#So uh yeah comic remake time lol
moonflowercare · 5 months
ooc: hey guys, so I haven’t decided to abandon this account yet but I’ve also just be very unmotivated for several reasons. Mainly that the interaction for this whole blog has be not the best. My brother’s mainly been putting in asks and barely anyone else interacts with it other than likes. I feel like it might be better for me to remake this ask series into a comic. I might focus on my oc x canon kids more but I’m not really sure yet. So yeah, until me and my bro can script out this comic, it’s gonna be on a hiatus, and I’m sorry if that does disappoint anyone following the blog for asks and stuff. You can still ask questions about our characters and art of the ocs, but I will no longer be taking any asks for the arcs.
Once we get the comic set up for volume 1, we’ll finally make an introduction post (and properly get this show on the road). Thank you to everyone who’s been following this blog so far, see you on the flipside :)
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randomnameless · 1 month
It's crazy how SoV preluded 3H by making one of the protags have a tremendously contradictory mindset of humanity being better off without gods, while also relying on those same gods to fulfill their goals, the hypocrisy of which goes completely unadressed throughout the game; truly masterful foreshadowing
Who directed FE15?
I've recently tried to think about this "gods BaD" shift in more doylist terms - especially since I've finally played a Squenix game recently and...
FE13 was the FE series last ditch effort, it will either work or end up as the F-Zero series, FE13 worked and FE14 followed suit.
Lolcalisation aside, FE14 had a nice plot and I engaging characters - to some people but not me, different tastes and all - but FE14 and FE13 were still FE games, as in part of the old FE series, aka a niche series. Adding dating sim/interpersonal relationship through avatars might have helped a bit, and yet, imo, it was still the "niche" FE series.
Comes FE15 where we basically have a remake, and can't add the interpersonal thing because Alm isn't an avatar (even if the game spends a lot of time praising his oranges) - how to make the game work? Sure, some weirdo fans of the FE series will buy it, and it was never supposed to sell as much as FE13/14, but if it was a 1:1 remake or just with minor adjustments? It might bomb like the Archanea remakes, and good luck coming after that - will they need another "FE13" to reignite the sales or??
And here I thought about it : FE15 was retconned with the "GoDs BaD" spiel, to make this game more in-tune with what I'd call "traditional" JRPGs where the protagonists often defy a corrupt church and "divine" being.
("Traditional" imo being the Squenix way, because while I didn't play all entries of this series, the Tales series never striked me as being particularly as, uh, vindicative against organised religion, maybe save for Symphonia 1 - Abyss' Church really wishes to help the people even if it is corrupted from within by some dude who doesn't want to let the world die and played by the big bad, Xillia has no church, ditto for Zestiria and Phantasia had Mint and... that's it? - compare this to Squenix's Triangle Strategy and Hyzante being comically EvIl and without any redeeming traits/points when all of the other major parties of the conflict have "token good NPCs" as forced as they are in the game, to make it very clear that they might have done questionnable things like invading and slaughtering civilians from a foreign nation who welcomed them at their wedding, but at least they have "MoRaLs" unlike those bozos in their desert...)
And this "let's make FE mainstream by kicking gods" mentality completely runs at odds with the rest of the FE franchise, and while I know RD basically ends like this bcs "uwu Ike defeated a GoD with the help of another who used the lead of that game as a soul jar and granted him exclusive powers to put her sister to sleep" the morale of RD's story - as seen in the perfect ending but in Ike's speech to Yune itself - is that everyone can and should try to live together, asking Gods not the fuck out to let Humanity alone, but to believe in them just like humans believe in gods.
So FE15 ends as this big, uh, mismatched clash of narrative directions - being a remake it cannot stray too far from the source material and Archanea verse : Dragons and Humans can live together (even if it means dragons must sacrifice part of themselves to do so because fuck them I guess) and dragons can help humans just like humans can, uh, not be asses and not target them because their ears are pointy or when they are weakened...
And we had the new Squenix direction where GoDs BaD and HuMaNiTy fuck yeah, which leads to FE15's hypocrisy : please trust and rely on us Gods/dragons and kindly help us when we're in deep shit, and at the same time "HuMaNiTy FuCk YeAh".
Interestingly, the Squenix direction loses in the post game campaign (the one where we discover Thabes) but is reintroduced in the official (tm) timeline, depicting basically how BaD Duma is and how much of a chad Rudy was, before his very tragic (bring the onions!) death.
But yeah, I agree anon, FE15 was crazy foreshadowing and I guess is part of the reason why Tru Piss has this message "Humanity doesn't need Gods" targeted at... Rhea, aka a Nabatean (while Supreme Leader got there thanks to Sothis' powers!!) because the "Humanity Fuck Yeah" narrative is a staple of Squenix JRPGS, and if FE has to become mainstream, I guess to some devs, it has to copy what sells.
That would also explain why FE16 went so off the rails and forgot the tradition FE series message about coexistence, because what the fuck do you mean by "Humanity doesn't need Nabateans", after parroting for the entire game "Nabateans are to blame for the irrational world we live in" and blame "Nabatean blood" for everything wrong in Fodlan, without ever acknowledging the "evilness that lurks in the heart of men" (who aren't called Dimitri) ?
In a series that, albeit hazaphardly at times (FE8's manaketes feel forced in the lore! and the less is said about Nowi/Panne in FE13 the better we are), tried to push the "coexistence between all inhabitants of the land is the key to peace!" card - this Squenix direction feels all kind of wrong, especially when friendship with the divine beings (dragons) have been a staple of the franchise (Y!Tiki's number of alts, imo, is telling : for better or worse, Y!Tiki is, along with Marth, the figure of the franchise. She is a dragon, and she's a kid who wants to make friends. Sure it brings the loli crowd, but all those dragon children in the different games? They are a direct throwback to Y!Tiki!).
In a nutshell, I'd say the first crack was FE10's writing that made things seem like the Hero defeated a goddess and its subsequent wanking.
But I agree with you anon, FE15's change in direction and retcons were absolutely gunning for that Squenix "GoDs BaD" while keeping the "traditional" FE message which resulted in hypocrisy that showed in the writing but I guess no one really paid attention because FE15 has other issues too (I didn't before happening on FE16... even if I remember wondering why the fuck the game kept on hammering how BaD Duma was when we had people being asses right and left on their own).
FE Fodlan completely ignored the "we can coexist" message - save for subtext you can have where the optional lords who win the war and aren't Supreme Leader can have half/quarter-nabatean heirs through Flayn but her heritage is never ever mentionned in the ending cards - by completely shitting/ignoring the local dragons, they're blamed for everything wrong and don't get their voice to the chapter.
