mofroggery · 11 months
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wlw mlm allyship fr 😋☝️ (feat. leon in some of my silly guy outfits)
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hyper-cryptic · 2 months
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I have ascended. Transmasc Claire...Cleon Yaoi....
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hazeism · 7 months
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And Earth has been crazy I hope Daneel and Trevize fuckkkk (it's only his custom!!!)
context for the first image:
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ivyial · 2 months
Reading one of your answers, I noticed that you wrote “Leon has a crush” and while I was playing the game, I also had such thoughts because a man cannot behave like that if he does not feel something. Can you please explain how you were convinced of this?
hi there!! i'm so very late to this ask i'm sorry :,)
so i'm gonna try and retrace the steps of how i realised that (from a year or so ago lolol). one thing you have to know about me before we begin is that i cannot recognise flirting for SHIT LMAOAOAO like genuinely. it is BAD. i am seriously socially impaired in that department.
when i played re4r last year, i had not played the og re4 (i still haven't, as a matter of fact). so i went into it relatively blind, with no opinion about leon/ashley (it did not seem like a big enough ship that people were ever giving their opinions on it, apart from the 'overtime' part in the og). i knew a bit about ashley, and how annoying a big chunk of the fandom found her in the og, and that was about it.
ashley flirting with leon in the game was somewhat obvious. the "i think you'd look pretty dashing" line was a big giveaway, although other than that, she doesn't actually make any big move on leon (sure, she offers him to become part of her security detail at the end, but yeah).
the dining hall scene happened - leon telling ashley "i'm not used to having such good company"???? that definitely made go 💡!!!
also, if you go back to chapter 9, after ashley's playable section, she finds leon again in the cage, and he says to her "can you make it down? i can catch you". i didn't find his words odd, but i found his tone extremely specific. if you go back and listen, it doesn't exactly sound like a matter-of-fact offer. it sounds like an incentive, but i wasn't so sure whether it was more for ashley's benefit or his own. he just sounds so bashful saying it and he's smiling. maybe that's just me, but i definitely found his tone suggestive in that scene. at the time i just shrugged it off as me misunderstanding tone (as it happens sometimes).
i originally was not predisposed to seeing them as a couple, since i'd never really seen the possibility of it being evoked in the modern RE fandom. i was more of a cleon girlie at the time too (i still am, but not as much nowadays). so i finished the game for the first time thinking "aw, leon and ashley had such a great dynamic, he's very supportive of her and kind, they're a great (platonic) fit". but then, you know, there was still the flirting initiated by ashley, the flirting (?) initiated by leon, and that unusual tone that he had in chapter 9.
so i didn't really see the bigger picture until i read the leshley/eagleone posts written by @sapphire-weapon (if you haven't checked her blog out yet, you have to, not just for her leon/ashley posts, but even for her general meta analyses which are absolutely brilliant). and then, i started putting it together, noticing the instances of leon flirting with ashley, some of which i'd missed, the structure of the story, etc.
and from there, well. you realise how well leon and ashley work together, even in a platonic setting, and you add their occasional flirting, as well as the DINING HALL SCENE??? which to me is a massive giveaway and is one of the things that convinced me the most apart from their literal interactions. room with red wallpaper, a statue of two snakes that could either be fighting or, well, fucking lmao (i also don't need to explain the phallic symbol there), the queen/king paintings, and the fact that this is one of the few rooms in this game where they are not interrupted by any enemies. it's a very private setting + "well, yeah, but i'm not used to having such good company".
leon's crush is also demonstrated through the way ashley pulls out a softer side of him.
you can see in chapter 13 (when he calls out for her from the other side of the cell - if you listen closely, it sounds like nick apostolides is reverting back to re2 leon's voice for that line).
there is also quite a bit of (sometimes unnecessary) physical contact between the two, which is almost always initiated by leon (it might even always be him). see: the way he holds on to her just a bit too long after catching her when she jumps out of the church window + the way they look at each other (chapter 5), right after escaping the ganados and joining luis in the villa (chapter 5), comforting ashley in the castle (chapter 9), and most importantly, checking on her after opening the cell and letting his fingers trail along her arms etc. (chapter 13) and (not physical contact but intended) the way he manages to break saddler's hold to reach for ashley when saddler touches her head on the altar (chapter 15). and i mean, he carries her bridal style multiple times (either catches her when she jumps or carries her like that on the way to the lab) (that in itself is also for the sake of practicality, but it adds to it).
