#Rouxls looks nice with it on!
luminumi · 2 years
I want that top, too
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lobotomize-d · 4 months
Love is stored in the worm 🪱
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do people see it too or am i alone with this hc
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
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tastes like the tv static in my head
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mar64ds · 1 year
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OKAY let me talk about Lancer for one second
Lancer is a character that means a lot to me, he’s a sweet and hilarious kid but he’s a lot more than that, and even if he’s a young kid there is a lot to talk about him. Lancer is a kid that has barely ever had any sort of support, sure he’s the prince and his dad orders his army to take care of him, but it’s very clear to Lancer that nobody actually really likes him, this is not something he’s not aware of, he knows. When Susie is nice to him he’s surprised and confused because he’s not used to anyone genuinely enjoying his company
Even though King Spade’s army is ordered to look after him it doesn’t mean Lancer is being properly taken care of. He didn’t eat anything for breakfast, nobody is really checking on him to make sure he’s okay and overall he was ordered by his father to get rid of the lightners, him, a little kid. I do believe Rouxls Kaard is the closest thing Lancer had to someone that genuinely cared for him before Susie and the others showed up but he didn’t fully filled the role of a parent yet, but he did more than everyone else and that i appreciate, still Lancer still seems like a kid that needs more support and he shows a lot of signs of being neglected or mistreated by others
But let’s talk about King Spade now and... god it’s a lot. Lancer knows Susie could hurt his dad and instead of talking about it he immediately orders his dad’s army to imprison her and Kris and Ralsei to ‘protect them’. Lancer gets really really quiet and nervous when they talk about his dad, Lancer’s impulse reaction is to not talk things out and protect his friends in a very drastic way. Lancer knows Susie could hurt his dad and his dad could hurt Susie and the others, he’s left in the middle of it all and he feels like it’s ALL his responsibility. Susie keeps attacking and he doesn’t move, he STILL tries to prevent her from going near his dad and for the both of them to get hurt, and he doesn’t try to explain things anymore, Susie keeps attacking and he keeps getting more and more hurt and he doesn’t say anything. Eventually Susie stops and they talk things out, and Lancer makes it so obvious that he walks on eggshells with his dad, he knows what can make him mad, if he knew he could talk things out with his dad he would have tried already, instead he got really scared and took a very drastic choice in order to protect his friends, even if that meant he would get hurt in the process, even if that meant he could never see his friends again, even if it meant he could never talk to the one person that has brought him more happiness than anyone else. I don’t think I need to explain this, but  all of this, this is a huge sign of abuse, this is a huge sign of someone living in a toxic family environment. The kid should not walk on eggshells, the kid should not hide secrets from his parents because they know ‘they would get mad if they found out’, the kid should not be scared to talk things out with a parent, the kid should not be more mature than the parent. Susie promising him that she would not hurt his dad and that together they can do anything are the only reason why Lancer tried to talk to his father, not because he trusts him, but because he trust Susie and their friendship
The way that King Spade talks to Lancer is very clear emotional manipulation. Trying to frame the people that actually like you for who you are and make you feel happy and good about yourself as something bad, demonize them and tell you whatever good emotion you’re feeling is wrong and they have ‘poisoned you’ and you should listen to your parent, they know better. The second Lancer confronts him he immediately loses his composure, yells and threatens him. I really really don’t think the fountain is the only thing to blame here, Lancer seems really aware of this behavior, this doesn’t seem like an unique situation that only happened once
We see in chapter 2 that King Spade is not COMPLETELY evil and he does care about Lancer but this does not excuse anything, if anything it just makes it more realistic, abusers are not completely evil, you do have good moments with them and in many occasions they can love you and care about you but all of this doesn’t make all the times they have hurt you go away. I think the fact that Lancer doesn’t miss his dad and is happy to not spend time with him anymore and instead sees Queen, Rouxls and Susie and the rest as his family is good enough proof that he doesn’t need his dad to be happy
Susie and Lancer both seem like kids that live in toxic households, their friendship makes a lot of sense for many reasons but it’s very clear to me that a big reason why they can relate so much to one another is because of this. They mean a lot to me
Anyway that’s all, I care about Lancer a lot we have to talk more about him
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dukeoftears · 7 months
IVE NEVER CONSIDERED PAPYKAARD BEFORE THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE... actually now im curious what are some of your thoughts on rouxls ships/what his relationship experience is like
OhohoHOHO you have come to the right place!! I love rouxls ships here I will list every one I like and why I like it :3
Kingkaard: This can be two things, either King is a doofus dumbass who is annoyed at himself for falling in love with his servant while Rouxls is a self righteous dumbass and it's goofy shenanigans, or... you have the darker, more toxic variant that isn't cute or romantic (and SHOULD NOT BE ROMANTICISED PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK). I like both a lot, I usually go with the second because it gives my Rouxls a nice backstory (and also gives me an excuse to project my own past traumas) (I mainly do it to project) but with the sheer number of proshitters who romanticise it... :/ goddamn I hate when people romanticise ab*se. There is nothing cute about it. I remember I found a Kingkaard fic with that dynamic that represented what I went though so well that I had to take a break from my phone for a while. And the comments? Full of proshitters who found it "deliciously painful and want king to break him blah blah" :/ goddamn that made me take a second break
Getting off my high horse now, this post isn't where I rant abt proshippers or traumadump
Queenkaard: I LOVE THIS ONE SOO MUCH HEHE it's technically m/f in canon but I like hcing Queen as a genderfuck sapphillean and Rouxls as gay so it's achillean in my thoughts anyways X) Queen would take every opportunity to fluster Rouxls and would be genuinely touched with the gifts he gives her as a sign of his affection
oh yeah side note: Rouxls' love languages would definitely be gift giving and verbal affection :3
METTAKAARD: Two trans gay men who KNOW they're beautiful in love??????? I cannot explain how much I ADORE Mettakaard it is my FAVORITE SHIP OF ALL TIME... on one hand they are both so goddamn flirtatious with each other but then on the other you have them comforting each other as they show their flaws to nobody but each other.... oughfhfhf <3
Papykaard: TWO GOOFY PUZZLE BOYOS WHO COOK TOGETHER I feel like this is great in both the qpr and the romantic way, Papyrus would definitely decide to tutor Rouxls with puzzles and from there, Pap falls first but Rouxls falls harder <3 Papyrus would listen to Rouxls rant for ages and the same vice versa and they would cook together, and Rouxls feels so safe around Papyrus because Papyrus doesn't care about rank, or status, or how clumsy and dumb he is, Papyrus loves him for who he is and he doesn't have to pretend to be something he isn't anymore... Honorary mention to Swap Papykaard where you have swap papyrus and rouxls, I started this in a rp with my friend who writes swap papyrus and we actually found it has a really cute dynamic <3 Rouxls would definitely look after Paps when he doesn't feel the will to get out of bed, and swap pap would always listen to his infodumps and it's just CUTE
PAPYMETTAKAARD I love polycules and here you have PAPYKAARD AND METTAKAARD AND PAPYTON AT THE SAME TIME?!?!!! Sign me up!!
Swatchkaard: "I hate you" "I loveth thee too <3"
Those are the main rouxls ships I like, but a few honorary mentions: Seamkaard can be cute with the right dynamic, I like them as qprs especially :) Jevkaard / Nosuit can be silly and fun too, I don't actively ship it but I do enjoy the ship
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ilyrouxls · 6 months
Amusement Parks Have Rouxls Too
Rouxls Kaard x Reader
(Fluff, Gender-Neutral Reader, Not Canon AU idk, Y/n used)
Your sibling Kris forces you to join them with their friends and Rouxls to go to the Amusement Park. Chaos, failed flirting attempts, jealousy, and disaster oh my!
You awake early on this Saturday morning to grey clouds covering the city, and cold air nipping at the people outside. A morning like this called for a warm beverage and a pile of blankets. Settling for hot cocoa, you feel excited thinking about everything you won’t have to do today. You stir the packet of Cocoa mix into a warm glass of water. No college, no chores, no work, and no terrible coworkers. It’s only 10am, so you still have a lot of time to waste indulging in doing nothing. It’s perfect for the first day of Winter Break. Of course, until Kris had decided to text you.