Masterful writing lol
I can't wait for the next game, let it be a remake (pls not Jugdral!!) or a new entry (Engage was developped alongside Fodlan, not after!) to see if IS will continue with the Squenix developments or return to their roots, even if they seem milquetoast, of "humans and lizards can hold hands".
NGL anon, during 2020/2021 and the daily "Supreme Leader was right though" threads in SF, I kind of realised that what I took for granted, aka "coexistence between humans and dragons!" being the message of FE in general, wasn't, even in what used to be the most serious board/thing.
FE as a series came to the West through FE7 where Dragons and Humans were at war, but ultimately the cast learns that dragons aren't evil incarnate and the best ending reveals that the big bad went mad because his dragon wife was killed and he tried to reunite with their dragon-human children he hid away for their safety.
So it was kind of surprising to see long-time, or at least not "Fodlan introduced" members of SF parroting the "well they can't live together" by buying the most ludicrous headcanon/fanon arguments you'd find in other series like "different lifespans" - this argument is pretty much non existent in the FE series, and I've never seen it opposed to Miccy's rule in Daien when, as a Heron Branded, she will outlive her citizens, or what, are we supposed to believe that Myrrh shouldn't interact with humans and remain in her forest because she will outlive humans, or is too "different" from them thus wouldn't have the same considerations?
FE13/14 brought the fandom wars of "new fans" vs "old fans", but FE Fodlan? Brought "casual JRPG gamer" vs "FE gamer" which usually boils down to "Supreme Leader fans" vs "everyone else".
Sure, we had the religion hate boner because the dragons in Fodlan verse made a "Church" with catholic imagery which is a deadly sin to some - but the "dragon blood is indeed the reason why everything sucks in the world" being parroted? "Dragons cannot have power over humans because of the sheer inbalance"? What, are you implying Nergal was forced by Aenir to mate with her twice or what? Ninian was oppressing Pherae in the endings where she marries Eliwood, and humans were finally liberated when she died?
Kana is, by nature, someone who will oppress humans because they're part dragon and their blood will bring strife to the world?
So unless IS doesn't fully commit to one narrative - because yes, for all of its flak, FE Fodlan still takes time, when it remembers, to portray Nabateans in a relative positive light when it comes to them as characters and in the general background, it's just that, they're never given a voice when it comes to discussing about the plot - we're bound to have this hypocrisy :
Dragons BaD bcs Humanity Fuck Yeah
Dragons and Humanity can coexist and make babies for scalies/monsterfuckers out there because acceptance/diversity is a way for peace.
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I don't know if you're still doing the ask game, but how about 1, 22, and 25? For Jason, and Steph too if you're up for it :D
Because I could still find it: yes! Still doing this ask game :3 Sorry it took so long to answer!
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
I spent like seventy years attempting to find the post with this meme on it so I could give credit lmao, but I could not for the life of me, so uh, just know that I'm remaking this thing from memory I guess???
Tumblr media
Jason is the bee in my bonnet, the rock in my shoe, and I am chewing on him forever and ever - meanwhile I will enjoy pretty much any comic about Steph simply because I love watching her do her thing :3
But to go into more detail I really enjoy Steph's narration style and the way she navigates the world. She feels very refreshingly street level and hopeful. Also as someone who grew up as the only "girl" (trans man but egg) in my martial arts class which was taught by a detective with a very drill sargent/tough-love approach to teaching and got an extra helping of PTSD as a result... watching her struggle, get dismissed bc of her gender, and go on to become a great hero despite Batman and his bullshit feels really fucking good. Def love Batgirl 2009
Jason on the other hand is just so deliciously messy. He's hurt a lot of people, but at the same time his anger is super justified! He's intimately familiar with violence in a way that I think makes him unable to conceptualize trust and gauge what an 'appropriate' response is. There's been several times where he's expressed the idea that serious violence by him against others is just normal and forgivable and not a big deal. There's something so compelling to me about that bc I think he really does see it that way, and it comes from a place of him being extremely used to receiving violence and being expected to forgive and not hold it against them. That wall of text in the meme picture is a tiny fraction of one of my essays on him. He's got so many fascinating layers and I love peeling him apart and putting him back together like a robot performing surgery on a grape.
Sometime after I finish Chained, I really want to write Four and Twenty Blackbirds, which is a fic concept I've had for ages now that puts them together in a lesbian/gay man queer relationship. The premise is that somehow or other Steph comes back to Gotham secretly/early and Jason is the first one to find her and they end up building a weird organized crime/community support organization called The Blackbirds.
Not sure on the timeline. Maybe it'll start before Under the Red Hood? Maybe after a modified Hush plotline?? In any case: Jason offers to preform High Vengeance against Black Mask either for or with her. She does not want him killed! She would feel like that went completely against everything she died for. However, she does want that fucker taken down, and is touched that Jason clearly genuinely cares. Also I'm going to have Jason assume without question that she is fully competent and his equal. Unlike every other vigilante in town, she will never have to prove herself to him. So anyways she tells him that yeah, she wants her revenge, but it's gonna happen her way, and the plot moves on from there, as together they destroy and co-opt Black Mask's organization and establish a territory for themselves :3
22) If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Unless given a reading suggestion by someone else, I exclusively read JayTim fanfiction, which heavily skews what I look for and see in fic. I'm also pretty damned picky lol I write much more fic than I read these days
Even the most basic, stripped down version of Stephanie's core concepts and background ought to be enough to conclude that she would have very complex feelings about both Jason and Tim and them dating each other. She had a supervillain father and a character arc about learning to value the lives of even her worst enemies. Now her ex is dating a guy who had a henchman father and the same character arc in reverse, a guy who specifically targeted her killer in order to get back at the mentor who bears some responsibility for both her death and his own. They are so uniquely poised to understand each other from across this fascinating chasm, both in terms of approaches to vigilantism and dating Tim. You could not ask for a more fertile storytelling ground, regardless of if you want her to be supportive or not.
So yeah, for Stephanie I like it when she has a personality outside of cheerleading Tim while being vaguely sweet and quirky.
The bar is in Hell here folks, and out of the hundreds of fanfics I've read I've only ever seen it cleared twice. And that's only if we include my own goddamned writing. This goes beyond normal fandom simplification, especially when you factor in that Cass, famously against all killing Cass, gets similarly denuded of all internal motives and qualities in favor of being (sometimes literally) wordlessly supportive for no apparent reason, while in those same fics the male characters get to have opinions and internal viewpoints. JayTim nation, I am praying for us to learn how to write women, truly.
