#Steve Reveiws
marinerainbow · 6 months
I h a v e to know what Padak is about XD
Oh... Oh you sweet summer child, you don't know?
Well I'm glad I can tell you instead of you like, stumbling on this movie and having all of it jump out at you XD
Ok ok, I genuinely love this film and I'll admit, I really want to take a moment to geek out about it. But that would involve in me getting into spoiler territory. So, in case you decide to look for this film yourself, I'll just give you the generalized story here.
The movie is about a lone mackerel, later in the film named Padak for trying to 'padak padak her way to her death' (she jumped out of the tank and was flip flopping on the ground. I'm guessing Padak is Korean for Flip-Flop? It's a good thing this film wasn't Australian, or else she'd be named Thong. I'm sorry) is fished out of the sea and dropped into a tank at a local restaurant, and has to escape back to home, all while trying to convince her new tank-mates to escape with her. Simple plot, right? Well... Here's a quote from the YouTube review that introduced me to Padak that pretty much sums up the whole movie perfectly.
"Imagine if you took the fish tank setting from Finding Nemo and mixed it with the graphic violence from Watership Down, drizzled it in the depressing tone of Plague Dogs, and gave it a garnish of that sushi scene from The Isle of Dogs. That's basically this film on a plate."
Steve Reveiws, Padak
Now, why is the sushi scene prevalent? Because this film takes place in a Korean restaurant where their food is as fresh as possible. Meaning that the fish are prepared and even eaten while still alive. And this film pulls zero punches in showing the horrors of this kind of delicacy (no, I'm serious. A fish is literally cut up and dissected on screen. This movie takes off the kid gloves and throws them in the God damn incinerator). So yeah, there are a lot of images in this film that will be upsetting to veiwers. But this film isn't gorey just for the sake of gore. It tells a genuinely very sad story and will wring out emotions from your heart, and can also be breathtaking with its musical and 2D animated segments.
I'd recommend checking out this reveiw before trying to find the film, though. Even if watching a reveiw is not at all like watching the movie, this guy does censor some of the more extreme gore (like the scene I mentioned above). He doesn't censor all of it, but I think this video is still the best introduction to this movie.
However, if you want to check out the movie, I could only find it on this website https://online.potlockermovies.com/full-movie/padak/ it's free, and it does have English subtitles (the movie doesn't have an English dub), but there are a lot if pop up adds and it's probably going to get frustrating clicking off of them, but this site was still the best I could find to watch Padak.
It's interesting to note that this film does not go in the direction you might expect it to. If it weren't for the fact that I had watched the video above before the movie itself, I would have been just as shocked with how it ended and what happened to our characters as Steve was. But at the same time, the film does establish right away that it's going for more... For lack of a better term, realistic approach. So although the film goes in an unexpected direction, it's also hard to say that it cheated you out of your time to view it.
Again, to try to keep this as spoiler free as possible, I'm only going to sum up the third act in lyrics from the last song of the movie that speaks mountains once you realize it.
Destiny tricks us like fools.
He also gives off a kind of viscious cunning vibe in the movie? Like he's the second in command character that's a bit of a bastard. I think you might like him if you watch this movie. And the old Flatfish who is 'The Master' of the tank.
Oh yeah also, there's this eel (who I think is named Anago? Or Jooldom? His name is never mentioned in the film, however the video above calls him Jooldom, and I've seen people on this site argue his name is meant to be Anago. There isn't much information for this movie online, unfortunately.) who everyone wants to become the next tumblr sexyman. All because of his voice. To be fair, it is a nice voice.
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milksteakkk · 2 years
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
The Owl House Weekly Reviews: King’s Tide: Watcha Playin?
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Happy pride alll you happy gay, bi, pan, trans, enby, and anyone on the beautiful techincolor people! I intended to start with more David Bowie’s crotch but with the week getting away from me and with a lot to do this weekend that’ll have to wait. Still we’re back to the gayest place on earth one last time this season and for some of the last of my weekly coverage. I might do it for season 3, we’ll see, but while doing episodes of a show every week has been fun with ya’ll, it’s also incredibly stressful at times as I wasn’t able to finalize my schedule till the week before the next month. I’ll still likely cover one off episodes or do quick thoughts on new shows down the pipe like Hamster and Gretel and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur or ones in progress I watch like Big City Greens or The Ghost and Molly McGee, but as for doing reviews of shows as they come out
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I”ll still be here reveiwing all kinds of fun animation and comics stuff though, and it’s pride which means it’s time for superman, simpsons and one of the most baffling lines in the history of media
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And time to say goodbye for now for the last time to one of the best shows in recent memory. I stand by that 100% and have said it plenty: Owl House is a masterpiece, with it’s pacing, characterization and plot movement both feeling effortless and moving at rapid pace. It’s especially apparent this half as it’s become clearer that they DID in fact know season 3 was getting cut sometime this season, likely during the second half... and somehow managed to compress plot lines that were likely meant to play out over far more episodes into only a few, Hunter’s relationship with willow (which still hasn’t upgraded but we got plenty of crumbs to keep us huntlows fed), Alador’s face turn, the resitance, steve’s face turn, king dealing with what he is. .it’s clear these were PROBABLY supposed to take longer, but still feel fully realized as is. Despite knowing they coudln’t do everything they still did the most with what they had and it makes the anticipation for the finale movies all the bigger. The season didn’t just stick the landing it fucking piroutted into it. So let’s discuss that under the cut with full spoilres, though it has been long enough thanks to those busy few days I could put my new faviorite little shit up there without fearing it was too much. 
