wanderer-clarisse · 4 months
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wanted to try something new and paint a night scene - I'm sure there's still lots to improve but I'm happy with how it turned out!
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esmes · 5 months
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saikis1truelove · 8 months
the day that I met you,
I started (day) dreaming💞
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skretri · 1 year
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btw au & designs: @ghostly-tart owo
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Moonlight Admiration
from @jegulus-microfic's prompt, freckle (302 words)
ok i ADORE this one and i hope you all do too!! i always focus on regulus having freckles so...
It’s late at night, most people are asleep, but Regulus is awake. James is barely hanging on to consciousness as Regulus continues to trace patterns on his skin with the tips of his fingers. Regulus doesn’t know why it calms him so much, but it does, and so James lets him do it as much as he wants. Regulus has a sneaking suspicion that James enjoys it just as much, but he’ll keep that to himself. 
Regulus finds himself back looking at James’ face, the most familiar place in the world to him. He doesn’t often get time to just sit and stare though, and he takes full advantage of James’ face shining in the moonlight to admire every feature. His face is practically right against James’ as he takes in every detail. And then he notices something he never has before. Regulus is astounded that it’s even possible for there to be a feature on James, especially one so breathtakingly beautiful that he’s never noticed before. 
Scattered across his face are the faintest of freckles. Regulus supposes one wouldn’t really be able to see them if they weren’t as close as he is right now. The fact that this is a discovery just for him drives him even more wild. He wants to trace the constellations onto his freckles, he wants to kiss each one individually and memorise its position so he never forgets it again. These freckles are no longer James’, they belong to Regulus. He gasps.
“What is it, love?” James asks in a groggy whisper, still just on the cusp of sleep.
“I understand why you love my freckles so much now,” he says. James smiles sleepily and nuzzles into Regulus’ neck and Regulus continues his tracing, even more attentive now, claiming every inch of James as his.
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beebeeazzy · 1 year
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pipinghawtcocoa · 2 months
saw a meme abt couples who shop at walmart and you already KNOW i had to draw leofly i'd like to think leo would take mayfly to the store early in the morning (when there are no crowds) to get aftercare stuff >:3c they're just stupid and dumb and they bone sometimes
i also squeezed two little mini comics in there hehfbrerfbwewed art skills
(this art is from a "goodfuture!au" where the kraang didn't invade earth, its still in the works but leofly is a thing no matter what universe i throw them mfers in 💥💥)
cw: suggestive language/jokes lmao
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
thought. johnny doesnt really let people touch the scars on his chest. he and kerry end up fighting 2 gonks, Johnny gets like a lil knife gash. Kerry is mostly okay, just a few bruises and a broken nose. Vincent is stressed and fussing over Johnny bc he almost got s t a b b e d. OR what was the first time Johnny let Vince touch his scars. im sleepy and rambling and im so sorry i came to bother your inbox 😭
So I thought about this all night, yes really😭
The fight scene
Kerry helps Johnny in, unaware Vincent had come over for the night. Kerry gets sent to the kitchen for an ice pack, and Vince says he can set his nose, let him deal with with Johnny first. Johnny is already sitting in the bathroom, shirt off and a bottle of bourbon. Vince was actually surprised that he listened, they were still in the beginnings of trusting each other.
He finds stitching stuff and kneels between Johnny’s legs, unsure if he’s allowed to proceed. He leans up and kisses him, taking J off guard but leans in. Vincent let’s his hand gently touch above the wound to where one of his scars are. Johnny tenses and Vincent begins to sit back but Johnny holds his hand there, even when they pull back.
A different time
It’s just Vince and Johnny in the apartment, Kerry had to go to an early class and Vince got to sleep in. Johnny stayed in bed with him, completely shirtless. He knew the scars were a sensitive topic, and only Kerry had been allowed to touch them. He decided to test the waters. He knew if he didn’t, their relationship would go absolutely no where.