Now on to Jason!
I think of Jason as someone who is intense in every facet of himself. He can be cruel and mistrustful or tender and romantic, but no matter what he is I want him to be a little unhinged with it, a little too deep, a little too incapable of not giving a fuck. I want this man lost in the sauce, whatever that sauce may be.
I dislike him being overly apologetic, which practically translates to me disliking most fics in which he is apologetic at all lol I do think he would come to regret some of his actions, but I tend to think those would be different actions than the ones he's usually depicted apologizing for. For instance, I can absolutely see him apologizing to a victim of the Joker for not killing him when he got the chance, but I don't really think he'd have the framework to consider his fights with Tim to have been all that far out of line.
25) What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Ohhhhhhh boy that was fuckin ages ago??? I'm not honestly sure I remember, though I do know that I read JayTim fanfics before anything else that involved these characters, so it had to have been based on that.
...Gah, I don't even remember how I found this ship lol! I mean I started with Boostle?? Maybe JayTim was in the background somewhere of one of those fics? idk
I suppose my first impressions were that Jason was a Big Mood deeply traumatized and lashing out bc of that, and Stephanie was gir waffles XD random rawr means I love you in dinosaur.
Anyhow, thank you very much for the ask @cologona! As per usual with these things I hope it was a fun read and you have a good day and all that jazz :3
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lespetitesmortsde · 5 years
Any chance of a continuation of the Banana bread FF because I need more like right now? it was so freaking cute omfg pretty please with a cherry on top?!🙈
I’m sorry it took so long, but here it is:
Chloe’s been in her house for a week and has spent every evening texting Beca after she gets home from work. The day she’d first met Beca, she texted herself from Beca’s phone so that she’d have her number.
Ever since, Chloe’s been using it liberally. She can’t use it during the day because she doesn’t want her students picking up bad habits from her. They’re at the age of ten, highly influential, and she wants them to know she’s 100% there during their time together.
Trying to be a good role model can be difficult.
She doesn’t text Beca directly after school either. Usually she has a meeting of some kind, either with a parent, a colleague, or a student. Then, instead of bringing her work home with her, she stays at her desk marking or prepping future lesson plans.
When she gets home, though, after she’s showered, Beca’s phone is open season.
Sometimes she starts by saying hello to her favourite baker. Other times she asks Beca about her day. Most often, though, she just launches into a story about one of her kids from that day.
Chloe: So I gave them a word association test today
Beca: I thought you needed informed consent before you could run psychological experiments on kids?
Chloe: Not for that reason!
Beca: lol
Chloe: You’re the worst.
Beca: Alright, I’m sorry. You were saying?
Chloe: Okay so
Beca: Wait how long is this story?
Chloe: BECA!
Beca: What?! We live next door. If it’s a long story you might as well just come over and tell it to me in person.
Chloe: I’m in the middle of making dinner.
Beca: Cool. I haven’t eaten yet. Be right over.
Chloe looks down at the takeout menu in her hand. “Crap.” Someone knocks at the door. Chloe looks at the pile of takeout menus on the counter. “Coming!” she shouts, tossing the one she was holding on top and sweeping the lot into a random drawer.
When she opens the door, Beca is on her doorstep with a bottle of wine in each hand. “I didn’t know if you preferred red or white,” she shrugged. “So I brought both.” Chloe steps to the side, blushing a little in embarrassment because Beca’s going to find out really soon that she can’t really cook.
Beca walks past her into the house and slips off her shoes. Finally she actually looks at Chloe. Concern hits her eyes immediately. “Hey, is something wrong? Oh my God, I’m sorry, I totally just invited myself over without even asking and, ugh, I’m sorry I’m such a dick,” she chastises herself, putting the bottles down on the table Chloe’s placed in the hall and leaning down to put her shoes back on.
Chloe’s too enamoured at how cute and awkward Beca’s being; it takes three seconds too long for her to put a hand on Beca’s arm. “No!” Chloe denies strongly. “Don’t go,” she continues and Beca at least pauses. “You don’t have to leave,” Chloe adds.
“Dude, no, I should, I was like super rude-”
“Stay please! I’m just embarrassed,” Chloe admits, shifting her weight on her feet.
Beca looks up, at the moment seemingly convinced not to leave. “Why?”
Chloe’s cheeks turn red. “I, uh, wasn’t technically cooking…”
Beca nods. “I was gonna say, for someone in the middle of dinner prep it does not at all smell of food in here.”
Chloe covers her face with her hands as Beca chuckles softly. “I know! I was going through takeout menus.”
Beca brushes Chloe’s hands off of her face. “So why not just say that?”
Vaguely, Chloe gestures at Beca’s whole body. Beca just stares back, confused.
“What, is there something on my shirt?” Beca asks, as she looks down at herself and starts twisting around to try and find a stain.
Chloe fights the urge to roll her eyes. “No, you look great, of course you do, it’s just that you’re, like, a super talented baker and I can barely make mac and cheese from a box,” Chloe says, eyes downcast.
Beca nudges her. “Relax, Chlo, the great thing about modernity is that cooking is not a required skill.” A little unsure, Beca pats Chloe on the arm. “Honestly? Without a recipe, I am at a loss with cooking. Baking and cooking are not the same thing, like at all.” She nods at the menu in Chloe’s hands. “I should show you my own collection.”
Smiling shyly, Chloe grabs a couple more menus from beside the fridge and offers them to Beca. “What are you in the mood for tonight?”
Sorting through them, Beca adopts a comically unsure expression, breaking a little into a smile when Chloe giggles. After another shuffle through, Beca raises an eyebrow and declares, “Do you trust me?”
Chloe laughs. “I trusted you even before I knew you,” she says, referring to the banana bread that still sometimes stars in her daydreams.
“Okay,” Beca says easily. “No food allergies?”
Chloe shakes her head.
“No peeking, Beale,” Beca instructs as she pulls out her phone and then she wanders into Chloe’s living room.
Beca dials up her favourite delivery restaurant in town, and waits for Linda to pick up.
“Fortune City Inn, how can I help you?”
“Hey Linda,” Beca says, looking back to check Chloe’s location. She moves farther away from her friend.
“Beca! The usual?” Linda asks, real elation entering her voice.
“Actually no, I’m going to branch out a bit. M goy ngau naam wonton mein, suk mi guy tong, yeung jow chow faan, hoyow gai lan, and jeeu pai chow mein.”
“You’re going to have leftovers!” Linda laughs. “Alright, it’ll be there in 35 minutes.”