taken separately, these events would probably not mean anything, but when you look at it all together, you realise that leon's feelings for ashley run deeper than just professionalism. i don't think he has to act like that - or at least, not if capcom just wanted them to be PURELY PLATONIC PURELY SIBLING CODED as one part of the fandom shouts all day long
this is a very long answer but yeah!! i hope this answers your question. btw, feel free to send me more leon/ashley asks!! i'd love to answer them :3
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virgincels · 5 months
Omg cherry berry I saw that ask the other day talking about the cleon threesome and it gave me a horny but funny idea like Claire being like move over gay boy let me show you how it’s done kinda way :333
You and Leon have been dating for a while and you’ve both been wanting to do some stuff to make things more interesting in your sex lives or something along those lines and at that same time Claire just happens to come stay for a small while because of work or whatever. She’s just so pretty and hot, especially when she flirts with you every now and then and you can’t help but bring up the idea of a threesome with Leon.
At first he’s a little apprehensive because that’s his partner and one of his close friends and he really doesn’t wanna mix things around but in the end he says yes because in his little blonde brain he’s like oh em gee a threesome with two girls that’s so hot it’s like most guys dream and besides he’s always had a little thing for Claire.
Fast forward to the actual threesome and it’s nothing like how he thought it would go. Sure at first he gets to do something stuff at first but Claire basically completely takes over, fucking you so well with her fingers and strap as she overstims you, dirty talking to you while also mentioning how much better she is for you than Leon and how he doesn’t treat you as well as she would. Meanwhile Leon is sat watching as he strokes himself, basically getting cucked as his best friend steals his partner :333
Sorry it’s kinda long I just love this idea of Claire whisking away Leon’s partner and he just kinda has to watch like he can’t do anything about it :33 anyways ily cherry <333
OMG BUNNY ANON i posted something ab this a while back not any content just the idea cuz i love… cleon threesome where claire doesn’t even intend to cuck leon she’s just . naturally a little pushy n headstrong and yes she’s kind n whatever but like!! not during sex she gets selfish and kind of hogs you all to herself without even realising - leon is a cuck either way so he probably gets off quicker this way LMFAO
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 6 months
The text connecting Chris and Jill is “戦友” or “kanyuu” which translates to “commrade in arms; war buddy”.?
in the Revelation's bio for Chris, they called him Jill's Brother-in-arms.?
So they don't have feelings for each other?
Hello Anon! I want to start off by saying that it's okay if you don't ship Chris and Jill romantically - not everyone does. I mentioned in a previous post how I can certainly see how others would only view their relationship as platonic or coworkers. Unfortunately, the link in your question does not work so I'm sorry I can't respond to that in particular. And I am not trying to sow any discontent or attacking, I'm merely responding and enjoying my preferred ship. I hope you can understand. If we can all stay positive and respectful that would be greatly appreciated. ^_^ Chris and Jill have been fighting BOW's since the very first game. Actual canon is that they survived through the whole mansion together. They've always protected each other. So 'comrade in arms', 'war buddy, 'brother-in-arms', 'partner', 'bestest friend', 'kindred spirits', 'love of my life' are all titles they would/could use to address each other.
Also, in RE1 original, Chris and Jill were written to be romantically interested in each other. In a recent interview, the live-action actor for RE1 Chris stated that he wanted to remain as respectful as possible to Jill's actress as she was much younger than him and he knew they were supposed to be romantically linked in the story. Source: ROE Plays RESIDENT EVIL 1 w/ Original Chris Redfield (Charlie Kraslavsky)
And this cute song that plays when they are reunited: Long Lost Friend Long Lost Friend Revisited - I love how bittersweet this is, very fitting In my mind, there is definitely some romantic sweetness to this song. But Capcom likes to keep them ambiguous or seems to want to retcon them, so I don't know. Ship them or don't. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I just like how mature their relationship seems - built on lasting trust and respect. Even in Death Island there were ambiguous hints of something more between them. Like, Chris staring at a smiling Jill, backlit by a beautiful setting sun, seems kind of romantic to me. ... Only to fist bump her seconds later. Guess he wanted to keep it professional and clean in front of his sister XD
Before I got into Resident Evil (Biohazard), I never really knew about any 'ships'. I had vague memories of RE2 (Cleon bby) and RE5 (my unknowing teenage self actually shipped Sheva and Chris!), but it wasn't until I actually replayed the games as an adult and explored more of the extended lore that I became a Valenfield fan (and unexpectedly, less of a Cleon shipper). And what cemented it for me even more was the supplemental RE5 guide translations!
