sainz5516 · 2 months
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there is no hetero explanation of this.
*mic drop*
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yesloulou · 2 years
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Daniel showed up to Circuit Zandvoort in a lion cape in support of Max (x)
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artemisiatridentata · 10 months
showing my dad good omens 2 and during the scene where maggie bursts into tears and tells aziraphale that shes in love with nina but thinks nina hates her, my dad went “oh no :(” and I was like “what?” and he said “well, doesn’t aziraphale have a thing for maggie?” and I. you guys I couldn’t help myself. I guffawed
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rogueddie · 7 months
Eddie couldn't take his eyes off of the ugliest, evil looking polo top that he's ever had the misfortune to lay his eyes upon. It's everything he hates in one piece of clothing, so horrible that he'd gagged at it when he'd first seen it.
His friends had laughed, agreeing that the top is an abomination and crime against humanity.
But Eddie couldn't stop looking at it.
It's the exact type of thing that Steve would wear. It's the type of thing he would love and brag about.
Even though the party, with the help of Robin, have been trying to 'fix' Steve and his taste. They're currently targetting his wardrobe and they're almost wearing him down enough to get him to stop wearing so many polos.
It's making Eddie feel... conflicted.
He agrees that Steves taste is horrible. He listens to bad pop music most of the time, he has no sense of fashion and loves romance so much that he thinks awful rom-coms are the height of cinema.
But it's Steve. Those things are what make him so... Steve.
He sneaks back to the top when his friends aren't looking, crouching behind racks to get to the till and quickly buy it. He buries it in the bottom of his bag, ignoring the bored and judgemental look the staff are giving him.
"There you are," Gareth squints at him when he rejoins them. "Where did you go?"
"Fainted," he sneers, throwing an arm around Jeffs shoulders. "All these neons and pop are making me dizzy."
They laugh, quickly moving on.
After dropping them off, he goes straight to Steves house. He doesn't want the ugly shirt on his person longer than necessary and the last thing he needs is someone finding it in his closet.
He nearly cheers when he pulls up to Steves house and his parents car isn't parked out front.
They'd only caught him in their house once, when they'd come home early, and he's sure he only escaped with his life because the entire party was there too.
"Eddie?" Steve frowns when he opens the door. "What are you doing here? Are you ok?"
"Yeah, fine, just..." he huffs, rubbing his eyes. He digs through the bag, grabbing the offending shirt, and throwing it at Steve. "Got you that. I thought- whatever. There. Good night."
"Woah, woah," Steve quickly catches his arm. "It's ok, man. If the others ask then I'll say I got it. It's... this is really nice, Eds."
"It's ugly."
"Sure," Steve snorts, looking back to the shirt. "But it's definitely my style. This really means a lot to me. I think it looks cool."
"Uh, yeah, I guessed," Eddie shifts, squirming with how genuine Steve is being. "It's just a polo."
"No, it's not. It's special to me."
"Right, because you think that pattern is 'so-"
"You saw it and thought of me. Like, you hate it, but you knew I'd like it and... it just means a lot to me, that you're thinking of me."
"Alright, it's just a shirt, calm down."
"No, I don't think I will," Steve gently tugs him inside so he can shut the door. "I get it if this is difficult for you but I'm getting impatient."
"If- what?"
"Do you need me to make the first move? Or- is this a move? Is your love language gift giving or something?"
"You've lost me."
Steve huffs, putting his hands on his hips and giving Eddie a look that he can only describe as 'disappointed parent'.
"We've been flirting for months and you haven't done anything about it." Steve falters quickly when he sees the shock on Eddies face. "Or... am I missing something? Is it the whole, like... keeping it secret thing? Because I don't mind! It's not safe to be out in Hawkins, I know, and I'm not expecting a big date at-"
"You knew that I was flirting with you," Eddie interrupts. "This whole time?"
"Well, yeah, I was also flirting with you."
Eddie stares at him for a moment. "And you've been waiting for me to make a move on you?"
"Exactly. Was I not being obvious enough? I didn't want to out you or anything..."
"No... in retrospect you were being very clear. All of Robins cryptic advice makes so much sense now. Oh, God, even Wayne figured it out."
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suguruplsr · 8 months
All you know..
✰ ✰ ✰ “are we dating? are we fuckin’? are we best friends? are we something in between that?” — heartbeat , childish gambino
જ⁀➴ i fucking love this. idk what it is tho <3
,, fuckboy! suguru x fem!reader , situation-ship , toxic (both kinda) , reader is mentioned to hook up a bit (w/ boys n’ girls) , slight angst , smut , sex at a party , mirror sex , mean! suguru , degradation , choking , slapping , brat taming ? , idk i wrote this at 4 am
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fuckboy! suguru who you met at some party your friend took you to, hosted by his best friend, gojo satoru. surprisingly enough, suguru was the exact opposite of satoru, sure he had the sexual appeal that he definitely used to his advantage, but he was more respectful and quiet. rather than hitting up on girls like his counterpart, the girls were lured to him with just looks alone. his dark eyes and low voice wrapping them tightly into his web until he’s asking them to get out of his bed at 6 am in the morning, needing to clean his room and air out the stench of sex.
— but he never told you to leave, in fact, he let you stay in bed while he cleaned, gathering up your clothes to wash them and leaving out some of his for you to put on when you woke up. suguru wondered if he was just pussy whipped or just too tired to deal with a person that early in the morning. but he was in fact whipped when he found you fixing up his bed after waking up. actually making small talk with him, something he wasn’t fond of, but after your conversation drifted off from the topic last night, he found himself talking with you for hours on his couch, eventually watching a movie and all.
fuckboy! suguru who you see more, from random calls of ‘needing him’ to late night drives to get ice cream. or smoking a thick blunt at 8 am while you two watch some rom-com you picked out. getting picked up straight after work to go to his house and get your feet rubbed, loved on with small praises murmured into your thighs. sometimes he’s taking you to the club or to fancy dinners. you like it, the diversity of being.. well, something, with him. which leads to what you don’t like, not having a name for what you two are.
— two months. it took you two months of good dick, soft moments, fun dates, and getting spoiled for you to question everything. you almost felt guilty, but you were too headstrong for that, you know any other girl in your place would never complain or demand an answer as to what relationship you two have formed. but you know that’s probably why he likes you, so stubborn and always knowing what you want. the first time it came to mind, you asked him straight up.
“suguru?” you finish cutting your steak, before answering his small “hm?” , “what are we?” your voice was probably softer then you wanted it to be, confidence faltering as he stayed silent. perhaps this wasn't the best time? well yea, no shit, you think. you two were at some well known restaurant downtown, both of you dressed up and eating delicious food that suguru was paying for. you didn’t know where his money came from, but you knew better than to press when he gave an indirect answer the first time you asked, guys like that usually do some shady shit. and you have enough experience to know to just accept you found a man with good money and go about your business.
“how about you just eat mama? we’ll talk later.” and later never came, just subject changes and avoidance that had you rethinking this whole thing you had with him. it’s not like he has eyes for other girls, obviously committed to this growing.. situationship.. you two have going on. he turns down girls in a heartbeat, and nearly yelled at satoru when he found out his best friend was giving out his number to shy admirers. he was very clear that he wanted you. just not clear enough. and it’s not like you’re looking for others, but you can’t help but just want something more, wanting to be in an actual relationship rather than walk on this thread of string that you could tip over at any moment.
fuckboy! suguru that you have an argument with for the first time after 3 months of knowing each other. annoyed by your nonstop questioning that he’s been desperately trying to not answer. and he goes off, making it painfully clear that no matter what you two do, you guys aren’t even completely serious, meaning that those moments of vulnerability, kisses that were way more than just the ‘heat of the moment’, the drives to walmart at 2 am for snacks, everything that made you fall in love, was just nothing. and that he doesn’t owe you an explanation as to why it’s nothing, as to why those soft touches that explored your body in a language different from just sex, was nothing. the tiny shifts in your dynamic together was just nothing. there was never something, and you were just friends with benefits. nothing more.
— finding your answer, you decide that perhaps it was best to leave nothing and to find something. not talking to him for weeks and responding to those guys who ask for your number, which leads to very few that you see outside of your bed. maybe you were desensitized after him? only knowing the name of geto suguru, a taste on your lips that was oh so sour. yet a taste on your lips that never leaves, no one fills the lost warmth when they hold you, it’s not the same as his, they may be a good kisser, but it’s not the same as his, they could throw dick down good, but it wasn’t the same as his. you only knew geto suguru.
— and you fucking hate yourself for that. you hate that he suddenly appears outside your door after 5 weeks and 4 days since your argument. you hate that you let him in and fuck you in such an intimate way that it doesn’t feel like fucking, you hate that you swear up and down you’ll set it straight with him in the morning only to be greeted by his lazy smile, making you breakfast and apologizing for everything except for not giving you a simple answer. you hate that you let him walk back into your life so casually. and it happens, you ask after two weeks of ‘normalcy’, in which he doesn’t answer. and you try to make it clear you won’t be seeing him again. but it happens again, again, and again. because no one can love you in the way geto suguru does. and you only knew geto suguru.
fuckboy! suguru who makes you fall into a swirl of emotions you hate. 6 months. you don’t ask anymore. that cute guy at starbucks? you had three dates with him. the hot tattoo artist down the street? yea you two fucked after she finished her work on your back. the same one suguru kissed all over after it finished healing. gojo satoru? he’s been in your bed a few times. that makes you confident in knowing that suguru isn’t oblivious to the fact that you’ve been seeing others without a care in the world. but you also know he won’t do anything, because according to his logic, you two weren’t anything serious. so he has no right to judge you, no matter how well he treats you. it was nothing in his eyes right?
— maybe that’s why you have to try breaking his patience again, one last time. maybe he’ll finally cut you off and let you move on or he’ll give you an answer you can take and hold onto, without hesitation. you’re going to a halloween costume themed party, everyone in their typical final girl outfits, or wearing iconic outfits of killers you’ve all grown to know. you wear a skimpy killer nurse costume, painting fake blood in places that forces eyes to linger for too long. i mean, if it made geto suguru, of all people, to stop and give you a look that may have been a warning for you to keep your act together, then was it really a defective plan?
“man, this mansion is fucking creepy.” your friend groans, taking in another sip of her ‘blood’ (wine), after you two walk over the creaking wood. you two were on the 2nd floor, watching the dancing that happened below you two. mainly coming up here after you two realized this is where mostly everyone looking for a quick fuck went to. but your friend only gave you a sigh when your eyes stayed on some broad guy at the end of the hall. “you serious about this? what about that guy you came here with?” she raised an eyebrow, nudging your side as you rolled your eyes.
“and he’s precisely why i’m doing this babe.” you grin, finishing off your drink and getting up once you see the familiar cloak of suguru’s classic ghost face costume from the corner of your eyes. he was finally taking the bait and coming up stairs. you only knew it was him from the gray glowing paint at the ends of it, something he did when he found out a lot of people were going to dress up as the famous killer. but you also knew from how his eyes stayed on you, they may be covered by the creepy mask, but the slow turn of his head from downstairs when he had first seen you walking up the stairs said enough.
you strut over to the guy with a ditzy smile, his eyes quickly finding themselves falling to your busty breasts as you rub a hand along his chest, making it ‘apparent’ to him that you wanted to take him to some random room and have him fuck your brains out. which wasn’t really the case to be honest. sure he had a good figure, but from his constant stuttering and nervous body language, you knew wasn’t your type. he was lost, definitely a virgin. maybe you’ll hit him up when he gets some experience under his belt? well, probably after you delete the one number that always stays pinned in your messages.
you almost have the poor guy falling for your slutty act when a gloved hand grips your wrist tightly, the masked figure pulling you away with no words. “suguru? fuck are you doing? hey—“ you tried playing dumb, almost tripping when he slams the door of some guest room and pins you to it harshly. you stay silent, almost holding your breath at the sounds of his heavy one, the white mocking mask staring at you eerily. “i tried to be patient with you.” suguru’s voice was filled with bitterness that made you scared for a moment, his hands moving your body. “i even tried to fucking ignore whatever stupid shit you got going on, since you wanna fuck everything that exists.” he sneers, gripping your throat and ignoring your whimper of his name, acrylic nails scratching his gloved hand, which he swats away. “i even let you get away with having my best friends dick down your throat.” he chuckles darkly, pulling you off the wall and pushing you to the bed, his hands letting go.
“wait— suguru i—“ you nearly choke on your words, your eyes watery as he keeps walking towards you, boots dangerously clacking against the wood floor as you fall to the bed, cornered. he pulls the mask up to his nose, strands of his bang showing and you can hear his words clearly, panties pooling in fear, “i want your ass naked and face in the fuckin’ sheets when i come back.” is all he says, you scramble after he closes the door, rolling off the two piece outfit and feeling humiliated at the sight of your cum stained panties.
but nothing is more embarrassing than the possibility of someone walking in, considering his orders weren’t for you to lock the door, or to even look in that direction. you were forced to wait, face deep in the blanket, scared of hearing that door opening and not hearing the dark tone of suguru’s voice. sure it had you aching in dread, but you’ll take whatever sick punishment suguru has for you than someone seeing you in such a state. did you really take it too far this time? but it’s not really your fault.. he’s the one pent up on you seeing other people when you two aren’t even dating.
fortunately, you’re smart enough to know not to even say any of that when you hear the door open, quickly slammed closed and locked. your hands grip the blanket tighter at the sound of his boots. those fucking boots, why do they have to be so loud? it feels like you’re about to be killed or somethin’..
and killed you were. your pussy at least..
“fuck are you cryin’ for huh? this what you do on the daily, nothin’ new right?” suguru chuckles with a hand wrapping around your neck, and pulling your teary ruined face back towards him. he was taking you from behind, cock filling you to the hilt and making you feel him even more as you leaned back to him. you weren’t sure how many times you came on him. time doesn’t even feel real anymore.. what were you even doing before this? it didn’t matter.
you try to talk, words mushing into gibberish as he tightens his grip, making a sound of disappointment before pushing your face back into the sheets, slapping your ass and fucking into your sloppy pussy with thrusts that had you thinking of nothing. only able to just take it, moaning loudly with dark spots forming in your vision, the music downstairs hopefully drowning you two out. suguru’s mask was long gone, most of his hair pulled into a ponytail with his bangs falling. he looked so hot when you two were getting ready, and he still does, your face twisted to the mirror across the room, your blurry eyes watching him put you in your place.
“you’re droolin’ princess, gonna leave a stain for satoru to see later.” suguru smiles, you weren’t even shy about how the thought turned you on, clenching around him so tightly it was almost hard for him to drag his cock through your walls. “oh you like thaaat. let him know this pussy’s mine kay? bet you want him to see you like this.. always slutting yourself out with everyone, only to keep comin’ back to me.” you knew that was an underline for something you never forget. no one’s as good as him. no one will ever fuck you as good as him. and no one will love you as good as him. no one gets to keep playing with your heart like he does, taking you home at 5 am and staying in your life like it was nothing. no one tastes like geto suguru.
that’s all you knew.