“Oh, can you actually deliver it to the house beside mine?” Beca asks, then rattles off Chloe’s address.
“No problem,” Linda says. “Will you need the machine?”
“Yeah, please.”
“Okay, enjoy your evening!”
“You, too!” Beca hangs up and goes back into the kitchen. “Okay, food will be here in about half an hour. What should we do until then?”
Chloe grins, “Netflix?”
Beca laughs. “I still can’t believe that that was the first thing you set up for your new place, right after your Internet.”
“What can I say, TV is important to me!”
Beca smiles indulgently. “What are we watching, then?”
Chloe happily claps a little as she goes to grab her laptop from her office and sets it up on the coffee table. “I’ll set it up if you get the drinks?”
“Sure thing,” Beca agrees. She walks over to Chloe’s random utensil drawer and pulls out the wine opener. She uncorks the bottle of white and grabs two glasses from beside the sink.
When she gets back to the couch, Chloe has her portable speaker set up and the Netflix intro screen up.
“So you never answered what we’re watching…”
“You’ll find out! It’s a comedy though.”
Beca rolls her eyes. “Yup, that narrows it down for sure.”
Chloe glares playfully. “Watch it, Mitchell, I could still throw on a rom-com movie instead.”
Hastily, Beca hits the spacebar and sits back against the couch while the intro plays. Chloe smiles triumphantly and settles against Beca’s side.
“I’m assuming you haven’t seen any of this so we’re starting at the beginning. The new season comes out tomorrow.”
“Great, Chlo,” Beca says. “Still haven’t got a clue what it is.”
“Wait for it…” Chloe warns and after another few scenes,” One Day at a Time” appears on the side of the building.
“Isn’t this from the fifties or something?”
Chloe shakes her head. “It’s a remake and it’s awesome. Now shush.” And she devotes her attention to the screen in front of them in such a way that Beca has to follow suit.
Beca has to admit, it’s pretty funny. And even though knowing someone as overdramatic as Lydia in real life would suck, she might be Beca’s favourite character.
Halfway through the second episode, Chloe’s doorbell rings, and Beca immediately jumps for the door. Chloe takes the time to pause the show before following Beca out to her hallway.
Beca’s already got her card in the machine. The man at the door waves to Chloe and then he tears off Beca’s receipt.
“Do zeh,” she calls after him and then closes the door. She turns around to see Chloe behind her.
“What language is that?” Chloe asks, holding her arms out to help Beca carry the bags of food.
“Uh, Cantonese,” Beca says, and then walks right by Chloe to the kitchen.
“Where did you learn Cantonese?” Chloe asks, sounding both surprised and impressed.
“Oh, my mom and I used to go there a lot. The owner, Linda, taught us how to say some of the things we like in Canto, so now we can always impress, or maybe entertain is the better word, the ladies at different Chinese restaurants,” Beca answers as she pulls containers out of the bags and sets them on Chloe’s counter.
“Can I hear some?” Chloe asks as she pulls plates from a cupboard and digs around for napkins.
Beca laughs, “Maybe some other time, Beale, I have such a white person accent it’s not even funny.” She tosses a package of chopsticks on each plate.
“Still, it’s cool that you try,” Chloe says. She looks at Beca for a moment. Beca’s not sure what crosses Chloe’s face before she’s turning away to grab some serving utensils.
“Thanks.” Beca’s not sure why she blushes either.
“It smells delicious, but what am I eating?” Chloe asks, inspecting the various dishes. “I mean, clearly this is some sort of fried rice, this is a soup with corn? And this is wonton soup with noodles and some kind of meat, but anything more specific than that, I’m lost.”
“Oh right,” Beca says, and then steps closer to Chloe to differentiate the dishes with her pointer finger. “So I got us some house special fried rice, beef brisket and wonton noodle soup, creamy chicken and corn egg drop soup, and house special chow mein. Oh, and some oyster sauce gai lan.”
“Cool, let me grab a couple of bowls for the soup and some spoons, and then we can either migrate our Netflix set-up to the kitchen table or we can eat on the couch.”
“I don’t want to accidentally ruin your couch with sauce or soup or something, so we should probably move to the table,” Beca said, going over to move the computer onto the table.
“If you grab the shoebox from beside the couch, we can prop the laptop up for better ergonomics,” Chloe suggests as she closes a cupboard and places bowls beside the plates on the counter. She slips a spoon onto each plate too.
Beca finds the shoebox and does as she’s told and then joins Chloe back at the food. She serves them both some of each soup while Chloe fills her plate with little piles of everything else. Beca takes their bowls of soups over to the table before going back to load up her own plate.
After sitting down, Chloe breaks her chopsticks and then hits play just as Beca slides into the chair beside her. She’s brought a couple of little plastic containers with her, and opens them.
“So by all means try the soup without this stuff,” Beca says as the One Day at a Time intro plays through. “But if you want a little extra flavour, Linda sent some white pepper and soy sauce.” And then Beca proceeds to dump a small mound of white pepper into her soup, circling it with a couple rings of soy sauce.
Chloe nods and tries the soup. It’s good, but it’s also kind of basic, so she follows Beca’s lead and adds the flavouring agents, albeit in smaller doses than Beca did. Then she heaps some noodles, rice, and gai lan onto her plate.
“Want some of the wonton soup?” Beca asks as Elena and Alex bicker on screen.
“Oh, sure, thanks,” Chloe says, throwing a brief smile in Beca’s direction.
They watch two episodes, both of them managing to put away impressive mounds of food. Beca helps wrap up some leftover noodles and rice and tucks them into the back corner of Chloe’s fridge. Meanwhile, Chloe refills their wine glasses, draining the last of the bottle into Beca’s glass and opening a new one for her own.
“Back to the couch?” Chloe asks, calling through to the kitchen. Beca’s head pops out of the doorway.
“Sounds great, I’m just wrapping things up,” Beca says, making a face at her unexpected pun. Chloe laughs at her and then goes about moving their Netflix setup back to the couch.
They settle in with their wine and watch another three episodes, Chloe leaning against Beca’s side as Elena and Alex share a moment followed by a hug.
Completely ignoring the show still going on, Chloe moves her face closer to Beca’s. “Hey, are you okay?”
Beca’s eyes make a watery glance toward Chloe. “You said this was a comedy, Beale.” Her voice sounds a little choked up. The episode fades to the credits and Chloe quickly reaches over to prevent it from going to the next. When she looks back, Beca is gazing at her softly, the watery quality to her eyes seemingly dissipating. Chloe leans in closer to Beca, and she swears Beca leans in closer too.
