good-vs-evo · 1 day
yes yes “to die in battle for you is my greatest honor” yeah but also consider “to live for you and with you despite it all would be my greatest happiness” please thank you falls to the floor and sobs
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bibibuck · 21 hours
ok so bear with me here, this theory is based on nothing but vibes and dreams and delusions.
buddie is going canon in 8x12 which is also episode 118 of 911.
i still find it so interesting that they decided to make bi buck canon (i will never ever ever ever get over bi buck canon, btw) in episode 100 of the show. i know that nowadays episodes 100 of shows are not as big as they used to be (mainly because shows rarely make it to them) but they still mean something big. something big enough to warrant press and cakes and such. and what did 911 do with their 100th episode? they made it about bi buck. in a way that forever links the essence of 911 and bi buck forever. and i find that so incredibly beautiful.
it would be logical to argue that episode 8x12, which is episode number 118 of the show that revolves around station 118, has the potential to be something different and special too. i think that the best way to honor this would be by making it a mostly lighthearted team-focused episode. give me bottle episode at the station where the team receives 0 calls all shift, give me an episode from the 3rd person pov of the people that they help on calls and how they view the 118, give me a the 118 gets locked in a room silly episode, just give me something fun and heartfelt that shows the 118 as the family that they are!!! and then.... and then....
give me the first real confirmation of buddie going canon at the end of the episode. and i mean the very last scene of it.
they already connected a big episode (7x04 aka episode 100) with a very big moment that many many fans had been waiting for (bi buck). why not connect the other very core episode of the show (their 118 episode which is nothing really and yet so special of them) with the other big anticipated thing that fans have been dying for for years.
and like y'all, bi buck is important in and of itself and i hope we all know that. but bi buck is so intrinsically connected to buddie too. and i mean both in fandom and in the canon as well. like we know what subset of fandom has been reading buck as bisexual for seasons now and it's not most of the casual viewers (though i hope some did). it was the buddie fandom. and in 7x04 the way that buck's realization arc was so incredibly connected with eddie and their friendship is astounding. like i still can't believe that it went that way. and that is a deliberate choice. there were a thousand ways in which they could have done it and then said "we are putting eddie diaz, evan buckley's best friend and the guy that everyone who wants bi buck ships him with, in the center of it." so it would be very on brand for producers and writers to give us the actual buddie of it all in episode 118 which could be an episode to touch the core of the show -found family, the firefighting aspect, the hope- which at this point includes buddie as well.
now we know NOTHING about s8 right now so this is where more vibes just get added but it would also make sense that it happens in 8x12 because that it the second half of the season. i feel like s8 is gonna start a little "dark" (and i just mean sad) for the 118. gerard is gonna be ruining their lives and making everything wrong. and eddie is gonna be doing badly, y'all. of course he is. so we can use the first 8 episodes to "solve" these things. eddie can finally be in therapy again for more than his ptsd. the 118 can be fighting to get bobby buck. the bucktommy relationship can be worked towards a break up that moves buck to the next stage of where he's going. and then s8b starts. and we have a "lighter" feeling. hopefully chris is back. bobby is back. buck and eddie are single and we can see that there is something there but for now it has been things that still maybe not everyone can catch on to. so then 8x12 happens and BOOM. buck and/or eddie realize/aknowledge/voice the truth of it all: it's always been about buddie. and then we have 6 more episodes in the season to explore that!!! which is a pretty fair number, i think.
so yeah, that is my-based-on-nothing-but-i'm-now-convinced-is-happening theory for a buddie canon confirmation in 8x12 aka episode 118 of 911.
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(I'm writing this after painting for 10 hours straight, so I hope it makes some sense, lol.)
I've been thinking a lot about My Stand-In while painting today, and how I have different expectations of this story than some comments I've seen here and some reactions I've watched on YouTube (I've learned my lesson to avoid MDL like the plague, so I, fortunately, have no idea what's going on there). But I especially thought about why I don't particularly mind some of the things that have happened or haven't been addressed in the series so far. And I realized it's just a part of who I am and what I'm used to.
As someone who was raised on Days of Our Lives (which is weird because I'm not American), I don't mind things like the kidnapping or the transmigration in My Stand-In (and that the transmigration might never be addressed or explained).
I mean, I'm used to kidnappings, people being possessed, and long, lost, dead people coming back to life. That's just a normal Tuesday.
I don't need a revenge plot to be satisfied with the series. I don't even want a revenge plot (it would be very out of character for Joe). Fortunately, I'm pretty sure this isn't the story they want to tell.
Furthermore, in my opinion (colored by being raised in the delulu land of DOOL), I don't even need the transmigration to be addressed or explained for me to enjoy the series. I don't need Joe's feelings about what it's like for his soul to live in a new body. I don't need him to deal with the repercussions of being in a new body (that might not even be the story they want to tell). I don't need any of that because I'm used to ludicrous shit (especially the fun ludicrous shit). And I'm used to ludicrous shit that doesn't always get addressed or explained.
