#Rusl is trying to be open
nancyheart11 · 1 year
Unmasking a Warrior! (about 2 weeks into Dad Squad)
Abel raised his (much cleaner and sharper due to his new companions) Sword and sliced into another Bokoblin with a huff, where were all these monsters coming from? Though he had been  with these strange new men searching for their sons, a scarce fortnight Abel could admit that having such skilled companions was beginning to grow on him. 
Far to his left he heard the awful sound of the Fierce Deity’s huge blade rend another limb from a guardian with almost disgusting ease, considering how many were mowed down in seconds when . . . No time to think of the past while an arrow flew far to near Abel’s face for comfort. He turned to check on Rusl and was nearly blinded by the flash of light coming from the direction of the Fierce Deity. Abel felt his stomach swoop as he spared a glance in the direction of his friend(?) only to see a conspicuous lack of the 12 foot warrior. He had no time to check on the state of his companion since the monsters swelled around Rusl and him, forcing them on the defensive while they struggled to keep their heads in the tide of battle.
Link gasped in pain as his knees hit the ground. Looking up he saw smears of color and far too bright sunlight assaulting his vision. He squeezed his eyes shut to block out the pain, as the ringing in his ears faded enough to make out the sounds of . . . monsters squealing?
Oh no, the last thing Link remembers is putting on the near burning mask as he was surrounded by turncoats, which he knew the deity would have no problem getting rid of. The fact that the sounds around him were clearly of monster origin was . . . off.
He tried to stand up and almost tasted dirt as the world spun and smeared in confusing colors around him, the pounding of his head suddenly demanding all of his attention.
He managed to squint at the slowly coming into to focus trees around him as his head quieted to a dull roar. Then a unusual looking lizalfoes crossed his blurry vision, with something wooden clutched in its talons. Squinting harder, he was able to make out bright red and blue on the wood in the monsters grasp. A jolt of panic ran through him at the realization for some reason. But the only piece of wood with markings that vivid he could recall was-
Sprite! His cry came out whisper quiet and raspy from how dry his throat was. When was the last time he'd had water? Didn’t matter right now any way, with the shot of adrenaline to his body, he remembered Putting on the mask, having it sear against his face, and a voice whispering that they would both be safe? That might have just been Link’s imagination since the Deity hadn’t been very emotive when he had interacted with them before.
Link staggered to his feet, using a nearby tree as leverage to keep from falling over once more, feeling weak from however long he had been hosting the Fierce Deity and shaking from the adrenaline that was helping him stay upright at all. 
He was in bad shape and he knew it. Only a small dagger on his person, that he would be lucky to keep hold of with how badly he was shaking, a headache ferocious as though a nail were being driven in with every labored and raspy breath, exhaustion clinging to every corner of his body, only being held back by worry for the smaller Link who he would have seen already if he had been saved.
Looking down showed a shorn branch that was about as tall as he was. He managed to grab it, and started moving after the lizalfoes as fast as he could, uncaring of how the thump of the branch was surely giving away his position.
Luckily for him, the lizalfoes was paying little attention to it's surroundings and went down with one good wack to the back of the head. (Link is going to idnire that he fell onto the monsters still very solid body from the hit) he managed to scramble away from the lizalfoes with the mask clutched to his body and hide in a bush before the monsters angry screeches sounded.
Link looked down on the clearly ancient Wooden mask, pristine looking as always and traced the marks that had begun to cling to Sprites face for short periods after taking it off near the end of the War (and how his heart burned for the child that was so used to fighting a War god could cling to his form at all)
The realization that he had no clue if the long term effects of wearing such an object hit Link and he grimaced. He pulled the knife out of his boot and brought it to his face. His eyes had bags under them that resembled bruises more than anything else, his cheeks which had been compared to apples more than once were now sunken in and drawn tight over prominent check bones. But all the clear signs of malnourishment and no sleep were overshadowed by seeing his hair.
It had gone from a brilliant golden sheen that looked like sunshine had graced his head, to the pale yellow of a wilting dandelion, that had made the mistake of growing in the shade, it's color and life both doomed to fade without intervention. Link was brought out of his musings when he heard a call.
"Fierce! We could really use your help on this one!"
It wasn't desperate, not yet. Link forced his arching and exhausted body up and limped way to the treeline, where he was able to see a fairly large group of monsters surrounding . . . Something. He squinted and was blessed with a brief clear view of the commotion. 2 hylians both fighting with blood soaked swords, sporting various injuries that would need attention soon the way the battle was going.
The sight of them sparked a flurry of fondness? In Links chest. He felt the need to help well up in him, but even he could admit that in his current state he would be more of a liability than an asset. He brought out the mask with trembling hands. This was the only useful weapon he had, but the consequences. . .
He spared a glance at the cursed thing and did a double take because the masks expression seemed to shifted slightly, with one perfectly sculpted brow millimeters higher than the other.
" I can't fight as I am, but I think putting you on might get me killed too." He whispered
The mask in his hands jumped in temperature before cooling rapidly. What was going on??
On the field the shorter man cried as he was stabbed in the thigh and without wasting another second in thought, the warm mask was slammed on his face.
Abel cried out knowing that he might have just ensured Hyrule's total destruction. Just as Hylia had abandoned her people in their time of need, so too had the Fierce Deity left him and Rusl to die, desperately searching for their sons. Rusl crouched closer over head with his shield held to try and cover Abel, but he could tell from the tension in the others back that they both knew how unlikely survival was.
Then Abel was blinded momentarily by a bright Flash of light, by the time he managed to blink the spots away only the rapidly dissipating bodies of the monsters were left, and standing as though the hoard about to overwhelm the two mortals were merely an annoyance, was the Fierce Deity.
" Thanks for the save." was Rusl's mild reply to the sudden appearance of their missing Companion.
Abel felt the ground tilt, and only realized he had been scooped up like a child when his cheek touched soothing cool metal.
“Apologies. . . It appears I have miscalculated, I will be better prepared should my connection to this world be severed again.” Abel could barely feel confused before sweet unconsciousness took hold and he knew no more.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
Rusl awoke abruptly.
He wasn't entirely sure what had woken him, but something was definitely distinctly different.
Was Hana crying? No. But something was rumbling, a rhythmic sound that was loud and vibrated gently against him as it emitted from somewhere in the bed.
Rusl blinked his eyes open, scrunching his nose as fur tickled it.
Snoring. He was woken up by snoring.
Slowly, Rusl raised his head just a little to look at the bundle of fur snuggled between him and Uli. Link had been unable to turn back into a Hylian yesterday due to the sleet, which, based on the pitter patter on the roof, had likely continued into the early morning. Uli and Rusl had warmed him up and let him stay with them, neither parent felt comfortable just leaving him resting on the floor in front of the fire. Somehow, though, Link had taken far more space on the bed as a wolf than he ever had as a Hylian, and Rusl was nearly about to fall off the bed this morning.
Link snored again, a loud, ridiculous sound that might as well have been a bulbin battle cry. Biting the inside of his cheek, he glanced upward a little farther to see Uli already on her side, head propped in her hand, trying her absolute best not to burst out laughing.
"So this is the true curse of the shadows," Rusl surmised quietly.
Uli couldn't help the snort that erupted out of her, and she quickly descended into a fit of giggles.
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Whumptober Day 17: Collar, Touch aversion
I’m not late, I merely ran out of time to upload this last night. I finished it yesterday it’s all good. We’re good. Perfectly fine. (<- girl who hasn’t even started on today’s yet)
Anyway I thought too hard about my theory of Dink getting empowered from Twilight’s injury and uhhhh. Yeah. Here’s this. It’s on the heavier side again.
Read on ao3
Warnings: captivity, implied torture, blood and injury, and discussion of death
Eight heroes stood outside of a large, dark structure, surrounded by trees that blocked out the sunlight.
The limited light cast the area into what felt like perpetual twilight, grim and dark, and Time looked up at the ruins with a tight feeling in his gut.
“I’ll bet you anything our missing hero is in there,” Legend murmured, and Time nodded, trying not to fidget with discomfort.
Something cold and dark was in the very air around them, something that made Hyrule pale, and Sky hold a little more tightly to his sword. It was dark magic, Time knew, but that only helped solidify to him that something was very wrong here.
They’d landed in the unfamiliar Hyrule a few days ago, all surprised when nobody could identify it. It had been months since they’d last gained another hero, and Time had thought for sure that eight was as large as their group was going to get.
But as they’d traveled around and spoken to people, it became clear there was another hero they hadn’t yet seen.
One who’d apparently been missing for as long as they’d been traveling together.
They had begun to search for him, and followed a sparse trail of clues to a place off the map they’d been given, and as Tine looked up at the dark ruins, he felt a heavy sense of dread settle upon him.
Are you in there, Link?
“You really think he’s here?” Hyrule asked quietly, and Time nodded.
“I do. Making it this far was extremely difficult... I would be shocked if he weren’t.”
“But remember what Rusl said?” Wild spoke up quietly. “The Hero here has been missing for months. What are the odds that we’d find him in the space of barely a week? Just like that?”
“What are the odds that any of us would ever meet in the first place?” Four countered with, and before Warriors could say whatever it was he’d opened his mouth to voice, Four plowed on. “There must be a reason. Just like everything else.”
“And I can feel a pull,” Sky said in a quiet voice. “One I’ve only felt with all of you.”
“Enough chatter, let’s go already,” Wind said impatiently, and they went inside the falling-apart structure, steps echoing off dirty floors.
They paused at the first split path and argued for a moment about whether sticking together or splitting up was best, but before Warriors and Legend could start shouting and alert whatever was here to their presence, Time decided splitting in half was the best way to search quickly. There seemed to be two main sections of the ruins anyway, and the two reluctantly agreed.
“Stay on guard,” Warriors murmured before they split, and they all nodded. You don’t have to tell me twice.
Time ended up with Sky, Wild, and Four in his group, and they trooped quietly through the vine-filled hallways, and down stairwells full of cobwebs and dirt.
The feeling of unease grew more and more heavy the deeper they went, and Time caught Sky clenching at his sword more than once. It was oddly oppressive in here, despite the plants that crept through cracks, and spiders in the corners, like a shadow was cast all over the entire structure.
It just felt... wrong.
“Wait, shh,” Wild said suddenly as they entered a particularly long hallway.
Time stopped walking, and Wild crept forward, his ears pricked. He turned towards a small grate in the floor, and crouched beside it, his face creasing as he listened. Wild motioned them over after a moment, and they all kneeled beside the tiny grate, listening intently.
The faint sound of someone talking echoed up through the floor, and Time strained his ears, trying to make out the words. He couldn’t hear anything though, but with the way Wild’s face was paling, he was fairly certain he could.
“It’s the Shadow,” Wild said after a moment, voice grim as he pressed his ear to the grate. “Something about... power, I think? Power and... enemies. Wait—”
He went quiet again, and as the minutes dragged on, his eyes widened.
“Time... I think he’s talking to the hero.”
Wild suddenly jerked back from the grate, and they all heard the agonized scream that came from below, no less horrible because of how far away it was.
Sky paled, and Time scrambled to his feet, the others right beside him.
“Look for stairs,” Time said in a short voice, and they all ran down the hallway, searching for doors.
It took them a long time to find one that led downwards, and by the time they did, the screams had stopped, along with the talking. There was no sound at all, and Time hoped desperately they weren’t too late.
They cautiously stole down the flight of stairs, moving quickly, but wary of going too fast and alerting the enemy to their presence. They were a long, spiraling set, and some stairs had crumbled, leaving gaping holes they had to sidle around.
The time it took them to go down seemed much too long, and Time guessed they were deep underground now, having gone down several floors. It was almost completely silent, and the dread tightened in his chest.
Let us not be too late, please.
The stairs spat them into a pitch black hall, the sound of water dripping somewhere nearby. They listened for any movement, but none was heard, and Four cautiously pulled out a lantern.
An old dungeon met their eyes, light glinting off of metal bars, largely rusted and bent. Nobody spoke as they stepped quietly down the hallway, and the oppressive stench of dark magic was even heavier. Time spared a thought towards Hyrule as they walked, glad he had gone with the other group.
If I’m feeling this awful, I can only imagine how bad it would be for him.
They reached a partially collapsed wall then, making it difficult to squeeze by, but they all managed, though Time had to pop off a few pieces of armor. The cell at the end of the hallway was only a bit further along, but Time froze, holding a hand out to stop the others.
Eyes were glinting at them from behind the thick bars.
“Hello?” Sky asked in a cautious voice, and Time carefully approached the cell when they received no answer, squinting through the low light. He reached the bars and peered through, and felt equal relief and horror rise in his chest.
A thin man, boy really, barely into his twenties at Time’s guess, stared at them, his face pale with dark lines etched onto his forehead. It was difficult to tell with the limited light, but Time could make out chains around both his neck and wrists, and blood, both dried and not, all over him.
“...Link?” he breathed, but the boy only closed his eyes.
“Here,” Four said quietly, him and the others having come up to Time’s side. He knelt at the lock on the door, holding some small metal rods, and a few moments later, had the door swinging open.
Time quickly took a step inside, but the boy bared his teeth in a snarl as he moved, something fierce and desperate in his eyes.
Time quickly stilled.
“Link?” he asked again, and the boy merely turned away, as much as he could with the way he was chained up.
“...Tricks are getting old,” he rasped, the same twang they’d encountered in Ordon coming through. “Could at least try somethin’ new.”
Time glanced at the others, and Sky made a helpless gesture.
“I’m not sure what you mean, Link,” Time said carefully, and the chained hero coughed out a laugh.
“That’s what they said last time. Always fake,” he rasped, and glared at Time, half-dried blood shining in the lantern light. “Not tricking me again.”
“We’re not a trick, we’re real,” Wild said sharply, moving to stand next to Time.
“You’re gettin’ way less creative,” Link rasped, eyes staring them dully. “Points for new characters... but that’s it.”
“But we’re really real, we’re here to get you out!” Sky said in disbelief.
The new Link only closed his eyes again. “Sure.”
They all looked at each other again, Time feeling helpless. He didn’t want to approach Link before he knew they were truly here to help him, but he thought they were just a trick. How could they convinced the broken hero they weren’t here to hurt him?
How many times has he extended trust to someone, and had it all been fake to react like this?
“Link, we’re here to help you,” Time tried again, extending a hand towards him. Link only bared his teeth again, and Time could see the slightly longer canines this time.
“Get away Shade,” he snapped, and Time stopped as he let out a wracking cough. “I’m not falling for it. Not again.”
“Link, is there anything we can do to convince you we’re real?” Four spoke up, and the hero stared at him.
He didn’t say anything for a long time, and Time almost wondered if he was purposely ignoring them.
“Kill me.”
Four took a step back. “What?”
“Kill me,” Link repeated, a thread of desperation leaking in to his abused voice. “The Shadow won’t, if you do then... I’ll know you’re not him.”
“But then you’ll be dead!” Sky said in horror, and Link let out a croaking laugh, that finished with a sound like a sob.
“I’m already not living.”
Four didn’t say anything, and Link looked away, his eyes closed against the lantern light.
“Old man? What now?” Wild asked in an unusually subdued voice, and Time took a deep breath, trying to ignore the metallic smell of blood that permeated the cell.
What now indeed?
“We spoke with Rusl before coming here,” Time said quietly, and the boy’s ears twitched in his direction. “And Ilia, and the mayor, and a boy named Talo and all sorts of people. Your whole village misses you, Link, they’ve been looking nonstop. The Queen has sent out countless missions, and the Resistance is working tirelessly to figure out what happened to you.”
“How... do you know all that?” Link whispered.
“Because we’re real,” Wild said as he stepped forward. “We spoke to all those people, not more than a week ago.”
“We’re other heroes like you,” Four continued, and Sky took his glove off, showing Link the triangles marked into his hand. He stared in shock. “This isn’t even all of us. We’re fighting to stop the Shadow who imprisoned you, who’s been ripping holes through time and empowering the monsters. We’re on your side.”
“We’re here to get you out,” Time finished, voice firm.
Link looked around at them all, something almost like hope in his eyes, and he swallowed, looking directly at Time.
“Tell me what Talo said.”
His voice trembled when he spoke.
“He said that if we find you, we should tell you that he expects make up days for all the sword lessons he’s missed,” Time said, and Link breathed out, closing his eyes again.
“Yeah. That’s him,” he whispered.
A weak laugh came from his throat, and Time stepped forward again, Link not stopping him. His eyes stayed closed as Time kneeled next to him, but his ears twitched as he listened to his steps.
“We’re here to get you out,” Time said softly, and placed a hand on Link’s shoulder.
Link jerked at the touch, and Time immediately removed his hand, but then Link looked up at him with tears in his eyes.
“Sorry, s-sorry it’s... it’s been...” he choked out, and Time carefully put his hand back on his shoulder, Link stiffening at the touch, but not pulling away.
Time carefully rubbed it as the others drew near, and Link swallowed, trembling slightly as they crouched beside him.
“You’re really heroes?” he whispered, and Sky nodded, a grieved look on his face.
“Every one of us.”
Four leaned closer then and studied the collar around his neck with a frown, carefully lifting the chain and studying it.
“Where’s the lock on these?” he asked in confusion.
“It’s magic,” Link rasped, seeming twice as exhausted now that he’d been convinced of their intentions. “Won’t come off.”
Sky stepped forward, a firm look on his face as he kneeled beside Link with the Master Sword in his hands.
“May I?” he asked, and Link’s eyes widened at the sword. He hesitated, then gave him a weak nod, and Sky moved into position.
Sky held the sword close to Link’s neck, Four carefully holding the chain steady, and he pulled, the Master Sword glowing and making the blood Link was coated in appear blue.
The collar suddenly lit up with runes, glowing an ugly red, and Link cried out, jerking like he’d been shocked.
“Hold him!” Sky shouted, and Time and Wild moved to hold Link’s head still while the Master Sword slowly cut through the chains. Link jerked at their touch, and let out a raspy scream as Sky cut halfway, blue sparks flying into the air.
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Wild repeated as he held Link’s head, almost like he was trying to reassure himself, and Link wailed, his voice giving out partway through from the strain.
Time held him still, ignoring the blood and dirt he was doubtlessly getting all over him, and ran a hand through his hair when he let out yet another cry.
Hold on Link, you’re almost out.
The Master Sword let out a brighter glow, and the chain fell with a clank, Link falling limp and trembling in Time’s lap. The runes faded, and Sky quickly moved to his wrists and cut through those as well, though the thinner chains didn’t take nearly as long to fall to the ground.
“It’s done,” Sky panted finally, and Link let out a whimper.
“We should tell the others,” Four said quietly. “And hopefully get out of here before the Shadow comes back.”
Wild nodded and pulled out his slate, and Time and Sky began easing Link up, his face drawn with pain. Time tried not to nudge any of the vast amount of injuries covering him, but it was nearly impossible with how many there were.
Not to mention the countless scars visible through the blood, and the dark marks marring his forehead...
Time breathed out, and then picked him up, his gauntlets giving him enough strength to easily lift Link. Though, he wasn’t entirely convinced he needed them, seeing how thin Link looked.
How long has he been here?
“Let’s get you home,” Sky said quietly, and they left the cell, Wild talking quietly to Wind on his slate.
“Thank you,” Link croaked, in a voice so faint Time barely heard it. Time guided his head to his shoulder in response, feeling a sharp pang as Link flinched, and he sped his steps.
We’re getting you out, Link.
You’re safe now.
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ask-the-nine-links · 10 months
This is another Anon, This is going to be a long one unfortunately, I'm really sorry.
I'm looking at all of your families and trying to figure them out, Four and Wild have blacksmiths for family, Four's Grandfather and Wild's Father.
Legend seems to be either a legitimate prince or a royal bastard (born out of wedlock).
Time's father was a Royal Knight though his mother might have just been a housewife.
Wind's parents were probably fisherfolk.
Sky's might have been Sky Knights or just one of the other jobs on Skyloft.
Hyrule, I'm not sure, maybe just regular civilians.
The final two, Warriors' father might have been a Knight as well or another blacksmith (as that seems to be a common trend) and his mother might be a weaver.
Twilight's on the other hand seem to be a complete unknown unless you count Rusl, who is basically his father, in which case he seems to be a former soldier, maybe even have had training as a Royal Knight despite being Ordonian.
I'm not sure if I got everything correct you may have to look up records in your own times or ask the nearest Zelda
Also Time, did you know Midna or am I just confusing Universes again as I remember seeing Midna hug your Shade's wolf form while crying and saying "You were alive this whole time, weren't you?"
And one last thing, I promise, Legend, I bought this jewellery box off of Ravio for 20 rupees a month ago, as it looked pretty and thought my mother might like it but I can't open it and why does it smell of darkness and dried blood? I think its trying to eat my hand.
Wild: I'm going to be one hundred percent honest, you probably know more about our families then we do.
Hyrule: Which is kinda sad, when you think about it.
Wild: Yeah, which is why we don't.
Time: As of right now, I don't know Midna outside of what Twi has told me, but maybe I'll meet her later on.
Legend: You were seriously dumb enough to buy something off of Ravio for that cheap?! If he's selling like a jewelry box for less than 100 rupees, then something is seriously wrong with it.
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catwrites9 · 1 year
can you write a happy tara and reader fic where you show them getting together with a little angst and it’s hard because of what tara’s gone through and reader also has something they’re hiding for whatever (good reason) and then we see them get together and be happy in the end 🫶
The Lie I Never Told
Tumblr media
Warnings it’s scream so blood and killing, gut like a fish, cussing, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, and I think that’s it.
W/N I know you said a good reason but I put a little twist on that, and I know you said happy for the end but if you want to skip the last few paragraphs, I kinda got a little carried away. Possible part 2?
You and Tara fell in love from the first sight across the campus, later finding out that you both had the same scendue. After one month you guys started dating, keeping it a secret from everyone even though you were in the same friend group you still decided it was the best. That was until ghostface came back, you got attacked by ghostface and while getting attacked that ghostface told Sam about you two.
“Hello Sam,” Ghostface said.
“What the hell do you want”
“You really should be nicer to me considering the fact I have someone you care about in front of me”
Same looks around to everyone in the living room” Clearly your lying because everyone’s with me”
“Oh I’m sorry Sam, I forgot that Tara kept her a secret” Everyone’s heads turned to Sam while Sam’s turned to Tara. Ghostface continued talking” Honestly if I was you I would listen to me or you’ll lose Tara considering the fact that I have her girlfriend in front of my begging for her life as she bleeds out from multiple stab wound, Gutted like a fish”
Those words rerunning through Tara’s head. “Would you like to hear Y/N cry for her life” Ghostface said, not waiting for a anser as they turn off voice isolation from the phone call mic. Hearing you as you choke on the blood feeling like it was filling your lungs.
“Where the hell are you-you mother fucker” Tara yelled while geting up.
“Her apartment, it’s quite funny how much she cares about you and how I’ll gut you like a fish just like her”
“Shut the fuck up” Tara yells while going twards the front door caring a pocket knife.
“Tara, what are you doing?” Sam asked while going in front of her.
“Yeah Tara, are you trying to be gut just like her,” Ghostface joined in.
Your able to get three words out, those words staying in her head forever “please help Tara”
“I’m going to save my girlfriend, move Sam.”
“How do you know this is not just a way to get you over there”
“Because I just know Sam”
“If you're going I’m going” Chad spoke up, he was who introduced you to Tara but never knew you were dating, even though his sister was skeptical from when she first saw you.