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So yeah while this is the only review without amphibia this season, supposed to be one of two but you know
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I still don’t be doing the strict plot summary I often do. So let’s just go right up front and knock... the collector has finally fully been unleashed and we finally see who he is and it is both great and a lot. Prevoiusly while the collector spoke and acted like a child, it was hard to tell just HOW innocent he was. Was he just deeply immature and psychotic like Bill Cipher but gleefully aware how terrible his actions, like helping with genoicde are, or simply something more like Anthony Fremont, where due to being a child with the reality warping powers of a god, he dosen’t realize just how horrifying he is or his actoins are and there hasn’t been anyone powerful enough to properly teach him. To him humans, demons, witches and blob monster men that only one person in the entire world finds attractive, hello Bogs, are just people to play games with or toys to break. He dosen’t understand why say, splatting belos like a pile of gack on a wall is fucking horrifying or that possibly doing so to the hexasquad is wrong. It dosen’t entirely EXCUSE him from being terrible, but it explains it.  
He’s also pitable. Sure he’s terrifying, again he took the big bad of the story who no one else has been able to take on in a straight fight and who even as near mindless monster STILL nearly killed the hexasquad and only lost because King summoned a god he happend to piss off.. but he also seemed to GENINELY value Belos as a friend and given what we’ve seen of phillip, he’s a skilled manipulator. He prayed on a child with flexible morals and then tossed him down a ravine. It’s one of the MANY, MANY reasons seeing him become wall gunk was so fucking satisfying. He’s not innocent and if he is to be redeemed he needs to, much like say the diamonds, work to undo the massive damage he’s done and is probably about to do. But I still have hope for him: he’s still a child. A child who needs to be disiplinced and taught right from wrong. Granted he could easily cross the moral event horizion wayyyy too far in the specials, but he could also come back> It’s a coin flip. 
But the design, voice work and character theme are all top notcha nd the scene of him making belos into wall mold is fucking incredible from the little smile on him to just how fucking terrified belos is.. I mean everyone else too but again after having to put up with this prick for so long it’s just so NICE to see him terrified seconds before getting turned into abstract art. He sadly didn’t die but I doubt reforming as an alolan grimer in gravesfield will be much better for him.  The point is in just a few minutes of proper screentime the collector goes from a creepy engima to an even creepier but far more complex god being whose giving our heroes their greatest challenge yet. I have NO idea how they’ll beat him and odds are it’ll have to be with empathy and thought instead of a straight up fight because if so the cast is gonna shrink a LOTTTT. I mean we’re in the endgame so we’re at the point where if Dana’s gonna kill anyone, it’s now, but it’s clear they can’t beat him. 
So moving on to Phillip, we get more of a build to the fact his “grand victory” which is racist jerkhole terms for “mass genocide on a global scale”.. is really going to win him nothing. He’s dressed in period clothes planning to go back and not getting time has passed him by: puritan is a term for uptight asshole stuck in the past, with phillip convently the dictonary picture, witches are part of popular media, including this one, and are at worst cackling halloween decorations or tearing apart reality to find replacement kids, and society in general would see him as a crazy old man.. which he is but not for the reasons they think .He’s so deluded himself he never even considered things change till luz brings it up. With the collector it was clear he just didn’t want to hear it but with Luz he feels a kinship in species wanting to “save her”. But likely like it was for his brother since as it turns out puritans be fucking nuts, thanks Jess for that one, this world.. was her salvation. She fit in here. His nightmare is her daydream. It found her friends, love, a second mom, a brother, and made her better. It could’ve made Phillip better too but he clung so hard to his prejudices he made himself a monster as much outside as in. Luz learned who she was wasn’t perfect and changed.. phillip clung to the flawed person he was and the horrible idologies beaten into him and changed too.. becoming worse, giving into his worst tendencies.
It’s also what makes their fight satsifying: Luz does show she’s come a long way pulling off a sick fire combo and other great moves.. but ultimately she’s a fast learner, since the titan actually likes her, against a trained mastre whose had hundreds of years to pull of combos she can’t fathom and unlike her has a stick to fast track that shit. As such she looses... then wins again. See belos in a fight.. is near unbeastable with power both from his mutation and from sheer skill and mastery. It’s why the day of unity was so daunting, even if our heroes cleared the heads, the armies, the abomintons.. they still had to deal with Philip himself. And even as a group their odds weren’t great. But as a person while his scheming is near imptetnrible his ego isn’t. He thinks so little of anyone besides himself, that he’s very easy to manipulate. Luz played him the first time.. and does so again this time using a coven glove he left around to brand him, not only giving him the same death sentence he gladly gave everyone else, but with his own weapon. 
Sadly though.. this dosen’t work. The spell is already in motion thanks to Terra, and I found the fact she simply figured out Rahne wasn’t brainwashed anymore was clever. I thought spying through his eyes or having a literal spy, but nope the bats are guilt free... and in the case of steve and amber just plain free as their not in this episodes, which I feel will be importnat. Or they just couldn’t fit all of them in a goop ring
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Either way their absence is noticable. As is bump and the younger witches which is either a chekovs gun or Dana finally forgot something admist having to speedrun everything which if that’s the case it’s still something we can live without for now and it’s impressive only NOW she’s forgotten anything.. and I still have faith she didn’t and this is all deliebrate as it always has been. We’ll see in the fall I suppose. 
