#Shogan of Sorrows
herrscherrofyatta · 1 year
Familiar Faces
Chapter 3
Pairing: Tomo x F!reader
warnings: a hint of Kazuha x reader could be taken platonic or romantic, Ei/Shogan slander, future spoilers for Scaramouche lore, reader is described to have long hair like Ei, tomo aint dead, I changed a few things obviously cuz Tomo is alive..., slow burn, death, betrayal, one sided for a couple chapters, blood, angst, angst and more angst :)
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Standing on top of one of the stone pillars where Rex Lapis had sealed his enemies, you look down to where you can see Beidou's crew finishing up the final touches for the tournament.
Taking out the letter from your pocket before letting it out in the wind, seeing as it flutters in the sky before it disappears.
Your eyes flutter shut as a harsh blow of the wind surrounds you before turning around and walking off the stone.
'I hope this letter finds you in good condition, Kuni.'
Aether looks around, not spotting the (H/c)- Indigo-haired woman anywhere omg the crowd of people who were in line to sign up for the tournament.
"Are you looking for your friend?" He looks at Paimon who was beside him, "she's the one who told you about the tournament, right? I wonder why she's not here."
He shrugs his shoulders, being the next one in line, he looks down at the paper to see if her name was on it in case she arrived earlier than him but nope.
"You're...the famous traveler!" The woman in front of him gasp as she recognizes him.
Everyone around heard her, some coming up to him for an autograph while others begin to worry if they would even last in the event with him being in it.
Beidou grins at this, Kazuha who stood beside her, a smile plastered on his face before the woman speaks up.
"Where's your friend? Is he not going to come to watch?" Beidou glances down at him but he shakes his head.
"I'm afraid he's not feeling well these days." He says, Tomo did say he wanted to come to watch but since [Y/n] was back in his mind, he changed his mind.
Beidou let out a hum at this, her eyes narrowing at this, the blonde was feeling under the weather lately, drinking his sorrows away.
"I see, just tell him that drinking won't solve anything."
Kazuha looks at her, "I'm sure he's well aware of this but I'll tell him either way."
She smiles at this before deciding to call over the traveler, "I forgot to mention, a good friend of mine is going to join us on our trip to Inazuma after this is all over. She should arrive sooner or later."
"Inazuma?" He crosses his arms, "why there?"
"She's from there just like you and your friend but she's not quite a wanted criminal like you two."
He raises a brow at this but doesn't say anything else as the traveler and Paimon show up in front of them.
To be frank, you didn't feel nervous to show up in front of your old friends who watched you get killed by the Shogan, after all, you had a job to finish and your dear friend was waiting for you in Inazuma doing her part of the plan.
Human emotions were deemed useless and weak by your brother, which you can't help but agree on some level.
Feelings get in the way of things but you were well aware of your feelings of affection for Kunikuzushi, he was the one you held close to your heart since the very beginning.
Reaching a hand to where your heart is located, you sigh, "we'll get that gnosis no matter what." You mutter to yourself as your subordinates kneel a good distance from where you stood.
"Blend in with the crowd until we reach Inazuma and follow the orders you were given."
They nod, "now then, you're all good to go." Quickly leaving, you're left alone on the sandy beach, staring at the tournament in the distance.
Slowly making your way over there, "they should've reached the second to last finals." You say out loud, walking by a few hilichurls who seem to cower in fear in your presence.
The black fur on the collar that belonged to your long, white coat with purple flower designs embroidered onto it, tickles the side of your face as the wind picks up for a brief moment. The thigh-high boots you wore step onto the shallow water as you pass by a couple of ruined guards laying around the small piece of land, soaking them a bit as you slowly make your way to the crowd who seem to be waiting around.
A couple of people began to notice you approaching, "who's she?"
The whispers were something you were used to, good or bad, they never bothered you in the slightest.
Stopping, you stood there, eyes looking around before you spotted your friend standing next to the table, talking with one of her crew members, seems like she hasn't noticed you.
It took a few minutes for her to feel the eyes on her, making Beidou turn around only to smile at the sight of you there, standing in all your glory, a gloved hand on your hip as you grin at her slightly.
