triggeredpotato · 10 months
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beillus · 5 months
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Sketching my husband
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i-like-ratsssss · 8 days
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I’ve practically IMPLANTED people’s ocs into my brain and now I know their designs by memory
Anyways, Dawn, Jibril and Staar :3
@gay-poet-gabriel @soctherapy
and @fictionalcharactergraveyard since Dawn is now unofficially your wife ☺️
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novuit · 8 months
I really grew to love canon Scotland because he does actually looks like his name is Scott.
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littledragondork · 7 months
I wish Brynjolf’s accent was thicker 😔
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tsuntsunfangirl · 9 months
Peter: i think he (David Tennant) likes you (Georgia)
Georgia: No, I think he's just taking me to stage plays of Shakespeare because I don't know enough about Shakespeare!
Peter: ...
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maratsbathtub · 1 year
hi. may i ask about the banner /pos
So my English teacher liked to give us projects to do in groups. And I liked to torment her by making every single project about the french revolution. My friends were used to my bullshit and just went along with it.
We had to make this short video (it wasn't short I got overexcited and made it longer because uh....frenchies) about people debating something. I instantly jumped to the opportunity of putting the frenchies (Marat, Danton, Robespierre (and Saint Just and Billaud and a random scottsman (don't ask about the random scottsman))) in a room and making them argue. And I had the bright idea of making one of them say fuck. For shit's and giggles.
The teacher gave me one (1) f bomb. It obviously went to Marat. (he deserves it the most)
Cue a later game of gartic phone with some friends who are reading my script because I'm annoying and I like to share my french revolution bullshit, and I (I think it was me. It was probably me.) give out the prompt 'Marat gets to say one (1) fuck'.
The result was the banner.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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Daemons can speak and understand any language. Dialects, however, are a whole different ballgame.
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fanficfish · 1 year
Scott's head canon pls
oooooh yes, Scott....Scott, the man of the hour....
aight here goes- with everything I have that isn't just one big spoiler tag, because he's scheduled for chapter 3 of the fic (every time i try to post his chapter, another character shows up before him in line. Understandably considering the chapter contents....)
main post
He's like. 15 or 16 or something in this universe. He's expected to be as tall as Gordon, but he's currently about a head shorter.
Gordon wasn't ever expected to be their father's next-in-line, that was their brother North's problem. Then North went off somewhere (everyone claims they haven't heard from him in years) and Scott ended up be "the choson one". Not that there's any competition when [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]......
When he's on the NWR, he sometimes joins Gordon when he does visitor tours. The media loves it, and Gordon gets to focus on showing off every pretty overlook point he knows. Scott just likes avoiding his homework.
Pegler used to be the coach for Gordon and Scott's brother, Nigel Gresley Jr. (who was a runner) and was a close contact of their father, especially in business. Hence why Scott currently lives with him (he eventually works for Sir William McAlpine while he goes through college in America)
He doesn't really *get* why Gordon likes to hang out with Henry so much, but just accepts it as his brother not having enough of a social life.
He also agrees with Gordon that cheese is one of the essential food groups. When Henry declares he's going to try going vegan for a month, Duck nearly sobs in relief. He stops sobbing when he catches Scott eating ice cream and bananas at three in the morning.
Pegler has to travel a lot for work, so Scott is essentially studying independently, not that it's much different from before but Pegler lets him take mail-in courses for his interests in history and geography.
He visits the ranch as much as he can- which is mostly during summers, Christmas, and the occassional time Pegler's got business in the area (which sometimes is just Pegler and Hatt communicating and having Pegler stop by with Scott when one of the brothers is having a rough time.)
As to be expected as a son of a man in showbiz, Scott's got a few tricks up his sleeve. He's very acrobatic, and more then once has found his way into rafters or ledges, dangling in ways that sometimes give even Gordon a good scare. Gordon, Duck, and Edward make an agreement to do their best to keep him away from the Buzzing Bees
and of course, his favorite food is apples. Particualrly of the Granny Smith variety.
he doesn't like the dark, or storms. For good reason. Because [eedacted].
and of course, the piccrews! As always- not my art.