Point is the rebellions failure is sad: it was ineveitble, especailly with Luz going directly to asshole do not pass go do not collect 20 dollars, and while it’s nice there was no traitor and VERY nice to FINALLY see the other coven heads scrap, even if we didn’t get personalities because fuck you disney, it was still sad to see everything fall apart to see our heroes loose.. and our villians realize instead of utopia.. they just get to die. There was no grand design.. just death and they caused their own. *IT’s a fitting defeat for terra.. her own manipualtions and selfishness nearly killed her. I doubt it’s the last we’ll see. And I hope so. I still want to know what creepy healing guy and potion scarf man’s deals are. What ARE THEY. 
But yes, Belos NEARLY wins. As while Luz’s gambit is clever it forgot one thing: Belos dosen’t CARE if he lives or dies. Sure he wanted to go home, but as he said to himself while summoning the collector he had to live long enough “to see this througH” so if long enough is “while everyone else dies” that’s fine. Even if he weren’t horribly mutated by the sigil, his inablity to control his wild magic turning him into a savage green monster hulk style... there wasn’t an off switch.L That was never a priority. Like Thanos, I get yet ANOTHER thanos comparison.. there was never any intent to let anyone walk this back. If he dies, he dies, but the mission comes first. He may not live to get the fancy witch hunter general hat, but he’ll have “saved” us from what he sees as a monsters. Luz underestimated just how much Belos belivied his own lies and it nearly cost her everything. While it was truly awesome seeing the hexasquad fight him even borderline feral.. belos is still ultimately too strong and nearly kills them all. 
So we get King’s deal with our feral child god, and it’s smart working on his part: he makes up a bs game, gets an agreement to help, and does so in a way that guarantees the collector NEEDS to do what King needs most, save everyone, even if King is rightfully afraid of him and it turns out it wasn’t belos but the collector his dad hid him from. And again given all of the above, King makes the hard choice.. replacing one problem with another but at least preventing genocide. Also I couldn’t help but be reminded of mr popo just casually restoring the sun when the collector just.. moved the moon. Great stuff
That also leads to our tearful climax... while everyone’s saved, though eda was earlier thanks to rahne.. their now at the mercy of a god and Willow cleverly suggests booking it to earth... and Luz intends to stay with king to make sure everyone’s safe from the grumpy child. But in the end King’s real growth comes in the sacrifice he makes: he knows the collector wants him and will probably be satsitifed with that much... and that at worst Luz won’t come back will be safe and at best it gives them a chance to plan and come save his mother later. His letting her go was utterly heartbreaking, but was the perfect capper of king’s development from wacky comic relief sidekick.. to a true hero willing to trap himself with child he does not want to play with if it means his sister and friends are safe. 
The ending is also just rife with possiblity: belos is still alive, camilla now not only gets to meet living proof the isles were good for her daughter but has to make the hard choice to let her go back for the greater good, hutner finally gets a mom and vee get smore friends.. and we ge tmore of that adorable mud fish thing. Seriously her just casually helping with dinner has only happened twice but it’s always adorable. We also got confromation of something vastly important that will likely have no impact whatsoever on the plot but every impact on fanfiction
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I’m so fucking happy I could burst. This opens so many doors. Point is there’s a lot to question. I also noticed Gus was the one to break down... and it made it the most impactful. He finally gets his dream.. and it’s with his dad and everyone else he knows bar the hexasquad at The Collector’s horrifying whims. Everyone else has even more reason to break down: Luz’s entire boiling isles family is trapped there with king directly trapped with the insane 8 year old behind it all, Amity saw her parents divorce and dosen’t know if her dad was going to make it last time she saw him, Willow’s dads are trapped and Hunter.. well in the span of a week he’s had everything he knows been proven to be a lie, been nearly killed by the man who raised him multiple times, found out he was a clone of someone belos murdered, hid in a school, had to survivie hhis best friends mind labyrinth, nearly got used for a prisoner exchange, got swapped by his friend to save his ass without his consent and had his uncle gaslight him and growl CALEB at him, confrming the preson he killed once owned Flapjack. 
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Point is Camilla needs to hug all of them and I need a paper bag after al lof that. This is going to be one hell of a wait and I can’t wait to see how it wraps up. I’ll be sad to see the show leave.. but this is how you pull off a cliffhanger :leave them begging for what’s next after throughly earning it. 
Overall season 2.. is a masterpiece. Season 1 was good.. but season 2, now free from executive mandates since Disney clearly was planning to axe the show, and frankly it’s a miracle we’re getting the season 3 we are, got to do whatever it wanted, giving us a dark, tense, if still funny as hell and heartfelt ride. We’ve had pirate adventures, karens who sell arms and try to profit off genocide, gooey murder butlers, a valid aseop against anti-vaxxers at exactly the right time, Gus metting a lady then finding out she’s terrible, The Season of Hunter, one of the best and most visable non-binary characters in animation, a hooty episode that ended up being one of the best and most important of the series, this
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Camilla getting fully fleshed out and adopting an adorable mud lizard thing, Luz’s denail reaching criticla mass, time travel, HUNTLOW, a tournament arc, a flashback..
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People wearing kingskin caps, MORE HUNTLOW, Soul Searching Steve Road Trips, a rescue arc with one of the greatest lesbian kisses in animation history, and finally 
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It’s been a great pleasure covering this one. Thank you all for reading and thank you so much for enjoying my weird shit. Before you go please consider voting in my latest poll or joining my patreon
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See you next time. 