I highly recommend any Valenfield shipper to read it here. (scroll down a little more than half way on the page to find the STORY section. It's after the different colored text timeline.)
Some quotes from this official guide book:
... Referred to as "the BSAA's ace", Chris has a brilliant track record preventing many bioterror attacks, but Chris' chest is filled with an indescribable emptiness. Many comrades have been sacrificed to repair the errors of fools. Even if the world's saved, these friends will never return. He had lost his irreplaceable former partner. ...
... Chris has nothing against having a female partner. In fact, the partner he regarded as irreplaceable was a female too. She's the perfect person whom Chris can totally trust and rely on, someone whom he believes is what he needed to complete any mission. Chris felt their teamwork was like an eagle able to escape from biohazardous danger. ...
... Chris is staring intently at a statue of a sleeping beauty. He's like a person looking at his lover through a mirror, where the other side of the mirror's a different dimension. ... The image displayed on the PDA screen issued by the BSAA isn't very good quality. The faint face is illuminated by a weak light, ... Despite that, Chris is able to recognise the person. He's been chasing this lead all the while, just so he can repair the missing piece of his heart. This can't be a mistake, nor an illusion. This is a fact. ... It's Jill, his old partner who sacrificed herself and jumped off a cliff in order to save Chris. Due to Jill's absence ever since, the BSAA have removed her from duty. But two years later, there's finally a sign that shows she may be alive after all, and this sign's appearing right in front of her partner who refuses to believe she's dead. The reason why Chris, who was from BSAA North American branch, was hoping to join this operation within Kijuju, was because he'd obtained some sort of lead leaked by Irving on the black market while he was looking for Jill. ...
... Jill, with her antibodies, has been administered P30--- Gifted with superhuman abilities, she's been given a powerful drug that controls her mind too. This evil drug is continuously injected into her body, torturing her to no end. Just as Wesker intended, Jill's receiving hell-like suffering. "I'm begging you, kill me!" ... Wesker's instruction to Jill before he leaves, which is to kill Chris who has finally come for her, plays mercilessly in her mind like an echo. The painful, unbearable order's destroying Jill mentally, and she's begging with her mind for her old partner, Chris, to end her suffering. "Don't worry about me! If this goes on I'll only end up killing both of you! Shoot me, please!" Despite that, Chris refuses to give up. Chris screams like a beast at the brainwashed Jill. He promises that even if it means giving up his life, he's going to free his partner with whom he has finally reunited, from her curse.
But again, I believe Capcom will keep their relationship more ambiguous and open to interpretation - I think they want to keep all potential shippers content. And they certainly seem to be moving towards a more 'just a good friend/co-worker' angle than before.
Which, in my opinion, cheapens the over arcing story (RE1 - 5) and relationship - but that's for another post to ramble about, I suppose.
No hard feelings if you're not a Valenfield shipper. They have a good friendship and I can totally understand if people only see them as that and nothing more.
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Hey I saw you added resident evil!! Out of curiosity I wanted to know how you feel about ships? Specifically:
Sorry if this is weird but seeing that the fandom is kind of... hostile at times I just want to know what you're comfortable with and where you stand before I ask anything!
Hi hi!! No worries I understand haha. I've technically been a part of resident evil for a minute ( I mean I do like creepypasta and at the time internet horror crossed over into horror in general much more frequently so thats how I got exposed lmao) I just never felt the urge to add it or write for it till recently. Also just a heads up I don't do character x character regardless if I like the ship or not ✨ this is strictly x Dom reader
Also hi this is my first real post in almost two years how's it going guys lmao.