“Y/n. come to the amusement park with us.’ So unspecific, per usual of your texts with Kris. They seemed to have a knack for never telling you the full details while at the same time also leaving you on read. Sipping on the steaming cocoa, you write back a response; ‘1. Lol. why? 2. Who is going? 3. Why??’ Kris is always a handful for you, but you love them to death. When you had decided to move out, you chose to not move far so that you could still see them easily. You're glad that you had chosen to do that considering after you moved out, Asriel soon did as well. Asriel is sadly much farther away than you, so Kris began taking the bus to see you. You appreciate it a lot more than you’d ever admit. You both weren’t really close when you were younger, so it’s nice that you’re closer nowadays.
‘Ralsei, Susie, Noelle, Berdly, Lancer, me. The usual. Rouxls is gonna be there too. Meet us at 11.’ You sigh, Kris didn’t even give you an option to not go. And now if you don’t show up you’ll look like an asshole. Damn it, they’ve got you cornered.
On the flip side, Rouxls will be there. Your feelings for him are… complicated. He’s annoying, obnoxious, and quite frankly outright irritating. But these traits are why you’re madly in love with him. If you look past the three previously named traits, he’s genuinely sweet and caring. Especially towards his adopted son Lancer, aka his lesser son. You don’t really know the story between them because you've never asked; it seemed too personal when you first met him and now it seems like it’s too late in the friendship to ask. Rouxls certainly is an interesting character, you can’t tell if he likes you or not. He always calls you a puny small worme or a peon, or other names along those lines.
You drink the last of your cocoa, wash the mug, and think of the pros and cons of going. Cons; Being in a crowded Amusement park, scary rollercoaster rides, tons of people, and annoying kids. Pros; The Fun Gang, hanging around Kris, an opportunity to romance Rouxls…….
‘I’ll get ready, see ya soon.’
Your face feels hot, this could actually work out if you play your kaards right. The amusement park is the perfect place for you two to get closer. It almost makes you giddy thinking about it. Correction, it actually does make you giddy. You smile as you go to shower and tidy yourself up.
Showering is easy but picking out an outfit is hard. You want to impress Rouxls by looking your best, but not too overdressed. You want to be comfy, but not under dressed... It’s an overly complicated process, but eventually you pick something to your liking. You pack a bag with a thin blanket, so you all can sit in the grass at lunch of course, and your wallet. Soon enough, you drive over to the amusement park, planning your ‘devious’ plan.
The local amusement park isn’t far from the city you live in, but it’s a little farther to get to from where Kris. Your parents, Toriel and Asgore of course, used to take the family during the Winter and Spring a lot. Asriel always wanted to play the games to earn prizes but Kris wanted to ride all the rides. So you guys always did both. Kris won all the prizes, but got forced to share against their will. Asriel would get sick from Roller Coasters, but still went on them so as to not ruin the fun. You never weren’t much into games at the time and were too scared to go on the rides. What you enjoyed the most was the atmosphere; sitting in the grass, enjoying your family's presence, and watching the sunset at night. But besides that, you liked cheering both of your siblings on! The good old days of youth. One thing that’s definitely changed is that you would totally play the games now.
Soon enough you arrive at the amusement park and you already feel your anxiety kick in. There’s a lot of people, scary rides, and Rouxls Kaard here. That’s a lot of things that are scary. ‘Where r u? I'm here’ You send Kris the text, and try to gain the balls to go out. You take a deep breath and get out with your bag and head toward the entrance. You feel a buzz in your pocket and pull out your phone to read what Kris said while you stand in line. ‘Already got entrance tickets, trying to buy tickets for rides and games atm.’ You smile, it’s been a bit since you’ve seen Kris. They honestly brighten your day when you see them.
Going up to the entrance to buy tickets, you see a skeleton snoring at the ticket booth. “Uhm… excuse me..” You say, hoping to get their attention. The skeleton stirs and looks up to you, but keeps their head in their arms. “Oh, hey-o. Wanna ticket or somethin’?” His voice was monotone yet he kept a tight grin on his face, a bit friendly but a bit unnerving at the same. You hope he’s actually an employee, but his attire wasn't exactly a uniform.
Blindly trusting the suspicious guy, you nod your head. You were similar to Kris, not one for conversation but more in a socially awkward way. You pull out your money and put it on the counter. You focus your gaze into the park while the worker, if he even is a worker at all, gets your ticket. There's a chance you just gave your money to a scammer. You look past the gates and there in the distance you can see the Fun Squad!
… Oh no.
The scene before you plays out like this; Kris and Susie are shaking the ticket machine, Ralsei is frantically trying to stop them, Berdly is standing a couple feet away trying to act like he doesn’t know them, Noelle is at a different ticket machine, Lancer is hanging onto the machine gleefully, and Rouxls defeatedly sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. Oh boy, today is gonna be a long day. “Know 'em?” The worker at the ticket booth asks you. You make a face, knowing the fate in store for you when you walk in, "Yeah." He hands you your ticket and you thank him before going in.
“Guys don’t go breaking the ticket machine please... We just got here, we can't get kicked out yet!” You say, walking up to the group. “Ah! Finally, the assistance has arivedetheth.” Rouxls stands up and exclaims exasperatedly; it seems like he already tried to stop Kris and Susie. Kris and Susie stop shaking the machine and Kris runs up to you, giving you the biggest hug. Smiling, you hug back and ask, “So, what’s the issue with the ticket machine?”
Susie rolls her eyes and walks over to you. “We thought if we shook it hard enough the tickets would come flying out and we would save our money.” You can’t help but laugh a little because that makes sense now. "Don't worry, I got enough tickets for everyone while you guys were... doing what you did." Susie says, tickets in hand. Seems like she was the only one with a brain. She hands out tickets to everyone, what a saint she is. As the Fun Gang begins to move towards the rides they desire, you fall a little back to walk with Rouxls. For no particular reason of course. “So, what made you want to tag along Rouxls?” You imagine the reason was probably that he wanted to watch Lancer, but you still ask regardless just so you have something to talk about. “Well, I wasn’t planning on attending, but I heardeth thou were going to be here and decidetheth to join along to so thou shall not be watching these little worms alone.” You don’t know whether to feel flattered that he cares for your well-being or offended for calling them worms. It makes you wonder whether Kris asked Rouxls to come by pretending you were already going, and vice-versa for yourself. What a trickster they are, if it was purposeful. “Aw, that’s sweet of you to tag along for me. Thank you, I appreciate it. The kids aren’t worms though.” You giggle, looking at your feet instead of him. He chuckles in response and you both walk in silence.
Soon enough the kids found the first roller coaster they wanted to ride on. The start of your master plan began to set in motion, or so you were hoping. You wanted to pull a few super smooth moves on Rouxls, but you were, conveniently, inconvenienced every time you tried. The first inconvenience was when you tried to ask Rouxls to get on the rollercoaster in the same cart as you. But he declined, saying something along the lines of rollercoasters was for worms and that he would never. The look on his face gave it away though, he was scared of them. So you were you so it was kind of a good thing. Instead you decided to join him watching the kids ride their rollercoaster. You were excited to get alone time with Rouxls until your second inconvenience happened. Ralsei wasn't able to handle the roller coaster and the poor little guy got sick, so he sat with you both for the rest of the rides. It reminded you of when Asriel got sick from roller coasters all the time when you were kids. You did feel bad for Ralsei, but you were also secretly cursing him for accidentally ruining your alone time.
After the last ride ends and everyone gets off the ride, you ask, “Okay everyone, are we getting hungry?” You get a collection of answers such as, “Hell yeah!” and, “Yes please.” Pretty obvious who those two answers came from. Kris takes the lead and shows everyone the way to the food and snack portion of the park. The stands around you smell delicious and the food looks great, but you can only think of one thing. Cotton candy. It’s been years since you’ve had authentic amusement park cotton candy, and it was the only food on your mind.
Seeing the stand in the distance, you start to veer away from the group with it being the only thing on your mind. “Huh? Y/n, where are you going?” Noelle's voice calls out from behind you, and you point at the booth. Heading over to it, you notice the man running the stand is the previous man from the entrance ticket booth.