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dccomicsnews · 3 years
Reveiw: Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham #2
Reveiw: Batman vs. Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham #2
Review: Batman vs Bigby ! A Wolf in Gotham #2[Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers] Writer: Bill WillinghamArt: Brian Level and Jay LeistenColors: Lee LoughridgeLetters: Steve Wands Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd   Summary Bigby escapes and confronts the Dark Knight face to face after learning more about Gotham from Molly Grace. And, Batman calls even more Robins into…
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indiesee · 5 years
Reader's Forum -- Steve Hough
Reader’s Forum — Steve Hough
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Steve Hough receiving an Anti-Corruption Award from Stephanie Harris, 2017
“The recognition of the rights of unaffiliated voters is a new frontier in the civil rights/voting rights struggle.”
I agree.
Voters in my home state of Florida just approved a constitutional amendment to automatically restore the voting rights of most felons once completing their sentences. Although the state…
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itswildweirdo · 3 years
The movie reveiw
I'm pissed of course. ....
When you look at the movie from a Jim fan point of view it is fine it is perfect but if you don't really know Jim character and started with another series liking that character more and then watch troll hunters you like Jim just not as much
So when douxie switches souls with Nari
And the two are in a great deal of pain Jim only thinks of Nari everyone only thinks of Nari they only ask about Nari she's only relevant Douxie's pain is just ignored I think what hurts more in this scene is there's a literal doctor right there and she doesn't ask if he's OK
Only Archie cared
I feel like he was just used
To get the answers for the place
And after 900 years of pain suffering emotional abuse pain suffering war to get his staff that he worked his whole
LIFE for
It is just wiped away like a stain in Jim's plan
I mean it would've felt better if he at least talked to Douxie after the time travel but no
He only focuses on Claire Toby and his parents
Steve eli and Douxie probably don't even know :(
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creaturecarnival · 5 years
Fallout’s Plants
A post nuclear wasteland isn’t exactly a botanist's dream, but the Fallout universe makes that anything but untrue. I fell in love with the franchise around the time I was 14, after a prophetic dream about Mobile homes. I bought New Vegas, died a lot, and then went on to only ever play fallout 3 until I figured out how to be Good at Video Games. Fallout 4 came out not too long after, and my hype for the franchise has stuck. Don’t get me wrong, the games are awful, but when has something like that ever stopped me before?
A botanist's guide to the Wasteland
Fallout plants
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Venus Man-eaters- Cordyceps aren’t the only thing mutated in that vault. Venus Flytraps had to get in on the action too!! They aren’t actually called venus man-eaters in the game, no, they’re called “Spore Plants.” But that’s lame and I’ve personally retconned their name. You can thank me later, Todd. They look like absolute goofballs. They hack up and spitooy a glob of green spore stuff at you, and are a blast to fight. They’re actually in the second fallout, and you can rip off their spikes to use as a little knife! 
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Sundews- Sundews are literally the reason I even purchased Fallout 76. No really, they are. The trailers I saw were interesting enough, they advertised a fun little game of exploration and survival. Yeah, i’d buy that on sale given the chance. But sundews? Huge, potentially intelligent sundews that lure you into their groves and kill you? I was Immediately hyped. I thought about all the possibilities they could bring. Could they lure you in with high level loot but then act as an ever shifting maze leading you to your eventual starvation? Could they grab onto you and force you to shoot at them? 
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Stranglers- Part of one of the promotional interviews for fallout 76 mentioned “Intelligent Plants,” heavily implying sundews. PSYCH! It was these orange vine thingys that infest the scariest area of Appalachia: The Mire. It isn’t the most dangerous, however it is a big spooky swamp with the creepiest enemies, squirming gulper salamanders and the Vicious aforementioned Anglers. An event quest allows you to try and defeat the “Heart of the Swamp,” a huge, Little Shop of Horrors plant mouth that summons Strangler infested enemies. Such fun!
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Fever Blossom- Fever blossums are really REALLY pretty flowers that you can find in Fo4’s best DLC “Nuka World.” They’re bright blue and they grow on nasty looking stems. But the really kicker is when you’re assigned to go collect them to make a frenzy effect grenade for the Diciples, a raider group known for their intense sadism. You need to go collect fever blossoms to do this, implying that they will make you Angry if ingested. Imagine that. You and your ghoul buddy Steve are wandering the wastes and he dares you to eat this flower, and next thing you know you’re beating the radioactive snot out of him for no actual reason. My kinda thing!
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Lure Weed- Lure weeds are a sham. You don’t really need them. It’s not worth the risk, lest you fall prey to the dreaded “Angler.” Lure weed’s whole purpose is look exactly like the protruding lures of the terrible beasts. But the problem is, there’s no real reason to go get lure weed at all! They’re only used to make two consumables, and unless you REALLY want Seasoned Wolf Ribs, it’s best to avoid them altogether
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Gutshroom- gutshrooms were added post release, the same time a new (albeit pretty lame) dungeon “the burrows” was. They go hand in hand with actual guts, added to the loot table of small animals at the same time. The concept is fun, if a little unusual. I’m not sure what they’re actually for, though. Are they to make players think they’re in a dangerous area when they’re actually not? Are they supposed to look good and add to the cramped, soggy atmosphere of the sewer system? 
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Firecap- firecaps are bright orange mushrooms that are found in the forest area of fallout 76. They kinda do look a bit like fire, but not really. I like their almost animal like veins all over them, they’re really neat. There’s not a whole lot to them, but I appreciate their simplicity.
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Snaptails- These mutated cattails are the first plant I found and photographed in my Fallout 76 botanical adventure 9000. They’re not much different than regular cattails, other than their flowers have become huge, bloated, and presumably very hard. They hold a special place in my heart, and I make sure to snatch a few when I get the chance.