They all get up and follow Tara. By this time Sam hung up and lectured Tara about getting a girlfriend as they ran to your apartment.
Once they got to your apartment they heard banging happening, Tara tried opening the door with your spare key but remembered that your deadbolt doesn't work with that key.
Over the course of 8 ish minutes they stayed there as the heard banging and rusling insinuating a fight was happening. After it stopped they heard the door open but what they didn’t expect was you falling as you had multiple stab wounds and blood all over your body, you fell into Tara and Chads arms as Chad picked you up running to the closest hospital.
That attack happened a year ago, the date being the exact day you almost died just because you were dating Tara. Those moments she thought about it as they were the moments she blamed herself for getting the woman she loved hurt.
You didn’t remember the day you got attacked well you remember the attack but not the exact date like Tara did. You noticed Tara not being her normal happy self when she was on campus so you decided to check on her after class but you couldn’t find her even after joining the group for lunch. So you waited till after school and after Sam went to therapy to go to her apartment. You knocked and you waited for her to answer which didn’t happen. So you did it again, and again, and, and again till she answered the door. Tara’s eyes were puffy showing she was just crying.
“Tara” was all you were able to get out as you put your hand on her cheek, following her into the house as she closed the door. “What’s wrong? '' She didn’t answer you and just hugged you as she pushed you back to the couch so that she could sit next to you.
As she sat beside you she had her head down” I was just- I’m sorry for being the reason you got hurt”
“Oh Tara it wasn’t your fault that I got hurt it was Ethan’s and Quinn’s, and Bailey’s I forgot about him”
“No Y/n it’s my fault you got hurt if I wasn’t you girlfriend you wouldn’t have got you hurt”
“But you're my girlfriend and you can’t just take it back because I love you and I would have confessed anyways because of Chad presuring me.”
“Sometimes I wished I never made eye contact that day” Tara mumbled but loud enough for you to hear.
“Wha-“ You tried holding back your tears. “You don’t mean that Tara”
“I do because if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have almost died oh wait you did die for 5 minutes”
You let your tears fall but you knew you had to tell her.
“Tara, your not the reason I almost died it’s me”
“The Secret I Never Told, the one Ethan kept talking about during the whole killers reveal”
“What is it?” she questioned while now looking at you.
“I don’t want you to think of me differently but I’ve seen how you and Sam are and I fear that you’ll stop loving me”
“Just tell me Y/n, I won’t stop loving you”
“You know I’m the same age as you right”
“My father was Stu Macher”
She stayed there shocked, you feared that she was gonna be mad at you for waiting so long to tell her.
“How is that possible”
“My father basicly stored his semen at a place that then later on was used for when my mom was ready to have kids after his death.
She thought for a moment,”You thought I wouldn’t love you just because of your dad”
“Yeah I mean I’ve seen you’re relationship with Sam and I heard about the moment at the hospital you both had”
She smiled as she grabbed your shoulders pulling you into a hug. “I’ll never stop loving you just because you father is Stu Macher”
“Her fathers who now” The worst moment to walk in on Sam's part.
“Sam,” Tara said.
“How is that possible, isn’t she as old as you?” Sam asked while leaning on the wall..
“Yes he just stored his semen so that later on my no could have kids with him”
That moment felt like an hour of her just going from staring at you to staring at Tara.
You broke the silence with “Which is why I told you me and you were similar Sam”
“Honestly you guys do whatever you want I'm too tired for this, but if you hurt her I’ll make you die a painful death” She said and then walked away to her room.
“Damn she really is tired if she only threatened me with dying a painful death.” You joked while putting your arm around her.
You both laughed and then you then watched a movie while waiting for pizza to get delivered and in the middle all of the movie having Chad, Mindy, and Anika come over. They all invited some new people you all met, Mattew, Anthony, Johnathan, and Liam. You were just happy she loved you for who you were. You walked to the bathroom looking into the mirror seeing him behind you.
“If you tell me to kill someone then I reserect you just to kill you again”
“You did good kiddo, I know I haven’t been the best dad but i want to be you dad, even if I’m a hallucination I won’t tell you to kill people….. as often, but you did good”
“Thank you it means a lot” you walked out sitting back down with Tara watching the random movie Mindy put on while she takes about every detail about the movie. You loved moments like this wishing you could live forever like this.
Tara’s phone starts ringing showing up with no caller id. Of course moments like this could never last forever.
You pick it up showing her, the room being quite, scarily quiet. But that still made you not hear Sam come up behind you as she sees what happened. Sam picked it up and answered it.
“Hello Sam,” Ghostface said.
She didn’t answer.
“Please pass the phone to y/n”
You grabbed it put it to your ear
“Hello y/n you didn’t tell her about your mom did you, the fact she was also ghostface, sad really but the even funnier thing is that I just recreated what the last ones did to you but this time with your adopted mom, Sidney Prescott, and now I’m about to go gut your brother so have Fun” Ghostface then hung up.
You immediately called your mom.
She answered “Hey Y/n what wrong”
“Mom where are you ghostface just called me saying they killed you”
“I’m in nyc I was going to surprise you but ghostface is back”
“Yes and they said there gonna get D”
“Fuck, I’m coming right now”
“No don’t it’s better if your somewhere safe, because if they are telling the truth then they’re is multiple and they’re gonna go after you and him”
“Or they were lying thinking that you would chose me over him and are going after him.”
“Or I lied about both and I’m going to kill you” you heard from the corridor of Sam and Tara’s rooms. Ghostface was there ready to strike at the slightest movement.
“Run” Mindy yells as ghostface started running at everyone.
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smilesrobotlover · 11 days
A smile for smiles:
Your love at twilight art literally makes me so happy. (And young rusl and link sparring is so cute)
Also all of your writing lately (and wips) have been so amazing? Just found myself with my jaw open reading your stuff. You're just so cool, what an amazing talent. (And yeah I definitely reread your writing :P)
Could I ask about Ilia from Love at Twilight?Because if you want to rant I am curious what her role (feelings?) is in that.
You are loved <33
Ah thank you so much for your kind words 😭😭😭😭 these asks make me so happy !! I had the dumbest smile on my face drawing Rusl an Link sparring I love their relationship 😭😭😭
Augh yall 😭😭 I’ve been feeling like my writing has been very bland and bad so that’s much appreciated 🥺🥺 and again, I can’t fathom y’all rereading my writing I don’t feel like I’m good enough for that dhsksbskhsksbs
And yeah I’ll try to be nice about this cuz I know everyone likes her. I keep forgetting about her and if i’m not careful I’ll completely forget to add her in the au 😭 how I feel about her doesn’t really matter cuz she is an important character and deserves a role in this
So there’s a lot of drama that happens. Link felt pressured to get with Ilia during tp and he never returned her feelings. Plus, after the events, the idea of staying in Ordon with a family was almost suffocating to him (which is funny considering, well, everything.) this may be an unpopular opinion, but to me, Ilia seems like a character who wants to start a family and who wants to be a wife and mother. So when Link tells her he doesn’t want to settle down, naturally it’s hard for her to hear. She wants to settle down and she loves him, but he doesn’t love her back and he also doesn’t want to settle down. After the two years, she does try one more time to see if he’s ready (she only assumes that he’s not ready to settle down), but she sees Kori, and Kori calls Link papa and it’s pretty obvious to figure out that he is Link’s child. Ilia is pretty upset at this cuz he said that he didn’t want to settle down but here he is with a child that appeared out of nowhere. It’s here that Ilia realizes that he never loved her the same way she loved her and she finally decides to leave Ordon and everyone discovers Link’s love child. This was extremely hard for Link and yeaaah. Lots of drama
I don’t want to say that he and Ilia are on bad terms during love at twilight, but it’s definitely not the same. In love at twilight, Ilia is married with kids in castle town and she occasionally works at Telma’s bar because she likes it there. She and Link will def work past this, but at that time it was bad unfortunately.
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Crossbow Training and Parent Training
Ordon's Backstory for "Link's Crossbow Training" which has a Story :3- in which he meets his adopted son, Aror- a young twili transformed into a twilit beast. Ordon's adventure ended a few years ago, but things still linger. Warnings: unresolved angst (I have to save that for the main story), injury/pain, kid tantrums, forced transformations, child endangerment, overall just a lot of angst in theme with twilight princess stuff. Ao3 - Art of this!! --
The portal hummed with dark power. He hadn't seen it open up under him. He only tumbled out and fell into somewhere bright and green. He fumbled on all fours, scrambling back away from the other creatures. The dark corruptions of twili were immediately pounced on by a massive creature with sharp teeth and bright blue eyes. Atop the creature sat an imp with a stone eye. The imp was clearly in control of the beast, shouting directions. She seemed vicious. He ran into the trees and hid himself, listening to painful cries and screeches. 
It all stilled. There was only the sound of the monstrous wolf's breathing. The beast walked in a short circle when the sound of a portal opened back up. He shifted to try and look, but it vanished before he could. The imp's eye caught him. He froze in fear. She seemed familiar in a way he couldn't place. She snarled, and he thought he heard her growl "Zant" under her breath. He took a step back to hide himself in the trees.
The wolf had stopped, turning to look back at the imp. Her gaze lingered at the trees. She flicked the wolf's ear "There's nothing else here. Giddy up pony boy."
The wolf huffed and rushed off.
He waited a while longer before he came out of hiding, looking around the new world. Everything smelled weird. Half like home, half like nowhere he's known ever before. Like a corruption of them both. The small twili beast huffed and began to wander, searching for somewhere that felt a little closer to home.
2 years later
Link looked carefully at the crossbow, fingers tracing its edges and details. "Ya’ll really didn't have to." He said softly.
Rusl chuckled, "We figured you needed an upgrade in equipment. We all pitched in, it wasn't any trouble, kid."
Shad leaned against his shoulder, "I believe you'll quite enjoy it old boy, I did try to ensure it was durable enough for you."
"It's why he had you carry piles of books around all last week" Ashei said, shaking her head. Shad waved a hand and shushed her.
"Ya’ll could've just asked me about my draw weight?" Link laughed.
"That ruins the point of it being a surprise." Rusl said.
Link's ear twitched. A sound of a distant cry hit the wind, like an echo. He shook his head and smiled at the group. "Thank ya'll. It's a wonderful surprise. I'll cherish it."
"I better see ya practicing," Rusl said, pointing a finger with a playful smile.
"I will!" Link laughed, "When have I ever skipped practice?"
"Fantastic!" Shad announced. His proud, excited posture one Link could only recognize as when a theory had been proven. Link turned to him and raised an eyebrow. Shad grinned, "I had a series of crossbow training targets set up through the village!" 
Link snickered and shook his head as Shad and Ashei tugged him up into town.
The Twilit Beast sniffed the air, looking around. He finally caught a faint scent of home again. With an ear-piercing wail, the small beast began walking through the desert. He didn't know why they hadn't even responded to him yet. Surely they could hear him? He cried again. Rumbling deep into the bones of the earth…. He just needed Someone to hear him.
Link frowned, looking across the desert sands from the edge of the plateau. "Stalfos?"
"Yep," Auru said, leaning against his post, "The Desert isn't very easily passable regardless, but they've been crossing over to some of the roads nearby. With how they act, ambushing people, you'd think they'd be looking for something."
Link hummed, considering, then nodded. "I'll go."
Link stepped through the sands, looking around carefully. The shifting sands never did well for his ability to track things. The desert winds usually obscured any prints well before he could get to them.
Instead, he let his instincts guide him, wandering, inch by inch, towards Arbiter's Grounds. He fiddled a little with the new crossbow, twirling it in his hand idly. It was a good weight, and it was becoming nicely familiar. Soothing.
A piercing howl.
Link froze.
An ink dark silhouette rose above the sands into view. Eyes wide, he stared at the vision ahead. It couldn't be real. The twilight had been closed to this world. The beast looked up at him. Head tilting.
Link felt his body tense. His finger twitched against the crossbow trigger. The twilit beast sniffed the air. It’s small body tensed in response to Link’s own body language. It howled again, forcing Link to cover his sensitive ears. A stalfos rose from the sands. That explained it. The beast’s cries were summoning stalfos in the absence of other twilit beasts. Link huffed and aimed his crossbow to destroy the stalfos. It shattered into the sands. Another, longer howling cry. More and more began to rise, surrounding him. Link spun, assessing the situation. He needed to deal with the twilight beast. He shot the closest stalfos and turned again to look where the beast had been. It had vanished in the sands. Link let in a deep breath, refocusing. Target practice time, he guessed. 
He aimed and fired bolt after bolt. Soon they had surrounded him, forcing him to twirl in place. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. A massive stalfos emerged and he fumbled back to hit it repeatedly. 
Something sharp hit his back and he shook himself, tearing away from the stalfos. He shot it point blank, sand weathered bone shattering in his face. He winced and rushed to destroy the rest before they entirely overwhelmed him. 
Eventually, the sands stilled. He tracked his surroundings for any remaining stalfos, wary of another round. Nothing.
He put his crossbow away, eyes shifting over the sand. He sighed heavily and began walking. Idly, he wondered who this lingering beast could be. A dark, traitorous, part of his mind wondered if it could be Midna. That she had somehow broken the mirror in such a way that she had been cast back into their world as a beast. It seemed like such a terrible fate… trapped in a world that wasn’t your own, in a body that wasn’t your own. He’d done it once, he wouldn’t want to do it again. 
Link spotted a bulblin skitter across the sands in the distance. A small object was in its grasp, reflective. The light hitting it too bright to make out the item's details. He frowned. Rushing after, the ranger followed the creature to the edge of their hideout. As quietly as possible, he snuck through the opening. He walked alongside the wall, keeping an eye out for places to hide himself. 
A horn blasted into the air. Link startled, eyes wide. A bulblin on a tower had spotted him and sounded the alarm. Link felt a low, animalistic growl rumble in his chest. It startled him, noting the side effect of being a wolf still lingered, even after two years. 
A bulbin swung at him in his peripheral. He leaped to the side. He pulled out his sword and crashed against the bulblin's weapon. He snarled at it as the creature pushed back. 
The bulblin swung wildly and Link barely had time to consider shielding. Instead, he raised his sword to block. The swing held enough force it knocked his weapon out or his hands. His hand stung with the hit and he was forced to retreat further in. He pulled out his crossbow and shot. The bulblin crashed to the ground. 
Link spun and fired at another bulbin rushing toward him. Quickly retrieving his sword and putting it away, he pushed through the hideout with his crossbow. He dodged around the crumbling stone structures. An arrow lodged itself into his shoulder. He growled and trained his crossbow on the archer. The bolt whipped through the air and it fell. Soon enough, the hideout was cleared. The only sound was the howls of the winds.
He huffed, sighing heavily, and fumbled to sit on the ground. He looked over his shoulder. He fumbled through his supplies and grabbed a chu potion and water. He pulled his gloves off and dashed water over his hands to rinse them. He cradled the potion in his lap as he snapped the arrow shaft. He closed his eyes and fumbled with the rest of the arrow to dislodge it. Then he pulled. A cry escaped his throat. He quickly downed the potion. He tossed the arrow to the ground and sighed, feeling around the edges of the wound to ensure the potion had closed it.
He washed his hands again, pulling his gloves back on. He stood, huffing. He walked through the hideout and looked through the bulblin's acquired goods. He grabbed anything that looked like it had been stolen off of Hyrulians. Auru and Shad could help return them. Eventually, he found what he was actually looking for. A small reflective shard. A fractured piece of the mirror. The center, judging by the triangle design in the back. Link tumbled it in his hands, frowning. It was a dangerous thing to consider keeping. But… he had to know what the bulbins were planning to use it for. He pocketed it and began the rest of his journey towards Arbiter’s Grounds.
He stared at the empty space where the mirror once belonged. His mind replayed Midna's Farewell again and again. Trying to determine what it meant. If there was some secret he'd missed these past few years. He was sure he wouldn't be able to figure it out any better now than he could then. 
He shook himself and looked down at the ground. The majority of the mirror’s shattered fragments had been ground into dust. Long since mixed with the sands. Link was only able to find two more tiny fragments worth picking up. He sighed, looking across the horizon to see if the twili beast was still out there. Nothing.  
He turned around to go back down and get back to Auru. Give up for the day. The dark beast stood at the stairway. Link took in a sharp breath.
The twili beast sniffed the air, inching forward. It really was small. Too small, Link thought. Nearly half the size of the beasts he had encountered in the Twilight. The creature’s size made him uneasy. This one was unique. Too unknown.  Link lowered himself, raising his hands slowly. Hopefully, he could keep it calm enough to capture it peacefully. Midna nor Zant were here- If anything harmed it, he was certain the twili trapped within the beastly form would perish. …How he intended to contain the creature, he had no idea.
“Hello,” He said softly as the creature inched closer still. He extended his hand slightly, and it flinched back. Link stilled again. “Sorry. I just want to get ya’ home, ok? It’s a'ight.” 
The beast made a whine of a sound. Link made a soft shushing sound, much like he used with the goats or Epona when they startled. Suddenly, it rushed him, and Link yelped, barreled over by the small beast. A wash of panic made him fumble for the closest weapon in his person. A flash of light hit the steel of his sword.
The beast screeched loudly and pushed off of him, racing away. Link rolled over, groaning. He swallowed, watching the beast rush off into the distance, vanishing from sight once again. Link sighed heavily.
Link hit target after target. Malo blew the whistle. He turned to the kids watching. Colin and Luda clapped. Beth meanwhile, was absorbing herself in painting yet another target. Link sighed.
"Hmmmm, I'd give you a silver metal." Malo said finally.
"I'm not done counting the points!" Talo shouted. "...He got silver," he grumbled. He shoved his little brother, "know it all." Malo shrugged, smiling.
Link chuckled and walked over to sit next to them on Renado's porch, "Not too bad."
"If you see that monster again you'll wanna be even better," Malo insisted. 
"I'm not shooting it," Link huffed as he checked over the weapon and put it away.
"I could sell you a net-bolt?"
Link raised an eyebrow.
Malo pouted, "I'll have one in stock soon enough."
Colin leaned over "Are you really going to go look for it again? 
"Of course he will," Beth interjected, "It's like his job to find monsters now."
"Isn't his job still herding?" Talo asked.
"Yeah but he travels to Hyrule allll the time. Like when the Zora needed help defending their river from monsters? Or the thing with the Gorons?"
"Yeah, but-"
Link rolled his eyes as Beth and Talo continued to argue over his job title. Luda scooted over to sit next to Link. She halfway whispered, "Do you think the twilight will come back?"
He straightened up, glancing over the horizon. The sun was low, casting a hazy orange through the dusty town. "No." Link said. "It's never coming back."
"But you saw one of the twilight monsters."
Link's brows furrowed. "It's probably been out there since the portal closed." 
Luda nodded, looking around, "Are you sure you can catch it?"
He glanced at her, "It's not going to come back and hurt ya'll. Any of ya'll. I won't let it."
Luda smiled softly.
"And Colin will protect ya'll too." Link winked. Luda giggled.
Colin looked up, startled, "I'm doing what? What am I doing? Don't sign me up for things-" Link laughed, reaching over to ruffle Colin's hair. He fumbled and squeaked, his voice cracking, "What?! Linnnk!"
Renado opened the door, "Link. We need to talk." Several of the children "ooo"-ed, laughing to themselves as Link stood. He followed Renado in, shutting the door behind him.
"I just got word that some Gorons have spotted a creature just like what you explained."
"What?" Link frowned, "I saw it in the desert- there can't be another, right?"
Renado shook his head, "I have no idea. But, it seems like it was following the paths you took. Is there some reason they would do that?"
He shrugged, bewildered.
Renado frowned, "Well, I want you to be cautious about this. Whatever is controlling this beast is searching for you as much as you are it."
Link closed his eyes and nodded, he glanced back, towards the entry to Death Mountain. "Someone should get the kids back home before dark."
"If you want to follow that creature, the kids will be safe with me. I'll send for Rusl in the morning."
He furrowed his brows, tapping his foot. "Okay. Thank ya'll"
Renado nodded, "Take care."
Link headed out the door and started walking out towards the mountain. The kids jeered for answers to what Renado told him, voices overlapping. "Ya'll're staying overnight, if I ain't back in the morning Rusl will take ya'll home."
The response had the kid's blinking. Beth, Talo and Malo all started talking amongst themselves.
Colin stood up and started following him. "What happened?"
"Some Gorons spotted the Twilit beast."
"Really?" Colin frowned, pausing. He blinked and jogged to catch up to Link’s quick stride. "I can help."
Link frowned "I don't know…"
"You wanna catch it, right? I can make a like… a little corral! So that all ya gotta do is herd it there."
Link's mind flicked back to every time he'd been cornered in a cage with those beasts. Every violent throw and crash. No, he never wanted to be in that situation again. Even if the cage was a fence or rock.
"Not that simple with these." Link said quietly, "Er. Thanks for the offer"
"Well… what can I do?"
"Stay with the others and stay safe." Link said.
Colin kicked a rock, frowning, "I can help you. Let me help."
Link stopped in front of the mountain pathway and sighed. "Look. I know ya wanna follow my footsteps but I want ya'll to make yer own. Ya hear?"
Colin crossed his arms.
Link looked up at the sky, then back to Colin, "Fine. Fine." He considered, then handed Colin his sword. "Be careful."
Colin went wide-eyed and nodded.
"Only use it if it runs at ya." Link looked over the mountain path. "You're gonna help me rope it. It moves faster than a goat, and it's legs are longer so ya gotta be quick. Okay?"
"Roping. Got it!"
Link sighed, taking his rope from his pouch and handing that to Colin. Supplies divided, Link started the climb up the mountain. "If we can, I wanna be gentle about it."
Colin frowned softly, "Why are you so concerned? Haven't you fought these before?"
Link swallowed thickly, frowning. "They're not just monsters" He whispered, "They're people. Transformed. Trapped like that."
"...Oh." Colin said quietly.
They continued their walk in silence for a moment. An uneasy air around them. Link bumped Colin with his elbow, gently. Colin swerved to bump back into him bodily. Link chuckled lightly and threw an arm around his shoulders and squeezed. Colin leaned in.
He looked up, "Do you think you can find a way to help the person go back to normal, Link?"
"I'm gonna try. I gotta. Th- there's no one else in this world I know of who can."
Colin nodded.
The twilit beast stood in front of the mountain pathway. A dark mass looming against the red background of rock. It looked like the same one, small and wary. It was huffing its breaths.
"Ah. Hello." Link muttered. 
The creature wailed. Link doubled over, covering his ears. Colin shook himself, then looked at Link with wide, concerned eyes.
Link growled and nodded to Colin to go ahead. He walked slowly backwards while Colin began walking up. He made soothing sounds, gingerly offering a hand. The creature sniffed the air, then rushed forward.
"Woah-woah-woah!" Link said, fumbling backwards and slipping with the downward slope. He fell on his back.
"Link!" Colin shouted. A rope cracked and the creature fell with a sharp squeal. 
Link sat up, "I'm ok!" He inched closer to the beast. It snarled and bent to chew at the rope Colin had been able to wrap around the hind legs. Colin rushed forward. The creature snarled and thrashed as Colin came closer. 
"Take a step back," Link said, frowning. 