He rolled over, also showing he was awake. Johnny had been quietly strumming away, working on a new song. It damn near brought Vincent back to sleep. But he moved closer, Johnny moving the guitar and allowing Vincent to rest on him. He was unsure about this now. Too late.
His hand went to the middle of Johnny’s chest, Johnny tensed only slightly before relaxing. He let his hand move down a bit, more towards his stomach and side. Johnny didn’t move, didn’t stop him, and let his hands brush over them lightly. He then rested his arm over his middle, feeling Johnny’s arm rest around his shoulders. Progress.
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leafatlaw · 1 year
Asc&jvgcgj Can I have a ride home? I’m at a party and I don’t know any1 by carpet garden is the most nbr song ever!!!!!
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stxr-thxif · 1 year
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bugginfested · 2 years
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i love riokanna, way too much. like they have my heart <3
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dizzybevvie · 4 months
Im actually gonna fucking throw up. im gonna be sick "kiss me once kiss me twice kiss me three times (cross the line)" -> "kiss me once kiss me twice kiss me three times, please." IM GONNA BE SICK
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leixinyus · 2 years
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Instead of you apologizing, I have a favor (I’d like you to grant me).
What? What is it?
Please just look at my text. And give me feedback meticulously. Very, very attentively.
... Okay, got it. But aren’t there a lot of people instead of me who could also give you feedback? Why, out of everyone...?
When I was watching your presentation the other day, seonbae, I got this feeling; that as a writer, one should be somewhat provocative and tenacious.
Oh, well, it’s enough if I skim through it and give the feedback all at once, right?
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Fallen by Their First
for @jegulus-microfic's prompt, first (449 words)
ok this one. oh i have feelings on this one. mostly just that they're everything to me and i want what they have.
They’re so close. All it would take is for him to lean in one inch and their lips would meet. Regulus has never been this close to James before and his brain is having trouble functioning. How is one supposed to think when James Potter’s breath is ghosting across their lips and he’s looking at them with simultaneously the sweetest and hungriest look anyone’s ever given them.
James can’t think straight either. He’s standing an inch away from the human embodiment of an angel, how is he meant to think straight? He’s close enough to feel the warmth most people don’t guess is there radiating off of Regulus’ skin; and to pick out each individual colour in his shimmering eyes. It’s entrancing. Merlin, he wants to lean in so badly. But he’s never done this before.
What if I do it wrong, Regulus thinks. I don’t know what I’m doing. Very slowly, James’ hand comes up to cup his jaw and Regulus stops breathing right then and there. “James,” he whispers. Before he can say anything else, James leans forward ever so slightly, brushing Regulus’ lips with his own. Some might not even consider that a kiss. But Regulus is already feeling his knees go weak. He stumbles into James, connecting their lips again, slightly stronger this time.
James is being kissed by Regulus Black and he can honestly say he’s never felt anything better in his life. Regulus basically fell into him but James isn’t complaining. He’s no longer just feeling Regulus’ warmth in the air around him but through the hand on his jaw, the other settled at his waist, his lips lightly pressed and moving with Regulus’. James is consumed in his feeling, it’s heavenly.
Regulus thinks people are lying when they say first kisses are always awkward. Maybe Regulus was just lucky enough to find his person. Because nothing could beat the feeling of being pressed against James and feeling his hands holding him close while they exist together, in the same space, moving with each other. Regulus doesn’t know if it’s been seconds or days but he couldn’t care less.
“James,” Regulus whispers again, pulling back slightly. James smiles softly. Regulus smiles back. “I didn’t think a first kiss was supposed to feel like that.”
“Maybe it’s because I love you,” James says without missing a beat. Regulus feels the whole world spin around him. He never thought he would hear those words directed at him. He wants to run around and scream, or go to his room and cry, or push James against the wall and snog him senseless. Instead, he finds not a single hesitation in responding:
“And I love you too.”
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trendyshadowqueen · 1 year
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THEM <33
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pipinghawtcocoa · 2 months
ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, i proudly present to you...✨them✨
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