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Ginseng root- hehe it looks like a tiny man
Punga Fruit- Punga fruit is an important aspect of Fallout 3’s DLC “point lookout.” They’re weird looking fruits that are a staple to the diet of the inbred, unfairly powerful hillbilly locals (that and the occasional tourist!) It has a “mother of all Punga” and that’s used to drug the Lone Wanderer so they can cut your brain out. It’s sinister, scary, and probably tastes like farts.
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Corpse Flower- YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love these things!!! I’ve always had a fascination with corpse flowers, and when I learned that they were in the game, I wasted no time in trying to photograph them. It was part of an event quest where I tried to defend them from critters, but I am bad at video games, so RIP corpse flowers I guess. I can only imagine how they got into the West Virginia ecosystem!! A zoo? That would explain the sloths! Vault 94? Most likely, but also that’s not as fun as the idea of a potential zoo we could go to in the future! Nuka world’s Ghoulrillas, Brahmiluffs, Gazelles, and Gatorclaws were ok, but I need mORE!!!
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Firecracker Berry- Firecracker berries are a wonderful source of food and jumpscares. They have one gimmick: when you get too close, they explode, making tiny high pitched firework noises. Cute! 
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Glowing Resin- Ok actually, I’m not too confident that this stuff is a plant. Maybe it is? Maybe it's a huge pulsating lichen for all I know. Maybe it’s deathclaw snot. Maybe it’s an excess of radioactive stuff that the tree is expelling out of it’s system in the form of a toxic sap. Who knows! Whatever it is, it looks nasty.
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Pitcher Plants- These things can be found in several places in West Virginia, and I don’t like them. Like, there’s nothing wrong, it’s just that they’re so underused. They have basically the same shtick as sundews: they spray a cloud of stinky at you when you get to close. Where’s the fun in that? I wish they did something like antlions where you can’t help but draw close, and you need to kill it before it swallows you whole!! 
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Glowing Mushrooms- yeah yeah, theres not a whole lot going on with these things. What do they do? Well they glow. That’s pretty much it. They are basically made so that when you go into caves, you arent stuck in pitch black. But the thing about them is that they’re just so….so…. Nice! They’re just quality shrooms living their best life and helping wastelanders and mutants alike navigate the underground.
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Brain Fungus- I always wondered what these things actually came from. Mold? Mushrooms? Puffballs? Who knows. I’m not sure what they are, but I love the way they grow; all over walls, clustering around like barnacles. I also love the fact that due to radiation, mushrooms just kind of decided to turn into brains for no decernable reason. I love it.
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Tato- Tatos are, by all means and observations, just regular old tomatoes. I don’t think they really have any mutations at all, aside from the strange bendy and twisted stems that are ever so common in post-nuclear plants. I don’t have much to say about this, I really didn’t want to reveiw already existing plants such as corn, broc flowers, aster, etc., but “Tato” just so happens to be the name of our late tomato frog. I had a strange relationship with him, one of my paranoia that my pet would die and one of mutual respect. Rest in Peace tato, you will always find love from me.
FOOTNOTE: this is not in any way all of the plants i had intended. its just that this was supposed to be done like a month ago so i need to do this now, and leave out some stuff
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asagimeta · 5 years
Ok so I never do movie break-downs/reveiws but Endgame is a one in a million type of thing, not only the end of an era, but the end of the era that started the enture connected-universe film genre, so I'm allowing myself because this moment is literally something we'll never have again, there is never going to be a "first" end of era again, sure some day the DCEU will do this, The Conjuring verse may do this, Arrowverse will actually do this next fall with Infinite Crisis, etc, but... this truly will be the only "first" time we get this end of era and I have Opinions so follow me down the rabbit hole
I'm only touching on a few points, as a head's up, and I generally really enjoyed the movie! I don't have the time or patience to type out everything I liked about it so there may seem like there's more criticism than praise but I promise you, I thoroughly enjoyed this and thought it was the best of the four Avengers movies by far
-I think my biggest complaint is the bullshit about the soul stone, for two reasons:
1. As a plot point, the soul stone decision being irreversable is just kind of ... weird, mostly because we don't have that much information on how it works, so it feels a little "stakes for the sake of stakes" to me
2. Are you really telling me that the only two people that had no chance of coming back are two of the only main female charectors the MCU has? Are you really, honestly, telling me that?
The MCU has gotten some more supporting female charectors and that's great but Nat and Gamora were only two of a very small feild of actual female LEADS, Mantis and Valkyrie and The Wasp and so on are great charectors but they aren't leads, and I feel like it was just a really bad decision on the filmmakers' parts to choose specifically those two and ONLY those two, it would have eased things a little if they had either brought back the original Gamora (and I'll touch on why this bothers me later) or if they had had a male involved in the Irreversable Soul Stone Death thing, it just feels frustratingly like fridging (I know it isn't but it feels that way) because there really honestly were other ways to go about it, Gamora being sacrificed in Infinity War was pretty unavoidable, but they didn't have to do Nat like that, and even if they did- because I do understand from a story perspective why they would- the ideal thing to do would have been to literally trade one soul for another, the soul stone only needs one soul to operate right? So when Natasha died, shouldn't Gamora have come back out of that thing? That would have been the ideal way to shift it in my opinion, it would create the kind of paradox that would make it impossible for Natasha to just snap back to existence (thus providing real stakes) but without the frustration of our only Gamora being AU!Gamora
And AU!Gamora is a PROBLEM
All of the development Gamora got in the first two Guardians movies is gone now, what she had with Peter is gone, what she had with Nebula is gone, her feelings of having a real family is gone.... and even if AU!Gamora builds those relationships anew, it's not going to be the same, she's working from scratch so she may as well be a new charector, and the fact that the Guardians and Nebula are already established makes it impossible for Gamora to form into the team the way she originally did, she's no longer one of the founding members with Peter, she's now an outsider being pulled into an existing group, she'll never understand the pain Nebula had been in when they fought because Nebula cares about her now and isn't going to fight her and thus express those feelings, she's never going to see just how badly Peter's father fucks him up or watch Peter sacrifice himself (ish) for the power stone because both of those are resolved issues now.....
