#Tay cosplays
ajcrowlor · 1 year
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- Hello listeners, I hope you've all voted correctly in the current poll, otherwise we can't reallyyyyy be held responsible for what might happen to your family. So like, maybe just vote?
- And now, the weather: 🎶
so yep we had a mini con this weekend and i had to resurrect one of my fave cosplays For The Meme™, especially seeing that it's nearly been a full 10 YEARS since i first did cecilos with @thegirlwithmanynames at Mtl ComicCon ??? (and now we are doing the dating uwu 💜💚)
👏🏻 CECILSWEEP 👏🏻 LET'S 👏🏻 GO 👏🏻 VOTE 👏🏻 !!!
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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“Cool Dad Tai” by LeonardofRei https://www.deviantart.com/leonardofrei/art/RWBY-Chibi-694190598 @dangerouslydangerousgalaxy made a comic dub of it under his Mark Zschiegner Channel.
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itkuinenkettu · 1 year
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en ehkä pysty jatkamaan
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luminousstardust · 3 months
You’re my tether, Laudna. Sometimes I feel like I’m about to float away, but as long as you’re there… 💜⚡️
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happy ninth anniversary, critical role! 🥳🎉
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fluffylittleguy · 25 days
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The tortured fluffy department
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ultrakrills · 4 months
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forgot to post these whoopsie anyway @scarymarlowes edited my hermie cosplay everyone cheer
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7th-perspective · 8 months
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MCM Manchester 2018
Korra - The Legend of Korra Aang - Avatar the last Airbender Toph - Avatar the last Airbender Earthbender - Avatar the last Airbender Tai Lee - Avatar the last Airbender
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blaiddstoe · 8 months
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Orb pondering
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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taylor cheers up his pal!!!
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@raemeh​ i read this suggestion wrong at first but then i just ran with the ideas my brain was stacking on top of each other jkldsfjdsfjds hehehehehehehe. i was sitting here desperately trying to remember Any Anime [i have watched Several, but my mind went Blank] and then i remembered the in universe lore of disney movies and stuff being anime in the future -> i remembered this quote from ep25 that lives in my brain ETERNALLY
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i always thought teeny looked like woody / since taylor wore a literal mech outfit to prom, OBVIOUSLY he had to be buzz!!
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Netflix's Avatar:The Last Airbender live action has so many things wrong with it that I won't even bother to name them because if I did, this post would take forever. But god…. what a disaster… by this point I don't care if they make a 2nd season and Toph appears, I'm NOT going to watch it.
Honestly, I would have preferred 1000 times more that they invested all this money in a new animated series adapting the comics than this crap.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Happy Halloween, have my two favourite dorks cosplaying as a Mad Scientist and his trusty Death Scythe, as if we needed more proof for them being embarrassingly loyal in every sense of the word.
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taichouu · 1 year
Weight lifting and working towards a specific body type to be attractive to others:
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Weight lifting and working towards a specific body type for cosplay:
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lovebirdgames · 2 years
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OTOMETOBER DAY 2 ~ Let’s hear it for the ladies! Who is your favorite heroine or MC?
This one is hard! I mean of course it’s Cadence and I also adore the main character of Hatoful Boyfriend, but I don’t want to be prattling on about the same games. I want to spread the love. So one MC I have a major soft spot for is...
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The heroine of Amnesia: Memories! I know in the first game she doesn’t have much to say, but I adore her design and wanted to cosplay her so badly some time ago, but I didn’t think I could pull her off and figured it would never happen. Then in 2021 I said ah heck, I’mma make it happen. :) I love cosplaying her because I get to talk to fellow otome fans and they are the sweetest people. <3
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dynamitekansai · 1 year
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February 12 Fuji ◆6 Woman Tag Momo Watanabe, Saki Kashima & Natsuko Tora defeated Hazuki, Saya Iida & Mayu Iwatani.
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luminousstardust · 1 year
Constellations for each member of Bells Hells!
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As I started making my level 10 Imogen dress, I wanted to have the constellations I painted on there to have meaning. While looking up some constellations and the mythos behind them, I realized that a lot of them actually related to a lot of the members of Bells Hells, and wanted to have them all represented on her dress!! Along with a couple key NPCs.