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scarrletmoon · 8 months
okay i know the Discourse™️ has been going on for way too long at this point, but
i think some people outside of the OFMD fandom don’t actually get why we’re particularly annoying about this show
OFMD is not the first queer show to ever exist. if anything, it's a late entry in decades of queer media. over a year and a half since the first few episodes aired, everyone knows that OFMD is queer. that doesn't make it particularly special
but back in March? this is the trailer that dropped in February of 2022, 2 weeks before the premier. if you're used to seeing queer chemistry in shows that aren't intended to be queer, you might see the hints between Ed and Stede here. but to most people? it's just a silly little pirate comedy. just guys being dudes. the trailer doesn't even hint at the other 2 canonical queer relationships in the show -- the closest it gets suggesting romance is the music and the pink in the poster
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so when people watched this show in March 2022, they went into it expecting subtext and nothing else. to them, it was like watching Sherlock or Supernatural or Merlin in the 2010s. if you were in any of those fandoms -- especially Sherlock and Supernatural -- you know what it was like; constant jokes at our expense, being mocked for creating explicit fanwork, made fun of by the creators and within the show itself. if we saw queer subtext, that was our problem. this was a time when you pretended NOT to be in fandom, for fear of ridicule. we kept our fanwork to ourselves, we DID NOT share it with the cast, and we accepted that our favourite ships would probably never be canon. maybe one day, if we were lucky, we'd have a show where the subtext wasn't mockery as much as deliberate foreshadowing -- but that had to be YEARS away
OFMD was never billed as a queer show, not in the beginning. there was no LGBTQ+ tag on (HBO) Max, it wasn't on anyone's list of upcoming queer shows in 2022, it flew under the radar through most of its first season. this was a show about pirates, and sure, some of them were queer. but not the LEADS. if you think they're romantically involved, that's must be fandom brain poisoning
except the 9th episode aired, and they kissed. and the show said "you're not crazy for thinking they have chemistry because they really do. it's been a romance this whole time". and in the 10th episode, Stede realizes that he's in love
(not mandating you watch this clip if you don't care for the show, but there's something that feels particularly earth shattering about no one saying the word gay but knowing that Stede's realizing he is, that it's completely unambiguous and explicit in a way that only straight romances are usually allowed to be)
this is why people freaked out about this show. no one knew. even the creator, David Jenkins, was surprised when WE were surprised that it was gay for real -- he set out to write a love story, using all the tried and true beats of a rom com. he'd never even heard of the term queerbaiting. he looked at historical Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet and thought "oh, there's something here" and just...wrote that, with very little fanfare, like it was inevitable. like it was obvious. of course Jim and Pam end up together. of course Buttercup and Westley end up together. what kind of disappointing ending would it be if You've Got Mail ended with the main characters just going their separate ways?
so of course Ed and Stede are in love
look, i get it. we're annoying and won't shut the fuck up about this show that seems mediocre at best. i watched the whole thing back in march, thought "huh, that was cool" and was sure that i'd forget about it in a few days
an hour after looking at fanart on twitter, i was lost in the fucking sauce
there's just so much to unpack from a mere 10 episodes. it covers racism, toxic masculinity, gender expression, sexuality, trauma and abuse. and i don't think we should overlook the fact that the non-white characters in this show get to be fully human in a way i haven't seen in my favourite shows in recent memory
additionally, most OFMD are 25 or older. we're not people who've been spoiled by queer rep, who don't get how hard it used to be, how you'd have to grovel for scraps, how shipping and fanfiction was a way to find queer rep where we thought there never would be. we've been here. we're annoying about this show because for a lot of us, it's the first time we've been treated like our queerness isn't an anomaly that needs to be relegated to its own section, that needs to be praised for the bare minimum of acknowledging that we exist. it's not pulling punches to avoid scaring away a straight audience. it just is.
OFMD for me is like when i watched Black Panther for the first time and realized that this is what white people felt all the time. have there been other black superhero movies? of course! does Disney fucking suck? BOY does it. but that was the first time i got to sit in a movie theater and watch a mainstream film that looked at Africa and said "look at how beautiful you are, exactly as you are"
and idk. i think that's really cool
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missroki · 4 months
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OFFICE CRUSH┊when choso kamo’s pretty coworker asks him out, he doesn’t ask questions. it’s no surprise that the quiet IT guy isn’t exactly gifted in the art of romance, but you seem more than capable of showing him the ropes.
content: black coded!female reader x choso, office au, 90s rom-com adjacent, alcohol, flirting (!!!), choso being awkward, car sex, reader has braids, terms used are baby and good girl, no obvious power dynamics, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (pull out method), purposefully lowercase. word count: 3.5k
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“are you busy tonight?”
a sudden pause in the typing of keys, pale hands hovering over a manilla colored keyboard. choso stops coding as if it would have helped him hear you better.
you ask your coworker out on a late wednesday afternoon, rocking back and forth on your heels with your hands clasped behind your back. your eyes are bright and determined in a way that tells him you mean what you say… but, for a minute, choso can’t do anything more than stare.
he’d only seen you in passing in the office, the click of your black pumps recognized easily in the sea of heavy loafers and dress shoes. despite your choice in footwear, you were often moving.
never has the man seen you sitting from his place in the IT department. you were always walking, or more accurately strutting down the halls, looking straight down with a handful of files and notebooks; always busy.
there’s a slight shift in your face (as if you’re going to repeat what you said) but choso interjects. he heard you clearly enough the first time, he was just a man with social skills that left much to be desired.
he answers you, cursing the shake in his voice. "n-no… i don’t think so but... why?" maybe you had a virus on your computer? or perhaps you were in need of fresh eyes on your interim report? choso thinks that maybe you need a spare thumb drive or the key to the electronics closet. he thinks you are here for a favor, something transactional that will explain the soft, polite smile on your lips.
he is proven wrong when you move closer into his space and rest your bottom against his desk, clasped hands now resting on your lap. he tries his best to not stare at your stocking-clad thighs. he wonders how warm they would feel under his hands.
“well,” you start, “since you aren’t busy, we can go out for a drink, right?”
choso feels his nose twitch, watching as your gaze follows the birthmark on his nose. he realizes that you are waiting for a response and clears his throat.
“my brother might need me… he gets home from school pretty early nowadays.”
you smile and tilt your head. "yuuji, right? pink hair, high school student? big ball of sunshine?”
he blinks once, then twice. okay. “that would be him… how did you know that?”
you shift your hips to face him better, palm on the desk as you lean over to point at the lone personal item he has.
it’s a picture of choso and his brother, old and slightly blue at the edges from water damage. “he showed up once because he left his house key at home. you went down and brought him yours.”
admittedly, choso barely remembers this interaction. he curses his stomach for warming at the fact that you do. “oh.”
despite his lackluster response, your smile doesn’t waver, acrylic nails tapping against the surface that he works on everyday. it’s those gentle clicks that make his eyes shift downwards to where the sound is coming from, distracting him.
a holiday on his calendar mousepad is covered by your pink and red fingernails.
“you’re… interesting,” you offer as explanation, “and i want to spend time with you. is that alright?”
you’re beautiful, he thinks. beautiful in a way that he doesn’t see often; pretty brown skin and soft-looking braided hair. he wonders how long it takes you to twist the strands in such an intricate way. he wonders if it would be weird for him to ask.
choso hesitates, but eventually nods. “…i’m sure yuuji won’t miss me too much.” he concludes, the smallest of lop-sided grins on his face. “it’ll only be for a little while, right?”
you sit up and choso feels as if he can breathe again without your intoxicating scent so close to him. you dramatically cross a finger over your heart. 
“you’ll be home by ten. scout’s honor.”
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choso is certain now of three things:
one, he likes strawberry daiquiris. two, he really likes drinking them with you. and three, you were most definitely not a girl scout.
he knows this because it is already eleven thirty pm and you have sneakily convinced him to stay longer than intended. after a few rounds you became alarmingly convincing.
even with choso’s clumsy coin fumbling and the obvious red flush of his face, your companion is positive that he is not drunk. you smile as your cloudy mind focuses on the pretty arch of his cupid's bow and the deep set of his tired eyes.
with warming alcohol in his system, choso finds himself loosening up more and more. his gaze wanders without fear of you noticing.
it doesn’t change the fact that you do.
his suit jacket is draped on your lap to cover your legs, your pink blouse curving along your chest so firmly that it’s hard to look away.
suddenly, you lean in to sip his drink (which confuses him since you have your own) and choso has to try his best to refrain from staring at your breasts as they press against the bar table. as the night has progressed you’ve gotten more bold, more touchy. he likes it. he likes you and the small hint of lipstick that stains his pink straw now.
you sit back up and wipe away the condensation from the hand that was holding the glass steady.
“is this a birthmark?” you ask with glassy eyes, a cold thumb moving up to caress the deep purple line on his nose bridge. choso is just drunk enough that his heart flutters and he doesn’t pass out on the spot.
“yes, i was born with it.” he pauses, thinking that you want him to elaborate. “yuuji used to joke and say they must have used a permanent marker to tell me apart from the other babies.”
you laugh and it’s a small thing but… choso can’t help but to grace you with a lazy smile. “it’s nice. makes you look more unique.” your thumb moves up to his dark circles, pressing gently into the skin. he feels warmth pool in his belly. the alcohol, he thinks. “i’m going to assume these are more man made?”
he nods, heart beating fast against his chest. your hand is gentle and your eyes are kind. choso wonders if you have always been so sweet, if the heavy burdens of adult life haven’t quite hit you in the same way they have him. is that weird? he won’t say that out loud. “yeah, i don’t get much sleep.”
“i’m definitely not helping with that.” you frown a little and choso thinks of every possible way he could make you smile again. “that’s no good. who’ll help yaga out when he falls for another pop up porn ad?”
he laughs at that, feels it deep in his stomach. you’re funny, choso thinks. you’re pretty. your lips look soft and he wants to kiss you.
“i think you’re more than capable–“
“hey, is that–? kamo-chan!”
a shrill voice comes from across the bar, onlookers (that are suspiciously all couples tonight) glancing over to get a glance at whoever was making a fuss. to choso’s horror, he sees a familiar head of long blue hair, a large smile that barely fits the face of the person wearing it.
behind him is a small group of people wearing the usual business casual with an assortment of red and pink items like… heart shaped headbands? he can tell by the way they stumble over that this is perhaps the second or third bar of the night.
“all these years of me trying to get you to come out and you only do it when she asks you to?” mahito pouts, an arm moving to rest around your shoulders. if you’re annoyed by his interruption, you don’t make it known. you smile easily and return his side hug.
choso wonders now if physical affection is something you give out freely. maybe he’d interpreted your earlier touches wrong, as something less than innocent.
he feels a blush rising to his cheeks and hopes you assume it is just the booze.
“maybe i’m just more convincing,” you tease, “i wanted to spend some time with one of our most valuable team members. working with a bum like you can really mess with my productivity.”
mahito gasps dramatically. “wow! i guess there must be love in the air then!” there’s a small sea of laughter that follows. choso begins to once again realize that it is not you two alone anymore, that your entire department has somehow managed to force their way into the imaginary bubble you’d built around each other.
someone suggests you all move to a booth and he feels his social battery deplete within seconds.
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another hour passes before choso finally realizes that he is way in over his head. mahito has managed to simultaneously steal all of your attention and even some of choso’s as well.
he’s funnier than him, he thinks. even with his weird scarred skin and bony frame you seem to enjoy his company and the child-like way he downs shots of tequila as if they’re water. he licks salt from various places and you chuckle and smile affectionately, like he’s a puppy.
is that what you were into? guys who could talk to you for hours about nothing at all? choso doesn’t think he could ever be that man. he was awkward and somewhat insecure. you were well liked and that meant you’d be hard to keep entertained. it’s a role he isn’t sure he can fill for you.
everyone is laughing, including you. something about the department that choso would have no knowledge of.
trying his best to avoid knocking shoulders with anyone, the man removes himself from the suffocating booth, back aching from the way he had to twist at all times to fit in the space.
choso thinks he’s always been like that. taking up space; having to make himself smaller in order to fit where he didn’t belong to begin with.
his hands reach for his pockets, glancing down to make sure he didn’t leave his wallet. when he lifts his head, he finds that your eyes are on now him.
your face tells him that you’re a bit alarmed at his leaving but he doesn’t wait for you to announce it to everyone before he’s moving quickly to the back door.
the hinges creak loudly, the threshold slightly damp as he shuffles out. it’s raining, he realizes. a drizzle that quickly dampens his dark hair.
the flickering streetlight illuminates his old car, the path straight ahead as he makes his way across the barely lit alleyway. his mind is clearer than it was in the suffocating bar atmosphere, but it is still muffled by anxious thoughts.
it’s because of this that he doesn’t hear the click of high heels against wet pavement.
“choso!” you call out, a small huff in your voice as you abruptly stop behind him. he blinks hard to rid his eyes of water, turns around to find you holding something, his jacket. oh. “you’re leaving without saying goodbye?”
you look upset, concerned even. choso quickly takes his jacket from you so that he can use it to cover your head — not really thinking when he does it. you give him a curious look.
“your hair,” he explains, “it’ll get... wet out here.”
you roll your eyes playfully, walking closer until you are almost chest to chest. “i don’t care about that right now.” you hum, eyes trying desperately to meet his. he turns his head and you boldly grip his chin. your fingertips are so warm. “did i do something wrong? are you upset with me?”
he reaches a hand out to gently hold your wrist, thumb against your pulse point. “not upset, just thought you might want to end the night with people you know… i’m not good with groups.”
you think this over for a moment and nod. “yeah i… i should have guessed that, actually. you were probably overwhelmed. i’m sorry.”
“you don’t have to be…” he murmurs. “i just needed to get away and i didn’t want to ruin anyone’s night.”
you let go of his chin, both hands coming up to push his now soaked hair away from his face, the strands curl around his ears where your hands rest. without realizing, his touch has settled on your waist. you don’t seem to mind.
“i like you." you admit, brazenly. “i have for a while now.”
"i’m sorry." he responds instinctively, not really processing your confession at first. you really laugh at that and it makes his mind go numb for a moment. “i mean… i like you, too. a lot, actually.”
you smile and it’s so blindingly beautiful. how did he go without knowing you for so long? “i hoped so… i saw the way you were watching me earlier. i thought you were gonna kiss me a couple of times.”
something in his mind twitches, directly in the space next to mischief and only a step away from desire.
“did you want me to?”
you eyes widen just a fraction. now it is your turn to be flustered. choso finds himself relishing in that just a little. “…what?”
maybe a… lottle.
“did you… want me to kiss you?” his thumbs rubs gentle circles on your blouse covered tummy, the motion soothing and weirdly familiar. like the smell of a perfume that hits you with unknown nostalgia, the hint of someone from your past.
you lean in slightly, nose gently nudging his. “i still do.” you whisper, “would that be okay?”
your breathes mingle, barely an inch separating the two of you. choso finds himself laughing at the cheesiness of it all. 
you aren’t his first kiss, but he imagines that kissing in the rain will still be rom-com worthy.
“more than okay.” he murmurs.
his lips press to yours.
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choso is certain now of three things:
one, he likes kissing you. two, he really likes kissing you. and three, your mouth is the best thing he has ever felt.
the backseat of his compact suv is just enough for you both to fit, your legs on either side of his hips as your hands explore his body. your tongue has managed to touch every inch of choso’s neck and chest, blushing red spots appearing on his soft pale skin.
your left hand traces over the mark on his ribs, large and expansive. he has to hold in a moan when you run your fingertips against it. “you’re so sensitive,” you hum, “are you nervous?”
he starts to unbutton your blouse, let’s his thumbs find your still covered nipples. he grazes his nail against the fabric, isolating the movement as you let out a soft gasp. “not nervous,” he responds. “i just really want you. you’re… gorgeous.”
you try to hide how much this affects you but choso can see it in the way your eyes soften at his praise. “thank you.” you breathe out, helping him by unclasping your bra and letting it fall to the ground with your already discarded stockings.
it barely hits the floor mat before choso’s mouth latches onto your chest, tongue swirling as his lips suck on the perky brown bud. your nails immediately tangle into his damp hair and your hips begin to grind on their own.
a hand reaches down between your legs and you whimper as your panties are forced to the side. “can i touch you?” he asks, lips trailing from one of your breasts to the other. “wanna make you feel good, need to get you ready for me.”
you nod with a giggle. “oh, yeah? you that big down there kamo-san?”
he is dead serious when he replies. “yes.”
choso’s fingers are long and your cunt lets him in with very little resistance. he’s glad to know his kisses made you melt for him so easily, a surge of confidence emerging. your thighs shift as you grind against his hand, the other against your back as your braids weave throughout his fingers. he’s careful not to tug, just feeling the smoothness of them against his skin.