The Gamora we knew and loved IS dead, we're working with a new one, and although I feel like Guardians 3 is going to be about finding and recruiting her, it still won't be the same and that's very frustrating
-On the topic of how things work, are you really telling me that after all of the "We have to be very carefull not to mess with the past" discussions, Steve just....... Did That? He really just lived an entire ass life mucking around with the past and having exactly zero consequences? Particularly, with Peggy, who we know for a fact was involved in major ways with Sheild? Like, I'm not speaking as a Captain America fan when I ask this, I'm legitimately confused as to why there was so much emphasis on "don't mess with the past" only for people to repeatedly do that, but ESPECIALLY Steve, it can kind of be excused to allow things like Tony talking to his dad- who doesn't know who he is- or Thor talking to his mom- who made it clear that she wasn't going to fight her fate even though she could- but Steve is just a big ol' block of confusion
Not only the Peggy thing, we could maybe excuse that, but he told his past self that Bucky was alive and his past self just... what...? Forgot??? How is it that he made such a significant change to his former self and there was exactly ZERO consequence at all? Not to mention Nebula killing past!Nebula but I can sort of hand-wave that one as having to do with actually creating a split universe (as proven by the Gamora and Thanos duplicates) but Cap ... Cap would have gone on, having had this weird encounter and being very "!!!!!!!!" about Bucky and done... what, nothing?? And if he did do something, why did that have no impact on the future at all?
I'm also conflicted on Captain America's ending as a charector, I'm glad he lived, but I almost would have preferred him having gotten stuck in the past by some Time Travel Bullshit Reason because it seemed OOC for him to leave his found family, put down his sheild, and risk the ENTIRE FUTURE by going to live a life with Peggy, even if that was a split universe, it still feels very .. I don't know the word for it, not "cop out" but too pushed I guess
For his entire journey to have centered on Steve changing as a person and getting used to living in essentially a new world, not to mention finding and saving Bucky and keeping him close, for him to completely regress and go back to America as it was, go back to the life he used to want, go live his future in the past, it all seemed really counterproductive of his journey and I actually would have preferred him going to retire elsewhere  if he really needed to
-Tony's death was probably the most avoidable thing to me because they laid out a perfect way for RDJ to exit: Retirement
I know that it was very "full circle" for Tony to begin the MCU with his life and end this era of it with his death and the ultimate form of charector growth for him to sacrifice himself, but it still felt really cheap to me when they had gone to the trouble of setting up his retirement so thoroughly and then still choosing to kill him off, I feel like it was more about "needing" to have an enormous death and choosing to "surprise" everyone by making it Tony instead of Steve versus what actually worked best for the story, Tony retiring to a quiet life that had nothing to do with money or fame or saving the world would have been equally showing of his growth in my opinion
These were my major complaints, but I have one plotline in particular that I really have the utmost praise for and that's Thor's
I know that alot of people are upset that Marvel treated his PTSD as a joke with the beer belly and the drunkness shennanigans but I don't personally veiw it that way, I don't think it was played as a joke, I think it was largely taken seriously, ofcourse I think Marvel DID put alot of the humor to ride on "lol Thor is fat and lazy now" wich is .. unfortunate, but I don't think it was as bad as alot of people are saying
Thor's conversation with his mother is probably my favorite part of the movie, Thor is consistantly shown to be a very sensitive, vulnerable person, wich is a MAGNIFICENT quality for someone who's also supposed to be the poster-boy for hypermasculinity
Thor is everything that Toxic Masculinity loves- He's a literal GOD who's gorgeous and gets attention from the ladies and beats shit up with a hammer, and he drinks, there is always EVERY opportunity to make him the living emodiement of A Fuckboy, but instead he's consistantly shown to be the exact opposite
He's sweet and compassionate and good-natured, he's openly affectionate and not afraid to cry in front of others or to wear his heart on his sleeve, he's gentle and supportive and loyal and a complete mama's boy in all of the positive uses for that term, and Endgame only reinforces all of that
Yes they made it a laughing point that he's gained weight and is an even bigger alcoholic than usual, but they also made it a point that out of everyone who had the opportunity to try to change the past, Thor is the only one who took it, because he simply couldn't stand being without his mother, not Tony who could have tried to tell his father to spend more time with him, or Steve who could have tried to see Peggy, but Thor, who just wanted his mom back
They made a huge point again and again over the fact that of everyone, Thor was taking this loss the hardest, that he had lost the most and felt the most responsible, and ultimately he also grew the most from it, he actually gave Mjolnir to Cap, gave New Asgard to Valkyrie (wich by the way is perhaps my absolute FAVORITE thing about the future of the MCU) and finally stopped trying to live up to what Odin wanted from him by trying to have a pissing math for leadership, he even "gave" Peter leadership of the Guardians, even if it was played for a joke, he never *actually* contested Peter, wich is a big step for him
Marvel isn't known for playing with trauma well, but as Marvel goes, I think Thor was handled well
I also have to say that I'm not mourning Loki yet, I feel like the after-credits scene for Guardians 3 is going to be Loki walking onto the ship going "Hello brother, did you miss me?"