“I thought you worked at the ticket booth?” You ask him when you get to the front of the line. The guy looks up and his grin seemingly gets wider. “Ha, I s’pose I multitask. It’s a skele-ton of work though.” He winks, and you can’t help but laugh a little at the pun but also cringe at it. “Oh I bet, sounds like you get worked down to the bone.” He snorts at equally cringey pun while you hand him the money, and he starts making your cotton candy. “Didn't read you as the type to like puns.” You look at him a bit confused. “Are you a professional at knowing whether someone likes puns or not?” He chuckles, "Perhaps." You roll your eyes and laugh. He hands you your cotton candy and you turn to walk back to the group.
After you turn around, you notice all the kids are playing tag on an empty grass hill nearby. Rouxls is standing nearby but instead of watching them, he's watching you. When your gaze meets his, he turns and watches the kids. You could imagine it but it seemed weird that he was watching you, his face looks a bit angry too. Was he mad that... you got cotton candy? Maybe he wanted some too. Putting that aside, you walk back to the group. The kids are all playing a seemingly intense game of tag, but it looks like they got themselves some snacks and put it in a pile nearby. You walk toward Rouxls and say, “Sorry about that, it took a little bit. I’ve got a blanket for us all to sit on.” He doesn't say anything, but you set your bag down and grab the blanket you packed and lay it on the ground. Rouxls sits on one end while you sit on the other, eating a bit of your cotton candy. Awkward silence ensues.
“So, did thou know the man at that stand? Thee both seemedeth.. uhm.. quiteth friendly.” The question broke the silence but didn't make any sense. “Oh, no not really. He was also the guy running the ticket stand. Kinda weird to be running both areas right? He was also making some cheesy puns.” Rouxls makes a hm sound in reply, leaving you with more questions than answers. Rouxls' weird attitude made it seemed like he could be jealous of the way you acted with the ticker stand slash food stand worker. But that's too cliche to be true, right?
You want to break the tension but you’re not sure how to with the way he's shut your previous conversation down. Staring at the yummy sugary treat you hold in your hand, an idea sparks to life in that brain of yours. Slowly, and hopefully not noticeably, you scoot your way closer to Rouxls. In a matter of seconds you’re so close that the both of you are almost touching arms. He doesn’t seem to notice thankfully, he’s staring at the kids but it seems like he’s actually spacing out. “Have you ever had cotton candy before, Rouxls?” You ask, finally breaking the silence. He jumps at your voice and turns to you in a surprised manner. He was definitely spacing out based on the slightly shocked expression he holds. “A-Ah, I didn’t realize you- thou got so.. close. No, I hath never had whatever thou speak of. He almost broke his façade but he picked it back up quickly... you always knew he probably exaggerated or faked his way of speaking. You smile and push the cotton candy close to his face and say, “It’s called ‘cotton candy’, and you should try some! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, basically it’s sugar that gets heated up into liquid and then spun into this like uh, soft cloud threads? I’m not sure how to describe it but you should try it.”
His cheeks flush a dark blue in a way that makes it seem like he could be blushing, but you’re not sure. “Are you sure? Isn’t it yours?” You nod your head, and he hesitates for a second but then he takes a surprisingly good sized bite out of the cotton candy and his eyes light up in delight. “Mm, tch-at is pretty, mm, good.” He mumbles, mouth full of cotton candy. You can’t help but giggle at his cute behavior. He glares at you, but it seems playful enough that you don’t mind. You pull the cotton candy back to you and take a bite, then bring it back to him to eat. From an outside perspective it probably seems like you two are a couple. You don’t mind at all, you hope he doesn’t mind either.
The kids finally tire out and join you both on the blanket to eat their lunch. You all share some laughs, and before long lunch passes by and the real fun begins. Susie suggests you go to the arcade, and of course you all agree. When you get there, Berdly loudly exclaims, "We should do a competition to see who is the best overall gamer! I know you all know I am undoubtedly the best, but I'm sure you're all eager to try to beat me." Ignoring his gloating for a second, that actually sounds pretty fun. "Sure, can I go against you first?" You ask him, you can't wait to kick this kid's ass. Berdly smirks and picks out some random shooter game. The others begin to pick out their competition and go to other games. While you get ready to start your epic match against Berdly, Rouxls walks over to you. "I am admittedethly not good with video games, so I wisheth thee luck on winning. I have no doubth that thou shall win." Even though you were sure he was just being nice, your heart can't help but flutter that he went out of his way to wish you luck. You played against Berdly a few times, and let's just say you won by a long shot. Even though Rouxls said he wasn't good at video games, you managed to get him to play a couple of games with you. He did pretty well for his first time, only struggling every once in a while. Then Kris joined in and basically annihilated everyone. They always did have a knack for games, always winning while barely putting in effort to it. These events have led up to now, where you’re all surrounding Kris and Susie, the last competitor against Kris. They’re playing Dance Dance Revolution and both of them are trying their hardest to win. Who knew Susie was this good at dancing, she was really holding out against Kris. Everyone was cheering for who they thought was going to win. You could hear Noelle cheering for Susie the loudest though, how cute.
The song was just about to end with Susie winning when suddenly she missed a note. The game flashed with a finish sign and showed their scores. Kris won by barely a smidge of points. “GODDAMN IT KRIS, I WAS ABOUT TO WIN!” Susie exclaims and in a fit of rage punched the screen, smashing it. Everyone stands in shock and you hear someone shout, “Hey! What do you think you're doing!” Looking to where you heard the shout, you see a guy who looks to be the manager and a couple security guards running towards you all quickly. In a rush of panic you yell, “RUN AND HIDE!!”
You all run out of the arcade, scrambling in different directions to hide on various attractions. You pause in the middle of a crowd outside the arcade unsure where to go, when a hand grabs yours and drags you along with them. Startled, you look and see Rouxls is the one who grabbed you. You both run towards the nearest ride to hide, the Ferris wheel. The worker, obviously clueless to the previous arcade incident, lets you into the box and starts the ride up. You take a seat to catch your breath.
Rouxls sits next to you, in the same state as you. “That was quiteth… hah.. an exciting and scary predicamenteth.” You nod your head feverishly in agreement. Pulling out your phone, you send a quick text to Kris informing them that Rouxls and you escaped to the Ferris wheel and that everyone should meet up in 10-15 minutes at the front. You know it's a bit annoying that you all have to hide out for that long, but it's better safe than sorry in case the guards go to the gate now. They don't text back yet, and you hope they're okay along with everyone else.
Suddenly, realization hits you in the face. Rouxls and you are alone. In a Ferris wheel. By yourselves. Alone. Did you mention alone? Your face warms up and your body starts to feel uncomfortably sweaty. Even though you were trying to woo him from the start and this is the perfect place. But now that it's happening with no interruptions this time, it's making your body feel like it wants to collapse and yet always throw yourself out of the window. You feel too scared to make a move so instead you decide to look out the window. You didn’t realize how long you all were playing arcade games until you looked, the sun is already setting behind the clouds. It was beautiful, it had already passed the orangey stage and was now in the darker stages. Dark purples, pinks, and light blues painted the sky. Some stars even started showing up.
“Rouxls! Look at the sunset, it’s beautiful right now.” You lean back into your seat to allow Rouxls to see the sunset from your window. Instead of looking from where he was sitting next to you, he scoots closer and leans over you to see the sunset. He stretches out his arm putting his hand on your thigh and his other hand on your shoulder to steady himself. His face lights up looking at the sky, and he smiles peacefully. You blush and oh my god do you want to kiss him right there and then, but you don’t want to interrupt the moment. He looks absolutely stunning in the lighting, the sun dimly reflecting against him, enhancing his features perfectly and making his hair look angelic. You try not to stare but you can’t help it.
Rouxls turns his head away from the sunset and instead looks at you. Your eyes meet and slowly Rouxls leans closer to you. He’s so close you can feel his shaky breaths against your face. To say you were freaking out in your head was an understatement, your thoughts were running a million miles a minute. You’ve been wanting to kiss him for months now, and it felt like it was about to happen. You want to make the move, but you feel frozen staring into his eyes. Rouxls makes the first move, and finally seals the gap and kisses you. It takes a moment, but you reciprocate the kiss and put your arms around his neck while he moves his hand from your shoulder up to hold your face. His lips feel soft and taste sweet, the flavor of cotton candy still lingering on his lips even after all this time. You both pull apart and you feel a little winded. “I apl- aplogizeth for not asking to kiss thou.. I couldn’th help myself.” Rouxls trips up a little on his words, but you understood what he said. “It’s okay, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for months- I mean it’s okay yeah don’t worry. Don't think about what I just said.” You accidentally overshare that little tidbit of info and try to laugh it off nervously. Rouxls smiles and kisses your cheek, which reassures you that he didn’t mind.
