#Super Chibi Knight
blushroom20 · 1 month
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Inspired by this Reddit post, I put Noise stickers on random games in my Steam library!
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chibifox2002 · 8 months
I can't sleep and I found some funny clips...
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trainer-sean · 1 year
So, i learned about Tama the cat! TAMA DAIMYOJIN!!!
A cat that rose to a Stationmaster, a Super Stationmaster, a Knighted cat awarded the title "Wakayama de Knight", a Mentor, and... a Kami/God/Goddess/Deity!!!
Her little sister and mother acted as her Assistant deputys!
Her legacy extends to Okayama station with Santama, otherwise known as Sun-tama-tama!
Her original Apprentice, Nitama, is the Chief Priestess of her Shrine at Kishi Station.
20 thousand people came to her funeral from all over Japan to pay respects.
It is a shame she isn't brought up more in media, she doesn't even have any art of her, I wanna see her in her Spirit Goddess form, not some cliche cat girl goddess, just a small bipedal cat with her usual uniform made into a kimono, and a Hagoromo resembling steam forming around her, as she stands on the station platform, greeting visitors who don't see her, and watches her Successors with pride as they continue her Legacy! And Nitama, her Chief Priestess and Direct Successor, looks to her, and nods.
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the-classic-dreamer · 10 months
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So here is my entire Amiibo Collection i have right now. (and also some Funko Pops and a Nendoroid I own as well)
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kevinthecrossover · 1 year
If hollow knight joined Super smash bros
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prokopetz · 17 days
Do you happen to know of any games that are like Zelda II and are top down for world exploration and side scroller/ 2D platformed for dungeon exploration? I feel like I'm the only person who enjoyed that format.
The only really prominent example of the type that's come out recently is probably Phoenotopia: Awakening. It's actually a bit too true to its Zelda II inspirations in some respects; the negative reviews that cite stiff controls and player-hostile combat mechanics as the reasons for their thumbs-down aren't wrong. Still, if you can get past a combat system that hates you, everything else about it is excellent.
In terms of older titles, you've got stuff like Elliot Quest and Super Chibi Knight, though they each have their own issues; the former has numerous unpatched gameplay bugs, and the latter was designed by an eight-year-old (yes, seriously) – which is a fun gimmick, but it doesn't always result in the most well-considered gameplay structure.
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midknightwritings · 2 years
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Knights as shimeji buddies !!
Synopsis : Shimejis are desktop buddies that play around on the sites / apps you use and love to interact with various elements on your computer !!
What would the members of Knights be like as your little computer buddies ??
Era : N / A
Warning/s : N / A
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Tsukasa / Leo / Izumi / Arashi / Ritsu
A/N : I felt super nostalgic when Electric Angel started playing in my playlist but all I could imagine was little chibi Knights running around in my computer LMAO
Tsukasa Suou :
He’s such a thoughtful little knight !! He’ll do everything in his power to help you as best as he can !!
Do you need resources for your school paper? He’ll gladly help you search and will provide you with the most reliable sources out there !! Is your computer getting slower? Fret not !! He’ll easily get rid of anything you don’t need, especially all those files you never knew even existed in the first place !!
Tsukasa’s so soft for your attention but he’ll never admit to it… He’s your knight after all !! He’s the one that’s supposed to be serving his liege, not the other way around !! Right…?
He'll 100% melt on the spot if you pet his head or gently move him to a quiet corner if he starts to fall asleep~ Small gestures like these show how much you really care and, even when separated by a screen, you still go out of your way to treat him with kindness. He really appreciates that.
Will definitely help you organize your files and folders if your homescreen starts to get a bit too messy. This might sound like a chore but you customize the names and icons together !! Now your homescreen has a cute royal theme going on :)
If you’re forgetful, he’ll gladly remind you of any important dates or things you need to do. Of course he wants you to have fun and relax, so he’ll let you have small breaks between work, but at the same time please don't slack off !!
Tsukasa loves talking to you and hearing your voice in general !! Your voice is so soothing to him, it helps him relax and destress if he ever feels overwhelmed. You both don’t even have to talk the entire time. Just hearing the quiet mutters under your breath or humming the tune of the song you’re listening to gives the same effect to him.
You’ll have a blast when searching for recipes online. Tsukasa will excitedly give you a masterlist of different websites based on recipes for cakes, brownies, cookies, ice cream and more !! Don’t ask when he created this though… He’ll get very embarrassed…
Loves being by your side as a whole. Whether you're drawing, scrolling through social media, watching videos, or more. He loves experiencing all these things with you. [ If you’re watching something together, expect him to slowly inch his way closer to your cursor. So please place your cursor beside your dock, it’ll save him the energy and embarrassment from having to climb up to the top of your screen. ]
Always greets you when you boot up your system and will always wish you sweet dreams / a great day when you log off. Isn’t he the sweetest?
Leo Tsukinaga :
Expect your screen to be filled with music notes 99.9% of the time. [ That 0.1% is reserved for the times Leo seemingly tires himself out and falls asleep. ]
Never a dull moment with this little knight !! Very active, energetic and LOVES being with you as a whole !! It doesn't matter what you do, Leo just loves being in your presence as a whole~ You give him so much inspiration !! Oh no wait... Where's his pen ?? He needs to write this melody down before it disappears forever-
When I say active, I really mean it. He will climb on the sides of your screen, move around your folders and files, close and open tabs. He’ll do it all just for the fun of it so be prepared !!
He will 100% play hide-and-seek in your folders and expect you to drop whatever you're doing and play along so good luck if you have a ton of them !!
Your playlist king but with his original songs instead !! He loves to show you his new works so please listen for a while, he composed it with you in mind <3
If he notices you overworking yourself, he’ll try and get you to take a break by doing his absolute best to distract you. [ i.e. Grabbing your cursor, opening your games, etc. ] He never nags you to do your work because he knows that you'll finish them at some point so c'mon !! Let's watch a movie together !!
