#Residential Schooling
golden-haired-native · 2 months
I know I don’t have a large following. I know this post will get lost in the sea of other posts. I know I don’t come on here often, and when I do I try to keep my page free from death and other serious topics. Yet, I think this is imperative to say, especially since I myself am of indigenous descent. I ask all of you to join me in solidarity.
Cole Brings Plenty, actor, model, and most importantly activist was found dead. He was assaulted in a club in Lawrence, Kansas. He was killed and his braids; a symbol of his heritage, of his Lakota decent, and a sacred symbol across many an indigenous nation, were forcibly cut.
I beg of thee and I plead with thee, spread the word. Do your part, however big or little, to bring light to this situation. Whether it be by reblogging this post or others alike, or by going out and making a stand. Do it.
Shed light on the situation. This goes beyond the death of one man. It is about the abuse and the destruction of natives and their communities. Of the killing of many an innocent soul. Of the brutalization of many First Nations.
We have seen time and time again, many indigenous people die by similar means. We need to bring light on the deaths of any and all indigenous individuals dead, missing or at risk. It is an epidemic, an assault, and a silent cleansing of many a nation.
Whether it be the estimated 6,000 dead at the hands of Canadian residential schools, the murdered and missing indigenous women and children, or the killing of an actor and activist, you cannot deny the sheer abhorrence of this problem. The problem of many Native American people dying, going missing and being abused, at an alarming rate. At a level unprecedented and unparalleled, at a level of which should not be kept silent.
Cole Brings Plenty, actor, model, activist.
Look at him and spread awareness for him and for many others befallen by the same fate.
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Remember him. Remember all of the others. Let nobody else befall the same fate again.
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alerionjkeee · 7 months
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Eriksen’s house (Life is Strange 2)
The Eriksen Household is a location in The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit and Episode 2 of Life is Strange 2. It is the home of Charles Eriksen and Chris Eriksen. The house consists of Chris' room, Charles' room, a living room, kitchen area, bathroom and a yard. A garage is situated near to the house. *I used debug snowdrifts to make screenshots look nice, so if the season in your game is not winter you will have to remove them in b/b mode
I always would love to see your screenshots, so feel free to tag me @alerionjkeee
No CC Lot size: 30x30 Lot type: Residential 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom Located in: Copperdale Playtested
Recommended have all packs. Make sure to enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot!
Download ZIP file - (SFS)
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gayforbagels · 2 years
Pouring one out for Afghanistan and Anguilla and Antigua and Aoteoroa and Barbuda and Australia and the Bahamas and Bahrain and Bangladesh and Barbados and Belize and Bermuda and Botswana and Brazil and Brunei and Canada and the Cayman Islands and Cornwall and Cyprus and Dominica and Egypt and the Islas Malvinas and Fiji and Gambia and Georgia (the country) and Ghana and Gibraltar and Grenada and Guyana and Hong Kong and India and Iraq and Ireland and Jamaica and Jordan and Kenya and Kiribati and Kuwait and Lesotho and Malawi and Malaysia and Maldives and Malta and Mauritius and Montserrat and Myanmar and Nauru and Nigeria and Pakistan and Palestine and the Pitcairn Islands and Qatar and St Lucia and Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Helena and Ascension and Tristan da Cunha and St Vincent and Grenadina and Scotland and Seychelles and Sierra Leone and Singapore and the Solomon islands and Somaliland and South Africa and Sri Lanka and Sudan and Swaziland and Tanzania and Tonga and Trinidad and Tobago and Turks and Caicos and Tuvalu and Uganda and United Arab Emirates and United States and Vanuatu and Wales and Yemen and Zambia and Zimbabwe tonight
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asynca · 7 months
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jjneeps · 2 years
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Orange shirt day tomorrow. Once again, I’m of mixed feelings. Happy that we have a day that let’s non-Indigenous people know.., but sad we even have to make a day to be noticed or cared about.
Trying to spread awareness and love.