“is this okay?” he asks, leaning in to press soft kisses to your neck.
you nod, relishing in the feeling of his surprisingly fit body beneath your hands. you would have never expected him to be so… strong and firm. you imagine him sweaty and panting, lifting weights over his head as you watch from the corner. your patience grows thin at the thought. you want him. now.
“choso,” you whimper, your plea immediately making him halt his movements. 
“are you okay? what’s wro-“ you silence him with your lips and lift your thighs so that his soaked fingers ease from your heat. your hand moves to tug down his slacks, the belt already unbuckled as you caress the obvious swell of his cock. his breath hitches as he goes to grip your waist. “s-shit, i see. you want me to– okay, i’ll give it to you.”
he allows you to pull out his cock and you gasp as it throbs and twitches against his stomach. it’s… huge. long and thick with a deeply flushed tip.
you stare at it so intently that your lover feels self conscious. “is it… okay?” he asks, watching your expression with curiosity.
you glance up at him and sense his worry, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “you’re perfect, choso. don’t worry. i’m just… surprised.”
he rubs your back tenderly, hoping to ease your concern. “i’ll go slow. i promise.”
when you ease down on him, choso has to fight the burning urge to immediately shoot his load. you’re just so tight and warm that it makes him dizzy. it’s only when you take him to the base that he holds you still. “i’ll let you get used to it first. then we can keep going. just stay still and i’ll—“
suddenly, you lift and slam back down on top of him. your movement is so sharp that choso chokes on his words, the fluttering of your pussy making him clench his abs to fight away his release.
he can barely think before your body is bouncing on top of him, your forehead pressing against his. you read his mind, seemingly. “don’t think,” you gasp out, “j-just fuck me, choso.” 
“i – oh fuck – i don’t want to hurt you.”
“you won’t, baby. i promise i can take it.” you move his hands from your waist to your ass, prompting him to squeeze at the soft flesh. “i can take it.”
his desire to treat you gently is not as strong as the pleasure he’s feeling, and soon choso is thrusting faster up into your cunt, gripping your ass to move you up and down.
“oh!” you cry out, perky breasts bouncing in his face with each hurried thrusts.
“shit.” he grits out, jaw clenched as he uses your pretty body. “take it,” choso whines, “fuckin’ take it.”
your pussy clenches at his words, panting and moaning against his mouth as your orgasm builds. “i-i think i’m gonna cum. c-choso i–“
one of his hands cup the back of your neck, his eyes not leaving yours as you spasm and twitch on his lap.
“it’s okay. let go for me. i’ve got you, baby.”
you cum with a sharp gasp, unable to look away with his strong hand keeping you in place. “good girl,” he murmurs, “such a good girl… let me fuck you through it.”
your body slumps against his, but choso doesn’t stop his movements. his cock plunges in and out of your hole, stretching you out as your cum drips down to his heavy balls. he wants to cum in you, to fill you up with his load until it drips between your legs… but he knows he has to save it for another time.
his orgasm hits him like a tidal wave; sudden and breath taking as he spills his load between you two, coating both of your stomachs in a sticky layer of white.
you whimper as it quickly cools, giggling at the face choso makes when you grab his shirt to clean you both up. he looks like a cat, disgruntled and pouting. you shrug. “it’s your cum.”
he couldn’t argue with that.
it’s weirdly comfortable, the time after your encounter where you both tug on your clothes, minus choso’s christened white button up.
you tell him he looks better without it, fingertips grazing his abdomen teasingly. he has half the mind to take you again, but there would be more time to get to explore your body.
maybe if he played his cards right you’d let him taste you.
choso imagines that the always empty electronics closet will be a perfect location.
“hey,” you whisper, hand pushing his dark hair behind his ear.
choso lets out a hum, twisting his neck so that his lips press tenderly to your wrist “yeah?”
you smirk. “happy valentine’s day.”
… oh.
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note: hello, this is an old fic of mine that i’ve re-written and given a new v-day flair. thanks for reading and happy (early) love day.
MISSROKI. all original work. do not plagiarize, translate, or repost. this includes feeding my work to ai apps and sites.
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cameronspecial · 4 months
Drew Starkey getting jealous of the chemistry between Jacob Elordi and actress!reader who's his girlfriend, since she plays a role in a movie... Can u please 😭😭
Something Better
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
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Ever since watching Drew in The Other Zoey, Y/N has wanted to be in a rom-com. He just made it look like so much fun and she loved the idea of bringing a romance to life. So when she got the opportunity to play the romantic lead in a movie, she jumped at the chance to play the love-scorned woman, who is about to find love again thanks to her male co-star. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Owen,” Y/N recites, shrugging as she continues to pretend to file the documents. Jacob leans against the filing cabinet, “Come on, Abby. You know what I’m talking about.” His hand twirls in her hair as his breath begins to hit her ear. Y/N’s own breath begins to rise and fall at the sensation. Anyone watching the scene unfold can’t deny the chemistry they see between the two actors. Y/N elbows the boy away from her, “Not a clue.” She storms off-screen toward her mark off-set. “Cut,” the director calls from her chair, causing Y/N to pause in her tracks. “That’s a wrap on this scene. Take a break until we set up the next scene.” At the news, Y/N goes looking for her guest of the day. She easily spots his tall stature, running into his arms immediately. “What did you think, Bub?” she seeks his approval with her arms around his neck. 
Drew’s arms slot into the dip of her lower back, “You were amazing, Beautiful. Such a great actress.” Jacob comes up behind the couple and places a friendly hand on her shoulder. “You did great during this scene, Y/N/N. As always,” Jacob praises with a smile. Drew pulls Y/N out of Jacob’s touch and closer to him. His eyes narrow to slivers at the other man and his back straightens to close the height difference a little more. Y/N’s gaze darts between the two men. She holds back a little giggle, “Thanks, Jacob. I think Drew is hungry so we are going to go get something to eat.” Jacob nods at the pair and allows them to excuse themselves from the conversation.
Her head tilts to look at her boyfriend as they head toward Craft. “You were jealous,” she teases, poking at his cheek. Drew scoffs and stares straight ahead, “No I wasn’t. Just because you have chemistry with him doesn’t mean that I’m jealous of him.” “You think I have chemistry with Jacob?” she questions with a frown. Drew’s shoulder rises, “Maybe.” She stops walking and plants herself in front of him. Her warm hand is placed on his cheek to soothe him. “The only reason why it seems like I have chemistry with Jacob is because I was doing my job. I was pretending to,” she explains. “I don’t need to have chemistry with you because I didn’t need to feel a spark when I first met you to fall for you. My heart already knew I belonged to you long before I met you.” He isn’t sure if her words made entirely sense, but it makes sense to them and that is all that matters. It helps placate the green-eyed monster threatening to show its ugly head. “If that’s true, then who needs chemistry. I have something much better.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
531 notes · View notes
mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
Shinunoga E-Wa (NSFW)
Toge Inumaki x Female!reader
A/N i definetly headcanon that Inumaki listens to Fujii Kaze on blast!! also look at him, he's so pretty ughhhhhh
Main Masterlist JJK Masterlist Requests AO3
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(3.6k words)
“Come on, it’s so obvious y/n,” Yuuta sighs. 
“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” you reply defiantly.
About a week ago, Inumaki left for a solo mission. Since then, you have been bothering Yuuta to entertain yourself. You’ve been close friends with him since he came to the school so it wasn’t out of the norm for you to hang out with him a lot of the time.
You’ve had feelings for Inumake since you met him, but you didn’t realize it until Yuuta became desperate to get you to see past your denial. These conversations about your feelings for the cursed speech user happened pretty often.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Yuta stared at you. He started waving his hand around as he spoke, “Anyone with eyes can see the way you look at him, as well as the way he looks at you.”
“We are just best friends. We’re only so close because I was the first student to meet him,” you explained. When he came to the school, you two immediately hit it off. Even with his rice ball language, you always seemed to understand what he was trying to convey. Panda likes to joke that your cursed technique is to read Inumaki’s mind.
As if reading your mind, Yuuta brought this point up, “Then explain how you are so in tune with him. You always know exactly what he’s saying and you guys can just look at each other and have a conversation without saying anything.” Yuta always found it confusing yet fascinating the way that you and Inumaki communicate.
This is the first time when having this conversation with Yuta, that you accepted that he was right. With Inumaki being gone on such a long mission, you’ve come to realize how much you miss him. And without him by your side like he always is, you’ve had a lot of alone time to read into your own mind to figure out how you felt about him. You never realize what you have until it’s gone, you guess.
With a resigned sigh, you finally relented, “Fine. You’re right.”
Instead of teasing you, like Maki or Panda would, Yuuta gives you a soft smile. “Why don’t you tell him then?”
“Are you kidding? I only just figured out these feelings this week. Plus I can’t ruin the friendship that we have,” you wave your hands in Yuuta’s face, trying to convey your issue.
“If he somehow doesn’t have feelings for you, you wouldn’t ruin your friendship. He cares too much about you,” Yuuta comforted you.
As if the universe was listening to the both of you, you saw Inumaki make his way to the tree you and Yuta were under. He had his duffel bag still in his hands, meaning after getting back from his mission he went straight to find you guys.
“Toge,” you screamed, getting up. You ran up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. The force of your body against his almost made him fall back, but he kept his balance and wrapped his arms around you.
If you weren’t so excited and were paying attention, you would have noticed the painful grunt that fell from Inumaki’s lips from your hug. You also didn’t notice the look that Yuuta shared with him. You weren’t the only one that expressed feelings for the other to Yuta.
Later, you and Inumaki were in his room sitting in his bed, plates of food on both of your laps.
Throwing your empty takeout box away, you grabbed the tv remote, “What should we watch? I was thinking like a stupid rom/com.”
Hearing a quiet “salmon” you put on the first movie you saw in the genre list, not caring to read the description at all.
When you watched movies with Inumaki, you guys always cuddled. So it was second nature for you to lay your head on his stomach and wrap your arms around his waist. Inumaki winced at your grip on him.
“Is there something wrong?” you looked up at him. You guys always cuddled so you didn’t think he was uncomfortable with your arms around him.
“Bonito flakes,” he tightly replied, with a shake of his head. He didn’t want you to let go of him.
You didn’t quite believe him but you laid your head down and snuggled closer to him. He tensed again before relaxing a little.
You sat back up, “Spit it out, Inumaki.”
The irony of your statement wasn’t lost on you but you were too focused on what was wrong with him.
Inumaki knew better than to argue with you. He sighed and leaned his head back against the headboard. Pointing at his stomach, “Tuna.”
“What’s wrong with your stomach?” you questioned.
Inumaki sighed and carefully lifted up his school uniform. Normally, the sight of his stomach would send you into a frenzy with how good he looked, but this time was different. His stomach was littered with bruises and cuts presumably from whatever curses he was fighting during his mission.
“Toge,” you whispered, bringing your hand to his stomach. “Rough mission, huh.”
He chuckled at your observation. Most of the cuts had healed but the blue and red marks still showed evidence of the fight.
“Do you still hurt?” you questioned, dropping his shirt. He nodded his head softly.
“I’ll be right back then,” you smiled. He rolled his eyes at you as he watched you walk around his room, grabbing a cloth and then a cup of ice from the mini-fridge.
You sat back down next to Inumaki, fully facing him. You wrapped some of the ice in the cloth before softly laying the cloth on his stomach.
“Turn around. I want to give you a massage for all your hard work,” you broke the silence with a goofy smile.
Inumaki laughed quietly and took the cloth out of your hands, brushing his fingers with yours. The small touch sent electricity flying through you. 
Now that you’ve realized your feelings for him, you’re starting to notice more things you didn’t think you would ever pay attention to. How soft his hands are, the ridges and muscles of his arms, the way his nose crinkles when he snorts at something you said.
These are things you already noticed about Inumaki since knowing him. You simply thought you were an observant person but you never noticed those kinds of things about Maki or Yuta. It was obvious now, why you noticed little insignificant details like that about the boy sitting across from you.
Breaking you from your train of thought, Inumaki turns his body so his back is facing you, offering you a quiet, “Tuna mayo.”
“Right,” you hoped he didn’t see the blush that was blooming across your face and ears.
You laid your hands on his shoulders, rubbing your palms in hard circles. At first, Inumaki tensed at the pressure but soon he sighed and relaxed into your touch. Eventually your hands wandered from his shoulders to his neck then back down towards his arms.
Feeling exceptionally bold, you wrapped your hands around his biceps. Inumaki didn’t need to do much hand to hand combat so you knew that his arms probably did not need massaging. That didn’t stop you from letting your hands wander indulgently. Despite his short and lean stature, you could still feel the hardness of muscles on his shoulders and arms.
Inumaki turned his head to look at you, smirking, “Salmon roe.”
“What are you looking at, Inumaki?” you huffed. You finally released your hands from his body as he turned back around to face you.
He leaned over to his night stand to grab the notebook and pen that were sitting on it. He flipped through hundreds of filled pages and eventually stopped on an empty one. He wrote something before turning the book towards you. 
IDK. I think I’m looking at a beast ;p
“How rude,” you sighed, crossing your arms. You failed to hide the smile that was plastered on your face, sarcastically replying, “If I’m so hard to look at, I think I’ll just leave then.”
You pretended like you were going to get up but Inumaki grabbed your hands forcing you to stay put next to him.
You both giggled at the familiar banter you shared and suddenly you felt as if all your troubles were melting away.
“I really missed you this week, Toge,” you whispered, truthfully.
Toge simply replied with, “Salmon,” looking like he wanted to say more than that.
“Give me your pen,” you commanded. He looked at you confused before doing as told.
You started to write, simply letting the words fly off of your hands and then eventually into Toge’s heart.
I really like you, Toge Inumaki. I miss you when you’re gone and I care exceptionally when you get hurt. You are the most important person in my life and will always have a place in my heart. I would rather die than be separated from you.
You placed the notebook in front of Toge watching as he read your note. He quickly wrote something down too and handed the notebook back to you.
^ ditto
You giggled at him before throwing your arms around his neck, his bruises long forgotten. He grunted at the pain but only pulled you tighter into him.
You buried your face into his neck and started to leave small kisses there. Toge whimpered at the feeling of your lips on him which only encouraged you further. You made a trail of kisses and bites until you made your way to his face. You kissed both of the marks on his cheeks then hovered your lips above his.
He was breathing hard, trying to catch his breath, which made you smile at the effect you had on him. Toge pushed forward, trying to catch your lips, but you pulled back with a teasing smile.
“Do you want to kiss me?” you asked, your voice turning sultry. Toge didn’t expect this kind of teasing from you but he wasn’t complaining. He whined at your words.
“I think you should use your words. How else am I going to know what you want?” you smirked. You were surprised by what you said but you didn’t backtrack.
Toge was beyond surprised at what you asked him to do. He gave you a look as if to ask are you sure which you gave a confident nod to.
Toge wasted no time, whispering, “Kiss me.”
The sound of his cursed speech washed over you, forcing you to bring your lips to his into a passionate kiss. You initially thought that the lack of control on your body would scare you but the longer you kissed Toge, the more the feeling excited you.