A minute or two passes, and Ferris wheel finally brings you both to the bottom to get off. Rouxls stands up and holds out his hand gentlemanly for you. You take his hand and hold it tightly, and he leads you off the Ferris wheel. With your free hand, you take out your phone and see Kris has texted a few times updating the situation.
‘Okay, I got stuck in a ball pit. A security guard is near me.’ (8:21pm) ‘The security guard just walked past me.’ (8:28pm) ‘THE SECURITY GUARD ALMOST SAW ME’ (8:34pm) ‘IM RUNING RNW OMG HE IS RUNIGB AFTER ME I WILL HAVE TO’ (8:35pm) ‘Sorry for the typos and not finishing my sentence. I’m safe now, we’re all here at the entrance except Rouxls and you.’ (8:39pm) ‘We’re leaving without you two with mom. If I see that you're both in the news for getting arrested, we aren’t gonna bail you out lol. And I'll print out your mugshot and hang it up in the house.’ (8:45pm).
You can’t help but laugh at the series of texts Kris sent. You update them that you’re okay and that Rouxls and you got stuck on the Ferris wheel. You shiver, now that the adrenaline is gone you realize how cold the night has gotten. Rouxls looks at you at you concerned and you say, "Sorry, don't worry. I'm just a little cold." He smiles and replies, "Ah, I see. It does seemeth to have gotten quite cold from when we hadth first arrivedeth. If you are cold dear, then taketh my coat." Rouxls lets go of your hand and takes off his coat, handing it to you. Although flustered, you take it gratefully and put it on. The coat is warm since he had been just wearing it, and is stops you're shivers in a matter of seconds, the jacket was a bit big on you but you didn’t care. You grab his hand again, already missing the feeling of it. “Thank you for the jacket, you’re never getting it back ever again. The kids left with my mom, so it’s just you and me. We better get to the parking lot quickly before security recognizes us.” You tell him and the both of you speed walk and get to the parking lot quickly. As you approach your car Rouxls suddenly stops. “Are you okay? What’s up?” You ask concerned, still holding his hand. “Uhm.. I just realizedth that thy mother took me here with Lancer, it was convenienth at the time to not take two cars...”
“Luckily Lancer is with them. I think they’re all going to have a sleepover, I heard them mention it earlier at lunch.” You say and Rouxls sighs in relief that Lancer will be okay. While wondering how Rouxls will get home, a thought crosses your mind. You tug on his hand to get his attention, “Hey, wanna have a sleepover of our own? You can stay at my apartment for the night and then in the morning I can take you to pick up Lancer and take you both home.” Your face heats up, while your offer is meant to be innocent, your thoughts can’t help but imagine some not so innocent scenarios.
Rouxls looks surprised by your offer and you hope you didn’t over step. “I mean of- of course you don't have to, I can just take you home instead and then you can do your own things. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable-“ Rouxls cuts off your rambling by squeezing your hand reassuringly. You stop and look at him, and he leans down to kiss your cheek. “Don’t fret dear, I would love to stayeth over at thy home.” You smile, happy that he wasn’t offended and happy that he actually accepted your offer. You turn toward your car and you pull him close, walking hand in hand together.
“Alright then, let’s go!”
(Orginally posted on AO3 9-12-22, 4551 words)
(Based off of a dream I had January 2022. In the dream I had, instead of sharing cotton candy it was a bowl of white rice and I was feeding it to Rouxls. Just plain white rice. Not on a grassy hill, no no no we were just below the Ferris wheel on the concrete for no reason. Then Kris, Susie, and Ralsei come over and get all mad that we were sitting and eating because we were supposed to be in the arcade playing games. So yeah that dream inspired this lol)
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stunfiskz · 26 days
Please tell me about the deltarune pokemon au. I wanna know about the teams
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apologies this took me a bit to put together, i have had a Night LOL
this started as just a thing i like to do for a lot of fandoms where i make a handful of pokemon teams for characters, but it’s kind of expanded into its own concept in my head now X) i’ve been watching a lot of pchal’s videos lately and so my image for a full project with this au would likely be a romhack but i doubt it’ll ever actually get made lmao 
basically, you play as kris still in it. they’re beginning their journey as a pokemon trainer a couple years after their brother asriel left on his own. almost all of their party will depend on what the player catches, but they have a starter honedge (can fully evolve it) that you cannot remove from the party. honedge is a fun choice to me because it doubles as both the knife they have in the light world and their weapon being a sword in the dark world.
susie, ralsei, noelle, and berdly are rivals. the latter two are more of the professors assistant (professor is alphys probably) type rivals, though- berdly in particular would focus on filling up his pokédex and would brag about all the pokemon he’s caught. susie is your traditional asshole rival and ralsei your friendly one. the idea i have for noelle is that she is like… a walking glitch cause, lmao. i always loved watching pokemon glitch compilations when i was little and think its a really fun idea for her. it could start with small things- like, a scene in the school where the curtains turn black when she enters and go back to normal when she leaves, up until she starts getting some REALLY weird shit like the bad egg in her party. unsure what exactly the climax would be for that but i think it’ll be really fun to mess with haha
i think that each chapters main boss would be leaders of their own evil team. i could see it like… king leader of team spade and queen leader of team cyber, maybe? rouxls could be a team spade admin (and maybe lancer i initially didn’t think of that but the idea of there being a like 8 year old as an evil team admin makes me lose it) and swatch & tasque manager as team cyber admins.  unfortunately being rouxls brained means i’ve thought quite a bit for him in this au lmao, i think it’d be funny if he was a former member of basically every evil team imaginable but just kept getting kicked out for being incompetent 😭
as for the teams, i currently have
kris with their starter honedge
susie with a final team of hydreigon, hydrapple, druddigon, tyrantrum, scrafty, and toxtricity. all funny lizards, lol. in particular, hydreigon was chosen for a few reasons- one, i’m biased because the deino line is one of my favorites, but also because the progression of deino and zweilous having their eyes covered, the whole ravenously hungry thing, and all that fit susie very well imo. hydrapple was also chosen specifically because of the whole apple thing she has with kris.
ralsei has an umbreon, absol, altaria, cacturne, comfey, and zoroark. i initially wanted to give him a mono dark team but felt altaria and comfey fit him better than my previous picks. umbreon is a cute dark type with a fluffy prevo, absol is a fluffy dark type and i feel that its whole omen of disaster thing fits nicely with ralsei delivering the prophecy, altaria is fluffy + the whole soothing song thing fits well with ralsei’s pacify spell, cacturne looks like his hat lol, comfey is a healer and has the flowers thing like that one fuckass fangamer shirt i think about constantly, and zoroark is fluffy and ralsei himself has his whole mimicry thing going on.
noelle has an alolan ninetales, sawsbuck winter form, venusaur, azumarill, kabutops, and mew. alolan ninetales was chosen because she needs at least one ice type lmao, sawsbuck because Winter Deer, venusaur because a lot of glitch Pokémon will default to using bulbasaur’s sprite due to it being first in the dex, azumarill both because of the transgender marill glitch and the pikablu rumors pre gsc, and kabutops because one of the sprites that missingno can use in gen 1 is a fossil resembling it, and mew because Mew Under The Truck. i really want her team to be mostly themed around glitch/playground runor stuff but i'm a bit worried that these picks aren’t that recognizable/don’t make as much sense for her because of that 😅
rouxls has a leavanny, vivillon (polar), frosmoth, larvesta, dunsparce, and orthworm. leavanny has the Sewing/Caretaker thing as well as being an early bug evo, vivillon polar form in particular looks like him and is an early bug (easy to get), frosmoth is shiny and is a friendship evo meaning it doesn’t take much effort to evolve, larvesta is little worm, dunsparce is worm adjacent and has the whole “useless silly thing” going on as well, and orthworm is big silly worm. i tried to only chose evolutions that wouldn’t require a lot of effort, which is why larvesta and dunsparce are both unevolved. additionally, i didn’t actually realize this til i was sharing the team with gummy and it pointed it out, but he has a couple friendship evos, which is just always fun when evil team members have those lol.