(I get that not everyone was raised on DOOL, and good for you if you weren't. So if you need to have the transmigration addressed, that's great. Be disappointed if it isn't. You have every right to be. Don't mind me and my ridiculous soap opera preferences.)
That's not to say that My Stand-In is ludicrous, because it isn't. It's a pretty normal story for someone like me who was raised on soap operas (and whose tolerance for ludicrous stuff is pretty high).
I mean, even if Joe is kidnapped for the umpteenth time and kept in a golden cage (yes, Stefano and Marlena, I'm looking at you), I'll have a blast with it. But I'm pretty sure this will never happen in My Stand-In.
Even if May has drugged Tong to get herself pregnant with his child (and that being the reason they get married) only to find out years later that it's actually his brother's child (btw, does Tong even have a brother?) (Yes, Sami, Austin, and Lucas, I'm looking at you.), I'll have a blast with it. But I'm pretty sure this will never happen either.
And even if Ming's dad turns out to be a Stefano DiMera-esque character and Sol turns out to be Joe's half-brother (because shit like that is normal in delulu Salem), I'll have a blast with it. But, again, I'm pretty sure this will never happen.
My Stand-In is no soap opera (unfortunately). But I enjoy the heck out of it as it is right now anyway. And I would enjoy the heck out of it even if it became completely ludicrous.
The only thing that disappoints me at this point is that Joe 2.0 doesn't even have white eyes even though he's possessed by another person's soul... (Yes, Marlena, I'm looking at you again.)
On a more serious note, though (let's see if I can pull this off, lol).
Based on what I've seen so far (and since I'm only on chapter 41 in the novel, which is around the end of the 4th episode, I don't know much else about the source material), I feel like the story they want to tell us is more about Joe's role as a stand-in in all the different parts of his life, about how unfair life can be, about grief, second chances, and an obstinate refusal to giving up.
I still don't think they will give us a revenge plot. I feel like the farthest they will go is for Joe to resist Ming and make him grovel for as long as possible (as he should!). They might address parts of the transmigration later. But, again, that's not really important to me.
I'm more interested in Joe mourning his old body/life rather than figuring out how his new body works. But that's just me.
I'm more interested in Ming losing his shit in his grief, repeating old patterns, and (hopefully) breaking those patterns when he gets his shit together. But that's just me.
I'm more interested in the chaos (more catfighting between Ming and Sol, please). But that's just me.
Hell, give me more of the blind shaman, who evidently sees clearer than Ming does (why did that idiot take off the glasses he wore before he left the country?! He clearly needs them...). He is more interesting to me than whatever Joe might be feeling being in a new body. Please, oh wise man, tell me more about what you see! And speak in riddles because I love a good old mindfuck. But, again, that's just me.
If a golden cage shows up or Joe 2.0's eyes start to change color or children show up claiming random people as their parents, I will probably start talking about how ludicrous this series is (but I'll still have such a fucking blast with it). This will never happen, though, because My Stand-In isn't a soap opera.
Do I need My Stand-In to be more unhinged to enjoy it? No, because I already enjoy it as it is. Do I mind if it gets into ludicrous territory? Absolutely not. I'm raised on that shit.
My Stand-In can practically throw whatever it wants at me (or not) and I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride. Because I already do.
(Btw, I Googled the cage in DOOL and I can't believe I remember that it was golden! That storyline was from 1996?! I was around 10 years old when I watched that shit (since my country was 3-4 years behind in the release of the episodes). It must've made a real impact on me, lmfao! Also, I love that when Supernatural fans raved about Jensen Ackles, I just knew him as Eric Brady, lol!)
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dangermousie · 1 day
That was genuinely great - the way Fan Xian sees through everything when CPP tries to explain that the assassination attempt was random.
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Because no normal person would plan it, claims CPP. Fan Xian's response:
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Fan Xian figured it all out while in pain, recovering from surgery and coming out of anesthesia. That man's brain!
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I love him so much.
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The thing that I love btw is Fan Xian still cares for CPP and this doesn't do anything to that care - he takes people as they are and sees the good and bad in them but does not require them to be great people to be attached. There are certain things that violate his bottom line and he will not get over but the staged attempted assassination is not one of them. (I also find it pretty telling that out of his four father figures, he likes his actual biological father the least - CPP, Fan Jian and Fei Jie are all ranked higher for him both in terms of emotional attachment and just plain liking them as a person.)
But the thing is, Fan Xian generally accepts reality. Oh, he will work to change it if it doesn't suit him, but he accepts what the reality currently is - he never mistakes "what I wish it could be" or dwell on what-ifs or wallow in self-pity or w/e. I mean, this is the man who wakes up to find out his qi, the foundation of all his martial art, is gone, and is all "oh, OK" and accepts it because this is a fact and denying it won't change the fact. He will clearly work on figuring out either how to restore it or how to overcome the lack in terms of fighting but there is no denial that it happened or panic.