The two of you made out for what felt like ages. You weren’t sure when the cursed command gave you control of your body back, still kissing Toge like you wanted to steal away his breath. 
Toge pulled back and searched your face. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Mustard leaf?” he asked you, hands fisting your shirt.
“I’m okay. I’m perfect right now,” you replied. You moved yourself to sit on his lap and laid a soft kiss onto his forehead. He sighed and rested his hands on your waist.
“I would love to continue, but only if you’re okay with that,” you offered, shyly. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
“Salmon. Salmon,” Toge replied, excitedly. He kissed all over your face making you giggle. You softly pushed him back until he was laying down and you were hovering above him.
“Can I take this off?” you asked, seductively, holding the edge of his shirt. Toge’s breathing was fast again, heart beating in anticipation.
“S-salmon,” he stuttered. You felt euphoric at hearing the crack in his voice.
You lifted it softly, kissing up his stomach as it was revealed. He helped you pull the shirt all the way off and flung it to the side.
Staring at him like this was a euphoric feeling. You never thought that you would be looking at a shirtless Toge who’s red in the face and breathing so hard.
You focused on his cuts and bruises from his mission, bringing your lips down to kiss each one. Toge whined each time your lips tasted his skin, even bucking his hips up in search of friction.
You sat on his lap to keep him still, “Be patient. Let me admire and take care of what’s mine.”
Your words sent a shiver down his body making him whine again.
Kissing your way down his stomach you stopped just above his shorts, tugging on the waistband. You looked back up to his red tinted face and made him watch you pull his shorts off until he was only in his briefs.
“Tuna mayo,” he breathed.
“You want me to take mine off too?” you questioned innocently. “I don’t know if you deserve it. You left your girl all alone this week.”
You both knew that a mission is important and can’t be skipped, that didn’t stop you from teasing him.
“Bonito flakes,” he moaned, shifting his hips under you, desperate for anything.
“Fine, I’ll stop teasing,” you sighed. You stood up and stripped down to nothing. Inumaki watched you with rapt attention, not letting his eyes leave you once.
Once you had nothing on, you sauntered back over to him and sat on his legs. You bent over him, kissing him until he was breathing hard again. The feeling of your bare chest on his as well as the heat that was radiating from your core was sending him into a frenzy.
He moaned into the kiss, encouraging you to get a move on. You bent until your face was inches away from the tent in his briefs. You blew air on him and watched as he squirmed at the lack of touch.
Eventually, you stopped teasing and pulled his briefs off. His cock jumped to life, now freed of its confines. You drooled at the sight of him, all flushed and pink.
“Geez, Toge. Didn’t know you were hiding this under all those clothes,” you giggled. He had the prettiest dick you have ever seen. It was the perfect length to fit anywhere you wanted it to.
Inumaki chuckled at your joke before whining again when you softly grabbed him. You put one hand on his cock and one hand massaging his thighs. You let your hand roam his thighs, feeling the lithe muscles twitch under your palms. 
Inumaki’s breathing steadily increased as he watched you, patiently waiting for you to do anything. Eventually, you stopped teasing and moved your hand, jerking him off. You hadn’t put your mouth on him yet, so it wasn’t all that lubricated. You decided to fix that.
You put the head of his cock in your mouth, flicking your tongue on the underside of it. He moaned at the feeling of your lips around him and you moaned at the taste of his precum.
You put your mouth to work, drooling a bit to add lubrication for your one hand to jerk him off. You jerked him off switching between a fast pace and a slow pace. He was writhing in place letting pretty moans and whimpers fall from his lips.
You unwrapped your lips from him to catch your breath, licking the underside of his cock instead. Inumaki placed a hand in your hair, not to guide you but simply to ground himself.
As you held his balls in one hand and licked the bottom of his cockhead, he quickly pulled you off of him with a drawn out moan. He was breathing extremely hard and you knew that he stopped you from making him cum.
“Why don’t you wanna cum, babyboy?” you asked with an “innocent” head tilt. You brought your head down to kiss along a bruise on his stomach, careful to not put too much pressure as to hurt him.
“Tuna mayo,” Inumake responded. He looked extremely frustrated. You couldn’t tell if it was because he basically edged himself or the fact that he couldn’t voice what he was thinking about.
Inumaki placed a hand on his face and leaned back with a sigh. Worried that something was wrong, you sat back on his legs and stopped touching him.
“Is something wrong, Toge? We can stop if you want too, I won’t be mad,” you asked. You gave him a comforting smile so he knew you were being sincere.
“Bonito Flakes,” he quickly responded, shaking his head and hands in a no motion. You giggled at his expression.
“If you don’t want to stop, then what's wrong?” you asked, a sultry tone overtaking your voice again.
You crawled up his body so your face was closer to his. You kissed him, hoping to calm whatever nerves he may have had. You stopped upon having a realization, saying, “Would you like to tell me what to do, Toge? Is that what’s wrong?”
Inumaki gave you a dubious expression before slightly nodding his head. You would have missed the motion if all your senses weren’t in tune with his.
You gave him a wide, but comforting smile, “I don’t mind. I would love to try that if you’re okay with that. I have to admit that I’ve thought of it before.”
You had a crimson tint on your face at your admission but you trusted Inumaki with every fiber of your being so you didn’t have to be embarrassed.
Inumaki stared at you like you had hung the stars in the sky, a loving smile adorning his pretty face. You leaned down, kissed each mark on his cheeks before giving him a real kiss on his lips.
“You can command me to do more than just kiss you. I trust you,” you told him. Faces inches apart, he breathed a sigh before kissing you more.
With a raspy, yet pretty, voice, he commanded, “Ride me.”
Immediately, your body moved down until your cunt was hovering above his cock. Without hesitation, you slowly slid down until he was fully sheathed in you, both of you moaning at the euphoric feeling.
The best part about his command, you noticed, was that your thighs weren’t getting tired. You rode him with extra fervor that you might not have been able to otherwise. You placed your hands on Inumaki’s neck, leaning down to catch his lips.
He placed his hands on your hips to guide your movements until he was hitting the perfect spot inside you that left spots dotting your vision.
His command must have been wearing off because soon you could feel the burn of your thighs, constant movement and the stuttering of your hips. As you struggled to focus on riding him, Inumaki kept his hands on your waist to keep you still as he pistoned his hips up into you.
The both of you were moaning so loud that there was no way other people hadn’t heard you guys. That thought left your brain as soon as it came, distracted by the feel of Inumaki.
You leaned down a final time, catching a kiss from Inumaki, moaning into his mouth.
“I love you, Toge Inumaki,” you gasped between moans. Toge smiled and pounded into you harder.
“Cum, please,” he commanded begged. With a sharp cry of Toge’s name, you came. The feeling of your walls fluttering around him made him groan before he spilled all he had into you.
Inumaki guided your hips, until the both of you gradually stopped moving at all, prolonging the euphoric feeling of both of your orgasms.
With Inumaki’s cock still buried deep in you, you laid down on his chest, careful to not put too much pressure on the scattered bruises. He brought his hands up until his arms circled you.
You both laid in the aftermath of sex, basking in the feel of each other's embrace. You whined when Inumaki finally pulled out of you, getting up. He grabbed the towel from earlier, the ice now fully melted, and used the wet cloth to clean the both of you up.
He then sat against the headboard, bringing you closer to him until you were laying against his side. He leaned over to grab the forgotten notebook and pen and scribbled some words down.
I love you more than words can say. I wish more than anything I could say that to you.
You grabbed his face, pressing a kiss to his nose, then a kiss on his lips when he pouted at you. You gave him a loving smile before responding, “You don’t have to say it, for me to know it. I can see it when you look at me, or open doors for me, or even when we’re sparring and I beat your ass.”
Inumaki rolled his eyes at your last remark, giving you a small chuckle. You giggled as you stared at him, completely enamored by the boy in front of you.
You were kissing again when Inumaki’s phone lit up with multiple texts. He picked it up to show you, it was the group chat.
maki n cheese 🍜 <could you guys keep that shit down??? you sounded like pornstars and I was trying to eat in peace
BAMBOO DESTROYER 🐼🎍 <took you guys long enough
yuuta okCUTsu 🤺 <congrats guys ! 🎉🎊
inumaki 🙊 > /(/ /o/_ /o/ /)/
maki n cheese 🍜 < don’t blush you idiot. It’s your own fault for sounding like wild animals
Inumaki put his phone down, giggling to himself. You joined in giggles, embarrassed, but way too happy to care about a thing. The both of you laid together for the rest of the night, enjoying each other’s presence.
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becomingmina · 4 months
How would SKZ ask Y/N to be their girlfriend on Valentine’s Day 💘 fluff & tiniest suggestive w/ SKZ OT8. 18+ only mdni.
Bang Chan/Chris:
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Chan would be so so straight-forward but so so nervous.
Chan would be busy on Valentine’s Day and was only be able to meet you at night. He would be extremely apologetic but it wasn’t an issue to you because you were just happy he wanted to spend some time with you, regardless of the time.
He would pick you up around 9pm.
“I got you something,” he said nonchalantly as he handed you a single red rose when you entered his car. You would place kiss on his cheeks to thank him, and he would immediately tense up, even though you have done that numerously times in the past.
After dinner at your favourite restaurant, he would ask to go on a walk and you agreed, following him hand on hand down the walk path by the park.
Once you reach the half way point before turning back, he pulls you towards him, holding both your hands. You can feel how shaken up he is.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you instantly nod yes making Chan let out a nervous chuckle before bombing you with many kisses.
Lee Minho/Lee Know:
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Minho would try not to be romantic but is.
Minho would invite you over to his but blame it on his cats. “Do you want to come over? Soonie, Doongie and Dori has been asking for you?”
Minho would cook your favourite food and when you ask if you can help, he’ll say “no” but he would love it when you don’t listen and help him anyways. His heart would beat uncontrollably fast when your hand accidentally brushes against his when you reach for something. And when you ask him to help you cut the steak, he would hover over you, his chest flushed against your back as his hand is on top of yours guiding the knife down the piece of meat.
Once you guys are done eating, you both would sit on the couch and play with his cats. And when you weren’t playing attention, Minho would carefully place a cat treat on your thigh so his cats can jump on you and he would say, “See, I told you they like you so much. You know.. maybe you should be their mom?”
His ears would go red when you call him out for it but you say yes anyways, because who wouldn’t want to be Doongie’s dad’s girlfriend?
Seo Changbin:
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Binnie would be so flirty and cheeky with it.
He would come over for a study date. It would be like any other study date you guys had, he’d help you with your music essay and in return you help him with study English.
“Can you read it for me Y/N? I need to hear it and then I’ll know,” Binnie would pout as if he was confused giving you his notebook. He points to a sentence and you read it.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
“Yes I want to be your boyfriend.” He answered quickly with his smirk. You were confused for a bit but finally catch on, playfully hitting him across the chest as you cringe at him. The playful fight would soon turn in to something steamy.
“I can’t believe you asked me to be your boyfriend,” Binnie would tease you as he helps you put back on your shirt.
Would order a lot of your favourite food and make you take a break from studying to watch a movie with him. Definitely a rom-com.
Hwang Hyunjin:
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Hyunjin would be even more romantic than he already is.
He would set up a picnic somewhere pretty like the beach. He would bring all your favourite snacks and drinks and some of his painting equipment so you both can paint a little too. Hyunjin would have his digital camera with him so he can snap countless photos of you.
After painting across from each other for a while, he would chuckle at his painting then ask you what you think about it.
When you crawl over to look at the painting you notice the he painted two people who had similar features to you and him. That’s when you ask him, “Is that us?”
And he would shyly answer “Yes, that’s me and my girlfriend Y/N,” before pulling you onto his lap.
Would make out for a hot second before coming to sense that you guys were not alone at this beach.
Han Jisung:
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Jisung would be so fun with it and go all out.
He would come over to yours during lunch time just to ‘hang out’. When he texted you he was outside you ran quickly to open the door. You were met with Jisung with a box of chocolates and some roses in his hand.
Your eyes flicker to his adorable puffy face then to the presents, that’s when you read the little note on the box:
‘Excuse me noona, do you have a boyfriend?’
It would read and you would giggle at him.
“So do you?” He asks sweetly and you pull him inside.
“Mhm, I have a boyfriend. His name is Han Jisung,” you playfully reply him.
Ji would pull you into his lap as he feeds you the chocolate covered strawberries.
“The strawberries taste so sweet, just like you noona.”
Lee Yongbok/Felix:
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Felix would be so sweet with a hint of playfulness.
He would ask you to come over to help bake some Valentines sweets together. He would get out all his heart shaped cookie cutters and pink utensils just to make it more special.
When he pulls you into the kitchen he would pretend the was no apron so he’ll can give you a shirt to change into.
“Change into this, I don’t want your pretty shirt getting dirty.”
When you come out from his bedroom after changing you notice he is in the exact same shirt.
“Hey, we are matching! Like boyfriend and girlfriend!” he would happily say and pull you into a kiss.
You guys would spend hours trying to bake, because he would definitely lose focus and cling onto you. When you guys finally put the brownies and cookies in the oven, Felix would lift you onto the counter and slot himself in your legs, showering you with kisses as you guys wait for the timer to go off.
Would spend another couple hours trying decorate the dessert because you both be too busy playing and licking the cream off each-other.
Kim Seungmin:
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Seungmin would be so cool and casual with it.
He would messaged you a week before Valentines day to meet him at a small coffee place in the quieter area of the city. You would show up first on the day and message him where he was. It would be a couple of minutes after sitting down that the owner brings you a tray of two coffees and some waffles.
“I didn’t order this,” you say trying to reject the food.
“Your boyfriend did,” he says you become more confused. “Seungmin.. He is running a little bit late, he will be here soon,” the owner gives you a smile before walking off.
“Boyfriend?” You chuckle to yourself, unable to stop grinning at the title.
You gave in to the smell of the coffee and grabbed the coffee to taste it.
“Hi sweetie, how’s your coffee? From your boyfriend?” Seungmin would come from behind you place a kiss to your cheek before sitting down across from you.
The rest of the day, you would follow and cling onto your puppy boyfriend like a lost puppy.
Yang Jeongin/I.N:
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Jeongin would be super shy, super shy.
He would ask his team members what was the best way to ask you to be his girlfriend and after many different options everyone agree on one. It would be best if he wrote and sent you a letter on Valentine’s Day.
You would receive the letter and immediately open up to read. You smile to yourself at his cute handwriting and all the effort he put in to write such a perfect letter address to you.
‘So I’m asking, if you want to make it official and be my girlfriend?’
“Hey, umm. I got your letter by the way. And I got an answer for you.. if you want to come over,” you say nervously over the phone.
“Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend,” you answered sweetly as you and Jeongin were sat at your dining table unable to control your silly smiles.
“And you can stay over tonight.. if you want,” you ask your flustered boyfriend.
The rest of the day was spend at your house , tangled with each other in your bed, as Netflix plays as back ground noise.
{Notes: Happy early Valentine’s Day. I hope everyone knows they are loved! Also not proof read, like ever!}
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totothewolff · 18 days
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Chemtrails Over the Yacht Club Collection 18+ | Toto Wolff x reader, age gap, smut operator, clear daddy issues (this fic is inspired by Lana del Rey, duh), and yacht culture.