The beast seemed to relax as soon as Colin stepped back. Good… he hushed and soothed the beast. Slowly, he raised a hand to the creature’s shoulder and rested it there. The creature was tense, but allowed it. Link let out a soft sigh. 
Assured he wasn’t going to be mauled, Link took the other end of the rope and swiftly tied it around the creature’s middle and chest, creating a harness of sorts, then released the tie around its legs. 
"Why is it letting you do that?"
"No idea," Link muttered. He stepped back and the creature scrambled to a stand, shaking itself. It walked up to Link and inspected him. Link froze.
It lifted up to its hind legs and Link rushed to grab the forearms before it could do anything. The beast squealed and wriggled. Link let go. He took a step back as it dropped back to all fours. "Okay" Link muttered, looking at the beast.
"Now what?" Colin asked.
Link stared at the creature. The first and only person he knew would have the answers would be inaccessible. He was in over his head already. …Rusl was going to scream if he found out.
"We don't tell Rusl."
Colin snorted. "Okay."
"I..uh… I'll ask the Princess for some leads?" 
"What are you going to do with the beast?"
Link shook his head, eyes wide. "...I don't know. I don't trust it out of my sight."
Colin nodded.
Link shook his head and began walking back down the mountain. The beast trotting circles around him. He nearly tripped on the rope a few times. Colin giggled.
"Maybe this is its new plan for murder" Link muttered as he stepped around the rope again.
They returned to Kakariko quickly, and Colin rushed ahead to tell them the beast was captured. Link stood at the outskirts of town with the beast. 
Renado walked out and towards him, seemingly bewildered. "So you caught it."
"Yeah… any ideas on how to undo dark magic?"
Renado frowned, "Perhaps bathe it in the spirit's spring?"
Link looked over to the pool ahead. "Hm." 
Renado sighed, "I don't work in that type of healing. I- I believe your best chance is to see the Princess if the spring does nothing."
Link nodded.
Renado gave the creature a wary look. "It's strange, how it has accepted you…"
Link shrugged, and started walking with it to the spring. As they hit the edge of the water the creature screamed and pulled. 
"Hey, hey, it's okay- I won't let it hurt ya- it's okay." Link knelt next to the beast. It barreled into him and climbed onto his shoulder. Link yelped and fumbled. He struggled to hold it in a way that secured it and himself.
 Link wrapped a hand around the creature’s lower end and chest. He pulled it from his shoulders and held it against his chest. Seemingly assured that Link wouldn’t toss it to the water, it nearly purred and snuggled into him. He took a moment to focus his breaths and calm himself fully. 
“Okay. Good. I’mma stand, okay?” He looked over the creature. He had no idea how much it understood. Even if it did understand words, there was no guarantee it understood Hylian. But the creature was calm enough. He grunted and slowly inched his way up to a stand, holding the creature against his chest like a rather large cat… or a child. It panicked slightly as he lifted it high enough from the ground. It made a sharp screeching sound. Link winced, “Sh, shh, it’s ok. I’m sorry-” After some soothing, the beast settled back against his chest. Link sighed, relaxing.
He looked back at the light spirit's spring. The twilit beast shuffled and curled its long upper limbs around his neck. Link sighed. There went that idea.
The human smelled like home. More overwhelmingly so than anything or anyone else. The twili beast clung to him as he walked away from the waters.
The human was quiet and gentle, soothing. He had a hard time remembering why, but it felt safe. Familiar. Especially now that he knew the human didn't want to hurt him like so many others had. 
Maybe the human would be able to bring him home… He missed home.
Link had arranged for everyone to get home with Rusl. He finally walked over to Epona to start their journey to the Castle. Epona reared, unenthusiastic about the twilit beast. The beast hissed at her in response. Link groaned. He pulled a blanket from Epona’s pouch and swaddled the beast. It whined and wrigled. 
"There. Declawed. Better?"
Epona snorted and defiantly turned her body away. Link groaned loudly. "Fine. We'll walk." He huffed to his horse. Epona winnied. Link was sure it was a laugh of victory.
The twili beast was difficult to manage while he walked, twirling and wiggling. He kept a firm grip on it, offering vague reassuring sounds when he could.
Eventually, the light dwindled, and Link stopped in a section of trees in Hyrule Field for the night. He looked at the twili beast. It wriggled and made a squeal of a sound. Link frowned softly at it.
"If I let go, am I gonna have to chase ya back down?" He mumbled to it, eyes narrowing.
The beast made another squealing sound. Link sighed and shuffled through his pack. He took out a drink of water for himself. He glanced at the beast. 
"Do ya'll eat? Never saw one'a ya' do it. Let alone the face." He considered. It might be easier to pass the creature off as a weird cat if it has the right facial structure under that mask. He gingerly reached to the sides of the plate over the face and pulled it up. A maw of sharp, crowded teeth greeted him. Behind white blade-like teeth was pure inky darkness. Link's eyes went wide and he gingerly slid the mask back into place. "Ah" he muttered. 
That certainly couldn't be passed off as a cat.
Link took some time to fashion a carrying harness as the hours dwindled and the beast devoured his supplies of food. He kept careful watch of it. Yet. The creature never wandered far from him regardless. He didn't want to consider its reasoning for that.
He settled on his finishing touch on the harness and strapped the beast in to confirm it fit. With a yawn, he looped the rope around the harness straps and tied its end to a thick tree branch. 
"Stay." He told it. The beast whined. With a gentle shake of his head, he settled next to an adjacent tree and closed his eyes.
Link woke to the sound of snarling and growling. The tree branch was nearly entirely gnawed through. Barely hanging together. Link fumbled to stand, and unhooked the beast, tugging it back before it could break something. Link sighed in relief. The twili beast whined louder and louder. 
"Sh! Sh." Link soothed in a panic. He sighed and picked the creature up. The creature relaxed. Strange.
Link shook his head, bouncing lightly as he looked around. He finally found a thicker tree branch and tied it back up. He slumped next to it and closed his eyes with a light grumble.
He couldn't have been asleep for long when he woke to the sound of crashing. He startled up and stared at the sight of the twili beast happily trotting up to him. The tree limb dragged along. Link stared at it. The creature pushed a clawed hand-paw against his chest. Link blinked his bleary eyes a few more times, then sighed. He dropped to the ground again and allowed the beast to crawl up against him.
When he was finally able to get to Castle Town, he firmly decided it was a nightmare. The city was always busy, and he had never learned how to navigate it with any grace. But the usual chatter and crowds was nothing compared to this. People were everywhere. Link could barely take a step without having to apologize for bumping into someone. No one else apologized for bumping into him. Which was often.
Amongst it all, there were games, balloons, booths of various wonders and merchants. Music and noise was everywhere.
The beast had been swaddled up like a baby on his chest, obscured in tons of fabric. It squirmed and whined and Link struggled to hush it in the chaos. Its claws were grinding against his chainmail and likely tearing his shirt.
He bumped into someone going the opposite direction. As he began to mumble another apology he noticed their mask, like a demonic boar. Link couldn't help the scream that erupted from his lips.
"Woah, you okay?"
The beast whined, pitching up into that dangerous tone. Link fumbled and scrambled through the crowd pushing through with reckless abandon. People were complaining and yelling at him now, but he needed to get out out out-
He stumbled into an alleyway and backed himself into the finally empty space. He wheezed his breaths, covering his ears. Despite that, he could still hear the twili beast's increased whines, and the music and the chatter- Why were they always so much more sensitive- he didn't want to hear anything anymore, why why- A cat mewed. 
Link opened his eyes. A white fluffy cat. Telma's cat. He took a deep breath. The cat rubbed against him, and he leaned into it, keeping his ears covered. He took in another breath. Soon enough, he was able to pick the cat up and snuggle her against him. The twilit beast struggled to look around, and Link lowered his head to its, resting gently. 
The cat's purrs seemed to lull them both, and Link sighed. He kissed the cat's head. "Bless ya'll" he mumbled, "Thanks."
The cat mowed.
"Is Telma's just as crowded?"
The cat made a meerurp sound, seemingly in the affirmative. Link sighed. There went his hope Telma's could be a familiar place to stay until the crowd waned. If it waned. "...Can ya show me a way through to the castle?"
The cat purr-chirped, and hopped from his arms, trotting to the edge of his small sanctuary, toward the crowd. Link sighed and glanced at the creature. The twili deserved to be released from its beastal prison. He could brave a crowd for it. He stood up and followed the expectant cat.
They weaved through the crowd a little easier with their white tailed guide. The cat seemed to act as a path maker, the crowd parting more easily for her. Link was a little jealous. He almost lost her twice, but the cat was patient, and seemed to notice every time the crowd had pushed him back.
Eventually, he was at the backside of the castle. Rather than brave any of the gates, the cat, and ultimately Link, leaped over boxes and roofs to climb over the edge of the wall. Once they found a door that led inside, Link knelt down and petted the cat. "Thank you so much. I promise, when I'm done here, I'll come visit Telma's and give you a whole fish."
The cat purred, rubbing her body against his legs. Link stood, checking on the twili beast, which squirmed and grumbled. He sighed and entered the building. 
The castle itself had become slightly easier to navigate over time. Slightly. But the halls were quieter than the streets, and that made a world of difference in his ability to think. He reached the main hall and looked around. The Princess was standing in front of a window, hands clasped behind her back.
Link was about to announce himself, until the twili beast squealed loudly. Zelda startled, eyes wide. Her hand had immediately gone to the rapier hilt on her hip. Link raised his hands.
"Link! Goodness- you can request an audience now, you don't have to sneak around like you had-" She frowned as her gaze settled to his chest and the bundle secured to it, "...Is that a baby?"
"Er…not exactly?" Link muttered. "Uh… don't scream or attack us, please?" 
"Link of Ordania, what did you do?" It did not sound like a question but rather a demand. Link grimaced.
He undid the wraps of fabric and Zelda gasped. "Why did you bring that thing here?! Where did you find it?"
"It followed me from the desert, I think." Link pulled the creature free from the harness and it shook itself. "They were all twili… people. I- I just need to figure out how to turn it back."
Zelda frowned, looking at it. She inched forward and gingerly raised a hand towards the creature, hovering just above. "Do you know how this was created?"
"It's Zant's magic. I'm not sure. Probably similar to when it turned me into a wolf. The Sols in the Twilight healed the ones that were halfway transformed. But… we obviously don't have those."
"The Sols… were light, yes?" Zela hummed, placing her hands behind her back again. "Your triforce should be sufficient."
"Er… What?"
"The triforce. Channel your energy through it and together we should be able to generate a healing light with it. We just must be careful not to generate too much radiant power and harm the twili."
"I- I don't know if I can do that- what if I do it wrong?"
The princess shook her head, "You will succeed. You must."
Link sighed "I'll try."
Zelda nodded firmly and placed her hand on top of Link's. Both of their hands glowed. Link's eyes widened and he glanced nervously up at her. Her eyes were closed, concentrating. Link looked down at the twili beast in his arms. It seemed uneasy. He focused on the creature, trying to mentally search for whatever healing property was hidden in his hand.
"Don't overthink it," Zelda said softly, "just feel the energy flowing through your veins and soul and focus it."
Link nodded once, closing his eyes to get a better sense of what she meant. His hands were warm. And sweaty… Hopefully the Princess didn't notice-
"Your mind is loud for someone who's always so quiet," Zelda muttered. "Quiet your mind and just focus."
"Ya'll're reading my mind?"
Link bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows. He took in a deep breath and refocused. The twili beast was so nervous and confused, he could tell. He just wanted to explain it would all be okay but he knew he would never find the right words. Instead, he lowered his forehead against its. He focused his breaths to calm. His heartbeat became a gentler drum. He almost felt a electric warm tingle course through his body and it shifted, focused through his hand the longer he held it hovered over the twilit beasts back. 
Zelda smiled when a gentle light shone around them. It grew in strength until Link felt the shape of the creature change against him. He let the light linger for a moment, before he opened his eyes.
A twili stared back at him. Red and yellow eyes surrounded by dark purple. The twili was young, he was sure of it. So young. Link felt something in his chest sink like a stone. How could Zant do this to such a young child- How many child soldiers could Link have fought without realizing?
Link didn't even notice Zelda taking a step away, he just scooped the child up against his chest and curled up with him, slipping to the floor.
"Do you speak?" Zelda asked the twili quietly. 
"Speak?" The child repeated, voice odd and just like Midna's. Link struggled to keep himself together. Feeling tears pinprick against his eyes.
The child's hands raised to Link’s cheeks, using some twili language to ask him a question.
Zelda hummed and leaned down, "Do you have a name?" 
The child turned to look at Zelda, keeping his little hands on Link's cheeks. He continued on in that incomprehensible language.
"Ah...probably a hard question to answer with this linguistic barrier," Zelda said, mostly to herself.
Link took in sharp breaths. A child. A child.
"Oh, this might work- how old are you?" Zelda asked, offering her fingers to count, "Five? Six?"
The twili held up three.
Zelda looked stunned, "That can't be possible- that must not be right."
Link stared.
The child frowned, looking back and forth between them. He looked increasingly worried.
Link fumbled to hug the child properly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" He whispered. His voice cracked and disappeared on him. He cried and hugged the child more, hoping it somehow made up for the fact he couldn't fix it all.
The child made a strange hushing sound. Matching the rhythm of his own soothing tone, just slightly off with his twili voice. Link hiccuped and cried harder.
Zelda stood there, hovering awkwardly. Finally, she knelt down and placed a hand on Link's back, polite and calm. 
Eventually, Link found a way to calm down. He placed a small kiss to the child's head and rubbed his eyes. 
"We should start seeking a way to return him to his home…" Zelda said softly. "I will research the archives. Will you look through the rest of Hyrule for anything that might find evidence of twili portals?"
Link nodded.
"We just need someone to take care of him while we investigate… I have a handmaiden who is discreet and polite she might-"
"I'll keep him." Link said, sounding firmer than he intended.
"Are you serious? You'll be wandering Hyrule, it could get dangerous."
"I'm keeping him. I'll keep him safe. I know twili better than anyone." Link lifted his head and looked at Zelda. She frowned.
The child demanded something in that twili language, patting his face. Link smiled sadly.
Zelda huffed lightly, "At least meet with the handmaid. But I will leave the decision to you. I will trust your judgment."
Link nodded, "Thank ya…"
Zelda turned back to look out the window. He sighed and stood, rocking the child. "What is all that commotion outside anyway?"
"The Festival of Light… I extended an invitation to you. I assume it missed you while you were traversing Hyrule with your new companion."
"Perhaps you two would enjoy the fruit balloons." Zelda said, turning and smiling at him, "They will be launching them shortly. I see you have a crossbow. I can lead you to a good shooting position."
"...Shooting balloons?"
Zelda grinned. "Come."
Link looked at the child, then shrugged, rushing to follow Zelda. She led them through the halls and outside, until they reached a quiet, brilliant view. Zelda took up her bow and a small object. She tossed it into the air and hit it with an arrow, causing a shower of light. Link blinked. The child laughed and cheered. Suddenly, more balloons began being tossed into the air all across parts of Castle town. Larger than Zelda's. 
Zelda gently took the child from his arms, "Go, shoot as many as you can"
Link fumbled to take his crossbow out and aimed for a balloon. When it popped it exploded into a brilliant firework. Link laughed lightly, "Who came up with this?"
Zelda hummed, "It's an age old Castle Town tradition… I don't know."
He nodded, aiming and shooting another balloon. Glad that the explosion was quiet and distant. The child laughed and cheered, and Link's smile grew. They spent a short while this way, before Link realized he was almost entirely dominating the scene, catching all the balloons before others could. He ultimately decided to give whoever else in Castle Town that shot the balloons a greater chance, putting down his crossbow and sitting down. 
Zelda sat down next to him. The child tumbled down from her arms and latched onto Link. The lights showered over Castle town and Link took the moment to relax and forget the turmoil brewing in his chest. The child leaned against him, oohing and awing at the showers of light. Link smiled.
Link fiddled with the shards of the twilight mirror as he walked back through the sands. He was so tired. The child stared at him, eyes bright. Link really needed to figure out what this kid’s name was somehow, he’s nearly spent half a year with this kid- or… maybe it didn’t matter anymore, with his inevitable departure so soon. Link smiled and ruffled his bright red hair, “We’ll get you home soon enough, yah?” 
Link’s gaze settled to Arbiter’s ground, expression falling tiredly. He paused and looked at the powder blue sands in the hourglass they’d retrieved from the Temple of Time. The Skull Kid had put up a fight to stop him from taking it out. He wasn’t exactly sure if this would even work. What if the mirror was just. Broken forever. What if it sent him to the wrong place-
“Ling” the child said, shoving his face. He blinked and looked at him. “Going home too?”
“What?” Link frowned, “Yeah, eventually. We’ll get you home first, then I’ll go home.”
“No” The kid shook his head repeatedly, “No no, that’s wrong.”
Link hoisted him up on his hip, brushing sand out of his hair. “What do ya mean?”
“Home!” he demanded, grabbing Link’s sleeves and shaking him slightly, “Ling is going home too!” 
Link stared at him, eyes wide, “I- no” he said softly, “I can’t live in the twilight realm with ya’ll- That’s not my home. I-”
“No!” The twili screeched, eyes welling with tears, Link winced, struggling to cover an ear with one hand and hold the source of the noise in the other.  “Ling’s home with me! Ling’s home with ME”
The ground rumbled. Clouds began to darken overhead.
“I’m sorry-” Link croaked, “I’m sorry- If- If this works I can visit but-” The toddler screamed and cried, tiny hands scrunched up in his shirt. “Hey- hey! It’s gonna be ok!” The earth rumbled again and Link fumbled to gain balance. He turned his head just as the massive skeletal form of the Stallord rose from the sands. Lightning flashed.
Link scrambled to place the screaming child in the carrying harness, ignoring the continued screaming and crying. The blue sand hourglass slipped from his hands in his rush. He pulled out his crossbow, fumbling backwards. The Stallord roared in time with his child’s scream and loomed forward at him. Link really wanted to swear repeatedly right now. He bit his tongue and focused instead on dealing with what was in front of him.
The boy continued screaming in twili. The Stallord exhaled molten rock toward him, he shot crossbow bolts at them, shattering them before they could reach him. He struggled to focus with all the noise. It made his heart leap into his throat and his eyes haze. He heaved his breaths, struggling to determine what to shoot and when. The fossil of a creature raised a hand and Link scrambled back, shooting it before it could do whatever it aimed to do. Something crunched under foot. 
The Stallord’s hand shattered. Soon he was working off muscle memory and pattern. Targets found and destroyed. The Stallord crumbled. His child wailed again, and shattered bones reformed. Link swallowed, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-” He said, kissing his child’s head as he fumbled backward as far as he could, until the sands under him dared to drag him down to join the rest of the skeletal creatures it created and consumed.
Rinse and repeat. The Stallord roared and dragged itself closer. The child shrieked and curled up against his chest, suddenly going quiet. Skeletal flaming heads flew towards him, and he scrambled to fight them off. One bulled right into him, and he winced, knocking it back away with the edge of the crossbow. 
The child shouted in alarmed twili. It sounded so much like “Papa!” Link nearly choked. He placed a hand on the child’s head in an attempt to shield him, and focused on the monster ahead. Eventually. Finally, it fell. Silence stretched in the air. The fossil bones became one with the sand. Link swallowed thickly. 
“Okay? Okay?” The kid asked, shaking his sleeve. Link took in a deep breath.
“Yeah” He whispered, “Ya’ll a’ight?”
He nodded quietly. The child snuggled in against him and Link sighed, pressing a few kisses to the top of his head, “Okay.”
Link looked around them, and his eyes landed on shattered glass and a patch of scattering blue sands. “Wait-” He gasped and fumbled to grab a bottle, hurriedly pushing sand into it. “No no no no-”
“It’s okay!” the child said, reaching out to Link’s arms, “Sand can be sand!”
“You don’t- you don’t understand-” Link looked around the sands, before corking the bottle, “This is the last idea we have to get you home! This is it! I- I can’t just turn back time on my own, this is it! I can’t go back and stop Midna from destroying our one connection- I- I can’t…”
The twili stared. Link swallowed, rubbing his eyes and dropping his hands to his sides. “I promised I’d get you home.” Link sighed and dropped to sit on the ground propping his head up with his hands. The child reached over and pushed his hands away from his eyes and onto his cheeks. Link opened his eyes, bleary and red. He grabbed his nose. Link smiled just slightly.
“Can we go?” he asked, brows furrowed and serious, “I don’t wanna be here anymore”
Link swallowed and stood up.
“We’re looking wrong.” The twili grumbled, turned to look where Link was facing.
“Huh? Where should we be going?” Link whispered. The child pointed over Link’s shoulder. Toward the forested distance of Hyrule and Ordon beyond it.
Link considered him for a moment, then sighed, turning around. “Got it…” He glanced backward at Arbiter’s Grounds one more time, and started walking home. He put away the bottle of blue sands in his pocket, brows furrowing as he dragged his fingers over the edge of the mirror shard there. …Later. Link determined. When he knew for certain it could work and work well.
4 years later
The twili raced around the goatpen chasing his little auntie around with a laugh. Rusl and Uli’s daughter squealed as she turned a corner and raced behind her big brother.
“Colin! Colin! Protect me! Aror is gonna turn me into a chu!”
Colin giggled as he lifted his broom higher, out of the kid’s reach. He turned back and forth trying to look at her, “Oh? How’s he gonna do that?”
“RAH!” Aror exclaimed, teeth bared and sharp. “Lemme at ‘er!”
“Why would I do that?” Colin asked, tilting his head.
“Becauuuuse,” Aror leaned back, “She stole the last piece of pie!”
The teenager gasped, looking down at the six year old, “Kiri! How could you.” 
“It’s good!” she said, smiling.
“And you didn’t even ask,” Colin shook his head, “Ok Aror, chu time.”
Aror laughed, racing around Colin to grab the girl and tickle her. Colin glanced up and pointed, “Link’s back!”
Aror turned and smiled, “Papa!” He tossed Kiri up at Colin. 
Colin yelped and caught his sister. “Aror, careful!”
Link waved at them all as he walked over. The twili leaped at him and wrapped his arms around him. Link laughed and spun with him, “How’s it been?” 
“Good!” Aror exclaimed with a grin. “Well, mostly. Kiri ate the last piece of pie.”
He shook his head with a light chuckle. Aror snuggled into him and hummed, "What did you find in Hyrule?"
Link hummed, "Not much, some bulblins were harassin' travelers in Hyrule Field." 
"Did'ya stop anywhere?" Aror asked with a grin.
"I ain't bringing presents every time I take a trip to Hyrule" Link laughed, ruffling Aror's bright red hair.
"The goats were good while you were out, only one escaped and I got it before it could run past the Mayor's!" Colin said.
"Oh, nice! Don't go stealing my job under me, Rusl will be sad nobody caught onta smithing."
Colin laughed and shook his head, "No way, Aror's gonna take over yer job."
Link giggled. "Really?"
Aror grinned, "The goats love me."
"He's magic!" Kiri said with a cheer.
Link smiled and hugged him tightly, "Yeah he is. Now…. Who wants to pick some more berries for a new pie?" 
Colin made a subtle x with his hands, shaking his head, while Kiri and Aror whooped and cheered. Link set Aror down and the pair raced off. He winked at Colin "Ya don't gotta eat it."
"No, but I gotta deal with the Sugar Rush!" Colin whined.