PS Not related but I wonder if CPP wants revenge on the Emperor perhaps for FX's mom's death which the emperor clearly either staged or did not prevent. His little speech about how a grudge can take over felt like a hint to me.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 22 hours
My thoughts of the episode!
I think Chris staying with his grandparents could ultimately be good for Eddie. Even though the circumstances obviously suck, Eddie really could use some time for himself, to become his own person.
Eddie's tendency to push aside his own dreams and feelings is really a flaw of his. Eddie self-sacrifices bad enough to create these ticking time bombs where he just keeps pushing himself aside and bottling everything up, until comes the day when he breaks apart and ends up hurting others, too.
Living with his grandparents could be good for Chris too actually, he has so much family he doesn't really know at all.
Bringing Gerrard back will be interesting. Eddie will really be tested as an "ally", I think. He may be used to that military mode of "shut up and follow commands" but these are his friends that are facing this shit storm.
And maybe that is how Eddie finds his courage to talk about some stuff he has become used to hiding about himself, too. After all, I think Eddie has been written way to queer-coded to actually be straight.
And maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I don't care - I think storylines like these, ugly ones, focusing on racism, homophobia, bi phobia, misogyny.. are important. Censuring real life problems isn't educational. Censure is just erasure. Censure is silence.
What else?
Oh yes, that shoulder touch and Buck's thumb on Eddie, I am a wreck.
Oh and lol, I will definitely be blocking lots and lots and lots of people after this episode. As it happens, daddy kink is not my kink, and no, this isn't brand new information, this is me, knowing myself after years and years of different fandoms. I am btw, in general, super kinky, and into lots of bizarre stuff.
Daddy kink, however...? It's one of the few tags I actually actively filter when I search for fic. Has been for years. The ship is irrelevant, I just can't deal with daddy kink. No. I read it way too literally to have any fun with it.
Yeah. So since Tommy and Buck are now basically the daddy kink ship, practically sailing under that figurehead, and this fandom is bound to be filled with daddy kink content, I know I will be blocking people and filtering tags left and right, because yep. That's really not my thing. Not in this lifetime.
Oh and. Not much to say about Bobby (kinda expected miraculous recovery anyway. I actually hope there will be some issues not yet discovered because otherwise what's the point of this storyline? Please be hiding amnesia or something?)
And Henren, Mara, Denny, Chimney and Maddie HAN... (Yes thank you! Such a relief to know how to tag!) welp... Wholesomeness is one of my favorite flavors so 💕
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c1tr1z1ne · 20 hours
omg wow another idea in the span of a month maybe school hasn’t fried my brain (I should not be doing this instead of studying it is FINALS WEEK)
I’ve been reading a lot of vex!scar fics recently where he just goes like. insane or something. lots of angst. idk how to describe this any further. ANYWAYS.
I’ve seen a few of them throw in a detail about scar using his vex magic in order to breathe life into his builds (which I am EATING UP btw) and I was wondering if there were any vex!scar angst fics out there where the author takes this and runs
like imagine the fic opens up (I apologize for the odd writing from here on out)
someone is looking for scar and they find his base TOO ALIVE—animals run amok and mutating/binary fissuring or whatever the progressive form of binary fission is, buildings becoming actually alive and moving around, things growing out of the ground, all that pizazz
and they’re like what the diddly darn happened here and they can’t find scar anywhere (end scene)
a few days later they find a similar sort of occurrence at say, one of his shops, or just at a random place on the server if you wanted to tie in more plot
yada yada things happen, angst and shenanigans, I didn’t really think this through any further than that, this was a shower thought
like you can take the too alive-ness in any direction based on the plot you desire (ex. an eerie vibe for more eldritch horror type fics, whimsical if you decide to tie the alive-ness to his emotions in a 5+1 or whatever, threatening if it’s a lashing out type situation, the world’s your oyster) and you can vary the intensity of it depending on if you’re going for a longer form/shorter form fic and how important to the plot it is
this was a throwaway idea why am I actually thinking about this more MY BRAIN KEEPS FLESHING THINGS OUT
but anyways if anyone knows any fics with this extended detail (? I guess that’s how you’d phrase it?) please send them my way!! or I might write something related over the summer if I care enough idk I can never speak for what future me will decide to do
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The Arcana M6 When MC Is Crunchy
For context, MC can crack every joint in their body (knuckles, back, knees, hips, the whole shebang) and one day they just get on all fours before twisting and bending and making this horrific cracking crunching bone noise right in front of their terrified LI
(This is extremely self servient)
In all fairness, they already knew. Does that mean they're used to it? It's complicated
You were gone for a long enough time that he forgot what it was like to live with a human sheet of bubble wrap
The first time he heard your crunching after they brought you back, happy tears flooded his eyes, because it was such a you thing, if that makes sense
They're a little sad they can't do it too, though
Of all the LIs, he's absolutely the least disturbed, and at the end of the day, he thinks it's pretty sick
Oh dear. That's not right
More concerned than anything, immediately takes you to the court physician to figure out just what's wrong with you
You will be rushed there as quickly as possible before you even realize what's wrong or have the opportunity to say anything
When you gently explain to her that you're just built a little strangely she'll just sit there and stare at you, dumbfounded
Then she'll throw her head back and let out a relieved, hearty laugh
You see a shiver go up her spine every time you do the crunch ritual though (she's trying really hard to be supportive)
Holy shit. Him too.