lancer has a gastly, spheal, voltorb, gible, galarian darumaka, and munchlax. silly and round….
the rest i don’t have full teams for yet, but have some sort of idea for
i want king to have a mono dark team, particularly of more imposing pokemon. i currently have him down with a pangoro, obstagoon, and tyranitar. i really want to give him a guzzlord but im unsure how to be able to justify him having an ultra beast in universe haha. maybe the fountains could be like ultra wormholes and each main boss could have one?
queen has an electivire because. wires lol. and also a tsareena because queen pokemon + kick attack + i like it a lot that’s always been one of my favs lol
swatch has a smeargle, staraptor, porygon 2, indeedee, and spritzee (thank you jay for helping me with the last one lol). i still feel like im struggling a bit to find a real direction for their team though :p
i think it would be funny if tasque manager had a team full of luxray but im unsure how much im willing to commit to it lol
in theory i want berdly to be a bird trainer, but he could also fit well with other pokemon like alakazam for his smart boy gimmick. unsure what direction to go for him as well
ah, also! i think it would be very funny if jevil, spamton, and any other secret bosses had their own weird mechanics for fights, but im unsure exactly what. my first thought was jevil’s fight locking you into hardcore nuzlocke rules and spamton trying to steal your pokemon throughout the fight but the first feels a bit too morbid and the second im unsure how that would actually work so XD will probably go for something different there lol. also reminds me, i think it would be fun for the shopkeepers to still be shopkeepers, and each sell different items like tms or held items used for competitive play! 
thank you for enabling me to ramble abt this lol
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mrchaosman · 25 days
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Arachae: Hello, and welcome to Doc-U-munch: Flying cabin, what do you need?.
Arachae: See what you helpful.
(When you buyed).
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Ohh, thanks, I'll find an use for this one.
(If your inventory is filed).
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Arachae: Sorry but your have a space limit.
(If you didn't have enough money).
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Arachae: Like I'm gonna sale it for free.
No Way.
Arachae: Well, I guess I'm open for a little chat.
(About Yourself).
Arachae: my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself, young ones.
My name is Arachae, Creepa's head butler.
When we are in our space time, we use this room as a humble and niceful little cabin.
If you want anything, just say it, you are KingsnQueens here.
(The castle's status).
Arachae: Well, everything is kicking.
U lead a strong guys to sculpturing an entire mountain for our King Creepa.
Write poems, novels and stories of his greatness.
Which is actually turned out to be a "Creeper".
To destroy millions of his cubed-made statues in a "championship" for absolutely no reason.
To bring hundreds of Box is filled with more cube-made statuies whose also been smashed.
The answer is.....
Pretty hella great.
Arachae: Katlyss?, I don't think I have heard anyone with that name...
Oh, wait, you don't mean that weird....
Ohhh, a SPECIFIC Lady went here and demanded to be the "Head of Butlerish"
I'm sorry but that person is....not here anymore.
And got beaten up by the henchmen as a result of....... throwing alot of moths around.
Please, Don't you ever mention her again.
We still cleaning up the mess she did.
(Katlyss after defeating her).
Arachae: You really beats her.
Thanks a lot.
After she stole for her "Last Attackish".
The Rox Cleaners and Rox himself told me that he saw her running in the hallway.
And she say: Yo All reallyish must be Kingish Creepa, rightish?.
May be your head Butlerish?.
Well, enough about her.
Do you want some baked cookies.
(Your look).
Arachae: Oh, my look, the heart-shaped head and the weird looking body is kinda surreal but cool, isn't it.
And to show sense of respect here, I can mimic any element from a nearby Indigner.
I used to do that to with my friend......
Well, I guess that's all I can say about that.
(The basement).
Arachae: Basement?, what basement??, I don't remember we have a one here.
Just don't worry about it.
(The basement safe).
Arachae: So that's where that sound.
This place is both a system of archive and purgatory for the creative mind of a outsigner.
So many individual ideas, encased within concept art theoretical theme.... but what If that's as far as one is to go?, to have themselves and their legacies stuck in one place? For now and forever?, or what if the opposite happens?, and you remain stuck reinventing, remaking and rehashing the same sprites and sounds?.
I actually know someone like that, after reconsidering my statement... and the smell of the western pests still lingers outside these doors. It's why Creepa never let us leave our quarters. Wouldn't want the wooden boy... although, I've interacted with him multiple occasions (and I would say that he's nice) one might even say we're friends.
Arachae: Please come back soon, take care of yourselves.
(In the Castle Town).
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Arachae: Hello there, Young ones, I have found this little cafe, and I decided to make it up, so after this long and tiring adventure, please relax and enjoy yourselves.
Hey @imaginary-regret-608, I have made it, sorry if it took alot of time, but here it is.
Hope you like it.
Arachae replaces Swatch.
Katlyss replaces Rouxls Kaard
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
HIIIII GIRL, before i request I just wanna say I adore ur writing so muchhhhhh its so cuteee hhh 💖 💖 💖
anyway some rouxls x gender neutral reader fluff for me and my my content deprived brothers?
~𝕽𝖔𝖚𝖝𝖑𝖘 𝕶𝖆𝖆𝖗𝖉 x Reader Fluff Headcanons~
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Thank you so much, I always get all giggly when people compliment my writing 😭 THANK YOUUUU
Rouxls is criminally underrated. I'm madly in love with him 😩
𝕽𝖔𝖚𝖝𝖑𝖘 𝕶𝖆𝖆𝖗𝖉
~First things first, I HIGHLY doubt he has that annoying voice that some people headcanon him to have....I definitely think his voice is far more deep and charming.
~He is such a FLIRT, though he would get very flustered and splutter if you flirted back.
~But when he gets over it, his ego is boosted even more because of what you said.
~He prefers you to not touch his hair...but sometimes he'll let you. And he might find he enjoys it! But he's still not going to let you touch it unless you throw a fit about it >:)
~His hair is the softest thing on the PLANET it's smooth and silkyyyyy 💜💜💜
~He has so many ridiculous nicknames for you.
~"Ah-ha! Mine own flower! How nice it is to seeth thee! How gorgeous thou art!"
~I don't translate Shakespeare I just write it >;))) MWAHAHA
~He'll call you his butterfly, his beloved, his sweetest of all the peas, and of course he'll call you a worm if you decide to "bug" him.
~Has a ton of monologues memorized to tell you how much he loves you.
~He likes to write poems for you!! In his glorious fancy calligraphy, of course. They're always so heartfelt and romantic.
~Rouxls is so fun to annoy, too. You've been chased out of his shop multiple times.
~He secretly finds it so endearing. You keep him on his toes.
~Keep in mind that he and Lancer are a two in one package! You'll get to entertain Lancer- actually, he entertains you, is more like it. Lancer's a funny little pumpkin with lots of tricks up his sleeve.
~Rouxls is going to force you to dance with him, by the by.
~He's a stupid pretty boy and is quite clumsy, so you're constantly trying to help him make better puzzles (then he takes credit for what you did)
~He IS taller than you. This man is 9 feet tall, an absolute unit. So, unfortunately, you could be the tallest person ever and he would still see you as short.
~So, along with all those funny endearing nicknames he has for you, he also calls you:
~an ant
~And he sometimes feels like being ornery, so he'll lean down so he can "hear you speak" and look at you.
~"Doest this offendeth thee? How humiliating for thee, yond thou art so small I cannot heareth thy voice upon mine own ears speaking to me. Ant! Thou art an ant to me. Speaketh up, ant, so i can heareth thy w'rds!"
~He won't shut up about you being an ant, now.
~Rouxls likes to kiss your hand! And would quite possibly curl up and die on the spot if you kissed his.
~He's a gentleman when he's not teasing you.
~You can always get back at him for teasing you, since he's pretty easy to tease, as well.
