#Slitherin skittles
rudamaruda520 · 2 days
so this is a playlist of songs that are blasting on full volume from any car Barty is in,
any suggestions for what should I add there??
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moonyswarmsweaters · 9 days
David Tennant would fully approve the cuntefication of Barty crouch Jr
He was a perfect casting, but at what cost?
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marauderswolf22 · 3 months
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Regulus: there’s something wrong with James. I can’t believe I’m gonna sleep with him.
Evan: …
Evan: you don’t have to
Regulus: oh I’m gonna.
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justafanbutcurious · 4 days
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jegulus moodboard
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marylily4ever · 8 months
I know we're supposed to respect everyones hcs, but this girl JK something (she is inded a joke) is making no sense
First she says that everyone is straight and then she says that Pete is a traitor (pls, my bbg wouldn't even kill a fly), after saying that James, Mary and Evan are white I can't stand her
She even made a fic called Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone (?), girl no one is gonna read that shit it doesn't even mention my wife Pandora
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ddanthedumbass · 3 months
Barty: is it really considered murder if you say sorry after?
Evan: not if you don't get caught
Regulus: do you guys really have to discuss this over breakfast?
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moonsstan · 2 months
okayyy this song but its starchaser angst and its james abt reg 😭
,,I’m friendly and thoughtful and quite awfully pretty,
But he needed more than me.”
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OK but like do we have a female version of barty? like not in him in female but a marauders era girl who is like barty? if not can we pls find her? I need someone to kin
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mafee17 · 3 months
Barty would hate James and Sirius, since James started flirting with Reg and Sirius was reconnecting to his brother. Regulus would be woried as fuck of it, he knew what Barty was able to do. Until one night, Regulus reading in the Griffindor Comun Room with Remus, the three of them came back from wherever the place they have been, laughting. Regulus looked at Remus, looked at Sirius, with his hair a total mess, at James, with his shirt smelling like burned, and Barty, with a little cut on his lip. "What the fuck did you just do?" Rem questioned. "Nothing really impressive" they answered.
The next day, Regulus was reading the Daily Prophet and his eyes stopped on one of the maintittles of the newspaper, that was "Group of three men put a house on fire, no hurts". And Regulus knew, with a little smile that they were okay with each other.
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Slytherin skittles Mean Girls AU
Btw Pandora is the one filming I’m sorry about that
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moonyswarmsweaters · 18 days
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Barty and Pandora
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marauderswolf22 · 3 months
i am a marauders fan, of course im obsessed with grandpa sweaters
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divkazkdovikde · 8 months
having thoughts about barty crouch jr
like what do you mean he escaped from azkaban thanks to his mother who took his place??
just to be then imperio’d by his father???
he basically spent most of his life in prison. you know, metaphorically speaking… (screaming crying throwing myself against the wall)
also on the other note: the fact that barty and james both had an ivisibility cloak???
not to mention the fact that he was obviously very fucking smart??? (the whole gof being the evidence of that) of course he was a fucking ravenclaw, his brains mate, his fucking brains
always kinda cackling about the way he basically went: yeah i’d like for you to die but mate my boss wants to kill you himself so i refuse to let you die before that so yes i will help you to get through murdeous tournament at all fucking costs alright just take it ask no questions trust me dude i know what i am doing
and then screaming crying throwing up because he survived all his friends. all of them. regulus, evan, dorcas, pandora. (he lost pandora and dorcas first, when they went the different way, after losing reg there was no more hope for him, but losing his evan made him lose his mind, made him the mad man)
(barty finally understood why dorcas went mad, basically all achilles, after marlene died. he finally understood the pain dorcas felt, when evan died in his arms. and you know how it goes, going mad with pain. he finally understood why dorcas laughed, when she took down no small number of death eaters in her madness, before voldemort finally stopped her. he understood it, when he tortured alice and frank, ones of those responsible for evan’s death, and he laughed too, madly, finally tasting the sweetnest of revenge. and at those moments he allowed himself for a moment to miss his former friend, to mourn her. and he let himself taste the bitter memory of her, of them, of who they used to be, of who they never got to be. just for a moment. and it was dorcas who he thought of in his last moments, when he finally understood the relief, she must have felt, as she was finally going to join the love of her life and above. and he died with the same little content smile as he thought of the girl who was once his friend, who went mad over her lovers’ death, whose doom was so similar to his, yet not really. he thought of dorcas and marlene when he finally reunited with evan in the afterlife. and in the afterlife, finally free, finally happy, finally not in pain, he hoped that in their next life, the doom would be fate instead.)
alright this escalated quickly, that was not the plan but eh, anyway, i’ll leave it there.
so yeah. barty crouch jr. want him in my pocket. he’s my bbgirl an i’m starting to go absolutely feral over him. hopefully i’ll be able to stop that train before it crashes, and there will be no faith for me anymore. (hehe delulu is the solulu)(i’m a lost cause already, who am i kidding)
also absolutely convinced he and sirius talked shit in azkaban. they were absolutely the prison buddies.
anyway barty. crouch… junior. (fr mr igor karkaroff had no business to say his name like that in the bloody movie) my mad crazy felon. i love him your honor.
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justafanbutcurious · 5 months
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I need someone to write a marauderer's band au fic with the marauderer's being a band and regulus, Barty and Evan being a band. Where the marauderer's sing songs like 'i wanna be yours' and 'i love you so' where regulus Barty and Evan sing songs such as 'baby bird' and 'hawk in the night'. And Dorcas is a model while pandora is an actor. So james invites all his friends to a summer vacation and tells sirius to invite regulus and by extension the slytherin skittles becuz regulus won't hang around all summer without his friends. and then love starts to fill the air. When they get back from the vacation. James released a song 'cruel summer' while regulus released 'enchanted' cuz they fell in love in summer. And wrote songs about each other.
Also like remus sings 'angel baby' in a concert and then announces that he and sirius are dating
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