Imagine all the mischief you two could get up to! Crawling out from beneath the bar tables and scaring the shit out of everyone in the joint (pun intended) with your full-body crunches? If you're down he's down is all he's saying–
He's mostly sure that it's not bad for you or anything. Probably. Actually he never really cared to check, seeing as he's lacking a little in the self-care department
Mazelinka can sense when it's about to happen and gives you the most soul devouring glare whenever either of you is about to crunch
She's devastated.
Growing up, Julian could always do that, and you know what? She was always really jealous. She cannot physically pop one joint in her whole entire being
And she hates it with a passion
She doesn't hate you, of course... but she will work until she inevitably burns out trying to distract herself from you and her brother's shared ability
She comes home one day, declaring that she's come to terms with not being able to do it as well, but she is glad that you and Julian have something in common. You're glad she's happy, even though it's been three weeks since the crackening
This will make for great teasing material in the future if you're willing to utilize it
He does posess the ability to crack his knuckles and neck, but anything beyond that is a little much
The first time he saw/heard your full body crunches it was on the trip with Morga, who stood next to him, watching in morbid fascination
His right hand flew up over his mouth and he started towards you like he thought he should help, before stepping back. He realized he has no idea how to help you and waited it out in horror
Now the joint cracking just puts the fear of god into him a little bit
He has SO many questions (he'll never ask but he definitely has them)
He still loves and accepts you, no matter what quirks or flaws you have (but seriously though what the heck)
MC what are you doing...?
He hates it. The sound makes his skin crawl and he thinks there's something wrong with you, no matter how many times you explain to him that you're okay
...but he's not going to give up on you. He goes to dozens of "medical professionals" to try and find some sort of miracle cure to fix you (your poor wallet lol)
Still brags about it to random people for no reason, even though he seriously, genuinely, honestly, truly DESPISES the crunch
Morga thinks it's great
Btw just thought I should clarify, these full body joint crunches are genuinely horrific, which is why the M6 had such strong reactions 😭😭
Imagine bending into horrible knotted shapes while the loudest most eardrum shattering crunches come from you, for an extended period of time if that helps 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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wordy-little-witch · 6 hours
Hiiii PLS 🙏 wordy plssssz i need more transfem buggy headcanons like i love ur post but i need more🥹🤲 like the hc and scenarios that shook the seas,,, wat r crossguilds reaction n shanks n other pirates reaction uahxiskzkzs shes gonna b so hot dksk ive seen fanart and fembuggy looks so HOTTTT
Hiiiii honeybun!!! I got you, dw ♡♡
• he finds out through news coos and bounty posters. It's no secret that the redhair pirates keep careful tabs on bounties, new and old faces alike in the game, but there's special attention to black haired rubber boys and blue haired clowns when it comes to bounties and reports. The crew knows this and supports it. So when they get a paper, when Benn reads through it and does a spit take with his coffee, everyone cones scurrying, especially when he yells for their captain.
• (romantic) Shanks, upon seeing the bounty and story, is left reeling. Buggy had always been breathtaking to him, had always been the epitome of everything he finds beautiful and attractive. Shanks adores Buggy, head to toe, inside out, and even then he could always see the little chinks in the other's armor, the discomfort and uncertainty that stained the clown's cells. It's in the microexpressions, he knows, and those signals are suddenly gone in these pictures. He's breathless. He's swooning. He needs to see Buggy in person.
• (platonic) similar to the above, Shanks keeps tabs on his precious people. And Buggy, his beloved baby brother, his beloved best friend, is among those he looks out for from afar. Seeing Buggy so different, so bright, seeing the way his - her - smile finally reaches her eyes and eyebrows and cheeks, it makes him melt a little. He's proud, so proud, so happy that Buggy looks happy and healthy, and he's.... he wants. By the Seas, he wants to see her. He wants to see and meet his sister.
• Depending on the time frame when the change happens, Crocodile either meets Buggy for Cross Guild as a woman or deals with the transitional phase with the business. If it's the latter, he actually makes a point to try affirming what he believes is Buggy's gender identity in vague terms. Then, when Buggy begins to shy away from them, he moves to more neutral monikers, heavy on the Clown and Fool.
• upon being told that Buggy identifies as a woman, he just rolls with it. He has to fight the trans urge to make "we traded genders" jokes, which he blames proximity to the clown for. He's not going to cause a ruckus about it. He will however cause bodily injury if someone else has an issue with that.
