#Seelie court
voided-peach · 1 month
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Death of the General, birth of the King
Kozmotis Pitchiner fanart
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pathesis · 1 year
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Titania, Queen of the Fairies and the Seelie Court♥
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nightmaskart · 4 months
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Fairy Royal Guard
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gooseontheinternet · 16 days
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getting blocked by one of the biggest tumblr blogs these days is like a point of pride
(i said trump was the lesser evil against biden because i, a trans person, would love to not have to detransition or get my rights taken away) (i did not even say biden was a good person or that i support genocide)
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hobgobknowsbest · 7 months
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ey, a gob's gotta eat
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julescarstairs · 9 months
Given that all the stories are true in the TSC universe, it implies that Cupid exists somewhere??? And honestly my take on Cupid in this universe is that he is most definitely NOT an Angel or a god, but a Faerie who uses his bow to trick people into falling in love with each other. He’s probably incapable of falling in love himself?? But has a certain charm about him that magically compels anyone who gets too close to him to fall in love with him??
All I’m saying is the guy is an absolute menace. An absolutely stunning yet menacing slice of faerie nobility
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captainkon0 · 1 month
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The Fae court splash art from LoL truly inspired me for this little project with the Ineffable Wives! With Aziraphale as a Seelie and Crowley as an Unseelie
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hierophant-x · 1 month
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a lorestone may tell you it’s secrets if you listen close enough ✨
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nightfaeses · 1 month
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prince of the night 🌙 plus a bonus speedpaint now that i'm trying to upload on youtube?? guys no way??
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speed-demon-doodler · 29 days
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Being an archfey warlock is the gift that keeps on giving
And let's not forget their greatest sacrifice so far
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Everyone approved
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sunnyy-sunsh1ne · 7 months
About Seelies, their Palaces in the Dark Sea & how they're Probably Related to Andrius (TL;DR)
Their palaces are in the Dark Sea, where The Seven have no jurisdiction. They brought wisdom to mankind, & probably so to other entities like the Andrius, "the Wolf the North".
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Their palaces are in the Dark Sea, & Enkanomiya is also exactly there, but there was no Seelie civilization there; there were just humans from the Unified Civilization as far as we know. It's quite interesting that the Seelie courts are eroded by the time all around Teyvat, but in Enkanomiya they aren't.
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For a while, I used to think that the ruins that are around all Teyvat's surface, were the architecture of the Seelies, but this isn't the case at all bc according to the book "A Drunkard's Tale" the Seelie palaces are in the Dark Sea.
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And now that we're talking about the Dark Sea and the "A Drunkard's Tale", there's smth pretty interesting I'd like to mention about...Columbina.
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In "A Drunkard's Tale" Vol. 3 we learn the tale about a lone wolf, that once wandered in the a "cruel" wasteland; a place that seems to be far beyond the dominion of Celestia, with the remains of fallen gods and others that escaped there after the archon war, (ex. Orobashi).
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According to the tale, once the lone wolf passed by a palace where he heard music. Within there, he found a "fair maiden" using an instrument, with a skin "ashen white" & playing a "long-forgotten and mournful melody".
"The chirping of insects on a long-gone autumn night is the chorus of exiles, singing mankind's most ancient song as they live out their plight..." she sang.
"Stripped of all that the body once held close and the soul once held dear, song and memories are all that now remain of yesteryear."
"The last singers, the first Seelie, they played their final tune in the halls of angels."
The Seelies in the area approached the pale white maiden to listen to her music. The wolf asked about the song to the maiden, and the maiden replied "A song of the Seelie".
"Long, long ago, we wrote this song for the human savages. Yet now, we sing it to mourn our own fate."
This maiden was clearly a Seelie who seems to still maintain her human form, & we're told that Andrius received his powers from an ancient god...could this god be the Seelie from the tale? he has a very icy windy ghostly anemo form, just like Seelies.
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The twitter user named @nanbeidou7 also talked about this before me.
Here's a link to a thread she did about the topic.
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I'd like to also talk about a possible mention of a Seelie (maybe even Columbina, asuming that she's a Seelie), in the artifact set "Adventurer" in the "Plume of Death", there's a mention of an adventurer meeting a "girl so beautiful" that even her appearance felt surreal.
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And do you all know what else did the girl had? that's right! a cluster of feathers!! the similarities are too coincidental tbh...but who knows! anyone in Teyvat could be incredibly beautiful girl with a cluster of feathers, right?... right??
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bewitched-bullet · 9 months
An oldie but a goodie.
The passing of the scepter from the Seelie Court to the Unseelie Court
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fruitdogrogue · 22 days
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Starned DMing again current campaighn is about Feywilde so here's some NPCs i made
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mask131 · 1 year
Green spring: Seelie and Unseelie
Category: Scottish folklore
When people look up at fairies, usually one of the first thing they will stumble upon on the Internet is “Seelie Court and Unseelie Court”.
The Seelie and Unseelie Court (also known sometimes as simply “the Seelie fairies and the Unseelie fairies”) is a type of fairy division/fairy classification from Scottish folklore – and it is now one of the most famous classification of fairies in the modern world. According to this divide, the “Seelie” fairies are fairies that are generally benevolent towards humans: they return kindness, they can bring favors, they can ask for or give help, and if someone offends them they warn first before striking. These fairies are still dangerous, as all fairies are: like all fairies they are prone to revenge and mischief, but they are generally the “good guys” so to speak. In contrast, the “Unseelie” fairies are the malevolent and negative fairies, those that attack people without warning, and sometimes without reason, and ally themselves with witches and other dark entities of evil power. The “Unseelie” fairies include various negative entities of the folklores of the British isles: the baobhan sith taking the shape of a beautiful woman to lure and kill men, the redcaps who live in ruins and dye their hats with human blood, the nuckelavee who is a grotesque skinless centaur bringing disease and famine everywhere, the shellycoat who is a bogeyman of rivers, and the Sluagh (a host of malevolent fairies/angry ghosts/nocturnal spirits who you better not cross path with).