At the last second, Beca pulls back slightly. “I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for the evening and should probably head home.
And just like that, reality comes rushing back to Chloe. She smiles, a little tightly, “Not embarrassed, Becs, but yeah, I can see you out.” She gets up off the couch and Beca follows, taking a moment to take her empty wine glass to the kitchen before meeting Chloe at the door.
“Next time, you gotta prepare me for the feels, okay?” Beca says, sliding on her shoes.
“You should probably just always be ready for the feels in that show,” Chloe advises.
They hesitate in the doorway once Beca’s shoes are on and there’s nothing left to chat about. Before Chloe can bring up the elephant in the room, Beca squeaks out, “Okay, well, see you around, Chlo,” and opens the door before disappearing to her own house.
She closes the door, locks it, and goes back to throw herself upon the couch, already replaying the evening and asking where she went wrong reading the signals.
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rorykillmore · 5 years
i feel like i send u this every time i cant decide on new characters lol but do u want any canon mates for your charas rn, which ones?
uhhh let’s see... i ALWAYS want canonmates. though first of all a disclaimer: i might do a bit of character cleanout after the revamp and on the chance that you’re considering any of these i don’t want you to like, commit only for me to drop them, so let me know if you are thinking of picking anyone up.....
lucille... idk. it’d be complicated if she got canonmates because she’s already had significant interactions and developments with previous iterations of edith and thomas. so idk. it could be interesting??? but it really depends on the angle
siobhan, i’m gonna be real, i have ALWAYS wanted a livewire for siobhan. livewire would make, like, the perfect addition to the denny guardians. and she 500% deserves better than what she got in canon, so everybody wins!
otherwise maybe a winn?? i think i’ve talked about this before but i have a soft spot for winn and siobhan’s dynamic, and i think it’d be interesting for them to interact now that she’s developed a lot...
(also a cat grant even though her and siobhan hate each other because i’m just like, CONSTANTLY in a state of “denny needs a cat grant”,)
for sara... hm probably one of the legends (idk if i can narrow down favorites, kendra, snart, zari, jax maybe...) or most definitely an e-1 laurel! which would, y’know, cause a lot of catastrophic conflict, but also sara and e-1 laurel deserve their reunion, so,
bramblestar... you know i’d really love to see one of the journey cats on denny?? we had a few of them at various times -- squirrelflight, feathertail, giz tried out crowpaw briefly. but man i would LOVE to have bramblestar interact with tawnypelt, or really... any of his half-siblings, because he and hawkfrost obviously have a lot of conflict, and he and mothwing. never get to fucking interact and there’s so much potential there. anyway if bramblestar had any kind of sibling on denny it would definitely be super interesting, given tigerstar’s presence and the conflict tigerclan presents in general.
or you know who i’ve always thought would be a really interesting warrior cat to see on denny? goldenflower. because i have a lot of questions about her relationship with tigerstar that the books never answered. and also, give bramblestar his mom back,
for dolores.... i think it’d be really interesting to have a teddy!!! they have so much unresolved shit they need to deal with, and it’d be... sad and complicated with dolores dating laurel now. otherwise, virtually any of the characters you apped/tried out were fucking great, or i would love to have a bernard sometime especially with their mounting conflict.
or i’ve always thought dolores would have really interesting conversations with emily....
for sophie-anne.... idk [immediately forgets all the true blood characters]
no but i would definitely love to have a hadley!! that’d be one of those like. “basically expanding a lot of headcanons for a ship we really didn’t get to see much of in canon” things but. what we saw of them was great, and i like my “hadley would ask to be turned” headcanon. or maybe someone like pam or tara??
camille.... well you’ve mentioned wanting to try out jackie and obviously i would LOVE that. camille and jackie’s relationship is really. poignant to me but i also think they have a lot of unresolved, sad stuff going on. i think camille... forgives jackie or is trying to because she’s also trying to forgive herself for what happened with marian, and she loves jackie so much and jackie was sometimes the only thing that made her childhood bearable, but yeah. also there’d be a lot of potential for funny stuff obviously but there’s something legitimately impressive about jackie’s ability to get dirt on EVERYONE so i have to wonder like, what else she’d get into,
and then.... jay tried her out for a bit (and was wonderful with her) but i would fuckin kill to have an amma long term. i think amma is a wonderfully. painfully complex character who you could do a lot with in rp and admittedly i also just, want to give her and camille some kind of closure arc because they REALLY deserve it, 
i don’t know if anyone would ever try her out because she’s only in one episode but maybe alice too?? although i might cry too hard for that,
sly’s answer is surprisingly like, “too many to count”, because i realized how many sly cooper characters i would LOVE to see on denny. obviously there’s carmelita but i think fate is still planning on apping her eventually?? so besides her... definitely bentley or murray! how could i not want sly to have his best friends... and i also think someone like neyla has a hell of a lot of potential (good balance of ‘scary villain who would do shit’ and ‘potential to flesh out some legitimate complexity’) and that clockwerk if played right would be a TERRIFYING threat and.... someone like dimitri could make a fun comic relief character, or i have such a soft spot for the panda king
or really, honestly, ANY of the cooper ancestors, and so many of those are fan favorites so i’m always holding out hope that someone will pick one of those up! consider: rioichi and nyssa would get along INCREDIBLY well,
for nightcloud.... hmmm honestly i wouldn’t mind having a crowfeather as much as there is to complain about with that relationship because. i’m always here for rping things out in a more satisfying way than canon,
but also like... god i don’t know. feathertail or... i’m trying to think what other female characters Deserved Better because i would love to give nightcloud a ship with another she-cat that kind of. deconstructs a bit of that jealousy thing she does
for susie i would be SO fucking stoked if someone apped someone else from the suspiria movie, actually. specifically like... madame blanc or sara because obviously susie had very poignant and important relationships with both of them (and i think they’re both great characters in their own right). and like. aren’t we all here for sad gay stuff,
also this might be a weird answer but i’m like... weirdly attached to the remake’s version of olga?? she has like 10 minutes of screentime so idek why except for the fact that i was like, previously attached to olga from the original movie. probably no one would ever care enough to flesh her out and app her unless they were like BIG into suspiria like me or fate or jemi are but, y’know
cordelia.... already has/or has had some great canonmates on denny; obviously i already REALLY love your myrtle. if you’re not still planning on apping her... idk i know you also said you were interested in coco or queenie and they would both be amazing to see. basically any of the coven witches!! or uh... christ idk i don’t have the energy to sort through the other seasons of ahs characters now but, any ahs characters would be really interesting i’m sure
for alana, barring the two you’ve already tried out.... i of course think having hannibal around would be both catastrophic and extremely interesting for everyone involved. or also, possibly a weirder answer, but jack??? idk you know we need some like. Solid Law Types for the mld maybe, and i have a weird soft spot/interest in alana and jack’s relationship. or like... obviously getting an abigail would be really sad and complicated (but also, give abigail a shot at a normal life,) or i’ve always thought bedelia could be super interesting on denny...