Link made a mock helpless shrug and started following after the children.
Link's brows furrowed as he looked over the bottle of sand. It had long since been carefully sifted, finally pure blue. He moved the mirror fragment over onto the hand mirror frame he'd gotten. He poured the blue powder over the empty space and drew lines through it. He glanced back and forth between an old book and the lines.
Zelda had told him this was the best record of the symbols in the mirror that her library had. 
"Hey Papa did'ya want any-" Aror's voice cut off. "What are you doing?"
Link closed the book abruptly and turned around in his seat "Nothing much. Pie sounds good, though. Do ya want help getting a slice?"
"No, what is this?" Aror stepped forward and looked over the blue dust and the handheld mirror. He tilted his head, “I know this, where is this from?"
Link frowned softly, "Aror… I-"
His golden and red eyes flickered over Link’s face. His ears pinned back. "You're still trying to get rid of me."
"What? No never!" Link stood up, hands reaching to brush a hair out of the twili's face. Aror grabbed the mirror off the desk and backed away. Link pulled his hand back, "Aror, I promise that's not it."
He shook his head "I thought ya'll stopped trying to-" He blinked and rubbed his eyes. "Why else wouldn't ya'll tell me you were still looking for a way there?" He made a pitched whine.
"Bud, I'm just trying to find a way to get you home-"
"I thought I was home!" Aror screeched, he tossed the mirror frame. "But you apparently don't want me here!" 
It all shattered. A dark pool flooded around the floor. Link's gaze was focused on Aror. "No, no- I love you! I want you to ha-" Link stepped forward and slipped over the edge of darkness. Blue eyes went wide. 
Aror gasped. The boy scrambled to grab his hand but fingers slipped and transformed into a paw. He let go, fear rippling through him.
The beast with blue eyes tumbled into darkness and the portal closed with a hum of dark power. Aror stilled. The beast was gone. …His dad had turned into that. His papa was gone.
"Papa?" He slammed his hands against the floor. "PAPA!" The earth rumbled around him as he screamed.
"Aror?! Aror are you alright?!" Colin shouted into the house. Footsteps thundering across wood.
Link thudded against a grassy plain. He groaned and rolled over. Link huffed and looked around frantically. He rushed up a hill, chain clinking with each bound. He sniffed the air. It was weird- wrong. Where was he? Link’s gaze settled onto a castle in the distance. Seemingly imprisoned with spires of darkness. Link bowed his head, heaving his breaths. He needed to get back to his son- he couldn't do this again, not now. He had to explain- he had to let him know how much he loved him… that he'd give up his world for him. Link howled into the endless world. 
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silvrash-797 · 8 months
Chapter 2 of The Truth Comes to Light is up! Link is NOT having a good time 😥
Read on ao3
The rest of the night passed in a haze of discomfort. Morning must have arrived, for Link heard his sister's cries and his parent's voices. He stirred slightly at the sounds and whimpered any time he was jostled unannounced, but remained mostly asleep as his parents discussed what had happened, exhaustion like lead in his veins. A few times, the voices got louder and the movements more harsh, and he moaned, curling up against the pain as the motions aggravated his tender stomach.
After one particularly sharp movement Link hissed, grimacing as he temporarily floated closer to consciousness. His parent's conversation swirled around him as he felt himself pulled once again into his father's lap, tearful voices and shaking hands drawing him ever closer.
“Are you sure?” his mother whispered, crying.
Rusl shifted guiltily under him. “I saw him… transform. From wolf to Hylian. He… I…”
Link squirmed uncomfortably as he was caught up in a hug between the tearful couple, trembling fingers being run through his hair. He heard his mother's quiet voice, full of sympathy and sorrow, before exhaustion fought to pull him under once again, “You didn’t know.”
Link tried to let the exhaustion take him, but he couldn’t get comfortable as his father stood, shifting his weight to one arm as he leaned over something. Link groaned as the awkward position sent shudders of pain through his body, and his father quickly shifted him back into both arms, swaying slightly.
The movement worked just the same as his mother’s lullaby the night before, and Link began to drift back towards the welcome unconsciousness of sleep.
The soft comfort of the bed met Link's back as his father gently set him down, and he distantly felt his shirt lift as his father checked on the wrappings surrounding his abdomen. Sleep had almost claimed him when he felt a tapping on his cheek.
“Link. Wake up, son.”
Link squeezed his eyes shut more tightly, turning his head away from the touch. Goddesses, he just wanted to sleep. He couldn’t recall the last time he was this tired. Midna would probably be able to tell him.
Link's eyes opened slowly, mind following several steps behind. He’d been dreaming about…something. Something important. Something painful. He couldn’t remember what, now. He gazed around the room, looking for…someone. Someone small?
A voice from the door pulled at his attention. “Link?” Footsteps rushed closer to where he was laying. Laying? Why?
Link looked at the worried face before him, eyebrows furrowed. But that wasn’t the face he was looking for, so he let his gaze move on. It stuck somewhere opposite the worried face. Maybe if he looked at just one spot, they’d just appear. He vaguely remembered they could do that.
Rough fingers brushed across his forehead and cheeks. More footsteps approached. A weight settled on the bed next to him, then a softer hand and warm kiss brushed his cheek and temple.
Link let his eyes wander towards the new presence. The face that entered his gaze still wasn’t what he was looking for, but it was closer. More importantly, it felt safe, it felt like home. She whispered words of comfort as she ran her hands gently through his hair, smile soft and gentle the whole while.
The first set of footsteps returned, and strong arms began to lift him from the bed. Link kept his eyes on the comforting figure until something pulled horribly in his middle and he shut them with a wince, exhaling sharply against the pain.
Link felt movement, then cold, then soft warmth wrapped tightly around him before sleep claimed him again.
Link knew time had passed when he woke again, judging by the bright light diffusing through the canvas above him. He was also very warm, swaddled as he was in what appeared to be every blanket in Ordon village. He began to try and wiggle out of the blankets, needing to cool down a bit. He broke out in a light sweat at the effort – whoever had wrapped him here wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be moving. He couldn’t quite remember why he’d been tucked into so many blankets, or even where he was, but he intended to find out.
A shadow passed around the corner of the wagon, then a face appeared in the opening. Time seemed to slow as Link locked eyes with the man, breathing speeding up as memories began to crash through his mind. Feelings came first: hurt, terror, pain, comfort, agony, confusion. Images next: a bloody sword, a beloved face twisted without recognition, blood-swirled water, concerned faces shining with worry. Time snapped back to focus as Rusl approached and Link squirmed away, trying to reconcile the concerned face before him with the image of the man holding a sword above him for the second time.
Rusl stopped just short of touching him, and Link was grateful, though guilt wormed through his mind and he tried to hide deeper into the blankets. He didn’t want to face his father, but he knew he needed help. Now that he was awake and moving, the pain of his wound was fiercely making itself known.
“Rusl?” A deep voice called from outside the wagon, “Do you need help getting him inside? I can have someone bring a stretcher.” Link watched cautiously as his father thought and a decision was made.
“I’ve got him,” came Rusl’s soft response. Link flinched and carefully kept his eyes trained in his lap as his father lifted him into his arms. As they exited the wagon and made their way to Renado's home, his father whispered into his hair. “It’s okay, Link. We’re in Kakariko. You’re going to get help here.”
Link remained still and silent as he was carried to a bed and laid down, head pillowed in his father's lap. As Renado brought his supplies, Link's father pulled up his shirt, exposing the bandages. “It’s bad, Renado. I did what I could, but he needs more than what I can provide.”
Renado nodded. “I’ll have to see what I’m working with, but a potion should be able to help. What happened?”
Link watched as his father's face twisted like he was going to be sick. “Sword got him.”
Link caught a small glimpse of the wound in his stomach as Renado removed the outer bandages, but with the packed gauze there wasn’t a lot about it he could discern.
Link trusted Renado to be gentle and precise as he worked on his wound. Goddesses know how many times Midna warped him to the village to be healed during his adventure. That trust was immediately tested as Renado tenderly picked at the tip of the gauze and started to pull.
Burning waves of pain started trembling through his body, and Link hissed sharply, nearly propelling himself off the bed with the intensity of his desire to escape as he used his feet to push desperately against the mattress. The movement around the wound ceased momentarily, and his father caught his hands, holding them close.
“It’s okay, Link,” came the whispered assurances, “he’s going to take it out so we can give you a potion. Just hold my hands, you can squeeze as tight as you want, okay? Don’t move. It’s going to be over soon, you’re going to be okay.”
Link let the words distract him as he obediently, gratefully, took his father’s hands more solidly in his own, staring at the ceiling and steeling himself for the coming onslaught. He felt his eyebrows wrinkle in fear, but that was the only movement he allowed himself as Renado started up again. Knowing a bit better what to expect, he managed to keep his reactions to winces and twitches as the gauze was agonizingly removed. Soon though, they became gasps and whimpers as severed nerve endings burned, and he clung desperately to his father’s hands, eyes squeezed closed against the fire in his stomach.
Link heard his father curse, and felt more than saw Renado's inquiring glance. “It’s fine. My boy’s got a strong grip.” His voice was pinched, and Link felt a moment of guiltiness at causing his father more pain, but the feeling was washed away in another searing wave of agony.
Renado's voice came as if from a great distance, “That's a good sign.”
Involuntary tears started leaking from Link’s eyes, and he whimpered as he felt some of the gauze stick and pull. The tortuous pain crested, but he remained still, grounding himself in his father’s gentle words and strong grip, fingers moving in comforting circles on the backs of his hands. “Deep breaths, Link. You’re doing great. He’s almost done.”
The movement around his stomach ceased as the last of the gauze was finally removed, and Link went limp in the moment's reprieve. He heard the clink of a glass bottle and a deep breath behind him before Rusl began to pull him up into his lap.
Link cried out, convulsing against his father’s chest as one last wave of twisting, burning, screaming agony made a bid for his consciousness. The wave receded, and he slumped weakly against his father, gasping for air and opening bleary eyes.
Something wavered in front of Link's unfocused gaze, and he felt his father nudge him gently in the ribs. “Link. Link, son, take the potion.”
Panting in exhaustion, Link forced himself to focus on the bottle of red liquid before him. He lifted a shaky hand to grab the potion, but leftover agony spun through him, making his hand and concentration slip before he’d made it halfway.
His father leaned forward, and Link followed limply. “Here, I’ve got it.” They leaned back again, and cold glass touched his bottom lip. “Drink up, Link.”
The potion was slowly tipped into his mouth, and Link swallowed cautiously. Exhaustion tugged at his limbs as the adrenaline from the ordeal left him, and Rusl began to pour faster. Link kept up for a bit, but eventually coughed as he mistimed a swallow.
The bottle was pulled back a bit. “Easy, Rusl,” Renado advised, a patient smile in his voice. “I know you want him to feel better, but he has to be able to drink it.”
“Sorry,” the man apologized softly, and Link felt him take a few deep breaths to calm down. “We’ll go slowly, Link.”
The potion had begun to take effect, and Link managed to lift a trembling hand to the bottle, helping his father guide the remaining potion as he drank. As the last drop was swallowed and the bottle was removed, Link leaned heavily against his father, sighing as the harsh waves of pain dulled, turning to ripples before stilling entirely.
Link turned his head to the right, where he’d last heard Renado's voice, and managed a weak smile and a mumbled thanks. He tipped his head up to his father’s face and met his gaze. He watched the dread and worry fill his father's eyes, and put as much warmth and sincerity as he could muster into his voice. “Thanks, Pa.”
His father's lip wobbled and tears welled in his eyes, dread replaced with penitence and worry replaced with relief. Link found himself crushed in a desperate hug as his father kissed his forehead and buried his face into his hair.
Safely enfolded in his father's embrace, Link drifted off to sleep. We’re going to be okay.
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hanayori89 · 10 months
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A Toast to the Restless
*Ordon Village*
Link hurried to his house after his pep talk from Rusl. Because of his code of honor, he'd respect his crush on Y/N. He would uphold boundaries to prevent himself from doing anything ignoble. As for Ilia, he needed to do something that would help ignite his feelings for her. He needed to reconnect with her as a friend. Lately, they haven't even felt that much for each other.
Yes, Link was going to do right by all parties. He just couldn't help but wonder if doing right for all parties was really doing right for himself.
Link approached his door and was greeted with a delectable smell. Goddesses, is Ilia here cooking? We just spent all day together. Link turned his doorknob, hesitating. He realized whatever he was smelling wasn't something Ilia would make. Ilia was many things in their village; a renowned cook was not one of them. It took her months to perfect mashing pumpkins into soup consistency.
Link could hear a soft humming coming from the other side of the door. He didn't recognize the tune, but he recognized the voice behind it. He slowly pushed his door open, holding his breath.
There stood Y/N, filling two empty bottles with milk. The table was set with pretty ivory linen. The center of the table was decorated with wild yellow daffodils. It was the prettiest pop of color in Link's drab home. Two place settings sat vacant. Each had plates with steam vaporizing the air above them and the fresh milk Y/N just poured.
"What's all this?" Link exhaled, amazed.
"I... hope this is alright. You made me breakfast. I thought maybe I should make dinner. If you wish for us to be lodged together, then I will work for my lodging. I hope you like this. It's a Twili dish. People in the Realm of Light would also eat it. It's baked cucco with potatoes. So, I-." Y/N was rambling.
Link's heart fluttered. Not only at the kindness of the gesture but at the effort she went through to make it special. Even after how foolish he acted. Now she stood, prattling on in fear.
"I must save some for Fado. By the way-"
"Y/N." Link slowly walked towards her, remembering his resolution to keep boundaries. Which he was reminded once again why this would not be an easy task. He wanted nothing more than to hug her. To apologize for how ridiculous he had acted.
"You did all this for me?" Link peered down at her face, his eyes melting into hers.
"It isn't much, Link."
"It's much for me, Y/N." Link got down on one knee and took one of Y/N's hands like he had at breakfast. He pressed his forehead against the back of it. "You have shown me kindness I do not deserve. I am sorry for my actions. You see me as a hero, but what you saw today was me as a human. Forgive me."
Y/N looked down at him with empathy. "I forgive you. Do you forgive me?"
Link lifted his head, confused. "Forgive you for what?"
"You must think me selfish. I come to your realm and thrust myself upon you and your life with my agenda. It was never my intention. Now you have to accompany me and-"
"Ah, now it has become clear to me." Link stood. He pulled out a chair for Y/N. "Please sit. Let's discuss everything over dinner. "Link patted her seat. Y/N came and sat as Link made his way to his own seat. He insisted, "I just want you to know that I never once in the past two days have felt you were inconveniencing me. I assure you. You will remain here with me, under my protection. I will take care of Ilia. "
The ravenous growl from Link's stomach contested his statement. Y/N giggled at the sound. Her laughter was sweeter than the honey in bee larvae ice cream.
"Then, all that's left for us is to eat." Y/N continued to chuckle.
Link lifted his milk bottle, "Let us have a toast. To a budding friendship." Y/N grabbed her own bottle, trying to figure out what to do with it. Link explained, "A toast is also known as cheers. It's when you are drinking and join your glasses together in a salutation. In our case, friendship."
"Well, to our friendship. Also, to our realms. They are the reason our friendship has started after all." Y/N clanked her milk bottle against Link's. You both took a satisfied swig. Each of you eager to begin ripping into the succulent cucco.
Link took a bite and swooned in ecstasy. "Hylia, I've never had cucco so moist. What did you do to it?"
"We are not at that point in our friendship where you can know all my secrets." Y/N gave Link a playful wink.
"A wink? You certainly are learning a lot within your two days here so far." Link laughed. He speared a potato and reveled in the buttery texture of it. You both continued to shovel food, oblivious to the silence surrounding you. Link took another bite, washing it down with a loud gulp of milk. "AH!" Link exclaimed abruptly. "We should make our way to the Arbiter's Grounds tomorrow." Once he belted out that statement, he went back to ravaging his food.
Link heard Y/N set her fork down. He glanced up, his mouth full of food. He noticed she had stopped eating. "I can't tomorrow. I have plans."
She's been here for two days. How could she have plans already? Link covered his mouth as he spoke. "Don't tell me Fado tried to talk you into working tomorrow."
"Actually... I have a date." She whispered in shame.
Link felt his bite of cucco wedge itself in his throat. He grabbed his chest in panic, clearing his throat aggressively. Once the cucco worked itself safely down the path of his esophagus, he anxiously downed the remaining milk in his bottle.
He suddenly no longer had the desire to eat.
You couldn't sleep. Despite being in a warm bed with a full belly, it did little to alleviate your nerves. You weren't sure if the nagging sensation you felt was correct, but something was off about Link. His reaction to the date was not what you expected. You both stopped eating as though the news of the date was something neither of you could digest. His smile was a few sizes too small for his face. He tried his best to encourage you. Yet the only thing you felt was discouragement.
There was a possible plus side.
If news got back to Ilia about your date with Aryn, maybe she would lay off Link? When she came up to him at the ranch, she simply nodded at you. She was too focused on the theatrical display of affection she was giving Link. You knew the lack of introduction was due to insecurity. You understood. It all came back to boundaries.
Link said he would handle Ilia. How would she react to finding out you were lodging with him?
You sat upright in bed. It was past midnight, so you were in your normal Twili habitation. You also lacked the ability to speak. Not that there was anyone you really wanted to speak to.
Aside from Midna.
How had Zelda spoken with her? You grasped the Mirror of Twilight shard in your clammy palm. You made sure to hold it close to your heart. You closed your eyes and meditated, in the same fashion that you saw Zelda do. You tried to block out any thoughts that would pop into your mind. You focused solely on speaking to Midna as if she were there.
Midna, please, if you can hear me. I need your expertise.
The only thing that heard you was the surrounding silence. You felt your body slump back into bed, your eyelids weighing themselves down. You kept focusing on contacting Midna until sleep robbed you of all remaining concentration.
Unbeknownst to you, downstairs was a warrior just as restless as you were. Except the only thing he could concentrate on was the devastation he felt in his heart.
A/N - Edited 11/20/22
You put your conversion on hold to go on your first official date. Someone doesn't seem too enthusiastic about the news. You also can't help but not feel too enthusiastic yourself. What does this date mean for you and Link? Will it change the way you view the light or is the light changing you?
Please check out my other completed OOT Zelda work- No Woman Beyond
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chershire23 · 7 months
My Special one (Tsu'tey x oc)
Chapter 1
It was dark and I was scared. I was suffocating. The last thing I remember was pushing my sister out of the way of the truck heading towards her and then everything went black. I see a light in the distance. As I try to get closer I hear a voice. You will never be alone, my child. The voice was strong and feminine. Then I felt like I could open my eyes. As i did everything was so bright and the sounds were all so loud. Then I heard it, it sounded like a baby crying. My vision started focusing more and I looked all around me looking for the baby that was crying. Yet all I could see around me were trees and plant life. Not normal plants but plants and trees you see in some thing like star trek or star wars. The crying stopped and I feared the worst and tried to will myself to move yet all i could move was my hands.
That's when things started coming together as well as getting more and more confusing. My hands were tiny, they were baby hands and as I started to look around more the more I realized how small I was. I was a baby again, but how? This was all so confusing and it hurt my head. The crying started up again and I now realized that the baby crying I heard before was me. I tried to stop crying knowing that if I continued it would bring potential predators right to me, but I couldn't. I couldn’t stop crying no matter how hard I tried. The most I managed to do was stop and hiccup for a minute before the crying continued again.
I know the voice form before said I would never be alone yet here I was, alone. Rusling of the leaves and branches caught my attention right quick. My vocal cords actually let me control them as my voice stilled. I could hear lots of things moving in both the bushes beside me and the tree branches above me. Who knows what they could be. All I knew was that I was surrounded. As my head and eyes move all around to see just what creatures were stalking my small and vulnerable form. Then I saw what looked like a tail but as soon as I saw it it was gone. Then the bushes beside me started rustling again, and then something began to walk out of the brush toward me. I knew what animal it was but it was supposed to be a made up animal for a movie. The animal that was moving towards me was known as a viperwolf. This creature was from one of my most favorite movies of all time, avatar! Yet I know how dangerous this kind of animal is and it's now staring at me stalking closer with each step it takes out of the bush. I started crying again and the viperwolf closed the distance on me.
I feared for my life but what happened was not something I expected. As the animal came closer it made a sort of chuffing noise and when it was finally right in front of my face it started licking me. My crying did not stop till a little later though and as a result my face felt sticky from the saliva of the viperwolf. As my crying stopped, I realized that other animals had also come out of the brush and trees. In the brush are more viperwolves and Thanators, in the trees above us all were Ikrans. One of them stood out more so than the others due to her colors. The colors of her scales reflected that of the blue heeler's fur, with beautiful hues of blues, browns, whites and blacks patterned across her body. She stared at me from above for a minute then came down from the trees causing a few of the viperwolves around me to scatter for a minute. When she was close enough, she started nibbling my hair. Then she curled around me and despite her having scales covering her entire body she was very warm, and I eventually fell asleep.
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nancyheart11 · 2 months
a continuation of Fierce taking off the mask After they had gotten the boy to calm down and have seconds (that he clearly needed) Rusl started trying to explain their insane sounding, almost incomprehensible quest to save their sons from the banana worshipping cult that had somehow gotten their hands on several heroes of Hyrule across time. Rather than be rightfully incredulous at the ridiculous tale, the lad let his head hang back with a groan. “Why is it always Time travel? Why can’t it be horse care or making fairy clothes?” Rusl was tempted to pat him on the shoulder in sympathy, but the way his eyes continued to scan every action with distrust held him back. Instead he made sure to make his hands open at all times, purposefully relaxing his shoulders and trying to keep his face open. Abel was no help of course, with gruff one word responses when he felt like chiming in, otherwise making moves to set up camp all by himself, making no moves to try and introduce himself or be at all friendly to the boy. “-And with that out of the way, my name’s Rusl, the grump is Abel, and … “
words are wording my friendos!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 days
Abel watched the boy from the fire.
The Fierce Deity was always full of some surprise or another. He’d grown used to it. But when the mystical being had asked for their help and then just disappeared, only to be replaced by a teenager, Abel had realized that he truly could never fathom just how insane that god was.
Who was this child? Did the deity summon him? Was this some other form of Fierce? The teenager had asked questions that made no sense, was in awful condition… clearly the two were connected, but how was still evading him.
Rusl tried to be kind and helpful. Abel wasn’t going to withhold supplies or help from the boy, but… he didn’t know who he was. He was still trying to figure this out. Should they get him to a local settlement and leave him to be taken care of? No… Fierce had asked them to help. He’d trusted them.
The blonde teenager was ill and weak, spending most of his time sleeping. He’d asked about a sprite (so was he part of Fierce’s mythical friends, then?) before promptly passing out. Rusl hovered worriedly around him, being a mother hen far more than Abel was.
If Fierce asked us to look after him, then he’s trustworthy, he tried to remind himself. It was a natural tendency at this point, to view any stranger as an enemy. His younger age didn’t change that. Abel sighed, trying to ease the tension in his body.
Eventually, the two men decided who would take watch when, and Rusl settled to sleep for half the night. Abel continued to watch the teenager silently, keeping a little bit of broth warm over the fire in case he woke.
When the boy’s blue eyes fluttered open an hour or so later, Abel walked slowly towards him.
The boy spoke first. “Where am I?”