~Speaking in terrible Shakespeare to make fun of him or using your finger to boing that extra piece of skin that attaches his lips will offend the HELL out of him.
~Hollers at you and smacks you with a broom.
~"Why, thoust bite-sized monster- GAH! BEGONE, ANT!"
~You both are absolute menaces to society and it's the best relationship that's ever existed
Also, thank you for telling me the gender preference thingy, people don't really tell me so I just have to guess LOL. Much appreciated, ant!
Fangamer make a Rouxls plush please
Rouxls/Masterlist (Scroll Down For The Masterlist)!
see what I did there
Join my Chat/Roleplay Server! Here, you'll get updates on my videogame/fanfiction, make friends, and meet new roleplay buddies!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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crustacean-crew · 11 months
been thinking about outerrouxne outerrune rouxls kaard
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outfit inspired by the little prince, it's a very nice book (2nd most translated book in the world, it's a classic)
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bonus: messed with the colors (forgor to deselect the star hairpin and flower necklace and I'm too lazy to fix it, though the latter now looks like an echo flower so that's cool) + the initial sketch on paper
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silver-ace-of-spades · 6 months
The dads, the Whole Bunch of Bastards, Bowser Jr, and the Dark Fun Gang have one collective brain cell.
Waiter at a restaurant: Kids under 10 eat free.
Ludwig: Good thing my little brother Lancer here just turned 9!
Lancer: I'm 11, actua– mmmph!
(Ludwig puts a hand over Lancer's mouth)
Lancer: (muffled angry noises)
Bowser: Ludwig, stop.
(Ludwig puts his hand away and wipes it on his napkin with a disgusted look on his face. Lancer growls at Ludwig)
[either a tweet or a tumbl]
Iggy: I watched Ludwig, the "smartest" one in the group, tell me it would be "so efficient" to spray the fan with air freshener. He did, then proceeded to cough his lungs out when it blew back at him.
Susie: Mood.
(Morton eats one of two chocolate bars that he and Susie were sharing)
Morton, angry: You took my only food! Now I'm gonna starve!
Ludwig: I'm asexual and aromantic.
Lancer: What does that mean?
Roy: It means he's attracted to the letter A.
Ludwig: No it doesn't!
Lancer: A a a a a a a a a a a!
Roy: Stop it, Lancer, you're exciting him!
Bowser Jr: Teach me how to do a good evil laugh!
Lancer: Are you kidding? Yours is perfect!
Bowser Jr: Well, Susie said I sound like a baby Santa Claus.
Roy: I live in Spain but the S is silent.
Wendy: I live in Spain but the A is silent.
(Wendy spins in her shell)
Susie: I live in Spain but the P and A are silent.
[based on a tumbl]
(Lancer is eating wasabi peas. He coughs from the spice and frantically sips some water after each one)
Lancer, after each pea: Wow, that one was HOT!
Ludwig, after the fifth pea: I am literally this close to killing you.
[follow-up to previous]
Morton: You either die a SpongeBob...
(Lancer eats wasabi peas and announces that each one was HOT!)
Morton: or you live long enough to see yourself become a Squidward.
(Ludwig barely resists the urge to strangle Lancer)
Larry: Wow, that was surprisingly insightful for a Patrick.
Morton: ...Shut up.
Lemmy: "15-year-olds when I was 10, 15, and 20" memes are so funny because I'm 15 and look 5.
Lancer: You're older than Susie?!
Lemmy: Isn't Susie 16?
Lancer: (facepalms) You're right... 16 is bigger than 15...
Susie: Hey, I'm lesbian.
Morton: I thought you were Hometownian.
[based on a tweet]
Roy: So I work as a cashier, so I get a lot of weird shit from angry Christians, but this one made me audibly wheeze.
(Roy shows a paper to Susie)
Susie: "Satan also uses education" and a human man calling a gorilla "Daddy"
(Susie begins to laugh, which makes Roy laugh again)
Iggy: So excited for season three!
Susie: What show?
Iggy: Please respect my privacy, Susie.
Susie: You fucking dumbass, you brought it up!
[ tumblr ]
Lemmy: r/vexillology; Flag of Japan but with this perfect water stain on my towel.
Susie: "Oh shit, I pissed the bed, better post this for karma."
Lemmy: I didn't pee on it!
[based on a tumbl]
Susie: I showed my dad Tumblr and he told me to "teach the lesbians on [my] phone how to pirate."
Bowser: Tell them not to click on any of the ads with pretty women.
Lancer: Now you see me... now you don't! Ha!
(Lancer tosses a smoke bomb to the ground in an attempt to disappear. He coughs from the smoke and forgets to escape)
Larry: Wow, haha, that sucked.
Lancer: Thanks. I took inspiration from your terrible cooking skills.
Larry: Fuck you.
Queen: Larry May I Play Smash Bros With You
Larry: Sure.
Larry, to himself: It's nice having a gamer mom.
(Queen destroys him)
Larry: Even if she decimates me in every game.
Kamek: Toil, worms!
Rouxls: Excellent! You're makething great progress!
Kamek: With what?
Rouxls: Thine training to becometh the new Duke of Puzzles!
Kamek: Um, I'm a magic guy, not a puzzle guy. And your puzzles suck.
Rouxls: I–
Kamek: And saying "toil, worms" doesn't increase my puzzle skills.
Lancer and Susie: You did WHAT?!
Bowser: Kidnapped a princess. Why?
Susie: Don't make this harder than it has to be, Dad. Let her go.
(Bowser sighs and looks into the distance)
Bowser: I don't agree with your ideals, but you're free to be who you want. If you want to be my enemy, so be it. You will be grounded, though.
Iggy: Putting sour candy strips into energy drink and calling it battery acid spaghetti. Will update later.
[legendary post]
Iggy: Don't do this.
Susie: Don't tell me what to do!
Susie: Don't do this.
Iggy: I want you to throw that substance at me.
Lancer: What?! Isn't that dangerous?
Iggy: I've got safety goggles on, it'll be fine. There was no harm done to the Goombas, so I think I will be okay.
(Lancer throws a bucket of mysterious substance on Iggy, who immediately cries out in pain)
[follow-up to previous]
Rouxls, deadpan: Iggy, did thou get Lancer to throweth acid at you?
[real life]
Roy, weak: Paqui wasn't lying... (cough)
Susie, energized: Those ghost pepper chips can freakin' hot, alright! Gimme more!
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Headcanons regarding Rouxls's whole worm thing?
oufghh took me a while to finally answer to this ask, been trying to condense and word this well for like 10 days by now, i keep trailing off to unrelated tangents(and i still am trailing off SO much, and all of this is still not too comprehensible),,., but thats such a cool thing to try and dissect, or rather ??try to explain it to others??,, in my head the whole worm thing just really Makes Sense, so it's kinda difficult for the reason of "wait, people don't get it???"
in terms of speech, Worm/Worms for him is like a more unique way to say dude/guys/everyone/y'all/kids/fellas (fyi i mean dude/guys in a gender neutral way, its already used this way in game by a whole lot of characters so it wouldn't exactly be weird??), and, occasionally, a substitute for "fool(s)" in a lighthearted way!! it's not used in a particularly negative way, it's just informal and slightly disrespectful/condescending but it isn't intended to be a straight up insult on its own! thats why he sometimes adds adjectives to indicate if it's on a more condescending or nice side ("gullible worms"/"ungrateful worms" - "my good worms"),, he's just having fun with calling people worms and the fact that many people struggle comprehending what the HECK he's saying, he's engaging in some tomfoolery :] i mean,,,, my only reason for this is that he's just really inconsistent and had called the group "guys" in "Thoust guys really think that was all I hadst!?" phrase, CH1 his second puzzle, and also "maties" in "Solveth my puzzleth, yon Maties!", CH2 when he goes for the pirate accent, and in both instances it feels right if one were to replace "maties"/"guys" for "worms",, it works the other way around too, but worm(s) generally replaces a handful of words so just "guys" wouldn't work in every situation???? every "guys" is replaceable with "worms" but not every "worms" is replaceable with "guys" if that makes sense
as for why it's worms and not literally any other word in the engrish dictionary - he probably just felt like it,,. sounds like a total copout but i feel like it makes sense in a way that it,, doesn't make sense. there really is no deeply rooted reason behind that whatsoever, he probably just started calling people worms randomly and seeing how people got confused over it he just doubled down on that, he gets to be eccentric and confuse the heck people so,, why not?? he's having fun and he doesn't really actually hurt anyone by doing that
i literally don't know how to try and explain my headcanons regarding worm stuff (or like 80% of all of Rouxls behaviour) with anything that isnt just "he just felt like doing that", i look at him from the perspective of my diagnosed MENTAL_HEALTH_CONDITION_NAME and it's just like,, "i get it" without being able to explain as to why i get it, as stupid as it is sfjsdfdgv
as for literal worms - yeah, he eats those
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
have u heard of this ship called "queenkaard" i feel like it'd appeal to you
oh yeah i think i've heard of that ship it's okay i guess i don't really get what the hype is abo- explodes a second time
(also i saw the way you filled out yours It Was Very Nice and i opened photoshop instead of just making Boxes in ms paint 😳 so thank you for the insp i will go back and make the first one pretty later so it will match the rest of them)
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is this my opportunity to scream about why queenkaard is so good? this is my opportunity to scream about why queenkaard is so good. even if they have literally exchanged all of like, 12 words thus far In Canon (hence the Better In Fanon box) and i have to base this all PURELY on the speculative 270k long fanfic that exists only in my head. but there are a lot of fun ways to read them, i will Continue to stand by that! they have a lot of different energies and i think all of them work. as for my Favorite one though...