Are you a musician yourself ?? WOOO BOY THIS IS A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN !! You’ll both pull all nighters composing and writing up new lyrics !!
Leo will be a happy lil knight if you want him to sing for you. Whether if it's for your original song or a cover, he’s ecstatic !!! Completely over the moon !! Of course he’ll sing, he loves you so~much !!
If you want to learn about music, or a music program, he will definitely help guide you through it. You’ll be a master in the blink of an eye with this genius composer by your side !!
On his off days though, he’ll be more dormant, less giddy and even tries to hide from you to avoid being seen in this state. Please comfort him :( He needs to know that he’s loved and that everything will be ok.
Izumi Sena :
Good luck trying to procrastinate with this knight around because he will absolutely make sure you get your work done in one go !!
The physical embodiment of those apps that lock you out of your social media or video games until you finish your work. Don’t misunderstand his actions negatively though. They may seem cruel on the outside but Izumi genuinely cares about you and knows how much you’d appreciate the free time you’ll get later. So please just bear with him for now and stop procrastinating !!
Gives you the best feedback possible for your projects [ even though they may seem quite harsh… That’s just Izumi for you… ] and his keen eye for detail helps him spot mistakes from a mile away !! Honestly this is quite helpful especially if you worked on something for so long that your eyes basically blocked out any sort of error in your work.
Always reminds you of any upcoming dates or assignments saying that he’s “going to say this only once,” before following up with more reminders later on because “it’s so~annoying that you still didn’t start when the due date is just around the corner !!”
Will go out of his way to organize your files. Every. Single. One of them. He will even go in and rename them all for you because he finds it unbearable that you have files called “ahufuhiahuifaf.ppt” or “FINAL final essay v2 (submit this one??) #5.docx” and you wonder why you can’t seem to find the version you wanted to submit huh?
If you’re the type to get fully engrossed in something when you’re on a roll, Izumi will make sure you don’t pull an all-nighter. Sleep deprivation isn’t good for your skin after all !!
The funniest commentator known to man if you’re doing online shopping. He will not hesitate to roast the outfits/products into oblivion in the best ways possible. At this point, you’re not even planning on getting anything, you just want to hear Izumi's roasts don’t you?
He may seem like a nagging mom, but he gets super flustered if you show any signs of affection. The literal personification of;
[ Pets his head. ] “What was that ?!” “Affection.” “Disgusting… Do it again.”
If you struggle with sending emails or messages to authority figures [ i.e. your boss, teachers, etc. ] Izumi will not hesitate to help you out !! He knows how the grown-up world works so he’ll guide you through it. Tips, sentence starters, professional synonyms and more; Izumi will give them all to you. He even went out of his way to write up various templates you can use for different scenarios <3 He totally didn’t do that because he doesn’t want you to worry or anything !! [ Spoiler alert : He’s secretly cheering you on. ]
Even though Izumi may seem strict, if you listen carefully, you might catch him mindlessly muttering under his breath on how much you mean to him <3 [ Don’t bring it up though, he WILL deny it… In a stuttering mess of course~ ]
Arashi Narukami :
This queen is your #1 supporter !! She’s always cheering you on when you’re doing work and keeps you company from the moment you log in till the moment you log out.
She’s like Izumi but more flexible. She wants to make sure you finish your work first before you chill, doesn’t want you to stay up too late, and will always give you reminders for any important dates that are coming up. At the same time though, she still lets you take breaks in between because she knows that you’ll get your work done eventually, she just doesn’t want you to do it all the night before~
Arashi loves hanging out with you !! Especially when you watch videos, shows or movies together !! The two of you would often make up various theories, predictions or just freak out over the characters !! It’s just like a super fun sleepover !!
If you play video games, don’t be surprised if she gets a little bit competitive~ It’s all for funsies though so don’t worry !! [ I don’t recommend playing UNO or monopoly online though... For obvious reasons~ ]
On the topic of video games, she’s the best partner you could ever ask for !! You always rank #1 in multiplayer matches together. Arashi never cheats by the way !! She plays by the rules no matter what game it is, even though she can easily go into the game's code if she wanted to. She knows you want to play fair-and-square though, and respects that.
Expect a lot of “older sister” - type of teasing and doting from her like c’mon~!! You’re both practically inseparable, did you really think she’ll let you off the hook ?? She finds you absolutely adorable and would spoil you to no end !!
Arashi also adores going online shopping with you !! She recommends the best products and even lets you know about every single website that’s currently having a sale~ If she finds something that she knows you’ll like, she’ll sneak it into your basket for you <3
If you’re swamped with work, she’ll actively organize your files for you to help ease your load. She’ll also happily tutor you if you need any help and will look over your work as a fresh new set of eyes to ensure that there’s no mistakes before submission !!
Swoons and showers you with affection if you give her any yourself~ She’s especially soft for your headpats or if you make a heart from your cursor movements !!
Every time you log in, you can see her pop into your screen and wave excitedly at you !! Arashi never fails to give you good morning and good night greetings and even gives your cursor a big hug before you finally click the “shutdown” button <3
Ritsu Sakuma :
Honestly, he’ll be asleep most of the time during the day. You can find him snuggled up in a small corner on your screen because your presence is comforting to him <3
At night however… This knight is much more active !! You better have finished your work during the day because Ritsu is craving for your attention and he’ll make sure he gets it !!
He will do everything in his power to distract you and honestly his efforts are quite cute. He’ll move your tabs, climb to the top of your window and minimize it, rearrange the apps on your dock. At this point, ignoring him is a futile attempt.
He actually understands if you have an important submission coming up though and will let you work. This is a long-term strategy because in his eyes, if you finish your work now, you’ll give him attention later on~
Ritsu loves when you give him headpats !! He finds them super soothing and it even lulls him to sleep sometimes. He also really appreciates the fact that you don’t bother him that much during the day [ even though you have every right to do so ] and in return, he tries his best to help you if he notices you struggling with anything.