-aeon: not a fan. Originally I was open minded but the fans of this ship have been disgusting in my personal interactions so it killed the ship for me. See the appeal of the tragic love at times but not my thing. It's overrated and kind of icky so I rate it 30/100
-cleon also not really my thing. Once again I see the appeal just not into it myself. Fans were more welcoming though so I can enjoy it better. (Still some instigators but not nearly as many). Ultimately I'm indifferent and just like the community lmao. 60/100
-i decided to throw chreon into the mix just cause I know that one exists. Not a whole lot of interaction between the two for me to form an opinion but I can see how it came about. There is an old man yaoi quality to it that is like fine wine. An acquired taste but pretty good. Has a certain level of bitterness that tops it off. 65-70/100
-leshley. My favorite ship so far regarding Leon. Very cute. Very wholesome. Can dip into angst or problematic and what's a ship without controversy. The shippers are sweethearts for the most part. Don't see a lot of them actually but I do know the general view of leshley is not positive for stupid reasons. Love my two pookies 98/100
-serennedy. I see the appeal. Very funny dynamic and a lot of angst. Kind of generic and predictable ngl so not super intrigued by it. Plenty of good artists though and once again the fans are pretty sweet. A little much at times and a few pushy peeps but not too bad. Personally I like ada and Luis more but honestly both good. 75/100
you didn't mention this one but I'd also like to say I love metaltango. It's just a tad above leshley cause who doesn't like enemies to enemies. Plus the artists always cook with something holy and profoundly poetic in ship art. Even the name metaltango solos sorry 100/100
Also for ships I'm not sure exist with Leon I'm putting them down here. I have yet to see a maria x Leon fanbase begin after death Island with her basically sitting on his face, but I rate maria x Leon 100/100 as well. I'd love to see someone create food for it since there was some tension in that fight.
is hunnigan and Leon a ship?? I haven't seen content for that but I assume there's a few fics on ao3. Im personally not a fan of the concept but ultimately I don't have anything bad to say either so 27/100. Need to know more and interact a bit more to give an accurate rating
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sapphire-weapon · 28 days
Theres this weirdo called monique sth posting ss of your meta attacking all aeons and cleons saying leshley is the only canon 😭😭😭 no one wants her but still kkkdjd
LOL what a fucking psycho.
It's amazing how people read this blog and yet don't understand a single thing I ever fucking say.
@ sane aeons & cleon friends: I'm sorry that this is happening. Please don't lock me up with that Martian. I don't know her.
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marashi96art · 1 year
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(this one is the most LMAO fan art I've ever done and I NEVER POST IT HERE BEFORE?)
I asked about what's your ideal Cleon movie on Twitter and obviously Titanic was one of them. I know ppl talk bout how Leon should be Jack but sorry not sorry. It just makes more sense to me this way.
The character's background only changed a bit, and it would still fit:
Claire was an orphan girl looking for her brother;
Leon was engaged to a woman he didn't like cuz the marriage was purely out of financial benefits;
Claire was good at drawing but back then women were not allowed to draw naked men;(I don't know when they changed that; I just know this, and it was a fact.)
Leon wanted to give Claire the necklace that was promised to his fiance, and Claire declined. But She said, "I'd rather watch you wear it."
Maybe they save an orphan little girl along the way, but the wooden board REALLY doesn't have enough space for the 3 of them. And Leon dies in the end.
I rewatched this movie recently, and I was in awe that Rose has at least changed 7 dresses (that I've counted). I wanted to draw most of them, and it could be Leon who gave her these dresses, I don't care; But more importantly, I wanted to design matching suits for these dresses and draw Leon in them. SO. Just wait and see. :)
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satashiiwrites · 9 months
wip whenever/Wednesday
so… i know I’ve been tagged a few times in the last two weeks or so but work has been a dumpster fire like usual. Working on my day off at getting a few things spiffed up for posting but I keep returning to this idea so it’s getting expounded upon (and it’s not because my starfield character looks like Glawen’s twin….)
Ahem. Bel and Glawen are couples goals.
Still needs a title tho.
Tagging @monsterrae1 @tkwritesdumbassassins @quietborderline @missanniewhimsy @westernlarch @rosieposiepuddingnpie @whimsyswastry @outtoshatter @alyxmastershipper @valandhirwriter and anyone else who wants to play along. No pressure as always.
Wip whenever banner by radiochatter.
