding a copy of the book that comes from the time that it was written. It's a physical link between the past and the present connecting me to those long-ago people. A piece of the past come into the future that gives me the chance to almost take the hand of some long-ago reader, to hold something they could have held, connecting not just mentally but physically to their era, a moment of connection across more than a century.
Excuse me while I go weep.
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Oda: Here’s my new character! He’s a cyborg (but only on the front) who is fueled by cola that he stores in a fridge in his stomach!
Also Oda: Indiscriminate violence against a population for the actions of a few is not justice, no matter what the actions of the few entail. A ruling government built on colonialism and violence has a vested interest in rewriting the historical narrative and will do anything to protect their own version of events. This includes atrocities against citizens, including their own, if it furthers their narrative. They will demonize the survivors and victims to make them seem like villains and terrorists, and lie to the world at large. It is our job to listen to the survivors, and make sure their stories are not forgotten or distorted.
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People saying that they hate Janet Cage because she seems obnoxious and annoying, like okay.
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robinwithay · 5 months
i think a lot of people in the fandom have a bad habit of acting as if aziraphale should know everything we, the audience, know about crowley, and that he should therefore be more sympathetic to feelings that aziraphale literally doesn't even know crowley has, because crowley hasn't told him.
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
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when the cycles of abuse start cycling or whatever
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ddarker-dreams · 5 months
watching a true crime documentary with chrollo and hearing 'the phantom troupe' get namedropped
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quimser · 7 months
zim running noises vs baby bird eating noises
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ender1821 · 7 months
Australian Gem strikes again (clip taken from Pearl’s stream on 7/11/2023, around the 2:30:00 mark)
transcript below!
Pearl: —separate from my online content— ow, OW—! Okay! Ok ok ok, I get it, I get it, I get it!
Gem: ‘Ello!
Pearl: ‘Ello, mate, how’s it going?
Gem: G’day, mate!
Pearl: G’day, mate!
Gem: Was that a good Australian— I’m Australian now.
Pearl: Honestly, you did that pretty decently compared to a lot of other people.
Gem: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I try, I spend a lot of time with an Australian.
Pearl: Oh yeah, you do? You do? I don’t say “g’day” that much though.
Gem: No. Not at all. Very disappointing, actually. My Australian friend doesn’t even say the Australian catchphrase.
Pearl: It’s stereotypical! You’re only gonna get that if you’re like, countryside bogan.
Gem: *sighs*
Pearl: That’s like the redneck of America.
Pearl: I might say “crikey” every now and again— Again, that’s very rare.
Gem: If you said “crikey”, that would make my day!
Pearl: I’ve said it before, just out of the blue, it’s definitely— It’s a rare thing.
Gem: Yeah, it makes me very happy.
Pearl, muffled: Crikey, mate.
Gem: Ah, I love Australians.
Pearl: Oh, I’m feeling so flattered right now…
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m340700 · 7 months
@crazybookcat HAPPY (LATE) HALLOWEEN!!!! I was your secret skeleton >:)
I am SO so sorry this is so late argH. i had a few mishaps and busy schedules along the way but alas here it is!! hope you like it
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another version:
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a silly because you have buff dcas listed down:
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loveundrwrld · 6 months
rich yandere x con artist/scammer reader (gender neutral)
cw: blackmailing, unhealthy relationship (on both sides, lol), implied stalking, etc.
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you, a young, attractive person struggling with finances, have a clever way of getting by. 
it was simple- you flirt and attract rich, lonely people. the dumber the better.
once you get your hooks into them, you move into their place as their significant other (letting you live in luxury apartments and mansions rent-free.) you ask for expensive gifts. you “borrow” small items from his house that you can sell, like watches or rings.
and, if they have not caught on to you at that point- you do your final trick- you cry and say you desperately need a lot of money, for one reason or the other. you say you need it for college tuition, or you say that your mother desperately needs surgery. 
and then, once you get the money you’re looking for- you find one way or another to disappear from their life. make them think that you run off with someone else so they won’t want you back. you use a new fake name, each time- so they wouldn’t even know where to look for you even if they did.
you set your eyes on a new target and you initially think that he’ll be an easy con. even more so than usual. you set your sights on rich yandere, a nepo baby heir to the fortune of a successful company.
he’s very sheltered, very inexperienced. it seems that he’s never dated anyone before you. it's no surprise, then, that he falls for each of your lies so easily without any questions.
all that you have to do in return is kiss him, tell him you love him, and let him hold you. very simple for someone who’s used to that sort of thing and more with people you barely know.
he moves in with you very quickly- letting you live with him in a big, beautiful mansion far faster than even you expected.
when you try tell him your planned out sob story, he just shushes you, kisses you sweetly, and gives you whatever you want when you ask. there’s no need to stress, baby, he’s there for you.
after a while you start getting cocky, forgetting to apply your typical level of caution. you ask for far more money than usual with your scheme. and far more often.
surprisingly, rich yandere never seems to care at all. and never seems to notice when your stories don’t add up together. 
actually, now that you think about it, he never even asked how you were doing in college even after he gave you all that money for “tuition” . . . 
after a while, you start to think . . . it’s only a matter of time before he catches on, right? and then, you start to subtly drop hints, to make your ‘mysterious’ disappearance in his life make sense. you start to mention a man you know and seeming just a little too interested in him.
you quickly see a new side to him. he stops you in your tracks one day and grabs you by the shoulders using your real name. “does he treat you as well as i do (reader)?” he asks. “remember how much money i gave you? he could never do that for you.”
frightened at being caught in your lies, you calm him down in the meanwhile and plan to escape the house at night to make your disappearance.
to your surprise, however, you notice that he's installed new security cameras right outside your shared room some time ago . . . almost like he was expecting this exact turn of events.
and if you try to escape again, well . . . he's quick to remind you. "no one else would like it if they heard what you did to me. if i tell them what you did, things could be very bad for you, baby, considering how much money you took . . .”
but, of course . . . if you don't leave him, nobody else has to know. so you won't leave him, right?
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