but naturally the REAL answer here is matthew brown,
for villanelle... i mean i should preempt this by saying that i can’t think of a like, major or supporting character from killing eve who isn’t fucking delightful and i would be thrilled to see ANY of them. if you continue with irina i would rp with her more in an instant
but also..... i would lay down my life for an eve, i gotta be real..... idk what else there is to say.  eve is another character who would be interesting with the mld (though. not for the same reasons as jack. the mld has had corrupt characters and it’s had lawful characters but it hasn’t really had someone who’s... slowly spiraling off the rails yet??) and of course i would throw like 15 million plots at her with villanelle (and my other characters, i guess, >__>). villanelle deserves to have the rug pulled out from under her with eve showing up, so,
okay and then laura.... idk american gods is. SUCH a universe. there are so many potential characters from that who would be fun on denny. to narrow down a couple, obviously shadow and laura have... a lot of unresolved issues to work out and i would kind of really love to play off a shadow because i have a thing for like. sad unresolved ex plots?? and they’d be great for that, nevermind the fact that shadow would have a lot of potential on denny...
ooooor mad sweeney because i have to admit i am becoming a LITTLE bit of a sucker for him and laura as a ship and how could i RESIST the opportunity for things to spiral into disaster if/when she finds out about his involvement in her death. but also like. give me them working through that and becoming better people together.  or mr wednesday!! i mean any of the gods would be INCREDIBLE to see on denny but i think mr. wednesday really stands out as far as... how much overall plot potential he has because he is really such a driving force. and i both love him and love to hate him,
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warmau · 7 years
Highschool!AU Jisung
find college!nct (here) & hs!haechan (here) | hs!jeno (here)
favorite subject: physics & world history
least favorite subject: english
voted most likely to: visit mars
jisung’s favorite thing to proclaim is that he is NOT a nerd - he is a open-minded intellectual
“you have an entire theory about how aliens are real.” haechan points out flatly and jisung just rolls his eyes “not just aliens. micro-universes. honestly, that’s not nerdy - it’s genius.”
the rest of his friends have given up on trying to get through to him,,,,,,watching star wars re-runs till 5 in the morning isn’t being open-minded,,,,
and jaemin has whispered this to jeno before, that maybe jisung’s over the top jokes and jabs at others is just him hiding that shy part of himself,,,,the jisung that doesn’t want to get excited about history and space in fear that people will resort to making fun of him
jeno agrees but does jisung really have to keel calling him ‘cold herted manhwa prince’ all the time,,,,
although he’s the youngest, and therefore still has to have some boundary of respect with his friends, this doesn’t stop him from being sarcastic at like. every given moment
“yeah renjun, that haircut - your mom was wrong it’s a disaster”
“since mark abandoned us for college or whatever adults do - haechan is in charge of us and therefore haechan buys us snacks after school. amiright or amiright?”
even jaemin, whose in another town isn’t safe, one night over the group chat jisung went “jaemin i have a recommendation it’s a book and it’s called your opinion only matters when you move back to our school written by yours truly”
like he’s a little mischievous kid, even if he’s in high school, you can’t take that away from him
and most of the time,,,his friend are used to it because every group needs a smartmouth 
even though when they all first met him, getting jisung to even speak his name had been hard
but under that comic exterior is a kid with real passions, a kid who people sometimes see as this thin, overly excited video game playing nerd when in reality he wants to do so much with his life
he wants to discover more of the world, leave his mark on the world, even if it means he can’t be that shy boy anymore
“yeah i have almost too much extensive knowledge about final fantasy, but hey that might come in handy if i ever have to fight a magical world against a new race of aliens that has come to take over the -”
“jisung, i called you to ask if you wanted to come see jigsaw with us not get another lecture”
“,,,,,fine haechan but you’re missing out on my genius. you will regret it in the future”
also, even though he’s a fairly good student, can you imagine jisung trying to play like ??? on his 3ds like in the middle of a lecture and making a loud sound when he loses 
and the teacher is like ? what was that and jisung is like sorry it was my stomach got that,,,hourly indigestion
and haechan slaps his head against his textbook while everyone class is like oh my god grOSS
i just love jisung not caring about a word that comes out of his mouth LOL
you’ve never had classes with jisung, but when you get switched into english and the only chair open is beside him, you two realize quickly that - you’re a lot alike
for one, you notice that while the teacher is droning on, jisung’s hand are moving unnaturally under his desk
with one tilt of your head you see his 3ds and the screen, smirking to yourself
that game was on of your favorites - and jisung was incredibly bad at it
another time, jisung catches you
instead of reading your textbook, in between the pages you have a old copy of star wars: dark force rising
you’re not even being subtle, but the teacher doesn’t seem to care enough to check and jisung leans over
“khabarakh is really cool isn’t he?”
you flick your eyes over to him and grin “yeah, but i prefer wookies over noghri’s”
jisungs eyebrows furrow “why? their honor codes are the same-”
the teacher clears his throat and asks if either you or jisung would like to read the next passage - completely in english
you stay quiet and jisung gets up, his voice sounds like a slapstick version of some british actors as he reads randomly off the pages of the textbook
not wanting to hear it, the teacher waves for him to sit down and asks another student to do it instead
you look over and jisung shrugs with a smile, but you mouth a thank you anyway for saving you from the embarrassment
unfortunately, english is the only class you have together, but it’s enough to blossom a friendship
you pass notes talking about how the lights you saw last night looked like UFOs, about how the new remake of twin peaks isn’t that great, about how halloween is for kids but your dream costumes would still be something classic and spooky
you show jisung, while the teacher is going over homework, a technique for the video game he’s been sucking at
and as you both lean from your desks, your fingers moving swiftly across the buttons, jisung looks up and 
the space between you two,,,,,is so small,,,,
up close he can see the small details of your face and how pretty they were now that he got a good look
he had made fun of his friends for liking people, oh he’d done it plenty “do you really think IU is ever going to love you back?” yadda yadda 
and it came easily to him because he had honestly never felt,,,,that feeling before
he’d never looked at anyone and felt his heart swell or his stomach fill with butterflies
he had assumed that maybe he did have a crush on characters in movies he liked, video games he played, but on a real person - a person in school - the person sitting beside him kicking his ass at this video game he had been struggling with for hours -
your whispered voice sprung him out of his thoughts and he grinned, taking the 3ds away from you and saying something like “this better work or else” 
you rolled your eyes and lean onto your desk “it will. it got me to level 14 so,,,,,,,,,,”
your voice lingers in jisung’s head, even after school has ended and he and his friends have agreed to play soccer out in the field
jisung keeps being distracted, at one point gets punted in the side with the ball
renjun yells for him to pay attention, but jisung says he needs to go get something and runs off the field before anyone can question it
he finds himself in the nearst mini-mart, the college student behind the cashier doesn’t even look at him twice and he walks down the aisle mindlessly picking up bags of gummy bears or chocolate bars
he doesn’t have any money, but he pretends to keep shopping till something taps his shoulder
for a moment he thinks it’s the cashier, about to kick him out of the store
but it’s not, it’s you
“you look like i just offended your grandmother, what’s up?”