A great planner !! As a "strategist", he helps plan out your schedules and timetables in a very detailed manner. All his timings include breaks so you don’t get burnt out easily~
He tends to be more of a watcher rather than an active participant when you work or play games because he finds your concentrated expression to be quite adorable~ Though, if you do need some help, he’ll happily give some to you !!
On the topic of video games, he will be such a tease. Ritsu’s your unofficial-official commentator and will constantly tell you to “get gud”. Even "chill" games like Minecraft aren't safe because he’ll purposefully adjust your settings without you knowing to subtly mess up your gameplay. Let's not forget that one session where he lowered the mob's volume when you were getting a glass of water so, when you came back, you constantly got blown up by Creepers from behind. Your diamonds will be missed…
You both talk a lot if you watch movies or shows together, but if you watch any vampire ones well… Safe to say Ritsu will roast it into oblivion as well. Poor Ritsu had to sit through the entirety of Twilight and no, vampires don’t sparkle in the sunlight so don’t even try to convince him otherwise !!
On the rare occasions where he’s actually awake during the day, he’s much more sluggish but will still try his best to help you as best as he can !! He expects a lot of headpats as compensation though~
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I, @makerofmadness aka the host of the @2023himbotournament am already ready to present the epic sequel (which will not start until a bit after the himboff ends, I'm announcing this now 'Cus the conclusion of the himboff is near):
Aka: The Vampire Tournament!
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The blood-sucking cast:
*Count Dracula (Dracula)
*Vampire Cookie (Cookie Run)
*Edward Cullen (Twilight)
*Draculaura (Monster High)
*Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
*Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
*Michael Morbius, MD (Morbius)
*Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla)
*William “Spike” Pratt (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
*Bunnicula (Bunnicula)
*Count Duckula (Count Duckula)
*Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)
*Alucard (Hellsing)
*Dracula Vlad Țepeș (Castlevania)
*Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles)
*Blade (Blade)
*Count Nightwing (Goosebumps)
*Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
*Marceline the Vampire Queen (Adventure Time)
*Slayer (Guilty Gear)
*Zero Kiryu (Vampire Knight)
*Benny Lafitte (Supernatural)
*Count von Count (Sesame Street)
*Sarah Fox (My Babysitter’s a Vampire)
*Lucifer (Dragon Ball)
*Vamdemon (Digimon Adventure)
*Rayne (BloodRayne)
*Nitara (Mortal Kombat)
*Remilia Scarlet (Touhou)
*Vamp (Metal Gear Solid)
*Vanescula Drakan (RuneScape)
*Vampirella (Vampirella)
*Lady Margolotta (Discworld)
*Aukon (Doctor Who)
*Dracunyan (Yokai Watch)
*David Powers (The Lost Boys)
*John Mitchell (Being Human)
*Edward Dalton (Daybreakers)
*Vladimir Dracula (Young Dracula)
*Grandpa Walt Montgomery ( R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour)
*Karin Maaka (Chibi Vampire)
*Bill Compton (True Blood)
*Hazuki (Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase)
*Vampirina Hauntley (Vampirina)
*Rudolph Sackville-Bagg (The Little Vampire)
*Erika Sendo (Fortune Arterial)
*Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil)
*Count Koopula (The Super Mario Bros. Super Show)
*Madame Gazelle (Peppa Pig)
*Lily Munster (The Munsters)
*Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
(For images of Ebony: on the roster I thought it'd be funny to have her basically replace the random character option, but for the tournament itself User @lil-tumbles has offered to draw her so a big thanks goes out to em for that)
Btw since this was a bit of a problem for me with the previous tournament: if you don't mind, could y'all put posts about this under the tag "super smash bats" so that I'll be able to look through that and see them? I like being able to tell what people are talking about, what characters you all are rooting for, etc. (it makes me happy to see people getting excited over stuff I do :'3 I'll admit it's kinda an ego thing but I just. Like knowing that I've made something that people care about and that makes people happy y'know-)
anyway this will probably start a week after the himboff ends, be prepared
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dolliedyhard · 1 year
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Hello and Welcome! I’m Luna, better known as the creator of DollieDyhard ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ I’m a MEGA creepypasta fan like… SUPER-ULTRA-MEGA. As you can guess my blog will be all about Creepypasta! Hooray🎉☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ From fanart to OC’s to creepy stories to comics, I’ll make it ALL! In fact I have my own creepypasta oc! Her name is Dollie Doxwood, nickname DollieDyhard (hence my username) she’s the blonde girlie in the pic above and my pfp :3 This blog will be centered around her! Learn more about her here!
Stuff about meh!
14 - poc - I’m a girl :3 - bday is June 5th -
I’ve been in the creepypasta fandom since 2017! >_<
I used 2 b scared of Slenderman and Jeff the killer when I was a little gal, like DEATHLY AFRAID. I thought they were real 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Now Jeff is my favorite pasta, he’s delicious🍝!
Nina, Jane and Slenderman are also my favorite pastas too♡
Do not interact list
Alt account: @xlunathekillerx
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♬♩♪♩ MY ♩♪♩♬
Every creepypasta fan comes with an obsession with punk-rock and alternative music, it’s a fact! Aaaaand that fact applies to me too _(┐「ε:)_
Favorite bands? Here’s a list! (In no particular order :v)
Pierce the Veil
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
Get Scared
Set it Off
Ghost Town
Three Days Grace
Avril Lavigne
Aaaand here are my favorite songs and albums!