Summary: Toto Wolff is a name often mentioned at the Yacht Club, where you work after classes. For some reason, you have always pictured him as an old crank like the usual members, not this foxy man who arrives at the reception making your knees quiver.  The entire staff goes frenetic as he, one of the Club's most important clients, chooses to spend his spring break there without previous notice. You pray to the Gods that you don't cross lines with him since your entire livehood depends on this job, and you really want to graduate college. Author's note: This was supposed to be a one-shot but was way too long, so I split it into two chapters. I hope you enjoy them. By the way, this version of Toto has questionable morals.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist >
2 - Breaking up slowly
As Mr. Holst's gateway yacht trip reaches an end, you follow protocol and deliver Toto the guest's satisfaction survey before docking in the Club's harbor.
It's supposed to be confidential and private for the guest. Still, Toto reads you the questions and tells you his answer as he writes them, evaluating you while you sit on his lap in his cabin armchair.
"Any complaints or suggestions, please elaborate," he reads you. "Yes. Y/N's skirts should have been shorter. They don't do justice to that ass," he jokes as you blush, still in awe of him.
He squeezes your ass cheek and gives you a hard slap leaving a red mark, instantly turning you on.
"Fuck me, daddy" you beg him against his lips, already placing you on top of him. 
Your clothes hit the ground. 
You aren't sure if the waves are rocking the hull that hard or if it's Toto's powerful thrust as he fucks you relentlessly, firm grip on your hips, fingertips pressuring on your skin.
The guests enjoy the yacht's amenities till the last minute before docking in the harbor of the Yacht Club.
The crew and you are all but busy, going everywhere, attending to guests, and running safety checks and protocols.
You attend to Toto's daily demands as he peacefully sunbathes before going to his cabin to change outfits. His tan skin makes him look even more handsome.
You overheard him telling the person on the other end of the call that he was going to a meeting downtown. 
He'll be gone the entire day and the whole of your shift. At least a bit of a break for you!
These past few days have been a dream but tiresome.
As the sailing master safely and perfectly anchors the yacht in the harbor, the guests start to descend the ship. A small committee of girls with beverages and canapes welcomes them.
The only people remaining onboard the ship's deck are Toto and you; he wanted to go last.
As you two casually talk, he pulls out an envelope from the insides of his blue blazer and offers it with his hand for you to grab it.
"Sorry, what is this?!" you ask, looking at the rectangular yellow envelope.
"It's a brick of money, isn't it?" you think.
"Your tip," he confirms your thoughts.
"But that is excessive. No way I'm accepting it."
"Do so," he sounds authoritarian as usual. "'It's going to help you with that fine." 
"Oh, hey, listen, I will make it, don't worry about it."
"Y/N," he sounds serious, his eyes looking straight at you. He is a very kind and sweet person on the inside. Still, on the outside, he is always cold, stony-looking, demanding, and impossibly hot. "Take it," he enunciates, his controlling trait displaying.
You have noticed, just by being by his side all these days, the pull and effect he has on people and still holds on to you. He is someone you want to impress, to win his approval and have his attention.
"What do you think this is "Pretty Woman"? Calm down, Richard Gere!" you dare to joke to change the mood a bit.
"Aren't you too young to know that reference?" he still answers sternly.
"I live with the rom-com connoisseur, aka my aunt." you smile brightly at him.
Toto has avoided stepping onto personal life terrains, wanting to remain far apart.
"Last time I offer it, take it. You need it. Besides, it's not like you are going to buy a Kelly bag with it; it's for your tuition."
"A what?!" you think. "Wait! How does he know that? I don't remember mentioning that to him."
"Thank you, but I prefer to maintain our relationship non-monetarian." you stand your ground.
"Our relationship?" Toto thinks.
He places the envelope back into his inside pocket as he said he would and steps off without looking back at you, moving along with his day.
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"Welcome back to land," Chloé greets you the next day as you clip your radio on your belt in the staff locker room. You're getting ready for another shift before hugging her.
"I'm impressed! I must admit. You almost, ALMOST, achieved it! You got a really good-rate review on the satisfaction chart from Mr. Wolff, something I've never seen before." Then, she makes a dramatic pause.
Only if she knew...
Before continuing: "But not so with Mr. Elrod. He placed a formal complaint since, according to him, your incident with him was life-threatening."
"OH COME ON! He barely swoll!" You look annoyed and want to smash the locker with your fist.
"I know, I checked. Still, I'm really proud of you! But Raphaël called you to his office, so please go there now."
Oh God, you hate going up there!
You arm yourself with patience while climbing the swirling stairs to the upper floor of the management wing of the building, where the big names' offices are.
He makes you wait for a long time. The fucker knows the long wait it's going to delay your chores and make you leave work late. Until his assistant informs you from her chair at the front desk that you can go in.
You open the large glass door into the Assistant General Manager's office with a speech already prepared in your mind in case of the worst.
Raphaël is leaning back on his enormous executive leather chair and massive desk that screams small dick energy, looking sternly at you. 
Raphaël is a very posh, solemn, and wealthy fucker who is besties with Mr. Holst and his entire family and extended family, a textbook social climber.
A very uptight asshole. Raphaël chose to dislike you from the moment you set foot at the Club; he tries to get you fired at any given chance. 
Most of the girls who work there are beautiful and come from an obvious upper class; most are daughters, nieces, or granddaughters of...
The Yacht Club is where the rich teach their kids a lesson on the value of work or use it as a perfect excuse to kick them out of the house for a few hours.
Usually, they get hired because daddy made a call, and you are none of that.
"Ah, good morning," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I see you're still here. I'm surprised you didn't quit on the spot after that dangerous incident."
You take a deep breath and try to keep your cool. "Good morning, Raphaël. I'm still here because I'm committed to doing my job to the best of my ability and finding a solution to the problem rather than blaming myself."
Raphaël snorts. "You're the one who caused the problem, sweetheart. You're always causing problems. You're a liability to this company."
You feel angry at his words, but you keep your composure. "I understand you're upset, but I'm trying my best."
Raphaël swings a bit in his chair, his eyes narrowing. "You're just a silly girl who doesn't know how to do her job. You're lucky I'm even giving you a final and last chance to prove yourself."
You feel a lump form in your throat. "I understand you don't think highly of me, but I'm trying to do my best; I have learned fast and proved myself worthy."
Raphaël laughs a cold, cruel sound. "You're just not cut out for this job, sweetheart. We are the best and need the best on our team."
"I...I don't know what to say," you stutter.
Raphaël leans forward, his eyes glinting with triumph. "Just thank Ava, sweetie, for changing Holst's mind. You're on thin ice, one more mistake, and you're gone. You can leave now," he dismisses you.
"Thank you, I owe you one, I guess," you whisper to Ava for saving your ass as you cross paths with her in the beautiful and perfectly maintained gardens.
"You were kind to me," she says in the same tone as usual, not as friendlier as you would have liked. "I trust you keep our conversation from that day private."
"Pinky promise," you offer her your pinky. She looks at you with an "ugh" expression, rolls her eyes, and walks away. A couple of steps further, she turns to smile at you.
Now you two are best friends for life in your head! IJBOL.
The following two weeks are a swirl of moans as Toto, and you can't keep your hands off each other. 
You fuck everywhere private and remote enough, where there are no security cameras.
You can't have enough of his dick and his body. You are so infatuated with him.
Every time he calls in you at his villa, you end up fucking; it doesn't matter how hard you both try to fight the urge to do so.
He has had you against the door, his bedframe, or the room's vanity, on top of the piano and even in the jacuzzi. The sex drive of that fit man is spectacular, and you are young enough to keep its pace.
You have never been so sexually active and free in your life, learning and experiencing many things for the first time. Toto makes the best teacher and lover you have ever had.
By this point, you lost count of how many times you have moaned his name, called him daddy, or the number of times he has made you cum and beg for more.
Your aunt and close friends start to notice your glow. Lately, you look radiant and happy.
She is intrigued to know the reason behind it as you two go to the mall on Sunday.
"FINE. I WILL TELL YOU! I'm dating the most gorgeous, wise, handsome, accomplished, hot guy, AND HE IS SO INTO ME! Can you believe it?!"
"Oh, I can. My niece is great! And where did you meet this adonis, and most importantly, does he have an older brother?"
"He is an older brother!" you want to say but don't. 
She doesn't need to know every single detail, not yet. You want to keep it a surprise for when you take Toto home.
"He has a sister," you answer.
"Ah! And what else can you tell me?"
"Well, he is from Austria! I plan to invite him over to have dinner at the apartment so you can meet and ask him all the questions you want. What do you think?"
The look she gives you! You had never taken a single boy to the house. This must be serious, then.
"Has he tasted your cooking yet?" she wonders before answering.
You shake your head.
"Well, if he survives it, then it's true love!" you two laugh as your aunt jokes and links her arm with yours before adding: "Please invite him for dinner. I'd love to meet him, but you know what! Better buy lasagna. We want this to work, right?!"
You love to text Toto sweet and touchy messages throughout the day that hint at how he makes you feel, how much he means to you, and how great it is to be with him.
You are in love.
Yet, you try not to suffocate him or embarrass yourself, still being nervous around him, still wanting his approval. 
Toto still intimidates you. Being the powerful and dominant man he is.
You can't believe you snatched him! Lucky girl!
But in your mind, fuck! Wedding bells are already chirping, and future children's name-searching is already happening.
The Yacht Club has a museum/memorabilia section that almost no one visits. It's located far away from the lobby and main guest areas, and for obvious reasons, it has many security cameras. 
But next to it, further down the hallway, there's a blind spot on the CCTV system, right in the space of the door to an old phone room. 
In this room, the original antic magneto wall set telephone is still mounted on the wall, along with a stern wood chair where people used to chat in private.
You ask Toto to meet you there after he texts you he hasn't seen you today. 
Also, you want to inform him that you are going on a "two-day leave" plus the weekend, so you will be away from him for four days. 
You don't want to send him mixed signals, and you're getting paranoid that he might think you're running away.
And since you don't want to miss him, maybe he could join you if he wants and feels like it. You know, couple life outside the Club.
A hand-in-hand walk through Monaco's streets sounds nice; a cute date with wine and kisses sounds more than good.
When he closes the door behind him, the place looks ridiculously smaller.
You immediately stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, wrapping your arms around him as you greet him. 
You share small, soft kisses for a while.
He sadly tells you he can't join you on your break. 
Since he extended his stay, Toto has things scheduled on his agenda that he is supposed to be doing in his office in London.
"But I'm going to miss you, daddy," you pout and give him the biggest Bambi-begging eyes.
"Not even that it's going to work. Try it with my assistant. Thanks for trying tho."
"Where can I meet her?"
He laughs before pulling you into a more intense kiss.
"Should we say goodbye to each other?" he says against your lips, caressing your neck.
"It is crazy how four days felt like nothing before you; now that I have you in my life, it's an eternity."
He holds you closer, pulling you by the waist.
"Then let's make it count enough to stay in each other minds for those days."
"You are permanently on my mind," you confess, burying your face in his shoulder, all red, and not even being able to look at him while feeling the expensive material of his jacket brushing your skin.
Then, your mouth finds his, kissing him hungrily. You push your tongue into his mouth, tangling with his, your hands sliding up the hard planes of his chest, then drifting over his shoulders to find the hem of his shirt. 
Your fingers feel his warm skin, sending a jolt of pleasure through him as you trace the contours of his muscles.
The smell of your perfume, jasmine, and vanilla intoxicates him. This scent will remind him of this moment as he passionately claims your mouth.
Slowly, you undress each other, savoring the anticipation. As hands wander over defined abs, curves, and dips, caresses become bold strokes.
The pads of your fingers move lower, exploring the ridges of his abdomen. With a smoldering look, you glance up at Toto, a wicked smile on your lips.
Heat spreads through him as you press yourself against his groin and your bare breasts against his chest. He can feel your heart pounding.
With a soft, playful jerk, you touch his growing excitement. "Eager, daddy?" you ask.
He nods.
You waste no time, and you get down to your knees as you take him into your mouth as he is sitting in the chair. Your warm, wet tongue swirls around him, your head bobbing gently as you work him in and out of your mouth. 
His fingers find their way into your soft, silken hair, gripping it gently, urging you on.
His pleasure moans grow as you work your magic, your tongue and lips exploring him for a while.
Slowly, you move up till your lips brush the shell of his ear. 
He commands you. "Ride me, now."
You shift your weight, adjusting your position to better align with Toto's cock, and you sink onto him, your pussy fitting itself around his cock like a glove; you feel a jolt of pleasure.
He fills you completely, and you allow yourself a moment to take in the intensity of that feeling, skin against skin.
Your hips begin to sway, moving gently to the rhythm of your shared breathing. With each undulation, the chair beneath you becomes part of the dance.
Toto's hands, which had been resting at his sides, now find their way to your waist, his fingers digging into your flesh as he feels you move against him.
Your breath is warm and soft against his neck as your bodies rock with each movement. You feel your core tighten, your pleasure growing in intensity. 
The control Toto wields over the rhythm, and you is intoxicating. Your breathing quickens.
"Faster," he orders you; you moan, obedient and needy. He wants you full force.
You feel the intensity of your coupling, the friction becoming almost unbearable.
You throw your head back mid powerful and intense bounces and cry out, desperate for release. 
His hands move to grip your thighs, his fingers applying pressure into your soft flesh as he guides your hips up and down to meet now his intense thrusts, Toto's bucking his hips up now, and your full breasts bounce against his sculpted chest.
Your lips meet in a passionate kiss; tongues entwine at a pace as hungry as the one below your waists. 
You tangle your hands in Toto's hair, tugging it gently to urge him for more as you clench your sex around him, drawing out an animalistic groan from deep within him. 
"Fuck, yes, Y/N," Toto growls through gritted teeth. He slams his balls into your pussy again and again, driving you both closer to the edge.
Your bodies are all slick with sweat as you shudder atop Toto, releasing a visceral moan with an orgasm radiating from your core and rippling through every nerve in your body, dripping all over his shaft and thighs.
He growls low in his throat, a raw, primal sound that reverberates through the room as he surrenders to his own release.
Every day away, you text him, exchanging photos and moments from both days.
You can't keep away from him.
Upon your return, you attend and cheer for Toto, who is participating in the regatta rally. 
The sound of seagulls surrounds you, as does the smell of salt water and fresh coffee wafts from the food and beverage stalls, enticing the crowd on the quayside.
As the starting gun fires, a fleet of sleek, high-tech sailboats burst into action, their crews navigating the intricate course set out on the water. 
The crowd cheers and chants as the boats round each mark, their helmsmen and women trimming their sails to maximize speed. 
As the regatta approaches its climax, the top boats are neck and neck, and Toto and his crew are straining every muscle to gain that precious extra yard. 
The tension is palpable as his boat crosses the finish line, and he and his crew leap into celebration as they win the rally.
Meanwhile, champagne corks pop on the quayside, and glasses get raised in a toast to the winners. 
The air is filled with conversation as the member's friends and families mingle, congratulating each other on a thrilling day under their giant sun umbrellas and comfy outdoor chairs.
Meanwhile, you remained sitting on the pier under the sun with your crew coworkers by your side, waiting for your guests to return and watching the action unfold on the waters. 
All of you girls, legs hanging, white sneakers almost touching the waters beneath you, dress in blue shorts and white polos with the Club's logo patch on the left.
After a while, the sun and the wood surface start to irritate your face and ass, respectively.
You smile brightly at Toto when you spot him reaching closer in the boat, locking eyes with him.
His shirt is all wet, and what is beneath it is showing. You fight the urge to run your hand all over his chest when you reach him after the trophy ceremony.
As you finish setting Toto's regatta equipment back inside the shed in his villa's garden view deck, Léo approaches you, thinking you are alone.
Staring at your bend over the body, eyes on your ass. An excellent view. 
Toto watches this from inside. He stepped inside to go shower.