"[Y/n]." She walks over to you, patting your shoulder, "I didn't think you would make it."
Brushing off the invisible dirt off your coat, you smile, "I would never miss these tournaments, after all, I remain undefeated." There's this rare teasing gone in your voice she chuckles.
"Of course, we know that."
You give her a tight, closed-eye smile, "since I wasn't needed till now, I went around the area and eliminated any threats."
Looking around, you don't see Aether's face in the crowd, "hm? Where is my opponent?" Crossing your arms, Beidou lets out a small cough that makes you look at her with a raised brow.
"The prize was stolen a little wild ago, the traveler and Kazuha went after the thief." Your lips part slightly at the mention of the white-haired young man but she didn't seem to notice how you tensed up just a tiny bit.
"I see," you let out a sigh, "well, I don't think we'll wait long for them to return, the traveler is a remarkable person."
Beidou agrees with you but she changes the subject to one you hoped she wouldn't bring up.
"By the way, it's been almost a year and a half since I heard anything from you aside from the letters I received, you mentioned that your job was keeping you busy."
You listen to her quietly, the letters she mentioned are the ones you sent out months after you left Inazuma and settled in Mondstadt for the time being.
Thanks to a friend who let you stay with him, normally he would be so hesitant knowing you were and worked with but...
"Unfortunately, I was heavily injured and barely managed to escape Inazuma, luckily a friend who had his employers working managed to sneak me out of Inazuma." You say, although some of it was a lie, your friend helped you out in the end.
"I stayed with him until recently we had a little disagreement and now he's considered hostile towards me."
Beidou gives you a look, "look, you may be my friend but I don't want any trouble."
You smile at her, "of course, I like keeping my battles to myself.
The two of you continue talking and the longer you talk, the more things start to make sense to her.
Glancing behind the woman, she notices that Kazuha and the rest are back, the dead vision in his hand and he pauses.
Aether looks at him, confused at his sudden behavior change, and in his bandaged hand, his fingers grip the vision.
The story of his old friend still lingers in his mind as Kazuha lets out a tiny gasp when the (h/c) indigo-haired woman finally turns to look at them.
That same distant, stoic look on her face is the same as very although the scent that usually lingers around her is very different.
She doesn't seem to notice him at first until her eyes slowly look at him after noticing that he was standing next to Aether.
"It's you." He gasps out, breathes stuck in his throat as (e/c) eyes narrow at him ever slightly.
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Taglist: @thetwinkims @xiao-loyal-simp @somemydayy @slvdsjjk @valeriele3
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mediashinobi · 7 years
Samurai Jack: XCVI Review
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Hey guys Kris here and HOLY SHIT, damn it Gendy you nearly gave me a heart attack in the beginning you Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Schooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soy-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie. Anyway on to the review :)
The Scottsman finally makes his triumphant but short return this season with him and his army of daughters attacking Aku and it goes pretty badly. I’m not going to lie when he “died” I was going to lose my shit but at least because of Celtic magic he’s back as a ghost and he died doing what he does best, insulting the hell out of his enemies. 
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By the way, for him to have an army made out of his daughters means he and his wife certainly got BUSY, damn dude.
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    Death by SNU SNU
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The main focus of the episode is primarily Ashi coming to grips to all the lies she’s been fed too as a child. Jack shows her the devastation of Aku’s reign throughout the world and once Ashi realizes this she wants change the world for the better. But sadly Jack, after living in this world for so long, doesn't see any end to Aku’s rule in sight.
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I’m glad the show took its time with Ashi’s development, after last week’s episode she doesn’t side with Jack right away, but she wants answers to what her mother is saying is true and what I like most is by the end of the episode  she kinda reminds me of Jack from the old days. Someone who still has hope for saving the world from Aku’s tyranny compared to the current Jack who has lost all hope. Like I said before, I believe that Ashi will help Jack by helping him find that hope again.