Selfish Machines (Album) - Pierce The Veil <— THE BEST ALBUM OF ALL TIME (they should have got a Grammy for this)
A Flair For The Dramatic (Album) - Pierce The Veil
Collide With The Sky (Album) - Pierce The Veil
One X (Album) - Three Days Grace
A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out (Album) - Panic! At the Disco
Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge (Album) - My Chemical Romance
I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (Album) - My Chemical Romance
♬♩♪ ♬ ♩♪ ♬♩♪ ♬ ♩♪ ♬
Yeah Boy and Doll Face - Pierce The Veil
I Don’t Care If You’re Contagious - Pierce The Veil
Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides - Pierce The Veil
The Boy Who Could Fly - Pierce The Veil (With Southern Constellations)
Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) - Pierce The Veil
The Sky Under the Sea - Pierce The Veil
A Match Into Water - Pierce The Veil
Voodoo - Get Scared
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin
If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn - Sleeping With Sirens
Pain - Three Days Grace
Helena - My Chemical Romance
This Close - Flyleaf
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
Sk8r Boi - Avril Lavigne
Slipped Away - Avril Lavinge
Situations - Escape the Fate
I have playlists on YouTube and Spotify so you can listen if you want. I think they are pretty cool!
Here’s my Spotify playlist!:
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。・:*:・゚★ ,。・:*:・゚☆
A list of my other interests! Including anime, tv shows, and much more! If they are numbered it means they’re my top picks!
You might see me make fanart or mention from these fandoms! So that’s why I listed them.
1. Ouran High school Host Club, 2. Black Butler, 3. Death Note, 4. Sailor Moon, Chibi Vampire, Vampire Knight, Inu Yasha, Jujutsu Kaisen, Diabolic Lovers, Tokyo Mew Mew, That time I got reincarnated as a slime, Cardcaptor Sakura, Loveless, To Love Ru, Toliet-Bound Hanako-kun, Naruto, Hellsing Ultimate and Elfen Lied. (Many more but they aren’t important or I just forgot
1. The Boondocks, South Park, My Little Pony (concept tho. Show is too childish :/), Inside Job, Teenage mutant Ninja Turtles, Ninjago, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Camp Camp, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse, Deadpool, Sonic X and Invader Zim. (MANY MORE BUT I probably forgot… @_@)
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Thank you SOO MUCH for reading! ((o(^∇^)o)) a lot of people don’t read intros >_> so I’m glad you did :) (Comment with a 💖 emoji if u made it dis far ^_^) I hope you stick along for the ride because it’ll definitely get wild! XD
If you want to see more art from me check out my gallery on DeviantArt!
Anyways, that’s pretty much everything I got 2 say :D
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elstreem · 3 months
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Your local 1538 year old knight just having a stroll on the beach, looking all cute.
minor edit: I forgot to color in some stuff and I forgot his super cute bracelets nooooo Well I kinda drew his sleeve to drop over his hand because chibi proportions but I can't believe I forgot his bracelets arg. This just means I have to draw him again another time lol.
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carewyncromwell · 11 months
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“I’ve always been a smart girl... Always made the grade -- always got the gold star -- I’ve always been a smart girl, But ‘smart girl’ only gets a girl so far... You win at every single game... You want a quest -- they tell you, ‘tough!’ If you don't go, you'll never know If you’ll ever be good enough...”
~“My Grand Plan” from The Lightning Thief (musical)
Hey all! I thought I’d go ahead and draw up a proper concept for my HPMA girl Anastasia “Ana” Read, since quite frankly I never envisioned her as skinny, short, or talkative as MC in the game is. The lack of body diversity in the MC’s models in particular, or even among MC’s friends, is actually one of my biggest hang-ups with all of the recent Hogwarts games...as much as I understand up to a point thinking it’d be difficult to program a lot of different outfits or animations for different size models, it’s still a little sad to me how the player character is always programmed to be skinny, and in Magic Awakened in particular, that favoring of skinny character designs is only accented all the more thanks to the quasi-Tim-Burton-esque animation style, which favors toothpick-thin necks and limbs. It’s one of the few aspects of poor representation in Rowling’s original books that I would argue these recent games haven’t tried as hard to address -- we’ve seen attempts at more LGBT+ representation, as well as more positive representation for different cultural backgrounds and disabilities (especially in Hogwarts Mystery), but not as much in regards to rounder body types. And I guess for me, being raised by a woman who struggled with her weight her entire life, that’s a little sad. Regardless, it was nice to draw Ana again after such a long time, particularly using the original game’s model as a kick-off point!
If you’d like to learn more about my “Strong But Silent,” daydreamer, Sailor-Moon-loving girl Ana, here’s a masterpost of links to get you started!! Enclosed under the cut is the original unedited sketch, embellished with some extra messy chibi doodles of Ana I did on the same page, in case you’re interested!
Ana’s Moodboard
Ana’s Intro Post and Model Sheet
Ana’s Playlist
Meet Ana’s awesome step-dad, Bradley!
See Ana’s dynamic with her stepdad and stepbrothers!
Bradley’s Moodboard
Preston’s Moodboard
Jasper’s Moodboard
Why Bradley is the best dad ever
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The first doodle is kind of based on that first pair of duels with the Frey twins and Cassandra Vole in the game. As I discussed with my friend @dat-silvers-girl​, I see Ana being suuuuper quiet the entire time, to the point that everyone thinks she’s really shy or nervous, until she -- seemingly out of nowhere -- uses Wingardium Leviosa to levitate poor Colby a good five feet off the ground and then abruptly drop him, effectively putting an end to the duel before it even got started. (As it turned out, Ana was really inspired by Flitwick’s story about Ron Weasley using the spell on that mountain troll to protect his friends and worked super hard to master the spell herself, with the thought that maybe she could do something that cool someday. It ends up becoming one of Ana’s favorite spells to duel with, though she usually uses it to levitate herself over her opponents to give herself the literal “high ground.”) Ana accepted Cassandra’s invitation to the Dueling Club, as well as challenges Cassandra on the dueling field several more times over the years, out of her strong sense of honor, which is funnily enough rather akin a knight’s -- Ana will never back down from a challenge, and if her loved ones or her view of common decency have been insulted, she will absolutely ask to “take it outside” and fight the dispute out on the dueling field, rather than insult the person back, ignore them, or actively lose her temper and attack them straight out. 