“Hyrule,” Abel answered. The teenager gave him an impressively exasperated look, despite his exhaustion. “Who are you?”
“I’ll answer if you tell me the same thing,” the teenager countered. Abel detected a familiar presence to him, a trained discipline that came with being a soldier. The boy was on edge, but he hid his fear well, despite his weakness.
Abel slowly knelt down to be closer to eye level with him. “I’m a knight of Hyrule… I suspect you are too, child?”
There was no way he was a knight from Abel’s Hyrule, of course. He was far too young to have been trained prior to the Calamity. He must have been from Fierce’s land.
The young one looked him from head to toe, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t look like a knight.”
“You look like a homeless child,” Abel replied dully. “If it weren’t for your age, I’d think you’re one of my land’s soldiers.”
“Hyrule is my land too. My name is Link. You might’ve heard of me.” The teenager said with some weight to his words before he collapsed back into a fit of coughing.
Abel blinked. Blinked again. Link?
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he muttered. The deity had two heroes?! None of this made sense!
“If you’re a traitor, you’re making a p-pitiful attempt at—at—” Link tried to quip, too breathless to really get a full sentence out.
Abel felt his chest burn a little with anger, but he held himself in check. “I am no traitor, boy. You come from a different Hyrule than I.”
Link stared. “Oh goddess, not again.”
“What happened to the Fierce Deity?” Link asked. “I was wearing his mask when—”
The boy cut himself off, scrambling to his hands and knees in a frantic search for something, but he could hardly hold his weight, nearly face planting into the earth. Abel caught him, gently easing him back into the bedroll as he tried to process everything he’d just heard.
Again. That meant this Hero in particular was used to traversing different lands. And what mask? What was he talking about? Wearing his mask? Did that summon the deity?
Wait. Was that why the boy was so ill and weary?
Abel’s gaze wandered towards the boy’s clothes, towards the blue scarf he’d been wearing. It was the sash Fierce always wore, though the embellishments were slightly different.
“Fierce has been out companion,” Abel explained quietly, trying to calm both his own racing thoughts and the boy’s. “He told us to take care of you.”
Link tried sitting up again. “But—”
“Lie down, Link.”
“I don’t even know who you are!”
“Abel,” he introduced himself. “I’ve commanded heroes before. Now listen to orders and lie down, soldier.”
Link bit his lip, complying. “I… I g-guess we’re not in my Hyrule, then?”
“No,” Abel confirmed quietly, tucking the boy in. “I’m afraid not. But you’re safe. Now rest.”
Link settled a little under the gentle touch, though his eyes still held worry. “Someone was—there were people attacking me before I…”
“Probably the Yiga,” Abel figured. “We’re hunting them down. Somehow, they’ve gotten the ability to travel to different worlds.”
“Traitors to the crown.”
Link’s eyes widened a moment before narrowing ferociously. The fierceness of the gesture was lost when he started coughing again. Abel handed him some water, and he drank slowly but gratefully.
“We’ll sort this out,” Abel assured him, patting his shoulder a little. “Now rest. I’ll keep watch.”
Eventually, Link fell back asleep. Abel resumed his place by the fire, watching him.
He had a lot to figure out.
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skyward-floored · 6 months
“Hero, what ails you?” - Chapter 2
Here’s chapter two! The third and final chapter will probably be put up tomorrow at some point.
First | Chapter Three
Kakariko wasn’t too far away, but the Shade and Midna, who retreated to Link’s shadow, were silent nearly the entire trip, the quiet only occasionally broken by Link’s worsening cough.
He’d obviously been hiding how ill he truly was for some time now, and his brief stint in the Shade’s realm seemed to have been his last desperate attempt to soldier through it. But Link’s guard was completely down now, and his sickness was horribly evident by the raging fever and continual coughs that wracked through him.
All the Shade could do was hope that the man the twilit princess had spoken of was truly as skilled as she claimed.
They were in the middle of Hyrule field, just in view of the sunset-colored cliffs that supposedly bordered the town, when Link mumbled a little and cracked his eyes open. He hadn’t spoken at all so far, and had mostly dozed, interrupted only by his coughs and the occasional sneeze.
He stared around uncomprehendingly for a moment, then his murky gaze landed on the Shade’s face.
“...R-Rusl..? Who...”
The Shade blew out a slow breath, then brushed some hair out of his descendant’s face, feeling his forehead. Still much too warm.
“Go back to sleep Link,” he said, and his descendant frowned.
“...Dad?“ he murmured, and despite the situation, the Shade couldn’t help but let out a surprised huff of amusement.
“Not quite.”
Link furrowed his brow and studied the Shade’s face further, still looking dazed.
“Thn’ who?” he asked, and he looked so horribly confused that the Shade felt rather bad for him. He glanced up at the sky that was steadily turning orange in the light of the setting sun, and let out a small hum, looking back down at Link.
“Someone who cares.”
Link stared at him, then let out a small huh, which gave way to the same wheezing cough that continued to make his entire frame shake. The sound of it spurred the Shade into a quicker stride, his thick boots cutting through the long grass.
They made their way across the field quickly, the Shade purposely steering around any monsters as soon as he saw them. He couldn’t very well fight while holding an entire person, and the last thing Link needed was a wound on top of all this. A kargarok did swoop at them once, but the Shade managed to dispatch it quickly with his blade, and glared so intensely at another one that drew near that they weren’t bothered again.
They’d come in sight of the rock bridge that lead to the village when a strange sound came from the boy in his arms.
The Shade looked down at him in confusion. Link wasn’t coughing at the moment, but his chest was shaking in a way that seemed like he was trying to, and the Shade only realized what was happening when a wheezing noise suddenly escaped the boy.
Link was having trouble breathing.
Link was having trouble breathing.
The Shade immediately stopped walking and dropped to his knees, frantically studying the boy in his arms. Rapid, choking gasps interspersed with coughs shuddered through him, and he kept making the strange wheezing sound. Midna leapt out of his descendant’s shadow with an unparalleled speed, and immediately flew to his side, eyes wide with panic.
“He can’t— he can’t breathe, he— what’s wrong with him?!”
“I don’t know,” he said in a panicked voice, propping the boy up and rubbing his chest, hoping it would help somehow. Link’s face had begun to redden, and if the Shade had had an actual heart still it would have stopped when he noticed his lips were faintly blue.
“Breathe Link, c’mon stupid wolf breathe!” Midna shouted, smacking her fists against his chest.
“You can do it Link,” the Shade murmured under his breath as he tried desperately to get his descendant breathing again. He loosened Link’s shirt collar from around his neck, as well as the belt across his shoulder, then sat him up slightly, not having any clue what else he should, or even could do to help.
“Please Link, breathe.”
He must have done something right, as moments later Link suddenly managed to take in a deeper breath, his frantic gasps starting to slow to a more normal speed. He broke into another coughing fit, his coughs thick and wheezing, but he was definitely breathing again. He was already looking marginally better.
The Shade felt the fear squeezing his chest fade slightly, but it still lurked there, even as he shifted his descendant back up into his arms.
“There you go, you’re okay, just focus on breathing,” he murmured as Link’s coughs started to ease into more level breaths. Link shuddered once and pressed his face against the Shade’s ragged sleeve, breathing still wheezy.
The Shade turned towards Midna then, who was still floating where Link had been lying, looking shaken.
“He’s all right for now,” he directed towards her, and she nodded a little too quickly.
“I know. He’s tough. H-he—”she cleared her throat and turned away from the Shade, crossing her arms. “Let’s just get him to Kakariko.”
And he nodded and stood up, holding Link as gently as he could while still keeping a tight grip on him.
It was long after nightfall when they finally arrived outside what Midna claimed was Kakariko, and as they passed over the bridge the Shade couldn’t help but wonder how this place had gotten the name. It was certainly not the same village of his time.
Following her directions, he strode quickly through the quiet town, avoiding the few gorons still up. Fortunately nearly all of the residents were already inside for the night and didn’t notice him walk down the street. He was sure the sight of a stranger cradling their hero would cause a bit of a stir, and while he was passable as human from a distance, he wasn’t exactly normal.
After much too long in his opinion, he finally reached the house Midna pointed out. A huge wave of relief washed over him, and he sighed.
Link would finally get the care he needed.
Stepping up to the door, he gently shifted his descendant in his arms and made to set him down.
But he paused suddenly, looking down at Link’s face.
He’d never had a opportunity before now to really look at Link, and was struck now at their similarities. The hero was dozing again, his face pale but calm, and despite how he knew he should just knock already, the Shade couldn’t help but take a moment to study the features of his descendant.
Blond-brown hair brushed over Link’s forehead, the strands damp with sweat from his fever. His eyes were closed, but the Shade knew them to be a similar shade to what his own once were, only paler. His mouth didn’t spark any sort of similarity to him, but his nose and the shape of his face...
A sharp ache settled in his chest as he looked closer, seeing less of himself the longer he stared, and instead, more of his wife.
He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he’d last seen her.
Taking an enormous effort to shove his thoughts down, the Shade set his descendant down against the wall as gently as he could. There wasn’t any use on him dwelling on such things.
He made sure Link was in a comfortable position before drawing back, and the boy mumbled something as his head rested against the frame. But he didn’t stir, the fever still holding him tight in its grip.
Midna poked her head out of the shadows, glancing around and raising an eyebrow in his direction.
“You know he needs to go inside the building, right?” she snipped, but there was a genuine confusion behind it.
The Shade let out a slow exhale.
“I may look human, but this form does not hold up well at close-quarters to those who aren’t meant to see me,” he said in a low tone as to not be heard. “Were I to go in, those inside would be able to tell I’m not... like them.”
Midna crossed her arms, but she nodded, a flicker of understanding in her eyes. The Shade then raised his hand up to knock on the door, but she floated up and stopped him before he could.
He raised an eyebrow at her, and she cleared her throat.
“I... I just wanted... to thank you,” she muttered, arms crossed. “For dragging Link here. And teaching him all those skills too. They’ve saved his life more times then I can count, and I’m... grateful.”
The Shade gave her a small smile. He could tell this was killing her.
“You’re welcome.”
She huffed and waved an arm at him. “Okay whatever. Let’s get on with it, Link certainly isn’t getting any better here.”
The Shade gave another nod, then running one last careful hand through his descendant’s bangs, he knocked sharply on the door.
Midna zipped back into Link’s shadow, and the Shade himself immediately moved away, slipping behind some discarded crates where he could easily watch.
The door opened moments later, and a girl of maybe fifteen took a few steps out, her eyebrows turned with confusion when there was nobody immediately there. She glanced around, then startled, finally seeing Link slumped against the wall. Calling behind her into the doorway, she immediately crouched next to Link and felt his forehead, then put an ear against his chest.
Seconds later a man came out of the building, robe sweeping behind him as he strode quickly to Link’s side. He and the girl exchanged quick words, then she helped him get Link into his arms, the man carrying him inside so carefully that any fear the Shade might have had to wether he was trustworthy or not was instantly quashed.
The girl paused in the doorway as they entered, and scanned the area near where the Shade was watching with an odd look. He quickly ducked down a little more and waited a moment, and when he cautiously raised his head, the door was closed and she was gone.
The Shade sighed, the sound heavy with exhaustion. Link was finally safe.
He stood and was about to walk away, but paused, instead slipping carefully towards the window on the side of the building. He needed to make sure Link was okay one last time. Just to be sure.
He peered in and saw the man with the long hair had already settled Link into a cot, and was placing a wet cloth on the hero’s forehead. The girl was helping him, and it seemed to him that Link already appeared less sickly.
The hero looked to be well taken care of, and the Shade knew that worrying about outside his window wouldn’t be useful in any way. It was tempting to merely sit and watch every move the healer made towards his descendant, he knew it would only end badly were he to linger and be seen.
Despite this, he found it harder then it should have been to turn away from the window.
He sighed. He would go and wait for Link to come find him once he was healed, then teach him his next hidden skill. That would be the best way to help him now; prepare for when he was better.
...and possibly hunt down a cloak for the boy so this would not happen again.
Scanning the quiet street one more time, he carefully faded back into wolf form, glancing back just once at where his descendant lay with a warm look in his eye.
“Rest up my child,” he whispered, then padded carefully out of the village.
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black-suns-rim · 2 years
This is a collaborative writing between me and @thenomadclan we did back on the AVP Amino. This is the official continuation of The Nomad Clan story and canon story of how Black Momba found Little Red (Nomad).
Word count: 5,026
Lost and Found
What was a calm and gentle jungle, with the sound of raindrops hitting the mossy floor, began to rumble with thunder as heavy footsteps echoed through the dense and compact foliage. The flash of crimson red burned through each and every tree with something bigger and more dangerous following behind it. The red huntress ran through the jungle floor, dodging arrows that whisled passed her. It was only through a stroke of luck when she found a waterfall to which she jumped from, landing in the icy cold water. Her pursuers looked over the edge, scanning the waterfall, only finding ripples that were caused from her breaking through the water's surface. The pursuers turned their backs perfectly just in time for the young huntress to burst through the water for air.
She took a quick moment to scan her situation before leaving the pool of cold icy water. As she made her way out of the river, she carried a small pod device. She check the device by tapping the outer shell to then get a response back with smaller taps coming from insde the pod itself. When far enough away from the river, she pressed her back to a tree, sliding down, exhausted from being perused for so long. She desperately opened the pod to find a small pup half awake, cooing. The mother gently rubbed the pups face only to find her hand covered in neon green, luminescent blood.
The sound of a glass-shattering shreik caught the attention of the young huntress, knowing full well the Xenomorphs had been released. The huntress made a decision to close the pod and hide it under a rooted tree, covering it with a thick blanket of moss she easily pulled up from the jungle floor. The crimson red huntress stood on her feet weakly as she readied her only gear available to her; her wristblades.
From the rusling bushes emerged a Xenomorph with red-tiped tusks. They hissed violently as they closed in on her to which she replied with an earth-shaking roar. One Xenomorph jumped towards her, leaving their chest area exposed, and thanks to her training, she used her pinpoint accuracy to strike directly into the heart of the creature. Though a perfect kill, the huntress felt the blood of the Xenomorph burn her hand casuing her to wince in pain. Another Xenomorph blindsided the huntress, digging their tusks into the side of her, causing them both to be thrown into a ditch from the Xenomorph tackling her.
The huntress was thrashed and throttled when she was hooked on the Xenomorph's tusks. The huntress punched the Xenomorph's head, trying to get free from the tusks that had been dug deep into her side. In a last-ditch effort, she grabbed the flailing tail of the Xenomorph and shoved it straight into its skull, only stopped twisting when a loud crack was heard, ending the movement of the Xenomorph.
Once carefully removing the tusks from her side, she stopped and froze when spotting one last Xenomorph hovering over her. She growled at the Xenomorph in defiance, to which the Xenomorph replied with a skin-crawling hiss, slightly opening its mouth while drool oozed out and fell to the ground in small pools.
Bad Blood: "That's enough!" He said in a demanding tone with such a thunderous volume that it made the birds nearby leave the trees, squaking and chirping as they struggled to lift their plump bodies from the branches they had perched on.
From the shadows of a tree emerged the silhouette of a yautja Bad Blood with chained Xenomorphs behind him that were held by other Bad Bloods at his command. He called the Xenomorph over to him, chaining that Xenomorph to the rest of its hive. The Bad Blood looked at the scarlet huntress, clicking in amusement while holding up a green stained cloth bag.
Bad Blood: "you're not an easy one to find... one of the last remaining Nomad Clan members soon to die. Luna, how far you have fallen..." He said with the most sickening and seductive tone.
The Bad Blood then threw the cloth bag towards Luna and it landed right in front of her in the mud. From the bag, the head of her life-mate rolled out. Luna looked at the decapitated head with both sorrow and rage; Such rage that it caused her adrenaline to block out every single painful wound in and on her body, crying out with a booming roar. She then used the support of a tree to stand on her own two feet again, to which she engaged the bad blood with tears in her eyes.
The fight was sadly short as Luna was slow from her injuries, being tossed around like a ragdoll throughout the forest. The bad blood grew tired from this poor form of a fight and decided to end the fight by releasing one of the Xenomorphs upon her.
Beaten and battered, Luna crawled towards the tree that was hiding the pup that the fight had led her back to. She dragged out the pod to look at it one last time. Just as she was about to open it, the middle of her chest exploded into a green mist for the tail of the Xenomorph skewered through her. She shakingly dropped the pod and used her own body to protect it. From inside of the pod, the pup began to cry from being dropped. The Xenomorph viscously stabbed and attacked her back. Slowly her strength and life force began to fade, soon just becoming a lifeless corpes.
The bad bloods looked on from afar, slowly stalking as they saw the pod Luna was protecting. It caught his attention since he heard small cries of a pup from within. He wasn't the only one who had their attention caught by these small and helpless cires; a large brute of a yautja came bursting through the thick jungle foliage nearby. This yautja had been watching from afar after hearing all of the commotion since their group was in the area.
This black beast wore no armor nor mask as they attacked the Xenomorph that had killed Luna. The brute grabbed a fallen mossy log that was laying on the soft ground and bashed the Xenomorph's head with it, knocking it unconscious and giving them enough time to open the pod to see a tiny red pup crying.
The Bad Blood watched to see what would happen as the Xenomorph slowly regained consciousness. When this big yautja heard the hissing, they gently scooped the crying pup into their mandables and began to beat up the Xenomorph. They punched the xeno so hard that the blow left it dazed and confused. While it was trying to get its footing, the brute grabbed onto its collar bone with one hand and placed the other hand on it's neck, ripping the head off from the Xenomorph with sickening ease.
The acid blood from the Xenomorph sprayed onto their right eye as well as their arms. They growled in pain as they dropped the head and the Body of the Xenomorph. The Bad Blood decided it would be best to leave since he heard more yautja coming their way. The cries of the pup continued since it was scared and didn't know what was going on. It was now that the black yautja took the time to calm down they frightened pup now that they saw no other signs of danger.
Black Momba: "shhh, it's okay little one, I have you. Everything will be alright." She cooed to him in a soft and comforting tone.
Black Momba’s eyes were a piercing gold that radiated a soft glow. Her dark skin and light stripes complimented each other. Her predlock decorations clinked together and rattled as she moved.
Her eye and skin burned from the acid blood. She checked to see if any of it had gotten on this tiny pup. He was good from the looks of it. He was so small that he fit into the palm of her hand. She looked at the corpse of which she assumed was the pup's mother. Momba went over to the body to see if there was anything on her that could tell Momba who she was but she couldn't find anything. She thought it would be best to put the pup back into the pod since it had now calmed down.
She rubbed her thumb up against the pup's forehead before closing the pod. Momba's clan members were quick to rush to the scene since she had ran off from them just moments before. Black Momba told them what happened and she was quickly given aid back on the clan ship along with the tiny pup.
Her clan didn't leave Luna's body to rot, instead, they gave her a burial and marked her grave with an honorable title that read, "here lays a brave mother who faught for the protection of her young pup up against the most honorable of prey." They didn't know who she was, so this was the best they could do for Luna.
As Momba was being patched up back on the clan's ship, the medic checked the tiny pup's vitals and looked to see if it had any health problems.
Medic: "looks like the little guy is all healthy. He's only a couple weeks old by the looks of it."
They gently place the pup into the arms of Momba. She was sitting on one of the medical beds. Both her forearms and her right eye had to be covered with bandages after getting treated for the acid burns. Momba looked down at the little pup and her heart felt whole once more. Her mind was made up.
Black Momba: "I shall take responsibility for him and raise him as my own. I found him and I saved him... I should be the one to have him."
Medic: "As you wish. Well, you are good to go. Those burns will heal in no time and I see nothing else that is concerning."
They made her get up from the medical bed so she wouldn't be taking up any room. Momba walked out from the medical room and went to her father, the clan leader, to tell him what happened since she told the others that she wanted to be the one to tell him of what happened. The small pup cooed while in her grasp. He had fallen to sleep. Once Momba got to her father's room, she walked right up to him and he turned to face her after hearing her come in.
Python: "Oh by Paya Momba! What happened?" He walked right up to her and grabbed her face to look at it as well as her arm before noticing the small pup in her grasp.
Black Momba: "I'm fine. There was a Xenomorph that killed this pup's mother. I saved him from the Serpent and I got burned. I'll heal."
Python: "I see... well, I'm assuming you came to me to ask me to keep him?"
Black Momba: "yes. I only came to ask out of curtasy, because if you do say no, I'm still going to keep him and raise him as my own."
Python chuckled and placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.
Python: "you don't have to ask me. I can trust that you know what you are doing. The ship isn't a safe place to raise a pup, so, I'll have the pilot take us back to our village on Yautja-Prime so you can raise him there."
Black Momba: "thank you father."
She lowered her head to touch her forehead against his as a sign of affection before leaving his room. She headed off to her room to get ready for bed. It was late and she was starting to get tired. Once she got to her room, she looked at the mess she had left behind.
Black Momba: "Right... eh, that'll be tomorrow's problem."
She had been too depressed the past couple of weeks to take care of herself or clean her room. She had lost her own pup due to birth complications and it had taken a heavier toll on her compared to the couple of other times she had lost her pups due to the same problem. Momba laid in her bed and was careful not to wake the small pup she was holding. She didn't know the pup's name, so she thought of what to call him. She looked down at him with a small smile.
Black Momba: "I think I'll call you Little Red." she whispered to him as she stroked his forehead with her thumb.
Momba began to doze off to slumber. Slowly, all of the events from today washed away into oblis and this calmness flowed over her. She finally felt okay...
All night Momba had tossed and turned but she never crushed the small pup for see had worried of doing so. She was so worried about Little Red after killing that Xenomorph with her bare hands to save him. She held him close and felt bad that his mother had died by the maws of that strange Xenomorph variant. Now that she thought about it, she has never seen any like it before. It was a shame she didn't take the skull of it with her.
Black Momba looked over to see what her clock read; 5:53 a.m. She sighed and silently thought over the events from yesterday. She had noticed a figure watch her kill the Xenomorph from afar and she noticed that whoever they were, they left after the Xenomorph was dead. It got her overthinking but it was interupted by a small coo. She looked down at Little Red who was in her arms, asleep.
Little Red was softly purring and snuggling up into the new warmth, though it wasn’t his mothers, it felt so similar. He’d often kick or nibble his gumbless teeth on her. However something strange happened as he felt scared and began to cry since he didn't see his mother anywhere.
She sat up and gently rocked him in her arms.
Black Momba: "Shhh, its okay little one, I've got you." She spoke softly and stroked his forehead.
Black Momba: "it's okay, I have you."
He began to cry less and less and then slightly open his eyes, but closes them again as he felt his temple being soothed and stroked. Eventually falling back into slumber and held on tightly to Black Momba with a iron grip, shaking ever so often. She let out a soft sigh and continued to stroke his head. She got up from her bed and stretched her legs before changing into some clean clothing, being careful not to wake her new son.
Momba walked out of her room and went to the dining hall of the ship. Breakfast was always put out in the morning by the cook. Lunch and dinner was something you had had make for yourself. She grabbed a plate full of hot food and sat down at a table that was in the corner of the room. Momba yawned and began to eat. Little Red was cradled up to her chest, cooing but whimpered at times. When she had sat down, he had begun to chirp and snuggled against his adoptive smother's chest hearing her heart beat.