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Title: Untitled Bel/Glawen Foundation fic (taking suggestions at this point)
Fandom: Foundation TV
Pairing: Bel Riose/Glawen Curr, likely mentions of Cleon XVII/Demerzel
Fic summary:
Bel Riose has believed his husband dead for the last six years.  It’s a punishment worse than death, knowing that it was his defiance that signed his lover’s death warrant. Now, Empire has summoned him back to Trantor because there is a job only the Hero of the Twentieth Fleet can do… and his Glawen is alive. 
Tags/warnings: angst. Mention of previous torture/imprisonment (canon for tv series). Glawen is dripping words of revolution in his husband’s ear eventually. First draft. Pining—all the angsty pining. Reunions. Space opera/science fiction setting. Suicidal thoughts because Bel wants to be with Glawen.
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He doesn’t believe her. Not really.  
Bel does a good impression of being unbroken, but it’s a simulacrum of his former self. Years of torture and constant reminders that his husband had been executed because of his decisions have broken something essential in him.  
He used to think he was fearless. 
Now, he is nothing but fear. 
He fears that Demerzel isn’t lying, and he fears that she is. 
Bel makes no effort to rid himself of the filth he’s become accustomed to. If Empire wants to speak with him, he will see him as he is. He’s proud of the dirt underneath his fingernails and the grit that has tattooed itself into his sunburnt skin. His gait, once so proud, is now unsteady, and his muscles atrophied from almost starvation.
Imprisonment has carved away all his excesses and all of his niceties.  
He’s remade the legions he used to command out of his fellow prisoners. He is one of them, and he bargains only for them. A man of his people and one who would die for them just as he would have for any of his soldiers that had been his downfall. 
If Demerzel is merciful, she’ll finally allow him to die and be reconnected with his husband—his Glawen. 
The journey to Trantor is mercifully quick from the salt fields of Lepsis. Each kilometer they travel is another step closer to his death, and the resolve that has sustained him for the last six years sharpens his tongue into a blade that he will use to deal the final blow to his own ego. 
He already died six years ago with his Glawen. The husk Lady Demerzel escorts is his shade, vengeful and vicious. 
Hollowed out yet burning with an intellect bound only by oaths he was foolish enough to still believe because he has nothing else. Perhaps he really will still be of some use… or perhaps not. 
Glawen…I’m so sorry…
Damn him to the darkest and deepest hole. There’s a part of him that hopes his husband is alive. That Demerzel isn’t lying to him, and he has been torturing himself for six years for no reason. 
It can’t be real. This new gambit is a lie.
An attempt is made to allow him to clean himself up. One glance in a mirror is all it takes for him to refuse. His hair is long and straggly, touching his shoulders in clumps dyed the red of the dirt he slept in the last six years. Sores cover his joints, and the latest laceration left by a whip upon his face is untended. His teeth are yellow from the nutrient paste that’s been his only sustenance.  
If Empire calls him like a master does its dog, he will remain an unclean cur to the last breath. Let the genetic monstrosity be offended by his smell and see what an abused animal looks like. 
Demerzel’s barest hint of a smirk makes him bare his rotting teeth at her, swallowing the urge to growl. He’s pleased her and hopes it will be enough for her to grant him his final release. 
Barefoot, he walks the halls of the palace. More than one courtier covers their nose as he passes, and whispers follow him. Despite his changed appearance, he is recognized. General Bel Riose, Hero of the Twentieth Fleet and husband to Glawen Curr, his Fleet Supremus, now fallen, widowed, and renamed prisoner 731. 
A living example of the hubris of defying Empire’s will—even if it had been the right thing to do. 
He’s brought to the throne room, and the cracked part of his mind cackles manically, calling him a stupid dog as he’s brought to heel and paraded about, the brand on the back of his neck itching to remind him he is property. 
Emperor Dawn cannot hide his response to Bel’s hygiene, but the other two, Day and Dusk, are unmoved but he spies an irritated light in Day’s eyes. The collars about Dawn’s and Dusk’s necks suggest they are as much pets of Day as Bel is, and this observation amuses him enough that he stands proudly before them, unbowed.  
They’re all wearing those fucking blue dresses, the shade darkening with age from the powder blue of Dawn’s to the midnight of Dusk’s.  Dawn is a pasty faced teenager and Dusk a prematurely aged and impotent troll. 