[Note that while the term “Court”, in modern fiction, has been reused numerous times with the modern meaning of “court” – having a queen and a king, and being made of nobility – the term seems originally to just be a word meaning a “host” or a “group” in general, since in Scottish folklore there is no talk of “Unseelie king or queen” for example.]
Now… all that being said, the divide of Seelie/Unseelie seems to be a latter addition or invention to the Scottish myth of the fairies. Before that, it seems there was just “Seelie” (it is clear that “Unseelie” was based on the word “seelie”): because “seelie” or “seely” was a term used in Scotland, but also in Northern England, to designate fairies as a whole. “Seelie” is a term that means “blessed”, “happy” or “lucky”, and it seems to have been used the same way fairies as a whole were called “good neighbors” or “the fair folk” – it was an euphemisms, or a counter-name, destined to flatter and please the supernatural beings, in hope of avoiding their wrath. It seems that originally “Seelie” was the name of all fairies as a whole, but then somehow the meaning got twisted into just meaning the good fairies, while a different name was created for the wicked fairies: “unseelie”, meaning “misfortunate, unhappy, cursed”. What is even more fascinating is that originally the term “seelie” was used alongside the word “wights”. “Seelie wights” – a word with an unclear meaning, but which was sometimes spelled “wichts”, leading to deformations as… “witch”. “Seelie witches”. The closeness of “Seelie” with “wights” and “witches” led in fact some scholars to wonder if the term “seelie” was actually used to designate fairies, or if it rather was used to designate a different type of supernatural being, different from fairies.
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Today, the Seelie and Unseelie Court is such a widespread and popular division you find it everywhere in fictional works talking about fairies. In modern “fairy fiction”, these two courts were most notably popularized by two book series:
# The Dresden Files: In the worldbuilding of this snarky urban fantasy series (bordering on the cosmic horror), the fairies are divided into two nations each dominated by a different Court, the Seelie Court ruling over the summer season, and the Unseelie Court ruling over the winter season. Each Court is ruled by a triumvir of fairy queens who embody the “Maiden-Mother-Crone” trinity: a Lady, a Queen and a Mother. Titania is the queen of the “Summer Court”, while Mab is the queen of the “Winter Court”. The Dresden Files notably challenges the idea that the Seelie and Unseelie Court are based on morality: while it is the stereotype common in this world, in truth the Unseelie fairies are not “evil”, they are cold, ruthless, calculating beings of ice, death and darkness. Meanwhile the Seelie fairies are beings of life, light and warmth, yes, but they can be as chaotic and destructive as hot jungles or thunderstorms, and they are not fairies of “goodness”. “The Dresden Files” is notorious for bringing the whole idea of “Seelie/Unseelie=Winter/Summer” which wasn’t something before its release…
There was a concept of the fairy courts being associated with cold and heat before The Dresden Files though: it was the elf-courts in “The Discworld” series by Terry Pratchett (which was a main source of inspiration for The Dresden Files). In Pratchett’s world, the elves of the Discworld (a cross between a parody of the Tolkienesque elves and the “fair folk” of British legends played for full horror) are divided between a court centered around a Queen, who lives in perpetual frozen wastelands of endless winter, and a second one centered around a King, instead hiding in a very hot, very moist, warmth and humid underground realm of vapor and sweat.
# Another big influence on modern perception of the Unseelie and Seelie Court was “The Shadowhunter Chronicles”, where the fairies are also divided in two nations each ruled by one of these courts. No seasonal theme here – rather the Seelie Court is focused on appearing as beautiful, helpful and benevolent as possible, while still being deceptive and manipulatives, while the Unseelie Court is openly and proudly cruel, violent and monstrous. The Seelie Court is ruled by a Queen, while the Unseelie Court is under the domination of a King.
Interestingly, the same way “The Dresden Files” was inspired by “Discworld”, it seems the concept of “The Shadowhunter Chronicles” of the two courts being divided between beautiful subjects of a fairy queen and the monstrous subjects of a fairy king was inspired by an older work of the 80s: “Faerie Tale” by Raymond E. Feist, a horror novel based on fairy folklore. In it, we end up learning that somehow after the events described by William Shakespeare in his “Midsummer Night’s Dream” play, Titania and Oberon (or at least the beings Shakespeare described by this name) ended up splitting their fairyland into two distinct part, separated by a dusk-plunged, haunted, no-man’s land called the “Shadow Lands”. On one side is the Bright Lands, a fairyland of endless day where the sweet and kind Queen rules over pleasant, charming and joyful fae, who are benevolent and helpful towards humans, but still dangerous to live with due to their alien ways of thinking, strange customs and hazardous magical powers. On the other side, the King lives in the Dark Land, a realm of endless night where he rules over monstrous, grotesque, hateful and murderous fae who only wish to invade the human world and destroy mankind.
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bubblyernie · 1 year
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Doodling stuff as I tried to sort out Alphonse's family lineage SAFJSKDF
art tag // commission info
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nocturnalmoonmind · 2 years
Lol is Kit going to be king of Seelie and Unseelie Courts, Dru the queen of Seelie with Ash... And Kieran already is a king of Unseelie Court with Cristina and Mark right next to him. Shadowhunters took over Faerie wtf is going on
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