"Y/N!" you turn without flinching, familiar with the voice and happy to hear it. 
"Léo! Hi!"
"I missed you, cutie," he says to you, even if you are a girl. Then he welcomes you with a tight hug, pulling you off the ground.
Toto wants to see how the scene unfolds, still without making himself be noticed. 
Why is that guy standing that close to you? Doesn't he know personal space?
He watches you two chat, you looking all happy and smiley, telling Léo all about your past days while his eyes burn on you. 
Toto catches desire in them, so when Léo places a hand on the shed and around you, Toto steps in.
"Kid," he calls for you. "My drink," he reminds you what he asked you to do next.
"Oh! Yes, sir!" You quickly move to serve Toto's drink. Léo gives him a "those manners!" look, and they share a quick exchange. 
At that moment, Toto glimpses at his cook uniform in bright daylight and tells him, "I didn't ask for any food." This is a subtle hint to better leave.
When Toto moves to stand right behind you, you can almost feel his knee in the back of your thigh.
Léo proceeds to leave, sending him a silent fuck you with his eyes.
"Bye, gorgeous! See you around, my girl." Léo addresses you but holds his gaze at Toto as he walks away, looking back.
"Okay..." you think, watching them interact.
"Let's go, kid," he orders you.
"Where?!" you ask as he drags you by the arm, a firm grip on your forearm as he pulls you along.
"Move," he instructs.
Minutes later, the sun warms Toto's back as he expertly maneuvers his jet ski on the waters. Going extremely fast as you hold tight to his body, the jet ski roaring beneath you, surging forward as water sprays behind you.
The salty ocean breeze whips through his dark hair and yours. 
A desolate yet inviting small beach appears in the distance as a coast unfolds. Toto gestures to you to the sandy expanse, "There."
You glance at the beach in question and raise your delicate eyebrows. "You brought us here? Why?"
"I have something to make clear." It's all he answers, in a harsh voice, before reaching land.
The waves lap gently against the fine white sands of the isolated coastline. You take a moment to enjoy the sounds of the ocean and the serenity of nature surrounding you.
Your skin and Toto's glisten with sweat, seawater, and sunscreen. 
His gaze roams over your body, relishing the breathtaking view. He licks his lips, unable to resist himself any longer. 
His eyes are so intense on you that he almost looks angry. Toto's expression dangerously morphs into a lust-filled one. 
He leans closer to claim your mouth in a rough, passionate kiss. Parting your lips brusquely, allowing himself to explore and taste your sweetness with his tongue while holding your neck with a stern grip.
His hands move to press your slick body firmly.
Toto then powerfully lifts you from the ground and takes you further into the beach, finally pushing you to the sand and rolling on top of you, feeling your breasts crush against his chest. 
He pulls your legs open and places them around his waist, roughly handling you, nails pressing into your skin, and he sighs in pleasure, feeling your warmth pressed against his.
He moves to remove your clothes roughly and quickly, almost tearing your polo shirt; within seconds, you are both naked. "Beautiful," Toto whispers, voice dangerous.
Your eyes flare with desire and curiosity as he has never handled you this rough.
With no hesitation or warning, he pulls his rock-hard length inside you, making you gasp at the sudden move. Toto's voice rasp in your ear, "Only I can fill you up."
You nod eagerly, biting your lower lip.
"Say it," he demands.
"Yes, daddy. Only you can fill me," you whisper, your voice thick with arousal.
Those words send Toto's self-control over the ledge. 
He slides into you frenetically, your pussy taking his hard hits with thunderous moist claps. He is fucking you so harshly in such a powerful rhythm you can barely take him.
You bury your nails in the sand surrounding you, grasping. "Daddy!" you moan so loud.
"Fuck, your pussy feels so good," Toto growls, biting down on the curve of your neck.
His thrusts are desperate and animal, and every muscle in his body is rocking. You arch your back, moaning nonstop as Toto keeps hitting that perfect spot deep inside you, relentlessly. 
"Daddy! Please," you gasp for air. You can barely take it anymore. "Daddy! I can't." his balls deep thrust keep going. A massive moan escapes your lips.
"Be a nice girl, take this dick good." He commands.
"I-, I-, Daddy, please." Your fingers dig into his shoulders, urging him to let you catch your breath.
"You are only mine to have." Toto's mouth claims yours, swallowing your moans. 
"This pussy is all yours!" you are barely able to say, shaking violently under his strong jabs.
"Again," his dick slams you harder.
"I'm only yours!" you scream in an orgasm, breathing real loud.
"Again," he slams you with his dick again.
Your whimpers grow louder.
"I'm yours, daddy!"
The feeling of his raw masculinity taking you over, dominating you entirely, sends ripples of need through your core.
Each drive of his hips is a powerful claim, a branding that declares you his.
"Good girl, now it's clear." He kisses your lips softly and licks them, running his wet tongue all over them.
With one final thrust, he buries himself as deep inside you, feeling you clench and pulse around him as you cry out.
Toto's body shudders with the force of his release. You stay there, panting and covered in sweat and sand as the waves crash upon the shore, matching the rhythm of your breathing.
Toto stays inside you, wanting to remain close for a little longer. He places soft and sweet kisses all over your face, now tenderly caressing you. His soft touch is all over you.
He collapses in exhaustion next to your side. The two of you are naked with your backs to the sand and facing the sky, feeling the sun's warm rays on your skin. 
You can't help but smile as you look over at Toto, lying beside you with his muscular chest heaving up and down. 
"We're quite a mess," you chuckle, gesturing to the sand and fluids that cover your bodies.
Toto laughs, "Nothing that a quick rinse can't fix."
He watches you stand up, brush the sand off your ass, and sprint towards the ocean. 
Toto follows you, admiring your naked figure and the way your ass moves as you stride.
You dip your toes into the water, squealing as a wave crashes over your feet. Toto comes up behind you, planning to plunge you into the water, so you playfully run from him.
He catches and kisses you before lifting you in his arms and bringing you inside the water with him.
He admires your ability to be open-minded, fun, and fearless in pursuing new experiences, especially those involving him.
A call bell coming from Toto's living room makes you speed there. Your chores today were so fucking tedious; by this point, you have like four good hours inside the china's closet.
As soon as you enter, he informs you, "Kid, I need my things packed by 2 p.m."
"You are leaving?!!" That sounded more desperate than you expected.
"I need to fly to sign papers in my London office. I will return on Thursday, just in time for Holst's Casablanca-themed birthday party."
Oh, yeah, next week is going to be crazy. A fucking colossal gala it's going to take place at the Club's gardens.
When the elevator doors to Toto's office slide open, a burst of energy and femininity floods the room as the most stunning woman enters.
Toto's office is on the top floor of a sleek, modern skyscraper, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering an unobstructed panorama of the bustling London's metropolis.
Her impossible curves seem to have been crafted by the gods themselves.
Her long, dark, sleek hair cascades down her back, framing her heart-shaped face and highlighting her stunning eyes. 
With her full lips in a deep shade of red, she moves with a confident stride, her high heels clicking on the floor as she makes her way to Toto's desk. 
Her toned and shapely legs seem to go on forever. She is supermodel tall, and the way she moves her hips is enough to weaken any man in the knees.
Irina sits in one of the expensive designer chairs in front of Toto's trendy clear glass desk. Her fitted dress hugs her curves in all the right places. 
Her shoulders are bare, and the gentle swell of her breasts seems to strain against the fabric.
Her hands are long and elegant, and she has a massive diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. 
As she leans back in the chair, her hair bounces against her shoulders, releasing a faint scent of perfume.
Looking busy behind his desk, Toto can't help but look up from his papers, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of surprise and admiration. 
Toto's iPhone buzzes on his desk surface as Irina moves to get comfy on the expensive velvet sofa by the wall after a good chat and a successful exchange on Irina's part.
Reminding Toto of his responsibilities in life.
He picks it up to open your chat.
"Since it's our first month anniversary and you are away. I had more time to prepare a gift for you." you text Toto.
He watches a photo loading on your conversation.
A photo of a completely naked you arrive, standing back to the camera behind a see-through light fabric curtain that looks like and is the one in his bedroom at his villa. 
Your shoulders, back, and ass are on full display, your silhouette looking delicious to him; you are posing with your arms up, both placed on your head, and your hair is in a bun.
No face, just body, in a contrast of light.
Toto feels like jerking off to that photo when a second one arrives. 
It's a close-up photo of your breast; you are laying on his bed in the villa, again with light fabric on top of your tits, nipples hard, looking ready for him to bite them: no face or more body below your waist on this one.
"What a masterpiece," he replies. "But who took them? It's that my villa? How did you manage?"
"A dear friend of mine takes boudoir photos. I lied to Chloé and told her the photographer came for a photo session appointment with the guests I'm serving during your leave."
"An that dear friend is?" instantly possesive.
"Anne, a girl friend from college, she is an art major," you quickly reply.
"They should hang them in a museum."
You feel so proud of yourself for making him react like that. God, you miss him.
"Hey, kid, you are home?" he looks at his Rolex, running calculous.
"Do me a favor then."
"Touch yourself till you cum, and moan my name loud." you get wet, reading the text.
"Would you do the same, daddy?"
Irina wonders who makes him smile like that.
As you prepare everything at Toto's villa for his return, along with Chloé, you dare to ask her a question and discuss a topic you have been dreading for so long.
"Does Mr. Wolff have a leave date?" you gain the courage.
"He already overextended his stay, which is rare, as rare as him showing up unexpectedly as he did. Mr. Wolff is one of those people who schedules everything in advance and always informs us months before, so something must have happened." She reaches out to you to help you place the fresh sheets on his bed.
"So, no date?" you ask again.
"You grew tired of him already?" Chloé looks straight at you.
"OH. NO, NO. I'm just curious," you quickly add, waving your hands.
"No date, child"
Is he staying for you? You wonder in your head.
You two have never talked about your future. 
Toto leaving without you has become your biggest fear in life, like ever. 
The night is fully set over the sea, and the Club's grounds are set by the strumming of a Moroccan guitar, which sets the tone for the true extravaganza about to happen.
You see Ava fixing Mr. Holst's bowtie as he prepares for his grand entrance.
The Club's gardens transformed into a Moroccan oasis, and the towering palm trees were now adorned with twinkling fairy lights.
The crowd erupts into applause as Mr. Holst enters, resplendent in a tailored white suit and sunglasses, à la Rick Blaine, escorted by a troupe of really hot and barely dressed female dancers, who performed a mesmerizing choreographed routine to the iconic tunes of "As Time Goes By."
The tables are set with fine china and crystal glassware, adorned with candles and a sumptuous spread of Moroccan delicacies, including tagines, couscous, and fragrant pastries. 
The aroma of exotic spices wafts through the air.
Meanwhile, at the bar where you are currently working, the mixologists are shaking (not stirring) up signature cocktails inspired by the classic film's iconic characters. The "Ilsa," a refreshing blend of gin, lemon, and mint, is a particular hit among the guests.
The place is packed with wealthy people from around the globe, all friends of Mr. Holst and his wife, and the bar is the busiest spot. 
You are so busy that you haven't even had a chance to look for Toto. He must be somewhere looking all handsome in a classic tuxedo! Gosh, you die to see him and kiss him.
Then, Mr. Holst takes center stage once more, surrounded by his wife and children. With a heartfelt speech, he starts the party.
As midnight approaches, a massive three-tier cake held by two big guys enters in the old style, and everyone sings Happy Birthday to Mr. Holst as fireworks light up the night sky! 
The crowd cheers and oohs as sparks rain down upon them.
Then, you have your first break of the night. Some of your coworkers at recess get dinner, light a cigar, or just sit down in the crew's hidden section. It's been crazy!
You use the opportunity to text Toto: "Hi, my love. Where are you? I want to see your handsomeness in a tux. Daddy, I miss you so much."
As a tipsy Toto is laughing and drinking with Holst and his wife when the couple reaches the table where he is, Irina picks up his phone, buzzing on the table.
She reads the text you sent him and chunks of your conversation. 
"Who the fuck is "Kid"?!"
She then starts looking at the photos you shared, fuming, especially when she finds the ones from the boudoir photo session you took for Toto.
Oh, no, baby! Her wedding with Toto is happening, yes or yes, and she will not allow you to interfere!
Toto will not slip away from her! Not now, she got him back at the palm of her hand and into his senses!
It worked wonders to give him that bit of a break after he got cold feet and had second thoughts about committing himself to her.
No one touches what is hers, and she is about to teach you a lesson!
Now that she knows your face, it is just a matter of time before she finds you there.
Apparently, you work here.
You are navigating through the crowded party, surrounded by the thumping music and the hums of conversations because your boss asked you to move to attend a special guests table.
As you walk there, you feel a pair of eyes burning into your skin. The hottest woman you have ever seen is staring intensely at you. 
It turns out to be the table where Raphaël parents are. So, to your misfortune, he is also around, adding an extra stress layer to your night as he behaves demanding and pays attention to your every action.
As the night progresses, you feel unsure if you are being paranoid or that woman has been watching you for a long time, her gaze flicking from a phone to you again.
Mr. Holst greets you, and you congratulate him on his birthday; he sits to chat with Raphaël's elderly mom.
The hot woman suddenly swoops in, her long legs striding across the room to you. 
Her eyes flash with anger as she grabs your arm, her nails digging into your skin. "You think you're so special, don't you?" she hisses, her voice low and venomous, taking you completely by surprise.
You try to shake her off, not knowing what the fuck is happening! But she's too strong. 
She pulls you closer, her face inches from yours. "You're nothing but a foolish little fling to Toto," she sneers really loud for everyone at the table to hear.
You start to feel all eyes on you as she causes a scene.
"This means nothing to him! You are just an entertainment." she continues.
You feel a surge of embarrassment as you realize what's happening. 
Toto looks at you two, his eyes wide with surprise, but he doesn't intervene. Your bosses are standing nearby, their faces frozen in shock.
Irina shows you the stunning diamond ring on her hand and holds it up for everyone to see. 
The table you attend falls silent, and all eyes are on you. Humiliation hits you as you realize the scope of what's happening.
"You think you can just waltz in here and steal my man? Toto is marrying me," she says again, her voice dripping angrily. "Me! Stay the fuck away!"
Irina flings back into the crowd, her words echoing in your mind. 
You feel tears stinging in your eyes as you turn to flee the party. 
"Don't even bother to come back. You are fired." Raphaël addresses you, firing you in the spot, catching you preparing to leave, his gaze burning with triumph and victory.
The sounds of laughter and music fade into the distance as you stumble into the night air, your heart heavy with sorrow.
Léo and Chloé look astonished as they watch you leave after witnessing the show Irina put on.
Your heels are hitting the floor faster, and the trail of your fitted gorgeous gala dress sways behind you.
You know that you will never be able to show your face at this place again and that no one will ever look at you in the same way after this.
God, you are so mad at Toto and even more heartbroken!
A loud knock comes at the door; maybe your aunt left work early. "Coming!" you look like a mess with swollen eyes from all the crying and feeling like shit and heartbroken, destroyed, dusted, you name it.
Toto's tall figure greets you when you open the door.
"How yo-?!" you look at him, eyes filling with anger and tears again.
"Ava," he interrupts you. "She got your address and sent me in a car here."
He reads your intention to close the door to his face and stops it firmly with his muscular arm.
Toto invites himself into your apartment. Standing beside the worn-out cupboard, he looks out of place, especially in that expensive tuxedo.
Gosh, he looks so dreamy, fuck him!
"Irina was completely wrong. You are not entertainment; what happened with us was real; you are important to me, more than you imagine." He goes straight to the point, not wasting time making things clear.