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lady-of-imladris · 3 months
Top Five Favourite Songs Right Now
Thank you so much for tagging me @gil-galadhwen <3 it was AGES ago but I am dedicating my evening to catching up with my drafts :)
No pressure tagging: @somebirdortheother @queenmeriadoc @frodomyprecious (gimme all the recs em!!) @sotwk <3
(I am putting this in the queue so who knows when this will be posted)
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biohazard-4ever · 1 month
RETWT is a different kind of breed because not a day goes by when someone doesn't post ship arguments and saltiness about any and every ship
I think the sanest Cleons i've seen are actually on tumblr no joke. anywhere else no matter who it is people just looove pitting against one another. Like i adore Cleon with all my being, but i am not gonna be pissy because Capcom will never make them anything more than friends but thats fine? Because fanfics exist lmaooo
Right??! Like? Chill guys. Today RE4 is canon, tomorrow we have RE4R rewriting certain dynamics and even characters' personality and backgrounds!
Luis was a cop originally. Now he is an Umbrella Scientist. People need to just C H I L L!
Nothing of this is even REAL! People don't need "proves" and "canon-facts" to back up their HCs. Just HC it and move on with your life.
If people want to overanalyze how Leon breathing pattern and heartbeat sound beats in a rhythm of X²=5.6790/a and that means he is exclusively (Insert here your Leon-sexuality HC), then guess what... Do it.
Do it and be happy with it.
Ofc, as long as people know their places in a fandom as mere enjoyers (like me, like you like all of us here), and that their opinion and HC are going to be criticized and questioned if they decide to put it out into exposition… People sometimes are too defensive, too. They get lost in their HC and grow aggressive about it.
Become reactive...
And others will not take it lightly and will fight back. That is the problem. Sometimes the fight is not AS ONESIDED as we imagine it to be.
Try and just reply with: "Oh, sorry that you don't like my opinion :/" and move on. You don't have to justify your opinions and HC. If I want to HC Leon is actually a fallen angel, guess what, I will.
What can others do about it? lol
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vitrines · 9 months
okay i give in to the foundationposting for a little bit sorry regulars
spoilers for season 2 episode 9 and some of my thoughts on what's going to happen next (psst it's mostly half baked opinions and rambling)
-literally zero way EVERYONE on terminus is dead. zero way. it's not possible. this isn't even me being delusioned there are just about ten things that don't line up. i will get into this later in the post but first
-i am so so happy that they went into demerzel's past. she is such an intriguing character to me and honestly i was wary to participate in this fandom because of how many people seemed to like. genuinely like her and cleon together. no hate to anyone but it's really not my thing like REALLY not my thing and i kind of cheered when she went all "well i tried to fix you by sleeping with you but well um you're just kind of weird. goodbye 😐" i CHEERED. girl. girl get it.
-and she is lich rally trapped into being with the cleons. i loved the scene when she was with the priestess lady a few episodes ago that was such an insight into her mind and this episode felt like that it was wonderful i was HOOKED i was like oh my god.
-also by the way this paints that scene with sareth in an entire new light. sareth asks "will you serve me" and demerzel GRITS THROUGH HER TEETH that She Serves Empire and maybe she was not trying to threaten her. maybe she was sending a message. saying "hey girl so i literally cannot do anything else. i am telling you i am bound to this man because i has no choice and YOU are going to bind yourself to this man as well."
-same with telling sareth that demerzel killed her family. demerzel didn't need to tell her. demerzel in fact probably should NOT have told her. day didn't want sareth to find out that he ordered it. but demerzel is telling her: if he tells me to kill i must. demerzel has no reason to threaten sareth she's not jealous she is just SICK and tired of loving this man out of compulsion and doing what he says. (this is a bit of the delusions sorry i just really don't like demerzel Actually loving empire and being jealous out of her own free will. so i am grasping at straws.)
-also demerzel is going to go back and like rip dusk and rue's faces off. she is going to Get them. like oh my god. i am becoming a demerzel apologist but i love rue i kind of hope she doesn't die
-okay on to the fate of terminus yeah first of all she is NOT dead. she simply isn't. zero percent chance all those guys are dead. my first evidence for this is the bite mark thing on hober's arm cause like. he says "oh the spacers probably marked me for later and that's how you tracked us down" but bel does not confirm this. he was the one who asked what the thing was on the arm. i don't think that's how the fleet found hober and constant which means it's something else which is very inch resting
-soooo. the invictus gets hit. and destroyed. and then it gets lined up and shot into terminus. and not once do we see a scene from that ship after it starts to explode. pounds the desk if you don't see the BODY it's not DEAD!!!! glawen (how do you spell his name) here is our prime example. man was not dead when his ship went down. and neither is terminus. last shot of the invictus is just the commander guy and that one girl looking at each other and like someone's hand loosens or something. there are like hundreds of people on that ship it was stashed and yet we see none of them???? no explosions???