She looked down at him when he began to whimper more frequently. She could tell he was hungry, so she exposed part of her chest and placed him right up to her breast to see if he would suckle from it. He immediately latched on and began to feed. His whimpers were replaced with the sounds of him nursing from her. Momba smiled and finished her food quickly because she didn't like the looks She was getting from the others that were in the room. She left the dinning hall and let Little Red continue to feed from her breast.
She was followed and then stopped by two Elites.
Elite 1: "Looks like someone’s going soft; a broken child for a broken breeder."
Black Momba: "You better watch your tongue or else you won't have one to speak with." She growled as she threatened him and glared. Momba was a larger than most in her clan and most knew of her ill temper. Little Red began to cry hearing her growl. He held Black Momba tightly.
Elite 1: "Hey just saying what everyone is thinking. You coddling him as if he can’t fend for himself. He will be weak."
Black Momba: "All of my offspring are strong because of what I do for them." She growled as she got up in his face, "he is only a pup and needs a mother." She hissed. She flared her mandables to express her agression.
She wanted to punch him right in the face but she held that urge back, making her free hand into a fist. She has been in many fights before with other clan members because of her ill temper, so most try to stay on her good side because they know how the fights usually end.
The Elite growled but slowly backed away to get his food, all while eyes where on them. Little Red was still crying not sure if he and his new mother were in danger and tugged at her shirt. When the two left, she tended to the pup and tried to get him to calm down.
Black Momba: "it's okay, don't worry." She said in a soft tone and stroked his head.
He sniffled and stopped crying when he saw Black Momba’s face. He looked at her with teary eyes as he reached out and gently held her long predlocks that dangled from her head, purring and chirping happily. He was so small and looked like a little runt to her now that she thought about it.
Usually, pups that were born in her clan would be slightly bigger than him, but since he wasn't from her clan, he probably just looked small. She went back to her room and began to look for something while holding him in her mandables. She needed to use both of her arms and she didn't want to let him go because he was so small to her. She had this fear that if she put him down on her bed, she might accidentally forget about him and crush him.
Momba found what she was looking for; a long cloth she has used to carry her past offspring in. She chuckled as Little Red played with her predlocks while he was being held in between her mandables. She sat down on her bed and took the cloth, wrapped it around her chest and over her shoulders after she took her shirt off. She placed him into the makeshift hammock, making sure he was nice and secure. Now she didn't have to carry him in her arms or mandables, he would just be in the cloth right on her chest.
She noticed Little Red was sad to let go of her predlocks, even when laying in his little Hammock, looking up, he’d make grabby hands at her. Eventually he gave up for his little arms couldn’t support his muscles yet and they just fell on him. He looked up at her as he grew hungry again and went back to feeding, slowly falling asleep. She chuckled and went out of her room to find something to do. Something quiet that would keep her busy as he slept comfortably. She could go and socialize with the other huntresses but she never really got along with them because of how different she was compared to them.
Most in the clan still find her strange ever since it was revealed she was in fact female. It wasn't her fault that her father assumed she were male based on her behavior alone and raised her as if she were one.
Momba's mother never was a part of the clan nor did she really care about Momba. It was her father who cared and nurtured her after Momba's mother gave her up to the clan. She just wanted to be a good mother, better than her own. Little Red yawned and looked up at her, noticing she was looking a little worried or deep in thought. He began to gabble and click, almost trying to speak but he couldn’t form a word with it just sounding like jibberish.
Black Momba: "What are trying to do?" She looked down at him and giggled. The little noises he was making made her smile and it distracted her from her thoughts. "you're such a silly pup."
She wiggled her finger in front of him. Quickly seeing his chance, he lunged up and nommed Black Momba’s finger with his toothless gum, not letting go as he bit down. Giving a little cute growl as he brought it closer to him.
Black Momba: "Oh, so vicious! What a good little hunter!" She said playfully and encouragingly as she let him take a hold of her finger.
She found a place to sit down in one of the lounge rooms meant for higher ranking clan members. She wiggled her finger while it was in his grasp so he could have some fun with it. He kept growling and nomming her finger, stopping every so often to watch the finger wiggle before “attacking” again and again. It was like he was having his own little battle. Momba chuckled as she was entertained by the little pup playing with her finger.
Black Momba: "Get it! Get the finger!" She said in the playful tone again.
Eventually all of the play fighting got him tired, winded and sleepy. He slowly began to fall asleep again as he suckled on the finger purring happily. She smiled and nuzzled his little face with her mandables as he slowly fell asleep. She was tired herself as she didn't get much sleep. She ended up falling asleep in the lounge with the pup but the peace didn't last as long as she wanted it to. Two Yautja, both male and female, walked through the halls in search of someone. They eventually found her in the lounging area where Black Momba, their mother, was asleep.
Momba's son: “There you are mother! We have been looking all over for you.” He said as he shook her awake.
Momba woke up and slightly gasped in air when he shook her.
Black Momba: "shh! You will wake him."
She said in a hushed tone as she pointed at the little pup that was wrapped around her chest in cloth. They where confused as they looked down to see a Yautja pup unlike any of their siblings, confused and maybe a little angry as her son asked.
Momba's son: “When did you birth another child?!” He said in a whispered tone.
Black Momba: "I didn't birth him, I saved him. His mother was killed by a Serpent variant and he would've been too if I didn't find him just in time."
She got up and stretched, careful not to wake the sleeping pup. The nap she had gave her the energy she needed. Her daughter walked forth and up to Black Momba able to see the cute pup softly sleeping, partly purring and snoring as he nuzzled into the warmth of his new mother. However, her son wasn’t so sure and stayed distant from the pup and Momba. She noticed how her son stayed back but she didn't bring any attention to it but she did take not of it.
Black Momba: "I will be raising him as my own. I already gave him a name; Little Red."
Momba's daughter: “Awwww. May I hold him?” She asked as Little Red sleepily held onto the finger that she placed by his hand, assuming it was Black Momba’s.
She thought about it for a couple of seconds before deciding.
Black Momba: "sure."
She gently scooped him up from the little 'hammock' he was in and gave him to her. Her daughter gently took him in her arms and looked down at him, to which he looked up at her with sleepy eyes. He Looked around for Black Momba, making grabby hands to her when he spotted her. He began to whine and squirm, wanting Momba. Her daughter did her best to hold him steady and comfortable but Little Red only wanted Momba at the moment.
Black Momba: "Maybe another time you can hold him." She scooped him back up, "He probably needs to get to know you first."
Momba's daughter: “Well I’d like to maybe get to know him more." She giggled.
Momba's son growled and left. They both looked on in confusion but didn’t pay attention to it as her daughter played with Little Red's short predlocks to which he looked at her, trying to nom her fingers.
Black Momba: "Anyways, why did you come looking for me?"
Momba's daughter: “Oh I was sent from the bridge to say we are near Yautja Prime.” She said as she still couldn’t help but look at the little pup, having a feeling of Baby Fever.
Black Momba: "That's good. I'll have to stay on yautja prime to raise him until he reaches unblood status. Also, while I'm gone, keep an eye on your brothers. They like snooping into my room to play around with my gear. I know because they leave a mess behind every single time."
Momba's daughter: “Ugh what part of ‘don’t go in there’ do they not understand, I swear...” She said cursing to her brothers as she left.
Little Red looked up at Black Momba and watched her daughter, his adoptive sister, walk away. Momba walked to her room to pack some things up before leaving the ship for Yautja-Prime. On Yautja-Prime, she had her own hut in the clan's village. There, she would be raising and training Little Red as soon as he is able to walk. She loved to personally train her offspring about the hunt because it was something she enjoyed. She felt excited having another little one to teach, to help grow and learn. As she packed some of her things, she took the time to show Little Red her gear even if he didn't understand what they were for.
He looked at all of the weapons in amazement, never seeing anything like it before. Every item that Black Momba brought closer to her, it was his chance to feel the weapon, dragging his little baby claws along the cold metal and even cooing as they finding it to be the most interesting thing. She giggled.
Black Momba: "One day, you'll own one of these and become a great and honorable hunter."
Once she was done packing her things, she sat down on her bed and waited for the ship to land. She entertained herself by playing with Little Red. He giggled and played with her, giving his best cute rawr, playfully bapping her hands.
Black Momba: "Such viscious little hunter!" She said playfully as she continued to use her hand to play with him.
When the ship landed, she got up from her bed, grabbed her things and headed out of the ship. While she was heading off of the ship, the other yautja looked at her and her red pup. Some of Momba’s children stopped her a few times to ask about the pup and she didn't mind answering their questions.
When she was finally off of the ship, she headed straight for her hunt In the center of the large village. It hasn't been too long since she was there. Only a few weeks ago she had been expecting a pup of her own to raise... now she has Little Red to take care of and she was happy to have him. Once she got in her hut, she put down her things in her bedroom. She looked at her room for a little, staring at it blankly.
Little Red peaked over the hammock he was in to look at the new room, finding it familiar. Looking up he gave a chirp to get her attention as he asked for uppies. She looked down at him and held him in her arms. She walked to her bed and sat down on it. She had this overwhelming urge to cry and she couldn't hold back her tears. Little Red noticed this sudden mood swing and was scared. Were they in danger? Was she scared? Soon he began to cry with her, he didn’t know why or even how to comfort his new mother. All he could do was cry and hold tightly to Black Momba.
She was crying because of the fact that she had a spotty history with birthing pups. The fact that they would die before being born or that they would be dead at birth. She didn't allow herself to fully grieve the loss of her last pup and now it's just all coming out. When Little Red began to cry, it caught her attention.
Black Momba: "shh, oh... it's ok little one.. I'm just... sad, it's ok." She held him to her face and nuzzled him, "it's alright.." she sniffled.
Little Red sniffled too. He began to make little gargling noises again. She looked at him and wiped away her tears, seeing that he was trying to speak.
Little Red: "m-momma."
Black Momba: "Wha-..?"
She was taken aback when he said that. She never told him that word and he seemed too young to know how to speak just yet but she held him close.
Black Momba: "That's right, I'm momma."
Tears ran down her face again, but this time, they were tears of joy. She curls up and lays on her side with Little Red in her arms. She yawned and looked down at her son. He happily chirped and snuggle her hand, drooling on it. She was suddenly tired and decided she would unpack later. She just wanted to enjoy this moment with her little pup.
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deadlygronkle · 2 years
Chapter 8 of Ancestor's Legacy
Word count: 10554
One week later……
Twilight was eagerly waiting for Doctor Diane to come in and take out his stitches. It was very early in the day with the sun not even visible over the horizon for at least another couple of hours. 
Far too early for any of the Links to be properly up and about including Twilight.  Despite that Twilight was awake, having not slept the night before, for when the Doctor comes to remove the stitches in a few minutes.
Twilight the previous day had managed to flag down one of the guards passing by his door to deliver a message to the Doctor since he wasn’t allowed to be walking around. The Letter was written by Warriors as the written languages of the different Hyrules were vastly different from each other.
The letter had asked if the Doctor could come by at the earliest she could to remove the stitches. Twilight knew very well that it was a far fetched request, even before Warriors kept reminding him before and after the letter was sent out since he was on ‘Twilight watch duty’ as the others called it. Luckily the Doctor did send the soldier back who relayed that she would be by at the beginning of her shift.
Twilight could easily admit he is not the most cooperative patient, having to be practically held in bed by Rusl and Uli when he got sick when he was younger. This time was no different in terms of being difficult. 
On the third day after having his wound rewrapped by Hyrule around dusk Twilight convinced Hyrule to let him walk over to the window to watch the sun set. Wild and Time were not amused to see Twilight up and standing at the window and had all but carried him back to the bed.
On the 4th day Twilight was feeling pretty good and the wound barely caused pain. So when everyone was out either freshening up or grabbing food, Twilight had quickly gotten up and went to the window aiming to climb out of it. Though his wound was still very tender at that point so it took Twilight a while to get up on the windowsill and turn around. 
By the time he did so Time and Legend walked into the room, seemingly having a pleasant conversation before they walked in, Twilight had his lower half on a small ledge under the window getting ready to fully climb down. Seeing this Time’s face went from content, to confusion, to anger in a split second. 
So while Legend was barely hiding his snickering, Twilight was dragged back into the room by Time by the back of his shirt, forcibly being placed in his bed, and then got scolded for the next couple of hours.
From that point forward from the time the other Links got up to when Twilight went to bed at least one of the more responsible Links was constantly at his side. With Sky, Wild, and Time being the main ones watching over Twilight. 
Despite Sky usually being one of the more laid back Links, never fell asleep and the one time Twilight tried to quietly get out of bed when he thought Sky was asleep didn’t work how Twilight wanted it to. Sky immediately opened his eyes the moment Twilight’s foot touched the floor, and Sky was on his feet seconds after that. 
Sky had walked over to Twilight and said, face having a slight smile, “Where do you think you’re going?”. Sky then recommended to Twilight that he should lay back down before Sky made him. Safe to say Twilight followed that advice. 
Today it was different because Twilight had all of his stuff moved to his room and was planning the moment the stitches were out to go down to the stables to see Epona. Twilight was sure that no one had ridden her from when they first arrived and being the farm horse that she is was probably filled with as much energy that Twilight was, despite the fact that Twilight only feigned sleep that night. 
Twilight perked up as he heard the sound of feet getting closer to his door. It wasn’t the sound of any of the Links steps nor was it accompanied by the heavy sound of armor clinking together, so it must have been the Doctor.  The door opened to reveal Doctor Diane squinting to try and see in the dark.
 Realizing quickly that out of the two of them Twilight was the only one who could see, quickly reached over and ignited a candle that was forgotten by the Links the previous night. 
“Sorry about that.” Twilight apologized, “I didn’t realize you would be here at….” Twilight glanced at the clock on the opposite side of the room, “four a.m.”
Doctor Diane shrugged “Its fine. Now let's get those stitches out.”
Twilight quickly sat up and took off his shirt to show his still banged torso. The doctor made quick work of the bandages and the stitches, snipping the knots and pulling out the thread with speed only seen from experts. The entire process took less than 5 minutes, including the time it took to take out the necessary items and putting them back in her bag.
“Alright, that should do it. Even though you healed quickly I want you to take it easy for the next couple of days.” The doctor said, after packing up her stuff and walking to the door.
“Don’t worry I will take it a bit easier than I normally would.” Twilight replied smoothly.
The doctor didn’t respond as she walked out and closed the door behind her.
Twilight, after hearing her receding footsteps, quickly jumped out of bed and donned his normal clothes including the torn up chainmail as it didn’t feel right not wearing it. Twilight then went to the bedside table quickly grabbing the Shadow Crystal that was hiding under his hawk mask and put it on. 
Twilight breathed a sigh of relief feeling the familiar hum of Twili magic radiate from the necklace. It was extremely lucky that the natural sensor of magic in the group, Hyrule, didn’t comment or notice the aura of, to the inexperienced, dark magic radiating off it. Not that Hyrule was very inexperienced, he just never felt the distinct difference between Dark and Twili magic side by side like he had. 
Ganon and Midna were great examples of the difference between the two. One so cruel and hate filled that he had to be sent to another realm and spent his time there holding onto that hatred so he could get back to Hyrule and wreak havoc on it. 
Midna on the other hand was a snarky kind Twili who used the hand she got to try and save her world and people despite the odds stacked against her. She, unlike Ganon, didn’t hold a grudge against an entire realm and instead made sure that what had happened would never happen again.
Twilight’s heart panged at the last thought before shoving the crystal under his tunic. Twilight then grabbed his hawk mask and quickly, but gently, put it back in his bag. Twilight grabbed his sword and quickly made his way out of his room.
Despite not being in his wolf form his sense of smell was quite a bit stronger than the average Hylian. Which was why he was the unofficial tracker of the chain.  Even if he had never been in that Hyrule before he could usually find what they were looking for just by following the scent. In all honesty a lot of his Wolf senses have bled over to his human form most of them he didn’t even realize until someone pointed it out. 
Twilight followed the path that seemed to get the most people walking down it until he reached a side exit. Walking out of it he saw a group of soldiers running after one of their own who seemed to have a blue flag in his hands. Twilight mentally shrugged thinking it must be some sort of training exercise.
Twilight continued to look around before seeing what looked to be a stable, and as he got closer could definitely smell the manure. Twilight quickly jogged up to the structure and once he looked inside he saw the face of his beloved mare.
Twilight quickly crossed the space to his horse who, if not for the padlock on her stall, looked ready to gallop to meet Twilight. Twilight gently knocked heads with Epona, petting behind her ears while she in turn sniffed at his chest as if knowing he was hurt.
 Twilight whispered sweet nothings and apologies for not getting down there sooner to his horse before a voice broke through and said “Trespassing here is forbidden! State who you are and why you are here.”
Twilight turned around and leveled a glare at the obvious new recruit in full armor. “What I am doing is saying hello to my horse, and I am the guest of Queen Zelda herself, and who I am is on a need to know basis.”  
The recruit took a step back before shakingly saying “I still need to know who you are to verify.”
Twilight decides to take pity on the terrified soldier“I am called Twilight. Now where are my horse's items and the key to let her out.”
The recruit took him to where the keys and Epona’s items were before going back out to do his scheduled chores for the day. Twilight set to work taking Epona out of her stall and got her into all of her usual gear, besides the camping gear.
Now Twilight had nothing against this soldier in particular after all he had only been doing his job. Twilight just had an issue with the lazy soldiers in his own world, who were so over confident it was like they had killed Ganon. Even though the vast majority of them never even saw a bokoblin, even fewer had killed one. 
The only soldiers that held any merit to Twilight was the Royal guard that protected his Zelda and all of them died protecting her from Zant. In any case any thought about guards especially in his world leaves a bad taste in Twilight’s mouth.
Twilight got on her with practice eased as he led her to the open pasture area that looked like it was meant for horseback training. Epona didn’t need much encouragement to take off running. Twilight allowed his horse to run as fast as she wanted. Twilight closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of wind whipping against his face for what felt like years, but was really a week.
They spent a long time racing the track-like area. Once Twilight could see the sun barely rising over the horizon he had Epona walk back to the stables. Twilight quickly took to taking off Epona’s gear and brushing her coat to take out any grime that settled on her.
Twilight let his mind wander as he did the therapeutic task of brushing Epona. Twilight had already decided the moment he got on Epona that he wouldn't go back to that room until he absolutely had to, Time be damned. Twilight paused a second at that thought, before continuing to brush with a very sharp sounding chuckle. 
Sure riding Epona was needed but Twilight could feel in his bones that he wanted to run himself. Twilight glanced out to the field where a new group of soldiers had taken up trying to catch their fellow soldier who had a blue flag. Twilight grinned to himself, deciding that their next game will get a whole lot more interesting.
Twilight finished grooming Epona and took her back to her stall. After making sure she had enough food Twilight started to look for a secluded place to transform.
Wild walked into Twilight’s medical room after grabbing both of their breakfasts with the rest of the Links. Since it had become tradition at that point to eat in Twilight’s room at least once a day. 
Time was leading them, just in case Twilight had pulled a fast one deciding to try and leave. If Wild wasn’t so concerned for Twi’s safety he would be amused at how stir crazy he was becoming. 
As Time opened the door Wild could see that the old soldier had tensed up before stalking inside. Wild followed behind him curiously only to find that Twilight’s bed was empty and his sword was missing.
As the other Links filed in each had a face that screamed surprise but at the same time figured this would happen. Unlike the rest of the Links, Warriors didn’t even look at the bed before taking his place by the window. Wild squinted his eyes at the lack of reaction from the Captain.
“So the Rancher finally got the guts to leave,” Legend noted, seemingly unconcerned by the empty bed. 
“It doesn’t make sense though he promised that he wouldn’t try anything until he got his stitches removed, and we all know how much he tries to stick by his promises.” Sky said frowning.
“He probably already got them removed.” Warriors said nonchalantly watching outside with a confused look on his face.
“What makes you think that?” Wild asked.
“He asked me to write him a letter to Diane asking her to come and take out his stitches asap. If I remember correctly she agreed to it but I don’t remember what hours she works.” Warriors said all of this while staring outside, face growing more confused by the second.
“And why didn’t you think this was a good idea to mention last night?” Time asked, leveling a glare at the General.
“He asked me not to, saying, and I quote ‘If I have to stay in bed for another day I’ll go insane’.” Warriors said in his best Twilight impression, finally tearing his eyes off of whatever was outside. “Besides I didn’t think anything would’ve come from it anyway. I think we can all guess where he is right now though.”
Wild begrudgingly nodded, “Epona,” looking over at Warriors, who had asked Wind a question that was too quiet for Wild to hear. Wind looked outside, confused before face beaming with excitement as he nodded at Warriors as if answering a question.
Wild shook his head, deciding to deal with whatever made Wind so excited when they inevitably went to it. 
The Links had quickly eaten their food and packed up Twilight’s food for when they found him. They quickly descended to the stables to find Epona sleeping in her stall looking extra fluffy at this point. Warriors broke off from the group going to talk to a stable hand and a soldier for a minute or so before coming back. 
“Good news Twilight was indeed here. Bad news seemed like he just missed him by about 30 minutes or so.” Warriors said lifting up a finger on each hand for the bad and good news respectively. 
“Did any of them see where he went, like at all? He kinda sticks out like a sore thumb in any town.” Wild asked, eager to find Twilight.
“Nope,” Warriors said, popping the ‘p’ “But I did see someone who we all haven't seen in a while out the window.”
“Who?” Hyrule asked, confused.
Instead of Warriors responding Wind did with a bright and happy “Wolfie! He is over in the field with the soldiers playing with them!”
Wild felt a pang of frustration as he heard the name ‘Wolfie’. Wild figured Twilight was now doing this just to get back at them for keeping him in the bed all week. Looking up at Time, Wild saw a slight look of constipation on the old man’s face, as if he reached the same conclusion as Wild did. 
Warriors leading the way they came across a group of 20 or so soldiers chasing after the divine beast known as Wolfie. The giant wolf, head easily reaching over the waist of their tallest soldier, and was quite literally running circles around them, blue flag in his mouth. 
As they walked over to the only soldier not chasing after Wolfie Wild could tell that he saw them. For a brief moment the wolf stopped running and just stared in their direction before jumping away from a soldier who was trying to lunge for the flag. 
The sight would’ve amused the ones who knew Twilight’s secret if not for the fact that he was supposed to be resting. Wolfie/Twilight was jumping around easily dodging the men who somehow seemed to be more tired than the Great Beast who was avoiding all of them. 
Warriors called out to the Hylian standing away from the scene “Drill Sergeant what is going on here?”
The drill sergeant looked over before replying “Link good to see you! As you can see a wolf decided to join our ‘capture the crook drill’.”
“I can very well see that. What I’m wondering is how he got the flag.”
The drill sergeant shrugged “This wolf came out of the woods and was watching the tail end of the last round. Balto seemed to like him and he was just watching so we let him be. When I tried to give the flag to the next ‘crook’ the wolf ran in and took it right out of my hand. So I am having it be the crook and the others have had very little success getting it back.”
The sergeant said all of this while gesturing to a basset hound at their feet and the group running around. As Wild watched someone dive at Wolfie, the beast jumped into the air to avoid it, but to add insult to injury Wolfie used that soldier's head as a springboard making the soldier eat dirt. 
“Would you like us to get it back? It just so happens we know this friendly wolf.” Warriors asked.
“You do? Well only if you want to as this is a good exercise for my men. Though this whole thing is getting a bit long.” The drill sergeant said, frowning.