it's about the found family. it really is. it's a slowburn if ever there was one. it's about wanting and finding purpose, it's about having the opportunity to love and have healthy relationships, its about Some Kid getting to have some Good Damn Parents For A Change. or at least, parents that love him and are trying their best, which is more than he had when he just had Parent (1) trying his best and the other guy decided not to try at a job he didn't think he could get fired from. it's about HEALING. it's about two people looking at some Funny Lil Guy and saying "my kid now" and accidentally uncovering the other's Closet Skeletons in the process that all fell out of their pockets when they leaned over to pick him up. it's also about the drama but we'll get to that one in a second,
i cannot talk about queenkaard without briefly bringing up lancer, without him there would Be no queenkaard, their commitment to him is why they hang out in the first place. their relationship, no matter WHAT it is, is based on the foundation that They Are Going To Care For Him. a friendship or romantic relationship is merely a branch off of that. caring for somebody will bring out a certain softness the wider public might not see so easily, because of him they not only form a friendship, but they get to know each other on a personal level Very Quickly. it's because of him that rouxls finds purpose in a place he didn't expect it, and queen gets to be a mom but what does that Mean? she was a mother Figure to noelle and messed that up pretty badly despite her good intentions. this is something else, though. they are all a little broken but still good, finding out what it means to Be a family at all and they have to- will, do it together, and despite being over the worst of it there's still a bit of a bumpy road ahead but these two are not only dedicated to their boys happiness, but each other as well.
i mean c'mon. rouxls is running around looking for somebody to validate him. and of course he crushes and latches onto queen at a somewhat superficial level at first, but beyond her rank and title she can be such a genuinely sweet, kind, funny, thoughtful person!! this boy caught feels and then he Caught Feels. and she latches onto him some too, it's fun to have someone kissing your ass 24/7 but cyber world is SO much different than castle town and card kingdom, she needs… a guide. she already has this little WIP Family she wants to get close to, and i am HERE for former tutorial master/teacher rouxls. she needs to learn some about lancer anyway!! she kinda needs him multiple times over 😳 and yes he's like the biggest loser in town and yes it's a little embarrassing even to her of all people to be Catching Those Feels Right Back, (and it made the transition from Friends to BF/GF Really Clunky And Weird And Confusing, All The Lines Are Blurry Help) but as absolutely unhinged and wackass as he is, he is good to their boy. he is good to her. he is doing his best. and so is she 💙 they are both such strange silly people from very different worlds and i tHINK THEY SHOULD KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO THE TRAUMA PART YET. i said in the last one that sometimes you just need someone who has dealt with the same thing you have? they've both dealt with Spade. literally everyone here has beef with that bastard. there are beautiful Healings And Feelings to be had over making peace with it, understanding each other and moving on. we have hurt and comfort for days. weeks, even. months, perhaps.
also it's extremely funny, The Funniest Ever, that spades exes are both kissing now. like even if i throw out all the Secret Depth these two can come with and just go "yeah but what if his exes were kissing", it's still a god-tier ship. i just hate him and want him to live with the knowledge that his ex boyfriend and ex wife stole his son and are a happy little family of three Without Him.
so yeah it's an okay ship i guess 🤪 i'm normal about it
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officialgreydad · 1 year
Grey worm! Lessest of dads! Beholdeth! Grovel! Yes, yes, no need for the fanfare… although I wouldst not be opposedeth… ahem!
Thour groveling is warranted, for ’tis I, Rouxls Kaard, the Duke of Puzzles, Vice Dad of Dark Jack Lancer and technical winner of the Dad Battle! (Do not telleth the Queene that.)
I have cometh to thy “Inbox” to ask—ah, to ORDER thee to informeth me of the events concerning the vanishment and current whereabouts of the Boy!
-RK P.S. This note is writteneth in calligraphy despite any suggestions to the contraire. (@officialancer)
Oh! Hello, Rouxls! It's nice to see you again! I think what's been happening is that a few people have been sending.. Just plain awful messages to his inbox. I.. I was trying to help, but I.. It must not have been enough. I.. I can't say I've seen where he went, but I.. If you would accept such an offer, perhaps I could help you to look for him?
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ilyrouxls · 6 months
Sleepless Words
Rouxls Kaard x Reader
(Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader, Not Canon AU thingy.. idk, Y/n used)
Your constant struggle to sleep leads you to the balcony late at night, where a certain Duke suggests poetry to help your problem.
  During the late hours of the night, most could find you awake in your room. It’s not like you chose to be up in the late hours of night, you’d love to sleep peacefully like your friends, but the problem was you simply couldn’t. You couldn’t quite pin it down to insomnia, it was more so that it became a habit from your teenage days. But now that you’re a young adult, you’ve found that this is quite annoying. 
  You’re tried everything to fall asleep at a decent time; Melatonin, peaceful music, Youtube videos, playing a game to exhaust yourself, and various other things. Nothing seemed to work, you’d always be up till 3am or later trying to sleep. 
  Recently, your sibling Kris and their friend Susie accidentally brought you into this place called the Dark World. You enjoy the place a lot and you've been staying down here even when Kris and Susie aren’t around. You stay for a few reasons, the main being that you have been studying the place since you’ve arrived. You’ve always been an explorer at heart, and the Dark World was beautiful. It always provided mystery along with amazing scenery and people.
  Another reason that had you staying was a certain Duke, Rouxls Kaard. It might be crazy, but he really stuck out to you. His devotion to puzzles had your heart thumping. Sure they weren’t very good in terms of being difficult, but it’s clear that he puts his heart and soul into them; and that’s what really makes them special to you. Ever since arriving, you’ve been more and more interested in him. Of course as the cliché goes, you would never ever admit it to him. The only person you’ve ever admitted about your so-called ‘crush’ on Rouxls to was your sibling. They had a knack at figuring out your secrets, it was irritating at times but honestly you don’t mind for the most part.
  Back to the present time at hand, it was currently two in the morning in Dark World time. Kris and their various friends were also staying in the Dark World, they had lied to their parents that they were at Kris’ for the night for a sleepover and you were watching them. Technically, yes, they were having a sleepover, just not where their parents thought. You were also technically watching over them too, just not at where their parents thought either...
  Ralsei was nice enough to make everyone a room, including yourself. It suited your tastes so perfectly it made you question how the hell Ralsei could know. Maybe from the adventures you’d been on with the group, you suppose, but not this down to the nitty gritty.
  At the moment, you lay face down in your bed. You’re frustrated with your lack of sleep, and at this point you can’t be bothered with actually laying the correct way. You sigh, deciding that maybe a walk around the palace could help. Maybe you’ll stop in the kitchen for some water and snacks, since you’ll be up for another hour or so.