you’ve got a handful of milk tea bottles and licorice 
“can i have one?” he points to the bottle and you laugh “sure, there’s more over there-”
he pats his pockets and shrugs to show he’s broke
you roll your eyes and head over to the cashier, buying the snacks and letting jisung follow you out onto the street
“here, but you owe me. i want,,,,,,red bean jelly tomorrow in class.”
you drop the drink into his open palms and grin, jisung feels something pull at his heart in the same moment
this is what a crush is like, this is what liking someone is?
“so, why were you in there if you had no money?” you ask, opening a snack with your teeth as jisung watches in wonder
it’s like you’re doing everything in slow motion, highlighted by a pink hue,,,,,,,
jisung thinks he’s going mad
“i uh,,, uh - uh,,,,,thought i lef-left something in there. from before. lost my keys, yeah.,,,,,”
you shake your head and motion that you should go back inside “should we go in and look together?”
quickly, jisung’s voice almost breaks, “n-no it’s fine.”
he feels like he’s reverted back to the shy kid who came to this town not knowing anyone, the kid who had no idea how to put words together, every inch of his smartmouth character had been obliterated by your existence
“i heard there’s going to be a new game coming out in the winter, alien zombies or something. it sounds cool, but id need to get a part time job-”
you’re talking, and jisung wants to listen because he knows what game you’re talking about and he wants it too, but again it’s like,,,,his heartbeat is too loud in his ears
you and him both turn to see renjun and haechan standing there
renjun has the soccer ball under his arm and haechan looks between you and jisung with an almost deceitful smile climbing onto his face
“oh - dude you should have told us you were going on a date~”
renjun grins know too “are you and jisung having a good time?”
the snickering between his friends makes jisung’s veins turn cold,,,,and suddenly he can talk again
“i don’t like them like that, we-  we aren’t even friends.”
jisung looks at you and you look back, shocked silent because what- you,,,,,,you aren’t friends?
he gets up, knocking over the drink you’d given him. renjun looks at you worriedly and haechan just seems confused
without a word, jisung starts down the street. renjun gives you a meek wave as he and haechan chase after jisung
you sit there, the spilled drink pools around your feet
“we’re not ,,,,,, friends?”
that night, jisung beats himself up in his head
what were you thinking? why did you say that? did you think your friends were going to make fun of you? for having another friend?
he turns on his side
no, they’re going to make fun of me for liking someone
he grits his teeth and knows that’s a dumb thing to think, sure his friends might find it a little funny but there’s nothing wrong with liking someone
liking someone doesn’t make you a nerd,,,,,,jisung clams up at the word. he doesn’t want to be a shy kid picked on by others,,,,never again
and worst of all he doesn’t want to get picked on by his friends,,,,but
but they wouldn’t pick on him for liking you - right?
jisung closes his eyes and he can still see your shocked face when he said you weren’t even friends. it makes his heart crack and out of it leaks a painful feeling into his body
the next day in english, you don’t look at jisung as he sits down at his desk
you don’t look at him when he fishes out the red bean jelly you’d asked and puts it on your desk with a small effort for conversation
“i don’t want it.”
you say coolly and look back down at your book
“im not going to eat something from a stranger.”
jisung spends the period with his head down, but you don’t feel bad - he said what he said and he meant it
that painful feeling in his heart seems to grow and even his friends notice, that jisung doesn’t have any funny comebacks. doesn’t have any new video games to share, doesn’t come to soccer afterschool
he seems,,,,,,,like the old jisung,,,,,quiet and meek
at some point, haechan gets it. he gets the rest of them together and they make a plan. 
“i think jisung said something wrong.”
“thats not new” renjun sighs and haechan nods
“but he said something really wrong, renjun you were there. and now, we gotta fix it.”
that’s how you find yourself, sitting ontop of a desk in an empty classroom with chenle in front of you
he’s telling you about how he hasn’t been able to figure out something in the star wars movies. you listen and answer his questions, they’re not hard for a true fan
at some point the door opens and haechan motions for chenle to come 
you raise an eyebrow “but im telling him something about darth-”
chenle slips out and is replaced by ,,,,,,, jisung
who as soon as he sees you, turn to open the door but haechan has already got it closed and you both can hear his voice
“talk to each other and figure out how you feel so we don’t have to look at your depressed faces anymore!”
with that, it’s quiet. you don’t know what to say until jisung goes “they mean me, they’re tired of my depressed face.”
you blink and open your mouth to say “what does that have to do with me?” but jisung answers that for you 
“im sorry i said we weren’t friends, i regret saying it. sometimes,,,,i run my mouth without thinking.”
you try not to smile, but a little one spreads on your lips 
“i do think we’re friends, i really do but i also,,i also,,,,,,,,”
you jump off the desk and the sound makes jisung stop
you walk over to him and jisung is as red as a stop light, right up to his ears
he searches your eyes for some kind of answer, grips the bottom of his uniform shirt in suspense 
you lean in and jisung closes his eyes, he looks so fragile but - he doesn’t flinch backwards. he waits
and instead of kissing him on the lips, which you worry would spiral him into a heatstroke, you press your lips to his cheek
“also you like me right?”
his eyes open and he seems relieved, but also still highly embarrassed
“i like you a lot.”
he is about to say, “do you like me too?”