Loki is in a unique position where he really could survive without having been a death from The Snappening, we KNOW that he knew something fishy was going on with the two Caps in the past and Loki is a sneaky devil who wouldn't just let something like that go, he probably devised a system for himself to come back to life or to have escaped Thanos in the first place once he realized in new-2012 that something was wrong, and unlike Tony and Steve, there are no story or contract reasons for the  MCU not to include Loki, especially since the Disney+ Loki series doesn't have anything to do with post-Endgame, atleast, yet to be mentioned
Sure split-universe!Loki would have the same problems that split-universe!Gamora has in that his development with Thor and his personal development caused by encounters with people like Hela are now moot, but unlike Gamora, Loki is still an anti-hero, he's still an asshole, and his relationship with Thor is a centuries-long one that has had many ups and downs, meeting Thor later in another villainous position wouldn't be OOC and he and Thor reconnecting over a new enemy would be fairly easy to recreate as opposed to Gamora re-experiencing a relationship with Nebula that has now permenantely changed, becoming a "new" member of the Guardians vs a founding member, and witnessing everything with Peter's family that happened Guardians 2 that can never be recreated- ever
Loki has also never been a leading role in the MCU, a core role yes, but not leading, it wouldn't be a problem for Tom Hiddleston to pop in and out of the MCU as he likes wile his primary series is on Disney+, and as that series is more of an anthology (Loki Screws With History: A Memoir) versus a chronological story to follow Endgame, Disney+ and the MCU don't even have to really consult with how the two stories would mesh, they're virtually strangers to eachother
There's, ofcourse, alot more I liked about this- the all female team-up, the importance placed on Ant-Man, everything to do with Nebula, and more, but this is all I really wanted to discuss or vent on
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funnynewsheadlines · 5 years
“Welcome to Marwen,” Reviewed
Richard Brody reveiws “Welcome to Marwen,” starring Steve Carell and directed by Robert Zemeckis. from Humor, Satire, and Cartoons http://bit.ly/2CtKwyH from Blogger http://bit.ly/2RfpBaQ
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prettythoughtful · 5 years
Indie Author Book Review // Firian Rising by Carly Steve
We're starting a new thing on the blog - Indie Author Book Review // Firian Rising by Carly Stevens. Check it out now!
I recently decided that I wanted to start sharing indie authors on my platform because, as one, I really appreciate how much it can help sales and gain new readers!
The first book I’m reveiwing is Firian Rising by Carly Stevens.
When everything you imagine is within reach, what will you choose?
Few people can create reality from imagination.
Firian Kess is one of those few.
When Firian’s ability…
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jazzworldquest-blog · 5 years
USA: Willie Oteri Announces Surprise ReleaseDark Matter Horns Live at Kenny Dorham's Backyard
Willie Oteri Announces Surprise Release
Dark Matter Horns Live at Kenny Dorham's Backyard
Contact: Sue - [email protected]
            Official Release Date – May 22, 2019
            Willie Oteri – Tenor Sax, Flute
Dave Laczko – Trumpet, Effects and Live loops
Steve Mankenberg – Drums
Recorded live at Kenny Dorham's Backyard venue in Austin Texas on March 27th 2019 for the Jazz OUTside series. This is improvised music that will appeal to fans of  Jazz, Avant Garde, Beyond Jazz and Free Jazz, etc.
Recored on a portable recorder using the recorders built in microphones. - It was such a fun performance we thought we should release it for others to enjoy. Our previous announced release Narratives Vol. 2 will be out later in the year.
Dark Matter Horns was formed in 2017 when Oteri switched his focus from guitar to tenor sax and flute. They perform once a month at Kenny Dorham's Backyard in Austin Texas for the Jazz OUTside series, Austin's longest running Jazz series that focuses on the more adventurous side of Jazz.
Kenny Dorham's Backyard, named for the legendary jazz trumpeter and East Austinite, is a beautiful outdoor venue run by the Non-Profit group Diverse Arts Culture Works, located in the heart of Austin's East End.
For more information on the venue please visit: https://www.facebook.com/KennyDorhamsBackyard/
Oteri has albums to his name playing guitar, tenor sax and flute, with some very fine musicians including the recent releases Dark Matter Horns Narratives Vol 1 and Dark O'clcok Live. He has recorder and performed with players like Scott Amendola, Giko Pavan, Tony Levin, J.A. Deane and others. 1999s Jazz Gunn Concepts of MateMaToot  featured A-Team players Brannen Temple, Michael Malone, Chris Maresh, and second guitarist Chris Tondre, the uniquely original 2003 release Spiral Out produced by Ronan Chris Murphy which featured prog rockers Tony Levin, Pat Mastelotto and Mike Keneally in a free improvised jazz setting with trumpet master Ephraim Owens, two critically acclaimed Avant-Garde WD-41 albums followed with electric trumpet player Dave Laczko, the second incorporating the talents of Dino J.A. Deane with drummer Scott Amendola and Shrunken Head Shop taken from a series of live recordings from a tour through Germany.
Promotional copies for review may be requested  from Sue at [email protected]
Willie is also involved with the jasstronica/Nu-Jazz duo O'clock – also available for review by request.