You feel a couple of tears run down your eyes. Lots of emotions for just one night.
He reaches closer to wipe them with his fingers. "I shouldn't have allowed Irina to talk to you that way and embarrassed you. Please forgive me. For all. We were on a time off when I met you."
"Irina? You thought that was his sister. You heard Holst asking him about her at brunch, along with his mom," You stupid girl!
"I called off the engagement for good." He looks straight at you and closes the steps between you.
"You did?!" and you die to add the "for me," but you contain.
"Do you still want me?" he asks, leaning closer to your lips, his breath brushing your mouth.
"Yes," a beg escapes your lips.
Toto is there to apologize for the hurt he caused. He wants to reach for you, to hold you close, but he doesn't know where to begin. So, instead, he does the only thing that feels right at that moment.
His lips find yours in a tender kiss, at first gentle but exploring, as if trying to find his way home.
You respond with a soft sigh, and your hands roam over his back, muscles reacting to your gentle touch. 
Your mouths open to each other in a deep, consuming kiss, tongues darting and twisting, exploring every spot of the other's mouth.
Before any of you knows what is going on, you stumble your way towards the bed, Toto's hands finding the hem of your short nightgown, pulling it up and over your head, revealing your naked body. 
The sight of your bare skin is enough to take his breath away. 
Toto's fingers trace the curves of your breasts, thumbs flicking at your stiffening nipples as you gasp and arch into his touch. 
God, you always feel so good.
"Fuck," he mutters, bending his head to capture one of your nipples in his mouth. The taste of your nipple is intoxicating, and he moans in pleasure as his lips close around you.
Toto's mouth works its magic on each flick of his tongue and grazes of his teeth; you get wetter, your arousal building up.
Then his fingers find your folds, slick with need, and he spreads you open, fingering that pussy he very much loves.
He groans at the contact, his cock throbbing in response. He needs to be inside you. He needs to lose himself in you.
Clothes go out of the way.
Toto looks up at you, asking for consent, and with one swift motion, he enters you, his cock sliding into your wet, welcoming heat. You gasp as he fills you, your body adjusting to his size.
He doesn't move yet. He gives you time to get used to him. His eyes never leave yours as he waits, his breath hot against your skin. The anticipation is unbearable, and you rock your hips against him, urging him to move.
Toto growls, low and deep in his throat, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you. The force of his thrust pushes your body down against the bed, and you cry out as pleasure shoots through you.
The feel of Toto inside you, filling and completing you, is unlike anything.
Toto's thrusts become harder, more urgent, driving into you with a force that had you moaning out his name over and over again, lost in the pleasure of the moment.
The sound of your sweat-slicked bodies slapping against each other, the wetness that escapes with each thrust, fills the small room.
Your breasts bounce with every move. You are so close to the edge, your orgasm building deep within you. Toto feels your inner walls begin to flutter around his cock, the sensation driving him wild.
"Fuck, Toto!" you cry out, clutching at the sheets as your body trembles with pleasure under his thrust.
He repeats the motion over and over again, your body shaking beneath him, your moans desperate. Toto feels your body tighten around him and your inner walls milking his cock.
With a final, frantic thrust, Toto lets himself go. He cums hard, filling you with his release.
As you both come down from your high, Toto collapses onto you, his body panting and slick with sweat. 
You wrap your arms around him, holding him close as you both catch your breath.
Toto presses a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips brushing against your skin.
"Toto, I... I..." you try to build the courage to say.
"Yes?" His voice is husky but caring.
"I- I love you." You are all red, looking down, unable to face him. 
He pulls your chin up tenderly with his finger before kissing your lips. 
Before you dare to confess: "I never loved someone this much, I... I want a life with you and you to be my future. Could, you, I don't know, think about it, maybe, you know, you could... take me... with you to London, it sounds good."
A trail of kisses comes your way. "I will think about it, but let's sleep first. It's almost 4 a.m." he rubs his eyes and wraps you around his body.
"Yeah, I'm exhausted too; a lot happened." You kind of laugh and move to enjoy the view of his naked body, caressing him till he falls asleep, and you, too.
As sunlight creeps into your small room, you wake up disoriented. It's a hot day, and the AC is off.
"Toto?" you call his name; his body is not next to you, and you hear sounds from the kitchen.
"Is he making you breakfast? How sweet!"
You get on your feet and quickly pull some clothes on. You don't want to miss that moment for your life.
You pull the slightly already open door of your room to be greeted by an unexpected scene.
Surprisingly, your aunt is there, cooking breakfast for your mom. You look around the apartment, confused.
"Surprise!" your mom lets out from one of the chairs on the small round table. "Oh, it's only me, honey!" your mom informs you, thinking you are looking around to spot her family. As usual, believing life revolves around her.
"Are only just you two in here?" you ask.
"Ahm, yes..." your aunt says, holding the pan. "Well, no, if you count the ghost that lives here, the one who likes to throw my flowerpots."
"It's a cat!" you add before walking fast back to your room. Then you look at the clock, fuck! It's almost 1 p.m.; it's not breakfast time. It's lunchtime!
You pick up your phone, no new texts or calls from Toto; maybe he is dealing with shit after what happened. It's too bad you cannot go back to the Club.
What is that?!
You notice a folded piece of paper on the nightstand. You feel the fine paper on your fingertips as you open it:
"I'm sorry to do this to you, kid, but I can't."
And just like that, he exits your life.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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—cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff, smoking in geto's, suggestive
—wc: 1k+ #Tip me here
—a/n: Tell me what your favorite one. Scn=scenarios. not proofread.
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#mlist #whoreclub #liawot smau #taglist
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Satoru has a very strong obsession with sweet things. You were surprised how your boyfriend not had diabetes yet.
"Aren't you worried that your teeth might fall off?" you questioned him, as soon as you came out of the sweet shop with a white polythin bag in your hand. You went to buy him the mochi he likes so much, as a result of losing your bet.
"Don't worry. You know I am the strongest. So is my teeth, baby" You rolled your eyes at the comment. It was annoying enough that you lost the bet, and he was now just getting on your nerves acting like a hotshot. Your mind couldn't help but wonder how he would act if you mess with him. Taking a step forward to the sidewalk, you left your boyfriend behind. He followed you like a puppy as he always does. Toru noticed the noise of plastic wrapper. When he skipped two steps ahead to face you, what he saw was you chewing his desert.
"Hey!" he frowned cutely.
"Quite tasty," a subtle smile on your face, internally laughing at his reaction. Oh but you were stupid. You really thought he would let this go? Your boyfriend scanned you for a minute and then—
He caught your lips, tasting the faint relish of the chocolate syrup on your lips. He pulled back after a few seconds, leaving your body stunned on the sidewalk.
"You were right, baby. It is quite tasty." You were taken aback. You never new your first kiss with him would be like this.
"Toru wha—"
"In fact, I love it. I think I wanna taste more." You couldn't help but blush at the suggestion.
Geto never shared his cigarettes with anyone. But with you, it was different.
"Ugh, this is the worst," you groan in frustration.
"Chill out. You can cover it up by the next month," suguru comforted you. He lit up the cig and took a whiff.
"But how can they just ignore all my presentations? I think they were pretty amazing. Don't you think they were amazing?" you looked at him in hopes he'll take your side. He did.
"Okay first of all, it was surreal, sweetheart. And second of all, forget about it because your lovely lovely boyfriend is here," you laugh to which he shoots you a confused look. "What? am I not lovely?" He probably didn't get that you were laughing because how cute he sounded. Not because he wasn't lovely. He was. He was the loveliest matter of fact. Suguru pouts and looks away, taking another drag.
"ah fuck it. Gimme that." You take the cig from his hand. You can feel the tip slightly wet. "We are indirectly kissing haha," you laugh, eyes closed to smoke it. When your hands fall down with cig, you could feel a body moving closer, and a set of lips locking with yours. The bitter-cold taste of mint tobacco flavor on your tongue. When you opened your eyes, Suguru had already taken the cigarette from your hand, which completely when unnoticed by you. Maybe you were too busy feeling his lips.
"Indirect kiss, my ass. I want to kiss you directly. Ya got that?" He is adorable, getting pressed over some unserious thing you said.
"Got it. My lovely boyfriend.
Toji was straight forward. He didn't like beating around the bush. But when it came to you, he suddenly became a highschool teenage girl from a rom com who's so nervous that she unknowingly comes off mean to her love interest.
You found it adorable. The little things he did subconsciously that you found so adorable. You remember once you told him how you found sausages cut in octopus shape cute. So now you caught him making the same cuts, while he cooks breakfast for you, in his apartment.
"Wow. A grown scary looking man making cute shaped breakfast. Aren't you too old for that?"
"Shut up, babe. Ya know they're f'you. D'ya want me to poison them?" He shot a glare to you.
"Meanie," you frowned. You took a step to the stove, watching the sunny side up egg turning into an eclipse in the pan. "Uhm, Chef Toji," you called. "Your eggs are burning." You watched him place the knife on the chopping board, hastily rushing over towards the stove, turning it off. Toji sighed. But he heard someone laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Aw, aren't you a adorable little thing," you wiped away the tear from all the laugh. "It's hard to believe you're an assassin." You looked over at the counter with the octopus sausages, so perfectly cut. "Only good with blades, are you?"
The smile on your face slowly started fading as you found the big hunky man moving closer and close to you until there was no step for you to take back. Until your back hit the wooden cupboard. Toji ran his emerald iris on your lips. But before you could hide them away from him, biting it in, he captured them. Toji pushed his tongue past your lips, making your legs jelly.
"Not just blades, 'm also good with ma' lips." The attitude you had earlier, evaporated all of a sudden. Toji leaned to your side. "Wanna see what else 'm awesome at?" he whispered in your ears, totally making you lose your usual smug self.
—Reblog for part 2 🤍 :)
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Tags: @eros-lives @milophiliac @denji-star @bbytamaki @thebrokenkitkat @his-saiko @loml-riri @aztecbrujeria @mwagii @kitashousewife @sugies @mrsackermannx @lilitudemon @wobblewobble822 @tohokuu
2K notes · View notes
digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
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summary: You and Jude go on a late night drive when he gives you a present and you freak out
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
When Jude had to bail on your dinner date you were pretty bummed. You realized his schedule was hectic and you couldn’t meet everyday but tonight you put so much effort in your looks and felt sad. You didn’t even bother changing your dress and went straight to depression mode bringing out ice cream as dinner. You were halfway into the rom-com you were watching until your phone started buzzing.
“Hey baby.” you said a little sleepy.
“Hey love, are you at home?”
“Where else would I be Jude, of course I’m at home.” you sarcastically said.
“Okay then come out.”
“Are you here?” you exclaimed ecstatic about meeting your boyfriend. You missed him so much and desperately needed him to hold you.
“Yes Y/N just come out here.”
“But where are we going, all the restaurants are closed.” you said realizing it’s well past 2 a.m.
“Just come to me.” he said and hung up. Rude, you thought but the excitement to see him was too much that you grabbed your coat and skipped like a little girl to his car.
“I missed you so much.” you said as soon as you were seated and reached out to his side to hug him. He always brought comfort to you.
“Oh my god baby you look unreal.” he said as he’s eyeing you without shame. “And I’m here looking like a homeless man”
You chuckled “I don’t think homeless people wear Prada.”
“Some of them do, no seriously I saw one of them the other day full on rocking Givenchy.” he said and you felt all your stress lifting. Jude always made your mood go up immediately.
After that he reached for the back seat and grabbed some takeout.
“I know you skipped dinner so I brought you some.” he said and you smiled seeing how well he knew you.
“You’re the best.” you said as he started driving to a spot where you could overlook the city and eat in peace. Even though Jude’s career and his social life was a little much sometimes, these calm moments were your favorites. Just you two enjoying each other’s company with no distractions.
As soon as he pulled up, you grabbed the Chinese food from the packages and gave him his chopsticks. You ate and talked about your day and the things that bothered you since you were both drama queens. This was a fun conversation you had everyday, you told each other everyone who made you mad and gossiped about them.
“And then he said I should eat less because I gained 0.5% fat.”
“Oh no he didn’t.” you fake gasped and laughed. Jude was so extra sometimes.
You spoke for a few more minutes until you remembered something.
“Oh god, what am I even gonna get your mum for her birthday? What if I choose something hideous?” you panicked and Jude calmed you down saying how much his mum loves you and would love anything from you.
“But since we’re on the subject of presents.” he said and opened the console in front of you.
“I got you a little something.”
You noticed the blue bag immediately. It was Tiffany, and small. You felt your heart beating and started panicking. Your friends made some jokes about you being already married with Jude since your relationship was going on for 2 years and strong but you always avoided the subject. Coming from a broken household, with separated parents, you were always afraid of marriage from a young age. Jude knew that and respected your ideas though he always said he wanted to spend eternity with you.
But seeing a small box in a Tiffany bag has made you anxious, surely Jude wouldn’t propose to you right? You knew that but you couldn’t hide your horrified expression as his burrows furrowed.
“You don’t wanna open it?” he asked.
“Jude, what’s in the box?” you asked warily.
“Baby, open it and see.” he was confused about your reaction.
“Jude I need you to tell me what’s inside it. Please.” you begged getting more and more agitated.
“Y/N what’s going on? It’s just a gift, I saw it in the store and thought you’d love it.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N what are you so pressed about? This isn’t a complex situation, you grab the bag open it and thank me. Why are you acting weird love?”
When you said nothing, he snatched the bag from you and opened it himself.
“It’s just a fucking necklace, I’m not proposing to you.” he laughed a little trying to lighten the mood until he saw your face.
“Y/N I”
“I’m sorry Jude, I’m so sorry.” you started sobbing from guilt. You freaked out about nothing and have been rude to Jude. He immediately realized what’s going on and you could see his eyes fill with guilt as well.
“Baby, shh it’s okay. It’s not your fault I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“No no it’s my fault, I freaked out on you. I’m sorry, I’m just a weirdo who doesn’t appreciate you enough.” he held you against his body and helped you calm down. After your sniffles stopped he leaned back and held your cheeks to make you look up at him.
“Y/N you don’t owe me any explanation, I love you with all your weirdness and flaws just like you love me. I want to spend my life with you, you’re it for me with or without a big commitment and ceremony. I want you next to me but would never push you, I’ll always be with you.”
You smiled at him and realized you’re the luckiest girlfriend ever.
“Thank you Jude, for everything and for the record I want to spend my life with you too.”
He kissed you with love and you happily reciprocated.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d propose like this. You really don’t even know me at all.” he said looking offended and you giggled.
“Now let’s see this necklace, do you want to put it on me?” you said and turned your back to him as he pulled it and clasped the back. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“But you do know me.”
“Of course I do.” he said and kissed your temple after seeing the pendant on your neck.
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sluttywoozi · 1 year
Out Of The Woods | Part 1 of 3
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Summary: You’ve been driving Yunho nuts lately and he just can’t figure out why. He hates being annoyed with his friends, so he’s been avoiding you. It’s difficult to stay away when you’re locked together in a cabin with seven of your closest friends, though.
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~2k
Tags: rom com, friends to lovers, sharing a bed, fluff, comedy (i think im funny)
Warnings: sexual thoughts, yunho gets a splinter, alcohol, lmk if i forgot anything
Reader Notes: smaller than yunho (in the hands at least), has breasts and a vagina
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“Yunho, you don’t have to sleep so far away. It’s not like we’ve never touched before,” you huff, reaching out across the bed and curling your fingers in his shirt to tug him closer.
He follows your pull, shuffling over just a few inches and pretending to be too distracted taking in the room to look at you. It was a lot easier to avoid your gaze when there were seven other people in the room. Now that it’s just the two of you, Yunho is running out of options.