• he's absolutely livid, btw, that he finds the clown attractive like this. It's not the body, not exactly - Croc doesn't really care one way or another about the configuration downstairs of his partners - but he is attracted to intelligence, confidence, power, and how pretty someone is when they cry. Sue him, he has a type. It just so happens that Buggy, newly confident, newly steady, is branching out into all of his standards while staying so utterly charming. He's so mad about it. He wants to kiss her. He's going insane.
• he doesn't stick to labels. They're boring. He doesn't care. He will admit however that the majority of those who held his interest were men. The Clown was an exception - though not because of her gender. He's typically drawn to people by their Haki signatures, and he has noticed a common trend in those he enjoys - Shanks with his firey volcanic energy, Crocodile feeling akin to the desert lands he called home, even Roronoa Zoro's antiquated cliffside mountainous energy. He finds earthy energy to be the most comfortable, emotional aspect be damned. The Clown is very much a different element, liquid and mutable and dynamic. It is reflective, overtly bright and rippling uncontrollably. Odd, he admits, but not investing.
• it's when Buggy calms, when she blooms, that Migawk sees the ripples calm, sees the sharp reflections soothe themselves, and sees that the seemingly shallow pond of energy is but a cover which leads into a fathomless sinkhole. The shores are quaint, smooth, beautiful, and lead gradually further and further in towards a sharp drop which casts the Blues into blacks and the blacks into abyssal shade. It's strange, it's unusual, it's delicious.
• it especially helps that Mihawk finds Buggy to be rather good company. Without her forced shrill demeanor and loud hypervigilance, she's actually a wonderful conversationalist. He enjoys her company. It's unexpected.
More romantic aspects bc I am absolutely melting over it-
Cross guild
• Buggy has always been rather touchy-feely, something she constantly fights with because of her past and experiences. She adores cuddles, holding hands, casual touches, and the like. Her boyfriends aren't exactly the types to love PDA or to seek out physical touch. They do allow her to indulge, however, and they each have their preferred manners of doing so.
- Mihawk
- - in public, will pull a full chivalrous move, offering her his arm, his hand when she climbs up or down, a casual yet respectful hand on her waist to guide her.
- - in private, he will cuddle against her back when he is amenable to touch, chin over her shoulder as they both read a book, one arm wrapped around her waist, fingers caressing the soft skin of her soft sides, other hand tangled with one of her own. If not that, he will become a cat in human form, wordlessly smacking whatever was in her hands away to burrow into her stomach or chest, going limp yet clinging in a mess of contradictions. It never fails to earn a slightly annoyed snicker from her.
- Crocodile
- - in public, he and Mihawk seem to share a general demeanor insofar as the types of touches. He does however take it further by occasionally just plucking her up into his arm, treating her as a dainty little thing, casual touches peppered throughout that imply a level of possessiveness, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, a drag of fingertips or hook along her shoulder, a curl of a hand at her hip.
- - in private, the touches come and go, but the emotion behind them remains. Sometimes he will simply trail fingers over her spine or shoulders, absent and affectionate. Sometimes he will drag her into the cage of him limbs to have and hold her close, a cheek pressed to her chest, hand cupping the other breast in a simple gesture.
• only thinks "uncle buggy -> auntie buggy"
• does not care, Buggy is Buggy.
• is happy that Buggy is happy!!!
• will throw hands if anyone is mean to his aunt, his hands are rated E for Everyone.
• for a long time, didn't even know. Finds out by rumors in a random bar which he is Hella confused by and so fact checks. Has a mild moment when he realizes his baby boy is in fact a baby girl now. Wild. Decides to go see his daughter because What The Fuck Buglet
• no he doesn't cry when he sees Buggy. He just.... got sand in his eye. He did not get emotional when he saw his youngest child beam at him with a smile so like Roger's, in bold colors which suited her, so bright, so joyful, so free -
• he remembers the trembling, scrappy little being who would huddle between him and Roger after bad fights, so uncertain, so scared, so far removed from the young woman before him today, and Rayleigh just smiles, bonks her on the head and calls her princess.
• and if he pulls her aside later on and they sit together on the beach, drinking together, well.... when he says Roger would be so proud of her, he means it. And when she cries? Well. He won't tell anyone about it. It's a private moment between father and daughter.
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sapphic-agent · 1 day
So that was the ending of MHA. And oh my GOD, it sucked ASS.
So, rip to the villains, I guess. Fuck their trauma I guess, according to the story. Nothing gets resolved, the history of killing villains even when society is why they are the way they are, and it just ends with some dumb hospital scene and Midoriya getting a shitty haircut. The fact Bakugo stans only care about the dumb hospital scene and Midoriya getting a dumb haircut over the fact that Shigaraki just DESTROYED the story and message he's built up for 8 years. I know we're getting an epilogue but I fucking hate it. That was a TERRIBLE ending. So what then, Horikoshi? Should people who have been hurt by the system not band together to do something and spread awareness? My GOD, this is the WORST timeline.