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godbirdart · 9 months
content warning: residential schools //
as Orange Shirt Day / The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation nears [September 30] I want to give a bit of context to those internationally who might not know that this day is.
Orange Shirt Day was started by Phyllis Webstad and others in 2013. This is a day to reflect and promote reconciliation, as well as uplift and support the victims and communities impacted by the Canadian residential school system. This is also the origin of the Every Child Matters movement.
The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, as it's known by the Canadian government, was only formed as an official national day in 2021 after 200 unmarked graves were discovered on the property of the former Kamloops indian residential school that same year. Currently there are estimated thousands of graves on residential school properties; many of which have not been properly addressed.
Kivalliq Hall was the last residential school in Canada and closed in 1997. This is not some far-off distant history thing, many people alive today were sent to residential schools as children.
If you want to give support, consider donating to the Indian Residential Schools Survivor Society, or Orange Shirt Day. The IRSSS does fantastic work, offering counselling and numerous support lines - including one for 24/7 crisis support. I'd also like to mention Reconciliation Canada, as they also do good work.
This is a small personal anecdote here, but I'd like to recommend checking out Indian Horse; a novel by the late Richard Wagamese that follows the life of a boy going through the residential school system. There is also a film adaptation by the same name. This book [and its film] offers valuable education on the dark history that is residential schools.
I'm always happy to have additional links and educational material added to my posts, so please do not hesitate to add onto this. thank you.
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The mayor of Quesnel, B.C., has been stripped of many of his duties and barred from entering land belonging to multiple First Nations in and around his community.
On Tuesday night, Quesnel's city council voted unanimously to censure Ron Paull and impose multiple restrictions on his ability to represent the city.
The decision is in response to reports Paull's wife has given out copies of a controversial book about residential schools to people in the community and that Paull himself had offered the book to other elected officials at a local government meeting.
In response, the Lhtako Dene, Nazko and Lhoosk'uz Dené First Nations have said they will refuse to work with Paull, who is also no longer welcome on land belonging to the Lhtako Dene.
The story thrust the community of roughly 23,000 people, located about 400 kilometres north of Vancouver, into the national spotlight as a flash point in the ongoing conversation about residential schools and Canada's efforts at reconciliation with Indigenous communities. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @palipunk, @vague-humanoid
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titan-god-helios · 8 months
ahAh and the disability disabled me again !!
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bossymarmalade · 9 months
- september 30th, national day for truth and reconciliation -
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Survivors experienced horrific atrocities while prisoners in these institutions. It is important that this image show the love and strength that colonialism tried to steal from us. Despite genocide, we are still here – still fighting for justice and restitution, as true Warriors. - Dorene Bernard, Mi’kmaq Survivor who attended Shubenacadie Residential School
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alinahdee · 10 months
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For those who can't read the small texts, every purple dot you see on this map of the United States is a residential school that the U.S. Department of the Interior recognized. There are 408 of them.
The black dots are 115 MORE schools that the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition recognizes with their new criteria.
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gloirex · 15 days
watching the finale of under the bridge and god. cam's confrontation of her dad over the adoption papers is heartbreaking. not just the realization that her whole life, her birth family was a short distance away - but her final statement. "but maybe i was meant to be something different."
god that cuts me so deep.
for those interested in reading more, AIM (adopt indian metis) was a real organization and took part in what's called the sixties scoop in canada, which was a mass effort to remove indigenous children from their families and be placed with white adoptive parents, effectively severing the ties of the children to their culture. cam's statement really gets at the heart of the way this robbed those children of any agency in their identity, any choice of it.
i suppose this is my soapbox moment as a canadian to say that canadian history is fucked and rife with racism. since the start, it has been an unceasing effort to eradicate the indigenous peoples from this land. there are those who have experienced this first hand in residential schools and forced adoptions. i am not one of them, but even the barest part of it that i, as a white canadian, can comprehend makes me genuinely sick to my stomach.
we talk constantly about raising awareness about the cultural (and literal) genocide of indigenous people in canada, but we get so detatched from it, viewing it as so far from current day. i hope that if anything, cam's storyline goes to show that it's not far from us - residential schools persisted into the 1980s and indigenous children are still removed from their communities at a disproportionate rate by social services.
there's no eloquent end to this post except to say that cam's story is one of so, so many here in canada.