  Practically rolling yourself off the bed and onto your feet, you go to open your door. You try to open it as quietly as possible, but the door doesn’t bend to your will and instead creaks loudly. Hoping no one woke up from that, you hold still and wait for someone to investigate. After a minute with no one seeming to have woken up, you walk out into the hallway. Still trying to be quiet, you tiptoe your way out to the balcony for some fresh air.
  The sky in the Dark World was very unlike the sky in the normal world. The best way to describe the way it looks is to picture that one edible glitter powder you put in sodas that’s probably just a bunch of micro plastics. That’s basically what the sky looks like, though it’s much better than the edible glitter. 
  For the second time tonight you sigh, looking up to the sky. Your thoughts wander to your previous adventures from the last month or so. Who knew saving the world and making friends within a strange world would ever be a part of your agenda. And falling in love as well… it makes your head spin honestly. Who knew a man with the strangest way of speaking and easy puzzles could whoo your heart so easily without even trying.
  “Ah Y/n? What is thou doing outh here at thine hour?” You jump at the voice that suddenly appeared behind you. Speak of the devil, you turn around and see the one who’s stolen your heart. “Ah Rouxls, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to get some fresh air. But I could ask you the same thing.” Rouxls chuckles, making your heart pitter patter in the most cheesy way ever. He walks to stand next to you by the balcony, “Eh-he, ah so thine wisheth to knoweth why? Well thou shall see, I was sleeping quiteth peacefully but thenth I heard a loud sound that startledst thyself out of mine slumber. So thenth I decidededth to investigate the sound.”
  You can feel yourself cringe, what luck it was that you happened to wake him up and cause him inconvenience. “Oh I'm sorry! That was me opening my door, I’m so sorry for bothering you.” Heat rises to your face and ears in embarrassment as you try not to make eye contact.  “Oh no I did not mean- Do not worriesth dear, it was quite not a problemth, do not fret.” Rouxls seemingly stumbled on his words, clearly sensing your distress, and waved around his hands a bit. You smile and giggle at his behavior.
  Minutes pass of silence, luckily it's only a little awkward. You were staring out at the sky when Rouxls breaks the silence. “So, Y/n, do thou often haveth troublest sleeping?” You shift yourself to lean against the balcony and turn your head toward him. “Yeah actually, it usually takes me till three am or later to sleep. It’s a habit I suppose, hehe..” You laugh a little at the end of your sentence to try not to seem so glum. Rouxls mimics your movements and leans against the railing, “I’ve tried what feels like everything to fall asleep but it seems like nothing works.” The sentence comes out quieter than you meant. 
  Rouxls hums in response, you look at him and it seems like he’s thinking about something. After what feels like minutes, Rouxls snaps his fingers and says, “Haveth you tried poetry?” You raise a brow and tilt your head. Of course you haven’t, because why would anyone in their right mind try poetry to fall asleep... You keep that thought to yourself, realizing it sounds pretty mean, and instead just shake your head. “Ah, I knoweth it may seemth strange. But maybe your lacketh of sleep mayst be from stress. I writeth poems to tryth to ease mine stress.” 
  Now that he put it that way, it did make more sense. Maybe it was stress, not sure from what but stress can be caused from lots of things. “That actually makes a lot of sense. But I don’t really know how to make poems…” You trail off, thinking for a moment about your past English class poetry failures. Embarrassing… 
  Rouxls chuckles, “Wellth than I may teacheth you, thy is the best after allst. Let’s go to mine room.” He begins to ramble on about how he’s the best at poetry, while leading you to his room. You space out a bit not really listening. Normally you would listen to his narcissistic-esc rants, you find it annoyingly cute, but not at two in the morning. But before you know it, you’ve walked right into his room.
  “Hmm.. taketh a seat upon mine bed, as it shall be the most comfortablest place to writeth poetry.” Rouxls whispers as to not wake the others sleeping in a room nearby. You sit on his bed and look around his room. It really fit him perfectly, the room had an elegant look with a color scheme of blues, blacks, and whites. 
  Rouxls comes over to you and hands you some papers and pens. You assume he doesn't have pencils since it doesn’t really fit his style. He sits down next to you and explains how to write a basic poem. “Now you writeth a poem and I shall writeth one aswell, and hopefully it shallth make you tiredst.” You nod and begin to think about an idea. You try to think about your family or the scenery of the Dark World, but all you could think about was how close Rouxls was next to you. He was already writing down something on his paper, his eyebrows scrunched up a bit as he concentrated. You feel your face grow hot, and your thoughts flood with him. Without even realizing it, you start writing a poem about him;
  ‘The wind of the night calls out your name, As moon shines light upon your frame, I stand beside you admiring your elegant grace, A feeling of warmth clings to my face, I can only hope it goes unnoticed, As you talk and I try to stay focused, But my longing for you cannot subdue, My heart cannot help but intrude.’
  Admittedly it wasn’t your best work, nor was it your worst, but it worked. Your eyelids begin to droop a bit and you know you should get up to go to your own room. But you don’t want to interrupt Rouxls, who is still focusing on his own poem. Without much thought you instead just lay down across his bed, practically falling asleep as soon as you hit the soft mattress.
  When you wake up, you assume you only slept for maybe a few minutes. But the rays of sun shining on your face from the window say otherwise. Panic sets in as you look around and realize you never left Rouxls’ room. You were also not laying horizontal on the bed, instead you were now tucked into the blankets comfortably. You shift yourself up with your elbows and peer around.
  Rouxls is nowhere to be found. Now worry is set in your heart, where did he go? Did you falling asleep scare him off? The sound of the door opening pulls you out of your thoughts, and in comes Rouxls with a cup of coffee. “Oh, you are awaketh. Good morning.” He smiles a bit, a little bit sheepishly but you’re not sure why. “Goodmorning, sorry about falling asleep in your room. I didn’t think I would pass out like that…” Your face becomes hot again, which has been happening a lot more than you’d like. Rouxls chuckles and sips his coffee, “It is no problemth, I am glad I couldeth help you could get some sleepth.” You get out of his bed and stretch. You thank him and begin to leave before realization sets in. 
  “Oh uhm uh by the way, did you read the poem I made?” You turn and look at him, his face notably shades in a slight dark blue tint. He definitely did. He totally did. “Oh my god I’m sorry bye!” You manage an apology and then with that you quickly exit and rush to your room. Your heart beats fast and your face heats up, this time out of absolute embarrassment, and you close your door. Jumping into bed face first, you whisper scream into your pillow. “I cannot believe this why am I like this oh my god why did I write about him and then fall asleep like it was nothing what did I think would happen..…” You shake your legs up and down, hitting your bed out of frustration. This is definitely in your top three most embarrassing moments.
  A knock breaks your thoughts and you can only think the worst. It could be Rouxls here to reject you or it could either be Kris or one of their friends here to question you on why you were running down the hall; if they even saw you. Nervously you get up and open the door a bit. Of course it was Rouxls, why wouldn’t it be!
  “Ahem uhm Y/n, I apologizeth for reading your poem withoutst your permission. I could noth but help to readth it, and I also cannot help but ask if perhaps.. it couldeth be about me..?” God. Why. You wanted to die on the spot honestly. You nod your head hesitantly and start to mutter apologies but he interrupts abruptly. “I seeth, do noth apologize. You see I…. feelth the same way. Ahem, and well I was wondering if maybeth you wouldst like to go outh on a date..” Rouxls cheeks were dusted dark blue in blush, his eyes avoiding your own and his hands behind his back in an almost polite, but awkward manner. “Of course! I would love to actually that would be amazing. When are you thinking?” Your heart was beating louding in your ears, you felt like he might be able to actually hear it, and your face was hot like it was on fire; which was actually becoming quite annoying and repetitive. “Tonighth at six? I haveth the perfect restaurant that I thinketh you might enjoy.” 
  The two of you make plans for dinner that night and he wishes you a farewell and heads off to his own room. When you close your door you feel like you might collapse. Correction, you actually do collapse. Luckily not in a bad way, just out of excitement and adrenaline. After a few minutes of processing you stand up and get ready for the day. Anticipation fills your body as for the first time ever, you can’t wait for the night to come quicker. Who knew a poem could solve not only your sleep problems, if even for a night, but also your love problems.
(Posted originally on AO3 5-12-22, 2333 words)
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