The second doodle is Ana in class, a good chunk of the time. Ana isn’t actually that shy, nor is she stuck-up, but she’s much better at writing eloquent essays than coming up with witty phrases or sassy one-liners on a whim. And because of how incredibly sensitive she secretly is (and the bullying she experienced for both her magic and her weight), she’s actually kind of hard to get to know, preferring the company of her fiction books to lots of people. She’s honestly a true “Belle” type, if one thinks of Beauty and the Beast, despite being in the house of Lions.
The last doodle is of Ana with Daniel Page, because, amazingly, these two are on the exact same wave length when it comes to the Statute of Secrecy, though for very different reasons! Ana’s stepfather, Bradley Pinkstone, is a pro-Muggle and Squib rights activist who passionately believes that the Wizarding World should find a way to work alongside the Muggle World, to the extent that the Statute of Secrecy isn’t necessary -- he and his sons even work in a theater alongside Muggles everyday, embracing Muggle technology just as much as they do magic! With Ana being Muggle-born herself, she’s likewise very supportive of the thought that if the two worlds knew more about each other, other little magical kids wouldn’t have to grow up feeling like freaks and outcasts the way she did. That doesn’t mean that Ana would ultimately agree with NOTME’s tactics, though -- she thinks there’s a very big difference between protesting against an unjust law and causing abject terror and chaos. (I personally see Daniel as more of a Ravenclaw/Slytherin type than a Gryffindor type myself, but that’s just my headcanon.)
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vg-mom-throwdown · 1 year
The List is Here!
We’ve gone through all your submissions and picked out the 64 characters that will fight for the title of Best VG Mom! Down below is all the match-ups that will take place, but they haven’t been placed on a bracket up. We tried to keep all match-ups as fair as possible, but please give us feedback if you feel like some of them are unfair. We wanna keep this fun for all, no matter how big or small the game might be. Please take a look! - 🐟
Meta Knight (Kirby) Vs. Olimar (Pikmin)
Ender Dragon (Minecraft) Vs. Minecraft Chicken (Minecraft)
All PC Moms (Pokemon) Vs. Your Mom (Animal Crossing)
Lusamine (Pokemon SM) Vs. Melony (Pokemon SWSH)
Hinawa (Mother 3) Vs. Ness’ Mom (Earthbound)
Persephone (Hades) Vs. Nyx (Hades)
Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) Vs. Honey Queen (Super Mario Galaxy)
Yayoi Dojima (Yakuza) vs. Yumi Sawamura (Yakuza)
Thora West (Slime Rancher) Vs. Grimora (Inscryption)
Among Us Crewmate (Among Us) vs. Mama Rabbit (The Man in the Window)
Queen (Deltarune) Vs. GLaDOS (Portal)
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Mommy Mearest (Friday Night Funkin)
Yoshi (Super Mario) Vs. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Crono’s Mom (Crono Trigger) Vs. Isaac’s Mom (The Binding of Isaac)
5-Volt (WarioWare) Vs. Mrs. Sanderson (Chibi-Robo)
Lumera (Fire Emblem) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Kyra (Our Life) Vs. Niko’s Mom (OneShot)
Cubone’s Mom (Pokemon) Vs. Kangaskhan (Pokemon)
Urbosa (Legends of Zelda) Vs. Impa (Legends of Zelda)
Milla Vodello (Psychonauts) Vs. Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Joyce Price (Life is Strange) Vs. Lisa Johnson-Fisher (Sally Face)
Ei/Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) Vs. Cloud Retainer (Genshin Impact)
Freya (God of War) Vs. Morrigan (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Naru (Ori and The Blind Forest) Vs. Masked Songbird (Songbird Symphony)
The Night Mother (Skyrim) Vs. Sole Survivor (Fallout 4)
Kara (Detroit Become Human) Vs. M (Xenoblade 3)
Mother Brain (Metroid) Vs. Lisa Tepes (Castlevania)
Ballora (Sister Location) Vs. Isa (Minecraft: Story Mode)
Sonic Boom (Skylanders) Vs. Worried Mother (Miitopia)
The Queen of all Cosmos (Katamari Damacy) Vs. Hitomi Sagan (Ai: The Somnium FIle)
Justine Courtney (Ace Attorney) Vs. Link’s Grandma (LOZ Wind Waker)
Cooking Mama (Cooking Mama) Vs. Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village)
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neoyi · 1 year
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He's here! I figured a second Specter Knight plushie was inevitable since Symbiote Studios made a Plague Knight one years after the original from ForFansByFans; depending on how different Specter would look from the first Specter plsuhie, I'd have been more than willing to double dip.
While First Edition Specter maintains a simplified, but no less adorable chibi-ish form, Symbiote Studio's Specter is more accurate to his default design and is a lankier boy at a full twelve inches (first pic of him looks super depressed, though who's really surprised here?)
I really appreciate the scythe can be attached to his back (ala magnet), so he can have his accessory with him without me wondering where to place it (and hope my ADHD ass does not forget where I stored it.)
In any case, both plushies are fantastic and I'm more than happy to welcome another version of my favorite garbage dumpster grim reaper dude into my home.
To my surprise, they gave me a free propeller rat with purchase! I didn't even ask for it, but I'll gladly take 'em!
The Specter plushie is on sale now. You can purchase him here.
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skullbuilt · 8 months
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saw this 5 x 5 games thing on twitter the other day, took me a while to figure mine out! here's the link- i want to see other people's! full text under the cut
Final Fantasy VIII, Xenogears, Chibi-Robo, Persona 3 Portable, Transistor
Pokemon Snap, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Mega Man X
Luigi's Mansion, Katamari Damacy, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Elden Ring, Kirby Super Star Ultra
Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition, Enter the Gungeon, Star Fox 64, Left 4 Dead, AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
Final Fantasy VI, Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, Anatomy, Metroid Fusion, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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cerinelle-stellarium · 6 months
The Quinssential Shoujo Beginner's Guide
Aishiteruze Baby
Baby and Me
Chibi Maruko-chan
Dennou Coil
The Fox and Little Tanuki
Gakuen Babysitters
Haikara-san ga Tooru
Happy Happy Clover
Kageki Shoujo!!