Shigaraki, you were right. You have proven that hero society is a joke. The fact that even Shigaraki just accepts his death even though he's determined and a fighter, just fucking. We don't even get to see him come to this conclusion.
Anyway, I'm gonna be saving fuck that and the villains live in my AU. Wasting everyone's time. I'm not even sad. I'm just mad that Shigaraki and the League got so dirtied. I was really only staying around for the villains, because Horikoshi's writing fell off down the line. Also, yay. The kids go to school, and probably not address their trauma like how they brush over Shigaraki fucking dying.
Hate it here. Also the fact these last 2 chapters woke everyone up to MHA's sucky ass writing is something but better late than never, I guess.
The only good thing to come out of this ending is people realizing "Hey, MHA's writing it shit." Granted I have no idea what's going on, but it sounds fucked.
From what I can gather, everything that I thought would happen happened. The villains who were products of the corrupt society- which also hurt a good amount of our protagonists btw- are killed off for no reason. No word of rehabilitation, or what's actually being done to change the status quo. If Shigaraki died at peace after Izuku or someone promised to change things for the better, that would make sense. But I'm guessing that didn't happen?
The LOV amounted to nothing in the end. And that's so fucking sad
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faithfulren · 1 day
' missed you '
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(HEY GUYSS BTW THIS IS INSPIRED BY THIS OTHER THING I MADE !! (( izuku midoriya dating headcanons !! when you told him you liked him, he felt as if his world stopped spinning. he actually just... – @faithfulren on Tumblr )) IF U HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET, U CAN GO AHEAD AND READ THAT FIRST BEFORE THIS IF U WANT TO :3)
you were on izuku's balcony, it was probably like 1 am.. judging of how quiet the whole dorm was which was kind of rare. you peaked through the curtains and saw your handsome boyfriend on his desk, writing in his notebook, his other hand using a gripper underneath as it rested against his thigh. everything he did you found attractive, as long as it was him doing it. you would scream inside every time. you could barely resist to not stare at him, i mean.. come on.. his muscles are to DIE for. you would compliment that part about him to izuku every now and then but he'd just laugh it off nervously, thinking you were just teasing him or something.
you knocked lightly, hoping he'd notice and luckily he did. unlike the other times he'd kind of space out and focus on his thoughts, mumbling sometimes. he turned to see what it was, knowing he didn't even have to look since it's always been you on his balcony. he never understood why you kept sneaking in. but he did think it was cute.
he slid the door open to let you in and once you stepped into his room you hugged him, smiling brightly. you enjoyed being close to izuku, he feels warm. i mean, everyone's warm but he was like that comfy type of warm. you felt at home with him. you see him have that familiar smile he always has, you weren't sure how he always kept smiling even though all the shit that happens around here always seems to be dumped on him. i guess he really takes after all might.
he smiled warmly and held you close, looking at you. "hey, y/n.. couldn't sleep.?" you smiled and nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with dark green fluffy.. sorta messy hair. it was one of the things you liked about him. other than his kind, caring, selfless personality and many other aspects about your boyfriend. "i missed you, izu.." you spoke in a soft gentle tone, admiring his dreamy green eyes you could stare at for hours.
he chuckled and answered you, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. "you saw me earlier, love.." he spoke as he gave you that one look, that one look that made you feel special to him more than anyone or anything. that one look that made you feel like you were his whole world. "i know.. but still." you responded to him, looking at him and never looking away. he just smiled even more before intertwining your fingers with his and pulled you onto the bed, sitting down right next to him. he sighed and spoke up, "alright, what do you wanna do? talk or do you have something else in mind?" he brightly smiled at you, waiting for you to respond.
"mh.. i wanna talk." you rested against him, feeling yourself get a bit sleepy. he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. he nodded in response, "izu.. i really love you.." you spoke out, he stroked your hair gently and carefully. "i really love you too." he placed a kiss on top of your head. he tried to keep it cool, knowing he was blushing like crazy. probably thinking like "I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A GIRL IN MY ROOM??" but you liked that anyway. "you're not like any other guy i've met.. you're so sweet.. really hot too.."
"izu.? izuku?? you aren't moving.."
"and why is your face so red??"
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tonysbed · 2 days
pulsating love | OP81
oscar piastri x fem!reader
!Triggering Content! OCD!
Warnings: another version of OCD? Idk how to describe it man 🧍🏼‍♀️
summary: health anxiety gets the best of you and oscar’s right there by your side
mental health masterlist | main masterlist
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Oscar noticed quite much. He was an observer, always following every step the people around him take. So he had also noticed you constantly stressing about anything and everything concerning your health.
Your hand had found your wrist for the 5th time now and Oscar was getting more worried by the second. He knew everything about you, basically like the back of his hand. He had also researched everything about your habits and made sure to react accordingly.
His fingers slowly tangle into yours, while continuing the chat with lando. You look at him, his eyes peaking more than any words ever could.