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Like with Jack trying to get Ashi to understand the truth about Aku it looks like it would be just as difficult if not maybe even more for Ashi to help Jack find hope again considering the ending of the episode. With Jack mistakenly thinking that all those children he tried to save were killed he finally goes off with the mysterious Samurai, leaving Ashi alone and confused. Where Jack is going I’m not too sure but thinking that all those children died might’ve pushed Jack to the breaking point.
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All in all this was good episode, as much as I love seeing the Scottsman again the highlight is definitely the interactions between Jack and Ashi. Seeing Ashi finally understanding how bad the world is because of Aku just gives me a huge sigh of relief and by the preview Ashi will be the primary focus and it looks like she will be the one to save Jack this time. Also if your wondering, I know know people ship them, but for me I prefer to see them have a mentor/father and student/daughter relationship. It feels more natural, but that’s just my opinion.
I just realized were at the halfway point, just five more episodes left and the I’m starting to feel sad that the show is getting closer and closer to it’s conclusion. Until then see you guys next time, PEACE :)
P.S. One more thing.....
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That is all.
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mwritesink · 5 years
MDZS/Exalted Mash-up AU
Takes place both in the First Age and in the Age of Sorrows, centering on the Usurpation and it’s after affects. By necessity, the Usurpation is changed a little, giving some of the DragonBlooded host that rebelled a couple allies amongst the Solars. First pack of characters and a basic write up of their stories.
Placed under a cut as I mention somethings that might be spoilers for those who haven’t read to the end of Mo Dao Zu Shi
The Crimson Patriarch of Yiling
Name in the First Age: Wei Wuxian
Exaltation: (First Age) Twilight Caste Solar, (Age of Sorrows) None
Status: (First Age) alive, the Solar Host (Age of Sorrows) ghost, Deathlord
Story: Was one of the youngers solars in the First Age, and sided with the Dragonblooded in the Usurpation against the madness of the older Solars. However, as the usurpation wore on, everything was becoming a target, including his best friend. Through a complicated Sorcerous ritual of his own design, he saved his best friend’s life by transferring his solar Exaltation spark to him. Wuxian was captured by some of the last of the Solar forces and was thrown into the Shadowland he created years back through a necromantic ritual where he died. As his soul traveled the Underworld, he was caught in a deadly compromise with the Neverborn and joined the ranks of the Deathlords. He’s taken over a shadowland that he created in life, tucked around a mountain known in the Age fo Sorrows as the Burial Mounds. 
Artifact(s): Chenquin (Soulsteel horizontal flute), Suibian (Orichalcum Daiklaive. Lost.), Tiger Seal (Soulsteel emblem)
Lunar Mate: N/A
Lan Wangji, Light-Bringer
Exaltation: Zenith Caste Solar
Status: Alive, Wandering musician staying one step ahead of the Wyld Hunt and helping all he can.
Story: The Usurpation was hard on Wangji, he lost everything, including his brother, and the man he was well on the way to loving. After a long period of grief where he almost got himself killed, Wangji has wandered Creation trying to live his lost love’s ideals of helping no matter the circumstance. Fate has decided though that it’s time for him to walk near the Burial mounds, a place that he has avoided for a thousand years. 
Artifact(s): Bichen (Blue Jade Reaper Daiklaive), Peace-Maker (the base is made from the wood of a tree that made a very serene Wood Aspected demesne  and watered with specially treated water, the strings are made from silk that has been coated in a natural glue made from ground Blue Jade, isinglass, and Hyacinth Orchid)
Lunar Mate: Lan Xichen (brother)
Jiang Wanyin, Sage of Three Poisons
Exaltation: Wood Aspect Dragonblood (formerly), Twilight Caste Solar (current)
Status: Alive, a legendary figure living somewhere in the forests of the East.
Story: Once he was a Dragonblooded scholar and soldier, but then the Usurpation happened. As things broke down before the rise of the Dragonblooded Shoganate, he was captured by some set of forces, he’s forgotten who, and -somehow- had his exaltation stripped form him. Equally impossible, when he next regained mental clarity he was a Solar, and he bore his best friend’s exaltation. He’s borne it ever since, holing himself away in a Manse in the far east, where he’s become a legend and cult figure. His chosen apprentice is Jin Ling, a runaway new Solar exalt.