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alerionjkeee · 1 year
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Copperdale Family House (Request for jul-ish)
I built this lot last year as a request for my bestie-simmer Jul for her high school LP project on her YT channel and didn't post it to the public until the start of this project, so this building doesn't contain a new EP - Growing Together and all last kits.
I always would love to see your screenshots, so feel free to tag me @alerionjkeee
No CC Lot size: 20x15 Lot type: Residential 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom Located in: Copperdale Playtested
Make sure to enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot!
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🟢 Download ZIP file - (SFS)
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So, this song I’m about to sing you, it fits appropriately enough on the circle of violence in this album, and it just, it’s like a poem set to music that I suppose tries to credit the experience of going to different parts of the world that have indigenous names, so Apalachicola, Hushpuckena, places in Australia that we would visit, and then I would ask locals, “What does this place name mean?” and no one being able to tell me what it meant. And it just, I suppose, credits that experience. And recognizing as an Irish person, that although there’s many place names, there’s a great written history in Ireland, and we’re very fortunate that we can still learn much of the language and it’s very accessible to us, the place names and their meaning is very accessible to us, and that is not always the case everywhere you go in the world. (x)
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veludo-rae · 8 months
and remember! Colonial boarding schools still exist today and nobody talks about them!
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
“I don’t understand why you’re so adamant on asking me this, Hal. I just mentioned to Barry that I talked with the head Easter Bunny once and now everyone keeps asking me if I think the Easter Bunny is real! Why do people keep asking me? I’ve met them. I don’t understand why I have to ‘believe’ in the Easter Bunny for them to be real! They exist!”
Hal put his hands up and stepped back, clearly not expecting the frustrated and somewhat hostile response of Billy who slumped back into his seat, which was slightly less satisfying in his bulkier body, and began running his hands through his hair.
The repetition of being interrogated over a simple comment was not only bewildering but had gotten increasingly more annoying to answer as somehow the members of The Justice League, the literal most powerful group of people on earth, didn’t seem to understand a piece of basic knowledge.
Billy was not only very tired of being asked the same thing but even more-so he wanted the laughing at his ordinary response to stop.
He paused and looked Hal dead in the eyes then began to speak in the most dead tone Hal had ever heard from the usually cheerful man.
“Hal, I know the Easter Bunnies are real because I had to spend two, very long weeks personally overseeing the creation of their union that made sure they no longer routinely experience unsafe working conditions and helped establish 8 hour working days so they no longer get overworked or are required to do 80 hour weeks prepping for Easter and get punished for doing less or don’t get paid”,
Billy’s previously slow, blank tone grew more rushed and frustrated as he went on,
“I mean, I didn’t even do much other than sit there and look intimidating by throwing around lightning sometimes and make sure the Easter chicks didn’t do any funny business or tamper with the legal process!
It was in all the papers in Fawcett! I had my picture taken with them and everything. But Hal. I can guarantee you that the Easter Bunny exists. Please. Please stop fucking asking me.” Finally done, Billy slumped onto the table with a loud clunk.
Hal stood there shocked for a moment. “Marvel, did you just imply there’s multiple easter bunnies and they established a form of government?!”
Billy, with seemingly tremendous emotional effort, lifted his head from the table by a few inches and looked Hal in the eyes with a pleading tone, “If I just say no, will you please stop asking me?”
“Absolutely not, now I have even more questions”
Billy let his head fall back onto the table with an even louder clunk and groaned.
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
Just remember this when you celebrate Canada Day...if you are.
215 and counting.
I have no idea what the number is now.
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