“How long have they been at this exactly?” 
“Around 25 minutes give or take with no breaks.”
Before Warriors could call out to Wolfie to bring the wolf here, Time put up his hand to stop him. Time then put two fingers in his mouth and let out a sharp piercing whistle that froze everyone in the field Twilight included. Seeing that Time having gotten Wolfie’s attention yelled out “Wolfie come!”
The Divine Beast let out a muffled bark only opening his mouth slightly. Wolfie then took his time getting over to them, tail wagging lazily. Wild translated the smug look Wolfie had on his face to ‘Look at me, I ran around despite your wishes’.
Twilight finally came to a stop a few feet in front of them all, not sitting down, tail still wagging, with eyes sparkling with amusement. Time went to one knee and looking Wolfie dead in the eye said “Drop it Pup.” As Time extended one hand to retrieve the flag from the Beast’s maw Wolfie jumped back just as Time’s finger brushed the blue fabric.
Wolfie bowed in a playful manner before leaping away from the group. Time sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Wild and the other Links joined the fray, some more excited than others.
The Links had fun chasing after Wolfie for a couple of minutes with Time even joining in. Twilight let out the occasional muffled bark and he expertly weaved in between the Links. It ended when Twilight jumped away from Wild and right into Wind who quickly took the flag in triumph. 
“I GOT IT” Wind yelled in triumph.
“Good job sailor.” Time praised Wind ruffling his hair as he sent a disappointed look at Twilight who only seemed to grin wider at the look.
Warriors took the flag from Wind and gave it to the Drill sergeant to which they and their soldiers thanked them all profusely before heading to the mess hall for some well deserved breakfast. Wind then ran over to the now sitting Wolfie and flung his arms around the beast's neck.
“I was worried about you Wolfie! We haven’t seen you in weeks!” Wind confessed to the wolf who wined apologetically in response. 
Twilight after Wind stopped hugging him, laid on the ground with a huff, chain clinking with the motion. Four then walked up to the beat and flopped on his flank causing Twilight to lightly growl as the small Link.
“What? It's not like you are injured or anything to cause pain, if that was the case you would be in bed or wherever it is that you sleep. Besides it's not like you’ll do anything” Four said, raising his eyebrow at the Wolf. It was a well known fact among the Links that Wolfie would rarely retaliate against the Links. 
Wolfie pinned his ears back for a second before looking away, huffing, and then going back to panting. Wild had a small smile on his face at the reaction. Wild knew just how much of a soft spot he had for the Links. Even if Twilight tried to act like he didn’t have one. 
Wild remembers the first time he saw the Wolf waiting outside of the chamber that Wild first woke up from. The wolf had then shown him some of the monster's weaknesses like the guardian’s eye. Everytime Wild called for Twilight to help him the beast would teleport, making a cloud of shadow appear from nowhere. The last time Wild saw that older version of his mentor was outside of the castle before going in to fight Calamity ganon. 
Wild felt uneasy when thinking about it because even though his memory was spotty at the best of times Wild could clearly remember the Wolf watching him during his knight training as well. Wild would go as far to say that the wolf looked the exact same before and after calamity. 
Wild was unsure of what that could mean. Whether it be that Twilight stayed behind from passing on to help him or if he somehow used his teleporting power to travel to Wild’s time and help out. Wild was grateful to the old beast and tries his best to honor what he did for Wild both before and after calamity.
Suddenly Twilight perked up a bit as if having an idea that made Wild look at him suspiciously. Twilight shifted a bit, getting all of his feet under him. Then as fast as Twilight could manage he stood up, sending Four sprawling on the floor, and took off towards the castle. Wild reasoned that he was going to find a place to transform back to himself and hopefully find them while they are looking. 
Legend snorted at Wolfie’s action before saying “Outsmarted by a wolf.” 
Four said nothing as he rubbed the back of his head staring in the direction Wolfie ran off, concern evident on his face.
After everyone finished catching their breath they continued to look for Twilight, or in the case of those who knew, they looked to where Twilight ran off to. As they walked into the courtyard that had an ancient tree Wild felt the world suddenly go off kilter.
“Shit we’re changing worlds!” Wild cursed out before yelling “TWILIGHT! WHERE ARE YOU?!”
The world around Wild went blurry as they started to shift before going black for a few seconds. When everything started to come to focus for Wild he heard a loud yelp, crash, and groan some feet away from where he and the others were.
Wild started looking around as the others got up seeing that they got lucky this time and all of their gear was teleported with them. Looking up from where his fellow Links were collecting their stuff Wild saw a plain-like area with a great bridge in the distance and a castle behind it, looking like it could touch the clouds.
Wild noted that instead of it being around morning in this Hyrule, it was well into the afternoon with the sun showing down on the with barely any hindrance.  Continuing to look around from where he was standing he saw that Epona was sniffing at the ground a few feet away from them, without any of her saddle and gear. 
After doing a bit of roll call Time asked “So Epona made it over, but has anyone seen Twilight? Also does anyone know which hyrule we are in?” 
Wild noted how Time’s voice was filled with barely restrained worry. Which, in all honesty Wild could agree with as for all they know Twilight could’ve been left in Warriors’ Hyrule none the wiser. 
Just in general Wild was concerned about his mentor, who acted very strange leading up to his injury. Despite his strange actions Twilight had assured Wild that he was completely fine. 
A hand shot out of the grass next to Epona’s head making everyone’s heads snap in that direction. “ ‘M over here” Twilight voice grunted out.
Wild and Time shared a look and headed over to where Epona was. Twilight was laying in the grass with all of Epona’s gear on his chest, saddle included. Twilight’s stuff was unseen but Wild had a sneaking suspicion his bag was also in the pile. Epona was busy trying to nose her saddle off of Twilight’s chest with little luck. Twilight’s face was twisted with regret and discomfort.
After they got Twilight out of the mess of items, Twilight set about equipping all of Epona’s gear on her. Only after Time and Wild made sure Twilight was truly alright of course.  As the rest of the Links continued to look around the area for tell-tale signs that it was their world, Wild moved to help Twilight by adjusting the bridle around Epona’s face. 
“So where did you run off to after knocking Four off your back?” Wild asked as he put the bit in Epona’s mouth.
“To that big tree in the courtyard for a nap. Wasn’t expecting to shift so as I made to jump out by y’all we were teleported. I just so happened to be teleported a few feet in the air and with all my items coming down at me.” Twilight explained, adjusting the saddle.
Time walked up just as Twilight finished adjusting the saddle and asked “Is this world either of yours?”
Twilight nodded, going into his bag and bringing out his map “It’s mine I recognize the bombskits anywhere.” motioning toward the weird two legged monster standing around 20 feet away. 
The Links surrounded Twilight as he flattened out the map on Epona’s flank. “Here we are on the map and we have three different options. Over there is the path to Kakariko Village, that bridge leads to an abandoned village, or we can go to Hyrule Castle town.” Twilight said, pointing in each direction, “It doesn’t matter to me but I know we can restock for very cheap in Castle Town.”
The Links, always willing to save some rupees, unanimously agreed to go to Castle Town. Before they started walking toward the looming castle Twilight explained the monsters in his Hyrule field and to stay far away from the Boomskits. They walked for roughly an hour, with Twilight leading on his horse, before they heard a loud piercing voice that made Twilight go rigid and Wild wince.
“HEY MR.LINK WAAAAIT!” Wild turned toward the voice to see a hylian man with white short shorts, and tank top with a red hat and flag that was attached to his back by a large wooden pole. The man was racing towards them with speed that had made the Links draw their swords.
“Put away your swords, he is friendly.” Twilight said, adding on “regrettably.”
The man came to a stop in front of Twilight saying “Mr. Link of Ordon Village you sure are a tough one to find! You have 17 letters marked urgent from Queen Zelda herself, 5 from varying persons, and two packages from different people.” 
Twilight grimaced “Could you give them from oldest to most recent?” turning to Time he asked “Could we set up camp here today? I have a feeling these letters are going to take a while.”
Time nodded as he directed the other Links to set up camp as Twilight got off of Epona to receive the letters which were tied up by a piece of string, oldest at top, most recent at bottom. 
Wild took the two packages, both of which were completely different from each other. With one of them being light and looked to be made of boar skin. The other was far heavier with more standard package materials than the other. After the postman handed off the last of the letters he did a strange sounding humm before running off in the direction he came.
The Links finished setting up camp with efficiency and had even started a fire by the time Twilight and Wild made it over. Wild sat the packages down by where Twilight was sitting, who was staring at the stack of Zelda’s letters with open disgust. Wild then went over by the fire and started bringing things out of his sheikah slate to make a simple beef and potato dish. 
“So what did you do to get sent 17 letters by your Zelda?” Wind asked, sitting down besides Twilight.
“The postman only delivers in my Hyrule field and since we’ve never been to this part of my Hyrule I would assume it was just collected over time.” Twilight said, sighing before slipping the first letter out of the string.
Twilight opened it and quickly scanned over it before tossing it into the fire.
“Why did you go and do that?” Wind asked, having only caught a glimpse of the letter.
“It’s old, just said some stuff about the soldiers she sent and ‘how dare I scare them away’.” Twilight scoffed, “It’s not my fault that all of the soldiers here are cowards.”
“So you did scare away the guards?” Warriors questioned, “I thought a wolf howled at them scaring them away.”
“Never said it was a wolf that howled.” Twilight answered cryptically, knowing instantly what Warriors was referencing.
Glancing up from the beef browning he saw that Twilight had already thrown the second letter into the fire without even opening it and was moving for a third.
“Shouldn’t you at least read them, Pup? Time asked as Twilight tossed another into the fire.
Twilight shrugged, grabbing his fourth, “Why should I? They're old anyway and all of these could be summons to the castle or threats.” 
“Threats to you or threats to your Hyrule?” Wild asked, seeing Twilight pause out of the corner of his eye. Twilight didn’t answer, but this time he did open up Queen Zelda’s letter to do a once over.
This continued for a while with Wind occasionally asking what something said and Twilight murmuring the answer, some of the words were things like ‘farmer’ and ‘slacker’ while other things stood for things like ‘King bulblin’ and ‘Temple’.
Twilight paused his methodical movement on the tenth out of the fifteen letters to lightly chuckle. When questioned about it Twilight instead of explaining it read it out loud.
(Dear Link,
According to some merchants, you were seen in Kakariko Village just yesterday. Then you left suddenly the next morning without anyone seeing you leave. 
I order you as Queen to come to my castle and explain yourself as no one has seen a singular hair from you since you scared away my soldiers months ago.
Any soldier that sees you is instructed to bring you to my throne, and if you resist you will be treated as a criminal.
Queen Zelda.)
Twilight looked up from reading, his eyes twinkling “Oops, guess I forgot to mention in a letter that I was going on a quest. Or send any letter at all.”
Wild snorted with Wind pointing at something on the paper “What’s the emblem for?”
“It is an official stamp that shows it is official and not a fake. Zelda uses her magic to stamp it, which only she can do.” Twilight explained passing it over to Hyrule who seemed to look at it with fascination. 
“Cool…” Hyrule said, analyzing the magic marking for a second before tossing it into the fire.
“Let's save the other letters for later, food’s done!” Wild said passing plates to the other eight links. Food was a quiet and quick affair especially for Twilight who wanted to read the rest of the letters in the remaining sunlight which had gone down rather quickly. 
Twilight tossed the next 3 out quickly before frowning and triple reading the 14th letter. Wild leaned over, having taken up the spot on the opposite side of Twilight from Wind.
“You haven't read any of the letters this closely before,” Sky noted, “What's on it that is so troubling?” 
“There's apparently a disturbance making monsters stronger than normal here. Like black blood stronger not Twilight zone stronger. Apparently she thinks that's why I’ve been not receiving letters and ‘requests’ for me to come in and talk.” Twilight said, instead of tossing it into the fire, he gently sets it down in front of himself. 
“Good thing we are heading that way now” Four remarked.
Twilight takes the most recent letter and opens it. He seemed to get through about half of it before abruptly standing up, letter dropped, forgotten on the ground, pacing. The Rancher started mumbling and Wild could only pick up a word here or there, something about Great fairy and a Zone of some sort.
“Pup? Is everything ok?” Time said slowly standing up and going over to Twilight.
“It shouldn’t be possible…” Twilight looked up face gray and eyes wide as the plates they just ate off of.
“What shouldn't be possible?” Time asked, crossing the distance between them. When Twilight continued to mumble something about the one way path to the realm had been sealed off. Wild eyebrows creased in confusion at the randomness of his words.
When Time received no answer he put both hands on his descendants shoulders, seemingly grounding him. “Breath Pup, and tell us what's wrong.” 
Twilight took a deep breath before shakily saying “A Twilight Zone appeared in the Gerudo desert at The Great Fairy’s Spring. It- It shouldn’t be possible. The mirror that leads to the Twilight realm was destroyed at the end of my journey with a piece of it getting taken into the Twilight realm so it could never be opened again.” 
“How did she learn this? I thought Gerudo had its own government.” Wild gently asked, frowning.
“In your time maybe, but in mine all the gerudo left after Ganon was sealed away. King Bulbin watches over that land now. The Gerudo desert is a providence much like Faron woods and Ordon Village.” Twilight explained calmly, having collected himself quickly. 
 “Uh Huh and whose King Bulblin?” Legend asked.
Twilight walked over to where he was sitting, sat back down and picked up the letter again while saying “King of the Bulbins I beat him 3 times and gained his respect. He has some common sense and doesn’t want to die so he looks over the arbiter grounds for me.”
“Since he is a monster wouldn’t he work for Ganon?” Wind asked.
“He did but decided dying wasn't worth what he was getting paid. So he left, third time the charm I guess, and he can even speak Hylian.”
“So what does this letter say?” Wind asked skillfully changing the subject, holding one that he had just opened.
Twilight glanced at it and did what looked like a double take on it. Wearing an incredulous look, Twilight gently grabbed it from Wind and gave it a closer inspection.
“Well what does it say?”
“Give me a minute the kids at Ordon don’t exactly have the best handwriting.” Twilight muttered. During the few minutes that it took for Twilight to decipher the letter Wild was trying to read along. It was most definitely messier than the previous letter but Wild still couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
There was also a little drawing attached to the letter at the bottom. On the drawing there were two taller figures, one with pointed ears and one without. There was a slightly smaller figure that looked to be carrying a baby in their arms. The smallest of the figures looked to be waving. The drawing much like the writing didn’t make sense to Wild. 
Twilight broke the silence with a low, airy chuckle. “This letter is from Colin a couple weeks ago. Apparently Zelda sent some guards there to see if I had returned after being spotted in Kakariko. He even drew a little picture on it!” Twilight then handed it off to the other Links so they could see the stick figure drawing. 
“Who exactly is in this drawing?” Sky asked, handing it off to Time who stared at the drawing with an unreadable expression.
 After it made its round and Wind gave it back to Twilight. Twilight lifted the picture so nearly everyone could see it. “That one is Rusl, that’s me, Uli, and her little baby Hasa, and the smallest is Colin.” Twilight explained pointing to each figure.
“Why are your ears so pointy?” Wind innocently asked.
“Ordon consists of humans and I am the only Hylian there. So he did it no doubt for me to easily tell that I am in his family drawing. Though according to the letter it would have looked better if he had more time but the postman was rushing him.” Twilight explained with a fond smile.
“Wait, I thought you said he only delivers letters in the Hyrule field.” Legend noted.
“He picks them up from all over and tends to feed letters he can’t figure out to the Goats. I don’t know what goes on in that guy's head, nor do I want to.” 
“Family drawing?” Time interrupted, sounding confused. 
“Rusl and Uli took care of me from a very very young age, so I was always around for Colin since he was born. He’s made it a point in all of his drawings of his family to draw my pointed ears to show where I am.”
“Wait, what do you mean at a very very young age? Where were your birth mother and father?” Time asked, voice laced with concern.
“Doesn’t matter.” Twilight replied sharply as he grabbed the next letter. 
Wild looked over to Time who looked crestfallen for as second as if not expecting that answer. That look was gone as quickly as it came and was replaced with a look of mild curiosity. Wild felt sympathy for the man as it was not the first time Twilight snapped at someone for digging too deep into his past. 
Reading this one seemed to be a much faster process than the other one, as Twilight carefully sat the letter down before grabbing the normal looking parcel. Opening it Wild peered inside to see an assortment of jars filled to the brim with something and around the jars seemed to be an assortment of towel wrapped pastries each around the same size. It seemed that whoever packed this box somehow made two layers of the pastries without squishing the one below. 
Twilight seemed to physically perk up as he reached into the box and pulled out the towel wrapped pastry. Twilight then very gently pulled out one of the towel wrapped creations, as Twilight unwrapped it he gasped in shock as he stared at what seemed to be a piece of cake. Twilight then raised it up to the fire staring at it with such happiness and fascination. 
“Alright I’ll bite, why are you looking at the cake like that?” Warriors asked both hands clasped together, pointing at Twilight. 
“Uli’s pumpkin cake…. It’s made from ingredients all sourced from Ordon from the pumpkin to the rock salt. It was made recently too!” Twilight replied excitedly. Twilight was so excited about this piece of cake Wild could easily imagine if he was in his wolf form his tail would be a blur. 
“How do you know it was made recently?” Warriors asked.
“Uli dates her letters, and not to mention,” Twilight took a bite of the piece of cake, “It's not dry!” When Twilight took that bite Wild could see Twilight’s tense shoulders loosen from his spot beside him.
“Here Uli packed a whole cake and if you want you can put some jelly on it.” Twilight said, smiling brightly as he distributed the pieces of cake among the Links.
Wild took a bite and was surprised by how moist and flavorful the cake was. It reminded Wild of the carrot cake that he occasionally bought from the villagers in his time. It also reminded him of pumpkin pie but in cake form. Wild quickly finished his piece and looked over to see the other Links polishing up their slices. 
“Twi, you have to give me the recipe.” Wild said in a completely serious tone. 
Twilight chuckled and ruffled Wild’s hair “No can do Cub, Uli doesn’t give her recipes out to anyone not even me or the other villagers.” 
Wild huffed, “Well remind me when we somehow get teleported there to ask for it.”
Before Twilight could undoubtedly agree to it, Four spoke up, “Umm that cake was great, but what is that thing?” 
Wild looked in the direction of Four to see a golden orb in the distance. Wild would’ve said it was a spirit not unlike Mipha and Daruk but the color made Wild pause from speaking his mind. The golden hue of it could easily be seen even in the now pitch black night instead of ghosts usual blue-ish green tinge. 
Wild glanced over to Twilight who now had a look of wariness as he squinted at it in the dark. No doubt using his superior night vision to see it better than Wild and the other Links could possibly do. 
Twilight slowly said, “It looks to be a type of Poe, they tend to dislike fires and will stay away from any bright light. If it comes over here, RUN do not try to fight it. It is incorporeal to most living things.” 
Twilight said that with such authority that no one had a response to it. The rest of the time before bed was picking who was taking first, second, and third watch. Twilight took second watch despite Wild and Time trying to talk him out of it. Twilight’s response was one of calmness as he replied that his monsters were stronger around midnight and he is the only one to ever deal with them. 
Wild took first watch and Four took third. Wild’s watch was very uneventful with that mysterious golden poe very slowly circling the camp at a distance. The most interesting thing that happened was a few flying monsters flying towards the camp but getting scared by the fire that Wild was dutifully keeping up. 
The only other thing that Wild did was put Twilight’s pumpkin cake package in his sheikah slate so it didn’t dry out. Wild was sure that Twilight would be grateful for the action.
Wild got up to wake Twilight and did one last glance at the poe to see it was a bit more corporeal. The most Wild could tell about it was that it was a humanoid figure that still glowed that odd color of gold.
Wild shook Twilight awake who sat up rubbing his eyes. While Twilight was doing that Wild silently tapped Twilight’s shoulder before pointing at the poe’s new form. Twilight stared at it before turning back to Wild having a practically silent conversation.
“Do they normally do that?” Wild whispered.
“No, they don’t. Usually they only show their lanterns without a beast sense, is it my turn to watch or did you just wake me up for this?” Twilight asked, frowning.
“It's your turn but could you make sure it won’t attack us?”
Twilight nodded “ ‘kay give me a second I’ll see if I recognize it.” 
Wild watched as Twilight closed his eyes and a shadow engulfed the hero. Wild winced at the quiet sound of bones popping and shifting into place. It had freaked Wild the first time he saw the transformation happen but as Twilight reassured that it didn’t hurt, Wild slowly calmed down. 
That doesn’t mean Wild is all right with it just more accepting of it. After all it sounded very painful and Wild never liked seeing his mentor hurt. 
Wolfie emerged from the cloud of shadow, made a small huffing noise before quietly creeping to the edge of the camp. Wolfie sniffed at the small breeze in the air and stiffened. Wild grabbed his bow, all memory of Twilight saying run if it attacked forgotten.
As Wild knocked an arrow aiming at the specter, Wolfie whipped his head around, apparently hearing the bow tighten, and let out a small snarl. Wild begrudgingly listened to Twilight and slowly released the tension on the bow, taking the arrow away from the string. It didn’t take an animal whisperer to understand that Twilight didn’t want Wild interfering.
Twilight went down practically crawling against the ground. Wild strained his eyes to keep track of the gray-ish wolf who seemed to melt perfectly with the grass surrounding him. An eerily noise greeted Wild’s ears that he knew for sure he wasn’t imagining, because Twilight fully stood up staring at the specter. 
The noise had to have been a song of sort Wild figured. There was a 6 note repeating melody that went: low, middle, low, high, middle and low, then it repeated. Unlike what Wild heard from Time’s ocarina or Sky’s harp, these notes sounded hollow, similar to wind chimes or blowing air into a bottle.
The noise got more quiet as Twilight slowly backed up and as he did so Wild could see how tense Twilight was. The specter stopped once Twilight returned to the edge of the camp, seemingly satisfied with doing whatever that was. Twilight gave one last frightened look towards the poe before getting engulfed by shadows once more, returning to his original form. 
Twilight quietly walked over to Wild and whispered, “It won't bother us. It is a… friendly poe.”
“What was that? What was that music it played?!” Wild all but stage yelled at the Rancher.
“Keep your voice down Cub,” Twilight whispered sternly, “All that you need to know about that poe is that it would -never- hurt us. He helped me on my journey…. But I’ve never seen him in this form before.”
Wild quieted down, “Ok I’ll trust you.”
Twilight pushed Wild towards his sleeping bag, “Now sleep and don’t worry I will wake Four up at his watch.”
Wild went to his sleeping bag and lay down and as senses slowly faded he could hear Twilight humming that exact same tune that the ghost was playing, but in a less haunting way.
The Links day started early with Four waking all of them up the moment he could see the sun barely peeking out from the horizon. Some of the other Links including Wild asked why he woke them up. To which Four pointed at Twilight and told the Links that he asked Four to wake them all up around this time. 
When questioned Twilight just responded that he wanted to reach Castle Town as early as possible. Twilight acted like the thing that happened with the poe never even happened. So Wild kept quiet as well, figuring that if it wasn’t important enough to draw attention to. 
In roughly 30 minutes the Links had a quick breakfast and started heading out to Castle Town. As they walked with Epona being led by the reins by Twilight, who was walking, Wind spoke up.
“So did you ever finish looking at those letters?”