For more information on Willie Oteri please visit,www.willieoteri.com and https://musicians.allaboutjazz.com/willieoteri
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Q9fdOV
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achristmasday · 6 years
October 10th- 11th
Tuesday when we came in we all had a cast meeting with Paul, we spoke about profeshinalism etc and at the end of this meeting my roll as Producer and director for the actors was offically defined. I don’t havea part in the show but I am happy that at least I have a roll that I can be graded on. Although I have a placent at Norwich I have decided to stay and finish my course at CWA. We as a collective appointed Annette as overall director. So this means thats she has complete control over Acting, Dance and Musical Theatre. I am extreemly happy with this decition.
Over the next couple of days that we returened to college after the half term break we rehursed our performance multiole times. All three path ways collectivly rehursed together, we came up with a semi running order and spent all of tuesday after the meeting rehursing and rehursing and rehursing, perfecting what we had done up to this point.
Today I helped the actors create sketches to perform for the TV scenes that they are doing. Firstly we did a class warm up, there has been a lack of this thus far. Steve never made the actors warm up however I feel this is benifishial as it puts you in the correct focused head space for controlled creative work. I then asked the class to sit and brainstom different types of chirstmas specials / films / TV programs and them assigned each group of four one of the said topics to do a small sketch on. I gave them 20 mins to come up with this. They originally had 15 mins but some of them needed an extention. I went round each group helping them asking them questions to try and help provoke some ideas. After the 20 mins were up they all sat and watched one anothers performance. We evaluated the techniques used- what was good and why, and what could be improved to create optimum affect.
The bare bones of what I invigised was created but its a starting point. I will definatly go over these seens with the class in greater depth. I feel that our mood as a whole was lifted today and everyone was on target and looking forward to actully doing work. For the first time this termI’m feel excited/ positive about the show.
Strengths/ weaknesses and my response: 
My strengths this week include my attitude. I have defiantly come back to college with more of an open mind and excitement about what is going to happen.
In reflection I still feel that my actions towards Steve were justified, I wasn’t rude to him i simply put my point across. However, I have never confronted a teacher like that before so I feel quite guilty about it, But I know that I am not in the wrong.
I feel that my directing is definatly developing and better. I am making more friendships with the first years and therefor know how they respond to certain things.
Profeshinal weeknesses this week have consisted of not knowing what the other groups were doing and lack of cominication. However, this was resolved by us all coming together and showing one another what we had done thus far in order to know how we can all move forward as a collective.
Steve wasn’t in this week which could be seen as a weakness to my peers however I feel that everyone was very focused and continued with work as usual.
What will happen next/ Personal targets for next week: 
Steve will more than likely come back next week and my goal is to come across profeshinal and put our differences aside in order to move forward and make the show the best that it can be.
Another personal target is to go to the doctors for a reveiw of my anti depresents, I feel like they may need to be increased.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 7 years
The Young Dove.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tms1tj
by lokineedscuddles
Willow is a young mother and a shield agent, trying to find time to be with her son was an issue for her so the Avengers step in and help with looking after her son, who adores them but until Willow meets a certain god of mischief her life will be turned upside down.
(This is a one shot but depending on the reveiws I will change it in to a short story :) )
Words: 2811, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Phil Coulson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Nick Fury
Relationships: Loki/Original Female Character(s), Phil Coulson/Original Female Character(s), Tony Stark/Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Love, Adoption, Loki-centric, Loki Feels, Loki Does What He Wants, Loki Needs a Hug, Loki Angst, Jötunn Loki, BAMF Loki, Good Loki, Loki Has Issues, Dark Loki (Marvel), Magic, God(dess) of Mischief, God of Thunder - Freeform, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Finger Sucking, use of magic, Rituals, Pregnancy, Loki Falls In Love, One Night Stands
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tms1tj
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ao3feed-thor · 7 years
The Young Dove.
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tms1tj
by lokineedscuddles
Willow is a young mother and a shield agent, trying to find time to be with her son was an issue for her so the Avengers step in and help with looking after her son, who adores them but until Willow meets a certain god of mischief her life will be turned upside down.
(This is a one shot but depending on the reveiws I will change it in to a short story :) )
Words: 2811, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Original Child Character(s), Phil Coulson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Nick Fury
Relationships: Loki/Original Female Character(s), Phil Coulson/Original Female Character(s), Tony Stark/Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Love, Adoption, Loki-centric, Loki Feels, Loki Does What He Wants, Loki Needs a Hug, Loki Angst, Jötunn Loki, BAMF Loki, Good Loki, Loki Has Issues, Dark Loki (Marvel), Magic, God(dess) of Mischief, God of Thunder - Freeform, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Finger Sucking, use of magic, Rituals, Pregnancy, Loki Falls In Love, One Night Stands
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tms1tj
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purplemoonmyst · 7 years
Book Reveiw: The Miracle Morning for Writers: How to Build a Writing Ritual That Increases Your Impact and Your Income (Before 8AM) (The Miracle Morning Book Series) by Hal Elrod (Goodreads Author), Steve Scott, Honoree Corder (Goodreads Author), James Altucher (Goodreads Author) (Foreword)
Book Reveiw: The Miracle Morning for Writers: How to Build a Writing Ritual That Increases Your Impact and Your Income (Before 8AM) (The Miracle Morning Book Series) by Hal Elrod (Goodreads Author), Steve Scott, Honoree Corder (Goodreads Author), James Altucher (Goodreads Author) (Foreword)
I read The Miracle Morning a while back, and it changed my life. Seriously when I first read it I was like bullshit, but then I tried it out, and it upped my productivity.  When I was browsing Kindle Unlimited, and I saw they had A Miracle Morning for writers I was intrigued.  So I downloaded it and started reading. The short version is you do your miracle morning then you do your writing for…
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