Artifact(s): Sandu (Green Jade Daikalive), Zidian (Starmetal and Blue Jade Direlash, inherited from his mother)
Lunar Mate: N/A
Lan Xichen, Flowing Grace
Exaltation: No Moon Lunar
Spirit Shape: White Crane
Status: Alive, One of the elders of the Silver Pact
Story: Survived the usurpation by the skin of his teeth, and joined the Lunars that had gathered on the edges of Creation, but was forced to abandon his Solar mate, his brother, in the process. The guilt of that abandonment, and feeling like he had to abandon his friends, Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue, has wracked him since, but he has heard intermittent rumors of survival and hope. He considers going out and following the rumors, but fears being put into a position to run again. In the meantime he helps out the younger Lunars and few new Solars that he’s come across.
Artifact(s): Fractured Ice (Moonsilver horizontal flute), Shouyue (Moonsilver Reaper Daiklaive)
Solar Mate: Lan Wangji (brother)
Madam Yu Ziyuan, The Purple Spider
Exaltation: Chosen of Endings Sidereal
Status: Dead, murdered before the beginning of the Usurpation. 
Story: Married to a Dragonblooded general, Madam Yu was one of the few to question the validity of the Sidereal’s actions and decisions. Becuase she refused to be bullied into toeing the party line she was killed by her fellow Sidereals. 
Artifact(s): Zidian (Starmetal and Blue Jade Direlash)
Nie Mingjue, The Scarlet Blade
Exaltation: Full Moon Lunar
Spirit Shape: Giant Boar
Status: Dead, killed during the Usurpation
Story: During the Usurpation he suspected that his Solar Mate was taking advantage of the chaos in a bad way. However in the process of his, admittedly, clumsy investigation he was murdered. 
Artifact(s): Baxia (Moonsilver Reaver Daiklaive)
Solar Mate: Meng Yao (Friend)
The Ghost General
Name in life: Wen Ning
Exaltation: Dusk Caste Abyssal
Status: Alive-ish, bound in service to The Crimson Patriarch
Story: Lived in a small village near the famous Burial Mounds with his sister. One day he helped hide a young exalt on the run from a Wyld Hunt. The exalt lived and was able to get away, but Ning was killed by the Hunt. However, at the moment of his death, The Crimson Patriarch appeared to him, and granted him a second life. Ning took the deal, and killed the Hunt using the chains they bound him in. He’s since taken on the title of “the Ghost General” and served as the Crimson Patriarch’s right hand man.
Artifact(s): Righteous Regret (Soulsteel Dire Chain, made in part from the manacles that the Wyld Hunt used on him), Qionglin (Powerbow made from Underworld grown Deadwood)
Nie Huaisang,
Exaltation: Chosen of Journeys Sidereal
Status: Alive, Enacting centuries long plans
Story: Exalted just after the Usurpation, and learned soon after who killed his brother. Has since been trying to track that person’s exaltation, and it has only recently reappeared. While many of his fellow Chosen of the Maidens hate working with him, becuase his most common answer is “I don’t know”, No one can deny that he is one of the better long term strategists that Yu-Shan has. 
Artifact(s): Baxia (Moonsilver Reaver Diaklaive, does not use, inherited from his brother)
Jin Guangyao, Master of Hidden Burials
Exaltation: Fiend Caste Infernal
Status: Alive, political advisor
Story: In his prior incarnation, Guangyao knows that he was Meng Yao, an eclipse Caste Solar who murdered his own lunar mate before being caught up in the Usurpation and dying a horrible death by the hands of the Dragonblooded. In this life, he was rejected by his family when he did not exalt as a Dragonblooded, and was eventually taken in by a demon that offered him all the things he ever wanted; recognition, respect, power. Since then he’s been a willing tool for ally of the Ebon Dragon, enacting betrayals all over the Hundred Kingdoms of Eastern Threshold.
Artifact(s): Hensheng (Malfean Brass Direlash)
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