Laughing Under the Clouds
My Roommate is a Cat
Natsume's Book of Friends
Not Your Idol (Perfect Blue but shoujo)
Paradise Kiss
Psychic Detective Yakumo
Raven of the Inner Palace
Shounen Maid
Spirited Away
Sukeban Deka
Unico (+ the reboot manga; Awakening)
Ame Nochi Hare
Ao Haru Ride
Beauty Pop
Boys Over Flowers
The Cherry Project
A Condition Called Love
La Corda d'Oro
Dawn of the Arcana
Dengeki Daisy
Dreamin' Sun
Earl and Fairy
Faster Than a Kiss
Hana no Kishi
Here is Greenwood
Hibi Chouchou
High School Debut
Hiiro no Kakera
His and Her Circumstances
I Am Here!
Itazura na Kiss
Kamisama Kiss
Kimi ni Todoke
Kitchen Princess
Lovely Complex
Maria Watchess Over Us
My Happy Marriage
My Love Story!!
Only Yesterday
Ore-sama Teacher
Ouran High School Host Club
QQ Sweeper (and its' sequel Queen's Quality)
Red River (1995)
The Rose of Versailles
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
Skip Beat
Snow White With the Red Hair6
Special A
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
UFO Baby
The Wallflower
Whisper of the Heart
Yona of the Dawn
Yumeiro Patisserie
Introduction to the Magical Girl Genre
Aikatsu franchise
Akazukin Chacha
Bee and Puppycat (Just be aware that tthe story isn't really up to snuff)
Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine
Corrector Yui (Just be aware that the transformations in the anime are full of fanservice)
Creamy Mami, The Magic Angel (and her fellow 80’s and 90's Studio Pierrot magical girls)
Full Moon
Girls x Heroine franchise
Hime-chan's Ribbon
Himitsu no Akko-chan
Jewelpet franchise
Kaitou Saint Tail
Kiki's Delivery Service
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magical Angel Sweet Mint
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS
Ojamajo Doremi
Phantom Thief Jeanne
Pretty Cure (Just avoid tthe 2 seasons between Splash Star and Fresh plus the 15th anniversary season if you don't want to get jumpscared by p*dophillia showing up in a kids' cartoon)
Pretty Series
Princess Knight
Princess Tutu
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Sailor Moon (Manga and reboot anime series)
Sally the Witch (The capstone of all magical girl media to exist)
Sugar Sugar Rune
Super Pig
Tokyo Mew Mew (Personally rec reading the manga first, then watching New then the first anime)
Tweeny Witches
Ultra Maniac
Umi Monogatari
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snowboyclarkov · 6 months
Everybody Is Dead...!
In the Metal Fight Beyblade verse, Rago is capable via Diablo Nemesis of absorbing the power of his opponent and gaining their abilities. He can also gain the abilities and power of everyone that opponent has fought from the beginning to the present.
Despite this, Pluto states that Nemesis has the power of every bey in the world by the time he and Rago do battle with the Legendary Bladers and company. It opens the door to a potential trickle down effect that would go on and on. It makes Rago's main ability one of the most horrifying in any verse.
This got me thinking about another potential trickle down that could be applied to another overpowered deity. This one being of light rather than destruction. Galeem. Due to the incredible amount of crossovers and cameos that can be traced via some path to someone within the Super Smash Bros verse, there's a disturbing amount of verses that are almost certainly reduced to non-existence alongside everyone that ever existed within that verse by the Lord of Light and it's "Everybody Is Dead" attack. That isn't counting restoring the verses back into existence and shuffling them while everyone in them become mindless slaves. Even the verses with stages, Mii outfits and music have potential to be completely screwed. A scenario like this would represent the absolute highest limit of Galeem's power...
The Verses In Danger of Becoming Un-Made and Un-Alived
Section 1
Super Mario
Donkey Kong (verse)
The Legend of Zelda
Yoshi's Island
Kirby (verse) - Kirby dies if either Galeem or Dharkon win in the end, having barely escaped Galeem's initial onslaught.
Star Fox
Ice Climber
Fire Emblem
Game & Watch
Kid Icarus
Wario (verse)
Metal Gear
Sonic the Hedgehog - Includes Frontiers, so Sage becomes un-alive. The End gets Galeem'd too.
R.O.B. (verse)
Animal Crossing
Mega Man (verse)
Wii - Includes Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Party, et cetera. Part of the wider Mii verse.
Pac-Man (verse)
Xenoblade Chronicles
Duck Hunt
Street Fighter
Final Fantasy
Bayonetta (verse)
Dragon Quest
Fatal Fury
Kingdom Hearts
The King of Fighters
Section 2
Paper Mario
Streetpass Mii Plaza - Part of the wider Mii verse.
Pilotwings - Part of the wider Mii verse.
Nintendo Land - Part of the wider Mii verse.
Sheriff (verse)
Baseball (verse)
Tennis (verse)
Devil World
Urban Champion
Clu Clu Land
Balloon Fight
Mach Rider
The Mysterious Murasame Castle
Famicom Mukashibanashi
Ice Hockey (verse)
Famicom Grand Prix
Famicom Wars
Advance Wars
Detective Club - Also known as Famicom Detective Club
Joy Mech
X (verse)
The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls
Mole Mania
Card Hero
Battle Clash
Stunt Race FX
Panel de Pon
Sutte Hakkun
Origin of the Forest
Wave Race
Custom Robo
Sin and Punishment
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Napoleon (verse)
Golden Sun
Magical Starsign
Tomato Adventure
The Legendary Starfy
Thousand Year Family
The Tower
Drill Dozer
Rhythm Heaven
Eternal Darkness
Baten Kaitos
Chibi Robo!