“Yup it was just some of my friends from my adventure checking in on me.” Twilight answered.
“But what was in the animal skin package?”
Twilight grimaced a little, “That was just some boar jerky from King Bublin with a note saying that I should come by sometime to joust again.”
“He can write?” Legend asked.
Conversation soon spindled to a few quiet ones around them as Twilight led them up the path. After a few hours with the sun well into the sky at that point they came up to a drawbridge with no guards attending it. 
Wild could hear Warriors scoff behind them, “Some guards you have here Rancher. No one is guarding such a large entrance.”
Twilight snorted as he grabbed his stuff from Epona’s saddle and while not taking up the reins again said “Like I said earlier these guards aren’t the bravest.”
Twilight shouldered his gear as Epona wandered off, “Now are we going to restock or get some grub?”
After a few minutes of debate the Links decided on gear first then food. Twilight collected himself with a deep breath with his face turning into one that could easily be mistaken for ice cold but in actuality to Wild it was just a neutral face. 
As they walked in they saw a priest of Hylia standing outside of his church who greeted Twilight warmly. Twilight said nothing in return and just nodded his head at the older man. Wild frowned at his friend’s back but the priest seemed to accept the nod and wished them all a good visit. 
There were a few guards a bit further in who were most definitely the ones who were supposed to stand guard. Wild focused on the group of soldiers as one of them started to walk forward towards Twilight, who only took a few steps away from the priest before noticing them.
“Halt strangers! State your name and why you are here.” the soldier said in a bored, over confident voice, hand loosely gripping his sword.
“Who do you think I am?” Twilight responded with a voice cold enough to surprise Wild. Sure Wild has heard Twilight act cold towards people but never to the point where a soldier turned ghost white. 
The smartest of the group of soldiers ran up and pointed his spear directly at Twilight’s chest. Wild started to surge forward to attack the soldier only to be stopped by Legend grabbing his arm. Legend shook his head and then nodded to the interaction, silently telling Wild to watch and wait.
“Link of Ordon by order of Queen Zelda we are taking you into custody and escorting you to the Throne room!”
“W-wh-what?” the soldier said with confusion.
“That’s not going to happen. What is going to happen is that I’m going to Malo Mart and then Telma’s bar,” Twilight with one finger pushed the spear away from his chest, “What you fellas are going to do is inform Zelda that I am in town and that she can send people to find me in Telma’s bar in an hour and not a second earlier. Understood?”
The soldier nodded before taking off with the other soldiers following in suit. Wild looked at Twilight in shock, who as if feeling the stare, looked over and asked “What?”
“Nothing, I just have never seen anyone react to you that way.” Wild responded.
“Eh it's nothing, the soldiers here would get scared of their own shadow if they weren’t so oblivious.”  Twilight shrugged. 
Wild had a feeling that the soldiers only ever react that way to Twilight. Everyone they had met in Kakariko had greeted Twilight like an old friend. Here in Castle Town the soldiers were terrified of him after they found out who he was. The priest had acted like he was just being polite and never really knew Twilight. Wild didn’t know what Twilight did to deserve such a reaction and knew for certain that he didn’t want to.
They continued on the path till they reached an open area that was circular. There were businesses along the circular area with big attention grabbing signs. None more than the very loud sign with bright colors and bold letters. In the center of the circular area was a beautiful fountain. In the fountain was a bird with the full triforce instead of a head. 
Glancing around Wild saw many Hylians and Humans all rushing around the area busy going from place to place. As they continued towards the building with the brightly colored sign people stopped and stared at the group. Now this isn’t an odd occurrence by itself since it’s not everyday a group such as themselves walked into a bustling place. 
What was strange was what Wild overheard people saying as they passed them.
“I thought the Queen finally put down that savage.”
“Look, it's the queen’s pet.”     “More like an attack dog, just look at that pelt!”
“Ugh it's him again.”
“Stay away from that man, son. He is no good for the Kingdom and or for anyone else”
“The mutt brought more strangers to the castle town! What is the world coming to?!”
There were many other hateful whispers happening around the Links, but Wild was seeing red. As Wild was about to go and give them a piece of his mind a hand landed on his shoulder. Looking over Wild was surprised to see it was Sky.
Sky shook his head, and Wild could see that Sky had a look of disgust and anger that did not fit the face of the usually calm hero. Glancing at the other Links Wild could see that the older Links were doing the same thing that Sky just did with him. 
Time looked absolutely pissed but Wild could tell that he was telling a murderous looking Four to calm down. Warriors looked straight up disgusted, like he just stepped in dogshit, but he was whispering to Wind who had unsheathed his sword. Legend and Hyrule weren’t trying to stop each other but instead were glaring at the citizens with hate.
Wild whipped his head around to look at Twilight’s back to see the hero was loose. Not in a ‘I’m in good company-loose’ more like in a ‘I’m ready to fight or run at a moment's notice-loose.’ Wild knew that if he and the other Links could hear all these comments then Twilight could hear that and more.
After easily walking through the bustling street, thanks to the wide berth that was created around them, the Links walked into what Wild figured was Malo Mart.  They walked in to be greeted by a brightly colored room with very cheerful music. 
The man at the front greeted them with a “HELLO~ WELCOME TO MALO MART! BEST PRICES IN ALL OF HYRULE!”
Twilight turned towards the group and Wild saw the same neutral look that was somehow unaffected by the comments outside. “Ok so here’s the prices, Blue potions are 50 rupees, Red Potions are 15, and arrows are 5 per 10 arrows. For the potions you’ll need your own bottle.”
Hearing this, Wild asked “what's the highest rupee in this system.”
“The highest is Silver rupees that are worth 200 rupees.”
Wild then walked up to the clerk and slammed down 5 silver rupees on the table. Wild then brought out all of his empty bottles. The clerk's eyes widened as Wild said “I’ll take 200 arrows and 7 bottles filled with blue potion and the rest filled with red potion.”
After buying the store's entire red potion stock and splitting the arrows between the Links they headed out of the store. Twilight led the way into a market area that was fairly empty at this point. As they walked through the market the merchants tried to goad them into coming over to buy stuff like over priced apples. 
Despite the emptiness of the merchant stalls there was one long line leading up to a booth with Gorons manning it. There was a small goron who when they looked over smiled brightly and waved at the group. Twilight reciprocated this by giving the Goron a small wave. The small goron accepted this with a bright smile before going back to manage the line. 
Twilight led them down a small alleyway. It was a dead end with one door that was only slightly opened. Wild could hear faint music coming from in the door. As Twilight made to walk to the door a meow interrupted his pursuit.
Wild looked down to see a white cat with a purple bow had run over and was curling itself around Twilight’s legs. Twilight picked up the cat while saying “Louise long time no see. Is Telma in her bar today?”
The cat let out a small mew as it purred in Twilight’s arms. Wild walked over and started petting the cat's fur. The cat's fur was incredibly soft, obviously having been taken care of well.
Sky let out a small noise and said “Why are you petting that Remlit, don't you know how dangerous they are?!”
Twilight gave him a confused look “This is a cat not whatever a remlit is, and its friendly see.”
Twilight brought the cat over to Sky who tentatively patted the cat’s head. Louise did nothing but purr happily. Wild snorted as Sky took this reaction to continue petting Louise. 
Warriors coughed to get attention on him, “I don’t mean to interrupt this wholesome scene but you kinda gave us limited time to eat from your interaction with the guards.”
Twilight's soft expression minutely hardened “Right so,” Twilight faced turned into a slightly pained expression, “Lets go and see Telma and hope she spares me the lecture for disappearing.” 
Twilight let Louise down who after doing one twirl around Sky’s leg took off into the bar. As they walked into the bar Wild looked around to the home-y bar. There were pots and pans hanging from the rafter as well as pots far from reach at the ceiling. 
Behind the counter was a large woman with tan skin and red hair, suggesting gerudo genes. The lady, who Wild assumed was Telma yelled behind her at the Chain, “Sit wherever you want I’ll be with you in a moment!”
“That’s the greeting I get after not being around for a couple of months? You wound me Telma.” Twilight snarkily said hands on his hips.
Telma whipped around and broke into a giant grin “Well I’ll be it really is you!” Wild saw Telma wipe her hands on her apron before moving around the bar and gave Twilight a hug, which he reciprocated. 
Telma as if just noticing the gangle of Link standing awkwardly around the reunion. Telma stopped hugging Twilight and said “Where are our manners! Link are you going to introduce your friends?”
“The funny thing about that is that they are all named Link too-” Twilight started but was cut off by Telma.
“This sounds like you are going into a story, go sit down and I’ll get you some food.” Telma said while going back behind the counter.
Twilight led them to a table that was the most secluded in the whole bar, like it was its own room by itself. After grabbing enough chairs to accommodate all the Links they sat down. Telma quickly walked over with two giant plates with dinner plates on them. After food was distributed Twilight explained what happened to him in between bites of food. 
After a moment of silence Telma summarized “I see, so you are on a quest trying to figure out why monsters are getting stronger with different heroes from different places in time and space.”
“Pretty much” Twilight responded.
“And all of their names are Link as well and you call them by their titles?”
“Well then Mister Hero of the Light what are their names?” Telma asked, eyebrow raised. Wild blinked at the title Telma had just called Twilight. It was always assumed by the other Links that his name was Hero of Twilight. The more that Wild sees and talks to the people in Twilight’s world the more he feels like he never truly knew him. 
Twilight blinked “Oh right. Well this is Sky, Legend, Hyrule, Warriors, Wind, Four, Wild and Time.” Twilight said this while pointing to each Link individually.
Telma whistled “Have to say Honey you get yourself into the strangest of events.”
“Thanks I didn’t notice.” Twilight said sarcastically. 
“Excuse me Miss Telma, could I ask you something?” Warriors asked a devilish grin appearing on his face. 
“Telma is fine. What is your question?” 
“Well I want to know what is the most embarrassing thing you remember Link doing.” Warriors said grin widening.
“You don’t need to answer that Telma. Warriors here is just… curious about my adventure.” Twilight quickly said.
“Nonsense it’s no trouble at all. Now lets see here…” Telma trailed off before snapping her fingers, “I got it! When Link here first obtained his dual clawshot he tried to show them off to us. He did so by trying to grab onto the roof and it worked the first time, but as he tried to swing to latch onto another part of the ceiling both clawshots came undone. He fell right onto a table holding around 5 soldiers' food. Then while being filthy he proceeded to fight and win against the five angry soldiers.”  
Twilight grumbled out a “You promised not to say anything about that.”
Wild snorted, it was obvious to him that Twilight and Telma were closer to any person that they had met in Twilight’s time. Excluding Colin who, from the stories the other Links shared, had a brotherly bond with the Hylian. Wild watched as Time patted Twilight’s back in sympathy as he covered his face with his hands.
Warriors did not hide his laughter and started choking on his drink mid way through. After succeeding to not choke Warriors said “Oh that was the best story I’ve heard about Twilight’s adventure so far.”
“Wasn’t actually a part of my journey, it just kinda happened when I was taking a small break.” Twilight muttered.
“Eh potato tomato,” Warriors said flippantly.
“That’s definitely not how that saying goes.” Twilight remarked.
Just as Telma was about to say something several guards busted through the door. Spotting Twilight at the table the leader said “All right your hour is up! You and your group are coming with us to the Throne room!”
Twilight sighed in relief “All right,” turning towards Telma he went, “Sorry to cut this reunion so short but Zelda ‘requests my presence’.”
Telma chuckled “Well go on then. All of you, I expect to hear more about your adventure when you return Hon!”
“Will do,” Twilight turned towards the rest of them, “Well let’s go get this over with.”
Wild got up with the rest of the links and after saying a quick thank you to Telma they all walked out with the guards escorting them to the Throne room. 
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smilesrobotlover · 7 months
Whumptober day 27- matches, scars.
Hehehe I’m sooooo excited for this one it was a blast to write. I love Leon and Linebeck duo they’re so silly to me.
Warnings: uh…. An underwater monster, mentions of injuries, very mild
Searching for the heroes of Hyrule was not an easy task, especially since everything was working towards making that mission nearly impossible for the men searching for them. Strange portals had opened up and whisked them away from where they once were, leaving them stranded at Talon’s home. It wasn’t a huge deal, it was certainly a step closer than where they were before, but Leon still had no leads on where his son was. He, Rusl, and Talon went looking for his daughter in Kakariko and Castle town, but there was no sign of her. Talon decided to search in Gerudo valley next, but he wanted the men to rest up, since it was going to be a taxing journey. It had only been a few hours, but Leon had lost his patience. He tried to help with some of the chores around the farm, but he had no idea what he was doing, and he eventually let Ammon and Rusl finish the job. Finally, he decided to march out of Lon Lon Ranch and wandered towards Kakariko village, being around people for so long was becoming unbearable, so he supposed some mindless adventure would be good for him. Unfortunately, one of the men did not let him go alone, and he found himself accompanied by Linebeck.
The journey back to the village was not quiet like Leon hoped it would be, instead it was full of Linebeck’s complaining and annoying attitude. Leon suggested that Linebeck turn back, but he was insistent on staying with Leon.
“Listen, the last thing we need is for you to get captured by the puppeteer because you decided to explore alone!” Linebeck argued.
“And what will you do if he does try to capture me?” Leon rebutted, giving Linebeck a look. “Will you protect me? Because I have a hunch that it will be the opposite.”
Linebeck rolled his eyes. “Ok but if I was able to run away then I would be able to tell the others that you got yourself captured!”
“You would just leave me behind?”
“Does it look like I’ll be able to fight him off?”
Leon groaned. “You should just head back then seeing how utterly useless you’ll be to me!”
“I won’t be useless! I’ll tell the others!” Linebeck looked around as they reached the village, the villagers watching them weirdly as they argued loudly. “Where are you going anyways?”
“I don’t know, I want to check out Death mountain, it looked interesting.”
Linebeck groaned as they continued wandering aimlessly, and Leon eyed a strange cave when they crawled up the mountain. He ignored Linebeck’s complaining and entered the mouth of the cave, observing the darkness within it.
“Don’t tell me you’re going in there,” Linebeck snuck up behind him with a nervous tone in his voice.
“What will you do if I go in there?”
“I— it’s just dark.”
“Great! So you can stay out here and leave me alone!” Leon shoved Linebeck away from the cave and turned back to it.
“But what if the puppeteer is in there waiting for you? What if you—you wake up a monster! And then it tries to kill us both? What if you—“
“Linebeck!” Leon took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. He couldn’t lose his temper now…. “Linebeck please, just leave me alone. I need… I need to be away from people right now, alright?”
Linebeck raised an eyebrow, but didn’t argue. Leon nodded and entered the cave, ignoring Linebeck’s gaze on the back of his neck. The cave wasn’t very deep, at the end, there was a pool of water with torches circling around it. Luckily, Leon had matches that could light up the torches, and he wondered if that would activate a puzzle or something similar. He began to light up the torches when he heard a noise coming from the mouth of the cave, and he gasped when it suddenly went dark. A slamming sound assaulted his ears, and a door closed off the entrance of the cave. Leon stared at the door, the light from one torch being the only thing for his vision. He was barely able to make out a silhouette of a person, and Leon squinted at the familiar shape.
“I am so sorry.”
Rage boiled up within Leon and stomped over to Linebeck, holding the match in his hand.
“What did you do?” Leon shouted, and he saw Linebeck’s guilty face light up from the match.
“I—I just— followed you in and I must’ve stepped on a trap and—“
“I told you not to follow me!” Leon yelled, up close to Linebeck’s face now.
“I got worried! I didn’t want to be out there alone a-and I couldn’t see you and— I’m sorry!”
Leon cursed and grabbed another match, lighting it up and shoving it into Linebeck’s hands. Linebeck yelped at the fire and looked at Leon confused.
“Make yourself useful and light up the damn torches!” Leon seethed, marching away.
Linebeck silently helped light up the torches, and Leon was surprised at how well lit up the place was. It wasn’t dark in the slightest, and it helped him see something at the bottom of the pool of water in the cave.
“Alright, all the torches are lit up, you happy now?” Linebeck leaned against the wall, fiddling with the match. Leon just glared at him before returning to watching the deep water. “Oh come on, you can’t be mad at me forever!”
“I can and I will.”
Linebeck snorted but he quickly turned away when Leon gave him another glare.
“What are you looking at anyways?” Linebeck asked, staring at the water.
“There’s something glowing down there,” Leon muttered. Linebeck stepped away for a moment, then returned, a lot closer to Leon than he liked.
“Is it a key? There’s a keyhole on the door that shut us in.”
Leon looked at him. “Is there really?”
“Yeah, and I know that it’s a keyhole, I’m not stupid.”
Leon rolled his eyes and stared at the object in the water. “You live on a boat, you think you could swim down there and grab it?”
“Oh! Uh…” Linebeck scratched the back of his head and looked away. “I’m not… a very good swimmer.”
Leon stared at him for a long moment. “You live on a boat.”
“Yeah on a boat! Not in the water!”
Leon was practically shaking with fury as he shot up and started to take off his armor, mumbling to himself on how useless Linebeck was. He undressed himself where only his trousers and undershirt were on, and Linebeck looked at him weird.
“You’re swimming in that?” He asked.
“What else would I be swimming in?”
“I can't imagine it’d be comfortable swimming in clothes. If you’d at least take the shirt off you wouldn’t have anything wet you’d need to get into when you come back up.”
Leon stared at him baffled. “Why are you wanting me to take off my clothes?”
“Well I—“ Linebeck stopped, then his eyes widened in realization. “I’m just— I’M JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU! Goddesses I— GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!” Linebeck smacked Leon and backed away from him, his face turning beet red. Leon would have laughed if he wasn’t still upset with him.
“Oh hush up and let me get that thing down there my own way.”
Linebeck crossed his arms and grumbled, pressing himself up against the wall of the cave and Leon jumped into the water. It was surprisingly warm as Leon swam towards the object, and it was very deep. The closer he got, the more obvious it was that it was a key.
Thank the goddesses, he thought to himself as he grabbed the key, ready to get out of the stuffy cave. He pushed himself off from the bottom of the pool and broke the surface with a gasp.
“Did you get it?” Linebeck asked, and Leon held up a key. “Thank the ocean king, now we can get outta here.”
“Yeah, and I can get away from you.”
“You know what, next time I’m just gonna leave you to die, how about that?”
Linebeck almost smirked at that, and he offered Leon his hand. But before the first knight was able to grab it, something strong wrapped around his ankle, and he yelped as he was pulled back into the water. Leon looked down and saw a blue tentacle squeezing around his ankle. He tried to smack it off, but it dragged him closer and closer to the small hole it was coming from. He flailed his arms around and slammed the key into the tentacle, nearly gasping in water when he felt it stab into his ankle. He swam against the wall of the pool, away from the creature when it let go, but it continued to writhe around at the bottom of the pool, forcing Leon to swim up the hard way. The creature almost latched onto him again, but something above the first knight grabbed him, and he was pulled out of the water. Leon gasped when he broke the surface and scrambled out of the water, getting as far away from the creature as possible. He heard gasping beside him and looked in surprise at Linebeck, who was wearing nothing but his wet trousers.
“L-Linebeck?” He sputtered, and the sailor looked over at him.
“If you dropped that key, I swear I’m going to kill you.”
A smile tugged at Leon’s lips and he laid his head back, waving the key at Linebeck. “I didn’t drop it, don’t worry.”
Linebeck let out a chuckle and sigh of relief. “Good. I hope that… thing… that grabbed you won’t follow us up here.”
Leon shook his head. “It won’t. It was in a small burrow of sorts, we should be safe.”
“Good,” Linebeck sat up and eyed the water. “Well, let’s get changed so we can get out of here then.” Leon watched as he turned around and grabbed his shirt. “Oh look! My shirt is dry! Should’ve listened to me Leon, now you’re going to be sitting in wet clothes for a while!”
Leon didn’t respond, instead he stared at Linebeck’s back. There was a scar on it, a scar that looked painful. It stretched up to his neck and along his spine, with jagged edges that almost wrapped around his torso. Leon frowned, not understanding what could’ve possibly have given him such a scar. He reached out without thinking, almost brushing his hand along the scar, but Linebeck grabbed his hand firmly.
“Don’t,” Linebeck glared at him from over his shoulder, and Leon pulled his hand back. He’d never seen Linebeck this serious. Leon sat up, looking away.
“I-I’m sorry,” he quickly said, and Linebeck only glared at him silently. “I’ve uh… I’ve never seen an injury like that before, and I suppose I’m surprised that it happened to you of all people and—“
Linebeck’s glare grew more cold, and Leon rubbed his head. Stop talking you buffoon, He thought to himself, but the curiosity was eating him up inside.
“W-what gave that to you?”
Linebeck turned away and threw his shirt over his head, covering the scar. “None of your business.”
Leon bit his lip, the tension in the cave becoming unbearable. The wet shirt was growing uncomfortable and Leon tore it off, squeezing the excess water out of it.
“Well, you were right about the shirt thing, I kind of wish I listened to you, hehe,” Leon said awkwardly, but Linebeck only stared at him silently. Though his eyes wandered to Leon’s torso, where a scar of his own was. Leon looked down at it and pointed at it. “I got that from my son.”
Linebeck’s eyes widened. “How’d he manage that?”
Leon smiled slightly and looked back down at the scar. It was a big one, with lines spewing out from the center. Though it made him cringe, he couldn’t help but feel pride for his sons whenever he saw it.
“Darkness attacked our castle, and the demon Vaati put… some spell on me. I was in a trance that I couldn’t escape from, a trance that told me that I needed to kill demons disguised as my son. When I was fighting them, they shot all their force at me. Luckily my armor protected me, so I didn’t die but,” Leon gestured to the large scar on his abdomen, “it hurt like hell. Snapped me out of the trance.”
Linebeck listened intently, a look of understanding on his face.
“My son apologized profusely for it, anytime he saw the scar he would feel guilt for what he did to me. But honestly, I’d rather die than hurt him. I’m glad they gave me this scar.”
Leon relaxed his post and leaned on his arms, feeling sight embarrassment for rambling about such a touchy subject for him. He still shuddered at the thought of him killing his sons, killing the last hope of Hyrule. He looked over at Linebeck bashfully who looked shocked himself. He rubbed his neck which also seemed to have scars across it, along with his arms.
“You almost killed your kid,” he said softly, so softly that Leon almost didn’t hear him. Leon panicked for a moment, wondering if Linebeck thought that he was a terrible person, but the sailor sighed, relaxing his pose as well. “I know the feeling.”
Leon raised his eyebrows and stared at Linebeck in shock, he was about to press the matter further, but Linebeck grabbed the key from Leon, walking towards the locked door.
“Let’s get out of here, shall we?”
Leon nodded and got up, gathering his clothes and armor the best he could. Linebeck unlocked the door and the setting sun shone into the cave.
“It’s getting dark, the others will be worried about us,” Linebeck stated, and Leon sighed.
“Well, we’ll head out first thing tomorrow. I don’t think it’d be wise to travel the field at night.”
Linebeck groaned. “I guess. But the others are gonna kill us.”
Leon snorted. “Yeah, but at least I won’t be alone when they tear us a new one.
Linebeck smirked as he left the cave, walking towards Kakariko village. “Glad I can be your emotional support buddy when being ripped apart by the others.”
The two men laughed as they entered the village, and they headed to an inn, ready to get rest from whatever happened in the cave.
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