Lando went off to somewhere else and Oscar pulled you in front of him, your back meeting his front. His hands grab yours and his face is buried in your neck.
“What’s bothering you, darling? Talk to me. C’mon” You lean your head on his shoulder “Just stressed” He hummed “You’re okay. All fine. I’m always making sure of that, okay?”
You nod, eyes squeezing shut. He sighed and turned your around, his hands now holding your face.
“I know you’re worried. And I also know it’s hard, but my love. You’re okay. I’m okay. Nothing can happen to you as long as I’m here. I promise.”
Your eyes lock onto his “But what if I get Ill-No, worse what If we actually miss that you’re ill? Then you won’t be able to race-which means you won’t get your first win- Which means you won’t ever be a champ-“
His soft lips on yours silenced you. You slowly relax in his arms “I’m okay. I have regular check ups, blood tests. All of that. If there’s something wrong, We’ll know.” You take a deep breath, trying to calm you down.
“I know you’re scared, I know. But you can’t prevent anything. Barley” He chuckled which made you roll your eyes “We’re okay. You’re okay”
“How did you not grow tired of me yet?” You say with teary eyes “Cause I love you. And nothing will ever be able to change that.” He pecks your nose and engulfs you into a comforting hug
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A/n: Hope this is somewhat alright. Writing this on the hallway floor btw cause I’m waiting for the kitchen floor to dry 🧍🏼‍♀️
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nico-di-genova · 1 day
i come to your inbox with Heavily Researched News™ (i listened to off track and did some quick googling) containing info for your 'a lesson in braking' alex.
so, in 2022 there was a huge prank pulled on conor daly on day one of the indy500 (dubbed Beadgate), where someone filled his hot tub with what he estimated was 400,000 orbeez. his top list of suspects were josef newgarden, callum ilott, tony kanaan, colton herta, kyle kirkwood and scott mclaughlin.
in hindsight, daly thought he'd heard some noise outside his trailer
'there was a lot of guilty faces in the paddock this morning, and i can’t figure out which one is the culprit,' daly said. 'it’s a tough scene. i think the primary suspects are the dads of the indycar community, too, because apparently children like to fill up these little fake guns with water balls and shoot them at people.'
newgarden called daly that night 'in a very scared manner' to try to convince daly that he wasn't guilty of the prank. daly suspected callum of being involved 'cause he was hanging out with him a lot as he was looking for the culprit and wondered if callum is keeping himself close to the situation to throw daly off.
callum meanwhile, claimed he’s innocent because he wasn’t prepared for the shenanigans to ensue so quickly. (but as a rookie, he was fully prepared for being pranked himself and had bought supplies to retaliate if that was the case)
ilott said that it was a genius and clever prank and wondered why daly was considering him a prime suspect and why alexander rossi wasn’t being considered at all.
kirkwood said he spent $40 on chlorine and test tubes to keep the hot tub running properly so why would he ruin it?
marco andretti also wondered why nobody was considering rossi, as well as james hinchcliffe.
'I’m so busy worrying about my race car right now, but it is funny to look at on social media,' andretti said. 'hinch has some time on his hands. rossi is always a culprit, isn’t he?'
but rossi claimed to have an alibi 'cause he and hinch was with daly as it happened on monday night, so he couldn't have done it... right?
wrong. guess what?? turns out he really should have listened to callum and andretti 'cause it very much was alex (with the help of sage karam) who filled daly's hot tub with 1.76 million orbeez (which cost him 483 dollars which was almost as much as the hot tub itself btw). he just didn't do it on monday night, he did it on tuesday morning.
and this is how he confessed:
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daly's reaction to finding out btw:
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and alex explained it all in detail on the 'off track' (don't know which episode, i watched the youtube clip titled 'the hot tub prank') where he claimed to have done legitimate research into how many orbeez it would take to fill a 242 gallon portable hot tub (which is apparently how large daly's hot tub is), which honestly? very believeable to me.
the cherry on top of it all? the way daly found out about the prank to begin with. 'cause daly had guests over and he wanted to show them his brand new hot tub.... cue him lifting the lid on the hot tub and finding 1.75 million orbeez instead of water.
and the reason behind this hilarious prank??? daly did this to rossi TWO YEARS EARLIER in 2020:
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so essentially, when it comes to pranking alexander rossi? fuck around and find out.
…so when I said alib Alex breaking the water pump in the fountain at school…where he dumped a fuck ton of soap in there senior year…after researching which brand of soap would produce the most bubbles…I was actually underestimating the lengths he would go to?
Jasmine honest to god this is the best possible Alexander lore dump you could have given me. I am absolutely in tears. What the actual FUCK goes on in his brain??? He plotted, he planned, he did THE MATH to figure out how many fucking orbeez he would need to fill this thing? Because…the wheels were taken off his golf cart TWO YEARS PRIOR??!!
He’s so insane, he’s so absolutely crazy insane. Nearly $500 on orbeez beads…I love him. I opened this ask with absolutely no idea where tf it was going and now I am sitting here laughing so hard I am actually in tears. I can’t get over the image of him researching this. He absolutely was not fucking around.