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Prob the most accurate in height Jerez you can tell which brother works in the sun all day and which one needs to get a bit more vitamin D
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moonshadowed · 1 year
"For the last time, it wasn't my fault!"
Distantly, there's an explosion, and Scotty sighs, hanging his head in resignation and thumbing over his shoulder.
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"...That was, though," he admits, still not looking @fasciinating in the eyes, "I'll give you that." // starter call!
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closetfullofghosts · 2 months
its always wild seeing a transphobic mcr fan. like how. how embarrassing has that gotta be
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beetlebite · 3 months
ik they mean well but ppl who say "omg those arent REAL christians i promise real christians are loving and nice 🫶" everytime some christians being homophobic or racist or something are so corny
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matchalilly · 7 months
How my friend dragged me back into the hell that is Call of Duty.
Friend: Want to see my new obsession?
Me: *casual sipping a Caymanns* sure!
Friend: *shoves a tiktok of Konig in my face*
Me: When the fuck did you get into CoD?
Friend: I didn't but I found him and I love him.
Me: Want me to buy you a copy of MW? I haven't played since college but I'll start up again for ya.
Friend: Nah I'm good.
Two weeks later
Said friend is now addicted to CoD and I'm dragged into matches after work if I'm not dead in my bed.
But also me.
Logging in to go to the Operator screen to say honey I'm home to Soap.
Meanwhile my husband is just giving me the look of 'you fucking simp'
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black-star-kunzite · 8 months
Maybe I’m too gay but I don’t fuck with Captain Hook like at all. Like his crimes aren’t that funny (except stealing a man’s wife) but whole revenge plot he has is so funny to me bc it’s like dude you fucked the wife of a trickster demigod and you’re mad she’s dead??? Her ass was living on borrowed time the moment she left with you now you sayin that we soul mates n shit. You really can’t be that mad that Rumple just up and killed his wife like his beef with her was some (petty) family shit and you’re the pool boy she fucked for like a month. And again idc if they were soulmates if my ex wife was a bitch I assume you a bitch too
I also might just be a hater fr
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thekimspoblog · 9 months
Apparently I've been CANCELED on witchcraft Tumblr because my use of the term "voodoo doll" is racist. And like... yes? But also oh my god shut up Tumblrina! All majick is a hodgepodge of practices derivative of whatever culture the practitioner pulled from. So when an angsty white american goth girl sits on her floor, draws a pentagram, and chants google-translated Latin, the effigy she created in likeness of her love interest isn't called a "spirit doll" or whatever the politically correct term is, now is it? Cultural appropriation: a thing I didn't invent.
Are people ignorant of the actual history of voodoo? Sure. Here's the wikipedia page for Marie Laveau; a lot of the stuff which fell under the umbrella of her practicing her religion was actually useful shit, like delivering babies, making medicine and generally being a community leader. If anything, I'm just disappointed the rumors of her poisoning slave owners have been greatly exaggerated.
But you know I've been doing this witchcraft thing for a while now, and let me tell you what I've figured out. Research doesn't really matter all that much.
All that matters is your intent, and mine was to bring hellfire down on GOP members in a way legally untraceable back to me. I'm not saying it's impossible to be racist while wishing death on white supremacists. I'm saying raise your hand if you actually care.
Because no matter what, the effect is the same. Jack and shit.
And if I'm wrong, may your superiorly authentic majick strike me down.
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maratsbathtub · 1 year
PREV ANON HERE how did you know i was gonna ask about the random scottsman
tyty for sharing though :) twas a fun story
1- pattern recognition (you asked about the banner that wasn't to be asked about, of course you would ask about the scottsman that wasn't to be asked about) and
2- everybody wants to know about the scottsman
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