Jam With The Band
Another Code
Brain Age
Big Brain Academy
Elite Beat Agents
Project Hacker
Chōsōjū Mecha MG
Hotel Dusk
Kurikin Nano Island Story
Number Battle
Slide Adventure MAGKID
Archaic Sealed Heat
Make 10
Soma Bringer
Fossil Fighters
Glory of Heracles
Personal Trainer: Cooking
Style Savvy
Art Academy
Looksley's Line Up
Tsukutte Utau: Saru Band
Fatal Frame
Captain Rainbow
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Takt of Magic
Zangeki no Reginliev
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Steel Diver
Sakura Samurai
Swapnote - Part of the wider Mii verse.
Kiki Trick
Dillon's Rolling Western
Shovel Knight
Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
Nintendo Badge Arcade
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.
Ever Oasis
Sushi Striker
The Wonderful 101
Rayman (verse)
Bomberman (verse)
Virtua Fighter
Monster Hunter
Shantae (verse)
Nintendo Labo - Part of the real world.
Daemon X Machina
Art of Fighting
Samurai Shodown
Psycho Soldier
Ikari Warriors
Resident Evil
Astral Chain
River City
Cuphead (verse)
Ring Fit Adventure
Octopath Traveler
Bravely Default
Ghosts 'n Goblins
Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin
No More Heroes
Wrecking Crew
Section 3
Tomodachi - Also known as Tomodachi Life. Part of the wider Mii verse.
Miiverse - Part of the wider Mii verse.
Babylonian Castle Saga
Goemon (verse)
Assassin's Creed
The Elder Scrolls
Devil May Cry
Shin Onigashima
Nintendo Hardware - Includes Mii Channel, Wii Shop Channel, etc.
AR Games
NES Remix
Tank Troopers
Section 4
Soul [via The Legend of Zelda]
The Walking Dead [via Tekken]
Spawn (verse) [via Soul]
Mortal Kombat [via Spawn]
God of War [via Soul]
A Nightmare On Elm Street [via Mortal Kombat]
Friday The 13th [via Mortal Kombat]
Texas Chainsaw Massacre [via Mortal Kombat]
Predator [via Mortal Kombat]
Alien [via Mortal Kombat]
Terminator [via Mortal Kombat]
Robocop [via Mortal Kombat]
Rambo [via Mortal Kombat]
Injustice [via DC]
DC [via Mortal Kombat]
Hellboy [via Injustice]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [via Injustice]
Power Rangers [via Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Star Trek [via Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Masters of the Universe [via Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Star Wars [via Soul]
The Witcher [via Soul]
NieR [via Soul]
Drakengard [via NieR]
Indiana Jones [via Star Wars]
Dead By Daylight [via Alien]
Halloween [via Dead By Daylight]
Left 4 Dead [via Dead By Daylight]
Saw [via Dead By Daylight]
Scream [via Dead By Daylight]
Evil Dead [via Dead By Daylight]
Stranger Things [via Dead By Daylight]
Silent Hill [via Dead By Daylight]
World Wrestling Entertainment [via Mortal Kombat] - part of the real world.
Section 5
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale [via Metal Gear]
Uncharted [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
LittleBig Planet [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
Ratchet & Clank [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
Jak & Daxter [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
Gravity Rush [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
BioShock [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
Dead Space [via PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale]
DreamMix TV World Fighters [via Castlevania]
Transformers [via DreamMix TV World Fighters]
Bakuten Shoot Beyblade [via DreamMix TV World Fighters] - Part of a wider Beyblade verse.
Beyblade X [via Bakuten Shoot Beyblade] - Part of a wider Beyblade verse.
Beyblade Burst [via Transformers] - Part of a wider Beyblade verse.
Metal Fight Beyblade [via Beyblade Burst] - Part of a wider Beyblade verse.
Section 6
Astro's Playroom [via Tekken]
The Last of Us [via Astro's Playroom]
Horizon Zero Dawn [via Astro's Playroom]
Ghost of Tsushima [via Astro's Playroom]
Resistance [via Astro's Playroom]
ICO [via Astro's Playroom] - Includes Shadow of the Colossus & The Last Guardian
Bloodborne [via Astro's Playroom]
Tomb Raider [via Astro's Playroom]
Crash Bandicoot [via Astro's Playroom]
Spyro the Dragon [via Astro's Playroom]
Legacy of Kain [via Astro's Playroom]
Brawlhalla [via Tomb Raider]
Ben 10 [via Brawlhalla]
Steven Universe [via Brawlhalla]
Section 7
Project x Zone [via Street Fighter]
Ace Attorney [via Project x Zone]
Professor Layton [via Ace Attorney]
Darkstalkers [via Project x Zone]
Resonance of Fate [via Project x Zone]
Marvel vs. Capcom [via Street Fighter]
Marvel [via Marvel vs. Capcom]
Disney [via Marvel]
Pixar [via Disney]
Fortnite [via Street Fighter]
Unreal [via Fortnite]
Who Framed Roger Rabbit [via Disney]
Looney Tunes [via Who Framed Roger Rabbit]
Betty Boop [via Who Framed Roger Rabbit]
Woody Woodpecker [via Who Framed Roger Rabbit]
Droopy [via Who Framed Roger Rabbit]
Space Jam [via Looney Tunes]
Ōkami [via Marvel vs. Capcom]
Dead Rising [via Marvel vs. Capcom]
Section 8
Blazblue [via Persona] - Includes Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle
Under Night In-Birth [via Blazblue]
RWBY [via Blazblue]
Vocaloid [via Persona] - Specifically, through Hatsune Miku. Crypton Vocaloids and Internet Co. Ltd. Vocaloids all affected. Includes Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA.
Arcana Heart [via Blazblue]
Senran Kagura [via Blazblue]
Akatsuki Blitzkampf [via Blazblue]
Dead or Alive [via Senran Kagura]
Super Sonico [via Senran Kagura]
Neptunia [via Senran Kagura]
Just Dance [via Vocaloid]
Like A Dragon [via Vocaloid] - Also known as Yakuza.