And not only did he own up to it, he shows the actual receipts. My respect for his commitment is through the roof rn. When people say race car drivers are competitive this is actually what they mean. I am now also a little scared of him and his unwavering resolve to finish what is started.
What I’ve gathered from this is you should probably never engage in a prank war with Alexander Rossi. It is a guaranteed loss and he will decimate you to the point that you are preparing to proudly show off your brand new possession, only to find it has been broken by toxic water balls.
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sulykari · 1 month
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Standing there...you wonder...
"Where did it all go wrong...?"
So...what if C isn't able to protect her new friends? What if KM got to them like the old ones? What if...she saw her loved ones...die in front of her again...?
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Something other about his eyes
Bonus! Based on this quick thing I did this afternoon and the idea took a bit more shape and turned into that thing from above uEK
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#not too much effort on the colors with this one#o would’ve left it just with lineart but at the end I thought it would look nicer with some rough shadows#shadowing. you know what I meant.#his plant markings being extremely faint on his eyes when they aren’t glowing is very true to me also#I think itd be awesome if Vash’s eyes would just look like that when he isn’t masking#or they could be a bit more lax but still look like they are staring far far away into the void#or into your souls if you so happen to make eye contact with him. like woowoo over here#he is probably listening for one of his sisters who is not so close to him. maybe even Kni? who knows it’s up to interpretation#Vash’s hair can be such a nightmare also. I do not think of physics when drawing him whatsoever#I give him the Mickey Mouse ears treatment sometimes and some other I actually respect the fact that his hair will always be swept#to the right. if you haven’t noticed that yet. I think it’s way more noticeable on the 2d art#which is a nice touch! considering that’s the direction I’m which his haircut was when they were kids. isn’t that fun#anyways weird Vash for me once again and I’ll share a little with you. ah I’ll get to the requests later btw!#trigun#vash the stampede#trigun stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#vashwood#trigun fanart#vash#wolfwood#nicholas trigun#lenssi draws#vash saverem#ah extra note. this is meant to be pre plant revelation. I think Vash would already know about what WW is there for since very early on#but about the plant thing he was still a little doubtful since he wouldn’t think Kni would disclose that information so easily.#so seeing that Nick has a very keen eye and is very observant kind of ticks him off even though he is just the same. so maybe that’s why#it ticks him in the first place. headcanons everywhere in this household
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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A page from my post-Botw Zelink comic. Each chapter covers key moments of my headcanon. I don't think my comic is super revolutionary in terms of story because there is so much fan content out there and im super classic and vanilla... but i dont care. I'm having fun creating my own take on what happened. This project is a time consuming blackhole and I draw it all out of order because I have no discipline whatsoever 😭 😂 It was originally just random black and white pages here and there with no cohesions, like my stand alone illustrations... but the illustrations became pages. The project is basically me fan-servicing my own self. 😂😂
Then it exploded, i've been adding color, cleaning up my panels, pimping the backgrounds.
I still unsure on which platform i will make it available to read. The friends who got my out of my shipping closet are screaming to me to print a fanzine, but i'm lazy hahaha. Might do a patreon eventually, idk.
Oh yeah, this is a panel from the chapter where Zelda and Link go back to Korok forest to put the Master Sword back in it's pedestal... I'm old, i played the old games. One of my BotW nitpics was that it didnt include the classic moment where the sword rests once again, like in ALttP and OoT. I like traditions okay!!!! Cheers!!!
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3lostyears · 3 months
until i recently read posts on here about how there is an inherent queerness to the doctor and rose's relationship in how it's unspoken and filled with yearning that i'd never really considered that element, despite knowing for ages that RTD is gay but. man. it's just reframed a lot of the series for me, like the idea that you have this lonely man who's just watched his people die and is self-destructive and misanthropic and traumatised and he can love again and he wants to but it has so many risks.
but especially S3 and how it adds even more weight to the doctor's grieving widower status. how he tells martha that he and rose were together but martha refers to rose as a friend to tallulah; the fact that he can only say they were together once she is gone; how the only other person that both can feel how he feels but also understands the depth of his feelings is jack, a queer man himself. and I've been thinking to myself lately oh, it's ok, the doctor and rose probably accidentally got married on at least one planet or something but also the point is that there was no official title that could convey to people the extent that they meant to each other, that the doctor can really only tell donna that rose was his friend even though it is so wholly inadequate and she comes to see that by the end of the episode (and martha too of course). how people who saw the doctor and rose together assumed they were a couple, like on krop tor, but once there's no more physical evidence of the relationship it becomes more vague (and simultaneously clearer).
anyway something about how christopher eccleston said he based his portrayal of nine on RTD and something about RTD saying that his husband is "in every good man i write now" and how the doctor and ruby seeing each other in the club mimics his first meeting with his husband aka the one moment he would use a time machine to go back to hmmm
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