-hober still has one of the teleport bracelet things... that is Going to be relevant. even though he said it's broken or something they wouldn't show it if not important
-they can't kill poly man :( he's not dead. he is chilling. trust me he told me himself /lying
-all in all just like. yes this is the Killing Main Characters show but i really struggle with believing that terminus is gone. i think the spacers are still relevant and i think we DIDN'T see the body and i think i still cried over bel and glawen anyways. they are so "she's been dead since the beginning" to me like they ARE doomed but damn if i didn't get attached anyways
-as always day you are so. huh. to me. like okay man yeah sure i think my lesbianism is shading me from what most of you all see in him (said politely) like have fun but i need him kind of gone sorry
-hari seldon my best friend back and axe murderer!! girl so true!! he has things wrong with him and it's so intriguing. he's so me
-love you salvor never change. consider lesbianism though. seriously. i miss phara every day they HAD something
-i missed sareth actually i kind of love her she's so spottingly sincere. i hope they don't murder her horrifically
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everytime a post anything aeon/ada related the cleon and ashleon stan’s come after me on twt 😭
i mean- yeah they'll do that
you just gotta curate your experience honeybun
honestly you gotta block/mute most people to be able to survive in re fandom. TRUST me, i could barely last a week until cl*on shippers came to attack me in my inbox (also ngl i basically get attacked for shipping aeon like once a week, but it's died down significantly over the past while)
i also if BY SOME CHANCE some other shipper finds themselves on my blog and they hate aeon- THEN FUCKIGN BLOCK THE TAG. im not responsible for your online experience, YOU ARE. if you don't like whatever characters/ships FUCKING BLOCK IT
okay anyways sorry baby- i hope you can block them and find other aeon mutuals so you can feel supported and enjoyed.
maybe you can go ahead and follow the people on this twitter list and gain soem aeon moots! most of the aeon people i follow on twitter are wonderful and very supportive of each other
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leonisdumbasallhell · 9 months
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
Ajfjsnf i don’t really know. They just strike me honestly?? Like the plot for my chreon comic came from seeing a bottle of hotsauce in the shape of a grenade at a war memorial gift shop. I just thought it was really tacky and kind of stupid to even have a gift shop at a memorial?? And i had just played 2remake so it was on my mind and i started thinking abt how there was def a memorial to raccoon city and they would also have grenade shaped hot sauce in the gift shop. And then i built the story from there lmao. Others come from prompts or just scenarios i want to see. And sometimes i just write and see what happens
💌 why did you start this blog?
This is extremely sad, but i had a really, really, really shitty ex who hated that i started getting really into resident evil, so i made this sideblog so they wouldn’t see me resident evil posting……. Anyway, if you’re young and in a relationship, and your partner tries to dictate what you can and can’t be into, run! That is a Red Flag bestie!!
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
Oh my god, yeah and i deleted it snfndnnf. It was a followup to my cleon fic. there were some people asking me to write porn for it and I was bad at setting boundaries. I was young and wanted to make people happy, so i tried and i just. Felt so bad about it, i hated it, i hated writing it, it was not a good time. I know ppl say don’t delete fics, orphan them! And i’ve orphaned a few fics, but that one i was like. this one makes me genuinely upset, it’s going Away. So sorry to the people who sometimes ask me abt it, thats why I deleted it ajdjsjf. Regrettable smut 😔
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residentevil-4 · 2 years
somewhat related to the last post but i think its so funny when people imply leon is a womanizer. i know the games/movies put in extended eye contact with romantic music but if we go solely off of his actions the only two women he has ever flirted with are ada and hunnigan. even that one big titty lady from that bad movie was the one to ask HIM out and he was like “yeah”.
& btw cleon isnt real and never has been i’m sorry. they have the least chemistry of any two people in the entire series and every new installment that features them makes their relationship more and more platonic. 
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