The Idolmaster [via Vocaloid]
Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion [via Vocaloid]
Neon Genesis Evangelion [via Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion]
Godzilla [via Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion]
Lucky Star [via Vocaloid]
Haruhi Suzumiya [via Lucky Star]
Groove Coaster [via Vocaloid]
Hololive [via Groove Coaster]
Kizuna AI [via Groove Coaster]
Aikatsu! [via Vocaloid]
Pretty Series [via Aikatsu!]
Ace Combat [via The Idolmaster]
God Eater [via The Idolmaster]
Granblue Fantasy [via The Idolmaster]
Katamari Damacy [via The Idolmaster]
Taiko no Tatsujin [via The Idolmaster]
Ridge Racer [via The Idolmaster]
Tales [via The Idolmaster]
Super Robot Wars [via The Idolmaster]
Smite [via RWBY]
Avatar: The Last Airbender [via Smite]
Nicktoons Unite! [via Avatar: The Last Airbender]
SpongeBob SquarePants [via Nicktoons Unite!]
The Fairly OddParents! [via Nicktoons Unite!]
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius [via Nicktoons Unite!]
Invader Zim [via Nicktoons Unite!]
Danny Phantom [via Nicktoons Unite!]
Rugrats [via Nicktoons Unite!]
My Life As A Teenage Robot [via Nicktoons Unite!]
Ren & Stimpy [via Nicktoons Unite!]
Halo [via Dead or Alive]
Forza [via Halo]
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [via Fire Emblem]
Shin Megami Tensei [via Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE]
The Loud House [via Nicktoons Unite!]
Touhou Project [via Groove Coaster]
Jeremy Clarkson/Richard Hammond/James May [via Forza]
Katawa Shoujo [via Haruhi Suzumiya] - Galeem's whole thing seems like something out of Rin Tezuka's worst nightmares.
Section 9
Lego Dimensions [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
The Lord of the Rings [via Lego Dimensions]
Harry Potter [via Lego Dimensions]
Back to the Future [via Lego Dimensions]
The Lego Movie [via Lego Dimensions]
Jurassic Park [via Lego Dimensions]
Adventure Time [via Lego Dimensions]
Ghostbusters [via Lego Dimensions]
Mission: Impossible [via Lego Dimensions]
The Powerpuff Girls [via Lego Dimensions]
Knight Rider [via Lego Dimensions]
Gremlins [via Lego Dimensions]
The Goonies [via Lego Dimensions]
The Wizard of Oz [via Lego Dimensions]
Portal [via Lego Dimensions] - Includes Half-Life
Legends of Chima [via Lego Dimensions]
The A-Team [via Lego Dimensions]
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial [via Lego Dimensions]
Beetlejuice [via Lego Dimensions]
Scooby Doo [via Lego Dimensions]
Ninjago [via Lego Dimensions]
Doctor Who [via Lego Dimensions]
O.K. K.O.! Let's Be Heroes [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
RPG World [via O.K. K.O.! Let's Be Heroes]
Captain Planet [via O.K. K.O.! Let's Be Heroes]
Wacky Races [via O.K. K.O.! Let's Be Heroes]
Angry Birds [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Hello Kitty [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Gundam [via Hello Kitty]
Super Monkey Ball [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Jet Set Radio [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Crazy Taxi [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
House of the Dead [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Shenmue [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Space Channel 5 [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Skies of Arcadia [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
NiGHTS Into Dreams [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Team Fortress 2 [via Sonic the Hedgehog]
Fall Guys [via Team Fortress 2]
Poker Night At The Inventory [via Team Fortress 2]
Sam & Max [via Poker Night At The Inventory]
Homestar Runner [via Poker Night At The Inventory]
Penny Arcade [via Poker Night At The Inventory]
Borderlands [via Poker Night At The Inventory]
The Venture Brothers [via Poker Night At The Inventory]
Section 10
The Simpsons [via Super Mario]
Futurama [via The Simpsons]
Family Guy [via The Simpsons] - Includes American Dad!.
Bob's Burgers [via The Simpsons]
Rick & Morty [via The Simpsons]
Cheers [via The Simpsons] - Includes Frasier.
The X-Files [via The Simpsons]
Archer [via The Simpsons]
King of the Hill [via The Simpsons]
South Park [via The Simpsons]
Tamagotchi [via Super Mario]
Shaun The Sheep [via Super Mario Maker] - Includes Wallace & Gromit.
Nisekoi [via Super Mario Maker]
Monogatari [via Nisekoi]
Puella Magi Madoka Magica [via Monogatari]
Onegai My Melody [via Super Mario Maker]
Shinya Arino [via Super Mario Maker] - Part of the real world.
Babymetal [via Super Mario Maker] - Part of the real world.
Section 11
Naruto [via Tekken]
One Piece [via Naruto]
Bleach [via Naruto]
Dragon Ball [via Naruto]
Yu-Gi-Oh! [via Naruto]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure [via Naruto]
My Hero Academia [via Naruto]
Digimon [via Tekken]
Fist of the North Star [via Naruto]
Urusei Yatsura [via Fist of the North Star]
Ranma 1/2 [via Urusei Yatsura]
InuYasha [via Urusei Yatsura]
Section 12
DuckTales [via Minecraft] - Includes Quack Pack and Darkwing Duck.
Toy Story [via Minecraft]
Pirates of the Caribbean [via Minecraft]
Quake [via Doom]
Wolfenstein [via Doom]
Commander Keen [via Doom]
Yooka-Laylee [via Shovel Knight]
Creepy Castle [via Shovel Knight]
Super Meat Boy [via Shovel Knight]
Cave Story [via Shovel Knight]
Five Night's At Freddy's [via Shovel Knight]
Enter The Gungeon [via Super Meat Boy]
The Binding of Isaac [via Super Meat Boy]
...and this list isn't even all of them. By far.
Here's a full chart that someone that isn't me made. It includes Warhammer, so the Emperor of Mankind was murdered or possibly deleted from existence. I doubt that would be allowed to stand. Ever.
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