but you just take his hand and nod, because you do
how could you not like the boy who loves star wars as much as you and thinks he can beat you at video games when he really cant and who can’t watch what he says and who turns brighter than a rose in summer when you’re around him
HOW can you resist
and tbh,,,,the rest of his friends are so thankful that you two are ‘dating’
although neither of you much likes saying that,,,,,you’re more like,,,,,,like,,,,,,,,,yeah no you’re both dating but the word makes not only jisung, but you, go up in flushed flames
because you bring back that light to jisung, you make him outgoing and funny again 
tbh you make him something more too,,,suddenly those little parts of shy jisung that still peeked through,,,are gone
to his friends, he’s only become funnier and brighter,,,and sometimes louder to their disdain
but his happiness is evident in the way that when you come around it’s like the goddamn sun has just burst out of jisung’s chest
you guys get stuck in your own world, talking about ‘geeky’ stuff, leaning over each other to see what new games are coming out, discussing the theory of another evolution of people somewhere in the universe
“it’s like they’re talking another language.” jeno explains and haechan just wrinkles his nose “aliens aren’t even real,,,”
you and jisung at the same time: yeah they are????
sometimes jisung realizes that he misses you
even though he saw you in school an hour ago, he only tells one person about this: mark
and mark just ruffles his hair and goes “that’s what you feel when you like someone, you want to be around them all the time.”
jisung thinks about that,,,,he thinks about how cool it’d be for you and him to go somewhere - maybe mars - maybe another universe - and explore together
he thinks it’s childish, like what is he in kindergarten playing pretend, but it makes his heart flutter too
he can’t take you to mars, but he can take you to the indoor amusement park, hold your hand and turn cherry red when you’re on the haunted ride together and you press closer to his arm
he can eat cheap ramen with you at the local park, his uniform jacket spread out for you to sit on
he can take you to the bookstore, geek over comics with you like he can’t do with anyone else
and he can see you in english class, looking nothing short of mesmerizing as you stare at the board
the sunlight that comes through the windows illuminates your hair, the color of your eyes
you do that little thing where you poke your cheek with the end of your pen and it does the clicking noise 
you draw a little yoda on the pages of your notes
you look over and smile at him - it makes him melt every single time
“i know it’s not a lot, but i delivered papers for a week and got them this.”
jisung shows his friends the bear, dressed up as han solo
haechan coughs and renjun goes “don’t they want like,,,,a bracelet? chocolate? something romantic?”
but all his friends are wrong, you hold the han solo bear in your arms and almost cry,,,,,,it’s so cute
“han jisung?” you laugh and jisung thinks he might go dizzy with happiness that you like his gift
you lean in, kiss his cheek but this time jisung holds your wrist and you look at him questioningly
“can i kiss you,,,,,,,for real?”
“you don’t have to ask.”
you close your eyes and even with them closed, you can feel jisung’s hesitation 
he must be staring at your lips, sweating but he does it
he kisses you and for a second you see stars, interstellar stars
and when you pull away from each other, jisung is wide eyed 
“was it o-ok?”
you giggle and nod, “perfect. the best ive ever had.”
jisung’s newest favorite line is “hey, hey im the only one here who is in love so i have a better opinion on this”
you sometimes have to shush him before he says something smart to an adult LOL
you walk to school most of the time, and recently you’ve been bumping into jisung - who you know takes the subway
“oh, i didn’t know we’d get here at the same time!” he says at the gate and you smile, holding his hand for a moment while no one is looking
at some point, chenle let’s you in on the secret: jisung waits at the gate till you come and then pretends like he just got there 
jisung almost dies everytime you kiss his forehead
literally he goes into like a dream like state
takes haechan three pinches to get him out of it
sometimes, when it’s the winter holiday and there are no tests, no homework, no worries for just a little tiny while
you and jisung talk about it, about how infinite space is and how it must be to not be pressured by school in some other dimension
jisung thinks you’re the coolest person he’s ever met,,,,and not just because he’s head over heels in love with you,, but because you understand each other
once, when you were growing tired and falling asleep with jisung still on the phone with you, you murmured that you hoped - even in another dimension - that you and jisung would meet
you were so sleepy you didn’t hear him say that across the infinite universes, he would choose you to fall in love with every time
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the-blackest-spider · 4 years
Name: Cat
Middle name: Rene (pronounced like the ring you wear on your finger)
Gender: female
Star sign: Capricorn as fuck.
Sexuality: Straight
Favourite animal: Large felines, felines in general
House: Ravenclaw
Sleep: Usually 5 to 8 hours, but on days off and weekends right now it’s a little funky due to gaming.
Time: 5:16 pm PST
Dogs or cats: Both
Grab one book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?: (it’s only one word so I did the lines before it too)
Sholto came closer and said, “They look almost like the wings of a baby nightflyer, but light and jewel-bright instead of dark and leathery.”
Ever had a poem or a song written about you?: Not that I’m aware of… probably not.
When was the last time you played air guitar?: Uh… sadly that’s a good question. Lol
Put your Itunes whatever on shuffle. what are the first 6 songs that popped up?:
Beyond The Sea - Celtic Woman
Suddenly - Olivia Newton-John
Paint It, Black - Ciara
Hat Full of Stars - Cyndi Lauper
A View to a Kill - Duran Duran
Rock On - Def Leppard
Dream job: To own a comic book shop
Why I made a Tumblr: Because the rp board I was a part of was pretty much dying and a former friend I was writing with at the time showed their true colors and I needed a fresh start, but I wanted to keep writing Natasha.
Blankets you sleep with: One.
Reasons for my url: It’s a word play thing.
Who is your celebrity crush?: Gerard Butler.
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Sometimes I hate the way people crack their joints or knuckles. Right now a sound I love is the FFVII Remake soundtrack.
  Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes and yes, but I don’t really think aliens are weird looking creatures or little green dudes like fiction makes them.
Do you drive? if so, have you ever crashed?: I did annnd now I don’t. I had my license, but the after affects of having a blood clot in my left leg makes feeling in it a little difficult sometimes and I’ve been working on getting comfortable with that, to go through the process to get it all back, but then this pandemic thing happened, so hopefully after that.
What was the last book you read?: Divine Misdemeanors by Laurell K. Hamilton  
Do you like the smell of gasoline?: Yes. I have a lot of good memories when it comes to car garage type smells.
What was the last movie you saw?: Inuyasha and the Swords of an Honorable Ruler
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: Knocking my top two front teeth out against a drinking fountain while playing freeze tag in 2nd grade.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: No. But I don’t always forgive and forget either, it depends. However if someone wrongs a person I care about then I do indeed hold a grudge.
In a relationship?: Yeah, with my bed.
Tagged by:  @shieldshawk
Tagging: If you see this and wanna do eet go a head. 
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