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Lately, you've been driving Yunho crazy.
It’s very out of character for him to be annoyed by one of his friends and the last thing he wants to do is take it out on you, so he’s been avoiding you. And Mingi, of course, noticed and told everyone else, leading to them all competing to see who can put him in the most uncomfortable situations with you.
This came at the very unfortunate time of the annual Best Friends Trip, this time at a literal cabin in the woods. Because what could go wrong there?
On the way up to the cabin, Mingi conveniently 'forgot' he had some extra errands to run before departing and decided to ride with San and Wooyoung instead, leaving you and Yunho to drive up alone. It was three straight hours of uncomfortable silence and him trying to figure out why the scent of your shampoo made him dizzy.
When the time came to gather firewood, Jongho (who'd lost rock paper scissors) insisted he’d rolled his ankle and couldn’t traverse the uneven ground, but oh Y/n, didn’t you say you wanted to take a walk before settling in?
Yunho said he could take care of it alone but the guys wouldn’t hear it, claimed you never know what’s lurking in the forest and that the buddy system is key, so he’d trudged into the woods with you by his side and pretended he didn’t see the sparkle of traitorous glee in Jongho’s eyes. What followed was another hour of tension, of you trying to chat and Yunho responding politely but not helpfully, his annoyance only growing when the exasperated sigh you let out sent heat flashing down his throat.
You took some space from him when you got back, throwing him a confused glare before going to help Seonghwa prepare hot chocolate. He’d tried to be nicer after that, act more like himself, but he could tell you still felt the distance he kept. It didn’t help that his shoulders wound tighter and tighter with each burst of laughter that escaped the kitchen, evil thoughts of hiding the final piece of all of Seonghwa’s new lego sets flooding his mind.
Yunho knew he could never do such a thing but the thought made his stomach churn with guilt, so he busied himself with chopping firewood until the sun faded behind the trees, ignoring calls of hot chocolate and invitations to games and shouts about room dividing.
You’d all been gathered up around the fireplace when he decided he’d punished himself enough and went back inside. Yeosang’s half-lidded eyes and red cheeks told him the liquor had come into play but he still nodded as if he couldn’t tell and smiled when Joong shouted that they’d moved onto spiked hot chocolate, demanding he grab a mug.
Yunho’s far from a lightweight but the extra exercise and the stress of the day let the peppermint schnapps hit him a bit harder. After one cup, he could feel the back of his neck grow warm and his sharp edges start to blur out. After two, he felt relaxed enough to look at you again and turned his head in search of you, only to find you snuggled up to a smirking Mingi. He couldn’t stop the way his eyes narrowed and his heartbeat picked up, no matter how well he knew Mingi would never-
Wait. Mingi would never… what?
Yunho didn’t have a chance to follow that train of thought as Seonghwa suddenly stood up and clapped his hands, announcing it was time for bed. He recruited Mingi and San to help him get a dozing Hongjoong up the stairs, all three boys cautiously guiding him up every step. Yeosang took up the rear and Wooyoung trailed behind, pouty and petulant because Seonghwa hadn’t asked him to help too. Yunho watched you follow them with fondness in his eyes, the irritation he’d grown used to feeling around you suspiciously absent, and decided he might as well go to bed too if everyone else is.
He’d arrived at the top of the stairs just as the bedroom doors were being pulled shut. Yeosang and Seonghwa disappeared behind one door with matching evil grins and a sleeping Hongjoong between them, and he heard Wooyoung and San bickering about who had to sleep closer to the door in another room, so he turned to the remaining bedroom with a sigh, resigning himself to a night of Mingi’s snoring and no sleep.
Except it wasn’t Mingi’s bag on the bed. It wasn’t Mingi’s phone plugged into the wall, or Mingi’s voice resonating in the shower, or Mingi’s pajamas laid out on the chair. No, they were all yours, and Yunho felt the headache start to pound behind his eyes as his former best friend clapped him on the shoulder and said, “I’m taking the couch tonight, we all agreed earlier.”
“I didn’t agree,” Yunho whispered frantically, clutching the neck of Mingi’s sleep shirt with desperate fingers.
“We tried to ask what you wanted but you just grunted and kept chopping wood, so…” Mingi trailed off with a shrug of his shoulders, calling out a teasing ‘goodnight, sleep tight’ as he trudged down the stairs.
The bathroom door opened before he could protest any further, the steam billowing out around your toweled form clogging his throat up. He barely managed a nod when you assured him you’d left plenty of hot water, and, in somewhat of a daze, stumbled across the wooden floors to take a shower of his own.
Yunho thought the water would clear his head but it just made everything feel hazier, his thoughts tangling with images of your dewy skin and replays of the drop of water that fell from your hair and rolled over your collarbone before dipping down between your breasts.
That wasn't the first time he’d thought about you like this, but it was the first time he’d ever realized how annoyed it made him. He could feel the blood draining from his face as he finally figured out why exactly you’ve been driving him up the wall lately.
It honestly made him feel bad that he’d been so off with you just because you make his heart race, especially considering it’s not something you can change or something you’re doing on purpose. Sure, he didn't know that's why he's been so irked by you, but that doesn't mean he should have blindly taken it out on you in the first place.
And now here Yunho is, barely a foot away from you in a bed that was not meant for two, his heart pounding in his chest and his eyes stubbornly avoiding yours. Everything is worse now that he knows he's into you, his frustration blurring into longing and his irritation melting into desire. You're so close and so warm and all Yunho wants to do is pull you even closer, and that's why as soon as you fall asleep, he shuffles away.
He can't afford to touch you any more than necessary if he wants to keep his feelings in check and the friend group together.
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All of Yunho's efforts fly out the window when he wakes up with you burrowed in his arms and his hard cock pressing into your ass.The temperature must have dropped overnight, the tiny shivers of your body making him pull you close while also trying desperately to angle his hips away from you. The slight loss of body heat stirs you and Yunho holds his breath, praying you don't wake up before his hard on has gone down.
Thinking about all the ways he can get Mingi back for putting him in this position helps. He doesn't have anything too devious in mind, just changing his Crunchyroll password so Mingi can't use it anymore and also perhaps spoiling the end of the new drama he'd been watching. Nothing too evil.
Yunho doesn't even feel himself falling back asleep until it's too late, his eyes slipping closed and his arms tugging you closer, the progress he'd made earlier disappearing. He buries his face in your neck and lets his body sink into yours with a sigh, deciding that whatever happens when he wakes again is a problem for future Yunho.
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It turns out future Yunho doesn't have a problem, because you're gone when he blinks awake. The bed is cold without you, his arms empty, and he can't help the frown that pulls down his eyebrows when he sees your pajamas folded up neatly atop your overnight bag.
You must have gotten up a while ago, and as Yunho slowly comes back online, sounds start to drift up the stairs from what can only be the kitchen. The clacking of pots and pans is loud even with the door closed, as is the sound of a heated debate between Wooyoung and San about whether pancakes or waffles make a better vessel for syrup.
The answer is obviously waffles but Yunho's not about to say he's on Wooyoung's side, especially not when he knows San will get pouty and Woo will get clingy. He's got enough to deal with just trying to navigate what he now knows are feelings for you.
Yunho rolls out of bed and immediately reaches his arms above his head in a stretch, groaning as his spine elongates and starts to ache from the hard mattress. He's hoping he can get Hongjoong to step on his back later; it's like a little massage and Joong always gets so much joy from it, so it's a win-win situation.
After throwing on the first items of clothing his hands touch in his bag, Yunho heads to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and brush his teeth. He lumbers down the stairs, his hand gliding on the wood railing before it catches on a divot, a sharp pain stinging his palm and a yelp leaving his lips as a splinter embeds itself in his flesh.
Your head pops up over the couch, a look of concern gracing your features as you stand and rush over, snatching his hand and bringing it close to your face before Yunho can even catch his breath.
You pout as you inspect his palm, tilting it from side to side and squinting in the low light of the living room before you shake your head and pull him over to the window. There's a bit more light here but not much, just enough to highlight the worried furrow between your eyebrows and the lip bitten between your teeth.
Yunho desperately wants to lean down and suck your lip into his mouth but knows he can't just kiss you out of the blue, especially after how he's been acting with you lately, so he just stays still and watches you fuss over him.
"Come on, I have tweezers upstairs," you sigh as you lace your fingers with his and turn to tug him back up to your shared room.
Yunho can feel the back of his neck flush when he sees how small your hand is compared to his and does his level best not to let his eyes stray to the shape of your ass in your jeans, knowing he's liable to trip on his way up if he catches even a glimpse.
It’s going to be a long weekend.
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Part 2
AN: this is part one of idk how many! will probs just be one or two more but who can say!
please please please comment or reblog, i need to know your thoughts or i die inside! im like tinker bell, i need attention to survive!
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loves0phelia · 1 month
Please write about Rafe who believes in love and a reader who doesn't! I love your first fic btw
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Summery: the request
Words: 1k
Warnings: small injury, grammar mistakes (feel free to correct me)
A/N: thank you so much for this request! xxx
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Ever since you and Rafe met, he has been head over heels for you. He would follow you around like a lost puppy, he would get you anything you could possibly want, and always make sure you were okay.
In a way you loved how much he cared, but sometimes the feelings he left you with, made you confused.
In your head love was nothing but a useless feeling. The lovey dovey movies were fake and unrealistic, the people holding hands or kissing in the streets were disgusting and anyone who tried to prove you wrong was definitely not sane.
So why was Rafe Cameron making you feel this way? 
“Good morning pretty, got you your favorite like always” He says the second you open the door to his black pick up truck, and hand you the chocolate chips cookie from that bakery you adore.
“How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to get me something every time?” Even though you wish you kept your lips in a straight line, a small smile took place on your lips.
“But if i stop bringing you snacks how else will i see this pretty smile of yours?” immediately your cheeks became red, so you turned your head to look out the passenger window as he finally started driving away.
After what felt like hours, you got the courage to speak up and asked him where he was taking you.
“Well I figured you wouldn't like the movies because you claim its “too romantic” so I decided on going up to the hill with some food and a book, we could spend the afternoon together until sunset. Also I brought my laptop in case you changed your mind about rom coms…” he uttered the last words anticipating your reaction to them.
“Are you serious? that's like the most rom com thing ever!” you threw your hands above your head and looked at him in disbelief.
“Come on Y/n just give it a shot please” you looked at him with a glare not breaking against his attempt at begging.
“for me?” your fake anger vanished the second the words left his mouth. His soft blue eyes and pouty lips had you in a choke hold. You could never refuse him even if you tried.
“fine” Rafe shouts in victory before grabbing your hand and shaking it while still holding the steering wheel.
“You're not going to regret it baby, i swear” his happiness calmed and now you could only hear the soft music playing on the radio and the harsh sound of his engine. 
What you hadn't noticed though was how his hand was still holding yours on top of your thigh for the rest of the ride. 
When the car finally came to a stop, Rafe jumped out and rushed to your side to open your door. While holding the small bag with the cookie you haven't eaten yet in your left hand your right one grabbed his so he could help you climb out. This gesture was almost too familiar now.
You stood a few feet away as he grabbed the cooler filled to the brim with various beverages and snacks. Your breath hitch when you noticed his arms flex beneath his gray shirt. 
“You ready?” you snapped your eyes away from his muscles as fast as light and quickly nodded, unable to speak any word.
In silence you both climbed the small trail up to the hill. While you could've been watching the blooming flowers, your mind was on rafe, you were daydreaming not paying attention to anything.
“shit” were your last words before tripping over a small branch on your path. your exclamation immediately made Rafe turn on his heels, he dropped the cooler to the ground and ran to you, examining the damage.
“im fine Rafe i just wasn't paying attention” you tried to comfort him but his gaze was fixated on the small cuts over one of your knees.
“Do you want to go back? we can do this another day” he asked concerned and almost already getting ready to turn back the way you came from.
“No rafe. Really I'm ok it's just a small scrap and I don't want our day to be ruined because of me” you almost pleaded.
“Are you sure you can walk? cause i can carry you” he suggested.
“don't be ridiculous, you're already carrying all that” you laughed and optimistically went back on the way.
the entire pathRafe and a small furrow in his brown and he stayed close to you in case of another accident, he was ready to catch you,
When you two were finally settled on a blanket led on top of the grass he began unpacking.
“So a movie or a book? also I'm warning you, if you choose a book you need to read to me.” he smiled innocently.
“book please” you answered shyly before taking the book from his hand. instantly rafe led his head on top of your lap and snuggled while grinning, knowing what he was doing,
but surprisingly you did not comment, nor move away, you stayed like that even when you began to read the words out loud.
he was so peaceful he almost looked asleep but the soft and smooth movement of his thumb over your small injury proved you he was definitely awake.
“Whats up” your brows furrowed wondering why he was asking. 
“you stopped reading.” You hadn't even realized you had stopped and you definitely didn't realize he was looking up at you, admiring you for almost 2 minutes before saying something.
“i was just thinking how much i appreciate this,i never realized before now how much i enjoyed it” 
“yea?” He sat up with the brightest smile.
“mhm” you hummed and you felt like a magnet was pulling you to him so without a thought you crashed your lips on his.
he made a noise of surprise before rapidly returning the gesture while sliding his fingers in your hair and holding you to him.
passionately you and Rafe kissed until you couldn't breath and that's how you realized love was actually the best thing to ever feel.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 5 months
OK. I wrote some of this in a vent to @sparklywaistcoat, but I'm gonna say it here.
I'm less sad about there not being a Season 3 and feel more just tearful anger that once again studios and streamers truly don't give a fuck about art or what it means to people or to culture. It’s corporations who just want to reproduce the same boring shit for the same boring people and even when they have something that’s popular and loved, they just can’t see past their own very narrow worldview. I really did think that the second season was going to get chucked once HBO Max restructured and WB merged with Discovery. I was shocked that it ever got released.
There’s such a wonderful scope of art in this world, but streamers won’t give it the space it needs to breathe. So when you get something like OFMD or Reservation Dogs or Good Omens, it’s so hopeful and yet you just sit there in heartbreak, hoping it doesn’t go away, or that it can at least play out as the people who make it want it to. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, but we have to remember that even when it doesn't, it still means something.
Now, Hollywood has always been like this, but it’s still very hard to see art being treated so callously. It’s like when the Code came in and you look back and see all these lovely things, truly groundbreaking stuff, that got cut off at the knees because of the fucking mainstream conservatives who thought they knew what was best, and the Hollywood studios that went right along with them to keep selling their product.
But the studio system, and the Code, broke, and it is breaking again. We’re in line for a major bursting of cinematic art as creators escape from franchises and the mainstream, a la American Independent cinema. It is already happening. The new studio system, built on streamers and franchises, of which WB and HBOMax is a part, is collapsing. OFMD is a big sign of that—an openly queer, incredibly diverse TV show that kept pushing and pushing through eighteen episodes, that rejected queerbaiting, that rejected convention, and that built itself on being a gay pirate rom-com and was exactly that.
Queer media has done more than broken through. It has embedded itself in the culture in a way that it never did in the past. It's out from the underground without assimilation. OFMD is not the only part of that, but it is a part of it. And that's something that HBOMax, Zaslav, Hollywood, the studio system, the entire straight, cis, white, conservative, conventional mainstream world can absolutely never take away or push back into the closet. They will try, though, and they will lose. They already lost.
So, yeah, I'm angry and I'm sad, and they fucked Calypso's birthday. But we can chuck a fiddle at their heads to protect the people we love, and it isn't going to destroy our souls.
Our spirit will last throughout their entire fucking empire.
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