So, here’s the list:
Imogen - Andromeda
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This was the first constellation I added to the dress!! According to my friend who is very into astronomy, Andromeda’s mother bragged about her beauty, angering the greek gods and causing Andromeda herself to nearly be sacrificed for her mother’s mistakes. I feel like this ties into Imogen’s life very neatly, as Liliana’s involvement with Ruidus and the Ruby Vangaurd have definitely had a more negative impact on her life so far. And, speaking of Liliana…
Liliana Temult - Cassiopeia
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Liliana is the only true NPC to be featured on Imogen’s dress, because the comparison of Andromeda and Cassiopeia to Imogen and Liliana was too good to pass up on! I also have Liliana’s constellation on one side of the dress and Imogen’s on the other for optimum heartbreak…💔
Laudna - Ophiuchus
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Speaking of placement… Ophiuchus as Laudna is right next to the Andromeda constellation on the dress 💜🖤. Ophiuchus is a greek healer often associated with bringing people back from the dead, which Laudna has done twice now. He’s also associated with snakes, which is a fun little nod to Laudna’s snake ring.
Fearne - Capricornus
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Fearne being placed next to Imogen and Laudna is also intentional - I could not separate the witchy bitches!!! Capricornus represents, just like Fearne, a horned half-goat. I chose this one not only because it matches Fearne’s physical satyr presentation, but because her Fae nature is so key to her character and her relationship with the world around her.
Orym - Scutum
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And right next to Fearne is her bestie, Orym!! While Scutum doesn’t have much mythos attached to it like the other constellations, it’s name means shield in Latin, which is just SO Orym. Not only is his own sheild very important to him, but Orym often utilizes his battle maneuvers in fights to protect other members of the party, so he is kind of like a sheild himself.
Dorian - Lyra
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OF COURSE I had to include Dorian!! And put him right next to his sending stone buddy. Lyra was an obvious choice for Bells Hells’ bard, since the constellation represents Orpheus’ lyre. But I also chose this with the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in mind, because Dorian’s separation and inability to “see” the rest of Bells Hells at the moment hurts me sooooo much. Hoping for a reunion eventually!!!!
Chetney - Caelum
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Seeing the Caelum constellation, which translates to “the chisel,” is actually what inspired me to pair constellations to characters in the first place. A chisel constellation was MADE for Chetney!! Not only do I love love love the idea of a carver using their tools as weapons, but I absolutely ADORE that Chetney uses those same tools to make little personalized wooden crafts for his friends. He cares more than his grumpy old persona lets on!!!!
Ashton - Hercules
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This one feels as though it may be a bit on the nose, but as the tank of the party I chose Hercules for Ashton. I feel like Hercules as a very strong mythical character represents all of Ashton’s strength - the physical, the internal, and the mental. Not only are they an incredible fighter, but having to deal with their chronic pain and emotional anguish requires a great deal of strength. Not to mention what team Issylra have been going through recently, and how he’s done his best to be, for lack of a better term, a rock for his friends.
F.C.G. - Libra
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The Libra constellation represents a scale, a form of balance, which is why I chose it for F.C.G. With his healing abilities and love of emotional counseling, F.C.G. brings a unique balance to a party of heavy hitters who don’t necessarily love talking about their emotions. Also, their newfound religion promises to bring a new perspective to the party amidst their moral conundrum with the gods, which I’m excited to watch play out.
Bertrand Bell - Corvus
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Last but certainly not least, the man who inspired the name of the Bells Hells himself! Corvus, the constellation representing crows and ravens, was an obvious choice for Bretrand. Not only was taken by the Raven Queen himself, but his girlfriend, Lieve'tel, was a cleric of the Raven Queen, so he feels intrinsically tied to the Matron. And as morbid as it was, Bertrand's death really set the Bells Hells off on the chain of events that has spiraled into the story we know today.
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…And that’s it! I may add more constellations in the future (I have a few in mind for some of the guests, but I don’t want it to get too cluttered), but we’ll see! I’ll definitely post more when I finish Imogen’s whole level 10 outfit as well. Thanks for reading!
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